#will this get me cancelled?
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philsmeatylegss · 7 months ago
If I were Dan and Phil I would never hard launch because it’s so embarrassing that we were right. Like what do you mean you were so in love a bunch of thirteen year old’s clocked it? I would never give that satisfaction.
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slytherinlives · 2 months ago
This might be a hot take but those AI generated images of Seb, Ominis, Garreth and other HL characters are genuinely creepy.
Especially when people generate them NSFW but photoshop their canon faces onto them. I'm sorry but even if you're meaning for them to be "aged up" (which there is nothing wrong with aging up characters, even my ass does it for stories. It's always been a thing in fandom, that's not what this is about.) you're turning around and putting images of their 15 year old faces onto the bodies of adult men. That's so icky.
Believe me, I get it. It can be hard to portray an aged up version of these characters because they're from a video game and have no face-claim or fan-cast. I genuinely do understand, but maybe let's not use AI? (Hell, a fun way to do it is to find pinterest images and just crop the faces off. Aesthetic style images are so easy to find and aren't morally messed up either.)
There are so many talented artists and creators in this fandom that I'm sure would love to be able to make art for you of the aged up versions.
I don't know, maybe I'm just too cynical about it, but I often see the same people preaching about "Keep AI out of fandom" turn around and then do this.
(Before anyone comes at me for the creators using AI to generate voice lines for skits, most of them have spoken with the actual VA's themselves and always leave credit to them and most VA's have said they have no problem with it. [I know Alfie (Seb's VA) is aware of it and finds them entertaining. And Jason (literally voices half the game) is very active in the fandom and is aware I'm sure, has also not said he's uncomfortable with it.] Plus, they aren't making inappropriate content with it.)
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traaumaa · 3 months ago
*has several debilitating disorders* idk maybe i'm just lazy
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xxplastic-cubexx · 7 months ago
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brain please wake up and draw
bonus :
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lotus-pear · 11 months ago
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top 10 moments before disaster (dazai is about to step on his toes)
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falindankovsky · 4 months ago
WOE Daniil Dankosvky be upon ye
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starlightandmagic · 1 year ago
Good morning to everyone, except Netflix who keeps cancelling perfectly good shows for no fathomable reason. Fuck you in particular actually.
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queerdeans · 2 months ago
a special little tribute to s1 dean.
what i'm trying to say is... he's fruity.
original post & song credit here by @bigfoots-biggest-fan
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ridingtorohan · 4 months ago
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The Tulpar crew's reactions to walking in on you and post-crash Curly
𓇻 content warning. absolutely nothing explicit. can be viewed as dub-con given curly's circumstance, but I promise he consented. anya's reaction mentions sexual assault (jimmy to anya, but mainly she suspects reader did it to curly) and jimmy's mentions abuse (jimmy to curly) and a bit of voyeurism.
𓇻 enjoy! feel free to like, reblog, or send in asks!
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Daisuke handles it like a champ. In the way that means he very much doesn't.
Absolute mess, apologizing profusely as he backs away, shielding his eyes dramatically. Hits the sides of the door on his way out. Both sides. He pin-balled.
Recovers fast but can't look at you in the eyes for a long time without picturing you like that.
"So how does it work when he's, y'know?"
So curious that it's not even funny.
Tries to get Curly to tell him the facts but Curly just does his laugh rattle
Honestly, he doesn't treat either of you differently, but he grins SUPER wide each time you go in to check in on Curly
"Get it, Captain!!!!"
May or may not time you just to tease you about it (gets so red if you tease him back)
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Processes then immediately walks out
"Is this what kids do these days?"
Knew about you and curly's relationship/situation so he isn't surprised.
But you'll get his fatherly look of disappointment.
"At least make sure you're not snapping every last bone of his, alright?"
Doesn't tell anybody else because he knew it was consensual from the sounds you both made (he definitely asked Curly afterward just to make sure)
If you take a lot of shift work watching curly, he'll intercept and roll his eyes, "Jesus, let the poor guy rest"
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Freezes, processes, then storms right up, eyes wild and voice high. "What are you doing?!"
She all but separates you from curly as fast as she can, tears in her eyes.
Curly sure as hell never protected her from Jimmy but she wouldn't let you abuse one of her patients.
Might be able to be coaxed down.
Shift work with Curly is outright canceled for everyone. At least until Curly conveys that no, he very much wanted that, (head nods go a long way, people).
Anya is still suspicious and weary. It's months before she stops hovering by the door, but a part of her is relieved, too.
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The absolute last person you want walking in.
Stands there like a creep, eyes assessing. Memorizing.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asks layer with a wrinkled nose, as if you're the one with the problem.
Honestly becomes kind of bitchy about the whole ordeal
Watches you a lot more intently that it becomes uncomfortable
Definitely imagines how you looked on that cot with the former captain
Passive aggressive with you afterwards, but fortunately, because nobody is really alone anymore, he can't do anything to you about it. If he had been attracted to you before and the crash never happened, you'd be in hot water.
Curly, however, gets the short end of the stick. Have you heard the audio of what Jimmy does to Curly the second time when giving him pills? Yep, he beats him more routinely
After all, how is it fair that Curly has doomed them all but still gets the glory?
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lotsel · 5 months ago
literally doomed to watch the first two seasons of inside job over and over again and cry because there will never be a third
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antichrists-plus1 · 7 months ago
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Palaski for the soul 💕
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ryllen · 1 year ago
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08-47 · 2 months ago
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it shall be cuboided soon
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sandushengshou · 8 months ago
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the vampire lestat in the media (1/2)
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charmac · 3 days ago
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years ago
D&D: Please put a disclaimer that you are not a universal system. Every time I see someone try to do a political mystery game in D&D, I take 3d10 psychic damage and have to make a death saving throw.
Pathfinder: Look. If i wanted to play a game about fighting Cthulhu there is an extremely famous game specifically designed around doing that. Literally no-one is ever going to say "Wow, I want to play a Cthulhu themed game! Time to stat up a musical halfling from a magical fantasy land!".
Chronicles Of Darkness: Just admit no-one uses any of your rules. You have Social Door Rules and Integrity Conditions and Corruption Levels and I bet at most 50% of COD players could tell me which of those I made up. Just admit people aren't dressing up as Alucard The Bringer Of Shadows because they want to sit down and do calculus.
World Of Darkness: You know that old guy who's still doing his job even though he is way too old to do it any more, but he's now an institution so you can't get rid of him? Like that. The 90s called and they want literally everything about this back.
Call Of Cthulhu: I appreciate the commitment to authenticity, but maybe stop hiring actual disgraced mental asylum directors from the 1920s to design your sanity system?
GURPS: Look. Look. Listen. We both know that you just want to write history textbooks. These are history textbooks with a few stat blocks begrudgingly put in. If you just give me a book on early Chinese history I will read it and go "ah, very interesting!". You don't need to put in a list of character choices. We're all nerds. We'll read them. Live your best life.
Powered By The Apocalypse: I actually can't think of anything wrong with PBTA. That's not a bit, this is literally the perfect system. Take notes everyone else.
Mutants and Masterminds/Heroes System: Your systems have probably the most customizable character creation in the world and you both just make reskins of the Justice League over and over again. Maybe we only need one "thinly veiled copyrighted characters" setting? You can fight over it once you decipher your combat mechanics.
FATE: Ok I won't lie, I have no idea how the fuck FATE works. I have read the rules repeatedly and played three games and I still have no idea what invoking an aspect means. I don't know why. I grasped the rules of fucking Nobilis but this one just psychologically eludes me. This is more a problem with me I guess, but I'm still annoyed.
Warhammer 40k: Have you considered spending less on avocado toast? Then you might be able to afford to charge less for things?
Exalted: Apart from the lore, the setting, the mechanics, the metaplot, the character creation and the dodgy narrative implications, I can't think of anything to improve here.
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