#chineese restaurant
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artesianalpondscum · 17 days ago
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Every time
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esmeraythewriter · 2 years ago
Goofy villain moments pt. 4
"How could you kill them?"
"It was simple, really. I can demonstrate it for you, but I find this quite concering, that you don't know how to shoot a gun"
"Half of the city wants you dead"
"And the other half doesn't? Wow, I have so many fans now..."
*the hero hits the villain*
"You know sometimes I wake up and look at the sky and think "What if I stopped being a villain?". And then I remember, that you would have nothing to do, so I just fuck it "
Part 3
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awake-from-death · 9 months ago
Hey buddy, you doing okay? I was thinking me and you maybe van and their friend could go to a restaurant, maybe Italian or chineese or somewhere new?
i think i'm doing a little better :) i don't want to go out though....
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iby-dysphoria-queen · 2 years ago
ok so MSG or monosodium glutamate is a flavour additive described as the 5th flavour, if youve eaten some doritos or any chips really it is what gives them their distinctive flavour of that touch of saltiness sweetness and acidity at the same time, its often found in asian cooking, especially in restaurants abroad, thats where her bad name came from, bc some idiot doctor made up chineese restaurant syndrome bc they were racist against the chineese, the other part of its fear comes from people being shit at chemistry and thinking elements scary, its found in kelp, tomatoes and some other stuff, its really godd fo ra flavour enchancer for just about everything, its also really nice to break up chips and mix them with some msg, and then "drink" the chips pieces from something like a cup
also i can infodump about some much more mainstream, and much more obscure (like the two shot effect in fallout 76) stuff
Im so sorry for talking to you even though you probably hate me
I'm an awful person
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ilikegoodstories · 3 years ago
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Fomapan 400
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transparentarcadepoetry · 3 years ago
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Himalayan Palace San Diego 
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hidayahanka · 5 years ago
In Search Position Of Chef Dimsum n Lamien - March, 2020
In Search Position Of Chef Dimsum n Lamien – March, 2020
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Profile Jobseeker
Nama : Ardiansyah budiman
Pekerjaan terakhir : Cdp dimsum specialist
Pekerjaan yang di cari : Dimsum chef & Lamien ( hand pooled noodle )
No hp : +62 082218221421
Bila teman-teman hrd berminat dengan candidate ini, bisa menghubungi Beliau langsung. Terima kasih
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best-rice-mills-blog · 5 years ago
Non Basmati Varieties
Pakistan 386 (Lal) White Rice (Silky, Double Polished and Colour Sortexed)
Pakistan Parboiled Rice
PK-386 is long grain rice and stands second after Super Basmati rice in scale.
PK-386 is good in cooking and size and this is good choice in reasonable price.
We are producing best long grain PK 386 rice in our rice mill.
Pakistani long grains rice IRRI-9 (Silky, Double Pollished and Colour Sortexed)
Pakistani long grains rice Ks-282 Parboiled
Non-Basmati Long Grain White Rice the varieties of white long grain rice fall  within the category of non-basmati rice which is rather affordable by people including labor camps, road side restaurants and for cuisines such as Chinese and Thai food. The other reason for liking this rice is its medium grain length that is good for making chineese food, thai food or Japanese dishes.
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vegankitchencorner · 5 years ago
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Taking a night out from cooking to enjoy some lovely vegan Chinese food at Choy’s in Celbridge - Not all items are on the menu, buy Ming and co. are happy to veganise things. We had mushroom soup and spring rolls to start and then blackbean tofu with rice noodles and hot pepper and cashew tofu with boiled rice. - #vegan #vegano #veganism #veganlife #plantbased #veganfoodshare #whatveganseat #eatyourveggies #diet #nutrition #sustainable #sustainability #environment #nondairy #dairyfree #meatfree #veganuary #veg #vegetarian #animalrights #govegan #chinesefood #takeaway #veganchinese #choyscelbridge #tofu (at Choy's Chineese Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7b2-iUJ_u2/?igshid=15uu553pcj6g4
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debbievandepavert · 6 years ago
Shanghai 5.0 💉
Daar gingen we weer, weer lekker met zn 5en een weekendje Shanghai. Vrijdagavond rond 19.00 kwamen we aan in ons oude vertrouwde hostel. De reis naar Shanghai duurde erg lang dus we hadden erge honger en zijn vrijwel meteen gaan eten. Aan de bund zou een mooi Itialiaans restaurant zitten, dus hier gingen we naar opzoek. Eenmaal daar aangekomen moesten we even wachten tot er een plekje vrij was maar daarna hebben we ook heerlijk genoten van het eten en het mooie uitzicht. Na het heerlijke eten zijn we terug gegaan naar het hostel en lagen we rond 00.00 in bed. Zaterdag was voor mij een spannende dag want ik ging een tattoo laten zetten! Al sinds ik hier ben denk ik eroverna om mijn Chineese naam (Dái béi) te laten tatoëren. Na lang nadenken wist ik het zeker, en na goed onderzoek te hebben gedaan na een goede maar vooral hygiënische tattooshop heb ik de afspraak gemaakt. Eenmaal daar aangekomen werd ik goed geholpen en werden mijn zenuwen steeds groter haha 😂. Met alle vertrouwen in Charlotte, Nikki, Isabel en Amber hebben we de plek, grootte en lettertype bepaald en toen werd die gezet. De pijn viel reuze mee, alleen op mijn ruggengraat (ja, die heb ik) was het gevoelig. Ik ben super blij met het eindresultaat (maar goed ook 😜) en het is super mooi gezet! Nou met folie en bepanthen zijn we lekker sushi gaan eten. Vervolgens hebben we lekker rondgewandeld in de franse concessie en gezocht naar souvernirs 🎎. Weer een hele andere kant van Shanghai, super gezellig en erg mooi. Daarna hebben we het shoppen voortgezet op de fakemarket, want ook hier hadden we weer volle energie voor. We zijn allemaal weer heerlijk geslaagd en weer ontzettend trots op onszelf over hoe goed we kunnen afdingen 😂. Daarna zijn we doorgegaan naar Pudong om even te eten bij the blue frog 🍔. ‘S avonds zijn we naar bar Rouge gegaan, dit is een club met dakterras met uitzicht op de bund, heel gaaf! We hebben het niet erg laat gemaakt en zijn zondag rond 13.00 weer met de bus teruggegaan naar Nantong. Weer een leuk weekend achter de rug!
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jcylenz · 6 years ago
....ALL OF THE “IM NOT FROM THE US” QUESTIONS (or alternatively 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 but i’ll come back for more mwhahshs)
1. favourite place in your country?
Balaton without a doubt. It’s the biggest lake of the country and it has such an amazing atmosphere and feel to it, I really love spending my time there. I usually go at least once, if not more times a year and definitely spend some vacation time there, plus my grandma is from a city next to the lake, so really just many ties there.
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
I love both? I love going abroad and exploring different cultures and seeing the world (I say that as if I’ve been to so many places when I really wasn’t), but there are also so many beautiful places in Hungary so ya know, both. Gimme both.
3. does your country have access to sea?
Nope, but it used to. We were just chopped up and lost 2/3 of our country after the two world wars.
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Uhhh, SO MANY. Honestly I love Hungarian cousine so fucking much. Gotta love lecsó and pörkölt and Hortobagyer meat pancakes and Gulash and all the Hungarian food, please don’t make me choose.
5. favourite song in your native language?
Tábortűz by Emberek, and you’re just in luck cause there is a youtube video in which you can read the English translation.
6. most hated song in your native language?
I can’t think of any right now most because I just make myself forget about all the stupid songs my country creates.
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
Szeretlek, which means I love you. Cipőfűzővégcédőpöcök, which is that protecting thingy at the end of shoelaces. And megszentségteleníthetetlrnségeskedéseitekért, which is this.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
I don’t think as a nation we get confused with others, we have a pretty unique culture and people, but I do know that a lot of people confuse Budapest and Bucharest, if that counts here.
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
“Menj a picsába!“ Which is mostly the same as “Go to hell!” but in the Hungarian version, if you wanna translate it word for word, it reads “Go to the pussy!“ which makes no sense whatsoever in English but it does make sense in Hungarian s2g.
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Géza Gárdonyi, who wrote, among others things, wrote the book called Eclipse of the Crescent Moon. It’s my favorite Hungarian book without a doubt, favorite classic as well most likely. It tells the story of a siege of a Hungarian castle in Eger in 1552. The siege was a really big thing in Hungarian history and the book tells the story of some of its most famous figures, how they grew up, how they actually got to the castle and how the siege went down, and now I really just wanna reread the entire thing all over again.
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
Never really read any of them, so I don’t have opinions.
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Hmmmm. Probably the strangest is that for us, Santa Clause comes on December 6th and then Jesus Christ brings the Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day.
We also have a tradition on Eastern Monday where the guys go around the houses to “sprinkle” the girls so they wouldn’t “wither like flowers”, which means you either get buckets of water poured all over you or you they pour a bunch of badly smelling parfumes (like REEEEEALLY BAD ONES) onto your hair and it’s such bullshit and I hate that day with a pure passion.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Lately I’ve been enjoying it more and more. There was a good 15-20 years period when literally nothing was done that was good or even acceptable but now more and more good movies are made and now we have some good tv shows too which is nice. I still mostly watch foreign stuff though.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Uhh, can I pass this? I really can’t think of anything.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
I actually had to look up what kind of stereotypes there are about Hungary, but I really didn’t like the one that kept popping up about Hungarian girls being easy. Fuck that shit, that is really really stupid. The one that I agree with is about our food - that we use a lot of fat and paprika in our food. 100% true. Most of our traditional dishes include both of them and a lot of it but not in a bad way? Like ok I get that probably most people would find them too much, but I do believe if they give it a try, they will realize that it’s actually really good and tasty and you can’t actually taste the fat or anything, it just makes it better. People also say because of our dish types that we eat like kings and I am happy to accept thatxD (it’s most said cause we eat a lot of meat, we have fish soup, different meat soups, we eat stuff like stuffed cabage, stuff that used to be at big feasts)
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
YESSS. I love our history, I think it’s incredibly interesting, incredibly rich and full of amazing stuff. Hungary is over 1000 years old, so many things happened during that time - we had our highs, we had our lows, but we always came out on top and survived in the end and I think that is amazing and something to be proud of.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
I mean, I am not sure? I don’t think so, but I might be wrong. I mean, there are stuff people say differently on other sides of the country, but it’s not that much distinct. It’s more noticable when it comes to those Hungarians who unfortunately don’t live in Hungary anymore (those who live in the neighbor countries because after the ww 2/3 of our country was taken from us)
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
I love our flag, though then again it might just be that that is what I know. But it’s nice. I am not too happy about the anthem, it’s too depressing to me.
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
Football (and by football I mean soccer football) which is a shame cause we suck at it. Like, we won 3 olympic gold medals in a row in waterpolo, but ya know, fuck logic. And I could list so many other sports our country is really good at, but people go nuts about football, so what can you do. (And I am not saying I don’t like the sport, I always watch the world cup, but it’s sad to see the country putting so much money into something we are shit in, putting the players up on a pedestal and forgetting about those who actually get really nice and amazing results.)
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Uhhhhhhhhh. Paprika and a picture of the Balaton.
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
I am generally really proud of our history, that despite whatever shit we were put through, we are still standing, after 1100+ years of being here. And I am ashamed of the general homophobia and fatphobia and racism and the way most people handle this topic aside from the youth. We are really behind on this. Also the fact that we actually have a movie that is called “Coming Out” and it’s about the most stereotypical gay man you’ve ever seen getting hit by a motorbike and suddenly turning straight and him coming out as straight cause legit that is the dumbest and most horrible thing I’ve seen on tv and I want to set everyone who worked on it on flames.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
Beer and wine is pretty popular, plus pálinka, which a Hungarian specific really high % level alcoholic beverage (like 45%-60% even) that we drink in shots.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Uhhh, probably Chineese people? It’s really bad, really just the usual racist stereotypical stuff and I hate it.
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
I think every country has its problems and I am glad I was born here because of the places and the language itself - it’s so fucking beautiful and amazing and lyrical. Would I wanna live here for the rest of my life, though? Nope, definitely not.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Not really. I specifically remember a Gilmore Girl episode where Michel spoke some stupid Hungarian shit, but other than that… most of the time they call our food shit and make fun of us. Which is really not cool and I hate that so much. (B99 did an episode once where Charles was praising a Hungarian restaurant with a sausage platter and I was SO EXCITED but then Jake called it shit and I knew immediately that most people will believe Jake cause they played on Charles’ weird taste and that everyone will think it’s just one of Charles’ ticks again and it made me so sad srsly. STOP TELLING PEOPLE OUR FOOD IS SHIT, IT’S NOT TRUE)
27. favourite national celebrity?
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
We have a couple of lakes, two pretty big river and like REALLY SMALL mountains. Most of them I would more likely call them bigger hills instead of mountains tbh. But the biggest geographical thing is definitely the Balaton, which is a big ass lake that most people go to during the summer. It’s also the biggest lake of Eastern Europe which is nice. I love that place, that is definitely my favorite.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Uhhh, the uni in my city has a beef with the uni I went to cause they used to be under the uni I went to and then they seperated from them and there is some weird who was right stuff going on but other than that not really.
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
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michaelstevenactive · 2 years ago
$5 off - Hyderabad Flavours Indian Restaurant Menu Strathpine, QLD
Get $5 off on your Order Use Code: EARLYBIRD5. Order Indian Food delivery and takeaway from Hyderabad Flavours Strathpine, QLD. Pay online or cash. Both Delivery and Pickup Available.
Order Now:  https://www.ozfoodhunter.com.au/hyderabad-flavours-strathpine
Download the OzFoodHunter App:  https://bit.ly/3aOUKdp
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Our Hyderabad Flavours - Strathpine is one of the Indian restaurant in Strathpine, QLD which is well known for the specialized dishes such as VEG ENTREES, NON VEG ENTREES, VEG CURRIES, NON-VEG CURRIES, BIRYANI, NAANS, INDO-CHINEESE, DESSERTS_DRINKS, CHAAT_SIDE DISHES and a lot more. We serve and present our delicious food with great pleasure and practice to make your meal and time prominently enjoyable. Our services also include delivery and takeaway with the comfort of ordering online through ozfoodhunter.
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lapacantar · 2 years ago
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My camera waited for me for a week in a chineese restaurant while I was in Valencia.. so now it is a camera with a story.
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foodeowl · 3 years ago
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Veg Hakka noodles & Veg Manchow soup Hakka noodles are Indian-Chinese style noodles made with unleavened refined wheat flour. These are boiled al dente and then stir fried in a Chinese wok with oil, vegetables & soya sauce. Here hakka noodles refers to both the final dish and the type of noodles used. There are a lot of brands selling hakka noodles. Hakka cuisine may be described as outwardly simple but tasty. The skill in Hakka cuisine lies in the ability to cook meat thoroughly without hardening it, and to naturally bring out the proteinous flavour (umami taste) of meat. Manchow soup is a soup popular in Indian Chinese cuisine due to its easy preparation and hot spicy taste. It is available in many restaurants and street food carts alike. Although the soup is named after Manchuria it does not resemble any that is normally found in the cuisines of the region. I like the mostly fried noodles with gives the soup. - - - - 📍 Location - Yaki Zusi , Goa 📸 In Frame - Sushi buffet ⭐️ Rating - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🤤 Taste - 🤤🤤🤤🤤 💰 Cost. - 195 ₹ + 145 ₹ - - 📷 by @touryest - - For more such amazing updates ✅ - Follow me 🔱 @foodeowl - Follow me ♻️ @foodeowl - Follow me 🌐 @foodeowl - - - 🚫 No food photo repost without permission 🚫 - 📩 DM for Invites / Collaborations 🤝 - ————————————————————————————- 💖 Thanks for being part of our food adventures 💕 ————————————————————————————— 💟. Don’t forget to follow all the id given below 💟 👉🏼 @foodeowl 👈🏽 🔆📱⬇️ Tag your friends in comments ⬇️📱🔆 #foodeowl #food #tasty #tastyfood #foodie #foodpics #foodphotography #foodblogger #trending #foodism #foodiesofinstagram #followme #hakka #noodles #chineese #japanese #japanesefood #soup #manchowsoup #vegan #veganfood #friednoodles #goa #goadiaries #goahotels #goafood #goafoodie #goafoodies #goafoodblogger (at Yaki Zushi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbxNUulsnZ-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bhukadpunekar · 3 years ago
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Anyone in the Mood for some Chinese ? PS. ~ Its Indian - Chineese.😅 🚩( @ Gokul Chinese Restaurant) For a change we are in on it together. 😁#russiaukraineconflict 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 "Many a heavy sigh I heaved in my despair, Grievinggrieving that I was born in such an unlucky time...I yoked a team of jade dragons to a phoenix-figured car, And waited for the wind to come, to soar upon my journey." ~ Qu Yuan, Ancient Chinese poet 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 😀Stay tuned for more updates. Your Love is Our only Motivation 🙏❣️ @bhukad_punekar Tag us & use #bhukad_punekar to get featured🤗😋 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 #chineesefood#indiantadka#indianchinese#gokulchineesepune#chineesedrama#foodwar#foodwarmth#gulp#friedfood#oilyfood#taste#tastespotting#oldisgold#punefood#punefoodblog#foodmoment#foollust#wonderlust#mixitweol#shakeit#eatweoo#foodfanatic 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 Note :- We deeply respect everyone's choice and love for food 🤗. Eat Healthy and Stay Strong 💪 (at Sadashiv Peth, Pune) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cal2ja_ogLK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dreamsworldproperties · 4 years ago
O-persia Restaurant in Guruvayoor is specialized in Indian, Chineese, Continental, Arabic and a wide variety of food items are available.  
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