#chicken 65 fry
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sravaniskitchen · 29 days
Chicken 65 Recipe
Check out this delicious Chicken 65 recipe on Sravaniskitchen! Perfect for a tasty homemade meal. Click the link to get the full recipe: https://sravaniskitchen.com/chicken-65-recipe/. For more tasty recipes, visit Sravaniskitchen: https://sravaniskitchen.com/."
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mygyn · 9 months
Daggers First Christmas
Mav slowly got out of bed and knocked on the door. Ice Love.. can I come in and help? Mav heard a moan and a retching. So he took that as a yes to come in. He saw his love sitting over the toilet on the floor looking miserable. Ice in his old age of 65 looked amazing. His once blonde hair had gone silver. While he still had defined abs he had more of a Dad bod than he did back in 86.
Mav instantly knelt down next to the love of his life and started to rub circles on his back. “Ice love, are you alright?” Ice turned around and looked at Mav, “What do you think?” Mav sighs and says, “Alright love. Let's get you back into bed and I’ll call the daggers and let them know we are off for Christmas dinner.” Mav deflated a little bit. “I’ll also try to reschedule meeting Bradley’s partner for the New Year's. I know you don’t like to have anyone over on your Birthday Ice but he’s our son. Can I invite him and Hayley over then?”
Ice froze. He was halfway back to the bed. That was right. Mav and Bradley finally made up. That means they were supposed to meet Bradley's spouse. Hayley. The woman he had been married to for three years. Ice *sighed* Mav…. You tell the daggers I have the flu and Christmas will be less extravagant and we can have them over. But this means you have to do the cooking or we are ordering pizza.”
Mav smiled and said, “I’ll let the grext know and we will see if anyone wants to come over still. I know the flu has been going around base sooo... Who knows maybe others aren’t feeling well either and they can keep you company.”
Mav: Hey all Merry Christmas. I hate to do this to you kids but Ice woke up puking this morning. You all are welcome to come over but… You do so at your own risk. *Note we will be ordering pizza.
Nat: Oh no Mav! Me and Halo are on the other side of the flu that has been going around base. We would be down to come over. We can bring some things to make chicken noodle soup.
Jake: Me and Javy are down for coming still. We had this two weeks ago. We can also come over early and bring our fryer to deep fry the turkey you mentioned we were having if that would be helpful.
Mav; Yes please Jake that would be wonderful having help with the Turkey. Nat please come and don’t feel obligated to make anything if you’re still recovering.
Nat: Mav it’s no trouble at all we’ve been fever-free for 24 hours so we can make some soup!
Meanwhile, as the text was happening Bradley looked over at his beautiful wife Hayley. She was still asleep, her golden blonde hair hanging down to her shoulders and her prominent baby bump on display for the world to see. Braley leans over and kisses Hayley on the cheek. “Merry Christmas love. I have some bad news. Ice has caught the flu that has been going around the base. Mav is still up for having us over but Mav will have to cook…. So far it sounds like everyone has chimed in yes to going except for the Ivy’s and Payback and Fanboy. but last I heard they were puking their guts out..”
Hayley smiles and says, “Well Brad Brad. How about we offer to go over early and give them their surprise Christmas gift that they are going to be Grandparents? And save everyone from Mav trying to cook or ordering pizza.” Bradley smiles and says, “ I love you. I’ll text Mav and let him know.”
Bradley: Hayley and I will be over in about 30 minutes. She’s going to commandeer your kitchen and cook dinner for everyone. Mav don’t touch anything in the kitchen remember 1993……
Mav: You don’t have to Brad, you should be enjoying your morning together.
Bradley: Dad. We’ve got this we will be over soon. Can you get Ice down to the couch though? I know how much he hates having his kitchen invaded.
10 mins later
Fanboy: Payback and I will be there. We aren’t up for doing much. We've been puking our guts out the last two days. Can we just keep these low-key guys? I can bring my DVD collection. We all show up in our pajamas and we watch movies and drink tea or cocoa and for those of you that can eat you eat?
Harvard: Yale and I agree with this. 100% We are going to bring our blankets and puke buckets and will enjoy spending the holidays with each other. Though side note, has anyone heard from Fritz?
Halo: Yeah he’s currently sleeping on my and Nix's couch. He will be there but in the same state as most of you are.
Bradshaw and Bagman thanks for agreeing to go over to help cook.
Side text between Jake and Bradley
Bradshaw: Hey Jake. What time are you and Coyote planning on getting to Mavs?
Hangman: We were thinking around the same time as you, Bradshaw 30 minutes. Why?
Bradshaw: Any way you could make it closer to 60? Hayley and I have something we want to give Mav and Ice before you invade if that’s okay.
Hangman: Tell me what it is and I’ll agree. I mean Bradshaw you’ve kept your other half on lockdown for so long.
Bradshaw: Fine this goes nowhere else and you will act surprised when you get our Christmas gift. Hayley is currently 4 months pregnant. Ice and Mav are going to become Grandparents.
Hangman: First Dagger baby!! Yeah, we will be there in an hour then! Ice and Pop deserve to have this time with you both before we get there.
Bradley looked up from his phone and saw that you had pulled out matching pajamas that Hayley had bought for them. They were nice red and green plaid pajama bottoms with a solid red Hawaiian shirt with little roosters with a Santa hat. Bradley knew that you had these made custom for you... But he was a bit self-conscious wearing them in front of his squad. “Kitten. Do we have to wear these for today? I’m afraid the guys will make fun of me.”
Bradley instantly knew that he said something wrong. Your pretty hazel eyes had started to tear up. No baby I’m sorry we will wear them... See I’m putting on the Christmas Roosters now. “Roo. You don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to. I won’t make you. You just mentioned someone said that we were all going to wear our pajamas and watch movies. I can’t wear any of the other ones we have that match as my bump is too noticeable. Unless we want everyone to know before we give them our gift. Bradley went over to you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and said, “It’s alright we can wear them. Though if the guys give me crap I’m telling them I’m wearing them for you. Come on love, we should head out though and get to Mav’s and Ice’s.”
20 min’s Mav finally had Ice set up on the couch. He had a quick shower and got into his pajamas and had a nice cup of tea in front of him. Now to wait until Brad and Hayley and Jake and Coyote showed up. God, he was so nervous to meet Baby-Brad’s wife.
He heard the doorbell ringing so he slowly got up from his spot on the couch next to Ice and went to grab it. “Ice I’ve got it! I bet it’s Brad!”
Mav opened the door and he saw Bradley and a stunning Blonde with the most striking hazel eyes. Bradley said, “Merry Christmas Mav! Hayley, meet Mav. Mav this is Hayley.” Brad pulled Mav into a hug and said, “I’m glad we get to spend the holidays together.” Hayley smiled approvingly at her husband.
Mav then noticed a box that was on the ground next to the door. “Bradley, you shouldn’t have brought gifts for everyone.” Hayley smiled at him, “Oh we know that there were strict no-gift rules for you aviators but these are from me more than Bradley and since it’s the first time meeting you all I felt like I could get away with giving everyone a gift.”
Mav teared up a bit and said with a rough voice, “Come on inside. Don’t get too close to Ice if you haven’t had this flu.” Hayley smiled and said, “ I think it’s alright. Brad and I are both resigned to getting sick if we do we do. We just wanted to spend the holidays together with his family this year.”
Hayley then wandered into the living room. She walked up to Ice who was half asleep on the couch and she smiled and said, “You must be Ice! It’s so good to finally meet you Brad has told me so much about you. I would hug you but you look too comfy down there for me to disturb your rest!” Brad smiled, “He came over and hugged Ice. I have no qualms about getting into your space Dad. I’ve missed you. I’m glad you and Mav can meet Hayley. We do have a gift for you both before Hayley goes into the kitchen and starts taking over the food prep.”
Mav looked at Bradley and Hayley. They both had a smile on their face. Mav started saying, “Brad don’t you want to wait until the others are here before we open our gifts?” “No! We think you both should open these before everyone gets here. Ice, are you well enough to open your gift? Ice coughed, “For a Baby Goose gift I’m always ready to open one of those. I still have the coffee mug you made me in second grade.” Bradley’s cheeks blushed bright red.
Hayley smiled at her husband and handed Mav and Ice both a small package. Mav asked, “Should we open these together or should we open them one at a time.” Ice smiles and says, “Alright Mav on the count of 3 then.” 1, 2, 3……
Mav and Ice each opened their package and they both had a mug with a sonogram picture and the words. World's greatest Grandpa. Mav instantly looked at Hayley and Brad and he jumped out of his seat and said, “You’re expecting. You are going to make us Grandparents. This is the best gift ever. He pulls Bradley close and gives Hayley a shy smile.
While this was happening it took Ice’s fever-addled brain a second to catch onto what was happening. He started to stand up but he was dizzy and he didn’t think he could do it so he sat there with tears rolling down his face. “Bradley this is the best Christmas gift we’ve ever been given. We have our Son home and we are expanding the family. Hayley pulled out of the hug with Mav and Brad and sat next to Ice she told him, “I’m so excited for them to have the best Grandparents in the world.”
Ice paused and asked, “You said them?” Hayley smiles sweetly and says, “We are expecting twins. I’m going to go ahead and start cooking Bradley. Will you and Mav stay out of the kitchen while I work yeah? I’m assuming Turkey, Potatoes, Stuffing, and Cornbread.” Hayley makes her way to the kitchen.
As Hayley moved her way into the kitchen Brad told Mav and Ice, “Please keep this between us for the moment. We have Coffee Mugs with Best Dagger Aunt/Uncle with the sonogram picture on it.” We kind of want to surprise everyone else. Mav would you be alright with us doing this before dinner? Mav smiles still teary-eyed, “Of course Baby Goose.
45 minutes later Jake and Javy arrived and they just barged in the door and shouted, “Ice, Pops we are here! Ready to fry the turkey and help cook! Mav We’ve all heard the story about Christmas of ‘93 so you better not be in the kitchen!”
Slowly over the next 1.5 hours, all the Daggers made it in. Hayley spent most of her time cooking while the Dagger squadron was relaxing and chatting. Occasionally Bradley came in to check on her and Jake hadn’t left the kitchen since arriving. He kept up a constant commentary on the hijinxs Bradley got into during flight school. Hayley had a constant smile on her face the whole time.
Mav as he went to check on Hayley and Jake, “ How’s dinner coming?” We should be good to eat in about 10-15 mins.” Hayley was standing at the counter with a wince on her face. Jake looked a bit concerned. “Do you need to sit down, Hayley? What’s left to do?” “Oh… We just need to take the casseroles out of the oven.” Mav looked at Jake and said, “ I think Jake and I can handle getting them out. How about you go sit down with Brad and you can start handing out everyone’s gifts while we finish up here?
15 minutes later everyone was sitting lying around the Christmas tree in the living room. Brad smiles at everyone and says, “ I know we said no gifts. But my beautiful wife and I thought this was appropriate for all of you. We would like you all to open your gifts at the same time. So on the count of 3?”
Phoenix, “Bradshaw the rules said no gifts. Now you're making all of us feel bad.” Bradley, “Nix if you still feel bad after opening them we will take them back alright? Now everyone you can give us crap later alright? Let’s just get these gifts open.”
Paper went flying around the room as the daggers opened their gift. There was about a 30-second pause before everyone started talking all at once. Wait, Bradley, Baby? Are you expecting? What?? Congratulations. First Dagger Baby!!! Bradshaw who knew you had it in you. Bob, “Wait, are you having twins that look like mine and my twin Brother Rhett's Sonogram? Phoenix, “Bob shut up Bradley do we have a Dagger 1 and Dagger 2 on board.”
After about 5 minutes of pure chaos, Ice was getting a headache. He sat up and used his admiral's voice. Lieutenants! You need to give Hayley and Bradley time to answer. But if you must know, yes they are having twins they are four months along and we can get them back for the Christmas gifts when we plan a baby shower for them. Does that sound alright to everyone?”
11 voices responded with, “Yes sir.” Now how about everyone goes and grabs a plate of food for those of you with an appetite and for those of us without one grab some tea and let's watch a movie.
Thus ends the Dagger's first Christmas together. They spent the rest of the evening eating, laughing, and enjoying their time together.
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Annie! 7, 34, 70 👀
Thank you so much for this ask dear!!! I know it's been atleast 2 weeks since this ask. And I'm so sorry about it. I've quite busy doing some life things and finding series to hook onto.
So onto the questions:
What did you last eat?
Well, I am not supposed to eat non-veg on Saturday (religious reasons) but my mom allowed me to have chicken Biriyani and Chicken 65 fry as a gesture of thank you to our neighbour who shared their food. Honestly it was so good. I had some pieces of cucumber too.
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Well I don't remember much dreams or even I dreamt. The last dream I remember was hugging my crush (my admirable crush now, not a full love ) and kissing her twice on her cheek. Never dreamt like that. It was okay.
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Hmm... my imaginary partner. If I actually love her /him and vice versa. If I trust her/him as much as they do trust me. But right now, anyone could take my life and I would thank them
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official-saul-goodman · 4 months
What are your oc's go-to orders when they go out together 👀👀
Ooh great question!
Honestly depends on where they go to eat but their go to places are the local pizza place or the Indian restaurant.
Lucy is a bit of a picky eater so she goes with what the most 'basic' options are, so here they would be a good old margherita pizza with garlic bread on the side, and chicken tikka masala with plain naan and onion bhaji respectively. And she would only order a lemony drink, like a lemonade or nimbu paani. She has not changed these orders in 10 years and she will never change them ever, they're perfect meals. Do not try to make her eat something new.
Adam eats anything that's got like a salty sweet thing or spicy sweet thing going on, so for pizza's he'd probably get a meaty spicy pizza and then ask them to add capers and golden raisins on top + he'd get a tiramisu dessert, and his Indian food order would be lamb kofta curry at the highest spice level with garlic paratha and then a giant glass of sweet lassi.
Harsha is like a big sweet tooth that his friends kind of hate, he orders a big dessert portion and then orders a savoury main. like he'll order 2 chocolate lava cakes first and then order a plate of lasagna. He eats the lava cake first and then eats cold lasagna, we hate him for it. and at the Indian restaurant he'd order chapati with mango shrikhand, and then get 2 sides of prawn fry and chicken 65.
Naz is vegetarian by choice cause the smell of meat makes him feel rather ill, but he'll order anything that's really eggy or dairy  cause he loves eggs and milk. at the Italian place he'd get a florentine pizza and ask for an extra egg, and then order a vanilla panna cotta. At the Indian place he'd get egg biryani with mint cucumber raita, and then wash it down with a mango lassi extra thick.
Shaz is down to eat anything tbf as long as it's halal, so most of the time she just orders the dishes of the day and then a random side and a drink. she's not really into sweet stuff. Her go to sides at the italian place are the dough balls with marinara sauce and garlic butter though, and she gets an orange soda. at the indian place she orders gobi manchuri and rose milk with less sugar. 
Daniel is vegan and also born in hyderabad, moved to england when he was 9 cause his dad got transferred by his IT company. He loves to eat food that's in pockets or something and is very carby. His italian order is usually a vegan mushroom aubergine tomato calzone, dough balls with marinara sauce, and a limeade to wash it all down. His indian order is usually palak paneer with aloo paratha, and a dabeli as a side, with nimbu pani. if he's feeling fancy he'll get a dessert but that depends on his mood.
Abigail is the one with the most unpredictable tastes because she isn't picky and wants to try something new every time, she doesn't really have any preference lol but she doesn't like eating the same thing in a row. So she just randomly orders dishes, but the one thing she does have a preference for is the dessert, she hates chocolate things so she usually orders a vanilla cheesecake at the Italian place, or a gulab jamun with ice cream at the Indian place. She's really hard to order for lmao.
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xc23 · 1 year
We had 6-7 hours of driving ahead of us so we got on the road by 8am. We really didn’t expect it to be a particularly interesting day. Indiana is flat with straight highways. We knew that Chicago would be busy with traffic. We rolled on.
One interesting sight in Indiana, we drove about a 10 mile stretch of I-65 where there were windmills for as far as the eye can see. There must have been 500 of them. They sat in the farmland among the crops. We’ve driven many places with windmills but none have had as many for as llong a stretch. Sorry, no pictures.
Once through Indiana, we drove through Chicago on the west side. The smog was thick with remnants of smoke from the Canadian fires. We made our way north and stopped in Evanston to check out the old neighborhood.
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Smoggy Chicago.
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The old street.
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The old house looks the same!
First we had a bit to eat on Central Street. We wanted to see what shops are still there from 1996 when we moved away. Not surprising, there were several including Foodstuffs a gourmet deli. That’s where we ate lunch before heading back to the old street.
We walked up and down Lawndale Ave to see that the houses are all well kept, as always, and that several families with young kids were living on the block. It’s great to see the rotation of the older families to new ones!
Speaking of older families, we did ring the doorbell of some old friends. Unfortunately, no one was home. I guess that’s what happened at noon on a weekday. Regardless, we left a note and drove on.
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Somewhere/anywhere in WI.
Next stop for us was Sun Prairie, WI. We wanted to drop in to the Midway Tavern to say hello to a friend of a friend. Unfortunately, she took the day off. We had a nice chat with the bartender who works full time as a 1st grade teacher. We learned that Sun Prairie has always been a vibrant town, somewhat of a suburb of Madison. She grew up in town and has watched it double in size.
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Diane and me at the Midway Tavern.
From The Midway we dove 15 miles to our HipCamp for the evening. HipCamp is like AirBnB for campers. Our camp was a little more primitive than what we usually like (Diane is a champ!). The outhouse was about 300 yards from our tent. Our tent was 275 yards from our car. The chicken coop with 100+ birds was between our tent and the car. However, we had a nice level site in a grove of mulberry trees. We cooked a nice stir fry dinner, had a beer or two, and climbed into the tent before the mosquitoes got busy.
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Camp for the night.
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Some locals.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
After my great workout.... which was:
65 min step mill
10 min row
Glute 3 sets 15 reps x 55 lbs
Adduction 3 sets 15 reps x 70 lbs
-- 2 positions sitting back & sitting forward 6 sets total-- OOF
Abduction, same
Pulldown 55 lbs, 50 lbs, 50 lbs × 15 reps
Rows. 3 sets of 50 lbs? × 15 reps.
4 oz chicken, 2 servings wontons, 5 g sunflower seeds, stir fry veggie mix
I also had a Bragg's tonic.
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erasied · 2 days
food inspo via some of my own photos
below break ⊹.✮₊⋆
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w/ estimated calories
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for 1oz of bluefin tuna it’s 40c, 6.5p
for 1oz of salmon it’s 50c, 5.5p
depending on which you get, it can be lower as well!
whenever i have to get fast food i always get one of two things at chickfila and it’ll be either..
a spicy southwest salad w/ spicy grilled fillet; remove the cheese, seasoned tortilla strips, and chili lime pepitas along with exchanging the dressing for the lite italian
215c, 24p
or a grilled chicken sandwich wrapped in lettuce (only w tomato)
120c, 21p
yogurt + fruit
honestly, any yogurt and fruit combination is something that’ll be low calorie and fill you up!
photo #1 would be around 250c~~?
(60 for the yogurt, 81 for the chocolate, estimating around 65 for the grapes and maybe 40 for blueberries?)
photo #2 would be around 250c~~ as well?
(150 for the yogurt, and roughly 75-100 for watermelon?)
of course, depending on what brand you use and how much of each item you add, the total will change. but overall, everything is relatively low calorie and you can switch it all around!
now for me, i always though of a sandwich as a high calorie item and feared them. but now, because i found the right ingredients, its one of my safe foods!
i use better goods brand keto bread which is 35c, 4p and 10g… of fiber 😭
but it’s a super good alternative to other options!
the sandwich in the photo is around 150c!
(70 for the bread, 50 for 2oz turkey breast, give or take 5-10 for the tomato and lettuce, 25 for a laughing low lite cheese) + sriracha
there’s tons of protein in this meal and it fills you up for soooo long! again, the calories really matter on what you choose to make it with, but it can be a lower option.
pairing it with a fruit of course raises the total calories, but also makes it more like a meal :)
“burrito bowl”
i say this in quotes because it isn’t exactly a burrito bowl LMAO
in the photo i used cauliflower rice, lettuce, fat free mozzarella, rotisserie chicken, black beans, pico de gallo, and sriracha
my estimate was right around 250c for the entire bowl and it was honestly pretty good! i’m pretty sure i logged it wrong though, so i’m not gonna give an entire breakdown for it 🤕!
stir fries
another amazing low calorie option is a stir fry, you just have to watch what you put in the sauce.
both options were under 300c, photo #1 less than the other.
in photo #1, i stir fried mushroom, bell pepper, broccoli, and carrots. i probably just made a sauce with lower sodium soy sauce, chicken stock, garlic, and a very small amount of cornstarch for thickening.
in photo #2, i stir fried mushrooms, carrots and radish in a low sodium soy sauce. on the side i had around 2oz of chicken breast lunch meat and had a small fruit bowl! its a really balanced meal and honestly kept me full for hours!
now, these are all just ideas but we do have to fuel ourselves sometimes, and making these meals in front of others could reduce concerns for you. the community has to help eachother 🤞🏻
thank you for reading all the way up to here if you got to this point :)
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kodaibuy · 21 days
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Chicken 65 Masala, Organic Curry Masala, Chicken Fry Masala
Buy our Organic Masala: https://shorturl.at/mxzKK
Official Website: https://shorturl.at/vM6V7
Follow our Facebook Page for organic related Product and More offers - https://shorturl.at/jjGRb
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sfarticles · 1 month
Watermelon stars in creative recipes
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Grilled Watermelon and Kale Salad: The sweet and smoky grilled watermelon is a great balance to the nutrient-dense and bitter dinosaur kale. (National Watermelon Promotion Board)
Check out my latest column
One of my jobs when visiting my parents is to unload the groceries from the trunk of the car; keep in mind, Mom is in her late 80s and Dad will be 92 in a few weeks. Dad couldn’t wait to cut up the 15-pound watermelon he carefully chose once I gently put it on the counter.
While carrying the large, seedless melon into the kitchen, I was thinking about some creative recipes incorporating the fruit. Or perhaps vegetable? It is a much-debated discussion. Botanically, it is a cousin to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash.
I am intrigued by the watermelon recipes in the food publications I read. With summer being the peak season of its consumption in the U.S., it is time to celebrate with a juicy slice and prepare creative recipes. (National Watermelon Day was Aug. 3.) Thanks to countries like Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras that experience summer during our winter, watermelon can be enjoyed all year.
In my culinary travels, I’ve noticed that restaurants have incorporated watermelon as a featured ingredient in their dishes. It is among the fastest-growing “fruits” in terms of use on food-service menus, having grown by 54% in the past few years, according to a recent menu trends study commissioned by the National Watermelon Promotion Board.
According to the Board, 65% of food service operators feature fresh watermelon on the menu, up from 38% in 2020 and 50% in 2022. One in 10 restaurants serving alcoholic beverages feature a drink containing watermelon, more than doubling in the last 10 years.
Watermelon 101
• The Watermelon Promotion Board represents 800 watermelon growers, shippers and importers nationwide. Its goal is to promote the nutritional, culinary and convenience benefits of watermelon.
• The first cookbook published in the United States in 1796 contained a recipe for watermelon rind pickles.
• Watermelon’s official name is Citrullus Lanatus of the botanical family Cucurbitaceae.
• Early explorers used watermelons as canteens.
��� The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
• More than 1,200 varieties of watermelon are grown worldwide.
• Watermelon is grown in more than 96 countries worldwide. The USA ranks seventh in production; China is first.
• In China and Japan, watermelon is a popular gift to bring a host.
• In some Mediterranean countries, the sweet taste of watermelon is often paired with the salty taste of feta cheese.
• Watermelon is 92% water.
• By weight, watermelon is the most-consumed melon in the U.S., followed by cantaloupe and honeydew.
• Watermelon doesn’t contain any fat or cholesterol, is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6 and C and contains fiber and potassium.
• Watermelon is approximately 70% flesh and 30% rind.
• Watermelon is considered both a fruit and a vegetable; it is the state vegetable of Oklahoma.
• Every part of a watermelon is edible, even the seeds and rind. Zero food waste!
• Some people find it challenging in picking a ripe watermelon and cutting one. These videos are helpful: https://bit.ly/30Vgosi and https://bit.ly/4dwARWV.
Once you pick the perfect watermelon, and know how to cut it up safely, try these recipes provided by the National Watermelon Promotion Board.
For the recipe for grilled watermelon and kale salad, visit https://bit.ly/4dUsaa3.
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Watermelon Rind Stir Fry
The headnote says: “Next time you buy a whole watermelon, reserve the watermelon rind for this ingenious recipe. The rind will soften and quickly absorb the flavor of your sauce. Add shrimp, tofu or chicken for an extra protein boost!”
Serves 4
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 cups watermelon rinds, julienned (white part only, from about ½ of a seedless watermelon)
1 cup julienned carrots
½ cup chives, cut into 3-inch pieces
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 clove garlic, minced
1 inch piece of ginger, minced
½ cup fresh basil leaves, torn
¼ cup mint leaves
¼ cup cilantro leaves
Crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
Heat sesame oil in a wok over high heat. Add the watermelon rind and carrots and stir fry, stirring constantly, for 1-2 minutes. Let sit over high heat for 1 additional minute without stirring.
Add the chives and stir to combine.
In a small bowl, whisk together the honey, soy sauce, fish sauce, garlic and ginger.
Pour the sauce over the watermelon rind and cook, stirring, 30 seconds to 1 minute until fragrant.
Transfer to a serving dish. Add the basil, cilantro, and mint, tossing to combine.
Sprinkle with red pepper flakes, if desired, and serve as a side dish.
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Watermelon Pomegranate Green Tea
Makes 6-8 servings
4 cups watermelon puree
2 cups pomegranate juice
4 cups strong prepared and chilled green tea
1 cup white grape juice
Ice for serving
Mix ingredients together in a large container (except ice) and chill well. Stir before serving and serve over ice.
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Spicy Watermelon Hummus
The headnote says: “What if you could have a delicious snack and it was good for you, too? Well, you can. This hummus is packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant goodies, while being low-fat, low-calorie and the best hummus you have ever tasted! It also makes a great sandwich spread or topping for bruschetta. Extra virgin olive oil is the best to use here, since it is a good source of healthy fat and antioxidants.”
Makes 1 1/2 cups
1 large clove garlic
2 heaping tablespoons of diced red onion
¼ cup chopped fresh parsley
1/3 cup watermelon juice (liquefy watermelon in a blender)
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 ½ tablespoons lemon juice
½ teaspoon lemon peel
¼ teaspoon each: ground cumin, coriander, ground ginger, paprika and turmeric
1 15-ounce can chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained and washed
Salt and pepper to taste
¼ cup diced watermelon
Parsley sprigs
Mince garlic in a food processor. Add onion and parsley and blend until fully minced. Add the rest of ingredients and blend until smooth.
Refrigerate for at least a half-hour to allow flavors to blend. Garnish with diced watermelon and parsley sprigs. Serve with pita bread, baked chips or baby carrots.
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Watermelon Strawberry Shake
Makes 4 servings
1 container (8 ounces) lemon nonfat yogurt
2 cups cubed, seeded watermelon
1 pint fresh strawberries, cleaned and hulled
1 medium banana, peeled and sliced
In blender or food processor, process yogurt, watermelon, strawberries and banana until smooth and frothy. Serve immediately.
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Kids Watermelon Sandwich Cookies
Serves 6
12 blueberry pancakes (3-inch round), cooled to room temperature
½ cup white frosting
6 seedless watermelon slices (2/3-inch thick, 3-inch round), drained to remove excess moisture
Evenly frost bottom of each pancake with white frosting. Arrange six pancakes frosting side up on serving platter. Place one slice watermelon on each frosted pancake. Top each with remaining pancakes, frosting side down. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
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Savory Watermelon “Pizza”
Servings will vary
The headnote says: “Paired with savory ingredients like prosciutto and goat cheese, this savory “pizza” skips the bread to make watermelon the new star. Use any cheese and/or meat of your choice — some classic watermelon pairings include feta, bleu, parmesan and mozzarella.”
Watermelon round cut 1-inch thick (for crust)
Goat cheese
Greens of choice (we used arugula)
Pepper to taste
In a small bowl mix goat cheese and heavy whipping cream to make it spreadable. Spread goat cheese to cover watermelon, leaving room to hold the rind.
Place prosciutto then greens as toppings on watermelon pizza as desired.
Drizzle balsamic glaze on watermelon pizza. Pepper to taste.
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Watermelon Rind Pickles
The headnote says: “Created by Chef Dave Wooley for the National Watermelon Promotion Board, these watermelon rind pickles leave the slightest bit of red flesh for a beautiful color and taste experience.”
Makes about 2 cups
4 cups water
1 tablespoon coarse salt
2 cups peeled watermelon rind (leave a thin layer of pink) cut into 1-inch by 1/2-inch by 2-inch pieces
¾ cups granulated sugar
1 each of all spice berries
½ cup cider vinegar
4 each peppercorns
4 whole cloves
½ teaspoon pickling spice
1 long slice of fresh ginger root
¼ teaspoon celery seeds
In large pot, bring water and salt to boil over medium high heat. Add rind pieces and boil until tender, about 5 minutes. Strain. Transfer rinds to large metal bowl.
In saucepan, combine all of the other ingredients and spices. Bring to a boil over medium high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Simmer for 15 minutes, until slightly reduced. Pour over watermelon rinds in bowl. Place plate over top to keep rinds submerged in liquid. Cover and refrigerate for one day. Transfer to a glass jar and keep sealed in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Serving suggestion: enjoy with your favorite deli meats and cheeses, perhaps with other pickled veggies.
Recipes and photos courtesy of the National Watermelon Promotion Board.
Stephen Fries, is professor emeritus and former coordinator of the Hospitality Management Programs at Gateway Community College, in New Haven, Connecticut. He has been a food and culinary travel columnist for the past 17 years and is co-founder of and host of “Worth Tasting,” a culinary walking tour of downtown New Haven, and three-day culinary adventures around the U.S. He is a board member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. Email him at [email protected]. For more, go to stephenfries.com.
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reasoningdaily · 2 months
Kowbird: Amazing Chicken Recipes from Chef Matt Horn's Restaurant and Home Kitchen
click the title to Download for FREE from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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Kowbird: Amazing Chicken Recipes from Chef Matt Horn's Restaurant and Home Kitchen
If you are like most people, you eat a lot of chicken. But chances are you haven’t had chicken like Matt Horn’s chicken. Now you can! Learn how to make the best chicken on the planet, from a true master of the art, in this fun and inspiring book.
click the title to Download for FREE from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY Celebrated chef Matt Horn spent years perfecting his chicken recipes before he opened his widely acclaimed mecca for chicken cookery, Kowbird, in Oakland, California. Even to this day, he continues to experiment with different cuts of chicken, with a host of sauces and spice mixtures that bring out the best flavors in chicken, and with all sorts of cooking techniques that make this popular food explode with flavor on the palate. In the richly photographed pages of Kowbird, he shares his hard-won wisdom and his brilliantly creative culinary wizardry, elevating the humble bird to its rightful place at the center of the plate—and as the star of the meal. Matt gives you 65 recipes packed with flavor and creativity for everything from comforting weekday dinners to spectacular weekend feasts. It’s time to set aside the tired old chicken spaghetti, chicken parmesan, and unadorned chicken cutlets and dig into:  
Zingy Chile-Crisp-Rubbed Grilled Chicken Breasts
Chicken-Fried Chicken, Matt’s signature Southern-inflected riff on chicken-fried steak
California Wings, which you dip in a zesty mash of garlic, avocado, onion, and lemon
Matt’s best-in-class version of Nashville Hot Chicken
And much more deliciousness
With recipes for barbecuing, grilling, smoking, sautéing, brazing, baking, broiling, pan-frying, deep-frying, and more, this is a book that takes chicken to delectable places you’ve never dreamed of before.
click the title to Download for FREE from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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topfindr · 9 months
Healthy Chinese food 💎
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Some Chinese takeaway selections, particularly those from American-Chinese restaurants, can be rich in salt, sugar, and oil. You can still eat delicious and healthy Chinese food by choosing dishes that have been baked, steamed, boiled, or sautéed in a small amount of oil. Here are some healthy Chinese food takeout alternatives, as well as suggestions for entrées, side dishes, and sauces.
Dumplings steamed
Dumplings are pockets of dough filled with spiced meat and vegetables, usually pork and cabbage, that are served at a Chinese restaurant. They are frequently fried, but you can have them steamed instead to save calories and fat. A medium steamed dumpling only has 40 calories. Although the soy-sauce-based dipping sauce is low in calories, it is heavy in sodium, so use caution if you are salt-sensitive.
Egg drop soup
In a chicken broth, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, eggs, and ginger are cooked. It also contains vinegar and spices, which give the dish a fiery and sour flavor. Egg drop soup, on the other hand, is created simply with ribbons of cooked egg in chicken broth. Both soups are modest in calories, with only 65-90 calories per 1-cup (240 mL) serving, and you can make them even healthier by foregoing the fried lo mein noodles that are frequently served as a topping.
Moo goo gai pan
Moo goo gai pan is a stir-fried chicken and vegetable dish with mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, and water chestnuts. It's low in calories since it's loaded with vegetables and lean chicken. Furthermore, the chicken gives a lot of protein, making this dish filling. One cup (216 grams) has only 160 calories and 15 grams of protein. Request that the sauce be served on the side so that you may limit how much you consume because it may be rich in salt and sugar.
Beef with broccoli
Beef and broccoli is a straightforward dish of stir-fried beef and broccoli in a mild sauce. It's a relatively nutritious dish that's heavy in protein and low in carbs. It is, however, frequently cooked with fatty cuts of beef. 1 cup (217 g) has 336 calories, 23 grams of fat, and 23 grams of protein. You can lower the fat content by ordering steamed broccoli instead of stir-fried broccoli and asking for the sauce on the side.
Chop suey
Another stir-fry dish is chop suey, which is made with pork, eggs, and thinly sliced veggies in a light sauce. It's usually made with pork, although it can also be made with chicken, beef, or tofu. It's a healthier option than other stir-fries because it contains protein and vegetables. One cup (220 grams) of no-noodle pork chop suey contains 216 calories and 23 grams of protein. It also has approximately 9.5 grams of fat, and a restaurant version may have additional fat added during the stir-fry process. In order to reduce the amount of salt and sugar, choose a light sauce.
Chicken and broccoli
Chicken and broccoli is similar to beef and broccoli in that it consists of stir-fried chicken and broccoli in a mild sauce. It is, however, a leaner alternative than beef and broccoli while still providing plenty of protein. One cup (153 g) has 13 g of protein and only 145 calories. It has about 7 grams of fat in it. If feasible, request that the food be steamed. You'll lose the oil that it's traditionally cooked in, lowering the fat and calorie content and giving it a healthier twist.
Baked salmon
Many Chinese restaurants serve baked salmon, which is a delicious option. Baked salmon is strong in protein, high in omega-3 fats, and low in carbohydrates. A 3-ounce (85-gram) portion of butter-cooked chicken includes 156 calories, 21 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fat. Baked salmon is an excellent low-carb or keto entrée when served with steamed vegetables.
Moo shu veggies
In this popular takeout dish, vegetables take center stage, with ingredients like stir-fried pork, shredded cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, and onions.
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Although the exact nutrient composition varies depending on the ingredients used, one cup (151 grams) usually contains around 230 calories and nearly 16 grams of protein. It also has roughly 16 grams of fat, but like with most stir-fry dishes, the fat amount varies depending on the establishment. To maximize the possible health advantages, use less sauce and forego the side of pancakes that is traditionally served with it.
Garlic sauce with eggplant
Eggplant with garlic sauce is a smoky, grilled eggplant dish served with a thick, tangy garlic sauce. The dish's major component, eggplant, is low in calories and high in a variety of minerals, including fiber, manganese, folate, and potassium. It also contains nutrient-dense foods including garlic, ginger, and peppers. Choose brown rice instead of white rice as a side dish to increase the fiber content of your meal and add an extra serving of whole grains as they are considered as healthy Chinese food.
Shrimp with Lobster sauce
Shrimp with lobster sauce, despite its name, does not contain lobster. Instead, it's cooked with a fermented black bean sauce, which is commonly used to serve lobster in Cantonese cuisine. In addition to stir-fried shrimp, the dish usually includes vegetables such as peas, carrots, garlic, and scallions. It's low in calories and high in protein when compared to many other takeout options, with 31 grams of protein and 279 calories in a 1-cup (185-gram) serving. It also has 14.5 grams of fat. You can also increase the amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals available by asking for additional vegetables such as broccoli, mushrooms, or bell peppers. FAQ: Are all Chinese foods rich in salt, sugar, and oil? No, you can choose dishes that have been baked, steamed, boiled, or sautéed in a small amount of oil. Are steamed Dumplings always fried?  No, they are frequently fried, but you can have them steamed instead to save calories and fat. Which Chinese food is rich in protein and other essentials? Baked salmon is strong in protein, high in omega-3 fats, and low in carbohydrates Read the full article
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Chicken Veggie Chow Mein
200g /6 oz chicken breast or thigh fillets , thinly sliced
▢4 cups shredded green cabbage, carrots, capsicum, green beans, peas
▢1 1/2 tbsp peanut oil 
▢2 cloves garlic , finely chopped
▢200g /6 oz chow mein noodles 
▢1 1/2 cups bean sprouts
▢3 green onions , cut into 5cm/2″ pieces
▢1/4 cup (65 ml) water
Chow Mein sauce
2 tsp cornflour / cornstarch
▢1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce , all purpose or light
▢1 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
▢1 1/2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine OR Mirin
▢2 tsp sugar
▢1/2 tsp sesame oil
▢White pepper 
Heat oil in wok or large fry pan over high heat.
Add chicken and stir fry until the surface gets a tinge of browning, then add the garlic
Add the veggies and the white pieces of shallots (i.e. from the base of the stalk). Stir fry for 1 1/2 minutes until the cabbage is mostly wilted.
Add the noodles, Sauce and water*. Stir fry for 1 minute, tossing constantly. 
Add bean sprouts and remaining shallots/scallions. Toss through for 30 seconds or until the bean sprouts just start to wilt.
Remove from heat and serve immediately sprinkling with fresh coriander
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anjalisesameoil · 11 months
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To marinate:
1 kg Chicken skinned cut into medium sized pieces
2 tablespoon ginger garlic paste
3 tablespoon red chilli powder
1/2 tablespoon turmeric
salt as required
Other ingredients:
2 tablespoon vegetable sesame oil
2 large onions sliced lengthwise
Few curry leaves
1/2 tablespoon garam masala
1/2 tablespoon crushed black pepper
3 Green chilies slit lengthwise
2 tablespoon coriander finely chopped
Marinate chicken with ginger garlic paste, red chilli powder, turmeric and salt for 20 minutes in a medium sized pan,
Cook marinated chicken over medium heat till soft and tender, if needed you can add very little water while cooking if the chicken doesn’t release enough moisture. Let the water in the chicken evaporate. This takes about 10 minutes.
Heat anjali sesame oil in another large nonstick pan over medium heat. Add onions, sauté for a minute, and transfer the above chicken mixture, add curry leaves and adjust salt if needed, and fry.
Roast for 10 to 15 minutes till the chicken turns golden brown in colour and coated with all the spices. Now add garam masala, crushed pepper, and green chilies, stir for 2 to 3 minutes, and turn off the heat.
Garnish with coriander and serve with rotis, rasam over steamed rice or my all-time favorite with coconut milk rice and onion raitha.
Marinate the chicken before you start the rest of the process.
The longer you marinate, the spices blend better into the chicken.
Make sure water is almost evaporated while boiling the marinated chicken.
Spice levels can be adjusted with red chili powder.
Roast it an extra 3 to 5 minutes at the end to get a nice crispy texture, but don’t burn it.
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lovetakesover · 1 year
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Recipe for Chicken 65 A very popular dish from India, this chicken 65 recipe delivers succulent pieces of red hot chicken that are sure to make the mouth water! 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 serrano peppers sliced into 1/4-inch pieces, 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 tablespoon ginger paste, 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, salt to taste, 1 tablespoon minced ginger divided, 1 pound skinless boneless chicken breasts cut into 3/4-inch pieces, 1.5 tablespoons red chile-garlic paste, 6 fresh curry leaves or more to taste, 2 teaspoons salt, 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon chile powder or less to taste, 3/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, 5 drops red food coloring or more as needed, vegetable oil for frying, 1.5 tablespoons minced garlic divided, 1 egg beaten, 2 tablespoons cumin powder
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mar-one · 1 year
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Indian Chicken 65 This dish for chicken 65 is incredibly simple to make and has an Indian flavor profile thanks to fragrant spices, curry leaves, and yogurt. 2 teaspoons chili powder, 2 teaspoons ground coriander, 1 drop red food coloring or as desired, 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 2 teaspoons garam masala, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 cup vegetable oil for frying or as needed, 1/4 cup fresh curry leaves chopped or more to taste, 1 tablespoon garlic paste, 2 pounds skinless boneless chicken breasts cut into bite-sized pieces
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