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nascecrescerovescia · 5 years ago
CHIUDETE TUTTO PERCHÉ ABBIAMO UN VINCITORE: CRISTIANO RONALDO . . A voi i commenti . . #meme #memecalcio #memeita #memedivertenti #quizcalcio #indovinelli #curiosità #astafantacalcio #fantagazzetta #fantacalcio #comics #fotodivertenti #commentiignoranti #commentimemorabili #nascecresceignora #calciodiplastica #chefaticalavitadabomber #gliautogol #chiamarsibomber #calciatoriignoranti #calciatoripanini #panini #calciomercato #insegreto #satira #frasirap #frasitrap https://www.instagram.com/p/B9fETv8qbzz/?igshid=1p54288z9f6m6
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knifesstuff-blog · 6 years ago
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Custom Handmade Damascus Chef Knifes Set with Bull Horn Handel For Sale Dm me For price and details #chefsgossips #chefaticalavitadabomber #cheff #chefporn #chefstalk #chefk #cheflife #chefathome #chefout #chefknivestogo #chefknivesntattoos #chefboyardee #fishing #fish #saltlife #saltbae #merica #customknives #zrknives #chefs_battle_show #chefstagram #chefsplateform #california https://www.instagram.com/p/BuWxqEGga0M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qu0a9mn319e7
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cadusushi · 5 years ago
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Tuna Tataki - Corte grosso de atum selado na crosta de gergelim preto. Pratos desenvolvidos para cardápios exigentes. Saio do convencional e crie conceito. Consultas pelo WhatsApp 62 992552776 . . #chef #cheflife #chefstalk #chefs #food #foodporn #chefslife #cheff #chefsofinstagram #chefofinstagram #foodie #chefs_battle_show #chefclub #chefe #chefsroll #chefadomicilio #chefaticalavitadabomber #chef_book #chefstable #chefsteps #chefame #chefitup #instafood #chefsoninstagram #chefchaouen #chefacce #cooking #foodphotography #cheftalk #chefdecozinha (em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3UZqxp-rj/?igshid=51jbua58wvsj
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arabic-sweets-chef · 5 years ago
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#chefjobs #chefstyle #chefs #cheflife #chefclub #chefchaouen #chefstalk #cheflife🔪 #chefsteps #chefsofinstagram #chef_book #cheff #cheftalks #chef💯 #chefskills #chefselection #chefchioma #chefstyle #chefstable #chefaticalavitadabomber #cheftalk #chefwork #chefporn #chefpatissier #chefslife #chefs_eye https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVIf_zlalz/?igshid=i8nymp7i83f7
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lacocinadelduke · 6 years ago
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Para el desayuno de hoy 💪🏻@lacocinadelduke 💪🏻te cuenta que, cómo andamos de corredera y desde muy temprano en la calle no le dedicamos el tiempo a desayunar en casa ... Así que nos compramos un yogur en la vía y antes del almuerzo nos quitamos la ansiedad con este excelente. . 🧠🌾YOGURT CON FRUTAS Y CEREALES🌾🧠 . Muchas veces pecamos a comernos cualquier cosa que nos engorda 🙅porque nos sacan de nuestra rutina ... simple y llanamente entiende que es algo temporal🧠 y mantente firme con tu meta de comer saludable👉🏻🤔😁👈🏻 . . Ese es uno de los trucos para mantenerte en forma. . . TOMA EL CONTROL DE TU VIDA!... SI SE PUEDE ! . 🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖Follow 👉 @lacocinadelduke 👈 For nutrition tips, fitness motivation, recipes, coaching and healthy support. . . @lacocinadelduke . #Lacocinadelduke #chef #cheflife #chefstalk #chefs #food #foodporn #chefslife #cheff #chefsofinstagram #chefofinstagram #foodie #chefs_battle_show #chefclub #chefe #chefsroll #chefadomicilio #chefaticalavitadabomber #chef_book #chefstable #chefsteps #chefame #chefitup #instafood #chefsoninstagram #chefchaouen #chefacce #cooking #foodphotography #healthychoices . . RECUERDA: . 💪"Eres lo que comes" . 😁"Come sano, vive sano" . 🤔"Eres el resultado de tus pensamientos" https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HjR3PnEGx/?igshid=193aht976fc1n
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kriss-angel-pt-blog · 6 years ago
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💎 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Krissangelpt #Krissangel #krissangelteam #kateam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #unavita #vitara #vitaminas #vitamia #chefaticalavitadabomber #vitacura #vitaminwater #vitadacani #suzukivitara #vitamint #vitaminsea #vitamin #vitality #vitahem #vital #vitamix #energiavital #vitamina #vitaminad #vitamincserum #vitaminsea🌊 #vitadapartenopei #stylevitae #vitamins #vitalidad #vita #vitaminac #vitadamamma https://www.instagram.com/p/B089eQWiT3c/?igshid=5hlyny8c4m02
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mhddiabdoudaki · 6 years ago
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‏‎😊😊😊 👨‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍🍳 👌👌👌👌👌 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #chef #cheflife #chefstalk #chefs #food #foodporn #chefslife #cheff #chefsofinstagram #chefofinstagram #chefs_battle_show #chefclub #chefe #chefsroll #chefadomicilio #chefaticalavitadabomber #chef_book #chefstable #chefsteps #chefame #chefitup #instafood #chefsoninstagram #chefchaouen #chefacce #cooking #foodphotography #cheftalk #chefd #foodie‎‏ (في ‏‎ถนนอาร์ซีเอ RCA Road‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/diab_doudaki/p/BxQNuAtHr8p/?igshid=1b5jxmg3xks8g
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nascecrescerovescia · 4 years ago
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A voi i commenti!! . . #meme #memecalcio #memeita #memedivertenti #quizcalcio #indovinelli #curiosità #astafantacalcio #fantagazzetta #fantacalcio #comics #fotodivertenti #commentiignoranti #commentimemorabili #nascecresceignora #calciodiplastica #chefaticalavitadabomber #gliautogol #chiamarsibomber #calciatoriignoranti #calciatoripanini #panini #calciomercato #insegreto #satira #frasirap #frasitrap #lecceatalanta https://www.instagram.com/p/CL_YFGhFfFL/?igshid=e0s168u8i5qz
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knifesstuff-blog · 6 years ago
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Custom Handmade Damascus Chef Knife For Sale Dm me For Price #chefsgossips #chefaticalavitadabomber #cheff #chefporn #chefstalk #chefk #cheflife #chefathome #chefout #chefknivestogo #chefknivesntattoos #chefboyardee #saltbae #saltlife #fish #fishing #usa #zrknives https://www.instagram.com/p/Btymms9A98Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ldjuiwr6m24c
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arabic-sweets-chef · 5 years ago
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#chefjobs #chefstyle #chefs #cheflife #chefclub #chefchaouen #chefstalk #cheflife🔪 #chefsteps #chefsofinstagram #chef_book #cheff #cheftalks #chef💯 #chefskills #chefselection #chefchioma #chefstyle #chefstable #chefaticalavitadabomber #cheftalk #chefwork #chefporn #chefpatissier #chefslife #chefs_eye https://www.instagram.com/p/CAPwefql0kv/?igshid=d53gd7s6ttw1
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lagiostrafirenze · 4 years ago
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Comunque vada, noi ci facciamo uno #spaghetto Loro #fishandchips 😂 #buonadomenica e #goengland 🏆 #tantovinconoloro @chefaticalavitadabomber 📩 info@ristorantelagiostra.com ☎️ +39 055 24 13 41 🌐 www.RistoranteLaGiostra.com #giostra #lagiostra #lagiostrafirenze #ristorantelagiostra #infoodwetrust #principesoldano #food #firenze #ristorantelagiostrafirenze #Italy #picoftheday #azzurri #teamitaly #euro2020 #italia #finale 📩 info@ristorantelagiostra.com ☎️ +39 055 24 13 41 🌐 www.RistoranteLaGiostra.com (at La Giostra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRLldyxLkEB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lacocinadelduke · 6 years ago
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🗣️Buenas!!! ... 🗣️Qué tal si hoy nos animamos a continuar en esta lucha por el bienestar...🤸🎶🙏🎵💪🏼@lacocinadelduke💪🏼 . Bien sea que quieras aumentar tu peso corporal ⬆️⬇️o reducir unas libras de más ... Hoy te instó a seguir adelante ➡️➡️ ... 👉🏼tienes el control de tu vida 👉🏾tú puedes hacerlo👊🏻. . Para desayuno de hoy te presentamos una de nuestros platos favoritos. . 🥚🐣🍳Huevos Benedictinos con salmón🥚🐣🍳 . En esta ocasión lo hemos acompañado con una pequeña dosis de Uvas🍇 y Cherrys🍅y en el topping hemos rallado algunas especies frescas🍃 . 🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖Follow 👉 @lacocinadelduke 👈 For nutrition tips, fitness motivation, recipes, coaching and healthy support. . . @lacocinadelduke . #Lacocinadelduke #chef #cheflife #chefstalk #chefs #food #foodporn #chefslife #cheff #chefsofinstagram #chefofinstagram #foodie #healthylifestyle #chefclub #chefe #chefsroll #chefadomicilio #chefaticalavitadabomber #chef_book #chefstable #chefsteps #chefame #chefitup #instafood #chefsoninstagram #chefchaouen #chefacce #cooking #fitnessfood #healthychoices . . RECUERDA: . 💪"Eres lo que comes" . 😁"Come sano, vive sano" . 🤔"Eres el resultado de tus pensamientos" (en Seville, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzsjhnKH83r/?igshid=1v7ddgm1lf7se
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jfootballnews · 7 years ago
GOAL e BOMBER: @fabioquagliarella27_official Sampdoria, Quagliarella: “Il gol al Napoli è il più bello della mia carriera.” Il fantastico colpo di tacco contro il Napoli fa parte di una lunga serie di gesti tecnici, o meglio magie con i quali i bomber fanno impazzire i tifosi e gli amanti del calcio. L'attaccante blucerchiato torna sulla magia che ha chiuso la gara contro gli azzurri: "È stata una lucida follia" ~ #jfootballnews ~ #bomber #ilcalcioèdichiloama #goal #goals❤️ #quagliarella #sampdoria #football #instagood #instalike #instacalcio #chefaticalavitadabomber #video #top #topgoal #likeforlikes (presso Stadio Luigi Ferraris) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnVfaQDnWCL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t38i51szgrrj
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nascecrescerovescia · 5 years ago
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Che ne pensate di patric? ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👇Tagga i tuoi amici👇 ______________________________ 🔥Lascia un like, un commento, e seguici💪 @nascecrescerovescia ______________________________ #commentimemorabili #commento #ignoranza #chiamarsibomber #gliautogol #calciatoribrutti #chefaticalavitadabomber #ilcalcioèdichiloama #ilcalcioccezionale #quizcalcio #memecalcio #meme #morso #memeitaliani #memecalcio #memeignoranti #ignoranza #divertimento #ignoranzainabboddanza #cosemoltodivertenti #umorismo #patric #ironia #lazio #battutesquallide #battuteepiche #battute #commenti #calcio #serieatim #soccergame https://www.instagram.com/p/CCYZA5so-YI/?igshid=z2etdd6swvxp
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knifesstuff-blog · 6 years ago
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Custom Handmade Damascus Steel Chef Knifes Set with Olive Wood Handel For Sale Inbox me for price and details #chefsgossips #chefaticalavitadabomber #cheff #chefporn #chefstalk #chefk #cheflife #chefathome #chefout #chefknivestogo #chefknivesntattoos #chefboyardee #fishing #fish #saltlife #saltbae #merica #zrknives https://www.instagram.com/p/Btq5a1zgULq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ktm62evv216t
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