Explore tagged Tumblr posts
laqueus · 2 years ago
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so anyway chefclub is pure evil and this is a chefclub hate blog
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jeekoftheweek · 1 year ago
spongebob: I love jelly fishing
mr. krabs: spongebob, me boy, yer house is made of meat
squidward: spongebob! your house is made of meat
patrick: spongebob, you're house is made of meat
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moscovium291 · 1 month ago
on the note of social media optimized food crimes once when we were in a call with friends watching chefclub-type videos (as you do) someone posed the question "hey. do you think feeders get off to this sort of thing. like are people getting their fursonas drawn eating chicken stuffed with 8 pounds of cheddar cheese" and that was the funniest question that i could not answer bc i Could have, with authority, been like "yes, but not as often as you'd think, mostly because even trying to render normal food is a huge pain in the ass and if an artist can get away with truncating the food in a stuffing pic they probably will"
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emordnilap-fr · 2 years ago
who else would go on novelty websites as a kid and watch the deranged and delightful ads they would have
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starcures · 1 year ago
watched zach choi videos for like an hour yesterday night so now im gonna deep fry my leftover kraft dinner
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firespirited · 2 years ago
i think the chefclub alfredo chicken with the soundtrack from hereditary got nuked from tumblr (you know the fingering garlic and shoving cheese filmed at three different angles one)
anyone know where I could get it again?
Never mind, found i'd tagged it salmonella 😂
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sortalikethemountain · 2 months ago
and yup its chefclub night again
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partywithponies · 1 month ago
When you're watching a Chefclub video that looks like it might be halfway normal and then they whip out the cheese:
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greenlabcoat · 3 months ago
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they are making a wretched homunculus on chefclub rn
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jesterbots · 1 month ago
i admire how chefclub is dedicated to making logs out of food
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mtsodie · 2 years ago
i think if dhmis had a cooking episode itd be like whatevers going on at chefclub
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talenlee · 6 months ago
September 2024 Wrapup!
There’s often a joke about ‘wake me up when September ends.’ It’s a reference to a song, a good song I like a lot that’s about a meaningful emotional thing from a queer artist. Thing is, this September, nah, I didn’t want to sleep through any of it.
This September, I wanted to remember every night of it.
(Especially the 21st night of it.)
This month’s Game Pile articles were:
Apiary, a Stonemeier game of bees! in! space! that I found extremely good in all the ways that Stonemeier games tend to be good.
Infidel, and Circling to Failure, a classic infocom text adventure about how the game frames you as a crappy dude. The unreliable narrator and the failure end point has not been revolutionary for a long time.
Kentucky Route Zero and the Three Games About America, a video about finally putting to the page an incident that I think is hilariously awful and reflects the parochial vision of American centrism that defines games culture.
Pine Shallows, a really cool adventurey TTRPG!
Over in the Story Pile, we got
Girls Band Cry, a revolutionary 3d anime in that it’s not revolutionary just in that it looks really, really cool!
Manhunter, a live action movie about this ‘Hannyball Lecktor’ guy, and the way that, turns out, serial killers aren’t amazing superminds?
Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable, a tourism brochure for Hokkaido, a part of Japan defined, thanks to this series, by snow and massive tits.
Hoot, a Jimmy Buffett movie which of course I’m going to wind up watching because I am such a sap for Jimmy Buffett’s work, and the resultant movie kinda belongs in a sort of Pride Month closet key collection.
Then There Were Five, which goes up tomorrow and you’ll get to enjoy as I grapple with a classic novel from my childhood that set up a status quo and didn’t deliver on it.
If you come to this blog for worldbuilding, fantasy, and generic tabletop kinds of conversations? Well, I covered the Inevitables and Modrons from 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons, the thing we call a ‘druid’ and where that fits in and out of character fantasy, and the way that convenient magic creates an everyday industry. I talked about how in Cobrin’Seil, the Ogre represents not a species but a choice, and player options for if you want to play a bird person, in the form of the Aarakocra and Harpies and how they fit into Cobrin’Seil.
In other articles, I talked about the fantastic event called ‘the miracle of the brick,’ some great anime OPs that outweigh the anime that they present, the criminality of Pokemon in the vibes they project, and some good, old fashioned complaining about a badly made ASMR video by a media mill called Chefclub. And, not related to that particular waft of internet fartings, I talked about why I am resistant to calling my own work content these days.
I also designed a set of shirts inspired by Animorphs:
a black shirt with white text reading ���Jake & Cassie & Marco & Rachel & Tobias & Ax’
a white shirt with black text reading ‘Jake & Cassie & Marco & Rachel & Tobias & Ax’
a black shirt with white text reading ‘Jake & Cassie & Marco & & Tobias & Ax’
a white shirt with black text reading ‘Jake & Cassie & Marco & Rachel & Tobias & Ax’
a black shirt with white text reading ‘tiger & wolf & gorilla & bear & hawk & ax”
a white shirt with black text reading ‘tiger & wolf & gorilla & bear & hawk & ax’
There are more designs, which are present as a collection over on my Redbubble.
What happened in September? Work was work — fully online classes mean I spend lots of time inside and don’t have the time to get up to things between classes. That’s an interesting challenge in my day to day life that means I’m just not leaving the house a lot, something that’s bothering me a little. Walking the dog, enjoying the weather as best I can in the late hours I walk him – because the dog’s got anxiety – that’s something that puts me out in the air, in a space where I can breath cool air.
What else, what else…
Oh yeah!
When this post goes up, Cohost is two days away from being put into Read-Only mode, and it will be closed and deleted at the end of the year. If you weren’t on it, and didn’t care about it, Cohost was essentially a type of social media website that didn’t work the way any of the other ones worked.
There’s a lot of talk about Cohost that wants to compare it to platforms like Tumblr or Twitter or Bluesky or Mastodon but none of them were really like it. It’s much easier, for me, to tell you what Cohost did: It let you post some pictures, it let you post text, it let you use some CSS or HTML to do things that I understand were pretty fun. To me what Cohost presented as a platform where I could draft articles in public, where there was a commentary culture, and where people would use tags and spoilers to control and present what you were writing or making.
It was also, to me, most importantly, a place where a bunch of my friends were hanging out. Not all of them — it sure seems to be a place biased towards white folks — but it was a place where what they offered was a meaningful chunk of my friend group.
Cohost was a place where the kind of people I like to show things to, the people whose input matters to me, felt okay talking about things. I could get feedback and responses and interest (even modestly) and people weren’t afraid that William Rando Hurst was going to wander into the conversation and accuse them of hating waffles. I have a very small fund of money I think of as my ‘spend on the internet’ kind of money. One of the only places I spent that money was on Cohost Plus, which gave me access to, as far as I know, nothing. I paid for Cohost because I wanted Cohost to succeed, and I wanted people who couldn’t afford to pay for Cohost to not feel they had to shoulder a burden.
And it’s going away.
I loved Cohost, and I’m going to miss Cohost. I get to do that. I’m so glad I get to miss Cohost. I’m glad I get to think about the things that Cohost taught me about how to be a person on the internet and I’m happy of that. It showed me ways the people around me are creative and how they are sad and how they are willing to be when they don’t feel like they’re in risk of being threatened for existing.
I’m gunna miss you, Cohost.
Keep on eggbugging.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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tauforged · 2 years ago
when i’m cranky i sit down with a yummy snack and hatewatch chefclub videos . no real reason except i find it amusing to see how bad some of these recipes are . it’s like baby sensory videos to me
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hauntedknightwalker · 2 years ago
Someone stuff me like chefclub stuffs a turkey- (gets shot)
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leam1983 · 2 years ago
Another fun part of having SOs is that you get a free license to torture them a little.
I torture Sarah by forwarding her terrible PC builds as if I were serious, or by looking like I'm momentarily thinking like the Palpatine server needs a drinks coaster.
Walt is someone for whom I have to twist the knife just a little more, comparatively - using Chefclub recipes.
He's a big guy. He likes bacon as much as anyone else, but he likes it as a sedate complement to something else. Not as the main aspect of what you could only charitably call a dish, however.
I forward him a pancake wrapped in a bacon lattice and he replies moments later with the expected Vomit Emoji.
"Cook this," he sends me as I leave the public pool's changing room and head back for my paratransport, "and I'm putting child locks on everything after taping mittens on your hands."
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firespirited · 2 years ago
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Tumblr flagged the chefclub butter chicken video link tagged "not safe for salmonella" with a mature tag. LMAO. This might be one of the few times the algorithm is correct. It is indeed filmed like safe for work fetish material. If my entire account is marked mature know that it is because I can't get a second review on mobile of a minute long horror video of food crimes.
Ps: see that little key up top? That's AdGuard free version. It makes tumblr ads blank, tumblr merch or highlighted artists only.
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