#certain things are not meant for real people
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mandalhoerian · 2 days ago
(2) 🦭 signed, sealed, delivery pending...
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Eight years ago, during the worst summer festival of your life, you cross paths with a certain seal for the first time.
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genre: fluff, comedy | wc: 4K | read on ao3
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note: YES, THIS IS A SERIES! I hope you'll bear with me as I'm not actively editing/proofreading my writing and am going with the flow for the most part. Rafayel will also stay as a seal in the next chapter which centers around how he came to be smitten with the reader, so PLEASE PLEASE HANG TIGHT WE'RE GETTING THERE. I hope you enjoy!!!!
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Ah, sweet summer festival. You're fifteen.
The entire archipelago is in motion tonight — a grand spectacle brought to life in the unofficial capital Salverna, which is also where you were born and raised, by throngs of locals with visitors pouring in from the mainland for an evening of festivities. Decorated boats crawl like jeweled beetles across the bay beneath a moonbeam sky, torches flickering like amber blossoms amidst colorful lanterns suspended overhead, painting faces in warm splashes of light. Instruments are tuned to perfect pitch, ready to launch into jigs and reels once revelers spill into dancing rings. Children sprint around bonfires with cheeks flushed by sugar, laughter ringing like silver bells in the breeze. Farther along, games fill the streets — prizes stuffed inside balloons perched precariously atop slender sticks, targets waiting to be pierced by dart tips, bobbing heads eager for coins — competing for attention with the delectable aroma of spiced sausage, roasted meat, skewers, sticky cinnamon treats, and fresh fruit piled high for sampling. Even the night's salty breath tastes like sunshine, and despite everything feeling faintly familiar, somehow still manages to seem entirely fresh.
If only you'd been there from the beginning.
No, you were here. The whole day.
At the docks, which is the farthest away from the main event.
Hauling seafood and chasing down lost tourists like some unpaid festival guide.
The family ferry business consisting of multiple vessels is the only one making direct trips between the mainland and the archipelago. Usually, things run smoothly — your parents know this route like the back of their hands, and during normal weeks, the boats run on a fairly consistent schedule with only the occasional minor detour to accommodate delayed travelers. Renting smaller boats out to tourists helps maintain some steady income for maintenance expenses during quieter months, although the real money comes from transporting passengers year-round.
But big events like this summer festival change everything. The mainland port is overflowing with people packed like sardines in a tin, and everyone scrambles for transport space like sharks smelling blood. It's impossible to accommodate every arrival simultaneously, even though Dad doubled the ferry service to operate nearly nonstop — one boat shuttling incoming guests while its twin carries locals back and forth between islands, and even then it isn't enough. People are forced to wait hours for passage, which inevitably leads to chaos erupting.
And the locals ferry doesn't just transport passengers. It hauls festival supplies — crates of seasonal produce shipped to the islands via mainland distributors, stacks upon stacks of boxes labeled FRAGILE in thick black marker, paper fans for the parade, props for the pageant, a seemingly endless list of necessary items for the vendors, bands, food stands, street performers, the barrels of festival cider rolling onto the deck, stacks of pastries needing careful hands to avoid toppling, baskets of flowers meant for decorating stalls that nearly got crushed in the shuffle — you name it — the list of deliveries keeps growing by the hour. And no one has extra hands to spare to deliver all this cargo to its final destinations.
Well, actually, one person does. Namely, you.
It started small. Mom catching you right as you tried to slip away this morning, asking to help with boarding real quick, and if you could take some packages along the way... It was easy to agree, at first — help a few elderly tourists steady themselves as they stepped from the ferry, answer questions from confused festival-goers trying to navigate between islands, toss a sack or two over your shoulder for the vendor working nearby. But an hour later, you were hauling half a crate uphill when one of the wheels broke loose, scattering fireworks across cobblestones in glittering disarray, leaving you running through town chasing them all down under curious gazes of the locals who saw the explosion...
And the moment the ferry docked, suddenly it was all hands on deck. One trip in, another out. Then, next thing you knew, you were the one handling tickets and guiding stragglers toward their destination, organizing groups, shouting helpful tips about what to avoid and what not to eat so you are not about to have people get sick on board and clean off their vomit, answering questions about local attractions and restaurant specialties, calling out to Dad who drove the ferry like it was child's play, warning the older folks and kids not to fall off because the last thing your family really needs is to be sued by someone stupid falling overboard...
And the entire time, you were in the dress you'd picked out specifically for the occasion. Thinking one more trip, and you could finally join your friends in the festivities...
A whole shift later, there are no celebrations awaiting you. No bonfire parties with the music so loud and joyous you could feel it thrumming through the ground, no crowded bars filled to bursting with cheerful singing and dancing, no raffle stalls offering chances to win souvenirs and free meals for years, no fireworks bursting across the night sky so brilliant they chased away the darkness.
Just you with your dress ruined and ripped because someone couldn't watch where they were going while drunk and collided straight into you and left you soaked in cheap beer, and the hem of it torn apart from you desperately trying to fix your mistake after misplacing the boxes of merch you were supposed to haul, again. Your friends probably already enjoying every aspect of the event, laughing their asses off in pure delight without caring for what you missed or had endured all day, knowing you were supposed to arrive with them to witness the greatest part of the summer celebration together.
With angry tears gathering at the inner corners of your eyes, you let the bags drop onto the dock with a harsh thump, “I can’t do this anymore.”
Maybe you're expecting an argument. Maybe you want to pick a fight because the frustration had been stewing ever since you woke up today and demanded release. Or maybe you hope your father would give you permission to go enjoy your own life, rather than force you to suffer his. But none of those comes to pass. Instead, he merely glances up with a tired look, holding your resentful stare before sighing heavily and scrubbing his face wearily with calloused, wrinkled hands.
“You said it would be quick,” you snap, voice shaking. “You said I could go like hours ago. The day is over!"
You choke back the wobble in your tone, biting harshly into your lower lip, hoping it'll prevent tears from leaking out even though it hardly hurts enough to distract you.
"Look, we're in the middle of peak season..."
"Which means peak profit for our business! Couldn't you have just hired someone extra to fill in?! Why did it have to be me?!"
"No other staff is available on such a short notice, especially during a big event." Dad shrugs weakly in apology, the gesture lacking any defensiveness or remorse. He looks drained, exhausted. And still, his priorities remain firmly fixed elsewhere. "Sorry, honey. Next week I'm hiring additional staff permanently, but for now — just one more hour, okay? You know we don't extend our services after the night falls and that's why—"
“No!” The frustration spills over before you can swallow it down. “It’s never ‘just a little longer.’ It’s always one more trip, one more errand, one more thing! I’m always the one stuck here!”
Dad frowns and straightens his spine slowly like a looming anime villain, wiping sweat from his brow. "Don't raise your tone on me like that, I'm not one of your little friends. This is nothing. When you become captain, you'll have to endure far more work."
"I did everything you ask and suddenly my tone is the issue?!" You gesture wildly at your ruined dress, at the damp stains and torn fabric clinging to your skin. “Look at me! I was supposed to be there with everyone else, and now I can’t even show up like this—”
“Oh, for goodness’ sake.” Dad's voice turns sharp, exasperated. “It’s just a dress.”
"And now everyone probably hates me because I've skipped yet another celebration and ghosted them!" you huff and puff like an enraged bull despite his interruption.
"What's going on?" Mom hurries over from the harbor shop, stepping between you and your father before tempers flare even further. She takes in the scene at a glance and sighs deeply — though whether out of disappointment or irritation, you can't tell — carefully setting aside several stacks of receipts. "Are you two seriously bickering about nonsense when you should both be working?"
“I’m not being dramatic! I’m sick of this!” You throw your hands into the cold, humid sea breeze as though casting your complaints upon the tides, unable to keep the tremble from your fingers or the tears from streaking down your face. Hot drops patter against the faded wood planks beneath your feet. "“I work just as hard as you do, I never say no, but the second I want something for myself—"
Mom immediately gets what's going on, and alerts you to lower your voice by pointedly widening her eyes and thinning her lips. The entire dock is witnessing the argument and turning their heads to listen in at this point, but you don't care. Everybody should hear about this injustice.
"Yes, honey, I know," Mom hisses, "And we appreciate how hard you're trying, believe me. But — just one more trip, alright? Your friends will wait a bit longer for you, won’t they? Don't forget this isn't just about you. The archipelago depends on us running our business steadily and reliably."
And there it is. That unspoken expectation, that quiet assumption that you’ll always choose responsibility over what you want. That you’ll always understand.
Your throat tightens, choking back the bitterness burning in the pit of your stomach, and for a long moment, neither you nor your mom break the silence, and her stare remains fixed somewhere above your shoulder. Only Dad says anything, grunting a vague affirmative that tells you nothing more than your mother did; work must come first, whatever personal sacrifice must be made for that to happen.
You step back. “Forget it.”
“I said forget it!”
You're running hot and cold, the rush of blood in your ears don't let your parents' protests in as you rush into the only place where you can be alone right now, the ticket counter cabin with the "CLOSED" sign on it, slamming the door shut behind you loudly and letting the cool glass barrier isolate you from the rest of reality. It's just you inside. There's a desk, empty paperwork piled neatly at the corner, a cash register. An old computer screen covered by dust. Shelves crammed with stacked-up folders and manuals. A window overlooking the harbor. This is also the place to leave your belongings at before clocking into work, just beside the locker of where the attendant usually leaves theirs.
On a whim, you snatch up your jacket and backpack before fleeing out into the crowd again. It's so easy to lose your parents along the wharf because of the teeming masses.
Your phone is buzzing rapidly in your bag with Dad and Mom both probably threatening to drag you back by your ear, so you take it out and switch to airplane mode before tossing it back in with a grimace. You're not allowed to be out this late without supervision (much less sneaking away from work), but right now, there's not an adult in existence that could compel you to walk willingly back into this mess. Screw it. Being grounded for life isn't any worse than being imprisoned on this stupid island forever anyway, you think, huffing quietly in protest as you stomp down the street. Besides, if worst comes to worst, you can spend some time with Aunt Leen. At least she wouldn't judge.
The festival feels a million miles away. You can’t go there, not in this state, stains everywhere, smelling like fish and sweat and regret, dress ripped apart. So, instead, you end up wandering along the rocky beach near the outer edge of town, in parallel to the protected seal rookery islet offshore and well beyond the boundaries of the town proper. The bright, swirling glow of the firework display across the water glints in the dark, mingling with distant stars and overshadowing the full moon, reflecting off rippling waters like flickering embers dancing across a glossy obsidian surface. The waves roll gently across sand and stone in soothing rhythmic whispers whooshes that pull you onward through the night like invisible ribbons drawing you back into the present.
This was always your favorite place as a child — wild and beautiful. An unclaimed stretch of wilderness stretching beyond the public access point, filled with coves and tide pools that felt like hidden kingdoms tucked away from the rest of the world. Here, among the jagged rocks, washed smooth by centuries of ebbing currents, you sit on one flat boulder, bare feet lapped at by the high tide and shoes by your side, frustrated tears dropping into the sea, staring absently off towards the seal islet floating peacefully in the distance.
You remember trying to swim out there years ago, despite having been strictly forbidden from venturing close to not disturb them. What would it be like, to be out in the open sea instead of tied to this isolated little community? To see something other than the same faces, places, and names repeated ad nauseam for all eternity, as though nothing changed no matter how many seasons passed? What would it take to break free?
"Ugh!" The sound bursts free before you can clamp your jaw shut, a ragged groan against clenched teeth as your palms scrub fiercely across your damp, salty cheeks.
Before you can start ranting into the night like a madman, your turmoil is shattered by a sudden, piercing cry like metal scraping stone ripping through your tangled thoughts. Your head jerks upward, pulse quickening into a painful drum-beat. Something is terribly off. Someone's hurt, panicking—or worse—maybe drowning?
But where?
You blink frantically, scanning the surrounding coastline, but the thick curtain of night refuses to offer clues. So you rely on your ears and follow the keening through the beach, stumbling hastily across damp sand, uneven rocks and slippery seaweed patches alike, nearly slipping on slimy barnacles embedded in the crevices between each massive stone and fighting hard to balance every step, all the while ignoring the scrapes accumulating on your soles from sharp pebbles digging into tender flesh and flaring in protest at every bit of impact.
Then, unmistakably—
A high-pitched, squealing shriek erupts out of the ocean — like the frantic deflating of a balloon twisting violently apart in midair.
Your stomach drops. The sound is frantic, terrified. Unmistakably animal.
And it's coming directly from the water.
At last, you spot the source of the commotion — about fifty feet offshore, just beyond a tangle of blackened driftwood clogging the shallows: Moonlight catches on slick, gray fur, the seal’s body bobbing helplessly, its hysteric movements hampered by the thick snare of a fishing net and heavy with debris, the tangled mess constricts tight, dragging it downward each time it fights to resurface.
Seals can drown. You know that much. You’ve heard Elias muttering to Dad, thick with disgust, after cutting loose yet another pup ensnared by abandoned traps — relics of poachers who refuse to acknowledge sealing was banned around here nearly thirty years ago.
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
Your mind stutters, paralyzed for a breathless instant. What do I do? What do I do?
There’s no time to think.
You’re moving before reason catches up, scrambling over slick, uneven rocks as brine stings the scrapes blooming across your bare feet. Your pulse slams against your ribs. In one frantic motion, you strip off your windbreaker, fling your bag aside, and plunge into the waves without hesitation. Salt explodes in a cool rush over your skin as you kick off from the seafloor, paddling hard, muscles burning with every stroke.
Next thing you know, your arms are locked tight around the drowning seal, grappling to haul it toward shore as it thrashes wildly, overwrought beyond reason and twisting all it can to land a blow with brutal strength you wouldn't expect from a round and inflexible body like that. Flippers beat against your chest, claws scrape at your arms, and its ragged cries tear through the night like something feral and furious. It doesn’t understand you’re trying to help — it only knows fear.
Somehow, impossibly, you make it.
Every muscle in your body screams in protest as you drag the tangled pup onto the shore, collapsing beside it in a gasping sprawl, limbs weak and trembling. Your lungs gulp down air that tastes like victory, the sweetest breath you've ever taken.
And then—
The seal’s shrieks reach a fevered pitch. It flails vigorously, flinging itself against the unyielding net, snapping, fighting, tearing at the fibers with blind desperation.
That’s when you see it.
The moon-desaturated dark liquid pooling beneath its body, sinking into the wet sand in sluggish tendrils.
"No! Stop that, stop!"
You scramble upright, stomach at your throat, hands grabbing frantically at the writhing seal to keep it from thrashing itself into worse injury.
"Hey, hey — settle down! Stop moving — please! You're making it worse!"
It doesn’t listen. It fights harder.
Panic and instinct are what fuels its every move, and the more you hold on, the more fiercely it resists, wails cutting straight to the center of your chest, high and desperate, feeding your own fear in a vicious cycle. Its pulse is hammering beneath your hands, a wild, terrified beating of a bird's wings matching your own as its breaths come fast, erratic, interrupted by harsh snorts and shuddering yelps. The pup is almost one singular muscle beneath your grip, trembling and taut with the primal need to flee.
"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," you chant, the words spilling out in a frantic loop, cracking under the weight of utter desperation of not knowing what to do even as you're repeating you're there to helo. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just let me help — please — fuck, what do I do — ow!"
Pain explodes up your right forearm before the scream even leaves your throat.
Teeth. Deep. Sinking into muscle like fire.
Your body jolts with the instinct to yank away, but you don’t. You can’t. One wrong move and you’ll scare it even more, maybe make it clamp down harder. Tears blur your vision, breath coming in ragged gasps as you bite your own molars together, forcing yourself to go still.
And then — so does the seal.
The aggressive lashing out ceases, replaced by eerie, frozen silence. Its nostrils flare against your skin, warm breath feathering across the bite, making the hairs on your arm stand on end. Your pulse pounds between your teeth, the sting of the wound dulling under the weight of something more pressing — its eyes.
Two inky pools, round and bottomless, reflecting your fractured likeness like tiny mirrors.
"Please," you whisper, shaky, but soft. "I just want to help. You're safe. I won’t hurt you."
The grip on your arm doesn't tighten. Doesn't loosen. The only thing left between you is the weight of your words and the fragile, fragile stillness.
"Let me go," you murmur, swallowing hard. "And we’ll fix this. Okay?"
There's a pause, a single, terrifying moment suspended in time. Then, the seal's jaws relax, and he releases his painful grip on your throbbing arm, and as quickly as the assault began, it ends. Blood rushes forth in a thin rivulet down your wrist and between your fingers. It doesn't really hurt, not compared to the dull ache in the rest of your exhausted body, and the relief that washes over you is so profound that you're momentarily dizzy from it. And yet... The fact that the seal has calmed down means everything.
"It's okay, it’s okay, don't worry about it," you say hurriedly, intended for yourself more than anything so you wouldn't freak out about it. "You were scared, that's all. It's not your fault."
But the pup isn’t looking at the net.
Its gaze is locked onto your arm, the blood pooling at the wound, round, ink-dark eyes impossibly wider, focused in a way that makes something in your chest tighten.
You stare at him, and for a fleeting, impossible second, it feels like he understands. Like he knows what he did. Awe prickles through you, pushing aside the pain, the exhaustion, everything.
Seals are intelligent — you’ve always known that — but this is so magical to experience how emotionally aware they are.
"Hey. Hey, I’m fine, buddy," you insist. "Look at me, look. I'm good, it’s just a scratch. Let's focus on getting that net off, yeah? Can't have you swimming away in that state. You’ll drown."
As you lean in to inspect, the pup shies away initially, clearly wary and distrustful, but eventually allows you to examine the tangled mess of knots and lines ensnaring his sleek, streamlined figure. The heavy, dense debris he's wrapped in like a blanket is making it impossible to unravel anything, and the more you try to remove it, the tighter the bindings grow. Your injured arm is growing numb, which is probably not a good sign, but there's no time to dwell on that now.
Frustrated and increasingly anxious, you search frantically for something in your backpack to use as scissors or a knife, but the jerky movements make the pup tense up, its tail slapping nervously in the sand, and you have to take several calming breaths to prevent scaring him further.
"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to frighten you. I'll be gentler," you promise in a rush. "Just bear with me, okay?"
All you can find is your nail clippers, but they'll have to suffice. With painstaking care, you snip away at the individual strands binding the pup's limbs together, pausing every few moments to reassure him that everything is alright, that it will survive and go back to the rookery islet. Its fur is wet and matted with blood beneath the ropes, and the sight sends a fresh surge of anger through your veins at the thought of whoever abandoned such a careless trap in the ocean.
"Almost got it, buddy, almost, you're doing great," you sniffle, working steadily to free its front flippers. They're the most delicate and prone to injuries, according to Elias. "One last cut and..."
With a soft pop, the final strand gives way and the net falls loose, the release of pressure causing the seal to scramble sideways and flop awkwardly onto his belly in a clumsy roll. It lies there motionless for a brief second before letting out a piercing, mournful wail that stabs at the pit of your stomach.
You drop your tool and fall to your knees beside him, hands hovering uncertainly over its body. You don't dare touch, afraid of hurting it further. In a burst of energy, the pup pushes itself upright, body wiggling and coiling to propel it forward in a frantic dash towards the safety of the sea. You watch helplessly, unable to move or think or react in any way, until it pauses halfway to the shoreline and glances back at you, a low whine emanating from his throat.
"Go on, get out of here," you urge him, waving it onward. "Stay safe and take care of yourself, alright? You've had enough close calls today." A pang of dread hits you, realizing how much danger the pup was already in and how lucky it had been that you happened to be nearby to save it from a terrible fate. But now, all you can do is let it return to its natural environment. "Be free, cutie," you say quietly. "Live well and happy. You deserve better than this."
The pup hesitates, still watching you with those soulful, inscrutable black eyes. Then, in an act that leaves you speechless, it turns and galumphs back to your side, lowering its head and nudging its muzzle against the bleeding gash on your forearm. When it pulls away, his whiskers are slick with red, and a strange sense of gratitude overwhelms you.
"Oh, you angel," you manage, a lump forming in your throat. The urge to viciously pet his head is strong, but this isn’t a cat or a dog. Your arm really might get bitten off from the elbow socket. "Now scram. I'm sure your mama is worried about you."
This time, the seal does as instructed. It slides gracefully down the sandy slope and slips into the waves, vanishing from view in an instant. Only a small trail of blood remains, mingling with the foam and seawater that wash over the shore, evidence of the ordeal endured by this remarkable creature wiped away in an instant by the protective hands of the sea.
The shock of it all, of the stress and adrenaline, finally catches up to you and you collapse backwards in the sand, the pain in your arm flaring once again and only now feeling the cuts on the bottom of your feet.
Shaken to your bones in a way you can’t quite name, your fingers fumble to switch off airplane mode before you even realize what you’re doing. The moment the call connects, you’re babbling into the phone, voice thick with tears, words tangled and frantic. Mom struggles to make sense of you, but it doesn’t take long for her to find you — half an hour later, sprawled on the ground, your windbreaker haphazardly draped over your shoulders, backpack wedged beneath your head. The gash on your arm is wrapped in a makeshift tourniquet, one of your old bandanas knotted tightly around the wound.
If Dad’s ferry hadn’t been stuck in the harbor, he would’ve been here too. No doubt about it.
You get an earful the moment she kneels beside you. Irresponsible. Reckless. Running off without telling anyone. Dad would’ve had a heart attack if things had gone any worse. Yes, yes, yes. You let her words wash over you, nodding at the right moments, too drained to do anything else. Her hugs and kisses make up plenty for it. 
Neither of you bring up the fight. Neither of you need to. Some things are easier left unspoken.
She doesn’t mention the festival, either. But you both know what kind of rumors will be swirling by morning.
For now, you're taken to the local clinic and given a rabies and a tetanus shot, and a lecture from the nurse who treated you, warning you to never approach a wild animal again because the next time, you might not be as lucky.
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gazeofseer · 1 day ago
Angel From Hell ♠️🌹
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'I am super happy to announce my Ebook Novel Angel From Hell is all set to be released on 22nd March 2025.
Its very personal for me, because it is about my life and certain experiences which I have outlined into a real-time fantasy which will invoke likewise essence in your soul'
I take this moment to honor the divine for making me as an life to thrive beyond my ability and to do so I am here doing a detailed reading on the occasion Of full moon to everyone find the same strength to keep thriving through their life thats the overall human potential to keep going without thinking or narrowing the idea of life at any given cost' ♠️🌹
Pick a Pile - Your 👁️Unresolved Karma
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1. Unresolved Karma - Past Life Pride and Shame
This Life leading to Self Sabotage even harms tendencies at times.
'In past life, you were someone who had a basic and decent lifestyle where you fitted so well in the societal norms that you were so happy to be alive, and ignored the sufferings of others even your loved ones had to reap your sins fruit with that one mistake which still haunts you till date.
As if, the echoes keep on screaming upon your name. You feel in this life as if you are meant for punishments. As if a little mistake or wrong you do you try to harm yourself in a way which leaves you sane and calmed as if your sin has been forgiven..but the trails of haunts don't seem to leave. So you unknowingly repeat the same things..
Frustrated naturally, Fighting with anyone randomly, constantly being in a conflicting energy, that you feel if you shed your sword and shield down the attack will be head on.
Many cruel Hallucinations you have been through, I don't want you to remember those.
This Eclipse, you want freedom something recently happened exactly the same and when you confronted you saw the difference.
The shame in you felt heard and the sins you did seems to not be as big as it seemed in your head. It is about a projection of using your mistake against you because you chose to be with the wrong doers as it made you feel like you were cool, powerful and worthy enough to leave you shallow at the end of day when they betrayed and put an show of exploitation, cruelty and injustice to you.
The pain underneath your spine is a sign of heavy betrayal where you feel no wound but still hurt. The toxic friends, in general you are prone to friendships actually you have to see people for the fairness they bring not to one but to the collective. You need to embrace being the support to those who are suffering in any means small, big, emotional or morally, to help them elevate from that situation or at least show them a way towards to any resources.
This will sooth the victim in you, the shame in you, that pride isn't a substitute to cover mistakes but fairness and justice prevailed when you own your mistakes as authentically as you embrace and work through the same and let others have that grace around you too. Which will help you to thrive on authentic friendships and relations. Your mother is your best friend. Lean into her warmth, let her know how much you love her and stand by her side for all the sacrifices she made. Acknowledge it without putting her in a way that she is a victim to whatever issues your family has right now.
Do not fall for people who use you in the name of help. Rather be broke, find the pieces fix it the universe is holding you, standing right next to you urging you to let go of the same.
Ritual to Release : Take water and place it by the east/where sunrises. After the dawn look into your Reflection not to control rather surrender In it and purge any emotions that arise at that moment and drain that water.
2. Unresolved Karma - Revenge/Avenge
Ribcage issues, Constant Nudge in Urine, Lack of Water and Dizziness suddenly.
Your karma seems quite hand in hand to your past life and now..Where you hate a certain set of or kinds of people which actually, stings your nerves you may even have short-temper issues the core knowing that you have been done wrong, misunderstood, and held as a target to pull down by almost everyone.
This is deep rooted fear of getting cheated on again and again. Being played, fooled and made feel dumb for the way you are which is different.
You might even feel crazier for this as people almost call you mad at times. You tolerated to a point where this rage became your very identity as your resilience broke out growing you cold and contradicting.
See you get cheated easily, because you keep cheating yourself. Imagine I keep having obesity of eating and to a point where I fear what if I have more food, can I finish it? So I attract a badge in such moments with the same energy and when it comes my reality that is my body won't withstand the same so cultivate this fear of having more.
This is where you are, being a victim of your own survival mindset which feels like soft shelter keeping as scapegoat and not much as a threat.l but that is how you get pushed away too like..
'You think who cares, and you attract people who say exactly feeding that thought who cares about you dude?'
You have a heavy dysfunctional psychological wound which needs to be fixed even by now you might have felt that even I am against you.
I seriously want you to consult a therapist or doctor because you have this conviction of your fear which needs a way out.
If you feel this is completely irrelevant to who you are? Here are a few signs to check with.
'Leo in your moon/8th house, North Node and Lilith in trine, you may feel sudden ache in nerves on your right head by the eye, you feel lost, lack of memory, twitching fingers, suddenly staring at something for sanity, your parents and you have toxic relationships, virgo moon, addictions'
If yes the only help you need is seeking help and if you feel that isn't rightful, or you have tried but it didn't work out, then try this..
'Sleep keeping your hands above your head looking at the ceiling, free your legs and let go, see as if what you think is not you, and see ot as a person, an experience, what you will see if what you exactly need to work on'
3. Unresolved Karma - Broken Heart
Full of love, yet resentful. Want Love, but only that burns.
You have this thing called the more delusional the less hurt. The more imagination the more numb reality. You read books and trust that is true, but you cannot accept the ones next to you, too much of expectations leading to parade of disappointments but you feel as if it made you stronger.
You are getting right? You are seeking pain but in the name of love. Because the shadow in you is mourning, crying, in self pity for once, once being the one but never being the one truly.
You are like that first love, but never the first wife, girlfriend, a great keep but not worth the time is how people around you think of you and you know.
Still, you chose such people why? Because love hurts, hurts so good to be in love isn't so?
But lowkey you are tired, and worn out its like you want to shut people standing at the door seeking a talk with you just because they recently moved in your life. And I see you even started to keep boundaries but there are some heavy realisations about how you let people treat you before you are trying to recover from the pain you accumulated as hurts by seeking truth and asking people out the ghosting now seems less hurtful but as a reality you kept dodging.
Spirit Guides Swan is with you, wear white avoid dark colors especially during healing time. You are already guided this is the confirmation you seek for. Avoid falling for presentations..you know? Stop stretching perceptions has people's identity as it is not. Just see the way they make you feel things are obvious.
Signs : Pisces 8th House, Rohini Nakshatra, Ketu, Uranus, and Neptune by Lilith sign, 8 Destiny Number, Personality Number 6.
This Eclipse practice writing meditation where let whatever you feel fall into words and set them at fire your next guidance is awaiting you right after that.
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creatingblackcharacters · 19 hours ago
hi!! Just wanted to start by saying thank you so much for all you do, reading through your posts has been very helpful and has given me a lot of resources, and you’re doing it without any obligation to do so which I really appreciate.
I was hoping for feedback on something I’m writing if that’s okay. I should preface this by saying it takes place in a fantasy setting and is meant to be a sort of tragedy where every character gets either a tragic or bittersweet ending, which has an impact on how I’m writing things.
my main concern right now is how I’m writing one of the Black women in my story. A vague rundown is that she’s an important political figure during a time when humans have a lot of political tension with another fictional species, and a lot of the story centers on how the humans racist views towards them fuel what eventually leads to a war.
the Black woman in question has a lot of her story center around how she puts so much pressure on herself to keep peace between both groups and the toll that starts taking on her. She does her best to avoid things from going too far without pissing off the other humans despite her being very against all the shit that they say in do because she’s worried going too far would escalate things. There’s also meant to be subtext in how people treat her that reflect real world racism and misogyny that she struggles with.
thing is, the way I have it written right now is that she’s a victim of political assassination by another human due to her support of the other species, and this assassination is pinned on that species by the humans, which is what triggers the war.
The more I think about this plot point, the more I’m concerned about the messaging it has. I’m not sure if I should scrap it entirely or just do my best to write it as respectfully as possible since I’m worried about the implications behind it. I’m worried it might be reminiscent of real world events or would be too harsh of an ending for her, even though it’s meant to be a tragedy. I can’t tell if I’m over thinking things or not.
do you have any feedback or advice? Any resources to help inform my opinion on this kind of thing? I know this subject matter is pretty delicate and I don’t want her character or her death to come across a certain way. I love her and want to treat her story as well as I can. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this, much love <3
(tbh, Malcolm X being killed by the Nation with help of the FBI would probably be a bit closer but... I barely trust MLK with folks so I'll not use that example)
I assume that you've read my lessons and posts on how one of the issues with Black womanhood is how we are perceived as having to carry the weight and be strong enough always, and that it's seen as a flaw if we cannot, so I hope that you incorporate that into your narrative as well.
I don't think the story itself sounds bad! Tragic for sure, and there is a lot to be connected to real life, especially because she is a Black woman. That's not a bad thing, but as I say with everything related to topics like this: if you're gonna do it, do it. Commit!
Your fantasy war bit concerns me bc fantasy racism is often subpar, due to avoiding the actual issues that come with racism. It's not just a "we are having a misunderstanding", it's "there is a benefit to believing these things and the group in power will do whatever is systemically possible to maintain this system". So one thing I'd avoid is having her death be in vain narratively, that all she does is Die to Kickstart the Plot. She is a casualty of the humans' own racism, a sacrifice easily made to maintain supremacy! There is clearly a wrong side, here!
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ichverdurstehier · 1 year ago
Twitter is full of stupid people but the idols definitely shouldn't have recommended that to fans. Reading messed up manga and watching violent anime isn't inherently wrong, but recommending it to fans IS wrong
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year ago
wholeheartedly and with as much gentleness as possible, i truly think there needs to be more discussion about downpour in the community as it is now. for a variety of reasons.
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offthewall1979 · 1 month ago
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oh ok so he...... knew. how that came off to people. i like how he didn't really answer any question here
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skinnypaleangryperson · 1 year ago
I love that part whenever I am reaching a point of inner life that was inspired by a piece of media where I no longer feel the need to talk about it in conventional forms, which never really happens for me anyway since I seem to be one of the few that is naturally nuanced, and instead begin to go inside of an incredibly deeply spiritual maladaptive inner life, which can expand for years if not the rest of my life like a personal fantasy that only I can see that is probably more human than 90% of people's experiences.
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powerfulkicks · 8 months ago
*in a half fugue state* a discord server as an ever changing house
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colors-of-my-heart · 1 year ago
i really hope ghost wins the Grammy for best metal performance, not because I think they deserve it more than the other nominees but because it would piss off a lot of metalheads and I think that would be really funny
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tricksypixie · 17 days ago
Funny phenomenon I’ve seen multiple times in the past month: blogs which espouse both “killing the UHC CEO wasn’t terrorism” and “killing the UHC CEO made The Ruling Classes afraid”
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arolesbianism · 2 months ago
Everyday I see another youtube video or whatever say smth along the lines of "this character is badly written because they're unlikable/annoying/insert negative description here" and everyday I end up massively disappointed because I came here for analysis on the actual writing of a character not just a description of the feelings they made you experience
#rat rambles#like when criticizing a character's writing its important to understand that a character being unlikable to you isnt always a failing on#the writing and when it is you have to actually explain Why it doesnt work in the context of the story and narrative for it to be#meaningful criticism in my opinion#for example a lot of ppl complain abt unlikable protagonists in very unproductive ways imo#because narratively speaking protagonists who kind of suck ass as people very much can have their place#so I always get disappointed when I see ppl talk abt the cases where I agree that theyre poorly written and not getting any elaboration#upon the initial 'they do bad things and are a bad person therefore I dont like them'#like there are plenty of ways for a character to be unlikable and a bad person or whatever#just please explain to me Why you think that the character themself was misandled or otherwise poorly written without listing their crimes#like for example. and lets all get our long sighs out first. sighhhhhhh. ok. shuichi.#hes a bit of a prick. anytime Ive seen criticism of his character it basically amounts to that statement.#and that doesn't at all adress any of the actual numerous problems with how hes written.#thats just a description of a character trait. which isnt a writing flaw on its own.#the reason him being an ass is a problem is that he is meant to be and written as a camera pov protag#so all of his judgy bullshit is meant to be how the audience feels too. which causes problems in a game where you're supposed to give a#shit abt the cast and want to hang out with them and get attached before they die horribly#and this is a problem that exists in all dr games ofc but shuichi just makes it most obvious because the v3 cast was built with a lot more#malice than the other two casts generally speaking#ok thats enough shuichi talk Im so sorry for making yall see that I promise it wont happen again its just the easiest example to draw#basically: poorly written characters are pretty much never that way because of any isolated traits they have as people#its about How they are written and positioned in the narrative#saying a character is bad because theyre annoying or unlikable is just saying theyre bad because you dont like them#and its plenty easy to not like well written characters so if you wanna make a real point then stop just writing a callout doc#like half the time your issue is with narrative framing not with the traits themselves talk about that instead thats much more interesting#and I Dont mean 'oh a character we're supposed to like shouldn't have this negative trait' because thats also unproductive#generally speaking saying that any certain character trait is inherently linked with bad writing beyond being a sentiment I disagree with#is also just not a very helpful statement for actually understanding what the actual problem is#and for me the why is what character and literature analysis is all about#and in terms of media criticism its especially important since you don't exactly learn anything by being told a character is unlikable
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autism-corner · 4 months ago
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maybe we all need to Be More Chill
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kittilumpo · 3 months ago
the six fairies in the rundown ring-toss booth: "is the green bitch gone for good this time?"
danny, staring irritatedly after the vigilantes whom just whooshed off back into the night: "no idea, but now we have BATMAN and a bunch of other vigilantes to worry about."
one of the fairies: "... i know an imp we could call but i dont know how long he can keep them-"
[the semi-nightly fairy-vs-brownie fight begins]
danny, sighing while various debris and corndog ingredients fly across the path: "and THIS is why i can't paint anything until the brownies get relocated. the next costumed creep who interrupts me while i'm fixing this stupid cart is getting WORSE than a concussion!"
Hi, sorry if this is annoying but I've had this idea for a while and I can't get it outta my head and I'm not a good writer. So here it is
Danny inherits an old amusement park from his deceased grandfather, it would've gone to Jack or Jazz but knowing Jack it would've been demolished in a week from him kool-aid manning himself through attraction walls and he didn't think Jazz would want a whole amusement park so he gave it to Danny, especially since he hated Maddie for encouraging the whole ghost nonsense with Jack, he was mad that Jack focused on ghost instead of hunting the fae as per family tradition.
So that's how a nineteen year old Danny found himself in an abandoned amusement park on the outskirts of Gotham and standing over the Joker who he accidentally knocked out with a 2 by 4 while assessing what he needed to fix. In Danny's defense the clown snuck up on him and he had headphones in. Now if only the group of furies (vigilantes) would understand this was an accident
Sounds like a very fun idea! XD I'm not really sure what to add, but I think in this AU, it would be nice if Danny became friends with Dick and Tim specifically bc of memories of Haley's circus.
Also, the mention of hunting fae would be really interesting if perhaps the amusement park was haunted by more than just ghosts.
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adlibitur · 7 months ago
on the one hand i feel like i have to clarify to people who know me that im not regressing into regular facebook comments arguments but on the other hand i will say: that was a hill that i am okay with dying on, actually.
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honey-tongued-devil · 4 months ago
[Arcane preference]reacting to their s/o calling them husband/wife for the first time
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I’ve finished the first chapter of the long fic about Universe 7 (Anytime it rains). As soon as my second beta reader gives me the okay, I’ll post it. While I wait, I’ve written the first headcanon (out of three I’m definitely planning to write and post in the next few days) and picked up the drawing of Steb I’d left unfinished. I’m slow, as usual, but English isn’t my first language, and I’m juggling a lot of things at once. Enjoy!
socials: | INPRNT | | Tip Jar | | X | | BlueSky | | Ao3 | poster: | Jayce poster | | Silco poster | |Silco +self insert poster 1| | Steb poster | if you want to read the fluff longfic with vander and his happy family + Silco x reader you can find it here! ↠ Masterlist
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-This man is planning to put a ring on your finger as soon as possible, okay? -Between the academy, public appearances, and both theoretical and practical studies, there isn’t a single moment when he’s really in the right mindset to bring up the topic -The worst part is that, deep down, he’s terrified of putting pressure on you -That’s why, the first time he hears you refer to him as “my husband” during a gala with noble families, he almost chokes -He has to gather all his strength not to grab the interlocutor by the shoulders and ask if they also heard you say that word -He’ll try to keep his composure, maybe responding to your remark with, “Yes, exactly. Her husband really did say/do/design that.”
-It’s not a thought he’s ever really entertained; it never crossed his mind -Part of it is that science is his priority, and part of it is that marriage doesn’t seem like something meant for people like him, -The first time you call him “your husband”, that thought suddenly becomes real in his head, and he can’t help but lean against a wall and wait for the other person to leave -“So, I’m your husband now, huh? Mmm… I don’t mind, a bit pretentious, though…” he jokes, making you roll your eyes -Now, more than ever, he has no idea what to do. He’ll give you a bronze ring from a machine he’s building -“Until I can get one worthy of you.”
-Yes -That’s it -The end -Okay, seriously. The idea of being certain that something will last forever is probably his greatest wish -The first time you call him your husband, he doesn’t see it coming -“Wait, you’re married?” -“I was talking about you, Ekko.” -The moment you say it, he points to his chest, you see his lip tremble slightly, and his eyes grow shinier -He won’t stop talking about it for a week, and at least once a day, he’ll ask if you still want to marry him, if you’re sure, if you love him -No rings before S2; the promise is made by drawing something for each other on your masks and clothes -After S2, he still can’t afford a ring, but now that life is more stable, he can start thinking about a more traditional gift, like a piece of jewelry
-This man is ravenous for any family role you might offer him—fiancé, father, husband. Anything goes -The first time you call him “husband”, he plays it cool but will seize the first opportunity to return the favor by telling a customer you’re married -As soon as he can, he’ll squeeze your hand, even under the counter -The idea of being married and having a complete family is everything he’s ever wanted -He won’t stop calling you “my beautiful wife/husband” from that moment on.
-You said it first; you can’t take it back. Now you have to get married
Silco (old man):
-This man’s only sin is loving too much, but I’ll save that reflection for another post -Having no ties other than his illegitimate daughter doesn’t make him someone who’s particularly keen on formalities -The first time you call him “your husband” is in front of Sevika, and he slowly turns to look at you, while she slowly turns to look at him -“Did I... miss something?” Sevika asks, but he doesn’t reply, still perplexed, before glancing at her and saying, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” -He’s relieved but doesn’t show it. He can’t afford to just yet -As soon as he confirms you were serious, your name will be flamboyantly forgotten—he’ll constantly refer to you as “my wife/husband”
Silco (young):
-The man who survives on love -The first time you call him your husband is in front of Vander, and while Vander bursts out laughing, Silco chokes on his drink -“Are you serious?” He’s so happy that his pale iris are completely swallowed by his dilated pupils -He grabs a pen and draws a ring around your finger -To his credit, he works in a mine, so it’s hard to do better than that, but it becomes the goal that keeps him going -Completely focused on family, the future, and anything that sees the two of you together and happy
-The first time you call him your husband is at a dinner among enforcer families, and being mute doesn’t stop him from stealing the spotlight -He whips around, blinking slowly with only his third eyelid in a gesture of confusion -When he’s 100% sure he understood what you said, his eyes widen, the small membranes under his eyes flutter madly, and even the barely visible gills near his jaw gasp for a moment -Someone says, “I didn’t know you were married,” and he immediately nods enthusiastically, not giving you time to take it back -Within 48 hours, he’ll have the ring ready
-The first time you call her “your wife”, she freezes -“What did you just call me?” -She’s used to being a little sister, a big sister, a daughter—she’d never thought she could be a wife. Family ties aren’t chosen, but the idea that someone would want her in their life so much they’d marry her feels incredible -“You want to marry me? Really? Why?” -She bursts into tears, and it’ll take at least 24 hours of cuddling in bed to calm her down -After that, she’ll run to her father to announce that she’s now a married woman
-She might not be Silco and/or Vander’s blood daughter, but she’s inherited their deep desire for family -From her family’s tragic fate to Vander’s, she’s always seen family as the ultimate aspiration -When you call her “your wife” for the first time, she doesn’t notice right away, but a full minute later, she whirls around to look at you, as if to ask for confirmation -“Say it again.” -“...You need to buy bread?” -“No, all of it.” -“My wife needs to go buy bread.” -“Again.”
-"My... wife?"
-Has she thought about it? Yes -Was she planning to act on it? Not exactly -Caitlyn struggles with emotions and feelings, which is why she hesitates and takes her time -But when you first call her “your wife”, her brain completely shuts off—she just stares at you, unable to hear a single word being said -If you or someone else asks her a question, she’ll snap out of it and respond, -“My wife/husband said everything.” Even if it makes no sense as an answer, making you laugh and leaving the other person baffled
-Not a single flicker of surprise—the first time you call her “your wife”, she remains completely composed -“So, I’m your wife?” she asks as soon as you’re in private, approaching you like a feline. You can almost hear the purr in her voice -She’s amused but also intrigued by whatever game you’re playing -The idea of marriage is complicated for her—on one hand, it feels like it would limit her freedom to act, while on the other, unresolved family issues seem to devour her at the mere thought of starting a new cycle -She’ll tell you to go ahead, to get married, but she’ll also ask for time -In the meantime, though, she’ll start using the term “husband/wife” with you��she likes the way it rolls off her tongue
-Between the work she does, the environment she lives in, and all the interesting circumstances of her life, marriage has never been on her radar -Not to mention that in Zaun, it’s not exactly a common practice—people just move in together and build families when they can, without much fuss over formalities or bureaucracy -The first time it happens, she’s playing cards with the other goons, and you casually ask if “your wife is winning” -Her first reaction isn’t even hers—it’s the others’. Dustin, the blond goon with the lazy eye, almost starts crying, embarrassing her -Don’t worry, she’ll make you pay for it at home -She won’t ask to formalize anything, but in true Zaunite fashion, she’ll consider you married, plain and simple
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retiredteabag · 6 months ago
Hidden from sight
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Synopsis: In a state of humiliation, you attempt to hide an injury from your master, Sukuna, this, of course, does not go to plan.
That, you were sure, was what Lord Sukuna would call you when you returned to the estate.
He was a harsh, and strict man. He never liked for you to stray from his presence too long, and more than anything else, he was mean. He said what he wanted, and always meant it.
You had begged the king of curses to allow you a day amongst the townsfolk, a day to explore the gardens outside of Sukunas domain, a day to see and hear and feel the world you so rarely saw.
The king, of course, was not too keen on this. You were not a member of kitchen staff, or a concubine, or a groundskeeper either. Like many people on the compound, you were simply a servant to the king. Yet, your relationship was not one that could be compared to your peers.
Beloved to the king, perhaps being too strong of a word. You were special to him, however. He expected your attendance at his meals or downtime. One might think you were close, but the truth of the matter was:
You hardly knew the king.
And he barely spoke to you either.
You had come to the palace an adult, knowing little of the king's mannerisms. Meeting him on rare occasions proved a thrilling experience. He was unlike any man you had ever met.
One evening, your presence was needed in the bath chamber. You had been told to assist in the cleaning of your king. Nonplussed as you were, you pled your case. An uninformed and inexperienced launderer. You were in no position to touch the king, too dirty yourself to even wish for such a position.
Having been told to never deny the king of anything he demanded, you were certain the response would not be one of pleasure. You escaped that day unscathed, a mere,
"Then depart from my sight"
Uttered from him, eyes closed, hand shooing you away.
But time passed and with the phases of the moon, so too did your relationship with the king alter. Night after night you grew more and more certain the king was calling for you directly. You grew acquainted with the king, with his bloodthirsty antics, with his unforgiving nature, with his intolerance for rebellion.
You served him through it all.
Twas' your job.
A launderer.
A foot servant for your employer.
You were sure, he would not be forgiving if you returned to his estate in such disarray. Only having warned you to be mindful a mere two hours prior, you limped from the ache in the side of your pelvis.
Your feet shook on the uneven ground beneath you. You had only just left the village you so desired to see, basket in hand full of goods to bring to your fellow maids. Evening was falling and the memory of the king's warning flooded your mind.
As you had made the trek back, the sight of a deer in the woods had shocked you. Certain you were looking at a curse, you gasped, lunged for cover, and promptly tripped over a stone lining the path through the woods.
Too eager to protect the contents of your basket your hands had been too occupied to catch your weight. You were certain there were scratched on your knees, but the real pain came from just above your hip, where an ill-placed stone had bludgeoned your flesh.
Dark red sept through your kimono, it had never looked so much like your kings. But he would not be pleased. Of this you were sure.
Too easily frightened.
You knew little of Lord Sukuna's vast abilities. One thing you knew for certain was that the king had the ability to feel the souls of those around him. He knew when someone was guilty when someone was excited and fearful. He could sense it as if he was feeling those things himself. For this reason, before drawing too close to the palace gates, you steadied your heart and mind, reaching for peace as to not alert Sukuna of your presence so soon.
You went first to the washhouse, and rid yourself of the filthy clothes. After which, you were at once able to see the depth of your injuries. It had hurt, your way back to the palace, but after seeing them for what they were, you had to fight to keep the spike of panic from rising. How could you hide this? Hide it from him?
You wash your kimono of the coppery smell, disposing of it behind a pile of extra wash bins. You occupy your hands by dabbing at the open wound, wrapping yourself in a linen cloth, and dressing in one of the extra cleaning uniforms.
You were so caught up in walking in a straight line back to the estate, you almost forgot your gifts and whine out at the thought of making the trip back to the wash house. But you steel yourself and do it.
By the time you make it to the kitchens, it is far later than you intended. You simply drop the basket off on a staff table, wobbling to your chambers.
All you want is to sleep, to hide yourself from all the noises of the estate night shift, but the throbbing pain in your side is intense, and worse, you've bled through both your linen bandage as well as a laundry uniform. Even so, you are too tired to come up with a way to right this, you decide, that will be the job of tomorrow y/n.
Of course, when you arise the next morning, unable to sit up, you regret your choices of the night prior. Unintentionally a wail escapes your lips, the pain is so deep, so unchanging that you want to cry. You feel the humiliation once again from yesterday, what would Sukuna say if he knew of this? Would he remove you from the estate? Or would he simply look at you with disgust? Would he ever speak to you again?
Something you were sure of, at least, was that there was no way you would be able to work, bent over a wash basin, in the condition you are in. Knowing that, you were concerned with how long you could hide away in your chambers before someone came to get you.
Several maids had already come to speak through your door, asking about your trip, the basket of goodies you left in the kitchen, and eventually, in concerned tones, if you were alright.
You reassured them in a comforting voice that you were quite well but exhausted from your journey and would likely retire before dinner was served.
You had never been up however, still, the other launderers did not question your words, sure you just needed a nights more rest. There was, however, a person in the estate you could never evade, and contrary to popular belief, it was not Lord Sukuna. He certainly did not care enough for you to need to hide yourself from him, however, his loyal servant and chef, Uraume, always had everything in order and was aware of all the "goings on" that occurred within the estate walls.
Only a few minutes after the communal dinner bell was rung did Uraume arrive at your chambers, requesting your presence. Unfortunately, they were not so easy to dissuade. I have no appetite did not work, I long for rest, did not work, I tire from my journey, did not work. None of it worked. They were determined, if nothing else, to see you. There was nothing to be done.
In a grand effort, you slid from your bed to the floor, a dull moan muffled by the mattress as you strained your legs to rise but it was a tireless endeavor. Wincing, you shuddered to the door, opened it a crack to meet th Uraume's stern eyes.
"You are unwell." They announced.
You knew you could not lie, not directly. Still, you attempted to fib your way around it, claiming your menstrual cycle was nearing, but it did not work, claiming you had eaten something foul in the village, they merely squinted at you, you were blundering, grasping for straws. In your desperation, you did not notice Uraume's foot slip out to the threshold, slowly pressing your door ajar.
You had been resting your weight said door, and yelped at the pressure. The chef raised an eyebrow and pressed on more firmly. You called out their name and stumbled to the floor.
"You've been attacked?" They question but the pain is so intense you can simply shake your head, in a show of patience you rarely see from Uraume, they brush the hair from your face.
You knew they could use reversed curse technique on themself, but the management of this injury was something that would likely take time.
In the moments it took Uraume to lift you to your bed, and start to clean your wound they had you recount the story, in between each sentence you begged them to keep this from the king. Do not say a word, I beg, followed by, I pray you wouldn't speak of this, ending your story with Lord Sukuna mustn't know.
Even with all the begging, they never once promised you a thing. Pressing your gouged pelvis more firmly still, they wiped your eyes of tears. And when you finally met their gaze, their look seemed to whisper, do not be stupid. You could only hope.
Your hope had been stupid.
You knew it had been last night when Uraume had bandaged you up, you knew it had been when you fought to dress yourself this morning, you knew it had been when you trudged to the wash house, you knew it had been when you began to set up a bin full of sudsy water and even now, bent painfully over, scrubbing away at towels, you knew of your fate.
You had been invited to dine with the king. Once dismissing yourself for not being worthy to wash your king's body had been shockingly, acceptable at one time. But you knew you could not skirt this. You could not deny your presence to him twice.
And in his presence, you knew you could not hide. Uraume had been the one to collect you before the evening meal, washing you, clothing you, and redressing your wound. You walked with intention now, three steps behind the personal chef to the king. You found, however, that you would not be having dinner in one of the many dining rooms, but rather, in the kings chambers.
In an attempt to plead once more, you made to grab Uraumes robe, they simply gave you a look of greatest disdain, opened the door to Sukunas chambers, and bowed.
You could not meet his eyes, you could feel them as they traced over you. Despite the fiery pain, you fell to your knees. You did not speak, Uraume left, and you stayed glued to the floor.
"I hold no affection for those who hide from me."
You could do nothing but nod in your place on the floor. "Yes, my king."
"You know this."
"Yes, my king." You nod again,
"And yet-" You can hear his voice ever louder, he has gotten up from his place on the bed, coming to you, his steps echoing in your ears. "You evade me like an elusive snake." He paces around you steadily. "You hide yourself from my presence, and you beg" He spits it out, vehement, "beg- Uraume to keep your condition from me."
He has stalked behind you now, and begins to creep ever closer to your side, bending to your position to whisper in your ear,
"Did you believe I could not find you, did you think, even for a moment, you could fool me?" You cannot read his tone, nor his face, too ashamed to look.
He stretches back to his full height. "You have always been the one who's appearance I delight most in. Yet, now, you only appear at my demand. Must I demand you to speak as well in order for you to tell me why you have shamed me so?"
Shaking your head quickly, you heave, "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I did not want to- to show you-" You began but Sukuna cuts you off, whirling around,
"That much is very clear. Tell me why without the blabbering nonsense. I wish not to hear apologies fall from your lips now."
You murmur once more, ashamed, but speak up, "I am such a fool." You look up, resigning yourself, you want to see his face, "I wished not for you to see me as such. I am a weak and poor worker. Please, know, I did not mean to shame you."
Sukuna does not respond. Silently making his way to your form, "You cannot even stand on your own. Do you intend to lay there all night, or do you expect aid to be granted to you?"
He sounds genuinely curious, you are unsure of what to say, you had no plan. Your head falls to your lap but in a sudden movement, Sukuna is before you, one arm stretched out to catch your crestfallen face, "Look at me." He speaks gentler than you have ever heard.
With one hand on your jaw, and another cupping the back of your head he huffs air from his nose. "You are a fool."
You cannot look away from him, but all you want now is to hide your face.
"So very foolish." He speaks clearly, "To hide from me, to work in such a condition." Before his words even hit you, you are struck but the grasping of your waist by his other two hands. His eyes remain open but within a moment all your pain is gone. An unintentional noise escapes you at the immediate relief you are brought.
It cannot be said whether the shock of Sukunas RCT or the grasp he had on you caused you to fall limply into his grasp but you have no time to prepare before he is lifting you tenderly into his arms. An unseen sparkle in his eyes. He carries you the few feet to his bed before he lays you across his lap.
"Your condition is not ideal. You shall not work. You are to stay with me" He is petting your hair rather oddly, as if you are a wounded animal he has found.
Attempting to rise you start, "I feel- I- I must extend my gratitude-"
But he is placing a hand on your stomach to keep you down, "You will extend your gratitude by never hiding from me again."
There is no room for argument. You nod up at him. He has one arm still under your knees, another on your waist, and a third stroking your cheek.
"I will never allow you pain again." He murmurs. "Never again." His palm is large enough to cover your face wholly. "I shall keep you within my sight henceforth."
And it is at this moment that you wonder if, perhaps, you are closer to the king than you had originally thought. If you, by chance, meant something to him? If he had been worried for you. But in your dazed state within your king's arms, you smile to yourself, thinking tiredly of how kindly and merciful he had always been to you.
What you did not yet know, was that it was he that was a fool for you.
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