#cdd little
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How your syskids will look at you when they see a huge pokemon plushie while you're trying to buy groceries
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dreamdropsystem 3 months
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littles are amazing and resilient. please keep us in mind, a lot can go on in our little heads, but we can handle a lot (not every little though) Strawberry is a little telling you to do your best to support littles in your system! it's hard but we are trying. every system member is there for a reason. 馃崜 - Strawberry
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chemicalcarousel 11 months
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portrait of lee!! lee is a boy and is 5 y/o. he uses he/him pronouns and he loves scenemo, minecraft and mlp!! >w<
lee is an alter in a cdd system. he is also an introject, but very source divergent and doesn't identify with his source at all ^_^
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mystery-aberration 1 month
System roles do not have to be your entire identity. You do not have to conform to the stereotypes of them, and you do not have to hold your role alone or without help. You do not need to keep them forever, either. They may be what you were placed into the system to help with, and they may be something you are good at--but it does not have to be you forever.
I am a persecutor, and that does not mean I should be treated differently or harmed. Being a persecutor does not mean that everyone should be scared of you by default either.
Protectors should not be expected to be strong and emotionless walls to put in front of everything all the time. They do not need to be tools.
Comforters might need a break to unload their own stress and need comfort in turn. They do not need to give all of themselves to everyone else and never expect help back.
Littles may not be littles forever, and should not be devalued just because they are children. They are just as real and alive as any other system member and should be taken into account.
Trauma/memory holders might need help to cope with the things they hold, and sometimes when the time is right it means sharing that burden. Maybe there is no right time, but they deserve support whether they can share those memories or not.
Gatekeepers may need a break from controlling switches or access to front, and should be allowed one if needed. Gatekeeping can be a lot of work.
Hosts do not need to do everything for the body or system all the time. Sometimes, being the host of a system can be hard, and support and breaks are deserved.
Systems often put a lot of weight on roles, and it can impact the way that those who have them can feel about their role. It is okay to fit into your role, but it is also okay to not fit, or to end up not fitting your role over time. Some headmates can feel like a failure if they do not uphold their role, some can feel like they have no other choice even if they wanted to not perform it. But a role is a description, it is not an essence of who you are and will forever be. This may be non-traditional but we use roles exclusively as self descriptors so that we do not get wrapped up in what we "should be". If the label no longer fits, or if you need help more than you might have in the past, that is okay.
Be kind to yourselves, and be kind to your other headmates.
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littlest-bugz 8 months
It's just me, the seven other me's, and the eldritch abomination who speaks with multiple voices.
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sysmedsaresexist 4 months
question... how accurate/rigid is the age range requirement for developing DID? something i often see people say is "even though i have many of the symptoms i can't possibly have did, my trauma happened exactly one (1) year after the cutoff date in the dsm" and something about that just... feels wrong.
Using general "you" throughout, not you specifically, anon.
That depends on who you're asking and what other circumstances you're talking about.
Depending on additional disorders, genetics, attachments in infancy, age and length/consistency of trauma, additional supports in place...
Some doctors think the true cutoff is closer to 16, some as early as 4. The average consensus seems to be 9. Based on my own research, I think it could be 12.
There's no age in the DSM. One of the authors wrote a separate book where he said:
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Note: begins before 5-6. And it's from over 10 years ago.
But let's be super real here. Trying to set a One True Age is like trying to set a one true age for puberty. There can be averages sure but too much is going into it for there to be an Official Number.
I think the best way to think of this is...
Everyone is going to be different, and there's a sizeable amount of wiggle room in the age. Single time trauma can stagnate development, recurring trauma could even set you back in development.
These are two individualized sliders on the same continuum.
(I have no idea what happened to the resolution, I am truly sorry for this horror but I'm not redoing it)
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One is fixed-- your genetics are something you can't change, it's already preset with your own unique age window. It's size can increase or decrease, though, based on interruption, pushing it out further.
The other moves around all willy nilly based on the accumulation of circumstances. You're constantly wracking up and losing points in your own numbers game.
That means that there's going to be an overlap for a specific period of time that's different for everyone.
And if you're around that window, there's a good chance your plurality and trauma are related.
Remember, though.
With CDDs, the trauma is longterm and recurring. While it's extremely common to not remember your trauma, and even more common to not recognize it as trauma...
Your single "trauma" that you've decided is The Trauma鈩笍 that you're referencing isn't what we're actually talking about.
What else happened in your life, both positive and negative?
What other factors are at play? Comorbid disorders?
Whose research and numbers are you basing this on?
What other symptoms do you display? How severe are they?
TL;dr if you're struggling, you deserve help, regardless of how you identify or label it. That's all that matters.
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flagsandtags 4 months
An alter who in headspace may have the body of an adult, but acts like a kid and may identify as a little because of this
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Flag made by Saturn !! Recoined by a "mixed orgin"
Pinterest link
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reimeichan 5 months
I'm a little. Biologically, I'm in my late 20s. And... I had the realization hit me last night that even though I'm a little and feel like I'm still a child, with all my childish wants and needs and fears and stuff, it doesn't change the fact that I've lived through 20-something years of my life. I have adult responsibilities and adult experiences and adult memories.
But more than that, I can't go back to being a child anymore.
My past, my childhood, I can't change any of that. The pain and traumas are real, the memories I have still haunting me. And even the moments of nostalgia I have, when I reminisce on my past... well, that's all they can be anymore. They're not my present.
And in spite of all this history I have inside of me, I still feel like a kid who didn't get the love and affection I needed. I feel stuck in time, but time always keeps marching forward even if I don't. The grass grows and the meat rots and the rocks weather. I can honor these feelings of being a kid, and give myself the things I didn't get back then. But... I'm still an adult. And I think it's also important for me to acknowledge that.
Integration is so hard. I've fused and gotten closer to so many of the other littles that now we're all sharing those moments from our childhood: happy times and sad times and even just times that existed. But I'm also closer to the adult parts, and with that comes... I dunno. I guess I'm less dissociated from my current reality and I'm more grounded now. And it feels so scary and confusing trying to navigate this new reality that I'm not used to. But I know I have people around me who can help me, from my friends and partners to the other parts of me I share a life with. It'll be okay, I think.
But for now I'm gonna mourn my past.
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is-that-plural 1 month
The Mangle from fnaf (if you need more, look at their lines from UCN)
also side note theres sssssO MANY system coded fnaf characters,, like usually theres just one but theres at least two handfuls of characters in fnaf that are. JUST systems
-馃寑sys (blurry)
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Rating: multiple souls in one?? Plural !!!!
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cozy-shootingstars 4 days
Reminder that all syskids are different
Not all syskids want to be treated like a child, and some do! That is not anti recovery
Not all syskids are the innocent idea of a little kid, some hold bad memories and we are all traumatized, and some syskids are the picture of innocence! Both are equally valid
Some syskids are hypersexual, it's not a choice and you're not disgusting for having such thoughts and urges, I'm so sorry to any syskids who feel such ways. You are still a valid syskid
Some systems allow their syskids on the internet, and some don't, both are completely valid rules to have and it's your decision to make one who is able to be online
Some systems let their littles smoke/take weed, not only is weed a medicine to some, but sometimes it's really nice to be little while high, it makes me feel relaxed and happy which ultimately leads us to regress alot more, it really hurts no one so why waste your time caring?
Some syskids like the "agere aesthetics" and some dont, it's not a crime to like something popular in your own community
Some syskids curse and some don't, it's not hurting anyone at the end of the day, as long as they are directing it to anyone specifically, who cares if a kid wants to say shit? I mean, I don't personally curse often, but my sister in headspace does a lot
Some syskids look like kids and some don't, The appearance in headspace doesn't always reflect that persons feelings
Some syskids are ageless while still feeling little, some simply don't feel connections to any specific age while still feeling small
Some syskids call themself a syskid just because they age regressed or ageslide, the term is actually pretty subjective when you think about it, if you feel like the term describes you then that's you
All syskids are different
Sorry if this is hard to read btw I'm like really high
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When someone tells you (pwDID) that you used to be a little girl suffering through horrific abuse, but you are a 35 y/o man who's always been that age:
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dreamdropsystem 3 days
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flying around the coloful fluffy would that is headspace / inner world. well.. the whole inner world doesn't look like that!! a portion haha - Bonnie
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chemicalcarousel 9 months
there are kids inside my skull modeling my brain like play doh and I think one of them ate a part of it and threw up everywhere
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teacup-captor 23 days
Shoutout to age regressors and pet regressors I love youuu!!!!!!! Shoutout to little alters and age slider alters and to middles!!!!! Shoutout to littles who have rules!!! Shoutout to Littles who DON'T bc they know what's best for them!!!!! Shoutout to littles who go online!!!! Shoutout to littles who feel like strangers on the internet decide what's best for them I hate when I feel like that!!
I love you!!!!!! <333
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sysmedsaresexist 4 months
are there requirements to being a little beyond just feeling you're that age internally? is there a way i have to act to be considered a little?
I'm going to start with something a little controversial.
I hate little discourse. It's actually the dumbest thing anyone can waste time on.
The actual clinical term is "child parts," and when you compare child parts to littles, it makes a lot more sense.
Littles can be anyone or anything. You don't need to act any certain way, or be any specific age.
Child parts are EPs (so highly traumatized and emotionally reactive) that are stuck at a very young age (typically when the trauma occurred). These are the parts that people tend to think of when they start discoursing about sex and language, and all that jazz.
Everyone is different, and you do what works best for your system, fuck what anyone thinks or says. If little fits, go for it, regardless of age or mental state. It's not a term specific to DID. Some littles act like adults and some adults act like littles. Some talk quirky, some don't. Some like plushies, some are hosts of adult bodies, and some age slide or regress.
Look out for child parts and protect them at all costs, they are our innocence 鉂わ笍
Littles, go buck wild, throw a rave, do whatever you want, play hookie, suck a binkie and slap a cop.
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unknownmothergoose 9 months
inflorescenic alters: two or more alters that are connected and either cannot or simply choose to not function without each other.
examples include; two unrelated alters that always co-front together. a team of alters that all share the task of gatekeeping. two alters that consider each other siblings, and refuse to be separated.
this is a term for CDD systems please credit if used i do not consent to reuploads to archives, pinterest, or wikis
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[ID: the left image is of a four stripe flag with even stripes in the shades green, gunmetal blue, pink-tan, and lavendar. in the center, there is a hyacinth emoji with a thick black outline.
the middle is a four stripe flag with even stripes in the shades green, gunmetal blue, pink-tan, and lavendar. END ID]
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