#cam and his ego
I give a pass to Noel for not blocking out the comments. They've admitted that Noel isn't social media savvy .
Cam knows how it works
BUT if he block out the problematic comments, then who's going to stroke his ego?
The ego on Cam is no joke. When he did his interview with 1883 magazine, there was a part that stood out for me. He mentioned having a readymade audience for any project he does next, whether he chooses to write it or direct it. He just has to be selective about the project.
This isn’t exactly true. He has a FANBASE. That’s not the same as people willing to support him unconditionally. They may like the games he voices, but those are largely gamers and Star Wars fans.
If his audience could always be counted on, no matter the project, then Shattered would have been a success. It earned under $500k worldwide.
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rarestdoge · 1 year
He thinks he soo fuckin pretty, smh (he is)
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ihm-bread · 2 months
everyone saying they could make march better
but why not make him worse
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nadvs · 6 months
cam girl (part twelve) (end)
pairing rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
content warning alcohol use
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summary you work two jobs. by day, you’re a maid for the cameron household, where rafe degrades you any chance he can get. by night, you’re a cam girl, hiding your face so nobody can recognize you. when you discover your new subscriber, the filthy-mouthed man obsessively paying you to do everything he can think of, is rafe, you’re not sure what to do next.
» masterlist
Rafe realizes his hands are shaking as he rereads your text.
His eyes keep going over your words, standing up off his bed and pacing around his room just because the adrenaline won’t let him stay seated.
Why the fuck are you doing this to him?
i’m done. this is over. i’m not even a fucking person to you am i
Hot anger bubbles inside his chest. He immediately texts you back: what the fuck do you mean
Minutes pass. You don’t answer.
Rafe: ?????
Again. No answer.
Rafe: dont ignore me
He can’t take it anymore. He taps on the Call button. It rings and rings and rings. He texts you again.
Rafe: answer me
Finally, you respond: i dont need to listen to you. leave me alone
This has to be a cruel joke. Yet again, you’re cold to him out of fucking nowhere, after he thought you had a good time together.
Rafe recalls this morning, to the worried look on your face when you saw his black eye, making him think that maybe you see something of value past the wall he built around him.
He risked his pride by telling you that he always thinks about you, and now you’re done with him?
He texts you again: why are u acting like this
Thank fuck you respond.
You: i guess the slut got bored of you first
His body goes cold. He knows you’re referring to what one of his friends said. You heard that?
If that’s why you’re so pissed off, he needs to talk to you about it in person. He grabs his car keys and rushes out of the house.
Rafe is pounding on your door for so long that his hand is starting to hurt almost as much as it did when he threw those punches last night.
He feels himself teetering on the edge, getting close to the manic state he knows and hates.
He pulls his phone out to text you: open the door
You: ??? i’m not home
At this point, he sees red. He could break his damn phone if he didn’t need it right now. He calls you again, his jaw clenched so tight that it hurts.
His stomach tightens when the dial tone stops after two rings.
“Am I gonna have to block your number?” you say when you answer. The sound of a crowd and loud music buzzes in the background. He clues in that you’re at a party.
“Where are you?” he asks, head hanging, staring at the hallway floor.
“That’s none of your business.” He can hear a slur in your words.
“Are you drunk?”
“I can drink if I want to. I know you love to think you own me, but you don’t.”
Rafe swallows hard, shaking his head, squeezing his eyes shut. He heard your voice shake. Fuck. You’re crying and it’s his fault.
“Where are you?” Rafe repeats. “Let’s - we need to…” He’s stammering, anxious and unbalanced. “We need to talk… I swear, I’ll fucking wait here until you come home if you don’t tell me where you are.”
Your back is against a wall, the phone pressed to your ear. The room is loud and humid from all the bodies crammed together into one house.
You hate that you’re crying over him and you hate that he can hear it. As if his ego needs the boost.
“Why?” you finally ask, voice strained, hoping he’ll tell you what you want to hear. That there’s a part of him that cares about you.
Rafe is silent for a moment.
“Which one is it?” His chest is tight. He can’t say it now. Not over the phone.
“Neither,” you reply, then hang up. You know he’s just horny and possessive and mad. And definitely bluffing.
You shouldn’t, you know you shouldn’t, but you take another shot. Time melts away from you as you get lost in the music with your friend, determined to get Rafe and his drama off of your mind.
It’s half past one in the morning when you order a cab. The alcohol has almost worn off at this point. Someone spilled a drink on you and you just want to take a shower and sleep. You have to promise yourself that you won’t give into the impulse to wear Rafe’s shirt to bed.
You exit the elevator and your heart stops when you see Rafe sitting on the floor, his back against your door, his knee raised, his head slumped.
He meant it. He waited. For over three fucking hours.
When you get close enough for him to hear your footsteps, Rafe clambers up to stand, towering over you. His eyes sweep over your face, the blue in them even more prominent in contrast to the dark bruise over his right eye.
Even though your heart, the traitor, is thumping with desire, the ache of what he did to you is louder. It was barbaric, what he said about you. What he let his friend say about you.
“Why are you still here?” you say as evenly as you can.
“You can’t…” Rafe shakes his head, frustrated. He immediately notices you’re not wearing the necklace he gave you and his chest aches. “You can’t end this.”
“Watch me,” you say with a scoff, nudging past him. You feel him behind you, hear his shallow breaths. You unlock your door and pull out your keys.
He won’t move. You turn to look at him again, feeling your lips thin in aggravation.
“Rafe,” you state. “Please. I just want to shower and sleep. Go home.”
“No,” he says stubbornly.
“Why can’t you just go find another girl to fuck around with?” you say, raising your tone.
He almost feels nauseous hearing you say that.
“Are you worried you won’t find one who does everything like I do?” you ask. “I just can’t say no, right? That’s what you told your friends.”
Rafe looks down in shame, nostrils flaring. His lips screw up in anger. He has no words to offer.
“Go home,” you repeat. You’re sure he’s just upset about losing his favorite booty call, just so not accustomed to not getting what he wants.
Rafe doesn’t budge. You’re sober enough to know you can’t continue this conversation in the hallway and risk your voices carrying into your neighbors’ homes.
Frustrated and embittered, you turn your doorknob and accept the fact that he’s not leaving without a fight.
You turn on the dim overhead light and stand in your tiny kitchen, facing Rafe with your arms crossed, as the door shuts behind him.
He steps towards you, hands sliding up your arms before he leans down to try to kiss you.
“Stop,” you mutter, shoving him off, pushing him away.
He tries again, putting his palms on your cheeks.
“No,” you snap, driving him away harder.
Rafe feels hollow. Lost. He’s fine with showing anger. It’s second nature to him. But this? This tangled feeling of yearning feels impossible to verbally express to you.
“Why?” is all he can sputter.
“I’m not letting you use me anymore,” you say through gritted teeth.
Rafe had no idea you’d react like this over the moronic shit he and his friend said. He thought you were fine with how things were. That you were detached.
Despite the rage and anxiety consuming him, the fact that you’re this angry over this ridiculous idea that you’re not a person to him, that you maybe want to be more, makes hope bloom in his heart.
“It’s not like that,” Rafe says.
“It is,” you argue. “I’m done acting like I’m okay with it. I could handle it at the beginning, but…”
You sigh. You can’t give him the satisfaction of telling him you have feelings for him. You start to get choked up again, though, your body betraying you. You can’t hide what he does to you from him anymore.
“I’m done,” you say resolutely. This man is nothing but trouble. “My contact picture in your phone is a fucking nude. I’m just body parts to you and I respect myself too much to keep this going. Just leave. You won’t change my mind.”
“I can’t… I can’t not see you anymore,” he grovels.
“You’re just mad you won’t be able to brag to your buddies about what I let you do to me.”
“No.” Rafe brings the heels of his hands up to his eyes, looking so damn flustered. “I’m not mad about that. I… Fuck, it’s…”
“What about when he called me a slut to run through? You laughed. After he said something so fucking horrible about me-”
“Wait,” he snaps, tone rising. “Just wait. Let me talk.”
“Then talk,” you say sharply, shocked by his audacity to be the angry one here.
He takes a deep breath.
“When he called you that, I…” Rafe rakes his hand through his hair. “It’s how we always talk and I - I know that’s a shitty excuse, but I didn’t have the balls to tell him to shut the fuck up. And then last night…”
He vaguely gestures to his black eye. His mind replays the rage he felt when he heard the vulgar words used to describe you. The way his fist met his friend’s jaw. Rafe walked away with a swollen eye, but it was nothing compared to what he had inflicted.
“He said something about you and I beat the shit out of him like I should’ve the first time.”
“What’d he say?” you ask after a beat.
“It doesn’t matter.”
So, that’s what happened to him last night. You’re almost touched to hear he defended your honor, but the memory of the text you saw on his phone darkens your mood instantly, reminding you of how dispensable and cheap it made you feel.
“This the same friend who texted you about all the bitches at that party?” you say bitterly.
Rafe meets your gaze.
“You saw that?”
“Yeah,” you say. Rafe realizes that was the reason for your abrupt coldness. You were jealous. He hates that he hurt you, but admittedly, the feeling of you being envious over him is so fucking gratifying.
He sighs your name. He didn’t even glance at another girl last night. Why would he? “For fuck’s sake, I texted you all night. I told you I’m always thinking about you.”
“Rafe, you texted me about how all you want to do is hook up with me.”
“That’s not… that’s not all I want,” he sighs, defeated. How can he explain that the way he touches you is how he tells you what he’s feeling? He’s so fucking bad at talking about it.
“Then why did you talk about me like that?” you ask.
“I was…” Rafe begins. He swallows hard, his eyes refusing to meet yours now. “I know I shouldn’t have said that shit but-”
“You’re only saying this now ‘cause you got caught.”
“No, it’s - it’s more than that. I-”
“You were just being honest,” you say with a shrug. “I did everything you told me to and you wanted to brag.”
“Yeah- I mean, no…” he stammers. Your use of the past-tense is so damn hurtful, the implication that you really are through with him, and before he can think to hide it, tears start to gloss his eyes. “Just listen-”
“If I’m just an easy fuck to you, then that’s fine, just own up to it.”
“Let me talk!” he finally shouts. Rafe’s head is spinning. He’s angry and anxious and close to losing his mind.
You don’t even cower, not letting him get to you. But when you realize he’s crying, too, your blood runs cold.
“Goddamn it.” He frantically brings his hands up to his head, fingers on his temples. “I’m trying to tell you that I didn’t know how to- I don’t know how to talk about this fucking feeling you give me.”
“Try,” you say.
Rafe’s breath is shaky, blinking fast as he gazes at you.
“This is more than sex. I’m fucking… I’m falling for you,” he finally admits.
No words come to your mind. The air between you is thick. Your heart is pounding in your ears. Your stomach is numb.
Rafe lowers his gaze, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He’s worked himself up in such a panic.
He doesn’t know how or when you cracked into this side of him that he didn’t even know existed, but you did. And you’re not leaving.
“Are you serious?” you ask quietly through a shallow exhale.
“Do I need to beg you to believe me?” he says.
“Yeah,” you say with a sarcastic huff, pushing him to see where his limit is. To see if he’s being honest.
You can’t believe what you’re seeing when Rafe sinks down onto the floor in front of you, his knees on your cheap linoleum. He takes your hand in his, pulling it to his warm mouth, soft lips kissing your palm.
He realizes he would rather lose all of his pride than lose you.
“Rafe,” you say, the edge to your tone completely gone now.
The shift in your dynamic is harrowing. He’s always the one in control, the one with the upper hand. Now he’s on his fucking knees for you.
“I’m sorry,” he says, eyes locked on yours. “I’m so fucking sorry I said that shit. I’ll never do it again. You’re not just an easy…”
He can’t even say it.
“You’re so much more,” he says. There’s hopelessness in his gaze. You’re rattled with shock, your heart feeling like it’s burning in your chest.
You can’t believe it. You can’t fathom that he likes you more than just from the waist down.
“What if I stopped hooking up with you?” you challenge. “I keep seeing you but it’s nothing physical. What then?“
“That’s okay,” he says, without hesitation.
“I mean no sex,” you say. “At all.”
You pout at him in endearment as relief pools through you.
Rafe is racked with the deepest form of desperation. He can’t picture a day without you. Without your smile, your humor, your voice, your smell. He fell off the deep end and there’s no fucking saving him.
Your stare is puncturing him. He’s sure he fucked up too massively to earn any sort of chance with you ever again.
But when you finally lean down to press your lips onto his, euphoria rushes through his entire being. He frantically scrambles to stand, feeling his face contort with disbelief and gratefulness and a yearning so hard that it hurts.
Rafe’s kisses are deep but fast, his big hands cradling your head, thumbs rubbing over your cheekbones.
You pull back, looking up at him with a tiny shred of remaining suspicion that he’s not being genuine.
“Let me stay the night,” he says, voice low, lids heavy. You’re unsure that he really means he’d be with you even without the sex.
You only look at him.
“I won’t try anything,” he adds. He knows you needed the reassurance. You stare at him with wide, vulnerable eyes, resting your hands on his firm, heaving chest.
“Shower with me,” you tell him, restless to wash the night off of you. “And prove it.”
Rafe nods, your face still in his hands. Fuck, he feels like you have him wrapped around your finger. He’d do anything to keep you in his life.
“Let me do the work,” he says.
You step back, heart racing, and raise your hands over your head. His fingers quickly find the edge of your top, slowly lifting it and pulling it off of you. Your jeans are next, the denim sliding down your legs.
Rafe presses against you, leading you backwards into your bathroom. His lips press against your forehead as he unhooks your bra and lets it fall to the floor.
He’s on his knees again as he peels your underwear off. You watch his eyes trail up your bare body. He can’t hide the lust in his stare, no matter how hard he tries.
As you turn on the shower, you hear the rustle of him taking his clothes off. When you step into the tub, you feel his body against your back. Big hands skim up your arms as you turn the faucet, prompting hot water to rain down on both of you.
Rafe can’t stop himself from asking.
“Did you talk to any guys at that party?” His voice echoes against the porcelain, loud even over the sound of the shower.
You smile to yourself.
“How am I gonna focus on another guy when you’re texting me so damn much?”
“Princess,” he huffs. You laugh and turn in his arms to rest your hands on his shoulders.
“No,” you tell him. “I didn’t want to.”
Rafe smirks and leans down, but stops an inch away from your lips.
“Am I allowed to kiss you?” he asks.
“Hmm… fine,” you tease. “But that’s the farthest you can go.” He captures your lips in his, his mouth warm. You feel him grow against you and you pull away to look down, his cock already almost fully hard.
“Okay, I can’t control that,” he says. You meet his eyes and share the first laugh that you’ve had together tonight.
You pick up your body wash and hand it to him. It’ll drive him crazy to touch you like this and not be able to do anything about it.
“You get my body,” you say, admittedly excited to tempt him. “And I’ll do my hair.”
Rafe’s forehead crinkles in concentration as he squeezes the body wash into his palm. Your eyes are on him as he lathers the gel over your shoulders first.
“You’re cute when you’re focused,” you giggle, starting to massage your shampoo into your hair.
The sound of your laugh, the aroma in the air is so fucking nice to him. It’s so you.
His palms move up and down your arms in gentle circles. Rafe’s groin is getting tighter by the second and the fact that he won’t get any relief for it is agony. But he needs to prove himself to you.
“You ignoring my tits on purpose?” you ask.
Rafe cocks his head in mild irritation. Touching you there will only make him harder. You exhale in pleasure once his hands rest on your breasts, gently kneading.
“You can’t make those sounds,” he says, voice strained.
“I can do whatever I want,” you reply. His hands dip below the curves of your tits. You purposely moan louder than you normally would just to torment him.
His jaw tightens as he collects more of your body wash to smooth down your stomach. His hands slide over your hips, the water and soap making your skin extra slippery, and he lands on your ass.
“Massage me a bit there,” you tell him. He huffs an aggravated chuckle, then starts to rub into your flesh.
The crook of Rafe’s neck is at your chin as he leans to massage you and you plant a gentle kiss on his wet skin. The gesture makes his stomach twist with adoration.
“Okay, that’s enough,” he mumbles, running his hands up your back. You can feel him against your leg; he’s fully erect and pining for you to touch him.
“My ass is still sore,” you groan, continuing to lather the shampoo onto your hair. “You were so rough on me in front the mirror, remember?”
The memory of fucking you on the floor in his room makes his arousal skyrocket even higher. He exhales and smooths his hands over your ass again.
You tilt your head to the side as you moan. You feel Rafe’s mouth press against your exposed neck, then he grunts against your skin and moves away abruptly.
“Getting frustrated?” you whisper.
“No,” he lies.
The hot water continues to ebb down your body as Rafe squeezes your ass.
“You can get my legs now,” you mumble. He’s half-relieved, half-frustrated to have to move his hands.
Rafe rubs in circles over your thighs, his breath heavy.
“Get on your knees so you can reach everything,” you say as you wash out the shampoo from your hair. You’re testing him, ordering him around like he usually does to you, seeing if he’ll crack.
When he kneels down, you hike your leg up onto the tub, your middle inches away from his face.
“Fuck,” he breathes, wishing he could just taste you. His hands are sliding down your calves as he gawks at the beauty between your legs, knowing you’re purposely tempting him.
His eyes trail up to your face. He looks ravenous for you.
Falling for you. He said he was falling for you.
“What?” you say with a smile. Rafe only shakes his head, continuing to run his hands over your legs.
“I said kissing is allowed,” you say, revelling in this feeling of control over him.
He doesn’t waste a second. His lips are against your pussy immediately, kissing you over and over. If you tried to keep count of how many kisses he was planting on you, you’d fail in seconds.
Arousal twists deep inside you, wanting him so badly, but loving the game you’re playing.
His lips wrap around your clit and he starts to suck, prompting you push your fingers through his hair, damp from the shower, and tug to pull him off of you.
“Kisses only,” you say. “Unless you didn’t mean what you said?”
“I did,” he huffs. He roughly shoves your wrist away to get close to you again, lips puckered. You feel his fingers ghost over your inner thighs, then pull apart your lips.
“Can I spread you open, baby?” he asks.
“No,” you respond.
“Please,” he begs.
“Kisses. Only.”
He groans. You laugh.
“You got me so turned on,” you moan. “I need to just…”
You slip your fingers between his mouth and your clit, denying him any more access.
Rafe thinks this could be thing to that finally makes him lose his fucking mind. But he stays still, knees aching from the hard tub, as you play with yourself right in front of him.
“That feels so nice,” you whisper, your knees weak. You put your other hand against the shower wall, looking down at him.
“Hold me up,” you order. He grips your hips and watches you moan and writhe over him, dipping your head back.
You dip a finger inside of you, tightening and sighing.
“Fuck.” He literally whimpers the word.
“God, there’s so many things I can think about while I touch myself,” you moan. “Like when we fucked in your car? Or when I squirted on you?”
“Which time?” he mutters, trying to have any sort of power right now by reminding you of what he can do to you.
“Aw,” you coo. “Is this like when I’m on camera? You can watch but you can’t touch me?”
“Shit,” Rafe breathes. You moan, the water dripping off of you.
He has to look away at this point. His cock is so hard that it hurts. His eyes go low, seeing a bead of precum on his swollen tip. He tries to comfort himself by thinking about how he can jerk off later.
“Get up,” you say. He brings himself up on his feet, towering over you again.
You turn your back to him again and start to rub your scalp to make sure you washed all the shampoo out.
“You’re probably cold on that side, hmm?” you ask.
Rafe’s temperature is the least of his concerns.
“I’ll keep you warm,” you tell him, looking over your shoulder. You run your hands down your body and pause over your ass, spreading yourself open.
“Put your cock right here,” you tell him.
“I- I can’t,” he moans.
“You can,” you encourage.
He kneels to place himself right where you want him. You let go, your asscheeks hugging him, feeling his length pressed up against you.
“Fuck,” he whispers, twitching against you. “This is… fuck…”
“If you didn’t mean that you can be with me without the sex, just say so.”
“I meant it,” he says. “But this is torture. I need to go. I’ll wait for you in your room, okay?”
“You can’t keep it together for me?” you tease. “I thought you liked me.”
“I fucking love you,” Rafe groans, making your heart flutter.
You’re done playing this game. You need him now.
You turn to face him, pulling him down with your hands cupping his neck to kiss him. He’s biting your bottom lip, kissing you hard.
“We don’t have to do this,” he whispers breathlessly.
“I want to,” you say against his lips, wrapping your hand around his cock. “What do you want?” He bucks up against you, groaning.
“I wanna fuck you,” he pleads.
“Then fuck me.”
Rafe’s rough and fast as he hitches your leg up, pushing you to lean against the shower wall. He lines himself up at your cunt, stretching you so much nicer than your fingers ever could.
He keeps his eyes on you when he thrusts into you, his expression both needy and satisfied.
“Thank you,” he whispers. The feeling of him thanking you for letting him be inside you hits you like a drug.
Rafe is in heaven. You squeeze him so fucking good as he rocks in and out of you. He needs to make you cum before he does. You deserve it. You deserve all the pleasure in the world.
When he starts to rub his thumb over your clit, you’re trembling with bliss. Everything in this moment feels so damn good.
“You’re my girl,” he mumbles, his usual possessive side back now. “Say it.”
“I’m your girl,” you respond. “Fuck… I love you.”
Rafe is sure he has never felt happier in his life. His thrusts get harder and faster, and with the pressure on your clit and the hot water coating your body, you whine through your orgasm.
To him, it’s a gift watching you reach your peak. You clench around him in rhythmic flutters and he can’t hold back anymore, his cum gushing out of him so fucking hard that he sees stars.
This is the best sex he’s ever had. Because now he knows it’s more than just something physical for both of you.
He kisses you hard as his body trembles, pumping into you. His forehead is against yours as you pant together and even though he’s exhausted, he stays inside you as long as he can manage.
When he pulls out, he brings his hands to your cheeks and kisses you again.
“You meant that?” he asks. He needs to know you that really do love him. That it wasn’t a heat of the moment thing. You look up at him, his lips parted, the water dripping down his face.
“Yes,” you say. His dimples are deep in his cheeks as he smiles at you.
As Rafe helps you clean up, he’s pissed at himself that he never did this before. He hates that you had to always do this alone. He won’t ever let that happen again.
Once you’re both lying in your bed, your bedroom dark save for a streetlamp casting a dull light through the window, Rafe holds you tight.
Your cheek is against his shoulder as he surrounds you in his arms. You both remained naked and the feeling of your bare bodies pressed together like this is perfection.
You softly trace your finger over the bruise covering his eye. The one his friend left on him because of something he said about you.
“What’d he say?” you ask.
“I’m not repeating it,” Rafe replies.
“Please?” you ask. “I wanna know what made you go crazy.”
“He said I seem happier lately,” Rafe says. “And before I told him it was because I wanna�� be with you for real, he said… he wants to see if he could get…”
“God,” you mutter, rolling your eyes. He doesn’t have to say any more. His buddy wanted a turn with you.
“But hey, I’m not gonna let anyone say anything like that about you, okay?” he promises. “I’ll beat the shit out of anyone who tries to.”
You picture being out in public with Rafe, his arm around you. And you can’t help but ask. You need to know.
“So… are you gonna… want me around your friends and stuff?” you ask.
“Of course,” he tells you, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re my girl, right?”
It’s jarring. You’re not a lower-class maid to him. Not his personal whore. Not his slutty sugar baby. You’re a woman he loves.
Legs tangled, you fall asleep together, and you adore that the worry of falling for him is now gone. Because you’re in love, and so is he, and now you can enjoy him without telling yourself you can’t.
When you wake up the next morning, you shuffle in your position to find him, but you’re alone.
Your heart drops. Could he have been faking…?
You can’t jump to that conclusion. You’re about to check your phone when you hear crinkling coming from the kitchen.
You put on underwear and the shirt you stole from him a while ago before padding into the kitchen. He’s standing over your table, removing containers from bags.
You realize it’s from your favorite nearby bistro. He ordered food for you.
“Breakfast?” you ask. Rafe looks up at you and he doesn’t understand how every time he sees you, you strike him with how adorable you are.
“You hungry?” he says.
You settle across from him at the table. You realize he must have referenced the screenshot you sent him after the first night that he stayed over, when he sent you money to order breakfast and you sent him proof of what you bought.
As you dig into your food, you gaze at him. Blue eyes meet yours. He smirks. It doesn’t feel real. He used to look so out of place in your apartment, but this feels so natural.
“We gonna talk about how much of a cuddler you are?” you tease.
“Shut up,” he laughs. “Eat your food.”
You laugh and continue to chew.
“What do you have to do today?” he asks.
“I should study,” you say. “I was going to last night after work, but you know…”
Rafe looks down and his Adam’s apple bobs with his hard swallow.
“Are you gonna keep working?” he asks. “I don’t want you to. I wanna take care of you.”
As much as he loves seeing you around his house twice a week, he’s been getting more and more uncomfortable with the idea of you having to work so hard, having to clean up after him.
“Yeah,” you finally say. “I think I need to have the independence. To know I’m working for my own money. Does that make sense?”
“With your attitude? Yeah,” he says. You laugh.
You hope the gossip between your coworkers doesn’t get any farther up the chain. For now, you want to keep your job and the steadiness it promises.
“You can’t pull me away from my work to hook up whenever you want, though, okay?” you say.
“Even when I find you in my bed?” he asks.
“That was one time,” you scoff.
Rafe leans over to place his phone in front of you. He has your contact info up. The photo isn’t what it was before, though. It’s a photo of you sleeping, cheek pressed on his chest.
He must have taken it this morning. He wants to prove you’re not just a body to him.
Your eyes study his screen and you smile, oblivious to the fact that he’s staring at you.
But then again, you never really noticed how much he looked at you whenever you came to work at the house.
He can still remember the rush he felt when he randomly found you on that damn website. You were a fucking fantasy to him, a dream that he never thought he’d get to live out.
But here you are and by some crazy stroke of luck, you found something in him worth loving.
Rafe always enjoyed having some sort of ownership over you, claiming you as his. Because deep down, he always kind of knew he belonged to you. Whether you want him or not, he’s yours.
(the end) (continuation blurbs)
author’s note: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR THIS SERIES 💘 it’s so bittersweet ending it. i had so much fun writing this and it’s because of your comments and messages 😭 i’ll be writing more fics! if you want updates, please follow @xorafe-library and turn on notifications since i’ll be reblogging my work there. love you all!!!
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
Secret Underneath (Steddie X Plus Size You)
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"She's got a secret underneath (she's got a secret underneath) Yeah, she's his naughty little freak (yeah, she's his naughty, little freak) She likes to put on a show (she likes to put on a show) She likes when he takes control (she likes when he takes control)"
A/N: This came from utter annoyance at men online and just desperately trying to find a confident man who cares.
Warnings: Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, daddy kink (cause im me), blindfold, toys, voyeurism (I guess. They watch her pleasure herself on cam), dirty talk. Sub/dom dynamics, oh um age difference even though its not mentioned (guys are about mid to late 30s and Reader is in her mid to late 20s)
ANGST, Reader is assaulted by an ex (mentioned but not expanded on) boys comfort her, mentions of her wanting to be held and tired of feeling lonely, guys online try to flirt in the beginning but she shuts them down. I think that's it. Cliffhanger ending because again...Im me.
Word Count: 5555 (ooooo :P)
“I can take care of a young little thing like you. You’re perfect”
“If I’m perfect why do I need someone to take care of me?”
“Do you want to help Daddy finish, baby? My big hard cock needs some help.”
“Oof a real Daddy doesn’t need to announce how big his cock is. Try again, little boy.”
“I bet a little girl like you needs to be put in her fucking place, you stupid fucking slut. Now get naked and send me nudes or else.”
You role your eyes as you promptly block the person who sent you the message. When you signed up for this sugar baby website you were hopeful to find someone who wasn’t like the “men” you had talked to on regular dating apps. You wanted someone who knew what they were doing, confident, and could handle your sass without running. 
You had met a few who could live up to the title but none you wanted to keep around long term. 
Sliding your mouse through the images, you found a profile that intrigued you. The image attached wasn’t of one man but two and it didn’t show their faces. It wasn’t odd for the Babies to want anonymity like yourself but your profile picture at least showed all of you in your curvy glory with a mask blocking your eyes and lingerie blocking everything else. Daddies always felt the need to show off so usually their profile images accentuated their faces and/or their money.
These two, with an account named Mogul/Rockstar, were only photographed from the neck down and it was definitely a picture they took, not some professional or anything like that. The man on the left had a black, well fitted suit with his admittedly gorgeous hands holding a glass of whiskey. The man on the right was a bit less put together with torn jeans and a blue jean vest over his bare chest just barely blocking the tattoos that peaked out. You assume he must have long hair because the ends of wavy locks rested on his shoulders.
When most men reached out to you it was with some silly pick-up line or innuendo. This profile, however, simply sent you one word; “Hello.”
(8:45pm) “Hey there. Not much for words?”
(8:47pm) “We imagine you’ve heard them all. : ). “
(8:48pm) “Are you really two people? Or do you just have an extra ego?”
(8:48pm) “Oh or let me guess! Your dick is so big it counts as another person.
(8:50pm) “I mean my friend IS a big dick but lol”
(8:51pm) “Yeah, honey, it’s really two people. We like to be clear about that. Any Baby that becomes ours would be just that; ours. 
(8:53pm) “We’ve learned pretty quickly not many women feel comfortable with two Daddies which is absolutely fine and why we are up front.”
(8:54pm) “How up front are you being really when you don’t show your face?”
(8:55pm) “Hm. Not a yes girl. I like that. It’s good to ask questions. 
(8:57pm) “We do that for a couple of reasons. One being we are well known faces so we don’t want a Baby to choose us solely on that.”
(8:57pm) “Because you don’t want to be embarrassed?”
(9:00pm) “Asking questions is good. Interrupting isn’t. Don’t do it again.”
(9:01pm) “Or what?”
(9:08pm) “Or what, huh?”
(9:15pm) “Fuck you! Ignoring isn’t very Daddy like!”
(9:16pm) “Oh? Did little baby get her feelings hurt? We don’t ignore as punishments but you aren’t ours yet, sweetheart. If you don’t want to follow any rules that’s fine. We can just continue looking and you can be a brat with someone else.”
(9:18pm) “I’m sorry.”
(9:19pm) “What’s the other reason?”
(9:22pm) “Actually, that’s the biggest reason. Our fame gets in the way of a lot of things if you can believe it. Expectations are ruined and certain ideals are put in place.”
(9:23pm) “My reputation as a rockstar makes some ladies think I can’t be soft and I definitely can. Our image isn’t solely who we are.”
(9:25pm) “I can understand that. Being a bigger girl people think I’m either desperate or my weight becomes a fetish to them. Which, I mean, fetishes are fine but men make me feel like…it’s the ONLY reason they are sexually attracted to me.”
(9:26pm) “And not because of your personality. Yeah…”
(9:28pm) “Is that why you’re a bit of a brat? Lol need to weed out the idiots?”
(9:30pm) “Something like that. Lol.”
(9:32pm) “Baby, I think my friend and I are in agreement that we’d like to try this out if you’re willing. You don’t have to see us or do anything you don’t want. Per the anonymity that was mentioned, we aren’t going to give our names so you don’t have too either. We also won’t be showing our faces so, again, you don’t have to.”
(9:33pm) “More than anything, we just want someone to look out for and talk to. Maybe make you feel good from time to time if you let us.”
(9:35pm) “Ok, Daddy.”
(9:36pm) “Good. Good girl. : ). We can talk on here until the three of us get more comfortable and then we can give you our numbers so you can talk to us there or individually. As you can imagine, rockstar travels a lot and so do I for deals so we aren’t always together 24/7.”
(9:40pm) “Are you both friends or partners?”
(9:42pm) “Friends for sure.”
(9:43pm) “Ok, baby girl, we’ll let you go but we’ll talk to you tomorrow. Get some sleep.”
(9:45pm) “Good night, Daddy.”
(9:46pm) “*Daddies”
(9:48pm) “Good night, honey.”
(9:48pm) “Sweet dreams, princess.”
As you laid in bed that night, you couldn’t help but wonder who they could be. You did some quick googling of businessmen who were friends with rockstars but that was stupid because that was a very common friendship found within industries. Rolling over, you plugged in your phone to charge it, pausing when you heard it ding.
Mogul/Rockstar deposited $300 into your account!!
Wow. No man had ever sent you that much just for an introductory conversation. Maybe because it was two of them they felt the need? As you drifted off to sleep, you found yourself getting more and more curious about them, dreaming of possibilities that may come to be.
That first month went by a lot smoother than you expected it to when it came to this account. They were incredibly kind and genuinely seemed to care about your day and what you were up to. Any time you voiced any kind of concern, they listened and did what they could. For example, you wished you could tell who was responding when since at the moment they replied as one. A few minutes later Rockstar changed his text to be red so you knew you were talking to him. 
When it came to finances, they were more than generous, giving you a set amount of $500 at the end of each day. They never once asked for anything sexual or made innuendos about their bodies or yours. 
As the second month began however you found yourself getting antsy.
(6:42pm) “May I ask a question?”
(6:43pm) “Yeah, of course, anything, honey.”
(6:45pm) “Can we do something…I mean can you help me…”
(6:46pm) “We can help with anything, princess. You just have to ask like a big girl.”
(6:47pm) “Can you…help me cum…”
(6:47pm) “Please, Daddy.”
(6:48pm) “We can do that for you, pretty girl. If you want. You remember the rules?”
(6:48pm) “Yes, Daddy.”
(6:49pm) “You don’t even have to turn on your camera or mic or anything. You can just…watch me.”
(6:50pm) “We never do anything we don’t want to do.”
(6:51pm) “But we would love to watch you cum. Do you have toys or were you just going to use your fingers?”
(6:53pm) “I have toys, Daddy.”
(6:54pm) “I actually just got this rabbit vibrator but I have no idea how to use it.”
(6:57pm) Mogul/ Rockstar has invited you for a video chat.
Biting your bottom lip, you grab your mask and pull it over your eyes, checking your appearance in the camera box before clicking their link. The camera box was still just their image from the site which you expected but was pleasantly surprised when a husky voice flowed through your speakers. 
“Hey, honey. You don’t have to turn your mic on if you don’t want to. We just thought it would be fair since you’re about to vulnerable with us.”
You smiled as you turned on your microphone. 
“Is it vulnerable? It’s just…masturbating right?”
“I mean, are you playing with yourself on the internet for just anyone?”
The second voice that followed through sounded extremely familiar as if you heard it somewhere before. It was incredibly sexy none the less. 
“Then I would say you’re being vulnerable, babe. Jesus, you are really beautiful by the way.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”, you beam.
“Can we ask why shorts and an oversized shirt? Most women wear the lingerie or a bra and panties.”
“Or are totally naked.”
“I just want to be comfortable. I’m not roaming around my house in a bra and panties.”, you giggle. “I take those off as soon as I get home from work.”
“Very fair. We’ve never asked what you do. Do you feel comfortable telling us?”
“I’m a teacher. Another reason for said anonymity.”
“Again fair.”
“Um, may I ask, whose voice is whose?”
“Yeah, pretty girl. I’m the Mogul.”
“I’m the rockstar.”
Smiling, you nod but you find yourself completely unsure of how to proceed. Usually, you could play innocent and do what you needed in the bedroom but something about these men were making you…
“Honey, are we making you a little nervous?”, Mogul asked in a sweet tone. 
“Yeah a little bit. I’m sorry.”
“No reason to be sorry, sweetheart. Can you do your Daddies a favor and show us the toy you got?”
Like a little kid in a store, your smile grew as you opened the box by your feet and produced the pink vibrator, displaying it for them to see.
“Is that your favorite kind of toy?”
“Usually men are but—” You quickly covered your mouth with your palm not meaning to let your sass slip out like that. Again, you were surprised when you heard both men laugh.
“I like that sassy attitude.”
“The confidence to.”, Mogul adds. “Don’t cover up that personality for us, baby girl. We’re big boys. We can handle it.”
“Most men can’t.”
“Most men aren’t us.”
“That’s for damn sure.”, you smirk as your thighs rub together. 
“Why don’t you take off those short for us, sweetheart?”, Rockstar suggests as you nod, rising from your chair to bring them down and toss them aside. “Good girl. Can you open your legs for us so we can see that pretty pussy?”
Licking your lips, you close your eyes as your open your legs giving them a good view. 
“Open your eyes, baby girl, and don’t move them from the camera.”, Mogul commands in a firm tone. “Jesus, man. I bet she tastes really fucking sweet.”
“And is really fucking tight. That toy is going to stretch you out I bet.”
You moan at their words as you tease your slit with the end of the vibrator.
“I wish you both were here to help me.”, you whine as you palm slides under your shirt to massage your breast. 
“Go ahead, honey. Push it into your cunt and tell us how it feels.”
Mewling, you easily guide it inside of you, the subtle vibration against your clit driving you crazy.
“Fuck, it feels so good, Daddy.”
“Yeah, princess? Fuck, I’ve never wanted to eat a pussy so bad in my life. Look at her. I just want her to ride my face till she cums over and over.”
“You’d like that, baby? Make a mess all over Rockstar’s face.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Such a dirty little girl. Can you say it for us?”
“I’m…I’m a dirty girl. Fuck, Daddy, it feels so good inside of me.”
“Fuck, baby girl. You’re so fucking sexy. Make yourself cum.”
“Can I, Daddy? Please. I’m so close.”
“Yeah, sweetheart. You have our permission.”
Your body shook as you came, your hips grinding against the toy as you elongated your high. 
“Good girl, honey. Very good. Come back to us.”
“Th-thank you. Thank you.”, you grin as you bite your lip. “Wait, did you guys cum? I wanna hear it.”
“This was about you, babe. We didn’t touch ourselves.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that we’re really fucking hard though after that display.”, Rockstar laughed.
“Are you serious? You guys didn’t…at all. Most men do.”
The image in their camera box suddenly changes and their laps from the waist down come into your view. Both men were wearing shorts and you could vaguely see their bulges poking through. Their hands were gorgeous, one littered with rings that you assumed belonged to the rockstar. 
“Again…we aren’t most men.”
“Don’t make us have to remind you again.”
Nodding, you softly apologize as you lean back in your chair.
“What’s wrong, baby? Are you pouting?”, Mogul asks in a tone that makes you smile. 
“Not really. I just…I wish you could hold me.”
“Yeah…yeah, princess, we wish we could to.”
“Will you ever trust me enough to show me your faces?”
You listen as they heavily sigh.
“Maybe. Let’s just take this one step at a time, ok?”
After your good nights and lying in bed alone, you don’t know why but you begin to cry. You had been alone for so long, broken hearted from the bullshit your ex put you through. You loved what the site offered but you wondered if that momentary high would be enough to sustain you. You just wanted someone who would hold you and tell you everything was alright. Someone who would take care of you and make you feel safe so you didn’t have to worry anymore about…everything. 
As your phone dinged, you glanced at the notification that illuminated your screen. 
Mogul/Rockstar deposited $2000 into your account!!
Hardening your heart, you reminded yourself that you were strong, squeezing your eyes tightly shut as you forced yourself to sleep. 
(6:15pm) “Hey beautiful. What are your plans tonight? Rockstar and I were thinking maybe the three of us could have a camera date and just talk. Nothing sexual.”
(6:17pm) “You don’t have to of course.”
(6:20pm) “Sweetheart, you know how we feel about you not answering.”
(6:25pm) “Shit, you guys. I’m so sorry. I was charging my phone while I was getting ready! I actually have plans tonight.”
(6:27pm) “Ooo that sounds like fun. Spending some time with friends?”
(6:29pm) “Not exactly lol My ex actually invited me to dinner so we could talk about some things.”
(6:30pm) “You’re going on a date?”
(6:32pm) “Um, I guess you can call it that.”
(6:32pm) “Is that a problem?”
(6:33pm) “We made it clear that if you agreed to be our Baby you would be ours.”
(6:34pm) “Virtually, yes, but the information and rules you gave me didn’t say I couldn’t go out on a date. 
(6:35pm) “What. Did you think I was just going to be ok with not knowing who you two were and never having you two fuck me or hold me. 
(6:35pm) “To not go on actual dates and feel wanted.
(6:36pm) “Needed.”
(6:38pm) “Didn’t realize you needed everything spelled out for you. Relationships take time. Like you we imagine, we’ve been burned before. We don’t want another whore who’s only dating us for our money or status. We deal with fake people enough!”
(6:39pm) “We like talking to you and you’re so beautiful. We WANT to see where this goes but if you’re in that much of a rush maybe this was a bad idea.”
This Baby is currently offline. You may leave messages for her and she will get this when she logs back in!!
(9:32pm) CurvyBabyWAttitude has invited you for a video chat!!
(9:34pm) Mogul/Rockstar declined your invitation for a video chat.
(9: 35pm) “Please…I need you…”
(9:38pm) “Now you need us? After your date I’m thinking didn’t go well since it’s 9:30.”
(9:39pm) “Try again, little girl. We aren’t the kind of men you use whenever you feel like.”
(9:41pm) “We have feelings to.”
(9:45pm) “What? No sassy come back? Nothing sarcastic you want to say?”
(9:50pm) Mogul/Rockstar has invited you for a video chat!!
“Jesus Christ. What happened, baby?!”
When you illuminated their screen, you were a complete mess. Your hair was frayed every which way and even under the mask covering your eyes they could tell your make up was smeared from tears. Your black dress that you had worn was torn at the sleeve, hanging down as you held it together with your hand. 
“Did that fucker hurt you?”, Rockstar growled. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know who to call. I’m so sorry, Daddy. I should have stayed here with you. I’m just so tired of feeling lonely. As soon as that fucker showed me even a little bit of attention I just…”
You listened as they mumbled to each other, unable to make out what they were saying as you dried your tears with your fist. 
“We’re in New York right now. Are you close to that state?”
“Do you trust us? Say it.”, Mogul replies sternly when you nod.
“Yes, I trust you.”
“There’s a hotel outside of the city. I’ll message you the address and room number. You follow the instructions we give you to the letter. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Hi, um, I’m checking into a room…under, um, Baby Girl.”
You cringe as you relay the information but all the young lady does behind the hotel counter is beam over at you as she types on her computer. 
“Ah and here’s your key. Do you need an escort or anything?”
“Oh, uh, no, ma’am, thank you.”
“No problem! The gentleman said he would be right there.”
You glanced around you nervously as you rode the glass elevator up to the floor your room was at. You appreciated that they didn’t make you go to some run-down Bates Motel but you were still a bit on edge. 
Heading for the door, you paused taking a deep breath before putting in the key and slowly entering the room. It was a modest little room but lived up to its five-star rating just on looks alone. Shifting your gaze, you realized quickly you were alone but noticed a note with the words “Baby Girl” on the mattress. 
Lifting it up, you found a black silk eye mask one would use for sleeping folded underneath. 
“Please place this mask over your eyes and we will be right in. 
We know it took a lot of trust for you to drive out here so we’re trying to meet you halfway.”
Taking a seat, you sighed as you tried to put the thing over your head, struggling a bit as a bruise had begun to form where your ex tugged at your dress. 
The sound of the door clicking and swinging slowly open caught your attention as you froze in place. 
“Um, f-full disclosure, my eyes are closed as well. I couldn’t get this thing further down and I could see under the—” You point at the bottom of the mask as the door closed. 
Cologne filled your nostrils as footsteps walked closer to you. 
“Is it ok if I touch you so I can fix it?”
Your head tilted to the side at the sultry, smooth voice just above you.
“Yeah…who-who is this?”
“I’m the mogul in our name. Rockstar is on his way.”
“Were you two not together?”
You feel the atmosphere shift as he kneels in front of you and his fingers gently hold your head as he adjusts the mask to be more comfortable.
“We were but he wanted to stop and grab some things in the lobby. How does that feel?”
“Better, thank you.”
He withdrawals his hands but he doesn’t move as you feel his eyes scanning you over. Braving crossing a boundary, your hands carefully reach out and find his cheeks. Taking a hold of your wrists, Mogul helps guide your movement over his fluffy hair making you smile at how soft it is. When your thumb finds his lips, he exhales heavily and his warm breath has your pussy clenching around nothing. 
Abruptly, the door beeps and opens again as the smell of cigarettes fills the room.
“Do you know how hard it is to find ice in this goddamn palace!?”
Your head tilts again as you try to follow the new voice as he moves about the room. 
“And that would be the rockstar.”, the man in front of you assures as he pats your thigh and sits beside you. As he goes to release your hand, you immediately reach for him again, afraid of being in the dark now that they were here.
“Next building you buy should be a fucking hotel so you can put things where us humans can find them.”
You hear what sounds like someone being lightly hit as everything becomes silent again. 
“Hey, sweetheart. Sorry. My mouth tends to move before my brain does.”, he replies in your direction at a bit of a calmer register as he bounces on to the bed beside you. “God, asshole got you good, huh? Ok, this is going to be cold.”
You yelp and wince when something freezing lands on your arm. 
“I searched for like an actual icepack but I guess the 5 stars don’t include first aid.”
“Ok! I get it. You’re not used to fancy places, dude. Jesus.”
Rockstar laughs through his teeth making you smile again as your free hand reaches towards where you assume he is. Your fingers touch hair first and your eyebrows scrunch together as you realize you found the ends just above his shoulder. 
“Yeah, I, uh, wouldn’t run my fingers through that. It’s all tangled. You may get stuck and have to stay with us forever.”, he chuckles before it trails off. 
You can feel them both watching you as your palm finds his cheek and like with his friend your thumb moves along his bottom lip. They were a bit more chapped but based on the smell you assumed that was due to the cigarettes. As your hand began to travel down his neck, you paused and pulled away not wanted to make either man uncomfortable. 
“I’m sorry.”, you mumble.
“What are you sorry for, honey?”
“I don’t mean to be…that much of a brat, you know. I like talking to you both to and I want to see where this goes but…I guess I’m like him sometimes.” You pause as you gesture towards the rockstar. “My mouth moves before my brain. I’ll understand if you don’t want to be my Daddies anymore.”
Both men were silent for what felt like an eternity before the ice was removed from your skin and replaced by lips. A pleasant sigh escaped you as he tenderly kissed your bruises.
“Why did you ex hurt you?”, Mogul asked.
“Because he’s a fucker.”
“Yeah, we gathered that.”, Rockstar teased as he leaned away from you but intertwined your fingers with his. 
“He, uh, took me on a date to this tacky little restaurant that I told him a million times I hate and then on the drive home he insinuated because he took me out I’d want to…you know.”, you exhale as your head hangs. “I’m just so tired of being lonely. I just want someone to take care of me. ME. Not the supposed ‘whore who needs to be put in her place’ or ‘the desperate big girl’. I’m strong and I can take care of myself. I’m just…tired.”
Fingers tenderly moved your hair behind on of your ears. 
“God, I love your attitude.”
“It’s not uncommon for us to constantly run into ‘yes’ people. It’s one of the problems we have with Babies. Always ‘Yes, Daddy.’ Or ‘Of course, Daddy.’ Sometimes we can’t tell if it’s them being genuine or pandering to us to get what they want. Which…I guess is fine but…”
“Not what we’re looking for.”
Your hands search for Mogul’s face and he grins as he leans in allowing you to touch him. When your lips find his, however, he hastily pulls back and rises to his feet. 
“Hey, no, honey. You don’t have to do that. That’s not why we came down here.”
You feel yourself start to panic, losing your bearings since you can’t see. You had gotten used to them both being next to you and when he stood up you suddenly felt lost. 
“I’m right here, princess. You’re ok. Everything’s ok.”, Rockstar murmurs in your ear as he squeezes your thigh.
“You don’t want to fuck me?”, you ask to the void, unsure of exactly where the other man may be. 
A deep, guttural groan echoes in front of you as you turn your head towards it.
“I’ve never wanted something or someone so bad in my life, baby, but… that’s not why we came here.”
“He doesn’t want you to feel used. Your ex tried to do that and he doesn’t want you to feel like we’re the same.”
“I don’t. I don’t feel that way at all, Daddy.” Your voice had dropped into that little girl tone as you fully allowed yourself to be vulnerable for them. “Please…”
Lips connected to yours again but the taste was different. The nicotine that lingered on his tongue mixed with the slight taste of mint toothpaste set your body on fire as it fully came to life and you wrapped your arms around the man’s neck as he gently tilted you onto your back.
The bed dipped on your other side and you disconnected from one set of lips to another. You became lost in his kisses as his tongue danced with yours and their hands roamed your skin. 
“We’re going to be gentle tonight, baby girl. Let us take care of you.”
You allowed them to undress you and waited patiently as they removed their own clothes. Lying on either side of you, they each lifted one of your legs over their hips as their lips and tongues sucked on your neck.
Rockstar’s fingers glided through your folds and you groaned loudly as he massaged circles into your clit. While running your hand through his hair, Mogul licked and sucked on one of your nipples making your hips buck as you searched for more friction. 
“What do you want, sweetheart? You want my fingers?”
“Yes, Daddy, please.”
His nose presses against your cheek, his mouth opening in a silent moan as he effortlessly guides two of his digits inside of your core. 
“Fuck. I was right. You are tight. Jesus, sweetheart, our cocks are going to stretch you open, baby.”
“Can…Can I have you both?”
“Can you handle that?”, Mogul asked with a slight whine of want. 
“Yeah, Daddy. I can, I promise.”
“Baby girl, I don’t think you understand what you’re asking for.”, he chuckles and you listen as he sucks on what you assume is his fingers. “You may think we’re cocky but trust us we’ve earned the right to be.”
You suck in a breath as you twist your hips and feel two long thick fingers pushed into your ass as both men thrust their digits into you. 
“Can a little girl like you handle your Daddy’s big cocks inside of you at the same time?”
Your hands cling to the man in front of you as you passionately kiss him, his tongue catching your moans as you tremble and trench his fingers as you cum. 
“Y-Yes, I can…I can handle it.”
They abruptly sit up and manhandle you around the bed, Mogul’s arms holding you tightly as he places himself on the edge of the mattress with his legs hanging off the side. Just as you had, his palm comes up to caress your face as his thumb traces your lips. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” You softly smile at the sincerity in his voice while he circles your arms around his neck. “Just hang on to Daddy, ok? We got you.”
His hair tickles your nose as he tilts his head and grips his cock between your bodies. 
“Shit, um, I almost forgot. Is it ok…I don’t think we have condoms.”
“It’s ok. I’m protected and I’m clean. You can cum inside me…if you want to…”
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re going to kill us. Ok, go ahead and baby let me know when you’re ready for me.”
“Yes, sir.”
You feel his mushroom tip tease your entrance making you both moan. 
“Take your time, honey. I got you.”
As you slowly descend onto him, he sucks in a breath as your fingers thread through his hair. 
“So big. Fuck, Daddy.”
“How does she feel, man?”
“Mmpf, tight. That’s it. You’re almost there.”
When you’re fully seated on top of him, his forehead leans to rest on yours as his humid breath fans your face. The action causes you to clench around him and he grunts in pleasure.
“Hang on to me.”, he whispers as he tips back onto his hands tilting you with him. 
Rockstar spits in his palm behind you and you mewl as he rubs it between your cheeks.
“Are you ready, princess?”
“Yes, Daddy, I’m ready.”
Holding your ass open, he gradually slides into you.
“Oh fuck. I wasn’t expecting… goddamn baby girl.”
Ringed fingers take hold of your bicep as both men thrust into you at the same time hitting every spot inside of you that has you melting into them. 
“Oh my God. Yes!”
“Yeah, baby? Fuck, dude. I don’t know how—mmm—how long I’m gonna last. Her ass feels so good.” A hand slaps your behind making you moan as another strong palm grips the back of your thigh guiding your movements as you bounce back into theirs. 
Lips in front of you open mouth kiss your chest up to your neck as you push them closer to your skin. 
“Please. Fuck, Daddy! M’gonna cum.”
Slamming their hips up to meet yours, your body quivers as the coil snaps.
“Atta girl, honey! Making a mess all over our cocks and coming hard like that. So fucking sexy.”
Clinging to them tightly, you allowed them to use you to chase their highs. The man behind you warms your insides first, grunting as his rhythm falters. The man in front of you soon follows thrusting his spend deep inside of you.
“We’re going to pull out, sweetheart, ok?”
“Ok, Daddy.”
After carefully removing themselves, you feel yourself being lifted into the air and spun around before being placed on soft pillows. A wet rag cleans you and you pleasantly sigh as you curl under the covers that were placed over your body. 
“Are you both going to stay?”
Cool metal touches your skin as a hand pets your head. 
“Do you want us to?”
“I promise I won’t look.”
Warmth encases you as they lay on either side, murmuring praises as you steadily fall asleep. 
When you woke up the next morning you were alone, finding a note on the nightstand that said they thought it best to leave before you woke up but that the room was yours for as long as you need and to message them when you made it home. 
You did what they requested but decided to utilize the rest of your Sunday for yourself thinking about everything that happened. You heard your phone pinging but you didn’t want to talk to anyone wishing you could call in that following Monday. Unfortunately, you made a promise to a friend, you couldn’t break. 
“Y/N, honey, are you alright?”, your colleague asks as she lightly elbows your side. 
“I’m fine. Just an interesting weekend.”
“Alright, guys so this where all the important decisions are made.”, the building tour guide obnoxiously smiled as she guided the class around the office space. “Let’s see if the boss is available.”
“Well thank you for chaperoning with me. When Mrs. Ludwig cancelled I thought I would have to reschedule.”
“No problem. I know nothing about business and economics but…”, you giggle. 
“Holy shit!”
“Mark!”, your friend shouts. “Watch your mouth! Jesus!”
“Mrs. Raymond, it’s Eddie Munson. The guitarist from Corroded Coffin!”
Turning your head in that direction, you realize two men are staring your way, one of them indeed the famous rockstar. 
Blinking you tilt your head as you notice the rings on his fingers.
That voice. I knew that voice.
“It’s not uncommon for us to see Mr. Munson around here. Him and Mr. Harrington have been friends for a long time. Right, sir?”, the tour guide asks.
“Steve Harrington? The business mogul?”
“See, Y/N. You know some things about the business world.”, your friend grins. 
As the world around you seems to slow down to a halt, you three continue to stare at each other as you figure out where to go from here.
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loveandleases · 21 days
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(So here it is, Cam's birthday post! This takes place when Cam and MC are teens. I struggled to decide when to set it and what scenario to go with but I think this is a good middle.)
Cam flops back on the bed, the phone pressed tightly against his ear as he listens to the familiar ringing. Waiting for the other side to pick up. To hear that familiar voice say his name, something that causes him such joy he was sure it would be deemed unhealthy by others. If he was being honest, he knew that how tight he tries to cling to you isn't the healthiest thing.
What feels like twenty minutes of waiting is more like two, but each second that passes by makes his insides tighten. A part of him always wondered if there would be a time when you would stop answering his calls. Would you tire of him like his family? Would Chris fill your head with so many lies you couldn't bear to even look at him?
Eventually, the phone clicks and his breath catches for the briefest moment until he hears you. "Birthday boy."
"Red," Cam whispers, though he isn't sure why. He's alone in his room at his parents. In a house of a family that treats him more like a stranger. A house he has been stuck coming back to for the past two months thanks to some power trip from his dad. Though he knew he would be escaping it soon, running away from home could practically qualify as a hobby for him.
"Didn't I tell you I would call first." you chided. He knew you meant well, it was a tradition. One would call the other on their birthday, even if the two of you would see each other soon, you still made sure to call. But something about this night had forced him to call you, to hear your voice, to recognize his existence.
"C'mon, you can forgive me this once."
"Aww, do you miss me?" You coo, your tone teasing.
"Course I do. It's been two months Red. That's the longest we've gone without seeing each other since we met. Not to mention, this will be the first time since we were kids that I won't see you on my birthday."
You both grew quiet, neither thinking to fill the void of silence between you, not until a snap of a twig caught Cam's attention. Pulling his whirling thoughts to his open window. Cam sits up, evening out his breathing to better listen. Probably just an animal. "So what did you-"
The sound of rustling near his window causes him to pause, body filled with tension. He's not afraid, why would he possibly be afraid of the idea of someone climbing into his window and possibly slicing his- Alright, take it easy on the horror movies Cam, you're being silly.
A gentle tap on the glass of the window is what eventually pulls him from his thoughts, he slowly makes his way over, each step quieter than the one before until he faces it. Cam leans out, hoping to see what's causing so much noise. Once he does he freezes, what's the old saying, like a deer in the headlights.
"Surprise!" You whisper shout, dangerously perched on a tree limb.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Cam reaches for you, hands grasping and pulling you in. You both tumble to the floor your limbs tangled together.
Cam freezes, your faces so close together that you can feel his warm breath ghost your cheeks. "S..sorry. Still, what are you doing here?"
"I couldn't miss your birthday." you grin at him, ignoring the smudges of dirt on your face caused by climbing. It causes Cam to laugh, the first real laugh he's had in months. Not one crafted to soothe his mother's ego when something she says falls flat. A laugh that is not pointed at him when Chris tells a joke and Cam is the butt of it.
He cradles you as if you're his lifeline as if you're the very person that could make being in this cold house worth it because to him you are.
"Hope you don't mind, the only present I bought was myself."
Cam takes a deep breath, wiping away an invisible tear. "I guess it will just have to do." he teases.
With a playful shove, you sit up, pulling your warmth with you. The warmth that Cam tries to grasp with his hand but instead finds the corner of your shirt sleeve. "Promise me something," you whisper, eyes roaming around the room. Compared to that of his siblings the room is bare in comparison. A small bed, a shelf here or there, the walls bare of any coverings.
"Promise me we'll never miss each other's birthday." at first you think he doesn't hear you. Not with how quiet he gets as he sits up his eyes never leaving you.
Cam sticks his hand out, pinky raised waiting to link with another. "Pinky promise." You suppose this was another tradition, something so simple yet so meaningful to the two of you.
Your fingers curl around one another and Cam winks, pulling your hand up to place a soft kiss. "I missed you." he mumbles.
"Likewise. But more importantly." you turn, hands clasped on the top of your knees clearing your throat as if the next thing you're about to say was of utmost importance. "Cameron Clarke, my best-friend, my ride or die. The Robin to my Batman." "Hey! I'm clearly Bat-" he interjects. "The mint to my chocolate, the peanut butter to my jelly" you take a deep breath, because the next words are going to be embarrassing. "My other half, and my soulmate." His eyes widen, what blush he had hoped wasn't showing before is far too hard to deny now. His pale freckled skin turned rosy, a better look if you had to admit it. Cam Clarke flustered was always a sight to behold because not many could do it. "Happy birthday."
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tarjapearce · 1 year
HI!! I LOVE YOUR WORKS,, CAN U DO Pornstar miguel fucking his girlfriends tight pussy infront of the cam 😲😍😍😍 ITS DEF IF NOT BUT PLS🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
breeding, size kink, age dif PLS SHSBJWBW
I did not see this coming omg 😳😳 NSFW undercut
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Big and sturdy hands attempted to focus the camera on the frame he actually wanted. Thick, lengthy, lightly curved towards the end, reddish hue tip with a heavy sac cock dangled before the camera as he tried to keep the device still.
"Love when that happens" sweet voice that appeared in all of his homemade productions, giggled at the comment.
He had a lipstick smear near the base, the shape of your lips around it. Your little laughs could be heard from the back, but then you appeared and kneeled before the camera, lipstick impecable on your lips, Your hands grope your breast as Miguel approached. Another amateur production that would be added to his collection in the company.
A single hand of his, big enough to cover your face, went underneath your chin and cupped your cheeks.
"Open up, sweetie" Your tongue rolled off your mouth at his command. as your eyes stared directly at the camera.
His hand tangled in a fistful of your hair as he turned you in direction of his cock. His free hand guiding himself into your mouth and slowly slid in until your nose rubbed his happy trail. You seemed unbothered. Jaw relaxing as he sloshed in and out of your moist and warm flesh.
"So so good, princesa" He'd purr as his fisted hand kept guiding you on his shaft, to then squeeze your nose shut as he made you deepthroat him first. Redden cheeks turned purple as he fucked your throat between breathless moans and grunts.
He had been training you properly for this video in particular. The reviews from the previous one had that comment that surely busted your ego.
'That mouth can surely do better"
You were settled to shut that critic down. And Miguel was more than happy to comply in your training and now, seeing a cum streak that connected his tip with your meaty mouth and be completely unbothered by it, sliding in your throat once more like none's business, made his chest swell in pride.
"Eso, mi amor " (That's it baby)
He hissed with a lustful grin
He pulled your face before the camera and smeared his cum on your chin and cheeks before kissing you, tasting himself in the process with a satisfied grin. His thumbs splotched the lipstick off your mouth.
You laughed at the fact that finally your gagging reflexes had subsided enough for him to just use your mouth as a toy whenever you felt bratty. A great addition to the videos really.
Miguel would take you by the arm and threw you over his shoulder, rag dolling you. Feet dangling and hovering on the joints of his hip. A firm slap on your butt sent shivers down your thighs. A cue for you to shut your giggling out.
"Sorry, sorry got excited." You mumbled as he plopped some more cushions on the couch. He then threw you in them and you howled in laughter.
"Careful, Miggy"
His hands spreaded you gently like a book. Left thigh close to his chest as the other rested in the couch's armchair. Spreaded, exposed with your hips and legs shaped in an L form.
Puffy outer lips, that he had previously coated with his spit, parted to expose a bit more of your inner folds. He groaned at your awaiting soaked pussy.
"Ready, preciosa?" You nodded as your toes wriggled in anticipation. Teeth biting your lower lip.
"Aquí vamos" (Here we go)
Miguel took the phone, a little rustling as he dragged the tripod closer, making a zoom into your pussy. Pulsating, awaiting to be filled.
"Look at that" His thumb rubbed over your clit, to then place his shaft ontop of your flesh. The tip reached an inch underneath your navel.
You'd giggle at the size comparison.
"The perfect size really"
His hands would rub his tip between your folds, prodding at your clit lazily.
"Love big cocks inside you, princesa?"
"Only yours." He'd kiss you with hunger, tongue teasing before his mouth darted towards your ankle. Hips positioned, the camera focused, your hand hovering onto your lower belly made his cock twitch.
His tip sunk between your awaiting folds that received him with a wet little squish. Mouth gaped as he sheathed in a go, breast bouncing at the choking thrust.
"Yess-" You hissed and sobbed. Pussy stretching at his rock hard girth.
"Ay, Dios mio, muñeca. Mira. Mira, mira." (Oh ny God, doll. Look. take a look)
His voice urged to look at your swollen lower belly, full of him, bulging as he kept sheathing himself inside you.
"Feels good? Yeah?"
Your eyebrows knitted together, eyes drooped, drowning in need. You nodded with your bottom lip still caught in your teeth.
"So so good, Miggy. Just like tha-"
Another core shaking thrust. Your breath shook and toes curled in.
"So so eager." He cooed while dragging his cock out, glistening in your moist, his hand tilted the camera so it could take a better angle of how his cock left your pussy gaping. Your entrance squelching as he retired himself completely off you, only to ram back his hips immediately . Shaft buried balls deep in your tight little hole.
"Miguel!" You whined and his hips rolled, tip drawing tiny circles in your cervix. Your head was thrown back and he reached for your neck, squeezing your flesh on the spot. His hand covered completely your neck, dressing it up with his fingers. Air slowly leaving your mouth.
"You like that don't you?"
His pace quickened, and your hands went to his wrist that only applied more pressure on your neck, enough for you to give small short breaths and not cut the air completely. Your nods weak.
"Fucking slut, always greedy for my cock."
Your whole body shook with every plunge he did. Much to your dismay his other hand took a hold of the front strands of your hair and held you both still by the hair and neck as he moved into a brutal pace.
"Always teasing with this tight pussy..."
Your videos weren't for the vanilla coded. In fact it was the main warning in every little intro of them.
"Fucking make it hurt, Miggy" You had begged in between breathless chokes.
He growled. Oh, how you loved when it hurted so good. The kind of pain that always gave you the most intense orgasms with him.
The slapping on your flogged skin turned rawer and meaner, you growled. Sweat rolled down his chest and back, flesh flushed from the exertion. Your insides trapped him, constricting him in a Singapur Kiss. You just took him, mouth hung open, gaping in an o shape as he rawed you silly.
He'd moan shakily at the intensity of your tightening walls. You squirmed and wheezed underneath him.
"Dámelo, muñeca " (Give it to Me baby)
You shook your head vehemently, your hands still on his wrist, nails prickling his skin, trying to get more air in your lungs
"No?" He squeezed harder on your neck earning a weakened yelp. Your hands flailed and slapped his hand away, or at least tried to. Your hips bounced on his cock uncontrollably. There was no longer grunts or yelps, just little choked and stifled sobs, a vice like grip from your insides on his cock.
"¿Lo quieres dentro?" (You want it inside? )
Again your head shook as the remnants of sanity were ripped out of you.
"The fuck you mean no?" He shook you by the neck, it gave him a little wail from you.
Your small frame wringed with sweat, makeup smeared, and such a debauched face that made his wicked grin widen.
"Adentro será." (Inside shall be)
You whimpered a plea that he ignored. Of course you wanted it inside. His load always sizzled your spasming walls deliciously
He had to take a hold of your hips as you came. Gushing enough to bath his cock and lower abdomen with your cum. You had screamed, althout weakly, at the sensation. Body convulsing violently underneath his hands. Voice scrapped raw as your legs shook like jelly.
He had groaned your name as he kept spilling. Short elaborated breaths fanning your neck.
Itt was too much. Too fucking much and too good for you. You felt so full, that every time he unsheathed himself from you, you felt empty.
His hands grope you tighter as he gave the last few most powerful thrust you had received so far before going limp ontop of you as his seed remodeled your insides white.
"Such a good girl"
He mumbled as you wheezed, panted and giggled. His cock slowly leaving you, he then took the camera and zoomed in at the creampie he just did.
"¿Estás bien, chula?" (You ok?)
You just gave him a two thumbs up and giggled. Too sore to try and speak
"Ready for round two?" You only groaned. A bruise underneath your chin forming as he laughed.
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dejwrldarchived · 6 months
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⤷‧₊˚ you + the eldest brother of the kids you babysit = a late night cam show
┊ •° ੈ ⋆° ┊ warning readers discretion is advised — female reader, female anatomy described, female anatomy described, usage of y/n, cam work mentioned, cam boy!dabi, dabi has multiple piercings, fingering, squirting, consensual recording, dabi calls reader a slut and bitch once, mentions of black male, dacryphilia, told in third pov, mdni
a repost from my old account.
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Being home from university for winter break was a huge burden for Dabi. Not only did he have to deal with being the black sheep within his family, but he had to set up a quite particular schedule to entertain his ten thousand subscribers on the popular camboy website. He figured to do cam shows when the house was down for bedtime or when he knew no one was home. However, with his family all crowding the traditional Japanese home for the holidays, he’s been abandoning the subscribers that tipped him wonderful just for stroking his cock on camera.
The thing is, Dabi didn’t really need the money. He came from pure old money. It just stroked his ego reading the comments people said about him. From complimenting his toned torso and pecks that were accessorized with a nipple piercing to adoring his Lorum piercing on his pretty cock. It made his ears grow so hot like an excited dog getting ready to play with its owners. He adored the ego stroke of what he did, but his gloomy eyes didn’t light up in excitement seeing his bank account grow. It was as if the money didn’t phase him. He didn’t spend much of the money on himself, usually buying his siblings’ stuff. Which usually was more of him throwing the item at them and mumbling how he remembered they mentioned to him that they needed or wanted it.
He even took it upon himself to give a gift to his younger siblings’ babysitter (Y/N). A beautiful young woman around his age who’s been the family babysitter for years now. Dabi never paid attention to the girl. Giving her a sly wave before slamming his home door to go hang out with his friends. However, it all changed when she went on the annual family trip with them one hot summer.
Perhaps, Dabi should have concluded that something was going to happen when the two were stuck sharing a hotel room due to a hotel mistake. A night that was filled with stealing miniature vodka bottles from the hotel bar when the bartender was occupied led to a breathless night of Dabi taking the pretty babysitter’s virginity. parted ways due to college, Dabi expected the girl to become clingy. Who wouldn’t become clingy to the guy who took their virginity? But she didn’t.
However, Dabi did notice something. He noticed that her skirts got shorter. Her tops got tighter. She always would let her fingertips graze against his hand when they were in the kitchen together. Her eyes even lit up with so much lust when she saw he was home. She was driving him so crazy because he couldn’t read her.
That was until he was in the kitchen munching on the dinner his mother cooked for the family before she and his father went on a date, (Y/N) was sliding her phone across the counter looking at him with such an intense stare. Dabi’s cold glare traveled down to the phone screen and he nearly choked on the rice ball that was in his mouth.
“You should really not use your most common fuckin’ nickname for your account,” (Y/N) chuckle as she looked at him.
Dabi swallowed the food he was chewing and quickly exited the website that once had his profile right on it. He even saw that she had an account on the website, assuming that she was only there to view the content and not do what he does.
“At first, I didn’t believe it. It’s just a coincidence,” (Y/N) explained. “But that piercing gave it all away,” She soon added as her alluring eyes traveled down to his crotch.
“Okay, I stroke my dick for fuckin’ strangers, now what?” Dabi asked as he stepped closer to her. “Going to snitch off to my parents?” His head tilted slightly, challenging the babysitter in front of him.
“Yes.” (Y/N) bluntly admitted.
Dabi’s fist clenched tightly, “Seriously (Y/N)? Don’t be such a bitch.” He uttered.
“Maybe I am one. Your father will be so upset hearing how his son gets an ego stroke by stroking his dick for strangers on the internet,” (Y/N) says as her hands went up to toy with the necklace around Dabi’s neck.
“Well, what do you want for you to keep your mouth shut?” Dabi asked. “Money? Shoes? Another necklace?” He motioned to the diamond pendant necklace around her neck. A gift he gave her for being such a good babysitter for his siblings.
Once that question left Dabi’s lips, he watched as her lips curled into a smirk. Her fingers dragged down his chest in a slow manner as she batted her lashes at him. She stopped at the string of his grey Nike sweats, “I want to be featured on your show.” She says.
“No,” Dabi says. “You’re not being in my show, I never do collabs. I won’t start now because of a brat trying to blackmail me.” He went back to eating, leaving her pouting at him.
“You’re really okay with your parents seeing this? Especially your dad,” She asked.
Dabi throws his hands up in the air in a careless manner. His shoulders shrugging before he’s speaking once again, “Guess he’ll see what he gave me huh?” He chuckled as he placed his plate in the sink and walked by (Y/N).
Her mouth gaped open at his comment before she chased after him like a lost puppy. “Toya, it would bring you so much more money though.” She whines as she follows him up the stairs.
“Why do you want to be on my show anyway?” He asked. “Wouldn’t want to tarnish your innocent image right?”
“Your shows are always filmed neck down, not like anyone would see my face,” (Y/N) blurted out.
As the dark-haired male caught on to what she said, he turned around to face her. His back pressed against his room door eyeing her up and down. He took in the way her plaid skater skirt moved as she switched her weight from one leg to another and the way he could tell she was wearing a push-up bra to show off her perfectly sized breasts. His teeth grazed at his lower lip as he was mentally weighing out the pros and cons of it. For her to notice that he always streamed from the neck down, she must have been a daily viewer.
“Fine. But if you utter any of this to my parents…” His voice trailed off. “I’ll tell them about when Shoto had to go to the emergency room because your irresponsible ass gave him something he’s allergic to.”
“How’d you know that?” She asked, her arms crossed over her chest pushing her chest forward.
Dabi’s eyes traveled down to look at her chest before he gave her a smirk. “I have my ways, now are you ready or not?”
“What? You want to do it now?” (Y/N) questioned.
“I was planning on streaming now that everyone is asleep and I have about an hour before my parents return,” He said before he twisted the doorknob to his door and pushed it open. His head motioned for her to come in. (Y/N) would give him a cheeky smile before skipping into his room like a child going into a toy store. Not knowing that Dabi was about to practically ruin her pretty little cunt for his subscribers.
He didn’t really let anyone in his room, it was his space. He was very protective of his space. The blue neon lights hardly helped with lighting in the room, which Dabi didn’t mind. It added a unique atmosphere and view to the way he stroked his cock for thousands of people online. The walls of his room were decorated with covers of vintage Rolling Stone and Playboy Bunny magazines. In the corner of his room, he had a record player with a neat pile of vinyl records. (Y/N) was expecting anything out from the camera view on his desk that had his multiple computer monitors would be messy, but he took her by shock. She sat on his bed staring around his room while Dabi sat at his desk going to the website.
“I want to finger you,” Dabi bluntly admitted, his eyes never leaving his computer monitor. “I think us having full-blown sex will be too much for my subscribers considering I only do solo content,” He soon explained.
“Don’t you think that’ll be pretty difficult?” (Y/N) questioned. “Your viewers won’t even be able to see it fully,” she huffs crossing her arms over her chest.
Dabi didn’t even have to turn to look at her to know that she was a pouting mess behind him. He logged into his account announcing that he’ll be starting a stream in about three minutes. His ears growing hot seeing the number of people liking his status update despite him just posting it. “Just take off your panties and come sit on my lap.” He said as he pushed himself a little from under his desk.
(Y/N) eyebrows raised at his comment before she stood up. Her hands up her plaid skater skirt she wore to tug down the lace panties she wore. She throws them over her shoulder before going over to Dabi’s lap, comfortably sitting down as if she sat on his lap multiple times before. Dabi’s fingertips traced alongside her thighs as he sat in the large gaming chair. Such a small intimate moment caused a chill to travel down (Y/N)’s spine.
“This still doesn’t solve our problem that they won’t be able to see you fingering me,” (Y/N) argued.
“You never shut up, do you?” Dabi asked, her remarks were causing the boy to grow annoyed.
“Only if you stuff my mouth with something,” She snapped back giving him a smirk.
Dabi chuckles at her comment, leaning over to start the stream. It was a one-minute count down until the stream would be broadcast to the world, “Lay your back to my chest, pull your knees up and place your legs on the armrest of the chair.” He urged. “Or just place your feet on my knees and keep your legs open for the world can see,” Dabi says. “Whatever makes you comfortable.”
(Y/N) glanced at the thirty-second mark on the screen before she does what she was told. Her cunt was now exposed for his subscribers to see, her gold anklet reflected at her on the screen. Looking at herself in such a provocative way turned her on. Despite you could only see from the neck down, it was a wonderful view to both her and Dabi. Her eyes filled with lust and her pussy throbbed to be touched. She could feel Dabi’s breath tickle at her earlobe and seeing his devious smirk caused her to swallow the harsh lump that formed in the middle of her throat.
“Look how good you look,” Dabi whispered in her ear. “You’re probably going to steal the show from me, doll,” He adds before a little tick noise could be heard as the stream was counting down from ten. “Make sure you don’t moan my real name like you did last time I had you like this during that family trip,” His fingers inched slowly and slow in between her plump thighs.
The show was now live for all his subscribers to see. Dabi was about to finger fuck (Y/N) for his subscribers and she couldn’t wait for that to happen. The pretty babysitter felt the harsh slap at her cunt when the countdown had finally hit zero. The tingle her cunt felt at the sudden slap caused her to be soaked. Dabi’s fingers swiped at her puffy lips collecting her wetness and she could feel his teeth nibbling at the bridge of her ear. “I slapped that cunt of yours and you grew so fuckin’ wet. You like it when I do that?”
“Yes,” Her words stumble out in an intoxicating way. “Please touch me some more,”
The pad of Dabi’s index and middle finger rubbed at her sensitive bud in a circular motion. The tipping notification was blowing up on his profile, but he ignored it. He wanted to see her fucked out just by his fingers. “Like this, doll?” Dabi questioned.
“Or like this?” His two fingers entered her sopping entrance without a warning.
(Y/N)’s mouth gasped open at the sudden action. Her hands grabbed at Dabi’s wrist. “Like that,” She cooed. Her eyes fluttered closed as if she was put into a trance.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet all for me, may have to fuck you until you’re seeing stars after this,” Dabi commented as he begin to move his two fingers inside of her. Her wetness pooled into his lap staining the grey sweatpants he wore.
The audience was loving every second of what was going on as the comments were moving so quickly that Dabi couldn’t even read them. His mind was making sure that (Y/N) felt the wrath of her silly con of trying to blackmail him. His fingers thrust inside her at a pace just like she liked him. A pace she was familiar with when the two shared a moment together during the Todoroki family trip.
“Fuck—” (Y/N) stuttered out as her back pressed against Dabi’s toned chest. Her head fell back as her eyes lolled in the back of her head. The pleasurable feeling of Dabi’s slender digits stuffing her pretty cunt caused her to quiver. Her eyes watered as if she was enduring so much pain, but just she was just enduring the intoxicating pleasure of Dabi fingering her.
“Look at them pretty lil tears.” Dabi cooed in her ear as his finger tugged out of her wet pussy. His fingers were coated with her slick as he rubbed at her clit once again. “I just fingered you and you’re already cryin’ out like a desperate lil slut.”
“Screw you.” (Y/N) spat at him as she was panting, her hips bucked upon his wet fingers for more friction upon her throbbing cunt.
“You’re telling me this as you’re bucking against my hand like a poor little wolf in heat.” Dabi slapped at her cunt once again before his fingers disappeared into her pussy again.
The only sound that bounced off Dabi’s room walls were the moans that tumbled off (Y/N)’s lips and the pornographic sound of Dabi’s fingers aggressively thrusting inside her cunt. At this point, the young babysitter soaked Dabi’s lap as she could feel her orgasm pooling at the pit of her stomach. Her back arching slightly off his lap just for his hand that wasn’t buried in between her thighs to push her back from not leaning forward to expose her face to his viewers.
“If you’re going to cum on my fingers go ahead,” Dabi urged as his fingers still were inside her. “I want to feel your pussy pulse around my fingers anyway,” He adds.
Dabi’s inebriating words only was responded with a string of moans. His free hand reached over to rub at her clit. The beautiful sight of (Y/N) on his monitor had Dabi rock hard under his sweatpants that were currently soaked. (Y/N) had reached to slowly Dabi’s hand but he moved it out the way as if she was being disobedient.
“Just let it all doll, I know you want to,” Dabi assured as his thumb flickered at the sensitive bud once again.
It was as if he had her in a trance because once those words fell off his tongue, (Y/N) let it all out. Her walls fluttered around his fingers as if it was his own thick cock. But that didn’t stop Dabi. His fingers still thrust inside her tight cunt, lunging through the overpowering orgasm she was currently enduring.
“Dabi, that’s too much” (Y/N) cried out as her tears decorated her lashline, causing the once-black mascara she wore to smudge and stain her face.
“Shhhh…I said let it all out, didn’t I?” Dabi questioned as his lips kissed at the side of her temple sweetly. His fingers still pounced forward until the gush of liquid escaped from her cunt. Dabi could feel it staining his pants, his wooden floors right below him, and even his desk.
The sight of seeing the way (Y/N)’s toes curled as his fingers removed themselves before he’s back massaging her clit. She was a wet quivering mess in his lap as the tipping notification on his profile was going off like crazy.
“Don’t ever think about blackmailing again, okay?” Dabi whispered into her ear before he eventually ended his stream.
(Y/N) couldn’t feel the lower half of her body, her brain felt like a frozen Windows tab on a computer, and she felt so exhausted. As she sat on Dabi’s lap, she could feel the same fingers that once were inside her tracing alongside her thighs that still were shaking just a bit.
“You need to get up and go shower before my parents come back” Dabi interjected her thoughts.
“Yeah, you’re right.” was the only words that could come out of (Y/N)’s mouth as she climbed off his lap. Her face felt so hot when she saw the wet spot on Dabi’s pants.
“It’s just a pair of sweatpants,” He responded as he began to clean the mess (Y/N) made.
When the stream ended, Dabi and (Y/N) were in the living room watching television. Sitting in silence trying to gather up all the thoughts of the intimate moment the two shared. He heard her phone ring, expecting it was his parents notifying her that they were a couple of minutes away from the house and it was okay to leave now if she’d like. But instead, he watched as her teeth bit down on her lower lip.
“Connor, you left me on read for three days and now you want to respond because I got finger fucked on camera! Fuck you!”
At that moment Dabi realized that (Y/N) didn’t care to blackmail him and use him being a cam boy against him. She used it for her own gain. To make her boyfriend jealous.
“How’d he know it was you?” Dabi questioned as his eyes tore from the television to look at her.
(Y/N) threw her feet in Dabi’s lap, lifting her left leg shaking her leg slightly so the gold anklet that had a ‘C’ pendant would be in his view. “This. He gave it to me last Monday for our four-month anniversary, just for him to cheat two days after that. I sent him the link to your profile before I even approached you about the whole blackmailing thing.” She said with confidence in her voice.
“You’re fuckin’ insane.” He added.
“I know.” (Y/N) says as she smiled at the dark-haired male.
Silence once again overcame the duo as they went back to watching tv, but Dabi broke the silence with a quickness.
“Do you want to do another stream together?”
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chamomiletealeaf · 7 months
Warnings: afab! fem reader, spanking, dacryphilia, squirting, hair pulling, tiny bit of degredation? Bratty reader
“Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, Captain?”
You cross your arms and look up at Price during a briefing, standing as if you were taller than him. You had strongly disagreed with a decision he made for a future mission and the rest of the Task Force was staring at you in awe of your sudden assertiveness and attitude towards your superior.
He wanted to go in to take down the Shadow Company and rip them apart from the inside out, sending you in first as bait, and you had argued that would be too obvious something was up. You proposed infiltration would be better, stealthier, and you would go in first and have Gaz lead you around base through the cams until safe for the others to sneak in too.
But Price was not having it with your disagreement and sassy attitude like a spoiled teenager arguing with her dad for not getting something she wants.
“I’m not letting you go in with risk of being caught and killed. Graves is a narcissist, going against him is dangerous. Much easier to pretend you come in peace, alone. It would boost his damned ego.” Price says.
“He’s not fucking stupid. He fooled us all. Only someone as equally dense as him would think that’s a good plan.” You snap back at him.
The 141 stare at you, scared for what Price is gonna say next. His eyebrows raise in disbelief at your insult, and he steps closer, slowly and carefully to you.
“Watch your tongue soldier.” He growls at you through clenched teeth.
And that’s how you got here, looking up at him asking what he’s gonna do about it.
He then grabs you by the back of your neck, spinning you around and pushing you towards the door which he slams open with his free palm, leaving the rest of the team watching in shock at what the hell just happened, and even more so the cliffhanger of not knowing what is going to happen.
Price shoves you into his office, slamming the door behind him and pushing you towards his desk, stumbling over your feet.
“Gonna teach you some fucking manners. What the fuck’s runnin’ through that stubborn little mind of yours that’s got you thinkin’ you can talk to me that way?” He says, caging you in between him and the desk making you lean back while he places his palms on either side of you. His voice dripping with anger.
You don’t break and continue your arguing with him.
“Well maybe if you talked to me before making me the center of some bullshit plan then I’d have some respect for your decisions.” You spit back at him.
He spins you around and slams you against the desk, pressing your cheek into the cold wood of it while your palms fly up onto the desk to catch yourself.
He leans in to your ear, pressing his body flush against yours, one hand in your hair pressing your face into the surface of the desk and another between your shoulder blades to keep you steady.
“Yeah? Well maybe if you weren’t such a fucking brat and learned to watch that pretty little mouth of yours I wouldn’t have to do this would I? But this is what you wanted, wasn’t it.” He whispers darkly into your ear, and you feel yourself throbbing at the way he’s manhandling you and saying such dirty things to you.
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamed of this, but you can’t let him know that. No, you were stubborn, you couldn’t let him win that easily.
“Fuck you.” You say through your smushed cheeks, and Price laughs.
“Yeah, bet you wanted that too.” He says amused.
“Gonna teach you a real good fuckin’ lesson yeah? Maybe you’ll learn when to shut your fuckin’ mouth.” He says as he yanks you up by your hair and you hiss.
He pulls you with him behind his desk and he sits in his chair, pulling you down with him and you fall over his lap.
“Yeah that’s it. Over my lap.”
You whine at his roughness and the pain from pulling your hair, still trying to process what’s happening.
Then, Price’s hand yanks your cargos down, leaving you in a cute lacy thong.
“Oh sweetheart, this what you’ve been hidin’ under all this?” He chuckles villainously. “Wonder if what you got under that shirt matches.” He smirks, and all you can do is whine in shock of what he’s doing to you, but fuck did you love every second of it.
His amused tone then turns angry again as he pulls you up by your hair again, forcing you to crane your neck back to look at him, hands gripping his thigh.
“Gonna spank this pretty little ass fuckin’ raw until you apologize to me.” He says, then shoved your head back down to fall over his thigh.
He rubs a hand over your ass, massaging your cheeks and then he lifts his hand up, and forcefully brings it back down.
The sound of his palm slapping your skin echoes in the small room of his office, and you yelp at the force of it. Price laughs again at your submissiveness.
“Not so chatty now are you?” He says as he lifts his hand back up and you squeeze your eyes shut in preparation of the next spank.
Price keeps spanking your ass harder and faster until it’s red with his handprint branded onto your ass cheeks, nothing but the sound of your whimpers, the slapping of skin, and his dirty words filling the room. You refuse to give him the apology he wants both because of your stubborn, bratty self, but also because this was making you soak your panties like you never have before. This was a dream come true having your Captain manhandle you and punish you the way you deserved for being so smart-mouthed with him.
“This is what you get, when you fuckin’ smack. backtalk smack. me smack. you get spanked smack. Like you deserve smack. You fucking smack. Little minx.”Smack.
Price delivers three more fast and hard spanks to your ass until he hears you sniffle.
Your head is hanging down over his knee so he can’t see the tears rolling down your cheeks from the pain of Price’s hand smacking your ass repeatedly.
“Aww sweetheart.” He says before he laughs to himself.
“Are those tears? What, you gonna cry from a few little spanks to this pretty little ass?” He asks in mock sympathy with a smirk on his face.
You sniffle again and whimper not answering him, still hiding your face.
He tugs your hair up to see your tear stained pouty face.
“Aww those are tears.” He fakes a frown, mocking your expression.
“You can make this all stop if you just say you’re sorry love.”
“Mm mm” you shake your head, a few more tears escaping your eyes and rolling down your cheeks, making him chuckle darkly again.
“You know.” He says as his hand creeps its way down to your clothed pussy, rubbing right where you were practically gushing out of your thong all over the both of your thighs.
“If you weren’t so wet, or rubbing your little clit all over my knee, I’d believe you didn’t want this to stop from your stubbornness. But I think you like getting spanked don’t you sweetheart?”
You just whine in response and rub your pussy over his knee again, not caring about letting him win anymore. You just wanted him to make you cum now.
He laughs at how pathetic you look and he moves your thong out of the way to stick a finger in your dripping pussy.
“Oh fuck love, you’re even wetter than I fuckin’ thought.” He says as he pumps his finger in and out of you slowly, other hand still gripping your hair so you keep eye contact with him.
“You apologize, and I’ll let you cum. Got it?” He says sternly.
You hesitate for a second, not really wanting to push your pride aside, but you needed to cum. Your pussy was throbbing and leaking so hard you couldn’t even think straight and you felt like it would never stop unless you got to cum.
You nod, and Price starts thrusting his finger in and out again. You hump his knee as your eyes roll back into your head. He lets go of your hair, making your head drop down again so he can spank you as he fingers you.
“Go on sweetheart. Say you’re sorry for being a brat.” He says bringing his palm down over your ass cheek again, making you jolt as he finger fucks you still.
Your mind goes fuzzy as he inserts another finger, his ring and middle finger fitting perfectly snug next to each other as they move in and out your sopping pussy.
You moan loudly at the sudden stretch which makes Price just finger you faster.
“That’s it. Keep rubbing that pussy on my knee. Rock those hips. Fuck you’re so damn tight. Such a pretty ass all marked up with my handprint.”
He remembers why he’s doing this in the first place and grips your hair one last time, pulling you up again.
“Say. It. Or I’ll fucking stop.”
You feel your orgasm get closer and closer and the thought of him stopping was worse than anything in this moment.
You look up at him, mouth open, fucked out look on your face with tears running down your cheeks now from pleasure instead of pain.
“I’m sorry. Fuck John I’m sorry. Just, please don’t stop.” You whimper out pathetically. “I won’t talkback to you again just please, let me cum.”
Price smirks and stops his movements, which makes you whine out loud.
He leans down to your face, licking your tears off your cheek before dragging his tongue up to your ear to whisper: “Good.”
He sits back up and speeds up even faster, fucking you so good with his fingers as you continue to hump his knee. Your hands are gripping his thighs for leverage as you feel yourself at the edge of your release.
“Cum for me. Cum all over my fucking fingers. Show me how sorry you are.” He demands, grip still tight on your hair and fingers pumping in and out faster and faster each time.
“Fuck John I- I’m, I’m cumming fuck-“ you babble out right before you roll your eyes back and squirt all over your bare thighs, Price’s clothed thigh, and his hand as your orgasm rips through your body making your pussy pulse around his fingers.
“Oh fuck sweetheart. Yeah look at that. Soaking my hand, fuck. Squeezing me so good.”
He fingers you through your orgasm, then he lets go of your hair and you drop your head down trying to catch your breath.
Price pulls your now soaked thong back over your pussy and pulls your cargos back up, wiping his hand on his own. He then helps you up to sit on his lap and you curl up on him, leaning your head into his neck.
“How you feelin’ sweetheart?” He asks.
You hum in response, closing your eyes.
“Listen, we can discuss the plan over again. I won’t force you to do anything you’re that uncomfortable doing.” He tells you.
You open your eyes.
“Funny you think I was ever going to listen to you in the first place.” You retort with a smirk.
He laughs.
“God, what am I gonna do with you?” He asks jokingly.
“Well if it’s anything like what you just did, then I’m in full compliance.”
You both laugh and you snuggle back into his chest, both knowing you were definitely going to back talk him again, but also both glad you ever did.
tag: @pearisvlogs
776 notes · View notes
rafesgoldrings · 1 year
Sex Tape (Camboy!R.C)
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Warnings: SMUT, like pure filth, degradation, face slapping, P in V, fingering, oral (f receiving), cream pie, Rafe is kind an asshole at times, but also not really, he’s just condescending and has a big dick ego, spitting (Rafe spits in readers mouth one time), Rafe calls himself daddy once, choking, sex on a live stream?, Rafe is a cam boy name calling (bitch, dumb, slut, whore, needy), pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart), sex tape, mention of shower sex, not proofread
A/N: I’m not really a fan of how this turned out because I am my biggest critic, but I hope that you all enjoy it, thank you to @congratsloserr for requesting this🫶🏻
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“Don’t get shy on me baby, show everyone this pretty, sloppy, dripping cunt” Rafe cooed at you, his hands moving to pull apart your thighs. His fingers brushed against your swollen clit causing you to let out a small whine, the comments going crazy at the sound. A new wave of arousal going through you when you remembered the deal you made with Rafe that got you here.
You’d asked Rafe if you could be in one of his shows, eager to see how he felt during them, and he agreed. But only if he could record his own copy for when he wasn’t able to fuck you in person, you’d agreed and the livestream was planned for tonight. His final words before you’d left the room to get ready being “I’m going to make you my pretty little pornstar baby, the whole world is going to love you”.
You were dressed in baby pink, lacey lingerie and had your makeup done nice and pretty. You wanted to make a good impression on Rafe’s viewers knowing how much they adored him, and god they fucking loved you. As soon as you appeared on screen, the comments just flooded in praising you. Telling Rafe they’d do anything to see you naked, to see you fall apart, that you were so fucking gorgeous, it made your heart swell in content and his cock swell with excitement.
He’d pulled you into his lap, your front facing the camera, and began toying with you. His fingers pulling and pinching at your nipples, hands roaming all over your body and claiming it as his, lips peppering kisses along your neck and jawline. He’d removed your bra, grabbing your tits in both hands and pushing them together before lightly bouncing them, smirking when you whined and squirmed in his lap. He received tip after tip, each one having a comment attached about your tits or cunt, and smirked in amazement at the camera.
“I think they like you baby” your eyes fluttering as you moaned from the praise. One of his hands moved down to your thong, that was now soaked through, and slid inside it. He smeared around your wetness, rubbing your puffy clit, before sliding two fingers inside you and groaning at how much you gripped them.
“So fucking tight, such a needy cunt. Sucking my fingers in so much” he spoke to the camera, fingers increasing their tempo. Your moans and the wet lewd sounds of your cunt being pounded echoing into the room. Your head rolled back against Rafe’s shoulder, his other hand wrapping around your throat and squeezing. The feeling of his fingers curling against the spongy part of your cunt mixed with the pressure around your throat had your eyes rolling back and body trembling as you gushed around his fingers.
“Yeahhhh, that’s my girl. Make a mess on my fingers”
You rode out your high, grinding into his fingers until it was too much, and slouched into his lap. Chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath, thighs still shaking from the intensity of the orgasm. He removed your panties, letting the camera see your glistening cunt still slick with your release, before sliding his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean. His hands gripped your jaw and pulled you into a sloppy kiss, smearing your lip gloss everywhere, the taste of you still lingering on his tongue.
“Rafe, please fuck me” you whined, feeling his cock pressing into your ass. He let out a small chuckle, asking the viewers if they thought you deserved his cock. He got varying responses, some saying you’d been so good and deserved it, others saying you need to beg for it more, some downright saying you didn’t deserve his cock at all.
“Awe baby,” a frown on his face as he spoke in a condescending tone “that was so fucking pathetic. ‘Rafe, please fuck me’ you can beg better than that” he slapped your cheek and looked at you with a stern expression.
“Pretty please fuck me, I need your cock inside my tight cunt so bad. Make me your little cum slut Rafe please” brows furrowed as you grinded against his cock, your voice coming out broken and in between moans. He smirked in satisfaction, moving to pin you on your back against the mattress and hovering over you.
“That’s better, there’s the needy fucking whore I know you are. See guys, she just needed a little discipline and she’s a dumb slutty bitch again” laughing at the pathetic whine that slipped past your lips.
He slowly dragged the tip of his cock up and down your dripping slit, brushing against your clit every so often and moaning at the friction. You reached up to grab the back of his neck and pull him in for another kiss, tongue slipping into his mouth and battling for dominance that you knew you’d lose, when he slid his cock inside you. Letting out a loud groan at how fucking easily he slipped inside, your cunt clenching around him as your fingers moved to his back. Your nails dug into his skin as you scratched down his back, Rafe hissing in pain, when his cock brushed against your G spot.
“F-fuck Rafe. You’re so big. Feels so, fuck, so good” his lips pulled away from marking your neck to brag to the viewers.
“Yeah baby, daddy’s cock is just so big. Only cock that makes this greedy cunt happy yeah?”
When you didn’t answer his question, he wrapped his hand around your throat and squeezed…hard. Your eyes shot open as your vision went fuzzy, Rafe’s eyes narrowed at you. “Answer me slut, tell me my cock is the only cock that makes this needy cunt happy. Tell me i’m the only one good enough to fuck you”
“Your, fuck Rafe, your cock i-is the only cock that mmm makes my cunt happy. You’re the, the only one g-good enough to fuck me” you managed to get out, voice strained from being choked and through the small whimpers that escaped you each time his cock brushed against that spot inside you.
He let out a loud groan, thrusting into you at an increased tempo. Hips snapping against yours, lips attaching to your neck again as your hands roamed his back and tangled into his hair, balls slapping against your ass. Tips continued pouring in, telling you what a good girl you were, telling Rafe his cock was so fucking big and perfect, how good you both worked together, it made you feel like you were on cloud nine. If this was the shit Rafe heard on the daily, you understood why he kept going, it was exciting. It was erotic, knowing thousands of people were watching Rafe turn you into nothing but a babbling cock slut turned you on so much. Especially when this was the tape Rafe was keeping for himself, the degradation and rough dom act he was putting on for show just making the sex even better.
“Hey hey, you still with me princess? Or did I fuck you stupid already?” a smirk on his face as he spoke in a condescending tone, lightly slapping your cheek repeatedly with his hand. Your eyes met his, dark and glazed over, and you nodded your head. To which question you didn’t know, maybe both. You couldn’t think straight, the tip of his cock bruising your cervix hindering your thoughts.
“Look at that, little sluts gone stupid. Isn’t she cute? Everyone tell her how cute she looks all fucked out and dumb on cock. She loves that shit, loves being praised for being such a fucking cock whore” more donations came through, all of them repeating what Rafe had told them to. The robotic voice echoing in the room as each donation was read aloud, mixing with the lewd noises from you and Rafe, the sound of skin slapping together.
You could feel the fire in your belly growing hotter and hotter, your cunt clenching around Rafe’s cock over and over again like it was determined to keep him inside. The small moans you’d been letting out became louder and more frequent, your nails digging into Rafe’s back and leaving marks. “Rafeee, ‘m going to come”
“I know baby, can feel you clenching around me so damn tight. Come for me baby, fucking come on my cock” you threw your head back as you came, screaming his name over and over again, as his cock twitched inside you and filled your cunt full. Groaning as he licked and bit your tits, marking them up for everyone to see, and giving a few final thrusts. He laid on top of you for a minute so you both had time to slightly recover before crawling between your legs and looking up at you.
You scrunched your brows together and looked down at him, clit still throbbing and cum leaking out of you. He gave you a dark smirk, looking back at the camera and grabbing it for a close up of your slit. Your cunt clenched around nothing when you saw it on the screen, dripping cum and glistening, and then the view of your fucked out face when he panned the camera over your entire body. He let out a small chuckle before placing it back in the tripod, and attached his lips to your clit. You let out a loud whine, hands tangling in his hair and trying to push him away. “Rafe, ‘s too much. Can't take anymore” your body still shining with sweat, chest heaving and eyes fluttering shut, exhaustion threatening to take over.
“Shh shh baby, I know. But you can give me one more can’t you sweetheart? Let me see how good we taste together” he coaxed, smiling against your clit when you whined out a small ‘yes’.
His tongue ran between your folds before sliding inside your leaking hole, lapping up every drop that was inside and bringing his thumb to your clit. It didn’t take long for another orgasm to wash over you, vision blurring, legs shaking and clamping around his head keeping him trapped, fingers tightly gripping his hair. You forgot there was thousands of people watching, slightly blacking out as you gushed around Rafe’s tongue. It was only when an influx of tips came in saying ‘holy shit, you’ve got yourself a squirter’ and ‘she’s so lucky, he just made her squirt all over his face’ that you came back to reality.
He was looking up at you with a satisfied smirk, face glistening with your release as he pulled back. He told you to open your mouth, spitting into it and telling you to swallow. You did as you were told and opened your mouth again, tongue sticking out, to show him it was gone. He called you a good girl, telling you ‘see how fucking good we taste together baby? fucking made for each other’ and then a few seconds later he walked over to the camera that was sitting on the desk in front of you to say his goodbyes, telling everyone he’d see them in the next stream and to have a horny rest of their night or day. You watched the stream end and Rafe click a few things, presumably saving the tape to a private folder to go in and edit later so it was just the two of you with no interruptions.
“You did so good baby, I'm proud of you” he said quietly, moving to the bed so he could hold you in his arms for a bit. You gave him a lazy smile and snuggled into his chest, the two of you just staying like that in silence and enjoying each other's presence after the intense scene.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” you couldn’t help but laugh, pulling away to look at him.
“No, god I loved every second of that Rafe. Made me so horny” he felt his cock twitch again at your low raspy voice, not even done intentionally but because of the loud moans and screams you’d done all night.
“Good good…let’s go get cleaned up yeah? We reek of sex, maybe you can show me how much you loved it while we get cleaned up?” a cheeky smile on his face as you laughed and shook your head.
“You’re such a guy Cameron. No way, just a normal shower”
“Well it was worth a shot” he spoke in faux disappointment, grabbing a pair of boxers for him and a large t-shirt for you and walking to his bathroom.
That night, you did end up having shower sex and ended up with not one sex tape, but two. He’s very persuasive.
Tag List: @sweetestdesire @dreamingwithrafe @xyzstar @congratsloserr @outerbankspov @fulla02reads @madelynie @lexi1sblog @salvatoremikaelson54 @aerangi
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exhaslo · 5 months
the sex pollen story.. Can we get a part two please? 🤭 that made story me blush like crazy 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Part 1
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, overstimulation, creampie, Sub!Miguel, oral (m-receiving), bondage, riding
Revenge was so oh sweet.
You had been waiting for this day to come ever since that incident between you, Miguel and the sex pollen. As great of a night that was, your pride couldn't stand having such a weak moment. Your ego thrown out the window as you cried and begged Miguel to help you.
You had to get revenge, and you finally got it.
As much as you would love to take credit for having Miguel the state that he was in, you couldn't. Lyla and Miguel made sure to get rid of anything involving the pollen from the first incident. As Miguel made sure to block your access from returning to that world where it happened.
How Miguel got in this situation, was quite entertaining. He had entered a different world and ended up getting hit with a similar sex pollen.
"(Y/N), stop staring," Miguel hissed lowly as he sat against the wall. You cooed softly, hovering over him,
"Awe, you had me beg so much last time," You chuckled, bending down and stroking your boyfriend's chin, "Can't I have the same treatment?"
"It hurts," Miguel groaned, wincing as his suit disappeared.
You gave him a slight pout before deciding to tease him. You stroked your finger down his chest to his cock, watching it twitch from your slight touch. Miguel's low grunts and groans were so sexy, you wanted to hear more.
"I guess I can help you, but-"
You gave Miguel a tender kiss before webbing his arms together. He tried to argue but you kept stroking his dick nice and slow. Precum coating your hand as Miguel whined.
"(Y/N)!" Miguel groaned. You hummed lowly,
"I'm just having fun, Miggy. Don't worry, I don't you suffer. I'll treat you just as good as you treated me~"
Now that Miguel was tied up, you decided to have your fun. You bend down and proceeded to lick and stoke against Miguel's cock. Watching him twitch and squirm was so delicious. You hummed in response before licking his tip.
"Hn!" Miguel groaned as he cam.
With a lick of your lips, you wiped your face of his cum. Miguel was a panting mess as he quietly begged you for relief. How could you say no to such a plea? Returning to his harden cock, you engulfed your mouth around his length, sucking him off.
Miguel lifted his hips, moaning as you pleasured him. There was no sign of Miguel calming down. His dick twitched with every swirl of your tongue, enjoying the warmth of your mouth. The bitter taste of his cum hitting the back of your throat as you felt your own sex grow hot and wet.
With another load of cum unloading on you, you swallowed hard. Wiping your lips, you looked at your boyfriend's lustful gaze. How you were loving this. Miguel flinched and shuddered as you stroked his dick once more, pressing against his tip,
"(Y-Y/N), s-stop playing around." Miguel groaned. You leaned forward to kiss him as your fingers squeezed and stroked his cock,
"Are you getting sensitive already?" You asked with a small whine, "I suppose you've been good."
Undoing your suit, you tried to ignore the glow in his eyes as he saw your wet core. You placed your hand against his face, only for Miguel to lick and bite against you softly.
Setting yourself above Miguel, you cooed and moaned as you inserted his dick inside you. His hot, thick cock, twitching already, begging to fill you right upon entry. As tempted as you were to give in, you had to keep getting your revenge.
With a small gasp, you moved your hips and started to ride Miguel. Your arms wrapping around his neck as you rolled your hips against his, enjoying the tip of his cock kissing your cervix with each bounce you did.
"Shit, more, let me take over (Y/N)," Miguel groaned lowly. You shuddered as you clenched against him once he lifted his hips,
"I-I'm in control....h-here~ Ah~" You moaned, bouncing against him at a faster pace.
Miguel groaned and shuddered as he tried to lift his hips. You could feel his every attempt. Your body shivered in delight as Miguel unloaded inside you, his body shaking from overstimulation as you continued.
Fixing Miguel's messy hair, you kissed him hungrily as you kept your sloppy, yet fast pace. Your body was burning for more. Gripping Miguel's hair, you cried softly as you squeezed his cock, gushing all over him.
"(Y/N)." Miguel hissed.
With a gasp, you felt yourself pinned to the floor. Miguel broke out of his restraints, hovering over you. Within an instinct, he was balls deep, pounding your sensitive core. You flung your head back, moaning in pleasure.
Honestly, you weren't mad. You got your fun and revenge from last time. You could afford a good fuck now. Holding onto Miguel, you gasped and whined as he showed you no mercy. He wanted to make sure you felt just as good as he did.
And he sure was. Miguel held your waist as he kept cumming inside you, desperate to relief his overstimulated self. His expression showed no signs of stopping as his sweat rolled down his face. You whimpered in response, wanting him to relax...
But that was a silly thought.
You were panting heavily as you laid against the floor beside Miguel. The two of you exhausted and fucked out. Your body was still twitching slightly from the intense fuck as cum poured out of your abused cunt.
Miguel on the other hand was taking deep breathes as he tried to regain his composure. It only took him a few breathes before he sat up. Curse his advance DNA and stamina.
"Are you happy that you got your payback from last time?" Miguel asked as he picked you up.
"Hm...not sure....how much payback this....really was." You muttered in protest.
Miguel could only chuckle as he took you to wash up. His silence was enough to know that you needed a different form of payback. Chuckling lowly as he kissed you, Miguel sat you in the tub first,
"I think we should start sending the Robot Spidermen from now on."
"Well, you're no fun."
The two of you just smiled, knowing damn well that this was going to happen again some way shape or form.
It was just a matter of when.
Hope you enjoooooyed~~~
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fryingpan1234567 · 3 months
superheroes and social media
do you KNOW how often I see a cute trend on ig or tiktok or anything and I’m just like “man that would be cute for (insert hero ship)”
but that’s an issue because like… putting your face on the internet is DANGEROUS🙅‍♂️
I had. an idea. to solve all the issues!
as fun as it is to imagine the RobinOfficial account having 4 million followers, I think it’s more fun for everyone to have accounts that only follow and allow following in the caped community
so basically Instagram for just superheroes
the ones whose identities are known can post their faces, and the ones who are still under the radar have a close friends list that consists of the people who do know them
a very few amount of people who aren’t heroes are allowed on this Super IG
including Lois Lane, whose entire presence is standard mom posts but with like. Superkids and other Kryptonians. you get it
uhh Bernard Dowd too but he only follows Tim and Steph
Alfred, who only posts the Manor and London with captions like poetry
Selina Kyle because she already had a regular account but B was like “oh that’s dangerous now that we’re affiliated”
she was like “well how am I supposed to fuel my ego with no instagram for people to thirst after me”
B sighed and was like “well,,,,,”
Harley Quinn fluctuates between being banned and interacting with EVERYONE’S content with offensive amounts of emojis
anyways tell me WHY Conner Kent has the most iconic page on the internet
it’s full of these aesthetic photo dumps and crackhead videos of YJ doing dumb shit
also Tim. he’s got chaotic gen z billionaire vibes and most of his stuff is on his close friends list because B doesn’t need to see the REALLY dumb shit he gets up to
yeah they’re both hot and yeah they’re both elite pages. but Kon’s is Sabrina Carpenter energy and Tim’s is P!ATD energy so they’re different flavors of slay
on the opposite end of the spectrum we’ve got B, who has four posts, all exactly 365 days apart
it’s the yearly Father’s Day family portrait
Dick Grayson does that millennial vlog thing but Not
“a day in the life of a 24 year old cop (who also happens to be a vigilante)”
also a compilation of clips of him jumping off buildings, some taken by him and some by other people
can you IMAGINE this dumbass with a gopro
Red Bull wants to sponsor him what can I say
he lets his favorite villains follow him
because he was a public figure ANYWAYS. this is the idiot who used to walk around charging people’s phones with his powers and taking selfies for cash. people know him
so Captain Marvel has this crazy account with him doing memes and slo mo compilations of him punching guys from his body cam
his most hit post is a video where he found a cop harassing a bunch of kids on the street (who he happened to KNOW) and without saying anything at first just kindaaaaa walked over and fried the cruiser’s entire inner workings
“yo, copper! I think somethin’s up with your system, man!”
while the cop was trying to figure out how to start his fucking car again, Billy herded the kids down the sidewalk and they all took off running, giggling like maniacs
Damian Wayne doesn’t post a lot, but when he does, it’s to match with Jon
I mean like taking pictures of each other from across the same table and the captions are each half of a whole song lyric, stuff like that
his personal favorite is actually their softlaunch— they found an entire wall of mirrors at the planetarium on a date, Jon had his right hand on Dami’s waist and the other in his pocket, and Dami was standing in front of him, holding the phone with his right and tilting Jon’s face down with his left to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. neither of their faces are in it and it was Damian’s wallpaper for a WHILE
my babies ANYWAYS
Diana Prince posts exclusively about her favorite ice cream shops
Bart is the kid whose note is always like “in the hospital👍” / “sick again” / “hate broken ribs I can’t eat seven burgers in this condition” / “got possessed by a death god again :/ third time this week” and it’s like jesus man can you catch a break
can you imagine finding fucking Superman has a verified instagram account but it’s private so you can’t even follow freaking SUPERMAN
Duke Thomas is thoroughly over his siblings’ shit and there’s a ton of videos of them being dumbasses with captions like “someone save me it’s two in the morning”
“nobody move, there’s blood on the floor” for LITERALLY any ship it’s so funny
“what? you’re not coming to my tea party? Bethany, I made BISCUITS” with increasingly low res crack pics of Red Hood falling off of things, generously edited and posted by Tim Drake
dance trends with Steph and Cass
“guess which outfit is whose” with Tim and Steph but they’re both in their Robin uniforms
Tim making a cringey thirst trap edit of Jason who in response posted a clip of Tim tripping his own gear and setting off an alarm
“wearing the same outfit so no one can tell us apart” and it’s all the Batkids in their Robin uniforms (most of which barely fit) ((Bruce and Alfred cried))
the Superkids did the same thing a few days later and dragged Clark into it
not-quite-thirst-traps where they just kinda stand there over music but everyone in normal comments would’ve gone crazy
calisthenics trends. Thanks
it’s like a THING between all the Titans where they’ll sneak up behind each other, yell “THIS IS SPARTA,” and kick each other off roofs
someone sneaking up behind Jason while he’s belting Seasons of Love
somewhere out in the world there’s a shaky, blurry video of Robin, Superboy, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, and Beast Boy dancing to and half-singing-half-yelling Tell Your Girlfriend
if you think of any more social media trends or videos or pics you see that remind you of a hero tag me because I’m obsessed with the idea of these idiots on socials
210 notes · View notes
nadvs · 7 months
cam girl (part six)
pairing rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
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summary you work two jobs. by day, you’re a maid for the cameron household, where rafe degrades you any chance he can get. by night, you’re a cam girl, hiding your face so nobody can recognize you. when you discover your new subscriber, the filthy-mouthed man obsessively paying you to do everything he can think of, is rafe, you’re not sure what to do next.
» masterlist
You don’t remember falling asleep. That’s how exhausted you were from your time with Rafe.
As you slowly slip into consciousness, your body feels loose and buzzing. Your core is trembling and you slowly catch on that you were having an erotic dream about him.
Your eyes flutter open, realizing your sex dream isn’t a dream at all. Rafe’s head is moving under your white comforter between your legs, his warm tongue flattening against your clit.
Your fatigued mind puts it together. He spent the night. He held you as you slept. And now he’s eating you out.
“Oh, fuck,” you chuckle breathily, writhing. “Oh, my God.”
“Finally,” he mutters beneath the cover, taking his mouth off of you to speak. His warm breath spreads over your pussy. “I can’t feel my fucking jaw anymore.”
You’re still in your big t-shirt, but you realize he took your panties off.
“Rafe,” you whine, feeling dizzy. Is he seriously waking you up with head? Holy shit.
“You always such a deep sleeper?” he grumbles. He dips to use his tongue on you again, circles swirling over you. His arms are hooked around your legs, large hands splayed on your inner thighs.
“Hmm?” you mumble, lost in the way he’s tonguing you. His mouth closes around your clit, then he pulls back to talk again.
“Do you always sleep so fucking deeply?” he repeats, his tone stern. His morning voice is raspy and deep and so hot that it’s painful.
“Only when I get really good dick the night before,” you say. You can’t help but take the opportunity to mess with him. “So, it’s weird I didn’t wake up right away.”
Rafe stiffens, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as he pulls his mouth off of you.
“I’m joking,” you laugh. You pull the cover up to see his face between your legs. God, he looks so fucking cute, his expression completely unimpressed. “Please keep going, baby.”
“Listen, if you wanna fuck with me-“
“Rafe,” you giggle. “I promise, you’re the best I’ve had. Please keep going.”
“The best?” he echoes, eager for you to stroke his ego.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a better orgasm than the one you gave me last night,” you say, totally honest.
“Huh. Maybe that should be the last one I give you if you’re gonna be such a brat.”
You know he’s just messing with you, but the thought of ending whatever this is with Rafe makes your heart pinch with sadness.
“What then?” Rafe challenges.
“Then I’ll swear off dick forever,” you reply.
You’re pleased when you see his eyes crinkle as he laughs, the sound so sweet. It’s different than the lust-filled, teasing chuckle you hear when you’re fucking. This one is innocent. Genuine.
“Say sorry for joking like that,” he orders you.
“Sorry, baby,” you smile.
“That’s what I thought,” he scoffs, amused. You keep the cover lifted to watch him put his mouth on you again.
You spread your legs further apart, arching your back as he tongues you, reaching every dip between your folds.
You put a hand in Rafe’s hair, feeling the softness of his locks between your fingers as his head moves slowly.
He’s absolutely devouring you. It’s unlike his usual speed and roughness. He’s savoring this.
You keep your gaze on him, euphoria filling every curve of your body. He tilts slightly to meet your gaze, blue eyes locked on you as he laps at you, long and slow.
His nose presses against your groin, the sound of him sucking you filling your bedroom. You run the heel of your palm over his head, caressing him, realizing this is the gentlest, most affectionate thing you’ve done to him.
You dart your gaze to the ceiling. You’re taken aback at your own tender gesture. Why you touching him like this? Like he’s someone you’re dating instead of casually fucking?
Because he cuddled you to sleep last night. That must be it. His big, warm, bare chest was pressed against your back, arms encircling you, legs tangled together as you dozed off. He acted like a boyfriend and not the fuck buddy he is. Your body is just confused, you tell yourself.
You shut your eyes and focus on the way his mouth is suckling and working you, sending waves of easy, soft satisfaction through you.
“You’re really good at that,” you breathe, almost wishing you wouldn’t cum so he’d do this for hours.
“I know, baby,” Rafe murmurs.
You know he’s being his usual cocky self, but the fact that he’s so skilled should serve as a reminder. He’s experienced. He fucks around. He wants to own you, but he never said anything about you owning him.
This is just fun, you tell yourself. Just fun with a nice monetary reward.
His lips lock on your clit, sucking harder. As his finger slowly sinks into you, tingles go up your legs.
“Rafe,” you breathe, bucking your hips.
“You like that?” he encourages. “My good fucking girl.”
The hand on your thigh grips you tighter as he adds a finger, curling into your pussy and pushing in and out of you.
The next time his mouth circles your clit, you know you’re close.
“Like that, like that,” you whimper.
“You gonna cum for me?” he teases. “You’re clenching around my fingers.”
He sucks your clit hard again and the climax rips through you. You feel yourself twitching as you cum on his mouth.
Rafe groans against you, licking and sucking until you’re so overstimulated that you have to squeeze your thighs and wiggle free.
“Can’t take how good it feels?” he asks, provoking.
“Fuck,” you laugh. You press your palms against your forehead, throwing your head back and breathing deeply. What a way to wake up.
“Get on your stomach,” he instructs. He sits up, the blanket falling off of him. He’s wearing what he fell asleep in: nothing but his briefs, his bulge jutting out beneath the fabric.
You find the strength to turn onto your front, the movement making you realize how sore your ass is from the way he pounded into it last night.
Your cheek is pressed against your pillow and his cock slides in through the valley where the backs of your thighs meet, pushing into your cunt. You inhale in unison at the sensation.
“Fuck, it’s like you…” Rafe rasps. “Like you were fucking made for me. So fucking perfect.”
You arch your back so that he can get inside as deep as possible.
His movements are slow and deep at first, but build into rough, sloppy thrusts, making your bed squeak.
The way Rafe fills you feels so damn good. If he wanted to spend all day in your bed, fucking you over and over again, you’d happily agree to it.
Rafe’s breaths get faster, his groans get deeper, and he empties himself inside of you with a shudder, his hand squeezing your hip so hard that it hurts.
You’re bruised there from last night, you realize.
You never like the feeling of him leaving your body, and thankfully, he doesn’t do it just yet. Rafe simply lays on top of you, shifting a bit to the side so he’s not putting all of his weight on you.
His cheek is pressed against your shoulder blade. His hand on top of yours is directly at your eye-line as you rest on your pillow. You love those hands.
It’s Monday. You have class. You have to be a functioning person today. You don’t remember setting your alarm last night and you have no idea what time it is.
But you just started your morning by getting eaten out and fucked and Rafe’s warm, large body is shielding yours, so the idea of getting out of bed isn’t appealing in the slightest.
He’s still inside you.
You think back to last night, the way he fucked you from behind, how big his fingers around your neck and inside you were and how hard he slapped your ass.
“What’d I do to deserve you spanking me last night?” you ask.
“Poor baby,” he mocks. “Is your ass hurting? Need me to rub it?”
You feel him shift behind you, his hand sliding off of yours, palm going down your back and over the curve of your ass.
In the movement, his softening cock starts to slide out of you. You involuntarily let out a small, unhappy cry.
“What?” Rafe asks.
“Nothing,” you lie.
“Why are you whining?”
“Just… don’t like the feeling of you pulling out,” you admit.
“Oh, my God, so needy,” he jeers. “Wish you could have my dick in you all day, huh?”
You don’t deny it.
To your pleasure, Rafe lies back down, pushing the rest of himself into you again.
“You deserved getting spanked because you drive me fucking crazy,” he drawls. His hand rubs big circles on your naked ass.
“It’s not my fault you want me so bad.”
“Yeah, it is,” he mutters.
You finally find the will to pick your phone up from the nightstand.
You see that you’ll need to leave your place soon if you want to make it to your first class. But you’ll make it as long as your shower is quick.
You open your text conversation with Rafe, holding your phone low so he can’t see what you’re doing.
“Might wanna check your phone,” you say quietly.
You don’t want him to pull out of you, but it’s inevitable. He gets up with a grunt, making you feel incomplete without him inside you. You look over your shoulder when he’s lying down again, phone held out.
The phone looks so small in his hand. God, when did a man’s hands have such an effect on you?
Rafe smirks at his screen, turning it towards you.
“Watch this,” he says. You see the $50 request you just sent him, your text “for spanking me” right below it. He taps his thumb on ‘Reject.’
“You asshole,” you laugh. Then the top of the screen catches your eye. He has you saved as ‘princess’ and the contact photo is the booty pic you sent him yesterday.
“Rafe, that is unhinged,” you say, pointing to the photo. “You have to be joking. What if someone sees that picture?”
“Lucky them.”
You can’t help but laugh. At least this reminds you of what you are to him: a piece of ass. You officially push away the hope that you’re anything more. And a part of you even wishes he doesn’t do something sweet like staying overnight to keep you warm again. If he continues playing his horny sugar daddy role, and does no boyfriend shit like that again, the hope can never come back.
It’s better to be realistic.
“I have to go,” you complain, pushing yourself up. You turn to sit, your feet touching your floor, stretching your arms above your head, with your back to Rafe.
“Don’t do too much today,” he says. You turn, watching him pull his underwear on.
“What are you planning to do to me this time?”
He turns his lean frame to look down at you, his tongue jutting under his cheek in a way you can only describe as utterly mischievous.
“I’m gonna try to make you squirt.”
Your cheeks flood with warmth. This man is going to destroy you.
“’I’ve never done that before,” you say.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t.” Rafe hikes up his jeans and collects his shirt off the floor. “And if any guy can do it for you, it’s the one with the best cock you’ve ever had.”
“I regret telling you that,” you tease.
He bends over your small bed, pressing his palm to your cheek. His eyes travel over your face, smirking, looking like he’s imagining all the things he’s going to do tonight.
“See you tonight, princess.”
He leaves, and you’re still trying to catch your breath.
Your day of classes is tiring, your body still sore and reeling from Rafe having his way with you. You barely make it home for the maintenance guys to fix your radiator.
You sit in your kitchen, trying to study as they clang their tools and talk to each other in your bedroom.
It takes them two hours, finishing up in the evening. After they leave, you savor in the feeling of a warm room, Rafe’s money having solved one of your most expensive problems. It’s so simple, but so nice.
You lie in your bed just to rest your eyes.
You’re suddenly startled awake. Your room is pitch black and a slamming on your front door makes your heart pound in your chest.
You sit up, trying to gauge your surroundings. You check your phone to see it’s half past ten and you have three missed calls and a string of texts from Rafe.
Another sequence of pounds on the front door erupts. It must be him.
You rush to your front door and look through the peephole to confirm it’s Rafe, his jaw clenched in anger. You missed your nightly appointment. He seems pissed. Excitement bubbles inside you.
You crack open the door, meeting his eyes. He shakes his head at you, nostrils flared, and he pushes his way into your dark apartment.
Rafe slams the door behind him, hand roughly grabbing your face, squeezing your cheeks together, your lips jutting out.
“Where the hell were you?” he demands, looking down at you.
“Fell asleep?” you say weakly. He’s fuming - he likes to feel like he owns you and today, his personal pornstar didn’t obey him.
“I pay you to get in front of that camera on time.”
“You’re mad,” you tease, a smile uncontrollably growing on your lips. “Are you gonna punish me?”
Rafe tightens his grip on your face and you rest your hands on his firm forearms, feeling him pull up, beckoning you onto the tips of your toes. You’re already soaked.
“I’m going to fuck you in every hole,” he mutters, “and you’re fucking dreaming if you think you’re cumming tonight.”
“What?” you plead. “You said tonight, we’d try-“
“You think you deserve that?” he interrupts. He releases you, pushing you back. “Get in your fucking room. Go.”
You obey, feeling Rafe’s hand between your shoulder blades, pushing you into the space. He turns the light on behind you, surely wanting to see every inch of you while he makes you pay for flaking on him.
You hear his belt unbuckling behind you and he presses up against you, his cock hard between your asscheeks.
“Get naked,” he instructs. You bend to pull down your pants, take off your top, and strip entirely bare.
Rafe sits at the edge of your bed, palming himself over his briefs, his eyes locked on yours.
“Crawl to me,” he says. You drop to your knees, obeying him, stopping once your head is between his legs. He pulls his briefs down, his cock swollen.
You don’t need him to tell you the next instruction. You eagerly put your hand at his base and your mouth over his tip, spitting on the head.
“Yeah, get it really fucking wet,” he mutters. “You’re gonna choke on it.”
He groans when you close your lips around him, cheeks hollowing. You imagine him sitting on his bed tonight, waiting for you to log in, his dick hard and getting no attention, growing angry when you weren’t showing up.
You’ve never felt so craved by somebody before.
Rafe puts his hand on the back of your head and pushes you down to take all of him, hitting the back of your throat, triggering your gag reflex.
“That’s what you fucking get,” he tells you. You look up at him, eyes trailing up his toned stomach and up to his face. He looks so pissed off and so horny all at the same time. You squeeze your thighs together.
“Do I have to do it myself?” he scoffs, tugging at your roots and pulling you back.
“No, I can do it,” you say, muffled against his cock. You push back down, taking him all in, back curling as you gag on his slick length.
You grip him and start bobbing, moving your fingers off every time you reach his base, lips flanged around him.
“Faster,” he orders. You pick up your pace, spit dribbling out of your mouth, prompting you to slurp up the mix of saliva and precum.
“Fuck…” he groans. He pulls you off his dick, your lips popping off him. “Suck on my balls.”
You hungrily push his cock up, digging your head between his legs to put your mouth on his soft flesh, slurping.
“Shit,” he breathes out of pleasure. You feel proud of yourself for making him forget how angry he was so quickly.
Until you realize it wasn’t that easy.
His hand frames your face again, pads of his fingers digging into your cheeks, stopping you.
“On your back,” he says. “Right there, on the floor.”
You’re trembling as you shift back, laying on the hard floor, spreading your legs for him. He gets down to hover over you, his cock in his hand.
Rafe taunts you, bouncing the tip against your clit. Your body jolts at the feeling.
“You’re not gonna cum,” he warns you. “I know how this pussy feels when you’re close and I’ll stop.”
“Rafe,” you beg. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I swear, I-”
He plunges into you, cutting you off, his hips immediately hitting yours as he bottoms out. You throw your head back as he tears into you, his girth forcing you apart.
He thrusts hard and fast, fully rage-fucking you, taking his anger out with every move, and it’s the hottest thing he’s ever done to you.
“You want me to call you a good girl, don’t you?” he asks.
“I am a good girl,” you shudder, knowing it’s not true, saying it only so he’ll fuck you harder.
“No, you’re fucking not,” he laughs. You look down to see the way his cock is disappearing into you over and over again.
The tension in your gut is coiling tighter. You try not to make it obvious that you’re close to cumming, keeping your eyes low. But your body betrays you. The second your walls start to flutter around him, he pulls out.
“You’re not cumming,” he says. “I already fucking told you.”
This is not the Rafe who cuddled you to sleep last night. This side of him, the insatiable, animalistic side, is simple and only wants one thing. It’s so intoxicating being used by him.
“Ass up,” he says. You know he’s about to fulfill his promise of fucking you three different ways and you can’t wait.
You’re shaking as you spread your knees as much as you can, waiting on all fours, feeling his thumb pad rub up and down over your asshole.
“Can you take it without the lube?” Rafe asks.
This is the bullshit that makes you worry you’ll start liking him. Why can’t he just fuck you how he wants without worrying that he’ll hurt you? It’d be so much easier to not like him if he was cruel and selfish all the time.
“Do it,” you whisper depravedly, frustrated that your thoughts are getting carried away.
He pushes into your asshole, making you cry out in discomfort. The pressure stings as he fills you and you instinctually dart forward, your body trying to prevent any more pain.
“It’s hurting you,” he realizes, quickly pulling out.
“Rafe, just keep going,” you say, looking down at the floor. “Please.”
He buries into you again and you bite your lip hard. He starts to pound into you, balls hitting your pussy, hands gripping your hips.
You let out guttural moans with every pump, praying it’ll end, yet at the time, wishing he won’t cum for another hour. It’s such a good hurt.
Your elbows weaken and you collapse, pressing your forearms onto the hard floor. Your knees are burning in pain, your asshole strained, and tears start to leak out of your eyes as he thrashes mercilessly.
Rafe’s cock starts to spasm inside you, and after one last powerful thrust, you feel his hot, sticky cum flood you. His groan is the deepest, sexiest noise you’ve ever heard from him.
He trembles through some aftershocks, like he wants to give you every drop, then pulls out of you. You go limp, eyes shut, lids against your forearm.
You’re panting hard, sweat sheening your skin, and drop to your side, completely fucked out.
You feel his cum drip down the curve of your ass.
“Get up,” he says. You can’t.
Suddenly, his hands cup your waist, pulling you up.
“Come on,” Rafe says quietly. “Get up.”
You find your footing and he guides you to your bed. You’re a trembling mess as you lie down, curling onto your side, eyes closed, tears hot.
You can’t control the sniffle that shakes through you.
“Whoa, you’re…” he whispers.
You open your eyes to see him sitting over you, his face flushed. You find the strength to pull the comforter up to your eyes, hiding them as you nuzzle into your pillow.
“Hey,” he half-whispers. “You’re crying.”
“I’m just tired,” you say with a defeated laugh.
The room is quiet until you feel the mattress shift, its springs squeaking. Rafe settles behind you and you’re cold for a moment as he lifts the sheet off you. But then it’s on you again, his body curving around you, the comforter covering both of you.
You feel his hand come down your waist, your stomach, your thighs. He starts to gently rub between your legs.
He already told you that he wouldn’t let you orgasm, so you know he’s doing this to continue the torment.
Still, you shift onto your back, spreading your legs open for him, eyes closed as you breathe through the sensation of the pads of his fingers spreading your lips apart to fondle your clit.
You feel Rafe move over you, holding one of your breasts to close his mouth around your nipple. You shudder at the bliss he’s offering you, even though you’re painfully aware that he won’t let you reach your peak.
His fingers move expertly while his tongue flicks up and down and side to side, covering your nipple with his spit.
The stimulation of both his hand and his mouth makes the tightening in your stomach come quickly, and as you arch your back and start to breathe shallower, you’re surprised that his hand moves faster and his mouth sucks harder.
You moan as the orgasm hits you and he rubs you throughout the entire climax. Once you let out a final sigh, you open your eyes.
Rafe’s head rests on the pillow when he comes back up. He’s looking at you with half-closed lids, lying beside you.
“I thought…” you say, a smile pulling on your lips. He knows what you mean. You thought he wasn’t going to let you cum.
“Changed my mind.”
You know you’re not in the right headspace when you wonder if he did that out of guilt for fucking you so hard that he made you cry. That that was his special way of apologizing. But this is Rafe. It can’t be that. He’s simply enjoying keeping you in his control.
“I might miss our sessions more often if this is what happens,” you say breathily.
“Don’t,” he warns.
“I’ve never seen someone so angry,” you tease.
Rafe turns his head, looking up at the ceiling. You see his jaw tighten, clearly recalling how pissed off he was at you.
“I didn’t know where you were,” he said.
“I was right here in my freaking bed, Rafe,” you laugh. “Dead asleep.”
“No, it’s…” His brows furrow. “Some guys came to fix the heat today, right? And you were here all alone and…”
Realization hits you all at once.
“You were… worried they did something to me?” you ask. “And that’s why I didn’t show up?”
Rafe just shakes his head in disbelief again, mouth firming. You watch him in awe. Was that what got him so worked up?
You picture him at home, getting angrier with every minute you were late, and then the possibility of something like that happening to you suddenly popping in his mind, making him go batshit.
“Rafe,” you say with a small smile, genuinely endeared he was concerned about you.
He sits up, looking at you with an angry grimace.
“Why the fuck are you acting like it’s funny?” he snaps.
“I’m not,” you say softly. “I’m-”
“Next time you say you’re gonna be somewhere, be there,” he states coldly.
You feel like you have whiplash. You were just having fun with him. Now that you brought up why he came over in such a frenzy, he’s pissed off again?
Rafe stands, giving you a view of his naked body as he rounds your bed and picks up his briefs. He doesn’t make eye contact with you when he pulls his jeans on or puts on his shirt.
He doesn’t say a word as he storms out of your room. You simply hear your front door open and shut.
You’re left lying in bed, jarred over what just happened.
Working at the Cameron household, you caught little glimpses of the family’s home life and have heard your fair share of Rafe’s yelling. You knew he had a temper to him. But the way he just left, mood shifting so suddenly, is still shocking.
You don’t hear from Rafe the rest of the night. Or the next morning. Or afternoon. You’re not sure if he’s giving you the silent treatment or simply doesn’t feel the need to talk to you unless you’re fucking or you have a camera facing your half-naked body.
You sit on your bed at 10 pm, laptop open, unsure if he’ll even show up tonight. And if he doesn’t, what’s it going to be like when you go to your shift at the estate tomorrow?
But then you hear the familiar chime.
figure8 has joined the session.
“Hi,” you say, breaking the silence in your bedroom. “You still mad at me, baby?”
He doesn’t respond.
“I’m sorry,” you purr, pouting. You sit up, pulling your panties up tight, making sure he sees the outline of your lips under the silk. “Are we gonna try to make me squirt or no? I’m gonna need your help.”
figure8 tipped you $1000.
figure8: stay just like that. im coming over
{ read part seven here }
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hyuny-bunny · 5 months
camgirl!reader x skz (OT8)
moodboard, character inspo, settting ideas, just a post for the imagery that comes to mind when i'm writing.
MDNI (18+) this is nsfw work in progress, this post has suggestive ideas AND with works of (18+) content below the cut.
authors note/ update: read the prologue here !
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camgirl!reader has always been interested in sex work! her roomate, sana, is the one who really brings into the sex work industry. she invites reader to join her and her girlfriend on a live stream one night. concealing her identity with a masquerade mask at first
camgirl!reader works at a restaurant as a waitress, barely scrapping by on the tips she makes. when sana introduces her to the camgirl world, reader really sees the true advantage and beauty of the industry. the sex is fun and the money is even better.
camgirl!reader has only ever confided in sana with her double life style. she can't help but feel anxious at the idea of her work friends, or even worse, her crush on head chief, Minho, finding out. it didn't matter to her that almost everyone knew that sana had a stream, she was terrified of how people would look at her.
little did she know, two of the younger servers already knew her secret. seungmin + jeongin always had their own little crush on her but would never think to expose her that way if she didn't want to share her hobby/2nd job ! of course it didn't stop them from telling their tightly knit friend group that included, minho. of course the other half of their group didn't even know who reader was since they worked in cafe down the street from the restaurant but they definitely knew her camgirl channel well.
it's not that minho didn't care though, he just didn't believe it. he thought the camgirl just looked insanely good and had a very similar look to you but not you exactly. maybe a part of him felt guilty at the thought of how many times he'd had jerked himself off watching this camgirl while thinking of you. only to then turn around the next morning and make flirty passes at you every time you came by the kitchen.
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camgirl!readers streaming room
moodboard for readers cam room
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reader likes the coquette hyper fem persona for her cam girl alter ego. it's not something she normally would wear for everyday life but there's something thrilling about saving this kind of look for sex work activities. it gives reader the confidence boost she needs to wear such cute and frilly lingerie. she'll often switch up her looks for darker more sultry colors depending on what type of mood she's in, after all she's a switch!! she can't stay conformed to only one look but the room will mainly keep this energy.
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readers wardrobe outside of the stream!
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this style is not indicative of any physical attributions that reader has. these are just wardrobe inspired clothes! reader has more relaxed "cool girl" inspired sense of fashion opting for baggier or looser fitting jeans with grey knit sweaters paired with docs or loafers. occasionally switching out jeans for skirts and or even a cute black babydoll dress.
her style is often most noted by jeongin, he loves the look almost idealizing in his head what his dream girl dresses like
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readers neighborhood + apt visuals
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you apartment is on the 2nd floor of this building. sharing a floor with jeongin + seungmin, on the floor above you is chan + changbin + jisung, and on the first floor just below you is felix + hyunjin + minho.
let's just say you put a lot of effort into how you sound proof your camera with layers of carpet and sound proof foam lining the wall with foam pieces to mute as much as you can after receiving a note about being a little too loud.
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tearsofastraeax · 8 months
THE FIRST TIME - prologue
🎀 stalker!könig x cam girl!reader tags: 18+ (no explicit smut in this one, but there's mention of tits and dicks so be warned), voyeurism, (online) stalking, reader is a cam girl & könig is insane :)
The first time König saw you he felt like the world stopped turning. Like every single person around him just stopped moving altogether. He never believed in love at first sight, never liked any of that romantic crap, never cared for anyone that way. 
But then he saw you. You looked so beautiful, just standing there, browsing through the indie section at the run-down vinyl store in the city. He barely ever went there, but he picked up cigarettes from the kiosk across the street and had some more time on his hands, so he trailed inside the small store. 
He immediately pressed his body into a corner of the store, absentmindedly letting his fingers skim through vinyls he couldn’t give less of a shit about. Instead, he stole glances at you. He noted the way your beautiful hair was swept over one shoulder and fanned out over your back. The way your dazzling eyes never left the rows and rows of old and dusty vinyls. The way a broad smile stretched across your lips when you found what you were looking for all this time and an excited little laugh left your pouty mouth. 
He could have melted on the spot right then and there. It only took one look, and he knew he could never forget about you, never want another. 
When you left the store, he waited before following you. Even though his tall statue was a sight to behold, his military training allowed him to blend in, to know how to follow someone without arousing suspicion. 
He needed to know more about you - something, anything. So, eventually, he ended up at your house, staring at you through the window. He tried to take in as much as he could, any crumbs of information to know more about you. 
That evening, when he arrived at his place, he immediately began to work behind his laptop. He scoured local Facebook groups, looked through social media profiles, and even retraced your address in hopes of finding you. And so he did, after painstaking research your name was right there. A satisfied smile grew on his lips as he finally skimmed through your social media accounts. He took his research very seriously, finding old pictures, friends, and family in the process.  
Till he found an account with your face under an obviously fake name. 
He couldn’t believe his eyes, there you were, your sweet face, with those beautiful eyes and those sinful lips. You stared back at him, a smile on your face, your hands gently wrapped around your barely covered tits. You were wearing a stunning bra, just straps of leather that could barely cover your nipples. 
It felt like he was gaping at his laptop screen for hours, his growing cock straining painfully against his pants. And then he got into motion, the next half an hour spent discovering your cute little alter ego, the social media and OnlyFans accounts to promote yourself online and the star of the show, your account on a sleazy cam girl website. 
He was so incredibly excited, so needy, and desperate to see you. A message in all caps on your profile read ‘online every day at 8 pm’. His heart hammered in his chest, 1 more hour and he would see you. See how you would undress for him and touch yourself for him.  
He tightened his hands into fists, hunger racing through his veins. He could barely fucking think straight, his cock aching with desire. But he couldn’t do it, he wanted to save himself for you. He wanted to cum only when he could see you, you deserved it - his full commitment, because you were the only thing that mattered now.
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check out the stalker!könig masterlist for more
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