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Yesterday I saw someone on Twitter mentioning the babyfication of Bumblebee in the fandom, and that's been somewhat of a thought in my mind before, so I figured "eh, might as well write my own thoughts on the matter myself". Though in a tumblr post, since Twitter has a character limit and I don't feel like doing a thread
So yeah, that's what this is
Why does Bumblebee get babyfied so much in the Transformers fandom?
Disclaimer though: I'm only really touching on the shows and movies and how they might contribute to the issue, and only the ones I've seen, so no Unicron Trilogy or RID 2015. And probably not much on the live action movies either since I remember them very little, just design things. I've also not read any of the comics, so they aren't weighing in either
I'm also not claiming I have the definitive answers, just some guesses based on my own understandings. I'm very socially inept, so I could be completely wrong. It's also why I'm not touching on the fandom side much
My friend told me to put a "read more" tab on this after showing her what I was doing, and yeah I probably should. Take note that this is an absolute monster of a post, this took me hours to write. So be warned
But yeah anyways, let's start this
Oh right, I should probably start with what I mean by "babyfied", so we all are on the same page here. The biggest things I think are making Bumblebee a teenager or child, whether in interpretations of canon material, AUs of official series, or people's own versions of the Transformers (though note the most damning one here is the first one, seeing a canon Bee as a kid, specifically when it is not shown that he is one. The third one is completely fine, it just is a symptom I think), and then also basically just making Bumblebee Optimus' son, or Elita's, or Megatron's, or a combination of characters; basically, just making Bumblebee someone's kid
I'll be tackling it in a general order of the shows/movies and how they contribute to the issue, starting with:
G1 cartoon
So in g1, I will admit, I think I can see Bee and Optimus having some sort of father-son relationship, at least in moments; like Attack of the Autobots which is where Optimus and Bumblebee have that iconic little hug
But I mean also, Optimus just kind of generally has paternal vibes in g1, he feels like everyone's dad. I think it might just get magnified with Bumblebee because Bumblebee is small and probably has the "cutest" personality of the Minicars, so it's just him from that group. And also, he's got a cute little Beetle car as his alt, which factors into it
He also does seem to have been written with the idea of him being younger, at least that's how the toy description feels to me

He was also Spike's best Autobot friend, and as I'm pretty sure Spike was supposed to be the young teenage human for the kids to relate to more, that probably helps with his youth factor
Though he is still functionally an adult. But I don't think the problem is as bad here, since let's be real, people mostly remember g1 for the nostalgia, iconic moments, and being the origins of the franchise; people aren't really making g1 AUs outside of that one person with the Orion Pax and Megatron knowing each other AU
So from the start, he's always had this, but I don't think we can call it an issue at this point. But it does bring in some of the main factors in the babyfication of Bee, namely:
He's small, which can give the impression of younger
He generally is one of the younger bots, even if he's still an adult
He tends to be the main friend of a human protagonist, who generally tend to be kids or teenagers
These will show up again, so keep them in mind. Now, let's move onto our next show, 23 years later
So in Animated, Bumblebee is yet again, one of the youngest members of the main cast, though this is specifically told to us, like how Sentinel, one of Optimus' contemporaries (and TFA OP is meant to be on the younger side of his variations too), was Bee's drill sergeant, as well as just Bee's general behavior
He is also the smallest member of the main cast, which can contribute to the feeling of him being younger
He is also friends with the human protagonist Sari, who is an 8-year-old at the start of the show, and the two of them tend to go along with each other's crazy schemes, rather than Bee trying to be responsible with Sari; that's more Optimus' job.
What I didn't pick up until way later than I probably should have was that Bulkhead is around the same age as Bumblebee, thus making him also one of the youngest members of the cast. Which honestly in retrospect, makes a lot of sense with how he's written, and him also being one of Sari's closest friends. I think why I didn't pick up on it while watching however comes from two things: 1, he's like the biggest member of the main cast, which doesn't immediately make me think he's one of the younger members, even though younger people being big is something they can be (I mean my brother's like 6 feet tall and he's not even 15 yet), and then 2: Transformers Prime Bulkhead, aka the one from the show that might be more popular than TFA, is very much an adult, and that was the Bulkhead I knew. So I didn't know he was supposed to be younger
We'll swing back around to Prime later, I think it's one of the main contributors to the issue, but keep in mind that interpretations from popular series tend to stay in mind and bleed over into other shows and their versions, even if that's not how they are
But back to Bumblebee, things generally aren't super different between this and g1, other than the fact that he and Optimus don't have much of a parent-child dynamic, and that this Bee definitely is on the younger side in canon, though probably still an adult? I'm not sure, but he can't mentally be more than like, very early 20s. But it happening again does reinforce these ideas of Bumblebee as a younger bot
In fanon, I don't know if the TFA side has this much of an issue, at least nowadays? I see him get shipped with Blitzwing and Prowl plenty, and I don't see him as Optimus' kid, other than like one time with the "9 months in my womb" meme, and him being an oplita kid, which might have just been for the joke and also TFA Elita was yellow, so eh. But I'm also not too big on the TFA side of the fandom anyways, so I could be wrong
So before we get to Prime, I just want to sidestep into the movies that were also coming out at the time
Bayverse/live-action movies
Now I can't say much on the writing front with Bee, since I have not seen any of these movies in a hot minute, outside of the first hour and a half of the 2007 movie. I will say though, based on what I saw of Bee there (aka mostly his car shenanigans), that is not a child, that is a sassy little bastard man. Though that could be because Bay was trying to market more to like, teenage boys and trying to make him "cooler"
But anyways, what I wanted to talk about was his design, and how it contributes to the babyfication issue
The Bay movies gave Bumblebee a redesign, looking pretty different from his original design (though that goes for pretty much everyone except Optimus)
The thing I notice most with these movie designs is how round they make him, specifically with his eyes, being so big and round, especially later. While it was probably originally just a reference to bug eyes, it makes him cuter looking, more innocent. I think by Bumblebee, they were trying to capitalize on that in the movie, making him seem cute and non-threatening in certain scenes so Charlie knows he's not a danger. Which makes sense, but it does contribute to the problem here
And in general, he's a lot rounder I think in his design. And while I'm not expert on shape language, I think I can gather that more round shapes leads to him looking more friendly and less threatening and cuter in our minds, and "cuter" leads to "younger". That's why I keep bringing up "cute" by the way, forgot to say earlier. Cuteness tends to be associated with youthfulness and thus younger characters more
And in general with Bumblebee, him being yellow, a bright color more associated with joy and optimism, and thus youth, and generally having a more optimistic and extroverted personality (though not necessarily in the Bay movies, though I can't say for sure) again leads into him being younger. Now it probably came from the fact that bees are yellow, thus he's yellow (and also black), and his personality came from that bright color. Actually the name probably also comes from the yellow color scheme, but you get it. His color scheme and personality lends Bee to being a younger character
Back to Bayverse, it did change Bumblebee's alt mode from a Beetle to a Camaro (again probably to make him "cooler"), and I think since then, Bumblebee's basically always been a sports car, outside of explicitly g1 referencing things. So it does tend to take away the "smaller" aspect of what makes him seem so young, as he's more average sized now. But the youthful connotations don't necessarily go away
This is also (I think) what started the trend of Bumblebee losing his voice, being replaced with either radio/movie clips, or just beeps that the characters can understand. Now while I'm not too sure how this affects him in Bayverse, as I haven't seen much of Bee proper in the movies in a long time (the first half of the first movie is pretty much just car Bee), and since I know he can still talk in some way, it does mean you focus less on his dialogue and how that characterizes him, and more on his appearance and actions (at least in robot mode). Or he just doesn't talk, and you can have your own interpretations of what he's saying. And as mentioned prior, his design tends to make him look cuter, adding to the issue. I'll get more into this in Prime, since I am familiar with Prime, and he doesn't talk at all there
He's also again, I'm pretty sure one of the younger bots, despite probably being an adult. We'll go over that more in Prime
I don't think I have much else to say on these movies, so to go over the general points, this seemed to cause a bit of a shift in Bumblebee's portrayals. He got a bigger alt mode, so he's not tiny anymore, but he got big round eyes that make him seem cuter, rounder features, and he lost his voice, which means you can fill in the gaps in what he's saying in your head
Now, let's get to the real meat of this, and I think the biggest cause of this all:
I hope I didn't hype this section up too much. But I think this is where all the things conglomerate into the main factors of Bee's babyfication
Bumblebee is not the smallest bot, but the smallest is the female motorcycle bot, as opposed to his sports car, so. He is the youngest Autobot, and bot in general outside of I guess the Predacons, until Smokescreen comes in in Season 2, who is also considered young. He and Optimus have a close relationship, that given their age differences, could be read as paternal. He's got the big round eyes of Bayverse and a generally round design, which we've already discussed as to how it contributes to the problem. He also does not speak at all, only using beeps that we the audience cannot understand, until the finale. His designated human friend is the youngest human companion here, and the most child of them, being only 12. All these factors combine to create the most "baby" Bumblebee so far
(I just added a picture since I felt like I needed to. But there's not much to talk about design-wise that wasn't in the Bay section)
First up, the age thing. I keep saying that Bumblebee is one of the youngest bots in the casts, even though he's technically an adult. This is true, in part because as far as we can see in canon, Transformers don't really have "child" stages, they're just born adults. And they don't really age; or well, they do, it just takes millions and millions of years to do so, so they're functionally immortal. So, they don't really age like us humans, physically and probably mentally too, given they skip the young child years. So I mean like, technically speaking, Bee's an adult, it's not really clear where that translates into our perception, so maybe he's more mentally a child? I don't think I'm making sense here, maybe ignore this section
But he is younger, and particularly in Prime, he's in a team of bots all much older than him. If I were to put them in mental human years, I'd say he and Smokescreen are probably somewhere in their early 20s, while everyone else is probably like, 35+. Bee is notably younger than his peers, and we are made aware of this fact. And this makes him appear even younger than he is
If I were to make a comparison, and maybe this is a bit random, but take Mouthwashing for example. I may never have been super knowledgeable of the fandom, but I am aware that Daisuke is like, 22, while everyone else on the Tulpar is 35+, and that makes him feel so much younger by comparison. He's only just started his adult life, compared to the far more experienced adults around him. And while I didn't see it, I do think I remember seeing people talk about how people kept portraying Daisuke as younger and more innocent than he is when he's a 22-year-old man. I also remember someone comparing the portrayals of Daisuke in the fandom with another character from another series (I think it was Omori?), who was the same age as Daisuke, but because that character is the oldest of the protagonist group, everyone else being children or teenagers, he was portrayed super differently to Daisuke. The other character had to be responsible and make mature decisions, while Daisuke is allowed to be silly and reckless. The point I'm trying to make here is that age, and how a character is portrayed and interpreted, is relative to the characters surrounding them, with the characters on the extremes sometimes getting exacerbated because of it. This is true in real life too, but for the sake of analysis
Bumblebee is the youngest member of the Autobot team (at least until Smokescreen), and thus, he feels even younger as a result. This is probably also helped by the fact that there's no Decepticons around his age either, everyone around Bumblebee is a full-grown adult by comparison. And his close relationship with Optimus, who is meant to be one of the older bots in the group, feels very paternal, which serves to make Bee feel again younger, like he's Optimus' son. Which I like here, but it furthers the issue
And on the topic of him just feeling younger, let's bring up Raf. Bumblebee is again a friend of a human protagonist, but in Prime we have 3 main humans, ranging in ages but all in grade school, and each one has an Autobot they're paired with. And Bumblebee gets Raf, the youngest member at around 12. Due to Raf's youngest member status and technically not being a teenager, he is, as I said before, the most "child" of the group, even if they're all technically children still. I thought he was 10 until I double checked and saw he was 12, and honestly, I feel like he feels younger than Sari did, who was only 8 when we met her. Probably because unlike Sari who had no human friends, Raf does, both of whom are older than him and treat him as such. It's the relative age thing again
But back to Bee, unlike with the other humans and bots, Bee doesn't act as the responsible adult, but more of a friend for Raf, though not nearly as chaotic as TFA Bee and Sari. They aren't causing trouble; they're just having fun and cute moments. There's again, the cuteness factor that probably contributes to the young feeling he brings, but it also serves to make Bumblebee not feel as much as an adult. Arcee is definitely an adult with Jack, and Bulkhead particularly gives me responsible adult vibes with Miko, at least on some occasions where they aren't indulging in fun, reckless behavior and Bulkhead has to get serious with her. They're responsible with the kids, even if they slip up at times, and help them learn things. But Bee doesn't have that with Raf, probably because Bee can't talk and give him the lesson. Raf also doesn't cause much trouble on his own and has Ratchet for that
Which segues me nicely into Bumblebee's lack of voice in this show. This was a carryover from Bayverse, since Hasbro was still trying to have synergy with the movies at that point. But instead of radio clips, he just beeps, with the other bots and Raf just being able to understand him, even though we the audience don't. And because of this, we never know what he's saying, and he also just straight up doesn't have a voice for us to gauge his age with. Thus, it's up to us the audience to fill in the blanks in our imaginations. But with all of the discussed factors of him being cute and young, we can just end up interpreting him as younger because of it. It's also again, probably because he doesn't talk. It's like R2D2 and BB-8, who only speak in beeps, but because they're cute, we see them probably as much cuter than they would be if we knew what they were actually saying (R2 especially)
To maybe go off on a weird tangent, I think child characters tend to be seen more as objects than people, or I guess objectified more, since they don't have fully developed brains and personalities and are less likely to be able to hold their own in a fight. They're things to be protected and loved and angst over, while all they need to do is be there and be cute. I think the lack of voice ties into this in a way, I just don't know how to explain it, other than like, because they took away his voice, we can see him as even cuter and child-like instead of the grown adult he is. Infantalization, that's what I'm trying to say. I think that's term for all of this, but you get what I mean by "babyfication"
Especially because at least for me, when Bumblebee did get his voice back, I started seeing him more as an adult, because he could actually talk and had an adult voice. Yes, him learning to take more of a leadership role in Predacons Rising is also a factor, but him having a voice now is part of it too. But he only got it back in the finale and the movie, so you spend pretty much the entire show with voiceless Bumblebee, and what comes with that
I think that wraps up everything about Prime Bee's portrayal, but now let me get into why I think overall, it was what really caused this baby Bee thing to stick
Like I said prior in the Animated section, the more something's repeated, the more it sticks, and these traits of Bumblebee being the youngest have been consistent throughout the series we've covered. Not to mention, I just think personality wise, this Bee feels the youngest/child-like, though again, it probably has to do with his company and lack of voice. And also, the fact that he's well-behaved, like how people want children to be
So, by this point, this interpretation of Bumblebee is stuck in our minds as how he is, younger than the rest of the team
But I think another big thing is that Transfomers Prime is probably the biggest series in the fandom, at least show-wise. G1 was influential and Animated is still popular, but no show comes close to the amount of popularity I see for Prime stuff, particularly their brand of megop or for their Decepticons in general. The only thing I've seen come close is Transformers One, which is also the newest one and what brought new people in during this wave, so who knows if it'll stick forever. I'm not sure where IDW stands though, because I know that was big too
If I had to attribute Prime's success in the fandom to things, I'd say it's because plenty of people around my age (20s-ish?), who are definitely online and on social media, grew up with Prime (though I will note that Transformers tends to have an older fandom than I'm used to), the fact that for a long time, Prime was easily accessible in its entirety on Netflix, long before the streaming wars (and this is how I watched the show), it generally has good writing and animation, it feels like it had a complete story, unlike Animated which had Season 4 cancelled, and Frank Welker and Peter Cullen were back as Megatron and Optimus, making them feel more "definitive". Among probably other things I'm missing
But the point is, Prime is big, and it'll take a lot to dethrone it, outside of possibly some TF One sequels sticking the landing after the first movie. But that's not certain at the moment
And like I said before, popular interpretations tend to bleed into other series and interpretations, even when they don't entirely fit. There's a reason when people want Knock Out in another show, they basically want more TFP Knock Out, design and character wise, or why Breakdown was in Earthspark without the other Stunticons. Or why people basically try to recreate the g1 backstory when making Skyfire and skystar for their stories, even when I'm not really sure versions of Starscreams would ever be scientists. Why Functionism will show up in fanfics despite something like TF One not really having a place for it outside of the cogless thing. Why people will instinctively ship megop across continuities despite it not working as well in some (*cough cough TFA cough*). Why Megatron and Optimus have largely had the same backstories for ~15 years, with One being probably the most different, but still the same general beats. It happens both in canon and fanon, but it definitely happens
So when Prime Bumblebee is portrayed as young, and probably intentionally, it sticks in our minds that Bumblebee is very young and usually will be. He's like Optimus' son here, especially since he explicitly is younger than him. He's cute and friendly, even if he can get into trouble sometimes. He's just a little guy
And by this point, the franchise was like, 30 years old. There's been a number of series, and a lot of the general staples of the series had been set and remain today. I'd argue Prime is the last of the "foundational" series in this franchise, at least where we are now with it; we could end up going in another direction in the future. So it's gonna be hard to just change how we see the characters here
The shows after
I won't go into each one in detail after this, because let's be real, this is long enough already. And again, I don't think at this stage, anything other than One has left as much of an impact on the fandom/series
We're skipping over RID 2015 since I haven't watched it, but I do think it's one of the shows with the least of this problem. Probably because he is at least initially surrounded by characters his age or younger, so the age relativity isn't a factor
Cyberverse actually has Bumblebee around the same age as Optimus here, not being notably younger, but that holds true for everyone in that series; basically everyone here is the same age, outside of like, Cheetor. I don't interact with the Cyberverse fandom enough to know how it fares with Bee there, but given he's a main character, probably more than Optimus, he's probably doing fine?
Though I have to admit I personally find it weird when Bee gets shipped, because surprise, I too have some amount of the babybee influence on me too. I mention it here because there's genuinely nothing wrong with shipping Bumblebee and Windblade here, if anything it makes so much sense; it's just that I can't get out of my head that Bee is supposed to be younger, and thus, shouldn't be shipped
I know nothing about the War for Cybertron trilogy
Earthspark Bumblebee is another case of being hit with the baby beam the least, which I think is attributed to his role as the Terrans' mentor. Once again, he is put as an older character instead of younger, and even more so than RID because he's the main adult teaching our young child protagonists. The age relativity is working in his favor this time. Most you're gonna get is him being called megop's child of divorce, but those two are old anyways
So far, canon wise, it doesn't seem that bad
But then we get to One, which is where I think the problem is really rearing its ugly head. See, B-127 is never said to be younger than the rest of the quartet, he's assumed to be the same age as them. Heck, you could maybe even see him as a bit older, given his odd knowledge and having been in Sublevel 50 so long. But B is constantly portrayed as younger than the rest, being the child of divorce, but actually more "child" this time, him basically being Optimus and/or Elita's son (Megatron is another parent too), despite no indication of such a bond in the movie outside of just being friends (even less so with Elita, whom he has the least screen time with of the group), or just straight up being made into a child or baby for the rest of the group to parent, despite it taking out a member of the group, especially when again, he is not said to be younger
But it keeps happening to him because it's the new popular series and some are coming in with prior expectations and knowledge of B and his relationships, that Bee must always be baby, and probably because he's very energetic and hyper and probably neurodivergent, which has a history of getting characters infantalized. Not saying everyone who sees him as younger is problematic or ableist for doing so, just that this probably contributes on some level to why it's so widespread
I think I've covered all my points at this rate. Are we finally done? Can I go do my schoolwork? Sorry, just random, I've been here for a while
So, to summarize, why does Bumblebee get babyfied so much?
Because Bee has a long history as being young, he's put around older characters who make him feel younger by comparison, he's got a design that lends him to be seen as cute and young, especially in the most well-known depictions (I mostly mean g1, Bayverse and Prime here), the fact that the show were all of these traits are at their biggest is also the most popular show, and thus influencing people's minds going forward that this is how he should be, even when it doesn't fit so well
And I don't think this mentality around Bee is going away anytime soon, and it isn't necessarily wrong to make Bee a young bot, but I think we should acknowledge that sometimes it's trying to fit a square in a round hole, it just doesn't fit as well, and we need to be mindful of that
#finally I'm nearly done#this went on so long I'm not sure I covered everything#or that I said things the way I meant to say them#and I worry I'm presuming too much#but hopefully this was good and somewhat accurate or at least informative#hopefully I'm not dead wrong here#some weeks ago I meant to post some observations on TFP Bee and how he was at his most âbabyâ#but it felt like too much complaining so I never posted it#but that tweet got me back into the mentality and made me feel like I could write this actually#I did not expect it to be so long#it is nearly 2:30 I was supposed to do schoolwork today#I also have an event from 6 to 8 so even less time#hopefully I didn't squander the day#but yeah enjoy please#transformers#transformers g1#transformers animated#transformers bayverse#transformers prime#transformers one#since that was the last big point#bumblebee#tf bumblebee#analysis#character analysis#fandom#long post
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what if i broke all the bones in your legs actually
#ramble#please let this be a fucking joke#i cannot imagine being this out of touch#YEAH IT'S ALMOST LIKE ART TAKES FUCKING EFFORT AND THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE DO ENJOY IT ACTUALLY#the phrase 'labour of love' exists for a reason#i sat and watched my grad film on repeat for days when it was done bc i was so proud that my hundreds of hours paid off#I DON'T MAKE ART TO SIT AND LOOK AT IT#I MAKE IT BECAUSE I PUT TIME AND LOVE INTO IT AND I GET TO LOOK AT IT AND BE LIKE I MADE THAT WITH MY HANDS!!! AND MY BRAIN#GOD FORBID YOU PUT A SECOND OF WORK INTO ANYTHING IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE ANYMORE YOU USELESS FUCK????#i'm so sorry i'm unreasonably mad about this#is it crazy for me to say that you should have to do some things in your life?????? god forbid you read your own emails#what are you DOING how fucking LAZY can you be????#and that is NOT a word i ever want to use but this is the DEFINITION of lazy#kids with adhd aren't lazy. tech bros wanting the exact same things that people have worked years for at the push of a button are lazy#i actually need to go and put my face in grass i'm so upset#thankfully. basically every musician who saw this shut it the fuck down and told him he was an idiot so that's nice
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On autonomy, and what it means to be Obliged to Help.
#a homestuck walks into an antechamber and asks#hey is anybody going to make this dynamic wholly deterministic and thus dubiously consensual by its very nature#ANYWAY bigger ramble below. scroll down like usual#isat spoilers#isat#isat fanart#isat siffrin#isat loop#sifloop#THATS RIGHT WE'RE STILL SHIP TAGGING IT BABYYYY#in stars and time#in stars and time fanart#lucabyteart#RAMBLE START: anyway i think loop is wrong here. they have it backwards. as-- in my opinion--#the main reason they could be called back into existence postcanon is because *their* wish for help is still not complete#they still need help. siffrin still needs help. neither of them will ever stop needing help.#they will thus uphold the wish until the end of siffrin's natural lifespan.#that said. what does it mean that loop can be so wholly forced to abide by siffrin's wants?#(assuming the dagger cutscene posession is them being forced to uphold the 'help siffrin' wish via harsh universe logic)#[as opposed to something capricious and cruel the change god did. which feels out of character for the change god to me?]#much like how the island wish and duplicate objects are neutered by simply sliding off people's brains...#is loop subtly ushered toward their wish? obviously it's not a full override (see: the bossfight). but is there any interference?#and if so. so what? does it matter? if they don't notice? is it even real if they don't notice?#and even if they do notice. the universe leads we follow. how much do either of them value their free will in a belief system like that?#the whole game is dedicated to siffrin habitually NOT excersizing his free will. doing things the same Every Time.#Loop ESPECIALLY does this. predetermined predetermined predetermined even in the FACE OF CHANGE. REFUSING. ANY CHOICE.#Maybe they'd even be comforted by having a universe-ordained purpose even if it is subservient. even if its to Him.#(though. i can't see siffrin enjoying the idea that someone is subservient TO them... then all their suffering is his fault...)#loop got into this mess via WANTING too much. no more free will. can't be trusted with it. take it away from them.#but yeah. gets my greasy detective pony hands all over this. and everyone please do remember i like to make characters Outright Wrong A Lot
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Am I dreaming, is there more like us?
Left to right
@aveloka-draws @neon-virus @z00lea @stychu-stych @skyartworkzzz @aychama @elora-your-bro @ghosts-and-glory @voidheartkisses @lambment
#cult of the lamb#my art#cotl lamb#narilamb#cotl narinder#cotl#the one who waits#cotl toww#toww#cotl shamura#cotl leshy#cotl heket#cotl kallamar#colt fanart#guys remember 63 days ago i said i had a cool idea?#yeah im finished#and for my next trick#ima do it again#please enjoy#im gonna cry if i forget something
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#can't think of a good caption so you get emoji soup please enjoy#not gonna lie i'm kind of obsessed with this photo...#like. my body is so perfect?? i'm hot?? i'm gorgeous??#i took a couple of other pics that night w my laptop camera and they came out really cute too. just waiting for a good time to post em ^^#but yeah i like this one a lot hfkdhsjd#hunysckle#lesbian nsft#sapphic nsft#wlw nsft#femme nsft#nonbinary nsft#fat femme#fat femme friday#cishet men dni
404 notes
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What are your thoughts on a decepticon prowl?
Oh I'm all for it. But! Only if he's actually a Con. Like. Wholeheartedly.
Not "nnnooo we're doingg a bad thing and I kind of dont wanna do bad thing but I have no choice poor me".
You know how in canon he truly believes he's on the right side and makes everything to ensure that Optimus wins the war? You know how he's willing to make every tough decision so Optimus doesn't have to risk his reputation? You know how he literally makes Autobots look like shiny brave and clean heroes who did nothing wrong ever?
I want all that but the other way around. I want him to do that for Megatron and for the Decepticons. The implications would be so fucking dramatic I could write a whole essay.
Low rank Cons would hate him so fucking bad.
Starscream would try to murder him at least once a day.
Megatron would absolutely treasure him. Autobots would have it r o u g h
Can you imagine

#I saw a bunch of great fics that were âAutobot character but he's a Con AUâ#really enjoyed them#I love that kind of AU#but I think I only saw two Decepticon!Prowl fics so far#and they both made him that poor little kind thing that got abused and wronged but secretly a fluffy sad kitten or something#anyway#Just like with Decepticon!Jazz and Decepticon!Ratchet and Hot Rod#I love when authors arent shy about making characters Decepticons#I love it when fic stands proudly with it's concept#yeah he's a Con and he fucking means it#if you know any good fics about Con!Prowl that arent trying to make him look innocent - please feel free to share#the guy murders a lot of people while being an Autobot. You can't convince me he would magically be merciful as a Decepticon haha
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This is definitely bouncing off of a post made by @eiramew about disability visibility in Destiny because I think having more disabled people that are an active and seen part of the story is essential.
Even with the idea that the light heals and remakes, I want to bring this comment Seth J. Dickinson made when someone asked if their disability could exist in Destinyâs power systems.

âThe Traveler might need you the way you areâ is actually so beautiful to me and I think protecting people others would consider âunworthy of the right to liveâ is what the Traveler champions against the philosophy of the darkness.
I could talk about this forever and I think I might soon.
#destiny 2#destiny#destiny the game#d2#the traveler#the traveler destiny#in Seth Dickinson we trust please appreciate all he has done for the destiny universe#and go enjoy his works outside of Bungie so he can be properly compensated for his genius!! heâs one of my favorite authors ever!!#but yeah disable people will always exist whether winnowers see it fit or not and Destiny should be louder about that#irl sword logic has been weponized against the disabled throughout history and itâs SICKENING#also go check out eiramew plssssss I LOVE THEIR WORK OMGGGGG IM SUCH A FAN#MY TRAVELER I LOVE YOU YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME#there is much suffering in the universe but not on my tumblr
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these are like a year old but headshots for the zodiac crew in my own interpretation of reverse falls!
bonus: they arent in the zodiac and they also didnt fit in the photoset but will and bud are here as well
#gravity falls#reverse falls#my art#stanford gleeful one chance please i beg.#anyways yeah i enjoy revfalls so much. but like. the version in my head.#ITS A COOL CONCEPT I DONT CARE!!!
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sweet child, you didn't even stand a chance
#oh to be doomed by the narrative#you have taken the underground into your loving arms#and instead if bringing Justice to the Missing- you decided to bring it to the Trapped and Suffering#cole's art#undertale#undertale yellow#undertale yellow spoilers#undertale yellow true ending spoilers#i'm so glad i played this instead of watching someone else do it- please play it guys it'll change your life đ#uty clover#uty spoilers#uty#ut yellow#oh yeah- also- merry christmas y'all#enjoy this angst ;3
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I know Toy Story 4 is not really loved by the masses, but I canât help admitting that Iâm that person who loves it just as much as the trilogy. I was really excited about it back in 2019 and even had a little bit of hyperfixation on it. I really adore the concept of lost toys who live on their own. As much as Woodyâs choice in the end was unexpected, I think it opened big possibilities for post-canon ideas. Like this one! I decided to design his possible appearance after a couple of years of living outside with Bo. Description under the cut!
I noticed what was missing from those few fanarts on events after the end of Toy Story 4 that I found on the internet. Bo Peep is all so cool and fancy with her hook, raincoat and all sorts of useful thingies that she carries with her, and Woody is just clean and unscathed, as if he just yesterday got out of a dry and warm room. Naaah he wouldnât stay like this for long đ
Because what is lost toyâs life? Dirt, unforeseen damage and the need to periodically fight off stray animals. Moreover, we already know that Woody has a tendency to get into troubles. Moreover, he is a rag doll â that is, more than Bo is vulnerable to problems like unstable humidity, getting stuck somewhere with his limbs and getting attacked by cats / dogs / raccoons / whatever else they can encounter. He should become as hardcore as Bo after a couple of years, because otherwise there is no way to survive in this world.
The âraincoatâ is of nylon, most likely cut out parts of an umbrella that someone conveniently lost in the park during stormy weather. The trick is that itâs waterproof, since when you are made out of natural fabric, it's important not to get wet as much as possible. Moreover, Woody is quite old, and he should be concerned about the condition of his fabric if he does not want to literally fall apart after a couple of years of such adventures.
The holster is used as a pocket for small things, here itâs used for matches and paper clips, which can be useful in different situations. For matches, a striking surface from a matchbox is attached to the outer side of the right boot. This will allow to quickly light a match by yanking a foot down while holding match to it and thus minimize extra full-body movements, which can be useful in an emergency situation. I think that this can be effective not only for lighting up spaces, but also for scaring away animals, especially small ones like rats.
The hook is a pencil and a fishhook with a broken tip, strapped with duct tape. Basically an analogue of Boâs hook but made from improvised materials. As we have already seen in her example, it is an excellent utility for crossing various obstacles and, if necessary, for self-defense.
Stitches and scuffs. Both Bo Peep's arms were broken off and are taped back. That means, free living involves the regular risk of losing limbs. Even in an antique store, Woody got his foot stuck somewhere several times, which suggests that either himself or with the help of some stray animal he lost one or another limb and had to sew it back on his own or with Boâs assistance. He will have to overcome his fear of being broken and accept this as a new part of his existence.
These were general notes on this sketch! Perhaps I will continue to develop this idea in order to find some new interesting solutions.
#yeah my old fixation decided to resurface like THREE DAYS before D23#idk what will be with Toy Story 5 and I know people are skeptical about it#BUT I am quite positive#probably because I liked TS4âŚ#please donât write criticisms on TS4 under this post Iâve already seen it all#you wonât provide me any new info you will just upset me#so pleasssseeeeee just enjoy the fanart if you like it eheh#toy story#toy story 4#toy story fanart#woody pride#woody toy story#fanart#digital sketch#artists on tumblr#my art#character design#fan concept
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playing for keeps â chapter four
alexia putellas x barçakeeper!childhoodfriend!reader
warning/s: coarse language; mentions of: grief, death, drowning; not proofread
(a/n in the tags) [chapters: one, two, three, four]
word count: 13.1k
âCan you meet me at the playground?â was Guilleâs message the night after your graduation, casting a blue streak over a relatively warm summer night. The short hand of the clock hovered over eleven when you got it, and you had half a mind to ignore itâbecause how dared he do this now?âbut you sent him a reply before heading out of the door.
The playground was less than ten minutes away but you took the corner; the one that led around the block. He could wait, you thought. After all, youâd been giving him just that: the luxury of time. But he never did anything with it did he, so why would you rush? And what could he possibly want now after months of ignoring you? Was this a final goodbye? After everything youâd been through together, was this really how itâs going to end?
You sniffled and ran the back of your hand over your eyes as you walked the last few yards to the park.
Tap tap tap.
The distinct sound of football-to-shoe brought you back. Ahead under the yellow glow of the lone streetlamp that lit the playground, with his back turned to you, was Guille juggling a football. A breeze brushed your cheek and it carried the familiar sweetness of Guilleâs body spray. You remembered when he started using itâit was around the time youâd complained to him about how you found the scent of guyâs deodorants repugnant, and that you could only stand the new scent that he bought. And after that, it was all heâd ever used. You couldnât help but wonder if that was around the time he started liking you, and the thought made you recoil.
The ball reached another high, this time going over Guilleâs head, making him turn, but it never connected to a touch. Instead, it landed on the ground. Its momentum carried it to a stop just a few paces away from you but you made no move to kick it back. You dragged your eyes away from the ball and found his finally.
For a moment, it was as if the world stood still. You soaked in the state of him: there was a heaviness that swelled in the skin beneath his eyes which were devoid of their usual light; his arms sagged heavily by his sides, contorting the contours of his silhouette to a shape that displaced the confidence youâd seen him wear so easily growing up. Even in the low light, the jagged cut that interrupted the line of his left brow remained prominent, but it was gone from view when dark curls fell to cover it after Guille ran his fingers through his hair.
He cleared his throat before he spoke, yet his voice still broke over his words.
âHey. Uhâthank you for coming,â he smiled a little. âCan we talk?â
You eyed him carefully, letting a moment of silence settle in the air as you crossed your arms. Only after you noted a slight movement in Guilleâs throat did you skim the sole of your foot over the ball, sending it his way. When you met his eyes again, something akin to relief shone in themââor maybe it was gratitude?ââbefore he kicked the ball towards you again. That went on for a while; back and forth the ball went during which no one said a word. From the way Guille kept clenching and unclenching his hands, you doubted he knew what he even wanted to say, least of all how to say it.
Still, you waited.
Another moment, he stopped the ball, wiped his hands on the sides of his shirt before stuffing them in his short pockets, his posture awkward and stiff. He opened his mouth and in the breath before he spoke his first word, your heart dropped to your stomach and you braced yourself.
This was it.
âIâI want to apologize!â
You blinked. That⌠was unexpected.
âI know itâs probably too late, but I donât think I can live without saying it, you know?â He shrugged as he smiled, but it was too crooked, and his eyes shone.
âIâm really sorry. For what I did, and what I said. Those hurt you⌠I hurt you.â
He released a shaky breath, bit his lower lip as he swiped a thumb at the corner of his eye.
âIâm not expecting to be forgiven and I understand if you donât want to be friends anymore. I justâIâm sorry. And I want you to know that I had the best time with you.â
His lips curled up to a smile but the quiver of his chin broke the curve and his tears spilled.
He looked so young then, so much like a lost little boy who looked nothing like the boy you met when you were eight: newly-transferred Guille who became the smallest out of all the boys in your class yet, with his quiet confidence, he towered over them with his head held high. You remembered him as he was then when he first introduced himself to you, his cheeks rosy from playing too much under the sun and just a little out of breath when he asked you to be in his team during recess. He did it too without any snide remarks, something youâd gotten used to from playing with the other boys in class. He never brought your being a girl up even when your team lost, and it was the first time you were treated as an equal on the field at school.
And he just stuck with you, and you with him; all the shared lunches, the laughter, the late night banters⌠there was no way you could let this friendship go.
This was so stupid.
âThis is stupid,â you choked as you hastily wiped a tear away but it was quickly followed by another. âCome here, you idiot!â
You surged forward and wrapped your arms around him, the force of it nearly knocking the both of you over. It took him a second but when the weight of his arms settled on youââwhen his comforting warmth finally seeped inââyou were hit by just how much youâd missed him.
âIâm sorry. Iâm so, so sorry,â were the strained words spoken against your ear as he hugged you tighter.
âYouâre an idiot,â you mumbled on his shoulder. âItâs going to take some time but weâll be alright, I forgive you. And I want us to remain friends, under two conditions if youâre up for it.â
He pulled away slightly to wipe his cheeks, and gave you a small smile. He was a bit breathless when he said, âAnything.â
There was a light lilt in his tone and you understood he meant it, so you nodded, returning his smile. He followed you when you went to sit on one of the benches, situating himself so there was enough space between you for one person.
Looking him in the eye, you started, âI know itâs a lot to ask but if you have any plans to wait for me, I want you to forget about it. I love you and I care for you, but I need you to understand that a brother and a friend is all I will find in you.â
His eyes strayed downwards and they clouded over. He closed them with a sigh and when they opened, he looked at you and you found a lightness in them that comforted you; his face bore a friendly warmth that you havenât seen in a while.
âI understand, and you donât have to apologise.â
He scooted closer so he could bump his knee against yours, now grinning. His playfulness made you smile.
âAnd one more thing,â you added after a moment, and he nodded for you to continue. âYou⌠you have to make amends with Alexia.â
The grin fled from his face and you didnât miss the way he flinched. His knuckles whitened and tension brewed in his muscles. And when his eyes darkened, you couldnât help but frown at the change in his demeanor. You reached out to touch his shoulder.
Then, like a spring, all the air of rigidness left him. He threw his head back and released a laugh that caught you off guard. When he regarded you again, the curve of his lips remained.
Then he said in a tone filled with mirth, âYou know, if she hadnât knocked some sense into me that night, Iâd probably still be wallowing in self-pity like an entitled prick.â
At the reminder, your eyes wandered to the scar on his left brow but they lingered only for a second.
âAnd yes, done. She hates my guts,â you opened your mouth to protest otherwise but when Guille gave you a pointed look, you closed it immediately, âbut I will patch things up with her. Besides, I need to thank her for straightening me out.â
You gaped at him.
âItâs that easy?â
He shrugged, still smiling.
âI mean, yeah? Itâs either those or losing you, and I know I value you more than I do my pride and ego.â
There it was again, his quiet confidence. It diminished though when he brushed a finger over the bridge of his nose, eyes darting down to his feet briefly before meeting yours again. And when he spoke, there was more than a little uncertainty that bled into his tone, and maybe a little bit of hope.
âBesides, weâre friends. Right?â
You scrunched your nose at him in answer as you grinned.
âDamn right,â you confirmed. Then you punched his shoulder for good measure. His jaw dropped open in an offended gasp. He sat there wide-eyed for a moment before he locked an arm around your neck, his free hand mussing up your hair in an instant, and you could only shriek and chortle at the action.
In that moment, you felt as if a weight had finally been lifted off your shoulders. And there was no better way to truly feel the lightness of being than having somebody to laugh with. Then a comfortable pause washed over you both as you caught your breaths. In the silence that settled, you leaned back on your hands and kicked your feet up idly in the air.
It was Guille who spoke first.
âYou donât have to answer, but do you like someone?â
Your feet stilled. And then, without bidding, a series of images flashed through your mind of brown hair, freckles, hazel⌠Warmth coiled and gathered in your chest as if the ghost of a hand hovered over it.
âItâs her, isnât it?â
A distinct pop went off somewhere in your neck from the speed by which you gaped at him. Guilleâs eyes remained trained ahead and his face was relaxed, void of any judgement⌠Surely, he didnât say what you thought he said, right?
You swallowed, throat dry, and choked, âWhat did you say?â
âAlexia.â He turned to you then, and smiled; small but not unkindly. âSheâs the one, isnât she?â
Blood thundered in your ears, and your heartbeat tripled.
âNo! IâThatâs ridicââ
Warmth over your hand; Guille had taken yours into his, and the ice in your skin thawed instantly. Only when Guille tightened his grip to still your hand did you know just how badly you were shaking.
âHey, look at me. Itâs okay. I wonât tell anyone, I swear,â his voice was soothing and he squeezed your hand for good measure. âI think, deep down, Iâve always known. Maybe thatâs why I treated everything as a competition because I felt threatened by her. And I never understood why you always gravitated towards her like sheâs your own Earth. But now I know. If⌠If I ever made it difficult to come to terms with your feelings for her, Iâm sorry.â
His words and their sincerity brought a calm with them, stopping the surge of panic in your veins. And, like a tide, it receded. Finally finding your voice again, you spoke.
âYouâyouâre not angry?â
His brows rose.
âWhy would I be?â
Then he gave you another smile. You understood it was meant to reassure you but you couldnât help but notice that the corners of his lips were somewhat weighed down with sadness. Still, judgement made no home in his eyes.
âI wonât tell anyone. I promise. And if you ever want to talk, Iâm here.â
A brief pause as his eyes wandered.
âIâMaybe not for a while. Itâs not that I want to, but I think some distance will do me some good. I want to respect your boundaries, and for me to do that, I need to get my feelings sorted out. Iâm⌠Iâve made up my mind anyway. Iâm leaving the city.â
âWhat?â You choked. âWhen? Where are you going?â
Then a spark of anger went off. You jabbed at his shoulder. Guille yelped suddenly, his eyes became wide with surprise.
âYou jerk! Is that the reason why youâre finally saying sorry?!â
âIâNo, of course not! I mean, yeah, but no!â He gestured in the air. âWhat Iâm trying to say is⌠Iâm here because I want to make amends, not because I feel like I had to. Besides, I wonât be leaving for another two months.â
âOh.â Your cheeks felt warm.
âYeah, âohâ.â He repeated with a sarcastic note but a playful spark lit up his eyes.
You apologised sheepishly. Then, âWhere are you headed? And what are you going to do?â
Guille shrugged, leaning back against his arms as he looked up at the night sky.
âI donât know yet. I was thinking of travelling for a bit, maybe go around Europe first? Do you remember how Aunt Aloma lives in London? Yeah, she told me I could stay with her if I ever planned to go there for university.â
When he mentioned London, a lead sank into your gut. Logically, you knew it wasnât too far away; the three-hour long flight would be a small price to pay to see Guille again. The fact that he wouldnât be an armâs reach away like he was right thenâthat childhood was departingâmade your chest ache. You didnât know youâd teared up until you felt Guilleâs hand on your shoulder and the consequent squeeze there.
âDonât cry on me now, I havenât even left yet.â He said lightly but his eyes were glazed over, too. âHey, donât worry, it wonât be for good. Before you know it, Iâll be back here to annoy you. And you know, maybe once Iâve settled in London you could even visit.â
You took his hand and squeezed it back, saying, âJust say the word and Iâll be there.
âHeâs studying what now?â
âSports Psychology. Pay attention.â You swatted at Alexiaâs hand but she ignored you. She continued to pinch some more grass from beside where she was laying and let them get carried by the breeze as she threw them into the air. The blades of grass flew freely but some of them landed on her chest and stomach where a bunch of them had begun to pile up. Still, she continued her endeavor. She looked ridiculous but warmth filled you nonetheless, and you smiled as you leaned over to pick them off her jersey.
Alexia hummed with a note of surprise, âHe works fast. Heâs only been away for four months?â
âWell, we are talking about Guille here.â
âHmm, I always thought Lover Boy would end up in physioâHey!â
Alexia yelped when you jerked your thigh that her head was resting on.
âStop calling him that,â you reprimanded with a light flick to her forehead. At the reminder though, your cheeks warmed.
She rubbed her forehead as she narrowed her eyes at you, then with a huff and a pout, âFine, fine! No need to get defensive. Why is it such a big deal anyway?â
âBecause, Alexia, weâre all trying to move on.â
âYou make it sound like the two of you broke up or something.â She snickered before adding, âWhich begs the question, why didnât you ever go out with him? Minus the fact that he gave you a concussion, of course.â
Her tone changed at the end, an inflection of something bitterâa bit of her protectiveness showing throughâthat you chose to ignore. Yet you found yourself unable to answer her anyway.
You recalled the conversation you had with Guille that night, the way he figured out who held your heart so easily. Ever since, a question gnawed at the edge of your mind, the same one that whispered to you now: were your feelings so transparent? So obvious?
A brush against your jaw pulled you back and, upon looking down, you were met with the question still in Alexiaâs eyes. You shrugged, pulling away from her touch as nonchalantly as you could.
âGuille is a friend and only that.â
âBut you were so close,â she commented.
âProximity doesnât always mean intimacy, Alexia.â You were grasping for straws, you knew this. Your eyes wandered before you admitted with another shrug, âBesides, I canât really see myself in a relationship. Not right now, anyway.â
âOh.â The sound Alexia made was gentle, barely audible, that you thought it was the windâs whisper. And then in a tone so soft, âReally? You donât like anyone? Anyone at all?â
There was something in the way she asked that beckoned you to look back down at her. The scattered rays of the sun dappled her freckled cheeks with flushed amber, and her eyes that were normally a deep shade of ochre shone golden in the light. There was a softness in them that made your heart stutter, and another thing you couldnât quite figure out, almost a plea, but about what?
You dragged your eyes away from her lips to meet her eyes.
âNo, I donât think itâs for me,â you murmured.
She stared at you for a long time. It felt like being swallowed into their depths and you could do nothing but be swept away, keep the contact somehow, lest sheâd find something she shouldnât see. So you stared right back.
Eventually, she whispered, âMaybe you just havenât found the right person yet.â
The lump in your throat remained even after you swallowed. Finally looking away, you hummed out in half-agreement.
âYeah. Maybe youâre right.â
A pause.
âDo you miss him?â
âI do. I really do.â You admitted with a sigh.
After another moment of silence, Alexia continued.
âWould⌠would you join a club in England?â
Your gaze flicked back down to her, frowning a little.
âItâs either Barça or Bayern for me, Alexia. You know this.â
At that, Alexia averted her eyes, picked a fallen leaf, twirled it between her fingers, and then looked at it as if it held the mysteries of the world.
Carding a finger through her hair, you prompted softly, âWhy would you ask that?â
She shrugged, quirking the corner of her lips downwards. Then she met your eyes with barely concealed vulnerability, voice hesitant when she asked, âSo, youâre staying?â
âI am,â you said firmly, smiling at her. âBesides, weâre in this together, arenât we? Wherever you go, Iâll follow.â
Finally, her lips broke into a grin.
âI canât wait to play with you when we get on the first team.â She said with such certainty you couldnât help but grin back.
âDo you really think weâll make it?â
âYeah. We will, youâll see.â
And you did.
There reflected in her eyes the vision of a future. That familiar splendor of passionâthat unwavering resolveâshone untarnished, and the mere sight of it filled you with an overwhelming desire to kiss her. Instead, you leaned down and pressed your forehead to hers.
Alexia accepted the contact with a sigh, and then she whispered, âSorry to say, but youâre stuck with me, too.â
You got into Barçaâs first teamâthe both of you did.
There was a moment where you thought it was too good to be true, and that surely the other shoe would drop any time soon.
And it did.
Maybe deep down, you hoped otherwise; that the universe would prove you wrong. But the universe had a wicked sense of humor, and you wouldâve laughed at the cruelty of the joke if anguish had not choked your laughter tight into tears. The taste of achievement was still fresh on your tongue, still on your way to relishing it, before that same sweetness quickly soured to bitter disappointment.
Not a year after joining Barçaâs first team ranks, the news reached you. Our funds were not enough, they said, and they were sorry they had to cut the womenâs team. There was no other way, the club didnât have enough money to keep the team in the league.
The fact that you got a taste of your dream only to have the rug pulled beneath you was maddening, and it made the pain from the fall all the more worse. The news hit you hard, but Alexia took it the worst.
There was a thin line between perseverance and obsession, and some would even go so far to say that the two were opposite sides to the same coin. You know this. And you also know that Alexia had tossed that coin so many times now that sheâd probably forgotten what each of those faces meant, progressively confounding one for the other until they were now one and the same.
Looking back now, the signs were all there: you were blinded by your own loss and your admiration for Alexia that you failed to see it or what it really wasâa festering obsession. The signs were there in your time with Espanyol, especially during the first few months after the news of Barçaâs restructuring broke; they were present in the way Alexia behaved compulsively, always seething with barely concealed hunger, her tenacity both on and off the field magnified to the tens. It waned somewhat during the season but now with the both of you facing another moveâto Levante this timeâher obsession resurfaced with renewed vigor, corrupting each knot of her muscle to constrict to their breaking point.
âAle, do you want to come over to mine?â You asked, leaning against the doorframe of Alexiaâs bedroom, while Alexia remained hunched over a folder filled with formations, the same one sheâd been studying since last match day.
âWhy?â She threw over her shoulder, not even turning to look at you.
You picked at your thumb.
âI donât know. Just come and sleep over? MamĂĄ and PapĂĄ have been asking about you, you know?â
Finally she turned and her eyes found you. They were flat and the skin under them looked darker than they were yesterday. A slight crease was present between her brows, and her lips drooped slightly at the corners, seemingly unimpressed.
âI just saw them yesterday.â
Okay, maybe that was a lie.
You shrugged it off, âDoesnât matter. Come visit anyway.â
âI have other things to worry about,â Alexia grumbled with annoyance, turning around to assume her previous position.
âThatâs not going to run away from you, Alexia. Come on.â
Without letting her get another word in, you took her wrist in a gentle grip and tugged her away from her table. Although you had to admit, it was difficult not to remain unfazed when Alexia got like this, especially considering what sheâs going through. Another part of your brain was saying the opposite; that it was because of what sheâs going through that you had to intervene like this.
âHey, wait! What are you doing?!â Alexia protested halfway down the stairs.
âDragging you to my place, of course.â
âWhat about my things?â
âYou have clothes there. Or, you can just wear my stuff.â
âBut we have training!â
âItâs only a light session tomorrow.â
You fixed a stern eye at her over your shoulder and she opened her mouth, as if to say something, before she shut it, sighing in defeat.
The both of you just made it down the stairs to see the front door swing open. Eli entered first, Alba trailing in after. At the sight of her family, Alexia strode to where they were to greet them; she kissed Eli on her temple, and Alba on top of her head.
âHowâs PapĂĄ?â
Eli gave her daughter a small smile, but the skin around her eyes remained taut, weighed down by something inexplicably heavy.
âHeâs stable, love. The same as when you saw him this morning.â Eliâs gaze flicked to you. âAre you girls heading out?â
You nodded.
âIâll be stealing away Alexia for the night. Is that okay?â
Eli smiled at you, âOf course.â
âWe made some food for dinner. Theyâre on the stove top.â
âOh, thank you, my girls.â Eli said, hugging you goodbye after youâd put on your shoes. Then she whispered in your ear, âThank you.â
In response, you only hugged her tighter. Without meaning to, your eyes fleeted over to Alexia who was having a hushed conversation with Alba. By the end of it, Alexia embraced her little sister, placing another kiss atop her head only this time, Alexiaâs brows were deeply creased.
When you pulled away, you said, squeezing Eliâs hands. âGet some rest, MĂĄ. Iâll bring her back first thing after practice tomorrow.â
And with that, you and Alexia headed out.
The transit to your place was punctuated with a vacuous silence. Alexia sat beside you, less than an armâs reach away, but her eyes were trained at somewhere far on the horizon; and she, even farther. But you let her be, there was plenty of time to talk later after all.
By the time you got home, the lights were already off save for the small night light in the hallway so the both of you climbed the stairs on your toes, making sure to avoid that one creaky spot by the corner.
âYou can clean up here, Iâll use the other shower. â You said, jutting your chin to the direction of the shower.
Alexia only nodded.
When you returned to your room, the bathroom was empty, a fresh glass of water stood by your night stand, and Alexia was nowhere to be seen. You were just about to head downstairs when she padded into your room with a towel draped over her head and a damp spot from her hair on a shirt you recognised to be yours.
She mustâve seen the question in your eyes because she muttered, âDouble-checked the door lock.â
You hummed as she walked past you, back into the bathroom, and you heard the tap run.
âThanks for the water,â you said while taking a sip from the glass she put there.
A sound of recognition came from Alexia.
When Alexia finally finished her business in the bathroom, hair slightly ruffled and almost dry, you were already settled in bed, the sheets on her side pulled off in silent invitation. But Alexia remained standing there, by the golden cast of your night lamp, looking a bit lost for reasons you understood.
Softly, you coaxed, âHey.â
Alexiaâs eyes flicked to you and your heart ached at the sight of them so dulled and weary. It took her another moment but she finally slid in next to you, the warmth of her finally arriving home and seeping into your bones. When her feet brushed over your legs as she shifted beside you, you joked with a hushed giggle to lighten the mood, âGet your cold feet away from me.â
It worked because her lips quirked up slightly, eyes rolling in jest, but not a second later, her eyes dimmed again, and she looked away. You propped yourself up on your elbow to see her clearly but she refused to meet your eyes. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, you whispered, the words cracking under the weight of your emotion.
âAle, talk to me.â
A breath.
âThereâs nothing to talk about,â came the hoarse reply.
Breathing deeply, you buried your fingers in her hair to try and soothe her. And again, you spoke in whispers.
âYou know, itâs okay to grieve about it, to be angry about it. You donât have to be strong all the time, Alexia.â
Her eyes flashed with something red then and she growled.
âAnd what will grieving get me? The way through is forward and only forward. Do you think the world will stop to give you enough time to grieve? To be angry?â
She continued, each word exhaled with urgency.
âNo. The moment you stop, you will be left behind. And I canât stop. Not now. Especially not now.â
âHaving a moment for yourself isnât stopping. You canât expect yourself to go on like this forever. Sometimes, you have to do whatâs good for yourself, Alexia.â
A scoff.
âIt doesnât matter whatâs good for me. What I need is to get back to Barça. Then, and only then, will I feel at ease.â
âAt the expense of what, then? Killing your passion for the sport by making it your duty?â
Alexia startled you when she ripped herself away from you, sitting up so abruptly that the headboard banged against the wall. And when she glared down at you, you found a look in her eyes similar to that of a desperate animalâs; a look where the distinction between fear and anger blurred into something wild.
Then, through her teeth, she hissed in a low voice.
âIt is my duty! It always has been. Donât you see? It has always been more than a sport to me. Itâs not the same for you and I donât expect you to understand because youââ
She stopped herself, facing forward in an instant, pinching the bridge of her nose as she setted her arms over her folded knees.
Slowly, you rose, and only the sound of sheets settling around your waist filled the air. This momentary reprieve was mainly for Alexiaâs sakeâshe was overwhelmed, that was clear to seeâbut maybe you needed a moment yourself because what she said hurt you. Still, you soldiered on because this was for Alexia.
She tensed upon your touch, her muscles rippled beneath your palm as you dragged it from the small of her back, tracing the contours of her spine to the nape of her neck, but by the time your hand finally settled on her opposite shoulder, some of the tension had melted away.
âNo, youâre right, I donât understand,â you began, voice strained. âI donât understand why youâre so adamant in destroying yourself. Thisâthis shutting your family out with whatâs happening with you. Your mother is worried sick. Sheâs asking about how you are, Alexia, do you know that? Your own mother!â
Alexia released a weary sigh and then said in an even wearier tone.
âShe has no need to worry.â
You almost scoffed at that, but stopped yourself although you couldnât help the severity that bled into your next words.
âHow could she not when youâre working yourself to the bone? Tell me, how do you expect us not to worry?â
Silence. Then the murmur of folding fabric when Alexia curled into herself, head buried in the arms folded over her knees. In that cavern of her own making, a ragged breath echoed, followed by the shuddering of muscles. You ached at the state of her, and there was a lump in your throat that you couldnât swallow.
And barely above a whisper, you breathed, âYou cannot carry the whole weight of the world by yourself. Youâre not Atlas, Alexia. Let your family in.â
âAle,â you tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. Red eyes peered from the darkness of her arms and it broke you, but you had to plead, âTalk to me. PleaseâŚâ
âIâIâm scared,â she choked out finally. âHeâs getting worse. Itâs the second attack this month and Iââ
Her fingers dug into her arms when she tightened her grip.
âI thought winning the Copa de la Reina last year would give us enough exposure but it wasnât enough. So, I wanted to do it again this season to prove that we belong in Barça but instead, we lost to them.â A ragged breath. âAnd now weâre going to Levante. I justââ
She looked up at you, lips quivering with a whimper, âI just want us to go home.â
âOh, Alexia.â
Without saying another word, you put your arms around her, forehead pressed close against her ear and the hitch in her breathing resounded loud and clear.
âItâs frustrating, isnât it, how far we seem from getting back?â Alexiaâs back tensed in answer but you only hugged tighter. âBut thatâs not true at all.â
You felt Alexia lift her head and you moved away just enough to see how she eyed you with confusion. You gave her a small smile as you grazed your knuckles over her tear-stained cheek.
âOn top of your club activities, your national performance has been nothing short of exemplary. Those matter. And with all the articles theyâve been writing about you, itâs only a matter of time now.â Brightening your tone a little, you added with a playful smile, âyou probably wonât finish your season with Levante before Barça gets their hands on you.â
A corner of her lips lifted up upon your remark so you pushed on.
âI know itâs not the same as being in Barça, but what youâve achieved so far has got to count for something, Alexia. Your father⌠heâs so, so proud of you.â Your tone shifted, now firm. âAnd I doubt heâd be happy to know that his daughter is pushing her body past the point of injury to get into Barça. You know your mother and sister have been covering your ass, right? Uh-huh, yeah, I thought so.â
âYou need to let yourself breathe,â you kissed her temple, then her shoulder. When your eyes met again, you found a soft look in hers that reminded you of when you were younger. Smoothing her hair again, you asked, âCan you do that, Alexia? Not for us, but for yourself?â
Alexia regarded you for a long, silent moment. Then she closed her eyes, opened them a breath later, and nodded, her lips curling up to a sincere smile. In response, you couldnât help but grin back at her.
Sensing that her mood had elevated, you placed one last kiss on her temple before you reached over her, towards the lamp to turn it off, leaving your room illuminated by the blue glow of the moon. Alexia needed no guidance to rest her head against your chest and immediately, you wrapped your arms around her. She sighed deep in the crook of your neck and you were filled with a sense of belongingâof wholeness.
Your eyes fluttered shut to the rhythm of Alexiaâs heartbeat pressed against your side.
âIâm sorryâ, came the whisper.
âWhat for?â
âI shouldnât have said what I did, about you not understanding. That was wrong, and I know all of this means everything to you like the way it means everything to me.â
âI appreciate that, Alexia. Donât worry about it.â
âAnd Iâm sorry forââ
âAle,â you mumbled, pressing a kiss on her crown, âyou donât have to apologise for anything.â
A pause before a deep exhale heated up your neck.
âThank you, then.â
You hummed, already halfway to dreaming. And with one last reassuring squeeze at her hip, you found yourself murmuring, âI got you. Good night, Ale.â
âGood night,â Alexia said with a kiss to your neck and you slept with a smile on your lips.
âAlexia! Can you pleaseâShit!â
It was too late.
The box on top of the one you were carrying slid and fell, and all you could do was cringe as it spilled all of your toiletries by the front door.
âOops, sorry.â
You turned to Alexia with a glare of slight annoyance, but when you saw her sheepish expression, with the corners of her mouth pulled down and an eye twisted to a flinch, you let it go. With a roll of your eyes and a slight shake of your head, you signaled for her to proceed ahead as you held the door open with your weight. Once inside, she settled her boxes down on the tiled floor, letting out a small grunt as she did so, before she took yours.
Youâd just finished picking up the toiletries when Alexia asked, âThatâs the last of it, yes?â
Turning to face her, you saw her wipe the sweat off her temples before settling her hands on her hips. She scanned the would-be living room occupied by some stacks of boxes. Apart from the couch and mattresses, almost everything else needed to be unpacked and organised.
You placed the toiletries on the nearest counter and made a beeline for the couch. On your way, you patted her back and replied.
âYep. Just let me take five, and then we can open âem up.â
You face-planted on the couch with a groan, which then turned to a sigh not a second later. Those boxes took more from you than youâd anticipated, making the stiffness of the couch feel as soft as clouds to your bones.
The strain from your eyes began to dissipate the moment your eyes fluttered shut, and you could feel the peace that awaited you in that velvet darkness when you were ripped back to wakefulness the moment a warm, crushing weight pressed onto your spine.
Alexia had taken it upon herself to drape herself over you like you were the couch itself.
âWhatâAlexia!â You yelped, âGet off me!â
But of course, she did the exact opposite.
âWhy? I was just getting comfortable,â Alexia deadpanned.
She shifted on your back and she at least had the decency to prevent her elbows from digging into your back as she did. The next thing you knew, her front followed the curve of your back, blanketing you in her warmth, while her arms wrapped loosely around your waist.
Your heart thundered in your chest and you tried not to think too hard about it so you snorted out, âI hope youâre comfortable.â
âSince you asked, yes. I very much am, thank you.â
âYouâre so annoying.â
âI carried those boxes for you.â
âYou didnât have to if you didnât make me drop the toiletries.â
âI told you to tape up the box, but you didnât listen to me, so whose fault is it exactly?â
You rolled your eyes. She was right, but you werenât about to tell her that.
âYouâre impossible.â
âImpossibly right, yes.â
See? You didnât have to tell her.
You scoffed, âWhy do I even put up with you?â
âBecause you love me,â Alexia said in a matter-of-fact tone that made your heart jump. âNow shush. Letâs nap for a bit and then unpack.â
Alexia yawned, snuggling closer into you. If she heard the way your heart pounded, she didnât comment on it. As you drifted into a warm slumber, there was weight that pressed against your chestâa realization of some sortâbut about what, you didnât know.
Only after you woke to find Alexia had unpacked the boxes containing essential items and ordered a bag-full of takeaways; only after the both of you finished dining on paper plates, crossed-legged on the tiled, living room floor, laughing with your mouths full when Alexia made a mess of her food because of her inability to use chopsticks; only after Alexia found her Polaroid camera and took photos of the two of you, her arm slung casually over your shoulder, her lips pressed against your cheek. Then, and only then, did you recognise what that weight was for what it was.
You knew then: you were utterly and irrevocably gone.
You were in love.
And you could only pray that the heat from your cheeks wouldnât sell you out.
With all the changes that came with moving shelters and clubs, there was no time to think about home. Between getting used to your new club schedules, being acquainted with your new coaches and teammates, and familiarising yourself with the local area, your mind had no energy left to ruminate by the end of the day. And the difference between staying over at Alexiaâsâor vice versaâfor a few nights and living under the same roof together for the foreseeable future became increasingly obvious as you settled in your apartment in BuĂąol.
It was all new but the both of you managed and even somehow established a sort of routine. While you did most of the cooking and half of the cleaning, Alexia did the groceries and, thanks to her natural affinity for the sunâher words, not yoursâshe insisted on doing the laundry. You teased her about it but more often than not, her weather predictions proved accurate to the forecast, saving the both of you the trouble of dealing with damp clothes.
But as routine fell into place, so did the yearning for home.
The thing about missing home was that it brought on a different kind of longing. It was the kind that burrowed deep, the kind that dug a gaping hole in your chest and left you at a loss for how to fill it. It provoked the desire to turn back the hands of time, live in a memory, and step back into a moment already gone by.
Yes, there was a sense of freedom that came with living apart from your family, and sure the distance between BuĂąol and Mollet was only a three-hour drive or a five-hour train ride away. All of those things are true, but youâd be lying if you said being away from home didnât feel heavy.
No more was the comforting presence of your parents at hand nor the jovial company of Alexiaâs family nearby; it was just you and Alexia.
And the world never felt bigger than it was now.
You were lucky, though, to have Alexia with you. She was a piece of home that you took with you, and just having her by your side helped ease the ache somehow. But you have to admit, living with her brought on a different kind of pain.
Ever since you realized just how deep your feelings for her ran, being around her had only gotten more difficult. Everything and everywhere reminded you of her, and everything she did would send a jolt to your heart that left you breathless. Something as simple as her running her fingers through her hair, or a small smile; a brush against your cheek, a hand against the small of your backâyou were sure you were this close to going mad.
The intensity and frequency of these⌠stutters had only seemed to increase by the day, and frankly, it was beginning to scare you. That, and the questions that had been nagging you lately.
What would Alexia do if she found out that you liked her way more than a friend should? That you liked women? Could Alexia like women? She probably didnât. She would hate you for this, wouldnât she? What about your parents? How would you even go about telling them? Would they still love you? What ifâ
The sound of the key being slotted into the lock, followed by the opening and closing of the door cut your thoughts short. And then came a soft sound, barely audible.
You called out but there was no response so you padded over to the living room. Just before the end of the corridor a small movement caught your eye. You couldnât help the gasp that escaped your lips even if you tried.
The kitten mewled softly again, rubbing itself against the beige tone of the walls as it took you in with those large, yellow eyes. Its coat looked bright and pristine, nearly as white as the petals of the tree heath flowers that bloomed at home in spring. The same flowers that filled the garden of your home with their sweetness.
âHey, there. How did you get in here?â You cooed, crouching slowly, before you reached out your hand towards the kitten. It took a cautious step back but you waited patiently, keeping your hand where it was. A moment later, it seemed to have found the courage, stepping forward tentatively to sniff at your finger, before it licked your knuckle. Then it ducked down, nuzzling its head against your palm, its eyes closing from the contact.
Warmth flooded your chest and you whispered, âOh, youâre so adorable!â
âSheâs yours.â
Your eyes flicked up to find Alexia leaning her weight against the wall, her arms crossed, head tilted slightly to the side; her eyes lidded with something you couldnât quite recognise but you felt their warmth. The soft smile on her lips made her face look radiant and beneath her gaze, you couldnât help the heat that rushed to your cheeks.
As an excuse to hide your face, you dipped down your chin to pick the kitten who only yawned in response.
âMine?â You asked as you stood up and walked over to where Alexia was, stopping just an armâs length away.
Alexia only hummed in agreement, her smile still as soft as ever.
At that, you reached and draped your free arm around her neck, whispering against her ear, âThank you.â
She moved, finally, wrapping her arms around your waist to pull you closer.
âYouâre welcome.â Her words, murmured though as they were, curled through the smile you knew she still wore and made their home in your heart.
âWhat are you going to name her?â Alexia asked.
You hummed in confirmation. You pulled away just enough to make space to look at Nona, and you tried hard not to focus too much on how Alexia had settled her hands on your hips.
âMamĂĄ, PapĂĄ, meâ you began, putting up a digit on your free hand as you listed each one, âYou, Alba, Eli, Jaume, GuilleâŚâ
âAnd Nona,â Alexia finished for you, smiling down at Nona. Alexia met your eyes again.
âYour family of nine?â
âMine,â you nodded, âAnd yours, too.â
Alexia beamed down at you but then she scrunched her nose.
âDoes Guille need to be there?â
It was raining when Alexia told you.
On a damp Monday night, a few months following your move to Levanteâafter the both of you found an apartment in BuĂąol, and after that fateful day of realisationâshe said something that changed everything.
Throughout the day, you couldnât help but notice how strange Alexia was behaving. Sheâd twisted and fiddled with the hem of her jersey during todayâs practice enough that sheâd torn a hole through one spot. Sheâd twirled that loose lock of her hair so many times that youâd already lost count, and on the drive home, more than once, sped through a yellow sign. Even now, she was silent beside you as she helped cook the meal for you two tonight when usually, she would have gone over what happened at practice twice at this point.
And at the rate she was going, sheâd end up gnawing off the skin of her lower lip.
âWhy donât you go ahead and clean up first?â You said as casually as you could, taking both of your plates off the table and moving towards the sink.
Alexia eyed you.
âIs everything alright?â She asked. You caught a sight of her over your shoulder, sitting up, more alert than a second ago.
âNo, nothing. Why do you ask that?â
A pregnant pause.
âBecause you normally let me help with the dishes.â
You shrugged, turning back to the sink. âSeriously, Alexia. Itâs nothing. You just look tired. Now go so I can shower. We can put on AHS after.â
Another pause and then finally, you heard the scrape of her chair against the tiles.
âAlright,â she mumbled before her footsteps receded.
Much later, when youâd finished cleaning up and showered, the two of you wounded up on the couch, wrapped in each other with an episode of American Horror Story playing in the background. Alexiaâs head was tucked in the crook of your neck while you played with a loose lock of her hair when you finally asked her.
âAre you ready to tell me what youâve been worrying about all day, or should I keep pretending that I havenât noticed?â
You kept your tone light, almost teasing, because you had a feeling that whatever Alexia was about to say had weight to it. And surely enough, as soon as the question had left your mouth did Alexia stiffen against you and her breathing stilled. It took her another moment to pull away, untangling herself from you, before she reclined against the couch.
Without so much as looking at you, she countered, âCould you hate me?â
The question jarred you and you couldnât help but frown in confusion. What kind of question was that? You looked at herâsearching for answers as to why she would ask such a thingâbut Alexia kept her eyes fixed to the TV while the flashing images made shadows play on the smooth neutrality of her forehead and cheeks. You found no answer, so you replied truthfully.
âNo. Disappointed maybe, but hate? I canât think of anything that would make me hate you.â
At that, her shoulders curled forward, arms crossing over her chest, and her chin dipped down so low it almost looked uncomfortable.
She said softly, âJust think about it.â
Silence settledâheavily.
You gnawed your lip, turning over everything in your head, as you tried desperately to come up with something. But nothing.
âHonestly, Alexia, unless you killed someone, I really canât think of anything else.â
âIââ Alexia started but a choke cut off the rest of it.
The sound came out so suddenly that it seemed to reverberate, bouncing off the walls and resounded loud in your ears. You sat up, alert, fully facing Alexia who now had her hands over her face, shielding her eyes from your view. She drew in a breath, and what she released was something shaky.
Youâd never seen her like this before, and youâd faced more than a handful of adversities together. What could possibly be making her hurt like this? Your gut twisted at the sight of her and you were filled with an overwhelming urge to take her in your arms. Instead, you settled for a light touch to her knee.
âAlexia,â you began softly, âWhat is it?â
Under the shield of her hand, you saw her lips quiver. Then a tear ran down her chin.
You ached at the sight but you remained silent.
âIâmââ Her lips twisted to a grimace. âIâI donât know how it happened I justââ
Another pause.
âI like women.â
For a moment, the air stilled; almost like a vacuum had swallowed up all sounds. And then something swelled: blood rushed into your ears, and, as if life had broken a shell, a flood washed over you, filling each and every bone; and it felt a lot like hope.
The raw sob that escaped Alexiaâs throat broke you from your epiphany. She mustâve misunderstood your silence because now, sheâd curled even further into herself, palms digging into her sockets. You shook yourself, mentally scolding yourself for getting distracted, before you moved closer to her.
âOh, Alexia.â She flinched away when she felt your arms around her but you only clung tighter. âThank you, Alexia, for trusting me with this. I want you to know that you donât have to hide from me, that this doesnât change anything no matter how that voice in your head might tell you otherwise. Youâre still Alexia, and IâI love you all the same. I donât hate you, I promise, and I wonât. Iâll always be here.â
When you whispered those words into her ear, she finally sagged into your embrace, turning her head so it rested, again, in the crook of your neck where she released a sob. This time, it sounded more from relief than from grief.
There, on the couch, you held her until she fell asleep.
âYou know,â you whispered in the dark, tucking a lock of Alexiaâs hair behind her ear long after sheâd fallen asleep. Alexia didnât stir, and you continued to no one in particular, âYouâre not getting rid of me that easily.â
And there with your whole world in your arms, you finally allowed yourself the luxury to hope.
When you were seven, just a few months before you met Alexia, an idea dawned on you. Sick and tired of the kidâs pool, with its small and, if you were being honest, slightly unkempt water, the large one next door offered freedomâa tantalizing concept for a child. You stood at one end of that pool and found a face of determination reflected back at you. You were going to do it; you would swim across the length of the pool and make it to the other side.
And then, you jumped in.
It took about a minute or two before your muscles started burning, hardening to a cramp with every stroke, and yet the other side didnât look any closer. That was when it sank in; the pool was far too large. There was a brief moment when you gasped for air and remembered to swim towards the nearest edge, just like your father taught you, but by that point it was already too late.
Water rushed into your nose and mouth, bringing stinging hopelessness in their wake, clogging your throat with a muffling silence that stifled your scream.
Your father barely caught you in time.
Yes, you remembered all too well that burn in your lungs.
If that pool was a frozen lake, what would drowning feel like?
In Barcelona, the lakes never froze in winter. Even the westerly winds that brought the Atlantic squalls slithering under each door in the city in cold February werenât enough to make the chill settle in. The only time your bones truly felt the bitter meaning of winter was when youâd gone to Norway to attend a relativeâs funeral, and the occasion did nothing to lessen the cold. It was also the first time youâd ever stepped foot on ice, and the fear that lanced through you at the sound of the first crackâseemingly almost like a thunder out of the blueâleft you rooted to the spot, fearful that a breath could put you under.
Waiting for death felt just like that; like walking on a slate of ice.
And the aftermath?
A drowning of a different kind.
Every phone call was a step on that thin slate of ice; every step a space closer to certainty, each one a crack on that fragile surface, another moment closer to a falling in. The thing was, death was as true as the ice giving way but no matter how inevitable the end may be, or how slow the unfurling of that mortal coil may seem, the force of the fall was no less devastating. The ice would shatter and there would be a split-second when youâd feel suspended, held by a single thread of hope for one last miracleâthe only miracle that matteredâbut there was no saving you from the freezing waters.
And nobody ever told you about how quickly you would sink under; about how the cold would bite their way down to the bones while your blood sang that familiar rhythm of life, a bitter reminder of the clear division between past and presentâthe antecedent and the aftermath; and just how painful it would be to be stuck in-between remembering what once was and what could have been.
In that space, in that frigid depth, no amount of screaming nor air could prevent you from drowning. Without the arms of a father to save you, how could you not drown?
And the worst part?
There was no bottom to grief; you either float or sink in that frozen lake.
And Alexia sank.
Days passed, weeks, then months; the world kept turning. Life demanded you to be present and compelled you to move forward like everyone else. And yet still, even after changing everything in its wake, grief lingered as it always did.
There were still times when youâd catch Alexia turn from every mirror, eyes casted down almost out of fear of what sheâd see. How could you look at your reflection when every bit of skin there held the reminders of what youâd lost? Every reminder brought with it a memory, and what were memories if not a mouth full of teeth? It was a mouth that took every opportunity to bare its teeth, to gnaw at that hole in your chest until the edges were raw againâlike they never healed to begin with. Again and again, it bit; its teeth, painting themselves red.
But if anything could transcend time itself, it was the resilience of the human spirit. Even if her father was never far from her mind, Alexia pressed forward; now for two hearts instead of one.
Winter ended finally, and the sun rose again. And when summer arrived, so did the news.
âLlorens spoke with me today,â Alexia spoke over the running of the tap. You looked at her over your shoulder, she was leaning against the frame of the kitchen door. She said the next part in a tone so soft that you barely caught it.
âHe said⌠They asked me to rejoin Barça.â
Your eyes widened and it only took you a moment before you ran to her, wrapping your arms around Alexiaâs neck, while Alexia returned the embrace by putting her arms around your waist.
âHoly shit, Alexia! Thatâs amazing!â You practically screamed into her ear. Pulling away to look at her, you found pride shining in her eyes but for reasons you couldnât quite understand, there was a weight that burdened the corners of her lips. You knew just how much this meant to her, getting back into Barça, and it worried you that she wasnât celebrating like youâd expected her to.
You asked gently, âHey, whatâs wrong?â
At that, she sighed heavily, tightening her hold around your waist as she did. She gnawed at her lower lip, brows creasing.
âYou havenât heard anything from them?â
âNo,â you admitted, ignoring the twinge in your chest. âIt doesnât matter, Alexia. This is your opportunity to go back. When are you due to leave?â
âIâI told them Iâd get back to them tomorrow.â
Your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.
âWhat! Alexia, whatâs gotten into you?â
âI donât want to leave you alone.â
Finally, you recognised what it was that was casting its familiar shadows in her eyes: worry. Although you were grateful that she was, it was completely unnecessary and borderline irrational. She shouldnât throw away what she worked hard for because you couldnât perform at the same level, and no way in hell would you let her feel bad for your own inadequacy.
You took her face into your hands, looking into her eyes as you enunciated each word slowly.
âAlexia, listen to me. You will meet with Llorens first thing tomorrow, and you will put that pen to paper, do you hear me? And then you will leave Levante without meââ when she opened her mouth, as if to protest, you pressed a finger to her lips. âYou will leave Levante without me, and you will play for Barça come this season. There are no âbutsâ here, Alexia. You have to do this. You owe yourself that much.â
Alexia remained quiet but she looked at you with large eyes that made your heart ache the way it always did for her.
And then, âWhat about you?â
âI will work twice as hard. And I will meet you there,â you whispered, losing yourself in the depth of her eyes. âI promise.â
Alexia nodded and slowly, a smile made its way onto her lips.
âYou better.â She mumbled. Then she added playfully, âNow get your hands off of my face, youâve made it all wet.â
You flashed her a devilish grin before you wiped one of your hands down her face.
It wasnât until a month after your first game with Barça that you saw Diana again.
With her line of work, it was no surprise that she was an incredibly busy person. That meant her stays in Barcelona were brief enough that she couldnât make it to any friendly hangouts the way your other friendsâ partners could, only ever having the time for Alexia which was the most important thing. So when Alexia messaged the group chat last night that she and Diana would be lunching with you, Patri, Tori, and Mapi today, everyone received the news with barely hidden enthusiasm.
And this was how you found yourself sitting at the head of the table with Patri sitting on the other end, Alexia and Diana to your left with Alexiaâs arm draped casually over the back of Dianaâs chair, while Mapi and Tori sat to your right. As you all waited for your food to arrive, you engaged in a light and friendly conversation. Mapi and Tori were a lethal duo when it came to jokes, almost having all of you keel over from laughter, causing the eyes of the other patrons in the restaurant to flit to your table, and you were sure you saw barely hidden amusement on the face of the waiter that served you.
Lunch was going wellâfor your part especiallyâwith all things considered. So you took this time to appreciate Alexia and Diana together just like this because you never got the chance to. And it was clear that the both of them made quite the pair; so beautiful that they almost looked untouchable. They kept their displays of affection sparse and yet the smallest of gestures held a thousand words. In Dianaâs presence, Alexia seemed so happy and she had an air about her so light she was almost like the sun.
You couldnât help it, you smiled at the sight. Seeing Alexia like this was enough for you, and you knew this. She deserved this. If only Patri could stop eyeing you with worry, you could keep pretending that twinge in your chest didnât exist.
Everything was going well, but the universeâas it seemed to become accustomed to latelyâwas adamant to prove you wrong. Or, maybe you shouldâve just crushed your feelings under foot once and for all. It was when the food arrived that things took a turn for the worse.
When the last dish was delivered by the waiter, Tori, Patri, and Diana fell in a conversation. Mapi, you spied, was not so subtly texting someone beneath the tableâIngrid, you guessed, by the way her eyes shone and her nose crinkled in delight. Alexia on the other hand was left to fend for herself⌠against her food.
After all this time, Alexia still couldnât eat properly with chopsticks. It was definitely the bulkness of her hands that made her clumsy with the delicate tools; youâd told her as much before. You bit your tongue before you could tell her that again. Instead, you teased her.
âAre you playing with your food?â
Alexia glared at you but still, color rose to her cheeks as she grumbled.
âShut up. You know using these things is difficult for me.â
âStop sulking. Besides, I already taught you before.â You rolled your eyes. Then you instructed, âOpen your palm.â
She pouted but she did what you asked anyway.
âYour hands are too big so you have to hold them at the very end. Let the bottom one rest in the crook of your thumb, yes, thatâs it. And hold the top like youâre writing with a pen. Loosen up a bit, youâre too tense.â
You adjusted the placement of the chopsticks slightly, âJust close your thumb over the sticks and move yourâThatâs it! You got it, you got it.â
With a triumphant smile, Alexia finally succeeded at her attempt to pick up her food. And when her smile curled over the food she put in her mouth, a warmth flooded the cavity of your chest. The sparkle in her eyes just then somehow made you feel like a teenager again.
You didnât know what it was that drew your attention to her, but your gaze flitted over to Diana. You werenât sure what you expected; maybe that she was still talking with Patri or Tori⌠only she wasnât. She was staring at you with a face set in a stoicism so neutralâher lips drawn to a careful lineâthat you had this unsettling feeling that she was everything but impassive. Her eyes betrayed her the most: they were sharp, barely narrowed, and there was an attentiveness in them that made you feel transparentâexposedâas if she could see right through you; as if sheâd found something.
A chill ran through you, and you shuddered internally.
Quickly, you averted your eyes back down to your meal. Developing an excessive interest in your food, you receded into yourself and tried to school your face to what you hope was impartial nonchalance. A little later when you finally felt brave enough to chance a look at Diana, you saw her talking to Patri and Tori again, laughing and smiling as if the moment between the two of you never happened.
You relaxed and you found breathing easy again.
Maybe you were just being paranoid.
But really, you shouldâve known better.
Time, with its infamous predisposition to fly, had snuck up on you.
A blink of an eye found you stepping out of a plane in the middle of August and the next thing you knew, December only had days to breathe. Ending the year at the top of La Liga, together with your clean sheets, was nothing short of a relief. It was a testament to how youâve integrated yourself with the team so far, but you knew enough that this shouldnât call for complacency. In fact, it demanded the opposite; you needed to work harder especially with the match against Lyon looming closer in the horizon.
For now though, rest was due.
Most of your teammates had either flown themselves home or somewhere far warmer than Barcelonaâs dropping temperature. For those who stayed, like you, you needed to find a way to amuse yourselves without freezing. Tonight, it seemed that the club was the unanimous choice: what better way to stay warm and have fun than to get drunk and dance?
That was how you found yourself under flashing lights nursing your own glass while you watched the rest of your team get their freaks on from the bar. You knew Patri was already four shots downâyou all had only been here an hour; Mapi and Ingrid were getting a little too cozy in a secluded corner, which you couldnât fault them for since it was Ingridâs last day in the city before she had to go home; Alexia had vanished with Diana to do who knew what, while Aitana and Ona were losing it on the dance floor.
Aitana and Ona spotted you hanging out at the bar so they began to wave you over with enthusiasm. You shook your head at the display, smiling, and made to move off the counter you were leaning on when a tap on your shoulder caught your attention. But before you could turn to see who it was, a familiar voice pierced through the music.
âI didnât expect to see you here.â
Standing behind you was a woman; the stewardess that ushered you off your plane. Out of her work clothes and the dull setting of a plane, her beauty shone through untarnished. Gone was the sleek hairdo and instead, sheâd opted to leave her hair down. Her short hair barely grazed her collarbones, you noted, and as you traced their outline, you found the piercing in her sternum glinting in silent invitation. She was wearing a simple black dress that revealed just enough of her chest to entice, the thin fabric of it accentuating the curves of her waist, and it stopped just halfway down the length of her thighs to reveal the intricate lines of floral tattoos on her side.
Finally catching yourself, you tore your eyes away and found her gaze. What you found reflected in them was amusement and you tried to stop your cheeks from burning.
As casually as you could, you said, âOh, hey, itâs you. I⌠actually never caught your name.â
âMicah,â she replied, extending out a hand. You took it as you told her yours. She leaned on the bar, waved the bartender over who gave her the drink she asked for, and took a sip. Then she turned back to you.
âYou know, I never expected to see you again. And in a gay club, of all places.â
âWhy not a gay club?â You asked with a small laugh.
She shrugged, one corner of her mouth quirking up almost sheepishly.
âI may have searched your name up after I met you. No history of relationships, just multiple pictures of you with the same guy. I thought heâs your boyfriend, so.â
âIs it a guy with curly hair?â
At that you let out another small laugh.
âThatâs Guille, my best friend. Heâs like a brother.â
âOh.â Micahâs cheeks flushed.
You gave her a grin, âYeah. But just to clarify, I am, in fact, into women. Exclusively.â
As if a switch has been flipped, Micahâs demeanour shifted, eyes now smouldering. The change affected you in ways you didnât anticipate and with your slight height over her, it became difficult to keep your eyes where they should be, especially when the silver glint of her piercing tempted your eyes downwards. But just as the alcohol had thinned your blood, your self-control frayed all the same; your eyes roamed down to her cleavage which you admired briefly, before you met her gaze again.
That seemed to be the signal Micah was looking for because she stepped into your space, her drink now sitting forgotten on the counter. She dragged her fingers up your arm, all the way to your exposed collarbone where she traced the skin there while she watched you with dark eyes, her plump lip between her teeth.
You shivered; she was so close now that the heat of her body washed over you.
âReally? Prove it, then.â Micah whispered, ghosting her lips over yours.
You leaned forward when she pulled back slightly, as if magnetized to her lips. Then you asked, âHow?â
âDance with me.â
She dragged you to the dancefloor and you let yourself be swept away in the sea of bodies moving to the same rhythm. And then the both of you danced, her body against yours, your hands tracing her outlines as you pulled her closer as she did the same to you.
Time blurred into a singularity after that but it existed again when, at one point, Micah took your cheek into her palm to pull you down for a kiss. Her lips were searing hot when they branded yours that you couldnât help but gasp and moan into them, a sound which Micah gladly swallowed.
It had been a while since youâd been touched and you didnât realise just how much you missed it: the skim of skin over skin, the languidness of your blood turning to molten rush; how you missed the deprivation of air from your lungs and the delicious ache that came with it. And how you missed touching another. Your hands sought the exposed skin of her back, relishing the softness beneath your palms as you settled them there, respectfully just above her ass, to pull her in, flushed to your body.
She sighed and she looped her arms around your neck; deeper, hotter.
And in the heat, you lost yourself.
You couldnât remember how the both of you made it to your apartment, only that she ended up on top of you, head between your legs as you gasped out her name in the dark. And when she braced herself against her elbow, her other hand working you over the edge once more, you couldnât help but note how beautiful she was with her curtain of brown hair, her lips slightly parted, eyes shining in the dark.
And when you came on her fingers with her lips on yours, you had a nagging feeling that this felt a lot like when you were nineteen.
Clutching your head, you tried to soothe the remnants of your hangover as you headed over the door. You squinted at the light that shone through when you opened it and when the blob in front of you assumed a semblance of familiarity, you croaked out a question.
âAlexia? Whatâre you doing here?â
âWow, you look like youâve been hit by a truck.â Alexia teased but when you glared at her, she finally answered your question. She lifted her hand and that was when you noticed what she was holding. âGot your jacket. You left it at the club last night.â
You blinked at her, eyes still squinted, and enunciated each word slowly. âYou drove all the way here. To drop off my jacket.â
She nodded.
âAnd you couldnât have waited until dinner tonight?â
âNope. The jacket was of utmost priority, obviously. Second priority, of course, is to check that you havenât dropped dead yet. Third, to make sure you show up at dinner on time.â Alexia stepped back and gave you a once-over. âAnd by the looks of it, you need more than just a check up.â
âFuck you.â
At that, her brows only creased as she threw her head back to laugh.
âRough morning, huh?â
âIâm glad you find my hangover amusing.â You grunted, turning to shuffle back into the kitchen to make the coffee you were about to prepare before a clown interrupted you. âClose the door, youâre letting all the heat out.â
âOkay, Grumpy.â Alexia said behind you and you heard the door close. A rustle of fabric, and then, âGo drink some water and maybe then you can actually hold a conversation.â
You rolled your eyes even though she couldnât see your face.
âShut up. Iâve only been awake for an hour.â
âSure.â Alexia dragged out her answer like she believed what you just saidâshe didnât.
You turned on the coffee machine and pressed the button for a double shot. The sound of whirring filled the air.
âYou want some coffee?â You asked, looking at Alexia over your shoulder who you found was not-so-subtly craning her neck to look down the hall. When she saw you looking at her, Alexia flashed you a questioning look.
âAre we alone or⌠?â Alexia trailed off but before she could finish the question, you nodded. She walked to the counter and picked an apple from the fruit bowl.
âOh, okay, good. And no, thanks, I already had a shot before I left home this morning.â
You returned to your coffee, placing the cup aside so you could prepare the milk.
Beside you, you heard the running of the tap and then a rustling of clothes followed by a slight thump. From the corner of your eye, you spied Alexia leaning against the counter.
You just finished pouring the milk into your cup when you heard Alexia hum before the unmistakable bite to the flesh of an apple. Lifting the cup, you took a sip and welcomed the bitterness of caffeine on your tongue.
âYou know,â Alexia started, âyou never told me you liked women.â
You froze.
The lingering euphoria from last nightâalong with the excitement from Micahâs proposal for a next time when she left early this morningâimmediately vanished. There was something about the nonchalant way that Alexia got you; it cut you deep. And the wounds you thought were long healed now bled through their stitches. A dot of coffee stained the white countertop, followed by another, and before your cup slipped from your grip, you put it down and pressed your shaking hands flat on the countertop.
âWhat?â Your tone was tame but you were everything but. Pressure rose in your veins because how dared she. How dared she.
âIâm not mad or anything, Iâm just surprised thatâs all.â Alexia laughed lightly but the sound grated at your ears.
âWas that a recent development? Did you find that out in the States?â Then she continued with a bit of guilt seeping through her voice. âIf you found out before you moved to Angel City, I hope I never made you feel as though you couldnât share that with me. And if I did, then Iâmââ
âPlease, donât insult me, Alexia.â
As if finally detecting the ice in your tone, you saw her head turn towards you from the corner of your eye, but you made no move to look at her.
âIâm not insulting you. Itâs justâIâm a terrible friend for never seeing the signs and that I couldnât be there for you.â
âAre you fucking kidding me?â You scoffed but it sounded more like a choked sob than anything. The world blurred before you and you watched as your tears mixed with the coffee stains on the counter.
âHey, whatâs wrong?â Came Alexiaâs concerned voice before you heard a rustling of clothes, and then the touch to your shoulder. The reaction of your body was visceral: you stumbled back as you slapped her hand away as if sheâd burnt you.
âDonât touch me!â Heat pricked around the skin where sheâd touch you, and you felt as if something was crawling beneath. âGet out.â
Finally, you looked her in the eye and the force of the movement made your tears fall. Alexia stood there frozen, mouth agape, eyes wide and brows knotted in horror. You couldnât care less; looking at her hurt and you wanted her out of your apartmentânow.
âI said leave.â
Alexia ran a frustrated hand through her hair and she pleaded, âTell me what I did!â
âGet out, Alexia!â
She opened her mouth, stopped midway, and finally shook her head. With one last look at you, she turned for the door but before she stepped out, she turned back to you. She sighed then said in a small voice.
âI donât know what happened but Iâm sorry anyway. I⌠Iâll see you tonight.â
With that, the door closed. At the click of the lock, you slid down to the floor; your back against the surface of the cabinets with Alexiaâs half-eaten apple by your feet.
She really did forget, didnât she? And you were the only one who remembered because between the two of you, it was only you who cared enough to latch onto the memory. She didnât care, and you doubted she ever did to begin with. Why did you think otherwise? Why?
Your face fell into your hands, and you sobbed.
You were so fucking stupid.
#ap11#alexia putellas#alexia putellas x reader#woso x reader#my writing#a/n:#hello everyone i hope you all are well <3#still alive lol but when they said time flies once you hit your 20s and that life stops holding back its punches they really werent joking#couldnt find the time to write since the last update but i told myself that id finish this chapter before january ends so here it is#(although I barely made it in my timezone anyway ahaha)#and i must admit ive been out of the womens football loop for quite some time now so uhhh yeah sorry#please pardon any grammar/spelling mistakes as well as other errors because i know i left more than a few here#and im sorry for updating this eight months (!!!) later#anyway i hope you guys enjoy and thank you to those of you who've stuck around for this#im sorry again for the late update and thank you for reading <3
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Very interesting to me that a certain subset of the BES fandom's favourite iterations of Mizu and Akemi are seemingly rooted in the facades they have projected towards the world, and are not accurate representations of their true selves.
And I see this is especially the case with Mizu, where fanon likes to paint her as this dominant, hyper-masculine, smirking Cool GuyTM who's going to give you her strap. And this idea of Mizu is often based on the image of her wearing her glasses, and optionally, with her cloak and big, wide-brimmed kasa.
And what's interesting about this, to me, is that fanon is seemingly falling for her deliberate disguise. Because the glasses (with the optional combination of cloak and hat) represent Mizu's suppression of her true self. She is playing a role.
Take this scene of Mizu in the brothel in Episode 4 for example. Here, not only is Mizu wearing her glasses to symbolise the mask she is wearing, but she is purposely acting like some suave and cocky gentleman, intimidating, calm, in control. Her voice is even deeper than usual, like what we hear in her first scene while facing off with Hachiman the Flesh-Trader in Episode 1.
This act that Mizu puts on is an embodiment of masculine showboating, which is highly effective against weak and insecure men like Hachi, but also against women like those who tried to seduce her at the Shindo House.
And that brings me to how Mizu's mask is actually a direct parallel to Akemi's mask in this very same scene.
Here, Akemi is also putting up an act, playing up her naivety and demure girlishness, using her high-pitched lilted voice, complimenting Mizu and trying to make small talk, all so she can seduce and lure Mizu in to drink the drugged cup of sake.
So what I find so interesting and funny about this scene, characters within it, and the subsequent fandom interpretations of both, is that everyone seems to literally be falling for the mask that Mizu and Akemi are putting up to conceal their identities, guard themselves from the world, and get what they want.
It's also a little frustrating because the fanon seems to twist what actually makes Mizu and Akemi's dynamic so interesting by flattening it completely. Because both here and throughout the story, Mizu and Akemi's entire relationship and treatment of each other is solely built off of masks, assumptions, and misconceptions.
Akemi believes Mizu is a selfish, cocky male samurai who destroyed her ex-fiance's career and life, and who abandoned her to let her get dragged away by her father's guards and forcibly married off to a man she didn't know. on the other hand, Mizu believes Akemi is bratty, naive princess who constantly needs saving and who can't make her own decisions.
These misconceptions are even evident in the framing of their first impressions of each other, both of which unfold in these slow-motion POV shots.
Mizu's first impression of Akemi is that of a beautiful, untouchable princess in a cage. Swirling string music in the background.
Akemi's first impression of Mizu is of a mysterious, stoic "demon" samurai who stole her fiance's scarf. Tense music and the sound of ocean waves in the background.
And then, going back to that scene of them together in Episode 4, both Mizu and Akemi continue to fool each other and hold these assumptions of each other, and they both feed into it, as both are purposely acting within the suppressive roles society binds them to in order to achieve their goals within the means they are allowed (Akemi playing the part of a subservient woman; Mizu playing the part of a dominant man).
But then, for once in both their lives, neither of their usual tactics work.
Akemi is trying to use flattery and seduction on Mizu, but Mizu sees right through it, knowing that Akemi is just trying to manipulate and harm her. Rather than give in to Akemi's tactics, Mizu plays with Akemi's emotions by alluding to Taigen's death, before pinning her down, and then when she starts crying, Mizu just rolls her eyes and tells her to shut up.
On the opposite end, when Mizu tries to use brute force and intimidation, Akemi also sees right through it, not falling for it, and instead says this:
"Under your mask, you're not the killer you pretend to be."
Nonetheless, despite the fact that they see a little bit through each other's masks, they both still hold their presumptions of each other until the very end of the season, with Akemi seeing Mizu as an obnoxious samurai swooping in to save the day, and Mizu seeing Akemi as a damsel in distress.
And what I find a bit irksome is that the fandom also resorts to flattening them to these tropes as well.
Because Mizu is not some cool, smooth-talking samurai with a big dick sword as Akemi (and the fandom) might believe. All of that is the facade she puts up and nothing more. In reality, Mizu is an angry, confused and lonely child, and a masterful artist, who is struggling against her own self-hatred. Master Eiji, her father figure who knows her best, knows this.
And Akemi, on the other hand, is not some girly, sweet, vain and spoiled princess as Mizu might believe. Instead she has never cared for frivolous things like fashion, love or looks, instead favouring poetry and strategy games instead, and has always only cared about her own independence. Seki, her father figure who knows her best, knows this.
But neither is she some authoritative dominatrix, though this is part of her new persona that she is trying to project to get what she wants. Because while Akemi is willful, outspoken, intelligent and authoritative, she can still be naive! She is still often unsure and needs to have her hand held through things, as she is still learning and growing into her full potential. Her new parental/guardian figure, Madame Kaji, knows this as well.
So with all that being said, now that we know that Mizu and Akemi are essentially wearing masks and putting up fronts throughout the show, what would a representation of Mizu's and Akemi's true selves actually look like? Easy. It's in their hair.
This shot on the left is the only time we see Mizu with her hair completely down. In this scene, she's being berated by Mama, and her guard is completely down, she has no weapon, and is no longer wearing any mask, as this is after she showed Mikio "all of herself" and tried to take off the mask of a subservient housewife. Thus, here, she is sad, vulnerable, and feeling small (emphasised further by the framing of the scene). This is a perfect encapsulation of what Mizu is on the inside, underneath all the layers of revenge-obsession and the walls she's put around herself.
In contrast, the only time we Akemi with her hair fully down, she is completely alone in the bath, and this scene takes place after being scorned by her father and left weeping at his feet. But despite all that, Akemi is headstrong, determined, taking the reigns of her life as she makes the choice to run away, but even that choice is reflective of her youthful naivety. She even gets scolded by Seki shortly after this in the next scene, because though she wants to be independent, she still hasn't completely learned to be. Not yet. Regardless, her decisiveness and moment of self-empowerment is emphasised by the framing of the scene, where her face takes up the majority of the shot, and she stares seriously into the middle distance.
To conclude, I wish popular fanon would stop mischaracterising these two, and flattening them into tropes and stereotypes (ie. masculine badass swordsman Mizu and feminine alluring queen but also girly swooning damsel Akemi), all of which just seems... reductive. It also irks me when Akemi is merely upheld as a love interest and romantic device for Mizu and nothing more, when she is literally Mizu's narrative foil (takes far more narrative precedence over romantic interest) and the deuteragonist of this show. She is her own person. That is literally the theme of her entire character and arc.
#blue eye samurai#mizu blue eye samurai#akemi blue eye samurai#blue eye samurai meta#just in case... im gonna tag this as#mizukemicritical#akemizucritical#though this post isnt actually criticising the ship itself but rather fanon's portrayal of the ship and the characters#for that reason lemme also tag this as#wank.mp3#feel free to disagree of course but please be civil#and if you need to rant about how wrong i am without any convincing evidence kindly feel free to make your own post. peace and love <3#fandom.rtf#meta dissertations.pdf#shut up haydar#edit: for full disclosure. i do rather dislike this ship. but obviously it's fine for anyone to enjoy it. please do! have your fun!#it's just that as usual! popular fanon and fandom around a ship is what has completely deterred me from any sense of enjoyment of it#it's a shame too because i was very open and even eager for some mizu/akemi romance in the future#but out-of-character fanon + the rudeness of certain fans has definitely soured it for me#but that doesn't mean people can't enjoy it obviously! ship and let ship!!!#plus it has its appeal which i DO STILL see and enjoy!!!!#i would even go as far as to call them soulmates because their narratives and characters are LITERALLY intertwined!!!#but. yeah. my gradual distaste for this ship is indeed very unfortunate.
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i love garters
#xmen#xmen comics#charles xavier#professor x#mags is there too.... implicitly of course... yeah ill tag him w/e#magneto#erik lehnsherr#cherik#snap sketches#i have this horrible habit of skething charles thirst traps before bed and then finishing them the day after vjELVKJAELVKJ#moving on i just like garters... useful even... big sexy accessories i fear..#i almost opened this up in class the other day vejLKAEJ#I HAD THIS LIKE. ROUGHLY SKETCHED DAYS AGO AND I WAS WORKIN ON SOMETHIN ELSE IN CLASS#AND FORGOT I HAD THIS OPEN IN ANOTHER TAB luckily i had all the layers hidden but still... lol ..#anyway. please enjoy im gonna go work on some stuff now bye
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yeaah... future trio got me too...
and Darkrai is there too, because of course he is.
hey look i drew a cute Drifloon :D
...ignore the rest
whatever started at Darkrai doodles ended in brainrot of future trio + darkrai and I'm blaming @scribz-ag24 for this
#Can you believe between the first pic and the 4th pic is only a week inbetween. I sure can't but like why did I mirror the pose...#ON ACCIDENT??? Everytime I look at the two Grovyles I'm like... how... how did they end up so differently???#also probably blaming @cozybells as well for this but I really fear tagging people so I'm just letting y'all know in the tags because#I do wanna let everyone know who inspired me when someone did <333 better get running [you know who you are!!!!] DusnoirXDarkrai is next...#also: upon seeing scribz-ag24's art my brain said: You need to color too! ah yeah that went well with the doodle batch#I really hope you're able to read everything with how messy I can write sometimes. If not please let me know and I'll add sth in this post!#Also the doodle batch was the first thing I drew so well... never drew dusknoir before and grovyle once i think...#please go easy on me I have yet to explore the relationship between literally everyoneđ and I have no idea what Iâm doing and I'm a little#lost I normally only draw King Boo or Darkrai but I'm sure scribz-ag24 sprinkling in bits of Darkrai got me in love with the future trio to#grovyle#future trio#celebi#darkrai#dusknoir#pmd hero#pokemon#drifloon#totodile#my art#my stuff#tagas friend spoiler#pmd#pokemon mystery dungeon#IS THERE A SHIP NAME FOR FUTURE TRIO... there must be. ...oh... is it just...#futuretrioshipping#i feel sooo stupid rn.#also everytime i drew darkrai i had evil spiteful bastard in mind (except for the one with an arrow pointing out he's redeemed) but i think#i literally mixed every possible version of him in my head so got absolutely no clue what i'm doing :D#anyways i hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading through my ramblings! Have such a wonderful rest of the day yippiee <333#pmd2
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martyn and doc in the ring NOW!
#the sillies ever love them#âcant say I blame himâ#inthelittlewood aka martyn#martyn itlw#rendog#renthedog#docm77#trafficblr#hermitblr#hermitcraft#hermitcraft season 10#mcyt#rendoc#classic treebark bait#martyn just text him PLEASE#martyn dm him#these fools always talk on streams abt how much they enjoy playing together and then refuse to ever message each other#like oh yeah martyn is the most fun guy oh yeah ren is so fun DM NEOW
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âin combatting ableism one must also understand that being an "attention seeker" does not, on its own, make someone a bad person & that wanting / seeking attention is not inherently a negative trait or a moral failing
#hi this post is made by a histrionic about histrionic personality disorder đ please be kind#people can seek attention in ways that harm themselves or others yes. but seeking attention on its own is not a Bad Thing!#(getting hashtag vulnerable for A Moment) i personally cope by being a âcontent creatorâ lol. and it helps! it works very well!#it brings me so much joy that people enjoy my art#but ALSO it is a healthy outlet for me to âseekâ attention / have a steady supply in a way that harms nobody :)#anyway yeah seeking attention is not a bad thing. im not necessarily saying that using âattention seekerâ as an insult is /ableist/#but it IS ableist to treat people who seek attention (esp in harmless ways & esp if they can't help it) as if they're doing something wrong#âđŹ / text#honestly histrionic#histrionic personality disorder
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