#but the results are “we talk bad about other products so you buy ours/one we are sponsored for”
alchemiclee · 11 days
I hate when google something and get conflicting results and am too busy or tired to spend hours researching the truth.
i'll search for example "is *thing* good quality" and get one result that says "after many tests it's very good quality and is about the same compared to *other thing of actual proven quality* and is worth it"
then directly under it is a result "after many tests compared to *other thing* it's poor quality and not worth it"
google results are so bad and it's so hard to find anything unless you want to spend hours diving deep into results and doing different searches. just give me correct or helpful answers right away and not sponsored paid results that are full of lies!!!!
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acti-veg · 1 year
Is honey vegan? If so why not? (I'm not trying to start something other than a conversation)
Honey is produced by bees which are amazing pollinators and are vital parts of growing plants.
No, honey is not vegan by any reasonable definition of the word. As vegans we avoid animal exploitation, whatever you may think about bees and honey, honey is very definitely the result of exploiting bees. Bees are amazing pollinators and they are vital for plants and natural ecosystems more generally, but that really has nothing to do with buying and eating honey.
Most pollinator bees are solitary bees, pollination in natural eco-systems is performed by these individuals, other insects and birds. They are the ones who are under threat, not the kind of bees we use to make honey. We are talking about managed hives of domesticated bees, most of whom are non-native and compete with natural pollinators for the same food sources. It is even thought they may be spreading disease to wild pollinators, too, who do a far better job of pollination than managed hives do.
Commercially owned hives are shipped in on-mass to pollinate some crops, but this is a very bad thing and far from natural. It is a symptom of our over-intensive farming system, and certainly not a point to make in favour of eating honey. This just helps make honey production more profitable, it isn't good for the environment and certainly isn't good for the bees.
You seem to be equating honey with bee conservation, but that just means that you have been successfully marketed to. You are not supporting pollinators and growing plants by buying honey, no serious bee conservation organisation advocates buying honey to support wild bees - it was just a successful marketing campaign by cereal corporations.
The best way to actually support wild pollinators is to grow local, pollinator-friendly flowers and to provide them with natural habitats and constructed ones like bug boxes, which are widely available to buy and very easy to make. It's definitely a better use of your money than honey is, if the goal is to help bees and other pollinators.
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tuesday again 4/23/22
three months unemployed YAY. also wherein i get SUPER pressed about star wars lore
funeral by tele novella. popped open tiktok to see something my best friend sent me and this was there, the first thing on the for you page. let's yoink a description of their previous album from an interview i'm going to quote at length in a bit: "The result was “exactly what we wanted it to be,” a perfumed mist of jingling, jangling, lilting, off-center pop—a strange little snowglobe gathering dust at the back of the shelf."
the lyrics did hit me like a train bc i often find myself mourning places and situations that were not necessarily good for me but were familiar.
Oh, you're not tied up Here comes the train The tracks feel safe because you know 'em
if you had told me this was made in about 2007-2009ish i would have believed you. very spare production in the way folksier songs of the time were spare. a bit raspy and direct in her delivery. there's a bandcamp interview wherein i found out this is the side project of a vintage/antiques dealer and she has a fascinating perspective on her own music:
Her passion for the craft is evident—in our conversation as much as in listening to the band—but music, for her, is a means to an end, a way to transmit stories. “As a musician, I’m mediocre at best,” Ribbons says matter-of-factly. “I think that my talent lies in my storytelling ability. I think that I’m a good storyteller.” It’s something instilled in her by her grandparents, “voracious readers” who were always buying her books and secretly wanted Ribbons to be a writer, she suspects.
i really adored this whole album as a cohesive work. "vampire cowgirl" is another standout for obvious reasons.
You came barrelin' down Rabid with some talk Of a gal who rides at night Picking off the stock
remarkably good at reproducing the general vibe of the midcentury cowboy western album, when tv cowboys were sweeping the nation
T. Kingfisher's Nettle & Bone. enjoyed it, but not quite as much as her other stuff. whereas her other series are almost always comical and often stray into farce, this one was a bit grim. even with the addition of a demonic chicken. had to stop and really think about if my own experience with funerals and funerary rites (too many, too often) was coloring this for me but i think it is simply not as funny or interested in being funny as her other works. not a ding against it, but not what i was really expecting or in the mood for. image from tor, let's yoink the description from macmillan
This isn't the kind of fairy tale where the princess marries a prince. It's the one where she kills him. Marra — a shy, convent-raised, third-born daughter — is relieved not to be married off for the sake of her parents’ throne. Her older sister wasn’t so fortunate though, and her royal husband is as abusive as he is powerful. From the safety of the convent, Marra wonders who will come to her sister’s rescue and put a stop to this. But after years of watching their families and kingdoms pretend all is well, Marra realizes if any hero is coming, it will have to be Marra herself. If Marra can complete three impossible tasks, a witch will grant her the tools she needs. But, as is the way in stories of princes and the impossible, these tasks are only the beginning of Marra’s strange and enchanting journey to save her sister and topple a throne.
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paywalled article, sorry, but i personally have a bone to pick with fanduel due to [REDACTED INCIDENTS] from [PREVIOUS JOB] so it does not surprise me in the slightest that they don't really seem to be doing a single fucking thing about money-laundering. allegedly.
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the bad batch, or the 13/16 episodes of the third and final season that are out. all these images are from comicbookreview bc i watched this on my actual television
one of the plots i hate most is the trying to get someone back plot. for example, i think finding nemo does this really well bc it's also a coming of age/parenting movie. i do not think the second finding nemo movie does this well bc as soon as one person is reunited with the group, through a wacky series of coincidences they lose another member. plus that movie is part of the downturn of modern pixar where they forgot how to tell interesting stories but that's neither here nor there. the bad batch falls into the finding nemo 2 category. it's simply frustrating to watch. it turns into a desperate floundering after whoever happens to be missing instead of using a The Searchers style plot to say something about the act of the search itself. i realize i am once again saying "what if star wars was good" but like. come on.
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the bad batch s3 is surprisingly focused on retroactively filling in the backstory of how and why palpatine got cloned with his force powers intact, which is apparently a difficult technical problem. i would have cared about this if this show came out before the last movie and we had a cool breadcrumb style approach leading up to the movie. unfortunately that movie (and the sequel trilogy more broadly) killed a lot of my interest in modern star wars. anyway, this cloning problem leads to a lot of very technical conversations in a children's' show that are interesting to me, a grownup, bc no star wars media has ever successfully explained 1) what midichlorians actually are and 2) the biological processes by which they operate but refuse to be cloned? which is extremely funny to me bc midicholrians aren't supposed to be real. qui-gon has that whole little speech and blood test in the phantom menace but the series had So scrupulously stayed away from explaining how the force works before that. they still fail to explain it but they at least attempt to break two inches of new ground. side note this show gives us TWO canon trans girl clones and i really wish they were in a better show.
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it's annoying that i'm annoyed about a children's show meant to sell toys. some fun things: the pyke syndicate shows up, a slew of my favorite bounty hunters show up, this show is much better at painterly backgrounds and has an overall more concept-art feel than the clone wars proper or rebels. i think it would be cool if they stopped whitewashing the clones. i'm going to finish out the season but i don't exactly have a lot going on in my life right now. i am not terribly sad that this is the final season but BOY do they have a lot of loose ends to wrap up in three episodes.
new genshin update on uhhh thursday and it's kind of exciting bc i THINK it will finally fill in this hole on the map and the associated shorelines of three different countries!
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i thought i had long since found all the chests in liyue (the second area released) but in the process of doing a recently released character quest set in liyue i found another chest. this game is very good at hidden objectives and little secrets but i wish it was better at letting you know when you have Actually cleared an area completely of all the little hidden stuff. anyway i have been holding back the last character hangout (ningguang, my best beloved ruthless girlboss business high femme) for a terrible day and that day came! unfortunately hanging out with the fake pretend video game lesbian did make me feel better!
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also unfortunately i fucked up and cannot count so the gacha pity system (every 90 pulls you're guaranteed a 5-star character) gave me Neuvillette. who i don't hate but i wasn't really planning on pulling for. i do like his questline and his voice actor, he simply doesn't fit in super well with a mono-electro team bc i play this game like an insane woman.
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the real bitch of the thing keeping me from upgrading him is going out in the overworld and collecting enough sea stars. why can't he need flowers or little gears or anything else i have a thousand of.
anyway this gal will be dropping sometime in the next six weeks and i AM extremely excited to pull for her. she has some cool abilities (GUN) and is part of a popular pair with the steampunk lolita character i love and leads my other main team. i hope their abilities play well off each other but she has such a cool storyline and design i don't super care if she fits in with my playstyle. i will adapt for her in a way i am not willing to do with neuvilette
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i am once again obsessed with gallery walls, bc a friend has asked me to find the correct gigantic size frames to put some comics on his wall, and that has given me an excuse to go to thrift stores again.
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unfortunately i have mostly found frames for me, and the projects i have been working on have kind of a long tail of when they will actually be on my walls. i picked up four 16x20 frames for $2.50 each (solid wood! remarkably detailed!) bc i eventually want to put up these fallout maps in the style of national parks maps up on the map wall in my office. i suppose this means i should join @ruffledringdove and actually play '76, bc that's the one modern game i haven't played. these are getting scuff sanded with 120 and painted with a eggshell paint sample in a bright white u all know the drill at this point. ive painted a lot of frames in the past few weeks.
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left is one of the painted 16x20 map frames, right i have also finally sanded and painted both 12x16 deckle-edged wood frames i picked up off the side of the road in MA. and found glass + backs for them! eventually i will procure fancy mats and print + frame my grandmothers' portraits. they will eventually go on the living room wall, which is a neutrals and blue-greens wall of slightly disdainful women. this will help me swap the three maps in there to the office map wall.
i have also acquired this gigantic plaster-over-wood mirror for $15. i am using leftover rub n buff bc i don't have a great spot to spraypaint here without sheeting my entire front porch, and rub n buff is way less susceptible to 80% humidity than spray paint. also i would have to buy spray paint. i am looking up suspiciously bc i thought there was a bug. not sure what mackie was looking at.
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mysticarts · 4 months
Heya! I have appeared to share this silly random headcannon facts I wrote about my Lackadaisy oc Lucio for fun.: (if you don't mind ofc.)
•Lucio didn't cutted his hair or trimmed it not because he took pride of taking care of it well, or not wanting to look stupid in chopping his hair mistakenly (which he did tried in his childhood.) But mostly to keep some memories of his sibblings used to braid/play his hair.
•He won't give a care if people stared at him either odded out/judgmental about it, in fact he'll be quiet keeping it himself.
•Except if one throws a insult towards his hair, he will not hesitate beating the living life outta them. (Not physically but rather giving snarky remarks, back talking, or straight up glaring at them in an hostile manner.)
•He doesn't like people touching his hair without permission especially if there a stranger or someone he doesn't knew, there's a incident happened a few years ago, after Lucio working at the Marigold a few months someone yanked the strands of his hair intentionally with an added comment misgendering him as a girl (he was in his late 20s and didn't had a beard yet)... How did the result end? Well basically that person was founded by the dumpster, heavily injured with their limbs broken.
•Hence why half of people in the Maribel hotel keeps their distance farther from him so they won't go missing (Or get their limbs dismembered) in the next day. Being careful not to accidentally touch Lucio's hair, neither yanked the hair.
•So timeskip at the present where Carmen curiously wants to touch Lucio's curly and luscious hair, she possibly begged him for some moment. After a bit reluctantly he let's Carmen brushes his hair, carefully.
•Lucio is astounded slightly Carmen didn't complained or insulted his hair, she liked it, even more so braiding his hair into a bun so they could match. (Ah yes the friendship hairstyle match.)
•Lucio caught Wick staring at his hair curiously for few day recently which gotten the siamese blushed a lot, so Lucio decided to humor him, until Wick asked genuinely if he could brush his hair... Some akward silence later Wick was now brushing or probably taking care of the other hair.
(Lucio is just listening to Wick's humming, to him it sounds pretty to whatever song his humming but doesn't tell Wick that hes voice is pretty.)
•Turns out Wick had braided Lucio hair, it's slightly messy not perfect, yet it didn't look bad. He kept it at work causing another teasing from the Savoys.
•The only people Lucio will let his hair touch is Carmen, His mom and sibblings (sadly in the past.) Wick, and his uncle's wife.
•As for Nia, she accidentally braid his hair into knots. He forgives her for that but doesn't now let her braid his hair for now, however she could still brush it.
•Lucio drives Nia to school, and picks her up afterwards the school finished.
Lol that's all I could come up with, feel free to comment me a feedback what your thoughts about this. I appreciate and love for it. ^^
Have a good day/Night.
First off: WE STAND LUCIO TAKING CARE OF HIS HAIR!! (As a person with really curly hair I understand trying to keep your hair Good and people touching it)
Carmen does have curly hair, but straightens it most of the time due to others remarks. So Carmen understands Lucio, but definitely begged to style it.
Carmen would definitely tie Lucio's hair up into the same hairstyle as her's, just to convince others that she's a good hairstylist.
I can imagine Carmen walking into the Mirable hotel and just talking to Lucio like they've been friends since forever and the Savoy's are like: "wait a minute isn't that the Greek girl who lived in our neighborhood?-"
Carmen would probably buy Lucio all of the hair products he needs. If Lucio's almost out? Expect Carmen to come knocking on the door holding a freaking box.
I feel like Carmen would witness Wick braiding Lucio's hair, and have the urge to go stop Wick to make it more neat but she's like: it's a Canon event, I gotta let it happen ..
As For Nia, Carmen tries to teach her the importance of hair care (because Nia's biological parents definitely did not teach her that) and Nia tries to listen, but for now the only Hairstyle Nia can successfully do is a braid.
Anyway, these aren't headcannons, THESE ARE NOW CANON
Feel free to ask more questions
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danhanly · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: Bigotry, Boycotting & Activism
I've been reading a lot of the discourse surrounding the impending release of Hogwarts Legacy, and it's time I communicated my thoughts in the spirit of this blog, i.e. talking about stuff I'm wholly unqualified to talk about that nobody even asked me to talk about.
To get the obvious stuff out of the way first. Yes, I support trans rights, I believe JK Rowling is a bigot, and she is a TERF who has done significant damage to trans rights. Yes, I have also pre-ordered Hogwarts Legacy, and I have no intention of cancelling.
I'm confident that as a result, I'd be recognised on neither 'side' of the fence regarding this particular issue. The trans-rights side would lambast me for purchasing the game, and the TERF side would lambast me for my views of trans-rights and JK's bigotry, so I sit in this no-mans-land between the issues, despite feeling personally aligned in almost every way to the trans-rights side of the debate.
There is a significant cognitive dissonance here for many people, myself included. On the one hand, we're simply following our tastes in entertainment as we should typically be allowed to do. On the other hand, we're forced to take sides in an exceptionally complex and multi-layered debate in which both sides insist it's really simple. How does one resolve this cognitive dissonance? By using the time-honoured tradition of just 'not thinking about it'. But then here I am, thinking about it in-depth, so I'm writing it all out since this is the only way I can resolve the chaos within my skull cave.
I feel the trans-rights side of the debate is right; they have the high ground, and morally, trans people should be given the rights and freedoms that JK Rowling is campaigning to take from them. However, I need to be absolutely clear, I am simply not qualified to prop up either side in the debate, I am simply the 'general public', the 'masses'. I'm not an activist, and I shouldn't be expected to be an activist by either side of the debate.
The process of creating an activist is firstly understanding the issue at hand, secondly being directly or indirectly involved by association with the issue, and thirdly (and perhaps most importantly) having the energy and inclination to rise above the 'masses' to push your point. I fail every single one of those checks. I have incredible respect for activists who campaign ceaselessly to change society for the better, but I'm not one of them, nor should I be expected to be.
"If you purchase Hogwarts Legacy, you're supporting a bigoted agenda" is something I see more and more when it comes to this debate. I have no doubt that people can produce receipts to show how JK Rowling will profit from the sales, but the more you reduce an argument to its most emotionally-charged elements, the more you strip out all the nuance.
There's a reason that Hogwarts Legacy has broken records when it comes to pre-orders, and that's because Harry Potter is a hugely successful franchise and fandom, and what the studio has created looks to be a great addition to that franchise. It looks fun and engaging and includes many features I look for in video games.
In the current culture in which we live, products can be enjoyed by consumers entirely divorced from the political leanings of those who benefit from its sale. You can make a strong argument as to why this shouldn't be the case, and I may be inclined to agree, though we'd both have to understand that affecting this change, in reality, would be momentous, if not impossible.
When I purchase a milk bottle, I don't look up the voting history of the farmer; I don't think "who profits from this bottle of milk," or "I wonder if the glass bottle was made by someone who supports Brexit," or "I heard a terrible rumour about the guy who drove the van to deliver the milk from the Tesco distribution centre to the Tesco Extra store I bought it from." If we did, nobody would buy Nestle products due to their global bad-actor stance, Apple products due to the literal children building the iPhones or any modern fashion brand that uses sweatshop labour. A certain amount of activists will care about the harm in the supply chain, but the vast majority of consumers will not. Buying an Apple product doesn't mean you support child labour, buying a T-shirt from ASOS doesn't mean you support the use of sweatshops, and buying a KitKat because you're hungry for a snack doesn't mean that you believe water isn't a human right, of-course-it-fucking-doesn't!
We'd live in a beautiful utopia if people voted with their wallets in this way. Still, they don't and never will; asking people to do so is unrealistic and serves no purpose but to harm the overall effort. To affect this level of change would require such an exceptional societal shift that I don't think it'd ever really be possible.
Perhaps I feel this way because I'm separate from the debate. After all, I don't know any trans people and have never personally experienced any of the same types of bigotry. I'm an outlier to the activism and the actual issue at hand. This is perhaps why I'm not taking a more active stance in the debate. Even knowing that I'm still allowed to have an opinion, I'm still able to believe in the experience of others and use that to inform my choices.
Maybe I'm just a cynic, but cancelling someone for their views isn't an effective change; it's temporary, only until society as an entity forgets about them (see: Louis CK's recent sell-out comedy tour). The actual effective change is in voting and fundamental policy shifts. So when some trans-rights activists call for a boycott of Hogwarts Legacy, all they're calling for is a temporary stay of sales for no further benefit. Society will forget about this debate. A year or two after release, the argument will have simmered down or diverted in a different direction, and it'll pop up on sale in a game store, and people will buy it. Some will say it's about "sending a message," but it's broken pre-order records, so what exactly is 'the message'?
Once an activist 'converts' one of the 'general public' members over to their side, that person doesn't become an activist, but they will vote differently next time they have an opportunity to do so.
Activists on both sides are the players in a game of tug-of-war. We, the masses, the public, are bound within the rope. Governments, laws and policies are like the little flag in the centre that'll tell you which side has won. Activists will pull us one way or another, but at no point will a strand of the rope get up and start pulling too; we are and will forever be 'the rope'. Without a rope, activists have nothing to pull; without activists, the rope lies limp; without activists or a rope, the government entity that sits at the centre will never change. All parts of the equation rely on one another, but we must start appreciating that not everyone thinks like an activist.
I am within the rope, and to me, the activists on the trans rights side of the debate are valiantly pulling the flag over to their side. So, whenever I get a chance to do so, I will support and vote for real change that affects trans rights, be it by party or referendum or donation to a relevant charity. I won't be making this issue my life's mission and making this issue the backdrop of every decision I make. I'm not a paragon of virtue and justice, I'm just a 'me' doing 'me shit', and like every other homo-sapien on this god-forsaken orb sometimes that feels contradictory, overly complex, nuanced, or just plain confusing.
There's no correct answer; everything feels like the wrong move, and what's being asked of consumers is unrealistic. The decision to buy or not buy a game should never be this hard. I'll continue to support LGBTQ through more traditional means (like charity donations or voting for parties that specifically campaign against bigotry) despite how others feel about me buying the game.
A cop-out, maybe? I don't know. Perhaps I'm just mired in a cynical view of society. Who the fuck asked me anyway, right?
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swolesecrets · 8 months
Food is Fuel.
We all know that food is an essential part of life, but just how important is it really? In this blog we will be discussing macros, and calories, all because nutrition is the first leading factor to your results and physical well-being...
What are macro nutrients and why are they important? They are nutrients used in large amounts used by the body in order to perform it's daily tasks. In these sub groups, we can find protein, carbohydrates and fats. With various misconceptions concerning these essential nutrients, I would like to clear up misinformation.
I think that the most common one talked about amongst the three, especially in the fitness world would be protein. Okay, but why do we talk about protein, what does it really do... Also explained in Biology, proteins are used in order to create new cells during the process of mitosis, and to repair damaged cells, which is exactly what happens when exercising. The muscle fibers are torn and then fixed with the protein we ingest. All of this to say that if you want to get "bigger muscles" eat your protein.
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I typically aim for my bodyweight in protein grams as a daily goal so for me around 130 grams. However, it is very important to know that grams of protein, and calories don't only come from food. All food is calories, yet not all calories come from food... You see, almost all things we consume contain calories, that amount just varies based on the item in question, besides water, or specialized drinks (coke zero, diet pepsi, etc..). Therefore, when we drink juice, add dressing to our salad or add olive oil into a skillet, those are also calories, simply in liquid form, which are the sneakiest kinds of calories. For as good as "budget friendly" could get with protein... Here are some of my favourite "somewhat" budget friendly high protein foods and meals;
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Cottage cheese; Personally, after basically force feeding myself to eat cottage cheese over the last year, I think that I have just learnt to enjoy it and I find it easier on the stomach compared to other protein sources. Yet many people seem to not like cottage cheese, perhaps trying to add some honey on it, I have heard was good from others, and some say they enjoy mustard.
Low fat greek yogourt; Another food that some people have troubles with would be low fat greek yogourt. I know for myself this is the case, to me it is the sour after taste, and the texture I think. I enjoy making frozen yogourt however to solve the texture problem. Although higher on the price range, in my experience, there are always atleast one pack on sale.
Chicken breast; The canned ones from costco are affordable and to me not that bad for canned chicken. I have made so may things with this product, such as chicken salad for sandwiches and wraps, butter chicken, chicken pasta and buffalo chicken wraps...
Rotisserie chicken; If canned chicken is not for you, we also buy the Whole Rotisserie Costco Chicken's. For only 8$, the whole chicken will last me, my mom and brother a whole week being used in various meals...
Turkey; Simply turkey no name lunch meat, and even lunch meat variety packs in bulk at costco, yet still available at every grocery store, are great sources of lean protein.
Robert Irvine's protein bars; Best protein bars in terms of taste for sure, having tried so many.
Premier Protein shake, or protein milk and Fairlife (when on sale); My go-to protein packed drinks, that are portable perfect for student life-syle.
EGGS! Specifically egg whites, but I am not that picky; I don't LOVE eggs however awesome and easy source of protein, the calories to protein ratio is great. I like mine "sunny side up" or "scrambled" with ketchup. Deviled eggs are also nice when I have some time to make them. On the other hand fats and carbs are commonly words that scare a lot of people, especially those wanting to lose weight, and to be honest I was one of those people once. However, carbs and fats are your primary source of energy. Carbs being used for quick and rapid acting energy, such as cardio. Yet fats are used for long term energy stock as well as absorption necessary for a healthy body. In order to do the things you love, to talk to your friends and family, perform any physical activity, and to use your brain to its full potential, fats and carbs are NEEDED. I used to track my carbs and fats, but I don't find that necessary anymore... Simply being conscious of their importance and incorporating them in my diet, is now enough for me; intuitive eating. Here are my favourite carb and fat sources;
Whole wheat pasta
English muffins
Fresh fruits
Cheerios honestly
Salmon again
Nuts such as cashews, walnuts, peanuts, peanut butter
So let this be your daily reminder to go eat your food, some REAL food, and stay conscious about your macro nutrients based on your goal's needs. Eating intuitively is the best way to maintain a good relationship with food while dieting, in my experience!
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nickgerlich · 1 year
The Steaks Are High
I remember all too well that time in the early-1970s when there was a spike in the price of beef. My Dad the Accountant was also the primary shopper in the family, and he knew the price of every grocery product in Chicagoland. Well, it seemed like he did, because back when gas was cheap, it was actually prudent to cherry-pick a few items here, a few more there, and so forth. In the end, the cupboards and refrigerator were filled.
But the price of beef scared him into a new reality, because he could not find anyone with what he saw as a competitive price. Instead, he had read about some newfangled soybean burgers that were packed in protein, cost less than beef, and were quite possibly the future of dining.
He bought some, and I can still recall the taste of cardboard. They were horrible, not even close to the real deal. It was also the first time I had ever knowingly encountered soybeans as food, which was ironic because our house sat right at the edge of a soybean farm on the far southern reaches of Chicagoland. I had no clue what they used them for.
Skip forward to the 1990s, and food science had done a complete makeover on what we now know as veggie burgers (thank you, marketing!). They actually tasted pretty good, and when dressed properly, were a reasonable substitute. If you were vegan, vegetarian, an ethical consumer, or just wanting to try something different, they were legit.
More recently, Beyond and Impossible have introduced the best versions of meat substitutes yet. They are truly lab foods, and are now reaching ubiquity in supermarkets and restaurants. The mouth feel, the redness, even the juices spilling forth, are the closest approximations yet of a beef burger on the grill. They are so close that the cattle industry is rightfully a little nervous, and in some states, their lobbying groups have pushed for legislation regulating basic food terms, such as “meat,” “beef,” and others. Gotta keep those consumers from becoming confused, you know.
Lab foods require over-the-top marketing, though. It’s one thing to buy a garment made from a different fabric, or any number of other consumables. But when it comes to the things we put in our mouth, you better be careful. I recall my ultra cycling years, primarily the 1980s and 1990s, but a little into this century. If you wanted to be competitive, you had to consume sports nutrition on the fly. This meant no burgers and burritos, because they can do a stomach bad when racing. Food scientists, though, came through and brought us innovative products like Ultra Energy, which they touted as being “pre-digested.”
Now if there is any word or phrase that can turn a stomach, it is “pre-digested.” It just sounds bad. Never mind it simply meant the powdered concoction, once reconstituted with water, would be absorbed quickly within the body, allowing for a continuous source of energy. Drink one of these every hour (550 calories), and you’ll be able to go day and night.
It still sounded like yuck, and we all called it Ultra Eulogy. Where were the marketers when they needed it? The name was good, but the other print on the package was a death wish as far as branding goes. Today, manufacturers such as Hammer Nutrition have worked out the kinks as well as the taste, and they skip all the nasty verbiage and focus instead on the results.
Which brings me to the dinner table finally, and the talk last week about lab-grown meat is once again making headlines. It is coming soon, thanks to a new FDA ruling giving it the green light. It’s just that, once again, the food scientists have been doing all the business planning.
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Even out here in West Texas, people are OK with some folks eating Beyond and Impossible. You can find them everywhere. But lab-grown meat? That might just be taking things too far. Cattle ranchers know that the vegans and vegetarians among us will likely always be just a small percentage of the population, and even the others who want to try one occasionally are a blip on the radar.
But these new “meats” will be aimed squarely at carnivores, meaning that all those ranchers and feedlot owners will be shaking in their boots far more than any veggie burger might make them uneasy.
The arguments in favor of lab meat are multiple. The meats, which are cultivated from animal cells, can be produced without ethical consideration of creatures crammed into small pens. The carbon footprint is much smaller, right down to the fact it takes six pounds of feed to produce one pound of beef at the feedlot. And let’s not forget the unpleasant smell, which some folks around here argue is the smell of money. It’s at that time I invoketh Shakespeare. “Cow poop by any other name would smell as pungent.” Or something like that.
In case you’re wondering, lab-grown meat is not a total panacea, because vegans and vegetarians still will not eat it, because animal cells. But will the other 95%? It’s going to take some serious marketing to take the lab out of the lab-grown meat so that people feel like they are eating something good, about as much of a challenge those soybean burger makers faced in the 70s.
Consumers don’t have to worry just yet about mistaking it at the supermarket—that time will come, though—but these new products will start appearing in restaurants. And you know what? You might not even know it. Heck, it took federal legislation a few years ago to force chains with 20 or more units to list calorie counts on menu items. Do you think a restaurant is going to put the word “lab” anywhere on the menu?
I think not.
And you thought that GMO foods was a big deal. I am betting that lab meat will elicit howls of disapproval across the country, especially in cattle-rich West Texas. It’s one thing to make the vegans and vegetarians happy, but it is quite another to let a bunch of scientists start whittling away at your livelihood, the one thing for which this part of Texas is best known.
Heck, they may as well just have a 72-ounce tofu challenge over at the Big Texan. That idea, while offered in jest, is about as under-cooked as the lab meat coming our way. At least for now.
Dr “I’ll Pass” Gerlich
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
This is going to be good you have a lot of movies coming up and we're having a lot of inquiries about Terminator and nuclear weapons it's going on now and there's a lot of people sending messages to each other we're enslaved and that kind of stuff. Will you have a few more companies to announce
*there's a big company it's really talked up and they make a lot of clothing and they have a lot of companies that make cloth Ernie and d made a lot of products from it and it's cottonelle we got to call this morning and so several of them they want to sell they're tired of working the field I'm losing people because they're making shirts and it's terrible. There's about 35% of it for sale we have 20% of it if this presale agreement goes through and we buy it we'll have control and share and we will increase production and to full capacity those employees that want to stay on can if you need your job we do not remove people unless they're extremely disruptive if you're having a bad day once a week we understand it if it's everyday there's a problem moving on this company is very big humongous on Earth. This ppl are in trouble and yeah our son is weird lines but some people give them to him. It is exhausting work but we're starting to see results this company is very very big 50% of the clothing is made by them and now he understands that he said and he said a lot of it is cotton and he's talking to the Garth and bounce movie is on and they're having a lingerie show and they're talking about cotton and it is an important scene and it's Spike Lee and it comes up in a son says boy that brother has a gigantic mouth and he says it slowly and emphasizes each part of the word and he started laughing and he's talking to Garth about it and they're having the show and the people are not Max and security is there again and they look kind of like Max and we think they are but they look a little familiar and Spike Lee is trying not to get kicked out so he's up on the boardwalk and he's doing antics and he's actually a black guy steampunk and he's like a punk in his steamed and he's saying it and now they're in a fight and it looks like Tommy F maybe so one of his guys but it's very significant these things are happening and they're going on all the time but it's about clothing and it's about making sure people are still wearing clothing and they're wearing nice suits and they are police and they didn't stop the suspect and one of them is pseudo empire and the other guy looks like a clone and they think it might be a Mac they're going into it now but really these are significant events. This is a big purchase. And it's very important so he says exactly like a clone but really it's important because a lot of people are in trouble and can't afford clothing and our son and Ken have been telling people and a lot of more luck but t-shirts and shorts and jeans and felt great and it worked so other people could it's going on now and with controlling chair we're going to increase production dramatically and we have fields that were growing it's a massive massive industry and we're going to start out by doing the right thing
-there's other things happening and because of this other companies are thinking of selling they're pretty big they are Fortune 500 they comprise another 20% of the industry there are three companies and they are famous their companies that work and when this company a little but not that much they're independent one of them is the maker of Levi Strauss which is Levi Strauss they have about 50 companies and Continental has thousands but Levi Strauss has 50 companies that are famous believe it or not they have Levi of course and company is like Wrangler and Lee are all theirs and they had people who are slightly different body shapes and their clothing everybody they also own companies like George and yes it was one of his companies and the owner was Trump and he sold half of it now he has 20% and they're crew has about 40% and today they want to sit down and sell about 50% and we have 20% and we'll have control and share and will start belting it out there is a Walmart brand and it's made by Walmart no it's made by a subsidiary of Wrangler and they make jeans that fit the company that owns Dickies is made by cottonelle and you put some effort into it and he likes the product and he says I got support and we do support his actions and he came up with ideas and I approved them they work you bend over and stuff and you're going to bust a gut a lot of people eat a lot these days and you can loosen your belt when you're doing it a little and then tighten it and he's got some stuff for that and I have better stuff but the stuff he has works okay but boy his pants were great he said you going to bring it back and I know how to do that and they're solid pants I mean you can't you can't get scratched too easy you can but really there a lot tougher than most pants and it was done on purpose most of the pants are cheap in the Levi and other brands start doing it and boy these these things are getting a lot better people are getting to work and the work clothes are fun looking and they're great they're tough looking and they look like you're some sort of partial policeman or something or you have authority somehow and people like it you look like a game coming in and they leave you alone and it used to happen to our son in Boston quite often a group of them would come in and people would move aside and he would move aside and they liked it and they expected it one day our son just stood there and some guys talking and it looks over and he goes what are you looking at and my son said construction people doing a project over there and so they relaxed because he's one of them and he was not wearing a suit he was wearing decent clothes though and he was not working but he pointed to the Suffolk child courthouse and he was working there at the time he said we're coming over from a different part of Boston and working on the tunnel he said wow that's interesting I had some work there the boy that's a tough job and they said it is so he stepped aside he stepped aside and they respected it and the other way out wait and they he'll give him a salute and it was cool. But they're checking to see his attitude is that it was good he says
A lot of these Max sound like they're ready to go and he's worried and I'm ready to go means that they probably have ships ready and we said they weren't and people don't get it it's not all of them and there are those who are trying to get ready they fight each other a little and they stop bombs and stuff and have a system but he says that there are ships that are already up there and you can tell some of them are extremely obnoxious people are going after them now
There are two more companies and get to them in a minute this last paragraph is very important
Thor Freya
I help bring it up and it is the fact that the max have ships new class A and they're bigger than Tommy F ships and much more powerful
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irnjehernandez · 1 year
Long-Term Remedy for Gums and Teeth | Prodentim Reviews
✅Dr Drew Sutton official: Official : https://rebrand.ly/prodentim--official Long-Term Remedy for Gums and Teeth | Prodentim Reviews Welcome to our video on a long-term remedy for gums and teeth. We understand how important dental health is, and that's why we've brought you the best solution. We'll be discussing the revolutionary dental product, Prodentim, that has taken the market by storm. In this video, we'll dive deep into the features, benefits, and user reviews of Prodentim. We'll also talk about how this product can help you achieve healthy gums and teeth, and answer some common questions. So, let's get started. What is Prodentim? Prodentim is an all-natural oral hygiene product that is designed to promote healthy gums and teeth. The formula is made up of natural ingredients that work together to provide a long-term remedy for dental problems. Prodentim is different from other dental products in the market because it is free of harsh chemicals, such as fluoride and alcohol. It is also cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. The product is suitable for all ages, and its benefits can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to improve their dental health. What are the benefits of using Prodentim? Prodentim has numerous benefits that make it stand out from other dental products in the market. Firstly, it promotes healthy gums by strengthening the gum tissue and reducing inflammation. This helps prevent gum disease and bleeding gums. Secondly, Prodentim helps to whiten teeth by removing stains and plaque build-up. This results in a brighter and more confident smile. Thirdly, it freshens breath and eliminates bad odors caused by bacteria in the mouth. Lastly, Prodentim is a long-term remedy that provides lasting results. How to use Prodentim? Using Prodentim is easy and straightforward. Simply apply a small amount of the product to a toothbrush and brush your teeth and gums for at least two minutes. Rinse your mouth with water, and you're done. For best results, use Prodentim twice a day, in the morning and at night. You'll start seeing results within a few days of use. User Reviews Users of Prodentim have reported positive results and have praised the product for its effectiveness. One user said, "I've been using Prodentim for a few weeks now, and my gums feel healthier than ever before. My teeth are also noticeably whiter, and my breath is fresher." Another user said, "Prodentim is the only dental product I trust. It's all-natural, and I love that it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals." Where to buy Prodentim? Prodentim is available for purchase on the official website. You can choose from different packages that suit your needs. The product is shipped worldwide, and you can expect to receive it within a few days of placing your order. The website also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try Prodentim risk-free. Dr. Drew Sutton official: Official : https://rebrand.ly/prodentim--official Long-Term Remedy for Gums and Teeth | Prodentim Reviews Hashtags: #dentalhealth #oralhealth #gumdisease #teethhealth #dentist #healthyteeth #gumremedy #teethremedy #oralcare #gumcare #healthymouth #teethcare #dentalcare #oralhygiene #preventativehealth #gumhealth #naturalremedies #longtermremedy #prodentim Keywords: Long-term remedy for gums and teeth, Long-term remedy for gums, Long-term remedy for gum disease, Vitamins for gums and teeth, Strong gums and teeth, Prodentim, Dr. Drew Sutton, Dental health, Oral health, Gum disease, Teeth health, Healthy teeth, Gum remedy, Teeth remedy, Oral care, Gum care, Healthy mouth, Teeth care, Dental care, Oral hygiene, Preventative health, Gum health, Natural remedies
Long-Term Remedy for Gums and Teeth | Prodentim Reviews
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healthy143 · 1 year
Pura Vida Keto Gummies : Are They Safe For Lose Weight?
There is a hard truth that many people don't want to face. Now, more people are overweight than at any other time in human history. When the media gives us unrealistic and, to be honest, harmful ideas about how our bodies should look, it doesn't help. At the same time, the foods we have are too high in carbs, especially complicated carbs. If you're reading this, it's likely because you want to know more about Pura Vida Keto Gummies, a popular vitamin. Several of our guests asked us to write a review of this product, so we did. Now, we're ready to tell the world what we've learned. We also want to make things as easy as possible for our guests. So, if you already know you want to get these, you can do so by hitting one of these buttons. They take you to the official page, where you can find the best price for Pura Vida Keto Gummies.
The main reason so many people, especially Americans, are overweight is because of the way they live. And we're trying to make you feel bad about it. It's easy to fall for this, and it's hard to break old habits. The reason why Pura Vida Keto Gummies Ingredients have become so famous is that you don't have to change the way you live. Now, the best results will come from getting a lot of exercise and focusing on healthy foods. But almost everyone who has tried Pura Vida Gummies has found that they work in some way. They use a method that is similar to but different from the Keto Diet. Importantly, this variation doesn't require you to actually do the diet, which we don't suggest anyway. You can lose weight the same way with these sweets as with the Keto Diet, but without the risks! Click any button today to get your free bottle.
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What are the Pura Vida Keto Gummies?
Before we can talk about how Pura Vida Keto Gummies Ingredients work, we need to talk more about the Keto Diet. On this plan, you can't eat any carbs. Your body prefers to use carbs as food because they are easy to use. If you don't eat them, your body will start to burn fat instead. This is bad for your health because your body needs carbs in small amounts. But what's important to look at here is how your body switches from burning carbs (which aren't there) to burning fat. Once you're out of carbs, your body goes into a chemical state where ketone bodies are made. These ketones send signs to your energy factories that tell them to start burning fat for fuel. The success of Pura Vida Gummies comes from the fact that they give you usable ketones without you having to go into ketosis. It's a safer and, maybe, faster way to get the same results as a good Keto Diet!
What makes them safer and faster at the same time? To put it simply, it's because you get your ketones straight. As soon as they get into your body, they start to work. Since you don't have to cut carbs to get them, there's no time you have to wait between stopping eating carbs and making the necessary ketones. This is what we mean when we say you can keep living the way you do now. Pura Vida Keto Gummies help you lose weight even if you don't change what you eat. Still, you are still burning what you have stored, so the healthier your food and the more you exercise, the better. If you like the sound of this choice, you should click any of the buttons on this page. They'll take you right to the buy page for the company. There, you can pay the least amount ever shown online for Pura Vida Keto Gummies. This deal is only good for a short time, so you should take advantage of it today.
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Pura Vida Keto Gummies Side Effects
We suggest this recipe because it is much safer than the controversial Keto Diet. But don't take this advice to mean that there are no side effects of Pura Vida Keto Gummies. During our tests, we found a small number of people who had headaches, stomachaches, and even diarrhea. Those aren't great symptoms, but they're not life-threatening like the Keto Diet and a lot of other similar goods. Overall, we're very happy with how these tests turned out. Even when these signs were reported, people quickly lost weight in a way that could be seen. All twenty of the patients we looked at lost weight, and the best one lost 27 pounds in the first month of treatment. So, if you came here because you wanted to know, "Are these gummies effective?" the short answer is, "Yes, they are." You can buy them by clicking any of the buttons.
Putting in your first order!
To wrap up this Pura Vida Keto Gummies Review, we'll say it again: based on what we've seen, it's likely that you'll lose weight. How much and how quickly depends a lot on how you live. Again, your fat loss will be faster and more effective the better your habits are. But you don't have to live in a healthy way, no matter how good of an idea it might be. Pura Vida Gummies can help you make your life more pure. Click any of the buttons to move forward, or click here to go back to the top of the page.
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To get in shape and shed those stubborn fat pockets on your body, you need to always choose a good weight loss plan. However, the market is full of various enhancements and drugs that can promote weight loss, but one should always choose the right option. In this review, we will look at the best weight loss formulas that are being talked about these days. Life makes one Koto Accumist and Consur!
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It is not suitable for young people. Pregnant women should not use it.
This can cause mild side effects in the first few days such as headaches, diarrhea and loose stools.
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What are Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies?
Since we have heard a lot of stories about Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies on Shark Tank, we generally understand that Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies is a metabolic state of the body where you burn to get rid of muscle and fat for strength. than sugar. To get balanced with Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies, you really want to cut out all carbohydrates and eat foods high in fat and protein.
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To make the body better, stronger and healthier, we need to take the right supplements and foods so that our body can work properly in its parts. Besides being great for weight loss, Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies help improve energy and stamina. The completely normal elements of this recipe progress hard fat torture and phenomenal bodywork. Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies show exceptional weight loss results within days while providing relief to customers from various health conditions. ACV stands for Life Boost Keto Gummies, which is a weight loss product that promotes the improvement of the general function of the body and controls the elimination of medical conditions other than making you lose weight effectively.
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It improves the extraction process by increasing the energy of the stomach. Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies have gained a lot of popularity due to its ability to reduce stubborn fat even in the tightest parts of the body. Clinical research has also confirmed the weight loss benefits of Shark Tank Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies, since these desserts can be perfect to help prevent weight gain and deliver weight in a safer and faster way than others. It is clear that it is one of the most exciting options for those who want to fight body fat and get in shape. Slimming down is the key to fitness all over the world and with Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies, it can be done effectively and efficiently.
With amazing natural improvements and a strong balance, Shark Tank Weight Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies bug has become a risk-free decision to boost your weight loss business. These fat-eating confections make the fat loss process faster by reducing the absorption of fat, thus giving fast weight loss results. These little confections help with weight loss by reducing the amount of muscle to fat, limiting caloric intake and consuming a significant amount of stored fat in the body.
According to nutritionists, Shark Tank Weight Unlucky Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies recipe will deliver the perfect body transformation giving you a leaner and better body. By using Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies on a regular basis, you can lose weight fast and get a slim body. One of the important things of Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies is to help the fat person to accumulate ketones and eat the muscles and excess fat, adipocytes, and harmful calories. Along with helping to get healthy and get rid of lean muscle and excess fat, Life Boost Keto ACV gummies will also close the accumulation of fat in the body.
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Live Shark Tank Promotes Keto ACV Gummies Ingredients!
The recommended adjustments for the description of Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies are healthy and unadulterated, allowing your body to gain additional health benefits and lose weight and fat:
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Ginseng: Ginseng is one of the important components of the equation with brown adipose tissue or BAT. This BAT now covers stored fat to provide quick energy, which changes the way calories are burned. To put it plainly, it affects the metabolic rate causing it to consume more calories for fast weight gain. In addition, it controls your glucose levels, leading to weight loss. The presence of ginseng in your daily diet can be a small part of the second shot during the time to cut fat quickly.
Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies: These recommended supplements for Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies give you a feeling of fullness so you can check your appetite for longer. The corrosive acids in apple cider vinegar help burn body fat faster by activating your digestion. This results in rapid conversion of fat to energy instead of fat storage in the body.
Lemon: These are regular diuretics that can help your body flush out any toxins, saving you from serious injuries and reducing water retention in the body. Lemons also contain vitamin C and cellular boosters that help your body reduce fat cells and encourage you to stay fit longer, so you can control your calorie intake.
Garcinia Cambogia: This supplement is well-known as a weight loss supplement because it contains high amounts of HCA acid that plays an important role in weight loss. The use of Garcinia Cambogia inhibits the production of fat and controls your appetite while controlling your sugar and cholesterol levels, giving you a higher rate of fat burning.
Many of these arrangements are common and effective in preventing weight gain, which can be detrimental to general well-being and health.
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How do Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies work?
Life Boost Keto ACV gummies are known to be a good way to get in shape because it reduces the feeling of Life Boost Keto ACV gummies. ACV Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies help build ketones in the body, which initiates a fat-burning and energy-boosting cycle. The best energy makes the body and organs work better and improves brain function. Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies continue to work on the digestion and absorption process. By using Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies, you can achieve a healthy body makeup and a stable brain. Aside from shedding excess body fat, ACV Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies also treat other health issues including stress, anxiety, and irritability. It also helps control sugar and cholesterol so you can participate in a full healthy life.
Best Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies are getting a lot of praise in the market because they not only help improve weight loss results but also work on the overall function of the body. Each Legit health supplement contains unique supplements and improvements to accommodate high energy and stamina while supporting healthy weight loss and performance. The recipe does not contain additives and fillers, and is known as a good decision to improve the sense of execution and weight loss results. Unlike other formula based products, Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies are not harmful to the body.
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Where to buy life enhancing Keto ACV gummies?
You can buy Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies from its official site. These are only available on the web, so you can't get them in local drugstores and stores. Applying for Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies is easy as you only need to fill in all the required data and book your package. Your request will be delivered to you within a few working days. There will also be amazing offers and discounts on authorized sites, so you can take advantage of them to save money. Similarly, the balance is followed by a warranty period of 60 days. If there is a problem for the customer, he can choose a return and a discount.
Final Words - Life Boosting Keto ACV Gummies Before and After Results!!
Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies are undoubtedly an exciting way to burn fat and get amazing weight loss results. ACV Life Boost Keto ACV Gummies provide a fast-burning formula that reduces your weight gain and boosts your overall health. This recipe loses the bright rhythms, but also gives you strength and energy that will make you not feel tired. The Life Boost Keto ACV Gummie stimulates a better calorie burning capacity so you can burn more calories at any time with a more recent memory using a higher resistance force.
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❖Twitter→ https://twitter.com/Life_BoostKeto/status/1632608777966088192
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happystarfishmaker · 1 year
Life Goals: Switching From Smoking Cigarettes To Vaping concentrates
When it comes to it, there are many different approaches and viewpoints to consider concentrate vaporizer.
Cigarette smoking is a worldwide epidemic, and it’s no secret that it’s bad for your health. Not only is it deadly, but it also contributes to a variety of health conditions. In this blog post, we will discuss the life goals you should have if you want to make the switch from smoking cigarettes to vaping concentrates.
How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes
If you’re thinking about quitting smoking cigarettes, there are a few things you need to know. Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult things you can do, but it’s worth it if you want to live ahealthy lifestyle. First, try to make a plan. You need to have a goal in mind and determination on your side if you want to quit smoking cigarettes. Second, find an alternative that works for you. There are many ways to smoke concentrates without cigarettes, so find one that fits your lifestyle and preferences. Third, set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t expect to be able to quit smoking cigarettes overnight; take it slow and gradually change your habits over time. Fourth, be patient with yourself and don’t give up on your Quit Smoking Plan prematurely. Fifth, remember that support is key! Talk to friends or family members who will help motivate you along the way.
Transitioning From Smoking Cigarettes To Vaping Concentrates
For many people, the idea of transitioning from smoking cigarettes to vaping concentrates may seem daunting or even impossible. However, with some careful planning and execution, it is possible to make the switch without any major disruptions. The first step is to gather all of the necessary materials. For most people, this means picking up a vape device and some quality vaping concentrates. Concentrates come in a variety of flavors and nicotine levels, so it is important to find something that matches your preferences and needs. Once you have everything you need, the next step is to get acquainted with your device. Most vapers start off by experimenting with different temperatures and wattages until they find a setting that works best for them. It is also important to be aware of your battery level - if it starts to feel low, recharge as soon as possible! Once you have gotten a good understanding of your device and how it works, it's time to start exploring different types of vaping experiences. There are many different ways to enjoy vaping concentrates, so there's sure to be something that suits your taste and needs. If you are new to vaping, there are plenty of resources available online (including our own blog!) that can help guide you through the process. If you are already a veteran vaper, remember that there is always room for improvement - try out new flavors or blends, experiment with different nicotine levels, and see what makes your device work best for you!
Tips for Successful Vaping Concentrates
If you're thinking about switching to vaping concentrates, here are a few tips for success: 1. Start with a quality product. Make sure that the vaping concentrate you buy is of high quality and reliable. Cheap products won't produce good results, and you'll end up unsatisfied with your purchase. 2. Experiment with different flavors and nicotine levels. Vaping concentrates come in a variety of flavors and nicotine levels, so it's important to try out a few to find one that you like. You can also vary the nicotine level to find what works best for you. 3.amiliarize yourself with the vape gear options available on the market. There are many different types of vape gear available on the market, so it's important to familiarize yourself with what's available before making a purchase. Some people prefer box mods while others prefer pens, so it's important to know what's out there before making a decision. 4. be patient when starting out. It can take some time for new vapers to get used to vaping concentrates, but patience is key in achieving success.
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ericleo108 · 1 year
Obesity in the American food system: How America’s corporate food system changed American’s health 
Bill Maher response Notes
Season 21 episode 2
Ozempic, is a perfect example of what I’ll be talking about.
Instead of fixing the food system that is causing disease, we are giving out prescriptions to address the symptoms.
Childhood obesity shouldn’t be a thing, it should be very rare, like it used to be before we changed the American diet.
I’ll tell you the truth bill
The reason I don’t want to be obese, but I’m just as much a victim of the American food system, it’s not because I’m embarrassed, but because you’re more at risk for insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes and other risk factors like cancer.
I agree we shouldn’t be doing bypass surgery on kids. We used to not have these problems. The question is what has changed and the answer is our diet. 
The problem is we have no regulation or distance between who makes the food, who sells the food, their food recommendations, and who profits from treating those diseases
He’s right, doctors don’t teach nutrition as medicine
He’s right that America subsidizes the food industry. For every four dollars you spend at McDonald’s the government spent $7, or at least it used to be
Pepsi, for example, who owns a bunch of food will lobby republicans to buy their products for schools. This goes back to how we need to get money out of politics. Kids have poor health due to poor nutrition and it’s because the food industry is lobbying to require that food because they sell it.
The problem is the food system and it’s corporations that control it. 
This western diet would explain why America has a higher rate of a list of diseases specific to America that include diabetes, heart disease, cancer.
I’ll tell you why we didn’t have it 50 years ago.
Because we didn’t have the diet we do 50 years ago. Let me explain
It’s a brain disease in that it changes the chemistry in your brain.
It’s a disease in the same way drug addiction is a disease
They’ve done Studies about how sugar is addictive and lights up the same centers in the brain is cocaine.
Just like with any drug, cocaine and especially opioids, prolonged use, can literally build new pathways in the brain making it a brain disease.
And that’s just sugar    Just look at all the ingredients they put in American food and not the Uk by the same company.
So how did we get here to this diet that causes brain disease? look at the history of corporate foods.
It all started when ancel keys wrote the food pyramid. He was hired by the food industry who made their recommendation on what food industry wanted to sell.
He was wrong
His whole thing was saturated fat causes heart disease.
The American diet has taken out fiber and nutrients while adding sugar.  
They added sugar to make it more palatable because their “research” said fat is bad. Sugar is addictive and also helps sell more food. 
The result changes the micro gut biome resulting in weight gain and the inability to maintain a healthy weight.
In other words, America changed humans natural diet to one that was more suited to consuming processed grains and carbohydrates which changed to gut biome and resulted in an obesity epidemic and diet caused diseases because it was most profitable to corporations.
And now the pharmacsutical companies have the biggest lobby in Congress and now own the food companies. Bayer bought Monsanto
Meanwhile, food and drug corporations are making huge profits because their goal is to sell food and drugs and not health so they’ve created a cycle of giving diseases through food and trying to cure it with drugs when the real problem is the food system and our relationship to with food.
Working in their self interests to extract as much profit as possible corporations have made the detriment of Americans health profitable
Will power is fickle meaning it doesn’t last. I’ve lost 50 pounds twice. I can’t keep the weight off because I can’t consistently afford the food I need to stay a healthy weight. For me, It has everything to do with affordability and accessibility. Not willpower
I would say, the number one cause of obesity is the food system, their recommendations, and the profit motive.
When The economic conditions and options provided aren’t conducive to a normal body weight. It’s really more a problem of the system rather than the individual.
People, including doctors don’t realize or recognize the problem is nutrition and the system that provides it.
She makes my point though, that’s all that’s available that’s affordable cuz we subsidize it. Yeah they may understand it’s a bad choice but it’s pretty much their only choice.
Corporations are controlling the ideological perspective, trying to deny the power of free will by taking away personal responsibility and choice.
Including school lunches
I have a group of TikTok’s as shorts here on YouTube that will introduce you to corporate rule. Visit FarmingHumans.com
Get money out of politics
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rmpmw · 2 years
Big story today (see here) about Google talking to Verizon and Sprint, making deals for them to carry Google-based phones. Let me tell you something. We’re not worried in the least. For one thing, they’re just in talks. What that means in the world of telecom is this: Nothing. Eric hasn’t figured it out yet but wait till he sits through a bazillion mindless endless friggin meetings with these bozos. Yes, those carriers want something to counter the iPhone. So maybe they’ll be willing to play ball. But not the way Google wants them to. They’re already way too aware of how badly Google wants to kill them. They’ll make a deal but it’s going to be like one of those Hollywood marriages where some gay dude marries some starlet because it looks good in the tabloids but everyone knows that he really wants nothing to do with her.
Another drawback is that Eric is relying on hardware dopes to make the phones. He’s not controlling the experience. I know I’m maybe a bit extreme on this but as I see it unless you control the entire product — software, hardware, retail — you can’t deliver a truly extraordinary experience. In our case it’s bad enough we have to deal with the frigtards at AT&T but at least they mostly stay out of our way.
Another problem Google faces is simply that no matter how cool this phone is, no matter how many great features it has, there’s one key feature it will never have and that’s an Apple logo on the outside. Don’t misunderestimate this. It’s a hugely powerful factor. We’ve done studies on this. You can’t believe how many people buy our stuff just because it’s from Apple. We’ve got the hottest brand in the world. A bunch of Asperger sufferers from Mountain View might be great at making search algorithms, and the bandits who run AdSense are great at squeezing pennies out of gullible suckers, but trust me, it’s a different ballgame in consumer electronics and Google definitely does not have that in its DNA.
Look. We’ve seen one of these phones. Eric brought one over the other day. It’s fine. Nice looking enough. Works. Makes calls. The apps run. But it’s nothing overwhelming. You couldn’t put it in a plexiglass case and make nerds drool looking at it.
The real reason we’re not scared is that when Eric ran down the hall to the men’s room (he’s got this going problem that his doc says is a growing problem) we rifled through his briefcase and found out that the gPhone is scheduled to be released in 2008, but only in beta form, with a target date of 2011 for it to come out of beta. In other words, perpetual beta, just like everything else at Google. Who wants a phone that’s in beta? You know how easy it will be to message against that?
We won’t even have to do it. The Borg is going to take the lead on this one because they’re the ones who are really threatened. You think Monkey Boy is going to let Squirrel Boy come into the mobile phone space with a new platform that rivals Windows Mobile? You think Microsoft isn’t going to fight? Riiight. The FUD is going to be flying so fast and thick it’s going to feel like the front row at a Gallagher show.
Another piece of food for thought. In all these years Google has spent millions, maybe billions, trying to create an Act II for the company, some way to go beyond search and advertising. They’ve done the classic Valley thing — hire nerds, turn them loose to dream up wacky ideas, put some of those ideas out into the market, throw them against the wall and see what sticks. Only, um, in their case so far nothing sticks. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Sure the stock is at almost 700 bucks and the dopes on Wall Street are lapping it up but the truth is that out in the Valley people are starting to snicker. And if you look very closely at their quarterly results in the last couple of quarters you can see the cracks in the facade. Eric’s slapping financial patching plaster over them as fast as he can but there’s only so far you can go with that kind of stuff. Unless you’re IBM in which case apparently you can do it forever and nobody ever catches on.
But I digress. As far as I can tell, the gPhone is just another desperate attempt on Google’s part to dream up something besides search. And when the best you can do is copy something that others are already doing, and try to crack into an already overcrowded market, well, that’s not very promising. That’s not what I told Eric though. What I told him is that I think it’s a great idea and I’m sure Google will be a big success and there’s so much room in this smart phone market for all of us and aren’t we all going to do some interesting amazing things in the next few years? Then when he left (after taking yet another pee) we all just laughed our asses off. Peace out, sucka.
Posted by Steve at 7:15 am | 0 Comments | Links to this post
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Everyone you know is talking about how much they love CBD tinctures.
But perhaps you are not familiar and have no clue what they are talking about and are too embarrassed to tell them.
Do you just keep nodding your head and saying “Yeah” along with them to not feel like you’ve missed something you should know about?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
CBD has experienced explosive growth across all different consumer products with health and wellness benefits in the past few years, and you see it for sale in many places in many formats and with different concentrations.
High Falls Hemp NY is here to make sure you know all you need to know so that you can proudly engage with conviction the next time the CBD conversation happens.  We’ll walk through all the basics about CBD tinctures, how it is used, its benefits, and its effects.
What Does CBD mean?
CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol.  Try saying that word 5x fast!  It’s a good thing they came up with an abbreviation for the name.
CBD is a chemical compound found in the cannabis Sativa plant.  Unlike its cousin, THC, (also found in the same plant) short for tetrahydrocannabinol (want to buy a vowel?), CBD does not have any of the psychoactive properties that create a “high” state of mind like THC does.
Easiest Method for Taking CBD – The CBD Tincture
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A CBD tincture is a liquid concentrated herbal extract made by blending a carrier agent with concentrated CBD (which is extracted from the hemp plant).  Typically, one would use alcohol or vinegar to pull out the active ingredients in the plant parts, concentrating them as a liquid.  In the case with CBD, most manufacturers use a solvent such as CO2, ethanol, or other hydrocarbons. Of the group, CO2 is the cleanest to use.
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The resulting substance is the CBD oils extracted from the high-CBD; the low-THC strain of the plants grown on High Falls Hemp’s farm.  Tinctures are not confined to only CBD; there are many blends of herbal tinctures available in retailers that offer natural health and wellness supplements and vitamins.
How Do You Use a CBD Tincture?
CBD tinctures are taken orally, most preferably, using the sublingual technique.  Sublingual means ‘under the tongue’.  You can use the dropper that comes with the CBD tincture and place a few drops at a time under your tongue.
For the best results, If possible, hold the drops in your mouth without swallowing for a minute.  Nothing bad happens if you swallow, but the CBD will absorb faster into your bloodstream if it is absorbed sublingually.
Some people may prefer to sprinkle a few drops into and in their beverage or food.  This may take a little longer for the effects to be felt as it has to metabolize, but, over time, you can find the right amount that works for you taking the CBD orally into your digestive system.
Once the drops dissolve under your tongue, they are absorbed into small capillaries in the mouth, and the CBD travels from there through your body via the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Yes – your body has a network of nerves that form the ECS, and the ECS is responsible for distributing the CBD through your body.
The process from administering the drops to the time you feel the benefits should take about 15 – 45 minutes.  Depending on your size, weight, and the way your body processes things (metabolic rate), it may take less/more time.  It’s always good to start with a smaller amount and monitor how you feel and increase your serving size  – you can always add, but you can’t take away.  It’s helpful if a brand provides a chart for suggested amount.
Most importantly, make sure to speak to your health care practitioner before taking CBD to make sure it’s right for you.  It’s also important to recognize that while CBD tinctures may work for some, they may not work for you.  This is not a “one-size fits all approach.”  We are each unique, and the way our body reacts is unique to us. And if you think that the CBD is not working for you, then it is important to experiment with higher concentrations of CBD, or the frequency of usage, or both.
Feeling the effects of a CBD tincture is faster than a gummy or soft gel which are other forms of CBD that are impactful but not as fast to show effects as a tincture because of how and where they are absorbed into the bloodstream.
Will I get high from CBD Tinctures?
If you are worried about getting high from a tincture, you can stop worrying now.  CBD tinctures will not get you high.  High quality, respected CBD Tincture are curated with a high-CBD/less than 0.3% THC strain that eliminates the psychoactive compound and its “high”.
Are there benefits to CBD Tinctures?
There are a lot of CBD companies offering products on the market today.  The most important thing to learn about CBD tinctures and CBD products is if the company you are considering makes a medical claim or promises to treat an illness, run away fast.  Don’t give them your money and don’t purchase their products.
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CBD is a natural alternative to over the counter and prescription medications, but it does not treat or cure any illness. The FDA currently limits the claims that can be made as the scientific studies continue to build to support the efficacy of CBD.
There are many studies on the benefits of CBD, and a limited number of validated research supports some claims, but many more scientific and medical reports are coming quickly.  There is a lot of anecdotal information we can share from customers that say it has had benefits for them.
According to verified reviews, the benefits using CBD tinctures include; help with sleep, alleviate stress and discomfort, support muscle and joint discomfort, nausea, inflammation, and more.
Nothing is evidenced by scientific data, but studies are ongoing.  Many people like the alternative, holistic benefits of using CBD on their health and wellness journey.  But it is in no way a replacement to treat or cure any medical issue.
Are there any side effects of CBD Tinctures?
CBD tinctures do not have any side effects, but, like everything, use should be in moderation.  The only thing you may get from CBD tinctures is some dry mouth that can be satisfied with a tall glass of water.
Like all medications you are considering taking, you should consult with a physician and if you are taking other medications, it’s critical that you know from your doctor if CBD will affect it or the ability for your body to metabolize the needed medication.
How much CBD Tincture Should I Take?
As we always suggest, there is not a universal answer to this.  Regardless of the form of CBD you select, we all process it differently.  There are a few factors that impact this; your size, height, weight, and your body’s system of processing things, and your tolerance levels.
It’s always good to refer to a suggested amount chart or guideline to best manage the process.  The only answer to this is that only you yourself will know how much CBD works for you.
It may take a few tries until you find the right amount for you.  We suggest that if you try CBD tinctures, use them over a 30 day period so that you give your body time to adjust to using them and monitoring if they work for you.
Does it matter what CBD Tincture I buy?
The simple answer is “absolutely!”.  You can’t buy a Buick and expect it to get from 0-60 like a Maserati.  The same is true of CBD – the quality and potency matter.  Just like the car analogy, what you spend matters.  You get what you pay for.  The same applies to CBD.
Ready to give CBD Tinctures a try?
If you are ready to try CBD tinctures, there are a few things to consider when selecting the right product for you:
What are you using the CBD for?
What form of CBD is right for you?
Is the product you are considering purchasing from a reputable, established CBD company?
Do they control the product quality from seed to sale? From plants to products?
Do they have triple lab tested certificates of analysis/lab reports which evidences the efficacy of the CBD from hemp to CBD concentrate to a finished product?
Do they test for contaminants in addition to the strength of their finished (consumer) products?
Are the reviews on their site real and from an independent, third-party, verified company?
Do they offer a 30-day risk-free trial in case it doesn’t work for me?
Do they have product labels that clearly outline the ingredients and QR codes to get to the lab reports for the product?
Is the price too good to be true?  If so, the product probably won’t work and are not high quality – proceed with caution.
I’ve done my homework on CBD Tinctures – What’s Next?              
Whether you purchase your CBD product online or from a local retailer, as we have shared, start with a small amount of the CBD tincture to obtain the result you are looking for.
If it’s the right choice for you, calculate how much you use as a part of your daily regimen and figure out how long it will last.  If you purchase high-quality products, with potency, you won’t need as much to achieve the outcome you desire.
High Falls Hemp NY CBD Tinctures
High Falls Hemp NY is the original and trusted NY CBD.  All of our full spectrum tinctures are grown on our farms in upstate New York.
We are proudly grown in the USA.  We control the whole process from the hemp seeds in our soil to the product in your hands.  You can trust our brand to satisfy your CBD Tincture journey.  If you are hesitant and worried about spending the money and being dissatisfied, we offer a 30-day, risk-free guarantee.
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