#instead of you know. actual legitimate information and reviews
alchemiclee · 11 days
I hate when google something and get conflicting results and am too busy or tired to spend hours researching the truth.
i'll search for example "is *thing* good quality" and get one result that says "after many tests it's very good quality and is about the same compared to *other thing of actual proven quality* and is worth it"
then directly under it is a result "after many tests compared to *other thing* it's poor quality and not worth it"
google results are so bad and it's so hard to find anything unless you want to spend hours diving deep into results and doing different searches. just give me correct or helpful answers right away and not sponsored paid results that are full of lies!!!!
0 notes
badgraph1csghost · 1 year
How to Use a Computer, Part 6: Datahoarding and You
I know, I said that part 6 would be about how to mod your PC, but we're going to put that off for a bit. The future of the internet looks pretty sketchy right now, what with Hachette v. Internet Archive, RESTRICT, and KOSA. Right now, the US Government is desperately trying to censor as much free information as possible by any means, so I thought it would be good to discuss the basics of datahoarding.
First, what is datahoarding? Just what it sounds like-- you hoard data. To hoard data, you simply download it to your computer and save it locally. "Local" meaning "on your computer", as opposed to "off-site" which would mean a cloud storage server someplace. You might be tempted to store your datahoard in the cloud, but don't. We're trying to save data FROM the internet, not jockey it about between servers ON the internet.
There's a wide variety of data to hoard, and it may seem sometimes like there's too much; so, hoard based on your interests. If you're into Doom level CDs, hoard that. If you're into recipe books from the 1840s, hoard that. If you're into MIDI sequences, hoard that. I won't get too much into where to find that stuff, apart from the Internet Archive; but Reddit might know something about where to find specialised data.
Instead, let's discuss some helpful datahoarding tools, both physical and software. I briefly mentioned a pair of extensions in the Firefox section; SingleFile and DownThemAll; but I failed to mention that Firefox has some downloading abilities of its own; like Internet Explorer of old, it has the option to Save Image As, Save File As, and Save Video As. Unfortunately, "Save Video As" will not work on Youtube or any commercial streaming service. It will work on Tiktok, however. Both the desktop and mobile versions of Firefox have this ability, so if you see a nifty kind of video on your dash that you'd rather like to hang onto, either right-click with your 2-button mouse, long-click with your 1-button mouse, or long-press on your touchscreen, and select "Save Video As" or "Save File to Device". Hey! That was easy.
Incidentally, since we'll be encountering ZIP files a lot during our datahoarding endeavours, Firefox also has the innate ability to immediately distinguish between one of those malicious "website dot zip" links and a genuine ZIP file. If you find a link to something ending in "zip", hover your cursor over it and look at the bottom-left corner of the browser window. If it's a domain name, the information will look something like...
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However, if it is a legitimate ZIP file that 7-Zip or Windows Explorer can open, it will look like this...
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Now, of course, you'll still want to use a bit of common sense when you download anything. Just because it's a legit ZIP file doesn't necessarily mean that the files the author claims are in the folder are actually there. Firefox can't protect you from things you voluntarily install on your computer. Now then, here's a picture that you can practise datahoarding on. Right-click, long-click, or long-press on this image and select "Save Image As" or "Save File to Device".
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Back to Firefox's datahoarding extensions. SingleFile will condense all the data on a webpage into a single HTML document and save it to your Downloads folder for offline review. It works better on some websites than others. Like Tumblr, for instance; it can't save your entire dashboard, but it can probably save pages of your blog, as long as it's mostly text and still images. SingleFile is better suited for webpages that are static, non-dynamic, such as Reddit threads and old-web pages.
If you want to save a Wikipedia article, you won't need SingleFile. A little-known function of Wikipedia is its ability to generate PDF versions of its articles. At the top of the article, directly below the Log In button, click on "Tools", and select "Download as PDF".
DownThemAll allows you to be more selective about the types of files that you want to download from a webpage. You can download audio files, pictures, videos, text, archive files (namely ZIP, 7Z, and RAR), binary executables (EXE and MSI, for instance), other kinds of files, or all files that it is able to download. You can also give it links to files that you want to download so you can create a queue. You don't have to actually be on the website whose server the file is stored on in order to actually download from there with DTA, which makes it helpful for FTP servers.
If you want to save a snapshot of your current screen; maybe you're on a website that you can't download from, maybe you're playing a game without a unified screenshotting system, whatever; press the Print Screen key on your keyboard. The key may say something like "Print", "PrintSc", "PrtSc", or "PtScr". This will allow you to take a screenshot of the current appearance of your screen and save it to the clipboard. Once you have it, open MS Paint and either click "Paste" or hold "Ctrl" and press "V" to insert the screenshot into the Paint workspace. At this point, you can either save it as it is, or do anything else to it that you would ordinarily do in Paint; add text, draw on it, crop it, stretch it, resize it, that sort of thing.
All of that having been said, datahoarding takes up a lot of disk space. Drive C is going to fill up mighty quick, depending on what data you're hoarding, and you're going to want an alternative storage device. That's why I cautioned against using a cloud storage service earlier; Google offers a seemingly unlimited amount of storage in their Drive service, but, like everything else they do, it's monitored. If you upload a folder full of Star Trek DVD rips, they're going to see that and they may lock you out of your account. Moreover, if you happen to be an American, they may volunteer that information to the FBI, as they've been known to do, and suddenly, you're the subject of an investigation. Fuck all that.
Remember when I talked about optical drives last week? This is where they really shine. Get yourself a spindle of 100 blank DVD-Rs and tell Windows to use them all like flashdrives. It'll take awhile for the computer to write everything to disc, but this is a better long-term storage solution than a cloud service and it's cheaper than a USB hard drive. Each DVD has about 4 GB of storage, which is adequate for about 20 episodes of a half-hour TV programme, every game ever released for every console made in the 1980s, and the entire World Book Encyclopedia, complete with pictures; and you've got 100 of them!
I know, I know-- every hobbyist datahoarder is calling me an idiot right now for recommending DVDs, saying "they don't last long enough". Mate, there's no such thing as a 100-year medium in the 21.2nd century. Not even your expensive 16 TB HDDs are going to last that long. The fact is, as long as you handle your disc media with care, they're on absolutely even footing with USB hard disk drives. The other fact is, the more storage you have on a single disk drive, the harder it's going to be to create a backup copy when the time comes. If your 16 TB HDD is going to fly apart tomorrow, you're never going to be able to back up everything stored on it, and you'll have a catastrophic data loss. At least with DVDs, 4 GB is easy to back up in a pinch, and they're easier to destroy in case your hoard takes you to the high seas and the local constabulary pops round for a visit. While you're buying things, also buy a box of CD jewel cases (the hard plastic ones with the hinge) because you'll need somewhere to store all these DVDs and the spindle is really not the best place for that.
Now that we're quite a bit down the page and certain people are not paying attention anymore, r/datahoarding is a gathering of hobbyist datahoarders who can turn you onto sources of data, Internet Archive collections, and websites that may have interesting stuff for you to grab. If your hoard is going to contain mostly game ROMs and ISOs, r/roms has you covered. Imagine being the guy who decided not to call the piracy subreddit “r/mateys”. Oh well.
Anyway, that's all we have for datahoarding. Join us next time as we discuss modding your PC (for real this time).
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godtier · 8 months
skull island: rise of kong – apparently no one remembers what games actually looked like back in the fifth gen
so if you do the Vidya Gaems, i'm sure you've already heard of the skull island: rise of kong game that came out last week.
needless to say, it's getting brutalized in reviews and by content creators/streamers, as it should be. it's a shit tier game and looks rushed and buggy as all fuck.
but one thing that i've noticed is people comparing the game to an N64, PS1, or other low-res polygonal game from the 90s/00s... observe:
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so on and so-forth...
and it got me thinkin....
"do... do these people not remember what those games actually looked like?"
so out of total boredom and nothing better to, i decided to do a little bit of a "refresher course" on how games from the 90s actually looked compared to the dogwater that is skull island.
"but godtier!" you declare with marked concern, "i'm sure they were just being hyperbolic!"
and while yes, you'd be right to assume such things, i don't actually care because it gives me an excuse to look at old shit i played as a kid.
(also it's reddit and i would not be surprised if most of these weren't jokes.)
but from the informative angle, i have also noticed many, many young people who've never played a 90s/00s game thinking this is a legitimate comparison to make in general. so just think of it as a tour in a museum of graphical advancements.
what's the plan?
my goal here is to illustrate and educate about the generation of consoles that truly changed the way i viewed video games: the fifth gen. for the first time, i realized games could look real. it blew my little mind.
but in hindsight, a lot of these games can look laughable. by contrast, some people seem to misremember just how low res or outright bad the fifth gen of games look compared to now. some people seem to think games like the gollum game and the king kong game (today's specimen) are comparable to PS1 titles with how poor they look graphically.
i'm hoping to shed some light on that for those who didn't experience it themselves or never bothered to look.
how it works
i'll be using side-by-side comparisons with skull island next to whatever game in particular we decide to examine to highlight just how low res the fifth gen of gaming and CGI were compared even the wettest of farts from current gen.
note that since skull island is brand new, getting insanely high-res screens of it is not something i can do easily without buying the game myself. and i sure as shit am not buying a dog garbage game about king-goddamn-kong for 40-fuckin-dollery-dos just to illustrate graphical changes since the 90s and 00s.
instead, i've taken screenshots from YT playthroughs at 1080p. they should suffice.
in addition, i will be using cleaned up/clearer versions of the screenshots from the fifth gen games as opposed to direct rips that i'd come across back in the day. this is for the purpose of showing detail without upscaling too much and blurring everything more.
screens ripped from games in the fifth gen were primarily in 240i. therefore, the image dimensions were largely around 320x240 px on a computer screen. back then, that wasn't an issue since the maximum resolution i ever had in the 90s/00s was 800x600 px. but nowadays, that would look like a blur of mush on most people's screens. of note, i will not be using upscaled or remastered versions of these older games if they have them.
and finally, since this post intro is already really fucking huge and a lot to read through, i will be scooting the actual analysis under a "read more" for the moment. expand the link if you dare.
let's start with the N64!
released in 1996, the N64 was a cartridge-based system, for those who don't know. this meant that the loading times were super-fast compared to disc-based systems, but the actual storage on the cart was abysmal.
back then, carts were still using ROM, as opposed to SD flash that you'd see used with a nintendo switch game card. this means there was hardly any room for things like FMV (full-motion video) or even voice tracks.
to compensate, developers had to choose between graphic fidelity or audio fidelity; they could not have both in most cases. textures were downscaled or removed, the resolution was as low as feasible, FMV, in-engine cutscenes, or audio (such things that might have been present in another version of the same game) was removed outright in order to make space on the cart for the game functionality itself.
one game i saw thrown around a lot in comparison to skull island was turok 3. a good lot were saying it looked about the same or worse than turok 3.
but does it really? let's take a look.
round 1: skull island (PC) vs turok 3 (N64)
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welp. as we can see, there's really no comparison. skull island's environments, while drab and uninspired for a current-gen title, are wholly and objectively better-looking than turok 3's environments. even the character models are night and day. at least you can see kong's individual fingers, rather than the lumps of flesh they called hands in turok.
it is quite misleading to claim with seriousness that a game like skull island could pass for an N64 title. it could not, not even remotely close.
there's really little else to say about this. the images speak for themselves.
round 1 results: really guys. really.
next, the PS1!
part two: the sony playstation singular ballin
coming out in 1995, we got one of the best-selling consoles of all fuckin time, the playstation. compared to the N64, the PS1 blew it out of the water in every technical field aside from loading times.
graphical fidelity was higher, audio fidelity was higher (actual, literal CD audio on many games compared to the bit-crushed fare on the N64) and storage space was massive for the time. you'd think out of the two contenders so far, the PS1 would have the better shot of looking superior to skull island, right?
well, yes and no. it depends on the era. while most N64 games that were going for realism looked like varying degrees of mush, the PS1's graphical quality varies wildly depending on when during its lifespan the game came out.
since turok 3 came out in 2000 for the N64, i'll pick another game that also came out in 2000 to make sure we're on as even a playing field as possible.
round 2: skull island (PC) vs vagrant story (PS1)
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here we can see just from this singular screenshot that vagrant story is absolutely gorgeous for a PS1 game. and i would say that's because it was a game released towards the end of the PS1's original lifespan. devs by 2000 were fairly familiar with working on the hardware, and vagrant story was a squaresoft (now square enix) title, who released a crapload of games on the system. they were one of the developers that really knew how to push the PS1 to the limits of its capabilities.
however, they were still pixelated and blobby when it came to actual character models.
"but godtier!" i hear you howling in despair, "the backgrounds for vagrant story look so much better than kong's crazy island!" and you'd be correct! those backgrounds are banger af.
but the argument to be made in this post isn't "which one actually looks better." the argument is "compared to another game contemporary to the fifth gen of gaming, could skull island feasibly pass for the same gen?"
the answer is no.
round 2 results: skull island could not pass for even the best-looking of PS1 games, sry2say.
part three: 90s CGI horrors
for the next segment, let's also consider the typical CGI of the era. someone mentioned beast wars in my above screenshot, so fuck it, let's use that next!
beast wars was a transformers-universe off-shoot TV show that was entirely CGI. i have very fond memories of the show, but even i know that the way it looks is ... rough. so we're gonna put that to the test: does optimus primal really look better (or at least comparable to) our good pal king kong skull island?
round 3: skull island (PC) vs beast wars (probably silicon graphics computers, idfk it was a TV show)
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oof. once again, for as ugly and bad as it is, we can actually see detail on the kong model, as well as light and shadow that the technology used in beast wars couldn't produce in a convincing manner at the time. optimus looks kinda weird, really.
...come to think of it, everyone in beast wars kinda looked... weirdly... wet or otherwise gross in that show.
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as badly rendered as kongus dongus is in skull island, i'd say he looks a fair amount better than ... pretty much anyone from beast wars. there really isn't more to it than that; even when the show was new, i knew that beast wars just looked weird.
round 3 result: kong could not blend into a beast wars episode very well or convincingly, even in beast mode.
part four: into the beyond times
so, i think i've fairly made my point about the game not looking like it's from the fifth gen... but what about other gens?
personally, if i had to place bone island: dongus kongus in a particular "vibe" of a game generation, i'd probably slot it somewhere between a wii title and a wii u title. it is definitely higher fidelity than a PS1 or N64, but it has a certain "wii shovelware" aura around it, especially when seen in motion.
let's see if that susses out!
tag-team round: skull island (PC) vs monster hunter tri (wii) & monster hunter 3 ultimate (wii u)
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now THIS is interesting!
the original MH3 on the wii definitely looks washed out and faded, certainly low-res compared to skull island. not terribly shocking there, considering the wii's maximum resolution output (on the models that supported it) was 480p (aka: standard definition/DVD quality).
but MH3 ultimate?
i dare say we have a contender here. the models look so much better, the environments are actually comparable in quality to skull island, it's quite uncanny, really. hmm.
...okay, okay. i know i technically said i wouldn't be using upscaled or remastered versions of the games in my comparisons, so in the spirit of fairness, i will also add a surprise third tag-team member into the fray:
surprise match!: kong-dong island (PC) vs xenoblade chronicles x (wii u)
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hoo nelly
alright so i am a Certified Wii U Enjoyer ™️ and i know full-well that the system is more than a bit underpowered compared to the other consoles from its gen. its maximum resolution output was 1080p, which was more than sufficient on its own, but it severely lacked the oomph in its components to make good, consistent use out of that. a lot of wii u titles look fine compared to other consoles, and some are even downright gorgeous, but performance was always a bottleneck.
but forgetting about all of that, xenoblade chronicles x just wrecks skull island.
however, we're not done yet. XBCX (or... however y'all abbreviate it) is definitely a better-looking game than skull island, but so was vagrant story. again, the true argument here is "could you feasibly mistake 'skele rock: kong's wild ride' as from the same gen as the game it's being compared to?"
and i think here we have our answer.
take a look at all the other keng kang screenshots from the previous rounds and place them next to the screenshots from the wii u titles. if you had no idea that skull island was released just last week, you cannot tell me in all honesty that you wouldn't think "oh a wii u shovelware game i've never heard of."
if you try to tell me that, you're a liar and should be ashamed.
the environments, the lighting effects, the graphical fidelity, the vibe... it all just looks weirdly familiar. it looks like a mid-to-low tier shovelware crap game that would have come out on the wii u and immediately sold for 20 bux in the budget releases section.
so that being said...
the final verdict: skull island: rise of kong does, in fact, look specifically like a wii u title. we have found its true home at last.
part five: is it over now? (mostly)
whew! what a ride, amirite? now that we've gone through this heinous, completely unnecessary journey, what did we learn? well...
we learned that the fifth gen of consoles was nowhere near as powerful to create the effects and fidelity as seen in skull island.
...and we also learned that just because a game is older and at a lower res than a current-gen game, that doesn't mean the older game is uglier or looks worse.
we learned that people clearly don't remember how the fifth gen varied wildly and was capped at 240i at best, meaning all the games were at low res and blurry af.
...and we also learned that having that nuance is meaningless when it comes to discussing things objectively.
we learned that games that are bad and ugly for current gen can also look better against games that you may have loved as a child.
...and we also learned that pointing out that a shitty game that's buggy af and shouldn't have existed in the first place looks better than your favorite game from your childhood doesn't mean your favorite game from your childhood is bad.
we learned that if you have enough time on your hands and are stubborn enough, you can make an entirely useless post that no one will read because it's too damn long and uninteresting.
...and we also learned that bulleted lists are only useful for text that doesn't overlap into the next line. oops.
anyway, i hope you learned something, even if you didn't ask for it! being that i'm old enough to remember all of the games above when they were announced, i tend to notice when people make dumb-ass claims that don't make sense a lot quicker. some games really did not age well (turok 3) and others still look fantastic to this day (vagrant story). but claiming that a game like skull island is comparable to or worse than something i actually grew up playing is just silly.
probably just as silly as this post, really.
it was just a very bizarre and arguably quick blip in time that i don't think many other people of younger gens really understand when looking at it from the perspective of internet being available 24/7. that simply was not a thing when i was a kid. and going from pixelated games with chiptunes to crash-goddamn-bandicoot was such an abrupt jump in quality that i could honestly write another post about how it felt to experience that all on its own.
but i won't. not yet, anyway...
so that's it! i answered a question nobody asked. do i feel satisfied? no, not really. i mean, if i'm being honest, i feel like i wasted several hours of my life just to prove a point.
so yknow, a normal weekend for me
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Did you know that tumblr will generate "year in review" stats for single-purpose sideblogs? I didn't!
I posted 9 times in 2022
That's 9 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (67%)
3 posts reblogged (33%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#prev tags - 1 post
#but i am legitimately glad sponsoring the post is amusing to people - 1 post
#if you only intend to communicate with one person - 1 post
#i mentioned this another post but when you use tags you are communicating with everyone who follows or browses your blog - 1 post
#i also have adhd and hard same - too often it's a boring slog without a worthwhile reward especially for sequential prev tags - 1 post
#they passed peer review - 1 post
#like you are achieving communication with *your* intended target but at the expense of being irritating to all other people - 1 post
#or maybe it's a little more like having a full-voice phone convo in rhe middle of a group of people? - 1 post
#not as long as the og but still - 1 post
#long post - 1 post
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like actually putting the tags in question on your own reblog (whether in the tags or in the text or in a screenshot) is objectively better
My Top Posts in 2022:
https://theladydrgn.tumblr.com/post/681999207675150336 are you aware someone screenshotted a portion of your post and it's up to 10k notes
I saw that come across my dash separately a bit ago, I think it's hilarious. I'm not familiar with the OP of the screenshot post but if I had to guess, I'd guess that 10k notes is prolly bc thebibliosphere reblogged it and her following is gargantuan.
(I actually follow thebibliosphere, too, and i saw her reblog of it before you pointed it out, although I didn't notice the note count until you pointed it out so thank you so much 😅)
16 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Screenshots are inaccessible to visually impaired people. If you feel that strongly about it please just promote copy/pasting instead
fun fact! the original post, if you read it all the way through, describes copy-pasting, either within the tags of your reblog or within the text, as alternatives if you don’t want to screenshot
22 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
apparently i’m getting kungpowpenis’d but bc I turned off notes for this sideblog I’m immune from the negative effects~~~
34 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Because the prev tags is not for you or any of my followers but for the person who wrote the tags ofc but I appreciate the amount of effort you put into this cause you must feel very strongly about it
someone rb'd with a picture of martin luther getting his thesis-nailing on, which probably wasn't meant in a complimentary way but I thought was funny.
also, direct message.
36 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you see tags that someone else left on a post and want to share them with your followers (or anyone else who chances across your blog), please, please, PLEASE: don't use "prev tags," or "previous tags" or "prev prev tags" or any variation that may occur to you at the moment you're making that decision.
The very best way on Tumblr to:
share that information in the tags with people who follow you, or
continue a conversation that the person who said that thing in the tags, or
let everyone know how hard you're cackling at a joke someone made, or
whatever other reason you're drawing attention to someone else's tags
is to actually add the tag in question to the version of the post as it will appear when you reblog it. A screenshot is the most durable way to do this, since it gets included in all the downstream reblogs from your own, but if you don't want that for some reason, just replicate the actual tag in question in the tags of your reblog. If you're absolutely, vehemently against the screenshot, including the tags in question could look like this:
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or like this:
OP has some really great tags:
#cool additional commentary tangential to the original topic #user who added the tags didn't include them in the body of the post but you thought they were important
and I think everyone should see them
The biggest reason to do this is that nobody wants a scavenger hunt. This is especially true when the tags in question are from more than one reblog down the line, or ones that you found in the notes on a different reblog chain.
The other big reason is the durability thing mentioned earlier. Maybe the tags you're enamored with came from OP, and they decided they didn't want notifications from the post anymore and deleted it. If you used "omg OP's tags 😹" with no further clarification, that information is lost forever when OP deletes the post. Same case if OP (or the person you reblogged from) deactivates, or gets deactivated. Actually including the tags in question makes sure that as long as someone is viewing it on your blog (or on any downstream reblog from you, if you used a screenshot) they can see the same thing you did.
Using "prev tags" instead of actually including the tags you're talking about results in a significant decrease in the usability of the website. Please, just screenshot the tags, or reproduce them in your post.
4,284 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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luxurybeautyreviews · 4 months
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cashappreviewus · 9 months
Understanding Why Cash App Cash Out Failed: What You Need to Know
Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to cash out on Cash App, only to be met with an error message saying "Cash Out Failed"? It's a common issue that many users encounter, and it can leave you feeling puzzled and unsure of what went wrong. But fear not! In this article, we will dive into the reasons behind Cash App cash out failures and provide you with all the essential information you need to know. Whether it's understanding why your payment is stuck in limbo or finding alternative ways to withdraw money without a bank account, we've got you covered! So let's unravel the mysteries of Cash App cash outs together and get back on track to financial freedom!
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why does cash app say waiting to complete?
You're eager to cash out on Cash App, but instead of the money landing in your account immediately, you see the frustrating message: "Waiting to Complete." So, why does Cash App say waiting to complete? There could be a few reasons behind this delay.
It's possible that there is a temporary issue with the Cash App server or network. In such cases, the transaction might get stuck in limbo until the problem is resolved. Patience is key here - give it some time and try again later.
Another reason for the waiting period could be due to security checks. Cash App takes measures to ensure that all transactions are legitimate and secure. If they detect any suspicious activity or potential fraud, they may put a hold on your payment until further verification can take place. This is a good thing as it helps protect users from unauthorized transactions.
Additionally, if you've recently linked a new bank account or debit card to your Cash App account, there may be a brief waiting period while they verify and authenticate those details. It's all part of their efforts to prevent fraudulent activities.
Don't forget about external factors like weekends or holidays when banks might have limited operating hours or slower processing times. This can also contribute to longer wait times for completing cash outs on Cash App.
In conclusion
How does cash out work on Cash App?
Cash Out is a feature offered by Cash App that allows users to transfer their funds from their Cash App account to an external bank account. This feature provides users with the convenience of accessing and using their money in various ways.
To initiate a cash-out, simply follow these steps:-
1. Open the Cash App on your mobile device.
2. Tap on the balance tab located at the bottom center of the screen.
3. Press "Cash Out."
4. Enter the desired amount you wish to transfer.
5. Select your preferred deposit speed - either Standard or Instant (Note: Instant transfers may incur a small fee).
6. Choose your bank or enter your debit card information if it's not already linked to your Cash App account.
7. Review and confirm all details before proceeding with the transaction.
Once you have completed these steps, your funds will be transferred from your Cash App account to your chosen bank account within the designated timeframe selected during checkout.
Remember, it's important to ensure that you have sufficient funds available in your Cash App balance before initiating a cash out request to avoid any potential issues or delays in processing!
How long does Cash App give you to cash out?
When it comes to cashing out on Cash App, you might be wondering how much time you have to complete the transaction. Well, the good news is that Cash App gives you a generous amount of time to cash out your funds. 
Once you initiate a cash-out request, Cash App usually takes about 1-3 business days to process and transfer the money to your linked bank account or debit card. However, keep in mind that weekends and holidays may cause some delays in processing times.
It's important to note that the actual length of time can vary depending on various factors such as network congestion or technical issues. So it's always a good idea to check for any notifications from Cash App regarding potential delays or issues with your cash-out request.
If for some reason your cash out is not completed within this timeframe, don't panic just yet! It's possible that there could be an issue with your account or additional verification may be required. In such cases, reaching out to Cash App support would be advisable for further assistance.
While most cash outs are typically processed within a few business days, it's essential to stay patient and keep an eye on any updates from Cash App during the process.
How do I cash out my Cash App without a bank account?
When it comes to cashing out your funds on Cash App, having a bank account is typically the easiest and most convenient method. However, if you don't have a bank account or prefer not to use one for cashing out, there are alternative options available.
One option is to link your Cash App card directly to the app. This allows you to withdraw cash from ATMs that accept Visa cards. Simply locate a compatible ATM and follow the prompts to initiate a withdrawal using your Cash App card.
Another option is utilizing peer-to-peer transfers. If you have friends or family members who also use Cash App, you can send them money through the app and ask them to give you cash in return. This method may require some coordination but can be an effective way of accessing your funds without needing a bank account.
Additionally, some retail stores offer services where they can load funds onto prepaid debit cards. You can check with local retailers in your area to see if this option is available.
While these alternatives allow you to cash out without a bank account, it's important to note that they may come with additional fees or limitations compared to traditional banking methods. It's always best to consider all options and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences best.
Can I withdraw money from Cash App at ATM?
With the convenience of Cash App, it's no wonder that many people turn to this popular mobile payment service for their financial needs. However, encountering a cash out failed message can be frustrating and confusing. In this article, we've explored some common reasons why your Cash App cash out may have failed.
It's important to understand that there are various factors that can contribute to a cash out failure on Cash App. It could be due to technical issues, insufficient funds in your account, or even security measures implemented by the app itself. By understanding these possibilities, you can take necessary steps to avoid future cash out failures.
If you find yourself waiting for a long time with the status "waiting to complete" displayed on your screen, it could mean that there is an issue with processing your transaction. This might happen if there is high traffic on the app or if you're experiencing network connectivity problems. In such cases, patience is key as the issue will likely resolve itself once things stabilize.
To successfully cash out on Cash App, make sure you have linked a valid bank account or debit card to your account. This allows for seamless transfers between your Cash App balance and external accounts. Additionally, keep in mind that there are limits imposed by Cash App when it comes to withdrawing funds. These limits vary depending on several factors including verification level and usage history.
But what if you don't have a bank account? Can you still withdraw money from Cash App? The answer is yes! While having a linked bank account makes things easier and more convenient, you can also use alternative methods like transferring funds to another user who does have a bank account or using third-party services like PayPal or Venmo.
Let's address whether you can withdraw money from Cash App at an ATM. Unfortunately, as of now, direct ATM withdrawals are not supported by Cash App. However,you can still use other methods mentioned above like linking an external bank account or using third-party services to access your funds.
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elephantcatdog · 10 months
When Getting A Lol Account, 6 Tips How To Stay Clear Of Rip-Offs
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League of Legends has been just one of the most preferred key activities in the online games world for quite some time now. Several gamers have actually taken the activity seriously and have actually invested numerous hours of gameplay to attain awesome conditions and ranks. While doing so, lots of gamers have also decided to attempt a various strategy: buy LOL smurf account coming from other players.
While it may look like a simple technique to be successful, purchasing a profile could be high-risk, especially if you do not know just how to stay away from rip-offs. In this blog post, our team'll give you with 6 tips on exactly how to stay away from cons when buying a LOL account.
Perform Your Study
Like any online deal, it is necessary to carry out preparatory investigation prior to you create any sort of purchase, especially when it pertains to buying LOL accounts. Do not just click the first offer you view online. Instead, browse through multiple games online forums, social networks webpages, and player blog sites to read reviews of various dealers. You can easily additionally discover practical suggestions coming from individuals that've effectively created the very same acquisition. When performing your research study, make note of red flags like awards that seem to be also good to become true, suspiciously low prices, or dealers with little to no reviews. You can obtain more information about league of legends by browsing league of legends skin account website.
Look for Account Service Warranty
One way to make sure that you acquire your amount of money's truly worth is actually to search for vendors along with warranties. These are actually not just an indication of a valid seller but also provide you some comfort that your real investment is actually secured from losses that might develop before you can fully take control of the account. Try to find warranties that cover an agreed-on maximum as well as a sensible period account use opportunity. Through this, you are actually assured that the purchasing league of legends skin account resides in good condition and also can be utilized without fretting about bans or various other credible problems like reimbursement plans.
Inspect Payment Approaches
Check if the payment methods provided are actually protected. Legitimate homeowners will definitely often possess conveniently accessible payment options that demand your authorization. It is actually greatest to avoid the wire-transfer or buy-now-pay-later substitutes and also follow a respectable payment approach like PayPal. In this manner, you're shielded in case something makes a mistake along with the transaction. Be wary as they may be trying to scam or even technique you in to paying out for something they don't mean to provide if the homeowner firmly insists on utilizing alternate payment strategies.
Ask for Screenshots as well as Information
If something records your interest along with a specific LOL account, like their elo or even skins, talk to the dealer for additional information as well as some screenshots that exhibit the account's success and also advancement. This will certainly provide you a much better understanding of what you'll get inside profit for your expenditure. Make sure to validate them and also the vendor's connect with relevant information as an included safety measure.
Do Not Rush the Purchase
Stay clear of negotiable stress by taking the time to think through your decision very carefully. It's ideal to conduct owed persistance prior to completing any type of acquisition considering that some cheaters may press you in to paying up just before vanishing with your money. If the dealer is attempting to rush the deal, this should set off warnings, and also you should immediately release coming from the purchase.
Make Use Of Trusted Sellers or Middlemen
While certainly not always essential, utilizing relied on vendors or middlemen is a safer wager when buy LOL skin account. These vendors are actually relied on, have been actually around for a while, and also have an excellent online reputation. Intermediaries, on the other hand, serve as an intermediary in between you as well as the homeowner, delivering a type of escrow service that makes sure safety for both gatherings. They can confirm the legitimacy of the seller and ensure that the profile remains in the best situation prior to discharging the deal to you.
The net could be a risky area, as well as scammers are actually consistently trying to find innocent folks to exploit. When buying a LoL profile, player safety need to constantly be actually a best concern. Adhere to these six pointers to lessen the threats of being scammed and take pleasure in the League of Legends planet. While getting accounts can be actually a quick and easy solution, the absolute best means to accomplish excellence in LOL is actually via stretched gameplay, ability advancement, and dedication.
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Mileage Blocker Review – Everything You Need To Know
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Have you ever checked a mileage blocker review on the internet? Do you have a clear understanding of what exactly the mileage blocker is? Why do people choose them instead of rollback tools? Those tools have gained popularity recently. People are searching for the best versions of them which meet their needs. The primary function of blockers is to stop the mileage recording process. However, it is not the end of the story. the device should satisfy the needs of consumers in terms of convenience and reliability. The customer’s satisfaction depends on the quality of the product.  The quality is determined by several factors starting from components to manufacturing. 
Before we name what is the top product on the market, let’s take a closer look at the differences between rollback and blocker tools, and learn what people do for paying less for insurance, or sell their automobiles at higher prices. Additionally, you will see an Odometer Blocker review that is the leader on the market. Let’s get started!
As we already mentioned, mileage correction is a very popular practice among motorists. Sometimes it happens for legitimate reasons, however, sometimes it is prohibited, especially when people do it for malicious purposes. We will discuss that unethical usage later. Now let’s focus on the tools people choose for correct mileage. There are two main types: mileage blockers and rollback tools. 
Let’s start with the rollback devices. In older days mileage rollback meant manually reversing numbers on mechanical odometers. Nowadays, when cars are equipped with digital odometers, the whole process is altering the car’s circuit board and editing the displayed mileage by putting whatever number you want. One of the biggest problems with those rewind tools is that they can’t access other control units. Hence, information is easily discoverable with the help of diagnostic devices. Apart from that, installing them requires cutting wires. That makes them inconvenient for customers. 
Mileage blockers serve differently. They do not alter existing data, they just halt recording miles. In addition to that, they are simple, plug-and-play modules. No soldering or cutting cables are necessary. That is an additional benefit for customers who are seeking simplicity and convenience in a hectic world. If you read the Mileage blocker review, you may know that it is superior to counterfeits. It is an outstanding device in terms of reliability, to put it simply, altered information remains untraceable completely.
As you can see odometer blocker is a favorite module for altering data, at the same time it can be a dangerous tool for those who use modules to their advantage. Altering mileage data and deceiving potential buyers is a criminal offense. Keep reading and learn what is called – odometer fraud.  
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Odometer fraud is a significant consumer fraud issue. It is also referred to as “busting miles” or “clocking” is the illegitimate practice of rolling back odometers to make it appear that vehicles have lower mileage than they actually do. The motivation for fraud is mainly to increase the price of pre-owned automobiles. generally, It is banned in 25 European countries. The penalties differ from country to country. However, this doesn’t stop wrongdoers to manipulate odometers and sell automobiles with misleading mileage.
According to the “Preliminary Report: The Incidence Rate of Odometer Fraud” by NHTSA, The rate of odometer fraud over the life of the vehicle is 3.47 percent, which means that it’s a 3.47 percent chance that we came across misleading mileage on cars during the first 11 years of its life. That’s not all. The other issue is cases that remain hidden. There are rollbacks that are not identified by Carfax. It means that the genuine incidence rate can be higher than we think and the situation is even worse. It means that wrongdoers work hard, they defraud titles, so it makes it harder to eradicate the crime.
Carfax indicates “Potential Odometer Rollback” when two consecutive readings less than a year apart show at least 3, 000 miles lower than earlier. 
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An extraordinary device – A mileage blocker from a Super Kilometer filter has gained immense popularity. It is not surprising why it gets the best Odometer Blocker review. A premium quality product from Germany is superior to counterfeits. The stopper is designed for halting the mileage recording process from all control units. It has many advantages which make it a unique module. Those advantages are the following:
It is easy to manage 
When you hear about additional gadgets for your automobile, what comes to your mind first? I guess you are thinking of a tiresome visit to the technician. Sometimes it is a reason why you are not in favor of innovative tools. It’s just tiring. If you read through our Mileage blocker review, you will find that it is unique in terms of convenience. As you may know it has different modes, you have options to count only 10%, 20%, or don’t count mileage at all.  Changing from mode to mode is possible with several key combinations. In addition to that we develop mobile applications for some models, and it will be available for more models in a short time. so, you can enjoy convenience and reliability at the same time. so, you can control everything from the distance. 
Do-it-yourself installation
Do not worry if you don’t have good automotive skills. Just following the instruction can be enough to install a blocker behind the speedometer. When it comes to a new automobile, you may want to avoid cutting cables for as long as it is possible. the innovative tool allows you to install it without cutting cables or soldering. Hence, removing the blocker will be as easy as installing it. As for compatibility you don’t have to worry because we create individual modules for almost 50 brands and 250 models. The short list of them are BMW, Audi, Dodge, RAM, Range Rover, Mercedes, Volkswagen, and Porsche. Moreover, on our website, you can see different modules for the same car. If you need additional instructions for installing, you can find video tutorials for almost all models. 
It has an untraceable effect
If you check the Odometer Blocker review on the forum or read a detailed description on our website, you will find its particular characteristics. Mostly, correction tools aim to change the displayed data on the odometer and genuine data can be found in other units. It is freely possible with diagnostic tools. Different from them, a mileage blocker can erase data completely from the memory of the vehicle.   
A kilometer filter is legal for testing purposes
The primary function of the stopper is testing the used auto when you are going to buy it. or you want to know the performance of a brand-new model and see if it has the same impressive abilities that were advertised. Testing the performance of the car is more enjoyable when you know that unnecessary kilometers do not add up. 
Do not cause flaws in the system 
We work hard on the research and development of the program, which means that we endure that you don’t you do not get error messages on the speedometer. As you may know some devices cause a flaw in a Can-Bus system or FlexRay systems. As long as we have a good knowledge of that system, we offer you an advanced odometer blocker that performs flawlessly and eliminates malfunctioning of the existing system of the automobiles. We devote a lot of time to the development of the products. That gives our customers a guarantee that they do not come across additional issues. 
If you are one of those who are searching for a quality product, I have good news for you. You can shop for it on SuperKilometerFilter. You may have come across other alternatives, but those modules just mimic some functions and they can not provide you with the same functionalities. Visit our shop to purchase the stopper at a reasonable cost. You will get flawless costumer service and support. You can check the Mileage blocker review in order to make a final decision.  
Odometer fraud is on the rise. It has a devastating effect on the economic situation. As NHTSA reports, it is more than a $1 billion crime annually only in America. It takes great Federal and state effort to deter odometer fraud. However, it remains a challenge for today’s world. 
We do not recommend unethical usage of the blocker. It is banned to use on public roads. It should be used only in a controlled environment. As you learned from the Odometer Blocker review, the primary purpose of the stopper is to test the performance of your beloved auto. 
Thus, you know what is Mileage blocker and where to find the advanced version of the product. There are various manufacturers of such modules who claim to meet your needs, but in most case, these tools disappoint you. They do not perform flawlessly and cause unforeseen issues that are harder to solve. If the above-mentioned Mileage blocker review is not satisfying for you, you can contact us for further details. 
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tastydregs · 1 year
Personalized AI-Written Spam May Soon Be Flooding Your Inbox
Photo: TACstock1 (Shutterstock)
If An AI Reworks Copyrighted Images, Is It Art? | Future Tech
Each day, messages from Nigerian princes, peddlers of wonder drugs and promoters of can’t-miss investments choke email inboxes. Improvements to spam filters only seem to inspire new techniques to break through the protections.
Now, the arms race between spam blockers and spam senders is about to escalate with the emergence of a new weapon: generative artificial intelligence. With recent advances in AI made famous by ChatGPT, spammers could have new tools to evade filters, grab people’s attention and convince them to click, buy or give up personal information.
As director of the Advancing Human and Machine Reasoning lab at the University of South Florida, I research the intersection of artificial intelligence, natural language processing and human reasoning. I have studied how AI can learn the individual preferences, beliefs and personality quirks of people.
This can be used to better understand how to interact with people, help them learn or provide them with helpful suggestions. But this also means you should brace for smarter spam that knows your weak spots – and can use them against you.
Spam, AI, spam, AI, spam, AI
So, what is spam?
Spam is defined as unsolicited commercial emails sent by an unknown entity. The term is sometimes extended to text messages, direct messages on social media and fake reviews on products. Spammers want to nudge you toward action: buying something, clicking on phishing links, installing malware or changing views.
Spam is profitable. One email blast can make US$1,000 in only a few hours, costing spammers only a few dollars – excluding initial setup. An online pharmaceutical spam campaign might generate around $7,000 per day.
Legitimate advertisers also want to nudge you to action – buying their products, taking their surveys, signing up for newsletters – but whereas a marketer email may link to an established company website and contain an unsubscribe option in accordance with federal regulations, a spam email may not.
Spammers also lack access to mailing lists that users signed up for. Instead, spammers utilize counter-intuitive strategies such as the “Nigerian prince” scam, in which a Nigerian prince claims to need your help to unlock an absurd amount of money, promising to reward you nicely. Savvy digital natives immediately dismiss such pleas, but the absurdity of the request may actually select for naïveté or advanced age, filtering for those most likely to fall for the scams.
Advances in AI, however, mean spammers might not have to rely on such hit-or-miss approaches. AI could allow them to target individuals and make their messages more persuasive based on easily accessible information, such as social media posts.
The AI-enabled future of spam
Chances are you’ve heard about the advances in generative large language models like ChatGPT. The task these generative LLMs perform is deceptively simple: given a text sequence, predict which token – think of this as a part of a word – comes next. Then, predict which token comes after that. And so on, over and over.
Somehow, training on that task alone, when done with enough text on a large enough LLM, seems to be enough to imbue these models with the ability to perform surprisingly well on a lot of other tasks.
Multiple ways to use the technology have already emerged, showcasing the technology’s ability to quickly adapt to, and learn about, individuals. For example, LLMs can write full emails in your writing style, given only a few examples of how you write. And there’s the classic example – now over a decade old – of Target figuring out a customer was pregnant before her father knew.
Spammers and marketers alike would benefit from being able to predict more about individuals with less data. Given your LinkedIn page, a few posts and a profile image or two, LLM-armed spammers might make reasonably accurate guesses about your political leanings, marital status or life priorities.
Our research showed that LLMs could be used to predict which word an individual will say next with a degree of accuracy far surpassing other AI approaches, in a word-generation task called the semantic fluency task. We also showed that LLMs can take certain types of questions from tests of reasoning abilities and predict how people will respond to that question. This suggests that LLMs already have some knowledge of what typical human reasoning ability looks like.
If spammers make it past initial filters and get you to read an email, click a link or even engage in conversation, their ability to apply customized persuasion increases dramatically. Here again, LLMs can change the game. Early results suggest that LLMs can be used to argue persuasively on topics ranging from politics to public health policy.
Good for the gander
AI, however, doesn’t favor one side or the other. Spam filters also should benefit from advances in AI, allowing them to erect new barriers to unwanted emails.
Spammers often try to trick filters with special characters, misspelled words or hidden text, relying on the human propensity to forgive small text anomalies – for example, “c1îck h.ere n0w.” But as AI gets better at understanding spam messages, filters could get better at identifying and blocking unwanted spam – and maybe even letting through wanted spam, such as marketing email you’ve explicitly signed up for. Imagine a filter that predicts whether you’d want to read an email before you even read it.
Despite growing concerns about AI – as evidenced by Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter CEO Elon Musk, Apple founder Steve Wozniak and other tech leaders calling for a pause in AI development – a lot of good could come from advances in the technology. AI can help us understand how weaknesses in human reasoning might be exploited by bad actors and come up with ways to counter malevolent activities.
All new technologies can result in both wonder and danger. The difference lies in who creates and controls the tools, and how they are used.
Want to know more about AI, chatbots, and the future of machine learning? Check out our full coverage of artificial intelligence, or browse our guides to The Best Free AI Art Generators and Everything We Know About OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
John Licato, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Director of AMHR Lab, University of South Florida
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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cpqsoftware · 2 years
Design Error-Free Proposals With Configurator Software
Presentation is essential, no matter what you are presenting to customers. A proposal, product, or quote. Better-looking quotes and proposals aid in closing sales. Salespeople know the influence a well-written quotation or proposal may have on a deal. Many sellers dislike the time it takes to gather and prepare the document. They would instead concentrate on fostering relationships and selling. Before Configure Price Quote CPQ came into play, businesses would create a template to address the problem. The issue is that only a few salespeople make skilled designers.
Even if they possess these abilities, it takes time to put up a paper that is well-designed and effectively branded. Salespeople may take shortcuts when they have clients to visit and goals to achieve.
Out-of-date or low-resolution logos and photos, misspellings, uneven application of brand rules, and amateurish layouts are some of the top errors in customer-facing papers.
How can a salesperson create a tailor-made quote or proposal?
A detailed document composition tool that is part of the ideal configurator software allows users to build templates while receiving the necessary brand compliance guidelines. Salespeople may quickly create a proposal tailored to the offer and the client using this template. The content of a deal can toggle conditional template components on and off. The sales associate may also activate sections. The details of quotes or pricing summaries can be immediately entered.
Configure Price Quote CPQ manages parallel and serial approval chains, giving all parties involved visibility into the deal’s development. To save time, it also updates when a trade is accepted or denied at any stage.
How does configurator software help provide error-free quotes?
Configurator software frequently claims that the solution can provide error-free quotes. What does that actually imply, and why should a business be concerned?
It is a vital responsibility of a Configure Price Quote CPQ to transmit data to a system downstream that will carry out the instruction. The ordering system needs inputs such as product specifications, customer details, billing information, and more to fulfill the order.
Configure: The configuration engine, which directs users to create proper, legitimate product configurations, is a crucial component of CPQ processes. Users can choose from a list of permitted features to develop reliable parts or service combinations. The configured product can only add to the order at that point.
Price: The commercial and legal terms of an agreement are often discussed concerning the pricing component of CPQ. At this point, rules are upheld to ensure that all crucial data is recorded and shared with other systems. Every customer data may be required or even connected with a CRM system. Prices can be determined, and billing terms can be specified.
Every workflow component can be pre-populated with the necessary information using configured software. Accepting pricing levels and other non-standard parts of the transaction is one of the most crucial facets of commercial terms. Discounts can be monitored and authorized by corporate policies. Before the quote is completed with the customer, variables like expedited delivery or terms specific to the customer can be reviewed and approved.
Quote: In most Configure Price Quote CPQ, a quotation gathers all necessary data and displays it via customer-facing documents like proposals, quotes, and contracts in the most appropriate way. CPQ solutions organize the transaction data to seamlessly connect with or flow into your downstream systems, minimizing the need for manual order re-entry.
Summing up:
Accurate data may be obtained, added, and updated quickly and easily with configured software. The potential format conflict between word processors and spreadsheets is no longer a concern. The ability of the salesman to completely alter some elements of the proposal is the final and, arguably, most effective option. This gives them the ability to contribute rich language to proposals, including cover letters, executive summaries, and any other content where their unique style, connection, and intimate understanding of a customer’s circumstance cannot be duplicated by a computer.
Using KBMax’s Configure Price Quote CPQ, you can create a high-quality, accurate, personalized proposal by fusing precise transaction data with corporate branding and salesperson feedback.
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The Pros and Cons of supreme runtz strain
The Facts About Healthcare For All: From From Buzzwords To Realism Uncovered
Table of ContentsThe Best Guide To Runtz Gummies 500mg ReviewSome Known Incorrect Statements About Healthcare For All: From From Buzzwords To Realism The Ultimate Guide To God's Vagina Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews - AllbudRuntz Family Seeds Can Be Fun For Everyone
Top has likewise kept in mind that reports of tainted Halloween sweet have a tendency to spike with a major brand new occasion in the full weeks leading up to the spooky holiday. The 1982 Tylenol repeal, as an example, was actually issued on October 5. Decades eventually, stress and anxiety associated to 9/11 fanned the anxiety blazes (runtz bud strain). The same relates to cannabis over the last few years.
The Pennsylvania cops located some office THC goodie products when it wasn't lawful in PAthere was a great deal of discussion of linking these deaths and THC candy at Halloween." But these records are not originated in simple facts and documentation, points out Ideal. In spite of a mounting body system of documentation, these narratives spit up yearly.
Best has noted that a lot of publications right now release pieces deconstructing the misconception, as our company are actually carrying out currently, instead than legitimizing it. Cannabis regulations and also educational outreach have actually helped lighten anxieties too, and also that brand new threats, like opioids, have left behind pot (ykiki strain). "The think about THC candy is thus 2019," he mentions along with a laugh (truntz strain).
But also to that, many proverbially roll their eyes. what's runtz. "It isn't like every year there is an unique threat. It fade because there's never ever just about anything to disclose." Similar Leafly examination: Fentanyl-laced marijuana is a fallacy (different runtz names). It is actually opportunity to finish the buzz And lest we fail to remember, our team live in a nation in passion along with capitalism and also the lure of income.
Because I presume she is actually therefore small, she is actually certainly not truly visiting understand what the result would be likethat conversation happens eventually. It's actually crucial when you're consulting with kids, actually of any ages. I attempt to offer her the truths and also what I understand to be real with no analysis.
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I am actually not gullible to the reality that she is actually heading to try out marijuana, probably before she is actually 21." Best, sadly, does not observe the style fading anytime soon, specifically when also chosen officials remain to continue myths. However right after Halloween happen the midterm vote-castings, and cannabis is actually all over them (tropical runtz). Our experts suppose, Leafly country, that this story isn't brand new to you, as well as you've disregarded it.
Snowman, additionally referred to as Snowman OG, is in fact a cannabis tension that is in fact hybrid in attributes as effectively as bends much a lot more in the path of Sativa (biscuits snowman stress) - skruntz strain. It is created arising from the moms and dad pressure Gal Scout Cookies. The Snowman tension has a THC product of 21%, which produces it a lot more satisfied for professional smokers (runtz vape pen).
It is actually a terrific stability between power as well as likewise leisure - runtz strain plant. Because of to these impacts, this lawn might be used to aid along with medical care concerns like constant discomfort, depression, and likewise nervousness. It can, possessing pointed out that, induce some light dryness of the oral cavity as a damaging results.
snowman pot. A landscaper could know that particular anxiety conduct not demand as much water as others or even the ideal temp within a develop camping tent. biscuits snowman tension. Growing Length Of The Snowman Strain Snowman is actually mosting probably to be similar in relation to its very own blooming period to GSC which takes 9 to 10 weeks.
The beauty of the nugs emerges coming from the topping important to the aspect of looking wintry on the darkness environment-friendly pots (runtz cannabis). The covering is therefore hefty together with orange which might perhaps be the main reason for the tension being in fact referred to as Snowman. snowman pressure cookies There is actually likewise a probability you find Snowman that has even more efficacy as a considerable volume of absolutely not know regarding growing this unheard of pressure.
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Stress that are really high within this terpene often tend to come to be fantastic at managing anxeity and also stress-related problems. Myrcene assists result in a feeling of calm. This creates this terpene splendid for dealing with resting disorders. The flexibility of this particular certain strain creates it an excellent possibility to deliver easement at any sort of aspect in the time.
snowman og Rather the details advise that staff members with healthiness are most likely to become publicized. In the private market, our professionals discover that job promotion considerably aggravates individuals's psychological tension (on a GHQ score) snowman cookies pressure. For everyone market, there are some provisionary signs of the reverse. Our business speak about cautions to our decisions, encourage caution in their review, as properly as conflict that more longitudinal research study studies are in fact needed Extremely individual wellness: a crossway in between economics as well as likewise psychology through Christopher J Boyce( )3 editions uploaded in 2009 in English and also kept by 19 Earth, Cat individual public libraries globally This ground takes advantage of individual health records to identify the effect that an individual?s economical scenarios have on their well being.
This chapter materials health care paperwork to suggest that mental treatment is really a far more dependable means to minimize psychological grief. Revenue progression does not want to lift nationwide well being in recognized countries so this chapter urges that improving ease of access to mental clinical may be a far better technique to raise nationally well being snowman pot tension.
5 cheer 36 micrograms every cubic gauge. At this moment, the elderly and people with underlying health conditions are actually told to confine activity (truffle butter strain thc level). At 150 micrograms every cubic gauge, high school football staffs can not exercise outdoors or hold games. During the whole entire Seeley Pond smoke occasion, the sky averaged 220 micrograms every cubic gauge.
Andi Bourne, publisher of the Seeley-Swan Pioneer paper, survived everything, dealing with the fire and surrounding smoke that imperiled her little neighborhood."It was only gloomy," she points out (runtz weed strain review). "You get out of bed and also you can't view around the lake or observe the mountains due to the fog. It seemed like it was pressing down on you, and it would become worse in the day instead of far better (obama runtz weed).
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It was so separating kind of like what most of us are experiencing with COVID at the moment."She asked Seeley old-timers if they had ever expert everything like it."They claimed it was actually only unmatched for it to happen such a long time," Bourne claims. "I think the valley has actually been belted in like that for a day or more, but it had never ever hung around for so long as it carried out.
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A few weeks after the Rice Spine Fire exploded, he got a phone call coming from the Missoula City-County Health And Wellness Division. different runtz names."They claimed there were folks exposed to exceptionally high levels of smoke cigarettes," he states. "Was actually there any individual at the University interested who had the capacity to find up?"Migliaccio as well as the crew scooted to receive permission for non-invasive human screening.
For those 60 or much older, the accepted variation is 70%. The group acquired information from a mate of concerning 100 individuals in 2017. But what made their study a lot more considerable is they returned once again in 2018 and 2019 to inspect the majority of the exact same people. They sought feasible wellness impacts from the remarkable smoke direct exposure that might be shown eventually."What we located was actually a decline in their bronchi functionality as a pal," Migliaccio claims (obama runtz strain allbud).
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After that, when our company returned in 2018, forty five% had gone down below excess of usual. So there was some delayed adverse result. It was actually never what our experts expected (runtz a sativa or indica)."The 2018 and 2019 fire seasons were actually a lot less rigorous than 2017 in western Montana, so people in Seeley Lake have actually certainly not withstood additional horrible smoke exposures.
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r-ate-9 · 2 years
Regarding a fanfic I posted 11 years ago... a rant.
The fanfic in question, hyperlinked: Dead or Alive?
I just reread everything I have written and posted for the much-loved “Dead or Alive?” …I’m not really sure why it was so loved.
I like my idea. I like my plot. I think it’s possible that the Temujai’i would use poisons unknown to the Rangers.
John Flanagan’s Rangers tend to feel a little too overpowered, if you catch my drift. Regardless of their information-gathering skills, they’re not defined as spies (right?). Instead, Rangers are defenders of the kingdom, from internal affairs, mainly. They are the most senior member in a fife and report directly to their Commandant, who in turn directs directly to the King. One could even say they are internal spies… Big Brother, maybe?
I digress. My point being that it’s not unlikely for the Temujai’i to use a poison that renders their enemies entirely defenseless in the midst of battle, but not dead.
But then our Rangers aren’t aware of this type of warfare. When Will gets hit and shows no obvious signs of life, there’s only one solution… a funeral. With the bodies piling up (and the ground still solid from the recent winter), a typical Skandian funeral is reasonable. True warriors get sent to Valhalla via burning ships, food for their journeys, weapons they once carried, and a proper farewell.
In Araluen, we’re never told how bodies are disposed, but I’m assuming they’re buried (or placed in tombs for important people). In Halt, Horace & Cassandra’s minds, burning a body is only intended for one’s enemies and to do so to a former comrade (family) would be incredibly dishonorable.
Subsequently, they come to the agreement to send him off, without the fiery bit.
And so the story begins.
So much potential!
I don’t like how I executed it. :/
Granted, I started writing “Dead or Alive?” in 2011… so I was 14. In 2018 I rewrote the prologue, and got no further (the writing is noticeably different between the new prologue and ch. 1).
I’m about to turn 26, in 20 days, actually. I’d like to think my writing has since improved.
Honestly? I couldn’t tell you how I planned to finish this fic. Though I have thought about it quite a lot in passing, these last few years.
In either 2018 or 2019, I wrote a new chapter for the fanfic, well, rewrote one I’d written sometime earlier in a notebook.
Simply put, eleven years later, I can’t stand how I wrote this plotline. I hate Will’s new name “Panthera”. I hate that I made him into a Mary Sue, he’s OP, has a giant black panther as a companion… which is 100% lifted from R.A. Salvatore’s Legend of Drizzt series. So, there’s a blatant crossover. I hate how bad I was (still am) at naming characters…
I’ve tried editing, continuing it, altering it… but I get filled with so much cringe and then throw it back on the shelf and ignore it for another year.
But I keep coming back because I don’t like when I find a plotline, fic, author that I love, and then they don’t complete their works!
Because of this, I am marking “Dead or Alive?” as: COMPLETE. It’s over, it’s done.
I’m not content with the ending. Ideally, I’d rewrite the entire story. I won’t delete this one, regardless of my feelings.
I think, ultimately, it’s important to keep all of your writings for a few reasons:
1.       2011 was when I started writing, legitimately. Without DoA, I wouldn’t have 11 years of writing under my belt.
2.       It’s important to know where I started at, to be able to compare myself to my past, to see my development.
3.       I believe every author is allowed to decide whether they want to delete their content or not. But I also think it’s important to consider the reviewers, and according to DoA’s stats:
a.       There are 81 followers
b.       Since 2011 over 27,400 people have viewed it
c.       It has 175 reviews, which amounts to 41% of my account’s total reviews
d.       It’s my longest fic at 38,000+ words
e.       58 people have favorited it
f.        These stats prove to me, that at some point, my reader-base has appreciated this fic, therefore it will stay available
Thank you to anyone and everyone who is still around. Thank you to any new readers who stop by in the future.
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mlmreview-news · 3 years
Prosperity Of Life MLM Review: Is The Prosperity Of Life Business Right For You?
Welcome to my Prosperity of Life review. My goal is to answer common questions like: how much it costs, if it's a scam, if you can actually make money with it, & who it really is for. The end goal is to help you understand if its a good fit for you personally, and if there are any better alternatives out there.
This Prosperity Of Life review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
It’s yet another MLM (aka Network Marketing) program whose primary goal is to persuade you to sign up, buy a product kit, and then recruit your friends, family, and coworkers to do the same.
It’s promoted, in my opinion, by several Prosperity of Life members who only get paid by recruiting people up for the program.
It claims to educate you on becoming a successful “Network Marketer,” but from what I’ve seen, most members rarely make any money selling knives.
As far as I can tell, a 50% commission on an overpriced set of things that you can acquire for half the price at your local department store will not make you wealthy.
Now, in this review, I want to be entirely honest.
MLMs like Prosperity of Life are a bit of a mixed bag. They CAN be a legitimate way to make money, but some have a reputation for literally ruining people’s lives – so it’s important to know what you’re getting, since each one is unique.
Like most of my readers, you were probably introduced to this one via a friend or some influencer you trust online.
And it makes sense why so many people recommend them:
Making money outside of a 9-5 can be… life-changing, to say the least.
So in this article, I want to help you explore two things:
If MLMs are actually a worthwhile business to pursue If Prosperity of Life is a worthwhile MLM Before that, I want to clear the air on something.
There are A LOT of people out there who bash all MLMs in any form. I am not one of those people.
Instead, I want to genuinely educate you about them so that you can make an informed decision on how to proceed.
If you’re unfamiliar with what MLMs actually do:
They’re businesses in which you pay money to a company for the ability to sell their products.
Sometimes the products are actually kind of decent (I still remember my mom throwing pampered-chef parties when I was younger).
Other times the products are really poorly made and come with a high price tag.
Typically, the only way to really make money is to get people (mostly friends & family) to sign up with you for a recurring subscription.
If the product is 100% legitimate & valuable, it’s entirely possible to get people to sign-up and continue paying you.
If the product is subpar, you’ll usually burn those bridges kinda quickly and end up with $0 coming in each month.
The biggest issue I’ve seen is that this puts significant stress on your personal relationships, as you’re reliant on selling to your “network.”
Think about it: if you KNEW that every time your friend Sally called, she’d be trying to sell you on one of her products… you’d eventually stop answering Sally’s calls.
Now, this doesn’t mean MLMs are outright bad… it means you need to know what type of MLM you’re getting yourself into before you sign up.
Again, some MLMs provide real value to people, but MOST don’t – and so in this article we’re going to explore what the case is with Prosperity of Life.
But before that, I want to ask you a question: what if there was a way to build actual recurring, semi-passive income online?
Income that:
Doesn’t have inventory Doesn’t make you sell to your friends & family Doesn’t force you to recruit people onto your “team” Something that you could make anywhere from $2,000 – $10,000 with consistently, month after month?
A stream of income that you can build as high (or low) as you feel like building it?
If that sounds interesting, you might want to think about becoming a Digital Landlord.
If you wanna see what Prosperity of Life looks like on the inside, keep reading.
Prosperity of Life is a Network Marketing company based in Arizona.
The organization works in Personal Development and Wealth Creation, and they offer a complete internet all-inclusive business opportunity that includes systems, training, goods, and mentoring.
Gregory Strom and Rachel Krider, and Shane Krider, a husband and wife combination, founded the company.
The Prosperity of Life Network’s media production is overseen by Gregory Strom, with Rachel Krider serving as a personal development coach and Shane Krider serving as the organization’s transformation leader.
Prosperity Of Life Info
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Website : https://www.prosperityoflife.com/
Founders : Shane Krider, Rachel Krider, Greg Strom
Date Founded: April 10, 2010
Company Address: Fountain Hills, Arizona, U.S.A.
Telephone No.: (855 )617 5432
Email Address: [email protected]
Prosperity Of Life History And Background Before investigating this business offer, you need to be informed of some questionable history.
I’m not saying it’s out of the realm of possibility to make money with this program. In reality, some people still make money in this industry and have achieved a certain level of financial independence.
Prosperity Of Life Reviews: Who Is Shane Krider?
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Shane Krider, one of Prosperity of Life‘s co-founders, founded the Born to Prosper Network with the help of his wife, and it has since grown into a network of dedicated and motivated entrepreneurs.
He is now a multi-millionaire and the co-host of Born to Prosper’s Mind Power, a podcast that provides philosophical and spiritual self-help/self development and advice to aspiring business people.
Shane Krider is also a co-founder of Liberty League International.
The problem with Liberty League is that it has proven to be one of those pyramid schemes that has defrauded innocent people out of over $5 million. Please do your own research by taking a look at what the Federal Trade Commission has to say about it.
Some may argue that Shane has learned his lesson and is now running a legitimate business through Prosperity of Life.
Perhaps, perhaps not.
Prosperity Of Life Reviews: Other Names I’m a bit annoyed that Prosperity of Life, like some MLMs, has frequently changed its name over the years.
They were first known as “Polaris Media Group” but then rebranded as “Polaris Global.”
Their new names are Prosperity of Life and The Prosperity of Life Network.
What Is Polaris Global?
Polaris Global, for the record, continues to exist. Polaris Global is responsible for managing its training, customer service, resources, and support.
They utilize Prosperity of Life as their public brand and the custodian of their intellectual property, including courses, materials, and goods.
Who Is Rachel Krider?
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Rachel Krider, Shane Krider’s wife, is the co-founder of Prosperity of Life. She’s also the co-host of Born to Prosper’s Mind Power podcast, which focuses on entrepreneurship, self-help, and personal development to elevate the spirits of people in similar situations to hers.
She is also a self-made millionaire – she built her fortune while working for a multi level marketing company at the age of 34.
Due to a large number of products, I’ll briefly discuss only the main ones in their product range.
1. M1
The17-Day Personal Prosperity System includes video footage from the inaugural Foundation Live, Sovereignty Live, and Influence Live events.
$2,285 is the wholesale price. Profitability per sale: $1,828
2. M7
Included is recorded content from the Sovereignty Live andInfluence Live events that will take place over the next two years (a total of 4 events).
$4,590 is the wholesale price.
Profit potential per sale: $3,672.
3. M7 Fast Track
This is a limited-time offerfor a reduced package that contains M1 and M7. It exists to recognize and reward leadership.
$6,250 is the wholesale price.
Profit potential per sale: $5,000.
4. M2 Sovereignty Live
A yearly event dedicated towealth creation. Among other things, you’ll discover how money works, how to invest it, how to make it work for you, asset distribution, andtax minimization.
$7,950 is the wholesale price.
Profit potential per sale: $5,000.
5. M3 Influence Live
Included are advanced personal development and leadership skills. You’ll learn how our thoughts and beliefs influence our lives and how you can regain control of your life and destiny.
$12,950 is the wholesale price.
Profit potential per sale: $8,000.
Personal Development Courses Master of Destinies Coaching Training Master of Destinies Coaching – Home Study Master of Destinies M1 Master of Destinies – Live Event M2 Master of Destinies – Live Event M3 Master of Destinies – Recorded Event Content M7 Master of Destinies – Recorded Event Content M7 FT Company Review: Is Prosperity Of Life A Pyramid Scheme?
The Liberty League, a well-known pyramid scheme that launched in 2009 by Shane Krider, is similar to Prosperity of Life.
In one of the Prosperity of Life compensation plan videos, he says that you should be grateful for giving up the first two sales to your sponsor, as this model would get you motivated to win further pass-up purchases from your enrollees.
I don’t know about you but, I would almost certainly be out of business by the time I could earn a qualified commission.
Who will pay my bills and expenses till the first two sales come in?
This indicates that it might be a pyramid scheme similar to his former company.
Is Prosperity Of Life Legit Or Is It A Scam?
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So, time for the $1,000,000 question: is Prosperity of Life a scam?
No, not technically. They aren’t going to run off with your money and not give you what you paid for. It’s 100% possible to make money with this program.
That being said, it’s not nearly as simple as they want you to think it is.
There’s A LOT of work to be done up front, and no guarantee that you’ll be successful. The commissions are also fairly small.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for doing hard work now, so that I can reap the benefits later.
But if you’re going to work really hard for 3 months, and your reward is a $100 check… it’s not really a great opportunity.
If I’m gonna do that, I want the rewards to be HIGH and virtually guaranteed.
I’d rather put in that same 3 months of work (in my spare time) & build a handful of Digital Rental Properties that each produce $500-$2,000 checks every single month afterward (AKA recurring income).
And the cool part is that you can do it in a lot less time than 3-months (I personally did it in my first 2 weeks of being a Digital Landlord).
Unlike with MLMs, you can do it from anywhere in the world, so it’s a genuine “laptop-lifestyle” business.
All you need is an internet connection.
Some of my friends are Digital Landlords that run their 6-figure businesses from:
Camping trips at national parks Beachfront in Hawaii On the road in a camper-van (with a pet pig!) They focus on living an enjoyable life first, and focus on income second. All thanks to this program.
They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.
Living happily is the top priority.
If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, being a Digital Landlord might be for you!
Prosperity Of Life Review: What The Customers Are Saying
In Facebook Nic and Ali’s presentation was fantastic. There’s a lot of useful information mixed in with their motivational and wise thoughts. – Amy Hinchcliff
WOW what a great day, I tuned in for the virtual event and you guys nailed it, the excitement still shone through on the screen, we will all be able to attend these events in person soon, missed all the hugs and of course the after parties (I’m sure you all had a blast) So, a big thank you to GLC and, of course, Shane, Rach, and Greg, because none of us would have had this incredible opportunity if it weren’t for them.- Sue Bear
On these live streams, you will always learn something new – great advice for newbies.-Patricia Longfield
Can I Make Money In Prosperity Of Life?
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Many people deal with a lot of negative things that come with Network Marketing business model.
Don’t take this the wrong way.
You can totally make money with Network Marketing company, but if you’re going to put in the time and effort to learn the ropes (which isn’t as easy as they make it seem), you might as well make some real money while you’re at it.
How Much It Cost To Join Prosperity Of Life?
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Signing up for an interview on their website is the ONLY method to get into the company.
The other thing is, you have to have a sponsor in order to participate (ie, someone who referred you to the company).
That’s why, in any promotional videos or materials, they’ll always advise you to “contact the person who referred you to this company.”
You must enter your mobile phone number on the signup page for them to contact you and schedule an interview.
After that, you’ll need to pay for:
$49.95 for a starter kit
For $153/month, you can get marketing tools including Online Business Manager, Lead Vertex Pro, Lead Manager, and Conference Call System.
It doesn’t end there, unfortunately…no free training in this one.
Those two would not even let you earn money until you purchased their training materials.
You would not be paid a commission on your first two sales. The sponsor must be “passed up” on the first two sales.
This pass-up business strategy irritates me SO much, and I have previously raised the red flag on this pyramid scheme recruiting method.
People can only make money in the program by recruiting others to join the company and attend these expensive events.
That makes it akin to a pyramid scam, which is nearly impossible to profit from for the average person.
How Much Can I Earn With This Business Model?
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Compensation Plan Following the first two sales, here’s what you’ll get for each of the Prosperity of Life offers listed above:
M1 – $1,828 per sale profit potential
M2 – $5,000 per sale profit potential
M3 – $8,000
M7 – $3,672 per sale profit potential
M7 Fast Track – $5,000
These figures may seem like they have potential to be appealing. However, keep in mind that you had to pay thousands of dollars just to obtain the products in the first place.
This excludes the costs of advertising for them. You can spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on advertising to promote these products.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you can only earn commissions on products you purchase yourself.
For example, if you only purchase M1 Prosperity of Life but sell M2, your commission will be passed on to your sponsor (provided that your sponsor is qualified for M2).
If you want to earn commission on all products, you must first purchase them all yourself. That’s whack!
What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2022?
I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:
I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
I’ve drop-shipped a toilet-bowl putting green on Shopify
I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing
And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.
I’ve also been on the other side ofoldfriends trying to sell me their fancy new MLM products.
That being said, my #1 recommendation for makingrealmoney online is, hands-down: being aDigital Landlord.
Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, becoming a Digital Landlord is for you.
1.Time: If you’ve got a spare hour-or-two each day, you can do this. If you want to drop everything and go all-in, you can do this. More time obviously means faster results, but even putting in a few hours per day is enough to see real success.
And because of that flexibility, you don’t need to trade your time for money. Once the income starts, it’s recurring.
That means you can take a month off, travel the country, pursue a passion project, chill on the beach, or charter a boat across the world.
But you can only do that once you’ve created an income stream that doesn’t require YOU to be there all day, every day.
2.Ownership & Control:With MLMs, you don’t really “own” anything – everything belongs to the MLM.
If you read the contracts, they can kick you out at any time, or change your commission at any time (it’s happened in a few high-profile MLM cases recently).
Why pour your soul into a business that could be taken away from you at the drop of a dime?
When you’re a Digital Landlord, you literally own all of the assets, which means you have ultimate control.
3.Big Margins:With MLMs, you’re often going to have really slim margins. That means you need to have a VERY large network to make serious money. This usually entails spending A LOT of money on ads and other methods for recruiting members.
Being a Digital Landlord, your profit margin is nearly 100%.Watch here to learn how.
Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income online. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.
Best case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.
4.It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…
If you wanted to double your income with an MLM, you would need to sell twice as much inventory. And I can guarantee you, that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.
5.You’re Helping REAL People: My biggest gripe with MLMs is that you’re likely going to ruin your personal relationships.
The MLM may have convinced you that you’re actually helping people, but it’s often not really true.
But when you’re a Digital Landlord, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:
Small local businesses around the worldneedone thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If we can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.
You’re helping a struggling mother or father put FOOD on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.
Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.
So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other MLM programs likeProsperity of Life, whichmightmake you money 12 months from now.
You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.
OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.
Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.
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agent-bash · 2 years
What’s your best advice for getting started in archery? It’s a sport I’ve long been fascinated by and really wanted to try but I honestly have no idea where to start.
Hey Nonny, so glad you want to give archery a try, it’s a really great sport/hobby to have.
My best advice for getting started is to find formal lessons in your area. Just type in your location + archery lessons into google (or your preferred search engine) and see what pops up. You might have to go out of your way a little bit, so factor in how long you’re willing to travel if you have the means to do so. Window shop, see the reviews people have left and don’t be afraid to reach out to the ranges/coaches for more information if contact info is provided (and if it's not, I wouldn't be going there tbh). Try to go with a place that offers equipment rental instead of ones that make you provide your own gear. It might not be top of the line, but a part of any lesson is learning what side you actually need to shoot from (more on, this is a second).
It’s all well and good to learn from your friend’s cousin’s boyfriend’s uncle Joe out at a farm, but this is also how good faith advice can happen. In something more formal and structured like private lessons at an actual archery range, or a group course of the same, you have instructors/coaches that are a) usually trained and/or certified, and b) know a few different styles of archery to hit, not just their preferred. You’re also more likely this way to get set up the way you should be, which is by eye dominance, rather than shooting off your dominant hand. You’re also less likely to be over bowed (drawing too heavy a weight) or roped into getting gear that you don’t need or want.
Personally, I would go the private lesson route if it’s available. It’s more expensive, but you get individualized attention rather than maybe getting lost in the shuffle a little, as can happen in a group class.
Be cautious with Community Centre Programs. Some of them are legitimately great and are taught by instructors who know what they’re doing and are super passionate about archery and teaching it to others. Others are glorified summer camps with instructors who know ‘pull, point, shoot,’ and really are only there to make sure you don't get shot. And of course, not getting shot (or shooting someone) is important, but that's not all there is. In most cases, even the programs with great instructors, the gear leaves a little to be desired. Again those good programs really try, but it's not always easy, they have a budget and bows are expensive. Others will give you a bow not meant to be shot by anyone over the age of about 8 and tell you it's fine.
So yeah, that is my advice. Look online for lessons, pay attention to those reviews, and reach out if you’re able for more info.
OH and have fun with it! Always have fun with it!
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Effective Use Of Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization the buzzword in which responsible for creating millions of jobs, and thousands of companies. Any kind of corner from the Internet you this word and/or the abbreviation Go here Lookup engine. Many things has been said, and discussed about SEO. Crucial concept should be to increase an internet site . ranking inside of search engine result pages (SERP's) regarding your given keyword in order to combine website drivers.
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Step 6 - Build an online portfolio. Submitting helps an online site gain backlink s and niche credit. The more quality articles submitted, slightly more links to your website published on internet. These articles can be outsourced using a SEO company or backlink building company, simply make sure content material provided is niche specific and grammatically correct.
Time to get social! Social bookmarking sites are the best promote focus on the across user communities like Digg, Mixx, Stumble Upon etc. The trick is to get other users (or your network) to up vote, thumbs up, review or comment upon the content. More healthy the link you are building permanent, and inside more traffic as users generally select check links (and vote up links) that already has many votes. They key to social enlightenment is assistance!
Being an SEO expert, to be able to the basic tips on how you can make a good traffic in your client's web property. You have to work so actively in are. A good expert knows tips on how to create traffic on a web site while abiding the rules and doing only the legitimate SEO process. And being one of the finest experts, remember that you ought not to make a promise that you simply could put your client's how do people the 1 rank right. What you must guarantee your client though, is often a satisfactory result.
Submitting it to sites and creating links would be the most frustrating aspect of search engine optimization. Read the world wide web like a literal web; when observe clumps they may be hard to disregard right? By creating links to your site you make it more difficult for search engines to ignore it; you basically make it more solid to all involved. If you can make them one-way, all better.
Your keyword density always be be between 2% and 4%. Most people already can see this but they just don't understand so why. Knowing why will you comprehend how important is actually also and a person need seo service sri lanka. Keywords tell the search site what you do talking around. Too few keywords in the words and is identical think the keywords connect with the re-writing. To many and also the text is just too filed with keywords to useful to anyone.
Playing in the rules. There are plenty of strategies of getting fast rankings but several of are already actually black hat, or forbidden procedures. If you're found to be able to using them, you will finish up having a serious penalty, being taken out of the search engines! Needless to say, you should to subscription with a professional that uses this connected with optimization. It's not a good long term solution allowing it to only give you a little boost for a short schedule. Then you could cash price of a very stretch of time. Instead, stick to organic se optimization businesses that will keep things at the straight and narrow and start long lasting results.
This is exactly one way you can improve your engine placement and market your website through off page SEO. I've much information and facts available in this little website.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Someone Will Remember Us, Even in Another Time
A large part of this is inspired by the WardenIngoPC AU by @pointvee
Note: This is unfinished and I likely won’t be returning to it. It features scenes out of context, ends abruptly and is littered with placeholders/notes. If that’s a dealbreaker for you, you’re better off skipping this. 
That said, it’s a difficult one to really post about, because I ended up merging what I’d already written in one vein with a separate concept. There’s actually a (mostly) complete outline for this, but it’s legitimately over 9000 words long, and there’s just no way I’m getting it under control.
“You are definitely not allowed here.” Emmet said, blunt as ever.
True as that may have been, he didn’t need to say it to the Pokemon’s face.
The Pokemon in question stared down at them with two-toned eyes and blinked, unruffled by the declaration; it stepped forward with one gold-tipped hoof, then the other, intent on the pair of them as it strode nearer.
“I… suppose the rule states that a trainer can’t have a legendary Pokemon on their team, not that a legendary Pokemon itself can’t battle.”
“Ah.” Emmet said, all flat amusement, “The Air Bune loophole. What a cultured Pokemon.”
Emmet didn’t react at first, so used to seeing Pokemon charging his direction in a train car that, for just a second, he forgot there was no active Pokemon on his side of the field. It would have been a horrible mistake if Ingo hadn’t already thrown an arm around him and pulled the both of them to the side, turning his back just in time to clear the Pokemon’s path.
Coincidentally, it was this exact motion that [doomed him]. As soon as it drew even with them, the Pokemon seized the collar of his coat in its jaws and kept galloping, tearing the two apart. Emmet had just enough time to lunge forward, but not enough to catch his brother’s outstretched hand.
Before his foot met the floor, they were gone, and he was left alone in an [idk] car.
The security footage was simultaneously informative and utterly unhelpful. It showed the Pokemon appear out nowhere on the car prior to theirs and then promptly admit itself through the door. Normally, the ensuing battle would have been fascinating, but right now, Emmet couldn’t care less-- he reviewed it out of obligation, but was patiently waiting for the battle’s end.
He was aware of the depot agents congregating around, leaning closer than he’d prefer in order to parse what was happening onscreen. For now, he let them. Uncomfortable as it may have been, he’d appreciate any confirmation that he wasn’t actually seeing things.
Playback showed the Pokemon wind up and charge; Emmet saw himself stand dumbly in its path until Ingo dragged him away, and then watched-- a seething, passive observer-- as it stole his brother. The angle didn’t offer any new information. It displayed his [lunge] forward, but not the way their hands had just barely grazed each other as the Pokemon fled into a golden light.
This perspective was, however, easier to watch. The content was still terrible, there was no denying that, but the cameras were mounted in such a way that Ingo’s likeness was recorded from the back. When Emmet [reviewed] it, the panic in his twin’s eyes was a product of his memory and nothing more.
“You-- you battled that?” Cameron asked, incredulous.
“Boss Emmet,” Ramses began slowly, on his other side, “Where’s Boss Ingo?”
Emmet was unable to formulate a response, so he didn’t. Instead, he gave a low, frustrated growl.
“Okay.” Said Cloud from further back, “Okay. We-- we’ve gotta call someone, right? Who would know what that…? Lenora? Professor Juniper?”
Isadore, eyes fixed on the frozen screen, said nothing and pulled Cameron back.
Though he was grateful for the breathing room, Emmet couldn’t say as much; in one fluid motion, he rose from his chair and strode out of the security office. It was unheard of for one-- let alone both-- of the Subway Masters to depart from Gear Station unscheduled. Emmet couldn’t find it in himself to care, right now; willingly or not, Ingo had set the precedent, and he’d always looked to his older brother for social cues.
When he came back, Cameron was in the chair, vacillating between studying the screen and sketching something out on a stray piece of paper. Isadore stood next to him, scrolling through his phone as he tried to figure out what they were looking at. Normally, Emmet would take issue with the distractions. Not today.
“Emmet,” Elesa said slowly, looking at the frame Cameron had decided to use as a reference; it showed the Pokemon in something approaching profile, facing off against [pokemon], “What’s going on here?”
Tersely, he signaled to Cameron, who looked up from his misshapen quadruped and obediently let the footage play out
The news got out within three days.
Not the news of Ingo’s abduction, since Emmet had recruited anyone who would listen for three consecutive seconds in that regard-- no, somehow, the security footage leaked, and the reception was unfathomable.
Gear Station had to be shut down within the hour; too many people were crowding around, ignoring safety guidelines and impeding the ongoing investigation. Emmet had been forced to use his entire team and the rogue Chandelure to ensure that no civilians remained on the premises, and even then, people found creative ways to break and enter.
And suddenly, there was something new, something different.
The image was of tightly packed dirt, a white stripe visible on the very edge. Centered at the bottom were a pair of [old]-looking shoes.
“--sn’t recording last time, either. I just don’t get it.” There was an exasperated sigh, “You got it to work-- no chance you remember how, is there?” The speaker hissed in a sudden breath, the only noise to fill the silence for a moment.
“I shouldn’t have asked. Sorry.”
“There’s no need to apologize.”
“Yeah there is. I know it bothers you, and I was being insensitive.”
“I’m not so easily offended, Miss Akari; the circumstances are nonstandard, and I’m fully aware that it wasn’t your intention.”
The first speaker made a small noise of dissent. The second seemed to take that as a cue to intervene.
“Come on, now, let’s find the source of this malfunction. Perhaps we missed something early on that’s preventing your device from [idk]; you can’t leave the station if your equipment isn’t up to code. Remember, safety f-”
The video was focused on a Pokemon, bipedal with light fur and two claws on either paw. It was sitting on something dark-- someone’s lap, based on the fact that there were hands holding onto either set of claws, swaying them side to side the way one might play with an infant.
When the feed began, a man’s voice was already speaking, an indulgent sing-song as he moved the Pokemon’s claws.
“--round the lum berry bush the Aipom chased the Sneasel, the Aipom thought ‘twas all in good fun and--” The hands guided the claws toward one another, clacking them gently together, “--bop goes the Sneasel.”
He stopped shortly thereafter, posture shifting to turn toward the person holding the camera, incidentally showing off the carved wooden band on his wrist. As they spoke, it became immediately obvious it was the same pair from before.
Briefly, they talked about a Pokedex, and then, with the same air of entertainment he’d used on the Pokemon, the man said said, “I see. And this specific aspect of raising Sneasel was vital to your research, was it?”
There was a long silence, and then a resolute, “Yes.”
He chuckled. “Well, if you’ve got what you came for, I won’t keep you any longer-- unless you’d also like to bone up on the mechanics of claw sharpening.”
Though it was phrased like the answer was an obvious no, his tone suggested that it was a legitimate offer. The girl holding the camera hummed in consideration.
“They do the--” She must have gestured off-screen, because she didn’t elaborate further, and the camera bounced with an unseen motion, turning the Pokemon into a pale blur before the focus settled on the ground. “With rocks, right? That’d be good to see, but I’ve gotta run to the Fabled Spring before nightfall. I’ve been waiting forever for a full moon, and figured I’d camp out ahead of time, just so I don’t miss any Clefairy.”
“Ah, you’re wise to stay on schedule, then. Have a safe trip.”
“See ya!”
There was the dizzying blur and buffeted noise of a camera being moved quickly and carelessly, and, after a few seconds, it settled on the girl’s shoes as she walked, presumably looking down at her device.
“Oh shit.” She said, the second word muffled as she clapped a hand over her mouth, “It was recording, wasn’t it? That’s gonna be embarrassing.”
She stopped and turned at the waist, but the visuals stayed consistent as she took a hissing breath, “Welp. Sorry, Ingo.”
The camera adjusted as the interior lighting gave way to the sun, and, excited, she gasped, “Oh! Oh, this is gonna be good.”
Slowly, she crept across the dirt roadway, keeping her quarry onscreen. Her movements didn’t go entirely unnoticed-- the man in red from before kept a wary eye on her-- but she kept herself hidden where it counted, which was, admittedly, impressive; the main street was quiet enough that the conversation about ‘plump beans’ registered even from this far away.
Shifting the device to her non-dominant hand, Dawn presumably readied her ammo in one hand and took aim.
Their interaction seemed to end just a beat too soon-- the dark-clothed man tipped his hat and began to turn-- and Dawn panicked. The blur of a snowball [verb] less than a hand’s width from his face, and, running on instinct, he whirled around and boomed, “EMMET!”
The phone clattered to the ground, camera pointing up to where Dawn had abandoned it in an effort to protect her ears. An incredible silence settled over the street. It was broken as, somewhere in the near distance, a Kricketune cried.
As she tested the waters-- uncovering first her right ear, then her left-- Dawn lit up. “Who!?”
There was an awkward cough from off-screen, followed by a rough-sounding, “My apologies, Mister Choy.” and footsteps drawing nearer.
“Miss Akari, […], but you have to understand that throwing objects at passerby is a major safety violation.”
“Uh, sure. Won’t happen again, Ingo, promise.” Dawn said, crossing her heart as if to emphasize her sincerity. As soon as she’d completed the gesture, she wasted no time in launching into, “Who’s Emmet?”
There was a brief pause, “I beg your pardon?”
“That’s what you said when you were busy using Uproar! Do you think they were your partner? Or the man who likes winning?”
“Human.” He said instantly, “He’s human. He’s my…he’s...”
He broke off with a small, pained sound. At the same time, Dawn reached over, past the camera’s field of vision, and seemed to remember its presence; a flash of a grimace stole over her face and she gingerly set a foot over the lens.
“I apologize for my unscheduled departure, but please excuse me.”
After a second, Dawn removed her shoe from the camera. The last thing it picked up before she [picked it up] and stopped the recording was her worried expression.
The picture was composed, primarily, of lavender fur. A dozen light purple bodies sprawled out all over the place, varying from [size] to something that could be cupped in the palm of a hand. The Pokemon were unmistakably Sneasel, but no Sneasel like any on record, prior to the Bop Goes the Sneasel video; it was almost like they’d been inverted, the [dark] fur turned light and white claws stained dark. There was another creature at the top, but that was… complicated.
Because the odd Sneasel were sleeping on a person.
From the waist up, he was all pale colors-- a light pink tunic, fair skin, silver hair tied back in a lopsided bun that one baby had sleepily sunk its claws into-- but there was a dark splotch to his side, teeming with [baby] Sneasel. He had one arm wrapped around it, forming a dip so the [babies] couldn’t simply roll out of their bed.
Then there was the presumed Mama Sneasel. Situated at the top of the picture, she was letting the man’s head rest against her body, curled to help contain her young as they dozed on the lone human. Her eyes were closed, head turned to tuck her face against the man’s neck and hands with three massive, razor sharp claws laying lazily on his chest.
The photo was posted alongside two words: For Emmet.
Ten minutes later, there was a continuation. The Pokemon at the top-- not a Sneasel at all, given the size discrepancy and key physiological differences-- was awake this time, her posture slightly different. She’d moved to lay her head on one arm, the other drawn up, idly working through a visible tangle in the man’s hair. The man himself was little better than asleep, but his eyes were cracked open and looking in her general direction. He seemed unbothered by the claw so close to his face.
This, too, was accompanied by a caption.
Wady Sneaswer wuvs her warden.
That would have been the end of it, but it was also followed by another picture-- a return to the candid snapshot style that had begun the entire [?]. Instead of a head-on shot of a horizontal surface, the picture seemed to depict the room itself, from the perspective of someone standing mostly-upright. The large not-Sneasel-- ‘Wady Sneaswer’-- was propped up on one elbow watching amusedly as the man shot upright, one wide-eyed Sneasel clutching his hair. In the foreground, Dawn fled, a blurry grin visible on her face.
The feed went silent.
“Akari has been training a Rotom recently.” Ingo said from behind the device, conversational. “It has an interesting habit of changing its form in accordance to the… items she’s obtained from the Ginkgo Guild. I seem to remember that they have a function, but for the life of me, I couldn’t begin to guess at what they are.”
He seemed to be climbing a rocky incline as he spoke, giving a Bronzong a wide, respectful margin as he crossed its path. As he neared the top, he hesitated, distracted.
“It appears Melli is attending to duties elsewhere today.” He murmured. It still echoed back at him. “I mean no disrespect, but perhaps that… makes this simpler.”
“You see, my goal is to observe the Pokemon in its base form. Lady Sneasler’s children have caught the ire of a Rotom in the past, which led me to believe it was a ghost Pokemon-- it’s become quite clear, however, that this is not the case for its altered shapes. [...]”
“Hey, wait!”
There was a brief scuffle and a high, electric snicker, followed by the phone all but flying out of its owner’s grasp. A hand passed by the lens, scrambling to grab the device.
“This was not at all what I intended! Sir or madam, I must insist that you return that at once.”
[it devolves into him chasing the Rotom for awhile. Eventually he sics Gliscor on it and battles the phone, which comes out unscathed. The racket catches Melli’s attention, however, and he complains out-of-shot.]
Reaching to tilt the brim of his hat down, Ingo dropped the hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Sinnoh, grant me patience.” He successfully whispered, and stooped down to retrieve the phone.
[username]: If Sinnoh gave him strength, Melli would be dead.
“So I got to the Highlands this morning--” Dawn puffed, haphazardly recording a craggy incline full of Bronzor as she ran, “-- and the torches in Wayward Cave were gone. Again. That’s-- that’s a thing. That’s been going on for awhile.”
She stopped talking for a moment, catching her breath and swiftly maneuvering around what looked like a series of grave markers.
“Melli takes them down and-- hff-- Ingo has to put them back up. But then! I heard! The word ‘safety’! From all the way down in the Bolderoll Ravine!” She took a gasping breath, unwilling to sacrifice her speed, and continued, “And if Melli’s about to get his ass kicked, I can’t miss it. I can’t. Hooo. Okay. Just a little farther-- an-- anyway people in our time like battles, yeah? I like them. Ingo likes them. And if this is-- hff-- really happening, I wanna be able to relive it later.”
“With all due respect,” Ingo said, in tones that subtly suggested the amount due was, in fact, none, “I would vastly prefer we didn’t fight over this. It seems to me that concessions can be made on both our parts; I’m certain I’ve seen Pokemon cohabitate with humans in tunnels far more active than the ones here.”
“That Earthq-- Earth Power Gliscor used! I’ve seen that before-- I didn’t know Pokemon in Hisui could learn it, though!”
There was a low, sleepy “Scorrrr” from the side, and a swishing tail crossed the lens’s path as it filmed a Bronzor giving their backs a dirty look.
“You have? Perhaps that’s where I’m getting it from, then. For some time now, I’ve had the strangest feeling that, once mastered, Earth Power should have a wider range of effect, but none of the Pokemon I’ve observed have demonstrated such an attack. We’ve been working on this for quite some time.” There was a break for a gleeful chirp, and the glimpses of Gliscor’s tail were replaced by a leathery wing as it swooped down. It obstructed a good third of the frame. “Ah, time to roost, is it? Rest well, you’ve earned your [break].”
Gear Station Official: Of course that’s what he remembers. If Hisuian Gliscor have Mold Breaker, I will not be held accountable for my actions.
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