#but the problem persists……
kirsctein · 4 months
sometimes the way ppl write Dan especially is just very problematic
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Kinda crazy how the most immediate problems with communist nations were a lot of the exact same problems everywhere else, and almost all stemming from the abuse of authority and power and disdain for the people. I am seeing a pattern of problems here and it actually doesn't have much to do with the economic system but it does have a lot to do with having insular foreigners in powerful positions
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Isn't it exhilarating? That Percy and Nico both care for each other but neither can realize that, the same way neither can deliver said care transparently.
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blorbocedes · 2 months
honestly makes sense now why redbull chose to reaffirm the keeping checo news instead of letting the rumours eat itself because letting a midseason swap hang in the air while JW leaves would imply team instability rather than usual rdbl ruthlessness
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eleneressea · 1 year
the Valar seem pretty content to primarily punish the ringleaders and let their followers go, so the Fëanorian followers probably get re-embodied well before their lords do
thus when Elrond shows up Formenos is not so much a lone fortress of exile as a bustling city where all the Fëanorians live, as most of them don't really want to swear loyalty to Finarfin and also don't tend to get along with the various other factions in Tirion
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raymoo--hackery · 2 months
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I drew a thing for a fic oomf wrote because it was so hot I started ovulating <3
vvv -Here's a link to the fic btw- vvv
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unordinary-diary · 3 months
I’ve discussed before the parallels between Blyke and John, but here I shall call attention to the way that the two of them are drawn.
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Unfortunately I don’t appear to have any good pictures of Blyke OR John where Blyke isn’t getting beaten up, but I’m here to point out how similar they look. They wear the same uniform, of course, they have similar builds, the same haircut/style, and the same eye color.
Even later on in the series, when Uru-chan began to vary the facial features of the characters (namely eye shape), Blyke and John remained strikingly similar.
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(There was also a point in time where Blyke’s hair was drawn more out to the sides, presumably to differentiate him from John post-hair gel, but it is not drawn that way anymore.)
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I’d like to point out this panel:
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This was taken from the season 2 part 1 recap.
It... really looks like john is beating up himself. Of course, we as the audience recognize that panel and we know that it’s Blyke, but the two of them could’ve been switched and it would look the same. I believe that this was an intentional choice; not all flashback panels have the same effects on them, and this particular effect happens to make Blyke’s hair look black. Also, with the panel that is chosen, Blyke’s face is not visible. Even if their faces did look significantly different, we wouldn’t be able to tell.
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fredoesque · 30 days
LOVE franklin's "that's what you tell the men" speech actually sorry. you just know morale was so much better on erebus than it was on terror
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kitsunusa · 4 months
When will this sadness end. Why is it every singke time I find joy it's crushed by my own hand. A previous flower of peace, cruppled up. And when I unfurl my fist, letting the wind take away the gentle petals. And then weeping at it's loss, pathetically weeping despite the fact it's my own corruption that ruins my life.
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adacayifedaisi · 26 days
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Don’t underestimate your room for growth. Happy Sunday ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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tinyfantasminha · 10 months
Hi I’m not sure if you’re aware put people are going around screenshotting your tumblr and sharing it on callout and adult yume hate tweets. I felt so weird messaging that’s why anon but I wanted to let you know about it, with the harassment and doxxing that has happened recently! I’m a fellow Jack yume and adore your art so this is sad to see.
This is one of the occurrences.
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So called ''normal people'' when they got nothing to do
Yeah I'm aware of the rabid anti-yume swarm in twitter..... I've seen plenty of moots getting hate campaigns and being doxxed to the point where I'm almost desensitized to it. What's the point of persecuting yumeshippers?? Especially the adult ones who quite literally keep the game alive and running for consuming and making content and buying merch? So they can feel entitled to the non-existent anime boy and feel morally superior for not having ''disGusTInG THOUGHTS'' about an imaginary little guy despite literally commiting a cybercrime and thinking they've just did a favor society?? Truly a priviledged chronically online teenager moment™
I was already expecting to get hate at some point but thankfully I've been focusing on my academic and social life lately so discourses online just seem more and more insignificant and irrelevant (as they always should be) going outside and touching grass is really healing and important to make you realize that there are greater irl problems to worry about than protecting fictional characters and harassing strangers on the internet, everybody should do that methinks 🧡
I might be a target of doxxing one day and honestly??:? I don't care. It's gonna be funny as hell. Cause it's probably some american teenager who thinks that doxxing an user in another country is gonna make the FBI arrest me for kissing my fictional blorbo in my head and that I'll be beaten up on the streets lol. Mini Karen, I assure you no one in south america cares about fictional character discourses to the point of making threats as much as people in the US do (and u guys somehow think that's normal behaviour) much LESS in my city, it's gonna do nothing 😭
Anyway, thanks for the heads up!!! I hope you thrive with your yume with Jack, he needs more love, don't let gatekeeper losers ruin your vibe 💗💗💗💗
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inquisitor-apologist · 3 months
Yo Star Wars. How come the only Black man on the show had his neck snapped in full view of the camera while all the nonblack characters got bloodless lightsaber stabs? How come Black characters always die violently?
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mstudi0s · 4 months
You're blaming yourself for their lack of maturity :
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What does that mean? So you're dealing with someone who is refusing to give you proper communication and talk to you. So what do you, you start looking at yourself. Seeing where you could have done better. Wondering if maybe you had not said this or had said that, it would have led to a more productive conversation of better results.
Introspection is a very healthy tool and, in fact, can lead to growth as well as allow you to have compassion for those around. I have learned so much about myself through this tool. but sometimes, our tools can become weapons. The very hammer I use to build a house is the same one that can be used to kill a man.
So this person then continues on with their immaturity, never giving you that proper communication that you need. What happens now is you're the one constantly trying to do better, constantly seeing where you want wrong and how you can fix this. Constantly wondering if this is your fault and maybe it was best you two had never crossed paths in the first place. It's always you doing the work while they do nothing.
This constant state slowly eats away at you, like some disease that slowly breaks down the body, leaving nothing left and wondering how you got there in the first place. It takes your once healthy mindset of clear skies and turning it into one of chaos and storms. You always feel like you're the problem and never doing anything right when, in fact, it's not you who did anything wrong but the lack coming from the other person you believed you wronged.
I want you to know that their immaturity is not your burden or demons to bear and showing grace and compassion has not you made you weak but it's a sign of someone who's survived some really rough days and long nights. You've done nothing besides trying to see the good in someone who can't even give you the time of the day, and that is a brave and powerful thing to do.
But you can stop now, it's ok to walk away. And there is no sorry you owe except the one you owe yourself for allowing it to get here.
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consistently amazed by my own ability to Not Do The Things I'd Like To Be Doing, actually
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clonehub · 6 months
The bad batch has some of the shallowest writing I've seen in ages. The wrong character interactions get the attention, while the audience is left with a "tell, don't show" style of narrative storytelling that just leaves people unsatisfied left right and center. Hunter is upset because he feels guilty (a generous read imo) for letting omega get captured while Crosshair was the one to escape with her. Hunter is not mad at Crosshair for his decision to choose the Empire, which led to Tech's death. Hunter is not mad that Crosshair joined the regime that literally mind controlled him into attempting to set them on fire.
Omega afaik never had a solid, positive interaction with Crosshair the way she did with the rest of the bad batch all during seasons one and two. Crosshair tried multiple times to kill her, under influence of the chip. He objectively knew this and still chose the Empire. Omega also objectively knew this and forgives him anyways? And still has faith in him? She was hurt over his decision to stay, but never harbored any fear or resentment. Just pure and total love. And now she's guiding him through dealing with his trauma by meditating on sunset-lit beaches.
Wrecker is still a non-character who doesn't lead and hardly participates in any meaningful way in conversations. I don't recall him having any extensive conversations with any of the other batchers. I remember Tech being snappy with him, and Crosshair saying he has a tiny mind back in season 1. He has cute moments with Omega, but doesn't get developed outside. He doesn't get developed at all, really, besides following the narrow track of the trope set out for him.
The entire emotional arc of the series is dedicated to everyone around Crosshair forgiving him for his choice to join the Empire, but...he's never once thus far actually seemed remorseful. Does he condemn the Empire's violence? Does he look sad or regretful that he got so many of Howzer's men killed on Ryloth? Does he say "I hate what the Empire did to clones, I hate that they used chips on us, I hate that they made me oppress people throughout the galaxy, I hate that the Empire is a violent oppressive regime hurting innocents"? No. He says "The Empire wasn't loyal to me." He doesn't justify what he did, but he definitely doesn't regret it.
(Which is funny because soon afterwards, Rex is able to sow the seeds of doubt into Wolffe's mind that the Empire is bad because they're making him hunt a child.)
And the writers do the laziest thing in the world by having this potentially massive conflict between two characters and using rescue/saving their life as a stand in for a real conversation. Crosshair saves Hunter from the ice worm, they nod, and now they're chill/more chill. They present this as if anything else was a viable option, as if Crosshair would have reasonably or realistically left Hunter to get eaten by the giant ice worm. Then they frame Hunter and Crosshair's mistakes (for the former, I have no idea what) as on par with one another. After their non-argument, Crosshair saves Howzer's life (?), they nod, and that's it. Forgiven.
Halfway through the season and the writing still feels just as unbalanced as it did in season 1. Multiple people keep talking about how they feel like coworkers and roommates with guns rather than brothers. The writers do a better job saying the word loyalty than actually showing it. The majority of the emotional burden is being put on Omega, the only prominent female character in the series and a child. Why is she the emotional support group for a group of grown men? It's just classic misogyny. I'm amazed that type of trope even reared its head again, it's been so long since I've seen it.
Even the writers don't seem to know how to express the batchers' supposed love for one another. No, saving each other's lives is not proof of a deep love or even respect for one another. That's bare minimum. That's SoP. Them leaving each other to die would be the extreme thing, not the other way around. They hardly mention Tech. They had a forced-feeling "hang our heads in silence at the mention of tech's name", and every time after that he's been mentioned as far as his usefulness to the squad. Maybe the second half of the season will have people actually confront Crosshair about Tech. The "Don't have the heavy emotional conversations" thing has been a problem since The Clone Wars, unfortunately. Pretend Teth didn't happen. Pretend Umbara and the Kadavo arc didn't happen. Don't show Rex's reaction to Ahsoka leaving at ALL. Don't show Omega informing Crosshair of Tech's death, which is WILD to me.
Some people claim that the Bad Batch have had six or so months to grieve and mourn, and they're seasoned soldiers who've experienced loss and death before, so they're used to this. The former I can see, but the latter? Who would they have been losing? They're not connected to other clones, rarely worked with them, and never liked them. What losses have they fielded beforehand? They don't even act like 99 or share his values.
I know I'm not alone in this, and at this rate I'm probably beating a dead horse, but it bears repeating: Crosshair hasn't condemned Empire violence, he's only condemned how they treat him in particular. This is a dangerous way to present fascism and why people choose fascist organization/regimes. There's absolutely a personal element to it. Arrogance. Ego. Material or emotional insecurity. But there's an external part as well: desire for control, hierarchy, order, violence. Fascists understand that the ideology is violent. That's why they join the regime. They want and support the subjugation of those they believe deserve it. In real life, this is people of color, women, disabled people, immigrants, the "degenerates" of society, and others. In Star Wars, that's the aliens and the enslaved, the "traitors" and the Rebels. Fascists being "lead astray" or "misguided" by thoughts of loyalty or personal power come secondary to oppressing others.
Maybe they'll address that in the second half of the season. It's a generous read, but I don't want to make any calls til I've seen everything. Unfortunately, every interaction Crosshair has with people has been designed to service their forgiveness of him, all without him actually apologizing for anything. Yes, he must explicitly apologize. He joined a fascist regime after they made him do terrible, heinous things. The text tells us that Crosshair only left because the Empire wasn't loyal to him. Anything other than a clear apology would be bad and frankly dangerous writing.
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macksartblock · 6 months
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Idk what this means but I hope I get well soon
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