#but that are fun and inspiring and nourishing instead
blossom-sims · 11 months
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Elemental Legacy Challenge for TS3
Hi all, this is my first Sims 3 legacy challenge I've made myself, it is a result of my boredom on a Saturday evening but it was a lot of fun, so I'll throw this at you ☺
This elemental legacy challenge is for The Sims 3 and spans 9 Generations. It is inspired by the Chinese Zodaic Elements and also inspiration from my favourite JRPG's which utlise a lot of elemental themed magic. It has guided ideas and generational requirements with story themes throughout. Feel free to tag me if you have a go at this ✨
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I have listed the intended requirements for each generation, move on to the next generation once the requirements are complete or the next heir becomes a young adult
I have listed some guidance on careers, lifetime wishes and traits. I recommend taking 2-3 of the traits listed but they aren't mandatory
You can use money cheats if you wish, I've tried to write the generational order to put you in the desired financial spot for storytelling, but please just have fun with it
Please do alter and play this how you wish & how your stories pan out, the guidance is just there for ideas and isn't meant to limit you
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Generation 1 - Earth
Child of earth, you are grounded and resillient. Your goal is to provide your family with solid foundations for the generations to come. You are selfless, stubborn and driven. You know what you want and will work your upmost to achieve it. Your ambitious and frugal nature can get on other's nerves and prompts the question: with so much planning for the future, are you really taking time to enjoy your own life?
Traits: Ambitious, Frugal, Natural Cook, Snob, Workaholic
Job: Medical Career
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon
Begin in a starter house. You should not move lots or houses this Generation and instead add extensions onto your house when needed
Master the cooking and nectar making skills
Fall in love and marry one person in your lifetime
Do not have children until you reach level 8 of your career
Save 20,000 for the next generation
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Generation 2 - Water
Child of water, thanks to your parents hardwork, you had a carefree childhood and now plenty of savings behind you. You are a calm free spirit that lets the oceans currents carry you to your next adventure. You are in no rush to settle in one place just yet, why rush when you are having such fun? Your time for settling down will come evetually. Whatever will be will be.
Traits: Adventurous, Loves to swim, Commitment Issues, Easily Impressed, Athletic
LTW: Seaside Saviour/Seasoned Traveler/Deep Sea Diver
Job: Lifeguard
Travel to 3 different destinations
Do not get married and settle down until adulthood
Have at least 3 children with 3 different people you meet in your travels
Master the diving skill
Own a boat or live in a houseboat
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Generation 3 - Fire
Child of fire, you are passionate and hot-headed, throwing yourself headfirst into your work and relationships with a grandeur flair. You wear your heart on your sleeve, making many flock to you for friendship or more. Your self-awareness around your temper certainly helps your popularity as you channel your temper into your physical fitness. You certainly aren't burning out anytime soon!
Traits: Social Butterfly, Hot-Headed, Artistic, Loves the Heat, Flirty
LTW: Super Popular
Job: Self-employed Painter
Master the painting and martial arts skills
Have at least 20 friends and maintain friendships until you are an elder or the next generation takes over
Have 3 passionate lovers in your lifetime
Throw a party once per week
Woohoo once per week
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Generation 4 - Grass
Child of grass, you just can't get enough of babies, especially your own! Your family and their wellbeing are your whole world. You live to nourish, protect and teach your loved ones. However, you have been told on one or more occasions that you can be overbearing...a helicopter parent perhaps? Don't they know you only want what is best for them?
Traits: Nurturing, Perfectionist, Loves the Outdoors, Family Orientated, Green Thumb,
LTW: Surrounded by Family/The Perfect Garden
Job: Daycare
Have a garden and live off the land, using your grown produce for meals
Max the gardening skill
Fall in love and marry your childhood sweetheart
Have 5 children and a bad relationship with at least one
Teach all of your children their toddler skills
Live within your means in a small-medium house - never have more than 10,000 in household funds
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Generation 5 - Ice
Child of ice, your parents doting nature only added onto your pressure. You never felt like you fit in with your family, never felt understood. They were all so extroverted and loud whilst you much preferred your quiet isolation. Perhaps that's why you prefer animals over people. You have a lot of love to give, I can only hope you will find someone to share that with (who is not one of your many pets).
Traits: Shy, Animal Lover, Hates the Outdoors, Savvy Sculptor, Loves the cold
LTW: Descendant of Da Vinci
Jobs: Self employed Sculptor/Painter/Inventor
Have a poor relatioship with your parents and siblings, you will leave your childhood family home as soon as you age into a young adult
Have 3 pets at one time
Only leave your house when necessary
Meet your lover through online dating
Master the sculpting and inventing skills
Have a child through the time machine
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Generation 6 - Electricity
Child of electricity, you sure are a shocker! You thrive in the spotlight and want all eyes on you, for better or worse. You would never miss an opportunity to make a good story for the headlines. Rumours have been circulating that your appearances are a rouse: you're broke, narcissistic and even miserable! They're just jealous of your fame and fortune...right?
Traits: Inappropriate, Star Quality, Charismatic, Daredevil, Irresistible
LTW: Superstar Actor/Rock Star/Vocal Legend
Job: Actor/Musician/Singer
Reach Celebrity Level 5
Reach Level 10 of your chosen career
Have 3 negative scandals in your lifetime
Act inappropriately once per week
Live beyond your means - live in a large mansion and keep your household funds below 5,000. Spend any additional income on items, spa treatments and activities
Have a fall from grace and leave your children with nothing
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Generation 7 - Metal
Child of metal, you know what it's like to be at rock bottom. Due to your parents neglect and carelessness, you taught yourself all you know to get by and find your next meal, even if you aren't proud of it. You are stubborn, self-reliant and one hell of an evil genius. You won't hit rock bottom again. Ever.
Traits: Evil, Kleptomaniac, Genius, Night Owl, Rebellious
LTW: Become a Master Thief
Job: Criminal Career
As a teen: consistently maintain D's at school, skip school, pull pranks and steal from neighbours
Work for tips as a mixologist in your young adulthood
Master the mixologist skill and learn every drink recipe
Have a found family
Steal an item every week
Never fall below 2,000 simoleons when you are independant. If you do or are about to, start doing whatever is necessary. We will never hit rock bottom
Marry a rich sim, have a child with them and kill your partner off
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Generation 8 - Air
Child of air, your life so far has been turbulent and chaotic. Your parents death has scarred you and you have floated through life lost. You try to travel on the right path for your late parent, but you can't help but feel there is more to life than what meets the eye. There are sounds at night that wake you, unexplained foresight into future events and a pull to the paranormal. Perhaps it is time to stop fighting this unknown path and instead let the winds carry you to where you are meant to be.
Traits: Good, Light Sleeper, Unlucky, Over-Emotional, Neurotic
LTW: Master of Mysticism/Paranormal Profiteer
Job: Fortune Teller/Ghost Hunter
Join a base game job in young adulthood. Quit once you reach level 3
Reach level 10 of your chosen career
Donate money to charity every week to honour your late parent
Marry a supernatural or one of your clients
Do one exceptionally good thing in your lifetime (examples include: cure a supernatural, adopt a child, revive a dead sim)
Have a close relationship with your children
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Generation 9 - Space
Child of space, you certainly are special. With your parents holding a unique view on the world and the afterlife, you grew up with an open mind and childlike awe of life's wonders and mysteries. Your parents advocated for you to question the world, and question you did! You excelled in your studies and took a particular interest in space. Is it true you become a star if you die?
Traits: Genius, Childish, Athletic, Slob, Ambitious
LTW: Perfect Student
Job: Military
Keep straight A's throughout school
Go to university and achieve a perfect GPA
Master the logic skill
Reach space by becoming an astronaut (Reach level 10 of the military career)
Have an alien baby
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
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Alys’s motives are unclear, and her expanded interactions with Daemon are a change from Fire & Blood, in which all that’s written of their relationship is “Whatever her powers, it would seem Daemon Targaryen was immune to them, for little is heard of this supposed sorceress whilst the prince held Harrenhal.”
(She’s also seemingly no longer a wet nurse with breast milk “that flowed so abundantly” it “nourished countless babes born of other women at Harrenhal.”)
Yet her willingness to call Daemon on his shit — Rankin says “no” ten times when I ask whether Alys cares about his obsession with being called “Your Grace” instead of “my prince” — and her unapologetically spooky aura give the character a decidedly different feel from the original in George R.R. Martin’s source material.
"Yes, absolutely."
"It’s hard not to."
"It’s the perspective I come from as a person on the planet."
"As an artist, I’m really curious about uplifting women and disenfranchised peoples of all kinds."
"That’s part of what this show is about, if this is like the female Game of Thrones."
"Olivia and Emma do an incredible job of paving the way for nuanced stories about women in power, and Alys comes in as an extra foil to that narrative."
"It’s a thing I was struggling with every day."
"How do you play someone who is mysterious? How do you ground them, and make her a person with wants and needs and desires? As this season unfolds, you start to feel like there’s a story there, a person and a history."
"I know it."
"It was really personal."
"That was a lot of work I had to do privately, and hopefully we’ll feel and see more specific details at some point."
"I do believe she’s a maester of sorts, and a healer in many senses of the word."
"Whether or not Alys’s potions are actually potions, she’s kept Harrenhal on its feet for generations, in terms of just like, keeping people alive — or not."
"Well, there wasn’t enough room, you know." [Laughs]
"It’s a pretty hard job keeping Harrenhal afloat, keeping everybody safe and well, and keeping control."
"It’s a powerful space in and of itself, maybe one of the most powerful, and to have this woman running it, essentially, is really fascinating to me."
"She’s kind of like the First Lady of Harrenhal, if there was a government."
"She knows all the really wonderful spots to go swimming and do fun, pleasurable things."
"She’s spent a lot of time figuring out how to be by herself, but that’s like a blessing and a curse after 400 years."
"It’s both, but they’re in competition with one another, which I think is inherently female."
"How are we to be as women in this world? Are we allowed to be vulnerable and also ambitious? Is there room for them in our society?"
"There’s something about her that’s trying to prove maybe there is, but it’s a fight."
"My workshop was so specific."
"I hope we get to go back there."
"I loved how tactile it was — I had a bunch of ingredients that I could build the potion with."
"It was very comforting and it made me feel like I had been there for centuries."
"It felt very lived in and feminine, like a sanctuary, you know?"
"This tells me something about this person, that they have fought hard to build something for themselves, an identity."
"It was blackberries and crushed-up rose petals and some other dried fruit, I think dried oranges."
"It got to a point after so many takes where I was like, I have to stop adding things into this, I really don’t know what’s in this now, which is amazing for the scene."
"I’ll let the audience decide whether or not it’s on purpose that she lets Daemon see that she’s tasting it first. But who knows what Alys can withstand?"
"It’s an interesting question about daring him on and seducing him in some way, too."
"I would say that there are no other characters that have been repeated in the House of the Dragon world, so I’m not sure why we would start now."
"The dress I wear — that’s like her uniform, really — is purple."
"Purple is actually quite a royal color, and I like it because it’s neither green nor black, and it’s not attaching itself to any side."
"Alys has her own identity and she travels in some ways right down the middle."
"It’ll be interesting to see where we go in terms of her color palette."
"I recently rewatched the Kristen Stewart movie Personal Shopper, by Olivier Assayas."
"That movie undoes me: There’s something so grounded and realistic about it that I could imagine that happening to me."
"There’s something weirdly Harrenhal-y about it, too, because of the water and the kind of damp, echoey, very subtle beginning of the presence."
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prettieinpink · 1 year
being smart makes u prettier !!
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If you’re somebody who’s not an active student rn, you’re on holiday, you want to become more smarter, looking for brain exercises before studying or you just want to be smarter without studying everyday this post is 4 u!!!!
This is crazy to me, the amount of people who don’t read is so high. You don’t even have to read a hard-copy book, just reading an article is literally enough to keep your brain exercising. 
Some benefits i’ve noticed with reading consistently are my memory is literally boosted and my vocabulary is better. Though, i’ve only started reading every night like 2 months ago. 
It does not need to be an educational or extensive literature book. Even some random book like an fantasy romance is gonna give you the same benefits. 
Start writing whatever 
This goes in pair with reading, but writing is literally the best brain exercise ever. Even if its journaling or some stupid short story, it all counts plus its really fun
One you begin writing, your mind just becomes less cluttered and you’re just less stressed. And its a perfect creative outlet for those who arent as artsy 
Focus meditations
Before literally any task, whether its deep or shallow work but its still exerts your mental energy, do a focus meditation
Helped me become 10x productive and its so much easier to get into the flow of work 
So important if you're an student or studying anything!!!
Download elevate!!
Its available on IOS but idk about androids 
Basically it's an app where you can do three mental exercises each day, and it keeps track of your progress and gives you highlights after each session 
It helps with mental maths, communication, eloquence and general writing!
Learning how to think on your own
It's crazy to me how much people rely on the internet. You do not need to scroll pinterest each time for outfit inspiration, searching up writing prompts each time you write or even ask the internet for personal advice
When people are bored, so instead of just being bored they decide to consume a whole lot of content that is not nourishing the mind 
Its definitely okay to do, but not always
So take a step back, and ask yourself, ‘could I really survive a day of doing tasks without once using any source of the internet?’ ‘is this media allowing my mind to flourish? Or is it killing it?’
Thinking by yourself is now such a valuable skill, if you don't have it, DEVELOP IT. 
Randomly research everything
If u get curious about something don’t just let it float in your head, taking up mental space
Instead research it! Even the little things like an random flower, how are playgrounds manufactured, the history of beds or the most expensive pencil ever.
conservations are so easy 4 me now because i know a lot of random stuff that the usual person doesn't care about! It makes it so easy for you to stand out too
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shr00mie-rat · 3 months
(Unoriginal) The Stanley parable/Portal 2 AU
I've seen many AUs of TSP and Portal, but most of time I notice them just swapping GLaDOS and Chell with the Narrator and Stanley, so I did what all sane people do, so behold (Cut bc drawings are too big + fun facts):
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I tried to swap/include/change as many things as I could, and sorry if Portal 1 is very empty, I don't really know what much else to put
Fun facts about the AU:
the reason NARRaToR is a Lemon it's not bc of Cave's "Don't Make Lemonade" rant, it's actually inspired on another TSP AU made by @/voidsnarrator (check out their acc btw, they're the best)
The bread thing comes from the apartment ending, I was looking through endings to find anyplace where they mention food and could only find that, if anyone knows another ending with better nourishment for Stanley, please lmk 🙏
Unlike Chell, Stanley is straight up mute
it took me a day to find a good acronym for NARRaToR (and I still don't really like it)
The Boss takes Cave Johnson's place but because we don't know how he looks like I decided just to rip his paintings
Timekeeper served a similar purpose to NARRaToR as Wheatley did to GLaDOS, to distract them from murder, but instead of giving bad ideas, he just rambled nonsense about time and how important are people for telling you the time
The adventure core's name is Adeleine and only plays the Following Stanley track from the TSP OST instead of doing whatever tf Rick does on the original game
Following last fact, Timekeeper core's name is James/Jim, Observer core's name is Adam (from Aman) and Curator core doesn't have one
Mariella and Stanley's buckets are the only two ones in the whole facility
Instead of a wheatfield, Stanley is let go into a valley similar to the one in the freedom ending
This AU is still a WIP and some things may change later, so any criticism and feedback are welcome and appreciated! :]
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scarvi-tealdisc · 8 months
Heya! So this is my first time writing a fic for these characters! Pokemon Scarvi has become one of my favorite games to date, with the latest DLC igniting a love for the BB E4 cast. Especially Drayton, seeing that he reminds me of another white haired character (Friede from Pokemon Horizons) that I love haha
This fic is inspired from this ask response by @cheemken! It's a self indulgent piece mixed in with doses of self projection, and I had fun writing it! I'm hoping to get a better handle of their characters as I write more stuff about these characters in the future!
Series: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet | Indigo Disc DLC
Characters: Drayton, Crispin
Warnings: Plot involving food, eating food, intentions of feeding someone food
Crispin knew it’d be tough going into this but someone had to do it.
“C’mon Drayton, we gotta move all of this to the storeroom or else Lacey’s gonna flip!” Crispin stated in exasperation. He had his hands on his hips, trusty frying pan set aside for once. Narrowed eyes settled on his friend, who barely moved beyond lifting their head. 
“But there’s just so much of it. Can’t we just pile it in the corner and call it a day?” Drayton whined, sporting a cheeky grin that got Crispin’s blood boiling. 
Argh, why can’t he understand that they should have done this yesterday? Crispin wasn’t keen in seeing Lacey’s angry, disappointed frown even if it wasn’t directed at him! Drayton should know that she’d be on their case again for slacking off!
“Nope! These boxes needed to be moved yesterday but you wanted to nap first! No napping now! Move first, nap later!” Crispin’s insistence eventually led him to straight up grab Drayton’s wrist, tugging him to his feet.
Drayton wasn’t expecting this so they had no choice but to get up lest they faceplanted on the floor instead. While his friend rubbed the back of their neck, grumbling about feisty peppers or something, Crispin stared quizzically at his hand.
Why was he able to…?
“If you’re gonna make me get up for this, don’t zone out now.” Drayton’s voice snapped him out of the brief trance he was in. Right, they had stuff to do now. He should focus on completing this task first.
Hours later, Crispin still couldn’t forget it. He stared at his hand, fingers curling and uncurling around an imaginary wrist. He gently circled his own wrist with a thumb and forefinger, frown deepening.
Crispin didn’t realize how skinny Drayton actually was. Was it their attire that gave them the illusion of looking more filled out? He supposed the jacket hid their upper torso, while the cape wrapped around their waist made it seem… fuller or something. He wasn’t sure the right terminology to use, only that it didn’t sit right with him.
With how often Drayton snacked in the clubroom, the idea that he wasn’t eating enough never crossed Crispin’s mind. Sure, Drayton laziness rivalled that of a Slakoth but he didn’t think his friend would be too lazy to eat… unless there were other reasons? 
It made his head hurt a little when he tried to think too deeply on it. Crispin can’t just go out and ask them anyway. Knowing Drayton as well as he did, they’d probably wave of his concern, claiming that he was seeing things or something. Yet Crispin just can’t forget how thin their wrist felt. He hated the idea that one of his friends might not be eating enough.
After a brief brainstorming session that would’ve caused smoke to leak out of his ears, Crispin came up with a plan. He wasn’t as good as Drayton when it came to sneaking around and cooking up schemes but he was good at actual cooking.
Let's see what he had in his recipe book…
When Crispin poked his head into the clubroom, his eyes quickly landed on Drayton's slouched form by the desk. They looked to be munching on some snacks, which was far from nourishing in his opinion.
“Hey Drayton, are you busy right now?” Crispin piped up, entering the clubroom properly. In his hand was a small box wrapped up in a checker patterned cloth.
Drayton paused in his chewing. Slowly raising his head, he cocked an eyebrow, lips set into a faint grin.
“Nope. I'm pretty busy right now quality checking these snacks.” 
Crispin playfully rolled his eyes at the response. Drayton's teasing tone meant exactly that so he simply took a seat on the other side of the table. Placing the box in front of his friend caught their attention at least.
“So I've been doing some recipe testing. I wanted to spruce up common sandwich fillings, see if the taste can hold up even hours later. I tried them out and it's tasty but I want a second opinion,” Crispin explained while he unwrapped the lunch box. Upon taking off the top, it revealed various sandwiches with the crusts cut off, shaped in rectangles.
“What, so you want me to be your test Morpeko?” Drayton asked, arms now loosely crossed over their chest. They seemed interested at least with the sandwiches, which Crispin took as a small win.
“What, like I'd feed you bad food? Spicy food doesn't count!” Crispin quickly added before Drayton made a sassy remark. “But yeah, I could really use a second opinion and I do trust you so…”
Someone once commented that he had ‘eyes that were hard to resist’, which Crispin took as a compliment, thinking that it was his fiery spirit coming through. In actuality, he looked more like a pleading Lilliput more than anything.
Drayton locked eyes with Crispin for all of three seconds before they turned away, sighing.
“Alright, I'll give it a try. Geez, you'd think that should be classified as a weapon or something…”
Crispin ignored the rest of Drayton's mumblings, simply pleased as pie to watch his friend pick up one of the sandwiches. Looking at the color of the filling, that one had smashed eggs with a sprinkling of curry powder to give it an extra kick of flavor.
Drayton took a bite of the sandwich, chewing slowly before swallowing. The brief silence genuinely made Crispin sweat a bit but eventually, he got some feedback.
“This one's not bad. I'm getting hints of… some kind of spice.”
“It's curry powder! Specifically a blend that's pretty popular in Galar. Figured it would add a bit of a kick.”
“It's tasty. Adds a pop of flavor to the eggs.” Drayton took another bite of the sandwich. “I'm getting like different textures too. Smooth and a lil chunky. I like it.”
“Oh that's from adding some soft scramble with cut up pieces of boiled egg before I mixed both together in the sauce.” While Crispin beamed at the positive review of his creation, he also took note of Drayton's comment to file it away for later.
He seems to like contrasting textures.
Once Drayton finished their first sandwich, Crispin wasted no time in encouraging his friend to taste the next one. There was a bit of mild grumbling but Drayton did pick up the one that had shredded Klawf Stick next. 
This went on until Drayton finished tasting all the sandwiches in the box. Swiping off a bit of crumb from their bottom lip, Drayton flashed Crispin a lazy smile, leaning back against their chair.
“I suppose being your test Morpeko wasn't all that bad. You've been upping your seasoning game. There were all home runs, no strikeouts.”
Crispin tried to suppress a goofy smile. “Heh, thanks! I really appreciate the feedback too. Out of everything you've tried, was there a favorite?”
“Hmm… guess I liked the first one the best. The curry flavor added a lot to the filling.”
He seems to like curry flavors. Should look into making actual curry.
“Noted! Say, mind helping me out again tomorrow? I want to try out more fillings, maybe switching the bread up too.” Crispin tried to keep it cool, gazing at Drayton with his fiery eyes again.
“... sure, guess I don't mind.” Drayton’s eyes flicker to the left, one hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sweet! I'll see you tomorrow then!” Crispin gathered all his stuff before exiting the clubroom. With the door closed behind him, he pumped his fist triumphantly, hissing out a delighted yes.
Success! Drayton seemed none the wiser to his plan from the way they ate all the sandwiches he made. Crispin got some good information out of it too. It was important for him to take note of Drayton's potential likes and dislikes. Making food more tailored to their tastes will make things much easier down the road. 
Now he needed to come up with more enticing sandwich fillings for tomorrow. With a pep to his step, Crispin made his way back to his dorm room, where he will test out new flavor combinations for the rest of the day.
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millerscoffee · 1 year
Bee, beautiful Bee,
Congrats on the milestone!
Can I please ask for fluffy prompt #3 with Frankie? Oh to have fun with him listening and possibly dancing to his fave songs 🎶
Thank you 🫶🏻 x
thank you thank you thank you! veronica, this could possibly be my favourite thing i've written here?? aaahhh thank you so much for the prompt and inspiration!!
who's gonna drive you home?
1k words | frankie morales x f!reader
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rating: G!
warning: your heart may explode from how cute this is, established relationship, songs, DANCING, frankie as a dad, no use of y/n
A/N: i got song inspirations from this playlist by kait 💕 on spotify. this is part of my 500 followers celebration running until 9/9 ♡
Darlin’, you’ve got to let me know / Should I stay or should I go?
Frankie’s hair is in all directions as he cleans his apartment on a Sunday.  You tried to help, but he wouldn’t take it, so you’re left watching him fold his laundry from behind your book – his music blaring.  It’s lazy, this Sunday.  It’s not hurried, or filled with any kind of dread that his life has led him to.  He didn’t wake up in a cold sweat, he’s not in trouble.
Instead, he’s plucking the book from your hands and scooping you up onto the floor.  Taking you in his arms and he twirls and sings to you, eliciting full-belly giggles from you.
“It’s always tease, tease, tease,”  he sings in response, and you squeal when he dips you. His words get louder and more dramatic, more British when he sings, “You’re happy when I’m on my knees.”
“That’s because if you got on your knees, you wouldn’t be able to get up.”
You’re still dipped, mind you. 
“And, how are you able to hold me this long without your back seizing?”
A smirk takes over your face the entire time.  Frankie pulls you up, nipping kisses all over your face.
“Awww, I love you, too!  You’re so sweet to me!”
Both of you chuckle, and you wrap your arms around his neck tightly.
“Keep going, I didn’t mean it.”
He hums along to the tune, spinning you in a circle to land you back on the couch again and you blink up at him in shock.  God, he must feel so happy – so safe right now.
“I love you, too, Frankie.  I love you so much.”
You settle back into your spot, and he leans down to peck your forehead – hissing fakely as he clutches his lower back.  You laugh, shoving him lightly.  You think about jokingly telling him you’re gonna let Benny know he’s like this when his friends are gone, but you don’t.
“I hereby bequeath…”
“God, shut up and finish your laundry so we can make out.”
He salutes you, “Yes ma’am.”
Slow down, you’re doing fine / You can’t be everything you want to be before your time
It’s been long nights with Frankie’s baby girl.  Teething and fevers, and long nights without sleep.
But he’s good at this.  At calming her down once the fever breaks and she’s sweating through her clothes and his, but he doesn’t care – he only cares that she’s healthy and safe.
So he hums in the rocking chair.  Back and forth with her head on his chest, the sounds of “Vienna” by Billy Joel exhale through his nose combined with his heartbeat.
The sight pangs you when you bring him a cup of decaffeinated tea.
“Me next,” attempting to bring humour to the situation, your hushed words cause him to smile briefly, thanking you for the nourishment.
“In this spot, or with a baby?”
You blush, borderline freeze as he says the words.  The two of you haven’t really talked about it yet, but you see the way he is with her.  The way he holds her and takes care of her like she’s the most precious person in his life.  You think about creating life together, his daughter having a sister or brother to love and grow up with.  Your hand instinctively grazes over your stomach.
“Maybe both,” you respond candidly, and he closes his eyes – humming again just before she stirs, wanting more of his tune.
“Maybe both,” he repeats in between the baritone vibrations, “we can make that happen.”
It will be all you think about until it happens.
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? / Can I handle the seasons of my life?
“Make me a playlist sometime, will you?”  your head tilts to look over at Frankie behind the driver's seat.  He’s got his phone attached to the bluetooth, and his songs are streaming through the other side.  Right now, it’s Fleetwood Mac, earlier it was Duran Duran.  Little things that get him by settle deep inside your blood.
Every song reminds you of him now.
“You want me to make you a playlist?” He sounds amused, a little honoured, but mostly confused.
“You – playlist – when we get home.”
“Is that what my apartment is to you? Home?”
Damn, he got you.
You chew your cheek, turning your head to gaze out the passenger window.  “Yeah,” you admit, and you feel the stiffness of your shoulders relax when his warm hand cups strongly over your thigh.  It catches your attention, and your look over to him again.  Hard not to.  “Is that okay? I could… not say that if–”
“Do you wanna move in with me?”
A smile – wide and toothy – covers your features.
“I have to talk to my roommate, but I think… I think I do,” you nod, deep in your thoughts before you solidify them, “I do.  I want to move in with you.  Do you want me to live with you?”
“Baby,” he starts, and he turns his head to gaze at your features – soft and open, and so loving to him – his heart is in your hands.  “I’d go anywhere with you.  I want you everywhere.” he says to the road, then back to you, then back to the road.
And just like perfect timing, “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac starts playing.  His eyebrows raise, pointing at the dash stereo system and you both laugh.  “Christine McVie, you’ll be in our hearts forever.”  you bob your head in agreement with his true words, eyes wide to show the emphasis.
“Francisco…,” you trail off, pressing your lips to the top of his hand, “I wanna be with you everywhere.”  you line it up perfectly with the song.
“Damn, she's so smooth. Just born like that, too. A natural.”
And it makes you smile with pride, even through his goofiness – makes it even better, more real. He feels safe, you remind yourself. Comfortable. You want to be that for him, forever.
“Yeah, I know, huh? How does she do it?”
“A playlist,” he’s quiet for a small amount of time, “only if you give me one, too.”
“Easiest ‘yes’ I’ve ever given.”
“Well…,” he smirks, and you’re quick to smirk back, squeezing his fingers.
“Shut up.”
“I love you, too.”
And fuck, so do you.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Transforming Energy-Depleting "Self-Care" Habits 😫 ➡️ ☺️ | Holistic Leveling Up!
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there are a lot of bad habits we've picked up as ways to "treat ourselves," but in the long run, they are more injurious than beneficial. the few moments of gratification they provide are deceptive. they can often be the hidden energy vampires in our lives. i've shared not just a small selection of these habits may be, but ways to overturn them to be nourishing and revitalizing instead 🥰
💔coffee & energy drinks: they run the adrenal glands ragged over time, which prevents us from existing moment-to-moment in the restorative parasympathetic nerve states. sure, many tout that coffee has benefits because of its antioxidants. you're better off getting your antioxidants from a more nourishing source like berries. a need for coffee or energy drinks in your life is often a sign that you're not being adequately refreshed by your sleep or eating enough fruit (want for sweet, nutrient-dense foods). rather than continuing to neglect your needs, start your day with fresh cold-pressed juice, a smoothie, herbal tea, and/or fruit.
💔alcohol: everyone knows it's better for you to do without drinking, but culturally, it often points in the opposite direction. transform your viewpoint over drinking when you consider that it's a tradition based in poisoning ourselves. if it weren't so long practiced in our histories, we would be quite alarmed by the hangover effects of alcohol. also, in drunken states, we are often influenced to do more things which deplete us - whether that's who we choose to hang around, how we speak to others, what we eat, etc. show greater respect for your body and set higher standards for your precious liver who has so much work already to do in today's world by forgoing alcohol. it's much more fun to experiment with creating mocktails because you can drink at much as you want, and the effects are often health-promoting. and if you want to have a close experience to the real thing, there are non alcoholic alternatives sold in many places now.
💔ordering in/out: this is one of the most insidious habits because the restaurant business thrives based on menus made hyperpalatable with unnecessary amounts of oil, salt, refined sugars, and artificial ingredients (even at many of the healthier restaurants). such dishes often make us sluggish, cause mood fluctuations, stimulate cravings for more oversaturated flavors, diminish levels of inspiration, pose problems to digestion, provoke skin problems, cause a tendency to overeat, etc. and worst of all, it makes you lazier about making beautiful efforts for caring and nourishing yourself. it's a night-and-day difference from enjoying your own homemade meal, especially if it is a whole food plant based meal (with little to no oil, salt, and refined sugar). plus, you're able to infuse your own love in your food, exercise your creativity in the kitchen, and seduce yourself with your creations :)
💔hitting the snooze button/procrastinating tasks: this causes us to need to rush. one of the lesser known ways of hurting yourself is existing in the mindset that you are running out of time. try to frame your life in such a way that you're able to take your time. and when you're in time-sensitive situations, still continue to treat and speak to yourself kindly & exist in the now. often, when you act mindfully, you may surprisingly find that you accomplish your tasks more speedily. all the flustering and frustrations we catch our mind up in slow us down. catastrophizing about what might happen doesn't help us to defy physics. so, always be intentional with your usage of time. it's one simple kind act to show yourself, to not put yourself under pressure, no matter the circumstances, because it doesn't help to be harsh with yourself. in fact, it will help to develop a solid & loving relationship with yourself.
💔staying up just a bit later: a poor nighttime routine leads to poor sleep, so it starts your next day on the wrong food. adequately wind down and exist in a frequency of peaceful calm in the last hours of your day. use ambient warm lighting (candle lighting is preferable) instead of artificial blue lighting after sunset. tidy your space and your body, to reduce the stress of clutter. set aside the day's emotional/energetic baggage with reflective contemplation, meditation, body scanning, reiki, and/or forgiveness exercises. and don't fight your sleepiness. it's far better to fall asleep with intention, rather than from exhaustion or by accident while watching a screen. structure your nights to feel luxurious and supportive by remembering the value of a proper wind-down routine.
so, there it is. stop having the bliss stolen from your life by expanding your levels of care & compassion for yourself. always seek to increase your abilities to nurture yourself. contentment & joy await you on the other side. may all beings be blissful💚
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study-with-aura · 11 months
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Thursday, October 26, 2023
I will not apologize for not updating the past couple of weeks because I have nothing to apologize for. I state that because I want to say that I am sorry for not updating! But that is silly! I took time off from doing school work these past two weeks because I felt overwhelmed and needed a break. My parents said it was okay to do so, and instead, I have been spending time journaling, practicing yoga, and going outside and walking in the wooded area of the park behind our house.
In the mornings, there are many older people who go out there to bird watch. I have gotten to know several of them, and they have shown me different birds and how they can recognize them. I will also walk with them sometimes. I think I have made new friends!
Keep in mind that taking study breaks is okay, and it should be normalized! Taking breaks when we need it is important for our overall wellbeing and can allow us to study even better once we have been refreshed. Spend some time out in nature, practice a hobby, do something you love, go to a museum for inspiration, and socialize!
In other updates for the past couple of weeks, we had another Girl Scout meeting and worked on a badge activity. We have two new members in our troop this year, which is very lovely! They are friendly, and I think we all fit together well. My dad is going on some sort of retreat tonight with the men at our church. He'll be gone until Sunday. I think it will be good for him to also have a break. He works hard. He's a law professor but he also works with a firm as a consultant and sometimes practices still, so he is constantly researching.
And this week at ballet, we get to dress up! I have a different "costume" for everyday. This week is always fun! We also have our showcase on Saturday, and I cannot wait! I wish Dad could be here for it, but he asked what I wanted, and I told him that I wanted him to have fun with his friends too and that he could come to our next performance. I meant that also. He is always at my events, so if he misses a few to do things for himself, that is okay. I want him to be happy also. Mom will be there, and that will be good enough.
Tasks Completed:
Practice - Practiced assigned pieces for 30 minutes and worked on memorization
Khan Academy - Mastery Challenge (Geometry)
Duolingo - Completed three lessons in Spanish
Activities of the Day:
Life Skills at the library
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful that I have the ability to take breaks when I need it due to the fact that I am homeschooled and keep my own study schedule.
Quote of the Day:
When your inner child is not nurtured and nourished, our minds gradually close to new ideas, unprofitable commitments and the surprises of the spirit.
-Brennan Manning
🎧Tales of the Magic Tree: IV. Spider Knows His Craft - Alexander Litvinovsky
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hangedmanrui · 1 year
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With just 2 days left to order the Revue Starlight Enactment Zine (order here!) and less than 10 orders left to unlocking the bgumi pin (which I also designed), I thought I would post my thought process behind the bookmark I made for the zine. It's long, so... more under the cut
starting with the arcana arcadia side - i wanted to try to depict the entire story so I split it up vertically into 6 parts.
act 1
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pretty self explanatory - the magician summoning the devil, the hanged man saying he won't stop walking, high priestess being sent to hell
act 2 - is a depiction of these two moments in the screenshots
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act 3
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also self explanatory... the trial. hermit's eyes are closed, still in denial of the truth
act 4
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this one i struggled with a bit initially - because conceptually they're also the wild pirates but Evolved in the "play part" of act 4, at first i wanted to include that, but i couldn't figure out a clear way to do so. the paper moon is aruru:
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act 5
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this was the easiest to come up with - i was just like OK. STAR WAR. (though i did mess around a lot with the directions they faced) the escape pod is taking star girl away from the battle.. the bottom 3 are cheering as they crash to their deaths. the effects on ai/hologram hikari were fun to do. it was inspired the most by this poster:
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act 6
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and so the girl arrives at her destination - the moon, a desert of bone and ash. where arcana go to die and be reborn. the fool sets off on his new journey, the world teaches the star of her identity, and the moon passes on her brilliance... ah... i can't put a succinct story screenshot in here. go read act 6.
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I wanted to include some imagery from the star tarot card. here's a description of the jugs of water i just stole from biddytarot:
She pours the water out to nourish the earth and to continue the cycle of fertility, represented by the lush greenery around her. The other container pours the water onto dry land in five rivulets, representing the five senses.
instead of water, I wanted it to look like paper, like a long scroll overflowing from the jugs. and they're gold just to match the #aesthetic. the star, brimming with hope and brilliance, continues the cycle of death and rebirth by continuing to write stories. :)
now for the stage play side:
originally i just thought of this as the blue glitter side to include seiran - but then i was like what the heck, there are so many other stageplay characters and i want to draw them. but i think it's still representative of the plays as a whole because seiran were the school born on and for the stage exclusively.
i was thinking of the platform stages that you see in the anime, big round things. i didn't actually cross reference but that's how they were in my brain
the jhs are just jumping (diving) into this world of the stage (they did appear in delight first and foremost after all)
as follows from Diving, i was thinking of limitless when i drew this because i looove the lyric that goes "Limitless, into this strange phenomenon / The one who plunged in was me" and the whole underwater theme of seiran esp in the blue glitter manga. i considered replacing the three musketeers tagline with some form of that lyric, and playing with some underwater themes - but it proved to be too messy and difficult. but we still have this kind of jumping down feeling which is really one of my fav expressions in revue starlight
only the actors show their faces to the audience.. (on stage, everyone minus sakura the stage production stage girl)
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guess who's in the audience! well i'm going to tell you. from left to right:
layla (#3 growth)
namie (#3 growth)
saegusa chizuru (saikai eyes, movie) (grownup form)
saegusa ichika (saikai eyes) (student form)
i think i wanted to have chizuru and ichika in these not necessarily linear ages because first of all it's the most recognizable, but also because you could say it's them in the point of their lives where they're the most invested in the stage. also I guess the teachers are not in the audience they're the . revue masters calling the curtains to open
anyway that's it, if you read this far, i'm sorry and thank you. please check out the zine and order if you're interested, there is so much cool stuff, and the proceeds go to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDs!
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
Aww, you absolutely didn’t have to defend your answers!
Also, screaming at how many YouTubers we have in common oh my god?! I’ve been watching Caitlin Shoemaker, Make it Dairy Free, Pick Up Limes, and Alexandra Andersson for years!
And I’ve also watched a couple of videos by Vegan Richa, BOSH, Sweet Potato Soul and Edgy Veg. Never heard of The Chic Natural or Vegan But Lazy, so thanks for the recommendations!
I don’t know how to link, so bare with me lol. My suggestions for you are:
Amanda Ducks, goes by the same name on YouTube. I think she’s right up your alley with simple, minimal ingredients but amazing meals. Plus her videos are so relaxing to watch! I also appreciate how consistent she is with her uploads and the relationship she shares with food. Not once will you hear here talking about calories or “healthy foods”. Instead she says the food was very “nourishing.” Love that!
Make it Dairy Free’s one half, the husband, Andrew has a channel of his own. It’s called Andrew Bernard. Just as amazing as their original channel if not more.
Nisha Vora, goes by the name Rainbow Plant Life has THE most amazing recipes. Although I gotta mention, each one of them take a lot of time, patience and effort lol. But 12/10 worth it. Plus she’s funny and fun to watch. The quality of her videos is as good as Sadia’s at Pick Up Limes. Both of then really know their food.
Wil Yeung, goes by the name Yeung Man Cooking does Asian cuisine primarily and is my go too for all sorts of noodz.
If you are on Instagram, here are some honorable mentions:
Calum Harris. Absolutely banger content. Super funny guy. Makes easy and delicious recipes within 20 minutes.
Fitgreenmind. To me she’s THE Instagram vegan. Young but mighty and wise. I find her very inspiring.
that.veganbabe. She’s into gym and weight lifting and will be your fix for high protein vegan recipes if you’re into watching your protein intake lol.
basilandbiceps. She’s SO underrated in my opinion oh my god! All of her recipes are absolutely delicious, looks appealing and are equally easy to follow. Plus I really enjoy her energy and vibes. She’s cool.
I went on much longer than you did lol. But I hope you find at least one of these recommendations helpful :)
[follow up to this post]
AH!! Thank you so much for the recs!! 💜
I'm gonna be cookin' up so many great new recipes this spring, I have a good feeling about it!
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nsfwhiphop · 6 months
🚨 IMPORTANT REMINDER: 🚨 Music Industry is not the same anymore. There is an Evil agenda now, evil men run the business now. Beware of what type of music you listen to. Not all music is good for your ears.
To my cherished readers, particularly those who reminisce about the golden eras of the 80s and 90s music scene, I pose a crucial question: Have you noticed the stark degradation within the music industry? Can you recognize how the once pristine quality of lyrics has plummeted into a sea of mediocrity?
Let's face the stark reality: The music business, currently helmed by nefarious entities, is orchestrating a sinister agenda. They are actively eradicating any semblance of mercy from our musical landscape. Love ballads, altruistic anthems, and community-minded tunes are being ruthlessly suppressed.
Gone are the days when songs served to uplift, educate, and inspire. Instead, a troubling trend has emerged—a relentless push towards the propagation of malevolent messages. They inundate the airwaves with glorification of drug culture, senseless violence, and degrading discussions on trivial matters.
This is a wake-up call, a clarion call to arms against this insidious manipulation. The powers that be do not wish for you to indulge in music that nourishes the soul. They crave your consumption of depravity, feeding you a steady diet of negativity and amorality.
The rap and R&B communities, in particular, find themselves ensnared within this web of suppression. They are shackled, forbidden from expressing kindness or mercy through their lyrical prowess.
So, my friends, heed this warning. Realize that the melody you hear today is not the melody of yesteryears. It is a discordant symphony, orchestrated by those who seek to poison the hearts and minds of our society.
Stand vigilant. Demand better. And let us strive to reclaim the purity and compassion that once graced our musical landscape.
Together, we can usher in a new era—a renaissance of music that uplifts, empowers, and inspires.
#WakeUpCall #MusicRevolution #DemandMercyInMusic 🎶🌟
Here is a ghetto version of this speech for my ghetto readers:
"I want to give a reality-check to my readers, especially the ones from the 90s era and 80s era, I want to ask them a question, have you noticed the degradation of the music industry? Did you notice how the quality of lyrics have gone from good to very bad quality? This is the agenda of the criminals running the music business, they don't want to see any songs that have merciful lyrics in them, no more love songs, no more altruistic songs, no more protect the community songs, no more teach your knowledge to the youth songs, they refused to see any of this mercy in our songs, they blocked all lyrics that have mercy in them, all they want to push is evil lyrics, do drugs, kill each other, talk about stupid topics like ass and titties, this is the agenda they're pushing in the music industry nowadays. That's why I'm giving you this wake-up call, you have to realize that they don't want you to listen to good music, they want you to listen to evil music only, it's happening to the Rap community and the R'n'b community as we speak, they are not allowed to be kind in their lyrics, they are not allowed to be merciful in their lyrics."
Guess what? Oh, yeah, I said it, sue me, see if I give a fuck, I'm telling you that you all listen to garbage music, just because it's on your TV screens doesn't mean it's good music, I encourage you to turn off that garbage.
Listen to the 90s and early 2000s music when the artists were allowed to be kind, loving, full of mercy in their songs, nowadays they aren't allowed to have any merciful lyrics, all they talk about is evil topics.
Do you see what I see? Or are you just dumb? Which one is it?
Back in 1980s:
The Principles of Hip Hop was: Peace, Love, Unity, and Having Fun
Nowadays in 2024:
The Principles of Hip Hop is: Violence, Hate, Division, and Having drug addicted listeners.
A lot of people don't know because they're dumb, stupid, they are the sheep that are being misled and you have to help the sheep by warning them to not listen to this evil music business anymore and go back to the 90s era, when the music business was full of mercy and kindness, it was all about having fun and good manners, but nowadays they are pushing only evil topics now.
Christian quotes :
#1 - If sheep do not have the constant care of a shepherd, they will go the wrong way, unaware of the dangers at hand.
#2 - The mere presence of the shepherd puts the sheep at peace. When he is near, they don't panic, and they don't fight. They can lay down in peaceful slumber.
The older generation are the sheperds.
The new generation are the sheep.
You have to teach them and show them the way or they will never know, they are all sheep, they are sleeping, you have to give them this wake-up call.
I encourage you to read this wiki page and learn the meaning of the term "Each one teach one", click on the link:
The Principles of Hip Hop: Peace, Love, Unity, and Having Fun
Inspire positive change in young people through an exploration of the roots of hip hop culture with Hip Hop Fundamentals! This ensemble of dynamic and energetic dancers use breakdancing and abundant audience participation to explore hip hop’s rich cultural history and how Black youth changed the world. The performance focuses on youth empowerment, creativity, and working together embodied by hip hop’s four principles: Peace, Love, Unity, and Having Fun!
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twistednuns · 7 months
February 2024
Waking up after a dream inspired by the movie Poor Things. Inserting your brain into a younger body. Living in oblivion until one day somebody shows up to break the news to you. That you've lived another lifetime before and you have to be reminded of who you were, what you knew.
Drawing the gorgeous Sharing card, resonating with it right away. The Queen of Fire is designed in my colours and shapes. She is me.
Sketching something. Loving every line.
Eating a thick soup with tiny noodles and semolina dumplings for breakfast.
Jamie Lee Curtis' guest appearance in The Bear. She's almost unrecognizable. Oh, and Olivia Coleman's, too!
Something finally falling into place: I've been searching for a new wallet for a while now and suddenly a memory of my grandma's old Aigner checkbook popped into my head. And it was the perfect solution. What an amazing local brand! I discovered that there is a store nearby and shopping there was quite the experience. I felt very fancy. And they put so much thought into the product design! Perfect little boxes and everything is so elegant. I also got their classic leather belt.
Organising a SingStar evening. I love how easygoing, welcoming and gentle Felix is. Being weird with Robert. And Ben, my boo. We love each other's colours and he really does give the best compliments (he said that I've got such great taste and always look stylish). Cuddles, leveling up our friendship in a way. Being more at ease around each other.
Car conversations with Luna.
A feeling of having leveled up again; I seem to attract abundance (on a material level). But maybe that's just confirmation bias.
Accepting defeat when I was wrong, following advice.
The moonrise. I love how big and yellow the moon seems when it's hanging low over the horizon.
Liquid Love: sliding over/around/under/on top of each other - blindfolded, naked and covered in oil. I loved touching squishy, chubby body parts. Very sensual and immersive. I wasn't really present in the room anymore and tried to feel rather than think. Cuddle puddle afterwards. I got close to Chili and Daniel (whose toe I accidentally hurt before the event and it felt quite healing that he came close to me and initiated touch) and Christian surprised me with his tongue when I wasn't paying attention.
Interesting effects of Kundalini Yoga: waking up crying from a very emotional, nightmare-ish dream. Feeling so heavy, sluggish, overwhelmed, tired. It's not entirely positive but it's so interesting how much energy seems to be moved here?
An ex-student reaching out to me because she needed a letter of recommendation for an international college.
Walking through the forest with C., scouting a treasure hunt route. Keeping calm despite his weird mood. Staying present, observing.
A surprisingly calm museum visit with my class. And when we went to Pinakothek der Moderne I was happy how much fun some of them seemed to have experimenting, talking about art. I found some interesting works by Max Ernst and set the intention come back again soon, alone. Even just the large, empty building with the high ceilings has a soothing effect on me.
Biting into a slice of moist, warm black olive ciabatta.
Cooking actual food with vegetables I had at home and having fruit for dessert instead of getting trash food on the way home after coming home from work in a bad mood. So much more nourishing. I'm proud of myself for realising I have to be the person I want to become. Now.
Peeling off last post-it before the cool colour scheme finally started. Orange, yellow, purple.
Picking up C. from labour court. Meeting his friend Benni who discussed leftist concepts and utopian ideas with me over lunch. I felt really good when I realised that it was easy for me to follow his train of thought and that I'd missed intellectual conversation.
Connecting with C. Spending time together, walking through a furniture design store. Spicy time and a long afternoon nap. Talking about our triggers and therapy experience. I realised how much fear of failure (and success?) I have, how vulnerable my ego is when it comes to art and doing something new. Even just writing an application for a job I'm not officially qualified for scared the shit out of me. Impostor syndrom? C. still wants me to write a page from my imaginary novel for him and all I can think about is why I can't do it. And he suggested that I could study psychology. I'm intrigued and yet... Why is this so hard? What's holing me back?
Staying calm when I had to call roadside assistance twice in one afternoon. My car broke down in the middle of a busy street with three lanes. I simply accepted my fate and asked for help (and that might actually be the lesson I have to learn from all this).
Reaching out to Andrea. Finally meeting Kosta the cat.
A dream: Sarah as Ganesha with a giant elephant trunk. Facial tattoos: red, black and green symbols and ornaments. Massive, moving, heavy. I woke up from an imaginary alarm sound. Did I really dream up an alarm clock? Wow. And just in time for my appointment, too.
New Moon Aquarius promises a career breakthrough for Taureans. Let's hope for the best.
Something very banal: having kitchen roll at home for a change. I took one home when we had too many after a Slutering event and remembered that I could just... wipe something off without worrying about getting the rag dirty and having to wash it! Nice.
One of the best weeks of my life: a Hero's Journey seminar during the spring holidays. Going in with no expectations, receiving everything and more. I learned so much about myself. Activated my emotional side and practised feeling. I appreciate all those people who acted as my mirrors by sharing their vulnerability, being their authentic selves. We supported each other, learned from each other, celebrated each other. I'm thinking about becoming a Gestalt therapist now. It's such a great somatic method. And fun, too.
Cuddles. Conversations. Choking. And massages. / Seriously though, I asked Ralf to show me his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu choke hold and I travelled to another dimension for a few minutes. It got me GO high. On another note: I realised I want to channel my aggression and lust in a healthy way. Perhapy BJJ training is a good option. Let's fight!
My hero outfit. A golden robe. A glitter mask. Starburst earrings. Black wings. So me.
"Boundaries are not the same thing as walls." - such an important insight. I started journalling in German. Automatically. I'm taking off masks, tearing down walls. Perhaps I don't need the protection of a foreign language anymore. I can feel my own cringey words now. I allow myself to be seen without make-up. I try to show up as the person I really am. I won't hold back anymore.
An intuitive painting I made with buttery crayons on kraft paper. Swirly. Like a weird map of a cozy corner somewhere in the Universe.
Stickers from Franzi's friend: Sailor Moon characters fighting the patriarchy and nazis.
I feel so much love for the people in my group, especially Ralf and Teresa of course, but also Franzi, Frank and Feli. The F-gang. And for all the wonderful people in my life. I appreaciate Christian so much. The ideal balance between freedom and support. He expands my horizon in many ways and I love how he naturally includes me in his family life, his friend group. It feels so good to be a part of something. To be included. And at the same time, I'm free to do my own thing. Meet other people, follow my bliss. He actively encourages it.
I'm relaxed and happy. With this new mindset, even teaching feels easier. I'm more gentle with myself. I follow my impulses. I hope this state of being stays with me for a long time.
Ralf. I'm so grateful I met him. He helped me so much with his observation that I need someone to be gentle with me. His daddy energy. His wild playfulness. His Gemini communication mode. I loved that I was able to pay him back with some mum energy when I shipped his dirty laundry off to Jena. I included a heartfelt letter and the Exploding Kittens card game. I felt like a giddy teenager for a whole day when he implied that he's attracted to me too. I really hadn't noticed. We've been talking, flirting, messaging daily for a week now. So far none of us seems to be bored. I'm looking forward to our reunion!
Teresa. What a lovely human being. I connected with her right away. She's so intelligent, shares my passion for language. And she's so warm, empathic, benevolent, supportive. I ended up talking to her about my idea for a career coaching and she went all in right away. We even might work together. And maybe, just maybe, we're gonna record a podcast together. Even if just to amuse our Heroes messenger group.
I learned that I have a guest appearance in a fun song: Ich wollte doch nur knutschen auf der Party / Sie war gut gelaunt und ihr Name war Kathi / Das Netzwerk ging kaputt und ich musste das klären / Und Kathi hat geknutscht, aber leider mit Sören - Knutschen
More music: making a playlist for Teresa's ride home. And Ralf shared Wann strahlst du?. It's grown on me. The lyrics are everything. Highly relevant for my current state: Ich schulde dem Leben das Leuchten in meinen Augen
Acting in a much more loving way with old friends. Supporting them; touching, hugging, praising them.
Knowing the answers to two sports questions at the pub quiz.
Tuning in with my sonic toothbrush. I chanted and hummed, finally harmonized and changed my pitch. It sounded lovely and reminded my of our RAM chants during morning meditation.
Spending time in the "demon cave" with Lian. Playing airplane. Playing hard. We both loved to be wild - C. was not that amused because he wanted to concentrate on his chess app. But I also started being more gentle with the boy, cuddle him. I've got a feeling that he needs both modes.
"Freiheiten werden nicht geschenkt, man muss sie sich nehmen." - a random flyer on a lamppost, right when I walked past it, back to school, recording a voice message about... exactly that. The synchronicities are back! Life feels magical.
An insanely happy and productive day with the help of Yeli's Finest 50. I was so proud of myself because I even did things I'd been putting off for months. It finally felt right to contact Haus der Kunst and ZEIT Sprachen and ask them for an internship. Things are moving. It's happening. It's coming along. Doors are opening.
Meeting my new osteopath for the first time. I enjoyed his healing, intimate touch while we were talking about all my topics. And I love that we have so much in common. He used to be a civil servant to be able to afford his studies, is a voice actor now, has recently travelled to all my favourite places in Mexico. I'm looking forward to my next appointment.
I finally got a big box of passion fruit from the tree I adopted last year. What a fragrant delivery.
Meeting Becky, learning from each other. Enriching and entertaining as usual.
Finally getting my closet in order. Folding everything, donating a few items, clearing out another shelf to have more room for clothes. What took me so long? / Listening to WILLOW's music throughout the process. It's growing on me: I think I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension
Biting into a physalis thinking Life is delicious.
Saturday afternoon at Haus der Kunst with Sash. Walking through freaky environments, taking pictures of each other. Playing in a room full of feathers. Browsing the avantgarde bookstore. I got a postcard of a Hilma af Klint Altar piece.
Watching Lord of the Rings at C.'s place with his friend Jenny. Spicy morning routine, breakfast with his friends. A stopover at a LEGO church. Spending the whole afternoon soaking in warm water at Therme Bad Aibling. Eating the first ice-cream of the year in the sunshine. Cooking dinner together, talking in bed for a long time.
Ralf cancelled his weekend plans and invited me to Jena. We already have tickets for the planetarium. Really looking forward to seeing him! I've loved learning more and more about him in the past few days. We are so similar!
Something very simple but SO pleasurable: boiled potatoes with salt and butter.
Alex Ava taking two ballroom tickets off my hands when I had to change my plans.
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astoldbyanj · 7 months
Prompt : Write a letter from love (As inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert's letters from love) 
Dear Love , what would you have me know today?
Dear you, crazy girl, crazy child,
Why are u so reluctant to receive love? Why is it uncomfortable for you? Of course, I know the reason. You were never used to receiving it freely. You didn't grow up thinking you could get love for free without doing anything to deserve it. But I don't need you to feel pity for yourself.
You have love. You have an immense deep and vast ocean inside you, & sometimes it hurts so much because it's overflowing out of you, rivers longing to give love and nourishment to living beings on its way. But sometimes you feel like there's no one there to meet the level of love you give. So then you've decided to contain it instead. Lock it up like a moat around your heart. But child, you don't need to do that either. 
Here's a thought. What if you could be like a fountain? Let the love flow and come back to you. Let yourself shine and be the biggest tallest most beautiful fountain. Allow people to come and be inspired, dance below you, make  wishes, dream, and fall in love with just the sight of the life-giving love that you let flow. Can you imagine that?
You could be a river. Can you imagine yourself as a river that leads back to your own ocean? And not just a boring river, but a river beautifully adorned with gold cascaded bridges, where kids can run with flowers in their hair.. They can pick the blooms in your path and they will never run out. Because no matter how many people come take from your river, it is overflowing and leads back home, to your ocean, where it refills itself, never lacking, always content. And that is how you become the most magnificent inspiring river system anyone's ever seen. And you can inspire others to be the same. 
Think highly of yourself, think bigger of yourself. You weren't meant to serve small. The sooner you start seeing yourself as the overflowing river system, the sooner you will feel fulfilled, never lacking. You got everything it takes. Stop standing in your own fucking way. Play in the fountain too. Dance under your own rain showers. Have a little fun. You're allowed to splash some water on your face. You're allowed to be loud, and laugh, and cry, and do whatever you've always wanted to do. I love you. Stop doubting that this love is endless & will never run out. Has it ever run out before? You've never had to go thirsty, you've never withered, even in your darkest days. Your sunshine is from within. Do you not know how much power and radiance you hold? You are truly a light. It's time you started burning brightly, without fear of extinguishment. Your light is eternal, as is mine. I'll never let you run out. You can always borrow from mine. 
Now dry up those tears & soak in the love instead. Just take a moment, my dear. Close your eyes and breathe love.
I love you,
talk to u next time x
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weightlosesuccess · 7 months
How to Celebrate Weight Loss Milestones Without Derailing Progress?
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Embarking on a weight loss journey is a significant achievement, but it's equally important to celebrate milestones without compromising progress. This comprehensive guide offers practical tips and insights on how to commemorate your achievements while staying on track towards your fitness goals.
Embracing Progress: Celebrating the Journey
Achieving weight loss milestones is a journey worth celebrating. Recognizing and appreciating your progress can boost motivation and reinforce healthy habits. From small victories to significant milestones, each achievement deserves acknowledgment. Celebrating progress doesn't have to involve food-centric rewards that counteract your efforts. Instead, focus on non-food-related incentives that align with your wellness goals. Whether it's treating yourself to a new workout outfit, booking a spa day, or planning a fun activity with friends, find rewards that nourish your body and soul.
Setting Meaningful Goals: Sustaining Motivation
Setting achievable goals is essential for sustaining motivation throughout your weight loss journey. Break down your overall objective into smaller, manageable targets, such as losing a certain number of pounds per week or improving your fitness level. Each milestone you reach signifies progress towards your ultimate goal. Celebrate these achievements as they come, but also use them as opportunities to reassess and adjust your approach if necessary. Reflect on what strategies have been effective and identify areas for improvement to maintain momentum.
Community Support: Sharing Successes
Celebrating weight loss milestones is more meaningful when shared with a supportive community. Surround yourself with friends, family, or fellow wellness enthusiasts who uplift and encourage you on your journey. Joining online forums, social media groups, or local fitness classes can provide valuable support and accountability. Share your successes, challenges, and progress with others who understand and appreciate your efforts. Celebrating together fosters a sense of camaraderie and inspires continued dedication.
Mindful Indulgences: Navigating Temptations
While celebrating achievements is important, it's essential to approach indulgences mindfully to avoid derailing your progress. Recognize that occasional treats are part of a balanced lifestyle but be mindful of portion sizes and frequency. Instead of viewing indulgences as rewards for reaching milestones, reframe them as occasional pleasures to be enjoyed in moderation. Choose high-quality, satisfying treats that align with your nutritional goals, and savor them mindfully without guilt.
Self-Reflection: Cultivating Gratitude
Take time to reflect on your weight loss journey and cultivate gratitude for your achievements. Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to appreciate how far you've come and the efforts you've invested in your health and well-being. Keeping a journal can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and gratitude practice. Record your thoughts, emotions, and milestones along the way, allowing yourself to celebrate successes and learn from setbacks. Cultivating gratitude fosters a positive mindset and strengthens resilience.
Maintaining Balance: Prioritizing Self-Care
Celebrating weight loss milestones is about more than just reaching a number on the scale—it's about nurturing your overall well-being. Prioritize self-care practices that replenish your energy and support your physical, emotional, and mental health. Incorporate activities like meditation, yoga, or leisurely walks into your routine to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Make time for hobbies and interests that bring you joy and fulfillment outside of your weight loss journey. Remember that self-care is essential for long-term success and sustainability.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- How often should I celebrate weight loss milestones? Celebrate both small and significant milestones throughout your journey. Whether it's losing your first pound or reaching a major goal, every achievement deserves recognition. - What are some non-food-related ways to celebrate weight loss milestones? Consider treating yourself to a new workout gear, pampering yourself with a spa day, or planning a fun outing with friends or loved ones. - How can I avoid derailing my progress while celebrating milestones? Focus on mindful indulgences and choose treats that align with your nutritional goals. Remember that occasional indulgences are part of a balanced lifestyle when enjoyed in moderation. - Why is community support important in celebrating weight loss milestones? Sharing successes and challenges with a supportive community provides accountability, encouragement, and motivation to stay on track towards your goals. - How can I stay motivated during my weight loss journey? Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate achievements along the way. Surround yourself with supportive individuals and prioritize self-care practices to maintain motivation and momentum. - What role does gratitude play in celebrating weight loss milestones? Cultivating gratitude fosters a positive mindset and strengthens resilience on your weight loss journey. Reflecting on your achievements and expressing gratitude for your progress can enhance overall well-being.
Celebrating weight loss milestones is an essential aspect of your journey to a healthier lifestyle. By embracing progress, setting meaningful goals, seeking community support, practicing mindful indulgences, fostering self-reflection, prioritizing self-care, and cultivating gratitude, you can celebrate achievements while staying focused on long-term progress. Learn more from weightlosesuccess Read the full article
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dwaynespano · 1 year
Starbucks emphasizes its mission of igniting and nourishing the human spirit one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time in its one-minute "It Starts With You" advertisement. In the advertisement, a diverse group of Starbucks employees and customers are shown smiling while doing various activities such as drinking coffee, chatting with friends, and using laptop computers. The video emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships and community while encouraging viewers to better their own lives as well as the lives of those around them.
The target market for the "It Starts With You" advertisement includes a diverse group of people who value close-knit communities and interpersonal relationships, as well as current and potential Starbucks customers. The advertisement's target market is people who want to improve the world and feel a sense of purpose and belonging.
Even though they aren't always the main focus, the video promotes Starbucks snacks and beverages. Instead, the emotions and interactions accompanying visiting a Starbucks location and meeting new people are emphasized. Instead of being essential to the advertisement's message, the products are presented as a fun addition to the sense of community.
The advertisement "It Starts With You" does not appear to result from overt media manipulation. The video does not advertise the brand or products using overtly persuading or deceptive strategies such as guilt or fear. Instead, it emphasizes community and human connection, which should appeal to a broad audience.
The "It Starts With You" advertisement captures viewers' attention because it appeals to a universal desire for belonging and connection. The video's upbeat and encouraging message motivates viewers to take action to better their communities. Due to the diversity of the cast, the advertisement appeals to a larger audience of viewers who can identify with the situations and emotions depicted in the clip.
The advertisement went viral and sparked debate because it was released when the country debated social justice and racial inequality issues. Some viewers felt that the advertisement's portrayal of a sense of community and belonging could have been more complex because it did not directly address these issues. Some praised the advertisement's upbeat message and diverse casting.
Starbucks' brand and overall mission are successfully and positively promoted in the "It Starts With You" advertisement. It taps into viewers' innate desire for belonging and connection, inspiring them to take action to make a difference in the world. It may not be able to solve all of our society's complex problems. Still, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of interpersonal relationships and businesses' role in fostering them.
ETBrandEquity. (2022). Starbucks makes coffee experience better with personalised names in new ad. ETBrandEquity.com. https://brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/advertising/starbucks-makes-coffee-experience-better-with-personalised-names-in-new-ad/92802091
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penkraft123 · 2 years
What does it mean to be creative?
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Creativity is a skill that can be developed & a process can be managed, which begins with a foundation of knowledge, learning a discipline, and mastering a way of thinking. It helps us to understand and also to discover and enjoy.
Creativity is not just about creating. It is what happens when you create, usually something unique and worthwhile. It requires practice to develop the right muscles, and a supportive environment in which to flourish. There’s definitely something going on in our brains that makes it all possible to create something from nothing.
Why is Creativity Important for a child?
Seeds of creativity live in everyone. You as parents are kids’ first and lifelong teachers. You can nourish sprouting imaginations into strong, growing creative minds.
Creating art expands a child’s ability to interact with the world around them, and provides a new set of skills for Self-expansion & communication.
Encourage your children to try new, unique ways of doing things. Don’t expect their artwork to look like samples others have made. Encourage your kids to come up with their own way to do crafts.
Build your kids’ confidence in their own creative abilities. If they ask you to make it for them, reply that you’d love to see what they create. Children’s fresh and unique styles should be valued.
Encouraging your child’s creativity can be simple and easy to do and fun for everyone.
Where does creativity exist within the brain?
Creativity doesn’t belong to any single part of the brain, but instead exists as many different parts of your brain working together to create new concepts or to shape and understand mental constructs as they relate to the real world.
Can Creativity be taught?
Creative ideas are the ones that are both good and novel. Not all ideas are good ones, of course, some are the inverse. Some ideas are downright impossible to convey, or make real. So it’s a concept which can be learned by learning and applying creative thinking processes. Be passionate about what you are doing because passion is one great force that unleashes creativity.
Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting. -Edward de Bono
Penkraft conducts classes, course, online courses, live courses, workshops, teachers’ training & online teachers’ training in Handwriting Improvement, Calligraphy, Abacus Maths, Vedic Maths, Phonics and various Craft & Artforms — Madhubani, Mandala, Warli, Gond, Lippan Art, Kalighat, Kalamkari, Pichwai, Cheriyal, Kerala Mural, Pattachitra, Tanjore Painting, One Stroke Painting, Decoupage, Image Transfer, Resin Art, Fluid Art, Alcohol Ink Art, Pop Art, Knife Painting, Scandinavian Art, Water Colors, Coffee Painting, Pencil Shading, Resin Art Advanced etc. at pan-India locations. With our mission to inspire, educate, empower & uplift people through our endeavours, we have trained & operationally supported (and continue to support) 1500+ home-makers to become Penkraft Certified Teachers? in various disciplines.
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