#but once i finish things will hOPEFULLY speed up too
aphroditesmoon · 5 months
lacrymosa [part 1]
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clarisse la rue x fem!hecatecabin!reader [boarding school au]
summary: you were sent to a prestigious boarding school to be rid from your father as a burden, but when strange things begins to happen upon your arrival, you wonder what truly lies behind the school walls. And as you attract attention from an infamous student, your plans to lie low is disrupted for the semester.
warnings: basically pjo plot in a different font, wlw relationships and what that entails, artist!reader. warnings will be according to the chapter.
wc: 5.2k
a/n: part 2 will hv more clarisse, also I've never been good at finishing series, but here's to an attempt! Comment if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
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The violent wind coming from outside of the car window sent a sharp shiver down your spine. You readjust your sitting position, pushing your school bag further away from you.
"Would you like to close the window, miss?" The driver asked, sparing a glance to your way. "No, it's fine." You assured him.
You have always liked the cold, it calms your nerves in a way. And for a day like this, you need all the help you can get.
Your father hadn't even been home to see you off for the last time. But you were kind of grateful for that. Usually you'd find it upsetting. But it was a clear decision that he purposely wanted you out of his line of vision when he had registered you into this boarding school.
Prestigious and highly acclaimed, he called it. Those were just polite words for strict and overbearing.
You have stopped wasting time trying to figure out why he hates you. Your mother dying from your birth was only the tip of the iceberg. Your whole existence is a burden to him, no matter how hard you've tried to change it.
I wonder if I'll even miss the hostility he's always given me, or the empty white walls of his mansions that have seen me at my worst and at my best. Those thoughts shouldn't matter anymore, you told yourself.
You've never been happy in that house, but familiarity, sometimes, was better than nothing. You fiddled with your crimson red tie that came with the uniform. What you could tell from the way you're dressed along with the down payment your father had to pay for you is that this place is an exaggerated babysitting place for rich kids with attitude problems.
You've been sent to many places away from your father. Summer camp, Spring camp, summer school and all that. But nothing this far away.
As per your research, the school seemed to be located far from the city and near the mountains up north. There are two buildings divided by gender that stands a few meters away from each other. Not that it'd be a problem for you. You've never been interested in boys much.
It was sunny earlier on the road, but the nearer you are to your destination, the cloudier the sky gets. "Looks like it's about to rain." You mumbled to yourself.
"That's normal here, miss. The weather here's always cold." The driver spoke from the front. You hadn't realized that he heard what you said.
It was a few minutes later when you finally see a large building from a distance. The view lived up to it's reputation even from a far. You feel your heart sinking into a stomach, the anxiety worsening.
This was it. This will be your home for the next 2 or 3 years.
Your driver speeds up once drizzling rain begins to fall down from the sky. You allow him to close the window from his seat and lower down the ac.
Feeling your fingers pruning up, you rub your palms together for warmth after reaching for your bag, pulling it closer to you.
The weather wasn't going to be a problem, and hopefully the people here won't be too.
When the car slowed down in front of the entrance, you let yourself take in the view of it all, girls ranging from your ages to younger, walking past of sitting by the stairs. All of them wearing the same thing that you are.
You didn't mean to make the driver open the door for you, but he did anyways as you're too distracted to stop him.
He moves straight to the back to retrieve your other bags as you step out of the vehicle. Some of the girls stopped and stared at you, knowing how rare it is to have new students here.
You couldn't tell what lies behind their long glares and gazes, but you had a feeling that they were eyeing you up like a predator does to their prey. Focusing on the large cream and white colored building staring you down, your heart whispered out a hopeful wish that you could just get back in the car and drive off.
You fix up your plaited skirt and turn towards your driver. "Do you need help to bring these in?" He asks.
You shook your head, immediately taking them into your hands. "No, I got it. But thank you." He smiled warmly as he shut the car hood close. "Have a great year, miss." He tells you politely before walking back to the driver's seat.
And that was the last familiar face you'll ever see for the rest of the semester. You lift up your hand in a tiny wave as you watch him reverse and drive off from the school ground.
You see him wave back before he finally disappears for good.
The staircase made it harder for you and your bags, and if you were expecting any kind eyes to offer some help, none came to it. Instead they all looked at you like you were stupid.
You counted the steps under your breath, stopping when you reached number 5, and then starting back again from 1. It was also an effort to keep your anxiety together, but at certain times like these, you wondered if breathing exercises are all lies made up by a psychiatrist to worsen someone symptom and continue to drive them crazy.
After a couple series of 1 to 5s, you finally made it to the top of the stairwell and into the open doors of the school.
If the rain outside hadn't been freezing your toes, inside was much more brutal. The school is air conditioned, of course it is.
When you said you liked cold, you didn't mean the frozen kind. The strawberry pink socks you're wearing aren't doing you any favors either as you breath out a tired sigh, full hands dragging your bags with you until you reach a tiny counter with the label "office" above the glass.
A teacher, or a guardian, sits inside, working on some paperwork. She looked up when she heard the rolling sound of the wheels on your bag and offered a small smile.
"You're new here, I take it?" You nodded your head and pursed your lips tightly. "Can I have your name?"
You gave her the information needed, from yoir name to your birth certificate. And once she's done compiling the necessary paperworks into a file, she stacks it in the shelves behind her.
"Here's your class schedule, and here's your dorm key." You slid the key onto your pocket and slipped the paper under your arms as you listened to her explaining how the dorm building is in a complete other side of this place, and that you'd have to drag your bags back down the lengthy staircase and walk another 6 minutes towards the other building on the left of the school. Not to be mistaken with the boy's dorms on the right.
You ignored the continuous staring from the other student as you forced yourself down again, and into the left.
The road to the dorm was nicely designed, a straightly drawn black and white concrete pavement in squares with grass on its side. It made the place look more homely. But of course, it wasn’t really gonna fool anyone.
The dragging became easier on the ground. You thanked the gods once you got to the other building once you spotted an elevator. Your first thought was, oh thank fuck for these rich assholes. And your second thought was, oh these are some real rich assholes.
There are less staring here since mostly everyone is already in school. You took your time walking once you're out of the elevator, reading the large signs of the dorm level names.
There are 20 levels to be accurate. And yours, unfortunately, is level 20.
You stood up straight in that elevator for what felt like a whole 10 minutes until it dinged open. Finding your room was much easier, you didn't have to walk very far to find your door. You used the key given to you to unlock the doors and pushed your bags into the room first before you.
You halted for a minute when you met with two strange girls from the inside.
Your roommates apparently have not gone to their classes yet and are still here. They looked at you expectantly as you stared right back.
"Uh-" your daydreams broke. "I'm new here." You announced.
One of the two laughed slightly and shook their head. "We know, we were waiting for you. I'm Harper, and this is Olivia." They extended their hands and you shook them without question.
"So, where'd you come from?" Olivia asks. She had beautiful green eyes and wavy blonde hair. Harper on the other hand, had dark hair and bold blue eyes. Next to each other, the two looks quite the pair. You began rearranging your bags on your side and taking out important things needed for your classes as you answer their inquiries. "New York."
"A city girl, that's nice. The difference here must be jarring." You snorted whilst you hang your clothes on to your small closet. "Very."
They walked out with you once you were done unpacking, leading you back to the school.
"The teachers won't mind you being late, with you being new and all that. But make a habit out of it and you'll get a penalty for it." Harper explained. "Penalty?"
They both nodded and kept on walking up towards the entrance. "Attendance is very important, this isn't public school, lying about health problems to get out of class or skip and disappear for more than 3 times, you could get expelled."
That is insane, you thought. "I didn't know they're that strict." Harper smirked and shrugged at that. "Yeah, I mean unless you're a legacy student, or your parents donate a lot for the school, you won't get many benefits."
Of course, even among the rich, the most privileged still get to escape justice and fairness. "Are you both legacy students?"
"No." Olivia snorted. "What's your locker number?" She takes a peek at your papers and moved right to your locker, opening it with ease.
"Thanks." You tell her while shoving your books inside of it.
"There aren't many legacy students here." Harper spoke from your side, referring back to your question from earlier.
"There are only certain families with histories deeply rooted within the school walls, like Luke Castellan or Silena.”
Your brows raises at those names as the three of you leaned back on the lockers. "Let me guess, they're brats who can get you expelled?"
"Worse." Olivia corrected with a sarcastic smile. "They can do whatever shit they want to you, and will not get expelled for it."
"But don't worry, half of them are decent, just don't piss them off and they'll leave you alone." You nod in understanding, knowing that it was your plan anyways, even if they hadn't warned you.
"Luke's not even entitled or mean, he's actually pretty nice. He helped me take out a book from the library once." Olivia added, wiggling her brows.
"You're just saying that because you like him." Harper scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Even if I didn't, he's still not an ass." The bell rang the minute her sentence was finished. The two girls groaned and started saying their goodbyes before they parted ways to attend their classes.
"Meet up back for lunch?" Harper initiates. "Sure." You told her before following her directions to pre Calculus.
Your brain still hadn't fully registered what just happened. You just made two new friends, and that is a relief. Though you enjoy your alone time along with some quiet and peace, that doesn't mean you don't get lonely or feel isolated. Having bad social skills doesn't exactly equate to joy wanting a social life at all.
You walk into the half filled classroom and scan the space for an empty seat.
Some kids up front started whispering to themselves as they watched you from the corner of their eyes, but none of them tried speaking to you directly.
You flinch when you heard the teacher's voice, booming through the classroom as she enters right behind you. "You're the new girl?" She drops her bag onto her chair and looked you directly in your eyes.
"Yes." The teacher hummed to herself and turned towards her other students. "Do we have any empty seats at the back?" She asks loudly.
"There's one, but it's Chase's." A boy responded. "He's not in today, is he?" He shook his head at her.
"Alright, you can sit there temporarily, I'll ask the boys to bring in an extra table and chair for you tomorrow." You thanked her and walked right to your seat.
Grateful to be seated at the last row by the window, you slumped against the chair, relaxing your back.
The kids at the front stop wasting their time twisting their heads to stare at you, and as the class begins, you tell yourself that maybe this isn't as bad as you thought it'd be.
Your first class ever had been less exciting than expected. You had spent the last 20 minutes of the class trying not to doze off.
Barely any sleep came to you last night, considering how nervous you were for this day. All the worries you've had were for nothing, so far it's all been a bore, and all you wanted to do was to crawl back on to your bed at home and escape all of this strangeness.
Get your shit together, you scolded yourself. You've been all alone your whole life, how different is it now?
The girl on the seat next to yours had craned her neck in your direction, trying to peek through your notebook. Instinctively, you closed over it with your arm.
She did not need to see how there are zero equations in your notebook, all replaced with doodles of flowers and frogs.
When all is hopeless, your passion is where you turn to. Life is suffering in parts, but you find that being able to make it into art, makes the suffering less painful, or at least, more manageable.
Your father had never liked how you prefer to spend your time in art class over piano. In fact, when you were much younger, he even took the initiative to throw out all of your sketchbook. You had to find time to practice your drawing when you aren't at home, knowing his ignorance for your privacy.
But here, hopefully, you'll have ample time to draw and paint.
Once the class is dismissed, you make your way straight into the bathroom, trying to get into a booth before it gets crowded. You caught a glimpse of your reflection from the mirror and cringed at yourself. For some reason, even when you're not doing anything, the school air still finds a way to turn your hair frizzy.
You ran into the small space with open doors and knocked it shut as soon as you're in.
You could hear footsteps entering in right after you're done peeing. A cacophony of running sink water and empty chatter fills your ears as you stood up to fix your skirt and your socks.
The zip of your skirt seemed to have an issue getting stuck on a piece of string, holding it back from fully zipping up. You lifted it up higher and pulled the string out before using your teeth to rip it off of the zip and waving it onto the floor.
There was a moment of silence outside the door just before you were going to exit it. But a loud sound of slamming doors and laughter stops you at your place.
"Lock the doors." You hear another female voice command. She was not shouting, but she had a bold voice that seemed fit for a leader, straight to the point and confident.
Any noise of giggling or chatting immediately died down the moment the girl and her friends stepped in, and now you wonder if getting out would be a good idea at all. So you stayed quiet inside the bathroom.
Your palms are held against the door while you lean into it, trying to hear her clearer.
"What did I tell you last week?" The girl spoke again. She sounded upset or the second worst thing, disappointed.
Another voice rose up in response, meeker in comparison. "You said to have it by Monday."
"It's Wednesday today."
"But I have it now!" The other girl pleaded. "I don't care. I asked for it on Monday, you're two days late." The silence that came after her words was worrying. It was only when she spoke again that you felt your racing heart slowing down.
"You know what you're gonna do right now?" She asks. Silence. "You're going to hand me the money, and then you're going to give me 20 on the ground, right here."
20 what? You frowned in confusion. Money?
You expected resistance, begging, or even defiance from the other girl, but you only heard a resigned sigh from the other side of the door.
The door creaked slightly. You tried to balance yourself away from it when you accidentally slipped. Your fingers reach for the door handle to pull yourself up, and just when you thought it couldn't get worse, the door slams back on its hinges. You cursed yourself internally.
"What the fuck." The first girl snapped. "Booth number 2." She called out. "Get out of there right now or I'll break the door now."
Your breath hitches at the direct interaction and your hands hesitate to unlock the booth. But you'd rather get it over with than risk being taunted in a toilet.
You unlatch the lock with your fingers and slowly pull open the door. The first face you're met with is the one you assume who had addressed you seconds ago.
She had a naturally terrifying expression, with her brows knitted together and her hair pulled up in a ponytail. The bronze skinned girl connecting her gaze to yours.
The staring did not last as she soon started eyeing you up and down like she's analyzing every bad decision you've ever made.
But when she lifts her head back up to your face, you noticed that her frowning had lessened slightly. "You're new." She states aloud.
"How'd you know?" You ask her. "Anyone who's been here for more than a week would have the mind to run out of the bathroom as soon as they heard me." She answered coolly, taking a few steps nearer to you.
"What's your name?" She asks you. You tell her your first name.
She hums in acknowledgement before repeating your name, letting the syllables roll against her tongue. "I assume you haven't been making any friends yet, have you?"
You tried not to look to her side at the girl that was currently half squatting on the floor. "You're making her do push ups." You think aloud, ignoring her question.
"What? Oh, her? She's not important, and she's lucky i’m only making her do 25." The girl waved off like it's a silly joke. "I thought you said 20?" The other girl muttered under her breath.
She snapped her head at the younger girl and glared at her. "One more word and I'll make it 30."
Turning her head back to you, the anger she bore dissolved. "It's a good thing you've met me," she started. "In this place, it's all about making the right type of friends, just in case and not enemies."
"I don't plan on making enemies." You tell her. She was trying to intimidate you. Or at least, ruffle your feathers.
"No one does, but they just do it anyways without realizing." She answers with a shrug.
"And I suppose, if I'm with you, I won't fall down that road?" You didn't mean for it to sound insulting or sarcastic, but when she raised a brow in response, a ghost of smirk over her face, you realized that it was too late to take back your words.
"No, you won't. Because I am that enemy that you should be avoiding." You wondered if she is one of those people that's all talk and no bite, but the way she's folding her arms together as she stands inches away from you, radiated something much more sinister than you'd expect from a typical bully.
"I have to go." You say suddenly, a sense of urgency filled you when you remembered that Harper and Olivia would be waiting for you in the cafeteria. "I won't tell anyone about this." You added, trying to make sure there'd be no bad blood between the two of you.
"You can tell anyone you'd like, it wouldn't matter." She replies, stepping away from you to lean her back on the sink counter.
You clicked your heels away from her and made your way out, taking off the locks before you could swing the door open. You could feel her gaze on you as you left, but didn't twist your head back to confirm.
It didn't matter who she was. A few hours from now you'd forget you even met her, and just like always, you'll blend in with the crowd and be out of her sight.
"Where have you been?" Harper inquired once you sat next to her.
She had half a donut in her mouth as she asked this. "Don't talk with your mouth full." You chided her. She groans and mumbles something else you can't understand but chews the food until she's finished before she speaks again.
"We waited for like 10 minutes, you know recess isn't that long." You took a bite of your own sandwich and shrugged at her like nothing. "I was in the bathroom, there was a line." Harper nodded in understanding, but Olivia made a face of disgust as she toyed with her food.
"I hate the bathroom here, the dorm bathrooms are better." She said.
"What if you really need to pee?" You ask in disbelief. "I hold it in."
"What if you had explosive diarrhea?"
"Well, that would suck." Harper chokes out laugh, trying not to spit out her donut. You joined her with a chuckle, shaking your head at your friend.
"Your fear of public bathrooms will be the death of you." Harper quipped after taking a long sip of water. "I think it makes me stronger." Olivia argues.
"Well, I think it's gonna mess with your bladder." The brunette argues back. You listen to their back and forth until the bell rings again, indicating the end of recess.
You were a bit bummed that your classes aren't aligned with theirs, your nerves are much less triggered when they're around, a sense of familiarity of a sort.
Though, there was nothing you can do about it. You say your goodbyes at your lockers and parted ways again for your last 2 classes. The rest of school time was made bearable with the reminder that you at least shared rooms with your two new friends, and so there was nothing to worry about at all actually.
A part of you feels safer when you're around them. Though your mind is constantly bringing up the girl you've met in the bathroom. Her brown eyes and the way she looked at you.
She didn't strike you as someone admirable, but you had to admit, her features were remarkable. You had pulled out a pencil and a paper for a quick sketch of her eyes during Literature class.
It only hit you then, that you haven't even asked for her name. She knew yours, but you didn't know hers.
What would it matter? You asked yourself. If all goes well, you'll never see her for the whole semester at all. And she'd be nothing more than another face in your sketchbook.
You paid attention to the lesson, but your hands just needed something to work on while you were listening. Tapping your fingers repeatedly on the table was getting old, so you got productive and drew up a little something.
You had managed only half of her face on the paper by the time the class ended. Slipping the book into your tote bag, you follow the rush of students leaving class and heading back to your locker to switch your books for the last class.
It was 8pm when you were finally in the dorm elevator, back against the cold silver metal, relieving the warmth that radiated off of your body. The gym here is open all day and night, and even if the only equipment they had was a treadmill, you intended to utilise them fully.
Working out helps to take your mind off things, and it tires you out enough to help you sleep easier at night.
And so while everyone went back to their dorms, you stashed your bag by the gym entrance and tied your hair back up and went ahead for a good 40 minutes run.
You kept your eyes on the elevator level, watching the number get higher and higher until it eventually reached 20. It dinged open and allows you out with your poor tired feet and worn out expression.
It was quiet on the top floor, nothing like you’d predict what with the hour still being early. The small light bulbs above your head led you straight down the long corridor until you reached your room.
You took out your key and slashed it into the keyhole and heard your friends’ voices evolving from muffled noises into a clearer state as you pushed the door open.
You expected the girls to scold you over your absence again, as you do make it a habit of going places without letting them know, but what you didn't expect once you enter your dorm room, is for them to genuinely fret over your late arrival.
"You can't just disappear without telling anyone!" Olivia exclaimed, her large green eyes staring into your soul as you took your uniform off. "I was at the gym." You explained.
“In your school clothes?” Harper scrunches her nose in disagreement. “Hey, it's convenient.” You retorted.
"Were there other people there?" You shook your head no. "Well, maybe next time we'll go with you. I know you're not used to the unspoken rules here, but there are seriously more creeps than you can imagine in this place."
They were both sitting on their beds as they're talking to you, fully dressed in their matching pajamas like twins.
Harper had a face mask on as she rested her head on her pillows, her elbows used to help her sit up. They had music playing in the background, a song you recognized as Tourniquet by Evanescence. “I love this song.” You say randomly.
“Don’t change the subject.” You look over at them in confusion once you're finished changing.
"I didn't know it'd be such a big deal, I'm doing what everyone else does."
"I know, but I'm just saying, maybe we should all just play it safe for the semester. We don’t want another Samara accident." Harper reasoned.
You walked over to sit by the edge of her bed and asked her who's Samara.
"Samara Turner. She's a senior from last year. Some kid found her passed out by the back garden, her eyes were rolled back, and she was basically frothing from the mouth. When the ambulance came, it was too late. She was gone."
“Are you just making this up to scare me?” You ask them suspiciously. “No!” Olivia denies. “It's a real story, the teachers covered it up real good for future students, not even the news got a hold of Samara's fate.”
"Does anyone know what really happened?" You questioned them.
"The police ruled it as an overdose, but I can't imagine any type of drug running through her veins. And also, in the garden? That's just weird." Olivia says, shaking her head in disbelief.
"You guys think someone drugged her?" Harper shrugged and pursed her lips, inconclusive.
"Either way. It happened when she was alone. What was she even doing in the garden late at night? No one knows. But everyone will point their finger right back at her and say it's her own fault." You understood what they meant. This place isn't as picture perfect as it seemed, just like any other place, it has its holes and flaws.
"Okay, the next time I'm going anywhere other than my classes, I'll let one of you know." Harper and Olivia smiled and looked relieved. You could tell they were satisfied by your answer. "And if we're going anywhere, we'll tell you."
"Okay." You assured them.
You've never really known what it was like to have people worry over you this way. Most of the time, people were grateful when you minded your own business and hid away. And sure there is a little bit of annoyance that comes with being scolded like a child, but it also felt good to have someone care for you this way.
You folded your knees onto your chest, repositioning yourself on her bed. It is only after you move closer to her that you notice your sketchbook on her side table.
"Where'd you find that?" You jolted up, eyes widening..
"Oh, this is another thing we wanted to ask you about." Harper exclaimed, stretching her arm towards the book and passing it over to you. "Clarisse came over here like 15 minutes ago, said you dropped this."
"Who's Clarisse?" You frowned.
"Oh that's funny, you don't know who Clarisse is, and yet she's talking about you like you've been friends for ages." Harper says it like a mother hen catching her daughter red handed, but you're only further confused.
"No, seriously. Who's Clarisse?"
Olivia sighed from her bed and waved her hand exaggeratedly. "Curly hair, dark skin, looks like she can dropkick you in 6 different ways." Instantly, something in your brain clicked.
"Oh, her." Their expression changed into curiosity as they await for you to add more.
"I...met her in the bathroom. She was making a kid do pushups. But we barely talked, I just left."
"Yeah well, she asked where you were when she came by, and we told her we didn't know. And then she gave me this." You opened the book and found that the page with her face on has been ripped away.
Something eats away at your heart when you saw the torn pages, but you said nothing and instead just tossed the book onto your own bed. "What's her deal anyways." You huffed.
"Legacy students, they're all a little entitled like that, her more than others." Olivia answered.
"Oh, she's entitled alright." You muttered to yourself and rolled your eyes.
"I think I'm just gonna go catch up on homework now, unless there's anything else you two want to nag me on." Harper snorted and shoved you playfully but still smiled.
"No, no more nagging." Olivia concluded.
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eunbitchh · 7 months
take a ride with me
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*18+ MDNI*
word count: 2k
pairing: non!idol au, biker!ningning x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used, referred to as a girl)
warnings: fingering, clit slapping (like once), degradation, praise, orgasm denial, temp play? (cold ass rings, it’s cold outside ig), mild exhibitionism? (there’s nobody there but yall are fucking outside lol)
based off of a lyric from this song;
1 am gas station snack runs have become a pretty regular routine for you, the reason being so you’d hopefully get the chance to see the hot biker girl you’d seen the first time you went. you always did, she’d always pull into the parking lot when you were finishing checking out, diverting your attention from the cashier asking if you needed a receipt or not while you instead decided to check out something- someone- much more intriguing. there she was, as per usual. black denim clad legs and a leather jacket that made your head reel, removing her helmet with effortless grace that let her now helmet disheveled hair cascade over her shoulders.
the sound of the cashier clearing their throat snapped you out of your shameless staring.
“do you need a receipt or not?” the bored voice asked you dryly
“uh- no. thanks” you respond a little embarassed at having been so lost in your head while you stared at the girl outside. you grabbed your things and made your way to the door to leave, the cool night air immediately brushing over you skin causing you to shiver. you were starting to walk past the girl to go back in the direction of your house when you heard an unfamiliar voice speak to you.
“so when are you actually going to talk to me instead of ogling me from afar like a creep and i pretend i don’t notice?”
“w-what?” you asked, stuttering in disbelief now turning to look at the source of the voice- it was her. of course it was. could your luck get any worse?
she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at you with a raised eyebrow. amusement? written all over her face. “you heard me” she said simply, a small smirk ok her lips now.
“i- i’m sorry for staring at you and making you uncomfortable.” you responded, white hot shame flowing through your veins while you apologized to her and turned around again to walk back home, but a hand wrapping around your wrist stopped your motions.
“i never said i was uncomfortable, you know. it’s not everyday when it’s a girl checking you out instead of some creepy old man” she was laughing a bit when she said that, amusement not made clear upon seeing your embarrassed response to her presence and her questioning.
“how about we start over, i’m ning yizhuo. you are?” she held her hand out for you to shake, you did after a moments hesitation. her skin was soft.
“y/n y/l/n.” you spoke shyly when you met her intimidating gaze.
“y/n, huh? well, how would you like to take a ride with me?” she asked reaching to pull a spare helmet from her bag and holding it out to you expectantly.
this couldn’t be happening right now
“i’d love to!” you answered all too quickly taking the helmet from her hands, holding it to close to your frame.
“great, hop on.” her tone was so husky and sultry, the invite hanging in the air while she got back onto her bike, legs straddling both sides of it while her feet were planted to the cement. oh how you wished you could be a bike right now. you blink back your thoughts and carefully get on behind her, trying not to touch her at all. she smelled so good, like strawberries.
a silence hung in the air for a few moments while you both slipped on your helmets.
“you better put your arms around me unless you wanna wipeout in the road” she warned you, you hesitated again before doing as she said feeling your face grow hot under your helmet. she drove out of the parking lot at a reasonable speed, you felt okay with the loose grip you had around her waist.. until she unexpectedly sped up, causing you to yelp in surprise and the grip your arms had on her became a lot tighter. she definitely did that on purpose.
something about riding with her was so exhilarating, the speed made it feel as though the world was dissipating into the background of the night before your very eyes. you felt a lot more comfortable the longer you rode, and the extreme tight grip you had on her loosened up a bit. you lost track of how long you were going for until she pulled into a seemingly abandoned lot and came to a stop. you both got off the bike and removed your helmets.
“where are we?” you asked her.
“my favorite spot, you can see the stars so clearly here. i’ve always wanted to bring someone to see it with me, and i’m very glad it got to be someone as pretty as you.” she said with a whisper of a smirk playing at her lips.
you could feel it was weird how you were just silently gawking at her, but who could blame you? that disheveled hair and ever so slightly smug face drove you insane.
“you still with me?” she asked playfully, pointing out your lack of response to her comment
“uh- yeah. yeah- im still here” you struggled out, trying to snap yourself out of the trance you were in staring at her.
the skin of her hand making contact with your cheek sent shockwaves through your body, the contrast of the softness and the rough callouses that littered them was a sensation you knew you could get addicted to.
“you’re always staring at me like i don’t know exactly what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours” her voice was smooth and sultry while she spoke ever so quietly to you, despite the absence of people present.
“..what do you mean?” you whispered back, despite knowing damn well exactly what she was referring to.
“oh don’t act clueless on me now, i’ve felt you eyefucking me every time i was at the gas station, or even when we were riding, and even now. if you want me all you need to do is say it” she challenged, leaning closer and closer to you with each word.
“i.. i want you.” you whispered.
she swiftly pinned you up against her motorcycle and laughed lightly at that.
“good girl.. see? that wasn’t so hard.” she spoke lowly, face merely centimetres away from yours, her eyes scanned your face like a predator watches its prey, before finally connecting your lips together.
your bones felt as if they melted from her touch, unable to stand on your own when she lifted you up a bit so you were now sat on her bike while you kissed at a feverish pace. her hands gently tracing the skin just under the hem of your shirt, brushing lightly against your waist. the feeling of the cool rings that adorned her fingers on your skin sent your head reeling.
“can i take this off?” she asked, lightly tugging at the hem of your shirt, you nodded, unable to respond as you felt her lift your top off.
“god, so pretty” she mumbled to herself, placing a soft kiss to the swell of your breasts. soft pleasured sighs falling from between your lips at the feeling of her gentle touch on your skin as you felt her lips move lower, taking a nipple into her mouth and sucking lightly, pinching the other between her fingers. your back arched into her touch, sighs now turning into moans. the way you fell apart from the simplest of touches fueling her ego evidently.
“mm such a good girl for me, wanna ruin you” she spoke lowly, peering up at you through hooded eyes. you could do nothing but moan in response to her, while her hands made quick work of roughly tugging your pants off. the cold air on your skin in contrast of the heat she was causing in your body made you feel like you were losing your mind.
“wanna eat this pretty pussy.. gonna let me?” she asked while placing gentle kisses and bites along your inner thighs, marking you up just for her.
“please-“ you whined, trying to buck your hips closer to her mouth which made her laugh breathlessly.
“so needy..” she mumbled, kissing your pussy over your panties before moving them to the side and out of her way. she hummed, satisfied at the wetness of you, the way your juices glistened faintly in the moonlight. all because of her. her fingers spread your lips apart while she licked a long stripe along your dripping hole, fighting back a smirk at the sound of your loud moan and how your body instinctively tried to move away from her but having no where to go. she hummed contentedly into your pussy, satisfied with how you tasted.
her lips wrapped around your clit, sucking it harshly. you felt almost embarrassed by how wet you were for her, dripping all over the leather seat of her bike making quite a mess for her. 1 of her hands laid on your thigh to hold you down and spread your legs apart for her while she buried her head between your thighs, the cool metal of her rings digging into your flesh. she lapped you up like you were the only food source left on earth, drinking in any drop of essence you gave her while she gingerly slipped a finger inside of your needy hole, instead of having it clenching around nothing it now clenched onto her finger.
“fuck, look at you sucking me right in” she groaned, releasing your clit from her mouth causing you to whine at the loss of contact. “is my pretty girl gonna cum on my fingers?” she asked in that cocky, teasing voice you were becoming obsessed with.
“please- wanna cum-“ you whined desperately, trying to convince her to fuck you with her fingers at a faster pace. you only whined in dissatisfaction when you felt her finger slide out of you while she laid a harsh slap to your clit that made you scream.
“not yet, not until i tell you that you can cum. understand?” she asked sternly.
“yes- i understand.. just please- please fuck me” you moaned like a needy bitch. to be fair, you were.
“good girl” she returned her finger back to its place, adding another in while she fucked your hole roughly, eyes glued to how your pussy would suck them in more and more with each thrust she made. she toyed around with the pacing a bit, knowing how close you were teetering over the edge of your orgasm. you were desperate for it, bucking your hips in attempt to make her make you cum, but she made it obvious that she was the 1 in control here, denying you of your orgasm over and over again. she kissed your clit and peered up at you again.
“you wanna cum?” she asked you, and you nodded desperately in response.
“no. beg. use your words. do you want to cum?” she asked you sternly
“yes! please yes i want to cum- please let me cum!” you pleaded with her desperately, and that smug smirk broke out across her face at your desperate pleas.
“cum for me, cum all over my fingers” she whispered, before sucking harshly on your clit again, and you did just that, cumming so hard you swore you were seeing stars.. but not those that were in the sky. she helped you ride out that orgasm as long as she could, before finally coming to a stop and carefully slipping her fingers out of your dripping hole, happily sucking the cum off of them with no hesitation.
“you okay?” she asked coming up from between your thighs to look at your face close up, cradling it gently in her hands as she assessed your current state.
“yeah.. i’m okay” you said, breathing heavily when you finally felt yourself coming back to reality, her thumbs gently brushing over the skin on your cheeks
“did so good for me, looked so pretty cumming on my hand” she praised you while gently comforting you, grabbing a clean old tee from her bag to wipe your skin and the seat clean of your cum, laying a gentle kiss to your lips.
“you should ride with me more often” she suggested, sending you a more playful smile.
“yeah.. i should” you said, imagining something like this happening again if you did.
not edited, if there’s any spelling mistakes etc lmk!
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ozzgin · 11 months
So @moonthundersoldier requested a Predator x Reader headcanon and I have to say, I took my time with it as an excuse to watch Prey and whip out my dusty old comics. I‘m a big fan of Alien and Predator and this was my chance to finally try my hand at it! Hopefully it turns out alright.
Various Predators x Predator! Reader Headcanons
Featuring various Yautja types that independently find and court a mysterious reader raised by humans.
Part 1: Meeting
Part 2: Courting
Part 3: Mating
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The earliest memory you have of your parents consists only of their wide backs as they hastily controlled the ship, looking for a new hunting ground. You were born to a pair of bad bloods that have been exiled by their clan. They were loudly typing in the parameters for the landing, which so far wasn’t looking gracious. Just as the ship brushed against Earth‘s atmosphere, a foreign vessel appeared behind. Judging by the angry growls of your parents, it wasn’t a good thing.
You of course don’t recall any of it, but what followed was a swift battle once the landing jets touched the ground. The second ship opened up without delay and several Predators in stark white armor marched their way out. They were enforcers, dispatched to hunt down criminals such as your parents. As they finished their gruesome task, they noticed the remaining heat radiating from the cockpit. Had they missed a member? Then again, the overall shape was too small for a regular man. One of the officers climbed into the collapsed remains of the ship and spotted you. Troublesome. He nonchalantly grabbed your carrier and walked out, showing the cause of mild concern to the others. The important things such as weapons were to be returned to Yautja Prime, anything else destroyed. So, what were they supposed to do with you?
The answer was found rather quickly, as their helmets notified them of approaching life forms. Most likely wild animals, in which case you would also be taken care of. The suckling of fugitives could hardly integrate back in the clan. This was for the best. So they quickly discarded the remaining wreckage and boarded their vessel once again.
“Oh God, what is that?” a tall man shouts as he approaches your abandoned carrier, holding tight onto the shotgun. “Some sort of creature…Be careful!”
The plump woman with a sunburned face that had followed behind was now just a few inches from you, bending over with genuine curiosity. “Are you serious right now? Put that shotgun down, it’s a baby!” Seemingly unperturbed by your unusual appearance, she picked you up and briefly analyzed your features before lifting your carrier and turning around. “Let’s go, I’m not leaving a child behind. We’ll figure it out.”
Reader’s countryside life
And so you were raised by honest, loving and - most importantly - human farmers. Since you’ve been equipped with proper, superior intelligence, it has been easy for you to acquire the human language. The clicks and growls were slowly replaced with fully articulated words. Save for your reptilian appearance, you are otherwise an authentic member of the family.
You might have the docile, caring behavior of a human, but your predator instincts have not been discarded. You’re taller and stronger than your “relatives”, and the more dangerous labor of guarding or hunting has been in your hands for many years now. The old shotgun now serves as a dusty wall decoration, it could never compete with your claws, speed and ferocity. Your heart remains that of a hunter.
Eventually it becomes a vague gossip within the cities of Yautja Prime that one of their own might be roaming Earth, completely unaware of their roots. A Predator woman, trained by humans. What would the outcome be? Curiosity peaks for certain Predators and they can’t help but wish to see you with their own eyes. Maybe the different backgrounds would provide future younglings with unknown exotic advantages.
Your peaceful life comes to an end when the first of many suitors descends onto the bizarre planet and manages to track you down. The first encounter leaves you speechless: are there more individuals like you out there? You feel relief flushing over you as the knowledge of similar creatures settles in. You weren’t alone, after all. And soon enough you even learn to describe what you’ve always questioned about yourself. You’re a Yautja, a Predator.
Predators meeting the reader
You’ve really caught the feral Predator’s eyes. He has parted ways with modern technology a long time ago and prefers to hunt with minimal tools. He finds your way of surviving very similar to his tribal lifestyle, relying more on strength and agility that have been polished in raw nature. He’s the one that teaches you the native language and tells you about the Homeworld, though he suspects you come from a different hemisphere. He likes to observe the tactics you’ve developed to hunt the animals of this world and shares his own experience and tips with you. He has grown fond of the wilderness on this planet and plans to propose that the two of you build a family away from the needless hassle of cities. If there’s such a thing as a soul mate, then Black Warrior has entrusted him to be yours.
The visit you receive from an elite Predator is not as cozy. He watches you from afar and notices your interactions with the humans. His guide marks them as targets, so why are you acting all chummy with boring prey? They don’t seem to have combat skills and yet you bring them game and offer protection. He refuses to believe that you’ve been in some way enslaved, bringing shame to your kind. He decides to confront you and demand answers. Having learned the language, you explain that this is your clan, the family that raised you. You’re a bit annoyed that this complete stranger is bringing in his hierarchies and social constructs as some sort of universal law. You do not care for his philosophy of power and warn him to be respectful of the customs here. Aha, there it is. Your imposing figure and assertive threats confirm to him you’re a proper Yautja despite the circumstances. His initial frown is replaced by a satisfied expression. Don’t worry, your potential won’t go to waste in this dump of weaklings. He’ll take you home with him and show you the true meaning of a Predator family. Even if he has to fight you a little for it.
This fugitive bad blood has finally found you. He’d known your parents for a long time and heard about their demise, but he never expected they’d leave an offspring behind. He scans your figure with a certain impertinence, pleased by what he sees. Should he kill the humans and capture you as his mate? It’s certainly the most entertaining option. He smugly shows you his trophy belt, bearing the skulls of defeated prey, and asks you if your little creatures deserve a spot. You assume a fighting stance and erratic clicking sounds erupt from his chest, most likely a laugh. You have no tools and you’ve only ever fought…what…little Earth piglets half the size of a Predator Hound? But it’s alright, he wants a feisty mother for his children. Give your best shot.
By far the most challenging admirer has been the Berserker. You can see the similarity between the two of you, but the blood red eyes are unlike all the other Predators you’ve encountered before. Merely seconds after discovering your presence, the creature attempted to dominate you and you had to trash your way out of its grasp. You try to assess the situation but have little time to contemplate before the next attack occurs. He’s heavier and larger than you or the other Predators and as much as you hate to admit, taking him down could prove difficult. What does he want? He thankfully hasn’t redirected his aim towards your family, and if he so desired he may have killed you by now. He retracts his claws and turns to face you once again. He’s mocking you, not even keeping his guard up. But there’s something else in his eyes, a primal urge that sends cold shivers down your spine. He’s going to make you his.
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Derek Hale x reader - protect you
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i was wondering if i could request a derek hale x reader where he’s hurt or having a bad day, and the reader is there to comfort him and help him through it. - @directioner5life 💜
Derek didn’t know where to go, he couldn’t go to the loft, he couldn’t go to Scott or Deacon, nowhere seemed safe for him, not with the alphas trying to run him down.
As he limped through the streets, he stopped at a corner and held a hand around his abdomen, letting out a small breath.
That’s when he remembered there was one place he could go to, one place no supernatural could get into without invite, couldn’t even find without being shown.
He’d only been there a few times, and he wasn’t sure he was welcome but he had no choice, he was bleeding too much and it was the closest and safest place he could go.
Your apartment.
He made his way to the old run down looking building and hauled himself up the stairs.
He reached out door and leant against the wall, knocking on the door lightly as he looked around nervously.
Not even a second had passed and you opened it, ushering him inside before closing and locking the door, laying down mountain ash once more.
“That was quick..” he mumbled.
“Could sense you nearby. Had a feeling you were coming here.”
You took his arm and led him to the table and helped him sit up on it and walked across the room to a cabinet.
“Take your shirt off and lay down.”
“If you wanted me shirtless you didn’t have to ask.” He chuckled.
You didn’t say anything, you simply grabbed everything you were looking for and set them on the table as you looked at the wounds he had.
First you carefully cleaned around them, making sure not to do anything that could agitate them.
“What happened Derek…?” you asked softly.
“Alpha pack.”
You nodded your head and started to clean the gashes, then slowly starting to stitch them up very slowly and gently.
When you finished and you moved everything away and walked back over, peering down at him while he gazed softly up at you.
“You need to be more careful…”
“I know, I know I’m sorry. But they were going after Scott’s mom, what other choice did I have?” He sighed.
“To be more careful that’s what choice Derek. Or at least let me help you.”
“No, it’s too dangerous.”
You rolled your eyes at him and flexed your fingers, showing small flames and sparks before turning your attention back towards the werewolf laying on your table.
“Right, I’m a powerful druid love, I can help you.”
“And I’m not willing to risk you getting hurt. And if you’re a powerful witch you could at least heal this.”
He gestured to his wounds and you shook your head, gently patting his chest.
“You know I can’t, not yet it’ll be too dangerous. There’s always an effect to these kinds of magics.”
Derek sighed and went to sit up but you pushed him back down, hand over his face as you held him to the table.
“Don’t, if you rip those it’ll take longer before I can heal them.”
Derek huffed a little and you smiled, moving your hand away you leant down and softly kissed the top of his head.
“Just stay here for about ten minutes okay, I’ll make something that can hopefully speed that process up.”
Derek nodded and you walked away.
Derek knew you didn’t go far, he could hear you humming under your breath in the next room as you gathered things together.
He could smell the Alphas outside and he started to grow worried, thinking he had made a mistake coming here.
You walked into the room and handed him something.
Then you walked to the window and pushed it open, leaning on the edge as you peered down at the red eyes that stared up.
“Do not start a war you know you cannot finish Deucalion.”
“I don’t want to start a war with you Druid. I simply want the werewolf you’re hiding.”
You hummed a little.
“If you come anywhere near this building, threaten any more humans I swear to you and your so called pack I will make you all the most cursed, hunted, screwed up werewolves to have ever walked this earth. You will be haunted for your whole lives and you next lives to come.”
Deucalion smiled a little and raised his hand, gesturing for everyone to back off and they did.
“I know not to cross you, I have heard the stories. You have my word that we won’t hurt anymore humans, or your mate.”
With that he walked away with his pack and you turned to Derek who was now sitting up, blood seeping from his wounds.
Storming over you gently pushed him back down and placed your hand on his forehead, running your fingers through his hair as you looked at him.
As a Druid, you didn’t really care much about anyone, you kept yourself to yourself, but you would do anything for this werewolf, anything
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infamous-if · 11 months
dev update (august 9th 2023)
I'm really bad at doing these, I apologize. I find I prefer just dropping things without much notice haha but since chapter 2 is out I do want to do better at these sort of weekly log things.
Anyway, with the Patreon out I've been having a lot of fun dropping stuff. I have a whole folder of deleted scenes and extra bits that I kept aside collecting dust so that's been fun. I've done a lot with August so far so I'm determined to keep up that momentum, especially since I'm deep in G's POV right now.
I started picking away at Part II. Luckily, I feel it may be shorter than Part I so it won't be too long until I'm dropping it. I'm going to make sure not to change any variables until after it's published so people can just play from where they finished off. Hopefully...if I can avoid it. If I speed run through Part II I feel like I can drop it next month or late this month. I'm not making any promises but if I do, I'll be giving myself a huge pat on the back lmfao.
Since Part I dropped, I've been getting a lot more asks and suggestions. Many people have been suggesting certain choices and reactions and dialogues which is great. People tend to catch things that I don't catch or have ideas that don't come to me so it helps when I go back to rewrite. I can't promise I'll add it but so far I've been getting a lot of good suggestions. I don't respond to them just so I can keep them in one place, so don't think I'm ignoring you! I do read all my questions I just tend to be picky with answering them so as not to flood the dash. I was having a wild idea to make a side account just to answer questions because I wake up to so many that I can hardly handle it and my inbox gives me a bit of a fright every morning lololol I currently have 3.5k questions and I feel terrible every time because I feel like I'm ignoring people.
As I said before, once Part 2 is out I'm going to go through the entire demo with a fine tooth comb and pick it up bit by bit. Improve on it, add dialogue, choices and just fix it up. It won't be a rewrite lol since I like what I have but I think I can improve the prose and the overall...cleanliness? of my writing!
I'm always taking suggestions or anything that may make the game better. I can't do everything but I do try. I'm also always taking song suggestions for the master playlist. I do listen to it when I write so that's fun lol
This was a non update but I do like keeping everyone up to date on what I'm doing! If anyone has suggestions for something August related to do this month, I'm all ears!
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the right time — j.f.
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** not my gif **
Summary: Jeremiah's confession of his true feelings for you always seems to die on his tongue. Until one day, they finally find their way out - AKA the three times that Jeremiah tries to confess, and the one time he finally does.
Requested: request can be found here
Word Count: ~5K
A/N: jeeeez. i got carried away with this one. i had so so so much fun writing this so i hope you enjoy it!! so sorry again for the wait but hopefully this makes up for some(?) of it? i also changed up some aspects of it from the request, so i hope that's ok!!! anyways i have a few hp requests sitting in my inbox and i wanna publish them in the next week or so, so be on the lookout :)
Jeremiah had always been a bit of a fan of ripping off band-aids. He liked the finality of it, the speed of it, the elated feeling that always enveloped him after the fact. He liked getting it done in one go and never thinking about it again. Whenever he watched Steven slowly peel his band-aids off his skin, he would cringe all over, wanting to shout at him to just be done with it. 
He berated himself now, as he sat on your bed, when he couldn’t seem to take his own advice. He could never listen to his better senses when it came to you. No matter how hard he tried. 
And he tried really, really hard. 
He knew that he should just tell you. The confession had been boiling on his tongue for years now – after all, he had figured out the magnitude of his feelings for you when you two were only twelve years old. 
His feelings, evidently, did not like the confinement either as they only seemed to grow in size over the years. It was not a mere twelve-year-old crush anymore, and he knew that. Perhaps that was why his tongue always collapsed at the weight of it, why he couldn’t vocalize it.
It was a bit ironic, really, how flirty he could be with everyone else and barely mean the sweet words tumbling out of his mouth but when it was you, he couldn’t verbalize even the most sincere, genuine feelings. His flirtatious jokes always seemed to fly right past your head as you shook them off to just be “Jere being Jere”. 
“Alright, red or blue?” You questioned, holding both of your tops up. You raised your eyebrows at the golden-haired boy sprawled on your bed, his arms supporting his weight as he leaned back. 
“Hmm,” he pretended to be deep in thought with a half-smile on his face. “You’re going to look smokin’ hot in either, so…” He finished with a soft shrug of his shoulders, trying his best to maintain his easy-going facade, even in this situation. 
Even when he is helping you pick out something to wear to a date with someone other than him. 
“Jere,” you said with a straight face to drive home the seriousness of this situation. This was not the time for jokes. 
“Seriously, though,” he sat up as he ran a hand through his hair with nonchalance, “You could wear a potato sack to this thing and your date would still be drooling the entire time. In fact,” he stood up, pretending to walk towards the door, “I think Mom might have one in the pantry. I can go check–”
“Jer!” you grabbed his arm as you tried your best to smother a laugh at his antics and pushed him back on the bed. “Please. Which one?”
He pouted a little as he considered the options, pretending once again to be uber-serious about this. Without meaning to, he found his eyes leaving the red and blue tops you were holding up and wandering to your face. He took it in like he had all the time in the world. 
“Red,” he said with an easy smile, which he was glad to see you return with the same ease. If this was all it took to make you smile like that, then he would be more than happy choosing your outfits for an eternity. “You look gorgeous in red. But, any guy would be lucky to see you in either.”
You grinned a little at his flattery and tried to ignore how his compliments made your stomach twist with something that you were all too familiar with when it came to Jeremiah and his sweet talk. “Well then, lucky you, you’ve won the lottery today. You’ve seen me in both.” 
He chuckled as he shook his head slightly. “Yeah. Lucky me.” 
And he tried his best to ignore the faint pang in his chest as he watched you turn away to face the mirror and fix your hair before going into the bathroom to change tops. 
He watched you close the bathroom door and he chewed on his lip nervously – which was not something he normally did. Rip the band-aid off, he found himself thinking. Just tell her.
“Yeah?” Your muffled voice came from within the bathroom and Jeremiah had to lean against the bathroom door to be able to muster up the courage that he required at this moment.
“I just–” he began, looking down at his feet with one hand against the door and the other on his hip. “I just wanted you to know that…” 
“What is it? Is Max here already?” You questioned and he stopped in his tracks when he heard the excitement in your voice. 
He could never bring himself to admit it but some wicked, evil part of him wanted your date to go horribly. A small part of him even considered telling you to show him more options for your outfit tonight because he had simply changed his mind about the red, fully knowing that doing this would make you very late to the movie you’re supposed to leave for in a few minutes. 
But he also knew, somewhere deep down, that those small, wicked parts of him could easily be triumphed by the larger part of him that just wanted you to be happy. And if someone else could do that for you, then he would let them. Every single time. 
“No,” he shook his head and exhaled deeply. “No, I just hope you have fun tonight.” 
You opened your door finally and stepped out with a small smile, wearing the red top that he insisted upon. “Thanks, Jere.”
“See?” he teased with a small smirk, “I told you red’s the move.” He winked playfully as he brought a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ears. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you rolled your eyes and walked once again to your mirror, trying to fix hair that already looked perfect. “What would I do without your brilliant fashion advice?” Maybe it had simply been the frequency of his compliments or the flirty glint in his eye every time he said them, but you had long learned not to take any of what Jeremiah said to heart. He would compliment anything that breathed with the same sincerity.
Jeremiah watched you walk out that evening with a bitter taste in his mouth because you did look gorgeous in red. You looked drop-dead stunning. 
And try as he might to tell you of that fact, you wouldn’t really believe it when it came from him. You’d only believe it when it came from someone else. 
“I am not drunk!” You yelled with finality in your tone and a stance that conveyed utmost defiance. 
Well, as defiant as you could possibly look when you were clearly swaying a little with a bottle in hand and slurring your words. You could barely keep your eyes open. 
“Okay,” Conrad decided to humour you as he snatched your bottle out of your hands and replaced it with a cup of water. “Drink this anyway.” 
“You’re no fun,” You tell Conrad with a pout and he rolls his eyes at you before continuing his deperate search for Jeremiah. All he found were more drunk teenagers, flashing lights and blaring speakers. “Party-pooper.” You accuse.
Conrad wasn’t sure when he had been put on babysitting duty but when he had seen you, drunk out of your mind, climb onto a table and start belting out Beyonce, he knew his help was needed. And though you normally got along with Conrad just fine, with him being just like a big brother to you, he knew that he needed to find Jeremiah to take you home. He was the designated driver, after all. 
“Do you know where Jere is?” 
“Debbie-downer.” You spat out to Conrad, who couldn’t care less about your conniving insults. 
“Seriously, have you seen Jere?” He questioned again and pushed you to take a sip of your water.
“Conrad the killjoy,” you laughed at your own joke a little and Conrad sighed heavily, desperate for someone to take you off his hands. 
“Killjoy is spelt with a K, you know.”
“Yeah, well, then so is Konrad.” 
Jeremiah, who had been upstairs, knew at once something was wrong when he glanced at his phone and saw 6 missed calls from Conrad and a frantic text from Belly. As he made his way downstairs, he could see you standing with a pout on your face and your arms crossed like a child, with a very exasperated Conrad standing next to you. Jeremiah smiled a little at the sight of your ruffled hair and his brother’s tired look. 
“What’s going on here?” He asked finally after reaching the bottom of the stairs and looping one of your arms around his neck to support you to keep you standing upright. 
“Finally,” Conrad mumbled under his breath. “You should take her home. Be careful, though,” Conrad cast you a sarcastic look. “She might start spelling your name with a G.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and Conrad continued, “I’ll take a cab with Steven and Belly.”  
“No, I’ll take a cab,” You interject pointedly, “You should really drive him home, Jere.” 
“Alright, alright,” Jeremiah consoled and held back a snort at Conrad’s unamused expression, “I’ll drive you home first, okay? You’re my favourite out of the two of you, after all.”
As soon as you two stepped out of the house, the cold night air whipped your face and blew your hair back and you found yourself enjoying every second of it. You kept an arm looped around Jeremiah and raised the other one to cheer loudly. You felt warm and bubbly from the inside and your head was spinning in the best way possible. You never wanted this night to end. 
“Shhh,” Jeremiah shushed you in between chuckles. “You’re going to wake the entire neighbourhood up.” 
“Yeah, so?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “They should not be sleeping right now. There’s a party going on!”
Jeremiah looked at you with incredulous eyes and an amused expression on his face. He couldn’t remember the last time you had gotten this drunk. He couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten that drunk and he had some really wild stories up his sleeve. He smiled to himself as he looked down at the ground. You looked cute when you were so drunk that you had no filter. It was a nice change.
“Alright, come on,” he ushered you into the car when you finally reached it. “All arms and legs inside the vehicle, please.”
“Okay, but I’m not wearing a seatbelt,” you protested as you settled into the passenger seat. Your body relaxed instantly upon making contact with the comfortable seats of the Jeep and you struggled to keep your eyes open as sleep threatened to overcome your senses completely. 
“Yes, you are,” Jeremiah countered instantly and grabbed the seat belt buckle. He leaned across your sprawled body in the passenger seat to fasten it and you suddenly could not ignore the frenzy of butterflies in your stomach. He was so close that you could feel his breath fanning across your neck and even in your drunk state, your cheeks burned at the proximity. He fastened the seatbelt with a click and straightened back out with an amused smile once again. “I see what you did there.” He smirked before shutting your car door.
You waited for him to get into the driver’s seat before pressing urgently with a furrow in your eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“You really couldn’t have put it on by yourself?” He teased with his hands set on the steering wheel. 
“Ugh, gross,” you groaned as you realized that you felt all warm and bubbly inside for an entirely different reason now. “I did not do that so you could do that.”
Jeremiah responded with a chuckle and a small ‘sure’, which made you eager to defend your side of the story even more.
“I’m not lying.”
“Admit it, I’m irresistible.” He mocked with an exaggerated hair flip.
“Seriously,” you clarified as you sat up. “Maybe I just wanted to smell your hair.”
Jeremiah’s howls of laughter at this innocent yet glaringly honest confession confused you to no end, as you squinted at him. You were still unsure of what was so funny about that fact. His hair did smell nice.
“Drunk you is really bad at flirting,” Jeremiah said with a playful lilt in his tone, which perfectly masked his true feelings at the moment. He wished, more than anything, that you would flirt with him for real. But he also knew that you didn’t see him that way, and maybe you never really would. It was cathartic in a way to tease you so relentlessly. It almost made it feel real to him. 
“I’m not flirting,” you claimed once again. “And, you really shouldn’t be flirting with me either, you know.” You said offhandedly, not thinking much about what you were saying. 
Jeremiah’s smile instantly dropped at your remark. “What do you mean?” he mustered up, already feeling horribly guilty. He braced himself for what he knew was to come – he was sure that you were about to tell him that your boyfriend had brought it up with you. Max probably felt threatened and –
“Gigi,” you said softly. “I saw you two go up into that room.” And it was true. You had seen them together and your heart had dropped. Despite the fact that you had your actual boyfriend beside you for most of the night, you couldn't help but feel betrayed at the sight of Jeremiah with someone else. You quickly pushed the feeling out of your head and grabbed the nearest drink, finding the only solace from your broken heart in your drunk state.
Jeremiah’s head was suddenly spinning as he clutched the steering wheel tighter and tried to take a quick look at you before setting his eyes back on the road. He tried to dismiss the thoughts in his brain that were ecstatic at the faint jealous tone in your sentence. 
“No, no,” he shook his head. Jeremiah desperately tried to find the words to tell you that Gigi and him had only talked – how he had made it clear that he wasn’t looking for anything romantic with her.  “Gigi and I–”
“It’s fine, Jere, really,” you affirmed as you tried to shoot him a small smile. “You don’t have to lie to me. I just… We’re both with different people now and you’re my best friend so maybe you and I should just… dial it back a little, I don’t know.” 
Just as quickly as those ecstatic thoughts had rushed into his head, they now fled. It became clear to him now that this was about Max. You were not jealous. You probably didn’t care about him and Gigi at all. He tried to regain his composure as he cracked a small smile. 
“Yeah,“ he agreed quietly. “Your boyfriend probably thinks I’m in love with you or something.” He tried to joke but the attempt was weak at best. 
“Yeah,” you half-smiled in agreement. “Gigi probably thinks I’m in love with you.” You spared a glance at him for a moment too long, causing him to look back. You cleared your throat hurriedly, “Or something.” 
Jeremiah focused on the road that stretched out in front of him as he willed himself not to look back at you. It would’ve been easy to rip off the band-aid then, to just blurt out his true feelings and leave you to deal with the aftermath. He knew it would’ve been easy but he also knew that it would’ve been incredibly selfish. 
With a lapse in self-control, he risked a glance at you and found you sound asleep, with your eyes shut in what he could only imagine as blissful slumber. He smiled as he turned his eyes back on the road. He was glad that at least one of you two would be sleeping so soundly tonight.
The breakup had been surprisingly easy. The aftermath, however, had been the exact opposite. 
When Max had dumped you two days before the deb ball, you hadn’t thought much of it. Your relationship was barely three weeks old and you were really only waiting for the shoe to drop. When it finally did, you felt almost relieved. You were practically yawning through Max’s “it’s not you, it’s me” routine. 
That feeling of freedom and relief were quickly snatched from you when you realized just how bad Max’s timing was. With the deb ball two days away, you were left with no date and absolutely no prospects. Conrad was going with Belly already, Steven with Shayla and you didn’t need to ask Jere to know what he would say to being your escort. That guy had sworn off balls years ago. 
“Maybe you could just, like, be a group of three with us,” suggested Belly with a hopeful smile plastered on her face. “Conrad wouldn’t mind… I don’t think.” 
You gave her an unamused look as you buried your head in your pillows. “Do we know the same Conrad?” 
“Fine, then what do you suggest?” Belly questioned as she flopped onto your bed as well. “You’re really going to go alone?” 
“What choice do I have?” 
“You could ask J–.”
“Absolutely not,” you countered right away. There was no way you were going to ask him, especially considering how you knew his answer already. No matter the reasons behind it, a rejection from him would still hurt.
“Why not?” Belly whined. “He’s perfect for you. I’m sure he can make an exception to his rule if you were to ask.” 
You raised your head to squint at Belly. “Why would he make an exception for me?”
“You know why.”
“No, I do not.” You tried to ignore the burning in your cheeks once again.
“You’re so childish, [Y/N],” Belly sighed. “That guy’s been in love with you since you two were like toddlers.”
“That is simply not true,” you muttered, wishing that Belly would drop the subject altogether. “Next!” You announced only to be met with a groan from Belly.
After countless suggestions and exhausted minds, Belly suggested that you take the easy way out of this mess. 
“Just call Max,” she whined, running a tired hand over her face. “Tell him he still has to take you to the ball and then you two can go your separate ways or whatever.”
 And so, you had. You had called Max at the opportune hour of 2 AM and he had agreed before making sure that ‘there was absolutely no romantic subtext attached to this, right?’ You had scoffed at what he was trying to imply. As if. 
It was that eventful night’s ingenious brainstorming which had landed you in this mess today. 
The ball was about to start in five minutes and all you could do was stare at the curt text that Max had sent you a minute ago. You read over it again and again in feeble hopes that that would make it seem more insignificant – like if you read it enough times, it would somehow be less humiliating. 
But the truth of the matter was that Max had bailed on you at the very last minute – literally –  and your name was about to be announced, summoning you and your escort to the stage. You looked around desperately, in hopes that perhaps you could send someone else ahead of you or if worst comes to worst, slip out of the back door yourself but none of those options seemed particularly feasible. As you looked at the other side of the stage, where Max was supposed to be standing, you saw nothing but darkness. 
“[Y/N] [Y/L/N],” the announcer called with his booming voice. “Daughter of…” It had suddenly become hard to breathe in your flowing dress and you were sure that your makeup had practically melted off your face by now. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in. It’s fine, you told yourself, repeating it like a chant. I’m fine.
You took small steps forward, trying desperately to sync them with your breathing to avoid any disasters until you were standing on stage with a bouquet in your hand and no date by your side. You forced a smile on your face but it evidently did not look as convincing as you wanted it to as a few murmurs broke out amongst the crowd. You scanned the crowd until your eyes landed on your table, with a concerned looking Susannah and a horrified looking Laurel. Your own mother’s expression was a mixture of both.
“[Y/N] attends…” even the announcer trailed off as he peered behind the stage to check where your escort had gone. 
“Sorry!” Jeremiah appeared suddenly at your side, announcing his apology to the whole crowd. “I had to use the bathroom. Had too much to drink.” He smiled apologetically to the announcer before turning to you to send you a wink. He flashed one of his dashing smiles and offered you his arm before turning back to the crowd to pose for photos. You blinked a few times to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
“What are you doing?” you whispered to him as quietly as you could manage. You were well acquainted with Jere’s ‘no balls’ policy. Clearly, everyone else was too, as the murmurs in the crowd did not die down as he appeared by your side on the stage. They only seemed to grow, with some surprised and others outraged.
“Being your knight in shining armour, what do you think I’m doing?” he whispered back with a smug smile. He was seriously considering sending Max a gift hamper for letting him have this opportunity. 
“Jere,” you began again. “You really don’t have to. Seriously, I’m fi–” 
“Shhh,” he cut you off, gently tapping your arm. “Face the front and let everyone see how jaw-droppingly beautiful you look in white.”
“I thought red was ‘the move’ on me?” You retorted with a small smile. This guy really was an angel sent from above.
“You could wear anything and it would be ‘the move’,” he told you matter-of-factly with a small smirk as he kept facing the cameras. “Although…”
“I’m sure you could wear nothing and it would still be ‘the move’.”
“Shut up!” You reprimanded with a shocked laugh. You were used to his flirting but he had never been quite as forward before. Jeremiah stifled a few chuckles as cameras kept flashing. Finally, the announcer gestured for you two to walk forward to stand on the dance floor as the last few debutantes got their time on the stage. 
You took your place standing beside Belly and Conrad and couldn’t help but shake your head as Belly turned to smile at you. Her grin was so big you feared it would split her face in half. 
“Told you he’d make an exception,” she mouthed slowly, making sure that you understood each word she’s intending for you. Conrad smirked silently, watching the two of you standing together. Even Steven waved to grab your attention to wriggle his eyebrows at you suggestively. You rolled your eyes at them all.
“What’s Belly saying?” Jeremiah peered from behind you at the smiling girl.
“Nothing,” you cleared your throat. “She’s just surprised you’re doing this. With your infamous ‘no balls’ policy and all.” 
Jeremiah let out a small ‘ah’ as he nodded in understanding with a small smile on his face. 
“So,” you pressed on with raised eyebrows. “Why are you doing this?” You bid your time with bated breaths as you waited for his answer to come. You really hoped it was the answer you wanted to hear.
“Because I look ridiculously handsome in a tux,” he joked half-heartedly. A storm was raging within him and he had no idea what answer to give you. 
“No other reason?” you questioned hesitantly.
Jeremiah knew that this was as good of a time as any. He could finally just tell you. He could rip the band-aid off and never look back again. Max was out of the picture now, clearly, as he abandoned you tonight. Gigi had never been in the picture at all. He had no reasons to keep the truth from you anymore. He had always stopped himself in the past with your happiness in mind. But now, standing beside you and remembering the elated smile that you had given him when he ran onto the stage to be beside you, he was sure that he could make you happy.
He knew he would choose your happiness every single time. Only this time, he’s choosing his own too. 
“And, because,” he started with a shaky breath that seemed too uncharacteristic of him. His teasing demeanour had dropped altogether. “I just… Shit. I want you to know that–” 
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen,” the announcer boomed, causing everyone to turn back to look at him. 
You kept your eyes on Jere as you pressed on. “Know what?” 
“Can all escorts make their way to the dance floor, please?”
Jeremiah sighed heavily as he realized he had run out of time. “I’ll tell you later, okay?” He squeezed your hand and pressed a dramatic kiss to it. “For now, prepare to be amazed by my dancing skills.” 
Except, there was no ‘later’ that night. Jeremiah had no idea how quickly the night would turn sour for him, all because of a simple email that he wasn’t meant to see. 
Jeremiah loved the beach. He wasn’t sure when the obsession with the feel of the sand running through his fingers or the sound of the tumultuous waves had started but his favourite memories of his childhood always included beaches. 
They also always included his mom. 
In his mind’s eye, he could see countless times when Susannah had been lounging on a chair with a large sun hat draping her eyes and the sun beating down on her while he and Conrad surfed in the water. He remembered how Susannah used to seat him on her lap, while Conrad ran around chasing seagulls, claiming he was ‘far too old to sit on laps’. 
“Your eyes remind me of the ocean, Jere,” Susannah would tell him as she held the little boy in her arms. “They’re so blue. So pretty.” He would smile at her mother’s affection and bat his eyes at her dramatically, which always made her erupt into giggles. 
He couldn’t remember when these frequent trips to the beach with his mom had become so rare. As he sat on the sand now, looking out into the ocean, he couldn’t help but smile sadly. He had no idea if he could have another beach trip with her. He had no idea how much time he would be able to have with her at all.
The sky was painted a somber gray as a storm threatened to rage in the distance. He could feel a few drops on his skin as he took the ocean in. Early mornings at the beach always held a different type of allure for him.
“Hey,” you tapped his shoulder gently, careful not to startle him. 
He turned around at once, with a smile on his face. Your heart broke a little at the sight. Jeremiah had always presented himself as an easy-going guy. He was cheerful at all times, always concerned with bringing a genuine smile to others’ faces before worrying about the genuinity of his own emotions.
“Hey,” he smiled but his eyes didn’t exactly translate. They didn't gleam like they usually did.
“How are you?” you asked hesitantly as you took a seat beside him, nudging his shoulder lightly. “How are you, really?” 
“Fine, I guess,” he said with a gulp and a bitter smile. Both of you sat in silence for a while as the only sounds heard were the waves in the distance. 
“She loves you a lot, you know,” Jeremiah broke the silence, turning to look at you. He held your eyes as he continued. “She never stops talking about you." He shook his head fondly. "Especially when I’m there.”
You give him a small smile before furrowing your eyebrows playfully. “Why ‘especially when you’re there’?” 
“She always wanted us to be together,” Jere said without thinking about it too much. He didn’t risk a glance at you as he continued as honestly as he possibly could. “I think she’s been planning our wedding ever since I gave you that rose to put in your hair when we were, like, ten years old.” He laughed softly at the thought. 
“Really?” You asked incredulously as heat started creeping up your neck. Jeremiah couldn’t help but smirk at you as he could see how flustered you grew with every second.
And that gave him the strength to finally rip the band-aid off. 
“Yeah,” he nodded once as he turned away to look at the water again. “I’ve been planning our wedding for much longer, though.” 
You smiled at his flirting as you shook your head but when you looked at his face, your smile dropped completely. He held your eyes and your breath hitched in your throat as you noticed how devoid of playfulness they were. You gulped as you opened your mouth to say something but couldn’t find anything. You were, quite literally, speechless.
“I think I knew it at six years old,” Jeremiah continued quietly as he kept his eyes on you. It was too late to turn back. No matter the outcome, he had to rip it off. “It was pretty silly then. I was already convinced I was your boyfriend.” He smiled at the memory. “And then at twelve, when we were watching the Notebook with Mom and Laurel and your mom, I remember peeking over at you and just knowing. I knew that you were my Allie. If I had to write letters to some girl for 365 days in a row, it would be you. Every single time. If I had to hang off a ferris wheel to get your attention, I would do that, too. And I hate ferris wheels.” He deadpanned in hopes of earning a laugh from you but you sat there, dumbfounded.
“Wh–?” You tried to get out but Jeremiah stopped you. He needed to get all of this out. He took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before running his thumb across it.
“I knew that I was a total goner, though, when other guys started getting your attention and I still didn’t say anything,” he continued honestly. “I couldn’t bring myself to. I wanted you so, so bad but most of all, I just wanted you to be happy. And if Max made you happy or that creepy guy from the gas station that you dated for like four hours made you happy, then I would let them. I still just want you to be happy. And I get it if you don’t like me in that way–” he tried to clarify before you cut him off.
“You make me happy, Jere,” you managed to get out with utmost sincerity. It felt as if your heart was about to burst. “You’ve always made me the happiest. Not Max and definitely not the creepy gas station guy.” 
“Yeah?” He asked as his heart skipped a beat. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a nod as your cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. Jeremiah’s eyes scanned your face then, just as he had always scanned your face – with love, with patience. This time, though, he was pleased to see you scan his face the same way. And none of you were trying to hide it anymore. The band-aid had finally come off. 
“Do I have permission to kiss the bride, then?” he asked quietly as his eyes landed on your lips, both of you leaning towards each other. 
“Depends,” you smirked. “I need to see the wedding plans first. I don’t trust any plans that you’ve made.” Jeremiah chuckled and his breath fanned across your face. “Especially if they were made by six-year-old you.” 
“You sure?” he teased. “A LEGO wedding sounds pretty nice. Six-year-old me had some great ideas.” 
“Shut up,” you laughed against his lips before finally leaning over to close the space.
It was hard to think as your lips met his pillow-soft ones. He kissed you senseless as he brought a soft hand to your jaw to pull you impossibly closer. He tasted so incredibly sweet and he smelled of the ocean and mint and something so indescribably Jere – so familiar yet so exhilarating. Your hands found the hair at the nape of his neck and you tugged them absentmindedly, making Jeremiah smirk into the kiss. It would be an understatement to say this was better than he could ever imagine in his dreams. It was like a shot of adrenaline for him to be so close to you, and he found himself wondering how he survived his whole life without it before. 
You pulled away when you felt the first drop of rain land on your face and he looked up as he smiled. Of course it had started to rain. How very the Notebook of the universe. He looked back down to you and smirked as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“By the way,” you smiled at him. “I knew you were my Noah, too. If there was one guy I had to keep coming back to, no matter what, it would be you. Always.” 
He exhaled with relief and happiness and excitement and – quite possibly every emotion he could feel at that moment. “It’s only fitting for us to recreate the rain scene, then,” he flashed a smile as he tried to calm his thumping heart, adding a wink for good measure. 
You told him to shut up for the second time that day and he dutifully obeyed. He wasn’t that interested in talking, anyway. 
And, Jeremiah knew the next few months were going to be difficult. But for a moment, here with you, everything seemed alright. And he knew that it eventually would be, as long as he has you by his side.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
I was thinking about rich bitch Hob, so now, here:
Hob the widower, being “framed” for his husband murder.
Ofc he kill him!!!!!
The old man was boring, he was a pervert, always chasing young men and women, even thought he had an amazing specimen (Hob) as his husband, besides, that man was already going to kick the bucket, so why not speed up that process?
As per usual, Hob contacted his favorite lawyer (and friend) for cases like this.
Not like he had already “lost” four husbands before the “current” one in a span of 10 years, of course, it´s only a coincidence Hob always widows rich old men!!!
Desire tells him that they are tight busy atm, but they will send an equally (if not a little less ◀ Desire´s words) qualified lawyer to help Hob.
Before the first meeting Hob was very anxious, he trusts Desire, but not having them as partner in crime (heh) is already making him feel ill and overall, very down (which, tbh, being in that state of mind helps A LOT in the pictures for the media and maintaining the façade of “sorrowful widower that has been wrongfully pointed as the sole culprit of his husband death”)
But once the gorgeous, regal and very professional Dream enters the picture all worries go away…and panties too.
From Dream´s side, he immediately knew from all evidence that Hob was indeed guilty of his husband murder, but somehow, in between his commitment to his job and the feelings developing towards Hob he let it pass…after all he has a job to do, and he plans to do it as his life depends on it….
(he wants to bang Hob sooooooooooooooooooo bad and that won´t happen if Hob is in jail)
At the end of the trial (in which Hob comes out as innocent) only a week has passed, and Hob has already a new (and hopefully) long lasting, loving, faithful husband 🥰
And if Hob ever finds himself bored of Dream (that case being totally bonkers, both are so into the other in a not healthy way) Dream built an archive of all Hob previous trials.
 (maybe he went into Desire´s place to search for those…putting into use his old lock-picking skills when he was a private investigator…)
Just in case he needs to use that info to keep Hob close to him (threats)  forever (Hob looooooooves that about Dream👌 "YES YES!! YES MY DREAM BE MEAN, BE POSSESSIVE, MANIPULATE MEEE"◀ Hob mind )
Black widow Hob!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!
I love that he found the perfect husband in Dream, of course....... and I can't help but think that these kinky bastards probably use Hob’s criminal history as dirty talk.
When Hob is riding on Dream’s cock, circling his hips and moving with torturous precision, he likes to lean down and wrap his lovely tanned hand around Dream’s slim throat. He'll just rub against his pulse point and grin, and squeeze his hole tight around Dream’s dick. "You know, this is how I finished off number 2. I didn't strangle him, I just put a little pressure right here... and it was too much. His poor old heart just gave out. With his cock right up inside me."
And Dream can't help but moan and cum right there and then.
Or sometimes Hob will be on all fours, having his arse heartily spanked while Dream simultaneously fucks him. He'll whine and plead for mercy, but Dream will lean in and whisper in his ear. "No mercy, darling. Be a good boy for me, otherwise I might start letting things slip..... just like number 3 "slipped" in the shower and cracked his skull open. Let me fill you up, and I will keep quiet about how you pushed him over."
Hob nearly collapses face down on the mattress, he's so turned on. He knows and loves that deep down, Dream is just as dark and awful as he is. He's absolutely keeping Dream forever and ever, even in hell <3
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dragon-creates · 9 months
bowuigi werewolf fic premise
"Help...get help..."
That was the last thing Luigi heard Mario say, watching his brother's complexion fade from pale beige to translucent white, a pained scream escaping the red plumber's throat before his human form was replaced with a terrifying boo instead.
It had been a while since Luigi had seen King Boo, hoping that he was finished with the poltergeist's schemes. But it seems that the undead monarch had other plans.
At first it started out the same, E. Gadd requested for his help at a new mansion, Mario had been captured as well and Luigi spent most of his adventure sucking up ghosts while collecting any money he found along the way.
Expect it wasn't E. Gadd who was asking for him to come, and Mario was only bait for a trap laid out by King Boo. Soon, the brothers were trapped in separate cages, the older trying to comfort the younger as best he could until King Boo came back holding two potions.
Luigi was first, being levitated out of the cage by two other boos holding onto his arms as the king forced the liquid down his throat, making sure he downed every last drop. Once the bottle was empty, Luigi was thrown to the floor as a sharp pain pierced threw his spine.
His bones cracked as his clothes began to tear and his body shifted and molded into something totally inhuman. The green human watched in horror as fur protruded from his skin and his mouth stretched and twisted into a snout. Luigi wanted to scream, but he was in so much pain that he barely has any energy to make no more than a whine. When it was done, he looked down to see that his hands were now paws and a tail was poking through his overalls. His stomach churned when he realized that King Boo and managed to accomplish turning him into a werewolf.
He all but collapsed on the floor, helpless to do anything but watch King Boo take the other potion and repeat everything with his brother. He knew he couldn't just lay here, he had to do something!
When he successfully managed to stand on all fours for the first time, he turned to his brother, who had unfortunately drank his potion as well, leading to Mario turning into a boo and whispering his last sentence to Luigi.
Adrenaline kicked in, his new nose twitched, his fur stood on end, everything felt alive! Once King Boo turned back to face the younger brother, the new wolf was already bolting out the door, his new form giving his an unimaginable speed he never felt or saw before.
He ran through each hallway, past each ghost and boo, not bothering to look back as he managed to escape through the mansion doors and into the nearest pipe he could find, ignoring King Boo's shrieks of anger.
On the other side, the adrenaline was finally fading away, leaving Luigi to hobble throughout wherever he landed upon. His bleary eyes took in their surroundings as best as they could, lit up by the bright moon, there was something familiar about the rock and lava he passed but he was too tired to let himself remember.
Finally, he came across a huge fortress, hopefully whoever was in there could help him. He lifted a paw to pitifully scratch at the door, pleading interally that someone would answer, every second he could feel himself wasting away.
As though his prayers were answered, the doors opened, revealing an extremely large and confused koopa. Only it wasn't any koopa, the last of his lucidity kicked in when he realized that it was none other than King Bowser who answered the door.
"Wha?- What is the meaning of this?!" he demanded, "Why the hell is there a mutt at my castle?!"
He tried to give a response, but the sun began to rise and he let out a pained whine as his bones cracked and clicked back into his human form, ready to repeat the process for every morning and evening to come.
"Luigi?" the koopa's harsh gaze was gone, replaced with confusion and a lace of worry?
"Please," Luigi whimpered, "I have nowhere else to go."
He stumbled, slumber catching up to him as he fainted, only for Bowser to catch him and hold the human in his arms.
"Easy there greenie," Bowser murmured as Luigi drifted into sleep. Bowser's heart plummeted at the state the plumber was in, "Oh Luigi, what happened to you?"
Feel free to use this as inspiration for any fics you want to write!!! <3<3<3
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saltofmercury · 1 year
Pairing: John Price x f!reader
Author's note: I wanted to write a little bit for Price, but jfc I think I'm a König girl till I die and I don't see what y'all see in Price. Also I will not be writing a part 2 to this. >:) unless..
tags: @sofasoap, @bunky101, (sorry bunky I know you're a guy) the main thirsty people for Price on my dash.
Heat crept up in your ears. His cheeks flushed with pink. There's a mesh of bodies between you two, not sure who belongs to who. Large hands come to cup your face, smoothing your lip with their thumb. He holds your face, sighing into complete bliss. You’ve got your hair matted behind you, but your breathing normal again.
“I’m not sure I’ve experienced that before, pet,” he sighs again, smiling softly into your face, fanning you with some of his breath.
You feel some heat rise into your tummy, and your cheeks, thankfully it won’t give away. The pet names were something you needed to get used to, so you offer him a small smile, and roll your eyes shut.
He groans as he gets up, but it’s not due to age, but because of pliability. He’s not used to such strange positions. He’s used to jumping out of planes, crawling around sketchy places, and being in extreme temperatures.
At Price’s age, everything is different.
So when he’s tangled in bed with you, the positions you're yelling at him, come at a rapid speed you’re begging him to move into. He’s on his knees, on his back, towering over you, pulling your legs up, and the temperature in his body is the only one that rises.
Because of his wise years, he’s learned to take his time, really be in the moment with you — his bird. He relishes his time with you, glad that he was able to meet you right after his previous mission.
You had stumbled upon him at a pub, visiting a friend. Sat in the middle of the bar, you sipped on your pint, when an older gentleman sat four stools down — could not keep his eyes away from you. You felt his gaze on you for the past 30 minutes, you were sick of it. You snapped your head his way, giving him a death glare.
He laughed, continued to sip on his drink, 
“Whoa there pet did not mean to trouble you.” 
Pet. The small name made you soften up a bit, realizing he was just innocently sitting by himself sipping on his drink, he hadn’t even said one word to you to disrupt you.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, “My friends have been running late, it's already been 30 minutes.”
He grumbled, “Any of my men caught coming in late, I would assume they’re being insubordinate.”
“Your men?” You questioned. Who was this guy?
“Military…we’re used to being on time if not early.”
“Ah…” you said quietly, then turned to the door once more. Great some fucking patriotic old man was trying to hit on you.
“Don’t tell me I’ve lost ya, pet.”
You blush again, the goddamn name, filling your head with softness. You did not want any part of that. First he was clearly older than you, you weren’t sure as to why he would see anything in you, and now he had just revealed he was in the military. Next thing you know he’s going to admit he’s married while blatantly hitting on you.
“Didn’t lose me,” you lie. “Just wondering where my friend is.” You purse your lips and make eye contact with his paperwork then back at him.
“You just look busy.” You address the files he’s got on the bar, hopefully giving him a nudge towards his paperwork and to leave you alone.
“Nothing I can’t finish tomorrow,” he states, closing the file and packing it away.
Your friend didn’t end up showing, and before you knew it you were about one stool away from him now, chatting up about weekend plans.
You stare at him— he’s got an impressive watch, his clothes– mundane, basic, and patternless. You stared at his shoes for too long wondering how on Earth he would walk in those hiking boots around here. 
However, aside from judging him on outer exteriors,
His conversation is fun and light. You assumed it would be him talking down to you, but surprisingly he’s not one to make you feel smaller, or younger than him, he’s lovely and charming, and loves to ask you questions on your boring little life.
Yes, he’s got a weird mustache that blends into his beard, but his hair is combed nicely to the side, and he’s ordering one of the most expensive bourbons this bar owns. He’s just mature, is the way you want to convince yourself about him. He probably invests in stocks and has cash flow for a rainy day. While you barely scrape by and have moved to a different company twice this year. 
It doesn’t matter because you’re not going to see him ever again.
Or not.
By the end of the night it’s you who ends up giving him your phone number, worried that he might call instead of text you. 
Five dates later, you’re in your apartment now pinned beneath him. He’s a big softie, but when it comes to making love his military ego comes out making sure you’re following his every order. 
“Say it, pet”
He takes a hold of your two hands with one of his, rubs down your neck, breasts, and stomach until he’s at the top of your clit, he puts his thumb in his mouth to wet it, then back on you. He plays with you, making you gush with fireworks inside your stomach, and warm colors in your head.
You groan, your eyebrows push together as you bite your bottom lip. You’re unsure of what’s about to happen next, and you don’t, won’t cave so easy to this man. Even though he’s making you feel so so so good.
“Say it, pet” he’s removed his thumb from you and moved it to your mouth now, playing delicately with your bottom lip. He’s thrusting so slowly, tenderly inside you, slipping in and out making you squirm even more. How gentle he is with each stroke.
Your emotions are being played with, which only ignites a harsher warmth in the pit of your stomach, staring at the man on top of you, biting your bottom lip, smiling, and happy you’ve met him. You’re grinning from ear to ear, when you close your eyes and say what he wants to hear.
“I love feeling you inside me.”
He’s smiling now. But that’s not going to make him stop. You didn’t say the word cock, which is what’s inside you.
“What do you like feeling, pet?”
Fuck. He’s onto you, he knows he won’t stop teasing you until you feed his ego.
“My fingers pet? Is that what you want inside you?”
You groan knowing that even if he did replace his cock with his fingers, he knows every curve and every nerve on you, begging you to bend at his will.
“I– uh..I love feeling your cock inside me.”
And there it is.
He is relishing in the fact that he’s got a cute little bird like you, that he’s still got the touch to make you squirm and moan beneath him. He wasn’t a man of one night stands, which explains his current company for the past few weeks, and he’s willing to make it official.
You both finish, and you’re back where you started, him complimenting you on how vibrant and alluring you are in bed. You love to hold onto this small euphoria between you two.
That is, until you mention his job.
It’s an innocent question, you ask him one night while you’re curled on the couch, trying to peek at him at your dinner table filling out reports.
"What are you working on?"
“That’s classified, pet.” He dismisses you as he has before.
Then one night you’re at his place and you see the tactical vest he’s got in the closet.
“What’s this?” You ask innocently, touching one of the pockets, until he’s shoved you aside and closed the closet door.
“I don’t want you touching my things. Is that clear?” He’s got a different tone to his voice and it bothers you because you’re not one of his men for him to be speaking to you like that.
“Don’t talk to me like that. I’m just asking a question.” You spit back.
“I’ve told you not to pry into my job, it’s classified business.” 
He pushes you further away.
You chew on your lip, unsure of what to say, the man acts like he’s the fucking president when you ask about a vest. 
The third and final time it sends you over the edge. 
You hear his cell phone ring, and it’s one of those old phones that probably uses the numbers on the pad to text.
It rings and rings, he’s in the kitchen grabbing water, you pick up the phone and bring it to him until you see the name “Laswell” on it and it brings uncertainty.
He’s sighing when you hand over the phone, answering it outside on the balcony.
When he enters the room again, the name, it eats you alive.
“Is Laswell a friend?” You ask, curiosity piercing your head.
“That’s classified, pet. I don’t want you touching my phone.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You should’ve let it ring.”
He turns his back, pulling a shirt on.
“Fuck John, can’t you just answer a simple —“
“I already told you I'm not answering any bloody damn questions.”
He stalks over to you, towering over you, making you feel smaller, wishing you could’ve just kept your mouth shut.
“I’ve asked you already to stop peering into my work life, and you insist on doing it. It’s like dating a goddamn child.”
It stings. In the back of your head you always assumed he saw you as an equal, but now the mention of comic books, Disney movies, and your favorite cartoons brings embarrassment and shame to your stomach. 
“I’m sorry” is all you can really say. You don’t want him to talk down to you anymore.
“I think it’s best you just go now.” He says.
And it hurts you, getting tossed out like this, you never expected it from him. But were you really going to expect anything less from someone who kept his job so secret?
You leave your things there, and show yourself out. Hoping it was just a bad day. Hoping you can get them tomorrow. Tomorrow.
A toothbrush, some hair ties, some lotion, pajama pants, and socks. All things Price has stored away at the bottom of his closet.
Regret still floods him for talking to you harshly that night—but pragmatically, he knows that he took this job and his job always comes first. 
He keeps the picture he took of you with the camera you brought. He snapped away at you holding a sandwich he made you. Your face is happy and glowing, you’re sitting on his couch.
There are times he misses you, he misses you so much that he dreams about you, but he’s not going to drag another one of his birds into this mess he’s dealing with. He’s going to stay on top, stay hidden away, and keep you safe. 
Tomorrow never comes for you.
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basil-from-omori · 4 months
How to Beat Itemless Boss Rush in OMORI
a complete guide because something’s wrong with me
what I had equipped:
weapon: red knife • charm: cough mask • skills: vertigo, cripple, red hands, suffocate
weapon: baseball bat • charm: pretty bow • skills: beatdown, wind-up throw, power hit, counter
weapon: basketball • charm: headband • skills: megaphone (didn’t use outside of sir maximus i-iii), tickle, run ‘n gun, juice me (completely needed)
weapon: ol’ reliable • charm: chef’s hat • skills: cook, tenderize, snack time, homemade jam
PREREQUISITES: I’d recommend finishing regular boss rush at least once. if you’re on switch this can be rough cuz you need to clear it with basil after your first clear. I can make a guide abt that upon request
kel’s juice. Keep this to at least 100 at ALL TIMES if possible. If it goes too low, below 10, you’re doomed
hero’s HP. If he dies, you can’t heal at all until the next boss.
omori’s HP. this seems obvious but try to keep it at 2+, preserve your “omori did not succumb” in the fights like sweetheart, slime girls, humphrey, and jawsum.
1) ye old sprout
the first fight is ye old sprout. this can be completed in one turn, via:
omori: red hands
aubrey: beatdown
kel: tickle
hero: tenderize
If this doesn’t work, which it SHOULD, just use run ‘n gun to get through the rest.
2) download window
this should only take 2-3 turns :3
1) same routine as step 1. Repeat till it’s gone. The thing about itemless is GETTING THROUGH the boss, not prepping for next round.
3) capt spaceboy
The length of this fight depends. I suggest starting out with the previous routines of red hands, beatdown, tickle, and tenderize until omori’s juice is down to <175. if anyone’s HP drops to 3/4, wait till at least 1-2 others are hurt to use snack time
4) king crawler
initially, focus on getting a lot of hits in if you have good juice/heart. if you don’t, try to heal as much as you can. a good strategy for if you’re trying to make sure hero and kel don’t die yet because everyone’s low on juice is to have aubrey use counter. if you can, make hero cook for aubrey when she’s at half health or so.
target king crawler only!!! sprout moles don’t matter, 600 health added to it is nothing. don’t even worry
5) sir Maximus I/II/III
this fight is surprisingly easy. For this, you wanna focus emotions!!!! Make everyone on your team angry via megaphone, let the enemies wallow cuz they make themselves sad. if you get everyone on max emotions on both sides, you do significant damage and they can barely do any. take advantage of omori’s attacks that damage everyone, lowering stats is always very helpful.
try to maintain emotions as much as you can, while making sure kel doesn’t run out of juice and neither does hero. heal as needed, this fight is self explanatory for the most part.
6) life jam guy
A magical blessing of free time to heal. take the life jam, but you can’t use it because you’re on itemless. Again, heal as needed. nothing to say here
7) sweetheart
for many, this may be who wipes you out. but trust me, as long as you upkeep everything, you’re fine. FOCUS. ON. LOWERING. HER. STATS. Please. itll save you, especially since the only moves we have for emotion are for making you angry, which we DONT want. lower her speed, attack, and defense.
this marks the start of where you hafta be conscious of everyone’s stats/health/juice. pay close attention!!! Again, use Aubrey to take the punches via counter.
8) jawsum
70% chance of surviving this, tbh. I won’t lie, this is genuinely difficult. Kinda complicated, so LISTEN CLOSELY!!
1) omori use any attack, Aubrey use wind up throw, kel use tickle, hero use tenderize
2) hopefully, there’s one gator guy left. if not, repeat and heal as needed.
3) when there’s ONE gator left, do: red hands, beatdown, tickle, and tenderize. our goal here is to eliminate the gator guy, as he’s a shield for jawsum. jawsum is our target. So, we want to be able to eliminate the gator guy before our last ATTACKER— likely being hero with tenderize.
4) do step 3 repeatedly, healing as needed, hopefully it works out!!
9) pluto
Pluto is shockingly easy, don’t even worry
1) omori should use all his defense reducing stuff. make Aubrey use power hit, as it also lowers defense. run n’ gun with kel. tenderize with hero.
2) honestly just yeah worry about lowering stats and getting hits in. sometimes Pluto hits kinda strongly, but he shouldn’t if you lower his stats.
3) HEAL. HEAL PLEASE. HEALTH AND JUICE. DO IT. PLEASE. HEAL. MAINTAIN BOTH HEALTH AND JUICE TO AT LEAST 200 IF YOU CAN. this is in preparation for the next fight, one of the few times we NEED to worry about what’s next.
4) that should work— relatively easy afaik :3
10) slime girls
brace yourself— this is by far the most difficult. you may make it out, but don’t feel bad if you can’t!!
1) vertigo, beatdown, tickle, tenderize
2) Vertigo again, do it until you can’t lower attack more. But in the meantime, maintain juice with kel (JUICE IS A PRIORITY DUE TO THE MOVE WHERE THE SLIME GIRLS SWITCH HEALTH AND JUICE). Aubrey can do whatever, tbh, just do beatdown. Hero should prioritize healing.
3) HEAL AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHEN THEY START TO THROW EVERYTHING THEY CAN!!!! The next fight is easy, as long as omori lives by the end of the round, it’s good enough.
4) Pray
11) Humphrey
Humphrey isn’t too bad, surprisingly. use stat reducing moves, then big hits with tickle as well (meaning: do red hands, tickle, beatdown, then tenderize). There’s a good chance you’re low in health, which is understandable.
In humphreys stomach, do heavy hits, stat reducing moves, and every turn use snack time. kel can do whatever, as long as he maintains everyone’s juice. Listen, if you managed to successfully lower their defense and attack, they should do very very little damage to your team— I’m talking like… 0-20 damage each.
please tell me if this works for you, and ask me literally anything. if this ends up not working, PLEASE let me know where you died!!!!! thx for reading, I was supposed to write this a couple months ago
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annathesillyfriend · 1 year
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Hello!! I didn't even notice when February ended 😅 But now that it's over, it means that I officialy finish uni in a month (hopefully not for long because I'm planning to apply for a doctoral school, keep your fingers crossed for me, please and thank you!). I wish it meant I would have more free time to catch up with all the fics in my likes waiting to be read. Unfortunately it only means that I need to start looking for another job 😅
It seems like my life gets more hectic everyday and I would like to thank you all beautiful people for helping me unwind and keep some bits of my sanity. I hate that I don't interact with your fics as much as I used to but I think about you a lot, wish you all the best and I'm just so thankful for you all. Keep being amazing 💓
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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a sky full of glow in the dark stars by @jupitercomet
↳ one shot, absolutely stunning 🥺🥺
whoops by @roosterbruiser
↳ one shot, admiral's daughter!reader dating bob in secret. bobby with tiny little kittens might be just a bit too much for my poor heart
sky and stars by @callsignsaturn
↳ one shot, admiral's daughet! reader once again, bob takes her for a joyride. or maybe not... 👀
delicate by @laracrofted
↳ one shot, i'm not sure what's to loveliest - the song, the man or the fic
full of surprises and electric bugaloo by @withahappyrefrain
↳ two-shot, 18+, this man couldn't be more perfect if he tried. and remember - bob fucks 😌😌
love me, love me by @bussyslayer333
↳ one shot, bartender!reader, idiots in love, the more i read about bob the more i think i am an idiot in love as well
a snowed in baby bird by @mothdruid
↳ one shot, 18+, childhood friends to lovers, this story lives in my mind rent free from now on
whiskey and wine by @say-al0e
↳ one shot, 18+, date night with husband!jake which is the ultimate dream
this fic by @callsignsaturn
↳ one shot, jake meets bradley's old school friends at his wedding and the rest is history 😌
hey stupid, i love you by @callsignseagull
↳ one shot, 18+, another Laura's fic, another slay. we stan a consistent queen 🙌🙌
your carriage awaits, sweet by @lazypeachsoul
↳ one shot, jake may not be an expert on marine life but we still adore him
everything by @madsnowstorm
↳ one shot, i love when a character is like 'i don't want to get married, but i want to marry you', you don't understand how much i love this fic!!
you are in love by @loveforaugust
↳ one shot, we love a tay tay swift inspired fic here
so funny story (i'm fucking your daughter) by @fandomxpreferences
↳ one shot, mitchell!reader, i think the title sums it up pretty well 😅😅
signed away by @seresinhangmanjake
↳ series, some chapters are 18+, arranged marrige, enjoyed this so very much!
all of you by @lt-spork
↳ one shot, i love bradley but i love clingy bradley even more
hello, i love you by @roosterforme
↳ one shot, bradley goes speed dating and it's just so fun, i love it!!
two to tango by @//roosterforme
↳ series, 18+, pilot!reader, loved this series an unhelathy amount
airplane mode by @//roosterforme
↳ two-shot, flight attendant!reader, Emily, if you're reading this, i'm a great fan of yours!!
not a coincidence by @sehnsuchts-trunken
↳ one shot, penny's niece!reader, bradshaw's a menace but good for us!!
proposal to come by @//sehnsuchts-trunken
↳ one shot, only the best maids of honor and best men get promoted to bride and groom he he
romeo, romeo by @welcome-to-my-multiverse
↳ one shot, drunk bradley is something else but i have nothing but love for this lovesick little puppy
short stack by @spacecaravan
↳ one shot, 18+, bradley bradshow deserves all the finest things in life period
forever valentine by @bradshawsbaby
↳ one shot, fiance!reader, bradley wasn't my valentine this year and i think it's a bit mean tbh
another day, another dollar by @sunflowersteves
↳ one shot, 18+, okay listen, i am a 21st century idependent woman but i would be lying if i said that this big scary bradley wasn't doing it for me 🤤
like i can by @sometimesanalice
↳ series, daggers have a bet on who's gonna set bradley's friend (and the love of his life) on the best date and roo's not very happy about it. loved this series from the first word to the very last!
mary's song by @risriswrites
↳ one shot, best friends to lovers, this made my heart grow 10x
my reward by @susanripper
↳ one shot, this turned me into a little giggling girl and i'm just SHSHSHSHHSHSHS
heart of gold, hands of a heeler by @fandomxpreferences
↳ one shot, he deserves all the love and all the attention in the world
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keep it quiet for me by @my-my-only-angel
↳ one shot, 18+, caution!! hot contents!!
this fic by @harringtonswriting
↳ one shot, steve's making a big romantic gesture™
i think we're alone now by @new-romqntics
↳ one shot, cute little enemies to loves moment
starts with a pen by @moljh
↳ one shot, reader has a mouth on her and i stan
roses and dandelions by @caxde
↳ one shot, hopper!reader, they're both teachers, it's slowburn, it's friends to lovers, it's idiots in love, it's just everything
friday by @softharrington
↳ one shot, robin's plan for valentine's day turned out to be a hot mess but it also sorta worked??? we love to see that
fix it by @lovebugism
↳ one shot, man do i love a good angsty fic that gives me heartache
whip it! and i've been dying to get you dizzy by @schoopsahoy
↳ two shot, 18+, roller-rink!reader, steve meets a girl while being on a babysitting duty
to be alone together by @katsu28
↳ one shot, steve's valentine's day is not all that bad
dress by @munsonsreputation
↳ one shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, dress is one of my top favourite tswift songs and this fic is doing it justice!! 10/10 would read again
do you think i have forgotten? by @keeryshouse
↳ one shot, 18+, idiots in love who are also exes to lovers, beautiful work!!
be mine by @underoossss
↳ one shot, would you look at that, another idiots in love fic! i am so very predictable
broken beds by @lovebugism
↳ one shot, 18+, eddie's not that good at excuses and wayne's not that stupid 😅
caught me slippin' by @uglypastels
↳ one shot, 18+, esscort!eddie, modern au, a wonderful fic based on an equally amazing book 'kiss quotient'. go read them both!!!
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this blurb by @webslingingslasher
↳ one shot, nothing like a good pining idiots in love confessing their feeling for each other
a drunk headcannon by @blooming-violets
↳ blurb, tasm!peter is drunk, in love and horny but so is his girl and i love that for them 😌
i spy, no spy by @t-lostinworlds
↳ BIG-SHOT, one shot, avanger!reader, friends to lovers fake dating for a mission, it's so crazy that some people are so talented and hard working, my mind is blown once again. i have nothing but love and respect for one of my favourite authors of all time. slay 💅
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afternoon delight by @bradshawsbaby
↳ one shot, 18+, rhett is just such a helpful boyfriend, just a gem
151 notes · View notes
sparkle-skitty · 9 months
I spent a STUPID long time on just this ONE BIT here so I am showing it to everyone whether y'all like it or not
For the record, this is just a scrap from the fanfic I am writing (attempting to) and because I am not a linear writer*, everything here is subject to change if/when I get to stringing it all together more coherently. So basically, it's a demo.
I proofread it a few times, but it may not be perfect because I am tired and also was originally writing entirely third person instead of second person but found myself mentally scripting in second person - so if anything sounds wonky, I'm all ears!
(*Meaning, I do not write start to finish, I write exactly what I feel like writing regardless if it's chronologically next. The scenes are coming to me in patchwork!)
Anyway, click read more for the excerpt.
CW for: mentions of child abuse, mentions of bullying, very slight blood, very slight violence, emotional outbursts/shutdown (y/n is neurodivergent), dislike of children (again, y/n is neurodivergent), aaaand I'm not sure what else to tag so lemme know if something is needed
(For the record, y/n has some of me plus some other things I've seen with other neurodivergent people written into them so HOPEFULLY it sounds at least somewhat relatable to others in the community)
You nearly ran into one of the play structures, too interested in watching what was going on by the door to the Daycare. An adult was getting more and more agitated, while Sun held a child behind him, with unimpressed and shrugging daycare workers passing to leave as their shift had ended. The only one who had remained had been talking between the adult and Sun, but was now finally giving up with a very loud "ugh!", throwing her hands in the air as she turned away to clock out.
It was now out of sight, and you were quickly putting away the armful of toys you had carefully balanced against you into the trunks they belonged, in order to get back to the scene asap. Your Employee Fazwatch buzzed on your arm, at first making you growl "Ugh, now what?!" but your irritation evaporated as you realized it was a message from Moon.
"That adult is not one of the child's authorized pick-up persons."
Moon must have caught you staring through the cameras. You instinctively glanced up at where you knew the nearest one was, knowing likely Moon was staring back from his little cyberspace world in the Attendants' shared body. But you quickly turned heel and speed-walked over to Sun.
You were certainly frustrated that, once again, poor Sun had been left behind to deal with the remaining Daycare children alone, but you were more angry now that they had so purposefully let him take the fall for the rules and regulations that even Fazbear Entertainment had to follow by law.
"You'd think by now I'd be over this," you thought. "Not like I've never had a job before where everyone was only looking out for themselves." But you knew very well it was because it was Sun, your friend, the sweetest guy in the world (probably), that you took it so personally. And also, maybe a little because most of the workers still treated him like a mindless machine, aaand possibly because a child was involved in a potentially dangerous situation.
Okay, maybe it made a little sense to take it personally.
As you drew closer, you realized Sun's hold on the child wasn't to keep the child from going to the adult, but rather the opposite - to keep the adult from getting at the child. At every turn he was putting himself between the adult and the child, and the boy looked nervous to say the least.
Your anger suddenly sparked into a blaze of fury upon the sight. No matter how much your rational side tried to tell them that it could be only because the tone of the conversation was scaring the kid, your feral inner child was screaming for blood, having the scene be a bit too familiar and hitting too close to home.
Sun caught sight of you from the corner of his eye, and turned to look with relief that someone might be coming to rescue them, only to be a little taken aback by the absolute darkness that was emanating from your being. The dangerous glint in your eyes, the snarl that curved your lips, revealing teeth tightly ground together - it was something he hadn't yet seen from his new friend. But once you looked at him and you both locked eyes, he saw a metaphorical mask rapidly apply, especially as you noticed the man had finally looked to see what Sun had been gazing at.
The mask replaced the baleful expression with one far more bright, friendly, and chipper. Though the animatronic could see the cracks in the disguise himself, he knew it was practically impossible for any random person to see. He couldn't help but stiffen as you approached and settled beside them. He had only worked with you for a short time, but it seemed so out of character!
"Hi there!" you greeted, launching into your Customer Service Voice, enthusiastic with a great smile, your eyes crinkling. "Is there something I can do for you?"
The man waved his hand around in anger, "It's about time someone came, besides this damn robot!" Sun tensed at the word and the inflection, but stayed quiet, watching with interest at how you hadn't even flinched with the man's loud and sharp tone.
"I am so sorry about that, looks like we're the only two left in the Daycare right now! What can I help you with?"
"Tell this metal idiot to give me my nephew, will you? I'm already running late!"
You turned to Sun, smile never faltering. "Hey Sunny, is there a problem?" you asked openly.
Sun caught the hint and quickly replied, "This person has not been set as a designated guardian for this child in our system."
"Ah, well!" you turned back to the man glowering at the both of you. "I'm afraid that we can not legally allow you to take the child from the Daycare, sir. I'm terribly sorry, but I'm sure you can understand the reasoning here. Just imagine if those weren't the rules! Kids could be carted off by just any ol' person, even criminals and bad guys!"
As you spoke, you gestured - and even winked - with great enthusiasm. Your hyper-upbeat tone not once fell, but the language used was definitely a subtle accusation.
"I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my friend here, but that's the protocol!"
"I want a manager!" the man spluttered, now thoroughly furious.
"Oh!" you exclaimed, a hand going to your mouth before you tilted your head in a bow. "I'm terribly sorry, again, sir, but..." you then lifted both arms towards Sun, gesturing as if presenting him for the first time. "He IS the manager. It's his Daycare after all! He's the boss, the head honcho, the big cheese, emphasis on the big part," you quietly added to the end, tone now finally slipping to indicate the threat.
Sun couldn't help but also notice that you were doing your nervous trait of babbling and trying to joke. But he wasn't so sure this was anxiety or a matter of barely containing yourself.
"Please leave before we have to contact security," you said after a moment of silent fuming from the man, optimism now back but with an edge to it, giving firmness to the command. "If the rightful guardian or guardians can not come, they will have to contact us themselves to add you in. Otherwise, we will not be able to release this child to you."
The guy looked around a bit, grumbling and muttering angrily, before very suddenly lurching forward towards you. Sun's arm shot out automatically to snatch the man by the shirt, to stop him and lift him away, but to his shock you made your own automatic response of swiping at the man's face.
Blood swelled from parts of the claw marks on his stunned expression, but not enough blood to actually run. You had mostly gotten him to the side of his face as he had turned at the last second to look at Sun, traveling just a bit across his jaw and cheek.
The facade was dropped in an instant as you huffed and shook from the adrenaline, then shrieked, "TRY THAT AGAIN, I FUCKIN' DARE YA!"
"Language!" Sun quickly reprimanded you, glaring at you. You tore your gaze from the man's bewildered face to look at him, then looked away, snorting through your nose and folding your arms across your chest. He sighed in exasperation, knowing that sort of maneuver all too well from the children and, well, Moon.
"I am not a brat," Moon grumbled in his head.
"I didn't say anything!" Sun internally responded back.
You looked the man up and down, feet now off the ground as Sun held him firm, but he wasn't struggling. You snatched the radio out of your pocket and calmly made the call to security to remove the man from the premises.
Even as the man was escorted out, Sun's internal monitors showed your heart was still pounding away. But when you glanced at the child, your look softened to one of embarrassment, or shame? You knelt down next to him.
"Hey, sorry about that kiddo, that... must have been scary," you mumbled.
Your interactions with the children were always awkward. You had told Sun you hated kids, but on top of that also had no idea how to deal with them. Every time you were like a deer in the headlights, a newborn giraffe trying to learn to walk - unsteady, unsure, and bewildered by everything.
Sun had so far learned that you at least knew enough to be nice to the kids and to excuse yourself when it got to be too much, which was more than he could say for most of the daycare workers, which was ironic given that you were, well... a glorified janitor.
The child nodded, sniffling. There was a pause, and then the boy released Sun's pant leg and ran over to you, wrapping his little arms around you. You were surprised, then cringed.
"Um, there there..." you said, patting his back gently. To your horror, you realized he was still crying and sniffling. Sun watched with amusement as your face silently twisted into disgust. You looked up at him, pleading with him to get the child away somehow, but Sun shook his head, crossing his arms. This is now a punishment, he decided. He knew you wouldn't dare just shove the kid away.
You were scrubbing at your shirt with several sanitary wipes. The snot might be gone by now, but you weren't sure and still felt unclean.
It seemed like it took forever for the child's actual guardians to show up, and Sun was not only doing the checkout, but also the report about what had happened.
You had allowed that child to tug your hands, hug you, and you even picked him up when he gestured so. Gross gross gross, little snotty kids were the worst. They had no sense of cleanliness or manners regarding germs. You shuddered at the thought of wondering if he even wiped himself, then flopped back into the security desk chair with a groan. To take your mind off your child-germophobia, you pulled out your phone and began a round of Candy Crush.
Your timeblindness caught you up again as you suddenly looked up to see Sun standing on the other side of the desk. He had his arms folded again, and wore a frown.
"That wasn't being a very good role-model, you know."
"Heck off, I'm not Daycare staff, so I don't--"
"Ah ah!" Sun cut you off, "You ARE Daycare staff, buster, even if it's just to clean, and as you so eloquently put it, I'm the boss here. And I say you need to be a better role model."
"Well personally I like their spunk," Moon snickered in his head. Sun ignored him.
There was a moment of silence between you two, before you shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh well."
Sun's eyebrow twitched with irritation. "Don't "oh well" me! You were cussing, AND you got physical with a customer--"
"Not a customer, just a dick."
"Language! Let's just hope you didn't teach the little one to solve our problems with anger and violence."
"Right, let's hope he never believes a grownup will stand up for him again in his life," you growled mockingly.
Sun was stunned, feeling frustration rise. He put his head in his hand and let out an exasperated sigh. "You can stand up for people without resorting to attacking others."
"Not always. Not every time." you answered lowly.
Sun noticed your heart rate was starting to climb again, and you were beginning to shake. Well, if there's one thing about this whole debacle that was a positive, it's the fact you make it so obvious when you're upset or angry.
"Let's calm down," he said soothingly. "This is just a discussion, you don't need to get angry--"
You stood bolt upright from your chair, your voice raising, "This isn't a discussion! You're chastising and-and-and down-talking and-and... belittling me! For defending myself! Because-because what? The kid might see it and-and think, oh man I-I-I should probably do something if someone... if someone just-just.... comes at me!" You were stammering and practically vibrating with the sudden spike in temper.
Sun leaned back with his hands up, a look of surprise on his face. "Woah, woah, woah! Hold on! I'm sorry if that's how I made you feel, but the rules--"
"DAMN THE RULES! The rules are out of order! Th-th-this whole court is out of order! Stupid! Fuck! AUGH!"
"Now that's enough--!" Sun cut himself off when you slammed your rear back into the chair and spun it, rolling it back in the process, and faced the wall. Hands crossed, face red, you slumped in anger and drew in on yourself.
Sun let the silence settle, giving you both time to relax, and for you to come out of your shut down. You pulled out your phone and started blasting aggressive music.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed wearily. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry," he started, voice calm but raised enough to hear over the music. "I am not trying to treat you less, I'm sorry I made you so angry..." he lifted his head up at a thought. "Wait... why are you so angry? You were furious before, too, when you were coming to check on us."
You didn't answer, but you had lowered your foot and were now bouncing your leg.
"Give it a minute," Moon spoke to Sun. He paused before continuing, a hint of a grin in his voice, "I have to say, it's interesting to see someone put themselves in time out."
"They've shut down, Moonie, you know what a shut down is."
Moon hummed. "They did choose to sit in a chair and face a wall, though."
"Can't you take this seriously?"
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of wheels on the floor. You had gently kicked off from the wall and were now rolling comically slow towards them. You had lowered your music, and still had a pout, eyes downcast, and your arms crossed. You bumped into the desk without a word.
More silence. Sun waited patiently, shoving down the anxiety trying to creep its way up. Nope! Not gonna go there!
Eventually, you swallowed your pride and spoke up. "I'm... sorry," you began slowly. "I lost my cool. It's been a while since I've dealt with... the public... on a, mm, personal level. And I'm sorry I scared the little guy." As you spoke, you turned the chair to sit properly at the desk, placing your elbows on it and clasping your hands.
You then looked up at Sun, and glared. "I'm NOT sorry about standing up for him. As a general thing. Even if I did it wrong."
"I'm on their side." Moon stated matter-of-factually. "...And don't you dare think what I think you'll think of that."
"The only thing I think of that is that you're both a bad influence on each other."
Sun's shoulders slumped. Well, it's a start, at least. He can work with this.
"Again, I'm sorry too, the rules are a bit of a... erm, a big deal to me, to put it simply." Sun stood poised to offer his explanation, even though Moon suddenly turned sour at the mere idea of talking about... that.
Meanwhile, you furrowed your brows, looking down at the desk again. You were also battling with bringing up some vulnerability, and chewed your lip. He did ask, but is it too awkward to bring up now?
You took a deep breath, "Anyway... I lost my cool because... I..." your voice trailed off with a drawn-out croak, but Sun didn't interrupt or interject. It took a minute for you to build your courage again.
"Well... when I was... a kid," you spoke haltingly, taking your time in order to keep your voice and emotions level. "I was... bullied. A lot. Really badly. Just for being weird, I guess, I dunno... And, nobody helped me. So I just, took care of it myself. Or, well, tried to." You glanced back up at Sun, "That's... ssssorta why I had that, uh, kneejerk reaction, when that dude tried to- when he just- when he came at me like that."
Sun and Moon were both listening intently. It wasn't often their human coworkers would open up, and in particular, you had made yourself a bit of an anomaly with your unpredictable statements and odd behaviour - an anomaly that they had taken a liking to, admittedly. Maybe they just liked anomalous people, since it seemed to be a pattern.
"That... doesn't quite explain what made you angry in the first place, though..." Sun said softly, not wanting to accidentally spook you from talking it out.
You sat back, your chin tucked in and your eyes cast down, and crossed your arms. Sun feared he had in fact actually caused exactly what he was trying to avoid, but you spoke back up.
"Yeah... yeah... the bullies... the worst ones were adults."
Boom. Bombshell.
Sun and Moon would have exchanged shocked glances if they had the ability to. Oh yes, they were well aware that adults could be bullies to other adults, including animatronics, but to kids? Unthinkable! The very notion sent their protocols in a little tizzy.
"Teachers, mostly," you continued. You took a deep, shaking breath. "But... then there were, of course... family members. Specifically my parents. Especially when I started getting into fights, oh they hated that. I was an embarrassment to them for not being like..." you waved your hand around, attempting to find the word, emotions building and causing brainfog. "Y'know, uh, demure and-and delicate and sweet and pretty and... and all that sh- crap..."
You settled back into the desk chair, your arms now laid against the arms of the chair. You still didn't look up, and began idly picking and clawing at the ends of said armrests. You took careful, slow breaths, trying to keep from bursting into a fit of some sort - most likely a crying fit, if anything. It'd been a very, very long time since you'd actually talked about all of this, and for precisely this reason.
"So, um, you can imagine - I think you can anyway - the kinds of things they did to try and--"
"They... they what?! They thought THAT was more embarrassing than their child being bullied!?" Sun exclaimed, flabbergasted.
The suddenness of his interjection widened your eyes for a minute, then you gave a laugh - a hollow, awful giggle that was laced with all the anger, hurt, anxiety, and vulnerability you were feeling at the moment.
"Um, yeah!? Kids will be kids, after all," you sneered mockingly. Not at him, but at the past. "I was just overreacting and causing a scene, of course." You slumped into the chair so low you could have easily slid out. "Of course..." you muttered. Your outburst had been sufficient to release all that negative energy you'd been building.
"So um... yeah... that's why I was... prrrrobably more than a little ready to go feral on that guy... He just had that vibe, you know? You know the one."
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Analoceit (Virgil, Trans!Logan, and Janus)
Warnings: D/S dynamic, Edging, Vibrators, Exhibitionism/In Public
Read it on AO3!
This fic was inspired by this post by @pupplaylogan! Hope ya like it Revy :)
Summary: Janus and Virgil take Logan on a date to a cafe to try something new. Hopefully he'll be able to finish his drink with a vibe in his underwear and a lot of teasing.
“Are you guys ready to go?”
Virgil asked, waiting in the doorway of the bedroom, watching as Logan and Janus were getting ready. The three of them planned a brunch date at a local cafe that morning, since their date nights lately consisted of parallel play that left them wanting more interaction from each other. Sure just sitting together drawing, reading, and crocheting together was nice, but it was getting a bit old and they needed a change of scenery.
“Almost.” Replied Logan from their bathroom, fixing his hair and tie in the mirror. Janus had walked out from the closet half-dressed to meet Virgil, “Why don’t you go start the car, love, we’ll be out in a sec.”
Virgil shrugged and went to go grab the keys. Once he left, Janus hummed and turned to Logan, “You look absolutely ravishing, darling.”
“Hm? Oh, thank you Jan-mmph!” Logan tried to respond only to be cut off by his boyfriend shoving two fingers into his mouth. Janus donned an ear-splitting grin as he looked down at the other, “I think you might be missing a few things though~”
Virgil was just about to go in to check on the two when they stepped into the garage. He noted Logan’s new manner of dress, a size-too-big knit black sweater, indigo pencil skirt, black tights, heels, and the thin silver choker he and Janus got him for their 3 year anniversary. Of course Janus had to indulge in his dress-up kink right now. He rolled his eyes affectionately as the two piled into the car.
“I was gonna ask what took so long but I think I figured it out.” Virgil said, starting to pull out of the driveway and drive down the road. 
“What? I couldn’t help myself! I love how flustered it makes him.” Janus glanced back at Logan, who had both his arms and legs crossed while he looked out the window. It was just then when Janus pulled out his phone and opened a special app that would allow him to control the vibe currently resting against Logan’s clit. They were still traveling in the residential area they lived in, and as soon as they drove over a speed bump Janus would turn the vibe up onto its max setting momentarily.
Logan let out a squeak and grabbed at his crotch, the feeling gone almost instantly. A blush formed across his cheeks as he met Virgil’s eyes in the rear-view.
“You good, L?”
“Y-yeah. Yes, I’m fine. Apologies, the speed bump, uh, scared me.” 
Virgil looked between him and Janus, “Hm. If you say so.”
Logan sighed and bit his lip. It happened twice more before they arrived at the cafe, but he was able to hide his noises after the first occurrence. 
Virgil had pulled into a spot up front and parked the car. Janus got out first to open the door for Logan, who gave him a glare as he got out. As soon as the car was locked (8 extra times, so Virgil was sure it really was locked) Janus had pulled out his phone again and set the vibe on a low setting. Logan still had a visible reaction, walking with a different cadence with his hands straight at his sides. Virgil kept an eye on him as he walked trying to figure out what was going on with him. 
“What’d he do to you before we left?”
“Oh, Virgil, don’t be such a worrywort. We just wanted to have a little fun today!” Janus smiled at the two of them, a glint of mischievousness in his eye. 
Virgil squinted at him, “He isn’t acting normal and he was before I left to start the car which means you’re behind this.”
“What ever could you mean?” Janus walked into the cafe with a wink.
Virgil and Logan followed, the former helping Logan by taking his hand and leading him in. They approached the cash register to order their drinks, with Janus quickly taking the lead. When it came to Logan’s turn, he felt the vibrations increase even more. He cleared his throat and managed to stutter his way through his order, fortunately not receiving more attention than a question about whether or not he wanted his drink hot or iced. 
Logan tugged on Janus’ sleeve like a shy child as Virgil ordered and paid. He got close and whispered, “May I go sit down?”
“Ask nicely.” Janus replied.
“May I please go sit down, Master?” Logan whispered behind gritted teeth.
“Well, I suppose so. Go on.”
Logan rushed over to a booth in the corner of the cafe, tucked in the back so no one would see him hide his head down in his folded arms and shallowly thrust against the vibe. Soon both his lovers found him with drinks in hand, Virgil sliding next to him while Janus casually sipped his drink from across the table.
“Alright, quit dodging the question. What did you do?” Virgil questioned, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Janus huffed, “Must you always ruin the surprise? Fine. I made him wear his favorite vibrator and dressed him up. And planned on teasing him mercilessly till we went back home. But am I really at fault here? Look at him, he’s loving this!”
Virgil looked down at Logan, who currently had one hand in between his thighs to soothe the assault on his clit and one over his mouth to prevent any noises from slipping out. He rubbed his back as he realized what was happening.
“Jesus Jan, you really are a sadist.”
“Oh please like you’re not the one to give him a bruised ass and scratch marks.” Janus said while mindlessly amping up Logan’s vibe further.
“Only when he begs me for it.” Virgil smirked and made Logan take his hand away from his thighs, instead replacing it with his own, “Right, L?”
“Mmm, Uh-huh. Oh fuck Janus~ ”
��You’re so tense, baby. Why don’t you take a sip of your drink?” Janus offered Logan his cup. He managed to hold it and take a shaky sip, setting it back down quickly. 
Virgil reached underneath his skirt, running two fingers down the length of his cunt through his underwear, “You should feel him, he’s fucking dripping.”
“Aw, well we don’t want him making too much of a mess, do we?” Janus immediately turned the vibe off, causing Logan to emit a loud whine. He bucked his hips into Virgil’s hand, who moved to tease and pinch his thighs instead, “Calm down, L. We’re in public . You don’t wanna get caught, do you?”
Logan shook his head, “No, Sir.”
Virgil put an arm around him, meanwhile Janus just gave him a cheeky grin, “Logan, sweetheart, would you be a dear and go grab me a few sugars and a stirrer?”
“Um, can’t Virgil? He’s closer and he’d have to get up already-”
“I didn’t ask him, I asked you. Don’t make me ask again.” Janus spat with a much darker tone.
Logan looked between him and Virgil, biting his lip and nodding, knowing that Janus was going to make this difficult. Virgil got up and allowed Logan to scoot out, at least he could be thankful they didn’t make him crawl under the table. As soon as he stood, the vibe started again, making a wave of pleasure rush through his body. His legs felt weak, but he just had to put one foot in front of the other to get to the station at the front with helpings of sweetener and other various drink add-ins. Simple.
It was, in fact, not simple whatsoever. Janus put the vibrations on an oscillating pattern so every step made him want to drop to the floor and whimper and moan. He was sweating by the time he grabbed a handful of sugar packets and a stirrer. He had to pause before deciding to just book it back to the table.
Logan was greeted with Virgil and Janus snickering in the corner, watching him struggle back. He practically collapsed into Virgil's side when he sat down, slamming Janus’ request down in front of him. His boyfriends just chuckled.
Virgil reached down beneath his skirt again, “Is there something wrong, babe?”
“ ‘S so much, please. ” 
“You don’t even know what you’re begging for, huh?” Virgil asked, pressing the vibrator harder against him
“Ahhhh~ please Sir, ‘m close!” 
“Really? You’re gonna cum in public like some pathetic whore?”
“ Yes. ”
Virgil and Janus shared a look. Janus pulled out his phone and ramped the vibrations up to max. Finally, Logan would be able to tip over the edge and this merciless teasing would be over!
All at once the vibrations stopped, suddenly deriving him of any relief.
“No no no no no -” Logan tried to buck his hips to seek any friction, but Virgil's strong hands pinned him down and prevented him from doing so. He whined and rested his head down on the table in front of him.
Janus leaned down to be at his eye level, “You’ll get off when we let you. And that certainly won’t be in public where anyone can see.”
He slid out of the booth and stood, “Come on, maybe we should just go home. I don’t see you being able to last much longer out here.”
Virgil gave Logan a nudge, who in turn just groaned. He felt like he was about to turn into a puddle of goo if he was edged any more and his legs barely worked. 
“Up, Lo, I’ll carry you once we’re home. C’mon.” Virgil gave him another push.
He finally mustered the strength to stand, and with the help of Janus and Virgil, he made it to the car. After Virgil made on his promise to carry Logan into the house, the rest of the night was filled with more teasing torture. He would groan and beg for his doms to let up, only to be met with tasks to fulfill while his toy still continued to vibrate. 
They’d need to do this more often.
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celestialking · 2 years
She's a runner, She's a trackstar
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◇ NSFW 18+ only ◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI ◇ You will be blocked ◇
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Pairing: manhunt!Sapnap , afab!reader
Written: July 24, 2022
Warnings: afab, humiliation, predator/chase, hand on throat, 
A/N: shut up I named it that for the meme T^T. This one is rusheddd cause I held onto it for so long and needed to finish it cause I have so many draftssssss. mmmmm i dislike this one
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You kicked the dirt half-heartedly. "Sooo no more manhunts," you sighed, shoving your pockets. 
Sapnap hummed, twirling his ax off to the side. Everyone else had already gone away leaving just you and your fellow hunter. "I'm bored. Any ideas? Or are you just going to leave and go back to the real world?"
A sudden sharp noise made you look over at him, scared that he had dropped the diamond blade and hurt himself. Instead, he was clasping it tightly, staring at you in such a way that made you tremble. He was staring at you like you were prey. "Let's have our own manhunt, this time I'll hunt you," he grinned. 
"Hunt- hunt me? Why can't I hunt you?" You asked, startled.
"I'm too good," Sapnap puffed his chest out. "Besides I really like chasing not being chased," 
You pursed your lips. "Would there be a reward at the end? Or is it just for fun?" 
Sapnap waved his hand dismissively. "Eh we'll decide my reward when I win," you raised an eyebrow. 
"You mean when I win?" 
"So you're in?" 
"Yeah. Get Callahan back in here, I'm sure he knows a few seeds off the top of his head," 
Your silent reindeer-like friend did know of a few seeds. "I can't stay, I have something else I'm doing so hopefully the server stays steady," he apologized in-game chat. You both were whisked away to a new world, Callahan tossed a compass to sapnap before leaving wordlessly. 
"Sick, this one points to you,"
"Cool" you mumbled. You were far too busy taking in your surroundings. Sapnap was smarter than you gave him credit for. And you weren't nearly as good as Dream. You couldn't think up smart plans other than reusing things he's used against you. "Any rules?" 
"Anything we've banned for Dream you can't do either," in that case there was only one other thing you could use, speed. You were faster than Sapnap or at least you were sure you were. "Take your time," Sapnap hummed, interrupting your thoughts. 
Right. The manhunt couldn't start until you ran. Well, the badlands didn't look too good so you'd take your chances with the jungle. 
You sprinted into the lush green listening as there was no hesitation on Sapnaps part. In fact, he seemed to think you'd go this way, already he was one step ahead. You ducked and weaved through the vines and darkness of the jungle. 
Sapnap couldn't help but let a grin overtake his lips. His eyes were glued to you, not once losing sight. This was going to be all sorts of fun. Glancing back quickly you realized he was gone, had you really outrun him? He was also unnaturally quiet. 
Your heart pounded in your throat. You didn't think being hunted would feel like this. Having always been a hunter you had always felt the exhilaration of chasing not being chased. Had to keep moving though. 
While he had disappeared you began gathering wood and running towards a nearby village. "Boo," a voice whispered.
Sapnap's hand barely grasped your wrist, missing just slightly. You yelped, bolting off again. He had come out of nowhere. Had Sapnap been watching you the entire time? 
He was so different hunting you than Dream. Sapnap was truly hunting you like prey. Like he couldn't wait to sink his teeth into you. Your name rolled off his tongue softly and smoothly. A gentle coo that was meant to lure you in. You couldn't seem to shake him. He had to get off your tail at some point right? He couldn't get an advantage if he didn't advance in weaponry. You stood behind a villager's house catching your breath. 
This was Sapnap's element, whisking through trees and hunting- No stalking his prey; creeping up on them when they are at their weakest. Admittedly he had been a hunter longer than you but you didn't think the experience gap was that large between you two. 
You opened your eyes. "Gotcha," you ducked under his arm. How was he getting the drop on you? You stumbled behind him and ran for the abandoned nether portal. There was a piece missing and you just so happened to have gotten one from the blacksmith. 
This Sapnap was calm and collected, cornering you as if he were playing with his food. Trapping you and letting you go. It was a game of cat and mouse now. He was a fox and you were a measly "bunny," he chuckled behind you. 
"Slow down there sweetheart, you know I'll win," you completed the portal and jumped through. He would be behind you in an instant but you didn't have time to think about that. 
You had spawned on the very edge of the fortress, high above the lava. Just as you stumbled away from the molten liquid a hand grabbed your wrist, tossing you to the ground gently. Sapnap had you pinned against the ground with no way of wiggling free. 
"I win," he breathed out. You bucked against him, attempting to push him off but to no avail. You stopped squirming, admitting defeat. Your heavy breaths refusing to slow down. 
Suddenly you coughed awkwardly as something came to your realization. "Sap," you blushed. "Got a little worked up did you?" 
His clothed cock was hard and pressing up against your thigh. "Shut up," he snapped. "I bet if I yank those pants off you're soaked," he retorted. 
"Why don't you find out," you shot back. 
Sapnap froze looking down at you, splayed against the ground all at his mercy. He hadn't expected you to respond that way. Both of you were still heavily breathing from the chase, pure adrenaline pumping through you. 
"Don't mind if I do," he grinned sharply, snapping out of his shock. His fingers grasped your pants tugging them off along with your underwear. "Fucking filthy," he growled as he was proved correct. "Turned on from being hunted like prey," 
You whined letting him move you around as he pleased. Sapnap's hands gripped your thighs holding them open. "Do you like it when I tell you that?" He said softly, looking up at you with dark eyes. "Tell you how fucking dirty you are?" 
You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you, nodding as you squirmed in his grip. "Don't worry sweetheart, I liked it too," he spoke pressing kisses on your thigh. "Hunting you down, I love the chase," slowly he sucked and nipped. He couldn't help biting into the plush of your thighs. "Loved watching your little doe eyes fill with fear when I got near," Sapnap sat up, watching you drink in every word he spoke. “The way your breath hitched when you felt me grasp you," 
His hand wrapped around your throat gently holding you there. It was sort of grounding "What do you want first hm?" 
You were trembling with anticipation. You had thought he might use his mouth but was sorely disappointed when he sat up. Your fingers brushed over your own lips. "You- can, can you use your mouth?" You choked out. 
Sapnap chuckled. "Where? Here?" He poked your chest gently. 
"Here?" His thumb wiped over your lip. 
You shook your head. 
"Here?" He cupped between your legs. "Want my mouth on your pretty little cunt?" he shifted down to put his face between your legs. "Okay sweetheart," his tongue dipped into your dripping core, eager to get a taste. 
Sapnap didn't hold back, lapping against you. Your thighs began to feel the slight burn from his beard making you squirm more. Your back arched as you let out soft noises for him. Sapnap himself groaned as your fingers found their way into his hair, tugging and pulling. His tongue teased your clit as he began to push a finger or two in. 
"Gotta hurry up hun, Dream's expecting me soon, just a quickie. You visit and I'll give you the best night of your life," a little knot of pleasure was heating up in your stomach. The cries of his name got louder and louder until- He chuckled pulling away. 
You whined frustrated. "Why?" 
"My reward sweetheart, you can cum soon, don't worry," Sapnap didn't bother removing much of his clothing. Just enough for him to be able to fuck you. "Keep your eyes on me," he spoke lowly as he tapped his cock against your hole. 
You made eye contact just as Sapnap began pushing in. "Holy shit," he gasped when he was fully in. The way your walls gripped around Sap had him dizzy. His thrusts started slow but began to build speed quickly. You gripped his forearms, eyes barely open. "Don't close them," Sap warned with harsh thrusts. 
He could hardly keep his eyes open, however. You just felt so damn good. 
Sapnap groaned fucking into you as if his life counted on it. "We'll do this again," he moaned. 
"Let you run. Next time I'll really try. Tie you up n fuck you against the nearest tree," his words twisted your stomach. 
"Think Dream n George would join? Maybe even Sam?" your nails dug into his forearms making him hiss. The grip on your hips was bruising as he sped up impossibly fast. Sapnap's hips now pistoning into you. 
The thought of being hunted by all of them both terrified and excited you. "Fucking feel so good sugar," with every breath he took it was a sinful mix of words bringing you closer and closer to your end. 
"S-sap," he had long forgotten about making you keep your eyes open, a thumb dropping to catch your clit in a rough circle. 
"Need- gonna-" you could barely speak between moans. 
He moaned lowly as you fluttered around him. "Fuck sugar," he choked. You came around him, practically going limp as he fucked you through your orgasm. 
The chase between you had worked both of you up. The raven-haired above you wasn't far behind. Whining he filled you up, giving a few more deep thrusts as he did. If this was a quickie you couldn't wait to see what would happen when you came to visit Sapnap next month. Slowly he pulled out watching a little bit of cum drip out. 
"What would you want if you won," he asked quietly. 
"I don't know," you whined, throwing an arm over your face. "Probably to help edit my next 2 videos. Just- clean me up," you complained. 
"With pleasure," he purred before moving his face between your thighs. Dream was going to have to wait just a bit longer. 
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Reminder: DNI = Do Not Interact
If you are a Minor/Ageless blog, Do not follow. Do not comment. Do not reblog. Do not like. DO NOT INTERACT.
Either add your age to your bio/pinned, message me in private, or DNI.
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tiaamorosa · 21 days
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol & Clark - The little big happiness (2)
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It's the next day. After the final examinations had been completed and no abnormalities had been found in the little boy, the small family could be released home without hesitation. They rested there for a while. Later, Marisol got her son out of bed and they sat down together in the living room. “Look at those little hands…”.
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Clark smiled and gently stroked his son's head. "Yeah, and it looks like he's getting my hair color, I was dark on my head at first too. Unbelievable…didn't think an “accident” could be so beautiful…". Marisol looked at him and smiled. And remembered something he had said earlier. “But you never wanted children, Clark…”. He looked briefly at her and then back at his son. "Yes. But when I saw that picture… I just didn't want to miss anything, so I postponed everything. Also because of the thing with Oscar.“.
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Marisol enjoyed watching Clark lovingly stroking his son. "You like that, my darling, don't you? If your dad had decided otherwise, we'd be sitting here alone today“. Clark took a deep breath. „At least I have a conscience. Hm, do you want to go to bed? Or swing?"/ ‘Try the swing, I'm sure he'll like it“.
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Clark stood up and carefully took his son in his arms to put him in the swing. Then he switched on the slow speed. "You were right, he likes it. How did you come up with the name Enrico?"/ ”My grandpa's name was Enrique, I think that's why. I just wanted to change the name a bit. He was a great person."
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“Enrico… It's not necessarily a great name for a musician, maybe Rico…”/ “His name is fixed, but we can call him Rico. I have to clean up now, and you look at him from time to time"/ ‘I will…’…
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“hey, today's a holiday, what do you think about a little party?”/ “I don't know, I don't want to confront the little one with so many people for now…”. Clark looked at his son, who was slowly rocking back and forth. “He's totally relaxed…”/ “Maybe in a few days, okay?”/ “All right. Then Daddy will play something for you, or we'll write a new song, hehe".
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Clark picked up his guitar and began to play a quiet piece. The melody blended a little with the music coming from the swing. But Enrico seemed to like it quite a lot.
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After tidying up a bit, Marisol took a shower and then sat down at the computer. She had to use the time to finish her book. “The last few chapters, hopefully I'll catch up… I'm glad that Clark is taking such good care of our boy…hn”.
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Father and son had had enough of playing the guitar for the time being. So Clark looked at his child for a while. "hehe, well? You're pretty alert for a baby. I slept a lot, at least that's what my mother always told me, I could sleep all day, a bomb could have gone off and I wouldn't have woken up. Come here…".
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"I once spoke to your mother on the phone and told her... that it would have been better if I hadn't known about you, she could have said you weren't my child... I take that back. I was always afraid of that. Now I look at you and I'd love to carry you around all day, crazy, right? I'll always protect you, I promise."
End of this Part
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manonamora-if · 1 year
The Roads I Maybe Should Have Taken
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The TRNT Post Mortem
Oye oye! As was promised, so it is! The Post Mortem for The Roads Not Taken (which hopefully won't be as long as the actual game...)
Follow me into my journey of once again speed-running my way through a competition, and coming out scratched and bruised and still not learning my lessons!
First, some links:
if you haven't played the game yet, I recommend you do before reading this!
you can find its IFDB page here (if you want to leave a review?)
and the STF version source code here for the code curious!
shortened version of the PostMortem on IntFic
Then, a little Table of Content:
The Idea
The Story
The Implementation
The Reception
The Do-Over?
And finally, we start! (under the break because it will be long - LoL at me writing 1/5th of TRNT as a Post Mortem)
I should preface this Post Mortem with I entered the SpringThing on a whim. I had just come out of a conga line of competitions and game jams since last Summer (log of release/update), and had plans on finishing working on other projects instead of this one (which I probably should have... sorry The Rye in the Dark City for abandoning you...). But I obviously didn't do that because here was another new fresh game! And then another two of those just after... whooops...
The idea for TRNT just popped into my brain one day and would not leave me until I implemented it, no matter what (yes, I am still weak willed, I have not learned my lesson from The Thick Table Tavern, the one about not rushing a project and publishing it at a later date when it is truly ready). I did have that thought in the back of my mind that if I do do this, it would be very likely I would end up with a repeat of TTTT, as in: half-full drink with too much ice, and expired garnish falling from the very pretty fancy glass.
Also I did not start working on the entry until the SeedComp was in its voting round (so around the 4-5th of March?). I really wasn't kidding about the speed-running thing....
Another thing: I had never created a parser game before this point AND suck real time at playing them! This was also indicated in my Author's comment.
Nothing obviously stopped me anyway, because here we are...
1- The Idea
A few weeks before the opening of the SpringThing intent, the French IF community was streaming some older parser entries, including Aisle* and Pick-Up the Phone Booth and Die, two games where the player can only do one action before the game ends. I'd never really experienced this kind of game before (the closest being having a sudden death/continue the story choice). It packed a punch, it was funny, and also so very weird. It left me dissatisfied and super intrigued. I wanted to try and do that too someday. *Funnily, someone on the French IF discord thought DOL-OS had been inspired by Sam Barlow's work (it wasn't, but TRNT def was).
Not, I am not going to be hella pretentious and full of myself by putting TRNT on the same level as those games (because I don't think I did a good enough job to merit a comparison), but the one-action-only gameplay and multiple endings drew me in (I love abrupt endings, cf P-Rix). I've mainly written longer form of IF rather than short bites, and I thought it would be fun to try to constrict myself as much as possible, by having just one thing, one action, one outcome.
And also: parsers. I had only dabbled with the Choice-Based/Hyperlink format, so I thought it was time to try the last unexplored part of my IF journey: parsers. Since the SpringThing Festival is a nice place to experiment, I thought why not try to make one then! I could not have survived the anxiety of the IFComp reviews for that one...
Still, it was not going to be without a challenge. I had very little experience with parsers, and I honestly didn't think I could learn how to use a parser program in such short amount of time*, when I had a lot of other stuff at the same time. So I thought, why not make it in Twine**, at least I know this program inside-and-out(almost). There would not be a steep learning curve there... What could go wrong? *lol at me, having made an Adventuron game in a non supported language in about 2 weeks after that, without ever having tried the program beforehand. I could totes have managed!! **Also, when I got set with Twine, I realised how fun it would be to maybe put people's expectations upside down by doing something you're not supposed to with Twine... or parsers!
Well, it was going right at first...
2- The Story
I really wanted to recreate the same gameplay of Aisle with its only-one-action-and-it's-over, so I started listing possible actions and put them into a context where this choice of action would mean everything for the PC - because it is the only action you have. Which might not have been a good take? Aisle works because the setting is incredible mundane, and there are no stakes.
The context pretty quickly drew itself as the player will chose a profession/career path, and if they do/choose something wrong, then...😬too bad for them, they made their choice, deal with the consequences. While, in reality, we are not stuck in a life because of one choice, but with a myriad of them (and still we can change this trajectory), it's still a big pressure you get as a youth, having to choose where to go and what to do when you are done with highschool, and what path to take. It's a lot of responsibility that sometimes feels like it will affect/haunt the rest of your life. Do I still have some of that school/parental pressure from when I had to make that choice ingrained somewhere inside? probably...
But the more foolish idea was to let my brain continue to think more about that context and create a world and story further than the choice. Instead of going forward with the consequences and the hints of what could have happened or just let the choice being the centre piece, the brain just went backwards and created a society (some sort of futuristic one) and vaguely described beings (that are not humans), and the ritualistic culture of this society, etc... While it was fun to think about all of those, and maybe provided a fun setting and enticing story for the player to go through the game, there might have been a bit too much of it. I think, in hindsight, this may have devalued the choice itself (which became even more watered down when I continued on writing the first screens).
And so, the job choice soon became the player is going through some sort of ritual (v trope-y) to determine their place in society. If it has a vibe of The Giver, it shouldn't be too surprising, the book is on my shelf.
So we still have the one-choice-to-rule-them-all, but now there is a also backstory and setting... and I have to include it somewhoeeven if it means cramming it somewhere, anywhere.
Oh wait, I thought, I'll just make it like a prologue to build anticipation for the choice!
And so the brain went on zooming again to create the waiting room, and the agonising walk in the corridor, and the finding your way to the altar, before you cant finally make your choice..... only to end up with two(-ish) paragraphs for each endings. wow - what a good balanced game this is becoming...
Speaking of endings, I had originally listed over 50 actions, each planned to have a different ending.... only to end up with about 11, 7 of those were actually related to the final countdown choice. It made me sadder than when I cut onions :(
It wasn't just the player that needed to make...
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At this point, we were two weeks away from the deadline. I had the backbone of the code (-ish), a good third of the writing wasn't complete (and this was mainly those 11 endings), and no one had tested the game yet. There was no way I could have included all 50 original options if I wanted to make the deadline. might have been good in hindsight to remove those choices, especially with the current command system.
So choices had to be made and a buttload of planned things had to be cut. I narrowly managed to finish the needed endings in time (which required re-writing some of those into a fake choice), at least.
At the end, I strayed quite a bit from the Aisle concept of a mini intro - one action - an ending puzzle-y feel (and making the player piece the story together from the endings), to arrive at... well... this anxiously geolian walk to one's doom (or dream). Making the story quite... well... linear.
And from going somewhat wrong, it went a little wrong-er...
3- The Implementation
Wanting to avoid the headache of learning a new program, I had settled on Twine pretty much from the start (SugarCube, because that's how I've been rolling for the past almost 2 years!).
The big problématiques of this project were:
Twine is not a parser program (duh)
SugarCube has its limitations still (and macros that don't always work the way you want to)
I had never written a parser game before and suck at playing them (thank you, French IF streams that helps me enjoy them without experiencing the frustration of not finding the right combo!)
I still suck at JavaScript/jQuery to do weird things with the page (and probably fix all those issues)
and well did I already say Twine is not a parser program?
So I tried to get to the basic of parsers (an input box and text revealing itself onto the page when a command is entered) and prayed for the best. Easy, right?
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SugarCube has an input box, but can only autofocus* inside one specific place (so you can't lock it somewhere else but the passage itself, which means you need to add it to every screen...) and when the passage is first loaded (doesn't work if the input box is added later on). *I have also hurt some kitten by overusing autofocus, which was only compensated by offering the the SugarCube God some bug reports about it so those issues could be fixed for the next update (TBA). But you really are not supposed to use autofocus as much as I did... 😬
SugarCube has an input box, but you can only move to another passage after you press Enter. So you can't have some fancy input checks, and you stay on the same page... without some custom listener macro* that is (Bless you Maliface and your Listen Macro) - or I guess some JavaScript code, but who has time for that... I had included a button as an alternative to confirm the commands (which was how I had coded it for DOL-OS), but it would have made the parser experience much worse if using Enter would not have loaded a response (this was a criticism from DOL-OS, which now that I know how to fix, I really should do so...). *at least until the next Sugarcube update which will include a listener.
SugarCube has an input box, but doesn't have a bank of commands, or set object indicator (like with the parsers). While you can technically separate the inputed words with some JavaScript**, whether you do so or not will end with the same amount of spaghetti code at the end, with the different conditional statements for each actions on each screen to show the correct text bits (mine amounted to almost 600 lines of code for 7 screens... without included the printed text! -> see the source code). Now that I've messed around with Adventuron, I can see how easy it is to make a parser game (set up commands and rooms and interactive object), when you have a bank of built-in commands and not have to worry about how to add the new text on the screen. Twine really added a new layer of complexity to this.... Was there a better way of doing this? probably, but don't look at me to find it. *this was how the name chosenname command came to be, and how it only printed the chosen name on the following screens. That and the autofocus being messy...
SugarCube can add text bits to a page, but unlike parser programs, it won't automatically scroll down to the bottom of the page, or at least to the added element. Adding a scroll down to the bottom or scroll up to the page was not too hard (I had some leftover js code), but it was not the solution: the UI is mobile/tablet accessible (smaller screens), which means scrolling to the bottom would make those players having to manually scroll back up (and I am usually quite verbose in my writing). So very much EH.... NOT GREAT! After quite a lot of testing, broken pieces of code, way too much swearing, and re-doing the base of the UI, I did manage to find a solution.... a month into the review/voting period.
But even with those limitations, I pushed through. I knew it was possible to make it work, so I either tried to find work arounds (and gave up the scrolling, at least until the deadline), and pushed through, banging my head against my desk because of what was achievable...
Wanting to make things easy for myself (and the players), I thought maybe removing all verbs would make it easier to go through the game, even when having to interact with objects or people around. Enter the bolded word* from the text as the input, press enter, and read the new text! *It was important for me to have some sort of "easy" mode where the interactive things were obvious to the player, coming from a scene where parsers are not the norm/favoured.
Simple right?
This idea... stopped working as soon as I introduced physical actions (sit, stand, jump, etc...), directional actions (the story might be linear but it still has multiple rooms), but most importantly as soon as I wrote flavour texts for one same object. Even if I could get away with removing X/LOOK/EXAMINE*, adding verbs at the end was a necessity (I didn't want to see all the already written variation go to waste...). *I did include look in the code, but mistakenly didn't think about its synonym <- shows the no-knowledge of parser, and not having a bank of commands built-in.
So verbs were added, and then some of its synonyms (but evidently not the most important ones 😬), and then some prepositions just in case, and noun synonyms with adjectives because of how it is described in the text, and then.... so on and so forth. And because of how SugarCube is set, I ended up with lines like this at the end:
<<if ["initiate", "look initiate", "look at initiate", "remember initiate", "initiates", "look initiates", "look at initiates", "remember initiates", "recall initiate", "recall initiates"].contains(_cmd)>>
(and this is not even a correct or complete command list, since it is missing EXAMINE and X)
Et rebelotte for all the interactive words on the page, as well as the added variations requiring another set other verbs. There's not really a verb/noun aliases list to help...
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Because I always like to make it difficult for myself and not think of the amount of work my ideas/plan will require, I had to make some bits of text appear only once (even if some commands could be used more than once on that page) OR removing the player's ability to make a different action when they do a specific one AND have some bits of text only appear after a command has been used on that page. Pushing the player through extra invisible gates on top of the different rooms. I could have made it easier on myself to break scenes further than I had already done, but nooooooo
And I did this not just once. BUT THREE TIME! When the player is called to get in line, in the corridor, and just before the big doors.
I could have fed myself for a whole week with the spaghetti that came out of my code.
But Manon, I can hear the little devil on my shoulder say, Why all the whining and excuses? You could have stopped if it turned out to be a bad idea, especially if you couldn't implement it properly. Why not have made the story in something else than a parser?
because Time (wa)s running out and I wasn't going to let all this hard work go to waste by changing everything up at the last minute (it could have worked/been easier, that's true)
because it was still a fun puzzle to solve, even if frustrating most of the time,
because you learn more when you fail than when you win
I'm not a quitter :P (hiding my too many WIPs waiting for me....)
Even if I doubted myself with finishing the game on time, I still pushed myself to cross the finish line, since I knew I would not have finished the project otherwise. Thought it could have been fun to get the 12 angry men passing judgement on my Twine monstrosity making a mockery of parsers had I submitted it to the very serious ParserComp instead. /jk lovingly
So after some "extensive" testing (rushed in the last week, because I am a nightmare to people, sorry @groggydog and @lapinlunairegames for making you go through this, but also thank you for your help!!), I made it to the end!
Well... barely. Ended up with a few bug fixes update along the way.
4- The Reception
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(it was like that in my heart)
Like TTTT, this was not explosion of praise and accolades. And I fully expected it. You can't make experiments omelettes without cracking a few programs/rules eggs. At least my omelette didn't have too many eggshells :P
Looking at the numbers, at the time of writing this posts, TRNT is currently sitting at 5 stars (4 ratings) on itch, and 3-1/2 stars on IFDB (2 ratings)*, with 4 reviews on the Forum (bellow the median/average this festival). None of the ratings game with reviews/comments. *When some of the reviews will be moved to the IFDB, I do expect this average to get lower. The itch one is nice (really happy 4 peeps loved it!), but most people only rate when they didn't like it or when they loved it.
As for the feedbacks gotten, they came from a few sources: the people who playtested TRNT, dms on Tumblr and the Forum, the Twine server, and the awaited reviews on the Forum.
Overall, the people who liked the game really enjoyed themselves, from the writing and the worldbuilding being intriguing, or how pretty the UI was. Even with the issues raised during the festival, quite a lot of people (who sent me comments) thought the experiment was either a success, something really cool, or impressive considering the limitations (of the festival and/or of the program). Even in the more critical comments, this experiment was seen as an interesting one to be commended (with a bit of a why did you bother... sprinkled in there). Someone told me TRNT reminded them of the Divergent series (and fair comparison, considering the whole ritual to put you in one job for the rest of your life).
The most surprising thing was that people who never played parser before (or didn't really liked them) found the game entertaining and fun to go through, managing to get to the end without too many issues; while the reviewers with more experience in the genre had a bit more restraints due to the command system I put in place.
Whether my giddiness about verbose writing was to the liking of the player or not, I was honestly happy comments about my grammar didn't make much of an appearance this time around (yay, progress!), and that I would get kudos for the vague story behind the experiment itself, and the structure of the story itself.
But this doesn't mean that it was all sunshine and rainbow here. TRNT had some obvious issues, which should have been squashed during the testing phase had this one been longer (yet again, me speed-running through comps when I should take my time... when will I learn...). There were two main ones: the commands and the UI.
The biggest issue came from the commands, being either unclear or confusing, especially when it came to the cardinal direction, the choice of synonym for the actions, or special actions like the name input. Even if you could go along the story with just a noun or press C until you reached the end, missing important verb commands did not help the game feel complete (EXAMINE/GET/the shortcuts). This is where having some Parser knowledge/experience would have come handy, he.... As for the cardinal directions, it was probably most confusing because I used them as synonyms for forward/back/left/right instead of N/S/W/E (that and it wasn't clear where you were able to go in the text either). Quite a few players were also getting stuck in the corridor (after you come to a stop, you hear some thing up front and your choices are to move to the side/jump or stand still). Special actions like the name input or the final choice were felt a bit off/broke immersion. Party due to the way SugarCube is, partly due to how I organised the game. Having a simple input where the player is asked for their name before the game start and have a say name command, might have worked better there. That and a better hinting system. Fix for those TBD.
Closely followed was the UI being annoying (which ;-; bc I pride myself on creating good UI, but it was fair critique), from the scrolling being an absolute ass, to the confusing bolding of the start of passages being the same as the interactive words (if you didn't change the colour in the settings), to the back/replay last choice command on the END screen not going to the right spot, or the responses of computing an inputted command not appearing/being confusing (in relation to the scrolling), some quirks with the UI being wonky for some screen sizes, etc... Thankfully, all those have been fixed.... but too late for the reviews already published. A quick revamp of the UI base + solving the scrolling issue + slight reformatting of the printed new text bits solved if not all of those issues. Still... too little too late... That's what you get for making a UI in a large screen and only checking different width but not different heights....
Or me going a bit on a rant. Scroll down to pt 5- The Do-Over to resume coherent levelled conversation.
Still, making a parser a Twine was a CHOICETM, which didn't work for everybody. I don't know if it was because the game was put forth as a Twine game before being a parser, or because the story was maybe a bit too linear/not very interactive compared to other parsers, or because I set out to make a parser before thinking of a story and it showed for some, (or probably because the parser system was not very well implemented) but I did have a few commenters wondering if my choice of making it a parser was the correct one, as in why would you use parser when hyperlinks would have probably worked better?
Maybe a cop-out answer would be Why not. Why not try to break the rules and the codes of what is a Twine game or what is a parser? Why not push Twine to where it is probably not supposed to go (sorry, TME)? Why not blur the lines of the divides between the subgenres of IF? I wrote some part while having a bit of a fever, and my notes had Why not make parsers less puzzle-y/more linear choice-based like? and oh boi is it good to re-read yourself... Cause yiekes what a load of BS.
The other part of the answer is Because experimenting and doing weird thing is fun! Doing weird thing, writing bad code that should probably not work but it does, putting the program on a lifeline, making up stories that are nonsensical, etc... and breaking people's mind in the process with what could be done. Also it was just fun to find out whether it was just possible to do it at all. The rush of happiness when you the puzzle is solved is so incredibly gratifying. It was really fun to try something different (for me but also for what Twine can generally do), to solve a puzzle of mashing two things that don't/shouldn't go together, to find what makes them tick and make it all work, and to challenge myself to do something new (did I mention before it was my fist time making a parser?). AND, having fun creating! And the SpringThing has always been a beacon to promote experimentation with the genre and more out there stuff. So it's was kind of like the stars aligned or something :P
Also Because it was possible!That one is pretty self-explanatory...
Maybe a bit more presumptuous of me: Because experimenting keeps Interactive Fiction fresh and exciting! I'm not trying to set a trend or anything here (honestly, it's not too strange, TRNT's weirdness kind of follows my previous work with TTTT and its mixology element, or DOL-OS with it computer interphase), but isn't fun to see what else can be done in IF, or what new area can be explored now that funky stuff has been tried, or what else should probably not be done (hopefully this doesn't apply to TRNT lol, I think it should be fun to have more parser in Twine). Even if my entry was not really a novel idea even in the gameplay (exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C), I still think there should be more weird stuff out there, so I contribute to that where/when I can! It'd be sad if IF became same-y and stale... It'd be fun if someone did something like this because they played TRNT and thought it was neat :P
And Because it didn't fit with my original vision of the game. Even if the game changed quite a lot along the way, the parser element was something I would not compromise with, no matter how good or bad the final product was. Sorry TME for the kittens lost in the autofocus of the textboxes...
I did wonder for a while how many people opened the settings at all 🤔
5- The Do-Over?
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Honestly... If I was going back to the start, I don't think I would change anything. Even if the length of the testing was more than minimal (still haven't learned my lesson), even if I rushed into the competition (again, not learned my lesson), even if I made errors along the way (well, maybe fixing the UI earlier instead) or let the story stray that much away from the original idea (honestly it was probably for the best that it ended not being too close to Aisle at the end, I might have gotten eviscerated in the reviews). It did what it was supposed to do, and checked all the boxes from what I wanted to try. At the end, to me, it was a complete (and stressful success).
Will there be some changes in the future?
Just a bit, at some point, TBD and TBA. Just to fix the commands a bit, maybe rearrange some passages, add a bit more variation/hidden codex entries, maybe even a new ending or two! But it wouldn't go further than that. TRNT was an experiment through and throuh.
==================== THE END ====================
Anyway, my weird hybrid beast of a parser in Twine and I are done rambling about my awesome show of tricks that may or may not have landed badly and with a broken skateboard. We will go collect our ribbons, now!
Make IF weird, Do word crimes, Have fun
I do wonder if me submitting the game in the Main Garden rather than at the Back Garden played into the expectations of the reviewers, since the BG is meant for more experimental IF. But in the same vein, there was the Kuolema running on a Google Form and people flocked to it so 🤷 It's probably the quality that made things the way it is whooooops :P
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