#Amy speaks Nonsense
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infamous-if · 2 years ago
dev update (august 9th 2023)
I'm really bad at doing these, I apologize. I find I prefer just dropping things without much notice haha but since chapter 2 is out I do want to do better at these sort of weekly log things.
Anyway, with the Patreon out I've been having a lot of fun dropping stuff. I have a whole folder of deleted scenes and extra bits that I kept aside collecting dust so that's been fun. I've done a lot with August so far so I'm determined to keep up that momentum, especially since I'm deep in G's POV right now.
I started picking away at Part II. Luckily, I feel it may be shorter than Part I so it won't be too long until I'm dropping it. I'm going to make sure not to change any variables until after it's published so people can just play from where they finished off. Hopefully...if I can avoid it. If I speed run through Part II I feel like I can drop it next month or late this month. I'm not making any promises but if I do, I'll be giving myself a huge pat on the back lmfao.
Since Part I dropped, I've been getting a lot more asks and suggestions. Many people have been suggesting certain choices and reactions and dialogues which is great. People tend to catch things that I don't catch or have ideas that don't come to me so it helps when I go back to rewrite. I can't promise I'll add it but so far I've been getting a lot of good suggestions. I don't respond to them just so I can keep them in one place, so don't think I'm ignoring you! I do read all my questions I just tend to be picky with answering them so as not to flood the dash. I was having a wild idea to make a side account just to answer questions because I wake up to so many that I can hardly handle it and my inbox gives me a bit of a fright every morning lololol I currently have 3.5k questions and I feel terrible every time because I feel like I'm ignoring people.
As I said before, once Part 2 is out I'm going to go through the entire demo with a fine tooth comb and pick it up bit by bit. Improve on it, add dialogue, choices and just fix it up. It won't be a rewrite lol since I like what I have but I think I can improve the prose and the overall...cleanliness? of my writing!
I'm always taking suggestions or anything that may make the game better. I can't do everything but I do try. I'm also always taking song suggestions for the master playlist. I do listen to it when I write so that's fun lol
This was a non update but I do like keeping everyone up to date on what I'm doing! If anyone has suggestions for something August related to do this month, I'm all ears!
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bagholes · 1 month ago
English subtitles for Johanne Sacreblue
You've probably heard of a parody of Emilia Pérez (produced by a Mexican trans woman!!!) called Johanne Sacreblue. The whole thing is in Spanish (and French, obviously), so I translated the whole thing to English (see read more)
While I wasn't involved in the production of the original short, I'm Mexican and I have a degree in Translation and Applied Linguistics, so hopefully you'll enjoy my translation. Please give the video some love and don't give Emilia Pérez more attention!!
!!!!!!!! ENGLISH SUBTITLES !!!!!!!!!
(Hey! I'm a professional translator, and I translated the whole thing in English. Please upvote so more people can enjoy this video!)
Ah, nauseating France.   
Home of wonderful food such as baguettes, croissants, and more.
Lots of wonderful people live here.
Obviously, we’re French. 
This might look like a love story,
but open your eyes and pay attention!
In France there’s rising burglary rates. 
But why tell you about France when I can show you?
Welcome to la France!
Welcome to la France.
A unique and special country.
Where you’ll know what it means to truly love. Love, love from France.
Live the experience of this place. 
[Homer Simpson voice] Wow, classy.
Maitre D': Good evening, sir. Would you please leave without a fuss right now?
Homer: OK.
Welcome to la France
where you’ll get your heart stolen,
and your wallet, too.
Welcome to la France,
but if you’re Muslim, homosexual, or Black,
I want you to stay back. 
Crêpes? Les crêpes? I didn’t shower today. 
I’m not worried. I smell just fine. 
Like rats, sweat, and wine.
The cheese I eat smells better than me,
but my perfume can take care of it. 
I love feeling superior. 
Here’s some rapping just because. 
Oh, mon ami. Merci. Sacré bleu. Comment tu t’appelles? Merci. Déjà vu. Bon voyage! Pizza, kwason. 
It’s croissant, croissant, croissant!
Welcome to la France
where you’ll get your heart stolen,
and your wallet, too.
Welcome to la France,
but if you’re Muslim, homosexual, or Black,
I want you to stay back. 
Hit it, Mbappé. 
Viva Cinco the Mayo!
Long live cakes!
Marie Antoinette! 
Long live cakes!
My fucking crêpe still hurts when I think of you
Part 1: surprise and challenge.
Maybe all those years living in a ranch were good for him.
He wasn’t living in a ranch!
He lived in Mexico City for ten years.
Same thing. It might as well have been a jungle.
Mexicans are savages. 
Do you know what they do to cheese over there?
They eat it fresh!
I don’t think he copied their ways.
He’s still a good Frenchman.
He better be. I expect no less.
He’s my only son. 
All the suffering in Mexico must’ve gotten rid of his rebel nature. 
He’ll be the perfect man. The perfect male successor for the largest baguette company in France.
My son. My manly son. 
Did I already mention that my son is a man?
He’s here!
Maman, papa… bonjour!
Son of a-
[title credits] Johanne Sacreblue. Directed by someone with ADHD.
What were you up to in Mexico?
I learned how to open a beer using a bill.
Jonathan is using a dress, Bridgitte. And he has breasts! What do you think he was up to in Mexico?
Now my name is Johanne.
Nonsense! You’re not getting the company. No way. 
That’s fine. I don’t even want it. 
Honey, it’s your future. You’re our only DAUGHTER. You have to take the position. 
You’ll get the company. End of story. 
You don’t even want me to own the company!
Because I didn’t think it’s what you wanted!
Why did we stop speaking French?
What did you say?
Nothing. I got confused.
I’ll tell you something: remember the Ratatouille? They gave us this letter. They challenged us to the national France competition to decide once and for all what’s better: baguettes or croissants. 
Do you want to enjoy your fortune? Win this competition and manage the company. Or go back to Mexico to eat guacamole.
For the last time, no! You won’t get the company. 
I’m the only one who’s always loved croissants.
I’m the oldest son. It’s my right. 
Your right? How can think that about your brothers?
Any of them could do a good job.
Hugo can’t get over his artistic phase and he’s addicted to sniffing paint thinner!
I’m not just sniffing paint thinner! Yellow paint makes me happy.
Mario Hugo! Good luck with his twangy voice.
Mario Hugo: I agree with my beloved brother, but I love you, my family. 
No one knows what you’re saying!
Dugo is young! Why can’t it be me?
Well, first of all, you don’t have a penis!
Oof. Gotcha.
I’m trans. Other than that, I haven’t changed at all. 
Does it really affect you that much?
I’ve made myself clear: anything that affects our family affects me!
It’s not that we don’t love you, honey, it’s just that… you embarrass us. 
You’re not even an Hugo!
Yes, I am! I’m [French accent] Arturo! (Translator’s note: the rhyme got lost in translation. Sorry about that). 
“Arturo” isn’t “Hugo”!
Yes, it is! Ar-tu-ro!
Where did you get that?
Well… Chofls!! The letter!
The Sacrebleu have invited us to the Great Paris Competition. We will show once and for all what food item best represents our country! If you beat that family’s stupid transexual, you’ll get the company
I don’t know what to do, bestie. I don’t want to own that goddamn company. 
And why don’t you learn how to do something?
Because if I do it, they’re gonna cut me off, and I’ll be an unemployed, 28-year-old trans woman who has no life skills. 
Why don’t you just tell your father that you don’t want to do it and that you won’t do it?
It’s too late. I have no choice. 
Bestie, I’m so sorry you can’t enjoy your fortune with no commitment.
It’s awful…
Good evening, ladies. What can I get you?
I’ll have some French molletes.
I’ll have chicken.
Of course, ma’am. How shall we cook it?
Anything is fine as long as you kill it as cruelly as possible. 
Excellent choice, ma’am.
Anything else? Would that be all?
That’ll be all. Well, actually, I think I also want-
You said that would be all! You must assume the consequences of your decisions. Rot in hell! [spits]
Oh my, what a great service!
I know! They have the best customer service in France! Okay, so are you signing up for the competition?
I really don’t have a choice…
Bestie, you can do anything. You’re stronger than every woman I know, and I’m not just saying this because you used to be a man…
Thanks for the clarification.
You’re gonna compete and you’re gonna win.
Emily, you have no idea how much that means to me. You’re the only reason I wanted to come to Paris. I wanted to see my friend Emily in Paris. It was the only reason I wanted to come tot this city: see Emily in Paris.
Oh là là, I know! Everyone tells me that! What I don’t get is why you don’t want to compete. This is such an honor for France-
It’s just that there’s a lot of things I don’t understand since I came back. Why are we so impolite? Why do we love animal cruelty? And why exactly do we hate Muslims? 
Because it’s fun!
Yeah, maybe, but have you ever considered that it’s wrong?
Oh my God! You’re right! I’d never thought about it! We’re awful!
What we do to birds… we drown them in cognac! Why are we doing it? Who thought of that?
I don’t know.
I feel.. dirty! I want to take a shower!
I knew I wasn’t crazy!
Seriously… I never thought that we were doing something wrong. I always thought that people who get minimum wage liked how we treat them. No wonder they sent you to Mexico… You’re crazy.
I got sent to Mexico for being trans.
They sent you to Mexico because you’ve been hallucinating. You’re seeing Marie Antoinette.
I’m not hallucinating! It’s the actual ghost of Marie Antoinette.
Marie Antoinette: don’t listen to hear. She dresses like a Guatemalan. I’m as real as my tragic death. They should behead her for having such damaged hair.
There’s no point in knowing the truth about France. At the end of the day, I’m just an ordinary French millionaire with enough money to live for four days. There’s nothing I can do.
Marie Antoinette: [unintelligible] sleep paralysis at night.
If you win, all of France will listen to you.
Ladybug: Welcome to the most important competition of la France, where France’s most important families will make a very important decision.
Cat Noir: that’s right! We’re here to make a very important decision. What food best represents France: baguettes or croissants?
Our fellow citizens will know what we’re talking about, but for those dirty foreigners that only know how to use soap…
Wear perfume!
We’ll explain the rules.
There’s two events: whoever wins both will be victorious!
The first even will be a race! The first one to reach the Eiffel tower, touch it and say our catchphrase “we give up!” will be the winner!
Without further ado, we’re heading to the competition!
It’s the best race I’ve seen years!
The Ratatouille throw a croissant to the Sacreblue and almost slashes her throat. It’s cat-tastic!
But Johanne takes the lead with 400 rats, and she wins the race!
Rats! Meow!
Here she comes!
Vive la France!
Your love for croissants ends here. What an embarrassment!
Don’t feel bad, honey. I never really expected anything from you. 
Arturo, I’m not gonna lie…
Brother, defeat will only make you stronger.
You’re a great man. You’ll make it. 
Can I have five French dollars to buy yellow paint? I want to paint. 
Later that night in some French dumpster
I’m just a trash man in Paris.
Another piece of trash in Paris.
But I’m also the greatest trash
I’m the trash man.
I’m such trash that I made a fortune using other cultures.
I’m such trash that I enjoy cancelling last minute
because I’m scared 
that they’ll see my tiny baguette.
I don’t have the guts to say that I fucked up.
I’m scared to know what people think of me
If I’m a good guy or just a bald bad guy
I’m such trash that it’s embarrassing.
I thought Karla Sofia was from Puebla.
I’m such trash that I wrote a musical about narcos.
“Penis to vagina, woman to man.”
What the fuck was that shit, bro?
I’m disgusting, don’t you see? 
I’m disgusting, don’t you see? 
Part 2: from hate to love
Why did you ask me to meet you here?
[sigh] I came to ask you to stop fighting over something as dumb as bread.
Baguettes are just bread, but croissants are France itself. It’s in our veins, in our wine, in the air we breathe!
Arturo, wait, don’t do it!
You can’t take a deep breath in France. Dumbass.
Whatever. You’re just saying this because you’ve been away for a long time. You’re nothing but a chimichanga lover. 
Cinco de Mayo!
How dare you!
Does it make you feel good to be a man hitting a woman?
Actually, yes. Now I get why we do it.
I’ve had enough! I can’t take it anymore! What’s wrong with France? Why do they like to hit women? Why do they like racism? Can’t you see that what we’re doing is wrong?
Actually, no. I had never thought about it. I never considered that… Oh my God… We’re monsters! What are we doing? We must put an end to this!
But how?
You’ll do it with me. With your amazing arguments, we’ll change France. 
Do you think it can be done? But how?
Oui, mademoiselle. If you let me win the second event, it’ll be a tie, and they’ll have to listen to us according to the French rules I hadn’t mentioned before. 
I don’t know if I can trust you.
Trust me, mademoiselle. Trust this stinky French heart.
Alright. Kiss me.
Do you want me to kiss you?
Yes. Give me a French kiss.
Here it’s just “a kiss”, stupid
Welcome to the second competition!
This is the most fabulous competition! It’s the racism competition!
That’s right, Cat Noir! And for those stupid Americans who don’t know what we’re talking about, in this competition, participants are given a total of 30 minutes to deport and catch as many immigrants as possible.
Everything is allowed: from making up crimes to blackmailing! 
Each Muslim is worth 5 points. However, participants can get extra points from hate crimes against Muslims, Black people, Latinos, members of the LGBT community, and fans of Emily in Paris!
Let’s watch the racism competition!
We apologize for the technical issues. Cat Noir had a fanatic episode. 
It was amazing! With a great lead, our winner, Arturo, was victorious. So we’ll have to call this a tie. 
Oh! For the first time in more than ten years, we’re getting some words from our ten French emperors!
There… won’t be… a tie!
This decision will no longer be postponed. 
 Declaramos abierto el duelo final.
And it’ll happen right now.
Because I love Queen Marie Antoinette.
The final duel…
It’s the fight to the death with baguettes!
Good luck! And may the Frenchest win. Yes. Oui. Oui. Oui.
Part 3: destiny
Fight to the death with baguettes?!
Fight to the death with baguettes?!
Fight to the death with baguettes?!
I think there’s gonna be a fight to the death with baguettes.
What? Fight to the death with baguettes? What’s that?
Oh, fight to the death with baguettes. I’ve heard about it. I think they’re gonna fight to the death… with baguettes.
Johanne: I don’t want to fight to the death with baguettes with you.
Arturo: Neither do I, but we have no choice.
J: Yes, there is. Haven’t they considered that this is wrong?
Arturo: Papa Johns!
Papa Johns: I pitted your families against you with a little help from whom you love the most… your butlers. 
Arturo: Chofls!
Johanne: Wigles, why?
Wiggles: I’m sorry, madame. I need the money, and you haven’t given me raise in 25 years. 
Papa Johns: I’ll destroy you so the greatest French food gets recognition: French fries!
Johanne: You’re losing a lot of wine.
Johanne: you have a rat on your head!
Papa Johns: this tiny chef taught me his secrets, and I used them for evil. 
Wigles: I think I got Stockholm syndrome due to so many years of labor exploitation.
And that’s how we got away from the bad guy, Mr. French ambassador. 
Controlled by a rat… The nightmare of every French. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s how Johanne Sacreblue and Arturo Ratatouille restored the glory of France. What a captivating story you’ve brought us, full of pain and social commentary. Is there anything else you would like to add before we run out of funds?
Well, actually, yes. As many of you know, I went to Mexico, and my fellow Mexicans asked me to bring a gift to France when I came back, and what a better person to give it to than the ambassador? 
Oh, what wonderful surprise have you brought from Mexico? Could it be some wonderful Mexican tortillas?
Wait… Is that-
Yes, a cake. Un gâteau. 
And that’s the story of how your parents saved la France.
Thanks for telling me these stories, grandma.
My grand-son. My grand-son, a boy…
Tito, my grandson Tito (translator’s note: another rhyme that got lost in translation. Sorry again). Tito, tito. My grandson Tito. 
You smell like frog legs in the morning.
You smell like you haven’t showered in weeks. 
You smell like a moldy baguette.
You smell like the omelette that I ate. 
You smell like cheese. Smelly, smelly!
You smell like your grandma.
Tito, Tito, Tito, my grandson Tito. 
You smell like snails. You smell like escargot.
You smell like France. 
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waughymommy · 3 months ago
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Chapter 3
            “Heather, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up,” Jack said as he gently rubbed her back. Heather slowly came to. She realized she was sucking her thumb. She noticed the empty baby bottle lying on the bed and was shocked that she had switched to her thumb while she napped. The room was darker and she reckoned it was probably early evening.
            “There’s my baby girl. How was your nap sweetie?” Jack asked dotingly. Heather recoiled when as her brain registered who was sitting next to her. Her grogginess immediately turned to panic. She removed her thumb from her mouth and pulled the blanket up to her neck. Then she remembered that she was in a wet diaper. There was no escaping this situation. Jack noticed her panic and attempted to sooth her.
            Heather began to sob. “I’m so sorry Jack. I have never felt more embarrassed and I’m so sorry I kept this from you all these years. I understand if you don’t want me anymore.” Her sob grew more intense.
            “Quit that nonsense out right now. Leave you? Are you kidding me? Not in a million years. I will admit when I saw you this morning, I was shocked. I needed time to process it all which is why I called your mother to come look after you. But what I realized was how peaceful you looked. You have given me everything and been my rock. You have never wavered in your support and love for me and its time that I pay it back to you. Not to mention, you looked so damn cute,” Jack smiled as he finished the last sentence and tried to tickle her belly through the blanket.
            Heather looked up and saw the genuine love in his face. Her fears started to subside. She still felt embarrassed and had no desire to reveal the state of her diaper to him. But, then again, she probably didn’t have a choice in that matter.
            “So I have a proposition for you. You can become the baby you so clearly want to be. Now this would mean quitting your job and you would be a baby full time. What that means is that I will treat you just like a two-year-old. You will use your diaper. You would be fed, clothed and bathed like any toddler would be. I even want you to get in the habit of speaking like a child when you are at home. I would be your daddy. Now, whenever we are out, I will make sure that your outfits do not draw any unnecessary attention, but you will still be diapered. Your mother has already agreed to babysit you during the week while I’m at work. And I’ve already found some plans to build you some special furniture so that we can convert the den into a nursery. So how is this sounding?” Jack’s tone was serious, but gentle.
            Heather’s head started to spin. She had no idea what to say. She had so many questions, but she couldn’t utter a word.
            “I know the first question is whether or not we can afford to do this and the answer is yes. I ran through the budget and we will be just fine. The other thing of course to discuss is Amy,” Jack added. Heather’s eyes dimmed. She didn’t think it would be fair to subject her daughter to seeing her mother act like an infant. The offer Jack was making seemed like a dream, but could she ask that of her daughter?
            “You may be mad at me, but I called Amy on my way home and told her my proposal. Her words, not mine, ‘mom deserves all the happiness in the world and if this is what she needs, so be it.’ She asked me to tell you that she shouldn’t feel even the slightest bit of guilt or embarrassment because she loves you so much,” Jack said. “But what that means is that she will have authority over you and that includes diaper changes. I want you to think of her as your big sister. Since she knew that we were having this conversation tonight, she is staying over with a friend.” Jack added.
            Heather began to cry again. Jack seemed to have this all laid out. But was she ready to return to infancy? She would have no control, but how could she say no? It would be a major adjustment and the first weeks would be incredibly embarrassing.
            “So what do you say sweetheart?” Jack asked. Heather sat silent for a moment, but then she wiped her tears and looked up at Jack and replied, “Yes daddy.”
            “That’s my girl. So tomorrow, I want you to deliver your two-week notice. I know you are off this week, so you will complete the following week and that will be that. This will also give us time to get your nursery ready and transition to your new life. And one more thing. Tonight, I’m taking you out so that we can celebrate the start of this new chapter,” Jack said with exuberance in his voice.
            Heather smiled from ear to ear and wrapped her arms around her husband, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
            “Of course baby girl. But before we go out, we need to get you out of that wet diaper,” Jack whispered. Heather blushed. “You better get used to it sweetie, but tonight you can be a grown up,” Jack added.
            Jack pulled out some wipes and pulled the blanket offer her and examined the state of her diaper. “You really soaked this,” he chuckled. “Let me just clean you up little bit and then you can go get dressed.”
            “Um daddy?” Heather asked timidly.
            “Yes?” he said as he ripped open the tapes.
            “Um, can I wear a diaper underneath my clothes?” Jack just smiled. He tenderly changed her and patted her diapered bottom as she got up to get dressed. Jack had no clue when he woke up that morning that he would be changing diapers once again, but it was worth it to see his wife happy. Life was about to be a whole lot different.
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shadamyheadcanons · 3 months ago
I can see Shadow being a girl dad, he'd be the type to pull out a gun whenever a adult gets too close to his kid but also be the one to dress up as a fairy princess for her tea party.
I’ve always loved this, too! Shadow just gets along super well with women and girls. I don’t know of any time when he’s had a proper conversation with Cream, but wholesome fanart of him babysitting her and wearing flower crowns she made for him is everywhere.
I interpret Shadow’s protectiveness in a specific way. He’d stand between his kids and a threat whenever necessary, especially when the kids are young, but I think he’d ultimately prioritize teaching them to defend against any threats themselves. I see him as less of a “mess with my kids and I’ll make you pay” dad and more of an “if anyone messes with you, sweetheart, don’t hold back” dad. He doesn’t have to worry because he’s made sure they’ve got it covered. Every shadamy kid gets a gun, a hammer, or both, and his respect for women means he wouldn’t hesitate to arm them. None of this “girls are delicate flowers” nonsense from Shadow. Martial arts are on the table, too; with Amy, Shadow, Knuckles, and Rouge all being close by, she’d be a threat even without a weapon.
In all seriousness, he’d want to be absolutely sure the kid is battle-ready even when he’s not around because he knows better than anyone what the consequences could be otherwise. That’s one thing I think he’d love about Amy, too; he knows she’s made herself a contender in her own right, and they’ll both look out for the ones they love. Together. Battle Couple, Battle Family.
Toonsite has a couple really cute comics about Shadow babysitting Cream that fit this motif...
[x] [x]
...and ChocomilkAmy has a funny one with a shadamy fankid:
And although I love the idea of Shadow having a daughter, he’d of course love his kid regardless of gender. Which gives me an excuse to link Rhael’s wonderful, adorable little mini-comic of human!Shadow holding his newborn son:
I’m not crying, you’re crying :’)
And speaking of kids and family stuff...
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I think Amy would be the one to ask for a first date, but Shadow would be the one to propose. Amy initiating the relationship matches her bold personality and lines up with my recent theory about their feelings. I also sometimes wonder if Shadow would be insecure about romance or feel she “deserved better,” so he’d hesitate to act first, but she’d break down those walls and pump up his self-esteem straight away. A few years in, he’d definitely have the confidence to propose. It’s not that Amy wouldn’t, but more that I feel she’d forever cherish a romantic proposal, and he’d want to do that for her. Shadow knows what he wants, and if that’s Amy, he’ll make it happen. Because they both deserve it.
The topic of children is one that I think is unique to their situation because Amy’s already made it clear she wants them, even this early in her life. Sonic Battle was particularly brazen about it...
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(Sega made Cream a rabbit when they should have made her a GOAT.)
...but if that seems like too much because it is, I’ve organized this before, too:
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Amy’s already nurturing. Once she gets older, I believe her existing behavior would bend in a more motherly direction, and it would be so clear that she wants to be a mom that she wouldn’t even need to formally clarify it. The onus would be on Shadow, I think, to speak up once he feels comfortable with the idea. I suggested some of his potential reservations in headcanon #167.
I think he’d be great at it. If you’re curious why I feel that way, check out my Father’s Day headcanon from a few years ago.
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theocddiaries · 3 months ago
Tails: I'm going out. I may come home, I may not. Sonic: Well, I may care, I may not. No, wait, I actually don't care. Tails [rolls his eyes and leaves] Shadow: Seriously, neither of you is going to back down over this nonsense? Sonic: I know him. He's playing the game of chicken. Let him be; I bet he'll come home earlier than ever today. [In the middle of the night, Sonic is pacing around the living room while Shadow is on the phone with several of his contacts, crossing names off a list as they confirm they haven't seen Tails.] Shadow: Neither have you? Okay, thank you, Amy… Yes, it's because that nonsense about washing his hands of him… Yes, he also said the stupid thing about the chicken game.[hangs up] Sonic: How could I have washed my hands? Why didn't you speak up? Why didn't you second guess me? I thought that was our foundation. I run full speed ahead even if there's a cliff in front of me, and you stop me. Shadow: Honestly, if you were literally running toward a cliff right now, I’d let you keep going. And I did all of those things. You convinced me it was alright because you've known him longer. Sonic: Why? Why now? Why did you decide now was a good moment to trust me judgement? I don't know what I'm doing. You know that better than anyone. You should've third guessed me. I refuse to stand here any longer; I'm gonna kick down every door of every house I come across, I’ll tear down every tree and lift every stone until I find him, and if he isn't dead I'm gonna fix that myself. Knuckles [comes in the living room]: Hi, guys. Sonic: … What the hell are you doing? Knuckles: Grabbing some grapes. Sonic: What's wrong with you? Knuckles: I'm hungry. Sonic: No! I mean why are you so calm?! It's 2am and Tails is nobody knows when with who knows who-- Knuckles: What? Tails is in his room. He's been here since like 8.30. Sonic and Shadow: … [Sonic and Shadow zoom off to Tails room. Sonic opens the door brusquely and Tails jumps in his bed, the book in his hands falling] Tails: Don't you know how to knock? Shadow [goes to check on him]: And don't you know how to talk? Why didn't you tell us you were home? Tails: Why shoudl I? You washed your hands of me, remember? Sonic: Well, from this moment on, they're unwashed. And if you ever sneak into this house at 8.30 again, without telling someone who isn't Knuckles, I swear I'll--I'll… [sighs and hugs him tightly] Tails [returns the hug] [After a moment, Sonic and Shadow leave Tails' room] Sonic [closes Tails' bedroom door. He sighs]: See? I know what I'm doing. He came back home earlier than ever. I don't know why you're always second guessing me. Shadow: …
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billpottsismygf · 10 months ago
Space Babies! Weird episode, but it had a charm. I had already prepared myself for the fact that RTD's era was notoriously camp and weird, and that I would for the first time be experiencing new episodes by him as an adult rather than as a 9-13 year-old, so it's not news to me that there would be some campy nonsense with a deeper message, and that this might be more jarring than I'm used to. The deeper themes were really thrown out (refugees, anti-abortion hypocrisy, genocide, capitalism) without being dwelt on, but that's not necessarily a problem.
The babies themselves were... a little unnerving? The mouth movements were quite uncanny, along with their voices and the general "I love you, Ruby!" of it all. I've just now made the connection that the latter puts me in mind of adverts for baby dolls.
The gunky snot monster felt very early 2000s British children's TV. If you weren't there for that, just know there was so much slime; think Slitheen exploding. I am very glad it got rescued. Nice message with the Doctor not usually running from things just because they look scary and, even though this is a creature specifically manufactured to be scary, it still deserves a shot at life.
It feels like a strange story to start with because I suspect it'll have mixed reviews. I would think you'd want a slightly more solid episode to draw people in with. Anyway, there was still a lot of thought put into making this a proper jumping off point with all its Doctor Who 101 stuff. Funny for a long-time viewer hearing it all rattled off in record time, but important to establish for new people, and I do think it's important for the show to remain accessible to people who haven't been obsessing over it for twenty years or more.
As a jumping off point, it very specifically reminded me of The End of the World. There's the big observation deck on a space station where the new companion, in her second episode and first off-world adventure, gets her phone updated so she can call her mum, in particular. The parallels to Rose are interesting, especially with the lecture the Doctor gives Ruby about how they can't travel back to meet her missing parent(s).
Speaking of that, there's some intrigue there with the snow appearing and the memory changing. I didn't like the Doctor doing a DNA scan of Ruby without her knowledge. It feels very 11th Doctor, especially when he literally scanned Amy and withheld medical information, but also the way he treated all his female companions as mystery boxes to solve without telling them. I guess we'll see what that's all about at a later point.
I'm still not completely sold on Millie Gibson, but Ncuti Gatwa is wonderful, and I do really appreciate their chemistry.
Small things:
Jocelyn was a good character, and the Nan-E filter made me laugh several times.
That place name before the Doctor turned the translation circuits off was absolutely not in English. Slightly weird way to phrase that line if it's going to be called Pacifico del Rio.
This is a very early point in the series for Ruby to get a TARDIS key! We're really speedrunning the usual steps here.
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dreadpirateella · 2 months ago
I promise we will get back to our regularly scheduled turtle posting soon but guys I have to yell about Sonic 3 bc ohhhh my gosh
Sonic 3 spoilers below!!!
this movie, y'all. I should preface this with the fact that I know next to nothing about Sonic outside of the live action universe, so a lot of my excitement comes from my limited knowledge of this franchise
Shadow is so much different than I thought he would be! Keanu did a phenomenal job voicing him imo. He made him seem a lot more like a person with actual feelings than I thought he was before I watched this. I kinda had an idea in my head that Shadow was this emo angry kid and didn't know why but this was an incredible subversion of those expectations and I'm so glad his character is the way he is!! He's so interesting to watch. His realization at the end that this definitely isn't what Maria wanted (or what he wants) was just so incredible. I loved his team up with Sonic!
Honestly the entire story of Shadow and Maria was just so devastating to watch. It's so important for how the audience views Shadow for us to see that past and how happy he was so that we can understand why he wants revenge so bad. It's so so so good and his sacrifice at the end of the movie was incredible. The fact that he was willing to give up his life to fix his mistake just says so much about who he is.
and Maria's line of how the light still shines even after the star has died was beautiful. That sentiment is just so heartwarming <3
Also I'm an "always watches the credits" girlie so YES I SAW THAT SCENE AT THE VERY END MY BOY IS ALIVEEEEEEE
and SPEAKING of credits scenes, THEY'RE MAKING ANOTHER MOVIE???? WITH AMY???? HELLO????? let's freaking go I'm so pumped
Knuckles and Tails were more of sidekicks in this movie than in the ones before, which was a tad bit disappointing. I know that with as many characters that are in this universe it can be hard to balance screen time between them all, but still. I think watching an entire show focused on Knuckles skewed my view a bit too, so that could just be my like weird warped perception throwing me off idk (and my love for Knuckles is definitely throwing me off haha)
I loooove the way Robotnik's story ended!!! He died doing something good, and I just rly like that. The closure of the plot line between him and Agent Stone was wonderful too!!
Maddie and Tom were (as always) absolute MVP's here! I love that they give the boys freedom to go do what needs to be done, but they're also always willing to get involved and help. It's wonderful I love them a lot <333
SPEAKING OF TOM????? dude I was PANICKED OHHH MY GOSH and Shadow's immediate regret at seeing how upset Sonic was GAHHHHH :(((((( SO glad Tom's okay bc omg I woulda lost it. I loved how Sonic was fueled by his grief and OH the part where Knuckles was gonna fight him over the master emerald but backed down bc he wanted to keep his oath???? that stabbed me in the heart I love him
Ok I'm done yapping thanks for reading my nonsense <3333 I actually can't express my excitement over these goobers I just love them so so so much
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missamyrisa2 · 5 months ago
Miss Amy, how would you react to stumbling upon a ticklish girl in a sticky situation? Say she’s gotten herself stuck through a trap door, with her arms and head through one side and the rest of her body through the other. And uh oh, she’s nude and oh so sensitive all over her body…just begging for tickles. Would you make her gigglegasm over and over again, would you taunt her and coo little teases at her.
Just curious👀
Why of course I'd do exactly what an adorable stuck cutie needs and that's to come around to your blushy helpless face and give you all my faux concern. "Awww what happened here huh? You got your little booty stuck in that mean ol' trap door? Oooh such a meanie, that thing is always catching cutie patooties with the cutie tushies. Now, the thing is, we can't just pull you free noooo. That wouldn't be good for you and wouldn't be good for the door either. Yes, we love our precious door. And so there is a way to get you out lickey split and we're gonna do that. So first I neeeed ahhh~" I grin as I talk fast through the explanation, reaching seemingly to nowhere and returning with a stiff white feather. "Let's start here, shall we? Ooh look at this one, this is a good feather mhmm. Soo soft on the edge yet stiff enough to make all the difference." I run my fingers over my tool and snicker squeak at the sensation before I turn it towards you, pointing at your silly self in the trap door. "Now now now we can't have you stuck in here and the only way you're gonna wriggle free is with some, ahem, unorthodox treatments. Now tell me, are you ticklish?"
I probe and inquire yet don't give you time to respond as I draw the feather tip up along face to your ears, quickly picking up another to taunt your other side and neck. "Coochie coooo ~ just let it all out now." I murmur matter of fact as I work my feathers all over your face and upper chest, sketching ticklyy masterpieces on your lovely sensitive skin. Upon unceremoniously dropping my feathers, I dart back to the table of tools and in a fluid motion show you the softness of the fluffy duster and head quickly to your other side to begin employing my new tool between your legs.
"Tickles, doesn't it?"
With a knowing smile I flutter my tool across your thighs while I reach under and tickle at your kneepits. "ticklish ticklish legsssss" I speak so sweetly, working the feathers all over your belly and waist and thighs, just trying to get arousal going. And once I've grown attired of the duster, I toss it aside and return to the front so I can grin so tauntingly at you as I produce a container of massage oil and an ultra supple body brush. I carefully open the oil and begin oiling up my brushy. "You know where it's goin~" I snicker making sure you see alll the preparation before I scamper around to your backside again.
"Ahhh ahhhhh ~ that does ittttt~" With careful precision my brush begins going up and down your royal parts, gliding with the soft oils all the way upppp to your button, all the wayyy downnnnn~
"Coochie cooooo~" I laugh it out loud, rolling the wand along your undies while I lean in and start peppering you with kisses though not before making you select the shade of the tinglyyyy lip prints~~
"There we goooo look at youuuuu pretty girl ~ making all those sparkles for your tickle mama mmmmh?"
Your first gigglegasm only encourages me further, as come back around and oil up my fingers in front of you ~ and I raise the speed and taunt your feet with skittery tickles. "Tickle tickle tiiiickle" I taunt, reaching up further on your legs before departing a moment only to return with a vengeance skittering your hips to your sides to your waisttt. "Let's seeeee how many sparklyyy fireworks we can make tonight hmmm?"
(note~~ I'm on so little sleep, through a stressful week which is already starting into another stressful week so if anything here is nonsensical that's whyyyy I had to stop and trim off a lot of times which I don't usually dooo but this post kept getting eaten by thoughts of kings and queens and warriors in the dark, getting stuck somehow in homes and restaurants ~anywayyy all the loves for you loves and I'm hoping to have more time sooon ~<33)
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ladyniniane · 23 days ago
Ladies of Jugdral
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Ladies and gentlemen, here are my FE4 OCs!
I created these characters 7 years ago, the second time I played FE4. Since I recently received some asks about this game, I thought it would be fun to give them a makeover.
The story take place during the second generation.
Here we have, in order:
❧ Giovanna
Age: 24
The daughter of a wandering priest, Giovanna begins as a healer and camp follower with little combat experience. She joins the army alongside her lover, an Isaachian freedom fighter, only to lose him in battle. Gravely injured herself, she is rescued by Julia’s magic.
A deep friendship develops between the two, with Giovanna becoming a lady-in-waiting of sorts to Julia. Julia teaches her light magic, helping her grow both as a healer and a fighter. Meanwhile, Giovanna encourages Julia to stand up for herself and offers her practical wisdom.
Warm, sociable, and outspoken, Giovanna enjoys the finer things in life and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Her pragmatic nature helps her move forward, but she has a strong sense of justice and a quick temper. She holds grudges and can be blunt—sometimes even crude—traits that surprise those who expect a priest’s daughter to be more reserved.
Love interest: Shannan
❧ Amy
Age: 32
Amy’s mother was a Velthormer paladin whose rebellion against her liege cost her everything. Orphaned, Amy was taken in by a former knight of Leonster turned monk, who trained her in sword and lance.
She can only speak with great difficulty due to an injury received during her childhood and primarily communicates through sign language. She makes a living escorting convoys and competing in tournaments. Along the way, she crosses paths with Giovanna, whom she has met before. Their reunion leads Amy to join the liberation army, giving her a purpose beyond mere survival.
Tough, direct, and no-nonsense, Amy can come across as harsh. However, she is also a grounding presence and a voice of reason when needed. Fiercely loyal, she will defend her friends with everything she has. Her injury has made her self-sufficient, but it also isolates her, and she sometimes feels lonely. Her sense of humor leans dark, but she can be funny and witty, even if few people get to appreciate it.
Love interest: Finn
❧ Helena
Age: 23
Life is easy under the Empire when your mother is a bishop of the Loptr Church. Raised in comfort—her mother having endured a harsh childhood in the desert—Helena grew up away from the sect.
She was taught that the return of Loptous would liberate the adepts from persecution, but reality proves far different. Horrified by the child hunts, she abandons her privileged life and joins the resistance, prepared to fight against her own mother if necessary.
Her knowledge of the Loptr Church’s inner workings becomes invaluable in unraveling its secrets.
Friendly, curious, and enthusiastic, Helena has a strong sense of justice and a knack for making people feel at home, even in dire circumstances. Though she is still naïve in some ways, she adapts quickly and doesn’t shy away from hardship. She carries guilt for once believing in the sect’s lies but is determined to challenge them.
Lacking magical talent, Helena instead excels as a rider and archer. She also received an excellent education, but her greatest strength lies in organization and logistics.
Love interest: Saias
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fang-and-feather · 22 days ago
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Ikemen Vampire - Comte x OC - Pre-Relationship
Chapter 2 of this winter fic. Chapter 2 of 3 (of the main story, but might have a sequel or bonus chapter)
Pinning, fluff to light angst
1748 Words
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Comte watched as Amy tried another piece. He knew her enough to tell she liked it, although she would probably just complain about how expensive it was.
“It suits you, ma Chérie.”
“You always say that. It’s just winter clothes. Anything warm fits the purpose.”
“I just speak the truth. And you don’t need to sacrifice beauty for utility or comfort when you can have both. Now, how about you try this dress? I think it will look perfect on you.”
Maybe he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help spotting nice clothes and picturing what she would look like in them.
“Comte! We didn’t come here for you to buy me more dresses. Besides,” she studied the dress he held up to her, “I don’t think I don’t think I can pull it off.”
“Nonsense. You always say that, but you always look gorgeous in them. And it’s not only me who notices.” Even if sometimes he wished he could keep the sight all to himself. “And you can wear this to our next ball. With the holidays close, I expect a new invite soon.”
“Fine.” Amy sighed. “But just this one.”
They explored more shops after that, in search of a gift for Amy, but by lunchtime she hadn’t found anything.
“Do you want to take a break, Cherie? I know of a wonderful place to take you out for lunch, if you would join me.”
“Why does it sound like you’re inviting me on a date?” Amy rolled her eyes, but didn’t seem displeased. “Lunch sounds good. Sorry if I’ve been holding you here.”
“You don’t have to apologize. I proposed this because I want this gift to be special. Take as much time as you need to find something that will make you happy.”
She opened her mouth to answer, but then closed it and sighed, before giving him a soft smile.
“Thank you.”
Comte was glad this little trip had cheered Amy up, anyway. She tried to appear strong, but he noticed it wasn’t just the cold that was affecting her.
Maybe it was because this would be her first Christmas away from her family. But whatever it was, he was determined to keep her happy until she could go home.
“Would you give me the honor, my lady?” He offered her his arm.
Amy shook her head, but let him escort her with an amused: “It would be my pleasure.”
But on their way to the restaurant, Comte felt a thug on his arm as Amy stopped, eyes focused on the shop across the street. He followed her gaze for what had finally captured her attention, but the answer was, at first, surprising, then, when he thought about it, just like her.
It was a simple rabbit plushie. A toy. But she stared at it with a twinkle in her eyes, not exactly of wonder, but of someone who had a great idea. Then her gaze turned to him and she quickly looked away, blushing.
“Something caught your eye, Chérie?”
“C’mon, you knew it from the start.” She protested, suddenly moody.
Comte chuckled.
“Indeed. But so I did all the other times when you told me you were just looking.”
“Well, today we were supposed to buy something.” Amy shrugged, still not looking at him.
“Indeed we are.”
She insisted on waiting outside while he went into the shop, and even when he returned to her, Amy was still not looking at him, although she agreed on still letting him take her out for lunch.
Her eyes still had that glint, though, and soon she was talking again, but in a low, hesitant tone.
“Uh, can you buy me something else? Not a gift.” She added quickly. “I will pay you for that in some way. I could do it myself but I don’t have money on me right now, but it seems like a waste of time not to get it while I’m here already.” She spoke the rest fast, as if trying to get it out before he could protest.
Yet he would contest her.
“I will get you anything you want. No need to pay me.”
“You’re already doing quite enough. Do you have any idea how much of a help you have been? It goes beyond the work you do. You make our lives better just by being here and being yourself. I don’t think just letting you stay with us would ever pay for that, so let me at least do this.”
Amy sighed but, as he expected, had no answer besides a shily whispered: “I doubt I do that much, but thank you for the sentiment.”
*You do way more than you think, especially for me, my love.* Comte thought. But he couldn’t bring himself to say it. He’d already said too much. The least he wanted was to give the impression he was trying to convince her to stay.
That was exactly what he wanted, but not what he meant with these words.
He barely saw her in the days between that shopping trip and Christmas. He heard, though, how much harder she had been working.
He should have known that even if she didn’t insist, she wouldn’t be satisfied with just letting him buy things for her.
Or maybe there was something else to it, considering how little he had seen of her these days. Not because she was avoiding him, since even when the work was done, none of the other residents seemed to encounter her.
Of course he could sense where she was and go after her, but the fact he had to do so to actually see her worried him.
But maybe she wanted to spend her free time alone, so he only went after her when he needed to. Not that, at this point, he expected they would have just another fun time together, but that could be their last.
He always had these thoughts when another attempt was approaching, and he tried to hide his dread so as not to clash with her hope. But so far he hadn’t been able to fix the door, and the chances of the problem fixing itself dimmed more with each passing month.
Maybe that was why Amy was isolating herself. Maybe she was starting to lose hope. He wanted to comfort her, but had no idea how, especially when, sometimes, he wondered if the door wasn’t simply reacting to his reluctance to let go of Amy.
Still, he knocked on her door, knowing Amy was inside. There was no response from her, but the door wasn’t properly shut and it swung open slightly.
“Pardon the intrusion, Cherie.” He announced himself to the woman he spotted sitting on her bed, but with still no answer, he fully took the sight in, to find her reading a book, wearing her earphones even though her phone’s battery had died months ago.
He was about to try calling again when his gaze landed on what was by her aide on the bed.
It was the plushie he had bought her, but as happy as it made him, what caught his attention was that it had been dressed… in clothes that looked suspiciously similar to his own usual attire, and was holding a pocket watch.
Amy had planned this from the moment she saw it, hence the request for the yarn she had claimed to want to experiment with. A memory to take home with her.
The implications were clear to him. That meant it wasn’t selfish of him to finally ask her, wasn’t it?
No. Even if it meant something; if he was someone she wanted to keep in her heart, Amy had still chosen to leave. And she was right. All she had ever known, the things she built, the people she loved and the comforts she was used to having, weren’t worth sacrificing for… whatever there was and ever could be between them.
And while he thought about it, Amy finally noticed him. Her gaze immediately flew from him to the toy and back, and she practically leapt from the bed, her expression changed from startled to aggressive, like a wild animal suddenly cornered.
Comte observed her, still debating his next move as she stepped closer, hands were balled into fists and she was shaking slightly. But as she approached, while her body tensed, he could practically see her losing the mental strength. Her gaze fell and her expression lost its sharpness, and Amy stopped before him with a heavy sigh.
“Don’t ask.” Her trembling voice sounded almost pleading.
He should. It was his chance. His only chance. Comte had never seen Amy this vulnerable. If he asked, she was sure to be open with him.
But of course he had already decided not to. Was it really for her wellbeing? Or was he just being a coward?
“I’m sorry, ma Chérie. I received an invitation…” he sighed. “I will tell them you were indisponible.”
Amy mouthed a silent “thank you”, dashing his last bit of hope that he was reading the situation wrong and they could have this one last memory. Still, that selfish part of him, that hungry - both physically and emotionally - part of him, couldn’t settle down. Not before Comte found himself asking, “But can you do something for me?”. Amy looked up at him, surprised and lost. He smiled, surely a poor attempt at being reassuring when he was fighting to control himself in front of her. “Can you wear the dress we bought for our Christmas party? And give me the honor of a last dance?”
The seconds of silence that followed, as Amy pondered his requests, were almost unbearable. The more he resigned himself to lose her, the more he wanted her, and the thirstier he became. His fangs ached, and she smelled so sweet…
“I can do that.” Amy finally nodded, her expression softening as her body relaxed.
“I will look forward to it, then. Don’t work too hard.”
It took all of his willpower to keep himself from attempting to give her a parting kiss as he used to. There was no way he could stop himself if he did. And he needed to find just a little more to keep his composure and not to flee the scene.
By this point, Comte, too, was wishing he could just send her home after Christmas. He doubted he could keep himself in check even for one more month.
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zizbombs · 18 days ago
Russian Caravan Liveblog - Arc 1
I promised and I shall deliver. This is my overview of arc 1, the Luminous Center Cult arc. For those who don't know what Russian Caravan it is, it is a rather long wormfic with a sweeping AU and lots of eldritch horror. Probably the best wormfic ever (no glaze).
Anyway, let's get into it.
So, arc 1 was good. It was slower paced at the beginning, but thats generally how the wheel turns with each arc. They kind of follow certain phases of >inciting incident>research phase>gathering resources>confrontation. Not to say it sticks to this pattern 100% or that it isn't enjoyable, cause it is, but it had excellent characterization throughout while it got it's wheels spinning which keeps it enjoyable.
It all starts with Taylor fleeing into one unassuming tea shop, ran by the man, the myth, the cyclops, motherfuckin Turk.
I love this guy-outstanding OC. no nonsense badass motherfucker and is a terribly good influence on Taylor.
God i've missed you Turk.
Turk is a retired merc who worked for PMCs practically fucking everywhere. He's tacturn to put it lightly, and can communicate entirely through looks with varying degrees of sternness. He's also a fucking badass.
Taylor and Turk quickly build rapport while Taylor ends up kickin it with him in his tea shop after or during school. Some well placed Turk advice ends up tilting Taylor's world view to the left, for the good I'd say. Especially with the AU changes. What is it? Essentially, give up on Brockton. Taylor in canon cares so much about Brockton. It's her home, and well, what else is she gonna defend right? As demonstrated in the amy undersiders wog, she just refuses to leave the bay and wants to make something out of it, even if it's ruins. It's obsessive, and she really doesn't know when to quit.
Perks of having a wise mentor character that she would actually listen to though, means that it kinda fades out. She's given up on the place, focusing more on herself. In a setting like RC, it's only for the best.
This passage really speaks for itself. like fuck man, bleak
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What a shitshow indeed.
Despite a lot of the earlier arcs in RC happening in the bay or revolving around it, the world of RC just feels so much bigger than brockton. Maybe it's the constant stories of Turk and Ahab's adventures in timbuktu, or the fact that they actually take trips outside of it, but damn, it's refreshing as all fuck.
Shit just be happening in other places, it's great
Even from the first arc, it just feels so open, it's hard to explain. Maybe im only feeling that cause i've read it before, but i think i remember feeling similar as I read it before.
Anywho, more PMC lore from Turk. If Reaving hasn't played Metro, Stalker or been on /k/ frequently i'd eat my hat. It's all really interesting, and I love the stories to death. Also, more AU hints.
That gun control shit? more of a suggestion than a guideline here. Atleast outside of America. PMC's tangle with parahumans constantly. Be it funded by governments to get rid of parahuman warlords or gangs or whatnot. I imagine that also happened in real worm, but combat implant and to a lesser extent general technology is much more advanced in RC. plenty of mercs have combat implants that dope them up in combat or what not. Turk has a USB in his eye socket. It gives them a better fighting chance, though only with extensive planning. Parahumans are unfair like that.
Also, Ahab.
Oh Ahab how I love you. RC try to make a bad OC character challenge (impossible). Ahab is one of Turk's PMC buddies, and as she likes to proclaim at every instance, a descendant of Alexander the Great. Also, she's a leper lmao.
While Taylor and Turk are more slow and methodical, Ahab injects some much needed energy into the group. mainly by being one of the only ones with a more dynamic sense of humor. She's extremely loud and annoying in a good way, and also starts hanging around the shop and bonding with taylor. She also teaches her how to skin animals and other cool stuff. Wine aunt.
After the main trio gets introduced, we finally get the first plot hook of the story: The disappearance of Julia, one of her classmates.
Julia disappears under mysterious circumstances, and is currently being investigated by my beautiful wife who can beat the shit out of me, Officer Sanagi.
Sanagi is hilarious. The only thing that comes to mind to explain her is fem accord except instead of making elaborate death traps she just beats the shit out of people.
In typical taylor fashion, she sees all of this and immediately wants to investigate the cult because taylor lmao. its enrichment for her to solve problems no one was asking her to solve. First sighting of CHOREI!! ^_^
In my notes i screenshotted this bit
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nothing much else to add except stuff like this is constantly being mentioned off hand. its great
Anywho, taylor manages to convince the gang to raid the luminous center cult. This is a problem for a few reasons. 1, there is a very angry immortal centipede nun who lives there, and 2. QA really doesn't like controlling them.
RC will be fucking around 1 moment then deliver a fantastic eldritch horror excerpt the next:
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if you didn't pick up on the fact that this isn't your average worm crossover, now is the time.
Holy fuck that is so cool
The gang flees after this, and Taylor is now dealing with her first run in with madness.
I really like how madness is depicted in rc. It's not like oooh scary eyes i kill everyone now, there's a more consistent line of logic than that. Taylor feels bugs inside of her. she knows there aren't, but she stills feels them inside of her.
She feels them in her gut, she feels if she eats the larvae will feast on the food and grow, she feels unclean.
She doesn't eat, she drinks scorching water rid of impurities to clean herself.
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This entire short story from Ahab is amazing, but I love the final lines. It fucked with her perception. Everything was the same, the plate, the knife, the table, her hand. It's all the same. It's all matter, all atoms. The totems warp your perception, either by showing you things you shouldn't or blurring lines that need to exist for a human to function.
Did i mention sanagi was also at the luminous center too? She's apart of the gang now, officially. Its helpful to have a member of the BBPD to aid with amateur investigations. Officially, the gang is in the research phase of the arc now.
As previously mentioned above, the research phase is when the characters go and pursue leads relating to the current villain of the arc. Taylor reaches out to college professors her mom knew to research more about japanese centipede cults, Ahab pays for someone to translate a book she found at the luminous center, Turk analyzes the footage he captured with a camera in his eyesocket while sanagi persues some leads herself.
It gives insight into a character's decision making process, gives them screen time and also it's just plain fun. All the history and research is very competently done-it's just fun to learn about it.
Anyway, sanagi and taylor who's trying extremely hard to impress her go and investigate one Brent Denueve, a person of interest linked back to Julia. Also, apart of the Merchants.
They visit his apartment, and sanagi roasts the fuck out of taylor's fit in the elevator for some reason.
They investigate, gathering clues and find out exactly how weird Brent Denueve's apartment is.
Not only is it a space time anomaly, but everyone in the premise slowly starts to turn into Brent Denueve.
taylor and sanagi peel the fuck out of dodge, and i have to say the whole mental aspect of them slowly getting turned into brent was done really well as per usual (no glaze).
There's a lot of plotting on how to deal with chorei, and sanagi ends up going to lung with the footage of her, cutting her finger off to get lung to believe her, then sicking lung on her. In the insuing chaos, they manage to bait chorei into Brent Denueve's apartment before she can invest lung with her eggs, thus ending the arc.
So, first arc done.
For this second time around, I distinctly remember there being a lot of references that flew over my head, so i want to try to catch more of them on this pass through. if anyone can shed light on some of them it would be greatly appreciated. I think frenzied flame is from elden ring and grafting is from sekiro (?). Not completely sure.
Also, the vibes are just as immaculate as I remember. It feels like everything has a grey film over it, and i can just imagine the skies being overcast 24/7. Yet it feels like the characters are at the start of a road trip. its so open and freeing.
The characters are all good, and Arch is gonna join the party soon which I can't wait for. I love how before Victoria joins the main party it really is just this teenager hanging out with a bunch of grown ass people and they still all see her as the leader.
Turk is a softie at heart, Sanagi is fem accord and babysitting this teenager, taylor is incredibly true to canon in the sense that she cannot help herself and physically has to throw herself face first into problems and ahab is ahab.
as per usual, rc is peak fiction
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chronicbeans · 2 years ago
Wally Darling with a Restoration Project Reader (part 2)
You found a picture of the boi!
TW: Scopophobia/Eye Imagery
🗞️ Daniel gasps in excitement, shocking everyone in the little circle you made on Finn's living room floor. He shows everyone a picture that was restored by Amy, saying "Look! We finally have a picture of just Wally Darling! Nothing is obscuring him, either! We have a good idea of what exactly he looked like!"
🗞�� He passes it around, with you being the last to hold and look at it closely. A large blue pompadour, yellow skin, a colorful outfit made primarily of primary colors. He has a smile on his face, which isn't surprising, to be fair. He also doesn't have a nose, which you think makes him stand out a little bit more than he already does compared to the rest. Something seems off about his eyes, though... Not as though they were restored properly, just... Something.
🗞️ Amy speaks up, chuckling "He has big hair, like Julie! Maybe they are kinda like a duo? The big hair crew! There was a picture that mentions that he and Barnaby are best friends, though, right? So that little guess might be wrong." Finn nods "Yep. Wally and Barnaby are best friends. (Y/N), can I ask something? (Y/N)? Earth to (Y/N)!"
🗞️ You shake your head in shock, looking over to him. You didn't even notice he was speaking to you for a moment. "Yeah, Finn?" Finn shakes his head slightly, muttering with a playful chuckle "Always spacing out..." He then speaks up, looking at you with a serious expression "Well, I have noticed how your mom hasn't been acting too kindly about all this, especially after you mentioned it was to restore Welcome Home. Do you... Think she knows something? Maybe you can take that picture to her after we photograph it and put it on the website?"
🗞️"Oh! That... I am unsure. I'll show it to her. I just think she doesn't really like my hobby. She's someone who is very... I don't know... Traditional when it comes to jobs? Would that be the right term? You know, doesn't see art as a job, or writing, like I do. You get what I mean?" Amy cringes. "Oooh... Yeah, I get it. I get it. That sucks."
🗞️ Daniel perks up "You write, (Y/N)? I never knew that! Can you help out with the blog? You can write some of the stuff on it about the show. I would myself, but my written English isn't so good..." You tense up, only to nod "Okay... I don't really like my writing, though. Finn is making the blog, right? He can go over what I write." The group seemingly all agrees to it, before you leave to show your mom the picture.
🗞️ As you walk out to your car, you look at the picture, again. Those eyes... something is off. You just know it. You stare at it as you get into your car. You almost can't stop looking. You put your bag on top of the picture, feeling as though you'd just keep staring if you don't cover it.
🗞️ It's a very short drive. Your house is only a fifteen minute drive from Finn's. You go inside, hearing your mother call out from the kitchen "I see that you finally came back! Dinner is almost ready. Come, sit at the dinner table." You take off your coat and boots, walking over to the table and placing the picture on the table.
🗞️ Your mother walks in, placing a tray of food on the table. As she does so, she sees the picture. Her eyes widen as she asks "Sweetie, what is that?" You grin widely, explaining "Oh, it's Wally Darling, from Welcome Home! He's the main guy, I think. Why do you ask? Do you recognize him?"
🗞️ Her face suddenly morphs into a grimace. Her eyes are locked onto the picture as she speaks, her voice sharp "Why are you trying to find out about this Welcome Home nonsense? You'll never know exactly what came before it was forgotten! It's pointless! Even if you find out a lot, you'll never know it all! Why risk your life in search of a puzzle, which will inevitably still have missing pieces?"
🗞️ Your eyes widen "Risk my life? Mom, what are you talking about-?" She cuts you off "If I tell you too much, you'll simply be more intrigued! I know how you are, sweetie! I love you, I really do. I know how harsh I seem sometimes... but I am that way because I know that you will just wander into danger if I don't correct you! So just... stop with this nonsense!"
🗞️ She storms off, crying out "Just eat your food! I already ate, anyways! Don't bother me with this foolishness!" With that, you hear her slam the door to her room shut. The table is now left empty, besides you, the picture, and the dinner she made. You become lost in thought. Risk your life? Over a children's show? What an odd assumption to make over a little mystery. Why does she think that you would be put in danger if you continued searching?
🗞️ She said that if she told you too much, you'd be more intrigued. Well, she already failed. As much as you are now terrified of what could happen, you are still so much more intrigued about this mystery. Looking down at the picture of Wally, you make a silent promise to figure out more about this show, no matter what it takes.
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beevean · 4 months ago
As much as I didn't like Generations' original scene with Amy getting an eye full of Sonic's hand, you have to admit having Sonic outright ignore Amy as she's trying to handing him cupcakes feels ten times worse than if she got the eye full of hand again. Least the eye full of hand showcased Sonic acknowledged what she was doing, unlike the newest scene where he just flat out ignores her to talk to Tails.
Let's not forget how Knuckles' change in words implies Classic Sonic somehow ate the rest of Sky Sanctuary, even though that's dumb and nonsensical when the original simply had Knuckles ask if Sonic 'gained weight'. You know, because it makes more sense for Classic to rub his belly from a jab like that.
Pretty much. I don't like the OG scene either, but this is no improvement. The joke is the same: Sonic finds Amy annoying and not worth his time. Just because he doesn't literally smear chili all over her eyes it doesn't make him look nicer. As you said, it looks like he's purposefully ignoring her shoving her cupcakes right under his nose.
A similar scene changed sloppily is Amy pushing Knuckles into a tree: now she makes him slightly stumble, but the cartoony sound effect is still there and loud. Before one could say that the joke wasn't funny, now there's no joke in the first place.
also yeah you're right why did they change Knuckles' joke about Classic being more rotund than Modern? What, is that fatphobia? Really? We're doing this now? Again, same issue with Amy saying "I'll make up to you next time!" instead of "I was worried I'll never be able to flirt with you again!", you know because it was so cool when Amy said she's no longer a damsel in distress in Frontiers... but Sonic still facepalms to her like she's just so cringe, which made sense when Amy was being pushy but not now that she said a perfectly admirable thing. Why is Sonic such a dick to her?? Even better, in case someone thinks I'm only speaking from a Sonamy perspective, why did you rewrite these lines when they were perfectly fine??? Where is the improvement!
And I know that people will come to me and say "but Beev, you joyless bitch, it's a joke! It's slapstick! It ain't that deep!", well I am allowed to be annoyed by these pointless changes that contribute nothing except generating confusion! Sonic is much meaner than usual! They are putting their hands all over Amy (irony intended) and only Amy! The flow of the dialogue, which was very simple dialogue mind you, is being mangled!
Now I can't even trust them to re-release, for example, Sonic Adventure in case they shit all over the script for no reason other than to "modernize" it!
I don't think I can put into words why this bothers me so much, so this will be perceived as me being annoying over a game. Well, maybe I liked Generations. Maybe I wanted it to be as it was, flaws and all, since this is a re-release and not a remake. Maybe I don't think the current writing is that much better than what we had before. Maybe I don't want older products to be sandpapered for the sake of sandpapering.
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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 3 months ago
I can't with this storyline anymore! I know many people want John to end up as a villain but there are so many villains now. Ruby’s whole story with abuse right after Belle’s is too much! Would Emmerdale really create another villain/abuser so soon? I don't like this whole Ruby storyline. Why couldn't they just write stories for the characters already here? She is so new and always on! Aaron is a popular/veteran character but is never used and when he is it's for a 2-minute screen once a month. I'm so over it.
I mean i'd be ok with them making john a villain (and acknowledge wendy is scum).
I LIKE Ruby (and Caleb) but starting this abuse story when Belle's isn't even finished yet (and has been dragged out beyond belief) is A Choice. Like is it not enough to bring in the long lost daughter? Does it have to be the dad too? Who has cancer AND turned out to have raped his daughter more than once (young Ruby said "not today" - she knew what was coming) and likely fathered his own grandchild. And on top of that she slept with her brother in law (who is dealing with his wife having a brain tumour) and her father will most likely use that to blackmail her into staying quiet about the abuse.
Then we have the Tom nonsense that I'm sick to death of that has everyone plot stupid. First Amelia and Jimmy, now Angelica - just end it already!
Liam only gets screentime because he's fucking Chas. I used to like them, but after the will they/wont they and nonsense with Ella i'm sick of them.
Brenda and Eric split up because he had a flash of insanity thanks to his meds (???) and lost all of their money to bitcoin
Mack and Charity are dealing with Ross coming back
Marlon and Rhona are also dealing with Ross coming back - but via April
whatever the fuck is going on with Kim and Will (I don't really pay attention to that story, they're boring)
Dawn and Billy - the illegal fighting is done? I think? They still have a baby with cancer and constant money problems.
Ella, Leyla, Brenda are all leaving in the next few months (I'm guessing)
Aaron - wasn't at Cain's birthday party, hasn't been involved in any recent dingle nonsense, apparently loves his boyfriend? Not that we've actually seen them together... he's always teaming up with Mack for dodgy deals.
Gail and Ryan - April mentioned them yesterday? but they haven't been on screen in ages, and haven't had a story since... the Oscar thing?
Matty and Amy GOT MARRIED IN MAY, Matty got sent down a few weeks later, then beaten up in prison and magically released again in the span of like - 6 weeks? and then disappeared. Moira having seizures, brain surgery, and now radio therapy... and Amy isn't there supporting her mother in law and her husband? She wasn't at Cain's birthday party, even though he's her husband's step father, and the father of her son.
Vic - no real story to speak of, despite the whole Sugden family revival that was supposed to happen with John.
Jacob, Noah, Sarah, Amelia - apparently Jacob and Sarah start dating soon, Amelia is leaving next week, and Noah... apparently invested money in bitcoin?
Tracy, Vanessa, Suzy, Leyla - No story there. Tracy gets to work in the shop and complain about child care, Leyla is leaving soon, Vanessa and Suzy?? are... still together?? I guess? I don't even remember when Suzy was last on screen.
Laurel, Arthur, Gabby - Arthur got a few lines the other day with April but after the failed hook up with that lad a while ago, he's practically been MIA. Laurel had her fling with Charles and then kind of disappeared again? Gabby and Vinny got together and lived in off screen land ever since.
Paddy and Meatloaf - thankfully very much off screen lately
Jai - the eternal bad guy (and I'm so done with that story)
Charles, Manpreet, Claudette - all mostly off screen thankfully
Rodney - gets to work in the cafe and comment on the Tom of it all from time to time
if they're not Chas/Charity/Cain or adjacent characters, they don't get screentime or a story.
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whump-place · 6 months ago
15-Get well soon.
Why did everyone have to be so useless, Star wonders.
Liam's been I'll for a few days now, and it's been really bothersome the way he gets all of Master's attention for himself. Can't he at least pretend to have some self respect instead of crying out for some attention?
"Ugh. I hope he dies for good this time."
Star mutters. Master asked for all of them to be in the living room to help Liam around, and took a few days off work to be with him; it's like Liam is the only one that matters.
"Master might hear you..." Amy warns them with a worried expression. She's really good at acting, isn't she?
"No, he won't." This time Leo is the one that speaks up, resting his ching on Star's shoulder. They push him away, ready to hit him if he tries to get close again. "He's at the kitchen. He won't hear anything."
The smile on Leo's face grosses Star out. He can never take anything seriously.
"But, I mean, what about Liam? He doesn't look that well, shouldn't we do something...?" That almost makes Star laugh. Amy looks way too worried, if she's trying to make points with Liam she can drop the act already.
"Amy, would you like some advice? I'm just telling you this because I like you. You are pretty and somewhat nice to be around, so pay close attention to this, okay?"
Star asked with the best voice they could manage. It was like explaining something to a child.
But, oh well, Amy needs to learn how things work around there.
"You are not going to look better if you pretend to care for Liam when Master is not around. You don't have to try so hard."
But when Star turned to look at Amy, they knew it wouldn't be that easy.
Amy was frowning, and the way she looks at them is like they are speaking nonsense. Does she... Does she really worry about Liam?
They realize that they are not the only one confused by this, since when they turn around both Leo and even the scumbag of Ray are staring at her like she had grown a second head.
"Oh-uh. I think she really-"
"Shut up, Leo! Why don't you go find something else to do? I saw a snake around the garden, go and see if you can find it." Star barked at Leo, who felt silent immediately.
Why is Amy worrying about Liam? He's cruel and mean, why would she care about whether he dies or not? He's had worse, a few months ago when Master had to take him a few days to stay at the hospital, and no one had worried that much.
"I thought you two got along-"
"Goodness, no! He's terrible, why would I get along with him?!"
What's she even saying? No one at that house really likes Liam. It's easier to pretend they do, but even Leo hates the way Liam thinks he's better than everyone else. Has Amy not realized that yet?
The day she got home Star saw how smart she was. She got on Liam's good side immediately, and got to be liked by everyone; they thought she was a really good actress. That had to be fake. It couldn't possibly be real, could it? Why?
Liam got better after a week, and Star rushed to his side to help him stand up and walk around since he's still too weak to do it by himself. They can't ignore the way Amy keeps looking at them, and for some reason that feels wrong.
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cazzyf1 · 9 months ago
Quotes I wrote down for my dissertation from the book 'Mon Ami Mate' by Chris Nixon
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"When Mike phoned he was asked if he was going to England to see his father. Mike said 'No I am going to Le Mans. Why should I go to England?' Then the Reuters man told him that his father had crashed and was badly hurt. Naturally, Mike was in a terrible state, but I took him to orly and the journalist Bernard Cahier managed to get him a seat on the last plane for London. While we were waiting, Mike called the garage at Farnham and was told that his father had died." - p87
"He had a tube up his old man, draining into a bottle and he told me it was very painful 'because every time you walk into the room I get an erection. It's agony!"' - p104 (this had no relevance to my dissertation I just found it funny)
'Mike was never short of visitors and Moi (partner at the time) was one of the most frequent. "I had long hair in these days and Mike would spend hours brushing it while I sat beside his bed'" - p104
'"He was tottering'", Macklin told Mark Kahn, 'He stood behind me at the table, put his arms on my shoulder and said, 'oh my god Lance, I'm terribly sorry. I bloody near killed you and I killed all those people. I'm really sorry. I'm certainly never going to race again." - p127
'Mike was, indeed, taken to the caravan, where he was looked after by Rob Walker and Tony Rolt's wife, Lois. Rob's memory of Mike's arrival is still vivid. "His first words - and I'll never forget them - were 'It's all my fault, It was all my fault! I wanted to get into the pits before Fangio went by!" Lois and I said "Don't talk such nonsense!" And we put a large brandy down him." - p127
"Mike returned to England and appeared on BBC-TV to talk about he disaster with Rudolf Whlenhaut of Daimler-Benz, the telecast was an unhappy experience for Mike. As Moi Kenward recalls - 'He had to face the music. He came round to my flat afterwards and he was really in a terrible state - he was in floods of tears' - p131
'Leslie Hawthorn blamed himself for all of Mike's National Service troubles. "Will you help me about Mike?" He asked Cardew. "The boy is miserable and pretty bitter. He is never really happy abroad and we have got to settle this call-up trouble, will you write an article in the daily express and let people know the whole story. Blame me for this mess, I advised Mike all along from the time he was sixteen. The boy was always keen to do his national service but I have spent my life in racing - motorcycles in the TT and sports car races - and I thought his future lay in that direction, rather than driving lorries for the army" - p203
"At London Airport he bravely faced the press and TV cameras and gave his eye-witness account, tears running down his face, as the Daily Mail recorded. 'There was a dip' he said, 'we went into that. There was a sharp, short right-hand bend and Peter took it a little too wide and didn't turn into it soon enough. I don't know how fast he was driving. There was just a bunch of us. Tony Brooks was in front. Peter was second. As a driver he was the best, definitely. As a friend...he was my best friend, and that is that." - p227
"Hawthorn could hardly speak. He was asked 'Will you race again?' 'If Ferrari wants me to I will. I am due to race in the Portuguese GP in two weeks, but personally I am not very intrested' Massive, fair-haired Hawthorn crammed a handkerchief against his mouth, 'Dam silly of me' he said, 'So sorry...' He walked blindly along the corridor, took Louise Collins by the hand and drove away." - p228
"The doctor pulled back the sheet and there was Peter, like he was asleep. Mike took one look, turned and went out into the corridor, where he leaned against the wall and slid to the floor. He just sat there, saying nothing." - p336
"For the man who had just become world champion, Mike was decidedly lacking in excitement immediately after the race 'He was quite strange - he didn't want to know anyone,'" - p348
In the future I will either buy this book or rent it from the library again and copy up more quotes because this book is a gold mine for information on Mike Hawthorn and Peter Collins. But for now I am going to try and reread some of my Mike Hawthorn books and copy up quotes from them.
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