#murderbot drabbles
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m00nymonster · 6 days ago
Ratthi watched with a little trepidation as Amena approached SecUnit with a hairbrush and a can of hairspray. He knew from experience how little it appreciated touch. It didn’t immediately jump away at the sight of her determined expression, which surprised him.
“Sit down,” she said. “I have an idea.” When SecUnit scoffed, she added, “Please?”
Ratthi watched in amazement as SecUnit huffed, then sat down on the floor in front of a chair. Amena sat down as well, and began to attack its hair with her brush. It flinched a little as she combed through stubborn knots, but eventually she tamed its normally messy hair into submission.
“Okay,” she said, her expression concentrated, “I’m going to try to style this. Maybe if we fluff your hair up, Leonide won’t recognize you.”
“You think so?” it asked, clearly skeptical. She nodded at the drone focused on her face.
“It’s better than nothing,” she said with a shrug. She grabbed her can of hairspray—Ratthi had to wonder where she’d found it—and spritzed its hair liberally. Then she combed it until it fluffed around SecUnit’s head like a halo. She stared at her work with a critical eye.
“What do you think?” she asked her drone. A second drone focused on SecUnit’s face.
“It’ll do,” it said after a moment. Amena rolled her eyes as it stood up.
“Thanks, Amena!” she said sarcastically. “That was nice of you!”
SecUnit glanced at her awkwardly, then left the room, passing Ratthi without comment. Ratthi grinned as Amena huffed.
“It really likes you, you know,” he said. “I don’t think it’d even let Mensah touch its hair.”
Amena snorted. Ratthi lifted his eyebrows and shook his head slightly.
“I know it seems rude, but that’s just how it is. Trust me. It likes you.”
Amena looked up, where a couple drones danced above her head. After a moment, she grinned at them, and waved. Ratthi nearly laughed as they bobbed in response.
“C’mon,” he said. “Let’s find out what everyone else is up to.”
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laurasimonsdaughter · 1 year ago
The interplanetary vessel was small and simplistic compared to those intended to jump between solar systems. It made the journey strangely restful, even the control room was quiet, without even a single beep from the radar.
Until it wasn't.
The navigator scrambled upright in their chair as the captain slammed the alert button on her console. “What—”
“Status report,” the captain demanded, tapping the ship’s security system to no avail. “What’s going on, Ship?”
Beside them the radar gave a sudden beep.
“What in the depths is that?” the navigator snapped, staring at the monitor.
The captain had swiveled in her chair, checking the ship’s security monitor by force of habit before shifting her focus to the report produced by the radar. She froze. “That’s a ship.”
“It can’t be! There isn’t a single flight scheduled here, and any emergency travel would have signaled ahead.”
“Well, that’s the signature of a medium sized interplanetary vessel,” the captain bit back. “And I’m getting no—”
The ship jerked and several warning lights gave a startled flash as the navigator let out a cry of surprise and reached for the manual override.
“Leave it!” the captain ordered.
“It’s trying to change our course!”
“Let it!”
The navigator stood by, staring in bewilderment as the captain pulled up the ship’s new route on the main monitor. It was only a slight correction, a minute diversion. Away from the unidentified object still pinging on their radar, that seemed almost to be taking a parallel course.
“They say there was a crew that had to evacuate and abandon their transport on a journey like this, some fifty years ago,” the captain said suddenly. “Their ship got caught in the debris around Utein’s libration point."
The navigator bristled. “We’re well out of the way of L4! There’s no chance—”
“I’m sure they thought so too.”
The navigator gaped at the captain, who was sitting with her hands resting beside the controls, letting the ship’s autopilot do as it pleased. It had sped up, and seemed to be signalling into empty space.
“You’re not seriously suggesting we’re dealing with a ghost ship,” they protested, angrily tapping another button. “None of my instruments are picking up anything.”
Around them the pressure of acceleration waned again, their ship once more confident in its course.
 “Well,” the captain said mildly, looking at the vast expanse of space before her. “Whatever it was, I don’t think it was here for us.”
On the radar, with a last, faint blip, the unidentified vessel disappeared.
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mistpodfics · 3 months ago
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A serious contract violation written by cac0daemonia | @cacodaemonia
A Murderbot Podfic read by mistbornhero with a cover by @green-fifteen
Ratthi smiled up at me and said, "Y'know, you have nice eyes."
Podfic Length: 01:11 minutes
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jadefyre · 11 months ago
Perfect by musicofthespheres
You’re here early, ART says, sounding a little panicked as I approach its docking bay. 
I pause at the airlock that still hasn’t opened for me. I caught an earlier shuttle. Are you going to let me in? 
...Hold on. 
I sigh and make a show of tapping my fingers impatiently; finally, the airlock hisses open. 
What was that about? I grumble as I heft my things inside.
ART says, First tell me why you decided to get here before your scheduled arrival time. 
I roll my eyes. It knows exactly why, it just wants to hear me say it. (Just because I’m better at expressing myself lately doesn’t mean I want to be all sappy, but since when do I get what I want?) Because I wanted to spend more time with you, you asshole. 
I feel it trip over itself in the feed. Yeah, you weren’t expecting that point-blank confession, were you, you big jerk. I wave my hand at its nearest sensor array. Well? 
I was preparing the atmosphere just the way you like it and I wasn’t done yet. I wanted it to be perfect.
I dip my head to hide my reddening face and grin.
if you enjoyed this double drabble, please consider leaving a comment on AO3 :)
For @murderhelionweek prompts "Love Language" and "Acts of Affection"
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specialagentartemis · 6 months ago
A Murderbot Comment Bingo Blackout gift for @gamebird:
Any two characters talking about or demonstrating how important they are to one another.
A double-drabble about Ratthi and Arada, pre-Exit Strategy.
“You don’t…” Arada’s voice wavered, and she felt stupid.  “You don’t have to go.  This isn’t your job.”
Which was unfair and silly, because none of this was their jobs.  This was only barely Pin-Lee’s job.  If anything, this was Dr. Mensah’s job.  But, well.
“Hey,” Ratthi said, with a smile that Arada knew full well was forced.  “It’s okay.  Hey, we’ll be back from TranRollinHyfa before you know it.  It’ll be okay.”
He was supposed to be coming home. With them. With her.  They were supposed to be safe. Sorting out corporate kidnapping and extortion wasn’t her job, and wasn’t his either.
(Guiltily, Arada thought, should she have volunteered to go with Pin-Lee?  If this was what it meant to be a survey leader, could she?  She and Ratthi had gone into biology for the shared love of science, not hostage negotiations.)
She was enfolding Ratthi in a hug before she knew it, as if that would make him come with them, as if the travel hadn’t been decided and bonded with the company before he told her.
“Stay safe,” she said instead. “Please.”
“Will do,” he said.  “Promise.  You too.”
It wasn’t fair, but what had been, recently?
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theres-no-protocol-for-this · 8 months ago
Encrypted Locked File - Do Not Open
ART's journal. Prompt was "because of you."
I am wiser, gentler, and bolder because of you. Armed with the processing power of a university campus and a dozen drones in my back pocket, I can do the improbable. But I'm not the same because of you. You changed me. You walked into my domain and showed me the worst the world had to offer, the pain you endured, the loneliness. The terror of newfound freedom. And then, you changed the channel and showed me compassion. You filled my world with color and emotion, you gave shape to the universe beyond my walls. You carried my beacon like a heart-shaped promise. You rescued me, protected me, sheltered my humans. You held my hand. I can sing you the symphony of starlight, and it pales before your smile when Sanctuary Moon comes on. Because of you, I understand my crew that much better. Because you exist, SecUnit, I am not alone anymore. My timeline forever divided in two -- before you and after you. I'm so, so alive. Because of you.
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rosewind2007 · 1 year ago
Hey everyone! There is a micro fest for the Murderbot Diaries running!
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“A collection for Murderbot Diaries drabbles dedicated to some form of love, either for self, for humanity/all sentient life, one special someone, or several special someones! Drabbles, drabble series, or micro-fics encouraged! There is no word limit, but we're aiming at short and quick here. Collection open until end of February, 2024.”
So here’s my first (double) drabble, inspired by:
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gamebird · 2 months ago
The Murderbot Diaries Writing Micro-Fest
Two years ago we had All Systems Love, last year it was Heartificial Condition, and this year it is Rogue Emotions! What is it, you ask? It's an annual short-fic celebration of the idea of love in The Murderbot Diaries fandom. It covers fic or art, dedicated to some form of love, either for self, for humanity/all sentient life, one special someone, or several special someones! For all ship configurations, any TMBD characters or TMBD OCs, as long as love/devotion/importance is involved in some way. Does not have to be romantic or sexual, but also can be.
Drabbles, drabble series, or micro-fics encouraged! There is no word limit, but we're aiming at short and quick here, 100 to 5000 words. Collection open until end of February, 2025.
Anytime in February, you can post your short fic or art to the AO3 Collection RogueEmotions (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/RogueEmotions)
If you need inspiration, click on over to https://app.pipefy.com/organizations/300623467/interfaces/14d61385-a87b-4340-96cd-786ac73430eb/pages/46813c5b-583e-4000-bcd2-cb22300a7389 to find a list of prompts and tropes!
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cacodaemonia · 2 months ago
Fic Game
rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Thanks for the tag, @crystalshard! :D This will require some sifting on my part, as a lot of my images will probably be high on this list, so I need to exclude those, haha.
1. Most hits Will You Walk With Me? - No surprise here since it's one of my oldest fics, and written when TCW fandom was more active. Not my best fic, but it's my baby. 🥺 Waxer's pov, following him and Boil through the war. 🧡
2. Second most kudos Orbital Decay - 4th highest number of kudos, but two image works came in 1st and 3rd place. Old Codywan.
3. Third most comments Kinktober 2022 - Ah, I'm pleased with this one! It's actually one of my favorite fics I've written, haha. The epitome of 'character develop portrayed through smut.' 😂 Waxer/Boil, of course.
4. Fourth most bookmarks Modulation - 4th was actually Orbital Decay again, so I went to the 5th most bookmarked fic. This is another old one. Echo/Fives.
5. Fifth most words My Heart's Red Muscle - My best longfic, I'd say :) Waxer/Boil but Waxer is a cyborg. (I swear, I wrote this like a year before I even knew what The Murderbot Diaries were, but there are a shocking number of similarities XD)
6. Fewest words Hm, idk how to answer this one since my images don't have words aside from some image descriptions here and there. Then I just have a bunch of drabbles, which are of course 100 words. I guess I'll just go with the first drabble I see that catches my eye 😂 Sooo, how about Burden. Waxer & Boil. Summary: Waxer doesn't want to be one. (a burden)
No-pressure tags: @flowerparrish (gimme those sweet, sweet podfics) @bilbosmom-belladonna @petrifiedforests @kartaylirnaak @lizardberries
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aspec-tmbd · 15 days ago
Title: Dump Him Author: ArtemisTheHuntress Rating: General Audiences Tags: #No Archive Warnings Apply #Dr. Arada & Overse & Pin-Lee & Dr. Ratthi #Dr. Arada & Murderbot & Overse & Pin-Lee & Dr. Ratthi #Murderbot #Pin-Lee #Dr. Ratthi #Dr. Arada #Overse #Drabble and a Half #Movie Night #Fluff #Friendship #Agender Aromantic Asexual Murderbot #Aromantic and slash or asexual most of them lol Words: 150 Chapters: 1/1
Some movies have just, such painful romance plots. Heckling is only natural.
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deputyrook · 3 months ago
2024 Writing Round-Up
Thanks @soupandsorcery for tagging me!
Tagging: @ex0rin @the-darklings @glitteringdust @darethshirl @gastlygallows @brightaxe @envysnest @fenharael and anyone else who would like to!
words posted: 29,066 on A03 | 3508 misc. on tumblr | 9601 on pythium (some of that is coding, though, so I'm going to count ~7000)
additional words written: 8439
grand total of words: 48,013 (slower year, most of this was written in the last few months- I blame crazy work burnout and recovery)
fandoms: dragon age, rogue trader, saw, bg3, original fiction
highest kudos: 837 on Playing Cards (!!!)
highest hit oneshot: Same fic, Playing Cards, with 5984
new things I tried: Besides learning how to code an interactive fiction game (which has been a fun challenge), I also experimented more with writing in different perspectives.
fic I spent the most time on: I think probably Alliance of Three, I worked on it off and on for a week and then two days straight (20+ hours for sure.)
fic I spent the least time on: I banged out In Her Absence in around 2 hours.
favourite thing I wrote: Either of these drabbles: Chocolate/Kitchen Fluff, or Alliance of Three, though I think Mala Suledin Nadas is the best thing I wrote.
favourite thing(s) I read: In terms of novels/novellas, some of my favourites this year were Blood Standard by Laird Barron; The Murderbot Series by Martha Wells; Thrum by Meg Smitherman; and I've been loving Kushiel's Dart but I'm only 25% of the way through.
Favourite fics this year include (mind the warnings):
River Rushing Through My Veins - LunarLich/ @nerendus
I've read this fic like at least once a month since it was posted. One of those rare fics that hits every note perfectly for me specifically, on top of being gorgeously written.
the hand you deal & pray for rain - mafalda_157/ @darethshirl
Absolutely stunning command of language- and the characterization work that gets done through the prose! Not a sentence is wasted. Also, so hot?
How the Game is Played (series) - TheEvilScribbler
This series had my jaw on the floor. Not just from how brilliantly it's written and how wonderfully in-character everyone is, but from the places the fic is willing to go. Truly, I was gagged.
To Tame a Wild Yakboy - BeeKazoo
In contrast to some of my other favs, this fic is just incredibly wholesome, and was a lovely read. It takes the bones of the good romance story from the game, and makes it a great romance story.
Uccellino - 2Wardens1Blight/ @2wardens1blight
This fic is exactly what I wanted to read after finishing Veilguard. I've read it a few times, and it's made me cry each times. It just brings me a lot of happiness to read.
Pity the Mayfly- envysnest/ @envysnest
Speaking of fics with unbelievably good character writing. The Tav in this fic is one of my favourites that I've ever read. She's a likeable, relatable protagonist, and both she and all of the companions are written with depth and a particularly strong character voice.
Inferior- Anonymous
I would be remiss if I didn't mention this mysterious little fic, which was deleted two days after I bookmarked it. I somehow found it again via Wayback Machine (and saved a copy). The dirty talk in this fic... woof. I'm taking notes.
Finally, everything I've reblogged in my fic-rec tag. I've saved many incredible fics and drabbles there. In addition to those I've mentioned, some of my favourite dragon age writers right now include (in no particular order) @glitteringdust, @writerfromshikahr, @soupandsorcery @ode-to-fury and a number of others!
writing goals for 2025: Definitely to both read and write more in general! I would love to really concentrate on writing this year, both more fanfiction and original fiction. It's something that fell a bit by the wayside this year, and rediscovering how much I enjoy writing has been a really fun process (now that I'm not being crushed by crippling work stress and burnout).
new works: Alliance of Three for my most recent full-length fic; this little Illario/Rook drabble; this fluffy drabble about Lucanis and Rook cooking.
There are so many inspiring fic writers out there whose work I enjoyed this year ♥ There was no way I could include every fic that left an impact on me. But thank you!!!
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m00nymonster · 23 days ago
Characters: PresAux, Murderbot
When You Held My Hand
“That’s why we need to hurry,” Gurathin said as Pin-Lee bent over Murderbot. It was utterly mangled, its metal skeleton and muscles clearly visible through chunks of armor that had been blown off. It stared at them blearily.
“This unit is at minimal functionality and it is recommended that you discard it,” it mumbled. Pin-Lee stared in shock and Gurathin shook his head wordlessly. Mensah’s face grew more and more contorted from fury as it continued, “Your contract allows—”
“Shut up,” she snapped. “You shut the fuck up. We’re not leaving you.”
“Damn right,” Pin-Lee said firmly, but Murderbot’s eyes were already glazed over as its tenuous grasp of consciousness slipped. Gurathin knelt to try to pick it up in a fireman’s carry, and stumbled.
“Heavy,” he muttered, but made to try again when the small hopper landed. Ratthi ran down the ramp the second it deployed.
“Are you—” he started, but Gurathin stopped him with a glare.
“Help me,” he snapped, “and be careful. I think its arm is going to fall off.”
Ratthi nodded shortly and after a moment Overse and Arada followed. The four of them picked up Murderbot carefully and carried it into the small hopper. Pin-Lee braced Mensah as she stumbled up the ramp. As soon as everyone was inside Volescu, sitting in the pilot seat with Bharadwaj next to him, took off. Murderbot’s eyes went from dull to focused, just slightly, as Arada grabbed its hand and held it tightly. It looked at her blearily.
“Just hang on, okay?” she said, though she wasn’t sure if it was coherent enough to understand her. “Just hang on.”
If it heard, it didn’t acknowledge. Its eyes dulled again, its eyelids drooping. It was clearly trying to stay awake, and failing.
“It’ll be okay,” Ratthi said, ignoring all evidence to the contrary. “They have cubicles, they’ll fix it—”
“We can’t let them keep it,” Mensah said in a low voice. “I will not allow them to enslave it again. Pin-Lee?”
“Already looking up contract law,” Pin-Lee said, her eyes unfocused as she jumped into the feed. “Standard procedure is to erase the Unit’s memory after purchase,” she said after a few minutes as the little hopper landed next to the big hopper. “We’ll have to stop that, too.”
Arada squeezed Murderbot’s hand tighter. Its eyes settled on her hand holding its own, but it didn’t move.
“Pin-Lee, find a way around that memory wipe. We’re buying it as is. And the rest of you, come up with a cover story. They can’t know it’s rogue. And a lie is more convincing when it’s close to the truth, so keep it simple.”
They landed, and carefully carried Murderbot into the big hopper, trying to jostle it as little as possible when it moaned in pain. The door shut, and there was a rumble over the feed as the pick-up transport connected with the big hopper.
“Is everyone aboard?” the pick-up transport’s pilot said. “We’re bringing you in.”
“Hurry up, we’re injured,” Pin-Lee snapped. Murderbot looked up at them one last time. It seemed to finally realize where it was. It looked at Mensah, and with a soft smile, shut down.
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iphyslitterator · 26 days ago
Ten people I'd like to get to know better
tagged recently by @stars-inthe-sky and a million years ago by @setmeatopthepyre and @nobigsecrets - thanks!
Last song: "My Oklahoma Home Blowed Away," by Pete Seeger (working my way through "The Essential Pete Seeger," because I came away from A Complete Unknown with an interest in 60s folk music and tremendous respect for Pete Seeger as a human being)
Favorite color: Green
Last movie: The Seed of the Sacred Fig (and with that, I finished my 7th year of watching all the Oscar nominees before the ceremony 🥳)
Last TV show: Severance (I am caught up)
Last book: System Collapse, by Martha Wells (tbh I'm glad to be done with Murderbot, the novelty kind of wore off)
Sweet/savory/spicy: Either sweet or savory, depends on context
Last thing I Googled: I think it was "adoringly synonym" while writing my daily drabble (I ended up keeping "adoringly").
Current obsession: Bucktommy
Looking forward to: the Oscars!
Inviting @hyperfocusthusly @owlgirl495 @ponyregrets @silversnakeking @nonuniqueindie
@loureen-may @tommykinard217 @geddyqueer @espressopatronum454 @sunnywithachanceofbi
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the-starry-seas · 11 months ago
So I guess it's as good a time as any to have a pinned post?
Hi, I'm Sticks! I use vae/vaer/vaers/vaerself and it/its pronouns. This is a multifandom blog with a dash of many other random things. I'm a proshipper, cloneshipper, multishipper, and polyshipper.
I'll tag things to the best of my ability if you ask. Sometimes I'll forget. I love being tagged in ask games, WIP games, last line challenges, literally whatever. Mutuals can DM for my discord.
You can check out my fics on AO3 at lizardwrites (Star Wars) or purpleturtle9000 (Rise/Bayverse TMNT). Or check the tag for sticks' fics to see drabbles and previews. My askbox is open for requests for more drabbles, headcanons, and general rambling.
Consider this a blanket permission for any and all transformative works of my writing. You may post translated versions of my fics on other sites but you may not repost the original work. And please show me what you've made!
I have a lot of OCs and I love talking about them. I also want to hear all about yours! In the meantime, there's a list of mine below the cut. tumblr wouldn't let me link all of them, but you can try copy-pasting the-starry-seas.tumblr.com/tagged/ and put in the character name (I tag with ranks, so put in CT Racer instead of just Racer).
The Murderbot Diaries:
Jude (she/they rogue SecUnit)
Star Wars:
212th Squad (Boot, Mik, Squeaker, Moxie, Onion, Crumpet)
Aces Squad (CT Racer, CT Fury, CS Blue, CT Whisper, CT Ember)
B Roll, all-girls clone squad formed of Bark, Bite, Bumble, and Bee
Clone Force M (CT Winter, CT Bee, CT Indigo, CT Jewel, CC Nebula, CT Zenith, CT Sunny, CT Star, CT Sky, CT Silver)
Mar'eyce, modern AU Clone Force M, featuring the Smokejumpers
Ghost Squad (CL Harlow, CS Karla, CT Shay, CT Cavalry, CT Boom, CT Ray, CT Nox, CT Tally) and their associated Mandalorians
Green Squad (formerly) now civilians Aralyn, Berry, and Prey Drive
Royal Squad, five tubies adopted by the royal family in a nobody-dies Bail/Breha/Fox AU (Bug, Jaonyc, Yancy, Helio, Vidal)
Shili Squad (Chen Nihaan, Alyx, Bella, Corvin, Watcher, Atlas, Ginger, Circuit, and Synch)
Shiny Squad: Kit's batchmates CT Lucky, CT Shrike, and CT Carno
Grafitti & Rence of the Corrie Guard
Kit also of the Corrie Guard and Fox's shiny/adopted son
Legacy and Legend, a pair of Force-sensitive batchmates who are smuggled to a Jedi temple
Prim Fett (clone, Mandalorian, and adopted daughter of Boba)
Riye Verda (Kamino-cloned, Mandalorian-raised)
Switch (clone, reconditioned, cyborg, mercenary)
Kryndi (florist and Kit's girlfriend in the royal OT3 AU)
Cathedi (Jedi)
Xerin (Jedi)
Clan Merit, composed of Quin, Aya, and Amery (Mandalorians)
Mirshko (Mandalorian)
Torrak Varkus and Torrak Vermil (Mandalorian)
Vinir (Mandalorian)
Senaar, Rish'ak, Marev, and Maiangi from the Suum Ca'nara AU
Soruli and Seryla (Nautolan Jedi and Force-sensitive smuggler)
A'Hidayat (Tusken)
U'Rajya (Tusken)
Tusken OC umbrella tag
Ripper (Yautja in Star Wars)
Valkyries (all-women pirate crew-slash-polycule)
CC Kamor, Eixes Judarri, and Padawan Rivi from the Better or Worse AU, where a clone captain finds and adopts his general's padawan, with the help of the Zabrak smuggler who becomes his queerplatonic partner
Chen Xunielah, a Togruta ambassador and duchess, and her clone husband Chen Nihaan, who form the Chen family with their kids
Scrapper Crew, a collection of troublemaking ladies
Come Home AU, about Mando spouses separated by the Empire and later reunited
Mordex, a Force-sensitive kid enslaved by a Sith who later becomes a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars
And various SWTOR OCs, also an umbrella tag
Neutrobolt & Nitroblitz
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jadefyre · 11 months ago
i need something more (in my mind) by musicofthespheres
I take a walk around Mihira Station while ART undergoes a minor interior upgrade. It’s giving me a guided tour while we watch Worldhoppers in the background.
When I’m finally allowed back on board, I brush my hand along its new walls appreciatively.
That feels nice, ART says.
I pause and scrutinize the material beneath my fingertips. There are pressure sensors now.
Now you can try punching me in the face if you want, it jokes.
“I don’t know how I’d manage that,” I say. “You still don’t have a face.” Plus, I’m not even sure I want to try.
for @murderhelionweek prompts "Touch" and "Watching Media Together"
please consider leaving a comment on AO3 if you liked this drabble :)
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rjam9 · 4 months ago
cleaning up my old drafts so here some random Murderbot drabbles for you all. i’m tired -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/60976981
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