#but more of that he doesn't want anyone to see mari before she's complete and perfect
aria0fgold · 1 year
Thinking lil bit more bout the new spooky scary au that I'm going to call "Closet AU" for now (what's in the closet, hero? :D what's in it?)
I was thinking about which route it'll fit in and so I settled with True ending route... Like, I can see during that moment where Sunny tells em the truth, everyone is ofcourse, obviously shock and in pain. Hero though? Well he seems to take it all in SURPRISINGLY well. To the point where Hero is the first one to 'forgive' Sunny and Basil.
If I were to write this AU as a fic, it'll look so unsuspecting, it'll just be a post-canon story where the friends heal and reconcile, if you ignore the fact that there's something REALLY OFF by the way that Hero just seems so... healthy.
You're gonna be thinking that 'man this Hero is so out of character why is he taking everything all in stride when he was closest to Mari?'
And boom! You found out he got a skeleton in his closet but not for long cuz there's flesh on it now!
This Hero is like, delusional in a way he believes Mari never left him while simultaneously knowing the undeniable fact that Mari is dead as well. LikE! *gestures vaguely* I don't know how to explain.
So like! When Sunny told them the truth, Hero doesn't refute it and deny that Mari is dead in a "What are you talking about, Sunny? Mari is still alive" way. But it's more like, "It's alright Sunny, I understand what you were going through... You were both so young after all" way and in his mind it's like, "Mari is dead... But that's okay, that's okay. I can bring her back. It'll be like she never left. I can fix it."
Like, Sunny's confession never clicked in his head cuz he was wrapped up in his own thoughts of finding a way to complete Mari by killing people and taking their flesh and body parts to play dress up with a skeleton.
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Lookism Guys: I'm disappointed in you
G/N. (Jakey, Sammy, Goo, Gun, Vin, Ryuhei, DG, Johan, Vasco). Masterlists
You're not pissed off. You're much worse, disappointed.
Hands on your hips, finger dangerously close to wagging and lecturing them.
His intimidating presence does nothing to deter how you feel-
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Jake's face drops and his eyes fall to the ground.
Whether he thinks he did anything wrong is one thing, but disappointing you is more than enough for him to feel bad.
He bows, bending at the waist a full 90 degrees and then some, and asks for your forgiveness. Face sincere and of utmost seriousness no matter how petty the crime.
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Samuel scoffs and leaves. He doesn't need this.
But he tosses and turns that night, daddy and mommy issues playing up. The need for approval and validation from someone he respects gnaws at him, and he doesn't sleep a wink.
The next day he returns to you, bags under his eyes, pretending to be unaffected by your previous disagreement yet trying to get back into your good graces with expensive gifts.
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"Disappointed?" Goo echoes, blinking owlishly, as if he couldn't fathom that he could be disappointing to anyone.
He whines and pouts, and is close to throwing a tantrum. Obviously your words having an effect on him.
In the end he does mutter an apology though you doubt the sincerity, especially if the look in his eyes are anything to go by.
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Gun ignores you though you see the defiant twitch in his jaw from your words.
He doesn't care, why should he.
Except you catch him staring at you the rest of the day or week or until whenever your ire ebbs away. There's a strange awkwardness to his being, like he doesn't know how he should act around you.
The apology doesn't come if he thinks it's undeserved and unneeded, but he also doesn't want to see that look in your eyes again.
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Vin scoffs, pretends he doesn't care. Calls you a nag, a wet blanket, all sorts of frustrating names.
Yet the guilt eats away at him. Your eyes, the playful expression you usually wear is now just replaced with disappointment.
He tries to involve Mary to worm his way back into your good books, she tells him to piss off and eventually he comes to you, tail between his legs and a poorly formed apology (likely as a rap).
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Ryuhei's eyes are suspiciously wet. You think he's sniffling, the tip of his nose turned pink and he's trying to keep a brave face but god, he feels like a complete failure.
He drops to his knees and immediately offers to commit seppuku. When you roll your eyes and tell him to stop being ridiculous, he says he will do anything to make this right. That he would rather die than ever disappoint you again.
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DG, usually ruled by logic but too often bratty and arrogant, considers whether this is a hill worth dying on. It's not.
Considers whether it warrants an apology, and it does. But does he deliver? Not always. Lets you simmer until he presents you with a grand gesture and a winning K-Pop smile he reserves for award shows.
His charm works on you less than he'd like, but more than you'd prefer.
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Johan looks as if he's been slapped, before turning on his heels and leaving.
It takes him a surprisingly short amount of time to come back, feeling contrite. He doesn't say sorry but the unspoken apology runs round and round his mind.
Instead he drifts to your side constantly like a shadow, trying to catch your eye, seek out some of your warmth and hoping for your forgiveness.
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Regardless of what it is you're disappointed with, Vasco Tabasco thinks you are the best. A literal angel descended to Earth that has graced his life.
So if you're disappointed then whatever he is doing must be wrong and is worth apologising for.
He does just that. Offers to make up for it however you see fit. Completely heartfelt even if he doesn't know entirely why.
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is unrequited!
(936 words.)
"Oh, just fuck right off!" Sirius snaps, grip tightening on his butterbeer.
"God, what's gotten into you?" Marlene asks, arching an eyebrow. To be perfectly honest, Sirius doesn't want to talk about it.
James is more than happy to, though.
"Don't worry about him. He's all pissy because of his unrequited love." Sirius' head immediately snaps up, alarmed.
"Prongs," He says, warning. His eyes almost involuntarily dart to Remus for half a second, panic seeping through him. James, however, is teetering on the line between tipsy and drunk, completely missing the hint.
"Mm, completely hung up on some girl, right?" Peter chimes in, and Sirius almost wants to laugh. The urge to drop dead is much stronger, though. To crawl into a hole and say there until this conversation ends.
"Something like that," Sirius says quickly, before turning away from them both. Fingers crossed, he can just shut this down. "Hey, Lily, that potions essay..."
Unfortunately for him, Lily seems just as invested.
"How do you know it's unrequited?" She asks curiously. Remus lifts his head, then, nose out of his book. For some reason, that's what tips him over the edge. He needs everyone to stop. This is difficult enough.
"Because I asked, okay?" He says hurriedly. It causes his friends to lapse into silence, but it's like he's just burst a dam. The explanation starts before he can hold it back. "I asked, and they said no. They said it was a bad idea, we were too close for that."
"Huh," Mary hums.
"What?" Sirius asks with a frown.
"They didn't say they don't like you?" Mary asks, and it really throws Sirius. He hasn't considered that.
"No, not exactly," He muses, frowning. "But why would anyone reject someone they like?"
"Maybe they were scared of ruining the friendship you two have," Remus speaks up gently, almost inaudibly from across the common room; capturing Sirius' attention in less than a second.
"That makes no sense," Sirius says without missing a beat, eyes locking with Remus. "They should know me well enough to know that I wouldn't let that happen. I know they wouldn't. We've survived worse."
From the corner of his eye, he can see confusion flit across James' face at that comment. Yeah, it was a bit of a risky thing to say. He's practically handing James the truth. It doesn't matter, though. Not right now. His eyes are fixed on Remus.
"Depends on what you think is worse. They might be worried about a messy breakup getting in the way."
"No, that can't be it," He says, imploring. The longing to see into Remus' mind, figure out what he means is too strong. He'll have to unravel it this way instead. "If they're already thinking about a breakup, then clearly they don't like me that much. Unrequited." He wants nothing more than to drop the matter now that he's proven his point to himself. Maybe he doesn't need to see inside Remus' mind. He goes to down the rest of his drink, but Remus is shaking his head, and Sirius is losing sight of everyone else in favour of Remus.
"Or they just care too much about you." There's something in Remus' eyes, an ache that Sirius wants to heal.
"Really? Why would they reject me when I told them how I feel, then?!" Sirius asks desperately. It seems to snap Remus' resolve, burst his ambigious speech.
"Because I'm in love with you, Sirius! Okay?! Christ, this isn't just some- some joke, or some experiment to me! You looked me in the eye and told me you liked me, and that- that made me hope, okay? I don't want to hope. To think that you liking me means you'll fall in love with me. I mean," He releases a breathy laugh, seemingly unaware to the way Sirius' world is turning on it's axis, "I'm me, and you're- you're perfect."
He seems to have reached the end of his tangent, pattering out as everyone looks between the two of them, stunned. Sirius searches his brain, which may or may not be short circuiting, for some way to voice his thoughts. There are so many things he could say, so many ways to tell Remus everything, but none of them seem to be enough. Enough to encompass everything. A better solution comes to him as his yearning overwhelms him.
With that, he sets his butterbeer down and crosses the common room. Remus' eyes widen, suddenly unsure, until Sirius pulls himself into Remus' armchair, facing him. He reaches out, pressing a hand against Remus' cheek and finally, finally connecting their lips. It's everything he could have imagined and more.
Remus' lips are soft, warm against his, overwhelmingly perfect, and making Sirius desperate to stay there forever, mapping out every inch of Remus' mouth, the way it fits against his like they should have been doing this forever. It's a feeling Sirius knows he's never going to forget, causing the words he has been desperately repressing for years bubbling up inside him.
"I love you," Sirius murmurs against Remus' lips after a moment. "I love you so much, Moony."
Their eyes meet again, Sirius watching as Remus' eyes go from searching to joyful, a grin splitting across his face. It took a whooping cheer from James to break the spell that Remus' eyes got him in. They both turn to their friends, a laugh escaping Sirius as he drops his head into Remus' shoulder.
"Thank fuck that's sorted, then!" Lily says brightly, a wry smile on her face.
Okay, Sirius is really grateful for his oversharing friends.
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shinidamachu · 7 months
Sid, why do you think people think Kagome is “so annoying” and “whiny?” How exactly did she earn this reputation among her (rather dumb) haters.
The world is not kind to 15 years old girls, and what is Kagome, if not the perfect representation of one?
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People forgot they can dislike a character just because and then move on. They'd rather grasp at straws to try and justify themselves, that way they can pretend they're being rational about the constant hate they're spreading when, truthfully, they're just being miserable.
Kagome specifically is in even greater disadvantage because her critics are, mostly, people who haven't read the source material and are instead basing their takes on a biased adaptation – which they probably watched ages before developping any critical skills – or people who see her as a threat to their ship and therefore are already prone to hate her.
The first group won't ever bother going out of their way to try and get a better grasp of her character by reading a 558 chapters long manga and the second group won't change their minds either way.
That's why they call her out for using the beads of subjugation even if: it wasn't her idea in the first place, it served to balance her relationship with Inuyasha at the beginning – since he was powerful and violent while she wasn't –, the rosary became a symbol of their bond, it saved Inuyasha a couple of times and he was always more annoyed than hurt by it, not to mention Sunrise blowing it out of proportion compared to the manga.
You never see Inuyasha getting bashed for hitting Shippo every other episode or Sango getting any heat for constantly slapping Miroku, because funnily enough people seem to understand it was just dumb, outdated, slapstick comedy, a courtesy they refuse to extend to Kagome.
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That's also the reason they call her “annoying” and “whiny”: Kagome’s most important lesson was that it's okay to have feelings, so naturally they twisted that into a bad thing in order to keep hating on her. It's not about how her character was written, it's about people using of bad faith and deliberately mischaracterizing Kagome to pass their internalized misogyny as valid criticism.
I know part of the issue is that audiences nowadays are under the impression that for a female character to be strong, she can't cry or be feminine, but you don't see anyone hating on Sango even though she does cry and she can be as feminine as Kagome depending on the circunstances and on her mood.
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The truth is that Kagome is playing a game she can never win, because the refs have decided they want her to lose before the match even starts.
If she stands up and sets boundaries for herself, she's annoying. If she doesn't, she's a doormat. If she feels jealousy, she's a bitch. If she shows kindness, she's boring. If she fights, she's overpowered. If she doesn't, she's useless. If any other character cries, it's heartbreaking. If she cries, she's whiny.
If she goes back to her own world, she's selfish. If she leaves that world behind to live the life she wants for herself, she's a stupid girl who left her family for a boy. If she does something grand, that's only because she's someone else's reincarnation. If she messes something up, the fault is hers and hers alone. She is, somehow, simultaneously a Mary Sue and a toxic abuser.
I've personally seen people slut shaming her because she got hitted on by Koga. I've personally seen people call her a "pick me" girl. Kagome. A pick me girl. Kagome.
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And none of this is fair, because she is the kind of character who does her best to see the good in others, to understand the reasons why they act the way they do and to offer them some grace, but she gets very little of that in return, be it in canon, be it in fandom.
They always hold her up to such an impossible standard, but they completely forget to ask themselves: would the characters I stan be able to match the expectations I set for Kagome? Scratch that: would the characters I stan even be able to deal with things the way Kagome managed to do? Would I? The answer is most likely no, so how about cutting her a slack?
You ask me how did she earn this reputation among her rather dumb haters, my answer is: she didn't. They're just incapable of understanding that if a particular nuanced, well written, female character is not their cup of tea, they can simply ignore her and focus their attention on the characters they do like instead of spreading their baseless, misogynistic takes on the internet.
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aritsukemo · 6 months
Heyyy! I hope the requests are open and im not putting too much work on your shoulders...
Anyways, this is my first ever time requesting... ANYTHING at all so i hope this is a not-so-hard or something that i shouldn't request (if not or you just don't feel like doing this request do NOT respond/do this request. I don't want to cause you burnouts or anything...)
Okay.. so...
May i request OMORI main gang x reader (all separate ofc) how long did it take for them to get comfortable around their s/o fully and how do they act in the developed relationship?
Thank you for your time! ^^
How long would it take the Omori Gang to become comfortable with their s/o? Well..
( @weed-stoner )
Warnings: Spoilers ahead! ( Implied in others and blatantly stated in Aubrey's part )
A/N: I AM SOOOOO INCREDIBLY SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! I started this shortly after you requested it but then things happened and I had a little dry spout with Omori and forgot about it completely. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this! ( And again, I am SOOO sorry, love! 😅)
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I'd say, based on their level of openness, the ranking of how quickly they'd become comfortable with their significant other would look something like this..
And here's why..
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Kel is the type of person who can vibe with anyone as long as they aren't a horrible person. ( Or act like Mikhael. Even then there's a chance. )
I'd say give it maybe a couple weeks? He's never been in any kind of relationship like this one so he may act a little different than usual for a while. Once that's over though, he's pretty much the same eager ball of sunshine! He'll always want to nag them to come out and enjoy the world with him and will do everything in his power to be around them! After all, it's way more fun hanging with them than being at home..
Now this can be up for debate, but I think Mari wouldn't take long at all to grow comfortable with her significant other. In her opinion, communication and trust are key parts to any lasting relationship so she doesn't mind coming to you when she's a little bothered by things. ( Which happens more times than one may think )
I see her taking maybe around a few months ( like three to four ) before completely letting the person in. It's nothing personal, she just wants to gauge their personality and see whether or not this relationship will be able to last.
Now, Mari doesn't act much different when she's comfortable with people. Subtle things do change though. For example, her smile seems more relaxed and she gets less upset when making mistakes around that person. Their presence soothes her and as a result, she's less uptight around them.
For Hero, it really depends on when he got into the relationship. If it was before his relationship with Mari, which is not likely, he's not that much different to Kel. He'll spend a lot time with the person and pretty much tell them anything and everything. If it's after his relationship with Mari, which is more likely, it'll be much different.
You see, Hero has experienced heartbreak in one of the worst possible ways and it'll take time for him to heal. That being said, I really don't see him dating anyone until that happens, but let's say that he does. Realistically, it take quite some time which can vary from a few months to a year to way longer than that.
Now, Hero is still Hero so he'll treat whoever he dates with the kindness and respect that they deserve and will do everything he can to make sure they're happy and healthy, ( both physically and mentally ) however when it comes to verbalizing his own emotions, that's where we hit a nail. Whoever he dates would have to be very patient with him otherwise it may cause him to put even more walls up.
When he's finally comfortable around them, it'll show. He'll start telling them things he wouldn't before and'll even rant to them about his problems occasionally. He'll be way more open with his partner and'll be just a tad bit ( a lot ) more clingy than he used to.
Aubrey is a rather tough cookie. Ever since Mari died and everyone distanced themselves, forcing her to cope with everything alone, she has never truly let her walls down in front of others. And, if someone attempted to break down those walls, she'll grow defensive and even violent towards that person.
How long it would take Aubrey to even be comfortable enough to date someone really depends on the personality. Like, I see her letting her guard down quicker if the person is more kind and patient with her like Mari rather than someone's who's short-tempered or rough around the edges like her.
When Aubrey is comfortable around her significant other, she'll be less afraid to tell them how she feels. She'll vent to them, but because of that, she'll be more shy towards them. Aubrey'll also hold that person in higher regard than others and'll hold them close to her heart. When they scold her, she actually listens and tries to do better. If they're upset, she'll be the first to notice and'll be there to listen to them rant/help them out in any possible way. And, she'll always try to make sure that her little fights and other violent affairs never mesh and disturb the person's daily life. In a way, she sees this relationship as a way to pay them back for putting up with her for so long so she'd pretty much do anything for that person.
Sunny's next and oh boy..
I honestly don't see him indulging in any kind of romance with anyone unless him and that person were like childhood friends—I'm talkin' never leaving each other's side, seen everywhere together type of close childhood friend with someone—and even then, it's hard to imagine post-traumatized him feeling comfortable around anyone besides his former friends, let alone a relationship. But for the sake of this, let's say he does..
I can't put a time limit on how long it'll take him simply because I see it depending on which ending we're talking about. Obviously if we're talking about any of the bad endings, he's pretty much a lost dead cause. He's not going to make any attempt to open up to them and no matter how much they may try, there will always be distance between them. Now, if we're talking about good ending Sunny, the person actually has a chance.
There will be a lot of trial and error simply because Sunny's used to keeping things bottled up. He's not used to being upfront and truthful and he's only used to running away and not facing his problems. That being said, I see the process quickening a bit if the person he's dating is super gentle and patient with him. If they just gave him time, and a tiny push here and there, he'll come around. And when he does, he'd be stuck to them like glue.
I feel like he'd make it known with his body when he's truly comfortable around his partner. Whether his shoulders noticeably slump in their presence or maybe he lets his guard down enough to hold you or lean on you. Just something that'll let the person know that he feels truly safe around them! I see him being sorta touch-hungry and expressing it once he's comfortable with that person by giving them a bunch of hugs and cuddles and such.
And hey, maybe he'll even talk! ( Nah I'm playing BAHAHA- )
Finally, we have our sweet boy Basil. The gardening genius that carries a ginormous bouquet of trauma wherever he goes..
It's easy to say that whether the person was his friend prior to the incident or not, it'll take forever for Basil to truly feel comfortable around them.
If they were his friend prior to the incident, well, it all really depends. Was he close ( closer than he was with the others ) with them before the incident occurred? Did they distance themself from the group like everyone else? Did they stick to him and never let him go? Depending on what the person does all depends on how long it'll take. To me, I definitely feel like Basil would spill everything eventually if the person decided to stick with him when everyone grew apart and, as a result, would become sort of this unhealthy lifeline to Basil. Since they'd be the one he confides in about everything, it would grow to the point that they'd be the one thing keeping him together. He'd be at their mercy, and in a way, they'd be at his and nothing would really change until probably after the truth comes out ( if it were to come out ) and Basil got the proper help he needs.
If they weren't his friend before the incident, good luck. They'd be lucky enough to even get a full conversation from him, much less get him to be their friend and harbor any kind of romantic feelings for them. But let's say that is the case. Let's say that through some stroke of luck they managed to befriend Basil and eventually end up in a relationship with him. The person is going to have to put up with a lot. Basil is a very sensitive person and all it takes is one bad interaction for him to completely shut them out. They'd have to tread very lightly ( but not too lightly; if they don't try enough, the relationship's not getting anywhere ) or else they'll end up back at square one. I see this taking years ( specifically four or more ) and really, I only see him completely growing comfortable with the person after some extensive therapy.
When he's finally, fully comfortable with them, he'll be way more verbal and open. The fear of being rejected/judged would've been less apparent and slowly pushed to the back of his mind. Being with them for so long, ( and having gotten at least some bit of therapy since I literally don't see this happening otherwise ) he's grown to trust them to some extent. He's also grown to love rambling to them about whatever's on his mind. Whether that be about flowers or things much darker. I see him craving their touch and he wouldn't mind asking. ( But not too many times, he's still Basil after all ) I see those two spending so much time together that Polly would see them as an extension of the household. ( She'd fix them dinner every evening and would grow concerned if they didn't show up to get it and say hey to Basil. That's how much they'd be together. )
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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miniisunshine · 7 months
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Hii! This is my first fanfic like ever, i had this idea before sleeping one night and decided to write it in case others would like this story too. Kinda taboo and it doesn't follow the plot of Under the Banner of Heaven, i only took the character of Sam! Enjoy!
(Also english is not my first language)
Synopsis : You didn't believe in god, but you sure believed in Father Sam
Warnings : Age gap (21-35), cheating, loss of virginity, sex in a religious place, p in v, AFAB character, soft dom
There you were, in a church with your family, praying to a god you didn't believe in.
Let's get back to the beginning: your mother always had problem conceving, having you almost took her life, but she was determine to have a second one, a boy, even if the doctors told your parents it would need a miracle to have another child. So they began to pray and pray, until your brother was born two years after you; a complete healthy boy.
As they were proud of the "Lord's work" they didn't hold back on talking about the miracle that was your brother at the church near your old house, that's how they met the Lafferty family, proud owners of a little commune where religion ruled the place.
And that's how you ended up living most of your life there. You always felt different, like you didn't belong with these people, religion life wasn't your style, but you couldn't leave. Your parents didn't let you work, so you couldn't save money for yourself, you weren't allowed to learn how to drive and the commune was too far to escape by foot. So you daydreamed about being a normal 21 years old: partying, graduating college, going out, experience life and... mostly sexual life. You've learned all about that on your phone, a 18th birthday present by your parents.
Not that you didn't know about your sexuality,nd sex in general, at your 18th birthday, you already knew your envies and your pulsions were normal, despite everyone telling you otherwise. I mean, why would God have created them? What wasn't normal was your feeling for Father Samuel Lafferty, the oldest son's in the Lafferty family.
It started as a small crush when you were 16, the day his dad let him take over the church's activities, so he could "retire" and live a calm life in the commune. But then, as you grew older, you knew you wanted him more than an high school girl crushing on a One Direction member. Unfortunately, as most men, he was already married to a good little wife, living a perfect life, or so you thought.
As you were waiting for the evening prayer, you noticed Samuel wasn't at the door, greeting his people like he used to, no he was late. Well, he still made it in time, but when he entered the church, you knew something was wrong with him, anger could be read in his eyes, but not enough so that everybody could see it, only you took notice of it.
As the evening prayer's ended, everybody stand up to leave, but not you, you were motivate to know what was on his mind. You said to your family that you had a question to ask to Father Sam and you waited for everybody to leave the house of God to went forward with your mission.
"Father Sam"
"Good evening"
He responded looking at you with a soft smile.
"I've noticed you weren't at the door today to greet our community, is everything alright? I was worried"
"Nothing to worry sweatheart, i still made it in time didn't i?"
"Yes, but i've noticed your anger in your eyes, is there something troubling you?"
"Like i said, nothing really important"
"You know, my family always said i had a great ear to listen when someone needed to talk about their problems..."
You pressed your hands on his forearms.
He sighed.
"i guess its always a relief to talk to someone who doesn't know you personnally, but you can't tell anyone, we are in the presence of God, he will know if you don't keep your promise"
"Mouth shut i promise, its like we'll never had this conversation"
"So... My wife and i, aren't really compatible in the bedroom"
You watch him with a curious face.
"You know, it's hard to conceived when there's no fun in the love making session"
You didn't know what took over you, but you took one step closer to him, putting your hands on his chest.
"Can you show me what fun would be like for you?"
And with that, you got his attention. Maybe it was because he was in need of a good fuck session, or he maybe was possessed by a demon, but he you took by the wrist, leading you to his small office before closing the door and curtains
"On your knees, now."
You could feel your heart beating fast and entrance getting wet. This was all happening so fast, but it was what you've always wanted, and you didn't want to messed up this opportunity, so you did as he told you to do.
He walked towards you, the excitement in his pants quite visible as he took your chin in his hand, smirking in your direction. With his other hand, he unbuckle his pants, dropping them on the floor, doing the same with his boxers, as you watch with anticipation
He wasn't huge, but he was still pretty big, so you wasted no time taking him in your hands, while you look into his eyes, in need of a reaction. As his breathing started to go faster, you surprised him by putting his member in your mouth. You've never done that with anyone, but the porn you've watched your phone, and the pratice you did in your room helped you a lot faking your confidence.
He gripped you by the back of your head, guiding you as he softly moan, head toward the ceilling, eyes closed.
As you were adjusting your mouth to his size and beginning to feel yourself on him, he pulled you up, taking you over his desk, bending you over and lifting your skirt to reveal your ass.
"I've never see you with a man before, have you ever done this?"
He massaged your butt, waiting for an answer, while you blushed.
"No... I was waiting for the right one, like you..."
"And what does that mean?"
He pulled down your underwear, revealing your soaking cunt, before carefully placing a finger in between your folds, finding your clit.
"I-I've always had a..a crush on you Father Sam... Every wet dreams i had w-was about you.."
You were a shaking mess, almost coming undone just by his soft touch on your clit.
He lower himself, whispering in your ears before entering a finger in your wet hole.
"So you dreamed about this moment?"
"Y-Yes! Oh my god.. Sam"
He started moving his finger into you leaving small kisses on your back, he wasted no time before putting a second and than a third one, making you moan and cry as you enjoyed this torturous pleasure.
"P-please Father.. I need t-to feel you... Please be the o-one to take my virginity..."
You couldn't believe yourself, you never thought you were this forward in life, but the things he made you feel were too much, you wanted more.
Without saying a word, he places himself in front of your entrance, thrusting a couple of times without entering, making you longing for him, before slowly pushing into you, grunting, feeling your walls taking him so perfectly.
You gasped as you didn't expet this to be so painful, but how so good was the pain for you.
At a slow pace he thrusted more and more of himself, grabbing your hips to keep you in place and moaning quietly to the sin he was committing.
He moved faster and faster, making you cry out of pleasure, scratching the desk you were on, hoping to catch something to hold onto.
Moaning louder and slapping your ass, leaving a mark on you, Sam placed his fingers on your clit, circling your pearl, aiming for your orgasm.
"C-come for me sweetheart, we're in this together..."
And with that, you let yourself coming undone on his desk, while he thrusted one last time, filling you with his semence.
Coming down from the high you were both in, he made sure to clean you, making you feel loved, not like a toy he just used. You look at him one last time, smilling with embarrassement, before leaving the church and going home, your heart filled and your head loaded with new fantasies.
Tadaaa, what have i write?! Hehe! Let me know what yall think!
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tinyfishtits · 3 months
Ooh, an opportunity for more Micah-fic! Might I request a bit of TLC for our favorite roguish rat? (Maybe he's been roughed up a bit, or is feeling a little under the weather but doesn't want to let anyone know.)
Love your work!
YES OF COURSE you can request my literal favorite genre of Micah fic Zana, you beautiful human you. 
I got a little carried away with this one, I hope you like it !! I loved writing it 🥹❣️
TW: Graphic depictions of blood/gore/wound mending
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I pushed the stew around my bowl as Mary Beth went on about the new book she was reading, though I heard none of it. Micah had been gone from camp for four days and nobody could even tell me why he’d left in the first place. Some bullshit lead on a job he thought he could tackle on his own no doubt, the cocky bastard. Nobody even noticed he was gone until I brought it up. 
“That explains why it's been so damn pleasant around here lately.” Arthur had said when I asked him about it. I knew what they all thought of him, hell my opinion wasn’t much different… Maybe I'd deluded myself into thinking we’d become friends over the past few months, that him talking to me was anything more than just tolerating my company. 
I’d be lying though, if I said I didn’t care. We’d come to spend most nights together since his return from Strawberry, tipsy and tired by the fire. I looked forward to it. Micah often talked about his father, of his adolescence spent robbing and killing out west. He was an entertaining storyteller to say the least, emphasizing every word with big, grandiose hand movements and even getting up to act certain things out. 
Occasionally I’d talk about my life before the gang as well. Though my stories weren’t nearly as colorful, he always listened. Indulging me with questions about my family, the hobbies I once had that there was no longer time or resources for. He’d folded over with laughter when I told him I used to love needlepoint. Saying, “By the looks of your mending, sweetheart, I’d wager that was time wasted!”
The last time I saw him we had barely talked at all. I’d been uncharacteristically exhausted after spending the day helping Pearson when Sadie refused to. And ended up drifting off against the log he sat upon, cleaning his gun. Though I’d woken sometime later to him having moved to the ground beside me, my head on his shoulder as he carved aimlessly at a scrap of wood. When I woke again in the morning, he was gone. 
“Isn’t that just so romantic?” Mary Beth crooned, her attention on me. 
“Sorry, what?” I asked, pushing my stew away. My stomach was too knotted up to eat, I knew I was probably being stupid and irrational, if Micah were here to see how I was acting he would say as much. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. 
Mary Beth looked me over more closely, “Are you alright? You look…”
“Fine. I- I’m fine, Mary Beth. I’m gonna go on a walk, don’t wait up okay?” I said, rising from the table.
“Oh, Okay!” She called out to me as I walked toward the path out of camp. It was probably a stupid idea. No, it definitely was. Walking around at sunset, alone, without a single weapon on me… I just needed to move, to feel like I was doing something other than waiting. A pathetic part of me hoped I would find him out here somehow, just stumble upon him trotting back toward camp completely fine.
I walked along the cliff edge toward Caliban’s Seat, making it halfway before dusk was upon me. Reluctantly, I turned back for camp, not at all looking forward to the restless night that awaited me there. That was when I spotted him.
“Baylock?” I called out to the black horse who was galloping up the hillside, his saddle empty. My stomach dropped at the sight. Even in the darkness, I knew it was him. He whinnied and reared up on his back legs as I neared. “Shh boy, you’re okay.” I hushed, holding a hand out to the wild eyed horse. He huffed and snorted at my hand, but let me approach. Giving him some comforting pats I looked around for any sign of him being robbed, a struggle, blood, anything to give a reason as to why he was alone. But there was nothing. He had just… run off. 
“Where’s Micah?” I whispered to the horse. He had to be close, surely. With Baylock calmed, at least enough to mount, I jumped on the saddle and led him back down the hill where he’d come. 
The full moon rising in the sky aided in my search, illuminating the surrounding forest enough that I wasn’t completely blind. Though Baylock did most of the navigating for me. He brought me through the section of forest that had been badly burned in an old brush fire, the ground still black, no life having braved the area just yet. I’d noticed it on our journey in from Colter. He was taking me to the base of Caliban’s Seat.
“Micah?” I called out to the darkness. Baylock whinnied in response, stomping his feet as we came to the tree line. He refused to go any further. “Micah?” I called again, and this time I got a faint groan in response. Jumping from the saddle I ran toward the sound some fifty yards ahead in the clearing. 
“ FUCK!” I yelled, jumping back and falling on my ass, the bright yellow eyes of a cougar staring back at me through the tall grass. It took a moment to catch my breath and realize the beast was dead. Though its eyes still shone ominously in the darkness. 
“What the hell are you doing out here?” Micah moaned. I jumped again, not having noticed him so close. He sat on the ground beside me, his back against a tree. He seemed… fine. 
“What… Happened?” I finally managed to say. 
“It got me. I got it.” He said simply, gesturing to the cougar with a lazy wave of the revolver still clutched in his hand.
Getting up from the dirt I crawled the few feet over to where he sat, my hands hovering over him hesitantly as I tried to pinpoint where exactly it had got him. Sensing the silent question he turned his back to me with a pained groan. I gasped. 
His shirt was hanging on by threads. Three deep claw marks had torn through it from the shoulder all the way down to the hem of his pants. Blood oozed from the slashes, tar black in the darkness. 
“ Shit.” I whispered, “You need a doctor. We need to get you back to camp!” 
“No” He groaned. 
“But… Micah you can't see it, its-” 
“ No.” He said firmly, leaning back against the tree with a wince. “I’ve got supplies in the saddlebags, enough to make camp here and patch up.”
I just stared at him, speechless at his nonchalance toward the whole thing. Fully expecting me to just go along with his plan, he started unbuttoning his shirt. 
“What are you doing?” I asked. 
“ You are going to stitch me up, sweetheart.” 
“No…” Sickness twisted in my stomach at the prospect, “ No! Micah… I- I can’t.” 
The bastard didn’t listen. He just kept working to undo his shirt as I sat there completely frozen at his side. Leaning heavily on the tree for stability, he rose to his feet and whistled for Baylock. The horse came obediently to him, nuzzling his nose into Micah’s neck with a huff. 
“Hey boy…” Micah whispered to him, stretching with a groan to pull a peach from the saddle bag, “Sorry about that…” Lovingly stroking the horse's nose, Micah sighed, resting his forehead against the animal. I’d never seen Baylock calmer in my life. 
Rifling through the saddlebags I found some half drunken tonics, a bottle of whiskey and a crude wound dressing kit with - much to my horror - a needle and thread. I knew it had to be done… If not sewn up by me tonight, the cuts would almost certainly fester into something much worse by morning. My many failed attempts at cross stitching and cloth mending flashed behind my eyes, the nausea growing as I pictured my messy, uneven stitches threading through skin.   
I took a swig of the whiskey before handing it over to Micah, who raised a brow at me. “You’re gonna need it…” I said, my voice shakily betraying the anxiety coursing through me. He chugged a good quarter of the bottle before chucking it aside. 
“And this.” I held out a tonic for him, hoping if all else failed, it might keep infection at bay at the very least. He chugged that too, his eyelids heavy when he met my gaze again. “Just sit down, I’ll start a fire… Are you hungry?” I about gagged just saying the word. The thought of eating churning my stomach even more. 
I don't know if it was my own reaction or if he too was an anxious wreck at the prospect of me stitching him up, but he mercifully declined the offer of food. I made quick work of a fire, setting our camp up a ways away from the wild cat corpse that was already starting to attract flies. 
Micah sat beside the fire, his shirt now fully discarded. The image of him lit by the warm, flickering firelight sent a strange sense of calm through me, as if this was just any other night. A sparkling sheen of sweat already coated his torso. He glanced sidelong at me and I averted my gaze... hoping my lingering stare could be attributed to his wound and not his half naked form. Blush burning at my cheeks I asked, "How did it happen?" 
"Wrong place..." He grunted, running a hand through his hair. "Wrong time." 
Whiskey in hand, I kneeled at his back. "I didn't think cougars even came this far east..." I said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder I guided him to turn so his back was to the fire, he did so with another pained groan that made my heart ache. It was about to get so much worse, I was about to make it so much worse. 
"They don't." He grumbled, snatching the whiskey from my hand for one last sip before returning it to my grasp. 
“This is gonna hurt…” I warned. He and I both took a deep breath and when he exhaled I poured the alcohol over his wound. His breathing halted as he held back a cry of pain, only deep growling groans escaping him as his breath came back in stuttering bursts before calming once more. 
“Sorry…” I whispered, finally exhaling my own breath. 
“Don’t start that…” He said, a bit breathless. Reaching a hand back to me he squeezed my knee in a small but comforting gesture. “I don't need you apologizing every time you stick me with a needle neither, doll.”
Grabbing the whiskey bottle, he took another generous chug. “Okay… Do it.” He sighed. 
Opening the little tin of needle and thread… I hesitated. The needle was so small. Stitching up the wounds would take an hour, probably more. Dousing my hands with alcohol I reached out to touch the edge of one of the slashes, testing the sensitivity. He inhaled sharply at the gentle touch. Seemingly sensing his pain, Baylock huffed and lowered himself to the ground beside us, his large black head resting on Micahs lap. 
“Micah…” I whispered. I didn’t know if I could stomach the pain I would be putting him through. He didn’t say anything, but squeezed my knee once more. Gently moving his long hair over his shoulder and out of the way, I brought the needle to the largest slash and with a deep breath, inserted it into the skin. 
He didn’t flinch or cry out in pain, only tightening his grip on my knee as I drove the needle through the fatty skin visible in the crevice of the wound. In, through, in and out again. Were the only thoughts in my head as I concentrated, tying each suture closed with several knots before moving on to the next. 
Once I got into the rhythm of it my anxiety eased, the nausea in my stomach subsiding along with it. The gore of his back becoming just another piece of ripped fabric that needed mending. It helped that Micah stayed impressively still during the whole process, only occasionally wincing when my needle drifted too deep into the wound.
When I finished the first of three slashes I turned to look him over. His face had gone pale and his eyes clamped shut. He never did release his grip on my leg. 
“Two more cuts to go…” I said, mostly to myself but Micah’s head perked up, a small groan escaping his lips. I had no idea how much time had passed from when I’d started stitching, but the moon was high overhead by the time I finished. It must have been at least two in the morning. 
Knotting off the last stitch I sat back, looking over my work. It wasn’t pretty by any means, the slashes red and jagged. But it was done. 
“Well, you’ll have an impressive scar at least.” I said, pouring the last of the whiskey over my work for good measure. He didn’t even flinch this time, his back probably so numb with pain already from the hours of tedious work it barely registered anymore. 
“Micah?” I whispered, his hand tightened on my knee in response but he made no sound. Leaning into his shoulder, I pressed a gentle kiss to the unmarred skin there. A low moan escaped him. 
“What was that for?” He mumbled.
“A kiss to make it better…” I whispered against his skin, peppering two more kisses up his shoulder, one for each wound. “Mmm…” He hummed, his hand slowly snaking up my thigh. The contact shot electricity into my core, the pit of my stomach churning with a kind of anxious anticipation. I took his wandering hand in mine and kissed that too. 
“Are you hungry?” I asked in an attempt to change the subject. Leaning in to meet his gaze, his pupils were blown wide, his eyes almost completely black as he looked at me. A smile spread over his lips. 
“That a trick question?” He slurred, wrapping an arm around my waist. He practically fell into me, his hot, whiskey tinged breath on my neck as he pulled me in closer.
“You're drunk.” I said matter-of-factly, but made no effort to push him away. I didn’t want him drunkenly falling back on his fresh stitches, but mostly I just… didn’t want him to let go.  
“Mmhmm...” He hummed, “And hungry.” his lips just barely grazed my skin as he spoke. 
His flirty retort was an empty threat. Slowly, his body relaxed into mine, going heavier and heavier until he was completely slack in my arms. With a sigh, I sat back, carefully resting against Baylock who had stayed loyally by Micah’s side through the entire ordeal. 
Micah’s face nuzzled sleepily into the crook of my neck, his arms wrapped around my waist as snuggled into me like I was his own personal pillow. He was completely splayed out on top of me, effectively pinning me in place between him and the horse. Unable and unwilling to move, I just held him against me, a hand softly stroking at his hair while the other traced lazily at the unwounded skin of his bare back. 
He let out a long, content sigh and mumbled something into my neck. 
“What?” I whispered. He turned his head away from my skin just enough to speak more clearly. 
“I’m glad it was you.” He said, his strong hands pressing into my back as he spoke, as if he was making sure I was real, that I was there with him. “That you were the one… that you found me.” His voice trailed off sleepily.
Something about his admission brought a wetness to my eyes that threatened to break through my resolve. I hadn’t truly allowed myself to absorb the scene I’d stumbled upon tonight. How much worse it could have been… Holding him closer I breathed, “ Me too…” my voice barely even a whisper. 
Exhaustion soon came to consume us both. With a final soft kiss to his temple, all three of us drifted off to sleep under the stars. 
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If you liked this, check out my other Micah works!
★ My Masterlist ★
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tsunflowers · 5 months
list of which precures I think are lesbians
nagisa: we see her suffering from terrible comphet. one day she will see herself as bi honoka: lesbian hikari: I don't know her :(
saki: doesn't know she's bi yet. probably will swing more towards girls once she figures out mai: lesbian michiru: I think she would go on a date with a boy to gather intel and feel nothing but if she went on a date with a girl she would feel something kaoru: I can't imagine her crushing on anyone but maybe that'll change
I feel like I still don't know the yespre girls well enough but I do think karen and milk are both lesbians
love: bi but completely oblivious to romantic overtures from any gender miki: I could see her dating another girl one time but she's mostly straight inori: ally setsuna: lesbian
tsubomi: probably bi or lesbian but the idea of romance in real life is still kinda scary erika: girl who calls her friends her girlfriends and it makes tsubomi uncomfortable for reasons she doesn't understand yet itsuki: bi but around the end of the series and immediately after she'll explore her interest in boys more bc she never thought she could express that before yuri: lesbian
hibiki: lesbian bc if she dated a boy she'd be letting us girls down kanade: bi ellen: I just can't imagine ellen having a crush on anyone bc it's been so long since I watched the show ako: still too young to be interested and also the examples of romance she's seen are hibikana and whatever her parents have going on so she's sort of down on the whole concept
miyuki: well her crush is peter pan. I think she's not interested in romance in real life. maybe she will be someday, maybe not akane: I remember shipping her with nao but somehow it's funny to me to say she's straight. she did have a crush on brian yayoi: like miyuki she's more interested in fictional romance. if she dated someone she would expect it to be like in anime nao: bi. she's like makoto sailor jupiter where she thinks boys dont like her bc she's too tall so she has to date girls reika: lesbian
mana: canonically straight rikka: canonically into mana. lesbian alice: I think she's still working on developing her own self-image outside the expectations of her family, who would certainly want her to marry a man makopi: disease where instead of brain you have princess marie-ange. lesbian aguri: still at the age where she thinks romance is something that happens in a movie where a prince rides in on a white horse
megumi, hime, yuuko, iona: bi
haruka: lesbian minami: lesbian kirara: bi towa: bi
mirai and riko: lesbian kotoha: I don't see her ever being interested in romance due to her whole thing
ichika: bi himari, aoi, yukari, akira, ciel: lesbian ciel flirts with guys but it's like when a gay man jokingly flirts with a woman. no real interest
hana: I don't have a strong feeling for her. wait she was into homare that one time. bi saaya: I don't have a strong feeling for her either homare: I think homare's straight actually emiru: lesbian lulu: no interest in boys, ever. lesbian
hikaru, lala, elena, madoka, yuni: lesbian I don't know if they have lesbians on lala's planet though
nodoka: I think for most of her life she was like "romance is something that happens to other people" so she hasn't spent time figuring it out yet chiyu: bi hinata: bi asumi: doesn't have those feelings which is good bc can you imagine asumi trying to date
manatsu, sango, minori, asuka, laura: lesbian
yui: bi but oblivious, like love kokone: lesbian ran: bi amane: lesbian
sora: lesbian. replace every time she says hero with lesbian mashiro: she definitely thinks she likes boys but I'm not sure if she does tsubasa: his curse is that if he hangs out with anyone his own age ageha will keep elbowing him and raising her eyebrows and he has to be like "it's not like that!!" so he doesn't know what it is like yet ageha: I feel like she does kind of have straight girl who calls her friends girlfriend energy elle: I dont know what to say about elle due to her situation
komugi: lesbian in dog years iroha: I think bi but hasn't explored it at all bc she's told herself it's not important yuki: lesbian cat mayu: lesbian human
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codename-adler · 2 months
28: Yanko Florescu (22) USC Trojans Backliner
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(USC Trojans lineup of OCs)
Ah, big ginger man makes Mateo brain go brrrr!
*Yanko is supposed to have a little bit grown out buzzcut but I couldn't find a gif that satisfied my mental image so. That but cropped. He shaves it every month on the 28th. Call that sports superstitions.
With Jean, Viggo and Nikita, he is one of the tallest Trojans, standing at 6'4. With Nikita also, and Mari, and others, one of the most unproblematic teammate ever. He is so chill, but in a different way than others. Mari is chill because she does not care enough about anyone's bs outside of Exy; Nikita is chill because of his infinite patience and open mind. Yanko? Nothing fazes him, because he is so inside his own mind, minding his own business, that rarely anything else registers, and if something does show up on his radar, he does not have an overly sensitive personality, so he is able to put his emotions aside and deal with what's at hand. He might be on the AS in that area. You tell me. However, nobody on the team, and I mean nobody, has ever seen him lose his cool, either in anger or sadness. He has the occasional goofy-looking smile, or a small private thing. He's very good at straight-faced comebacks. If he's acting silly, his face rarely shows anything but a mischievous glint.
Yanko can appear scary, because he's very tall, very quiet. minimally expressive, and his goddamn fucking blue eyes are very... there. He might seem broody and gruff, but that's because his brain-to-mouth connection isn't always working, and he really enjoys being in his own bubble, so sometimes if you intrude on that time, it takes him a few seconds before he understands what is happening but his facial expression might take over before he has the chance to adapt. He's just a big mountain man, big to survive and adapt to harsh winters, not to harm! But his opponents would differ.
He does resemble Mari a lot, but they really don't have the same vibe, trust me. They are not on the same wavelength. Mari carefully curates how she experiences life so as not to get bullshit and waste energy on things and people that don't matter. Yanko is just that unbothered because he does not see the point. Physical embodiment of 'it is what it is' you know?
His two best friends are George A. and Viggo. Though those two are a piece of work because they always be in impossible situations Yanko has to get them out of, he likes them for their lightheartedness, and because they make him happy. And they know it. They don't tell him to smile more, or let loose. They love him as he is, love how reliable and steady he is, how helpful and generous he is. Yanko likes to simply be in their presence, no matter how loud they can be, no matter the trouble they attract.
Yanko was born in the US to Romanian parents, he studies Psychology at Dornsife and he goes Pro after college. He is a very, very smart and hard-working student/person.
He is the sunscreen dealer, because that man would have burned 5 years ago if he hadn't ransacked a Costco. He's got tubes and balms and jars everywhere: car, backpack, locker, dorm, duffel, emergency kit, etc.
Now the Mateo part.
Yanko has always been of the same opinion as Kevin Day: it's easier to remain heterosexual. Even lower than that: it's easier to remain single. He's not a high-maintenance guy by any means, but all his relationships' beginnings were always just that, beginnings. He has a deep, deep potential and will to invest himself wholly in another person's wellbeing, but girls usually break it off, gently or not, before it even gets there. He's peculiar, he gets it, but it begins to feel draining to have to start over every time. He doesn't want to hear another 'you're too quiet' or 'you never look like you enjoy my presence'. He doesn't want nor have to explain himself, and so if the date really can't see past that, then he's not going to dedicate energy and time to that. After high school, he completely stops looking for dates. Instead, he works on himself, and knowing himself. Plus, Psychology and Exy? Yeah, no, he'll pass on girls.
That's right, girls. Yanko has never dated men, ever, and never even thought about it. If he doesn't even think about dating, thinking of dating a guy is even less probable. It's just not... something he registers. So this... thing, with Mateo? First time for him too. And yeah, Mateo is a weird af choice for a gay awakening, because he might be pretty, but he's a whole-ass bastard. Eh, what can you do.
Because Yanko is very difficult to piss off, to get a reaction out of, he's kind of perfect to handle Mateo and his demons. The catch, though, is that Yanko also suddenly becomes very good at pushing Mateo's buttons. In a way, it helps Mateo to expulse all the shit that pollutes his brain, so he's calmer afterward. But it also gives Yanko special power over Mateo. And Yanko kind of likes that.
He is not in denial, okay? I swear. He's just so fucking oblivious. He doesn't put the finger on the actual thing until he literally kisses Mateo. And he has the galls to be so fucking smug about it. Like the cat that got the cream, Archimedes who figured out his eureka or whatever it is. Mateo is able to make him feel that way. Proud and powerful in ways he never felt before.
Yank takes it in stride like a fucking champ. It's like 'Welp, I'm dating Mateo now. He is my squishy and I like him so much. No, he sucks to you. Now back to our regular program: Exy. Yippee!' It's really, really not that deep. The romance part is more nerve-wracking than the gender part, if anything. He doesn't want to lose the essence of what he has developed with Mateo.
Of course it's much more complicated on Mateo's end, like I said, but Yanko knows, and feels, that he is not a waste of time and energy. That he actually motivates Yanko. He simply waits him out. He's there whenever Mateo needs, whenever he wants, and doesn't ask for anything in return, because what is the rush? It does make Mateo mad and jealous that Yanko is taking this so well, but it's also a steadying presence, that when the world is collapsing around you to take a new uncertain shape, Yanko is just there, same as he always was, ready to back you up, push you further, steady hand upon your back.
Anddd wrapping up on the cool & unproblematic king now!
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sissylittlefeather · 11 months
This is the Story
Chapter 5
A/N: Here it is: the long-awaited Halloween chapter! Another thanks to @ccab and @elvisfatass for some of the ideas that went into this one. Also, things are finally starting to heat up a bit, so I hope you enjoy it!
Also also, I'm not sure if you all have noticed, but I've been switching perspectives with each series of stars (******) between Elvis and Grace. This is important for this chapter especially, so I thought I would mention it.
ICYMI: this is about Elvis and the author OC Grace Dubois, 35yo single mother of 6yo Wendy. Want to catch up? Here are links to the other chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI! Cussing, flirting, fantasizing, masturbation (m & f), mentions of oral sex (m & f), mentions of p in v sex, mentions of unprotected sex, mentions of creampie.
Word count: 2.5k(ish)
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"Now how about you tell me how you really feel about your time in Hollywood." He smiles and leans his head back.
"What are your plans for Halloween?" Elvis asks on the Monday before the holiday as Grace packs up her things to leave.
"Oh, I hadn't really thought about it. We don't really know anyone here."
"You know us. I have Lisa Marie. Come over and we'll put on a movie for the girls."
"I don't know..." He knows why she's hesitant, but he hasn't given up yet.
"Come on. You said we could be friends. Lisa needs someone to do Halloween with other than me."
"Alright, fine. We'll come over after dinner. But we can't stay too late. It's a school night." She smiles and Elvis tries to hide his excitement.
He walks her to the door and it takes everything in his power not to at least hug her, but he contains himself. Once she's out the door and it's closed behind her, though, he smiles widely and sighs. There's still a chance.
On Halloween, Grace stands in her closet fussing over what to wear. She knows why she cares so much, but it seems silly considering the nature of their relationship now. He's just a friend and it's essential that he stay that way. Still, she chooses a tight black dress to wear with her witch's hat, knowing that the low neckline is overtly tempting, but rationalizing that she doesn't have another black dress. She swears it's not on purpose that she wears heavy black eye makeup and puts contacts that she hasn't worn in years in her eyes. They hurt, but she thinks it'll be worth it for her costume. Wendy comes around the bathroom corner in her butterfly costume.
"Whoa, mama. You look really pretty."
"Aw, thanks baby. You think so?"
"Is this because you like Mr. Presley?"
"Oh, honey, no, it's just Halloween!" Wendy gives her a look but doesn't argue. They finish getting ready and get in the car to head to Graceland for movie night. Grace's stomach is in knots for some reason as they walk up to the door. It's strange because she was here earlier, but this is different.
"Mama. Knock." Wendy prompts her after they stand there for a bit. She does and they wait for a minute as Elvis comes to the door. When he pulls it open, her breath catches. He's dressed as a cop, complete with hat, badge, and gun in a holster. She always thinks he's attractive, but this sparks something new in her.
"Hello." Elvis is completely caught off guard by Grace's outfit. Her dress is form fitting and low-cut, more so than anything he's seen her wear other than her bathing suit. She has on black kitten heels and a pointy hat. Her glasses are gone, and he misses them a little, but seeing her deep brown eyes unobstructed is a different experience. Her hair is cascading down around her shoulders, and he didn't realize how long and straight it is. They stand for a bit just taking each other in.
"Daddy. Let them in." Lisa Marie pulls on his hand.
"Oh, yes, come on in." He steps to the side for Grace and Wendy to walk into the house. Wendy and Lisa, who is dressed like a ballerina, grab each other in a hug. They're very excited to see each other again.
To lead them to the TV room, Elvis puts his hand on the small of Grace's back. The electricity is there again and he doesn't want to stop touching her. Once the girls are settled on the floor with It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown on the TV, Elvis asks Grace if she'd like to help him make some popcorn. She nods and they head to the kitchen. Again, he puts his hand on her back. It's completely unnecessary, but she doesn't argue. When they get to the kitchen, Elvis realizes he has no idea how to make popcorn. Grace smiles softly and takes over, her hand grazing his as she does. His heart skips a beat and he wants to run his hands up her arms and down her back, but he doesn't. Instead, he steps away carefully, watching her as she pulls together all the necessary things to make popcorn. His whole body is screaming at him to walk up behind her and put his arms around her. He wants to bury his face in her hair and kiss her neck. He wants to feel her ass against him as he presses into her. He wants to run his hands up her front and squeeze her breasts lightly as he teases her with words. He aches to do these things, but he knows he can't. She catches him staring at her.
"What?" She smiles and it takes his breath away.
"Nothing. You're just good at making popcorn." It's a stupid excuse to be looking at her like he is. He wonders if she can feel his hunger for her.
When the popcorn is finished, he gathers bowls for both girls and one for them to share, pouring out the popcorn accordingly. They walk back into the TV room and he sits in the middle of the couch, so she has to sit close to him, no matter which side she chooses. She settles herself on his left side with their arms touching. It feels like he's on fire where they make contact. He puts the bowl of popcorn directly on his lap for two reasons. First, it covers his growing erection. Second, the visual of her reaching her hand into the bowl directly above his cock is driving him insane. He wants her to touch him so badly that it almost hurts. Part of him wonders if the tension he's feeling from her is all in his head. But then she takes her hat off and leans across him to get some popcorn, pressing her right breast into his arm. His breath catches and he knows she isn't doing this on accident. He can smell the light lavender scent of her hair and it's intoxicating. He feels her take a deep breath and move away from him with a handful of popcorn.
The movie continues on the TV and Elvis does everything in his power to focus, but all he can think about is laying Grace down on this couch and...
"Daddy, can we have some candy?" Lisa's voice pulls him from his steamy reverie.
"Sure, baby." He adjusts himself as he stands up, so that his dick is tucked up under his belt. He offers his hand to Grace.
"Would you like to help?" She takes his hand and stands up.
"Sure!" They walk together to the kitchen again, where Elvis digs out a couple of bags of candy. She walks up next to him and leans her back against the counter.
"Thank you for inviting us. Wendy is having a great time." She takes a piece of chocolate and pops it into her mouth. When she does so, she gets a little bit of chocolate on the side of her mouth.
"Oh, honey, you've got..." He points to the side of her face.
"What?" He smiles, licking his thumb to wipe the chocolate away. When he does, though, he takes her chin in his hand. They stare at each other for a few seconds before her eyes flick down to his lips. He starts to lean in painfully slowly, running his thumb along her bottom lip. His mouth is almost to hers when both girls come bounding into the kitchen.
"Daddyyyy where's our candy??" Lisa's voice breaks the trance between them and Elvis pulls away quickly.
"It's right here, sweetie." He turns and hands her the bowl of candy and the girls skip off back to the TV room. Grace stands up from where she was leaning against the counter and follows the girls back to the TV room. Elvis takes a deep breath and looks at the ceiling. So close.
As the girls settle onto the floor again, Elvis and Grace sit back on the couch together. She kicks her shoes off and pulls her feet up onto the couch, leaning against him and reaching for more popcorn. Elvis breathes deeply and tries to relax. Then, they both hear the girls chattering.
"Lisa Marie, what is it like to have a daddy?" Wendy asks.
"It's pretty great. You don't have one?"
"Nope. It's just me and Mama." Wendy looks down at the floor. Grace is about to step in when Lisa does first.
"You can share my daddy. I'm sure he will take care of you too."
"Yes, please! I would love to have a daddy and I like yours a lot."
Elvis and Grace look at each other and laugh nervously. He can't help but think they make a charming domestic scene, all of them there in then TV room together. He wonders if Grace is thinking the same thing.
The movie comes to an end and the girls pop up off of the floor.
"Daddy, can Wendy and Ms. Grace stay the night?" Lisa Marie asks eagerly. Grace answers.
"Oh, no, sweetie, we have to go home and go to bed. But thank you for inviting us!" She laughs cheerfully. Elvis sighs deeply. He wants nothing more than for Grace to stay the night. But he understands why she says no.
They all move to the door and the girls say their goodbyes. Before she heads out the door to the car, Wendy wraps Elvis in a hug and hollers, "Bye Daddy!" He looks up at Grace and she laughs again. He mouths "it's okay" and makes a reassuring face. Wendy backs away and moves to walk through the door. In a last second impulse, Elvis grabs Grace and pulls her to him in a hug. At first, she freezes, but then he feels her relax and she puts her arms around him too. He wants to keep holding her, but the girls are waiting. Wendy and Lisa look at each other and smile knowingly. Finally, he lets her go, clearing his throat.
"Thank you for coming."
"Of course. Thank you for inviting us." They stare at each other longer than they should.
"Okay, Mama, let's go. It's bedtime." Wendy pulls her over the threshold. At the car, Grace looks over the door and waves at Elvis one last time before she settles behind the steering wheel.
As she drives, Grace thinks about the evening she just had. She wasn't intentionally trying to drive Elvis crazy. Or was she? It doesn't matter. All she knows is that she was desperate to feel his hands on her. Every second that she was pressed up against him on the couch made her core burn with desire. And then he almost kissed her again. She knows she should've stopped it, but his thumb on her bottom lip made her absolutely weak with need for him to put his lips on hers. Something about the way he was dressed made her want him to handcuff her to a bedpost. She was reluctant to admit it, but she wanted him. More than she's ever wanted another person in her life. Even as she drives home, she can feel the arousal between her legs gathering.
Wendy falls asleep on the way home and Grace carefully carries her up to her bed. Once Wendy's settled, she closes the door and tiptoes to her bedroom. There, she lays on her bed in her black dress, trying not to think about Elvis. But her mind wanders and she longs to feel his hand on the small of her back, sliding down to her ass and squeezing it gently. The wetness continues to gather between her legs and she considers doing something she hasn't done in a long time...
Elvis gets Lisa Marie settled in her bed, kissing her gently on the forehead, and then walks back to his own bedroom. He thinks about Grace in the low-cut dress, pressing up against him as they sat on the couch. He takes his hat and gun holster off and sits on the bed, his erection reappearing by the second. Thinking of the way it felt to have her body pressed against him in that last hug, he closes his eyes and thinks about giving himself a way to release the tension he's feeling...
Grace slowly slides her dress up over her hips and slips her fingers under the edges of her panties to drag them down her long legs and off.
Elvis leans back against the pillows, unzipping his pants and freeing his throbbing cock. It twitches as he thinks about what Grace would look like naked in his bed.
She moves her hand down to her core, feeling the wetness already gathered there. She thinks about Elvis's long fingers and how they might feel running up her slit to the place that makes her feel wild.
He puts his hand on himself, thinking of Grace's slim, beautiful fingers wrapped around his dick. He begins to move his hand back and forth, laying his head back.
Grace slides her fingertip around and over her clit, imagining Elvis's mouth on her, licking and sucking her, his beautiful lips wet with her desire.
Elvis lets out a soft moan as he strokes himself, thinking of Grace's soft, wet mouth wrapped around his cock, pulling it down her throat as she plays with his balls in her hand.
Grace slides two of her fingers into her pussy, imagining Elvis's cock inside her, moving in and out as she moans his name. She feels the tightness of her orgasm gathering between her legs...
Elvis moves his hand faster and faster, imagining Grace on top of him, bouncing harder and harder on him, grinding on him as he pushes deeper and deeper. He feels his release building...
Grace alternates between fucking herself with her fingers and rubbing circles on her clit, thinking of Elvis running his hands over her, filling her with his cock as his mouth wanders on her neck and chest, running his tongue over her hardening nipples.
Elvis moans deeply as his hips buck up into his hand, thinking only of Grace and the way her beautiful curves would feel pressed against him as he fucks her, hips slamming into each other passionately.
When Grace reaches her climax and the waves of pleasure wash over her, crashing into the edges of her body, she whispers Elvis's name, imagining what it would feel like to have him fill her with his release as he shudders on top of her.
Elvis comes hard into his hand, moaning Grace's name as he imagines what her face would look like as she comes with him, her breasts bouncing underneath him as he pushes into her one last time.
Grace lays on her bed sweating, in shock at what she just did while thinking about Elvis. She wishes that the orgasm had been enough to satisfy her, but she longs to know if her imagination did him justice. She blushes, remembering that she'll have to see him tomorrow to work on the book. It's getting harder and harder to ignore how she feels about him.
Elvis leans back against the pillows on his big bed. He's a little embarrassed at how he just jacked off like a teenager dreaming about a woman he could never have. Grace fills his mind and he's not sure how he'll face her tomorrow knowing what was in his head tonight.
Both Elvis and Grace get ready for bed and attempt sleeping, trying and failing to think of anything but each other.
The End,
until Chapter 6!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @mykievolturi @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts
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jq37 · 4 months
Ok so we've talked about Mom Quest fan casts, who would you cast if we got a Rat Grinders season (pre or post getting defeated by the Bad Kids). I nominate Grant as Ruben JUST to be funny
OK, now that the season is over, let me give my thoughts.
I don't know what the context of this sidequest would be and Brennan threw a wrench into the plans by having, for instance, Ruben be completely different when he was broken from his rage star, but let me give it a shot.
For Buddy, I want Caldwell Tanner. He did goofy, earnest, and very religious in NADDPOD as Beverly so I think he could do Buddy.
I saw someone else say Krystina Arielle for Lucy and I think that could work. If we want someone who doesn't already have a Spyre character, I could also see Laura Bailey doing a good job. Ashley Johnson too actually based on how she played Yasha.
I think Katie Marovitch for Mary Ann. She does low-energy deadpan really well.
And I can see Lily Du for Ivy.
I think Grant would work as Ruben but my pitch was BDG (even though yes, I know he already plays Hargis). I can see him thriving as both emo Ruben and puka shell Ruben.
Before you even sent this ask I was thinking Omar Najam for Oisin but that was before his heel turn, lol. In any case, I think Omar would do a good job for sure as nerdy Oisin, and I'm gonna assume he has the range to also be a rich jerk.
People have given a lot of opinions about the ideal Kipperlilly but I'd have Brennan do it. She was his character before Junior Year and I think that that should remain the case. Also he should just get to be a player more!
And with Brennan playing, I'd want Aabria to DM. I made a post a while back about how she's so great at social elements/consequences in games and I think that would be very key for a Rat Grinders season since we didn't get much depth on them in this season.
Anyway, those are my thoughts! Anyone else should feel free to chime in.
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mirrormazeworld · 1 month
Twisted Wonderland Yuu oc Rambles
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Notes : I don't usually do yume here (prefer to do it on X instead) but I have been thinking lately since my research on twst with Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass almost completed, I can say the hcs, world building and my Yuu-sona lore is already matured enough. Therefore I want to re-introduce my Yuu oc again because I think you will be going to see her more often from now on. I have always been a Crowley yume since day one I created this blog around two years ago and all of my research are all actually dedicated to build her lore so that I can ship her with my most favorite character in twst : Crowley
Without further ado, meet my twst oc/ Yuu oc/ Yuu sona : Ayumu Astaude
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Ayumu's NRC outfit illustration by 00Azell_
Character overview (subject to change depending on where the canon story is going) :
She is originally a 21 years old antique shop owner which she inherited from her deceased family at the age of 16 as she decided to drop out of school and continue her family's legacy. During her work restoring Victorian era post-mortem photos from an anonymous client, she fainted in front of an antique large mirror at night due to poisonous gas leaking. At that time she experienced a phenomenon called "Bloody Mary effect" where the reflected image in the mirror looks distorted because of the dimly lit shop and her fading consciousness. She saw a hand in the mirror and desperately reached out to it before she fainted. The next time she opened her eyes, she woke up in a coffin inside a room with many coffins and a large dark mirror and a strangely cat-like monster named Grim.
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Ayumu's twst chibi sprite by bucchinragi
If anyone asks what she is twisted from, she is twisted from Queen Alice of Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.
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"Conqueror of Dreams" (Ayumu The Queen Alice) illustration by mirrormazeworld (me)
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Despite being twisted from Queen Alice of Through The Looking Glass, her hair color isn't yellow/blonde but red instead. I made it that way so that it may refer to Persephone, the Greek Goddess in which the original Alice in Wonderland was inspired from (and also as parallel to Riddle since he is the leader of Alice in Wonderland dorm, a prequel to Through The Looking Glass)
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Her coffin logo is a White Queen chess piece in front of a mirror (in the original Through The Looking Glass, Queen Alice is a white pawn that got promoted as White Queen.)
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Personality wise, she is pretty much like Goddess Persephone but calmer. She also got other traits from a certain ancient Goddess in which the original Through The Looking Glass was inspired from (I'm not talking about it here though but let's talk about it next time in a separate post) Her perceptive, composed and curious nature made her a formidable strategist and also a Prefect to watch over the other students. Her responsibility as a Prefect gave her a special condition : she doesn't need to join any club in NRC so that she can just focus more on her work and seeking information about how to go back to her own world. Crowley deliberately wrote her age as 18 for her student ID since she didn't have her identity card with her when she arrived in Twisted Wonderland (so that he could make her doing the workload equivalent to an NRC staff but being paid below minimum wage)
She doesn't have and can't use magic, but her knowledge of many things as an antique shop owner are already enough to make up for it.
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padme-amitabha · 1 year
I just saw a post calling ahoska and obi wan anakins truest loves and uh what? It brought up the mortis arc of tcw and essentially minimizing the anidala love for one another as some form of escapism and how its poison ( even tho vader literally gets saved bc of luke - padmes son🙄) Its so strange how ahsoka fans want to make her a more prominent character than she really is. Also a recurring opinion that gets brought up is ahsoka knowing/understanding anakin better than padme and obi wan when she didn’t even know things about him (like he was a slave) and we consistently see anakin confide in padme its just so odd how alot of star wars fans diminish her
That doesn't surprise me at all since Star Wars is Ahsoka Wars at this point. And even if it wasn't, you have to give the Skywalkers at least some rest uk? The constant retconning and addition of new stuff most people didn't even ask for is tiresome. Ahsoka from the start felt very OC-ish to me because she was constantly hyped and favored in a way not even Anakin was. She felt like a self-insert jedi character so her place is canon is just weird. And forcing her to be important in places where she's not needed just shows Filoni's favoritism. At least GL wasn't ever really biased towards Anakin and Luke. Anakin mainly suffered through so much and had enough flaws and complexies which Ahsoka never had. She's constantly in a plot armor and just overpowered imo. But ofc she's a badass Jedi so she is more popular than Padme. I cant even.. I just hate the way TCW and Filoni wrote her. I don't see Anakin as being a big brother to anyone. Or being a teacher. The only other natural interaction he has except Padme and his mother is with Obi-Wan and even that took time. They didn't get along well in the first two movies and although he does joke around with Obi Wan in ROTS, he has his own slightly awkward and shy way of doing it. And I imagine he's semi reserved and shy with other Jedi. Or when we see him interacting with Padme's family. But to make him a responsible master is strange because even in ROTS he was too young and not mature enough to be level-headed and responsible all the time. And I like that because he has flaws but he was trying to learn and wanted to be a good father. And I do believe he really gained that maturity (which was stunted due to obvious trauma) and fatherly affection for Luke after ESB and not before. I think he would have had trouble connecting with Leia as well post ROTJ because he wasn't prepared to and had no experience being a role model for anyone. Meanwhile, 22 year old TCW Anakin with Ahsoka acts like a 30 year old man with anger issues...
It's also frustrating to see Padme being reduced to a love interest when she was a main character and part of the trio. She, like Han, didn't need to be a Jedi to be one of the main characters and it's boring to see a trio of Jedi only. I don't really blame Ahsoka fans - only Filoni for constantly dragging her into everything and I'm glad it's backfiring because I see fans who previously liked her are beginning to get tired of her being shoehorned into every single SW thing and acting all Mary Sue. Also, see the amount of concept arts and storylines they wrote for Padme during the prequels. She had more arts than Anakin and Obi-Wan. GL clearly wanted her to be important even more than Leia in ANH because we see much more of Padme and the first movie directly involves her and her planet with Anakin's discovery being a sideplot. It's disrespectful to reduce her to a love interest.
This video puts it really well (although he isn't a fan of the prequels as far as I can remember): "Dave Filoni's biggest problem as a writer apart from his complete inability to write interesting dialogue or craft stories that are more than just fetch quest for Magical McGuffin or create people who actually make smart decisions or his borderline fetish for the boring mediocre character he's trying so hard to insert as the driving force behind the entire Star Wars narrative is his constant [ __ ] around and reconning of past events and World building to suit the needs of his own narrow story. It's like he's staying in a hotel room for a couple of days and decided that he now has the right to completely remodel the place because he feels like it. This isn't your job Dave you're supposed to work within the rules of the world that George created not write a whole bunch of new ones just to suit yourself that now affect everyone else."
Lol applause for saying that out loud
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gregorovitch-adler · 1 year
(Sequel to Heartfelt, again, because quite a bit of people had requested it.)
John got up from the wooden chair in the sitting room of the flat in the suburbs. He walked over to the sofa and flopped over it, broad daylight coming from the window into the dim flat.
John had sent the e-mail to Sherlock - the heartfelt apology. Having nothing better to do, he rolled over to his back and gazed into nothingness at the ceiling.
John's mind drifted off to the past, reminiscing the first few days when everything began. When his new life began, after having basically died on the battlefield in Afghanistan.
"Mike, can I borrow your phone? Mine doesn't have a signal."
"What's wrong with the landline?" Mike asked skeptically.
"I prefer to text."
John had felt that he could be of help, that this was the chance to get acquainted with this handsome bloke - with whom he was possibly going to share a flat. He cleared his throat. "Here. Use mine." He had held out his phone.
The way that man had approached John, showing off not only his looks but also his brilliance - within a few minutes, John had made a decision: this was the man he was interested in sharing a flat with.
He had not hoped for anything at that time, but for some reason, he'd thought that it just made sense to go and have a look at the flat with this specific man, and him only. He had known he wasn't going to get along with anyone else, anyway.
As time passed, John realised that Sherlock wasn't just good-looking and brilliant, but he was also the only guy in the world who accepted John for his flaws - his short temper and everything.
The only person who gave him a sense of purpose by making him realise his limp was psychosomatic.
The only man who bothered to notice John's capabilities by seeing right through his façade of being normal and boring.
He began to fall for Sherlock. No. Not began. By the time he'd realised, he was already neck-deep in love.
As of now - John thought as he came back to the present and rolled to his side - he had completely drowned in the sea of love. There was no way to come back from there. Not that John wanted to, but still.
John had tried to come up to the surface of that sea after Sherlock's death, in an attempt to move on, but all that was a massive failure. His entire being was immersed in that sea even more.
And now, John had stupidly ruined everything by being an abusive arsehole and having treated Sherlock like shit lately.
Any slim chance he might have had with Sherlock had crashed that day, and it was entirely John's fault.
Once again, John hoped Sherlock would go through that e-mail and accept his apology so that they could be friends again. In a proper way.
Feeling useless, John got off the sofa and pursed his mouth as he stared at his laptop for a moment.
He swallowed before making his way to the bathroom to take a shower.
John's phone screen lit up with a text. Wiping his fingers with a serviette on the kitchen table, he grabbed the phone to have a look.
It was Sherlock's text.
Come here at once.
John knitted his brows but got up from the table anyway. He picked up his plate and threw the remaining food in the dustbin.
He was prepared to do anything Sherlock asked of him. Who cared about finishing lunch, anyway?
John went to the bedroom to get dressed. The one he'd shared with Mary when she was alive.
John shook his head as he changed into a fresh shirt, a pair of jeans and a jumper. A different can of worms - Mary. A topic of another day.
This was the most important thing in his life at the moment: trying to fix his relationship with Sherlock. John checked himself in the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair.
He picked up his phone and walked out of that house to go to the bus stop nearby.
John got on the bus and wondered about the cause of urgency in the text that Sherlock had sent him before.
Getting off the bus, he hailed a cab at the curb and got inside as soon as a car slowed down. He gave the address to the driver and hoped to arrive at 221 B Baker Street as quickly as possible.
John was there in a few minutes, so he paid the driver and rushed inside the apartment building to climb up the stairs to 221 B at his top speed.
The door was wide open, and Sherlock was standing by the sitting room window, gazing out of the flat at the street.
Sherlock must have heard him come up, so he turned around to face John and walked towards him. John closed the door behind him and met Sherlock halfway in the room.
Sherlock wrapped his arms around John. John's arms were wrapped around his waist.
Sherlock's hand slipped up to curl around John's nape - like the previous time. Those long and thin fingers, caressing the skin of his nape, holding him gently, and sending shivers down John's spine.
John ran his hand over Sherlock's long back and mentally kicked himself for not hugging him properly the last time.
"I saw your e-mail," Sherlock said into his ear in a low voice, with his cheekbone pressed against John's temple. "I... I forgive you."
John breathed deeply, taking in Sherlock's natural scent through the exposed skin of his neck. "It won't happen again. Ever. I promise."
"I believe you, John," he said with a nod.
John closed his eyes and let himself drown in Sherlock's proximity. He felt Sherlock's gaze on his face after a few moments.
John opened his eyes and looked up at Sherlock, and they found their lips pressed against each other tightly, not caring about who initiated it.
They opened their mouths to make the kiss deeper. Breathing was boring, or so Sherlock would say.
"I'd also fallen for you," said Sherlock breathlessly as they parted. "Since about the same time. Just didn't know how to tell you. Did you really feel for me this way since then?"
John gave a furious nod at that. "Always."
"You got married."
"In a desperate attempt at moving on from your death."
"I've told you why I had to do it. But you went ahead with your wedding even after I'd come back." Sherlock had pressed his lips together.
John leaned in and pressed a lingering kiss on Sherlock's cheek, hoping to express his feelings through that.
"I never knew you felt the same. So, not going ahead with the wedding made little sense at that time. You were always going to be my best friend. And besides, I thought by getting married, I was taking my own stand. I was too stupid to realise that I belonged with you. Only you. Since the start."
"But you'd always felt this way?" Sherlock's eyes were filled with longing and skepticism.
"Yes, Sherlock. Always."
Sherlock eyed him for a few seconds before pulling John close by his collar and kissing him again.
John made a frantic sound as he kissed him back with equal want. Need.
They kept kissing each other for a while. John was mindful of his bruises and vowed to himself that he would spend every single day of the rest of his life trying to prove himself to Sherlock.
John will be a better person for the man he loved. He owed him that, and much more.
They parted again to catch their breaths. Sherlock's hand was placed on John's chest.
John closed his eyes to revel in the touch.
"You're not a horrible person. Don't you remember me saying that you're the bravest and kindest and wisest -"
John placed a hand on Sherlock's mouth. "Stop. I don't deserve to hear that. I'm not the same person anymore," he said, his voice betraying him by shaking a bit.
Sherlock pulled him close in an embrace again. "You'll always be the same for me."
John looked up at Sherlock with his heart filling up with hope, and his eyes welling up with tears.
"My John."
"All yours," he whispered through his tears and pulled Sherlock close for another deep and passionate kiss.
I'll always protect him, he thought, placing his hand on Sherlock's chest, feeling for his heartbeat. Even if it's myself he needed protection from.
As they continued to kiss, John made up his mind. He was going to move back in here along with Rosie as soon as possible. To 221 B Baker Street - his real and only home in the world.
Sherlock September Challenge.
Prompt: Phone by @onesmallfamily
Tags: @helloliriels @topsyturvy-turtely @keirgreeneyes @gaylilsherlock @lisbeth-kk @missdeliadili @lookingforlifeoutthere @curlyjohnlock @peanitbear @a-victorian-girl @kettykika78 @totallysilvergirl @safedistancefrombeingsmart @calaisreno .
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myarchiveforme · 10 months
some observations of priscilla, bc the people I went to see it with are not the type to enjoy analyzing media and I have thoughts
also this is just me venting on my phone so these are very undeveloped thoughts idk
*contains mild spoilers*
the style is so lovely, if there's one thing sofia can do it's curate a damn atmosphere. i haven't seen marie antoinette in a while but sofia works with environments like another character in the movie, and it's so effective in pulling you into the experience.
you feel that boredom and monotony and confinement so vividly - you basically don't see priscilla outside of graceland between her arriving and elvis leaving the last time, and you almost don't realize it. and you become so familiar with the rooms and the space, it's depression when you don't leave your house for months and see the same things over and over and feel like a doll being moved around a little dollhouse just being picked up and put down in situations.
the shot when elvis is leaving the last time and priscilla's being left behind but her world is getting bigger??
this portrayal of elvis is so interesting - he's a character, the whole time, and you get these glimpses of what he really thinks or feels. he's pulling at her strings just to see what happens, just to experiment with the reactions. it's like he just wants to see that his actions can have actual effects on people, to prove that priscilla is 3d and not the paper people he sees on stage. or again, like priscilla is just his doll to put into situations.
also, I don't know enough about the psychology or realities of grooming and abuse to really get into it, but the relationship with sex is so... like she's an image of purity to him, to the point of being undesirable. too pure to desire. it's that groomer mindset of priscilla being something he has to "protect," like his child almost, but also to have control over her actions and to keep her in the box he's put her in.
and 6'5" jacob elordi next to 5'1" cailee spaeny in a movie about a grown celebrity grooming and claiming a 14 year old girl?
the scene of priscilla trying on clothes for elvis and the group of guys was SO profound to me - the discomfort of it, but also the gratification of male approval and attention? the little smile in the end when they like the outfit - that's such a familiar feeling to me, being deeply uncomfortable on display for men but still having that goblin inside of you that's fed with their attraction to you. especially at that age, god. same with her graduation - she's their little mascot, the pet project. and she doesn't have any friends, so she performs for them, for their applause and approval
and the omnipresence of elvis's gang and complete absence of female friends for her. he's putting on a show, always, and she's supposed to put on that show with him. and then behind closed doors, she's not putting on the show anymore but he still wants the priscilla on stage. and she is NEVER without makeup in front of him, especially after he tells her to wear more eyeliner. always picture perfect. uggh I could see this movie fifteen times. the moment of quiet in chaos as she puts on her eyelashes before giving birth? it's so poignant, that even in labor she's putting on a show for him and the world but taking pride and peace in the art of it. that was one of my favorite scenes honestly
cailee's performance was just incredible. so delicate and nuanced and honest and I hope we get to see her again and again.
NOT EVEN TO MENTION the fashion and styling, my god. stunning. it's iconic and beautiful and tells the whole story within itself.
anyway if anyone wants to discuss this movie with me please I'm desperate
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randomshyperson · 5 months
Hey Mary I saw you mentioned in one of your fics (amazing work as always btw) that youre watching Hibike! Euphonium??? I've watch over 4 times so it's probably my favorite anime ever and I would love to hear your thoughts about it, how much you liked it, if you also ship Kumirei or nah?
I saw your ask a few days ago and was waiting to respond when I finished the anime, and here I am. I can define my emotional state after finishing both seasons in two words: emotionally devastated.
Btw, this will contain spoilers if anyone bothers.
I watched the anime for the first time almost a decade ago, and I had only seen it because of Kumirei. I decided to give it a chance even though I knew beforehand they weren't canon, and I remember being really in love with the couple and being truly outraged when Kumiko ended up with that boy.
At fifteen, I had no idea about concepts like heteronormativity or comphet, or any of those more complex concepts I learned in college. And rewatching the anime today, I found Kumiko's relationship with Shuichi more comical than anything else. Her frequent and clear lack of interest in that boy throughout the entire anime turns any interaction between them into something comical and even frustrating, especially since everyone around her seems to insist that Kumiko should be with him simply because he has a crush on her. When I was the same age as the characters, it really irritated me, now as an adult I just felt sorry for them all. And I found it really frustrating how he got more development with Hazuki, and if the producers had focused on them, it would have made more sense than putting him with Kumiko who had an interest in basically any topic other than that boy.
But male characters aside, I just realized how much I missed female characters (or girls in this case) and their well-written and developed female friendships when I rewatched this anime. Hollywood could never.
Remember that I defined my state as emotionally devastated? Well, that's all the fault of the arc written for Asuka.
Her friendship with Kumiko is absurdly beautiful. The dialogue where Kumiko, who is the youngest between them, shouting about how Asuka doesn't need to act like she knows everything and that the two of them are just kids has easily become one of my favorites in any media. At fifteen years old, I had no idea the weight of several scenes, especially this one, or when Asuka is slapped by her mother? Insane. I had the pleasure and luck of being reminded of how beautiful and well-written this anime was. And the ending with Asuka graduating was deeply painful. Not because something bad happened (thank god), but that fact that she did it! She played for her father, got the best grades in Japan and will probably have a bright future ahead of her. But that means she's leaving and Kumiko still has two years there and even with that incredible connection, Asuka needs to move on. Living through high school while watching, I didn't understand what that scene really meant. The arrival of adulthood. But upon rewatching it I was in tears, completely in shock. For the good of my heart I simply decide that they met again in college.
Also, I still haven't rewatched the movie about the second year because I simply don't want to say goodbye to any more characters.
How difficult was it for the studio to write a band made up of students from the same year? I wanted everyone to graduate together. I guess it wouldn't hurt the same way if they did.
Now talking about what I didn't like? Well, there's just gone thing that really bothers me about this anime: Reina's feelings for her teacher. When I was fifteen, and I heard these teenagers talking about it, and I had no idea whatsoever about life, I didn't see it as a major problem. I even thought that Reina, so mature and intelligent, would turn 18 and embark on a failed romance before realizing that the only person for her was Kumiko, but now at 23 I absolutely hate everything about that matter. What bothered me most was that at no point was there a straight forward take on how the mere idea of this relationship is wrong. We even have a scene where the temporary Instructor makes jokes about the Professor being popular with the girls. I was very uncomfortable with how this subject was not closed in a concrete and absolute way, I would have liked to have seen at least one scene of Reina's parents guiding her about how she was confusing admiration for a talented adult man she has known since she was a child with love, but the anime insisted on a one-sided romance until the end, and it aged really badly.
I haven't had the chance to see both movies and the new season yet, but I really hope the matter has been closed because it was very uncomfortable.
Also, I've come to have a different view of Kumirei now that I'm no longer a teenager; I used to watch the scenes and be outraged, just hoping that they would kiss soon and realize how in love they are. Today, well, yes please just kiss, but also, I noticed an even greater complexity in their relationship. Slow Burn is very welcome, I even have the impression that their fifteen-year-old versions from the first season simply don't have the emotional maturity necessary to understand their own relationship. I know the studio probably won't make them canon, but I don't think I'll mind it as much as I would have a decade ago: I really like the idea that they took time to understand the depth of their feelings, and that the separation during college was perhaps what was necessary for them to realize how emotionally intertwined they are. I feel like as always, the fanfics will make it worth it.
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