#wolfstar oneshot
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, happy endings
summary - everyone sees you as this weird and crazy ravenclaw. everyone except remus and sirius.
pairing : ravenclaw!reader x wolfstar
word count: +3k
tw: angst | nearly a happy ending | mentions of fight | self deprecation | sirius being sirius | she pronouns used
[part 1] [part 2]
You walked out of Flitwick’s office with your head low.
It caused you anxiety to know anyone could watch you exit your Head of House’s office, because everyone knew the only reason you’d be in there is because you were in trouble.
You accidentally bumped into people on your way out, though, making you stop short.
“I’m so sorry.” You said.
“Y/N? Hey, it’s only us.” Sirius said and you lifted your head to catch sight of him and Sirius before you.
You became anxious over Sirius coming to find you over a moment that you’d shared with Remus in Potions earlier. You knew that it had meant nothing to Remus, even if it had meant something to you. The way Sirius had looked at you afterwards though still made you uncomfortable thinking about.
“Sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Just as Remus was about to say something, Professor Flitwick came out of his office.
“Ah. Just the two people I need to see.” Flitwick said, causing you to bolt before any other questions could get asked.
“But…” Sirius started, watching you leave without a goodbye.
“C’mon.” Remus tugged Sirius, not wanting to get into any more trouble if they somehow already were.
“If it’s any consolation, Mr Black, i’d like to talk to you both about Y/N.”
That caught Sirius’ attention and he was more engaged to enter Flitwick’s office then. Remus followed close behind.
Flitwick’s office was small but magical. Literally.
He had pieces of paper filing themselves away everywhere. There were books also putting themselves away on designated shelves.
“Take a seat boys.”
Flitwick went around the side of his desk and sat opposite where Sirius and Remus now sat.
Remus’ fingers started scratching at one another, because the anticipation of knowing what he’d done wrong and how he would be punished was too much. His only saving thoughts were that Sirius was beside him and you were the reason they were here, not him.
Sirius reached over to take Remus’ hand in his, interlocking their fingers to stop Remus from fidgeting.
“Are we in trouble, Professor?” Sirius asked, “‘Cause if we are, I can guarantee it was all me and nothing to do with Remus.”
Remus slightly smiled at how protective Sirius still was even after so long.
“I can assure you that neither one of you are in trouble. I just need to ask something of both of you.”
“Okay.” Sirius said skeptically.
“Darcy Gunther came to see me today, claiming that Y/N provoked Darcy’s cat and this explains the scratches down Miss L/N’s face. Now I have known Y/N since she started at this school and I don’t particularly think they would be so silly to do such a thing—.”
“They wouldn’t.” Sirius quickly chimed in, feeling Remus’ hand tense in Sirius’ due to the rage of hearing Darcy’s story.
“However.” Flitwick clearly didn’t enjoy being interrupted, “Miss L/N came in here and did not defend herself. I asked Y/N what was said to cause such a reaction from Darcy’s cat and all I got was a shrug in return. Miss Gunther explained that it was because Y/N was jealous that you two never give her the time of day? Again, I know Miss L/N and I don’t think this would be a concern of theirs.”
“Definitely.” Remus agreed.
“I don’t need to know what you two think about this. However, I am aware of Miss L/Ns lack of social circle and would like to ask if you two—.”
“Yes, anything!”
Flitwick had to bite back a smile.
“— could make sure Y/N feels included.” He finished his sentence whilst the boys continued to nod. “Good.”
“So that’s it? No… getting into trouble?” Remus asked warily.
“Unless you have a direct link to what happened to Y/Ns face, Mr Lupin, you are free to go.”
“Wow. First time getting called into a teachers office and not getting told off!” Sirius laughed, as he and Remus stood to leave.
They both walked for the door, knowing they were about to burst out in conversation with each other once they’d left.
“Sirius?” Flitwick asked.
Sirius turned, whilst Remus had one hand on the door ready.
“Remember detention at Friday lunch.”
Sirius winked, “You got it.”
Remus rolled his eyes before they walked out the door.
You were sat at your favourite spot in the library when Sirius and Remus approached you.
The book you were reading was a novel full of adventure, mystery and treasure. You loved reading. The escapism into a world entirely different to your own was second to none. It was freeing and most importantly safe.
“Hey.” Remus said as he approached you.
You were sat at a four person bench table, you in the middle of one bench and - now - Sirus and Remus clambering to sit on the opposite bench.
“Hey.” You smiled.
“What’re you reading?” Remus asked.
You showed him the title and he looked impressed.
They didn’t have any books or notes of their own, so they must’ve either come here to cause trouble or to genuinely just sit and talk with you.
“Are you two okay?” You asked.
“Y/N, you got attacked by a cat and you’re asking whether we’re okay?” Sirius asked, staring at your wound with intent.
“Did Flitwick put you up to this? To interrogate the truth out of me?” You frowned.
You had hoped they’d come here to chat with you, but maybe they were here on business to cause trouble after all.
“No.” Remus said.
“Yes.” Sirius said.
You looked at them confused.
“What are you doing?” Sirius asked Remus, flicking his finger on his forehead.
“What are you doing? Exposing us.”
“When have I ever been good at lying, Moony?”
“Uh… That time it turned out you’d been using my toothbrush for a whole term!”
“At least I was keeping my teeth clean!”
You stared at them with utter confusion.
You didn’t know what to feel. First they are here to spy on you and the truth? Then Remus lies to you about it? And now they are bickering over oral hygiene. If you didn’t insanely like them both, a normal person would have left by now.
“This is ridiculous. We’re talking about this later.” Remus muttered, annoyed with his boyfriend.
Sirius turned to you grinning and Remus tried his best to smile.
It took you all of three seconds to start chuckling to yourself. You could feel the corners of your eyes crease and the dimple on your face pop out to say hello.
Your giggles filled the space around you and you had to out a hand over your mouth in hopes of keeping them muffled.
“Ssh!” Some senior prefect glared at you.
“Oi! Don’t tell her to shush,” Sirius barked and then quietly muttered, “Prick.”
“No it’s okay. It’s a library, I should be quiet.” You stopped laughing, but not smiling.
“Not when you’re laughing like that, you shouldn’t.” Remus said.
His comment made you blush and you had to dip your head before Sirius could see.
You were worried if Sirius caught you being affected by Remus’ kindness - again - he would probably have to confront you, and you weren’t too excited for that.
There was just something about Sirius and Remus that made your heart feel right. Like they were a reminder that even through all the tough moments, there was still sunshine in the form of them.
Remus had his level-headed, introverted-ness, about him and Sirius was all hot-headed and cool. Both of them together just made sense.
You wished you had someone that would complete you into being made sense of.
It was hard though when, well for one no one in the school ever talked to you, and the only people who do speak to you are already in an established relationship.
“Y/N, are you single?” Sirius asked, breaking the silence.
Remus’ jaw dropped and looked at Sirius like he just killed his grandma.
Why was Sirius asking whether you were single when his boyfriend was sat next to him?
“What is this?” You nervously chuckled, “An interrogation over my love life?”
“Sirius…” Remus tried to stop him before he could start, but there was just no point.
“Have you ever been in a relationship?” Sirius asked.
“No.” You said quietly, embarrassed.
“Do you ever want to be?”
“Sirius!” Remus cursed.
“I-I don’t know what game you’re playing, Sirius, but it’s not funny. I get that I’m the joke of Ravenclaw and possibly even the school, but I’m not going to sit around and have you of all people embarrass me.” You spoke firmly, gathering your book in your hand.
“What do you mean ‘of all people’?” Sirius pushed.
“Sirius stop.” Remus gripped his boyfriends arm.
“W-we shouldn’t even be having this conversation.”
“What conversation, Y/N? I’m just talking.”
“You’re being a dick.” You muttered.
“A dick?”
“Yes. You know damn well that no one in this school likes me and it’s really cruel of you to make such a big deal of it.” Your eyes started to well with water.
“Y/N… That’s not…” Sirius started.
You stood up from your chair at the bench, “Look, I know what people say about me okay? I’d just rather not hear it from you today.”
And with that you were gone.
Sirius and Remus both watched you leave in a hurry, clearly not wanting to hang around for a single second longer than needed.
Remus whacked Sirius around the head with his hand.
“Ow- What the…?” Sirius whined.
Remus just glared at him.
“I screwed up.”
“Yeah, you screwed up.” Remus nodded in agreement. “What were you even trying to attempt?”
“Ask her on a date.”
“With who?”
“Us.” Sirius looked at Remus now like he’d not been present for the past five years.
“Oh yeah, ‘cause asking a girl who has never been in a relationship before on a date with, not one but, two guys is a great starting point.” Remus sarcastically answered.
“Christ alive, how did you ever win me over?” Remus mumbled as he got up from the bench.
“Heyyy…” Sirius whined. “Wait, where are you going?”
“To fix your bloody mess.”
“Shall I….?”
“You stay here.” Remus ordered, hugging Sirius from behind with his arms dangling over his shoulders.
“And do what?”
“Read a book.”
“Read? A book?” Sirius pretended to gag.
“Love you.” Remus kissed Sirius’ cheek, before reluctantly unravelling himself from him.
“I love you, but you are causing me much pain by forcing me to read.” Sirius banged his head on the table, hoping his sat force would cause Remus to change his mind.
But no.
Remus was gone and Sirius would have to go and find a book.
You were sitting on the floor of a dark corridor by yourself.
No one ever came down here because they were too scared of the Ravenclaw ghosts - that you had befriended over the years.
You wiped your tears from your cheeks a with your sweater as you heard footsteps approaching.
It was slightly sad, no definitely sad - the lame kind - to be sitting on the floor crying over two guys that you never thought would’ve given you the time of day, but here you were.
Remus and Sirius occupied too much of your brain space.
They made you happy, even if they didn’t know it.
You imagined what it would be like being happy with them.
Then, perhaps, you imagined a little too hard because the next thing you see is Remus walking down the corridor towards you.
You briefly catch him slip a piece of parchment into his back pocket, before wiping the rest of your tears away.
“Hi.” He nervously smiled.
You curled your knees up into your chest as your back pressed against the cold stone. Your eyes slowly watched Remus walk beside you, only to slink down against the wall and sit next to you.
“I don’t want to talk.” You said quietly, even though there was no one around to hear but him.
“That’s okay. If all you want to do is sit in this hallway in silence, then I’m happy to do it with you.”
Your heart swooned over his words.
You’d never had someone so insistent on being around you. A day ago, Remus and Sirius probably had never had you on their mind and yet today you had already seen them 3 times. 4 if you included this time with Remus.
Remus kept his word and remained silent next to you, until five minutes later your thoughts were too loud to keep them in your head.
“How did you know where to find me?” You asked.
“Oh, uh, I guessed.”
“Lucky guess.”
“Do you think I should apologise to Sirius?”
“What?” Remus laughed, “No absolutely not. He was being a dick and he knew it. I love him, but he has no boundaries.”
You chuckled at that, because you could only imagine.
You scooted closer to Remus, needing to feel a little extra warmth in this cold corridor. The stone floor wasn’t exactly ideal for sitting on, but it had grounded you when you felt like you were slipping away. Now that Remus was here you felt like you had another way - a better way - of grounding yourself.
Plus, for some reason, Remus was exhorting a lot of heat.
“I feel like I need to apologise to Sirius anyways.” You admitted.
“How come?” Remus didn’t make any jokes. He just gave you the space to talk.
“I… It’s.. Gosh I don’t know how to say any of this.”
You shook your head, burrowing it down to your knees as if not being able to see the world would mean you’d entirely removed yourself from the situation.
How on Earth were you supposed to explain to Remus that you needed to apologise to his boyfriend because he’s caught you ogling Remus one too many times now? How do you admit a crush like this? And then not just on one, but two people? At once?
It was insufferable being inside your head currently.
It was like a giant wave of guilt and shame constantly crashing its way down on you, weighing you down until you felt like you couldn’t breathe any more.
“I.. I think there’s something wrong with me.” You let the tears fall then, feeling safe enough next to Remus to cry.
Your head shot up from your knees, needing to get this out, “I have never been loved before, Remus. I know I’m the butt of the joke. That I’m deemed unworthy and a bit pathetic. I get it, I do. But it fucking sucks that people see me like this when I still have a heart underneath, just like anyone else. It’s full of love and joy and happiness, but sometimes I forget it’s all there because of how small people make me feel. I’ve never felt like I fit in. I don’t fit in. And I certainly wouldn’t fit into a relationship with the likes of you or Sirius. So I need to apologise to Sirius and I need to apologise to you for ever believing that I could worm myself into your relationship - like I’ve wanted to for the past sodding half my life.”
You felt out of breath as you finished speaking, letting your chest heave off the anger.
You felt lighter for letting it all out, but also terrified at the boy you adored staring blankly in front of you and what his answer would be.
The silence lasted for two seconds too long before you decided that you’ve ruined everything.
“I’m sorry Remus. God, I’m so so sorry.”
You made tracks to stand up, but Remus stood up with you just as quickly - ignoring the resulting cracks from his bones.
He made his quickly into the space between you both and cupped your cheeks carefully.
“No. No, stop that. Don’t be sorry, not for that.”
You pouted your lips and your eyes watered.
“I never meant to hurt anyone.”
“What are you talking about, sweetheart? You’ve not hurt anyone,” Remus delicately traced his finger down the cat-scratch wound on your face, “Except only yourself.”
“I-I’m so.. s-sorry.” You hiccuped, tears falling down your face. Remus raced to catch them all as if it was a game, urging them to stop falling.
“Sshh. You’re okay.”
“I’m ru-ining everything.” You tried to drop your head but Remus kept you facing him.
“Never. You’re not, I promise. You haven’t ruined anything. You’re too good to ruin anything. Too sweet.”
You started sobbing then and Remus let you drop your head against his chest. He cupped the back of your head protectively and wrapped the other around your back to keep you close to him. His body shook as yours did and he felt every bit of devastation that you did.
You hurting, hurt Remus just the same. Just as Remus knew Sirius also felt.
Sirius soon appeared down the corridor, almost running when he realised it was you that was shaking heavily in Remus’ arms.
“Moony, what happened? Who did this? I swear when I find out who—.”
“Sirius will you calm down. She’s not hurt - well, not physically.” Remus explained, trying to calm down his boyfriend whilst also consoling you.
After hearing Sirius’ voice you reluctantly pulled away from Remus’ embrace. You nervously looked over at Sirius, your eyes no doubt swollen and puffy and your hair frayed from all the nuzzling into Remus chest.
“Y/N…” Sirius said your name so softly you would have smiled had it not been for the heartbroken tone he used.
“I’m so sorry for interfering with you and your boyfriend.” You apologised to Sirius.
Your fingers started scratching at each other with nerves.
You expected Sirius to lash out and agree with you, but instead he looked devastated - not with you, but himself. There was a look of remorse and guilt on his face, one you knew all too well.
“Is that how you’ve felt? How i’ve made you feel?” He asked.
You didn’t answer because it was clear he already knew the answer and you didn’t feel cruel enough to say it out loud.
“Moony… I’m sorry. I’ve ruined everything.” Sirius started to become upset now.
It only was moments before that you’d been upset over the same thing.
“Hey, listen to me. You’ve not ruined anything. You’re as perfect as you always are. But Y/N has something to say, okay?” Remus wrapped his arm around Sirius waist and turned him to face you.
As they both looked at you with starry and tearful eyes you couldn’t help but believe that you’d caused so much unnecessary pain and hurt to the two people you’d vowed never to upset.
It was clear that there was no room for you to fit in beside them, regardless of how badly you wanted to.
That was okay. It was something that would hurt but it would be something you’d learn to grow from in time.
“Sirius…” You started, before not really knowing where to go from there. You wanted to apologise, but you didn’t know quite how.
Sirius moved away from Remus and in front of you, wiping away some loose hair from your face. He was so close to you, you almost couldn’t breathe.
“I always felt unworthy…”
“No just hear me out. I always felt unworthy, until I met Remus. He showed me that I was able to be loved and treated with kindness. Then I came to realise that I could also love and treat people with kindness, and that realisation came when I met you. In fact, it was before I met you. It was the first time I saw you standing on the Platform, waiting to leave for Hogwarts. I saw you and I instantly believed I could be capable of loving someone else. My heart let in Moony, of course it did, but it never felt quite whole. Like there was a piece of the puzzle missing.”
You quickly glanced from Sirius to Remus, to make sure this was an okay conversation to be having - despite how much you never wanted the moment to end.
Remus gave you an encouraging nod.
“I felt it too.”
“All this time we’d been reeling over what that little bit of emptiness was caused by, until we realised that it was because we were missing you.”
#remus x sirius#wolfstar angst#wolfstar fic#wolfstar#wolfstar x reader#wolfstar oneshot#wolfstar fanfiction#wolfstar fanfic rec#wolfstar x reader rec#sirius black x reader#remus lupin x reader#wolfstar fic rec
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Remus has... issues.
He can only allow things in threes.
If you asked him what his favourite number was he would have to say three numbers: three, thirteen, and twenty-three. The first three numbers containing the number three.
He brushes his teeth for three minutes, not two, and washes his hands for thirty seconds.
He takes thirty minute showers, but will push it to thirty-three if he needs to.
He hugs his friends, but only for three seconds, unless the other person is okay with hugging three times.
He will only eat snacks in quantities of three; three quarters of a pumpkin pastry, three bites of a chocolate frog, three jelly slugs.
He will always end his step on an odd number, always one that contains a three. He will continue to pace until he accomplishes this.
His parents think it all started when he became a werewolf, it was the third of march, three in the morning, Greyback left three scratches along his back. He was bitten three times.
Remus doesn't know if their theory is correct, but he does know the number three has since ruled his life.
That is... until he met Sirius Black.
Sirius Black shook his hand only twice, then hugged him four seconds too long.
Remus did not correct him. How could he? Sirius looked so earnest to be in his company.
Sirius Black would gift him pieces of chocolate, always in even numbers, never in threes. But how could Remus decline? Not when that brilliant smile was lighting up Sirius' face as he offered them.
Sirius patted his shoulder whenever he was down, never three times, but Remus could not bare to push him away, not when the gesture was so comfortable.
Remus Lupin needed things in threes, but not when he was with Sirius.
Remus got so caught up in the moment, it was almost like he simply... forgot.
He would steal a drag from Remus' cigarette, but never three, only one at a time.
He would feel Sirius squeeze his hand and he would squeeze back, never twice to make it three, only once to show he cared.
When Sirius kissed him for the first time, Remus did not pull away after three seconds. How could he? How could he deny himself this wondrous feeling?
But then... the most amazing thing happened.
Remus had always thought Sirius just didn't know of his odd favour for trifectas, at least, he always pretended not to notice.
So when Sirius kissed him late into their sixth year and whispered the words:
"I love you, I love you, I love you."
Remus felt his heart skip a beat.
Because Sirius had noticed. He was helping Remus, teaching him to be okay with the things he couldn't control.
And he loved Remus enough to know this moment would be important to him. This was not a boundry to push, but an act of love so sweet it melted Remus' heart.
And Remus whispered back:
"I love you."
Only once.
Because he meant it. More than anything, more than his issues, more than his need for perfection, Remus loved Sirius.
And Sirius loved Remus back, exactly the way that he was.
#wolfstar#remus with obsessive tendencies#remus lupin with ocd#sirius black#wolfstar oneshot#wolfstar microfic#marauders#marauders era#remus lupin#remus x sirius#sirius x remus
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I have NO CLUE what this is and I couldn't think of a title for it lol
"There's no way!"
"I can't believe it!
"Oh, this is the best day of my life!"
Remus listens to his roommates and their excited chatter for a few moments before pushing the door open. Lily, Mary and Marlene don't even turn around at his arrival, not able to stop their celebration over... something?
"Um... hi?" He tries with an amused smile.
"Hi," they all say in unison, before immediately turning and carrying on with their conversation.
"I wonder what he's doing here!"
"He hasn't been back in years!"
"Sorry, who are we talking about?" Remus asks, dropping his bag onto the counter and starting to root through it for his water.
"Sirius Black! Rumour has it he's in town!" Mary says excitedly, and every inch of Remus freezes. His heart stops beating, his lungs stop working, his hair stands on end as he does his level best to act casual.
Sirius fucking Black. Biggest star of their generation, with every album he's released hitting number one and staying there for a scary amount of time. Five years of fame, fortune, interviews and tours. Five years of being everybody's favourite person, of being admired, of being featured everywhere.
Five years since him and Remus broke up.
Remus has spent the past five years trapped in limbo. Everywhere he goes he hears Sirius' voice, with his songs played in every shop, in every cafe, on every radio station. He tries his level best to avoid it, to try to protect his mental health, but he can't help himself sometimes. He's had countless sleepless nights, going through his old pictures and videos that he told Peter he'd deleted and crying his eyes out. He knows every word to every song Sirius has released, just from listening to them in his car when he's feeling really sentimental. He can't keep himself from recognising lyrics, hooks and little chord progressions that Sirius created while they were together.
He moved away the moment he got signed, and Remus hasn't seen him since. He's done two world tours and a fair few one off concerts, but he's never once come back. They haven't spoken once in those five years, but Remus doesn't have the heart to delete Sirius' number. He's pretty sure he has it memorised anyway, so it wouldn't do him any good to delete it.
"He'd better do a concert!" Marlene's voice pulls Remus out of his daze, as he tries his best to level his breathing, rooting through his bag and refusing to look up. "I've been waiting for us to finally get one!"
"Yeah, he dodges us like the plague!"
"Well... he did grow up here," Lily starts explaining. "He wouldn't have to come back at all."
No, he wouldn't.
Why the hell is he back?
"D'you really think he's going to do a concert?" Mary asks, clasping their hands together.
"This is how all of his one night only concerts have gone! He shows up, then a few hours later his tickets go on sale!" Marlene smiles triumphantly, and Remus shuts his eyes, back to them, trying to keep his head from spinning.
"Right, so we're going to have to be careful to make sure we get them," Lily says with a nod. "Someone stick his music on."
Remus turns around, then, eyes wide.
The three of them look at him a little like he's grown three heads.
"Manifesting?" Marlene says, as Mary starts tapping on their phone.
The next thing Remus knows, Sirius' most popular song is playing, A Pearl in the Darkened Sea.
Oh, fuck.
Remus feels sick.
The song he knows better than he knows himself is playing in his living room like it's nothing. The memory of Sirius writing it comes back into his head, why he wrote it, what the song really means.
"Hey, Remus?" Lily starts. Remus tries to fix his face. "If it's a concert, want to try to get a ticket with us?"
"Oh, er..." he starts, cringing a little at the hesitation in his voice. "No thanks."
"No thanks?" Marlene asks, stunned.
"Are you insane? This is the Sirius Black!"
"I know. I'm all good, thanks." He hopes that'll be enough for them, but they don't seem satisfied with that answer.
"He's literally taken the world by storm! He's stolen the hearts of the nation!" Mary says, and Remus almost wants to confess everything right then and there. He knows all about Sirius' ability to steal hearts, and he also knows how painfully that can end.
He's not going to say anything, though. Sirius is happy, Remus doesn't need to dig up the past and ruin it for him.
"Are you sure you don't want to try?"
"I'm sure." He looks at the three of them, feeling really fucking suffocated. "I've actually, er... I've got a headache, I'm going to go lay down."
"Need anything?" Lily asks him gently. He shakes his head, before making a beeline for his room.
The moment the door closes behind him, he takes to pacing around his cramped room.
"It's been five years, Remus," he mutters to himself. "Fucking pull yourself together; it's just weird now!" He stops in his tracks, pressing a palm to his growing migraine. Sure, the days have gotten easier, he spends a lot less time crying over Sirius, but surely he should be over him entirely by now! He shouldn't be freaking out over rumours of him being back in town!
Fuck, that's literally all they are.
There's no confirmation, Sirius hasn't said anything himself. Even if he had, how does that affect Remus? It shouldn't matter that they're in the same place. It shouldn't be important that he's back in the spaces that they used to share.
He vaguely hears a knock at the door as he tries to force himself to stop thinking. The music stops as he gets back to pacing, trying to walk off the anxious energy he's stuck with.
"Oh my god. Oh, my god!" Lily's voice is loud enough, startled enough, to catch Remus' attention. "You're..."
"Uhm... hi."
Oh, shit.
Remus knows that voice.
He knows that voice better than he knows his own voice.
"You're Sirius Black!" Mary exclaims, stunned.
"I am." His voice is muffled, but it's him. Unmistakably, undeniably him. "I also... may have the wrong flat." Remus doesn't even realise that he's scrambling to his bedroom door until he's fumbling with the handle. "Does Remus Lupin live here? Or... anywhere near here?"
Hearing his name in Sirius' perfect fucking voice has him practically shoving the door open, bursting into the living room just in time for all of his roommates to turn and look at him.
He can barely see them, though.
Sirius is here.
Standing in his doorway, beautiful silver eyes on Remus like he's stunned to see him. As if he hasn't just shown up at Remus' flat.
"Sirius," he breathes.
"Rem." The nickname seems to slip out, snapping Sirius out of his daze. "Remus. Hi."
He has so many questions. Too many questions. Why he's here, how he's still so perfect, why he hasn't been able to get Sirius out of his head.
"...how did you know where I live?" He asks instead.
"James told me," he admits sheepishly.
"Of course he did," Remus says with a fond shake of his head. "He was probably falling over himself to tell you." He walks over to the doorway, keeping a careful distance so his resolve doesn't crack and he doesn't burst into tears, holding onto the man he hasn't seen in five years and begging him to stay forever.
"How'd you know?" Sirius asks sarcastically, and Remus can't help the smile that creeps onto his face. "I... I just wanted... could we talk?"
Just talk.
Five years, and Sirius shows up acting like he wants to ask him about the English essay that he definitely could have done by himself.
At whatever look is on Remus' face, Sirius suddenly turns hesitant. Remus hasn't seen him like this in years. Sirius for the public is nothing but confident; all big smiles, standing tall and speaking without a single stumble.
"If- you can say no. I'll go. I just- I didn't want- I thought it was worth-"
"I'd really like to talk," Remus says softly.
"Oh, thank fuck," Sirius exhales, drawing a laugh out of Remus before he can help himself. Remus steps aside, gesturing for Sirius to come inside. When he turns to lead both of them over to the kitchen, he realises that his roommates are all standing and staring at them, wide eyed.
"Could, er... could you guys give us some time alone?" Remus asks, as Sirius situates himself on one of the kitchen counter stools. Christ, it's alien, seeing Sirius here, as glamorous and perfect as always and looking really bloody anxious. When his roommates don't move, he walks over to them. "Guys. Please."
"You- you're-" Marlene gestures, clearly in shock.
Lily seems to snap out of it, then.
"Right, yeah. Yes, of course." She grabs Mary and Marlene by the elbows, pulling the three of them into her room and shutting the door behind her.
Thank God.
He turns to Sirius with an uncertain smile.
"D'you want something to drink?" Remus asks, flicking the kettle on.
They end up with a mug of tea each, Remus sliding into the seat beside Sirius.
"Can't believe you take your tea exactly the same," Remus says with a smile.
"What can I say? I'm a creature of habit," Sirius says back. "You do the same too, thank you very much!"
"Alright, alright, I'm a hypocrite." They lapse into silence for a second, Remus at a loss for words. He still can't believe that this is real.
"Sorry. I know this probably came out of nowhere," Sirius says softly.
"Just a bit," Remus answers back.
"How did the English degree go?" He asks with a smile.
"Graduated with a first," Remus answers. "I finish my masters this year."
"'Course. You've always been a genius."
"Shut up, I have not."
"You have! Why d'you think I always came to you for essay help?"
"Because you fancied the pants off me and that was the easiest way to get me alone?" He asks with the arch of an eyebrow. Sirius smiles, caught.
"Okay, yeah, that sounds about right. Doesn't mean I don't think you're a genius, though." After a second, Sirius takes a deep breath, letting his eyes slide closed for half a second. "Do you ever think about us?" Sirius watches Remus anxiously, and Remus nods once. He's not quite ready to admit how much he thinks about them. About Sirius. "About... how it all ended?"
How could he forget?
It was one of the worst nights of Remus' life. A lot of shouting and tears, all ending with Remus telling Sirius to "just fucking go then!" immediately followed by Sirius storming out.
"Yeah," he admits quietly.
"I... fuck it. Rem, I replay that night in my head far too often. I- I don't really recognise us in it, d'you know what I mean?" Remus huffs an empty laugh.
"Yeah, I don't either. We... I don't really recognise us at all, towards the end." He starts playing with his fingers.
"What happened, Rem?"
"We were both a bit traumatised," Remus starts, and Sirius nods in agreement. "And we were both stubborn gits who wouldn't go to therapy about it."
"I think I just thought you didn't want me anymore," Sirius confesses quietly. "So I started trying to... I don't know, test the waters? Pull away, see if it did anything?" Remus shoots him a bit of a disbelieving look, and Sirius buries his head in his hands with a groan. It's a gesture so unbelievably Sirius-like that Remus wants to rake his fingers through his hair and bring him back out of his shell in the same way he did when they were a kid. "I know! It was fucking stupid! I just figured... I don't even know what I figured. I think I just didn't want to have to ask, y'know? Hear you say that you weren't interested in me anymore."
"I was into you. Christ, Sirius, you were my whole bloody world. I was just..." He sighs, not sure if he really wants to admit this. "You weren't going to move."
"I overheard you talking to James. The record deal, moving to London? You were going to refuse it. I just... you're so fucking talented, and I didn't want you to have to gamble with the deal and risk losing it because of me. Sirius, look how far you've gotten. I couldn't be the one to get in the way of that, so I... I tried to make you see that you could live without me. Your dreams should come first."
"You..." Sirius' eyes scan across Remus' face, and he shakes his head to himself. "Trust you to be too bloody selfless." His affectionate smile fades, replaced by so much sincerity that Remus is a little taken aback by it. "Remus, all I wanted was you." He runs a hand through his hair. "I would have been happy in a cramped little flat in the middle of nowhere if it meant we could grow old together. I wrote songs for me. For you. Even now, they belong to us. Not everybody else. I still have so many that nobody else is going to get to see."
"Yeah, I remember every song you wrote."
"You do?"
"Course I do."
"I promise, I never wanted Pearl in the Darkened Sea to go out to the public. The label was going through my lyric book and found it. I... couldn't talk them out of it." He sounds surprisingly apologetic, and Remus wants to jump to reassure him.
"Hey, don't worry. I... it was actually really nice to be able to hear it."
"You still listen to it?"
"Don't tell my roommates." Sirius nods with a smile.
"Secret's safe with me." Remus watches Sirius consider his words carefully.
"You okay?" Remus asks softly.
"I miss you so much," he confesses in a rush. "I- I still want to talk to you about anything and everything, I can't write without thinking of you, and I spend an embarrassing amount of time thinking about us." He speaks quickly, not looking Remus in the eye.
"I miss you too. Fucking hell, Sirius, I miss you every day." Sirius' eyes meet his and, for a second, the two of them just look at each other. He watches as Sirius' face sets determinedly.
"I'm still in love with you."
"I never stopped loving you, Remus." This time, he doesn't look away from Remus, suddenly brave. "I know that might be a bit much, and I know you're probably over the breakup, and that's okay. I'll be okay. I just... I'd really like to have you back in my life, in any way that you're comfortable with. I just figure, if I want that, then I need to be as honest as I can. I spent a long time in love with you from a distance, I can do it as friends-"
He can't say anything else, because Remus is kissing him.
The impulse is an age old one, but he surprises himself a little by listening to his gut.
He's never been more grateful for his instincts in his life, as Sirius makes out a muffled noise of surprise, before throwing himself into the kiss earnestly. His lips are soft and familiar, bringing such a feeling of warmth and safety that Remus could cry.
The kiss is desperate, both trying to pull one another impossibly closer, limited by the distance of their chairs. Remus' hands go from his waist, to the nape of his neck, to his jaw, into his hair, trying to reach at every single piece of Sirius that he hadn't had in front of him for five fucking years. When Sirius reaches out, fingers hooking on the chain around Remus' neck and moving to pull him closer, Remus practically falls off his chair. It's enough of a stumble to break them apart, Remus having to get his bearings before their eyes meet.
"Hi," Sirius says quietly, eyes shining.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too," Remus says back, reaching out to lace their fingers together. Sirius lifts their connected hands, kissing all of Remus' knuckles one at a time. "So... we're trying again, yeah?" Sirius nods.
"With one hundred percent honesty, though." Remus nods, in fervent agreement.
"Guess I'm your groupie, now."
"Shut up," Sirius says, rolling his eyes affectionately as he connects their lips again. "You're my everything."
#fame au#rockstar sirius black#wolfstar#sirius black#wolfstar oneshot#marauders#remus lupin#remus x sirius#young marauders#moony x padfoot#atyd marauders#marauders oneshot
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Threesome smut with WolfstarxReader where Rem is obiviously a dom and he is sitting there and watching+comanding Switch!Reader and Stwitch!Sirius. Or it could be Swiftch!Reader and sub!sirius either is okay
thank you for requesting!🖤
“Remus, please—”
“I said stop.”
You choked out a whine, your hands fisting the material of the sheets beneath you as Sirius lifted his head from between your legs. He had been teasing you for the better part of the last hour, letting his tongue lap your soaking cunt and tease your entrance before he was told to pull away by Remus.
It wasn’t often Remus got in one of these moods.
It was not an unusual or uncommon occurrence for Remus to take control in bed, and you and Sirius were more than happy to let him have his way. But sometimes—usually closer to the full moon when his aggression was pent up and his patience was wearing thin—he would be like this. He would be intense and dominating and it was hard not to fall under the spell of Remus Lupin.
And both you and Sirius knew better than to disobey him.
You knew instantly something was up when Remus came down for breakfast this morning, subtly kicking Sirius in the shin under the table as you nodded towards your boyfriend. You had both been on edge, waiting for him to say something or do something or just snap.
It wasn’t until hours after dinner when you headed up to your dorm room when he finally did.
Over an hour later, he was lounging on a seat a few feet from the bed, his cock in his hand as he watched the two of you with heated eyes. You and Sirius were nothing but toys for his pleasure, for him to direct and control and to play out his deepest and darkest fantasies on.
“Please,” you choked out, your body glistening with a thin, sheen layer of sweat. Your heart was racing in your chest and your legs were shaking from the overstimulation and you just wanted to finally come. “I-I’ll do anything, I–”
“Such a needy little whore,” Remus grunted, squeezing the base of his cock as he watched Sirius stare longingly at your soaking cunt, your legs spread and tied open with a quick flick of Remus’ wand. “Both of you, it’s fucking pathetic.”
“Remus,” Sirius’ voice was gruff, his hair tied back in a low bun and his chin glistening with your release. He licked his lips, shifting in his seat in hopes of easing the bulge in his boxers. “She tastes so good—”
“Did I say either of you could speak?” he gritted between clenched teeth.
Both you and Sirius shook your heads.
“That’s what I fucking thought,” Remus grumbled as he stood up, naked and glorious and both of your bleary eyes couldn’t look away from him. “Both so fucking mouthy, especially you.”
You squirmed under his gaze. “I–”
“Whores don’t talk,” Remus bit out, watching with some amusement how your chest stuttered with your shaky breaths. He turned his gaze down to Sirius who kneeled at the edge of the bed, his fingers working quickly to remove the hair tie before his fingers tangled in his hair.
“Shit,” Sirius moaned, head falling back when Remus roughly tugged.
“Guess I gotta keep you quiet,” Remus groaned as his other hand gripped his cock, stroking himself until beads of precum leaked from the tip. He guided his cock to Sirius’ mouth, watching as the boy parted his lips instantly and wrapped them around the tip. “Atta boy, Pads.”
You whined, watching the way Remus dragged Sirius’ head up and down his cock, the way he moaned and whined around his cock.
Remus only scoffed, something quite like a smug smirk on his face. “Cry all you want, darling, you haven’t earned my cock yet.”
Your cheeks flushed and your lips parted in shock. “Remus—”
“Whores don’t talk,” Remus repeated mockingly, letting out a small hiss as his cock hit the back of Sirius’ throat. “Now be a good girl and stay quiet, don’t need you distracting Sirius.”
#wolfstar#remus lupin#sirius black#marauders#harry potter#hp#wolfstar x reader#wolfstar x you#wolfstar x y/n#wolfstar fic#wolfstar oneshot#wolfstar smut#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x you#remus lupin x y/n#remus lupin fic#remus lupin oneshot#remus lupin smut#sirius black x reader#sirius black x you#sirius black x y/n#sirius black fic#sirius black one shot#sirius black smut#marauders x reader#marauders x you#marauders x y/n#marauders fic#marauders oneshot#marauders smut
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First I Love You - @wolfstarmicrofic - Wordcount - 157
It was a stormy morning, almost pitch black outside, thunder ringing through the whole room every few minutes.
Remus, who had spent the whole night in the shrieking shack, was now alone and cold in the empty infirmary room.
He adjusted the blankets wrapping himself farther in the thin white sheets until the curtain slid open and there was a shushing noise. He had expected the marauders to be standing there. Except it was just sirius.
Who gave him a beautiful, delicate smile as he moved around the bed to sit on the right side of Remus.
Sirius remained silent but Remus could tell what he wanted to say, he could see exactly how he was feeling. Sirius moved his hand over Remus' and without hesitation, without the fear of rejection because deep down they both had always known.
"I love you Remus" He smiled taking Remus' hand into his, settling a kiss on his scarred knuckles.
taglist - @chososrightpigtail
#bbgwrites#wolfstar#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar fic#wolfstar oneshot#sirius black#remus lupin#remus/sirius#remus lupin/sirius black#marauders#the marauders#marauders era
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day 23: lingerie, day 24: hair pulling.
Back Arched Like a Cat
by ricochetyears
And then—just as Remus finishes revising a particularly stubborn paragraph—Sirius reappears.
He leans against the doorway with the ease of someone who knows exactly what kind of effect he’s about to have. Draped in soft, pale pink silk lingerie, delicate fabric tracing the curve of his hips, he looks like sin wrapped in a gift. His hair falls just perfectly, as if he’s been lounging in decadence all day, and one hand rests suggestively on the doorframe while the other lifts to his mouth, fingers playfully catching his bottom lip.
Remus blinks, stunned into absolute silence. His brain, which just moments ago had been running at full academic speed, now grinds to a sudden, screeching halt.
"How’s the paper coming along, Professor?" Sirius asks innocently, tilting his head.
Remus opens his mouth, but no words come out.
"Cat got your tongue? Well then," he says, feigning disappointment, "if you’re too busy, I suppose I’ll just—"
Remus finds his voice at last, rough but certain, "Don’t you dare move."
Remus has been spending too much time on his philosophy dissertation, and Sirius misses him.

art cr: wolfstar_zahri
#harry potter#jegulus#marauders#remus lupin#remus x sirius#sirius black#wolfstar#james x regulus#fic rec#hp fanfic#wolfstar kinktober 2024#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar rec#wolfstar headcanon#wolfstar fic#wolfstar smut#hp marauders#marauders au#ao3#jegulus ao3#wolfstar ao3#smut#remus loves sirius#sirius black is a little shit#sirius orion black#wolfstar oneshot#wolfstar drabble#hp smut#harry potter smut#jegulus fic
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Hot Chocolate - Dec. 13th - word count: 464 - @wolfstarmicrofic
Remus walked into the cafe, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. He looked around for a good place to sit, glancing at the door nervously every few seconds.
Lily had finally gotten him to go on a blind date, but Remus was now wondering if that was the greatest idea. Like, what if the other guy turned out to be a mass murderer and a convicted felon?
It was too late to back out now, though.
He pulled out his phone to distract himself, but the door jingled, catching Remus’s attention.
His first thought? The person who walked in was gorgeous.
He was wearing a leather jacket and low-rise jeans, and his shirt under the jacket was cropped. His hair was impeccable, too. It looked effortlessly windswept and velvet-soft. The man’s face was practically ethereal, too. His high cheekbones and storm-gray eyes made him look like some sort of fae prince.
His second thought? Fuck, wait. Lily better not have set me up with this guy.
And as luck would have it, the mystery man walked up to him and asked, “Are you Lily Evans’s friend? Or is that someone else?”
Remus was gobsmacked, practically unable to speak. He managed to choke out, “No- no, that’s me. You’re James Potter’s friend?”
Mystery Man nodded and sat down opposite Remus. “Yep. Name’s Sirius, by the way.”
“Oh, like that star?” Remus asked. No wonder he looks otherworldly.
Myster- no, Sirius- looked shocked. “You’re one of the first people to pick up on that. You know astronomy?”
“Well, no,” Remus admitted. “I read a lot, though, so I have a lot of random knowledge. Oh, and my name’s Remus. It’s not much better than Sirius is, though.”
“Remus. Wasn’t he the brother of the founder of Rome, or something? I don’t remember.”
“Yeah. I’d explain the myth, but I think we should get drinks first, no?” Remus asked, already getting up, waiting for Sirius to follow.
And follow he did. They made their way to the counter together, with Remus ordering a hot chocolate and Sirius ordering a caramel cappuccino.
They went back to the table and engaged in some small talk. They were on the topic of how badly Zeus sucked as a father when Remus noticed Sirius’s phone ringing.
“Hey, Sirius, what did you say your work was again?” he asked.
“Oh, uhm, I’m a model. Why?”
“Because, well. Your phone is ringing?”
Sirius looked on the table, at where his phone was sitting, shocked. “Oh shit, Remus. I’m sorry, but that’s my agent. I’ll be back. How the fuck did I even miss that? Sorry, sorry.”
So it turned out that the perfect human being could also be a bit of a dork. Honestly, that made him even better, in Remus’s eyes.
#yeah.#so uhm.#yeah idk bro#emi writes sometimes#rjl#the marauders#sirius being sirius#remus lupin#sirius x remus#sirius orion black#remus john lupin#sirius loves remus#sirius black x remus lupin#sirius black#remus lupin x sirius black#remus loves sirius#remus and sirius#remus x sirius#wolfstar#sirius#atyd remus#muggle au#coffee shop au#cafe au#wolfstar au#marauders era#marauders#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar fic#wolfstar oneshot
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Bodyswap AU / @wolfstarmicrofic / 976 words
Remus should have known something was wrong.
He woke up feeling refreshed and strong which was unlikely after a full moon. When he inspected his arms he knew something bad had happened. There were no scars from the bites he had given himself last night. Along with this, he could see black hair falling down his shoulders.
He scrambled out of his warm bed to the closest mirror in the odd room he had woken up in.
Remus skidded to a halt when he was face to face with Sirius Black, looking at him with wild eyes and a heaving chest.
Remus’s mind ran with all sorts of horrible thoughts before he decided the mirror was cursed.
That was until he remembered he could literally see the difference in his body.
Spiralling with paranoia, Remus leaned against the mirror and stared at the wide, light grey eyes looking back in terror. Not an expression he has ever seen on Sirius.
It hits Remus coldly when he remembers Snape’s threat from the beginning of the week about how he was going to make Remus regret it when Remus told the headmaster that Snape found out his secret and was going to out him. Obviously, Dumbledore forbade it and Snape was left restless and bitter.
But this?
Turning Remus into the most popular boy, one he hardly knew, was ridiculous and futile. He changed Remus’s appearance, so what? At least now he was temporarily hot.
Remus evened out his breathing. This was fine. He would fix this before classes started. He leaned his back against the mirror and looked around the room. He took in the music posters and the way the room had unfamiliar things scattered around.
Worse, he saw James Potter blinking blearily from his own bed. Remus froze, thinking for the first time that maybe this wasn’t some type of fucked up polyjuice potion and that perhaps Snape had discovered a way to swap his body with someone elses.
The blatant reason blares through his mind. It was so someone else would take in their wounds and make the connection that Remus was a werewolf.
His hands began to shake. Who was he swapped with? Snape? Mulciber? Definitely with someone out to get him.
He’d run to the infirmary to see if he was right. As he darted to the door, James intercepted him. Remus hadn’t realised he had gotten up.
“Where are you off too? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he yawned.
Don’t reply, don’t reply, don’t reply.
What would Sirius say?
Where was Sirius?
It dawned on Remus that Snape had probably swapped his body with Sirius’s. Somehow, that was almost worse. His eyes fluttered shut.
“Nowhere,” he breathed.
Remus could not get rid of Sirius’s friends. They followed him everywhere and always pestered him with conversation. He was gnawing on a fork by lunch because he hadn’t seen Sirius all day and couldn’t visit the infirmary alone.
He could burst into tears from anxiety.
Surely, if things were horrible, a professor would have pulled him aside.
The more he waited, the more his paranoia grew. He couldn’t hide it from Sirius’s friends who watched him like hawks but didn’t press after how stressed he’d been the first time they tried.
“Can I sit here?” a voice asked from behind.
Remus stiffened, knowing that voice intimately. James and Peter looked curiously at the speaker. Slowly, Remus turned around, feeling faint and pale.
His own face stared at him with a raised brow. Sirius looked sickly in his body but he hid his pain well. Not waiting for his response, he flopped down next to Remus.
“Looking good, by the way.”
Remus cringed into himself and Sirius kicked him sharply under the table. Remus flinched. “Ah— thank you? I mean, I know.”
Sirius gave him a very unimpressed look with Remus’s evaluation of him. Remus chewed on his bottom lip, drawing Sirius’s gaze to it. Right, of course. He wasn’t in his own body. It was surreal to see himself sitting next to him with expressions he didn’t usually make. Those at least screamed Sirius Black.
Fortunately, Sirius ignored his usual group of friends who gawked openly. Remus didn’t know what he’d do if he went into his usual chatter with the boys. He could see that Sirius’s temperament today was reserved and displeased.
Sirius side eyed him. “Can I ask why?”
Remus looked at him with despair, this wasn’t his doing at all. “Snape,” he answered mournfully.
Sirius looked past him to glare hatefully at the Slytherin table. The snarl on his face was the harshest expression Remus had ever seen. “Stupid fucking cunt,” he snapped.
Remus jolted, not expecting it. He started worrying that Sirius was very unhappy to be in a werewolf’s body. He obviously knew what Remus was by now, especially if he spoke to Madam Pomfrey.
“Cruel, tactless, piece of shit,” Sirius listed with agitation. James and Peter stared at him with eyes wide with shock and glee. They would surely harass him later with gratitude. Brilliant.
“Let’s go to Mada—“ Sirius’s eyes flicker to his friends. “Professor McGonagall wants to talk to us about doing study sessions together.”
Remus caves in on himself. He was going to be in so much shit. He irrationally thought of Aurors waiting for him outside.
Sirius places a hand gently on his own and Remus looks into his kind eyes. “Hey, you’re alright, I promise. I’m going to fix this.” He casts another venomous look at the Slytherin table. “And I’m going to fucking kill him.”
Remus holds his breath. Perhaps, their shared hatred of Snape would save him. He lets Sirius tug him out of his chair and doesn’t let go of his hand, clasping it tightly for support. In response, Sirius rubs a thumb soothingly over it.
#lowkey want to write this in sirius’s pov#wolfstar#my fics#sirius x remus#remus lupin#sirius black#sirius/remus#wolfstar fanfic#wolfstar fanfiction#wolfstar fic#body swap au#wolfstar body swap au#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar oneshot
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It was well past midnight when Sirius and Remus found themselves tangled in the sheets, the faint glow of the moon creeping through the open window. The gentle hum of the night outside, the occasional hoot of an owl, and the rustle of leaves in the breeze filled the silence of the room.
Sirius, with his dark hair a mess from tossing and turning, was sprawled across the bed with Remus’ head resting on his chest. Remus, still wearing the remnants of his school robes, absentmindedly traced patterns on Sirius' chest, his heartbeat steady and warm beneath his touch.
"Y'know," Sirius murmured, voice half-drowsy but laced with mischief, "I could have been a great actor."
Remus snorted softly, not bothering to open his eyes. "Oh? Really? And what would your best role have been?"
"Obviously, I'd be the brooding, misunderstood hero," Sirius said dramatically, shifting his position so he could look down at Remus with an exaggerated pout. "You know, the one who gazes longingly out of windows and pines for lost love."
"You mean the one who spends most of his time getting into trouble and getting kicked out of classes?" Remus raised an eyebrow, unable to hold back a smile.
Sirius shot him a playful glare, reaching up to flick a lock of Remus' hair out of his face. "That was part of the charm, Moony. Gotta keep things interesting, y'know?"
"Right, right," Remus hummed, as Sirius ran a hand through his messy hair. "And if you were an actor, would I be your love interest?"
"Obviously," Sirius said with a dramatic sigh, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You’d be the shy, intellectual type who doesn't realize how charming he is until the very end of the movie. You know, the one who wears glasses and reads a lot."
Remus’ grin widened as he tilted his head, trying to keep a straight face. "Are you saying I'm charming? Or are you just projecting your own fantasies?"
Sirius chuckled, the sound rich and warm in the stillness of the room. He shifted closer, pressing Remus against his chest, and placed a soft kiss on his skin. "Oh, I think you’re incredibly charming. You just need someone to bring it out of you. Someone... like me."
Remus’ heart fluttered at the simple, affectionate words. It was almost unfair how easily Sirius could make him feel like the most important person in the world with just a glance, a touch, or one of his teasing remarks.
"Alright," Remus said after a long pause, his voice quiet and thoughtful, "so, what happens at the end of the movie?"
Sirius tilted his head back slightly, looking down at Remus with those signature eyes that always made Remus’ stomach flip. "Well, at the end, I kiss you, of course."
"Oh, naturally," Remus said, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. He could feel his cheeks warming. "And then what?"
Sirius smirked, his hand sliding up Remus’ arm to rest over his heart. "Then we live happily ever after. But with a few more snogging scenes, obviously."
"I’m glad you're thinking about the important details," Remus replied, his lips twitching into a smile.
Sirius' grin widened, and without another word, he leaned down and kissed Remus softly, just a brief press of lips that felt like it could last for an eternity. When he pulled back, he didn't go far, his forehead resting against Remus' as they both closed their eyes, basking in the simple closeness of the moment.
"Just so you know," Sirius whispered after a long pause, his voice gentle, "I wouldn't mind living the movie with you. Maybe minus the brooding and the pining... just the snogging."
Remus chuckled softly, his hand drifting to Sirius’ face, pulling him even closer. "I think I can live with that."
Sirius broke the silence again, his voice low and teasing. "So, Moony, if we were in a real movie... do you think we’d be the type that gets a happy ending?"
Remus chuckled, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "Well, considering we’re already here... I think we’ve got that part sorted."
Sirius' grin was wide and goofy as Remus nuzzled into his neck. "Good. Because I’m not letting you go, even if the movie’s over."
Remus chuckled and pulled him in tighter. "I’m not going anywhere either, Pads. Not ever."
#marauders#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#remus lupin#sirius black#wolfstar#late night talks#sirius orion black#remus john lupin#moony#padfoot#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar oneshot#Sirius loves Remus#Sirius x Remus
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Sit With Me - A Wolfstar oneshot
"I mean its ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"
Everyone turns to Sirius, well, almost everyone.
"Look at him! He didn't even hear what I said"
Lily, sitting across James' lap, sniggers into his shoulder.
" 'Course I did" Remus replies, still not taking his eyes off his book. "You said (exaggerates Sirius's posh Bath accent) I mean its ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"
"Moony you wound me so!" He flings himself towards the other end of the sofa, where James and Lily sit, a hand over his forehead. "Look at our friends!"
Now Remus does lift his gaze. Everyone was paired off. Marlene had Dorcas in her lap and was whispering into the girls' ear, making her giggle. James' hand was already out of sight, buried under Lily's jumper as she got as close to him as possible. Peter and Desdemona were fast asleep, leaned into each other. Only Mary was alone, sprawled along her own sofa painting her toe-nails in various weird positions. But as Mary had told them many a time, she had no interest in boyfriends, only good times.
"Why is it that my boyfriend would rather be cuddled up with a book than me?"
He wasn't even asking Remus, who'd chosen to sit on the floor. He didn't comfortably fit on any of the settees in the gryffindor common room, so he usually lied in between many blankets and cussions. Tonight, he had his back to a wall of pillows and was covered by a plethora of blankets. Sirius continued staring at James with puppy dog eyes, awaiting an answer.
"I'm sorry, I was at a good bit." Remus explains, "Besides, why didn't you just come sit with me?" He cocks his head at Sirius, smiling mock-innocently.
Just as Remus had known he would, Sirius comes over to him immediately. Muttering to himself as he went: "Pretty bugger, looking at me with those eyes, how dare he..."
Once Sirius is standing above him, Remus takes his hand and brings him down onto the floor with him. He opens the blankets for him and Sirius quickly shimmies in, unaware of his friend's smiling gazes behind him. He props his head against Remus' chest, legs already getting tangled up with the other boy's. Under the covers, Remus places his hand on the small of his back and, fully discarding his book, begins stroking Sirius' hair.
All around them the lazy conversation continues, mainly carried by James and Marlene, ever energetic, even at 2 in the morning. But all Remus can concentrate on is his boyfriend's smile as he looks up at him. Sirius has evidently completely forgot the fact that they are not the only ones in the room; He strokes Remus' face for a while, with a gaze so open and emotionally intense it makes Remus' heart melt. Remus loves it when Sirius has a cheeky glint in his eye. He adores it when he's just woken up and sleep still sticks to his features. Even angry or sad Sirius is breathtakingly beautiful. But nothing will ever surpass the feeling Remus' gets when Sirius looks at him like a man in love. His grey eyes are open wide, his perfect brows slightly scrunched together, a small smile plays on his lips. The expression makes him look younger, taking Remus back to when he fell in love with him, two years prior, they were only 15.
"Love you" he wispers.
Sirius replies by taking his hand and kissing his knuckles, " I love you".
Finally, he lays his hands on whichever part of Remus' torso he can reach comfortably and closes his eyes. Not long after, Sirius begins to snore lightly, surrounded all around by love and warmth, Remus smiling at him like a maniac in love.
#wolfstar#wolfstar oneshot#marauders#marauders era#remus lupin#sirius black#remus x sirius#moony and padfoot#moonstar#young marauders#marauders drabble#wolfstar drabble#wolfstar is canon#wolfstar headcanon
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nestled | wolfstar
🦊 kinktober day 8: cockwarming (ft. spit as lube, bottom!remus, top!sirius, and uni au!)
🥮 other details: nsfw/18+, ~600 words (i'm sick rn so sorry if this is trash lol)
🍁 cross-posted on ao3
It was nearly midnight, and Sirius was still in the office working away at his essay, which he should have started weeks ago.
Remus squirmed in his armchair, book in hand, but attention elsewhere. Between both of them trying to finish their coursework for the semester and Remus picking up extra shifts at the café he’d been working at, the two barely had any time to themselves that week. Yes, they’d managed a quickie earlier in the night, but Remus decided that that just would not do.
He placed his bookmark in his book, putting it on the side table, and made his way into the office.
Sirius was sitting at the desk, scrolls and books strewn haphazardly across it. Remus approached him, coming to his side, a hand finding its way into his partner’s messy locks.
“Siri,” he started, “please, can you take a break?” At that, Sirius looked up, a frown crossing his lips.
“Wish I could, love,” he replied, “but I really need to finish this.” His gaze returned to the page on which he was currently scribbling away.
Remus sighed. He almost left the room in defeat, before an idea crossed his mind.
He spun Sirius around in his office chair, the other not protesting much.
“Rem, what’re you up to?” Sirius questioned, eyebrow quirking up.
“Just trust me, ‘kay?” Remus didn’t fully answer his question, but he had piqued his boyfriend’s interest.
Remus got on his knees, hands finding the other’s waist. Slowly, he removed Sirius’ pyjama bottoms and boxer shorts to find that he was already half hard.
“Guess we’re on the same page then?” Remus asked rhetorically, as he took his partner’s cock into his hand.
“Remus,” Sirius tried to speak sternly, but his voice came out more as a whine, “don’t have time for this.”
“I know,” he replied, “just give me one more minute, yeah?”
Remus continued to stroke Sirius’ cock gently, until he was fully hard under his touch. With that, he stood up and removed his own boxers. He then sat himself in his boyfriend’s lap, hand finding his cock once again as it sat at attention next to his own neglected length. After a few more strokes, Remus held out his hand.
“Spit.” He ordered.
Sirius happily complied, holding Remus’ gaze the entire time. Mischief glimmered in both of their eyes as Remus used his newly wet palm to guide Sirius’ cock to his hole. Thankfully, Remus was still stretched out from their earlier endeavours and was able to sink himself down easily.
Sirius’ hands immediately went to the other’s waist, his own hips bucking up. He was swiftly stopped, however, two hands swatting at his own.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Remus tutted, “no moving.”
“I said ‘no moving,’” Remus continued, “at least until you finish your work.”
So there Remus sat, filled and sated, while his partner now rushed to finish writing the clean copy of his work. Every once in a while, Remus would move slightly, under the guise of ‘getting comfy.’ Sirius grew needier and needier as time went on, cock somehow growing harder within Remus’ tight walls.
After what felt like hours, Sirius finally put down his quill, hands finding their way back to Remus’ waist.
“Done,” he sighed, “happy now?” Remus nodded as he started to move hips, now with more purpose than before.
It was his turn to be stopped this time.
Before he could finish his question, Sirius removed himself from Remus, earning a whine from the latter. Quickly, Sirius manoeuvred Remus around until he was bent over the desk, slamming himself back in and leaning down so that his lips grazed Remus’ ear.
“I’m just getting started with you.”
#harry potter smut#marauders smut#kinktober 2024#wolfstar#wolfstar smut#remus x sirius#remus lupin x sirius black#harry potter oneshot#wolfstar oneshot#my fics#harry potter#marauders#moonrisecherub kinktober 2024
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stars above

summary - soft morning moments with your two favourite people [ poly!wolfstar x reader ]
word count - >1k
tw - heavy kissing | mentions of morning hard-ons but no actual smut | lots of fluff mainly
Someone had forgotten to turn the lights off last night. Or had it been this morning?
Considering you were squeezed between your boyfriends in their bed, it shouldn’t have been your responsibility to turn them off. You couldn’t be too annoyed at Remus or Sirius though when the warm, starry-shaped, lights casted a golden glow over them as they slept.
You propped yourself up as you peered over Sirius’ shoulder to note the time.
8:18 am.
Remus must have felt like you were moving to make an escape from bed because you felt his arm snake around your middle.
His hand stopped between your stomach and ribs, pulling you softly back down to lay on the bed.
“You can’t leave yet.” He grumbled as he pulled you back against his chest.
You twisted your head at an awkward angle to try get a peep of your sleepy boyfriend, but you couldn’t see much and his eyes were closed.
Giving up any chance of an early-morning escape, you nestled your head back down on the pillow and wriggled until you found a position that was comfortable for you. That position just so happened to involve pressing yourself back into Remus, where his morning hard-on pressed proudly into the back of you.
You suppressed a smirk as you thought of all the ways you could tease him.
“What’s got you smiling like a fool?” Sirius was looking at you, laying on his side facing you.
“Remus is hard.” You giggled like the immature character you are.
“Difficult not to be around you.” Sirius raised an eyebrow, impressed by himself for being so quick after just waking up - he literally still had sleep in the corner of his eyes and his hair was so untamed.
You tried to scooch closer to Sirius but Remus held on tight - which some people might believe he was pretending to be asleep, but you and Sirius knew he was just as protective in his sleep as when he’s awake.
Sirius snorted when he realised Remus had claimed you.
You stared at him unamused. “Help me.”
“You don’t really look like you’re in a position where you need rescuing, sunshine. You’re sandwiched between the two sexiest wizards known to the universe—”
“I don’t know about—” You tried to cut Sirius off.
“Ssh let him finish.” Remus spoke softly from behind her, igniting goosebumps over her skin from how close he was.
You groaned, “You two are insufferable in a morning.”
“You’re actually the one causing Remus to suffer by pressing against him like and then also me by default.” Sirius moved the inch of space closer to you, pressing his nose against yours.
“Not on purpose.” You whispered, carefully watching Sirius for his movements and feeling Remus for his.
“We don’t mind, lovie.” Remus mumbled against your neck, causing your head to tilt back to follow the sensation.
Sirius then took the open opportunity to kiss your exposed neck, just underneath your jaw the way you like it.
Your eyes rolled back with a smile as your boyfriends started kissing their way around your neck together. It might only be there lips against your skin, but it was already turning you into liquid against them.
They so deeply affected you.
They knew it too.
“We don’t mind at all.” Sirius emphasised.
Sirius then cupped your jaw softly, bringing your gaze away from the starry lights and back to him. He had a soft hunger in his eyes, eyes flitting between the admiration of his kisses and the temptation of kissing something better - your lips.
“Do you?” Sirius asked.
Remus kissed over a pressure point on your neck and it made your legs move in strain because it felt so good.
“Do I what?” You asked, confused at what the question was or what the conversation had ever been.
“You’ve kissed her silly, Moons. She’s forgotten everything.”
“Think we’ve kissed her enough to make her want to stay in bed with us all morning?”
You can’t believe you were ever contemplating leaving the bed without them this morning. That you’d been thinking about how forgot to turn the chuffing lights off, instead of making out with your boyfriends.
You momentarily printed this scene into your mind, to remind you for future mornings that you really didn’t want to leave the bed without morning kisses first.
Your boys knew how to treat you well.
“Don’t care what you do, I’m never leaving.”
#and they didn’t leave bed until 2pm#tehe#wolfstar fanfic rec#wolfstar oneshot#wolfstar fic#wolfstar x reader#wolfstar x you#wolfstar x y/n#poly!wolfstar x reader#poly!wolfstar x you#poly!wolfstar fic#wolfstar fic rec#poly!wolfstar blurb
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The Monster
Wolfstar ~ Prompt: The Shrieking Shack ~ Word Count: 419 ~ @wolfstarmicrofic
(Oops, my que was turned off)
"I love you." Sirius whispered.
Remus shook his head, his hands cradled against his chest.
He couldn't speak, couldn't think, all of his mind was full of one thought alone.
I did this.
He stared at the wound on Sirius' side, at the bandages under his shirt.
Remus did that.
Remus hurt Sirius.
"I'm a monster." Remus' voice was filled with disgust, "You shouldn't love me."
"You're not a monster." Sirius stepped forward. Remus scrambled backwards,
"Please! Don't come any closer!" He tucked his hands tighter against his chest, keeping them away from Sirius, keeping them where they couldn't do any more harm, "I don't want to hurt you."
"You can't hurt me like this, Remus." He whispered, "It's okay. Just take a deep breath, look at your hands. Those are gentle hands, they turn pages in books and write with quills and spread jam on toast. Those hands won't hurt me."
Remus let Sirius' words wash over him.
These weren't claws. These weren't the hands of a monster.
These hands wouldn't hurt Sirius.
His expression must have prompted Sirius to come closer,
"I love you. And if the man I fell in love with is a monster-" He smiled, shrugging, "So be it."
"How can you love me like this? After I caused you pain..."
Sirius laughed. A soft, sweet sound that healed something inside of Remus he hadn't known was broken,
"I was born into pain, my love. I never knew what it felt like to be cared for until these hands showed me. They may have claws when the moon is full, but they have shown me more kindness than any others." He kissed each of his knuckles, "I will more than willingly take that risk to be loved by you forever."
"I love you, Sirius." Remus squeezed his hands, gently, the type of thing his claws couldn't do.
He wasn't a monster.
"I want to love you for the rest of my life." Remus continued, staring into that brilliant silver. He'd always known it would be his weakness. But not like this... Not in the way that he would give the world to keep it in his life forever.
Sirius chuckled softly, "Then stop trying to convince me that you're not good for me, and start accepting that I will love you for the rest of mine."
He pulled Remus into a hug.
And Remus didn't hurt him. He couldn't. He loved Sirius too much to ever hurt him like this.
Remus wasn't a monster.
#marauders#marauders era#harry potter#marauders hc#sirius black#remus lupin#wolfstar#remus x sirius#wolfstar headcanon#wolfstar angst#marauders angst#remus lupin angst#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar oneshot#remus' furry little problem#awoooo
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is frostbite!
Remus is just trying to write his potions essay. The others had decided to spend the freezing weekend outside, for some strange, demented reason. Remus isn't quite insane enough to wreck his joints in the cold, so he spends a day in beautifully relaxing silence.
That is, until the door opens.
Remus glances up to see Sirius step through. He's moving surprisingly slowly, upright and walking stiffly. For a second, Remus surveys him, eyebrows raising.
He's absolutely drenched from head to toe, hair stuck to his face. He closes the door, shivering so violently that he's practically vibrating.
"Sirius? What-?"
"Well, er..." Sirius starts. "T-turns out i-it's not quite co-cold enough to walk on the b-black lake yet."
Of course.
With an affectionate, albeit slightly concerned, glance, Remus stands and starts rooting through Sirius' chest.
"W-what are you...?" Remus groans, frustrated. Everything Sirius owns is built for warm weather. He's quite literally not equipped for winter, somehow. He gives up quickly, opting for his own chest.
He grabs a jumper and joggers, before wordlessly going back over to Sirius. He waves his wand once over Sirius, muttering a spell.
It doesn't quite dry him off, but it's not too bad. Better than it was, anyway. Then, he hands over the clothes.
"Get changed."
He turns and starts searching again. He feels like he should be frustrated, he was almost done with his essay, but honestly? Something about spending the entire day staring at his parchment has made it impossible to be even slightly frustrated with Sirius.
He finds a blanket and, the moment Sirius has gotten changed, Remus grabs his wrist and pulls him onto Remus' bed. He drapes the blanket over Sirius' shoulders, pulling it tight.
"I might just lock you in the dorm for the foreseeable," Remus says with an eye roll. It isn't quite enough to disguise the amused smile creeping onto his face.
"Nah, nonsense!" Sirius says, waving his hand. He seems to have warmed up slightly, but Remus doesn't miss the fact that his hands are so red that they're a few minutes away from turning blue. "The lake has to freeze over eventually!"
Remus shakes his head, reaching out and grabbing both of Sirius' hands. He clasps them both in his, trying to warm them up.
"You're insane. You're not doing that again! You could've gotten frostbite!"
"Ah, but I didn't," he says with a wink.
"You're such an idiot," Remus says affectionately, leaning in and connecting their lips.
Big mistake.
"Fucking hell, even your lips are cold!" He barely pulls away, giving Sirius a chance to pull him right back in.
Oh well, the cold is a small price to pay.
#i'm not sure what this is#i'm very burnt out too so this took me 3 hours to write#OH WELL#at least they're happy and gay#wolfstar#sirius black#wolfstar oneshot#marauders#remus lupin#remus x sirius#young marauders#moony x padfoot#atyd marauders#marauders oneshot
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wolfstar fucking read stupid? maybe there is some jealousy involved?
thank you for requesting!🖤
“Atta girl, sweetheart, just like that. Fuck—”
You let out a muffled whine, your wide and glossy eyes staring up at the pretty boy who threw his head back as he let out a low moan. He looked gorgeous like this, head tilted back and neck on display, the tattoos littering his torso and arms as the sounds of his pleasure echoed through the room. He was so pretty and you just never wanted to look away, never wanted to move away from that angle.
Sirius’ fingers gripped your ponytail like a handle, guiding you up and down his cock as your tongue eagerly traced along the underside of his cock. Your lips were red and swollen, a mix of spit and his precum drooling down your chin but neither of you cared as the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat.
“Merlin, you always were a fucking slut for his cock, baby,” another voice growled from behind you, large hands roughly squeezing and groping your ass. You whined around Sirius’ cock but the boy behind you just let out an amused chuckle. “Bet you would stay with his dick in your mouth forever if you could.”
Your eyes fluttered shut when Sirius’ hips roughly thrusted into your mouth.
“Maybe that would teach stupid pricks that she’s our whore,” Sirius snapped, his chest heaving with soft pants as he stared down at you, his eyes darkening in delight at the way his cock bulged in your mouth.
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were some of the best boyfriends you could have asked for. They were caring and attentive. They loved to spoil you rotten in any way they could. And they loved reminding everyone what belonged to them—including you.
Especially you.
All it had taken was an overly-friendly project partner for the boys to see red. They got possessive and they got territorial and they happily reminded your project partner who you belonged to. And then they dragged you up to their dorm to remind you of the same.
You didn’t know how much time had passed and you honestly didn’t care. All you knew was that your whole body felt like it was on fire, you were leaking down your own thighs and you doubted you would be making it to any of your classes tomorrow but you really, really didn’t care.
“Our pretty slut,” Sirius cooed mockingly, his fingers lightly tracing the bulge in your cheek like a soft, loving action. “Can you take it or is it too much?”
You whined, wiggling your hips and both boys chuckled in response.
“She was made for us, Pads,” Remus growled from behind you, swiping the head of his cock along your soaking slit. Your eyes fluttered shut as he slapped your swollen clit with his tip a few times. “Ours. All fucking ours.”
Your moan was filthy as Remus slid into you, right down to the base of his cock until his hips were snug against your ass. Sirius tugged on your hair, keeping you locked with his cock down your throat and you felt so fucking full. Your boys—both of your boys—so deep inside you and you could have happily stayed there forever.
You saw the bright flash before you heard the familiar click of the camera, your eyes snapping open to look up at Sirius who just smirked down at you.
“Just a little reminder what a whore our girlfriend is for our cocks,” he commented casually before handing the camera to Remus, who you could only imagine had a similar mischievous glint in his eyes as Sirius did.
Your eyes fluttered shut when you felt his palm meet your ass.
“Our whore. Ours.”
#wolfstar#remus lupin#sirius black#marauders#harry potter#hp#wolfstar x reader#wolfstar x you#wolfstar x y/n#wolfstar fic#wolfstar oneshot#wolfstar smut#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x you#remus lupin x y/n#remus lupin fic#remus lupin oneshot#remus lupin smut#sirius black x reader#sirius black x you#sirius black x y/n#sirius black fic#sirius black one shot#sirius black smut#marauders x reader#marauders x you#marauders x y/n#marauders fic#marauders one shot#marauders smut
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Piano Man
Pairing: Sirius x Remus
Summary: Sirius comes home to Remus playing the piano and he somehow falls even harder for him.
Warnings: Alluding to sexual thoughts but no actual thots
Wordcount: 347
A/N: i have had the idea of Remus playing the piano in my head since @digital-kam mentioned it earlier so this is partially for them hehe
The snow had started early that morning, never seeming to find an end. Sirius was so ready to be home, to be in front of a fire with his boyfriend he had missed so badly during the day.
The only thing he hadn't expected when walking into their warm, smoke filled house was the melancholy notes that flowed through. Sirius closed the door behind him and stood there closing his eyes, basking in the warmth and beautiful music.
Remus had somehow become a siren pulling Sirius in. He followed the noise until he sees the tall, beautiful, sweater adorned man.
"Hi baby" He whispers.
The flowing music buffers for a second and Remus' flinches softly, so soft it would have gone unnoticed by anyone. Not to Sirius though he always saw Remus.
Remus scooted ever so slightly to the left in the seat, before looking back briefly at the long haired boy, his long fingers delicately pressing the keys.
Sirius' steps were slow and staggered as he now stood behind Remus. His hands landing on Remus' shoulders, giving them an affectionate squeeze.
"Come on.. sit" Remus says as he stops playing for a moment only to pick it up right after.
Of course Sirius listened and sat. He inhaled the boys scent, carefully letting his head rest against Remus' shoulder. Remus' playing had always done something to him. Maybe it was the fact that he played so perfectly or maybe it was the thoughts that always seemed to sprout.
His eyes moved between focusing on the keys and focusing on his hands that moved so fast along them. A blush spread from his cheeks to his neck, he became warmer.
Sirius' hand reached out caressing the scar that ran down the boys wrist. "Remus" He whispered, his hands moving toward his fingers that were still trying to play.
"Yes my love" He whispers back, finally stopping and letting his hand grab ahold of Sirius'.
"I love you" Is all he said.
"I love you" Remus kisses his head, wrapping his arms around him as blissful silence surrounded them.
Masterlist Wolfstar Masterlist
#bbgwrites#sirius black#remus lupin#wolfstar#wolfstar fic#wolfstar oneshot#marauders#the marauders#marauders fic#marauders oneshot#the marauders fic#the marauders oneshot#harry potter#harry potter fic
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