#but more of that douchenozzle?
madegeeky · 2 years
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nyctophobia-au · 2 years
…Did grimm specifically get that outfit in a vain attempt to have auric be with him or-?
What? No. He just dresses all fruity like that normally. <3 /aff
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recents · 1 year
future reminder to self in case i convince myself it’s fine to not pace anymore in my apartment and not make noise when i walk and try not to make much noise at home so that the guy who lives underneath us doesn’t bring a fucking gun next time and doesn’t fucking kill my fucking bf and i because i was pacing and i dont know how to walk right. again. jesus christ
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
This Kiss
Reader has never been kissed and she's looking for candidates at a party but Eddie rejects them all and scares them off even before they're talking with the reader. After the party, he shyly announces his candidacy for her first kiss @saramelaniemoon 💖
Warnings; Reader is over 18, Fluff, protective Eddie, slightly jealous Eddie, friends to lovers.
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
If you enjoyed this then please consider giving it a reblog it is much appreciated 💖
Telling Eddie her biggest secret was nerve-wracking. She knew he would never judge her, and he would be so supportive but she was still anxious.
"Sweetheart? What's the big secret? I'm thinking all sorts here" shit! now he looks worried so she just comes right out with it.
"I've never been kissed and I would like for it to happen" he states at her stunned.
"Never?" he gapes and she nods feeling flustered which he notices straight away.
"Never" she confirms.
"So you want to kiss the right guy, I'll help you find the right guy. He will have to be someone incredible though to be good enough for my princess"
His princess... she tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach but it's hard because Eddie was so handsome and sweet to her.
They had just recently became really close friends and she didn't want to jeopardize anything by admitting she felt... more than friendly feelings for him.
What if he didn't feel the same and he was just being kind? She didn't want to take that risk, the embarrassment of being rejected, and then trying to pretend that it didn't hurt so she could still have Eddie in her life.
"Well, there's the party that Chrissy is throwing tomorrow. We could go to that? Scope up any candidates" she suggests and he nods.
"It's a date! Uh... I mean not a date like that" she stammers and inwardly curses herself for being so awkward around him.
He smiles though and squeezes her hand to let her know that he gets it.
"Tomorrow it is"
Chrissy's party was one of the biggest of the year and since her parents, were away on a business trip everyone was attending.
It was also the party after graduation so it was anticipated by everyone and Chrissy had invited her and Eddie.
It was her first big party and she was excited.
At first, it was a little stifling, so many people crammed inside and out, the loud music blaring in her ears but she was determined to stick it out.
She had a reason for being here after all.
Operation First Kiss, yeah it was a kinda dorky name but this was just between her and Eddie who was staying close to her and handed her a beer.
"Okay, so candidates?" she prompted Eddie and tried to not notice how hot he looked in his leather jacket, black shirt, and black jeans.
Eddie wasn't very forthcoming so she looked around the room while sipping her beer.
"Okay, how about David, cute, nerdy guy? Standing over there beside Nancy. Think he works with her on the school paper" Eddie gives the guy a once over and shakes his head.
"Nope" she stares at him amused.
"Why not?" he shrugs and proceeds to drink his beer. Yeah, valid argument there Eddie.
She grins as she spots Jason and purely to wind Eddie up she points to him.
"I guess Carver is like a definite no then?" he almost chokes on the beer and glares at her and she looks back at him with a perfectly innocent expression.
"Oh ha ha" he murmurs sarcastically and she cuddles into him just for a second.
"I'm only teasing Eddie. I would never, he's a douchenozzle" Eddie snorts and whispers around his breath.
"Douchenozzle" he looks proud, he should be he's the one who taught her it.
They are so lost in their laughter that she doesn't notice one of the basketball players sidle up to her looking very interested.
"Hey?" he gets her attention and she smiles at him. His name was Danny and she knew he was very nice, Lucas liked him a lot.
"Are you enjoying the party?" he asks her and she shrugs.
"I'm not really one for parties but Chrissy invited us and she's really lovely so I thought why not?" at the mention of us he looks over to Eddie and pales.
She isn't sure why until she turns to Eddie and notices that his eyes are flashing dangerously and he does not look happy.
"Oh, I think I hear one of my friends calling me, got to go" Danny scurries off and she rounds on Eddie whose dark expression immediately soften. Now he's the one trying to look innocent.
"Eddie! What was that? We are trying to scope out potential candidates. Not scare them away. Danny is nice, Lucas likes him and says he's not a jerk like Jason"
Eddie gives her one of those heart-melting grins of his-all dimples and she sighs.
"Sorry sweetheart. You know how protective I am of you and I just want you to find a good guy"
Okay, she agrees and it was sweet of him to want her to find the perfect guy. Now it was on to the next one.
Out of five other candidates she had found Eddie liked precisely none of them.
"He's far too into himself princess," he said about one of her picks.
The other was "A total butthead"
Even when she mentioned that maybe Gareth could be an option and worth considering as he was Eddie's best friend and all and was a great guy, Eddie swore and shook his head.
"No way, absolutely not princess" she is beyond exasperated by now.
"He's your best friend. You like him, what's wrong with him?"
"Nothing but it's still a no sweetheart" she huffs and Eddie offers to get her another beer when she sees Steve join the party with Robin and she has an eureka moment.
"I've got it," she says excitedly as Eddie comes back. He looks at her wary.
"Steve, he is kind, handsome, sweet, and surely you have nothing against him right?" she implores and Eddie swallows and stakes his head.
"No, he's a great dude" he murmurs and fiddles with his rings, something she knows he does when he's anxious.
Almost immediately the idea disapatates quick.
"He's still crazy in love with Nancy though and I adore Nancy so that's not the best idea" is it her imagination or does Eddie relax after she says it?
Considering the party a failure she turns to Eddie and pouts.
"Did you make any more of that amazing mac and cheese Eds? This party is a bust and I'd rather be relaxing at yours" he brightens.
"Lead the way milady"
Once they are back at his she is a little put out things never went how she thought they would.
"What a let down the party was. All those guys and every one was a fail" well mostly according to Eddie.
"There's still one guy left," Eddie tells her, and she feels her stomach fill with butterflies as his big brown eyes go all soft and he looks so shy which was a rarity.
"I'd like to put forth my candidacy"
Her jaw drops because she didn't expect this but then it suddenly clicks into place why he was so protective, how no one was good enough.
The only guy he wanted kissing her was himself. The butterflies intensify and she takes his hand.
"Eddie.. why didn't you say before?" she asks softly and he touches her cheek.
"I've always thought your were incredible. Beautiful. I like you a lot sweetheart, I've fallen for you hard"
"Oh, Eddie, I've been falling for you too. I wish you had said something sooner, would have saved us both a lot of pining" he grins.
"Yeah no shit" he teases and then he moves closer as does she and before she knows it they are kissing.
It's slow at first and very gentle. Tender, Eddie wraps his arms around her and holds her close.
They break away both grinning goofily. It was her first kiss and the first of millions more to come with Eddie.
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absolutebl · 11 months
This Week In BL - These Are the Days of Our BLs
Aug 2023 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 5 of 8 - They cute making heart eyes at each other, but could we get back to punching & slutty silk shirts? OMG the poor rich kid & the bodyguard who wants to hug him SO BAD are KILLING me. I did giggle & yell “punchy punchies” during the fight scene before the fire. But Charn is a diamond-encrusted evil-gorgeous gremlin beastie, isn’t he? 
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 1 of 10 - NO SINGING, but also.. wristbands! Sand is great = smart, snappy & over this shit. (Tired Gay 2.0) Neo & Mark are a revelation, where’d that chemistry come from? Force playing a douchenozzle is damn delight. Plus a counter lift in the first ep? Boys, you’re spoiling me. Mew is the least interesting, but Book is still adorable. Ray is the least likable character, but since it’s Khao, he’s the most likable screen presence. In fact, I’m enjoying all the messy messy gays & I know all their types IRL. I wish we had some femme & swish rep tho. Is this Thailand’s Queer as Folk? Seems like. Is it good? Not sure. But it is FUN as hell. Still, I gotta say it… they all dance like straight boys. 
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 5 of 10 - Zo just wants to turtle & avoid but Joke is not gonna allow that. GMMTV keeps having sub issues (usually fixed within a few days). 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 8 - I do like the psychic gay detective trope. It makes this show more interesting and enjoyable. But they solved the mystery awful fast. I guess different drama spins the final 2 eps? 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 12fin - It was fine. I was fine with it. A kind of Vice Versa situation. The usual with Jittirain, as it turns out, is pretty simple: one of her main characters is going to be a manipulative liar or extremely unlikeable or both. It got an 8/10 from me, but probably should get a 7/10 just because I’m so exhausted by this. But I have to be fair and judge each BL on its own & not in light of repeat author mistakes. Not much of a trash watch here. Final full review here. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 7 of 10 eps - Boyfriend trip together. Terrible overalls. What the fuck? No. Meanwhile, perfect choice for college star. (Could Ton please lead out a new BL? I know I’m 0 for 2 with him but I’m willing to try again if he is.) I actually enjoyed this installment for a change. Perhaps “enjoy” is too strong a word. Not much happened, dog days of BL, perhaps that’s a good thing with Dino? 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 6 of 12 - Mostly I was excited to watch this week because of Ben but there wasn’t much of him. Sadness. OK, I know it has STIFF competition but does this show have the worst music in BL, or is it just me? I still like Big Daddy & Hot Doc as characters but I am despairing over their arc (would we call it an arc?). All in all this week... Whatever.
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 4 of 7 - I am officially being driven to drink. Trash watch is happening!
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 4 of 8 - This show makes me laugh so much. It is so damn cute. And there’s so much language play going on. THEN . . . JUST ADD SIMON. I love a good Simon. Who doesn’t love a good Simon? I know SO MANY Simons. Now 3 boys are circling the ingénue (who I suspect is less innocent than he appears). So much delightful competition, postering & flirting. “My Jun,” is he, Simon? You are a precious angular stalk man, aren’t you? Pacing is great with this show. Every week I can’t wait for the next installment, that’s a hallmark of the best KBLs. If the language stuff confused you as much as it did me here is an EXCELLENT post on the subject that will help. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 7 of 10 eps - Sweetest seme. He’s hurt & mad at his boy but still can’t help taking care of him. I do like the courting with snacks & sweet little notes. (It’d work on me.) YAY!  Reunion kisses & nuzzles!!! Snuggling!!!! Gah! Taiwan, I love you. These 2 aren’t your best kissers but their cuddling is off the charts. I guess we are just gonna be plotless messy gay bfs for the final 3 eps? That’s cool with me. 
Sing My Crush (Korea Weds iQIYI) 3-4 of 8 eps - it’s adorable, they’re adorable, I’m enjoying it a whole lot. It’s like a very soft, low-stakes Addicted. 
Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps - I liked Love Class 1 (more than most on Tumblr) & I normally don’t want 2nd seasons. But this has an entirely new cast (in the “Replay” model). I’m fine with a 2nd season that has little or nothing to do with the first. J-min is an interesting choice of idols but he’s doing an unexpectedly good job. (He is a truly great rapper, by the way.) Trigger warnings out the gate... also this is complicated. Ready? We got 3 queer besties: artist gay Hyun (J-min), shy cafe gay Minwoo (in love with), sunshine gym bunny bi slut Maru (represent, my brother). Then we got Mr Put-upon-TA (+ boy who saw him nekid). And the twist = all black otaku Kim An (used to tutor artist gay in high school = exes ghosting DRAMA). This last reads as a hyung romance. Which you know I love. But it also feels v dark. All of which is to say, I am intrigued but a little nervous over the tone. 
My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 1 of 8 - Classic JBL is back! This one is My Beautiful Man + Tokyo in April/Oh My Assistant. It’s odd and warped af but I like it. Very much has a the feel of old live action yaoi + VERY D/s. BRING IT JAPAN.
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 6 of 12 eps - Shin is my sweet bean sprout and Minato should just boink him. Why all this waffling? I love the doctor. But mostly I’m as frustrated with this show as Shin must be in general. Minato 2- the season of blue balls.
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 2 of 5 eps - I re-watched the first 2 eps & now find it a bit more comprehensible (yes 2: there is an ep 0). I don’t think we can expect this to end happy for either couple. It’s kinda sticky & grungy (in a way I’ve come to expect from the Philippines, although this is not as cluttered visually nor as brightly colored as the Pinoy stuff). I do kind of like that lived-in feeling, it reminds me of Taiwanese shorts. There is something very honestly queer about the primary leads (tattoo & babyface) in particular the way they dance queer? around each other: verbally, emotionally & physically - laying down breadcrumbs of gay for the other to follow. The secondary couple (reunion, cheating) is very sad. Although I do love a counter lift make-out sesh. (Occasionally Cantonese sounds like Vietnamese to me. Apparently I am not alone in this.)
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Gossip - AKA P’ABL is Disappointed
I was gonna put a statement here but I just did it separately, earlier this week, since my ask box was overflowing regarding actor gossip and other stuff. 
Meanwhile, Stay With Me ended exactly as expected. Can’t say I didn’t warn ya. You watched this anyway? You got what was coming to you. I am entirely unsympathetic. 
 Next Week Looks Like This:
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Look at that PACKED week. NIIICEEEE. 
8/18 Dangerous Romance (Thai Fri GMMTC YT) 12 eps - Perth returns to lead out a BL, odds on that ever happening were slim. (Let alone Chimon.) Still here we are. Interesting times. Chimon plays a poor studious kid who hates the school bully but is forced to become his private tutor. Lurv results. 
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) 10 eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together. Looks very pulp. No idea on international distribution. 
8/19 I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai Sat Gaga) 12 eps - The time travel historical romance many of us have been waiting for. Adaption of y-novel by Violet Rain. Heartbroken architect is transported to the 1930s. From the producers of Lovely Writer.
8/20 My Universe series (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 eps - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, not sure on the order they’ll drop. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct.
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Still Coming in August 2023
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/23 Why R U? (Korean remake iQIYI) is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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Talking grandkids. Made me snicker. (Low Frequency.)
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The waist grab that launched a thousand gifs (Laws of Attraction). Okay it was last week but I gotta chronicle it here in the weeklies. For science. 
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Sing My Crush. They are so damn cute. 
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Thank you for the counter action GMMTV, please Sirs, may I have another?
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Captain snark in the house. Of course they handed the best and most complex pairing to these two. Well done GMMTV. (Only Friends) 
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I really did not expect J-Min to be this good. (Love Class 2) 
(Last week) 
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eddo-tensei · 1 year
More thoughts on Derision (Spoilers, obviously)
I think it's amusing that the default counter-argument to anyone who criticizes this episode boils down to "Well, you're just a Chloe Stan!" Which is something I had to deal with myself recently. Apparently, you can only hate this episode if you're a Chloe apologist. First off, hi, I'm Eddo. I wrote a fanfic where Chloe literally gets thrown into the dirt and suffer an allergic reaction to cacti, both times being her own fault. I feel like my Chloe Stan license should be revoked after that.
Anyways, I'm not surprised with the direction they went with Chloe in Derision. It's been stated since around Season 4 that Chloe was on a "Damnation Arc", so they've been doing everything they can to make her worse and worse. So, I'm not surprised or even angry that they continued this here. I'm annoyed, but not angry. What I AM angry about would be the other characters who got mangled in this shitshow.
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Writers? Could you please stop having Chat threaten people with Cataclysm after he's shown regret doing it to people by accident TWICE?! This has happened three times now, counting what happened with Scarabella. Yes, I know he did this before with Darker Owl, but that just makes it worse because that happened right AFTER he regretted doing this to Monarch. You know, the guy who's been tormenting and attacking everyone for over a year? I guess to Chat, Damocles and Kim deserve it more for ripping away a fantasy and pulling a shitty prank respectively.
I know I complained about this a lot already, but this needs to be stressed upon. If we're going to take Cataclysm seriously, especially with what later episodes showed us, maybe DON'T have your hero threaten people with it for relatively petty reasons? "BUT IT'S FOR TRUE LOVE!!!1!!" Yeah, no. When he tried to do it on Darker Owl, Ladybug told him to cut that crap. It then happened again with Dark Humor with Ladybug telling him not to do it. It doesn't matter if it's for "true love." Both times he did this so far, Ladybug made it clear that this was a bad idea. So, maybe you guys should stop trying to encourage it. I refuse to believe that Chat believes that Monarch is more deserving to live after everything that he did than Kim after what he did. Speaking of Kim...
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My friendly neighborhood dumb jock, why would the writers do this to you? When we only had the leaks to go by, I actually tried to scour for any interactions Kim had with Marinette and I can confirm that with the revelations we got in Derision, they REALLY don't make sense. Yes, Kim was a bit of a douche in the first season. Origins had him push Ivan around to the point of being the trigger for the Akuma. But he wasn't THIS much of a douchenozzle. Moreover, I have a hard time believing Marinette would be as friendly as she is with Kim throughout the series given what he did to her as revealed in this episode. Also, I know this is going to sound offensive, but...Kim was Marinette's first crush? Really? That's what you're going with? I'm not trying to insult Kim, but there was NOTHING that hinted to this. I can't help but think this was the thought process of the writers when they brought this up:
"So, we need to have Chloe do something to Marinette that would explain why Marinette struggles to be with Adrien. It has to be something big and traumatic. More importantly, it has to involve Marinette actually having a past crush that Chloe ruined and it has to be a character we're familiar with, so we can't make up an OC for it. We can't use Nino because he had a crush on her and it wouldn't make sense for her to reciprocate. We can't use Nathaniel because his crush went almost completely unnoticed by Marinette and he's also gay now. We can't use Ivan because he likes Mylene and we can't complicate that. We can't use Max because most people think he's ace and subverting that would piss a ton of people off. Oh, and we can't have it be any of the girls either because our show would get cancelled if Marinette isn't straight. So, let's just make it this guy."
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"This. Fucking. Guy."
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I'm having a hard time thinking of any other reason. I know some people theorized in the past that Kim and Marinette might've had a thing, but I don't think they held any water. Even now, however, I really don't think people should be happy it was canonized in this way.
I always held the belief that Chloe was responsible for Marinette's behavior, but my idea of it was that Chloe had been bullying Marinette for a long time and those years of sustained bullying took its toll on the poor baker girl that made it difficult for her to not only open her heart to people she loves, but have difficulties making friends in general until Alya came along. Yeah, Chloe doesn't look good in this case either, but it would've been more reasonable and would probably resonate with a lot more people who probably had to deal with bullies messing with them for a long time because these effects usually aren't instant. They get built on for a long time and it can really mess up their perception on things.
I think a good story would've been Marinette having to heal from that sustained trauma and while it is difficult since nobody can just quickly heal from trauma, it'd be a good journey for Marinette to be able to open up again with Alya and Adrien being just the first two pieces Marinette needs for her recovery.
But now, instead of all that, it turns out Chloe just pulled a prank that just unleashed a cavalcade of trauma on Marinette all at once that is hyper-specific to how she handles her crush that Adrien and ONLY Adrien can heal. All the while, it turns out that the prank was actually pulled by a guy who I really thought was just kinda fun and cool, but now I can't talk about him in the same way again because he's been thrown under the bus for the sake of this nonsense plot that's difficult not to call a full-on retcon. Do you know what I can call a retcon, though? Or rather who?
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I am sorry to all of the people who are probably stanning Socqueline right now, but I CAN'T vibe with her. I'm not saying you're not allowed to like her either, because that would be dumb, but I DON'T like how she was presented in Derision. First off, to get this out of the way, we're no strangers to characters being introduced out of nowhere. Felix and Zoe are both characters that come to mind. The thing is you can at least explain their respective absences easily. Felix had likely been distant from Adrien for a long time with him only coming in out of obligation with Amelie. Zoe is actually even more easy to explain given that she was shoved into a boarding school by Audrey and wouldn't really be able to connect with any of the characters until she was forced to transfer. Socqueline, however, does not have that luxury and cannot be easily explained away not only with how we found her, but for the fact that there was NO hint to her existing until Season 5 and that is inexcusable given how much importance this character now has. To put it in perspective, this is how we are introduced to Socqueline in Jubilation:
Marinette: That fake Ladybug from this morning, I think it was Socqueline, a school friend from last year. Knowing her, I’m sure she means well. But I have to convince her to stop putting herself in danger like that.
That's it. She just calls her a school friend. Yes, it's clear that she's at least important enough for Marinette to remember her name, she was just called a school friend. At the very least, she did have an interesting story with her trying to be Ladybug in order to help people. Of course, she had to be talked out of it because it's causing issues with the real Ladybug, but it's a decent story and Socqueline had only made a few appearances here and there.
And then Derision.
Yes, Socqueline referred to Chloe as "that monster", so it's clear that they planned her to have something against Chloe since her first appearance. However, Derision showed us that Socqueline wasn't just a school friend. She was Marinette's closest confidant in the school years prior to the start of the series. She actively protects Marinette from bullies, particularly Chloe, and was clearly a huge inspiration for her until Chloe got her suspended from school.
First off, in case I haven't made it clear, we haven't seen Socqueline AT ALL until Season 5. Not even a hint to her existence. So given how significant she was made out to be in Derision, WHY HASN'T SHE MADE ANY APPEARANCES IN THE SERIES BEFOREHAND?! She doesn't even have the excuse of being outside of Paris like Felix and Zoe do because she's STILL there and in an arts and crafts store no less, which probably would've been a great place for Marinette to hang out in with her friends if the writers thought this through. But they didn't and Socqueline's debut comes off as severely jarring because we have this character who was really important to Marinette's life just not show up until she started cosplaying as Ladybug.
Secondly, it muddles Marinette's own backstory as well as severely hampering the significance of Alya. Now instead of being alone with nobody to help her against Chloe, which makes her friendship with Alya all the more stronger, Marinette just had this super cool friend who was always there for her until mean ol' Chloe got her kicked out of school. Doesn't that sound like something you'd see in a fanfic, specifically one that's salting Alya given how Socqueline was depicted as Marinette's BFF?
Thirdly, if Chloe was able to get Socqueline suspended so easily, then why hadn't she been able to do that with the other students? Yeah, she got close with Alya, but that didn't stick. If Chloe really had the ability to just make students disappear even if it happened once, she would NOT hesitate to try and do this again with any other student who slighted her, ESPECIALLY Marinette. But she doesn't. Once her attempt on Alya failed, she didn't try again. Hell, LILA had more attempts to get Marinette kicked out of school than Chloe did and actually got closer to doing it than Chloe would ever get, which is weird since she doesn't have the title of "Mayor's Daughter" to throw around like Chloe would. This just feels like something done to explain away why Socqueline didn't show up in the series which doesn't work because she's STILL IN PARIS and I'm pretty sure Marinette would be more than happy to meet with Socqueline given how close they were, but that never happened.
Fourthly, I'm guessing nobody felt like pointing it out because it felt too obvious, but doesn't Socqueline just come off as the writer's answer to Bridgette? You know, the older Marinette based on the anime PV that some fan writers implement into their own stories? Yeah, she's not one-to-one similar to Marinette like Bridgette is, but it definitely feels like another instance of the writers pulling stuff out of fanon just to put a canon spin on it. And like all the other instances, it's a bad spin.
Lastly, this whole incident with the prank and Socqueline's suspension took place a few months before Origins. Not even a year at the earliest. It was specifically stated that Socqueline was suspended three weeks before the end of the school year. Given how close that time gap, the way everyone behaves in Origins makes almost no sense. Marinette would be a lot more horrified of Chloe if Derision was anything to go by and Chloe would be more willing to try and cast Alya out so Marinette doesn't have any allies given that Derision showed Chloe REALLY wanting to make sure nobody helps Marinette. The only point I could even give any leeway to is Kim and even then, again, he's not that much of a douche in Origins as he was in Derision. So, really, it all just comes off as a blatant retcon specifically to try and explain the new direction the writers are taking with certain characters. And do you want to know the dumbest thing? Apparently, Socqueline was such an inspiration to Marinette that the latter changed her hair to be more like Socqueline's.
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No, seriously. That's also how they explain why Marinette has different hairstyles. I know Expository Hairstyle Changes are a thing in fiction, but this is just awkward as hell given how traumatic and melodramatic the whole thing is. You don't need to say that Marinette's hairstyle came from someone who she considered a hero because nothing about Marinette indicated that her hairstyle is important. This isn't like Josuke changing his hairstyle to be based on the man who saved him as a child. It's a purely cosmetic change that's suddenly given a shit-ton of significance because now it's connected to this horribly traumatic incident. In fact, you know what this reminds me of?
Actually, the whole segment where this Linkara clip came from seems to sum up a lot of things wrong with Derision. It's not just bad because it makes some characters look bad or introduces stuff out of nowhere. It's bad because now everything in the flashback is now part of all of the characters! Every prior episode will now have to be viewed with a lens tinted by the events of this episode. Now nobody can discuss Kim without people salting on him for the prank, now nobody can talk about how important Alya's friendship with Marinette because of Socqueline's sudden boost in significance (In fact, it's very likely that Alya salters will try to use Socqueline as a replacement friend), and now nobody can speculate the intrigue of Marinette's past because EVERYTHING about her behavior is linked to this specific incident and nothing else. That's what pisses me off about this episode. That's why I share that Double D meme so frequently. I could care less about how much of a monster Chloe was depicted to be in this episode, but I am going to complain when other characters are butchered in the process. I will complain about one thing concerning her, though.
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Isn't it amazing that you can tell the writers are trying DESPERATELY to squish any and all positive interpretations of Chloe, even trying to downplay parental neglect because "this character also didn't have a mom and they didn't turn out this way" even though Mylene's and Chloe's situations are still VASTLY different? You can make the argument that Audrey's absence doesn't excuse Chloe's actions. In fact, I don't think it really does either, but saying that there's only one valid response to an absent parent is EXTREMELY insensitive to people who might be going through similar situations.
Oh, and to cap this all off? This is the favorite episode of one of the main writers. Said writer possibly being considered to be the new director for Season 6 of Miraculous and onwards. I'm not gonna name which one for obvious reasons, but it's been confirmed.
I feel like this is a good indication that you need to hop off this series.
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
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~♡ title — kind
~♡ pairing — arataki itto x f!reader
~♡ wc — 1k
~♡ warnings/notes — racism/discrimination (against oni). misogyny. fluff. please let me know if i should include anything else. and omg look at all that swagger in the gif. that's how a guy walks when he has a big dick i'm js.
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sunlight danced along the streets of inazuma, tiny pinpoint beams shining through the fluttering spaces of sakura blooms as you walked along the stone path, arm in arm with your boyfriend. you’d just left one of the food stands in the city after eating the matcha flavored mochi you ordered. itto had gotten the lavender melon mochi and sakura taiyaki, both of which he’d already scarfed down before ordering tri-color dango for the road. 
you strolled along, listening to him brag about his latest onikabuto victory when you suddenly grabbed his wrist, bringing his snack to your mouth to chomp off a chunk of the white dango. 
“h-heyyy! you can’t just go stealing my dango like that!” he fussed. 
you leaned into his side, laughing so hard at his reaction you had to cover your mouthful of food. 
he stopped walking and leaned over, getting right in your face. “give me that back, ya thief!” he demanded, smiling while trying to capture your lips in a kiss, but you turned your head this way and that, chewing as quickly as possible while trying to dodge his kisses and laugh all at the same time. he finally caught your jaw with his large hand and forced you to hold still long enough to get that kiss. “HA! you steal my food, i steal your kisses!” 
you swallowed the delicious treat, still giggling. “i’m just going to steal more of your food if it means i get more of your kisses.” 
“baby, you don’t have to steal from me. i’ll give ya all the kisses you want for free. besides, haven’t you ever heard the saying ‘don’t stand between an oni and his food'?’” 
“i don’t think anyone says that, itto.” 
“yeah? that’s because i just made it up,” he said, making you laugh again. “but that doesn’t make it any less true!” 
you opened your mouth to remind him that he’s always sharing his food with you anyway when a voice called out from behind you. 
“hey, pretty lady! you should leave that oni and stick with your own kind!”
you and said oni both turned your heads. knowing itto was the ‘one and oni’ oni around meant there was no one else the man could’ve been referring to. there were a few other men with him, laughing and making remarks about how lowdown and dirty oni were, clearly disgusted with the fact that a human had 'yoked' with one.
“humans have no business mixing with oni, especially the women-folk! why don’t you come over here and let me show you what a real man can do!”
you hadn’t been with itto for a year yet and had already heard more than your fair share of derogatory and disapproving remarks from other humans about your relationship with the crimson oni. most of your fellow inazumans didn’t seem to pay much mind, but there were those dark pockets of humanity - scratch that - unevolved ignorance that still believed oni and humans had no business being together, particularly in a romantic context. theirs was the very mindset that took the lives of itto’s parents two decades ago, but that’s a story for another day.
now, if itto was alone or with his crew, he wouldn’t hesitate to puff his chest out and challenge a motherfucker, but he’s with you and the two of you were supposed to be enjoying this lazy, romantic afternoon together. he'd even given his gang explicit orders not to interrupt his time with you unless it was an emergency that couldn’t wait till the next morning afternoon. 
your boyfriend's lava-hued irises burned holes through the asshole’s skull for a few seconds before he looked down at you and begrudgingly muttered, “let’s go, babe.” he went to put his arm around your shoulders and walk away, and you’re not sure who was more surprised, but you spun away from his hold and did an about face to look directly at the shit-talking douchenozzle who had just disrespected you and your beloved oni. in the past, you’d always kept walking, ignoring their hate, but…
“no, you know what? i’ve had about enough of this shit,” you sneered, drawing an invisible line in the air with your fingernail. “i’m tired of hearing cowards like you talking shit about me and my oni when our backs are turned. he may not be 100% human, but he’s twice the man you’ll ever be! wanna put that theory to the test, then step to him and say that shit to his face instead of waiting ‘til his back is turned!”
itto’s jaw dropped, his wide eyes watching in amazement as you - his sweet, graceful y/n - tore into the racist asshole in a way that made new light shine through the cracks of his heart.
“fuck you, bitch!” the hater said.
itto took a step forward, opening his mouth to defend your honor, but you beat him to the punch.
“no, thanks,” you said, putting your hand on your jutted hip. “your dick’s probably only half the size of his too!”
“y/n-” itto leaned down, mumbling out the side of his mouth. “they don’t need to know all that-”
“if you really think i shouldn’t be with him, then come take me away from him,” you dared, arms spread open. 
behind you, itto shifted his weight, squaring his shoulders and crossing his arms over his strapped chest like a king prepared to go to war with his queen. but the man didn’t move. in fact, one of the man’s friends leaned in, telling him to just cut his losses.
as expected, the man tucked tail and walked away, grumbling something under his breath about you being a traitor. rich, you thought, considering you’d just stood up for someone you love and believe in. 
you turned to your oni lover, his eyes searching yours as if seeing something new and admirable. “baby,” he said softly, “i-...”
you think he’s still trying to calm you down. “i’m not sorry, itto!”
“i know. which is exactly why i…”
it was one of the few times arataki itto had been rendered speechless, thinking to himself that now was a good time to pull out the ring he’d been carrying around in his pocket and get down on one knee.
“…wanna spend the rest of my life with ya.”
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~♡ itto m.list
~♡ reblogs always appreciated !! 💋
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danielfosseyart · 5 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power
-S1E1- 'The Sword Part 1'
Today's She-Ra Watch Art: This shitty Glimmer doodle.
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Look I promise they won't all be garbage ;-; I promise
Okay I wanna preface: Not every post is gonna be this detailed, I didn't even intend to go on this long with just one episode but I lost track of time. Some posts I'll be short & sweet. Some I'll be long winded to a comical degree. Depends on my feeling.
I think I'll just keep it to one paragraph per episode, & only pull out the long rambles when I finish a season. I think that'll work. Yeah.
Okay so I have no idea who any of these people are because I literally just started but one of these guys is a lizard. I'm a huge sucker for lizard people in anything ever so I immediately like this fucker. He's a lizard, that is all I need. He's just instantly cool because lizards are fucking rad as hell dude.
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So Cat-Ra speaks, that first fucking line of hers.
The fucking "Hey Adora"
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The first fucking thing I said to myself, out loud, was the immediate reaction I had to that line: "Oh so they're gay."
I don't know if it's like canon or not but one of the things I know about this show is people ship them a lot. I have no idea if that's actually like a canon thing in the show or not but I've seen a lot of fanart of them so I know people at the very least WANT them to kiss or hold hands or get married & buy a house in the suburbs & raise like 5 kids & watch Shrek on VHS & talk about doing their taxes or whatever idk.
That being an actual thing in the show itself? Uh I guess I'll see what happens so who the fuck knows man. Maybe they just explode idk.
But like....dude. DUDE. The fucking way Cat-Ra said it was just....
SO fucking extra like that immediately felt fruity to me. I'm already getting that vibe from her. On top of that, the way her & Adora continue to interact in the episode also give off a very distinct vibe, a rather, ahem, 'fruity' vibe. I think I'm already getting the idea of why this ship is popular. I do believe I see the vision.
Also, quick tangent, I LOVE the way the animators animated Cat-Ra like an actual cat. Her hair getting puffed up when she's agitated, her ears moving to reflect her mood. Her eyes dilating like how cat eyes actually do. THEY EVEN ALSO MADE HER PURR LIKE AN ACTUAL CAT, LIKE SHE AUDIBLY CAN BE HEARD PURRING. THAT'S SUCH AN ADORABLE DETAIL & IT MAKES HER IMMEDIATLEY ENDEARING AS FUCK.
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Also I guess it makes sense Cat-Ra would be into women, yeah?
Because it makes sense that CAT-Ra would be interested in PUSSY.
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(Please Laugh) (I'm desperate please think I'm funny I need this)
Now moving on, let me talk about this BITCH.
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One. Compared to the original Shadow Weaver, they sure did make her a way more intimidating villain.
Hi so I immediately love you?? Like instantly my favorite character just from the design alone. Glimmer is so real honestly.
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I also like Bow, like, Bow is just so fucking cool & nice? He's such a real one, I wanna be best friends with him & hang out he's just so lovable like he's just awesome. I love this man immediately. He deserves all the good in the world actually.
Also holy shit the contrast between Bow in the original show vs this reboot design.
It's funny, the original design WAY more gay than the new one.
The new one that a lot of people (and by people I mean homophobic douchenozzles.) complained about, the design for Bow in this supposedly 'woke tumblr sjw cartoon' has a design that is far less homoerotic in it's design & feel.
The original Bow just outright looks like a fucking gay pornstar.
He's got the trademark 'Gay Porno Mustache™' & everything.
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Okay so there's a magic sword or something, etc.
They mentioned Eternia.
Okay so, one of the reasons the original she-ra was lame as fuck compared to He-Man? No Skeletor.
Hordak & literally all the villains in the original show suck ass.
They fucking suck. Hordak is just Skeletor but boring & shitty.
Why the FUCK did they not take the oppurtunity to replace Hordak with Skeletor? You don't even need to add He-Man, I'm fine with that.
But You could have just taken She-Ra & added a better villain because Skeletor fucking rules. He calls people boobs. That's fucking awesome & cool. WHERE IS HE? WHERE THE FUCK IS SKELETOR? LOOK SHOW. HORDAK WAS FUCKING LAME AS FUCK.
I mean, so far they managed to make me actually LIKE Cat-Ra, & the original Cat-Ra fucking sucks. Shadow Weaver sucked & so far at least this reboot Shadow Weaver is actually intimidating. But man, you better fuckin' impress me show, because the lack of Skeletor is felt deep within my soul.
OH wait hold on.
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Okay I see why everyone said this show is gay now.
Anyways I didn't mean to ramble on this long about the show in just one episode, I promise this is gonna be a rare occurrence. I think from now on, I'll keep it shortened to just one paragraph per post. I'll only pull out these long posts when I finish a season or something.
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Anyways uh:
-Glimmer is the best
-I'm sorry but I'm not over the skeletor thing WHY DID YOU NOT USE HIM HE WAS RIGHT THERE-
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max1461 · 7 months
Growing up I internalized a kind of "classically liberal" morality. Something to the effect of "you don't fuck with me, I won't fuck with you. I don't care how you live your life. If you ask for my help I will gladly step in and help you (because I have compassion), but if you do not ask for my help I will leave you be. Getting yourself involved in other people's business that they did not invite you into is precisely the thing you should not do". Obviously this moral framework is underspecified in a lot of ways, but whatever, deal with it, I'm conveying a vibe. Anyway I'm not a classical liberal, I'm some kind of libertarian leftist, but the reason I'm a leftist is that I feel like the policies that actually follow through on this ideal tend to be leftist ones and not classical liberal ones. Well anyway.
The above is a quote from a more personal post, but I've excerpted just the political bit here. Anyway, this is one of the reasons that (for instance) I'm generally against wars of intervention but in favor of taking in refugees. Of course a lot of these things come down to how we define "asking for help" and precisely who is asking for help and so on. But generating a set of principles for answering such questions which correctly models my politics is left as an exercise for the reader (if you do it uncharitably that's because you're a douchenozzle and I won't respond to you).
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 3 months
I’m just going to put my thoughts out there about “How to Date Billy Walsh” (& rom-coms in general)
I thought it was excellent! It was cute and charming and creative and personally a much needed laugh. It was simple, relatable, funny and compelling. I also love how they didn’t turn Billy into a grade-A douchenozzle when they so easily could have. The whole film was really relatable and heartwarming!
From what I’ve heard recently it seems like lots of people think Rom-coms are generally trite, boring, predictable, or lack inspiration, but I think the simplicity of rom-coms is probably what makes it my favorite genre to watch. I don’t need a mind bending plot or groundbreaking story to enjoy it. It’s simple and fun and largely lighthearted and doesn’t need to be more than it is. As long as I have a cast who mesh well and can tell a story they believe in, then they will tell a compelling story and I will be happy to watch it (and hyper-fixate on it for weeks lol)
It just seems like everyone is looking for the next epic like GOT or Dune (which are both great in their own way too) so the simple things often fall flat.
Just my opinion though :)
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I don't understand what made the swimsuit question a stupid question. Also you might get more asks if you weren't such a massive douchenozzle anytime you get a question that doesn't fit in perfectly with how you want this blog to go
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Anon, point me to the part of my answer where I said or even indicated it was a stupid question...?
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jaggedwolf · 2 months
pll rewatch 1x07-1x08
while watching previous episodes, I was thinking, wait, Emily has to have a car this season because of [SPOILER]. Does she just randomly start appearing with one?
of course not. instead she wins a car (the BEAUTIFUL TOYOTA) in a raffle the same night she falls down in a mirror maze
1x07 begins with us still on Homecoming night, where we get (1) Spencer, Hanna, and Aria clinging to each other like frightened puppies while looking for Emily and (2) Toby bringing Emily to the hospital
Spencer suggests the trio split up and is immediately indignant at the idea she be the one to go alone lmao
Poor Toby. No one is nice to him :( Spencer said her classic "The devil has a name and it's Toby!" line but Pam also said "people cross the street when they see him", poor fricking teenager.
Emily is like, as someone who has exchanged more than one sentence with Toby, I don't think he's a murderer? and Spencer cannot stand it she is so annoyed
Emily phrases it as "why am in my bed and not in a body bag" <3 Emily's horror movie visceral imagination
Hanna is back to winning her one-woman #BestAlly competition and she's doing so good! I'll repeat this in the tags of a future post, but it is so interesting to me that this is the first step in Hannily becoming close as a pair - before Hanna gets the photos, Aria and Spencer are the ones expressing individual concern over Emily, but once this arc happens, Hanna is all-in
And says exactly what Emily needs to hear. Also saying things to injured Emily: Pam Fields, who is stressing her daughter out and has no idea why.
Ella, Byron is a cheating douchenozzle but go to your son's sportsball game! Mike's done nothing wrong!
Spencer has zero concept of having a job, let alone a service one. Of course she can waltz right into the kitchen to chit-chat, of course Alex must be lying if he says he's working on a day the club is closed. Oh, Spencer.
She does take to making fruit kebabs to hang out with him
Alex says he's never seen her photo with devil horns before and I don't think he's lying...so an A thing? But I prefer to think that it was the kitchen employee from the day before who was all het up about Spencer's health code violations
can any of the liars look normal when talking to the blind girl. (Spencer about Jenna to Emily: You didn't eat one of her cookies, did you?)
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well, Emily did okay, but Emily had to deal with Jenna straight up sitting on her bed. Who does that?? But very funny in light of the S2 Halloween episode, isn't Emily dealing with enough.
Aria playing peacemaker as Spencer and Hanna argue in the woods. Oh, Aria, it's like watching a terrier trying to get in between a bloodhound and a golden retriever.
and here we get our first inter-liar callout of Spencer's parents being there to bail her out! I completely forgot it was Hanna who does this, but very fair, Hanna, very fair
Lucas and Hanna bond over watching the stupidest youtube videos, which makes so much sense for them. SMH Sean, not even a smile for turkey on a skateboard? Between that and sending Aria flowers, you deserve the shenanigans you accidentally find yourself in later this season
Emily and Maya get to have nice cute banters about going on a date and manage to make out at a zombie movie without anything bad happening! Good for them!
Especially since everything non-Maya makes Emily look so distressed
like Toby, which leads to the best conversation Emily, Spencer, and Hanna have on Emily's window seat
Emily, clearly upset: I couldn't bring myself to ask. Jenna was so upset. But his bike… it looked like it was… like it was wrecked.
Spencer: Well, I'm not gonna cry over this, and neither should you.
Hanna: Spencer, if she liked him she can cry about it!
Spencer: Well, I'm sorry for speaking.
Spencer: ......Look she's right, I can't tell you what to feel.
and yet Spencer will never stop attempting to, love this maniac
good god I forgot about the Jason recasting, I look forward to when this dark-haired suit-wearer with a stick up his ass is gone
Best A message:
Why did A prepend the message with a subject, do they miss emailing Spencer? I had to explain the Tom Sawyer reference too haha.
A's gonna trick them into painting a fence next
We get so many flashbacks of Alison being terrible by the lakeshore that summer day
Flashback dynamic notes: Emily smiles and laughs at everything Alison says, no matter how mean; Aria is horny for Noel and pays the least attention to Alison; Hanna laughs at the first insult Ali throws at Lucas but then very weakly tries to defend him; Spencer is...Spencer is almost getting bored of Alison's terribleness?
and yet "that's immortality my darling" remains, and so does Alison's bracelet in her nightstand drawer
I like to think Aria had to dig through all her shit to find her bracelet, compared to the other three XD
"what about justice" re: never finding out who killed Alison, Spencer my sweet summer child....sometimes Spencer is the most naive of the liars, in her own way
Spencer's already sent two S.O.S texts this season. Did the girls agree on this code or did Spencer just decide this is her way of asking for help and everyone automatically understood it
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isn't this memorial a bit too revealing of her dynamic with y'all, I'd be so self-conscious
and yet, even after an episode filled with flashbacks of Alison's cruelty, I understand all four of their speeches for her.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 182
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
“Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”
I honestly could not pick a better episode to watch at the half way point…I also can’t believe I’m (probably technically more than) half way done with this. I WILL put together a perfected calendar at the end of the year (because we know my watch has been FAR from perfect), but I would not recommend liveblogging all three series in one year to anyone. I cannot, in good conscience, do that. ANYWAY
Plot Description: The Doctor battles to save an unmanned spaceship and its impossible cargo of dinosaurs
Why is it almost always ONLY the women of history who have the hots for the Doctor? Why is it Queen Nefertiti and not Not-Detective-Lestrade-From-Sherlock-Because-I-Can’t-Remember-the-Character’s-OR-Actor’s-Name??
Obligatory “Britain has 12 actors” comment because I know just about every actor in this from somewhere else…2 of the big ones from this episode are from [fandom redacted]. Rory’s dad is precious though, and he just got SUPER ABDUCTED by the Doctor
Remember how I said I missed low budget Doctor Who like two days ago??? Yeah…I take it back for this episode specifically. I’m glad they spared no expenses on this one
My little kid, dinosaur-obsessed brain goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Jurassic Park still did dinos better
I love that dinosaurs FLYING the ship is absurd but labeling them as passengers, like they exchanged currency for tickets isn’t
Rory can’t catch a break. His dad being freaked out about their circumstances, The Doctor bitching about Brian being there in the first place, but somehow they manage to come together to (unintentionally) make Rory feel inadequate and small
Amy’s love of ancient history strikes again. I love her fangirling over Queen Nefertiti
This episode has EVERYTHING. Egyptian queens, sassy robots, and as the title clearly states dinosaurs on a spaceship
I forgot that it also has Silurians…or maybe HAD Silurians. I expect Silurian tragedy at the hands of [fandom redacted] actor #2/Not-Walder-Frey
That is also my reaction whenever I see a triceratops, Doc
“I’m a Sagittarius…..probably” the wayyyyy I was about to read him just based on that. But like…it WOULD make sense
There is something at least slightly attractive about the Doctor’s anger for people who have been egregiously wronged. When it’s quiet and simmering because this douchenozzle woke up and ejected all the Silurians from THEIR ARK on THEIR SEARCH for a new home
Brian is so unexpectedly useful on this trip
Queen Nefertiti can have little a fling with Not-Lestrade as a treat if she wants
I already loathed this man but now he’s gone and killed the last living triceratops in existence (as far as we can tell)
Ugh he’s so fucking gross. David Bradley is so good at playing absolutely WRETCHED men
Don’t do it Not-Greg!!!! Don’t also shoot the dinosaurs!!!
I love that she played Not-Walder like the chauvinistic idiot he is
Oh Brian, just sipping tea and eating a sandwich at the door to the TARDIS and seeing the whole Earth from there…and that inspiring him to go traveling. I love that for him
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
Do you know what Silver's personality supposed to be act like?( You can explain) Because I'm IDW sonic comic that I notice that he just too... Innocent and try to be good boy scout...that everyone is saying? Is he more like Trunk or Edward from FMA?
One factor in Silver's personality is the future he comes from. If he's from a ruined future, he's very much determined to set things right and thus is capable of commiting murder to accomplish this. He also tends to be a douchenozzle to anyone he even minimally perceives to be an obstacle to him. If he comes from a good future, he's more friendlier. But again, he's not afraid to tackle anyone head-on if he perceives them to be villains. See Forces.
Traits common to any iteration of Silver regardless of origin is naivete and literal-mindedness. And he's a lot more serious than Sonic. As evidenced by the way his expressions are portrayed by Uekawa and Karasuno.
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warlordess · 10 months
Ooooh mind telling us about the stobin paranoia one? Or the country club meet cute?
Oh gawd, oh gawd; my dumbass critical anxiety (on top of being exhausted after working 32 hours in two days; tbh it's mostly that second thing) kept me from answering this until now.
I do want to remind whoever, including OP, that I don't really have anything more than bare bones synopses for any of the ideas I mentioned. Also, i haven't talked up a thing I've created in so long that I don't know if I remember how.
That being said, another Steddie acquaintance, @ataliagold (go read their Steddie things maybe?? They're very good, gimme just the right amount of yummy whump) asked me about both of these in PMs so I have shared a little bit about each and they liked both concepts a lot, which gave me some courage.
So, anyway, as for the Stobin paranoia fic, which I've wondered if perhaps "paranoia" is too strong a word but eeeh... Basically, it takes place right after Starcourt (maybe like the week following or so). It's pretty well-established that Steve and Robin were still at least a bit high and hopped up on truth serum during The Bathroom Talk, not to mention the memory blurring is probably even more effed up by Steve's 74th concussion in three years (lol... sorta), so Steve gets it in his head that he somehow forced Robin to come out to him and, knowing how important safety is for a hidden queer person, especially in a place like Hawkins, he starts spiraling and isolating from her. He doesn't deserve to have his person if he has to manipulate them into divulging their secrets to him after all, she's far better off without the resident douchenozzle, Steve Harrington, invading her space and privacy and having any intimate (platonic) expectations of their relationship. While he's all in his own head about that, Robin starts coming around to check on him, only to realize she's being ignored. This causes her to eventually start spiraling too - of course the great King Steve couldn't handle being friends with a fucking dyke, of course he would snub her after the smoke and fog cleared and he remembered that she'd spurned his advances, what a load of crock, she should have known better - thus their newly formed super bond starts having holes drilled into it... Anyway, the fic is about that whole misunderstanding and them trying to work through it. I just love that kinda trope 'cause I'm the worst.
As for the Steddie country club meet-cute, it starts off similarly to a couple other fics I've read here Eddie is forced to go straight (financially only) after Reefer Rick is arrested and his supply dries up and the cops have hounded him and Wayne enough times and etc. He ends up employed at the semi-local country club predominantly as a caddy. Decent pay, some tips even, enough downtime while standing on the sidelines and aimlessly following his current client around that he can think up some future campaign ideas... and, early on, another perk introduced is his good-looking apparent coworker (who he unfortunately crosses paths with while coworker is being reamed by one of the more infamous club members). He and Steve pass each other a few more times and begin engaging, closing some distance until it's unfortunately revealed that Steve is NOT his coworker and is in fact closely related to the rich fucker that was seen yelling at him on day one. He had a good excuse for being in uniform that first time but has obviously decided to lie in order to fuck with Eddie every day since.
Well, anyway, those are the general premises of those particular fics. I feel like I gave too much away but also like I didn't really say anything at all. Lol.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
And yet instead of solving their own problems Californians are busy taking meaningless votes on a ceasefire halfway across the world 🤦‍♂️
#Not All Californians
A whole lot of us hate those assholes more than you can imagine, because on top of knowing they're massive douchenozzles we also have to contend with people thinking the rest of us are massive douchenozzles.
Also they did that in Chicago too, great way to waste taxpayer money.
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