#Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 years ago
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You little brat!
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years ago
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"when will you tell him?"
↳ requested by the bestie @leonpob ♡ 
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waitmyturtles · 2 years ago
The fastest meta ever on this LOVELY show, Minato Shouji's Coin Laundry/Minato's Laundromat, season 2, episode 5:
I watched this on the early side, my time, to wallow in the GLORY of the referential appearance of Takeda Kouhei (who played Nozue in Old Fashion Cupcake, woop woop!) as Shin's teacher, Kirihara-sensei. Quick hit thoughts!
Everybody be trippin'. I think my heart goes to Asuka in this episode. He just wants a moment with his boyfriend -- and boyfriend Shu just DOESN'T know, at all, how to reciprocate. Pain points.
I like to see the trust conflict between Minato and Shin as a natural outgrowth of their relationship, but Minato, my man, the tape! I hope that he will connect his hesitation in the relationship in part to Shin's trust issues -- that if Minato could open up more and be more emotionally connected to Shin, that Shin may not have these trust issues, even while Minato sees Sakuma at the high school.
That's a minor quibble for the development of communication that's clearly happening between them both. Do I think their communication issues are in part related to their age gap? Clearly not, lol, because of the more equitable maturity levels they have between the two of them -- and I like how THAT is illuminated more in this episode than ever before. And their need to grow their maturity TOGETHER, as a couple, is what's now getting the magnifying glass.
This episode also gave us another little gift by way of reference to another popular Japanese BL -- one that's also centered around food. The dorama version of What Did You Eat Yesterday? did not spend a ton of time on Shiro making hamburgers as an apology to Kenji for a tiff they had -- but the WDYEY? manga did spend a whole chapter on hamburgers as an apology, and I'm OBSESSED (of course! food!) with that reference. We see food being a central part of bringing Minato and Shin together every night anyway, and just -- my heart twinkles that ML2 is connecting these themes across multiple BLs. Hopefully we get HINTS from those other BLs as to where Minato and Shin land in future episodes.
I love this sweet show. I love seeing the growing pains, of Minato and Shin's individual and coupled growth. It's treating this growth with empathy and a touch of comedy, and it's just a perfect balance. And we get more Takeda next week, YAY!
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year ago
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years ago
The amnesia doesn’t even make sense. Shin knew Minato as a child. He’s been in love with Minato for practically his whole life. So either he has forgotten at least a decade of memories and is essentially a child now OR he has only forgotten Minato. Literally just removed one person from his memory which is not how amnesia works. And for a show that’s as realistic as this is, it doesn’t work as a plot.
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save-the-data · 2 years ago
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Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 | s02e01
Japanese Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
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shinyturtlelady · 2 years ago
I cannot deal with a Shintaro who has a dislike for Akira. That tiny monologue broke my heart so much 🥹 his one person not only forgetting him but feeling so entirely uncomfortable around him... I hope hugs and kisses are on their way in that cute ass date next episode.
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 2 years ago
So about the last episode of  Minato Coin Laundry 2. I have some thoughts. First, about the amnesia, as I stated before I loathe amnesia as a plot, because in 99% of the cases is lazy writing. It's a result of no better ideas in the room. (This is just my opinion). Now for the actual amnesia... Let me preface this by saying, I am not a neurologist, or any kind of doctor for that matter. I'm just a curious person that likes to read medical books. Regardless, because of the type of amnesia that the show is showing, I've already seen it being described as unrealistic, given the fact that the only thing he forgets is Minato. Although rare this kind of amnesia does exist. It's called systematized amnesia. It's a type of dissociative amnesia.
This is from the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.)
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So, that kind of amnesia is possible. The only thing is, this kind of dissociative amnesia, isn't usually caused by a brain injury, usually more by trauma or stress. At least, that's what how I understand it as I read it. None of this changes any of my opinions regarding this type of plot. But at least it's somewhat based in reality. Anyway, just thought I would share, in case anyone cares.
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namtanlovesfilm · 1 year ago
Hi Axelle! Hope you are well! I wanted to ask you which shows you are currently watching, and what do you think of them?? I'm so out of the loop lately LOL
hi anon! sure, you can always see what I'm currently watching on my mdl page :) here's the shows I'm watching atm, ranked:
I feel you linger in the air: I already knew I'd love this show, and I've been enjoying every moment, but especially since ep 4. gosh, khun yai's drunken poem moment STILL has me clutching my heart while I wail around lmao. the acting is too good, the plot is original & I feel like I'm learning more about thai history, I love the charaters... I LOVE THIS SHOW!
dangerous romance: one of my most anticipated shows of the year, and it's been giving! I'm kinda losing hope on an explanation & apology on kang's bullying, but you know what? that's fine, the chemistry & cuteness of this show is enough for me so far. I CANNOT WAIT for shit to hit the fan tho, I'm here for the drama lol
love in translation: cute & silly little show! will I probably will have forgotten most of it by this time next year? absolutely. am I still eating it up, especially considering I saw the actors live irl at the gotcha pop concert? YUPPP.
don't touch my gang: bruh one thing about me is that I fucking love pluem & sing. but pluem & sing in a silly ass comedy like only thai people know how to make them??? I've loved the first two eps bro! so funny & ridiculous, a perfect palate cleanser and honestly? this show is pretty fucking original, slay!
sweet sensory: finally catching up to this, this is so fucking sweet! finally ploypach in a main role, she's eating!!! it's a really good show to make people more aware of what disabled people have to go through, and the chemistry is really fucking good! even though there won't be a kiss bc ploypach doesn't kiss, I can't wait for these two to get together seeing how much the male lead worships her <3
taikan yoho: it's a show 👍 no but more seriously, I can't formulate my thoughts on this show yet bc it's interesting yet also gives me the ick lol, but yeah it's nothing amazing either way.
minato shouji coin laundry season 2: idk why I'm watching this... well I know, bc asakusa is one of my fave side characters ever lol. but this is a mess, I can't believe they even pulled the amnesia trope, the lack of couple-like intimacy is killing me... don't bother.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 years ago
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Feeding the partner as the ultimate act of affection and care (Part3/?)
Love Mate
Sing My Crush
A Boss And A Babe
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2
My Story
Taikan Yoho / My Personal Weatherman
Because Of You
Big Dragon
My favorite BL-tropes collection (as always in no particular order)
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years ago
Hi bestie! I was wondering if you had the time if you could gif this scene from the new episode of Minato Shouji Coin Laundry. It’s at 21:40 onwards. You do what you think is best 😍 Thank you again and sending you lots of positive energy and love to get through work stress. Fighting 💜
hi bestie!!!!!! 🥺
obviously I can do that for you 💜 and thank you for your encouraging words 😘
here you go!
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waitmyturtles · 2 years ago
I don’t have much to say yet on Minato Shouji’s Coin Laundry, season 2, episode 1, except to say I AM SO BLEEPING HAPPY THAT WE GET A SEASON 2, and Shin is just as forward and confident as ever, and gosh -- I love that we know right away what he’s demanding of Akira. 
I’m just getting a squeaky thrill that we get to see their relationship develop. I didn’t actually realize that Akira is NOT 30 yet -- that he’s almost 30. And, of course, that gets me thinking about their age gap again, and what it means for “a 30-year-old” to be dating an 18-year-old, versus “someone in their twenties,” because on paper, that doesn’t seem to be as bad or controversial? Yet Akira is rooting himself in his age, still, and still swinging between his discomfort and his attraction to Shin. And I love that this is going to play out in their actual relationship growth.
Relationship development, navigating an age gap within said relationship, Shin knowing what he wants, Akira figuring himself out to accommodate that. Giggity. I know that BLs about relationship growth are never as popular as those about first love/first kisses, but. I feel very lucky that we get a growth story with Shin and Akira, and this is just going to be such a fun summer watch!
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year ago
Post 4: The Worse /Most Disappointing
The 2 Series I Selected Are Not The Worse but the Most Disappointing
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2
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This Requires Explanation...I didn't dislike this series, however since it was a 2nd Season I would hope a grown man could come to terms that he entered a relationship with a younger man of legal age yet that younger man was miles more mature. Shin wanted his relationship while Minato was holding back. Then that I remember everyone except you bull I was so disappointed especially as it came right as Minato was ready to progress his relationship with Shin. But it ended decent.
One Room Angel
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This also requires explanation...this was not a bad series but it also didn't seem BL exactly but I did like it. It almost seems more bromance. While I was disappointed I did think this series brought something special but no real progression took place. The Angel could have been seen in many ways. And the romance in my opinion was non existing or fleeting but it was a special heartbreaking series. As it explored loneliness and an eventual sad back story for the angel.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years ago
The sigh I sighed. This plot? Sure, fine. But I'm annoyed about it.
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heretherebedork · 2 years ago
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Minato's Coin Laundry Season 2!
My tiny side couple is back!!! Also Minato and Shin and just... everything. Look at it! And a neck kiss just for @absolutebl with the best age gap couple.
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