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If you're curious for OP's opinion, I would choose Kanej because their love transcends beyond the regular kissing and making love. They're about the more deep and emotional aspects of a relationship without ever being physical. Not that I'm saying they're ace. They can't touch because of trauma. But I still appreciate this extremely deep love that wavers in the air between them that so often gets overlooked in media in favor for something more physical. It's the way the protect one another, the way the look out for each other, the way they respect each other's boundary, and the way they trust one another so deeply that wins them over for me.
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I need people on the internet to understand that SOMETIMES (and the fact that I so heavily have to emphasize that this has exceptions really speaks to the media literacy we have going on right now) you do not have to have a moral or ethical reason for not liking something. You can simply not vibe with it. You are even allowed to voice the opinion that you do not like it, even that you hate it!
Good: “I do not like the thing. I loathe the thing. The thing makes me rage with the power of a thousand burning suns and that is why I will never engage with the thing”
Bad: “The thing I hate is bad and stupid and therefore anyone who likes it is also bad and stupid”
Do you understand?
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‘an ode to ron weasley’ by hermione jean granger 🩷
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No one has fathered the way Anthony Bridgerton is about to Father
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The next chapter of Champagne Supernova is now up. Spoiler alert, they spend the whole day in their suite definitely not falling for each other.
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Kathony's fanart by bewiart
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Violet Bridgerton is truly gods strongest soldier. Every season she tells one of her children they're in love and every season they scoff in her face before causing seven different scandals to reach the same conclusion.
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#you know it's serious when they pull that face
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 3 months
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 3 months
I’m just going to put my thoughts out there about “How to Date Billy Walsh” (& rom-coms in general)
I thought it was excellent! It was cute and charming and creative and personally a much needed laugh. It was simple, relatable, funny and compelling. I also love how they didn’t turn Billy into a grade-A douchenozzle when they so easily could have. The whole film was really relatable and heartwarming!
From what I’ve heard recently it seems like lots of people think Rom-coms are generally trite, boring, predictable, or lack inspiration, but I think the simplicity of rom-coms is probably what makes it my favorite genre to watch. I don’t need a mind bending plot or groundbreaking story to enjoy it. It’s simple and fun and largely lighthearted and doesn’t need to be more than it is. As long as I have a cast who mesh well and can tell a story they believe in, then they will tell a compelling story and I will be happy to watch it (and hyper-fixate on it for weeks lol)
It just seems like everyone is looking for the next epic like GOT or Dune (which are both great in their own way too) so the simple things often fall flat.
Just my opinion though :)
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 3 months
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Tits Out For Trans Day Of Visibility 💛🤍💜
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 11 months
The whole plot of RWRB wouldn’t even happen if Henry and Alex had just used Tumblr to flirt and whatever.
NO ONE would ever think to check their Tumblr
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 11 months
How are we all feeling about Aziraphale’s last “I forgive you”? Does it mean I forgive you for kissing me to try to get me to stay, I forgive you for choosing this moment to reveal your feelings, I forgive you for not coming with me, I forgive you for kissing me period??? What?
I keep going back and forth on it and I NEED to hear what everyone else is thinking. Lay it on me, I’m open to new interpretations because everything hurts and I’m dying.
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 11 months
Listen I just know Alex and Henry watched Heartstopper together from different continents and were FaceTiming for the entire 4 hours and I know Nick and Charlie are waiting just as impatiently as the rest of us for Red White and Royal Blue to drop tomorrow
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manyfandomsnoregrets · 11 months
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This ⬆️
Is the same as
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every time theres a new bad tv show or movie people act like its the end of the world you guys need to learn about the not watching shit method i’ve been successfully employing the not watching shit method for years
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