#but in the Good Timeline™️
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corxoran · 1 month ago
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The sun’s engaged to the sky
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isorottatime · 2 years ago
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shh let me have this
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baycitystygian · 5 months ago
Are you ready for your husband's big day?! 😉
From a tumblr standpoint I am woefully unprepared in terms of posts but emotionally? emotionally I have been preparing all month
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the-badger-mole · 2 months ago
I still find the notion that every air nomad was born a bender ridiculous. The three other nations have a good equal of benders and nonbenders, so why so it be different Air? It just seemed to me like another attempt for the Air Nomads to be this lost, pure and righteous race.
The realistic answer is Bryke is terrible at actual world building, and it makes more sense for it to not be true (and based on the show bible, it seems like it wasn't true originally, although I think LoK confirmed it was true? Someone let me know if I'm right, please. I'm not rewatching to check). The interesting answer is that all Air Nomads were not airbenders, and they did Something Horrible™️©️®️ to the non-bending children. That's my headcanon.
If I wrote this story, the fact that this happened among the Air Nomads comes out, but no one believes it at first. It's widely accepted to be Fire Nation propaganda, like when Aang found out that the Fire Nation kids were being taught that the Air Nomads had a formal military that was defeated by Sozin and not that the Air Nomad civilians were ambushed. But then Something Happens, and it's slowly revealed that no, it's true. The Air Nomads had skeletons in their closet, too (literally, in some cases). The Something depends on what timeline I'm envisioning.
Scenario 1: Canon compliant, until... Kya is born, and now Aang has TWO non-airbending children. That calls into question the idea that all Air Nomads were benders, because it's impossible that a nomadic people who traveled all over the world (and who may not have held monogamy as a universal standard) didn't have children with people of different nations. Either it's a myth that all Air Nomads were airbenders, or babies born without bending weren't considered Air Nomads (and what does that mean for Katara's children?), or Aang really is the first Air Nomad to try to have babies with a non-airbender (pffftt!!!). That opens up a whole lot more uncomfortable questions. During the time that all of this is happening, more Air Nomad artifacts confirming some unpleasant truths are discovered.
Scenario 2: Kataang doesn't happen (yay for Katara!). The questions start coming because air benders are being discovered in pockets around the world. They are born to people who weren't air benders, or not any sort of benders at all. In tracing their family lines, some of them discover Air Nomad ancestors. Those are the ones that were raised by their non-Nomad parents. There are others- a disturbing number- who aren't able to trace their lineages back very far because their Nomad-descended ancestors were given away. Some in under the table adoptions, others to orphanages, and more than a few were given into servitude and poverty, and even they were among the lucky ones. The world is turned on its head when the mass graves full of small bones are found....During the time that all of this is happening, more Air Nomad artifacts confirming some unpleasant truths are discovered.
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syeniites · 4 months ago
I’ve seen a few people comment on the fandom’s overall tendency to understate Trimax!Wolfwood’s fear of Vash’s power/nature and perhaps exaggerate the quasi-religious devotion aspect of their dynamic, and I find it very interesting because from my perspective, all of that is heavily dependent on when in the manga timeline you’re looking at.
Because it doesn’t take Wolfwood that long to start believing in Vash’s good intentions (“A true gunman who only looks on the bright side of life?” - TM #3), but it takes far longer for him to trust that Vash can remain in control of his powers when faced with Knives (“You know what kind of guy he is, but he’s also the trigger to a power that could end the world” - TM #6).
The concern here is twofold: that Vash might ‘go off’ in a moment of extreme emotional distress, as he nearly did at Dragon’s Nest, and that he might be used as a weapon by Knives, like at July and Fifth Moon.
Despite acutely recalling the terror he felt on Ship 5 with the whole crying-blood thing (“That behemoth will splatter us like insects” - TM #2), Wolfwood seems primarily worried about the latter by the time they reach the Ark (“Is it that easy to eliminate half the threat?” - TM #6).
But then three things happen:
Knives tries to absorb Vash and is almost consumed himself instead, demonstrating that Vash’s power is the stronger of the two.
Wolfwood prays to God during the fight with Chapel (“Can murderers only be murderers?… Am I wrong?” - TM #8), and Vash is the one who answers while in full wingèd protector mode (“You are not wrong, Wolfwood!!”).
Vash deliberately activates his Angel Arm and then chooses not to set it off, thus reclaiming his bodily autonomy and freeing himself and Wolfwood from the Ark.
This is a huge turning point in their relationship! Wolfwood “bet his life on” Vash despite “fear[ing] death twice as much as others,” and Vash proved that he was right to do so. Which is why, in Wolfwood’s final confrontation with Chapel and LR, we get The speech of all time:
“Shall I tell you my hope? In this era, especially because of the era we live in, he will be able to do something. His unmatched earnestness… I believe in it. Are you scared? He has never forsaken anything” (TM #10).
Truly nothing in Trimax makes me more feral than those last two lines: the way Wolfwood invokes that fear again, but this time, he himself is exempt from it. Chapel is the one who should fear Vash, precisely because Vash would never forsake Wolfwood as Chapel suggests he did. Not when Wolfwood is one of Vash’s own.
Fear on the one side, faith on the other. Wolfwood has moved from the former to the latter.
TL;DR - In a Wolfwood Lives AU or really any scene set after they escape the Ark, it makes sense for Wolfwood not to show any particular fear of Vash’s inhuman nature and even to display signs of that sense of awe in the face of Vash’s goodness, whereas earlier in the story, it would be odd for Wolfwood to be entirely calm and accepting when Vash goes into Angel Mode™️.
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tizeline · 7 months ago
You know how in the movie Casey jr has that scene with Leo over his whole leadership thing and how that got all of his brothers in serious danger with Raph getting kidnapped?
Well, in your AU it could be that CJ instead has an argument with Mikey over his hostility towards CJ and humans in general and how that got Donnie kidnapped and Raph and Leo hurt.
I can see Mikey being hostile since the moment CJ appeared and Donnie arguing about it which is what lead to the situation where Donnie sacrificed himself for Mikey, with CJ being non confrontational about it since he KNOWS what future Mikey is like and he is so sweet and kind and caring and like an uncle to him and he literally blew up his own body to at least save CJ from the Kraang. Can also see Mikey initially blaming CJ for the Donnie situation as he was the focus of the arguing.
Which ends up boiling over like in canon, leading to some good old drama and character development™️
Oh yeah, that's what I'm planning >:) That scene where CJ confronts Leo about his questionable leadership-tactics, where gonna get CJ chewing Mikey out for being a little shit. In general it's really weird for CJ to see Master Michelangelo of all people act so hostile towards him and Donnie. He knew vaugely about The Drax Trios inital animosity towards humans and that they and Donnie didn't immedietly get along, but the Michelangelo he knew growing up had gotten past all that already and had gotten really close with Donnie. So yeah, eventually CJ's just like "what's your fucking deal???"
In the movie, right after Raph gets taken, Leo at first gets angry at CJ and blames him for not warning them about it, but pretty quickly gets over it when CJ explains that he had no idea that this was gonna happen because it didn't in his timeline. In the AU, Mikey lashes out in a similar manner and blames CJ for Donnie being taken, difference here is that he stays mad at CJ even though he knows, logically, that it's not CJ's fault. But Mikey is being consumed by guilt and anxiety over the entire situation and it's easier to take out his negative emotions on CJ considering Mikey already didn't like him simply because he was human.
Actually, when CJ first shows up, Donnie's pretty skeptical of him as well considering he's a stranger, but when he notices that Mikey obviously doesn't like him either, Donnie flips a switch and is all like "welcome to the family, new guy!!" just to annoy Mikey 😭 And that just makes Mikey more annoyed at both Donnie and CJ lmaooo
As for Mikey possibly (at this point probably) sacrificing himself similarly to Leo in the movie to end the invasion would happen both because he feels guilty and blames himself for everything bad that happened. But also because this is when it finally clicks for Mikey that no, the prophecy warning about the fall of yōkai-kind wasn't refering to humans as the threat, but rather the krang! So Mikey figures that he was literally made to prevent the krang-invasion and as such is able to accept that it might come at the cost of his own life (he's still very much dealing with main-character syndrome lol)
Lmao imagine Draxum's reaction to all this though- Draxum: You have the duty of saving the world. Mikey: Okay! *dies* Draxum: nOT LIKE THAT-!
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clockwaysadmin · 2 years ago
The Fic That I'm Not Writing Update Subscription Post
STATUS: Backburner
(The title is, obviously, a joke. I am writing this. Just not letting it stress me! It will get a real title when it goes up on Ao3.)
Ship: Dead on Main, Danny Fenton/Jason Todd CW: (updating as the series continues) Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Minor Injuries
Someone moved into the apartment below Jason's- an apartment that wasn't for rent. Turns out that Danny is is an absolute disaster with the self-preservation skills of a wet paper bag. He's also adorable. Jason takes it on himself to look out for Danny- both as himself and as Red Hood. What Jason could never have expected was for Danny to have plans of his own- plans that involve dating both of Jason's personas. The Goons™️think this is amazing. Good on the Boss and the Boss's boy toy for getting a twink!
All parts are being posted here on Tumblr in their first draft version. This fic is being posted out of order as inspiration strikes. There will be an update given when it goes live on Ao3.
All things related to this fic can be found in the 'the fic that I'm not writing' tag on @clockwayswrites. Major links are below.
Timeline- subject to change and my whims:
I'm (not) writing this hella out of order, as scenes and polls want to be written (the bastards)
Jason discovers Danny
Accidental Sugar Daddying Start
Shopping Montage
Something something something
A fool tries to mug Danny
Self Defense Lessons (Danny realized Jason is Red Hood)
Jason meets feral!Danny
Jason and Danny post RH meeting
The Midterm Zombie
Thirst Trap Lessons
Danny propositions Hood
Jason is Confused™️
Dick meets Danny (snippet)
Goons confront Hood
Hood tells Danny to ask Jason and then panics
Jason says yes
idk some cute relationship shit
Paulina Visits Gotham
Put a Leash on it (it being Danny)
RH Appreciation Society
Block Party
Jason whines to Dick
Tim meets Danny
More Bats meet Danny
(will this be the fic I'll finally need to label over T?)
you'll learn more as I don't write
if I were writing it
Narrator voice: stuff happens
Danny is not a morning person
My writing is better than this list. Of course, I'm clearly not writing this.
How to Subscribe:
Website: click on the ... in the upper right and 'Subscribe to Conversation' App: click on 'notes' in the bottom left then the bell icon in the upper right
(For those very few with ability to comment on this post, DO NOT.)
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dontbesoweirdkira · 11 months ago
Vito going from annoyed to loving your stay in his apartement and starting treating you with his wife, his obsessive tendency on the first few was very subtle toward you but it's getting more apparent by holding your hand when going out and beat up punk that disrespected you. One of his most fearful moment is for one day you just go back to your own timeline leaving him all alone
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A/N: Ugh your minddddd!! Sorry this took a few days, I got a little busy. Using a prompt from the Yandere prompt list hehehe
44. “Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
Warnings: abuse, manipulation, being held hostage,violence, slight SA and happy sunshine rainbows!!
Requests: Open 24/7
As much flack as Vito had originally given you, he’s so attached to you now.
Vito definitely is the kind of Yandere who pretends like he’s not completely obsessed with you but is actually dying for your attention.
Tsundere I believe it’s called? Yeah. That’s him.
It’s been nice having you around the house. You make him meals, help out with laundry, cleaning, and even patch him up when he comes home hurt. Not to mention very caring and understanding. You check off all the boxes his mama told him to look for in a wife, why would he ever let you go?
Besides, ever since you told him that he’d end up old and alone, he’s been on the hunt to find his perfect wife.
Apparently that perfect someone is you.
Now you were simply doing all of these things as an exchange for him letting you stay while you worked on a plan to get back home. Not because you were trying out to be his housewife.
Vito is from another time period, for him, if you're basically functioning like a married couple then you are one.
All you need now is a ring and his last name.
You didn’t pay attention to his little gestures at first. Him opening the door for you, paying for you and being protective were all chivalrous gestures most men in the 50’s would’ve done anyways. He never made it a big deal or overstepped a boundary so it didn’t really rub you wrong.
Of course Joe would tease you about Vito being completely smitten over you but it never really appeared so. Also who really pays that man any attention???
It wasn’t until Vito started becoming bolder that you started taking him seriously.
Vito would start to get visibly upset if you decided to sit across from him and not directly next to him at restaurants.
He disliked when you interacted with any man other than him. Even to the point where he would start to question your feelings for Joe, slightly accusing you of flirting.
He became a lot more physical, insisting that you’d hold his hand or have at least one of his arms around your waist at all times.
You tried to protest about how this made you feel extremely uncomfortable since this was a very intimate gesture but the man wasn’t having it. It was like arguing with a wall.
“Y/N, I know we’re only friends but I’m doing this for your protection. If other men around think you’re with me, they won’t dare lay a finger on you. Everyone knows I’m with Falcone.”
To your dismay, you dropped it. What he said kind of made sense. Women and children are off limits, especially if they belong to a family. Maybe he knew something you didn’t.
The physical contact continued but only got worse. To the point he’ll just pull you onto his lap, adjust your clothes and move your hair out of the way so he can rest his head on your neck.
“Trust me Y/N, I’m not into you. You’re not even really my type. Like I said, I just want to protect you. I need people to believe it.”
Why are you lying so hard Vito??
This soldier doesn't like it when a man disrespects a woman period!! Like y’all remember this man holding everything in him back so he wouldn’t kill the guy that hit his sister.
Mama’s boy™️
Can you imagine what happened to the man who decided it was a good idea to not only catcall you but to smack your ass???
You tried to tell Vito to forget it and that it wasn’t that big of a deal…
You spent hours trying to get the blood stains out of Vito’s bomber jacket as well as the sounds of his fists slamming that poor punk into the ground out of your head.
As much as he tried so hard to hide his one sided relationship from you, it was so obvious by this point.
Vito felt strongly about you, even if it was platonic. It was getting out of hand and causing you to look for an out.
Maybe speaking to Vito about this would help? Maybe this was all a misunderstanding and maybe this time he’d actually listen to you?
He’s a stubborn fuck that refuses to accept reality.
“Okay…since you can’t respect my wishes and this isn’t enjoyable anymore. I’m thinking about leaving and going back home. I mean that was always the plan but-“
What? You’re leaving? No no no. How could you leave your husband?
“No. You’re not going.”
Haha that’s funny…
“Um, Vito, I didn't ask you. I’m telling you. I’ll be leaving soon. Did you really think I was going to stay here forever?”
Yes. He really did. You were meant to be a part of this decade, here with him. What is so great about the future if he’s not going to be there to spend it with you?
He’s not happy, this isn’t right. Something in his brain snapped and he’s not letting you leave.
“Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
“Do you think it’s funny that I have to spend my life alone…no one to love or take care of me while you go back to your life like it’s nothing??”
“P-please calm down-“
“Oh please fuck off Y/N. There’s someone else isn't there?? Huh? You have some pretty boy waiting at home for you right now? I can make more money for you-”
“Vito! There isn’t anyone else. I’m just not supposed to be here. We weren’t ever supposed to meet. This was all a huge mistake and I’m sorry for interrupting your life. I wish I just never came here. I-I wish we never met.”
Seriously? Did you mean that? Are you going to go back and undo all of this? Can you even do that? You can’t do that, he can’t live without you. You’re meant to be together.
Taking a second to breathe and lower his tone, he spoke calmly.
“Look, I’m sorry. I gained a little crush on you and it’s admittedly gotten a bit weird. You are right and I’ll let it go. If you feel like going back home will make you happy then I will learn to live with it.”
“It’s okay Vito. Let’s just get some rest and then we can discuss this over breakfast. We’ve had a long day.”
Yeah he’ll never learn to live with it. That was his best attempt at setting down the situation. He needed alone time to think and most importantly for you to go to sleep.
It’s wrong…he can almost see the frown on his late mother’s face as he thinks up this sick plan. But he didn’t ever think about you leaving before and now he’s terrified of you doing just that.
He’d only be locking you up for a few days, that’s enough for him to break you…make you change your mind…
He’s been tought exactly how to fuck with someone in the army, how to make his enemy crumble into doing whatever he wants.
Vito could do that with you. It’ll be okay and you’ll learn to forgive him once he gives you a new fur coat or something.
“This is for the best, Y/N. It’s for our future.” He loves you and the ropes tied around your ankles are tied with care. ;)
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whomstdosthouthinkiis · 3 months ago
my two cents on Horikoshi's end notes, and the fandom moving forward.
I know that other bakudekus and myself are #Going Through It™️and we want to be able to wash our hands of an ending we don't feel gives us emotional closure, especially when it comes to Kacchan's arc and their relationship. (I vacillate between seeing it as bittersweet with tints of hope and heartrendingly depressing and an absolute gut punch)
But I feel like a lot of us are jumping to conclusions and conspiracies way too quickly. When Hori says "he's turning off the camera and releasing them from their dramas" he's saying that he's not going to put them through another story. "their dramas" being the trials and tribulation and arcs that they went through over the course of the series, he's letting them off the hook and won't be putting another arc in the story. And, though he may refer to himself as the camera man, turning off the camera is just kinda a normal phrase to mean that the story is over, what ever happens now is up to our imaginations.
Now, I get why we are upset by this, ignoring canon wasn't how we got to be bakudeku shippers. Almost until the very end with very few hiccups, Kacchan and Deku's relationship was the most impactful and compelling one in the series, it grew and changed and blossomed in ways that only made the emotional resonance and investment stronger. They were each others most important person, to the point of insane unhinged acts of devotion, and their relationship was the driver of most of the stories major themes. it's not hard to see the appeal, even without shipper goggles (I legitimately only read the manga for the last 2 years when something bakugo or bakudeku related happened, that's how much this part of the story compelled me)
So, it really sucks to feel like we've been let down, when it felt like we had already made it to the end. I know I will always cherish those 5 months of canon compliant fluffy bakudeku fics and fanart after the first ending. It really felt like we had won in a way.
It sucks that now the last piece of canon we have is giving ammo to people who wish to belittle, hate, and judge us for our investment in, and interpretation of, these characters and this story. And, that all subsequent fan works will be colored by this development of the story, in a way that definitely shifts it in more angsty tragic direction. that this is the final note we leave off on sucks, even if we chose to ignore it, because not everyone will.
That sucks.
BUT, we can still ignore it.
We don't need it to not really be canon.
We don't need Horikoshi's permission to ship them, even now.
We have 400+ chapters of manga, side stories, anime, music, canon content that supports the bond and relationship that we love and hold dear, so much material to continue to interpret, and remix, and adapt, and transform from. so many moments, big and small, that can't be taken away by one chapter.
I know endings tend to re-contextualize things, but we can imagine a timeline that's different, that we like better or think is more compelling, or more fun, or just different. we can imagine 100 different timelines, all diverging from different points, filling in different gaps, and making new paths forward.
I know we're all coping, that our hearts are hurting, but I also see so much strength, and resilience, and creative energy, and love.
The cameras aren't rolling anymore.
Now, WE get to decide what the future for these characters will bring.
And I know we'll give them many many good ones
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weirdunclegamer · 5 months ago
Was laying in bed and starting having Thoughts™️ about something in AC6 and while I don't normally do this, I figure I should try just... rando talking about stuff on my blog.
I found it very amusing and interesting (strongbad voice; amteresting), how AC6 decided to use the term Raven in its new AC timeline. Its explained to us (eventually) to not just be one pilot's name, but a title that many pilots of a somewhat bygone time had used, a title that supposedly stood for their sense of freedom.
It's pretty obvious what the metatext is there, its using the Raven title from earlier AC games... and giving it a sort of mythologizing that the term likely sounds like it has irl to new players who, coming to the series new, and seeing all the old fans reawakening to the bell of a new game, heard the wistful, nostalgic tales of playing the games back in the day, of being Ravens for the first time on the old consoles.
And even irl that title faded from its original use, obviously because the game series slowed down then went on a full decade hiatus. But it actually faded in the games as well. In AC4 the pilots are no longer called Ravens, but Lynx. A change I remember personally feeling a bit bummed by at the time even. In AC5 (a good game and I will not tolerate the meatheaded hate it gets), you are uniquely "the mercenary" instead of holding a shared title, further diluting the very idea of the titles.
It was one of those sorts of things I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about. On one hand I feel like they should've just gone back to calling the pilots (or maybe just certain affiliations) Ravens in AC6, a way of going back to the roots, since AC6 is a proper reboot. But on the other hand I can appreciate the metatext, which def feels very FromSoft to do, weaving a sense of the real world history of the franchise into the lore of the new era. Either way, it is especially amusing, because it all stems from a funny quirk of the progress of video game technology; the problem game writers came into when voice acting was added to games, wherein it was impossible to account for the names a player would name themself, so they had to find ways to write around characters saying the players' name, in games where the player names themself.
Its a thing I feel people mostly associate with the more "modern" era, with epic adventure create-a-character games like the Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, or, of course, the Souls family. But its been a thing since as early as the PS1. Before voice acting was whole-game prevelant, when all the dialogue was text, you could just insert that bit of code to put in the players' chosen name into the npc dialogue (for true immersion, or to name you're pokemon stuff like "I" or "You" or "Farts"... also for true immersion), but now... well I already said the thing about the voice work. Coming up with a title to call the player (Dragonborn, Courier, Commander Shepard, etc etc) has been a popular way to handle the problem... which seems to be almost satirized in AC6.
Despite everything I just said about the use of Raven in AC6, the player character has like two scoops of nicknames the other characters call you; 621, hound, raven, buddy, tourist, G13, freelancer, wallclimber, wormkiller, liberator of rubicon... pretty sure there's others I can't remember. That might've just been a side effect of how the characters are written vis-a-vi the players' in universe muteness, but knowing From, its very likely to have been a sort of good natured ribbing about the fad both in their games and others.
The use and challenge of use of players' getting to name the protagonist in games is one of those fantastic things that mostly only exists in video games.
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tragic-ships-tournament · 2 months ago
oh before i go out lemme say what the prize is for the ship that wins
The ship that wins gets their very own, courtesy of us at Tragic Ships Inc ™️, timeline where they get to be happy and actually get a good ending.
And also pfp privileges but that's not as important.
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my-adhd-gremlin-blog · 7 months ago
I am as disappointed as everyone else is with the final season of The Umbrella Academy, but I also have some of my own Thoughts™️. Allow me to weigh in.
We can all agree that the finale was absolute dogshit, right? I've seen a lot of commentary about the character assassination of Number Five, and the cursed as fuck crack ship that should've stayed in the deep recesses of ao3, where no one could find it. But there was also absolutely no character development for any of them in the end? Not really?
Luther still has unresolved daddy issues (why else would he be squatting in the condemned building of the Academy?). And he just, what, gave up looking for his wife? Luther "loverboy" Hargreeves. The man who chased and pined for Allison almost his entire life gave up on HIS WIFE after/within six years? No way.
Diego's character basically went nowhere. Four seasons, and he still didn't come to any kind of realisation that, hey, maybe he is enough. No. If he isn't in Luther's shadow, he's insecure about his marriage, or his powers, and being "strong enough." Everything was a competition to him, even though he was the only one competing. He deserved a little bit of self-love, but apparently, "self-destruct" is all he gets.
Allison had her ups and downs, and they let her end on a fucking down? Her arch was the most disappointing. We literally see her trying to be a better, more honest person in s1, and then a human rights activist in s2. Her powers are morally grey, sure, but she had so much potential. Then she just straight up becomes a villain and has barely any redemption for it? Her character started on a high. It was natural progression for her to hit a low. But not that low. And she never really came back up from it. In six years, it seemed like she made no real effort to make up for what she did. A couple of good decisions do not make up for a multitude of bad ones.
Which brings me to Klaus. I wasn't sold on sober, germaphobe Klaus to begin with. I thought it was just a little bit too out of character. But I'll take that any day than what happened to him this season. And to his credit, his hypochondria after losing his powers at least made sense. But he'd made so much progress, not just on his sobriety but on embracing his powers rather than being afraid. (Also, he and Allison being codependent on each other like that was not healthy).
This season made Ben, as a character, pretty much pointless. From the beginning, it seemed like his death was supposed to bring the Academy together, narratively speaking. It was his "purpose" to die and become a sort of martyr to his siblings (I mean, it didn't work, so even then, Ben kinda died unnecessarily). But in reality, his death wasn't a teachable moment, it was just murder. And without Ben, the story still would have ended the same way. Any of the children born from the marigold could have brought about the cleanse, it didn't necessarily HAVE to be Ben. And with the number of timelines there were, it was probably inevitable that it would happen in at least one of them. They all died pointlessly, but Ben's deaths were especially pointless.
Viktor was about the only character that DID have some development. He finally stood up to his father and received at least some validation for his mistreatment as a kid. Not that it ended up mattering because his relationship with his siblings was practically non-existent at this point. All he'd ever wanted was to be a part of the team, and yet apparently made no effort in six years to see his siblings and actually be a part of the family. It makes no sense for his character.
I hate that Lila was a damsel in distress for most of this season. She's a grown woman who we know is fully capable of standing up for herself, but it felt like she was reduced to just her role in the family. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being a mother or a wife, but that seemed to be ALL her character was this season, when we know she's more than that. The one thing she got to herself was taken away from her coz it hurt "poor Diego's feelings 🥺". Grow up 🙄. And I am not touching the other thing with a ten foot barge pole.
Now, obviously, there's Five. People have already talked about how his character was completely butchered this season. No, Five of the past would not have given up so easily. Despite the jabs and the squabbling, Five loved his family. He fought hard to get back to them when he was stranded. After a struggle like that, why the fuck WOULD he stop fighting to keep his family together?
I'm not saying all of these characters had to be good, outstanding citizens by the end of the show. But they should have at least had a journey from season one. Instead, they either went backwards or in circles. And in the end, none of it mattered anyway.
This season was so fucking stupid. It completely undermined the rest of the story. What was the point in literally anything that happened in the previous seasons if it was just leading up to all of it being erased? This is some, "and it was all a dream" bullshit, and I'm not here for it.
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thevillagequeer · 5 months ago
It's been (checks calendar) TWO MONTHS since s4 came out and I still can't believe David Katz was not brought into the Good Timeline Park ™️
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pochaccopipi · 9 months ago
Thoughts on Kuya, autonomy, and his refusal to be "captured"
(spoilers under the cut)
This SSR story is sooo good because it really fleshes out Kuya's all-encompassing hatred of being owned? Not just in a literal sense, but in an obligations/expectations kind of way too. He repeatedly states over the course of the game that he shouldn't be forced into a box, can't be defined by human morals, and has so many wildly different facets of himself that they're basically autonomous copies running around in alternate timelines.
He insists that Elysium allows visitors the right to choose if/how they participate. He seems to hate injustices that trample one's freedom (unless he's the one perpetuating said injustice— in which he considers his actions Wise And Necessary™️). He loathes being claimed as a prize. He also clearly hates being pandered to, especially when his suitors have ulterior motives and expect him to stay by their side forever. He hates when humans assume what he likes, and commit crimes against nature in order to please him. He spent centuries at Huey's side (literally indentured to him in a life-or-death contract), and even spent time in service to the lord of the yokai himself, who forced kuya back into his fox state when he was found during a suicide attempt. He was literally voided of essence to the point that he had to relive his most vulnerable years again. He experienced a loss of power and autonomy that probably felt like a betrayal. Granted it was a punishment intended to teach him humility, but it probably just traumatized him instead.
(This may also explain what happened on the Saian ship with Huey, when he was discovered in his true yokai form— something went wrong with corrupted essence, they couldnt teleport back to Klein as usual, and he burned the ship down when someone spotted him looking "beastly". It hit too close to home for him.)
Prior to meeting Eiden, he'd run out of things to enjoy in life, and turned to torturing small forest animals just to get some dopamine flowing again. He's a sadistic contrarian bully but it makes sense that he feels rage against immortality/life itself, and probably approved of Huey because they shared an interest in exploring new horizons (not to mention the massive power boost he got in return).
So in this SSR r5 when he pauses in relief/shock after eiden tells him he cant force kuya to stay by his side forever, it all kind of clicked into place for me? Everything about kuyas character screams Do Not Attempt To Capture Me. He literally exploded a roomful of men who tied him down in Rusted Nation. He made a group of gamblers claw their own eyes out for daring to look at him with sexual intent. He even destroys offerings from other yokai who put him on a pedestal. He hates being expected to do anything for anyone for any reason, because those expectations often come with gross connotations or lasting debts, and have been repeatedly imposed upon him without his consent in the past.
His biggest fear might literally be losing control again.
(Of course he's a big hypocrite and does everything he hates to other people? And sometimes doesn't even realize he's doing it? Like in Astral Duo when he asks Quincy if he's done "something unforgivable" to Eiden, as if Kuya himself doesn't do unforgivable things on a daily basis).
Idk. He's just fascinating to me and I love how he seems to be driven by a pathological need to escape. He's not unaware of his weaknesses, as evidenced by him flinching when Eiden reaches behind his blind spot. He seems to be terrified of capture in every sense of the word, and does everything possible to overcome that.
Like a cornered animal :)
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coralhoneyrose · 29 days ago
I was wondering: what do you imagine Robin's childhood was like? Did feh change that in any way?
Oooh what an interesting question! Admittedly, I haven't thought about this in extensive detail, but I do definitely have Some Thoughts™️.
So, we obviously don't get much to go off in canon. Validar says that Robin's mother was "seized by weakness and fear" and that "she betrayed us—stole you from your crib, and fled with you in the night!" and then adds that he knows "naught of [Robin's] life thereafter". Presumably the 'us' there is referring to the Grimleal…and if she betrayed them as a collective group she must have been a part of said group previously. The fact that Validar says she stole Robin from their crib also implies that she ran away with them sometime between birth and age 3-ish.
If she was trying to get away from the Grimleal, I assume she would have wanted to leave Plegia if at all possible. We know that the last war between Ylisse and Plegia ended about 15 years before the start of the game, though. So if we assume Robin is about the same age as Chrom (19) then that would have put Robin around four years of age when the war ended. So either Robin's mom was trying to make do in Plegia for a while, or they potentially hid out in Ferox for a time. When it comes to my personal writing, I admittedly like to play with those timelines a bit, but that's my best guess for how things went down in game.
Either way, I assume they probably lived an extremely nomadic life style. They couldn't risk being found, which means they also couldn't really risk putting down roots or settling in one place long term. I imagine Robin was probably very lonely growing up, as all that moving around and having to lay low would mean they didn't have much of a chance to make friendships with other children. Presumably the trend continued into their adult life too given that no one in the story (aside from Validar) ever recognizes Robin or remembers them from prior to when they met Chrom. If that's something that was so lacking in their life previously, I think it makes the game's messages about the importance of the connections we choose all the more meaningful. Also I am just really partial to the idea of Robin being touch starved prior to meeting the Shepherds and Chrom's subsequent touchiness and familiarity with them taking them completely by surprise as a result haha
Honestly I suspect a lot of that is why they came to love books so much too. The books were an escape to other worlds but they would have been a small slice of stability as well, since a story is the same every time you read it. They may not have had friends in real life, but the characters in their books would have always been there for them between the pages. I imagine Robin got very good at amusing themself too and probably had a very rich imagination growing up. The fact that they traveled to so many different places may also have played into them developing their strong sense of curiosity.
I'm sort of undecided on what point in Robin's life I imagine that they lost their mother / how exactly they lost her. That's one of the things that's always really interesting to see other fan's interpretations of, as there are a variety of interesting possibilities there. Either way, given that Robin's inability to have made many connections outside of their mother, I imagine they took it incredibly hard.
As far as if FEH impacted my interpretations in any way, I would say it didn't really change them, but that it did fill in some details for me! Robin's coat being visibly too big for them strongly implies it was a hand-me-down from their mother for one thing (which I'd sort of assumed before but never had direct confirmation of). I'd also been very curious just how much Robin understood about who they were on the run from / why they were hiding, so hearing that their mother cautioned them to keep their hand hidden and that they do seem to have some sense of that being the source of their power as well as 'an evil omen of an unlucky fate' was very interesting as well.
That's everything that comes to mind at the moment! ASfhsdf I like that I started by saying I haven't thought about it in extensive detail and then proceeded to type all of this up...But honestly, writing all my thoughts out wound up being super helpful for organizing them. It also has my chrobin brain-cell vibrating at high speed going into the weekend, so you have my gratitude, anon! Thank you for giving me such a prime opportunity to talk about one of my favs <3
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hero-of-the-wolf · 9 months ago
What are your thoughts on each LU hero?
cracks knuckles long post incoming!!
I feel like a lot of people forget about how much of a gremlin Time really is. He's cryptic for the bit, because he thinks it's funny, but he's absolutely willing to talk about things when asked (like when he told Wind about his entire adventure). Yeah this man's got trauma, but at the point he's at now he's healed a lot. I also think that he's just incredibly awkward, and it makes him come across as aloof and ✨mysterious✨
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Twilight is the softest dorkiest Link by far and I will DIE on this hill. He's the biggest big brother to ever brother, and he vibes like someone who feels most useful when he's taking care of other people. It's very important to him. My boy is also so so stubborn like who the heck thinks it's a good idea to try and walk off an axe wound to the gut 😭 also I know in my heart that he gives the best hugs ever and I think a hug from him would fix me actually
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People like to make Warriors this shallow jerk??? and he's NOT. He's really really not. He's just a big brother and he loves to tease. He's also really smart too, esp with battle tactics and working with other people. Also this man def knows field medicine like look at him whenever one of the others is downed in a fight, he's always right there making sure that they're okay.
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Four is so so clever and really good at teamwork (obviously lol). but like!!! I love how throughout LU you can actively see him working really well with the others and accounting for their skills and where they are in battle, like in The Shadow arc he ducks down so Time can land a hit and it's a really cool scene. I also love his inside jokes with himself lol. He keeps his secrets just because he's waiting for a big dramatic reveal and I respect him for it.
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Wind makes the best facial expressions HANDS DOWN. He's such a big brother too, and even tho he's the youngest Link I'm sure he still big brothers all the others lol. Also!!! This kid literally made the gods choose him as a hero. At every turn literally nobody took him seriously and he proved himself and killed Ganondorf!!! I'm so proud of him. ALSO Wind is so smart. He's the first one to start piecing together the timeline(s)!!
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Wild is honestly super hyper competent?? Boy knows how to live off the land. He's smart. He chooses to be silly bc he enjoys being silly, not bc he's stupid. Also he was literally a prodigy!!!! That doesn't go away just because he lost his memories. He basically started out with the master sword (as in he started his knighthood with the sword already in hand), he defeated a guardian with a pot lid, also he knows how to cook lol. He's fine vibing by myself, but he's also happy to hang out with the others too :) also yeah he has a lot of trauma and guilt over everything that happened :(
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Legend's harshness to me is def a projection. A coping mechanism, if you will. Boy's got such a soft heart (bunny hehe) and he wants to protect it from getting hurt again. That doesn't stop him from loving and caring about the others, he's just more guarded about it. And despite everything he's been through... he still loves adventuring. He really does.
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Hyrule's got SO much grit and sheer determination. And he's so powerful too, even if he doesn't think that he is. He's got spells!!! That's something none of the others really have. Boy's got the toughest enemies in the entire franchise, too. He survived the Adventure of Link. That's insane lol also he's got SUCH just a little guy energy fr and I love that for him
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I think people also forget what a troublemaker Sky is. And he absolutely gets away with all of it too bc like just look at his face. Is that the face of someone who's ever done something wrong in their entire life? yes. yes it is But he's also genuinely so so sweet too and yeah he def gives really great hugs. Also he's an insanely talented swordsman??? Like there's a reason he's called the Godslayer™️ lol. Sky is SCARY when he's angry. He just doesn't get angry all that easily.
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