#but i was in one the other day just to test it out/ensure i actually got a seat to eat my lunch at
silverislander · 2 years
i've FINALLY found the best spot in school to chill alone/study and it's. the individual study rooms. who could have predicted this.
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If Steve was someone to believe in conspiracy theories he might think that there is a mistletoe complot happening. Because mistletoes keep suddenly popping up everywhere, especially in places Steve could swear three seconds ago hadn't been a mistletoe. Places that always include Eddie.
"Seriously, another one?" Eddie groans just as much a helpless victim in the mistletoe coup that might or might not be happening as Steve. "Do these sprout out of your hair?"
"Who says they aren't sprouting out of your hair dude," Steve shoots back half annoyed half amused.
"Yeah, yeah fine, c'mon let's get it over with," Eddie sighs and turns his cheek. "Lay one on me, Harrington."
Steve rolls his eyes but obeys and presses his lips against Eddie's cheek. His skin is cold, as always and his stubble is a funny sensation. The thing is if it was up to them they would just shrug it off and walk away, no peck on the cheek needed. But somehow – and the number one reason why Steve thinks this might be a conspiracy – they always end up under a mistletoe when the kids or older teens are around insisting that they kiss because otherwise, that means bad luck.
"Do you really think we can afford any more bad luck," Dustin had squeaked the first time they had ended up under a mistletoe and had tried to just walk away. So for almost three weeks Eddie and Steve have been kissing each other's cheeks constantly. Of course, always ensure first that the other one is okay with the kiss. Steve's always thought that the tradition of /having/ to kiss is absolutely stupid.
"Maybe they'll stop sprouting if you properly kissed," Robin suggests while stirring up icing for the cookies the party has been baking in the Wheeler's kitchen. Steve has to suppress the urge to flip her off.
"Guess we'll have to put that theory to the test next time, don't we big boy?" Eddie laughs and Steve can feel himself blush. He blames it on the heat from the oven.
The next time comes three days later at the Hopper-Byers' house and Steve turns his head to Jonathan who looks at them expectantly and asks, "Aren't you Jewish?"
"Yeah, but mistletoes are a Roman tradition," he shrugs and stubs out his joint. He and Eddie have been smoking outside and Steve was sent outside to get them for dinner just as Eddie was being sent inside to ask if they still needed help.
"Roman, really?" Steve frowns.
"The ancient Greek called mistletoes oak-sperm," Eddie grins his hands already grabbing Steve's shirt and pulling him closer.
"Ugh, gross dude," Steve complains but still leans in and closes the distance between them, this time an innocent peck on the lips. When they let go Steve thinks that for a second he might have spotted disappointment in Jonathan's eyes.
He finds out later in the evening why. He and Eddie have just finished washing up like they both offered, Steve washing, Eddie drying and are about to return to the Hopper-Byers' living room when they hear Dustin whisper-shout, "It's like they don't even want to kiss."
"I told you this idea was stupid," Max murmurs. "They're not gonna admit to being into each other like this."
"I think we should just keep trying," Robin, the traitor adds, and Steve can hear the amusement in her voice.
"Wow, looks like we have been party entertainment," Eddie whispers next to Steve.
"Yeah, I can't believe it...actually, I can," Steve says before he gets an idea. "Wanna get back at them by traumatizing them a little?"
"I like the way you think, Harrington."
So next time they get caught under a mistletoe they don't go in for a chaste kiss. Instead, they kiss like men starving, with tongues, teeth, wandering hands, and badly muffled moans. Steve isn't quite sure it still counts as PG-13 but it's the shitheads' own fault. They are slightly out of breath when they part. It's worth it though the kids look like they walked in on their parents kissing. Steve had to suppress a laugh.
"Hope that might finally ward them off," Steve says, hoping his knees aren't shaking too obviously. "This was fun, but I have a date to wine and dine, so see you little shitheads tomorrow."
"Seriously, you have a date?" Dustin gawks. "After...after...after..."
"After what, Henderson?" Steve grins, knowing Dustin can't say anything without giving their whole plot away.
"After this long day?" Dustin tries to save himself.
"That's why I'm hoping my date is gonna stay over," Steve says, earning another groan from everyone before he leaves.
A few hours later once the wining and dining has happened and Steve and his date have cuddled up on the couch his date turns their head and gently nuzzles into the crook of Steve's neck.
"You know they're gonna think they are the reason we got together," Eddie says and presses soft kisses down Steve's throat.
"We got together literally a month before the mistletoes happened," he says and pulls Eddie closer.
"I know," Eddie hums, "but you know how cocky Henderson is. He won't care."
"I guess," Steve mumbles as Eddie plants another kiss on his cheek. "It's kinda nice though. That they did this, that they don't mind."
"Yeah," Eddie agrees softly. "But they are gonna regret it once we tell them and start kissing without any mistletoes present."
Steve laughs before he gently cups Eddie's face.
"We should practice how to traumatize them more then," he grins.
"Yeah, we should," Eddie says before he closes the distance and once more kisses Steve so heated it makes the fire in front of them feel cold.
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cevansbrat0007 · 6 months
What's Eating You, Mr. Barber?
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Summary: You decide to test your man's patience with a prank you saw on TikTok. CLICK HERE to check out Ari Levinson's reaction to the same prompt.
Warnings: Mature Themes, References to Smut, Andrew Barber Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, TikTok Hijinks, Bickering, Manhandling, Ass Slapping, Daddy Kink, Allusions to Oral Sex, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Prompt brought to you courtesy of a Reader Request. This fic features Andrew Barber from my Growing Pains Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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It’s hard for you to put into words just how much you love playing pranks on your unsuspecting husband. And after downloading TikTok, you’d discovered that the app was home to an online treasure trove of practical jokes designed to make your loved one’s head spin. While it had taken a few days for you to settle on the right prank, you were pretty confident that the one you’d chosen would earn you a fun reaction from Andy without you having to risk your ass in the process. 
You find yourself grinning as you take your time prepping dinner, humming a little tune as you peel and press even more fresh garlic for your homemade tomato sauce. Tonight’s family dinner of spaghetti and meatballs promised to be very interesting. Which was why you’d also taken the liberty of setting up two hidden cameras – one in the dining room and one right here in your kitchen. 
As of now, you had no plans to post this on your channel. But you also didn’t want to miss a minute of your man’s reaction. Until then all you had to do was play it cool for a couple more hours.
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Later that Evening…
“Baby Girl, are you sure you don’t need any help?” Your husband asks after watching you make what easily had to be your third trip from the kitchen into the dining room. 
Any other night you would’ve said yes, but not this one. Tonight you were flying solo. The cameras were already on and recording – you’d taken care of that before you’d started setting the table – and so far Andy hadn’t noticed a thing.
Hopefully you’d be able to keep it that way until it was time for the big reveal. 
“No thanks, Big Man. This Mama only has to make one more trip and then we’ll be ready to eat.”  You tell him before sitting two plates on the table in front of your two youngest children. You were down a kid tonight thanks to your oldest, Bianca, being away at a sleepover.  
Andy nods before leaning over to adjust the small hand towel you’d previously tucked into the front of your three-year-old son’s t-shirt. Not that it really mattered all that much since you were positive he’d be swimming in sauce before the meal was over. But what kind of mother would you be if you didn’t at least try?
Biting your lip in anticipation, you scamper back into the kitchen to grab dinner for you and your husband. Andy’s plate was piled high with a generous serving of spaghetti and meatballs. Meanwhile, you give yourself hardly any. 
And therein was the so-called prank. Earlier this week, you’d spent the better part of several hours gleefully watching as dozens of girlfriends and wives proceeded to serve their man impressive looking portions before sitting next to them with virtually empty plates for themselves. Many of the reactions had ranged from hilarious to heartwarming, with only a few dickish exceptions. 
Glancing over your shoulder to ensure you weren’t being watched, you pick up various pans and quietly place them in your oven and out of sight. For this to actually work, Andy would have to believe that there wasn’t enough for seconds or leftovers. Once that’s done, you square your shoulders and confidently march back into the dining room with dishes in hand. 
“I’m back.” You announce, placing a piping hot plate in front of Andy before taking your own seat at the table. “I tried something different with my sauce this time, so everybody dig in and tell me what you think.” 
Andy absentmindedly rubs his palms together as he stares down at the fragrant heap of spaghetti before him. Silently, you will him to look over at what you’d served yourself, but you force yourself to remain quiet so as not to give yourself away. 
“This smells amazing, sweetheart.” Your husband tells you, reaching for a piece of garlic bread. “I’ve been excited for this meal since you told me you texted me at 10:00am.”
“Glad to hear it, Daddy” You pick up the little bowl of parmesan you’d set out and hand it to your middle daughter, Katrina. “What does everybody else think?”
You take a brief glance around the table while you wait for feedback. And although you make a point of not looking at your husband, it’s impossible to miss the way he’s now staring at your nearly empty plate.
“Ooh.” You inwardly squeal, stopping just short of clapping your hands. “It’s starting!” 
“What’s up with this?” His tone is rife with confusion, which only grows when you decide to ignore him in favor of dipping a small piece of bread into some sauce. “Hey – stop!”
“What?” When you finally deign to return his gaze. You have to choke back a laugh as you watch a bewildered Andy comically gesture between your two plates.
“What the fu–fudge,” he swiftly corrects, “is going on with your plate?”
“What do you mean?” You aim to keep your tone light and breezy.
Your husband lets out a frustrated sigh. “Where’s the rest of your food?” He jabs at your plate with his fork, holding up the half of a meatball you’d allowed yourself.
“This was all that was left.” You tell him with a shrug.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His confusion continues to mount even as pauses long enough to grab a napkin to wipe at his son’s increasingly messy fingers. “There was plenty of spaghetti left on the stove.” While he’s occupied you quickly check on little Rory, who appears to be faring slightly better.
“Not really.” 
“Baby…” Andy pins you with a knowing look, one that you readily return.
“What? I…” You trail off, pretending to think. “After I realized BiBi wouldn’t be here tonight, I made some adjustments to the recipe. Turns out I didn’t make enough, so…” Another shrug. “This was all there was after I made everyone else’s plates.” 
Andy is uncharacteristically quiet as leans back in his chair. Meanwhile, your children are busy staring at you, each of them sporting tiny, furrowed brows. Pursing your lips, you set your fork down on your plate and reach for your drink. 
“You can have some of mine, Mama.” KitCat offers before sweetly pushing her plate towards you. The unexpected gesture touches your heart in more ways than one. Not to be outdone, your three-year-old twins also follow suit. 
“That’s okay, babies. I’m perfectly fine.” You reassure them, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Besides, this is all I need and –”
“Thanks kiddos.” Your husband kindly interrupts as he places his napkin on the table. “That was very sweet of you, wanting to take care of your Mama like that.” His brilliant blue eyes beam with pride as he speaks. “But Daddy’s got this one.” 
You’re momentarily taken aback when he stands, picking up his plate as he does. And you’re even more surprised when he motions for you to do the same.
“Can I see you in the kitchen for a moment?”
“Andrew, sweetheart, it’s okay. I promise.”
“Now, please.” It’s an order, that much you know. But at least your handsome ogre has enough sense to take on the word “please” at the end of it.      
“Fine.” You huff before standing and following him out of the room, although not before encouraging your children to keep eating while you’re gone. Just because it was Friday doesn’t mean it was time to dispense their normal bedtime routines.
You were only playing a prank, not embracing total anarchy. 
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Once in the kitchen, you each take up residence in opposing corners. But of course, you’re careful enough to avoid blocking the view of the camera. 
“Baby Girl.” Andy exhales, his fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Do you really mean to tell me that there’s no food left? You really made all that pasta and there’s nothing?”
“Yes, Andrew.” You lie without missing a beat. “I already told you. I trimmed down the recipe because –”
“Because Bianca is gone. Yes, I heard you.” He sets his dish down on the counter, openly scrutinizing it. 
“So then what’s the problem?” You rest your back against your pantry while you wait for him to respond. 
“The problem – my problem –” Andy is quick to amend, shaking his head. “– is that you expect me to sit back and watch you starve while everyone else eats. And I don’t like it.” He scrubs a weary hand over his beard. “Hand me your plate, beautiful.”
“Why?” It’s impossible to keep the suspicion out of your voice. 
“Because I don’t need all of this.” He grunts, taking the plate out of your hands when you don’t comply fast enough. “In fact, I don’t need any of it. You eat and I’ll order myself a pizza after we put the kids down.”
“Andy!” You scoff, which comes out on the heels of a laugh. 
“What?” The man is clearly confused by your dismissal of his offer. “I am capable of handling myself, okay? My hands work just fine.” He grates out, making a show of holding up a large, lightly calloused palm.
“But I…I made that plate for you.” You were seconds away from caving and you both knew it. 
“And I’m telling you, my wonderful wife, that I want you to have it.”
“Oh, you really don’t have to –” You begin, wrapping your arms around yourself. It was time to fess up.
“Fine.” Andy breathes, taking a second to roll his broad shoulders. “Then we’ll split it.” He reaches for your hand, pulling you into his warm embrace so that he can whisper in your ear. “And then, after we put the kids down, we’ll order ourselves a pizza. Maybe open up a bottle of wine while we wait.”
“Yeah?” You murmur, relaxing as you bury your face in his chest. 
God, he always smelled so good.  
“Mhm.” He continues, nuzzling his nose against your curls. “And then, once we’re all giggly and buzzed, I’ll convince you to let me make love to you in front of the fireplace. We can even set up a booby trap so that we pretend like the children don’t exist.”
“Wow.” You can’t stop the giggle that bubbles its way past your lps. “Andy Bear, that sounds amazing. But I’m afraid I can’t.”
“Why the fuck not?” He rumbles as his brawny arms tighten around your smaller frame. You were pushing your District Attorney beyond his breaking point.
“Because.” Squirming out of his hold, you dance your way towards the oven in preparation for the big reveal. Hopefully your husband would be a good sport about all of this.
“Because…” You draw out the word, even as you go to open the oven to show him what’s inside. “There’s actually plenty of dinner leftover. See?” You throw your arms wide, but force yourself to stop just short of adding spirit fingers because you suspected he wouldn’t appreciate it.
“Baby, I swear…” Andy sighs, his hands slowly sinking into the pockets of his charcoal-colored slacks as he rocks back on his heels. Most likely to keep himself from strangling you, his lovely wife. “Why–what would possess you to lie about something like this?”
“First off, sweetheart, it’s called a prank.” You bridge the gap between your bodies so that you can wrap your arms around his trim waist. “And secondly, I saw it on TikTok. Ever heard of it?” 
He glares down at you, which has you instinctively clenching your thighs together. That’s part of the reason you loved riling up your Big Man.
Being a brat got your motor running. 
“I take it you have.” You stand on your tiptoes to kiss away his frown. “Well, I fell down the rabbit hole the other day while the kids were napping. There’s this whole, like, subsection that’s just pranks. And the latest one involved these women pranking their guys by serving them a huge plate of food, and then pretending like there’s nothing left for them to eat. The reactions were super entertaining, so I figured I’d test it out, you know? Just for fun.”
You grace him with your most dazzling smile, but unfortunately, he’s still having none of it. His frown only deepens as he tilts his face up towards the ceiling in an effort to summon all of his remaining patience. 
“Are you mad?” Your teeth sink into your bottom lip while you wait for his answer.
“C’mon, Andy Bear!” You pout before placing your hands on his biceps to give him a light shake.”Where’s your sense of humor?”
“Pretty sure I lost it the day you decided torturing me was your new favorite pastime.” He grumbles, although there doesn’t appear to be any heat in his words. “In fact, I have a feeling you just gave me several new grays.”
“Oh, don’t you dare blame me for those.” You tell him, playfully rolling your eyes at his dramatics. “I’ll have you know that you came home with those. I spotted ‘em the moment you walked through the door.” Your sassy response earns you a sharp crack to your ass, making you wince.
“Brat.” He grouses, even as he presses a sweet kiss to your nose. 
“Guilty as charged.” You hum, weaving your arms around his neck. “Besides, I had a feeling you wouldn’t let me starve.”
“Not sure it’s even possible to fail that challenge, Baby Girl. I mean, you’re my wife. My partner in crime. Did you really expect me to just let you go hungry?”
“You’d be surprised.” You mutter, making a mental note to show him a few videos featuring some of the men who’d actually failed the test. “But thankfully you didn’t. And neither did the kiddos. Which is why I will graciously allow you all to sleep inside tonight.”
You let out a tiny yelp when Andy suddenly grabs your ass with both hands, squeezing hard as he lifts you up. Unsure of what else to do, you immediately lock your legs around his waist. Right now you were just going along for the ride.  
“Now is that any way to talk to Daddy?” Andy lovingly captures your mouth, lightly stroking his along the seam of your lips. “Especially after you played such a mean trick?” His once clouded blue eyes are now filled with mischief. 
“Oh, I’m not sorry. But if it helps, I am willing to delete the video.” Your husband’s eyes go wide, letting you know that he hadn’t even considered the prospect of being recorded. So you keep talking, hoping to distract him. “And I still wanna get you drunk and take advantage of you after we put the children down for the night.” You run your fingers through his neatly coiffed hair, lightly scratching at his scalp with your nail.
“I don’t know if I should trust you.” He eyes you warily, making clear that he still hasn’t quite recovered from your earlier betrayal. 
“What if…” You lean in close, lightly nipping at his earlobe. “I could find it in my heart to apologize between then and now? How does that sound, Big Man?”
“I mean I might be interested.” Andy shrugs, gently setting you on the counter before bracing his muscled arms on either side of you. “Out of curiosity, just what kind of apology are we talking about?” He gazes at you with lust-filled eyes, eagerly anticipating your response.
“The kind that’s best offered while on my knees, wearing nothing but a flimsy pair of thigh highs and garters.” You know you’ve got him when you hear him groan low in his throat.  
“Fucky, baby.” Your husband hisses, burying his face in the valley between your breasts as his imagination suddenly kicks into overdrive. “Can you be sorry enough to wear the heels too? You know the ones I’m talking about.”
Oh. You knew exactly which ones he was talking about.
“I think so.” You murmur, stroking a tender hand along his back as he struggles to regain his composure.   
“Then we’ve got ourselves a deal.” He grips your hips before kindly helping you down. “Now let’s go get those kids fed and off to bed.” Andy grabs your hand, tugging you behind him as you head back to the dining room to see about your babies. 
“Slow down, Andrew.” You laugh as your legs scramble to keep up. 
“No can do, Baby Girl.” He grunts, picking up his pace. “Daddy’s really looking forward to that apology. So be sure to eat up because…” He trails off when he comes face-to-face with his sauce covered little ones. “...You’re gonna need all of your strength.”
“You can count on it.”
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prettieinpink · 1 year
Being that girl once again- back to school!
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It’s back to school season everyone, and my favourite times of the year. In this post im going to give you stuff to do for back to school + advice in specific areas of your school life! I hope everyone can take away something from this post <3 
Revise your past term content in your core subjects, ensure there’s nothing you do not understand(it’s better to understand now than have to understand later)
Review what you are going to be learning for this current term in your core subject, you don’t have to study it, just familiarise yourself. 
Catch up with your friends- hang out, call or text before the new school term. My favourite thing is to create predictions of drama, couples etc in the upcoming term w my girlies!
Create SMART goals for you to achieve that term, in any aspect you want. I say; 1 goal for academics, 1 goal for social and 1 goal for extracurriculars/sports. 
Clean your room !! do a deep clean and declutter. E.g wipe down all surfaces, hover pillows, vacuum floor, clean mirrors, take out any clothes you dislike
Do an everything shower + face masks!!
Everyday afterschool, revise everything that you’ve learnt today + the things that you struggle on
Anytime you get homework, complete it as soon as possible. Most of the time, it’s easy and non time consuming. 
Create study guides for exams/tests while actually learning instead of when the assessments are actually coming up. It saves you a lot of time, which you can use for studying effectively.
If you don’t already, have a specific learning/studying style that works for you. E.g flashcards, blurting, mind map, spaced repetition, the feynman technique. (ofc you can have multiple). Just know the pros and cons of each studying technique. 
Or, what I do is that I assign specific studying techniques to different subjects e.g science - blurting, HASS - flashcards, maths - the feynman technique. This may be different to what you have the most success learning.
Have a place, time every day or at least most days, where you can study without distractions. I like to study at the library afterschool, it’s chill and literally void of any distractions.
The only advice in which i’ll say is not optional– do practise questions under the said test conditions. Stop using websites, listening to music, being on your phone etc. Get in the zone and transfer the environment. 
Make an effort to say hi or goodbye to some people, even if you do not know them that well. If you’re up for it, ask them how they are going or how their day has been.
Start remembering names and birthdays. This will literally make people like you so much more, it’s so simple but people swoon over this. Process names in your mind and write down birthdays in your calendar. 
Don’t be afraid to talk to others. Most people do not care if you talk to them, and some are glad that you talk to them. This is how people become well-known or well-liked. 
Watch videos on how to converse with people you do not know well effectively and become close with them. TED x has a lot of videos on this, and are usually helpful. 
Don’t try to fit in with the crowd. It’s so draining, and even if you think they do, they most likely dislike you(sorry!) . Instead, find/be with your people. 
Join a club/extracurricular. You meet so many like-minded people this way, while still developing your own skills. I say everyone should at least have one solid extracurricular. 
If you are in a talking stage, three weeks is enough time for him or you to decide if you’re willing to date them. It’s not the 1920s anymore, we have imessages, facetime, skype and others to communicate and get to know each other without contact
Call out your friends if you notice them doing something toxic or generally anything they shouldn’t do. E.g gossiping, getting mad at others, bullying someone. If they continue, it will influence you in the long run.
Reframe your mindset. I know most of us do not favour school, but do not dwell on negativity and find ways to be positive/neutral about your circumstances. You’ll feel so much better.
Detach. Detachment is literally essential in highschool, there’s so much drama and most likely you will somehow get tied up in it. Stop absorbing what happens and let it influence you, observe what happens and learn from it. I have a post on this here. 
Start saying affirmations everyday. I know affs are usually viewed as a manifestation thing, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a simple one minute way to cultivate a neutral/positive perspective of yourself. 
Journal. Things will happen, so journaling is a great way to discuss your circumstances, feelings, trauma, relationships etc and develop a sense of identity at the same time. I have a post on this here. 
Meditate. It can be go-go-go constantly, but just take a break and gain some mental clarity and see how much better you feel decluttering your mind. 
Embrace a change and growth mindset, especially in an environment where we are constantly required to adapt. 
Start stretching.. seriously. You sit at a desk for like 5 hours a day excluding lunch and recess, everyday, which is of course going to do a number on your body. It can relieve pain in many different areas.
Have at least 1 form of exercise you do everyday. I know being students, we have to sit at a desk constantly. But, do not give up on practising good exercise habits. Not only can it help with results, it’s good for you.
Get the recommended sleep of 6-8 hours per night, which is good quality sleep without disruptions. It helps with long term memory and you’ll feel better. 
Start packing healthy but tasty lunches to school instead of buying. You’ll save so much money in the long run, and it’s better for your body. 
Get your uniforms tailored just a bit. Not too noticeable, but enough that it fits better on your body. Especially for button formal shirts, as they make you look 10 times as bulky than what you actually are. 
Buy new jewellery, earrings, necklaces or whatever you’re allowed. Subtle but noticeable jewellery makes girls look so pretty.
Learn new hairstyles!! Don’t just wear the same hair everyday, mix it up, it’s fun and makes you look attractive. 
Get a good eyebrow gel + clear mascara. Legit life changer, I look so much better everyday because I look put together without make up.
apply  vaseline on areas you would apply highlight, but avoid your eye area. 
Have a good skincare regime!! Being a student is stressful, getting pimples is a sign of stress. 
Okay that's it. Happy back to school everyone! Here’s an affirmation for you <3
I am intelligent and capable. I am skilled and confident in my abilities. I am perceived well by others. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am looking for this term to be full of good grades, vibes, friends, growth and fun. 
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Lipstick Test
Ft. Nanami Kento
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image by @/ shoujo-dreamland
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Warnings: MDNI, 18+, cock teasing, oral (male receiving), face fucking, minor cumplay and dacryphilia
Summary: Nanami gets an important lesson about different lip products.
Pairing: Nanami x Fem! Reader
A/N: This was so much fun to write! Based off of a visual description in this post by @actuallysaiyan.
Word Count: 3.2K
Nanami masterlist
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Day 1 - Lip Balm
Nanami has long since learned to not question how much makeup you own. It brings you joy, you wear it for your own satisfaction, and it is arranged neatly in the vanity of your shared bedroom. He normally doesn't even give it a second thought. But sometimes when you ask him for an opinion on what looks good, what to keep and throw away, he finds himself slightly exasperated. 
“Sweetheart I don't know. If you like it, keep it. I can’t really tell you.”
“But I hardly ever wear lip gloss. Is it worth it?” 
He glances at the tube you're holding trying to think of a suitable response. “How is it different from the other one you showed me?” 
“Well, it's shiny. The other one is an actual lipstick. Look.” You twist the tube to bring up the lipstick and show off the color. Nanami's eyes flick between the two wondering what he could say without causing friction. 
“Y/n I'm still not sure if I see a difference," he says cautiously. “They look similar.”
“How are they similar? Look at this.” You remove the wand from the lip gloss tube and swatch it on your arm before repeating the action for the lipstick.
“See how different they are? This one only has a little color and a lot of shine. The lipstick is full-bodied color and has less shine.” 
Nanami looks at the streaks on your arm. “Oh yes. I see it now.” 
“How have you been with me this long and don't know the difference?” 
“Men are simple Y/n. We like it when you get dressed up but not enough to know what's going on your face,” he says light-heartedly. 
You sigh. That was the truth. Even Nanami was susceptible to certain characteristics most men had, which included not knowing the difference between lipstick and lip gloss.
A sudden idea comes into your head. 
“Hmm?” He asks absentmindedly as he fixes his tie, getting ready to go to work. 
“What if I said I have an idea that would guarantee you remembering which lip product is which?” 
“Oh?” With mild interest, Nanami finishes the knot and raises his eyebrows. “Do tell.” 
You grin wickedly. “Drop your pants.” 
For a moment he wasn't sure he heard you correctly. “Now?” 
You nod, biting your lip at the expression on his face. He checks his watch and sighs. He does need to get going soon but curiosity gets the better of him. 
“Fine. What have you got planned, you little vixen?” You smirk as he undoes his belt and zip, pulling them down with his boxers, and giggle with delight when you see he's partially erect. 
“I'm sure you'll never forget this lesson. So. Lip product one. Chapstick or lip balm.” You pull out a tube of strawberry-scented balm and apply it to your lips before smacking them once. “They usually don't have a lot of color to them. They are great for moisture, especially during the winter. You can wear these under lipstick since they don't change the shade. And they're sometimes scented.”
You grab his cock and kneel in front of him, flattered to hear a soft groan leave his lips and become fully erect. 
“Oh, Kento… nothing is going to happen just yet. You need to learn the differences before that.” You wickedly give a tiny lick over his slit, enjoying the taste of it, before pressing a firm kiss against the pink tip, lingering for a while to ensure your lips had made their mark. Sure enough, when you pull away, there's a barely visible sheen of grease from your actions. 
“Have a great day,” you say teasingly before dancing away into the shower. It takes Nanami a second to realize what happened before he checks his watch again. 
He hastily redresses himself and leaves for work. 
It was an uncomfortable morning, to say the least, his mind occupied with thoughts of the withdrawn blow job. He manages to make it till lunch before his thoughts become scattered and he quickly vanishes into the men's room to take care of himself. 
As he unclothes himself, he sees with fascination that the little grease mark you left in the morning is still there. He runs his thumb over it, remembering what you had said about it being scented before bringing it up to his nose, blushing when the smell of strawberries fills his senses. 
He pictures the way your lips looked today morning, no color, smelling like strawberries, and with gritted teeth starts to pump himself, trying to keep his moans to a minimum as he finishes and cums in his hand. 
Day 2 - Lip Gloss
He wakes to the feeling of his cock throbbing, begging for attention. You hadn't relieved him last night, shaking your head at him, stating he wouldn't learn if you just gave him what he wanted. But you were definitely putting a lot of effort into keeping him in a state of frustration. 
Before he left, today you applied a shiny lip gloss with a darker color to it and ran the smoothened surface of your lips over his tip, the lack of friction surprising him as he restrained himself from shoving his hardened length into your mouth. 
“And uh… What is this one called again?” He asks slightly breathlessly as you stop your actions.
“Lip gloss. It's very shiny and goes on very smoothly. Like lube for the lips.” You resume the back-and-forth motions, keeping your mouth shut tight. 
Lube for the lips - How much longer would he have to face your sweet tormenting?
When you're done he can see how glossy his head looks with a tinge of some berry color on it, looking like you'd been sucking on it like a lollipop instead of leisurely brushing against it. 
“Please Y/n…” He pushes forward so pleadingly but you smile and tilt your head ever so slightly so that his cock slides across your cheek instead, hot and throbbing. 
“Two more Kento… trust me I'll make it worth your while.” You stand and help tuck him back into his boxers, ignoring the sigh of longing that leaves his lips. You hated sending him to work like this, unsatisfied, but knew that he'd be thinking of you all day. That made the guilt go away faster. 
Nanami has one of the most unproductive days of his life. He sits at his desk blankly staring at his laptop wondering if some unknown divine being was laughing at his misfortune. 
Day 3 - Bullet Lipstick
Nanami approaches day 3 with trepidation when he sees the tube of lipstick set on the vanity as he steps out of the shower. You smile pleasantly at him like you’re not the reason he’s been sleeping with blue balls for the last 2 nights. 
“So this is a standard lipstick.” You remove the cap and twist the cylinder to show him the siren red shade which he recognizes immediately. This was your date night lipstick. His heart beats a little faster as you start applying it to your lips. He already knows what that color looks like on his cock; you’ve left residue on him before after giving him head and he’s not sure if he has the capacity to go to work with a kiss mark from this particular lipstick on his tip. He hasn’t even stripped down yet but he can feel precum leaking from his slit hidden by the towel on his hips. 
“Are you enjoying yourself?” The question comes out husky and a little desperately as you drag the lipstick over your lips a second time to ensure the color pops vividly. You give an innocent look. 
“I’m just trying to educate my boyfriend about lipstick,” you say nonchalantly, putting the cosmetic away. “Well let’s do it.”
Knowing you were fully aware of the effect this particular lipstick has on him, he resignedly drops the towel, feeling the heat rush to his face as fluid leaked from his tip, cock begging for attention. You coo at him as you take it into your hands. He would get his reward tomorrow. 
“Aww….poor thing…Just one more day, ok? I promise.” You lick away the salty, milky drops gathering at the opening, dipping the tip of your tongue into the crevice making him hiss and thrust his hips needily. His fingers grip your hair, and you untangle them with your free hand. Flicking teasingly against the sensitive slit, you grace him with a tiny slurp as you wrap your lips around the measliest circumference possible, hearing the frustrated grumble that arises in his chest, observing the way his balls hang heavily from his body, full of unrelieved cum. You resist the temptation to play with them. He didn’t need the extra stimulation. You let go and observe the ring of color that’s left behind on the engorged head. 
Nanami’s eyes are glassy at the sight, feeling sensibility wash out of him, replaced with a burning need to stuff your mouth full and face fuck you until he cums, the hot liquid dripping everywhere. He twitches in protest when you let go, the little suction you had provided only provoking him more. You press your pretty lips to the side of the tip again, keeping them there long enough to have the color stain his skin. 
“One more day,” you whisper reassuringly, giving another kiss to the pulsing organ, veins showing up so prominently you wonder how he’s managing to think at all. Before he could say anything, you check the time.
“Gotta get to work! See you later.” You wave your hand, struggling not to laugh at the incredulous look he gives you before racing out the door. He sees the date night lipstick stuck to his dick and tries to calm himself down. Nothing works. He ends up relieving himself at home before going to work, digging up one of your used panties from the hamper, smelling the lingering scent of your pussy as he jerks off. He’s still hard when he finishes and he sees that despite the aggressive abuse he inflicted on himself, the lipstick was still there, the kiss mark only slightly mussed. A dick hickey. This day could not end fast enough.
Day 4 - Liquid Lipstick
“Now liquid lipsticks are amazing because they’re super long-wearing. And once they dry down they don’t smudge or leave stains. Hard to remove. But worth it.”
Nanami is standing naked in front of you, cock at attention, not having bothered to get dressed today until you are done. He keeps his face passive, knowing that your reckoning would come this evening. 
You take the wand from the tube and start applying the lipstick, the fluid becoming tacky as it lacquers your lips. You grasp his cock firmly, pumping slightly, a chuckle escaping your lips as he bucks involuntarily in your hand. 
“Ready for tonight?” You purr, looking up at him mischievously. His face is set in a grimace as he imagines what he has planned for you tonight. You had no idea, you poor innocent lamb. He nods curtly.
With the lipstick still feeling tacky, you press a kiss to his head for a final time and pull away, seeing the liquid matte lipstick start to dry down. To quicken the process, you blow cool air over it and Nanami bites back a grunt at the chill, pearlescent liquid beginning to bead at his tip.
“Maybe we should look into temperature play next time,” you tease, before swiping away the bead with your thumb and licking it clean. Nanami makes no comment, reeling in his tendencies with herculean effort. 
It takes another minute for it to dry down before forming a matte finish, the classic lip image one pictured in their mind. The lipstick was a dark cherry red, almost looking like a partially healed bruise on his delicate skin. You tap gently to ensure It was completely set. 
“Well… Have a good day Kento.” Like the past few days, you push his cock back into his boxers, trying not to smirk at how it tented the fabric. “I'll give you a minute to calm down. And tonight… You'll see how much I appreciate your effort.”
“Mhm,” is all he says as he waits for tonight. 
You squeezed yourself into the tiny bits of lace and silk in preparation for him coming home that night. You had already brought takeout from his favorite restaurant and waited for him to come home. Of course you'd be giving him head. He deserved it after the impressive display of patience from the last four days. When you hear his footsteps coming near your bedroom, you feel your core moisten in anticipation. 
Upon seeing you, Nanami merely starts to undress, his ideas blooming to life in his mind’s eye.
“Y/n,” he says as he opens the buttons on his shirt. Your eyes follow his hands, feeling like your mouth might start to water at any moment as he exposes his chest, a broad, muscled wall of masculinity. 
“So far, you’ve told me about lipsticks that are designed to last. Are there any that give you color but also tend to smudge very easily?” He shrugs out of the shirt and you feel like a lech, staring unashamedly at the abs and pecs that rippled like water flowing down a riverbed. 
You rack your brain, thinking. It was very hard to focus when your incredibly attractive boyfriend was stripping down, staring at you with those wolf-like eyes, threatening to swallow you whole. 
“I think I have one like that…why?”
“Would you mind wearing it now? Please?” He starts unbuckling his belt, his expression almost light and pleasant. You were puzzled at the casual way he asks but thought nothing of it.
“Ah, yeah, sure.” You slide off the bed, knowing the tiny lace thong was probably flashing him enticingly, showcasing your round ass as you walked over the vanity. You find the lipstick in question, a lovely candy pink shade which never lasted longer than an hour when you wore it. Although Nanami’s request mystifies you, you put it on anyway, and walk back to him. 
He was wearing nothing but his boxers, the thick bulge of his erection visible through the fabric. You smile at him and without needing direction, drop to your knees in front of him. As you palm him through his boxers, you look up at him, see the way his eyes grow dark. You pull the waistband down, freeing his cock from its confines. Swollen, you can feel the heat emanating from it and you run your hands, one after the other down the length, squeezing, hearing him inhale sharply before opening your mouth and taking him in.
You lean back slightly to allow more movement for your head, bobbing up and down, enjoying the taste, seeing the way your lipstick streaked along his skin, then pull back, strings of spit forming from your lips to the tip. You take in a breath then squeal as Nanami roughly grabs your hair and shoves himself roughly back in, letting his cock slide all the way into the back of your mouth, tip sitting at the curve of your tongue leading into your throat. Your nose hits his pubes but before you can adjust he yanks again, and he’s pistoning himself in and out of you with aggression.
“Keep those pretty lips open,” he growls as he thrusts relentlessly, ignoring the noises of you trying to catch your breath as he uses you to his liking. His tip enters ever so briefly into your throat and he holds himself for a moment, peering down at you as you look up at him with hazy eyes, at his mercy. With a groan he yanks back, and you inhale deeply, feeling the relief of air for a second before he forces you back on him, teeth gritted as he fucks your mouth. 
“Shit…fuck yes, Y/n good girl…take it all…”
Saliva drips from your aching, open jaws but you do it for him, feeling it slide from the corners of your mouth, falling onto your breasts, your thighs, the floor. He somehow feels bigger right now, his thickness testing your limit, his length almost choking you everytime. Deepthroating him was always a challenge even on your own terms but today you held still and let him use you, spluttering each time he pulled out, before being filled again. 
Nanami watches with satisfaction as the pink lipstick starts to smudge, the color leaving a ring around the perimeter of your lips, some of it dribbling down to form streaks on your chin as the saliva falls. What a sight you were, eyes wide and filled with tears, jaw struggling to remain open and take him, your soft whimpering music to his ears, the vibrations further adding to his arousal. You really thought you had the last word when teasing him with your lip products? Oh you foolish woman. 
He grunts as he feels the heat in his belly, feels his balls starting to tighten, preparing to unload 4 days worth of pent up sexual frustration. Recognizing the signs, you reach out a hand to cup and squeeze him enticingly, drawing a guttural sound of approval as he keeps moving his hips. You flatten your tongue, readying yourself to swallow…and he stops. He doesn’t pull out but pulls your head back by the hair so that you’re looking directly into his eyes.
“Do not swallow,” he says in a raspy voice, a feral snarl of instruction. Your eyes widen at his words. He stares you down, making sure you heard him.
“Nod if you understand.”
Mouth full, you nod gingerly.
“Good girl.” He thrusts in suddenly, taking you by surprise as you try to use the remaining brain cells available to you to remember his command. His grunts become pleasurable moans.
“Fuck I’m close…remember…don’t swallow…want to see you messy…” he gasps in between thrusts. 
As his orgasm hits, thick spurts of milky cum coat your mouth, and he doesn’t remove his cock, leaving it inside as he empties his balls. The liquid drips out steadily, and he watches with satisfaction as some of it starts to stain pink and it slides down your chin and throat, lipstick smearing everywhere.
“Don’t swallow,” he repeats. “And mouth open.” He eases out of you and you feel all his cum pool into your lower jaw, flowing under your tongue and plummeting out of your opened lips. Namami’s thumbs rest at the corners of your mouth, and he swipes at the cum trickling out of your opened lips, relishing the way it turns pink as he mixes it with the lipstick, before brushing the mixture upwards, drawing the color onto your cheeks. 
“I think I understand now.” He takes more dripping, colored, cum and slides it down the sides of your throat. “Long wearing color really does matter.” He continues to caress your face, spreading his seed all over you, enjoying the look in your eyes.
You whimper at the ache in your jaw and he smirks at you. “You may swallow now.”
With relief, you close your mouth and down every last drop, tongue darting out to clean up anything left on your lips. Candy pink is the only thing visible on your face. 
“Next time, wear a matte lipstick. I want to see if it really doesn’t transfer.”
Next time?!
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All banners by @/ cafe kitsune
@daswanj , @buttercupbitches, @byul9158 , @mirrors-musings, @jadedjane, ,@estarlias, @connorsui @starsinmylatte @harlekin6 @hunnie-lily
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thedevilspearl · 2 years
do you ever get the idea some of the brothers have a human kink? if so? who? i personally think lucifer and beelzebub. sometimes satan if he’s not thinking about committing manslaughter messing with lucifer!♡ (ꈍ ω ꈍ) ♡
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the brothers with a human kink — most to least
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a/n: i have to tell you, moon nonnie — i’m genuinely not sure with this one! it’s not something i’ve considered greatly before but when i think about the brothers with a human kink, i have a feeling they all have it, just to different extents. so i did a mtl if that’s okay ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
also i’ve been sick in bed all day, so thank you for this awesome idea to keep me going ₍⸝ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎⸝ ♡
tags: all brothers, no explicit smut but consistent discussion of kinks, so minors do not interact! other kink warnings — power play, mild predator/prey, vore, exhibitionism.
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lucifer’s human kink is so lowkey that he doesn’t realise it himself, but it’s actually the most prominent out of all the brothers. it’s the fact that humans are so fragile compared to demons; one wrong move could be fatal so it brings out his protective side. he wants to be by your side, watching your every move to ensure your safety and well–being. it’s innocent at first, but then comes the part where he wants to test your limits, both in and outside of the bedroom. how much can a human like you take from a demon like him?
he’s always thought about eating you, it was one of his first thought when meeting you, in fact. of course, he would never but there’s a little pit of fire in his belly that warms him up in all the right places when he thinks about it, and how weak you would be against him if he ever gave into his desires. he’s vocal about this kink, telling you how he adores you and how yummy you look. now, in the bedroom, there are some real tests of faith because he can become so close to devouring you whole. but he is aware of how strong his human kink is, so he knows how much more control he needs around you, especially when every little thing you do can set him off.
the power trip from a human kink is what gets mammon going. he knows for sure how powerful he is, and his self–restraint is incredible. he’s never going to hurt you at all, let alone with his demon powers. but there’s no harm in threatening you a little with it, right? it totally boosts his ego when he sees you get all fidgety when he brags about how strong he is, and how a silly human like you could never best him. but, and this is a big but, he finds it all the more thrilling when a silly human like you actually overpowers him. he’s not as strong against his human as he thought, and his human kink is raging when you put him in his place.
satan has a deep understanding of the difference between him and you. more than any of the brothers, he really acknowledges the power difference and he never wants to use that against you. and that is why he tries his hardest to never use the fact that you’re a human to sexualise you. he treats you as his equal, someone he would never use his power to take advantage of. however, if you were to suggest you were into it, he wouldn’t mind feeding his sinful desires and put you in your pitiful place. after all, what power does a human have to protest the demon of wrath?
a human kink and exhibitionism come hand in hand with asmodeus. for him, it’s not entirely about power play like with some of the others but rather, he and he alone has the human every demon is after. he once was the most sought after, but now it’s you and it will always amaze him how a human could do that in a world where demons could destroy you in a second. you have the real power here, and he wants to flaunt that. walking side by side with everyone’s favourite human who looks at no one else but him... it makes him happy, and flustered. he relishes in everyone’s gaze towards the two of you. it’s a match that shouldn’t work, but it does and it excites him. he wants to show them everything.
belphie’s emotional connection to the human race is far too deep; from hate to jealousy, to something akin to love after meeting you. he appreciates they way you helped him overcome his past views and actions, but regret will always remain deeply rooted in his soul. so he tries not to think about these things. it’s not right to think of you in such ways simply because you are human. after everything you taught him, he thinks he’s sick to even think about a human kink. but then again, it’s in his nature as a demon to want to overpower those who are lesser than him. he’s very conflicted and tries to hide it, but he will sometimes lose control and show you this dark secret of his.
while kinks are inevitable in a relationship, he doesn’t see them so significantly. sex is special, for sure. but what matters to him is the chemistry between you, the flow of emotions and the genuine feeling you have for each other. but still, he loves that you challenge him. a mere human thinking they can take on the grand admiral of hell’s navy? he won’t back down so easily. every now and then, he likes to remind both you and himself of his powers as a demon, and he loves even more the blush on your face when you test his strength. whether it’s out of fear or arousal, it drives him crazy.
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sun4ki · 3 months
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“So young and pretty, it’s too bad they passed”
- In my room _ By insane clown posse
Aeon of light!Gn Reader X various Hsr women hcs
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Characters (Ruan Mei, Kafka, Robin, Himeko, Black Swan, Natasha)
Gn Reader being forgotten Aeon of Light, keeping their distance around any human life as they wandering peacefully around the universe. Having great and powerful strength, only to be degraded by other, stronger Aeons. They hid their identity but that would soon change as these women found Gn reader and took them in...
Warnings: slight ooc? MEN OR HOMOPHOBIC DNI
Author's note: first fic post like actually :p hope you like this! I'm open to criticism and improvement! Sorry for bad English, its not my first language and im dyslexic :(
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Ruan mei
The scientist who found you wandering all alone in the secluded zone, the poor Aeon got lost and ended up in the Herta space Station..
Lucky for you, That was the day Ruan Mei visited. You explored the Secluded area, seeing a lot of these critters around.
feeling curious you picked up one of them, only to hear mechanical noises of a door being opened behind you. You turned around seeing the Scientist who created these critters herself. . .
“How interesting . . “ the scientist spoke to herself in a monotone manner
Eventually Ruan Mei soon took you in, doing some simple experiments for her study.
“Hold still , this would be less painful if you stop with the unnecessary movement .”
You could only sit and watch idly as the scientist takes some blood sample from you for her research on an extraordinary being like you
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Kafka found you during one of her missions, She took you in, saying how it was “destiny’s plan”, how both of you were destined to meet eventually. . .
Elio had already told her it was part of her “script” meeting with you and bringing you with. . .
The stellaron hunter knew you could be a great addition to their team— I mean just imagine a powerful yet forgotten Aeon of Light in the stellaron hunters team ?! Not to mention you would also be a great sparring partner
“You’re pretty strong Y’know ?
Great for me to test my skills on without you dying ~ “
Jokes aside Kafka is actually very gentle and caring about you, aware of the fact you don’t know a lot about how humanity lived (considering you kept your distance around them), she would teach you how to blend in and live a life like the rest . . .
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By the time you got to Penacony, you were immediately drawn to this ethereal singing . . .
When you saw Robin for the first time, you were mesmerized by her beauty as she sang. . . Her looks reminded you one of an Angel, a beautiful one, you couldn’t take your eyes off her
The two of you became fast friends, Robin would guide you around Penacony, she was like your tour guide, showing you around the dreamscape.
Robin was actually very supportive about your whole Aeon of Light thing, and just like Kafka, she would often accompany you and teach the ways to live like the rest
her brother Sunday doesn’t actually approve of you though , he’s suspicious of you and Robin’s relationship but ether way Robin would ensure you he means good
“Don’t mind my brother . .
He’s just concerned about me . .”
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Himeko found you in one of express’s trailblazer missions right after they left penacony, Himeko took it upon herself to take care of you, aware of the fact you still felt unsure about the rest of the members
The navigator would often let you sleep in her cabin, accompanying you as you would always feel comfortable in her embrace . .
It’s not a surprise you would avoid any contact with the other members of the train. . Either way, when the others set out for another expedition, you would stay behind with Himeko, making sure Himeko is protected and safe at all costs . . .
Maybe because you’re close or maybe because she reminds you of a certain someone in The past you can’t quite identify. . (Doing this cuz i miss murata himeko)
“You’re clingy sometimes you know..?
Who knew the Aeon of Light could act like a clingy love sick puppy at times ?”
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Black swan
When you enter penacony, you haven’t seen black swan just yet. . She would be keeping an eye on you from a distance before actually revealing who she is . . (She gives me stalker vibes idk)
She finds you intriguing . . She would observe how you behave for a few days or so and by the looks at it- you clearly don’t know how to act properly around others let alone socialize . .
That’s when the Memokeeper decided to step out of her “bird hide” enough with watching you like a delicate bird unaware of her keen eyes
“What’s an interesting being like you wandering all alone in this dreamscape ?”
Black swan would look into your memories aswell . . Witnessing your past . . Aswell as the memories of being degraded by other Aeons and being forced to live in the shadows of the universe to be left and forgotten. .
“What a poor birdie you are . .” The woman would whisper
“Don’t worry dear ~ I’ll make sure to take care of you ”
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As soon as you got to Belobog, you were immediately sent to the underground. . .
Let’s just say the guards gave you a not so “friendly” Welcome, which lead to fighting- a lot of fighting-
The fight eventually forced you to be sent to the underground
Natasha was the first to find you, you met her while she was doing some errands . . . Seeing that Natasha was actually kind and gentle with you, you stayed by her side, helping her in the clinic and with the kids
Eventually, Natasha introduced you to the other wildfire members, you started helping in the underground, being a big help in taking care of the people there, like the underground’s guardian.
you would help with the wildfire’s fights, often getting all bruised up since you force yourself to not use your full power.. but whenever you do, atleast you have your trusty doctor to patch you back up
“Just be careful next time okay sweetie?” She would often tell you
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Little side note: i was actually supposed to add acheron and stelle lmfao but i got busy and keep forgetting to write their part haha, i will add them though if any of you want a part two. You can also recommend other characters to add ^^
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cinnamon-galaxies · 23 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐩
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Pairings: Alastor x gn reader Summary: In which you are an annoying simp and Alastor regrets claiming your soul. Warnings/Tags: gn reader, Emberlynn-coded reader, unrequited love, reader is obsessed with Alastor and he can barely handle it, second-hand embarrassment, really, it gets uncomfortable, a whole bunch of passive aggressiveness and sarcastic remarks, Alastor questions his sanity, reader is annoying af, Alastor being Alastor, trash-fic Wordcount: 3.6k A/N: I had this idea for months but watching the latest Helluva Boss short made me actually want to write it. I hope you like this trash fic. I have many more ideas for funny (and uncomfortable) moments between Alastor and our simping reader. Comments, Likes and Reblogs are always appreciated!
Spin-off: 'Curiosity Killed the Demon'
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   Alastor was a man who never felt regret because every move he made was precisely calculated, every action driven by a purpose only he fully understood. He always had an ulterior motive in mind, ensuring that he was the one who came out on top. His every decision was meticulously planned, and every word carefully chosen to keep his game running flawlessly and his grip on control unyielding. He was a mastermind at the top of Hell's food chain. One of the most powerful and feared overlords, a dealmaker at heart, with hundreds – no, thousands – of souls bound to him, all following his every command, terrified of what might happen if they disobeyed. None of them ever dared to challenge their loyalty, always doing as he said. But one in particular stood out: you.
   Some might say you were just another sinner in his vast collection of pawns, but you were different. You followed him like a dog that didn’t even need a leash. When he called, you came. When he gave an order, you were already carrying it out by the time he finished speaking. You were completely, utterly devoted to him. And oh, Satan, were you irritating.
   Alastor remembered the day he met you as if it were yesterday. How could he forget? It was a memory that had burned itself into his mind like a brand on the hind flank of a horse. While most souls came to him begging for help, trading their essence for a taste of power or security, you practically threw yourself at him. Your eyes had been wide as saucers, lips pursed with desperate eagerness, and a strange gleam of excitement had nearly brought tears to your eyes.
   “Please, please, please! I’ll do anything for you!” you had begged, your eyes so wide it seemed like they might pop out of your head.
   Alastor had narrowed his eyes, the static around him crackling with an intensity that made your hairs stand up on your neck. “Anything...?” he had replied with a slow drawl, his grin turning sharp and menacing as he leaned in closer, towering over you. His sharp canines bared in a predatory smile that would make most people flinch, but you… you only seemed more excited.
   Had he known just how annoying you’d become, he might have killed and eaten you right then and there in that dark alleyway. Alastor was a patient man. At least, that's what he let others believe. But you often pushed him to the brink of madness, testing his limits as if you secretly anticipated getting double-killed. Had he considered featuring your squeaky voice on his infamous radio broadcast? More than a few times. The idea alone was deliciously tempting. He often fantasized about the sound of your screams if he ever decided to torture you. Yet, a deep-seated uncertainty always held him back. Some kind of deeply rooted fear that you might actually enjoy it. You were so wildly unpredictable that he couldn’t even tell if you would cry in agony or, disturbingly, moan in pleasure.
   The thought alone horrified him.
   No, he wouldn’t subject himself to that humiliation. If he weren’t already plagued by nightmares, the prospect of you enjoying your torment would certainly give him some. You were already haunting him in his waking life; he couldn’t bear the thought of you invading his rare moments of sleep, too.
   Your existence felt like a cruel joke. A fucked up twist of fate or perhaps the true eternal punishment Hell had in store for him. You were utterly infuriating, a disruptive presence in Hell's chaotic tranquility. And yet, he couldn’t deny that he found some guilty pleasure in your antics. As irritating and nerve-wracking as you were, you were the most entertaining thing he’d encountered in eons. Watching you embarrass yourself without even realizing it, witnessing your clumsiness, your stupidity, and being the object of your obsessive attention, the center of your world, was better than every drug advertised in Pentagram City’s most run-down district. As uncomfortable as you made him feel, Alastor had to admit that he secretly reveled in your desperate need for attention, your never-ending search for his affection and your unwavering, completely blind, loyalty.
   You followed him everywhere he went. Like a lost puppy you’d trail after him with an enthusiastic skip in your step, hopping around like a deer on a wide open field. Alastor didn’t even need to look over his shoulder to know you were there, because you always were. You followed him everywhere. To the bar, to the kitchen, to the hotel’s parlor or his outings. You’d probably even follow him to the bathroom, if you could. You were always there – eyes gleaming with devotion, your adoration conspicuous and radiating around you like the static in Alastor’s presence.
   It was suffocating.
   And he couldn’t even tell what was more terrifying: that you were so focused on him he could always feel your gaze burning through the back of his coat, or that your steps were so silent he couldn’t even hear them despite his almost preternatural hearing. Only an occasional squeak that made you sound like an excited guinea pig actually proved your presence, causing his ears to perk up and twitch in overstimulation.
   “Alastor!” your squeaky voice warbled through the corridors of the Hazbin Hotel and Alastor stopped in tracks, holding his breath in annoyance and his smile twisting into an uncomfortable grimace. With a silent sigh he turned around and tilted his head unnaturally to the side, his red and black hair swinging with the movement like a curtain.
   “Yes, my dear?” he retorted with exaggerated joy, the strain in his voice betraying the forced politeness and tinged with anything but patience. Today was one of those days he found himself regretting his decision to ever put that collar around your neck. He just wanted to be left in peace, not having the nerve to handle your exhausting presence.
   You grinned at him proudly and Alastor could feel his stomach twist, nausea creeping through his guts at the recognition of the lovestruck gleam in your eyes. When you didn’t respond instantly, he narrowed his eyes, his voice losing any of that faked patience, “What is it?”
   You shrugged your shoulders, though your grin didn’t waver. “Nothing!” you exclaimed enthusiastically, “I just wanted you to wait for me!”
   “Ah,” Alastor retorted, unimpressed, the uncomfortable feeling inside his guts increasing. “You know, you don’t have to follow me around everywhere I go,” he said, a subtle hint of irritation in his tone, hoping you'd understand that he wanted to be left alone.
   Your expression didn’t falter. In fact, it became even more eager, the gleam in your eyes so intense that Alastor could see his entire reflection in those dark orbs of yours. “But I want to be present whenever you need my assistance!” you exclaimed, interlacing your fingers in a gesture that resembled a pleading prayer.
   “I can always summon you, if that's the case,” Alastor quickly explained, still not convinced by your flimsy excuse for clinging to him like a parasite.
   “Oh, but I want to be close just in case you forget, my sweet Radio Demon!” you chirped, batting your eyelashes with saccharine devotion.
   Alastor cringed inwardly. Why exactly did he do this to himself again? Oh, yeah, right… He hadn’t yet decided if he wanted to wring your neck or keep you around for entertainment.
   “Well, that's very thoughtful of you,” he replied in a tone dripping with sarcasm. Before he could say more, you let out another joyful squeak. Alastor's ears flattened against his head as the high-pitched noise pierced his eardrums. He saw your eyes widen with delight and silently cursed himself for even attempting to sound polite – even if his words were more of a mocking jab than a genuine compliment. Yet, you seemed to take it as one. You trembled with excitement, your knees bouncing like a jackhammer. It was a wonder your vibrations didn’t send seismic waves rippling through the floor, cracking the occasional brick.
   Alastor let out a sigh. “My dear,” he said, his voice smooth as honey, “your… enthusiasm is truly unmatched. But don’t you have anything better to do than… following me around all the time?”
   You immediately shook your head. “No, Alastor-kun. I’ve devoted myself to being your servant,” you declared with unwavering certainty. “Besides, nothing’s better than being by your side!” You looked up at him with wide, earnest eyes, the adoration in your gaze both unsettling and pathetic. “I want to see everything you do, learn from you, be close to you. You’re just so… incredible!”
   Alastor let out yet another sigh. Although he found your flattery grating, he couldn’t deny the subtle boost to his ego from your words. He knew he was exceptional, but hearing it so explicitly was an indulgence he couldn’t resist. No matter how much you grated on his nerves. “Incredible, you say?” he repeated, and you nodded with such fervor that it was clear you genuinely believed what you were saying, rather than simply using your words to flatter him. “And what, pray tell, do you find so ‘incredible’ about me?”
   You blinked, obviously surprised by the question and took a moment to ponder an answer.
   Alastor chuckled softly. If you were already venturing into this territory, he might as well use it to his advantage and coax you into showering him with even more compliments. It was amusing how effortlessly he could manipulate you into praising him as if he were a deity, a god deserving to be worshiped. And it took barely any effort at all. You were so completely infatuated with him that he imagined you might even write a song for him – if only your singing voice didn't sound like a saw on the verge of breaking.
   “Well,” you mused aloud before gushing, “Everything!” You began to enumerate, counting on your fingers as you spoke, “Your power! Your elegance, your wit, your charisma! The way you command everyone’s attention with just your presence… How people are captivated by you… Your style, your old-fashioned charm, your impeccable sense of humor…”
   Alastor’s eyes narrowed as he listened, struggling to keep up with the torrent of words spilling from your mouth. He stared at you, on the verge of zoning out as he tried to manage the relentless flow of praise. Did you ever need to pause for breath? How could you talk so much without gasping for air?! It was almost impressive…
   “…like I said, everything, Alastor-kun. I mean, you’re the Radio Demon! You’re… absolutely remarkable! And I’d follow you to the end of Hell and back!” you concluded, your endless monologue finally coming to an end. Alastor’s grin widened, not from the sheer volume of praise you’ve just thrown at him, but from the amusement of your desperate eagerness to win his attention. From the moment you met him in that dark alleyway, you had craved his affection. It wasn’t that he had found you helpless – no, you had actively sought him out. Why? He had no idea. He would never understand your obsession nor the full extent of your feelings for him.
   “Why, thank you, my dear…” he forced out between clenched teeth, his jaw tightening without him even realizing it. “It’s always nice to hear how much you admire me, but… let’s not linger on it any longer…” he added, his voice betraying the discomfort that always crept in whenever you were near.
  You stared at him, your confusion practically palpable. “Why?” you asked, genuinely confused and a bit taken aback by his abrupt change in tone. “You asked me what I think of you. I’m just being honest!”
   Indeed, he had. But he hadn’t expected you to gush on endlessly like the Niagara Falls – even though, by now, he should’ve known better. Why did he even ask, knowing full well you were unpredictable and always found a way to annoy him further? Was your presence really so irritating that he tended to forget his usual caution? Alastor was a polite man after all and he valued manners above all else. 
   Manners, manners, manners.
   He prided himself on manners. But you? You weren't worth any of them. He needed to remember that.
   “Oh, my dear, I’m only concerned that your little brain might overheat from thinking too hard. We wouldn’t want you to strain yourself and get a headache, would we?” he replied, his tone thick with mockery, every word dripping with sarcasm. He could see your eyes widen and your pupils dilating.
   “Aww, Alastor-kun, you're so considerate!” you cooed, entirely missing the veiled insult.
   Alastor chuckled, his lips curling into an exaggerated smile while his eyes narrowed, feigning a semblance of care. Your delusion was almost painful to watch, though there was a certain dark humor to it.
   “Why, I'm simply concerned about your well-being! After all, too much... admiration could lead to a most unfortunate accident,” he continued, flashing his sharp teeth in a menacing grin, a predatory glint in his eyes. His pupils shifted to radio dials for a quick second and the static around him crackled in a dangerous intensity. The threat in his words was clear, but knowing you, you’d probably overlook it entirely, twisting it into yet another misguided belief that he cared about you. Which he didn’t. Alastor cared for very few people, and you were certainly not one of them.
   A strange sound – something akin to a dying hamster’s squeak – escaped your lips and ripped him out of his reverie as you started bouncing up and down again. Alastor couldn’t help but wonder, for a second time, how the floor beneath you didn’t give way and send you tumbling several floors down, far away from him and into a dark, twisted corner of Hell where you would never bother him again. Or maybe you would just break enough of your limbs to keep you from trailing after him for at least the next six weeks... Either way, the image in his head was delightfully hilarious, and he nearly chuckled, wishing to some kind of higher being to let this tiny mishap come true.
   “Aww, you’re so thoughtful! You really do care about me, Alastor-kun!” you chirped, and Alastor’s eye twitched. There it was – your joyful exclamation of utter delusion. Yikes.
   Alastor took a deep breath, his grip tightening around his cane. “Oh, yes… care…” he drawled. “Your well-being is... of utmost importance... so, considering you’ve been trailing after me all day… and the days before… and the weeks… and months…” he continued, his voice growing weaker with each word, “how about you take a break? Leave the hotel, spend some time with yourself, explore the streets of Pentagram City...” and hopefully never return… he finished in his head. His smile was sharp, his face settling into that same threatening expression as before.
   You waved a dismissive hand, grinning with a wide, toothy smile. “Don’t worry about me! I always feel so good around you!” you exclaimed with fervor, and Alastor suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. There it was again – that relentless, infuriating optimism that clung to you like a bad stench, no matter how much he tried to wash it away. How were you always so blissfully unaware of his disdain?
   “My, my! Such dedication... I’m almost flattered. But… have you ever considered, oh, I don’t know… finding a hobby? Far, far away from me, perhaps?” he said through clenched teeth, realizing yet again that he was still being far too kind. Why couldn’t he just scare you away? Were you really so pathetic that he couldn’t bring himself to be outright rude? Your antics must have really been some kind of messed up guilty pleasure for him…
   You tilted your head and straightened your back, gazing up at him with those unsettlingly large eyes. “Oh, but you are my hobby, Alastor-kun! My absolute favorite! Watching you, learning from you, serving you – it’s all I ever want to do! You’re my senpai, Alastor! My favorite deer boy!”
   Alastor’s eyes widened, and his grin began to falter, teetering on the edge of a frown, his expression one of sheer disbelief. Your... ‘senpai’? What in all seven circles of Hell was a ‘senpai’?! He might have considered asking Angel Dust the next time he saw that spider if he weren’t already convinced that the explanation would just traumatize him further. And did you really just call him ‘deer boy’?!
   His eye twitched once more, and then something inside him snapped.
   Alastor’s eyes darkened, the crimson on the verge of turning black again, the static increasing around him, crackling with charged malevolence. “Careful, my dear,” he hissed through gritted teeth, his sharp claws scratching the top of his cane with a metallic screech. “You’re walking on dangerous territory.” He stepped closer, looming over you like a tower of deep red and black, intimidating and far from pleased. He slowly got furious, the discomfort slowly turning into something he should’ve felt much earlier. Through narrowed eyes, he watched you flinch, though you didn’t step back. Instead, you straightened your back and tilted your head to look up at him, your mouth moving in a way that indicated that you were nervously biting your lip.
   Alastor’s smile widened at the sight, his yellow teeth flashing in the dim corridor, and the lights began to flicker around you, their energy drawn off by the crackling static around him. One blink, and his eyes turned black again, ticking radio dials replacing his irises, blood-red and dangerous as the demon himself. It took him only a flick of his hand to conjure the leash around your neck, its invisible form taking shape and turning solid glowing green.
   “If you insist on being a loyal little shadow, then perhaps I should teach you some manners,” he hissed, leaning down slightly, his grin stretching unnervingly wide. The collar tightened around your neck, a cold, burning sensation seeping through your bones as his words dug into your skin like jagged glass, a painful reminder of his control. He tugged on the leash, and you stumbled forward, eyes wide, your breath catching in your throat.
   “My, my…” he continued, flicking his tongue with a repeated motion that created a smacking sound, both unsettling and provocative. “If you truly want to serve me, you’ll need to learn some boundaries, my dear. I've been far too forgiving with you, but even I have my limits.” He pulled you closer until there were mere inches between you, his breath icy against your skin. You visibly shivered as his voice dropped to a low whisper, each word laced with sweet yet deadly venom. “After all, it would be such a shame if I had to... discipline you. And believe me, I can be quite imaginative when it comes to punishment.”
   For a moment, you just stared at him, and Alastor’s broad grin relaxed into a pleased smile, satisfaction blooming in his chest. For once, your reaction was exactly what he had anticipated. You were silent.
   Oh, what a wonderful sight after enduring your incessant chatter for the past several minutes – months, actually. But he also knew this calm wouldn’t last long. A brief respite before the cycle began anew, and he found himself caught once more between annoyance and amusement.
   Perhaps, in some twisted way, he was a bit of a masochist. Because despite his power, his ruthlessness, his terrifying reputation as the Radio Demon, he continued to endure your presence and insufferable behavior if it meant he could find that brief moment of satisfaction when he saw that flicker of fear in your eyes. When he could finally silence that ceaseless admiration. When he so blatantly humiliated you with his words, degraded you with his passive aggression, yet you still met him with unyielding enthusiasm, somehow convinced he was speaking to you sweetly, when in reality, all he did was use his power over you to eventually put you in your place, reminding you of who he was and what he was capable of. 
   It was a game of control, an endless cycle where he used his dominance to break you down, only to watch you build yourself back up with even more deluded devotion. And while it should have irritated him beyond measure, there was something oddly gratifying about it – about toying with the boundaries of your blind infatuation and making you dance on the edge of dread and reverence.
   Seconds ticked by, stretching into what felt like minutes, and you eventually took a deep breath, releasing it in a long, shaky sigh. You blinked, once, twice, eyes still wide and pupils constricted. You shivered under his control, slight goosebumps rising on your skin. Alastor took in the sight, his satisfaction evident in the effect he had on you.
   You took another deep breath, then whispered in a low, breathless tone, “Fuck…”
   Alastor blinked and tilted his head, caught off-guard by the unexpected reaction. Confusion spread across his face, but before he could even formulate a response, you interrupted.
   “That was hot.”
   One second passed.
   Then, Alastor released your leash, hastily retreating as if he had just burned himself on a hot surface. His grayish skin turned pale, and his grin faltered into an expression of utter mortification. Within moments, his shadows enveloped him, and he seeped into the floor, leaving you behind in the hallway, bewildered and flustered.
   Maybe he should actually consider featuring you in his broadcast. Because that was the most horrifyingly unsettling response he had ever encountered. Some demons hid their cruelty behind a facade, blending seamlessly into their surroundings. And you? You were undoubtedly among the most insidiously malevolent of them all.
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I had so many ideas for this fic but most of them didn't fit into the plot. So stay tuned for more Alastor x Emberlynn-coded reader content...
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vickyvicarious · 4 months
Jonathan's decision to play along today was very difficult to make. But, in the end, it was the right move. He set aside his anger and impulse to rebel... perhaps as much or more out of fear rather than just logic, but we do see his reasoning and it makes sense.
And honestly, I think he pushed his luck nearly to the limit anyways. Look at how Dracula asked. First, he waited a few days after everything that went down with the vampire ladies, perhaps to see if Jonathan would bring up the topic. If Jonathan does, maybe he had plans to lie to him again, to gaslight him about either never sleeping outside of his room, or about Dracula finding him dreaming somewhere else and helping him back to his own bed. Still, Jonathan's reaction to such a lie could very easily force an end to all this pretending. But since he never brings it up at all, Dracula knows he can continue his game. In fact, Jonathan is proving to be a very resilient player, one who has just enough struggle in him to make it more interesting, without being too unmanageable or ever close to actually get away.
Dracula gives Jonathan this 'request' "in the suavest tones" - he's really emphasizing his charm here, being extra friendly as he tries to make Jonathan feel even worse. But then, contrary to what he's seen thus far, Jonathan hesitates.
I would fain have rebelled, but felt that in the present state of things it would be madness to quarrel openly with the Count whilst I am so absolutely in his power; and to refuse would be to excite his suspicion and to arouse his anger. He knows that I know too much, and that I must not live, lest I be dangerous to him; my only chance is to prolong my opportunities. Something may occur which will give me a chance to escape. I saw in his eyes something of that gathering wrath which was manifest when he hurled that fair woman from him. He explained to me that posts were few and uncertain, and that my writing now would ensure ease of mind to my friends; and he assured me with so much impressiveness that he would countermand the later letters, which would be held over at Bistritz until due time in case chance would admit of my prolonging my stay, that to oppose him would have been to create new suspicion.
I think he must have been sitting there making these arguments to himself in real time. Wrestling with his fear and his outrage and possibly losing most of his control over his expression and body language as he did so. And at first, this is fun for Dracula. He wants Jonathan to struggle like this. It's fun to watch. But then, the longer it goes on, the more real becomes the possibility that this will be Jonathan's breaking point. And if it is, if he outright says "no" even this once, then Dracula's entire game is ruined. He's just committed to wanting to keep Jonathan around for another full month. Jonathan passed the test with the other vampires. Dracula has been looking forward to this. How dare he spoil this -
Dracula's rage rises as he finds himself forces to make excuses and be convincing when he likely assumed he no longer needed to put in that much effort. Jonathan finally does agree, but he didn't do so right away. And it's a very fine line, because continuing to do this does in fact make him more interesting and fun in the long run, and thus perhaps allow him to live longer. Maybe after they separate for the evening (morning, being nocturnal) Dracula would actually look back on this moment with indulgent enjoyment. He pushed perhaps right up to the limit of what Dracula would tolerate, but he didn't quite cross it, so the game can continue. But at the same time, pushing like this (or rather, resisting being pushed before giving in) is extremely dangerous in the moment - because in the moment, there's still a chance Jonathan could cross the line. Dracula has a temper and he will take it out on Jonathan if he decides he's had enough.
It's that tightrope again. More of the same. But I just... love imagining this moment. Dracula's sickly-sweet smugness at the start, his utter confidence in his victory once again. And Jonathan - pausing. Saying nothing in response. Thinking it over, taking so long to do so, trying so hard to keep a neutral face but not fully succeeding, maybe keeping his head bowed so his expression can't be seen. Dracula's anger building along with almost a sort of desperation, as he lays out all this bullshit reasoning, maybe losing control of his own tone somewhat as he gets more aggressively vehement. The absolute tension rising, up and up right until the moment Jonathan looks up and agrees, when it suddenly dissipates. But the aftermath lingers, even in Dracula's victory. Even as Jonathan writes the three letters, one after another under Dracula's watchful eye. Dracula takes them from his hand, squeezes his shoulder in ostensible thanks, but such a clear threat. Jonathan's face twitching, a little spasm of fear and despair, at the contact.
It could be SUCH a good scene in an adaptation that emphasized the abusive dynamic here.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Spider-Man!Reader x Gotham City ??!? like the poor reader just being a kid when they’re exposed to some sort of radioactive spider by one of the Joker’s schemes and begins being the friendly, neighbourhood superhero. some of the baddest of the baddest have watched this kid help old people cross the street or carry groceries home or help kids out with the most miscellaneous things and just declared them “off hands” in some sort of weird immunity thing as they just let him do his thing whilst taking turns watching over him. one time the Joker tried fucking with him and he ended up being jumped by life fifteen bad guys and one good guy all because they knew something was wrong when he didn’t show up for school.
All the big baddies and heroes alike know the Reader’s true identity but they keep their mouths shut and just leave them be like they aren’t any the wiser and totally haven’t stalked the shit out of the poor kid in their extremely invasive way of keeping an eye on them.
I love the idea of the villains going out of their way to tell their respective heroes about the Reader and getting them to take the Reader on as a sidekick. This way they can ensure their darling is in good and capable hands while also getting the best training possible to become an even better hero then they already are. Like, I could see all of the rogues (excluding Joker) pulling up on Batman along with a very nervous and shy Reader, telling Batman that he needs to take this kid under his wing. This totally backfires on them though and Batman and the batfamily grow extremely attached to the Reader.
Also, I totally see the big baddies taking it easy on the Reader whenever they have to fight (that is if the villain even decides to ‘fight’ the Reader), even Deathstroke is pretty chill and holds back on them to an extent. Although, the reactions to the Reader being able to hold their own no matter who they’re up against is great though, the amount of pride and
No doubt that other villains and heroes outside of Gotham come to learn about the Reader. Especially the fact that their apparently ‘hands-off’ to any and all villains. It definitely results in other big baddies testing the limits regarding the Reader and being the one to actually get to them. Meanwhile, other heroes are definitely forming their own attachments for the Reader. Especially Clark and Diana, they definitely want to steal the Reader from Bruce and the batfamily.
I could totally see the Reader given how pure and just overall optimistic and hopeful they are being able to convert quite a few villains into becoming more good than bad or full on rehabilitating them. Whether the villain is actually rehabilitated is debatable and depends on the specific baddie but at least they’re trying to go along with it for the Reader’s sake.
God forbid anyone hurts the Reader or worse, they will come to regret the day they were born if any of the heroes and villains have anything to do about it. It’s one thing for them to do something to the Reader, the baddies have an agreed on line they don’t cross no matter what regarding fighting the Reader but anyone who does cross that line, whether on accident or not, is in for a real painful experience they’ll never forget.
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therealflickerman · 4 months
Split Lips (tasm!peter parker x reader)
Part two
series summary: Its simple hating peter parker, the cocky asshole who has made it his mission to one up you every chance he gets. In the same vein, its simple loving spiderman, the sweet masked vigilante who has made it his mission to ensure your safety. How simple will it be when the two worlds meet.
chapter summary: You never want Peter Parker around, but you find he tents to show up whenever you need him most.
word count: 4.9k
chapter contents: reader is intended to be fem! , language, a little banter and a little fluff, reader is anxious and a mess,  idk anything about american diner culture, these two r awkward idiots that don’t know how to be soft 
note: poor pete just wants to be your friend, and poor reader is a disaster girl. I had so much fun writing this chapter I hope yall enjoy it!, thank u charlie for editing
series masterlist
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chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four (ongoing!)
Your earphones carry music to your eardrums, blaring at the highest volume possible, it's a feeble attempt to drown out your thoughts and you’re not quite sure it’s working. It crosses your mind that you should probably lower the volume sparing others in the library from the distraction, however, as you find yourself re-reading the same sentence for the third time, you can’t quite find it in yourself to care. 
A groan slips past your lips, the heels of your palms find the sockets of your eyes and you sit like this for a moment before dragging your hands down your face in irritation. Your biology textbook sits on the desk in front of you, the annotated page, a testament to last night's productivity, mocks you with its perfection. 
You’ve been at this since Eleven a.m. and you can quite literally feel your brain melting out of your head, it’s rare you have trouble studying, actually, you would go so far as to call it a forte of yours. You blame your recent bout of sleeplessness and curse how busy your brain has been the last few nights. 
Sliding your sleeve just above your watch, you check the time, it reads ‘one twenty-six p.m.’. “Shit,” you exhale, scolding yourself for letting the time slip through our hands.
You look at the testbook with disdain, promising yourself at least fifteen minutes of study before your shift at the diner begins. You flip to a new section and pray a change of scenery will kickstart your brain into surrendering a bit more work, though you feel deep down that it’s a lost cause. 
A defeated sigh escapes you, your eyes lock on the start of the page and you begin to read. The chapter talks of the immune system's response to pathogens and you recall touching on the topic in class. You specifically remember that day because Peter had ‘accidently’ spilt his milk all over your notes during one of his usual attempts to irritate you, despite the way his grin curled into that of a worried frown, and the way he had jumped into action, letting out frantic apologies, you’re not so sure it truly was an accident, though maybe that's what you’d like to think. 
Your brows furrow as you realise you’ve in fact lost your train of thought once again, your brain had wandered off about a thousand times already that morning, but it particularly bugs you this time as it dawns on you that you are unable to escape Peter Parker, even as you sit alone with your thoughts. For a second your throat feels tight and you think you could cry from pure frustration, though you look to the library that surrounds you, there are a mix of silently working students and businessmen, and you decide you don’t want to be the deranged woman crying into her biology textbook at one-thirty p.m. the afternoon before her test. 
You opt to take a deep breath rather than the later and you reread the line, taking a note on the sentence before completing the paragraph. You turn the page and you finally feel concentration begin to build. 
A yelp slips from your lips as a book drops and lands before you with a soft thud, it breaks the still silence of the library, shattering the first string of focus you had managed since last night's study session. Your gaze shoots upwards and you’re met with the same big brown eyes you’ve become accustomed to.  
“Enjoying your last-minute study session?” he plops into the chair across from you carelessly. 
You struggle to hear him through your loud music though you quite like it that way.
Your eyes narrow and you rip your headphones out with a swift tug. Music plays from them softly as they’re discarded on the desk. “Peter-”, you start, and wish you had the chance to finish. 
“I finished studying last night but,” he slides your textbook across the table, spinning it in his direction so he can read your annotations, “it’s good to see you putting in the work,”
“Peter, I am going to kill you” In a fit of irritation, you aggressively shove the textbook back to your side of the desk, you genuinely cannot believe your luck or lack thereof. 
“That's not very nice,” 
“You…” you spit loudly, wincing at the volume of your voice before lowering your tone, “are not very nice.” Your hand motions to all of him and your eyes narrow further in aggravation. 
He mouths a humoured ‘wow’, and leans back in the chair with an arrogant grin and a cross of his arms.
“How did you even,” you find the words, “there are like twenty libraries in Queens and you’re
sitting across from me…” your arms crossed, “uninvited” you emphasise. 
He shrugs with a grin and leans over, digging through his beat-up backpack.
He silently places his things on the desk, ‘just make yourself at home’ you huff ironically with an eye roll. He laughs softly at your comment as he pulls out a small pencil case, it's dark blue and covered in Sharpie doodles, then grabs the rest of his books, piling them on top of the one he had used to startle you. 
“I thought you were done with studying” you deadpan. 
He hums a laugh, “you can never be done with studying" he quips sarcastically. 
You let out a breath of frustration as he continued digging through his bag. 
“Look Parker I really need to focus-”
“Oh I wanted to give you this,” he mumbles, cutting you off and pulling a sheet of paper from the backpack, sliding it across the desk to you. 
You look down at the page, it's a photocopied version of his messy, yet readable notes. 
“Your bio notes…?” you look up at him and meet his eyes, “why?” your brows furrow further though this time fueled by confusion. 
He hums, opening his book, “felt like being nice” he adds and you let out a humoured scoff. 
“And you just somehow knew…” you correct yourself with a clearing of your throat, “Well, thought I needed these” You watch him, a brow raised in confusion, 
“I can take them back,” he grins, meeting your eyes and reaching across to snatch them from your hands. You pull away, further furrowing your brow and begin reading the notes. 
“What did you do to them,” you ask, sceptically as you skim the page. His work seems genuine, in fact, the notes are far more well-versed than the half-assed sheet of scribbles you’ve been working on and you swallow the insecure feeling you’ve grown used to. 
He laughs, his smile growing as his hands pull back and raise defensively with a soft ‘nothing’. 
You spare him a cautious eye with a shake of your head, continuing to look through the notes. 
“Hey… look at this way,” his face turns earnest as he leans in to speak, you humour him, placing the paper down and giving him your attention. 
“Now you won’t fail” he nods, the mask of seriousness slipping away as he breaks into a stupid grin.
‘Asshole’ you mumble to yourself softly, a gentle smile tugs at the corners of your mouth and you shake your head. 
He watches you carefully, satisfied with the faint smile that curls on your lips. 
“Seriously though, how’d you know I’d be here?” your focus turns back to the notes with the raise of an eyebrow and the linger of a smile. 
He shrugs, leaning back in his chair, “remember that one time in English,” he says in an attempt to jog your memory, his hand finds the textbook in front of him and he fidgets with the pages, “we were fighting about the best libraries,” you’re sure he’s right because the two of you fight about everything, “you said this one was your favourite, specifically this area because you like to look into the garden” 
He’s right, you like to look out of the giant glass windows and watch people sitting in the library's garden, studying with their friends.
“And what, you wrote all that down in your journal?” you joke, watching as he laughs.
He hums nodding his head with a, ‘Yeah, wrote it all down in my personal diary’.
“No um,” he breathes a laugh, “I just have a good memory,” his eyes flick to meet yours, you exhale a sceptical hum, nodding your head in response. 
“How else do you think I beat you in all those exams,” he smirks watching the grin tug at your lips,
“What, like the one on friday?” you mock.
“No like the one tomorrow” he retorts. 
This pulls a laugh from your lips, you roll your eyes with a shake of your head. 
You hum as the laughter dies down, “you might’ve got me there” you say softly, letting up the teasing and your eyes leave his, suddenly very interested in your textbook. Unconsciously your lip slips between your teeth and Peter notices. 
“Do you… want help studying?” he offers awkwardly, it’s unusual for him and your eyes flick up, sending a sceptical look.  
You’re met with a genuine smile. 
You beckon him towards you with furrowed brows, he leans forward, accepting your hand against his forehead, with a roll of his eyes and a sweet laugh.
“No fever,” you hum, “but you’re just not acting like yourself,” you mumble in sarcastic dismay and your hand pulls from his forehead, sitting back in your chair, you turn your focus back to your textbook. 
"You're a regular comedian," he remarks dryly, a humoured smile never leaves his lips.
Your eyes keep on the page in front of you, “so I’ve been told” your voice drips with irony, pulling a laugh from Peter. 
“So…” his words fade though you know what he’s asking, he bites the inside of his cheek watching you. 
Your eyes drift to your watch before meeting his, they’re already staring at you. 
“I truly, truly would love to you” you deadpan with a nod, “I would, but luckily for me, I have work in about ten minutes and my boss will wring my neck if I’m late” You give a wry smile, collecting your things. 
A stupid grin stays curled on his lips, ‘yeah yeah’ he shoos you off with a roll of his eyes.
You’re satisfied with his reaction and push your chair into the desk. 
“Thanks for the notes!” you tease, waving them in his direction as you head for the door. 
As dusk settles outside, the diner is left lit by the dingy light bulbs that hang overhead. Your eyes hurt from their flickering and you blink tightly with a shake of the head in an attempt at dulling the pain. 
Balancing a coffee cup in each hand and a slice of hot apple pie on your left wrist, you tread cautiously, one foot after another, approaching an older couple on the far right of the diner. The heat from the porcelain kisses the tips of your fingers, both cups filled to the brim with boiling hot coffee, your eyes trace the black liquid, watching as it sways with each step you take.
“Here you are,” you give a sweet smile to the older couple, placing their coffees down and hiding a wince as your raw fingers place the hot plate of apple pie between the two of them. The wife thanks you sweetly with a smile and you ask if there's anything else you can help them with, to which they politely decline. 
You offer a smile before turning on your heels and heading back to the kitchen, pushing open the swinging doors softly and slipping inside. You quite narrowly dodge a kitchen hand who’s balancing a towering stack of porcelain dinner plates, frantically apologising, you offer to help out but she swiftly brushes you off, rushing in another direction before you can finish your sentence. 
You slip to a quiet corner of the kitchen, avoiding the preparation benches and bury your face in your hands for just a moment, an exhale of frustration slips from your lips.   
“Hello!” Your manager's voice is grating as he calls your name, your hands drop from your face and you quickly turn to meet him, instead you’re met with clicking fingers inches away from you eyes, you recoil at his obnoxiousness with a flinch. “You’ve still got twenty minutes on the clock kid, get out there” his voice is raised over the sounds of the kitchen, he points to the kitchen doors and you send him a sheepish smile, ‘sorry’ rolls off your tongue but you’re not sure he hears, let alone cares for your apologies. Your expression drops to that of disgust as he passes by, heading to grab something from the freezers, and you throw the finger in his direction. 
You push through heavy kitchen doors, and you notice the back of a man's head sitting in your section of the diner. Rushing to the booth, your eyes flick to your watch quickly and you make a mental note that you have around fifteen minutes left. 
Your hand feels around your apron for your small notebook and pen and your eyes flick down to assist, “Hello welcome to Uncle Bills,” you find it and flip it open giving the man your name, “I’ll be your server today,” you plaster the usual cheesy smile on your face and look up to meet the eyes of the man you’re serving. 
“What a surprise seeing you here” 
“Parker…” your eyes narrow and you try to find the words, “Do you not have a job or like, anyone else to bug?” you genuinely wonder how it’s possible to see someone that you actively avoid twice in a day. 
“That's not a very nice way to talk to customers” he quips, tilting his head to the side.
“Seriously are you stalking me or something,” 
“What you didn’t know about that journal of mine?” he grins up at you, “the one with all that info about your favourite libraries” he laughs with a shrug, and mumbles a ‘thought you knew’.
You roll your eyes with a cross of your arms and turn to clean the table of an old trucker who had finished his burger.
“Wait, I’m sorry,” he laughs out, “I promise. I didn’t know you worked here,” his face is sincere though that stupid grin remains.
You raise your brows at him and a beat passes. 
“I just want a coffee,” he smiles sweetly. 
“Okay” you exhale a sigh, “how do you like it” 
“Just black,” he answers, “so um… when do you get off?”. 
“In like ten minutes thank god, why?” you question writing in your notepad.
“Sugar?” you ask before he can answer and he shakes his head with a, ‘no thanks’
“Well, I just thought, maybe I could walk you home”, he offers with a hint of uncertainty
“What, is my address missing from your journal?” you joke, putting your notepad back into your apron. 
“You’re just on fire today aren’t you” he teases. 
“Aren’t I always,” you give him a sarcastic grin. 
Before turning to get his coffee you pause a moment, meeting his eyes with a genuine smile, “Look Parker… thank you, for the offer but I’m… I’m just exhausted, maybe another time”, you nod and your teeth catch your lip picking at the skin as he responds. 
He nods softly, “Yeah, for sure”. 
You offer a pressed smile before turning to brew his coffee
You return just a moment later, lowering the near overflowing cup ever so slowly ensuring none of it spills. 
“There you go,” you lean in slightly, “I found you our biggest mug, absolutely free of charge” you whisper with a wink, sending a sweet smile.
“My hero” he murmurs sarcastically, matching your low tone with a grin. 
You let out a hum and stand up straight brushing your hands down your apron, “well I’m just about off” You smile and there's an awkward beat of silence.
“Hey you keep those notes I gave you safe, I heard they’re worth a lot” he teases, looking up at you. 
“Hmm, I don't recall any important notes, I did throw away a sheet of paper with unreadable chicken scratch on it though” 
He offers an eye-roll laced with amusement, wishing you a good night. 
You return the sentiment with a sweet grin. 
Awkwardly, your hands fumble behind your back, untying your firmly tied apron. You grab your tips from the pocket and stuff them in your jean pocket. With care, you fold the apron neatly and slide it into the pigeon-hole designated with your name, swapping it with your jacket which you slip on. 
The image of Peter's big brown eyes flash in your mind and you feel the all-too-familiar pang of guilt rising in your throat. Your teeth snag your lips as you frown slightly and for a moment you think you should have accepted his offer to walk you home. 
You swing your backpack over your shoulder, taking a second to think, and release it’s likely you’ll catch him on your way out, you swallow your nerves and decide you’ll take him up on his offer. 
You let your manager know you’re leaving and push through the kitchen swinging doors, expecting to see Peter still sitting at the booth. 
Instead, you’re met with a half-drunken cup of coffee and a five-dollar tip. Your lips curl into a smile and you roll your eyes, ‘always the gentlemen’ you think to yourself as you pocket the money. 
The soles of your shoes tap against the floor of the subway, and you hum along to your music, resting the back of your head against the cool of the glass. The subway is quiet at this time of night having just missed rush hour and you’re more than grateful for the peace. The voice of the announcement system warns you that your step is the next, you hear it quietly through your music, opening your resting eyes. 
You step onto the quiet platform, thankful for the more peaceful trip this time around. You walk slowly through quiet backstreets taking your time and mindlessly listening to your music, the volume is gentle, wary of the softly throbbing headache that you’ve acquired from the day. You hum along softly, and your teeth sink into your lip, occupying themselves. 
“I thought we weren’t doing that anymore” a familiar voice calls out and a flash of red drops down next to you. 
You jump slightly, turning to look at the man. “And I thought we weren’t scaring young women at night” You let out a breath attempting to control your heart rate, he laughs with an apology and follows your footsteps, walking by your side. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you again?” you utter, though it comes out as a question. 
He hums a laugh, “I just couldn’t stay away” he teases sarcastically. 
“Seems to be the way a lot of people feel” you mumble with a grin. 
“I’m fairly sure I have a highly dedicated stalker” you nod playfully. 
He chuckles, “And what makes you think that”. 
“You know that kid I was talking about, Peter?” you ask and Spiderman nods along, “well, he first found me at my favourite library and then walked into my job four hours later to order a coffee”. 
“Sounds like we have a high-profile case on our hands,” he jokes and it pulls a small laugh from your lips with an eye roll. 
“You know you sound a lot like him” you say matter-of-factly. 
“You don’t know what I sound like” he retorts rather quickly. 
“No I mean,” you think for a moment, “you’re both annoyingly witty”. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment” he jokes with a satisfied nod. 
“How does the um,” you raise your hand to your lips, “the voice thing, how does it work” you question with a small tilt of your head. 
“It’s just a vocal converter” he nods. 
“Like Ghostface in Scream,” you add and he nods. 
“And the um,” your hand hovers over your wrist, and you contort your hand into his signature pose. 
“Oh, here look” he stops the both of you and flips his wrist, a white web shoots onto the brick wall behind you. 
“Try it,” he mumbles, your hand hovers over his wrist and he gives you a soft nod, encouraging you to press down on the sensor. You press the heel of his hand and a web shoots past you, sticking to the wall in one swift motion. Your mouth forms an ‘O’ as you mumble a soft, ‘woah’,
Spiderman watches you, a soft smile sits behind his mask. “So do you, like, have any actual powers?” you ask with a furrowed brow, “besides being a genius” you add and the irony draws a small laugh from the boy. 
He hums a soft ‘hmh’, he shakes the web from the shooter and walks past you. You stand with crossed arms and watch as he climbs the walls, his hands and feet sticking to the vertical bricks. “So you can do that without the suit?” you call up at him and he gives a soft nod, releasing the wall and gracefully falling from the height. 
“What else can you do?” you ask in awe, you had never particularly been a fan of Spiderman, you’d watched the news clips, and defended him when your mum questioned if his presence was ethical, though you’d never questioned, nor ever thought of, the logistics of his ‘powers’. 
He lets out a laugh, “I have um, enhanced strength, agility, stamina, all that” he nods, “Oh and um, a tingle?” it comes out as a question and he tilts his head slightly.
“I do not want to hear about your tingle dude” you laugh with a disgusted face, he elbows you gently, with a, ‘Not like that you weirdo’. “No it’s like, I can tell when there’s danger,” he attempts to explain, “like, I know to duck before something hits my head”. 
You shove your hand in your pocket, pulling out a scrunched-up receipt and throw it towards his head. His hand raises swiftly, catching the ball of paper, “really?” he questions before unravelling it, with a serious face and a hum he reads, “Hemorrhoid cream?”. 
Your brows furrow and you quickly grab the receipt to see a grocery list of, ‘gum, Coke Zero and a KitKat’, you roll your eyes with a ‘ha ha, very funny’. 
“So,” he looks down at you and the two of you make eye contact, “tell me about your day,” he mumbles as the two of you continue your stroll, you accept his offer once again. 
“It was pretty boring… I studied for like god knows how long and got nowhere,” you grumble and Spiderman listens attentively. “Then, just as I was on a roll Parker interrupted me… but he gave me his notes so,” you give a pressed smile, “never will I ever tell him how much it helped me out but he is a lifesaver.” you nod. 
Spiderman's lips curl into a wide grin behind the mask and he lets out a hum in response, ” Anyway my boss is an asshole,” you add with a, ‘but what's new’.
“What’d he do today?” he questions and watches as your eyes roll at the thought of your manager. He’s so intensely focused on you and for the first time since knowing you he’s able to take in the small imperfections on your face, he observes the slope of your nose and the way your mouth moves as you speak, and suddenly he’s all the more grateful for the guise of his mask then he’s ever been before. 
“He’s just an asshole you know?” you ramble, eyes locked on the floor in front of you as your brain trails back to your manager's fingers in your face. “I mean he clicked in my face as if I’m like some dog,” you let out an angry huff, “seriously, get your dirty ass fingernails out of my face dude, and then he yelled in my face!” you take in a deep breath before releasing it with the rest of your frustration. 
Spiderman frowns slightly behind the mask with a shake of his head, “you want me to web him up?” he attempts and grins as your lips curl into a smile. “That would be great actually,” you giggle. 
There's a beat of silence before you start up again, “and, I don't know, I feel guilty, I think Peter keeps trying to hangout with me, I mean I refused him like twice today and I don't know…” you trail off for a moment, “It’s not like I hate him, I mean he’s annoying, but so am I, and… well I actually really like talking to him, I just,” you look up at Spiderman, “I’m not blabbing on too much?”. 
His masked face shakes slightly with a soft laugh and a, ‘You’re good.’
“I just don’t think I’m that great at being friends with people,” you exhale a sigh. 
“Well we’re friends” he adds and the Peter behind the mask feels a pang of guilt.
“Yeah, I guess,” you mumble. 
“What you don’t think we’re friends” he quips, nudging you softly and you hum a laugh. 
“Well this is our second time talking…” you trail off and look up at him, sending a stupid grin. 
“That's okay… we just… move fast,” he mumbles and you hum in agreement with a nod, ‘really fast,’ you add and he laughs with an, ‘Exactly’.
“No… you’re right,” and you send him a genuine smile, “Thanks Spidey, for listening”. 
“Spidey huh?” he asks teasingly. “Well I’m not going to say Spiderman every time we talk” you ask with a grin, “I bet you’re not even a man,” you add teasingly. 
“What makes you say that,” he asks defensively. 
“Well first of all that was a little defensive,” you giggle, “and I don’t know,” you shrug, “I’m a teenager, I go to school with teenagers, I know how they act,” you mumble matter-of-factly with a grin. 
“Also I would be a little worried if a forty-year-old man actively sought out walking me home at night,” you add 
“Proud of your detective work are you?” he teases and you give a cocky nod. 
“Well I can’t actually tell you my age-”, he begins,
“Oh come on,” you grin, cutting him off. 
“Okay, you wanna know?” he asks, his tone is earnest and you respond with an eager nod. He pauses and leans in slightly, and you follow his action,
“I’m actually eighty,” he says and a giggle slips from his lips. You grin with an eye roll and hit his arm playfully, he lets out a joking, ‘ow’.
“I think you should have a little more respect for senior citizens,” he laughs following as you continue your route home,
“I have plenty of respect for real senior citizens,” you mumble. 
As the two of you reach your apartment block you let out a huff of pain. “I’m going to rip my feet off,” you groan, wiggling your toes in your shoe. 
“Not so sure that will do any good,” he quips and you grin. 
“What kind of apartment building doesn’t hand an elevator,” you moan, 
“Why don’t I swing you to your fire escape,” he offers sweetly, and you send him a smile, “really?” you ask. 
He hums a, ‘mhm’, and your smile curls wider, before dropping ever so slightly, “my mum… she’ll wonder why I didn't come through the front door,” and Spidey gives a shrug. 
“Maybe she just didn’t notice,” he offers, winking behind the mask before he remembers that you can’t see his face. “Yeah… why not,” you shrug dismissively with a smile. 
He wraps a tight arm around your waist, ‘which is yours?’ he asks and you point to the one lit up with a string of fairy lights with a sheepish smile, he lets out a small laugh finding your attempt at decoration sweet. 
“You’re going to need to hold onto me okay,” he mumbles and you swallow a pang of nerves with a nod of your head before wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. 
He shoots a web, swinging you both upwards and you let out a small yelp at the feeling of the floor disappearing beneath your shoes. Your arms tighten around him and your eyes slam shut at the strange feeling of freefalling for short bursts of moments. 
You feel his chuckle rise with a chuckle as you cling to him tightly. Wind rushes past your ears and through your hair before you feel your feet land on the slightly shaky fire escape, it's over before it begins and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“Holy shit that is terrifying,” you mumble with big eyes, a laugh escapes your lips and you meet his gaze. 
“Next time you should try opening your eyes,” he teases and you mumble a ‘next time?’ with the raise of a brow. He nods with a laugh, “I’ll take you,” he says and his voice is sweet. 
You breathe out an, ‘okay’ with a sure nod of your head. “You should see how beautiful the city is at night,” he mumbles softly and you feel a grin of admiration grow on your face. 
“I’ll look forward to it,” you smile and you wish each other a goodnight before he swings off.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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You were the new student at the Jaewon High school and the teacher asked you to introduce yourself to everyone in the class. A certain blonde haired guy with his bangs covering his eyes surveyed you with slight interest. He could feel slight warmth settling inside him as he looked at you and your features. Your smile was enchanting and captivating. You sat next to him and extended your hand out to him with a warm friendly smile on your face. He simply blushed slightly and turned away without shaking your hand. You could tell he wasn't trying to be rude, he was just shy. You got to know later on his name was Jay Hong and was given the nickname of being the prince of the fashion department
Apart from Daniel, you're the other person who could understand Jay. Whenever you'd ask him if he'd like to go out with you somewhere he'd nod with a slight smile. You've never heard him talk but it doesn't bother you too much since you could understand him. You make him feel so...warm and contended, you make him feel heard despite not talking out loud. He loves it when you smile, he always wants to see you smiling and being happy, he doesn't like seeing you sad or upset. The other day you got a lousy score on one of your tests and you were down in the dumps. Not even the incessant needling from Zack telling you to cheer up since it's a stupid test worked on you and you were pretty bummed out about it. After the lunch period was done, Jay strode over to your desk and handed you a bag and as you opened inside it and looked in it, you saw your favorite chocolates, goodies and treats along with a heartwarming little encouraging note from him. You thanked him and ended up giving him a hug and he felt like his heart would stop beating at the moment. He wanted to hold you in his arms forever and never let go of you
He'll fall for you real fast and real hard too. When he does, he catches obsessive feelings for you quite quickly too which will result in him getting rather sulky and pouty when you talk to other people, excluding Daniel. You had to work on an assignment with Zack once and the entire time, Jay sat right smack in between you both despite the complaints from Zack on how he had to deal with an annoying blonde the whole time. However Jay didn't give a damn. He'd rather shoot someone than have them steal you away from him. Just because he's quiet and shy and nice to YOU doesn't mean he has to be nice to the other annoying people who try to steal you away from him. It annoyed and frustrated him to no end when the teacher refused to let him be your partner even after asking him to change your partner so he could be with you. However he couldn't do anything about it since you actually liked the teacher and he knew you'd be sad if the teacher left and he doesn't want to see you sad
You can bet your allowance he will stalk the absolute daylights out of you and will always have your location one way or another. Say goodbye to your privacy since there'll always be someone or the other in the shadows to ensure your safety. He has FILES of your likes, dislikes and his assistant gives him an update of everything that happens in your life. He knows you better than you know yourself by now and he takes great pride in that and could probably write a freaking thesis about you and your personality. He has unfinished love letters that he wanted to give you but couldn't bring himself to do so because he didn't want to ruin your friendship with him. Poor guy would be devastated if you started ignore him, something in him will just break. Look, he can tolerate insults and anger and people hitting him but you ignoring him is much worse
Like I mentioned before, don't underestimate the way he fights just because he never really interacts or fights on common occasions, there's a reason you should always watch out for the quiet ones. He would never forgive someone trying to hurt you, he'd send them a one way ticket to the hospital with zero remorse and empathy. Have you seen the way he fights? His moves are fast and quick and it's all thanks to his training with the one and only Alexandra Sophia herself, learning a variety combination of mixed martial arts which he'll put to good use so he can protect you. If Logan ends up picking on you or making disgusting lecherous comments about you, he'll just walk over to him silently without even saying anything and just break his hand like it's nothing. Logan will have a natural hatred for blondes now thanks to him lol
Jay will get slightly pouty and jealous and sulky when you receive gifts from someone else. He'll quickly find a way to one up them because...he's Jay Hong after all. Oh, someone gave you a nice dress for your birthday? Well, here's 5 duffel bags full of the most fashionable clothes that are trending these days. Someone gifted you a new gadget? You'll have plenty more from him. He'll just walk up to you with a smile on his face and set the bags down for you. Of course, he finds it rather endearing and cute when you end up getting flustered and embarrassed like this and will not accept a no from you. You're going to accept his gifts and tokens of love for you and no, you don't get to have a say in this
Like the others he doesn't want you getting involved in gang stuff. The last thing he needs is for you to get targeted by some gang member but he's not really worried though even if that happens because he'll probably just murder them and find a way to cover up the body. Hey, when it comes to you, he's willing to do anything to make sure you're safe. What's a few dead bodies and gang members going to do anyway? He insists on dropping you off home on his bike and this is something you don't get to have a say on either. He'll just silently stand there and put his helmet on your head and gesture for you to get on his bike. He'd rather not take any chances when you're walking down the streets. He gets quite flustered when your arms are wrapped around his torso though, he'll be a blushing mess under his helmet and will be smiling smiling to himself, basking in the warmth and your soft gentle touch
He's not someone to play mind games with you or gas light you, he's too pure for that. He doesn't want to hurt you. However if your safety is being threatened, he won't hesitate to snatch you up from your life faster than you can even blink. You'll find yourself in a well furnished room on a soft large bed as you wake up. You'll of course, be quite confused as to what's happening and Jay will silently come into the room with a tray of your favorite things and set it down on the table beside the bed for you. When you ask him whether you can leave, he'll simply shake his head and refuse to let you go. You might not be bound by ropes or chains to the bed but that doesn't mean you'll be able to escape either. His loyal assistant is always there to observe you and snitch on you the moment you try anything funny
The security systems and the locks will be quite advanced and you won't be able to leave. By mistake even if you end up leaving, he'll just bring you back. He'll look at you with a slightly hurt look on his face and is sad that you tried to leave him but he understands why you'd leave him, you probably feel trapped and he gets your feeling. Which is why he'll take you out for private little outings to places he knows you'll enjoy. Just don't leave his hand, he needs to prevent you from running away again. However when it comes to someone stealing you from him...he won't have any mercy or remorse for them. They'll either get blacklisted from a company or their social status would be ruined or something. He'd do it secretly of course, without you ever finding out about it since he doesn't want you thinking that he's some sort of monster
He'll be quite hurt and devastated when you initially try to withhold yourself from eating anything and refusing to eat food. He'll look at you with the expression of a kicked puppy and a small tear will roll down his eye as he silently pleads and cajoles you to eat. He doesn't want anything happening your health, he loves you too much for that. Would you like for him to feed you because he's ready for that too. Just please eat something
He'd be flustered whenever you hug him or show him even the slightest of affection but he still loves it nonetheless. He loves it when you run your fingers through his hair, he'll let out a soft hum and look at you with a soft smile, like he has the world in front of his eyes. He'd like to touch your hair too and caress your cheek lovingly if you'd permit him too of course. He wouldn't do anything you're uncomfortable with since he's quite the gentleman. He likes holding your hand too and entwining and wrapping his fingers in yours as he kisses the back of your hand ever so gently. Overall, as a yandere, he'd be a nice one to have. Pretty chill and laid back who would ensure you're always by his side no matter what...
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schemmentis · 6 months
Somethin' Stupid - Pt. 2
Part 1
Summary: Yours and Melissa's senior year.
Warnings: strong language / mild/vague depiction of sexual assault.
WC: 4.7k
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Melissa doesn’t ace her midterm but she does do incredibly well. Just like you knew she would. Joey does eventually work up the balls to ask her out. You don’t even ask her what she said when she tells you he asked; you know it was yes. 
You feel like you blink and midterms turn into finals, which turns into the end of the year. You spend plenty of time with Melissa through it all. Though, it is a lessening amount of time. You hadn’t thought much of it until your mom is asking where Melissa is shortly into the summer. Then, when you do go to Mel’s her mom is hugging you tight and saying she’s missed you and that you’re not supposed to move out of her house. Even once Melissa and Kristen Marie do.
I know I stand in line
You still see Melissa throughout summer but when you do it tends to be with Joey, too. You’ve learned not to mind it but you do miss your solo Melissa time. Her attention always seems halved when you do see her. Not that you blame her, really. You’d be the same if you had just started dating someone. Which, you could be. You just don’t find much interest in pursuing that like Melissa and the other girls your age seem to. It’d be nice to have a partner, of course it would. You wouldn’t deny that but it isn’t your focus. You’re more worried about college applications and setting yourself up for what comes after next school year once you graduate.
Which isn’t to say Melissa isn’t also worried about the same things. She is. You’ve spoken with her about where she’s been applying and you know she’s heart set on going into education. She just also has Joey. You don’t really know how she had the time last year to worry about him and grades and you dread how much she’s going to juggle when the new school year starts. If anyone can manage it, you know it’s Melissa.
Until you think you have the time
You see your favorite redhead a little more often when senior year starts. Her arm slung over your shoulders on the first day back as you both walked in that morning. 
“You’re still gonna end up valedictorian.” Melissa teased you.
“I said that in like, fifth grade, Mel.” You rolled your eyes at her but smiled all the same. You hadn’t realized how much you missed her over the summer until that September.
It feels like the universe is righted once senior year starts. A few nights a week sees you sleeping at Melissa’s. Occasionally, Melissa will insist on a switch that week and stay at your house. Usually when Kristen Marie is on her very last nerve or the weeks of important tests. Your house is quieter, she claims. You think it’s her sly way of ensuring you’re there if she needs help. She still doesn’t outright ask for it. Instead, she’s asking you your opinion of things or how sentences she writes sound when she reads them aloud to you. It’s more rare for her to actually have you look over her work.
To spend an evening with me
Truthfully, you’re more surprised it’s never Joey having her insist on sleeping at yours instead of her house. You had expected by now some fight to have spawned between them. They are both hard headed and opinionated. You don’t love Joey, or consider him your friend, but you find yourself able to spend more time around him over senior year. He treats Melissa right and makes her smile that big genuine smile she has. You’ll give him credit for that much, and you suppose, as long as he’s treating her right and keeping that smile on her face he can’t be so bad.
You even share Melissa with him over the holidays. When it used to be a near full two weeks of just the two of you holed up in one of your houses. Emerging only for family dinners that included both your families. Your chosen spot this year is Melissa's house. Your parents are there nearly as much as you though they don't sleep over like you do. Joey isn't there the full two weeks like you are, though nearly every other day he is. He’s beginning to grate on your nerves like the brother you never had would. A flash of annoyance one moment and the next you're perfectly fine, sharing something even. You send a pointed look at Melissa when she jokes that you better not be stealing her man. For one, you'd never dream of stealing anything that made Mel happy. She knows that. For another, as you had informed Mel when she'd made the joke, “ew.”
You thought new years would be the one night of your break that Melissa would tell you was Joey’s. Even if it was still at her house with all your parents around. Most of the adults fought to stay awake until after the ball dropped if only to ensure the teenagers milling around the house were behaving. You expected she'd want to ring in the new year with him. Traditional new year kiss and all. Instead, she's snuggled at your side beneath the large comforter you've stolen from her bed as you stand on her house's back porch. Just like every other year.
Joey, and a few of your other mutual friends are somewhere in the house. Along with Kristen Marie and a few of her own, and the adults of course. Outside, it’s just you and Mel in the dark. The porch light kept off. You know when it hits midnight; the sky lights up with fireworks. 
“Happy New Year, Kid.” You hear Melissa beneath the cracks of fireworks. Her arms are wrapping around your middle beneath the comforter you're holding around the two of you. 
“Happy New Year, Mel.” You answer. Your arms lightly squeeze around her shoulders, your head leant against hers. The two of you, staring at the bursts of colors filling the midnight sky before they fade away until the next whistle of fireworks signals the next round.
The new year seems to go faster than the beginning of the school year. Almost like you hit senior year so now life has doubled its speed on you. Sometimes you really believe it has. It feels like last week you were meeting Melissa in second grade. Your graduation being in just a few months doesn’t sound right even to your own ears. Certainly not to your parents. Both yours and Mel’s keeps bringing up old memories and pictures of the two of you. No matter who’s house you’re at that week.
“Ya, we’ve seen those about ten times this month, Ma!” Melissa calls over her shoulder, pulling you past her mother beckoning you both for another memory lane walk. She doesn’t pause until she’s pulled the both of you into her room and shut the door. Dramatically she leans against it as if to keep her mother out. Though you both know she didn’t follow you upstairs.
“I swear, they’re getting worse everyday. Mine and yours.” She mutters before she finally pushes away from the wood. Her backpack is taken from her shoulder and tossed haphazardly onto her bed before claiming space on it herself.
“They just keep seeing us as second graders, Mel. It’s fine.”
“If I have to sit through one more flip through my baby book, I swear I’m movin’ out when I turn eighteen.”
“Sure ya are, Mel.” You tease, pointedly rolling your eyes as you flop into the space on her bed next to her.
“Let’s forget about the past, and the future of graduation.” She says, hands waving in front of her like she’s erasing both sides of time away. “More important is prom is only a couple weeks away, and you don’t have a date.”
You make a face. “Who cares if I have a date? I’m not going.”
Melissa bolts upright, looking at you with wide eyes. “What do ya mean you’re not goin’?”
“Exactly what I said, Mel.”
“You have to!” She all but yells. You scoff which only has her gripping your wrists like she’s pleading. “You skipped junior prom, you can’t skip senior prom, Y/N. Junior prom was so boring ‘cause you weren’t there. I left halfway through!”
“And snuck into my room through the window, I remember. You almost busted your ass.”
“You have to come this year.” Melissa barrels on, ignoring your recollection. “You can’t miss both proms. I didn’t kick up a fuss about last year because we still had this year. It’s senior year. You deserve to let loose and it’ll be actually fun if you come.”
You roll your eyes at Melissa’s attempts to convince you. “You know how much I hate crowds, even if it is just our class and the underclassmen. I’d have more fun pulling my hair out, Mel.”
“But you’ll be with me! You know I’ll make sure you have fun.” Melissa insists before she sing-songs the next sentence in slight tease. “Aaaand, I know a certain someone was thinkin’ ‘bout askin’ you to go with hiimm.”
You raise a very skeptical eyebrow. “Who?”
“I’m not ruining the surprise unless you promise me you’re coming!”
“That depends on who’s asking!”
Melissa looks at you for a long moment, considering if it’s worth it to spill the beans. “Okay, okay. It’s Mikey Castalucci.”
“Mikey Cast— Joey’s best friend Mikey Castalucci?” You repeat, pulling your wrists from Melissa’s grasp.
Melissa sheepishly shrugs one shoulder. “He was askin’ Joey if he thought you’d say yes if he asked ya.”
“Right, ‘cause Joey would know who I’d say yes to.” You mutter, rolling your eyes. You cross your arms before Melissa can grab your wrists again.
“Look, at least it’s not some junior, or worse, a freshie askin’ ya, right? Just come with us, please? You’ll have more fun with all of us, I know it. We don’t even have to get in the middle of everything; it can just be our little group. Please?”
You sigh heavily as Melissa begs next to you. You just know you’re going to regret it. Still, you find yourself sighing out your answer. “Fine. I’ll say yes to Mikey and we’ll all go together.”
Melissa makes a wordless, happy, noise before she’s sprawling herself across you to hug you tight. “We’re gonna have such a good time, you’ll see!”
And if we go some place to dance
Mikey does ask you to prom. Late that next week. The equivalent of last minute with all the confidence in the world as he leans against the locker next to yours. You would guess Melissa had told Joey to tell Mikey to ask because it was all but guaranteed.
You do your best to look more excited than the just grin and bear it you really feel. It isn’t that Mikey is awful, per se. He just isn’t somebody that has ever really interested you. Not that any of the boys in high school ever really did. You suppose you feel better about going with him than anyone else that may have asked. At least him being Joey’s best friend double ensures Melissa with you most of the night.
I know that there's a chance
You agree for everyone to meet at Melissa’s. It’s easier, in the end. Especially with Joey driving the four of you to school.
You do your best to keep Melissa from going overboard as the two of you get ready in her bedroom upstairs. She’s truthfully closer to freaking out about and over anything to do with you. Your dress, your hair. How Mikey is going to see you. When you point out that she could freak out over herself for maybe five seconds she scoffs. Joey has seen her before plenty. Like they’re an old married couple after only a year, if that, together.
You’re half a second away from smacking Melissa’s hands away from you when she finally steps away. Maybe because she can see you glaring a hole at her by now. Maybe because she does actually have to worry about getting ready a little bit in order to actually get ready.
Which she finishes just in time for her mom to be yelling up the stairs that the boys are there already. For as much as you have wanted to fight your best friend for the last hour as she picked over you, you’re gripping her hand tightly on the way down the staircase. You aren’t nervous, at least not about Mikey or how you look. You remind yourself of Melissa begging you to go so it would actually be fun this year. So that you won’t look back and regret not going. You still aren’t sure either points she’d tried to make would actually be true. Still, it’s enough to get you down the stairs to actually endure the next few minutes.
Your parents, actually both yours and Melissa’s snapping enough pictures to rival paparazzi through the next two minutes or so. Two minutes feels more like two hours. Mikey stabs you a couple times trying to pin the corsage onto your dress. You’re nearly poised to rip it from his hands to do it yourself when he finally gets it. His arm wrapped around you and held you tight to his side for the pictures your parents are still taking. Thankfully, Melissa has her usual tact in getting the four of you out of her house and away from two sets of parents. You’re blinking stars from your eyes once you climb into Joey’s truck from all the flash photography.
Your relief doesn’t last very long. You may have gotten away from both your parents but now you have the night ahead of you. The short ride to school in Joey’s truck doesn’t fill you with a lot of hope. Mikey not helping you out of the back seat of the cab doesn’t help you feel much better. 
You’re on edge from the moment you step into the gymnasium. It’s decorated nice enough, there’s music playing. There’s also a crowd of your entire class, most of whom you just tolerate, and the underclassmen, most of whom you don’t really know at all. Add to that, Melissa is already excitedly tugging Joey to the dancefloor and you’re definitely beginning to regret agreeing to tonight.
You won't be leaving with me
You do your best to make the most of it, anyway. If Melissa was right about one thing, it’s that you do deserve to let loose and have a fun night. This might not be your ideal form of it but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have a good time.
Mikey, it turns out, isn’t a bad dancer. It turns out, too, he’s more observant than you’d have thought and actually considerate. He mentions after a dance or two that you don’t like the crowd. The fact he’s paid enough attention to notice surprises you as much as him agreeing to dancing just on the edge of the dance floor to make you more comfortable.
You dance a few more songs with Mikey. Melissa catches your eye at one point long enough to send you a wink and a smile when she sees you. You hope she isn’t getting any big ideas about setting you up with Mikey for more than tonight. You might be getting along better than you thought but you aren’t about to date him. At least, though, you can tell she’s having a nice time with Joey. So, the night is worth it.
When you stop to take a break, Melissa and Joey are still going. You don’t mind. Mikey doesn’t force conversation but he also doesn’t sit in awkward silence. It’s surprisingly companionable, standing on the sidelines of prom with him. He even convinces you to do the little picture booth set up with him. 
After a while though, all you can focus on is the people. The overwhelming amount of sound in the gym between the music and the chatter of everyone. Your senses sort of short circuit as you sip at your plastic cup of punch, trying to look like you aren’t a moment or two away from snapping completely. Mikey gently taps your elbow for your attention.
“You wanna get some air?” He offers, over the bass of the song playing.
You nod before gladly following him back out the gymnasium doors. You breathe deeply the crisp night air as you lean lightly against the brick a few steps away from the door. “Thank you.” You mutter to Mikey, standing next to you. “I just need a minute or two.” You promise, trying not to be a wet blanket to the evening.
For his part, Mikey waves your assurances away. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. We can stay out here as long as you want. I don’t mind.”
Once you catch your breath, you’re surprised to find yourself and Mikey in decent conversation. A little more than the brief ones you had back inside. It’s definitely easier to hear each other out here. You don’t have much in common but you don’t mind hearing Mikey’s perspective on things all the same. He’s smarter than you thought he was. You knew he had decent enough grades to be on the varsity basketball team at least since last year but he makes some good points when you start debating with him about a few different topics.
You’re just about to say you should get back inside. It’s been more than a few minutes, and you’re feeling much better after talking with Mikey for a while. It’s then that he kisses you. You freeze for a brief moment before you think ‘fuck it’. It’s a night to let loose and have fun. Kissing Mikey doesn’t give you sparks or butterflies or whatever the hell else you’ve heard other girls talk about. Heard Melissa talk about Joey. You don’t hate it though. So, you gently tug him back in for another kiss.
He’s carefully pressing you back into the brick wall, allowing you to set the pace of the kisses between you. For a minute, at least. Suddenly, Mikey switches, kissing you a bit more roughly. His hands gripping your hips and moving down to your thighs as his body weight leans into you.
You manage to turn your head when he pulls back just a bit for breath. “What the hell are you doing?” You gasp, trying to catch your own.
“C’mon, Y/N,” Mikey says practically into your ear. His hands are on your thighs, his fingers skimming inward. “Let’s have a little fun, huh?”
You try to push him off of you but Mikey is quite a bit bigger than you. His weight has you pinned to the brick of the building. 
“Get off,” You grind out through your teeth. In the next moment you feel his fingers brush against you through your underwear as he tries again to convince you it’s just fun. “Get the fuck off me, Mikey!”
“Get your hands off her before I put your ass to the fuckin’ concrete, Castalucci!”
You hadn’t even heard the doors to the gym open with everything going on. You open your eyes that you don’t remember closing when Mikey is pulling away from you. The sight of him trapping you to the wall is quickly replaced by Melissa. Her hands softly on your shoulders as Joey leads Mikey back inside.
“Are ya okay, Y/N?” Melissa checks on you softly. 
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
You can only manage to nod. She gently brushes the hair out of your face, guiding you to sit with her on the curb. “You’re sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah,” You manage, albeit a bit shakily. “I’m fine. You came out at the right time.”
“Joey and I were takin’ a break from dancin’ and I couldn’t find you, last I saw you’d been takin’ a break with Mikey. I checked the bathroom and when I didn’t find you in there and didn’t see you back in the gym I made Joey come check with me out here. I’m damn glad I came out when I did. I’m just sorry it wasn’t sooner. He’s got some fuckin’ nerve puttin’ hands on you like that when you’re sayin’ no. I’ll bust his knees with a baseball bat, I swear. I’ll—”
You stop Melissa threatening Mikey with a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. You got me, huh? It would have been worse if you didn’t come out here.”
Melissa’s eyes close. Almost like she’s envisioning that worse. You hope she isn’t. You’re already doing that enough for the both of you. “I’m fine, Mel.”
“I shoulda never told ya to come with Mikey fuckin’ Castalucci.” She mutters.
“Stop.” You say quickly. “You didn’t know what he was gonna do or I know you wouldn’t have.”
“You’re damn right I wouldn’t have.” She agrees.
And have a drink or two
You raise your hands to wipe your eyes. You’re not crying and you refuse to start just because you’re a little shaken. When you pull your hands away you blink at Melissa holding a flask out to you. You have no clue where she even pulled it out from. Let alone how she snuck it out of the house.
“What’s in it?”
“Vodka.” Mel says with a shrug.
You sigh, taking it from her hands to take a decent swig before you pass it back. The two of you spend the next few minutes quietly trading the flask. 
“You know your mom is so gonna know you took that from her liquor cabinet.” You finally say as Melissa puts an arm around you. The two of you huddling closer together against the chill wind of the night.
“Nah, Kristen Marie took some too. I saw it.”
You laugh. “You can’t just blame it on your sister, Mel.”
“And why not?”
“‘Cause your mom is used to both of you and is gonna know it was both of you takin’ her shit.”
“Maybe,” Melissa eventually agrees before she turns to you and whispers conspiratorially. “But I’m her favorite kid so I’ll be fine.”
You gasp dramatically. “Melissa Schemmenti! You tell lies! We all know I’m your mom’s favorite kid.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Y/N.” She answers half heartedly. 
And then I go and spoil it all
You grin, kissing her cheek in quiet apology. “Nah, you’re right. You’re her favorite. You can probably get away with it.”
“I can definitely get away with it. What’s she gonna do? Ground me from graduatin’?”
“She could ground you from Joey, y’know.”
Melissa scoffs, taking the last sip or so from the flask. “Like that would kill me. We’d be just fine. Hell, it’d probably make the asshole actually miss me.”
You shake your head. “You call him an asshole but you loooove him.” You tease Melissa, knowing you’re right whether she agrees with you or not.
Instead, she’s suddenly sobering as she looks at you. “I’m gonna tell him to kick Mikey’s ass to the curb. He’s got no business stayin’ friends with a fuck like Castalucci. Not after tonight.”
You sigh. “You don’t have to do that, Mel.”
“No one said I had to. I’m sayin’ I’m goin’ to. Nobody messes with you like that without payin’ for it. Not while I’m breathin’.”
By saying somethin' stupid like—
“I love you.” You breathe out after her tirade on your behalf. 
Her arm around you squeezes you to her side affectionately. “I love you too, kid.”
You feel a douse of cold shoot down your spine. It hits you suddenly. Melissa doesn’t mean it the way you mean it. You mean it how she would say it to Joey. You take a slow, deep breath as your ribs suddenly feel tight. 
“I think I’m just gonna go home. I don’t wanna go back in there.” You mutter.
“Oh, wait here,” Melissa is quickly getting to her feet. “I’ll get Joey to take us in the truck.”
By the time you stand up, she’s halfway back to the gym doors. “No, I think I could use the walk.”
She stops short, turning back around. She takes a few steps back to you. “Then I’ll walk with ya.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t wanna miss the rest of prom. You were looking forward to it.”
“You’re more important. Ya shouldn’t be alone right now. Ya don’t have to be, y’know?”
You shake your head. “I’ll be fine, Mel. Just go have a good time with Joey.” You insist. 
For good measure you take a few steps to meet her in the middle, your arms hugging her tightly. “Go have fun. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
Wordlessly, Melissa nods. She must see how little you’re likely to change your mind. You back away, silently waving her back inside when she looks back one more time at the door. You turn around before she opens the doors to go back inside. Before she can decide to chase after you.
She doesn’t. Whether because she knows better to push you or because she just doesn’t know what to do, you don’t know. You walk home. By the time you get there, you’re freezing. You really should have worn a jacket but it would have ruined the entire look.
You quietly slip inside. The house is dark. It’s late enough that your parents are already asleep. You maneuver your way to your room without turning on the lights. You peel off your dress, and everything else you’re wearing. You take a quick shower and put on clothes Mikey hasn’t tainted forever with what he’d done.
You told Melissa you’re fine. You are, as much as you can be. Still, you have a moment of reliving the moment when you try to go to sleep. Instead, you lay awake in your bed, in the dark. Until you start to see the sunrise from your window. Until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore and slip to sleep.
You force a smile at breakfast. You tell your parents all the good parts of the night and pretend the end of it didn’t happen. You lie that you went with Melissa and Joey and Mikey for burgers late the night before to keep from eating. You feel too nauseous. You force yourself to eat the rest of the weekend to keep your mom from questioning you or getting suspicious.
Monday morning, you see a figure approaching you from the side as you’re grabbing your books from your locker. You had hoped it would be Melissa that would find you first. With the lack of shoes clacking against tile, you know it isn’t. You glance to your left, quickly turning back to your locker and what you’re doing when you see Joey.
“Hey. I just wanted to say I’m sorry. About Mikey. He shouldn’ta done that to ya.”
You take a breath as you grab the book you need. You just hear Melissa comin’ out of his mouth. Not anything just Joey. You look at him. You’re angry, you suddenly decide. Suddenly feel. 
“You’re still friends with him though, aren’t you?”
Joey briefly looks surprised at you snapping at him. He raises his hands in front of him in a sort of half shrug. “Yeah. I mean, c’mon Y/N, he’s my best friend.”
You scoff. “I guess that’s the difference between you and me.” You mutter, turning back to your locker.
“You’re sayin’, what, you’d drop Mel if it was her?”
You turn back, staring Joey in the eye. “If she touched you when you didn’t want it, especially like that? She wouldn’t be a quarter of the person I thought she was.” You turn away just enough to slam your locker shut. 
“Yeah. I’d drop her if she did that to you.” You make yourself crystal clear. You don’t bother stepping around Joey, letting your shoulder nudge him on your way past.
You storm past Melissa who had just been making her way to the two of you. She calls after you but you don’t stop. You already know she isn’t going to chase you. She’s going to turn to Joey. Still, you keep pace, slipping into your first class before either of them catch up to you for further conversation.
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ridhearts · 2 years
glittering like diamonds {misc.}
sometimes, the smallest acts of intimacy can get your heart racing (OR; they find your missing jewelry for you)
!! information !!
characters: riddle + jamil + rook + ruggie
reader: gn (”you” pronouns)
CW: none!
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• • • • • • • Riddle Rosehearts
Dusk had fallen on the gardens of Heartslabyul, the only light coming from golden glows in lanterns with twisted poles and windows in frames of warped proportions. Riddle watched as the last of the hedgehogs scurried around and burned off their energy, darting through the single square of light sporadically like pink and blue missiles. The others were already tucked away in their cubbies, snoozing comfortably and ignorant to the ruckus of their rowdy friends. Watching the hedgehogs always calmed his nerves. Their cute faces, the sweet little noises they made, the ability to count and double count them to ensure those on hedgehog duty did their jobs correctly…it was all methodic and peaceful. A perfect way to end the day.
From inside the dorm, somebody must have moved from the window, allowing another stream of light to fall over the grass. Something glimmered and caught Riddle’s eye, the contrast between the mysterious object and the matte wire fencing surrounding the hedgehog pen quite noticeable in the light. Picking it up, he saw that a bracelet had been resting across the top of the wire fencing. Short three-link sections of gold chain connected many bright red rose beads about as large as the tip of his thumb. Upon further inspection, Riddle noticed that the claw end of the clasp was stuck. It took more than a few tries for him to finally push the latch and shut the clasp entirely. That must have been how it fell off.
Even if the hedgehog pens were a completely inappropriate place for jewelry, the fact that it matched the rose gardens did soothe his ire a small amount. Sighing, he stood and decided now was as good a time as any to head inside. The bracelet probably belonged to one of the members of his dorm. If he remembered correctly, you were also still in Heartslabyul, having been granted special permission to stay a while later than most guests in order to tutor your friends for an upcoming test. Perhaps, with your connections throughout the school, you would know the owner of the bracelet.
Just as Riddle walked through the main doors, he saw you walking down the stairs with your bag over your shoulder. Your hair was a bit messy and you were straightening out your uniform, which was a bit rumpled from a long day of studying (and undoubtedly other chaos that you managed to fall into). Riddle closed his hand around the bracelet, hoping to refrain from fussing with your uniform. As cute as you looked, it was unbecoming of you to walk all the way to Ramshackle looking so unkempt. 
“Heading home, Prefect?” He asked. You looked up from your blazer and your eyes cleared, as if you had been in a haze.
“Yeah, we finally decided to call it a night,” You answered. Although he was unsure if he was deceiving himself, Riddle swore you descended the stairs a little bit faster as you walked towards him.
“Shall I expect stellar grades on this next alchemy exam?”
You grimaced. “You should expect Ace and Deuce to insist they tried their best.”
Riddle smiled at that. If only you could impart some of your pleasantness upon your friends. Still, you were clearly doing what you could. No matter what their grades came to be, the fault would only lie with them. 
Noticing you were about to walk past him and leave, Riddle lifted a hand to stop you. “Ah, actually, before you go, do you happen to know to whom this belongs?”
The bracelet caught in the light as he held it up, appearing for a moment more yellow than rose gold. Instantly, your face lit up in recognition, and you held out your hand.
“Oh, that’s mine! I was wondering where it was,” you answered, shifting on your feet and smiling at him.
Riddle wasn’t sure what hit him. All he knew was that he was incredibly nervous when you were around, and his ability to remain calm in your vicinity the past few days was owed to his ability to rule on autopilot and sheer luck. That luck was running out, it seemed, because Riddle took a long look at your outstretched hand as if he didn’t know what to do with it. Then, carefully, he took the bracelet and looped it around your wrist.
His slim, gloved fingers brushed over the sensitive inside of your wrist as he slipped the clasp into one of the open links. You were suddenly thankful he wasn’t pressing down, certain that he’d be able to feel your heart racing through your pulse point. He must have forgotten about the broken clasp as he fiddled with it, eyebrows furrowing slightly. Sighing, he used one hand to keep the clasp in place and the other to grab your hand, gently pulling you closer so he could have a better angle. After a few more attempts, Riddle finally managed to shut the clasp with a faint click! Satisfied with his work, his expression softened and he grabbed your hand again, turning it over and admiring the bracelet.
“I’m sure Sam has clasps available at the Mystery Shop. You should be able to fix it with those and a pair of pliers,” he offered, looking up at you with a smile. All you could do was gape, watching him with wide eyes and a flushed face. “Is something wrong…?”
Your words got lost somewhere on the path from your brain to your mouth, so you let your gaze flicker down once. Riddle followed your instructions, looking down and realizing he was still holding your hand in his. Instantly, his face turned red enough to match his hair as his eyes darted from your joined hands to your face and back again. After a few moments, Riddle let go of your hand like it burned him, barely keeping himself from stammering.
“F-forgive me…” He started, taking one step back and then another. “Um. Make sure you get that fixed! In the hands of the wrong animal, it could spell serious trouble!”
Without offering you much of a chance to respond, Riddle hurried up the stairs beside you, mumbling something beneath his breath. However, halfway up the staircase he paused, turned, and looked at you still frozen in place. His face faded to a bright pink, even after he cleared his throat.
“And, of course…have a nice night, Prefect.”
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• • • • • • • Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie had an eye for valuable things. He knew to keep his eyes sharp for the glint of any lost or discarded objects that might prove to be of worth, even in the most unexpected places. People threw away lots of things when they could afford to follow trends, and they lost even more when they could afford to be careless. With the many rich boys he went to class with, he wasn’t surprised to see a shimmer kicked to the side of the hallways.
Scurrying in before some other vulture could stake a claim to his prize, Ruggie quickly bent down and swiped the thing that caught his eye. A few moments later, he grimaced. It clearly was some kind of cheaper metal and fake gems. Figures. Shrugging, he pocketed it and decided to run down a list of potential clients anyway. Surely there were a few suckers who didn’t know their fine jewelry from costume jewelry and would take the bait if he sold it hard enough…and went a little lower in price than what he was expecting.
After filtering back into the flow of students walking to their first class, Ruggie brushed at a faint tug on his uniform sleeve. Looking to the side, he grinned when he realized it was only you. Well, only wasn’t the right term - though he wouldn’t admit it, Ruggie considered himself quite fortunate to be on the receiving end of your highly-coveted attention.
“Morning,” You yawned. Drowsiness settled in on your features, and Ruggie felt his ears twitch in agitation.
“Woah, did Grim keep you up muttering about tuna again?” He asked. Even though your movements were just a bit slower than usual, your whole body tensed immediately at his words. Did you think you could hide from him? The thought would’ve been cute, if he wasn’t a little worried.
“No, nothing like that,” You admitted. “I lost something yesterday and I was out late looking for it. Then I was behind on my assignments…and that kept me up.” As if to accentuate your point, you yawned again. 
“What did you lose? Maybe I could keep an eye out for it.”
“Would you?” 
“Of course!” He protested, his offense only half a joke. It should be clear by now that he’d take care of you like he did himself…
Having reached the door to your morning class, you stopped. Ruggie did the same, ignoring how the people around him huffed and shot you both dirty looks for blocking the middle of the hallway. “So, it’s just a cheap little gold thing with brown gems in it. I wore it yesterday and noticed it missing after dinner, but it could’ve been gone for longer.”
Ruggie’s tail, which had been swishing happily behind him, suddenly stilled. You paid no attention to that and reached out to squeeze his arm before turning away. “It’s not a big deal if you can’t find it, but I appreciate the extra eyes.”
Before he could decide what to do, you slipped into your classroom.
The rest of the day, Ruggie spent his class time toying with the necklace that now seemed to be burning a hole in his pocket. It was just as you had described: inexpensive metal, the charm a bar lined with brown rhinestones. He wondered if you purchased the necklace because it reminded you of his dorm - that was the first thing that popped into his mind when he saw it. Or maybe you were just a fan of more earthy tones, or whatever Vil called them.
Part of him still wondered if he should try to sell it. Singling out a gullible guy looking for a quick gift for a sister or mother wouldn’t be too hard. You even said yourself that you wouldn’t mind if you couldn’t find it. Clearly, the necklace wasn’t anything too sentimental that you couldn’t bear to part with it. Surely you’d appreciate it if he found himself with a little extra pocket cash to take you on a date or something, right? But then again, you did spend a solid portion of your night trying to find it…
With a huff, Ruggie clutched his hand around the chain. He already knew his plans for profit were out the window when you mentioned what you were looking for. Even if it wasn’t something he was ready to admit, he was long beyond the point where he couldn’t imagine betraying you, even for an extra stash of cash.
As soon as his classes were over, Ruggie began the process of sniffing you out. He didn’t have to search for long - you were sitting on a bench in the courtyard, leaning one elbow on the armrest and supporting your drowsy head with it. Keeping his footfalls light, Ruggie snuck up behind you and didn’t make a noise until he was holding the necklace in front of your face.
You startled, but lifted your head so he could fasten the necklace around your neck anyway. The cool metal pressed against your neck, and before you could reach your hands up to help, Ruggie wordlessly brushed your hair away from the back of your neck. As he clasped the ends together, his fingers barely brushed against the back of your neck. Every little hair stood on end, and your whole body shivered. Part of you wondered if he was purposely teasing you, but it seemed unlikely, as he didn’t mention it.
Moving your hair back behind your shoulders, Ruggie finally said, “I found your necklace.”
“Thanks, Ruggie,” You answered, leaning your head back so you could see him. Maybe your upside-down perspective was making you see things, but you swore you could see his ears droop slightly as he got flustered. “I knew I could count on you.”
At that, Ruggie quickly averted his gaze. Oh, he was definitely flustered. “And I know I can count on you to compensate me for my services, yeah?”
…but he was still endearingly difficult, it seemed.
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• • • • • • • Jamil Viper
For about the fiftieth time, Jamil wondered if he should say something.
You weren’t as slick as you thought you were. The entire time walking to the Mystery Shop, you kept reaching up and tugging at your earlobe, rubbing it and pressing against something like you were trying to alleviate some kind of pain. Perhaps others didn’t notice - not everyone in school was the observant type - but he was, and notice he did. It didn’t help that hanging from your ears was a shiny pair of earrings that caught the light every time you pushed them around.
It was a strange change that you decided to make, though Jamil had no doubt it was due to Vil’s newfound presence in your life after VDC. There had been many hours dedicated to the importance of appearance and accessorizing during their training camp, and you had the strange tendency to be everybody’s favorite pet project after they got to know you. The earrings had to be his idea, though it didn’t appear as if he actually supplied you with any to wear. Jamil found upon his first close inspection, earlier in the day, that the earrings were in fact clip-ons and barely more than costume jewelry that Vil wouldn’t be caught dead owning. Considering the open secret that was your financial situation, that made sense. 
That didn’t mean that they weren’t eye-catching, however. The deep red stones, set loosely in a gold, drop-shaped frame, looked nice on you. Jamil couldn’t explain it, but he felt as if you deserved to be ornamented beautifully, if that’s what you wanted. Or maybe he just liked having an excuse to be caught looking.
He caught you raising your hand again and, before he could stop himself, reached out to block your hand from fiddling with the jewelry. When you glanced at him to ask what was wrong, he met your eyes with a scathing look that was practically a lecture in itself. “You don’t have to wear anything uncomfortable. Beauty isn’t really pain, no matter how convincing Vil may be.”
You laughed, letting him know he correctly guessed the heart of the situation. “I already bought them, though, so I should at least get my money’s worth.”
“Sunk cost fallacy,” Jamil responded in a deadpan manner. You matched his tone with your own flat expression, which he quickly relented to. “Alright, give them here. I might have a solution.”
Even though you looked at him dubiously, you reached up and removed the earrings, handing them off without question. Jamil looked at them carefully before nodding and patting his pockets. When he pulled out a small bag with tiny, pre-cut foam pads, you widened your eyes in a silent demand for answers.
“Some of Kalim’s earrings are clip-ons,” Jamil explained without looking up. Instead, he placed a foam pad on each side of the earring, so both sides of your ear would be cushioned. “He’s very sensitive to the pinching feel, so I keep these on me when he wears them.”
“Oh,” you muttered. “You really are prepared for anything.”
He shrugged. “There’s another trick that might help, too.”
Suddenly, Jamil took one step so that he was directly beside you. He brushed your hair behind your ear, his touch light enough on the sensitive skin that you had to fight back a shiver. It was hard to ignore that he was close enough that you could barely feel the ghost of his breath on your neck. For a moment, you worried about how your profile might look, but any fleeting thoughts of insecurity washed away when Jamil gently tugged on your earlobe and clipped the earring on. A few seconds later, he let go and waited for you to tell him if it felt uncomfortable. When you stayed silent, he moved to the other side and did the same thing, carefully pulling on your ear and slowly clipping the earring. 
A second later he was in front of you, grabbing your chin and tilting your head from side to side, checking to see if his work was even and admiring the shine of the earrings in the sunlight. “There. Now they shouldn’t…”
Jamil trailed off, suddenly remembering himself. As he stepped back, further than he was before you even started talking, you thought that he left with enough grace it was almost as if he teleported away from you. You pressed your hand to your face, feeling the warmth and hoping your embarrassment didn’t show. Jamil coughed awkwardly into his shoulder.
“Excuse me. I’m just used to checking Kalim, to ensure he maintains a neat appearance.”
You didn’t call him on his bluff, but you could guess he didn’t hold Kalim’s face - or look at him, for that matter - so tenderly.
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• • • • • • • Rook Hunt
The unusual object on the desk in front of his seat caught Rook's attention as soon as he walked into the room. As he tugged on his lab coat, he made a beeline for the small ring pushed to the edge of the desk. It was a dainty, intricate thing, a band of black tangling thorns dotted with small blue and red gemstones like winter berries all throughout. It would be hard for the owner of such a distinctive ring to remain anonymous, even if they weren't someone Rook purposely sought out more than others.
But he knew the hands this ring belonged to. They were lovely hands that he spent a long time admiring. They were hands that fought valiantly to protect the school and care for those burdened by blot. They were hands he wished to hold and kiss and press to his chest in demonstration of his ferociously beating heart! 
What luck that, in a school full of potential thieves and ne'er-do-wells, it was he who found your precious ring! Rook tucked it safely in his pocket with a silent vow to return your belongings as soon as class was finished for the day.
By the time Rook had a moment to spare to search for you, the sky was cast in a golden-orange glow, not quite sunset but beautiful all the same. It was difficult to say where you might be - after all, he was normally back at his dorms helping Vil at this time, rather than with you - but he remembered all of the stories you told him. If you were following any kind of pattern, you should be joining your friends after their club meetings, walking them to the hall of mirrors or perhaps even your dorm. With that in mind, Rook started towards the practice field, hoping to intercept you along the way.
He found you in the shade of the tunneled entrance to the field, chatting with Ace with your back turned. Ace was slumped against the wall, sitting with his legs straight out and guzzling water from a bottle. Rook allowed his footsteps to echo in against the stone passage, drawing your attention over your shoulder. His eyes met yours, and his heart skipped a beat when you smiled at him. He returned the gesture in kind.
"Hey Rook! What brings you here?" You asked. At your feet, Ace merely looked at him with a combination of suspicion and anticipation, the usual response Rook received.
"Why, you do!" Rook responded. "Although I must admit, this time I do not arrive to fill my time idly with you. I come bearing a gift of sorts."
With a flourish, Rook reached into his pocket and showed you the ring he found, twisting it so even in the dim light beneath the stone you could still catch the light reflecting off the gems. You gasped, one hand reaching up to cover your delighted smile. It brought a proud smile to Rook's face. Ace swore he could see Rook puff out his chest, just a bit, in pride.
"You found it!" You exclaimed. "I've been wondering what happened to it. I thought I lost it forever.”
“Worry not, dear trickster!” Rook proclaimed, placing a hand to his chest in a dramatic pose. Then, he grabbed your hand still hanging by your side and brought it up, bending at the waist as if he were about to kiss the back of it. “Just as the sun returns to warm the earth each day, just as the stars return to support the splendor of the moon, as sure as the flowers will bloom in the spring, I will ensure that all which belongs to you will return to its rightful place by your side.”
With a small, secretive smile, Rook loosened his grip on your hand and brought the ring to your fingers. Slowly, slowly enough that you knew he was trying to elicit a response, he placed the ring on the finger you normally wore it on. The metal had been warmed by his hand, and he stopped pushing just before it got too tight on your hand. All the while, his striking green eyes kept you in a steady gaze, creating an air of intimacy around the two of you. Briefly, the image of a proposal flashed in your mind, and you felt the heat rush to your cheeks.
Deuce, who must have finished with his practice and joined Ace behind you, suddenly sputtered. “Woah! Is- What-? Are they-?!”
Rook grinned mischievously before running his thumb over your knuckles. “I hope this is enough, so you can understand my intentions, mon coeur.”  
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thatdammchickennugget · 4 months
Some AITA posts from the slytherin boys
I'm not really sure what this is but enjoy?
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AITA for making my best friend live in a tent in the Forbidden Forest?
Hey, Reddit. I need your judgment on something that happened recently.
So, this is about my (18M, Slytherin) best friend (also 18M, Slytherin), let’s call him T. We both attend Hogwarts. Anyway, T and I have this amazing friendship where we pull pranks on each other all the time. It’s a core part of our friendship, and honestly, it’s what makes our bond so strong.
Recently, I decided to take our pranks up a notch. T always brags about his survival skills and how he is totally unshakable. So, I thought it would be hilarious to test this out. One night, while he was asleep, I used a bit of magic to transport his entire bed (with him in it) to a tent I had set up deep in the Forbidden Forest. I also put up some confusion spells around the area to ensure he couldn’t find his way out of the forest and would always end up back at his tent.
When he woke up, he was understandably confused and a bit freaked out. I thought it was hilarious and watched him struggle for a while before I eventually revealed it was a prank. But instead of laughing it off like I expected, he got really mad and stormed back to the castle.
I thought he’d get over it, but he’s been giving me the cold shoulder ever since. Our friends are divided on this – some say I went too far, while others think T is overreacting. I mean, it’s just a prank, and he always says he can handle anything. Plus, he’s fine! No harm done, right?
Update: Update to answer some questions. No, of course he did not have his wand on him. And to clarify, he was only in the forest for a few days before I brought him back, nothing crazy. I left him a chocolate frog and a bottle of water in the tent so no, he was not going hungry or thirsty, I’m not a monster.
Update 2: Okay so a lot of people seem to be mad about the whole leaving him out there for multiple days without his wand to defend himself with part. Guys, he was fine!! I had stolen Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak and was watching him most of the time! If there had been some kind of dangerous creature I would have helped him of course.
Update 3: Wow I see now people are also attacking me for being a thief?? I didn't steal Potter’s cloak permanently! I just borrowed it without asking. It’s not like he’s using it all the time anyway. And if he doesn’t want it to be stolen he should hide it better. And besides, I gave it back after the prank was over. So, can we please focus on the actual prank here?
Update 4: So, I finally talked to T. I apologized and explained that I thought it was all in good fun and that I didn’t mean to scare him so much. He accepted my apology, but he made me promise to never pull something like that again. We’re good now, but he did insist on getting me back. If you hear about a Slytherin who has been charmed to uncontrollably sing opera in the Great Hall, that’s me. No thanks for the judgment, Reddit!
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AITA for giving my friend a cologne that made him smell like dungbombs?
I (18M, Slytherin) have this friend, B (also 18M, Slytherin). Anyway, B has had this massive crush on L (17F, Ravenclaw) for ages but has never had the guts to talk to her. He’s always saying he needs something to give him an edge, something to make him stand out.
Recently, I’ve been dabbling in creating my own potion recipes and decided to create a new cologne that I thought would help B impress L. I called it "Eau de Enchantment." I figured a magical scent might give him the confidence boost he needed. I didn’t bother to test it out in myself first as it seemed fine.
So, I gave it to B and told him it would make him irresistible. Excited, B sprayed it on just before he was about to approach L in the library. I was watching from a distance, expecting to see L absolutely swoon over him.
Instead, as he walked up to her, people started wrinkling their noses and covering their faces. B had no idea what was going on and kept talking to L. It was then that I realized something had gone horribly wrong. My cologne had somehow transformed into a scent that smelled exactly like dungbombs.
Then, one of the nearby students loudly pointed out, “Merlin’s beard, what’s that smell? It’s like a dungbomb exploded in here!” That’s when B realized something was terribly wrong. His face turned red as he noticed the reactions of everyone around him.
B came running to me, fuming. He said he was humiliated and that his chance at getting L to be his girlfriend is ruined. He hasn’t spoken to me since and has been avoiding me like the plague. All of our other friends are telling me I should not have let him use an untested product, but I feel like I did nothing wrong here. I only followed my inventive spirit and B used the cologne voluntarily!
Update: To clarify, I didn’t intentionally give him something that would make him smell bad. The potion was supposed to enhance his natural charm, not turn him into a walking dungbomb. I genuinely thought it would work!
Update 2: Okay, I get that people think I should have tested it more thoroughly. But I’m new to this potion-making stuff, and I genuinely thought it would work. I didn’t mean to embarrass B. But I do think he’s making this issue way bigger than it actually is.
Update 3: So, B is finally talking to me again. I guess he explained what happened to L and she told him “it’s totally fine, she turned off her sense of smell years ago”??? Anyways, they are together now and I’m happy for them, but I have to be honest L kinda freaks me out.
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AITA for borrowing my friend's pet raccoon and causing a panic?
My friend T (18M, Slytherin) has this pet raccoon named Gary, and everyone at Hogwarts loves Gary. Girls especially can’t get enough of him. He’s like a ladies magnet.
Recently, I (also 18M, Slytherin) noticed how much attention Gary was getting, and I thought it would be cool to borrow him for a day. I figured having Gary around would give me a chance to talk to some of the girls I’ve been interested in. So, one afternoon, while T was busy with Quidditch practice, I borrowed Gary without asking. I didn’t think it would be a big deal since T knows I’m good with animals and Gary seems to like me.
Gary and I had a blast. We hung out by the lake, and as expected, a bunch of girls came over to play with him and chat with me. It was perfect – until I saw T running around the grounds in a panic, calling for Gary. I realized he must have come back from practice early and found Gary missing.
I tried to catch up to him and explain, but by the time I did, he was in full-on panic mode. He thought Gary had run away or been stolen, and he had half the school looking for him. When I finally caught up to T and showed him that Gary was safe with me, he was furious. He yelled at me for taking Gary without asking and for making him think Gary was gone.
Now he’s not letting me hang out with Gary anymore and I miss him. The girls we were hanging out with don’t wanna chat when Gary isn’t around. I really don’t know what to do here Reddit.
Update: I swear Gary wasn’t in any danger. I made sure he was well taken care of and kept an eye on him the whole time. I even got him a cool new outfit. It’s not like I let him run loose or anything.
Update 2: Wow, people are really coming down hard on me. I understand now that I should have asked for permission and considered how T would feel. But let’s not forget that T once “borrowed” my broomstick for a whole weekend without asking. So, it’s not like we don’t occasionally mess with each other’s stuff.
Update 3: I’m sorry for comparing Gary to a broomstick, I see where that might have been a little disrespectful. Anyways, we found an agreement, but I am unfortunately no longer allowed to hang out with Gary unsupervised.
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AITA for accidentally offending my girlfriend by questioning the importance of color-coordinated socks?
So, I (18M, Slytherin) have been dating this amazing girl, L (17F, Ravenclaw). L is wonderful, quirky, and incredibly unique. One of the things I love most about her is her creativity and her belief in ideas that most of us have never even considered.
Recently, we were having a cozy evening in her common room, and L was explaining her theory about the importance of color-coordinated socks. According to her, wearing mismatched socks can disrupt the flow of positive energy and attract bad luck. She was passionately explaining how different colors influence different aspects of your life and how you must align them correctly to maintain balance.
Now, I adore L and all her eccentricities, but I made the mistake of chuckling and saying, “You don’t actually believe that your socks control your luck, do you?” I thought it was a light-hearted comment, but L’s face fell immediately. She got really quiet and then excused herself, saying she needed to realign her chakras.
Since then, she’s been distant and has barely spoken to me. I tried to apologize, but she just keeps saying I wouldn’t understand. Most of my friends think L is overreacting. I mean, it was just a small comment, and I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. Plus, she believes in all sorts of things that nobody else does. But one of my friends (18F, Slytherin) fully lost it at me and thinks I completely fumbled the bag. Was it really so bad to express a little skepticism?
Update: I’m really mocking her beliefs here. I genuinely find her fascinating and love hearing about all her theories. I just didn’t realize how important it was to her.
Update 2: Okay, I get that people think I should have been more sensitive. I honestly didn’t think a small comment would cause such a reaction. But L once told me that she’s used to people not believing her, and I should have remembered that. I’ll take your guys advice and apologize again.
Update 3: I finally talked to L and apologized sincerely. I told her that I believe in her and respect her beliefs, even if I don’t always understand them. She forgave me but made me promise to be more open-minded. If anyone here knows where to get some of those teacups please let me know.
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lodeddiperactivate · 3 months
Falling out (timeskip with you and Rodrick)
A/N: Found this in my draft. Started writing it a while back with the intention of turning it into angst with you and Rodrick fighting over what happened but got lazy! Just gonna post this as a blurb/drabble, not planning to turn it into a full fic series anymore :/
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You and Rodrick have been friends since highschool, and at some point, yeah it felt as if there was something between the two of you. However, neither one of you did anything about it for the sake of not ruining the friendship. Eventually, after graduation, you two went your separate ways. He became more focused with his music career, and you moved to New York to become a journalist. You thought that was the end of it until one day you got a call from your mom asking you to help Rodrick find an apartment in New York.
It had been 5 years since the last time you've seen each other at your highschool graduation, and you honestly believed that moving to another state will ensure that you won't ever get to see him again. The thing is you two started having a fallout when you heard rumors that he was dating Heather.
Your mom instructed you to meet Rodrick at a cafe near your apartment so that he can also tour any vacant units in your building. You protested at first but there's nothing you can really do as both your families remained close throughout the years. And now Rodrick is moving to New York because he got accepted as a Financial Analyst at some corporation, which is another surprise as you thought he had pursued music full-time.
As soon as you entered the cafe, you started looking for a table since you assumed he'd be late but to your surprise, he was already sat at a table by the window. He wore a light blue button down and some beige corduroy pants. His expression was vacant, as if the 5 years that went by had sucked his soul out of his body. He saw you and waved, and feigned a small smile as you walked towards him.
"Hey there, thank you for agreeing to meet with me," he said. He sounded so formal, you weren't really used to this new Rodrick.
"Not a problem, how have you been?"
"Fine, great. I got a job at this company and thought it would be a good opportunity for me to move here as well," he paused. "You look good."
"You too," you replied as both of you sat down. You were both testing the waters as to what topics should you talk about and which ones are off the table. After some silence, you decided to suggest that you both order.
"Oh I already ordered some chocolate chip pancakes for the table, and some orange juice," he smiled. Oh that smile! You missed it so much.
"I love chocolate chip pancakes,"
"I know," he looked at his hands in front of him, clasped together. "I remember."
"Uhm so my mom told me you were looking for an apartment?"
"Yes, I am!" He said as if snapping out of a trance. "I have all my documents with me." You smiled at him, and he smiled back and for some time, the two of you started to relax.
The pancakes arrived and you both ate for awhile until you decided to simply rip off the bandaid.
"So how are you and Heather?" He seemed surprise with the question but felt like he already had prepared an answer.
"We broke up actually. Second year in college. She said that I was holding her back," he trailed off.
"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that."
"No, it's fine, she was right. Loded Diper wasn't going anywhere and I was basically flunking every one of my major subjects."
"Loded Diper's no longer playing?"
"Well, we're on a hiatus, at least until I figure things out and I will figure it out," he beamed at you with a certain level of reassurance, much like his old self, you thought. You smiled back and proceeded to finish the rest of the food.
"We can start touring some units that are available in my building," you started as both of you walked back to your apartment building. "When will you be starting at your new company?"
"Err, tomorrow actually."
"What?! You won't be able to find an apartment and sign a lease in New York in less than 24 hours, you know!"
"Yes yes I know."
"Thank you," Rodrick looked at you and you looked at him. You missed him so much and you hoped that this will be your chance to get back to what you two were like before. He held your gaze as if he's searching yours for some sign that everything will be alright between you and him. You leaned closer and before you know it, he had let his forehead touch yours.
After some time, you lifted your head, "Okay okay, here's to hoping that the unit is still available in my building. I can guarantee the landlord that you're a good tenant and maybe that will speed up the process."
It didn't. In fact, even after touring some other apartments, you two were left with zero to nothing chances of signing a lease within the week. You were both exhausted so you've settled with him staying your apartment at least until he finds a place of his own.
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