#but by the teacher
sol-air · 6 months
Okay I gotta just put this out there I don’t care. It is really tough finding a place for yourself in groups of people as an extremely white passing mixed race person especially when your family was ashamed of their culture and never taught you anything.
I feel stuck all of the time, I swear I’m just constantly seeking to belong in a group but none accept me. I see posts all of the time that are like “even if you weren’t raised in our culture but are from our race, yes including mixed race people, you are still one of us” but to me it’s just performative. I need to see that and feel that. I have been denied access to so many groups and clubs because I’m not black enough or not native enough. And I know that some people are like “why not just hang out with white people?” Because it’s not the same, I want to belong somewhere too, I still go through struggles, just not as many, but I’m outcast from white society as soon as they learn about me. The only other people that I can ever talk about this with are other mixed race people. I can barely talk about this with my siblings because both of them are obviously poc or mixed race…
This isn’t really to say anything about or to anyone, it’s just really frustrating feeling cast out from so many groups when it comes to talking about heritage and cultures. I have them!! I truly do but I can’t celebrate anything because I’m not “x” enough to belong, or I’m too much of “y”.
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thesefallenembers · 11 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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disableddyke · 8 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
George Bush Jr. was the new primary school teacher.
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thundersbugs · 2 months
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stingrayextraordinaire · 11 months
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Another year, another group of my delightful ninth graders trying to spell the word "tragedy" for their Romeo and Juliet assignment.
Last year's collection
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catchymemes · 8 months
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herbarimoon · 2 months
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He's now in pathetic babygirl era
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
When I was learning German my teacher pulled me aside to ask which of my parents spoke German. I was confused and said neither. Then belatedly I remembered that my dad did speak very rudimentary German after being stationed in Heidelberg for a few years.
This teacher was well loved but very strict, being questioned by her was always a little intimidating. I didn’t know why she was asking.
She pressed to ask if he spoke it with me and I laughed nervously and said no I asked him not to speak it because he couldn’t even conjugate verbs.
Apparently my accent was so good that she assumed I’d had more than one year of practice. The problem was my vocabulary. Ironically I needed her to translate the word for accent as I was unfamiliar with it. I was a decent student but some words tripped me up.
One day she conducted an oral exam and asked us to talk about the hospital. We could say whatever we wanted. In the middle of my nervous little monologue about how we go to the hospital when we are sick and the doctors and nurses help us she suddenly burst out laughing.
I had never seen her laugh before, at least not more than a sensible chuckle. But here she was, bent over her stomach cracking up leaving me baffled as to how talking about the nurses could possibly have inspired this extreme hilarity.
The word I was trying to use for nurse was “Pfleger” but I’d said “Fluger”. (Possibly fliegen? It’s been a long time) What I said was close to fly, and the teacher was imagining flying nurses drifting along the hospital wing.
She apologized and tried to compose herself but she admitted that hearing my extremely competent accent saying absolute nonsense was the highlight of her week.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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thatskindarough · 3 months
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Ice cream parlor (December 2023)
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not-so-rosyyy · 11 months
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no idea if it's my hormones, what I've seen in the news lately, the weight of living the past few years, or just because it's Judi Dench...but this impromptu performance really made me cry for a good ten minutes, no kidding.
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ironinkpen · 5 months
the rat grinders getting whomped because they don't know how actual combat works is exactly what I've been waiting for all season. fabian taking down ivy in one turn bc they have no hp, them grouping up bc they don't know they're not supposed to and getting immediately shit on by adaine, riz's attack of opportunity doing more damage to kipperlilly than her actual attack did to him, gorgug taking down oisin by the end of round 1 bc they didn't protect their wizard, kristen and k2 both bringing all their friends up while keeping themselves strategically hidden bc they know better, riz diving into the lava like it's nothing bc he's a badass, adaine slapping jace's counterspell out of the air, fig tanking that hit from porter and casting that clutch fireball. just. beautiful. iconic. poetic. exactly what the rat grinders deserve after xp grinding for three years instead of actually adventuring. you fucking suck at this game kipperlilly!! you might be high level but you're shit at pvp!!!!!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
The 8 Senses
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The Autistic Teacher
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
Eminem was my science teacher.
He rapped throughout the entire lesson and dropped the whole thing on Spotify.
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narwhalsarefalling · 2 years
my mother taught me to crochet when i was young. she was left handed, so she taught me how in the bathroom mirror so her hands would be in the right position.
she learned to crochet from her grandmother, who was right handed. her grandma was the one that originally used the bathroom mirror to teach her granddaughter properly.
i find something poetic about that. here in this bathroom mirror, through generations, we adapt to our young who have a different way of learning and interacting with the world
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