#bucky with a family
morgangalaxy43 · 2 months
The Avengers 2012 era was the best time ever in the fandom
Thor loves pop tarts, Clint lived in the vents, Bruce and Tony did science together, Steve was the mom friend of the team and did art in his free time, Natasha was cool aunt of the team, Loki was there too and a bunch of other characters like Peter, Sam, Bucky, Vision and Wanda all lived in the Avengers tower together
It was a much simpler time where everyone in the fandom was chill and having fun together
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hinakyuu · 3 months
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lavenderpanic · 1 year
It's so insane because every time I watch CATWS I'm like... Steve Rogers would literally prefer to die at Bucky's hands than go on living without him. Steve would rather die than admit that he really truly lost Bucky. He wants to look into Bucky's eyes as Bucky kills him because at the very least, it's Bucky. He knows for certain he's gonna spend his final moments with Bucky, whether that's a peaceful death decades from now, hand in hand, or right now, as Bucky beats him lifeless.
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hurtspideyparker · 3 months
The team learns about Peter's stress baking fairly quickly after he moves into the tower.
"Why does this place smell like cookies?" Tony asks suspiciously, "Pepper put an end to homemade care packages after that Cap incident."
Steve protests from the dining table, "Hey, that fan seemed totally normal. Y'know in my generation you do not mess with baked goods, that's sacred."
Natasha pats his back comfortingly as she joins the conversation.
"They came from the kid. They're actually pretty good, here."
Nat hands a still-warm cookie to Tony, who bites it curiously.
"Damn, it melts in my mouth like buttery ambrosia and still has a perfect crunch around the edges. Is that a nutty aftertaste?"
"Yes!" Peter yells from the other room, a clatter sounding before his head pokes around the wall, oven mitts still attached to his hands.
"I brown the butter, it really deepens the flavour!"
"Good on you kid. What's the occasion?"
Peter stutters, "uhhhh, no occasion. I just like cookies!"
He disappears around the corner again, and Tony sends a confused glance towards his teammates.
Steve shrugs his shoulders, mouth still full of cookie, and Natasha sends him an arched brow. Tony isn't sure what that means, but feels intimidated enough to exit the room anyway.
* * *
The baking lasts the rest of the week, until Peter comes home yelling, "I aced my calculus midterm!!!" Running out of the elevator with a stapled set of papers in his hand.
"So no more baking?" Nat asks neutrally.
"Nope! Woohoo!"
Just like that the kid is gone, jumping down the hall towards his bedroom.
Tony looks at Nat quizzically.
"It was midterm week. He baked 3 dozen cookies, 2 types of muffins, and a cheesecake."
"So he stress bakes?"
"He stress bakes."
* * *
It becomes a "thing" in the tower.
Sam eats toast from freshly baked bread one morning while watching Bruce quiz Peter on his upcoming AP history test. Each slice is cut, toasted, and buttered to perfection by Peter while he explains sectionalism in the 20th century.
* * *
Bucky grates carrots while Peter mixes a bowl of dry ingredients furiously, the boy mumbling to himself non-stop.
"Has he gone insane?" Clint asks from the doorway.
"Spanish oral exam," Bucky replies.
"Ay caramba."
"Tal vez pueda sobornar a mi maestra con glaseado de queso crema..." Peter starts mumbling. (Maybe I can bribe my teacher with cream cheese frosting...)
Bucky and Clint share a concerned look.
Clint approaches the boy, "put down the spatula Pete, let's talk about this."
Peter looks up in alarm.
"In English! Just English!"
* * *
"What's up kid? It's spring break, what could you possibly be stressing about."
Today Tony walks into a full kitchen; Wanda, Natasha, and Pepper are occupying the space while Peter pours something creamy into a metal bowl.
"He's asking MJ out tonight, so he's making cookies and cream ice cream in case it goes wrong." Natasha crosses her arms when she replies to him, eyes focused on Peter's mixing.
"Does ice cream even count as stress baking? The very meaning of 'bake' is to put under heat. But I suppose it does feel wrong to call it cooking."
Peter looks up, his brown eyes large and sad like a baby cow, "I still baked the cookies from scratch."
"Yeah he's a real Nara Smith!" Wanda adds enthusiastically.
"Oookay... I'll pretend I know what that means. And since when do we have an ice cream maker?" Tony points to the fancy hardware out on the kitchen counter.
"Oh, I got that for him. We lacked a lot of the tools for basic baking recipes," Pepper informs him.
Tony ponders how ice cream machines count as a basic baking tool, and decides not to argue with three powerful women and their favourite lovesick teenager.
Peter picks up his bowl and moves it into the freezer, clearing away a couple frozen pizzas and a bag of peas.
"Should I even bother with the cones?" Peter asks with a pout.
"Pete she's gonna say yes! Also if you're wallowing in misery with a tub of ice cream we still want our cones so we can emotionally support you with a crunchy treat," Wanda says with a supportive smile.
The others nod along.
"You're right!" Peter agrees before turning around and grabbing an honest-to-god waffle cone maker, with the cone shaping kit to boot.
"Why..." Tony begins to protest, "y'know what, I don't care. Let me know how it goes kid."
The man is ignored as he moves through the kitchen to grab a banana, the women coaching Peter on his manners, flirting, and first date ideas as he exits the room.
* * *
Thor hums around the delicious treat.
"Mmm. You know young Peter, you could have a shop for your creations. Is there a Stark Industries for baked goods?" Thor asks the young lad, crumbs falling from his mouth as he chews the cookie bar.
"I didn't invent the blondie Thor. I was just trying to explain what it is, a cookie brownie! I did decorate them all by myself though," he says with a satisfied grin.
"Ah yes," Thor lifts up another blondie by the pretzel stick Peter put in the squares, attached with a bit of melted chocolate so they're shaped like Mjolnir, "now you are all worthy of the hammer. Ha! This is funny, I'm sure the others will find your talents equally amusing."
Peter picks up his own mini-Mjolnjr and waves it around, "it is I, son of Odin. Don't worry puny Midgardians, I will protect you with my mighty hammer and beautiful hair!"
Thor laughs thunderously at the impression, clapping.
Bruce walks into the room, enticed by the laughter.
"Ah! My friend, Peter has made edible Mjolnirs so you, too, may be worthy. It's delicious and hilarious. Imagine Banner wielding my hammer, ha! Ridiculous," Thor is all too amused by the situation.
Bruce gives Peter an offended look as Thor continues laughing with himself, the younger just shrugging. Bruce takes one of the treats anyways, pointedly not holding it by the pretzel stick.
"Y'know Pete, have you ever considered opening a bakery? You are quite talented. I think the Avengers alone would keep you in business," Bruce asks politely.
"Well I only like to bake when I'm stressed. That wouldn't be a very stable business model," Peter points out.
"True. Although running a business can be quite stressful, so maybe you'd have a continuous supply?"
"Hm. Efficient and unhealthy," Peter nods like it's the perfect plan.
"Wow you really are Stark's intern."
Thor bursts out into another bout of raucous laughter.
"Imagine Stark wielding my dessert hammer," Thor barely gets the words out, "Stark being worthy-AH HAHA."
Bruce and Peter share a look of wide-eyed alarm before joining in on the laughter.
They all share the moment before Bruce straightens up a bit to ask, "what are you even worried about anyways Peter?"
Peter wipes a tear from his eye, "I forgot to call Aunt May this morning like I always do and she only let me move here if I promised I wouldn't neglect her. So now I'm too scared to check my phone."
"I see," Bruce sympathizes.
"Yeah, baking is good for procrastinating. I pretend I'm being productive while also creating comfort food for after my breakdowns."
* * *
Tony steps into the dining room one afternoon to find Peter slicing apples while Steve sits across from him cutting intricate patterns into pie crust. There is an array of leaves and flowers set out on the flour-sprinkled table.
"So is the ornamentation necessary, or is Cap also developing a delicious self-soothing habit," Tony inquires.
"I was just talking to Peter about pie recipes from the 40s and he asked if I could help make his prettier," Steve smiles up at his companions, "it's actually a lot of fun, I can't say I've ever used food to make art before."
"He's a natural talent Mr. Stark!"
Tony agrees with the quirk of an eyebrow and cheeky sideways nod. He observes for a moment before asking something that's been bothering him recently.
"Pete, I gotta ask. Why baking? You inherited your Aunt's terrible cooking skills, and it's not like you're built for other domestic duties. Your room is a mess. What gives? How are you so... refined?"
Peter pauses his chopping to look up incredulously.
"It's science Mr. Stark. Baking is just chemistry! I'm great at chemistry," he says with a grin.
Tony thinks about it.
"Huh. I guess you're right. So, what has you stressed this time? Girl troubles? You get too good a grade in P.E. and Flash is suspicious? Decathlon competition?" Tony lists off some of his previous turmoils.
He hopes it's the decathalon again, those butter tarts were divine.
"Um. Can I finish my apple filling before I tell you? I'll lose motivation if you start yelling at me..." Peter says with a hopeful smile, strain lying underneath it.
Tony's eyes narrow.
"Okay so I maybe blew up your test tubes when trying to develop fire webs and Dum-E may have covered your entire lab in fire supression foam."
Tony's jaw clenches, "I'm gonna let you stew in fear for a bit longer because apple is my favourite - if this was pumpkin you'd already be squashed - but best believe I'm not done with you yet." Tony slowly takes a deep breath before pointing a finger at Peter. "Never change kid, never change."
Tony leaves, distinctly in the opposite direction of his lab, and Peter goes back to slicing apples, now with a genuine smile on his face.
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Bucky: *trying to pull Y/N up from the side of a cliff she fell off of* Y/N, I can’t hang on!
Y/N: Pretend I’m your teammate, Bucky!
Bucky: *loosens his grip*
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incorrectquotesmcu · 5 months
Sam: The hospital said I’m fine.
Scott: No, you suffered a traumatic experience.
Sam: I barely remember it. I remember crashing into the wall and the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Bucky: That wasn’t an ambulance, I drove you.
Sam: Then what was that siren?
Bucky: That was Scott screaming.
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becca-e-barnes · 6 months
Since it seems everyone is as horny as I am about men cumming quickly, let’s keep talking about it 🤤
The very second your lips touch Bucky’s, you feel how eager he is already. His lips are warm and plump and slick and insistent, gliding against your own with a hunger you can only hope to match.
His hands trail over your body, touching you with an urgency you’re very much enjoying. His fingertips dig in a little, making you feel like he craves you and it’s entirely dizzying.
“This isn’t fair. You get me so worked up.” He’s practically panting through kisses to your neck, nipping and biting his way to your breasts, encased in the pretty lace he picked out for you.
The thick outline of his cock is more than distracting and even in the dim bedroom light, you notice the sheen of precum that has soaked through his thin underwear.
He kisses your breasts tenderly, not removing your bra just yet. He wants to enjoy it; he wants to be able to call on the memory whenever he needs it.
“Fucking perfect.” He moans, letting his hand trail between your thighs, finding you wetter than he could’ve dreamed.
“Not yet.” You tease, removing his hand and sinking to your knees in front of him, pulling his underwear down his toned legs. His hard length bobs in front of your face, the tip wet with his own arousal and your mouth waters at the thought.
“Prove you can handle my pussy. Show me you deserve it.” Your hand wraps around the base of his cock while your tongue flicks against the tip, savouring the taste of him.
You pump your hand in time with your mouth, pausing every now and again to take as much of him as you can.
Your soft moans are nothing compared to his.
Fuck, he’s lost in the feeling of your warm, wet, sinful mouth and the thought of you swallowing his load.
“Babe please, slow down.” You hear him moan and it makes slowing down the last thing on your mind.
“Don’t you dare.” You take just a second to breathe before you’re back to stroking and sucking his faster than before. He’s not going to last. He knows it. So do you. That’s exactly what you want.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He groans, desperately trying not to but that’s hard when he’s watching your pretty face and focusing on the way your lips look wrapped around his dick.
It’s a toss up. In your mouth or over your face? It hardly matters when you have him exactly where you want him.
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pretty-bratty · 7 months
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Every Mafia AU
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huffelpuff210 · 4 months
Ours Soft Dark Stucky x Omega Reader
Soft Dark Alpha Stucky x Omega Reader
Warning: Stalking, kidnapping, drugging, confinement, dark themes, Non Con, man handling, threats, mentions of past abuse, 
Summary: Day by Day Both Bucky and Steve feel like something is missing in their lives that is until they meet you. 
You work as a RN at the nearby hospital, you were just leaving an agonizing fourteen hour shift, dead tired, 
You were walking past a store, where there were TV’s you could watch from outside of the window,
The news was on, 
“This is Becky reporting from Stark tower where in a few minutes Alpha Tony Stark is going to make his big announcement.” The news lady says, 
You stand there with your arms crossed, a lot of people on the street were crowding around as well, 
The Alpha’s in Stark tower are a big deal to everyone so when they make an announcement it’s normally a big uproar 
Tony walks out to the stage, 
“Good afternoon everyone, as everyone may have been aware, the decrease in Omega’s in the past decade have declined drastically.” He says 
It was no secret that Omega’s appear less and less each year, in fact you read in the paper that there is 1 out of 5% that anyone would come across one, You were in fact one, but you take suppressants and wear a special perfume to mask the smell, 
“So as of today, I have signed a bill passing that if you are an Omega you must register, due to the decrease in our species this law is in effect as of today.” Tony says 
You eyes widen, 
“We also have a stations in each clinic to ensure you can find a place to register.” He says 
This made your blood boil, You didn’t like Alpha’s to begin with, Your father and brother’s made sure of that, always talking down to you like you were nothing compared to them, abusing you any chance they got, telling you, that you were nothing but a tool a mutt that your only purpose in life was to breed, 
And here is another example of how much you hate and yet fear alpha’s they think they can control Omega’s, 
“If any Omega’s fail to comply we will have no choice but to place you in a special program.” Tony says 
“That will be all thank you.” He says walking off stage, 
You shake your head and make your way to your apartment, but you couldn’t help this feeling that someone was watching you, You stop in your tracks, to look around listening, smelling, but there were too many scents, you brush it off as fatigue and paranoia. 
You finally enter your apartment, it wasn’t much given the salary to make, barely scraping by, but it was the only way, the only way to avoid detection not just from Alpha’s but your family that has been on the hunt for you since you ran away when you were sixteen, you are now twenty one, but they still continue to hunt you like an animal, 
All because you are an Omega, 
After taking your suppressant and showering, you are laying in bed when a smell catches your attention, It smelled like pine, and cinnamon, you sit up quickly, it wasn’t your father or brother’s but you don’t notice the smell which causes you to panic, 
You peek through the curtains not seeing a single person, you make sure everything is locked, 
You peek out the peep hole at your door, no one, 
You feel your heart rate slow down hoping you were just imagining it, 
Bucky just couldn’t believe his luck, he was on his way to the tower, when a smell caught his attention, sure it was very faint but his sense of smell is stronger than most Alpha’s it smelled like vanilla with a hint of cedar
“Omega...” He whispers
He finds a small petite woman, with long dark hair and green eyes, she was beautiful, but by the smell she’s definitely on something she shouldn’t be on, 
He opens his phone to call Steve as he follows her from a distance, 
“Steve, Your not going to believe what I found.” He says with a smirk on his lips, 
You didn’t go to work for a few days, you were getting paranoid, the smell kept getting stronger as if someone was in your apartment or on the fire escape at the window, 
But your boss called you today, telling you if you didn’t come in today you were fired, 
So you cautiously leave your apartment, just as you were locking the door an arm wrapped around your neck, with a hand covering your mouth, 
You elbow the attacker causing him to grunt, but he didn’t loosen his grip, 
“Shhh, sweetheart, we’re here now.” You hear a man’s voice whisper in your ear, 
suddenly there was a jab of a needle in your upper arm, you watch as the liquid is injected in your arm, 
“Everything will be alright.” Another voice says 
you feel your limbs give way, and your vision blur slowly slipping into darkness, 
Bucky catches you as you fall, picking you up bridal style, your head against his chest, 
Steve moves your dark hair out of your face, 
“She’s beautiful.” Steve says 
“Told you.” Bucky says 
“She’s light though.” Bucky says again, 
“It’s alright she has us now.” Steve says placing his hand on Bucky’s shoulder, 
Bucky nods, as they both smile down at you
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delicatebarness · 3 months
Hi! For the Barnes rogers family adventures could you do reader who is obsessed with her paci and Steve and Bucky try and take it but she get very whiny and upset and cries for her binky please? If not I understand! Please and thank you!!! 🎀🍼
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | “No, I want my paci,” #005
Summary: ^^ Requested.
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 477
Series Masterlist
A/N: I've always wanted a paci, but it's just never been something I've ended up having :( - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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Engrossed in your coloring book, you sat on the living room floor as the Sunday afternoon sun shined brightly through the windows. Your beloved pacifier is firmly in your mouth. Exchanging a glance, Steve and Bucky silently agreed that it was time to try and get to take a break from it for today. 
“Hey, Baby…” Steve began gently as he knelt beside you. “How about we try going without your paci for a little while?” 
You clutched the pacifier even tighter as your eyes widened. “No, Papa,” you mumbled around it while shaking your head. 
He stroked your hair, offering a warm smile. “We just thought it might be good for you to play without it for a little bit.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes due to the surge of anxiety that rushed through you. “No, Papa,” you insisted, your voice starting to tremble. “I need my paci.” 
Steve gently took your hand after exchanging a concerned look with Bucky. “We’re not taking it away forever, Baby, just a short break. How about we play a game together?” 
Spilling over your cheeks, your tears soaked your skin as you shook your head vigorously. “No! I want my paci!” you cried, feeling more upset with each passing second. 
Bucky sighed softly, reaching out to wipe your tears. “Shh, it’s okay, Tiny.” 
You hiccuped through your sobs, still clinging to your pacifier. “I need it, Daddy,” you repeated. 
Steve’s hand gently stroked your back, trying to calm you down. “Okay, baby. How about we try something fun together? Would you like to bake some cookies? Cupcakes?” 
You hesitated for a moment, tempted by the idea, your tears slowly. However, you clutched your paci even tighter. “No, I need my paci,” you whispered again, almost desperately. 
Another sigh came from Bucky as he gently lifted you onto his lap, rocking you soothingly. “How about we read one of your books together? Or… maybe we watch a movie?” 
Sniffling, you shook your head again. “No, I want my paci,” your voice wavered as you insisted. 
Steve and Bucky were at a loss as they exchanged another glance. “Okay, baby. We just want you to be happy.” Steve said softly, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead. 
“And, if that means keeping your paci for now, that’s okay,” Bucky added, his fingers tracing light patterns up and down your back. 
Nodding, you snuggled close to Bucky, content with your pacifier in place as you felt the warmth and love from them. Wrapping an arm around both of you, Steve’s presence soothed you. 
Just then, Peter rushed into the room, curiosity etched on his face. “What’s going on?” he asked, noticing the cuddle. 
He climbed onto the couch, and without a word, he squeezed in beside you and Bucky. Steve wrapped his arm around Peter as well, chuckling at the antics.
Series Masterlist
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sunsetmaidenwrites · 5 months
That TFATWS deleted scene! Whether you're SamBucky or BuckySarah or neither, something that's certain is that Bucky is now part of this family. When he arrives, the kids immediately greet him and ask 'what took you so long', indicating they've grown fond of him and there have been interactions that we haven't seen. The whole cake thing seems to be something he brought to the cookout with them in mind, too. (Kinda like, 'oh, I need to bring something. I bet the kids will like cake!')Then we get Sam's "Uncle Winter Soldier" comment, then at the end of the clip we see Bucky interact first with AJ and then Cass. He's important to them, and they are important to him. That concept of found family in this context, with all Bucky has lost and been through, is just really beautiful to see. It's a trope I've seen play out in fanfic again and again, and something I've written myself--and it just feels like the fandom won in so many ways in this clip.💖
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lefthandarm-man · 4 months
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Bucky Barnes // The Winter Soldier Captain America: Civil War (2016)
the way he looks at steve (part 1, part 2, part 3)
(steve vers.)
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
As far as I care, he's only the worst Wolverine because he's not supposed to end up happy and at home at the end of the story
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feelingtheaster99 · 7 months
Heartbreaking to see Kristen witness her younger brother being bullied by their parents and just having to acknowledge that she was her brothers’ shield and and she LEFT them
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fandomfluffandfuck · 10 months
My favorite (and least favorite) thought is the idea that the first thing that the Avengers notice new about Steve when he finally, finally gets Bucky back is that they can sneak up on him.
With a building full of superheroes with various levels of stealth training and differing tolerances for practical jokes, it happens pretty regularly that accidentally or purposefully, someone gets snuck up on. Everyone else hears a gasp or shriek, swearing, then laughter or apologies, and they know exactly what happened.
Before, though, Steve wouldn't flinch. He might blink a few times, but really, he never seems surprised. No matter how out of the blue the scare is. It's like he expects it. They start joking about Cap's spidey sense or super-steel nerves.
But... now, sneak up on him, and he'll JUMP.
No one says it out loud, but when Natasha accidentally gets Steve good enough during a "family dinner" with her silent footsteps and sudden presence over his shoulder that he drops his plate (with food on it, goddamnit), they all share a look. Mostly, it's fucking funny, such a huge, muscle-bound guy shrieking and jumping a few inches into the air, but... throughout the dinner, then later into the following days when Thor is able to do it, too, raising his voice suddenly booming from behind Steve when he was supposed to be off-world, announcing himself, it dawns on them that it isn't so funny.
It's almost like before, Steve was constantly in fight or flight mode. Always aware and checking his surroundings, hackles raised, as if he never left active combat. Everything was an active threat.
But, now, with Bucky back... Steve eases off. Those hackles go down. And he jumps! He ruins a wall once, throwing a kettle bell in the gym through it when his grip strength loosens mid-jump. It should be funny, it still is, sometimes, scaring mighty Captain America... but it's mostly not. It's not because they can't believe that he was never relaxed and not on edge before. Without Bucky. But Bucky here and Steve's home, too, now. Bucky is home.
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spidergrotto · 6 months
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retails for a dollar pls reach out for further inquiries
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