ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
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"If you don't mind me saying, you're lookin' pretty great, too."
ofmagicandcardtricks came searching for answers
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
Oliver followed behind Gabe in a non-creepy sort of way. As persistent and annoying as he'd earlier been, he was trying hard not to be now, so he kept an easy distance. He gave a soft chuckle and a grin; right, because he'd ever tire of cramped, weird little motel rooms.
"I could eat if you could," he hummed with a soft shrug.
Smoke and Mirrors? Not Really. (Closed RP w/ ofmagicandcardtricks)
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
Oliver winced lightly as he was yanked and tugged along. Fucking hell, this guy had anger issues. He needed to chill out, and needed to stop acting all creepy. It was getting a little freaky the way he was speaking, the way he was acting.
He decided best not to comment on it and stayed silent, just following along. Right, singing flowers. The entire thing was still sort of surreal, and he was stuck in a denial-ridden, surprised, accepting sort of state, if that made any sense. Of course it didn't. Neither did this place.
As they walked past the flowers, Ollie first decided they were kinda cool. Singing flowers? That wasn't something he usually saw. It only took a moment for him to grow a sort of hatred for them, though. Yeah, they were pretty, but their songs was unnecessarily annoying.
What he'd expected to be a nice, big, bright house wasn't bad. It wasn't Wonderland-ish, but maybe better. He could use a good old dose of normal for a while.
He obeyed what he was asked to do once they were inside, taking a seat in a chair as he scratched the back of his neck. Wonderland, eh? One crazy-holding cell to yet another, with an even crazier "prison" guard keeping him in check.
"So," he began out of habit, as he always did—rather, as he used to. "Why did you break me out?"
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☤ [Had an urge, this could prove interesting]
My character has been committed to an asylum. Send me ☤ for their reaction to yours visiting them.
Oliver had been admitted to the asylum a few months ago. He wasn’t crazy, he knew he wasn’t crazy, he wasn’t crazy, was he? Was he crazy? It’d been too long without kind human contact for him to truly remember. The first two months, he’d been in denial, begs and pleas to leave, that he was sane and it was okay to let him out. That his breakdown about magic in the street was only stress, and he never meant to hurt anyone, and it would never happen again. Then there was the few weeks of anger, screaming and pounding against the walls until his knuckles bled and he had to be sedated. Now, it’d been the silent, brooding, I’m not crazy I’m not crazy sort of behavior. He just sat on his little bed in the center of the room and watched the wall endlessly while fiddling with a deck of card, his only allowed possession, as minutes and hours faded together, as hours and day merged into nothing but a faded white-brick wall of anguished hope.
He knew everyone that ever entered his room, too. The brave nurses who gave him his medicine, who brought his food and escorted him to the bathroom and showers, the doctors that occasionally entered to check his physical and mental state. No one else ever came in.
One day, though, it was different. From the moment he was given his meds early, he knew something was different. He obliged willingly like always, but know he’d hit the nail on the head when he heard hushed whispers from outside his door, when he heard different footsteps that came in. New doctor? Nurse? Maybe even someone who’d had the misfortune of knowing him before. He didn’t bother to turn as he quietly shuffled his deck of cards and whispered, “Wanna see a card trick?”
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
//So, I'm going to get all those replies I desperately owe done, then going to go (officially, because fuck me if these last couple of weeks haven't been considered unoffically) on hiatus. It should only be a couple more weeks before I'm totally active again, but let me just explain myself.
There was quite a bit going on in my schedule, which had just finished about a week ago and I was totally ready to log on when a close family member of mine died. Needless to say, I haven't been handling it very well. It isn't fair to sorta-kinda abandon these threads, though, so I'm going to throw together some attempt at a reply for each. Maybe I'll log on occasionally to message and talk a little, but I can't solidly promise replies at least until after the funeral, which will be in two weeks. Even after for at least a few days, I think I'll be too wrecked to spew out any decent replies. It's just all...surreal to actually think about, so again, I am so sorry about these replies tonight.
But there's my attempt at apologizing. It's not much, but I'm trying. So. Yeah. Sorry again, and just try to tolerate this hiatus/absence for a little longer.//
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
//Hey, so. Fuck. I haven't forgotten about this account in the slightest, it nags at me every day to try and log and, but I seriously haven't had any time until now to do it. I have waaay too much on my plate and I should've never agreed to all of it, but I did, and a commitment is a commitment. It's a really long time, I know, but after March, things should start slowing down significantly.
I just want to say I'm so, so, so, so sorry for not saying anything sooner. It really is my fault for not logging on to at least drop a word that I was super busy. I'm going to try to give everything a reply if I'm able to log on later today, but I don't know after that. Just, sorry again, and I totally understand if you don't at all have a muse for our thread anymore, since it's been sorta dead for a while. I don't know how to end this properly, since nothing seems like a right way, so I'll just apologize again.
I'm so terribly, completely, utterly, quite entirely sorry.//
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
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hey guys i’m having a very small giveaway!!!!!!!! i’m not in any fandoms anymore, this stuff is too big for me now, and i dont want to just toss these things out so i thought someone who really wants this kind of stuff / cant afford it should get it!!!
i’m giving away:
one medium iron man t-shirt with an arc reactor in the center (i’ve only worn it twice)
one XL doctor who t-shirt with the tardis on it (never been worn)
one medium sirius black mugshot t-shirt (never been worn)
one medium gray and black “I am Sherlocked” sweatshirt (only worn three times)
one doctor who scarf
two sonic screwdrivers
- reblogs only; likes dont count
- you can reblog as many times as you want
- you dont have to be following me (i’m not a fandom blog)
- winner must be willing to share their address so i can ship it
- applies to anyone in any country; i will pay shipping
- giveaway ends march 25th
happy reblogging guys!!!
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
Oliver looked at Gabriel, a small grin spreading across his features. So he wasn't the only one, huh? It was almost a comforting thought. He followed after the other rather eagerly; it wasn't every day he was just invited to come by someone's place, and as a sort of friend, too.
"I dunno. Crap motels kinda grow on a person after a while," he snorted as he followed him into the apartment, giving it a glance around. It was pretty cool to have an apartment, especially when he traveled around like Ollie.
Smoke and Mirrors? Not Really. (Closed RP w/ ofmagicandcardtricks)
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
"I'm doing fabulously, thank you. I'm guessing you're not too bad either, huh?"
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ofmagicandcardtricks and visioxdeus came searching for answers
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
Oliver followed after Gabe as he fiddled with his fingers in his pockets, taking no mind or complaint to the fact they were using the stairs. At the good word, offer, though, his face lit up a little. He couldn't stop doing what he loved, and yet, he shook his head lightly.
"Thanks, really. I appreciate it. But the job wouldn't help too much; I'm more of a drifter, get the money I can in one place and move my little magic show somewhere else."
Smoke and Mirrors? Not Really. (Closed RP w/ ofmagicandcardtricks)
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
Castiel smiled lightly as he gazed warmly at his brother's pleasure. It was nice, seeing him enjoying something rather than despising it or feeling pain. "Do you wish for me to stop?" he asked gently as he eased the pressures from his fingers.
Balthazar gasped, back arching as he felt pleasure rocket through his body in heavy, heated waves and he cried out, fighting the urge to buck his grip though he found Enochian pleas falling from his lips.
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
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disappearing man Magic trick
more magic«
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
"Considering it's an item of clothing, I don't really mind."
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"Maybe it thinks you’re atrocious as well."
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
"The scarf? 'Fraid not. Your scarf is rather...atrocious."
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askperseus-jackson fobwatchedcenturion melszucker the-doctor-with-the-tardis ofmagicandcardtricks i-spy-cassity-sparrow
"Oh, hello there. It would seem I’m becoming rather popular. Is it the scarf?"
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
{if you want, when I get home I can post a starter? (doyou-knowwhy-thecallme-hatter)}
//Yes, certainly!! :3
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ofmagicandcardtricks · 11 years
Anon or not, pretend you are my character's parent(s), and tell them what you think about their life choices.
This… could hurt.
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