#not all who wanda are lost
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pardonmysass · 11 months ago
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Fig as Wanda Chillda
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feelingtheaster99 · 1 year ago
Absolutely fuck you, Porter. Like Gorgug wanting to expand his education and explore another facet to himself and his identity as a half-orc adopted by gnomes has absolute nothing to do with you. Boo fricking boo that he doesn’t see rage in the same toxic and consuming light that you do, and fuck you times two for trying to make Gorgug feel bad about using his rage to protect his friends
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ourstoatmeansdeath · 1 year ago
I am so appreciative of the way Dimension 20 explores all the ways people can have bad parents. They show a lot of them and they explicitly call out when the parents are shitty. This post is mostly about episode 3 of FHJY and the AP.
Like in "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost," Kristen sees her estranged parents for the first time in a long time, and everyone acknowledges how hard and difficult it is! It's also eerie how good Brennan is at playing the different flavors of abusive parents. Like the "I don't wanna know" from Kristen's mom as Kristen tries to tell her about how Kristen is doing well living in a haunted house now. (Right after Kristen's mom explicitly asked how Kristen is doing!) Or how the Intrepid Heroes all seem to know that eldest daughter pressure, and Ally and Brennan both talk about how Bucky is under more stress now that the oldest daughter shield isn't around anymore. (I think Siobhan mentioned "this is my emotional support eldest daughter" in a Burrow's End Adventuring Party.)
And Adaine's dad wasn't just shitty bc he was going to kill her and Aelywn. He was also shitty for all the ways he abused them both the whole time. Even before Sophomore Year, the Abernants were explicitly called bad parents. In the "I Wanda'd In" Adventuring Party the Intrepid Heroes even discuss how it's complicated when you have shitty abusive parents but they cover the bills. No one said that maybe Adaine should have thought about the money before killing her dad, or in any way implied that the abuse would have been worth the financial support. They acknowledged the nuance of the situation. And how it leaves Adaine especially unprepared because she truly has never talked about finances. That conversation strikes the very specific kind of wistfulness that you have when you leave a bad situation, but some parts of the bad situation were easy in a way your life isn't easy anymore.
I have a lot more feelings about this that I can't turn into words quite yet. I'm still thinking on it. But it means so much to me.
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somehowsunny · 1 year ago
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Do I have a paper I need to be writing right now? Yep. Did I draw and then do a emo edit of Wanda Childa instead? 100% I did!
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verosvault · 1 year ago
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 3 "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost"
Timestamp: 1:13:10
Video Length: 4min. & 5sec.
Fabian & Terpsichore Skullcleaver! (‣Pt.1 | Pt. 2)
Fabian meets the Bard Dance Teacher! 😆
Terpsichore: "Uh-oh, Uh-oh!, Uh-oh, Uh-oh! Uh-oh, Uh-oh! Oh no! A challenger approaches, hello! A challenger approaches! Give me your hands, give me your hands!"
Terpsichore: "Dance isn't in the future. It's always right now."
Terpsichore has mad positivity! 😆
I love it when Brennan explains the psychology of his NPCs. :3 I find it so interesting the way he describes them! :3 Just the way that Brennan speaks is amazing. 👌
Fabian changes tact! Instead of showing off FOR her! He's gonna show off WITH her! (I personally think that this is so much proof of Fabian's character growth! 😭)
Fabian: "I wanna Multiclass. I've been a fighter, but I know I'm a bard."
Terpsichore: "Baby Boy"
Fabian: "Yes"
Terpsichore: "Baby Boy. You already did. You already did."
Fabian starts crying! 😭😭 He's immediately found his place of belonging! 😭😭 His true calling! 😭😭
Fabian asks if everyone still thinks that he's cool! 🥺🥺
I LOVE how Terpsichore calls Fabian "Baby Boy"! 😭😭✋✋
Terpsichore: "The only way to get cool is to get hot, baby boy."
Fabian: "I love it here."
I love them already so much! Fabian really needs to be cared for and looked after! 😭✋ Especially since Cathilda isn't doing it and neither is his mom or Gilear! 😭✋
Terpsichore cares already so much about Fabian though! 🥺 It's so nice and heartwarming to watch! 🥺 He must be protected! 😭✋
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captainmill · 10 months ago
I had a dream a couple weeks ago where I was playing DnD as Fig Faeth, and the dream was from the perspective of Fig, but I was acutely aware that I was playing DnD. Anyway, the plot followed Fig taking a digital marketing class at my college, but my college was my high school. The teacher would go on these random rants, and the final project was to make a TikTok about a burrito.
Fig cast fireball on the Burrito. I rolled a Nat20 Performance check. She got an A.
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18catsreading · 1 year ago
Lucilla: Wanda, I'm looking at my class roster. And um, I don't see you on here.
Fig [disguised as Wanda Childa]: oh yea, it's cuz I just came today. I just wandered ...
Lucilla: you just wandered? You just wandered in?
Lou: Wanda'd in?
Fig: I Wanda'd in
Lucilla: okay, you are trespassing, yeah
Fig: that's why they call me Wanda. Because I --
Lucilla: Wanda'd in?
Fig: Wanda here and Wanda there.
Lucilla: okay
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“I Wanda here and I Wanda there” has me crying laughing at three in the morning h e l p
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littledoggy-girlcollar · 1 year ago
shoutout to the bard teacher for acting like fig is a stray cat that they don't want to scare away
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nocontextdropout · 1 year ago
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sapphicgaygremlin · 5 months ago
it bothered sharon so much that everyone was constantly calling her mrs hart but she just smiled and brushed it off, we heard what the brainwashing was like from ralph (randall) bohner and holy hell she is good at repressing her trauma
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feelingtheaster99 · 1 year ago
What I find so funny is that in receiving small glimpses of episodes I haven’t seen, I fully assumed that Kipperlilly Copperkettle was some type of dog-based humanoid? But no, that was Kristen just roasting her to FLITH upon meeting her
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family-on-6 · 1 year ago
After reading this I was also thinking about how they address Halariel and Gilear essentially abandoning Fabian.
Like even back in freshman year it was pointed out how neglectful and out of touch Halariel was to the point where Fabian had to call her out and tell her to get her act together during the fight at Seacaster Manor. But despite that she still seemed flippant and unconcerned with her son's feelings, especially now that she's leaving him alone for months right after he got back from literally saving the world.
I think that factors in to how dependent Fabian was/is on Bill because he was the only adult in the household that actually parented him (besides Cathilda, who I think he sees as more of a mother figure than Halariel but yk). After Halariel left, his situation is kind of similar to Adaine's in that while the abuse is more neglectful, he still is "taken care of" and left with enough money to keep himself comfortable.
That kind of contrast with Adaine is something they talk about in the AP, where Fabian always had access to his family's money and knew they were rich, flaunted it even, but Adaine never saw her parents as being wealthy.
It's something I've been thinking about a lot because we can kind of see in Fabian's interactions with adults that he's searching for those genuine and caring parental figures like Digby and Wilma.
I am so appreciative of the way Dimension 20 explores all the ways people can have bad parents. They show a lot of them and they explicitly call out when the parents are shitty. This post is mostly about episode 3 of FHJY and the AP.
Like in "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost," Kristen sees her estranged parents for the first time in a long time, and everyone acknowledges how hard and difficult it is! It's also eerie how good Brennan is at playing the different flavors of abusive parents. Like the "I don't wanna know" from Kristen's mom as Kristen tries to tell her about how Kristen is doing well living in a haunted house now. (Right after Kristen's mom explicitly asked how Kristen is doing!) Or how the Intrepid Heroes all seem to know that eldest daughter pressure, and Ally and Brennan both talk about how Bucky is under more stress now that the oldest daughter shield isn't around anymore. (I think Siobhan mentioned "this is my emotional support eldest daughter" in a Burrow's End Adventuring Party.)
And Adaine's dad wasn't just shitty bc he was going to kill her and Aelywn. He was also shitty for all the ways he abused them both the whole time. Even before Sophomore Year, the Abernants were explicitly called bad parents. In the "I Wanda'd In" Adventuring Party the Intrepid Heroes even discuss how it's complicated when you have shitty abusive parents but they cover the bills. No one said that maybe Adaine should have thought about the money before killing her dad, or in any way implied that the abuse would have been worth the financial support. They acknowledged the nuance of the situation. And how it leaves Adaine especially unprepared because she truly has never talked about finances. That conversation strikes the very specific kind of wistfulness that you have when you leave a bad situation, but some parts of the bad situation were easy in a way your life isn't easy anymore.
I have a lot more feelings about this that I can't turn into words quite yet. I'm still thinking on it. But it means so much to me.
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lunaechaos · 6 months ago
absolutely loved the breakdowns The Wrap did for the first two episodes of Agatha All Along i swear 😭 for one i love to hear Jac talk about her creations and it's a delight to know what went on in her mind and what was her creative process like when she made Wandavision and now A3. she is absolutely brilliant, smart, witty and has a vision few in the industry do.
[can i also say how much i loved her indulging in theories and giving us Wanda truthers hope like she isn't one herself. this woman knows how to set up chaos and anticipation like no one else]
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verosvault · 1 year ago
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 3 "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost"
Timestamp: 1:23:42
Video Length: 4min. & 29sec.
Jawbone & Riz talk (Pt.1 | ‣Pt.2)
Riz "Rogue stuff!"
Riz asks Jawbone about Kipperlilly :p
Jawbone asks Riz if he's seeing something that he recognizes in himself in Kipperlilly! 😭😭✋✋ That's such a hard blow fr! 😭✋
👀👀 The rogue professor found Kipperlilly???? Why-? Is the rogue professor on Kipperlilly's side?! ;0
I love how Jawbone and Riz just casually realize that they don't talk that often just one-on-one! 😂🤣💀
Jawbone bluntly asking what Riz has going on! 😂✋ Riz! Don't you see! Jawbone is telling you that you need therapy! 🤣 Don't deny it! 😂💀✋
Brennan just LAUGHS when Murph as Riz says "It's all OUT there!" 😂😂
Bruh... Riz needs sleep!! 😭
Jawbone telling Riz that he's coming for him! 😭✋ Bro! If we get a whole scene of a therapy session between Riz and Jawbone! That would be so amazing for real and I'd be replaying that scene for the rest of my life! 😭✋
Kristen "Do I put my first AND last name?"
😂😂 It's been so long and Kristen hasn't even gone past the "name" part! 😂🤣💀
What's Kristen's middle name? 😂
"Kristen Chili's Applebee's" 😂😂🤣🤣
(Ally just dancing and vibing to that full name immediately after it being said! 🤣😂💀)
Jawbone doesn't want Riz to tell anyone about what he shared with him.
Kipperlilly asked some questions about Kristen and so Jawbone thought that it was only fair that he give some info too.
Riz: "You can't just drop that"
💀💀💀 yeah Jawbone! You can't do that! 💀💀💀 Not to the detective boy! 😭✋
Kipperlilly overheard the info about Kristen's god dying 🥲🥲🥲
I LOVE how Jawbone just told Kipperlilly almost the entire lifestory of Kristen's deities! 💀 *Crying*
Riz is feeling so paranoid now! 💀 (When is he not paranoid fr though! 😭✋)
Riz has access to the "message" cantrip! 😆 Guess they're gonna be using "message" again a WHOLE LOT this season! 💀💀✋✋🥲🥲
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18catsreading · 1 year ago
Terpsichore Skullcleaver is my fucking favorite!
Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh! Oh no!
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