#bruce all your villans like you
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Why some of the best Riddler stories are the ones were he fabricates an over-elaborated plan that is later revealed to be harmless (unless you consider stealing some flowers harm) just so he can have a candelight dinner with a very unamused Batman?
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prismuffin · 1 year
How would the batfam react to Tim Drake dating Joker's son?
Like, Reader is 100% Harley and Joker's kid, but took after his mom and her love for psychology and moved to blüdhaven at a young age.
The batfam not even knowing he existed, until they need someone to do a psychological profile on a Villan. Tim's like, I know a guy, so they vist his boyfriend in blüdhaven.
And he is just the closeted thing to a mentally ill person with healthy coping mechisms. His whole apartment being comfy and cozy, offering them all tea and snacks. Even having a cat named cookie.
Everything being Witchy bohemian vibes.
So many asks today I’m kinda digging it lol- anyways I think that-
When Tim said he knew a guy they were not expecting this. Like Tim just had a boyfriend this whole time and they didn’t know??? Bruce knows who you are but decides not to say anything initially. After giving them all a nice warm drink and some snacks of their choice you sit down on your sofa, Tim immediately dropping next to you. “Where’s cookie?” He asked and Jason raises his eyebrow. “They’re literally on the table-“ a meow cut him off and he looked down to see a cat crawling between his legs, it’s tail facing the sky as it walked through everyone’s shoes to you and Tim. It jumped up on the sofa and Tim happily gave it pets, it’s purrs filling the room. When they fully explain why they’re there you just say that Tim gave you the heads up and that you were down to help. You’re overall just a chill person which shocks Bruce, but he’s even more shocked when you just casually mention who your parents were while you were analyzing the information on the villain. Dick had to ask you to backtrack and you just told him the story that you’d explained a handful of times. Everyone’s pretty silent after that and you feel the shift in the air. You clear everything up by saying that though you do share some of the mental issues that your parents had you were regularly seeing a therapist and had many healthy coping mechanisms and Tim backs you up. Though some peoples view on you changed after learning about your lineage you did still help them so they can’t hate you completely.
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v1nnyh3r3 · 4 months
I've been seeing a thing or two about a DC au where the justice leage, specifically Batman/Bruce is a patient at a mental asylum and all his villans are just workers at the asylum.
But what about the bat family? What about Alfred? What about Cat Woman?
Here's my take on it:
Alfred is a family friend of the Wayne's and basically like an uncle to Bruce before Bruce's parents died (which i headcannon for this universe that they died in a fire that left Bruce scarred and Bruce loved superheros because i think it ties to his delusions)
And Alfred visits Bruce as often as he can, making sure to try and be nice to him, like bringing him paperdolls and crayons to draw with under the supervision of the doctors at the mental asylum.
And those paperdolls? They're the bat family alright.
Every single doll is a member of the bat family, with Bruce imagening how they are his kids that help him fight off 'his villans' and is very protective of, only letting Alfred and Cat Woman (who's another doctor at the asylum that is nice to him and he views her as an okay most of the time) and will always carry them around with him, imagening and caring for them like they are real children, but they are all delusions with a little bit of Bruce's personality and traits from when he was younger and not crazy.
And also, Jason's death was just Dr. Jack Napier (the Joker) aciddently ripping the paper doll of Jason when Bruce and Jack got into a scuffle, and because of Bruce's delusions, they decided (behind Jack's back, specifically Selina Kyle {who's Cat woman} decided to do this after they all saw how distressed and more mentally unstable Bruce got) to give Bruce more paper dolls and fix up Jason before they gave it all back to Bruce.
And i'll leave it at that, i'll let you all give your own thoughts about it. :)
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I feel like Batkids forget that Bruce was trained by other people for ages and had a life before the like what do you mean you met Ra's a ghul before Damian? You had classmates? Where you wore nothing but boxers and an animal shaped helmet thing?
Nightwing: *ready to throw hands at some tiger themed villan
Tiger: So this is where you went for all those years bat
Batman: I did what I had to do tiger
Nightwing : confused?
It's even funnier if they had like a romantic relationship
Some ex of Bruce: "Your eyes are still as blue as they used to be, do you show those blues to others now?
Red hood: *uncomfortable, raises the gun and looks at Bruce "The fuc?
Damian: you eyes are blue father?
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Stupid man
Word count: 1900
Pairing: Batman x fem!reader
Summary: Bruce uses 'code 4' while encountering the Scarecrow resulting in defining the next moments that would shake up his family and his future
Warning: brief depiction of the fight and sad Alfred and sad Dick
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"...Code 4..."
"Bruce! Bruce, stay with me! Dick, Bruce needs help!"
"On it, Y/n."
Y/n examines the live cam seeing the infinite black ground covering it. Her hands quiver over the control, hoping her man will live to witness another day. Steps crumble toward Batman Y/n, sighing a breath of relief and sitting on the closet chair. 
"Thank god you are here, Dick."
"What?! No, Batcomputer... I am 3 minutes ETA."
Fear poisons her veins as Y/n listens closely.
"What's wrong, Batman!? Scared?"
Y/n's eyes glaze on the computer screen, her voice letting out the villans name, her voice matching with Bruce's
"Do not worry, Batman. You will not die...Not yet, but your veins will pollute themself with my fear of toxins. I cannot wait to see if this will break you or make you into my Scarecrow. "
Another pair of feet grumble down, rushing in while grunts cascade from Scarecrow.
"Move away from him, buttface!" Dick roared, smashing the straw-filled enemy, managing to cuff him down in 4 agonizing minutes for Y/n. The police sirens howled into the Gotham sky, taking the Scarecrow away. 
"Batcomputer, we are coming back."
The Batmobile drove in as Y/n observed anxiously, already preparing an operating table for Bruce. The door opens with a swift movement, Y/n placing herself under Bruce's weight and Dick helping out. Placing the wounded brute on the table, Alfred comprehended what he had to do. His stoic face examined the patient's body, witnessing his sweating going faster, his face painting itself in a heartbreaking expression, eyebrows stitched together, mouth emitting pained groans and vocal no's, eyes rolling back the white canvas painted with tiny green veins. 
To her, it all collided in her mind, he was wounded deeply, and he could die. He is human. He isn't indestructible like he vowed to her when she uncovered his secret. She could wake up tomorrow and find him 6 feet under. His hands could not hug her or console her. His smooth voice could not comfort or call her when she lost her way in the manor.
She was mad to think that there would be this his end. Dying of old age for the Batman?! She was mad to think that... and more so to believe that he would survive this so easily.
Her expression zoned out, looking at Bruce's hands. With an "I could have done what I could, now we wait for it to pass" from Alfred, Y/n walked over to Burce, clutching his hand and sitting next to him, her face blank as ever.
Alfred gave Dick a comforting hug wishing his son would survive this live nightmare. Alfred walked to Y/n as Dick stood at Bruce's other side while Alfred spoke softly to Y/n.
"Mistress Y/n, rest. I will mind him."
With no glance adverting towards the lovely father figure, Y/n spoke, "No. I will stay with him. You two go rest and...and I don't know."
Alfred and Dick exchanged glances between themself, knowing fully well there was no room for discussion, the ambiance feeling incredibly heavy by the moments that let up until now. Moving away from the couple, they let the bat calls echo on the stone walls, encapsulating the worst moment in their lives.
Trying to stay awake after almost 40 hours of torturous silence and stillness, Alfred put his foot down at the utterly tired woman. 
"All right, Mistress Y/n. Sleep now...IN the Master Bedroom."
Y/n responds in a burb of words, "No... He...Wake...Want to see... Blue eyes... no sleep...coffee..."
"You already had your 10th cup, and I pledge that you now have coffee running through your veins. Go rest. Now!"
Alfred pulled her away, dragging her to the much-needed rest letting involuntary Alfred watch over his adoptive son. 
Time passes as it does while Bruce feels the cold ambiance of the Batcave. His eyes open, noticing Alfred's dead pained gaze. Alfred spluttered some words that were more so sounds with no context as he looked at Bruce sitting on the table. Alfred steps in front of his family, hugging him, not feeling the weight that passed his heart, the deadly weight he would drag into the ground with him. Bruce jerks in the hug his cold skin touching against the warm cotton-laced fabric of his butler. 
"How long was I out?"
Alfred brokenly whispers, "Too long. We already thought the worst, Master Bruce. Don't do that again."
Pulling back, Alfred sighed a breath of relief. His brain rolled back all of the fondest memories he had with Bruce, and it was most of his life, but now seeing his blue eyes blinking, his mouth moving with words but Alfred hearing not one, just feeling the alleviation in his heart. 
"...Y/n?" The voices blur seemed to die down for Alfred, bringing him back, hearing Y/n's name.
"She is resting. She needs it. Mistress Y/n was by your side while you were at your most alarming. No sleep, food, just coffee, so many cups of coffee."
Alfred expressed in a tranquil tone seeing Bruce stand up on frail legs. Alfred stood in his spot, judging whether or not to speak and stop Bruce from walking, knowing full well where he was going. But Bruce was stubborn, not more than Y/n but more so than Alfred, leaving Alfred with a slight chuckle leave his lips.
"My goodness."
Bruce staggered step and step up the manor towards his master bedroom, not seeing much around himself, seeing solely stairs, his feet, and his left hand grabbing the rail for dear life. Bruce felt weak, he felt lost and shaken up, his mind filled with the remainder of nightmares, and he felt broken with all this unwanted movement in his body, mind, and soul. Bruce needed help, but he didn't want to ask. Bruce was ashamed to ask; he was a protector, yet there was no protector in him. One step more, he felt stronger, lighter, and more capable. As if...
"Need help, B-man?" Dick asked with a glint in his blue eye. The evident relief shows on the boy's face as he places himself under braces shoulder and puts Bruce's arm over his broad shoulders. Bruce let the grip of the handrail and leans on his son, letting him guide him up, feeling a tiny bit better now.
"You gave everyone a great scare. Don't do that again. Lost a lot of sleep."
Bruce croaked with a laugh. "And I'm guessing you replaced it with coffee."
"How did you know?" Dick questioned as they reached the top of the steps, a few efforts away from the bedroom. 
"Had a hunch." Bruce responds. Standing tall, Bruce hugs Dick, with the utmost emotion in his heart, towards Dick, a young boy who he gave shelter when he lost his parents, finding a few golden threads that connected them. Giving Bruce a new way to look at life, a moment that told him he wasn't the only one in this position. There were always other people to help, and this small boy, now a proud man, was standing in front of him, proud of helping him grow up in a safe home and letting him define a new generation of justice.
Dick froze in this moment. He felt Bruce's arms around his body, noticing the familial warmth radiating from his father. Hugs weren't rare, and yet they weren't often as well. Well, they were starting to get more often lately, thanks to Y/n influence. 
Communication is complex for Bruce, his primary source of love and communication was cut off a long time ago when he was eight, left only with his butler, who was also mourning, attempting to be a family figure for the boy. Life resumed, and Bruce continued to keep himself and others around him at arm's length, not comprehending what he was doing wrong. Only when he met Y/n. Who told him that communication would build him into a better person and father figure to Dick. Bruce preserved it in his mind, not acting much upon it until this moment, a moment where he felt that the right move would be a hug and the words...
"I love you..son." Bruce spoke clearly enough for Dick to pull back and look a second of puzzled look on his face before taking a chuckle out of it
"You still have a concussion."
Dick stepped away from him down the stairs, his steps seemingly crammed with joy, hearing the words he had heard from Bruce maybe a handful of times. Bruce limped gradually towards his bedroom, opening the heavy door with a slow swoosh, not wishing to wake up his girl. There she was. Sleeping on her side, her back facing him. Her curves were covered by the thick duvet cover that was dubbed an 'expensive heating blanket that could swallow me whole, and I wouldn't mind' by Y/n. His muscular weight dipped the bed slightly as he sat down, looking at Y/n shift towards him, her eyes still shut, laced with sleep. 
"Poor thing... Why didn't you eat anything? Why didn't you drink water like you always tell me to? I feel so stupid to have to put you through this to know how much I love and need you. When I had nightmares, one of my nightmares was seeing you walk past me, not knowing me, not kissing my cheek or holding my hand—just passing me, not even looking at me. And when I wanted to reach your hand, you looked at me with disgust and kept moving. Only for me to yell for you and watch you walk...away. I would never have thought I would see another day where you are in my life, our house, and our future."
Bruce's hand reaches for Y/n kissing her knuckle lightly just enough to stir her awake. Her eyelashes fluttered open, her eyes catching Bruce's figure concealed in the night sky's color. Standing up slowly, Y/n looked at his hand holding hers, examining his hand carefully, caressing her palm, drawing little shapes, tiny invisible hearts, and stars. Y/n looks up into his blue eyes, expressing uncertainty.
"Please, tell me this is real."
Leaning down to her, Bruce kisses her lips softly, answering in a hushed tone.
"I am here, sweetheart."
Y/n eyes twinkle and shake with tears brimming over the edge of her waterline as they begin to cascade down her cheeks. Bruce kisses her cheeks, dabbing away her tears. Y/n drew Bruce to herself, hugging him for dear life, hearing his strong heartbeat beating in a serene rhythm. 
"Don't do that ever again, stupid man. Stupid, stupid man." Y/n cried out to her man, feeling herself ache with the reality of his job and life purpose. 
"I won't, darling. I will never leave you again.'" Bruce promised, caressing her back gently, soothing her as she cried out. Bruce knew what happened to him was life-changing in more ways than one, and it nearly broke his family apart. Bruce was definitely in his peak physical shape, but mentally, he still had to shape himself into a man worthy of being a good son, a great father, and a one-of-a-kind future husband. 
But that will, for now wait, and so will the ring that was hidden in Bruce's drawer for another day.
Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think ❤️
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
i'm writing a fic about jason but i am very nervous about posting it. The fan community of Jason Todd looks very reactive when it comes to his representation and I am not an expert. I am afraid to misrepresent him and get negative reactions. it's the main reason i avoid working on this particular fic. i'm too afraid my take on jason todd upsets his fans.
It's going to be okay friend! For each person who hates a certain way Jason is depicted, there is another who will enjoy it!
See, the reason why Jason fans can be easy to upset is because the character has been (and still is) heavily mistreated by canon stories, going way back to A Death In The Family. He's a victim who was silenced by a higher power, both from an in-story perspective (he was killed by Joker and silenced by Batman, and even if there are a lot of stories in which Dick is shown to have loved him very much, there are also stories where Dick acts exactly like Bruce and it breaks my heart, like Battle for The Cowl) and also from a meta perspective (he was silenced and villanized by DC writers and execs for decades, labelled bad and wrong just because he dared demand a shred of justice and to be listened to).
People are very sensitive to victim blaming, I'd say it especially touches deep and delicate cords with queer people, and identifying with Jason comes easy. Which is why there's a lot of protectiveness around the character.
HOWEVER! this should not by any means prevent you from using the outlet of transformative work from expressing your own feelings and emotions and creativity. Jason can be whatever you need him to be, because Jason ultimately is not real - YOU are. You're more important than any fictional character, your struggle and your emotions are more important than what people think Jason should look like in a fic. You should write him as you prefer without taking into consideration whatever others might say about it - writing fanfictions is self indulgent but publishing them is a gift, and if someone attacks you because they dislike how you portrayed a fictional character, putting it really really simply they should fuck off.
I won't tell you that it won't happen because it might, but if you can, try not to care. Block assholes, share what you want to your heart's content. Don't be afraid of what others think. You can't write Jason "wrong" because there isn't a right way to write him, and that should be enough for everyone.
We're all free to scroll down, look or click away from any kind of creation we dislike. Not doing that if we are upset is on us, not on the creator.
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idk-how-cars-work · 2 years
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I posted 744 times in 2022
That's 744 more posts than 2021!
169 posts created (23%)
575 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 428 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#lgbtq - 19 posts
#dreamwastaken - 16 posts
#transgender - 15 posts
#<3333 - 14 posts
#iconic - 14 posts
#boost - 12 posts
#gender stuff - 10 posts
#hermitcraft - 9 posts
#hmmmm - 8 posts
#stories from the deep - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i am at a genuine loss for words. why. the longer i look at it the further into madness i descend. why is there a peen. wasn't he a fish.
My Top Posts in 2022:
My friend when Charlie Spring: T-R-A-U-M-A HE HAS TRAUMA AND HE'S 🏳️‍🌈G A Y🏳️‍🌈
29 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
MORE of my TBP headcanons because of course there's more
Mostly Vance and Bruce with Implided Brance but some Finn, Robin and gwen
No Grabber au I hate him sm
Robin tends to ba confidently wrong
Finney is a man of few words until you get to know him
Vance stole the switchblade
Gwen loves stuffed animals and figures
Bruce loves learning about Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology etc
And Vance is down to just like. Play with his hair while Bruce rambles on about how Zeus is the true villan and Hades isn't unjust
Vance is the kind of person who listens but can't remember (AHEM MORE AUTISTIC VANCE AGENDA)
Bruce reads very fast, so fast that he struggles to read aloud
Some guy called Vance a pussy once because of the choker and Vance beat the shit out of him
Vance's favorite Horror movie is Scream
Bruce hates horror in general but watches them with Vance for his sake
I've said it before I'll say it again: BRUCE IS VANCES BIGGEST INSTIGATOR.
Once Bruce got so mad he almost knocked a kid with his bat
Vance is absolutely petrified of spiders
But Bruce loves bugs
Bruce is SO FUCKING STRONG like he picks Vance up like he's nothing but an angry cat to him
And Vance loves it so much; he loves not having to be in control
29 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
uh yeah I got bored and so here's what I think hermits would get in terms of body mods (tattoos, peircings, scarification, cosmetic surgery etc)
Disclaimer: these are my opinions!!! You can have them for ur designs if u want!!! No credit needed!!!
Disclaimer #2: all of these are for the hermitcraft characters not the real people.
Grian: He has a traffic smp tattoo on his lower back.
Scar: Jellie tattoo. He had his Earlobes peirced but they closed up. He also tried scarification and got a tiny heart next to the Jellie.
Mumbo: earlobes peirced, usually has either gold or pearl studs in
Tango: Septum peircing. Decked Out tattoo sleeve. Nipple peircings.
Ren: Earlobes; wears little hoops.
Impulse: micro tattoo of waves behind ears. Lots of ear peircings. Stretched ears.
Iskall: one tat on upper arm of iskallium and same ear peircings as Impulse
Xisuma: As many mods as he had bitches. None. Negative 1.
Gem: little mushroom with a fairy on upper arm. Earlobes peirced, often wears pretty dangling earrings.
Pearl: Earlobes, wears pearl studs.
False: none
Cleo: had a tattoo on ribs but then it rotted away.
Bdubs: none
44 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
These are about 1 1/2 months old, so they haven't really bloomed into crust pants yet but I still love them.
Below: baphomet patch
(September 2, 2022)
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See the full post
49 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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patches for my vest bcuz it's lacking
From left to right: not emo, I ENJOY THINGS A NORMAL AMOUNT, kein mensch ist illegal*, a Fresno nightcrawler with the text "Fresno, CA" at the top, Nobody likes Gender Roles, rainbow flag, ? , QUEER RIGHTS RIGHT NOW, red drips, Destructo Disk
*kein mensch ist illegal = no one is illegal in german
53 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I'm not even surprised tbh except for the patch post?? I posted that like 2-3ish weeks ago??? Huh???
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johnconstantinejld · 1 year
Gotham Tales Two-Face
It’s not 50/50. I realise that now. A coin flip isn’t 50% chance of heads or tails. It’s 51-49%. I’m expecting a guest. It’s not the law. Here’s the only law.
The law of averages. The law of chance. And it’s unequal. Society is unequal. What’s the great equaliser? The law of law of where the ball lands. Harvey is here, of course, but so is he. One of us will take control of this body.
I know those footsteps.
Always was there for me. Always did care about me.
Another pair of footsteps with him. Female. I know her voice.
Barbara. I’ve known her for years.
Some of the crazies in here say he’s Batman. Well, if Bruce Wayne is Batman, then I’m the Japanese shogun.
The coin flips.
It has more chance landing on the side it went up on.
This thought is haunting and terrifying me.
‘He’s just woken up.’
Bruce thinks. About what I dreamt last night? In my mind, Bruce, I’m stable, I’ve got the one face when I dream.
Big Bad Harv is gone. Renee…I dreamt about her last night. That’s the only place I can see her, since we…don't cross paths anymore. You failed me, Batman. I beat up your little Robins, as well.
‘Bruce…I’m here because the law failed.’
‘I’ve been talking to the doctors. You’re improving. You will be up for parole soon.’
I look away. Barbara is looking at my books. Jekyll and Hyde, The Count of Monte Cristo, Zorro. Books about people with twin identities. Bruce halts her. I don’t like my possessions being touched.
‘It’s because I agreed to improve.’ I say, flipping the coin again. ‘Honoured the agreement. I honour things about you.’
He nods. I know his secret.
‘She’s waiting for you.’ He says, looking me in the eye.
No…don’t lie…she hates me.
‘If someone lays a hand on her, Harvey leaves, you know.’
‘Jim Gordon has her under 24 hour protection.’ Barbara explains. ‘Nobody will harm her.’
We talk a bit more and then they leave. I hear them disappear. Will he fly over the Asylum tonight?
The coin flips. Yes.
Who will it be tonight? Penguin? He has one personality. Joker? One personality. Riddler? One personality. Harley, even…she’s good at faking things. She learnt that from Joker. She can turn off the insane.
I can’t let that happen. I can’t them offend.
The coin flips. But it comes up No. I won’t kill those villans.
What are you doing tonight, Bruce? Fighting them? And then what? Dream well? Barbara? What will you dream? Pleasant dreams? Bad dreams? A mixture of both? I guess it’s true. We all wear two faces, sometimes. We put on masks. We all have two faces.
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papuhater · 2 years
𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 .i
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arkham riddler x fem!alternative reality!reader
good looking series? should i do a part 2? this is a pilot.
cw_villans_hero riddler_alternate reality_implied death_ooc riddler.
based on this idea: link!
overview; eddie and y/n have been together for years, since they met somewhere in between childhood, they became the other's soulmate. eddie's work with batman puts his wife on edge many times, but he calms her into believing it's just another shift, but is it?
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"honey, it's late."
"yes i know, but i need to finish this, batman needs this tomorrow."
"well, i'm sure bruce isn't right now stressing and is with selina right now."
his exasperated sigh reaches your ears just as his chair spins to look at you, eddie looks tired, he normally doesn't overwork as much with villans. y/n got closer to eddie and offered her hand for him to grab, he did, bringing it close to his face where he cuddled it. his tired face leaned towards it, acting as if he was sleeping on it
"c'mon eddie, let's get you to bed," he mumbled yes and nodded in agreement. he stood up and you guided him into the room, eddie flopped into the mattress and you sat on it, looking at him with strange fondness. suddenly you were pulled down to lay with him while being wrapped in his arms, he delivered you a short kiss and then layed his head onto you shoulder.
the sheet was very soft, your hand grabbed it and pulled it up, eddie had fallen asleep quickly, it wasn't of him to pull an all-nighter, most of the nights after 9 pm he was already in bed and ready to sleep, his face seemed in peace, the soft brown locks were straight in his forehead, you picked his glasses and left them in the nightstand, only to come back to his fully embrace.
the hug continued for a couple of hours, and eddie didn't stir, y/n fell completely asleep next to him, and the night continued safe and sound, but the ambient was broken by a phone.
eddie's phone
eddie sat up groggily and grabbed the phone, y/n didn't move from her laying position, only waking up a bit. his stance changed from relaxed to stressed and she heard some mumbles of protest, then a sigh, a very deep sigh. when he hanged up the phone, eddie got her attention
"what is it eddie?"
"i gotta go, this new villan appeared again, i got the coordinates."
"eddie, this was dangerous from the second you joined bruce's work." you started
"you accepted this as my wife, y/n!" eddie called from the closet
"yes, but can't i be worried for you?" you sat up "can't i be worried for us?"
"i'm not going to get hurt."
"you don't know that!"
"well have some faith in me!" he exclaimed matching your angry tone, there were time like this, times in which his stubbornness was a bad thing, even though it was directed to good. and it would blind him horribly, and just show him that the only way was his. soon the screams became more strong and violent.
"goddammit! you are going to die if you continue like this, you need to listen!-"
"no y/n! this is for gotham, this city needs to be protected and we have a lot of things to take care of in here-"
"and what about me?! don't you need to think of how your death would affect ME?"
he fell silent, and mumbled your name while massaging his temple, he was going to apologize but you continued
"you are right now thinking of only gotham and you are willing to give it all away! what about you?! what would be of you if there is nothing else?! you aren't aware that i love you, and you think you can just leave and i'll be okay! and i can assure you IT'S NOT!" the phone ringing stopped you mid argument, he looked at it, then at you again.
sigh "just take it." and you flopped into bed, facing into the wall
"go, we'll talk about this later."
he kept quiet, then eddie walked towards you and kissed your forehead
"i'm sorry, sweetheart."
the goodbye was silent, very silent, eddie left like a breeze, your eyes were screwed shut but they opened again when your phone rang, you quickly woke up and answered
“hello?” you heard from the other line a cough and your name, it took you sometime to recognize the voice,
eddie’s voice
“eddie! what’s wrong?-”
“y/n, listen, it was a trap, fuck, i should’ve listened to you-” he coughed a bit more
“what? what was a trap?” you asked confused
“this! th-the call!” he exclaimed, you were feeling on edge “i’m- shit, i’m gonna die, y/n.” that’s when your world dropped
“y/n, it’s too late, i’m dying” you stood up, and left the house with your phone in hand, eddie continued
“i love you, and i’m sorry i put my work over you, many times.” you never registered when your tears began falling, but it could be triggered by the sobs that racked from his throat “i’m stubborn, a-and,  everything hurts, y/n, it hurts.”
“i know, eddie, i’m going to the police station-”
“it’s too late, the fire’s consuming everything, i’ll die before bruce get’s here. listen, i love you much, and i’m sorry i’m leaving you like this, i should’ve listened to you, i’m sorry, i’m so, so so sorry you have to go through this, but the most thing that i’m sorry about is that i didn’t spend more time with you.” you were at the doorstep to the police, ready to make a mess and save him, so you could scold him for being so careless
“y/n i love you, please, don’t cry for me.”
“i love you, i’ll save you eddie-”
what you heard while going into the police was your song, the one you both loved; eddie my love. suddenly heard through the speaker a bang,  a piece of wood fell over the phone.
the police could hear your screams for him.
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The thing I hate the most about Irondad bullshit is that if peter was 100% properly written (same with may, mj and ned) they would all figure out at some point tony treated peter like shit. Steve showed more kindness to Peter even while dropping a truck on him than Tony did during other films. Also unrelated to Tony's treatment of peter idk why people turn a blind eye that Tony is responsible for all the villans in his films, for the villans in two out of the three spiderman films and for the villan in AoU and he himself is low-key a villan in CACW (rdj himself is the og villan of that film because he is greedy annoying little man)
Oh I know many people disagree but I've always said that Stark was a villain in CW. It's not just that he was basically defending forced conscription of civilians, illegal imprisonment, violation of civil rights, etc, it's that he only started to care about Sokovia when he found out about the death of an American + he refused to listen to Steve at the airport + almost murdered an innocent man in Siberia. But I digress.
It was nice seeing May not liking Stark and speaking against him but I would have liked it better if she had been allowed to actually talk about why she disliked him. She might have been fine with Peter being Spider-Man but there's no way she would have agreed to what Stark did to him (lie to him, lie to her, take him to a foreign country for a battle that only came to be because Stark initiated it, etc).
If MJ had the (lovely) audacity to tell Stephen off in NWH she would have done much worse to Stark. I mean, ghosting Peter? Then showing up and chastising him for not doing as told (dude, you know he's not obligated to follow your rules, right? you're a nobody to him!), and Ned having to help Peter against the Vulture while he was wearing a onesie because Stark had taken the suit from him.... I completely agree they would have behaved differently. Not to mention Pepper, am I supposed to believe she would have agreed to her boyfriend recruiting a 14 year old to a fight? Hell no.
As for the villains though... (and damn I reeeeeeally don't want to defend Stark!) I wouldn't say he was at fault. Obadiah betrayed him, Vanko was more Howard's fault than anything and the guy in IM3 (whatever his name was) had already lost his marbles before that New Year's eve. Regarding Vulture though that's an interesting one and I will forever be mad that the MCU never truly dived deep into how absolutely despicable it was for Stark to operate Damage Control and take that job from the people in NYC, and Mysterio (as much as I love him) is the only one to blame even though what his boss did was well, the act of a jerk. Ultron is definitely Stark's fault (and Bruce's!).
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
We’re Batshit Crazy
@spnquotebingo​ Word count:1,609
Summary: Love isn't all that perfect sometimes love is crazy especially when the Hero is in love with said crazy.
Gotham AU
Jason Todd(Jensen Ackles) x Villan!Reader
Enemies and Lovers (none of that "to" bs)
Gotham Recasting: Batman=John, Dick Grayson(second Robin not first) =Sam ,Tim Drake=Adam, Joker(ledger style)=Lucifer, Harley Quinn=Lilith,ect.
Warnings: Mention of death, blood, guns, and violence
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The mad laughter rung out into the night sky as the purple Lamborghini hit corners with violently sharp turns. "Oh puddin I just love family night!~" The pale platinum blonde giggled as the man with green dyed hair licked his smiling lips. A bubble of laughter came from the back seat he turned around to see his princess looking out the small back window. "Batsy batsy batsy" Her low/high pitched giggle caused a crazy chain reaction as the bat mobile hurried to catch up. "Always ruining our fun,huh,princess?" The clown king shifted his gray-ish blue order into the mirror grinning making the scars on his face raise into a sinister smile at the look of pure chaos in his daughter's e/c eyes. "Not tonight! Not on my birthday!!" She said as she smiled reaching under the seat to pull out a Tommy gun. Climbing to the front seat sitting on her mothers lap she leaned out the passenger window. "Go back to the Rat cave your not gonna put a downer on my weekend!" Y/n yelled shooting off round towards the tires,windshield,and headlights.
The mobile didn't seem to have a scratch as as a motorcycle pulled up beside it. Slipping back in the car the younger women pouted looking at get parents. "He called his little birdie no doubt the replacements in the car." Y/n huffed as she dug around for more fire power. "Puddin we have a visitor.~" The red mask gazed at us as he lifted a forearm pistol. Shots were fired and Joker took a hard right almost like tron the motorcycle quickly turned into a ally to avoid being hit. "Sorry Princess might have to cut tonight shot." He said licking his lips as a thump came from the roof making the youngest clown snarl her eye crazed as she shot above her as the purple car swerved wildly. "YOU'RE RUINING MY BIRTHDAY,BATS!!!" Y/n cackled madly a mixture of her parents laughed till the magazine ran out.
They got to one of their warehouses where Jokers men were armed to the teeth. The clown mask had black soulless eyes and immediately fired the moment the batmobile entered. Y/n skipped out of the purple Lamborghini she got on her tippy toes and kissed her dad on the cheek. "I got the hooded punk. Can you clip the bats wings for me...a little present?!" He laughed as he armed himself with a shotgun. "Anything for my princess." The f/c sf/c female clown skipped away knowing that the motorcycle riding vigilante was hot on her tail. That's how she found herself on the roof tops jumping the gaps as heavy footfalls followed. Her loud laugh echoed as she leaped to a smaller building hiding behind a vent the moment the brown leather jacket came into view she tackled the tall man. They were both panting as a grin pulled on the clowns lips.
"Caught ya,Jay bird." I giggled pulling of the helmet his apple green eyes covered by a second mask stared at me he chuckled as his hand slipped above his head in mock surrender. "Yeah you caught me,beautiful." Leaning down I kiss him my hands pushed into his cheeks my thumb running over the scarred J. We've been dating for awhile now ever since dad kidnapped the second Robin at seventeen. I was fifteen at the time and dad had me at his side as he tortured him.I was always there to stitched him up and put burn cream after shock therapy I didn't know how we got attached maybe because he wanted to rebel a little by talking to me or someone around his age saw the same if not worse shit.
Six years ago(Y/n 15 Jason 17)
"Why are you helping me?" Looking up his head was strapped down along with his arms and legs. I shrugged my shoulders I knew who he was if I wiped off the make up and temp dyed my hair I was the honor student in the same class as him. Jason Todd anyone with eyes had a thing for him,but after removing his mask it wasn't hard to piece together who the bat fam is. "I know what my dad has planned for you Jay. This is just a band-aid on a gunshot wound and might I say that's very unhelpful." This was the first I spoke to him and it wasn't long before Dad beat him to death.
Two years later.
I sat in the back of the car as Frost drove. We just left the cemetery. "Why are we doing this,n/n." He asked looking in the rear view mirror at me. I'm seventeen now my thoughts screamed at me. Why was I trying to bring him back? "Because I crazy that why!" I giggled as we grew closer to the lazapit. He was dressed in a black suit with red tie his body sunk into the water as I waited. A loud gasp drew my attention as he shot up a white streak in his hair. "Heya sleeping beauty." Looking over in shock he lowly made his way looking like a baby deer. "I'm alive,but h-how?" His green eyes looked at me. "A Ghoul owed me a few favors I just asked to use his fountain of youth." Handing him a towel and some clothes. "Sorry about the outfit,but Arkham does have one size fits all." Jason chuckled as he started to dry off.I realized why I brought him back. I was crazy about him.
Two more years later(two years ago)
Jason wanted to stay dead he didn't go back to His dad and brother after he realized that neither of them tried and save him. It was sad to see,but it brought Jason closer to me and he started to trust me and I gave trust in return. Blood coated my hands while some was on my face. Looking at Jay some was speckled on his cheeks taking the pockets square out of the mobsters coat I wiped it off he looked down at me his arm slipped around my waist pulling me closer my breath hicked. "Will you be my girlfriend,my little jester?" A large smile grew on my face as my arms went around his neck pulling him down further. "Gladly,Jay bird." I kissed him not caring if my lipstick stained his lips and he didn't seem to care either as the kiss grew more intense. We shared our first kiss at nineteen surrounded by dead bodies as sirens and the unmistakable sound of the armed batmobile. At least he's as crazy about me as I am about him.
One year ago. (Jason POV for a sec)
I came to Bruce I hate to admit it but I needed advice about the one think he knew best. Women. It was just a couple of months ago he found out I was alive and shocker he managed to drive Dicky boy to Blüdhaven to get away from him to get his own image and not just Robin. Oh and surprise surprise when out of robins he had a spare like a tire and it's name was Tim. Nevermind that I stood across from Bruce in his home main office he had a frown on his face. "You're dating someone and its serious and I didn't know about it?" He asked trying to deduct everything. "I've been dating her ever since I came back. As strange as it might sound,but I want us to be something more." That's when the billionaire playboy stood up standing just a inch shorter then myself.
"Life is short Jason and you've experienced that first hand if you feel that both of you are perfect enough to be more then go for it." Perfect wasn't realistic nothing was ever perfect my life isn't perfect her life sure as hell isn't she's the clown princess I'm a bat son. Maybe that what makes us so good together the fact that it would have never really happened any other way life is just crazy like that.
Staring into those vexing green eyes always brought me back. We're both twenty-one him being older only by a couple of months. "Happy birthday,gorgeous." His voice brought me back as my smile grew. We were standing up now he held a box wrapped in my two favorite colors. "Awe you shouldn't have." I grab it and opened it a gun was inside it was red and gold revolver it looked like my moms love/hate gun,but it said King/Queen. Looking at Jay I reached to hug him when suddenly he dropped to one knee pulling out a box with a beautiful f/c ring and ruby gem. "This feels over due. You took care of me when I was considered enemy number one. You brought me back from the grave when my own family didn't try. And this might sound stupid,but I had a crush on you in middle school you were one of the only people that didn't give me pity after Bruce adopted a street kid." He licked his lips as he gave of a small smile. "Together we are far from perfect, but we are good. You complete me...Y/n M/n Napier become my queen?" My eyes glossed over with tears my make up running down the pale foundation. "Oh my god of course!!!" I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly before letting him slip on the ring. "I love you." "I love you more crazy." I chuckle it sounded watery in my throat. "If I'm crazy then that makes two of us. You wanted to marry me." Yep we're both batshit crazy.
A/n: Quote= We are far from perfect, but we are good. ~Supernatural
Is it just me or does Jensen look fucking hot as Red Hood?! I'm mean he's definitely a reason to move to Gotham
Well first crossover AU in my bingo card
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
hope you dont mind getting asks but your post about your favorite Riddlers being the ones that are unapologetically themselves made me remember the One Bad Day version and how that one seems to genuinely hate everything that makes Riddler the character he is. He is a mostly serious person, he says he isn't "fun" and doesn't want to be considered fun, his weirdness is mostly an act and he hates riddles and puzzles because they're the one thing he's bad at. and idk something about that is just kind of sad to me, it feels like it's treated like it isn't possible for the character to be genuinely silly and fun while also being a competent villain and not just a joke. what's your thoughts on that?
Don't be sorry, I really like asks (that was why I turned my ask buttom in a non-straight test lol).
I think that was the first time someone put into words my problems with One Bad Day, I never could explain why something didn't fit until reading this and I agree completly. It's a thing that recent writers do a lot with Riddler in a way to try to merge his characther into a more dark and "realistic" characther and while I think it can lead to a good story (look no futher than The Batman for that) it misses something that for me is the core of his characther (not only the fact he is unapologetically himself but in most medias also his games motifs) and it doesn't need to be like that.
Au contrary I think it would be a very interesting thing to present a characther that after being repetedly abused for the things that made him different instead of repressing it doubled down on it to the extreme were he won't hear any valid criticism because in his head it's just more of the abuse. Someone who is themselfs not for self-love but for hatred and pettiness. "You wanted me to stop playing games? Oh yeah? What if I turn this mundane thing into a game? Not good enough? What if I turn life into a game? Not pissed yet? What if I stop seeing value in other peoples lifes because it's all a part of the game? Ah that got you, hn."
He is himself to the level that it stops being a quality and he can't even recognize the things he does because of his OCD compulsions as something out of his control that he should treat (and the same for all his mental illnesse) because it's part of him and how dare you want him to change? (Now that is not necessarialy how I see him but it's a way more efetive way to make him a competent villan and genuinally terrifying without taking alway all the silly things that make him himself.)
In this way his obcessive fear of changing can be compared with Bruce obcessive fear of growing pass his grief. They don't get better because they don't want to, can't.
Anyway that is just one of various alternative readings but my point is being silly and dramatic is part of his characther and I think that taking it for him is less about making the story more realistic and more about how people see silliness as a weakness, they can't fantom that reality can be dark and cruel and still have a touch of unreality. That not everything makes sense and that a media about a man dressed as a bat can be serious while being absurd.
In a less negative note about the comic you could interpret that Edward Tierney was the mask, that the fun and the games was who he was and that being forced to be that serius boy was what broke him and that in the end the mentality that he couldn't have that fun caused by the abuse was what made he be unable to sustain the Riddler forever. Of course it takes away his hate for riddles and puzzles (i rly can't defend that) and it's a very flatering reading, but hey it's possible.
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Titans: Prodigal (3x12)
1. Garfield really turned into a bat… I mean if he was gonna change, I’m glad it had meaning behind in. I am kind of wondering how a bat will do in battle but I’ll take this win for now. The CGI was a1 too! Also it was great to get an insight on why Gar hasn’t changed in to other animals. The writers listen when they want to chile.
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2. How are we getting Dick’s soul back when he comes back from the lazarus pit?? Do you lose your soul in this DCU’s version? lmao
3. They took pictures of Dick’s dead body 🥴
4. Why is Barbara arrested? This makes no sense.
5. Jason was annoying asf. Why are we pretending like Dick was jealous of Jason? This storyline is overused and inaccurate. Just like calling Bruce an abusive foster dad. Jason was impulsive as all get out and he never listened. he always got himself in to trouble but somehow we’re blaming it all on Dick? FOOLISH.
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6. I love Komand’r saving Conner but she just automatically knows how to use her new fire powers? Among other things, I wonder why the writers just switched up everything with Starfire and Blackfire’s storylines. Blackfire is good? Y’all need to quit playing with me.
7. Dick and Kory’s child… that little girl is adorable as hell but why y’all bring her into this foolishness? Is this the writers way of saying dickkory is still endgame? This was the only dickkory thing about this season so far. This scene would feel/ be different if this season Dick was trying to wrestle with his feelings for both Barbara and Kory. The vision of mar’i would be his way of telling himself Kory is the one. Just a very big missed opportunity for development.
8. “Is it ok if I call you my girlfriend” aww.
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9. Dick on some “Unite the Titans”. Let’s see how long this lasts.
10. Smh Komand’r leaving is Conner’s villan origin story 😭😭. He is gonna be on his Lex Luther shit next season. BELIEVE THAT!
11. HOLD THE FUCK UP!!! YALL HEAR THAT SCORE WHEN KOMANDR ASKS CONNER TO HELP HER??? THAT IS THE CLASSIC SUPERMAN SCORE BUT AT A DEEPER REGISTER!!! I swear I typically don’t notice things like this but wow how do you miss it??
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12. At the end of this season, I need Jason to take a break like Dawn did. Just a trip to a DC city no one has ever heard of that has no cell service.
13. “You’ll never be a Titan again”
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14. Conner done fucked shit up jesus. Evil Conner has arrived sooner than I thought🥴 The hold of a first love man. Punani be powerful!
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15. Ok Barbara let’s reboot Ms. Oracle 👏🏾
16. I really hate everyone up down and through this batcave. I’m sorry but y’all got no choice but to blow that mansion up.
I have to say, this episode was better than the rest. There are still things that pissed me off but there are things I really enjoyed. Gar and Rachel working together and Gar opening up to Rachel. Conner turning on Kom was predictable in the moment. Not gonna lie, I thought Kom would turn on Conner lol. This is the perfect time to bring out Conner’s Luther side. It did break my little Konner heart. I feel like it is taking Donna and Tim forever to reunite with the Titans. Their story is dragging a bit for me. Dick… it’s always at the end of the season when he wants to work with his team. I’m over it. This should be a season thing.
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rynn-png · 3 years
I like you have some dami hc (Dami-13 Jon-12)
(Also first crush jondami after the goon covno/purple)
Okay i can totally see Damian asking awkward questions to get out of talking with their family
You know like seggs related stuff and puberty shiz
They always loved that look of embarrassment and just awkwardness in the air
Well they were never awkward when someone told them “ask Bruce” or “um is someone calling me” they found it hilarious
Thats untill they tryed that with Dick
Dick perpeared a slide show a fucking slide show
And through everything they just covered their face and blushed from embarrassment you could mistake them for a tomato
Jason walked in and he said “taste of your own medicine brat” and Damian flipped him off
In my hc Damian stutters their fast thinking
I can so see new villain thinking a 13 year old thats stuttering means that their new but oh boy they’re wrong
Some goons have made a level of how much Damians stuttering and how afraid you should be
Goon(g): oh and we have the robin stuttering levels
New goon(n):the what?
G:oh yea robin has a stutter and we made a level of how fucked you are
G:since we’re one of the one dangerous villan goons we’re basing it off of that
G:if they barely stutter they’ve already planned 20 different ways to kill you
G:yea and if they stutter like a normal amount for them you will most likely survive and just be left with a few broken bones or a coma
N:Say what now? How old is he?
G:they use they/them pronouns we might be a serial killers henchmen but we’re not transphobic here and they’re thirteen
G:culture shock?
Damian and Jon were rivals for about a month (although they exaggerate that part a lot) and slowly became closer and closer
Thats until the older realized they might’ve liked the younger after six months of knowing him
They of course hid it very well
Or they thought they did
Everyone noticed how more bubbly the ex-assassin became and how just being on their phone typing could make them smile the slightest smile and a hint of red tinted on their face
(Damian was trying to keep a poker face they’ve gotten better at controlling their blush)
So the Protect Dami ClubTM held a meeting and declared it a code baby pink-first crush
They of course became nosy but failed and asked Cass for help but lucky she respects her siblings privacy
Of course Damian noticed and made sure they didnt reveal any secrets
It even helped them with acting in the drama club they were in
Thats until the Kents visitied the Waynes
Thats when it all went down hill for Damian keep up their poker face
They mentally cursed the butterflies in their stomach
Both the children were just oblivious to the blush of the other
The Protect Dami ClubTM hover (most of them) werent
Steph:wait have you guys seen how Damian and Jon acted around each other?
Jason:yea the demon spawn has been hanging around Jon a lot
Dick:like we arent family
Duke:Steph do you think its what i think it is
Steph:yea i probably do
Cass *signing*: finally thought you guys will never notice
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
The Batfamily dealing with their kidnappers. I have a headcanon that the Wayne's and anyone considered close to them have been kidnapped so many times it's become routine for them.
Barbra: What kind of trap is this??? A four year old could get through this. I honestly don't think the crime life is for you. Not if you keep making baby traps.
Jason: Who the hell kidnaps someone with a knife. Get a gun next time you losers. Out of all the kidnappers I've seen you guys are the most pathetic.
Dick: Could you please stop by a McDonald's or something before we get to wherever you're taking me? We've been driving for a few hours and its past dinner time I'm starving.
Tim: You guys couldn't kidnap me like in 4 hours or so? Its 10 in the morning. I literally haven't even had my 1st cup of coffee. You guys suck.
Stephanie: Wait.... You guys are here to kidnap me? Well I mean technically it wouldn't be kidnapping because I'm not a Kid. Teennaped maybe? No that sounds dumb, just give me a sec I'll come up with a good pun I promise.
The kidnappers: .......... The hell is wrong with this girl?
Kidnapper: Get in the car and no one gets hurt.
Cass: ........
Kidnapper: ......... on second thought I'll take one of your brothers instead, your youngest brother should still be at school right?
Duke: Do you have a TV in here? I'm missing the new episode of Grey's Anatomy and I really need to know if Link or Owen is Amelia's baby daddy.
Damian: I suggest you release me at once then run, because the fact that these cuffs are made of genuine leather pretty much guarantees that when I escape from here I will kill you slowly and painfully.
Bruce: Could you not break the phone please? I just got it last week. Just leave it here in my office before you take me.
Kidnapper: ......... You're not scared? We're holding you at gunpoint?
Bruce: Scared? I should be thanking you, you're giving me a break from my kids they've been bugging me all week I was on the verge of killing them.
Alfred: What were you raised in a barn? That was a 100% silver platter that you have just dented and you have just wasted the hours I spent making those homemade biscuits. You will clean this mess at once.
Kidnapper: I'm sorry sir I'll clean it right away.
A few hours later
Bruce: Um Alfred who is this?
Alfred placing another glass of juice in front of the still masked kidnapper. : It was all just a big misunderstanding sir and the young chap has learnt his lesson hasn't he.
Kidnapper: Yes sir.
Alfred has the power to make any villan stop in there tracks and no one can convince me otherwise.
Also Cassie scares the crap out of people.
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noavengers · 3 years
I hate to rant like this, because i know people really don't care but i've seen a few too many 'how can anyone like zemo' posts and i'm just so confused. Zemo did bad things, sure, but so has every other mcu character. Also just going to say this up front, me saying out loud the bad things your favorite characters have done doesn't mean i hate those characters (i actually love most of them) so please don't attack me.
Loki murdered 80 people (that we know of), tried to enslave the entire human race (because daddy was mean and he wanted to be king), tried to kill/harm/maim his own brother so many times that i've lost count, pretended to be odin so he could rule asgard (sent his old/nearly dead father to earth with no security mesures, he couldn't even find odin without doctor strange's help)...
Tony built bombs for a living, sure he didn't know who was getting the bombs but it was his company (with HIS name on it) and it was his responsibility to make sure things he created ended up where they belonged. He created Ultron (with good intentions but once again, it was his and Bruce's responsibility) which lead to the destruction of an entire country - where countless CIVILIANS died...
Natasha killed so many people in her past that Loki (the same guy who wanted to enslave humanity) judged her and mocked her "can you really wipe out that much red?". Sure she made amends, became a hero, but does that mean anything to the families of those she killed in the past? I don't think so...
Steve knew that Bucky killed Tony's parents (keep in mind Howard was Steve's friend too) and he kept it a secret. Not because of Tony but because he knew how Tony would react if he knew. He kept a secret and it was that secret that tore the Avengers apart...
Wanda (who is my favorite mcu character) was involved with the creation of Ultron - she didn't force Tony to create Ultron but she gave him that nudge that pushed him into it. She and her brother both worked for hydra, until they were like "oh maybe we're not the good guys, oops our bad." (after which they instantly switched sides and started working for Ultron instead). She made amends for that and started working with Avengers, only to take an entire town hostage in WandaVision. And sure, she didn't know they were in pain (she let them go when she realized but those people are still traumatized/lost weeks of their lives playing her 'perfect sitcom') but she knew she was taking away their free will, and she was okay with that as long as she got what she wanted...
I could go on forever, because like I said, every single mcu character has some sort of bad/villanous backstory. So why is people liking Zemo so shocking to everyone? What did Zemo do? Compared to the characters that we all see as heroes? Nothing. He blew up a building (i'm not sure how many people he killed but i'm sure as hell it was less then the amount of people any Avenger killed) and he revealed Steve's/Bucky's secret. He didn't make something up to split them up, he didn't control Tony and Steve (he knew how they would react but they are still the ones who reacted the way they did). Any well-ranked hydra agent could have revealed the truth about Tony's parents and the Avengers would have still split up (maybe a little later but it would have happened sooner or later).
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