#bro their hug
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thatnerdyqueer · 1 year ago
brb just gotta think about the 2008 west end production of les mis drink with me with David Thaxton (enj) and Keith Anthony Higham (R)
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artsymeeshee · 2 months ago
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random doodles of the best boys of the sea 🌊
(Do NOT tag as ship please :T)
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pianokantzart · 1 year ago
A little obsessed with the "utterly burnt out & can't quite figure out how to make it work in this economy" depiction of Mario in the concept art.
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Look at him. He's so tired.
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cupophrogs · 1 month ago
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ro-bee · 3 months ago
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me cutely looking at my husband after beating his ass in 30 seconds
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everfallenwings · 2 months ago
found family; with sae itoshi -> female reader
imagine volunteering at japan's u20 working a small job but unintentionally becoming friends with SAE ITOSHI... no, not having the usual equal respect and companionship, or expectant friends to lovers. you're the same age as his little brother, so he oddly treats you like a little sister. the weird thing? he's so nonchalant about it.
"excuse me, but they're confirming if you wanted a red or white zip up again..." twiddling with your fingers softly before pointing to your pushy bosses, you seem to be making good friends with the floor while speaking to a famous, pro-league, good-looking but mean soccer player (sae itoshi). your classmates were all practically screaming at how lucky you were to secure volunteer service in professional sports, in professional soccer. i mean, the card collecter boys in your class were practically feining, asking you for autographs and other stupid favours. maybe you could ask for a picture, yeah—you were definitely going to ask sae itoshi for a picture, but that thought was soon dispersed at the man's dismisive tone. "white is fine," the midfielder curtly replies, with a straight face and one hand planted on the side of his hip. "how old are you?" he looks down at you with the world's most unreadable gaze and ridiculously long lower lashes, "sixteen." you reply, finally facing him. "oh," sae dryly responds, that bored look in his eyes in never, "you're about the same age as my little brother."
"[name], come here." sae itoshi murmurs, laying flat on the floor in the middle of the training center, you look around the empty facility at five in the morning, confirming if he was even POSSIBLY speaking to you again. "yeah?" he tuts on the floor, lifting a muscled leg in your field of vision, "i need help stretching, pull on my leg."
your eyes scan hesitantly over the dangling cleat, before your hands lock around his ankle, attempting to pull and soothe his strange stretching, though definitely failing. why was the midfielder so heavy? he wasn't even trying to make this easier by at least slightly lifting himself. "you're bad at this, not even lukewarm." he'd say, though his tone didn't show any real frustation or intended offense. instead, cerulean eyes blow open when you pull a little too hard and hear something crack that most likely wasn't supposed to.
on other days, he'd pat your head and buy you a popsicle, two for the price of one was a better deal, anyway.
and on the day of japan's u20 verus blue lock's eleven, when RIN ITOSHI's piercing gaze catches the melting popsicle clutched in your hand and sae handing you a napkin, he freezes. his gaze softens in a way that doesn't melt away at the icy chambers of his heart, but instead softens and melts it wholly intead. that day, you were genuinely bewildered and confused that blue lock's number one gave you more dirty looks that day than any actual player on the field.
"your brother is scary," you mutter, causing the taller midfielder beside you perk up in interest. "he kept giving me death glares." sae rolls his eyes at the thought, "maybe he likes you, i dunno. he's in his rebillious phase." it truly made you, at your adolescent age, realise that sae itoshi's head was entirely hollow when not thinking about football. buuut, he buys you ice cream, so who really cares?
-> series masterlist
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sunderwight · 2 years ago
actually it's kind of wild that aziraphale left for heaven to try and save humanity and the human audience of the show has just been like "0/10 terrible decision go back to your demon partner" about it
aziraphale: I shall bravely sacrifice everything that makes me happy because I have a duty to protect the world
the world: boo no
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blended-ice · 6 months ago
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@viktuuri-week 2024 - Happiness
This is the only thing I could think of that would surprise you more than you’ve surprised me.
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outer-andromeda · 28 days ago
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Usually I try to better clean up and color these... But I REALLY wanted to share 'em as soon as possible cuz I really like how they look already, sue me :')))
Some story time under the cut for those of you who want context >:000
((EDIT - Small TWs for some negative talk and mentions of grief. Also spoilers for the ending on Chapter 4 :00)
As mentioned in a previous post, Gabby and Doey's relationship is... Very strained after the events of the fourth chapter.
Doey joined the group (Gabby, Kissy and Ava) eventually while they were venturing as subtly as possible to avoid running into Huggy. It was a surprise, obviously - they all thought he was six feet underground since the aftermath of him crashing down. They were all relieved to know he was still alive, but something was different. He wasn't as jovial as his usual self was... He was just... Off. Quiet. Monotone.
(Which is understandable since the guy is literally GRIEVING the loss of the kids of the Safe Haven y'know- and he feels immense guilt for what happened)
At some point, they get separated - Kissy and Ava stick together, while Doey and Gabby venture on their own way, both groups hoping to join each other again eventually. Doey and Gabby still have that quiet dynamic going on, because the human guy doesn't want to make things any worse than they already are. So he tries to be the cheerful one. For both his and Doey's sakes. He tries as hard as he can. But it falls flat. And Gabby, despite himself, grows more and more irritated by Doey's unusual calmness. Something's obviously going on and he won't say anything about it.
Something happens that puts them in a dangerous situation, and everything spills out. Gabby wants to talk, he wants answers. Doey is trying to ignore it, but he's being pushed. And suddenly his anger blooms back out. And he lashes out on Gabby. Shouts all the words he hadn't gotten out. How he was never any good for the kids. How he could've done so much more. How if it wasn't for him, "they'd still be breathing and standing right now". How Gabby can't understand. And Gabby... Takes it. He stands there, listening to every single thing he says. Silently.
He's not afraid. And Doey notices. It's unnerving. It catches him completely off guard. It's like something is starting to break inside of him. Something he's not sure he wants to let shatter much more...
And then Gabby hugs him. And the thing in Doey's core is completely obliterated. And the crocodile tears are finally, finally let loose. And his shoulders finally relax to wrap themselves around the short man.
They talk after some VERY good comforting words from Gabby. They find Kissy and Ava after some searching, and they're back on track.
And from then on, their relationship changes back slowly to the small friendship they had formed in the past, plus more. They both understand and trust each other, and Doey feels relief from having someone he can confide in and let himself relax with. And just... Be a kid. Even if just for a bit. All three kids need that so badly, and Gabby tries his best to give that to them. To Doey. Because he, out of anyone, deserves a break the most.
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sandflakedraws · 1 year ago
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impromptu nap pile
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months ago
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Just made one of my favorite gifs ever methinks
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28ms28 · 3 months ago
bro there's no need to side hug your emotional support rival like that bro its making you look gay
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fronexus · 8 months ago
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I am not okay I hate this triangle HE'S CALLING OUT TO HIS MOM WHILE DRUNK- I can't wait a whole other month to get my hands on the book PLEASE-
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 2 months ago
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Some of my favourite Sonic Movie Marathon doodles
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k9punkout · 4 months ago
everybody's moved on but im still stuck at ivan's smile test
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this sketch especially shows just how hard it was for him. look at his eyes, look at the screen next to him. just. woah.
what's especially concerning is that he had to be heavily strapped to the chair for this. we all know ivan is not an openly rebellious person, and needed little to no restraints during his time in anakt due to this. the fact that his torso and limbs are tied down like that regardless.... safe to say he was not having a good time.
worst of all is his score.
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the grades received by the students are stated right after their names between underscores. Ivan got the LOWEST GRADE of the bunch, a D. barely passing.
i KNOW that hurt him as a typically straight A student, but beyond that, i think what hurt him more was the nature of the test.
image making. they're trying to work on how flattering his smile is. Ivan's been perfecting his facade ever since he was little, trying to create a semblance of normalcy so he can better form connections with the other kids.
imagine how he must've felt during that test, having practiced his smile so meticulously, only for it to be wrong.
hours pass in that seat, they strap him down so he can't squirm, they use wires and clips to force his lips apart, and all the while his grade continues to drop as a visual reminder that he will never be normal. he can't even fake normalcy.
and you can tell from the look in his eyes how draining that is
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maskedchip · 2 months ago
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one last goodbye
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