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justn0t · 17 days ago
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katiekatdragon27 · 4 months ago
Toodles is Glisten’s practice kid actually and I’m all here for it.
This is what delusion does to a person at obscene hours of the night.
Individual pictures below cut (and non-YouTube be version of the video):
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I don't have much to say here today, but have a good one dudes :))
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strawberyz · 6 months ago
Tw: lots of glitching distored stuff etc !! (?)
"Wait..you don't remember what they look like?"
Silly thingy based on @bleed-more 's AU / ask-blog because the demons are so loud
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m0thwinged · 4 months ago
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Dialtown doodle dump!!!!
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dropitdoeeyes · 2 years ago
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Heathers musical brainrot 🤝 The Mechanisms special intrest
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on-the-clear-blue · 5 months ago
Welcome to Gotham pt1
Inspired by Baby Birds and Bat Caves written by IzzyMRDB
Tim was always a tad strange.
At least that was what other people told him when he did something they thought was "weird" or "concerning for his age"
Like really, was following a girl he thought was a subject abuse home in the guise of having a crush on her to get evidence really that wierd?
His court ordered therapist said it was but she didnt know what she was talking about.
And he was right by the way, he was able to place an anonymous call a wellfare check, and he was proud to say that after a little digging he was able to say that the girl was safe with a foster family!
Though now all of Gotham Elementary thought that he made the girl switch schools because he was "creepy and stalkerish"
That last one wasnt even a word, he had looked.
All of this lead to him having a lot of free time and people trying to avoid him, and unlike what his therapist said he wasnt lonely, he was just feeling left out.
Such is the reason why Tim was now standing 3.649 meters behind Batman and Robin wearing a oveesized black hoodie with said hood pulled up, a bandana tied around his face his fathers old film camara weighing heavily in his hands
The camarea was something he wasnt allowed to touch, having a place of honor on the high shelves in his study, but with a bit of reaching and a small jump, it had ended up in Tims small hands.
Peering through the view finder, Tim felt his jaw slowly fall open az he saw more than just Robin and Batman in it, more than the glittering lights of the city, what Tim saw..
Colors like a kaleidoscope swirled around the two of them, the darker and more neutral of them curled around the Dark Knight, like wrapping him in shadows and camouflaging him into the city
There were a few dark blacks and reds that clung to Robin, but the boy wonder was like a blinding star, shining with brilliant greens, yellows and blues as he adamantly spoke to the Bat about something.
Tim sat staring at the two for what felt like ages, only remembering to flutter the button to capture the two of them at the last moment, catching the two of them swing off the building.
After taking that picture, Tim could well..
He could see the colors around everyone all the time, most of the people at school was a mix of green and blues, some deep reds, but most of the people had dull empty colors, none of them had the same vibrant colors of Robin, or the browns and grays that hung onto Batman, he wanted to see them agian. He needed to see them again.
It took a few weeks for Tim to find them again, Miss Mac had almost caught him twice sneaking out and he had to wait late for his live in nanny to pass out for good.
Tim didnt put any sleeping pills into her late night scotch, totally not.
Once again dressed in his "Recon" outfit and the camera in hand, Tim camped out on a rooftop of a gastation outside of Bristol, it had high sightings of the Batman through the years and was a likely place for him to stop early on in his routes.
Set up behind a noisy fan, Tim heard a pair of distinct thumps, he was lucky, he had prepared to camp out for hours...
Moving silently up onto his knees, the young boy licked his lips under his tied on mask, raising his fathers camara, Tim spyed through the veiw finder once agian, only to frown at what he saw.
Robin wasnt shining as he should, the dark that clung to Batman was swelled up and swirlling like an angry storm, it lashed out and the dark blues and blacks around Robin lashed back out in turn.
Both were stiff, looking as if they had just finished an argument...
Tim watched helplessly from the sidelines, Robin was supposed to be bright, the Light of Gotham, and Batman waz supposed to be soild, like a rock...but both of them were not, and Tim didnt like it one bit.
He still took picture of course, even if they were fighting they were still THE Batman and Robin...
Three weeks later and Robin was different.
Not just in his colors which had gone from burning scarlets to cheerful reds, depressive navys to a brilliant periwinkle, it was drastic...it was different...
Tim loved it and was worried at the same time
Robin was shorter, gone was the muscles and tricky flips and spins, now Robin was small and had one hell of a right hook
Tim had gotten a great shot of the Riddler getting socked in the face...
But this all made Tim worry, had Batman replaced Robin? Was this a new boy? Tim didnt know.
And Timothy Drake hated not knowing.
The processional dark room his parents kept in the basement was a true blessing, the red light washed everything out, leaving the world in shades of scarlet. It was Tims little safe space, ever since he looked through the camera the lights around people had started to hurt his eyes, and the single color of the room was so nice...
Shaking the devolped photo, Tim smiled as he hung it up to dry, even now, he could see the static hues around Robin 2, he was less bright than the first Robin, but Tim was sure that would grow as he did...
Sighing as he picked up the old camera, Tim slowly made his way up to his fathers study, Miss Mac would notice if it was gone for too long after all, slipping through the heavy door of the dark room, Tim blinked a few times as he made it through the piles of boxes and items that had been stashed at home by his parents.
They sent things home from their travels all the time, Miss Mac had to sign for them all the time, he had never really paid them too close attention, they made his stomach twist and that pesky part of his brain cry because his parents care more for trinkets and artifacts than for him...
Tim had to stop and squeez his eyes tightly closed as floods of emotion swept over him.
He had done so well...why did he have to think about it, why did he have to think about them now, he had been happy...why why now...
His eyes stung as he opened them again, spots swam all over his vision for a few seconds, the dakrness of the basment lighter now, and while most of the spots left, some grew brighter around his vision
And some of his parents boxes were glowing.
Not unlike how people glowed, but where people had swirling colors, the boxes glowed with a bronzish gold
Dumbly stalking over to one of the glowing boxes, Tim set the camera down as he clawed at the cardbord, trying to get it open before the old tape gave way and dust flew into the air.
After a flurry of sneezes, Tim looked down at the box of ancient looking wires and electionics, most of them glowed softly, but what shone brightly was...
It was a cricle of chipped and rusted steel attached to a stand, brass sprigs attached a silvery mesh ball to the center
A old timey mircophone and broadcasting setup, it crackled as he picked it up softly, small hands holding it carefully as he lifted it up, the microphone had a golden halo around it, it was...special...
Two nights later, a small voice echoed out on a long dead channel of the radio.
"H-hello? I-is this thing on?" The voice was muffled, distant and quiet, it was young, far to young.
"I-I dont really know what i am doing but...um..." there was a long pause, the faint sound of papers being shuffled before the voice returned "M-My name is Wyvern and...I want to talk about well...everything to anyone that will listen."
There was only static in return, but the Silence listened, and the Darkness watched.
Tim started a radio show, kinda. He was only really talking into the microphone about useless things, about what he saw happen with Batman, the weird glows he saw around town, but today was the third day he had been broadcasting and he finally had something more interesting to talk about!
Plopping his school bag down by his door, Tim trudged through his dirty room, kicking his clothes out of his way as he made it over to his desk, once covered with homework, but now held his set up.
Climbing up onto his chair, Tim worried his bottom lip as he flipped through his prewritten pages, he needed to sound more adult, more professional.
Clearing his throat a few times before he clicked the old broadcaster on, Tim waited till the small light blinked green, smiling Tim started his written intro.
"The lights flicker off, and the moon casts its lights down on the city, men like rats scurry under its rays, something is afoot tonight. Something calls out, and hopefully, you listen, Good Evening Gotham, I am your host Wyvern," Tim felt a rush as he got through his script wirhout stuttering, he was almost lightheaded, and lights swirled in his vision, "Tonight I have more than my usual broadcast, I have seen something, I have been made witness to plans of wickedness that i can not stand for."
Breathing was hard for Tim as he slowly spoke, his body felt cold and strange but he had to finish...
"This is a message to the citys protector, to our Lady Gotham's Dark Knight, the one who does riddles has plans of harm, and she bids you to heed this warning, He shall be found where Sterling meets Beck along the twisting turns of her streets..."
As the last words slipped from Tim's mouth, he felt like a marionette with its strungs cut, his limbs were heavy and his body ached, he was corvered in a cold sweat.
Why did he talk about that? He didnt mean to talk about that, he didnt know anything about the Riddler...he was going to talk about...w-what was he going to talk about...
Drawing in a deep breath, Tim drew himself up slowly, "S-Sorry listeners, um, d-dont know what that was all about um...L-Let me catch my breath ugh...h-heres some music..."
Fumbling around for a moment, Tim pulled out his Ipod, turning the volume up, Tim hit shuffle on it as he struggled to pull himself together.
John Constantine grimaced as he heard tinny music pour our from the small radio sat on a side table by his chair, the cigarette between his lips staying unlit as he leaned back into the stiff cushions.
As much as he tried not to care, the kid on the otherside of the radio had started to worry him, he clearly didnt know what he was doing and tonight was proof of that, what ever he was using had magic and was sending it out in droves...
Tonights "episode" was thankfully not that bad, simply invoking a city spirit as its host isnt something that could kill him, but it was still worrying that said spirit was Gotham, where Gotham was involed, it attack dog not far after it.
Eyes flicking between the radio and his phone by it, John gave a grumble as he grabbed it, flipping it open, he punched in a series of numbers knowing he was opening a can of worms...
Or in this case. Bats.
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gracebethartacc · 2 months ago
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teehees haiii soulwholeheads
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sainz100 · 5 months ago
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Charles on the go ✨❤️
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laylamae1930 · 30 days ago
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Little comic from Hanguang-Jun and His Beloved Pet Rabbit again! The end of the latest chapter wasn't what I was expecting and Lan Wangji's reaction was just amazing! XD
I might redraw it again way better later. Let me know if I should post the other drawing I was working on for it. I swear I had everything right but by the time I went to start shading I realized the proportion was way to off and subsequently gave up. -_-
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lizasweetling · 1 month ago
They still haven't shown Klaus!! What the heck!! This is suspicious
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Seriously though: where is the beasty looking?? why?? what's over there???
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waytooobsessedwithmcyt · 5 months ago
Following @strawberri-animates's emptober idea, day one is normal but I didn't feel like writing an entire fanfic since I only remembered at 8:30 at night so just have some rambling about nature wives headcanons
Witches aren't allowed to marry humans because they're isolationist, but they took one look at Shelby and Katherine and went "these bitches gay, we can't stop them"
Katherine and Shelby's first kiss was in the Evermoore and the ghosts were just yelling "finally!" And bets were being cashed in
The witches are pretty "anything that isn't "normal" is bad" and so when Shelby looked through the library at Katherine's castle and found a book about the Emperors, she was absolutely thrilled to find a picture of High Wizard Gemini with a bi and a trans flag, she pretty much squealed about it excitedly the entire day
Katherine is naturally flirty, Shelby tries to flirt back but just devolves into incoherent muttering and blushing
Gem has literally sprayed Katherine with a water bottle because she wouldn't stop talking about how pretty Shelby was
How is any of this related to normal? This was originally meant to be domestic hcs but I'm ADHD and got sidetracked, also, no idea if I should tag the og creator of the Emptober calendar I'm following, don't know proper Tumblr protocol yet, sorry
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glitter-covered-bodybag · 2 months ago
Even if you dislike the actors, if you think the story is lackluster, if the script falls flat for you, NO ONE can argue that the cinematography of IWTV is not spectacular. I could sit and analyse screen caps from that show for hours. EVERYTHING in frame is important, planned and often referenced/referencing something else. If it's not, it's simply stunning visually. The lighting, the framing and sense of travel...!
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mister-fisch · 5 months ago
I need a Bob's burgers episode where Felix and Gayle are together.Like they met at some vet or some shit(Felix tried to pass Lulu off as a regular dog).Like they'd start dating and Felix decides they should get married for some reason(he is unaware that Gayle is Linda's sister.And that Gayle made out with Calvin),Gayle excitedly agrees(which Felix is slightly put off by).Gayle starts talking about how she's gonna finally get married and that she's so happy,but she hasn't once said who she's getting married to yet.At the same time,Mr.Fischoeder and Felix walk into the restaurant,Calvin says that Felix is getting married and they need someone to cater(Calvin in the man of honour and he's forcing Felix to get Bob to cater).Cut back to Gayle,she's freaking out because she doesn't have anyone to be her maid of honor or her bridemaids,and because of this Gayle might stop the wedding,but Linda reassures her that everything will be ok,and that she can be her maid of honour and that she can get Gayle brides maids.Gayle responds with "Y-you'd really do that for me?..",sniffling.And Linda is obviously like yes!you're my sister,and whatnot.If you're asking what the kids are doing throughout this whole episode,they're trying to figure out who Gayle's marrying so they can make sure she's not marrying a weirdo.They start putting together the peices together than Gayle is gonna marry Felix,since they both take place at the same and the same time,and that the really vague way Gayle describes Felix ,that it matches up with him.And that when Mr.Fischoeder and occasionally came into the restaurant to discuss with Bob about the details of the catering of the wedding,when Bob asks him who Felix is marrying,he responds with something like "I don't know some brunnette" or some shit,with a little hand movement.There's probably some other details that lead to the conclusion that Gayle and Felix are marrying each other.But when the kids realize that that's what's happening,they rush to Linda(they don't go to Bob since he's probably out with the Fischoeders or something),trying to get her to listen to them,but she's probably on the phone with Ginger or Gretchen.She tells them to go away cause she's on the phone.The Bob plot is basically Calvin,Felix,and Bob driving around town getting stuff that Felix wants for the wedding,both non food related things.Felix has a long list of foods that Bob wants to have at the wedding,fancier stuff than bob usually makes(Gayle just wants shrimp and stuff for shrimp),so bob has to cook A LOT.There'd be a lot of scenes where Calvin and Bob would be left alone together,but not entirely sure what would happen in those interactions yet.Calvin probably thinks he's not going to go through with the marriage like how Felix doesn't go through with all other things,but he thinks it be funny to see him try with this.Bob thinks its sweet that Felix is really excited about getting married to his partner even though he doesn't know who that is,and he thinks Calvin should just let him be with the Felix not going through with anything thing.Calvin decides to humor Bob with that.When the wedding comes its pretty fancy but pretty eclectic,it emenates both Gayle and Felix's chaos.It's at Calvin's estate or somewhere fancy and unique.Gayle would be wearing like a version of that shrimp dress,but its fancier and bejewelled,he hair is done in that one fashion she has it in in Tina's story in the Gayle Tales.Felix would have a shiny suit that's the same color on with a bejewelled broach of Gayle's cat Jean Paw'd Van Damme.Gayle's nervous,the part where'd she walk down the isle was soon and she was nervous,Linda reassures her and whatnot,and convinces Gayle everything is going to go great.The wedding would start a little before sunset,and when Gayle and Felix would say their vows and shit.To Calvin's surprise Felix actually goes through with this. And then there's a final scene in the episode.
"Im...surprised.." Linda says as she looks from far away at Gayle and Felix.
"mmm..." Bob is standing next to linda
"Cant say I am!Only thing I'm surprised is that he actually had the BALLS to do it!" Calvin stood next to Bob,a arm slung around Bob as he frequently did,in the other hand he was holding a glass of wine or a cocktail of some sort.
"Just surprised it was Felix,you know?"
"I suppose that's fair afterall,lady burger."
"Mom,we literally tried to tell you earlier!" "Yeah!And you didn't listen."
"At least they're happy together.And they make a cute couple."
"GAH!Tina! I don't want Felix as a uncle!He's weird!"
"They probably wont last long together.Felix can never stick to something for too long.So don't fret,child of bob.I doubt we'll be family for too long."
"Does this mean we don't have to pay rent?"
"No.No.You still will."
"Oh don't be so annoyed Bob."
If you cant tell I didnt really know what to write for Bob.
Gayle and Felix make each other worse.They have a really odd relationship,because just look at them of course they would.
Anyway I hope you likey.
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diabolicallydeadbeat · 5 months ago
Art for my pal @pepperoni-chips !
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Lol hope u enjoy the bg
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(No clue why the last image is sideways)
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maganusbuttsideslmao · 1 month ago
Kinda mid but Magnus burnsides stretches
Something something minors DNI
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calico-strawberry · 9 days ago
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After her existing for like, over a year, I've finally drawn Anya's sister, Genny.
Genny, Anya, and their family lived in Reborn 15 years prior to the events of Rejuvenation. Soon after Anya died in a tragic accident, when Genny was 5, was when Meteor started trying to drive people out, so Genny had a hard time growing up especially while also having to deal with the loss of her sister.
Now, after seeing news online about happenings in Aevium region, seeing someone who looks suspiciously like her dead sister, Genny departs Reborn for the first time in her life.
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