#Welcome to Gotham
Welcome to Gotham pt1
Inspired by Baby Birds and Bat Caves written by IzzyMRDB
Tim was always a tad strange.
At least that was what other people told him when he did something they thought was "weird" or "concerning for his age"
Like really, was following a girl he thought was a subject abuse home in the guise of having a crush on her to get evidence really that wierd?
His court ordered therapist said it was but she didnt know what she was talking about.
And he was right by the way, he was able to place an anonymous call a wellfare check, and he was proud to say that after a little digging he was able to say that the girl was safe with a foster family!
Though now all of Gotham Elementary thought that he made the girl switch schools because he was "creepy and stalkerish"
That last one wasnt even a word, he had looked.
All of this lead to him having a lot of free time and people trying to avoid him, and unlike what his therapist said he wasnt lonely, he was just feeling left out.
Such is the reason why Tim was now standing 3.649 meters behind Batman and Robin wearing a oveesized black hoodie with said hood pulled up, a bandana tied around his face his fathers old film camara weighing heavily in his hands
The camarea was something he wasnt allowed to touch, having a place of honor on the high shelves in his study, but with a bit of reaching and a small jump, it had ended up in Tims small hands.
Peering through the view finder, Tim felt his jaw slowly fall open az he saw more than just Robin and Batman in it, more than the glittering lights of the city, what Tim saw..
Colors like a kaleidoscope swirled around the two of them, the darker and more neutral of them curled around the Dark Knight, like wrapping him in shadows and camouflaging him into the city
There were a few dark blacks and reds that clung to Robin, but the boy wonder was like a blinding star, shining with brilliant greens, yellows and blues as he adamantly spoke to the Bat about something.
Tim sat staring at the two for what felt like ages, only remembering to flutter the button to capture the two of them at the last moment, catching the two of them swing off the building.
After taking that picture, Tim could well..
He could see the colors around everyone all the time, most of the people at school was a mix of green and blues, some deep reds, but most of the people had dull empty colors, none of them had the same vibrant colors of Robin, or the browns and grays that hung onto Batman, he wanted to see them agian. He needed to see them again.
It took a few weeks for Tim to find them again, Miss Mac had almost caught him twice sneaking out and he had to wait late for his live in nanny to pass out for good.
Tim didnt put any sleeping pills into her late night scotch, totally not.
Once again dressed in his "Recon" outfit and the camera in hand, Tim camped out on a rooftop of a gastation outside of Bristol, it had high sightings of the Batman through the years and was a likely place for him to stop early on in his routes.
Set up behind a noisy fan, Tim heard a pair of distinct thumps, he was lucky, he had prepared to camp out for hours...
Moving silently up onto his knees, the young boy licked his lips under his tied on mask, raising his fathers camara, Tim spyed through the veiw finder once agian, only to frown at what he saw.
Robin wasnt shining as he should, the dark that clung to Batman was swelled up and swirlling like an angry storm, it lashed out and the dark blues and blacks around Robin lashed back out in turn.
Both were stiff, looking as if they had just finished an argument...
Tim watched helplessly from the sidelines, Robin was supposed to be bright, the Light of Gotham, and Batman waz supposed to be soild, like a rock...but both of them were not, and Tim didnt like it one bit.
He still took picture of course, even if they were fighting they were still THE Batman and Robin...
Three weeks later and Robin was different.
Not just in his colors which had gone from burning scarlets to cheerful reds, depressive navys to a brilliant periwinkle, it was drastic...it was different...
Tim loved it and was worried at the same time
Robin was shorter, gone was the muscles and tricky flips and spins, now Robin was small and had one hell of a right hook
Tim had gotten a great shot of the Riddler getting socked in the face...
But this all made Tim worry, had Batman replaced Robin? Was this a new boy? Tim didnt know.
And Timothy Drake hated not knowing.
The processional dark room his parents kept in the basement was a true blessing, the red light washed everything out, leaving the world in shades of scarlet. It was Tims little safe space, ever since he looked through the camera the lights around people had started to hurt his eyes, and the single color of the room was so nice...
Shaking the devolped photo, Tim smiled as he hung it up to dry, even now, he could see the static hues around Robin 2, he was less bright than the first Robin, but Tim was sure that would grow as he did...
Sighing as he picked up the old camera, Tim slowly made his way up to his fathers study, Miss Mac would notice if it was gone for too long after all, slipping through the heavy door of the dark room, Tim blinked a few times as he made it through the piles of boxes and items that had been stashed at home by his parents.
They sent things home from their travels all the time, Miss Mac had to sign for them all the time, he had never really paid them too close attention, they made his stomach twist and that pesky part of his brain cry because his parents care more for trinkets and artifacts than for him...
Tim had to stop and squeez his eyes tightly closed as floods of emotion swept over him.
He had done so well...why did he have to think about it, why did he have to think about them now, he had been happy...why why now...
His eyes stung as he opened them again, spots swam all over his vision for a few seconds, the dakrness of the basment lighter now, and while most of the spots left, some grew brighter around his vision
And some of his parents boxes were glowing.
Not unlike how people glowed, but where people had swirling colors, the boxes glowed with a bronzish gold
Dumbly stalking over to one of the glowing boxes, Tim set the camera down as he clawed at the cardbord, trying to get it open before the old tape gave way and dust flew into the air.
After a flurry of sneezes, Tim looked down at the box of ancient looking wires and electionics, most of them glowed softly, but what shone brightly was...
It was a cricle of chipped and rusted steel attached to a stand, brass sprigs attached a silvery mesh ball to the center
A old timey mircophone and broadcasting setup, it crackled as he picked it up softly, small hands holding it carefully as he lifted it up, the microphone had a golden halo around it, it was...special...
Two nights later, a small voice echoed out on a long dead channel of the radio.
"H-hello? I-is this thing on?" The voice was muffled, distant and quiet, it was young, far to young.
"I-I dont really know what i am doing but...um..." there was a long pause, the faint sound of papers being shuffled before the voice returned "M-My name is Wyvern and...I want to talk about well...everything to anyone that will listen."
There was only static in return, but the Silence listened, and the Darkness watched.
Tim started a radio show, kinda. He was only really talking into the microphone about useless things, about what he saw happen with Batman, the weird glows he saw around town, but today was the third day he had been broadcasting and he finally had something more interesting to talk about!
Plopping his school bag down by his door, Tim trudged through his dirty room, kicking his clothes out of his way as he made it over to his desk, once covered with homework, but now held his set up.
Climbing up onto his chair, Tim worried his bottom lip as he flipped through his prewritten pages, he needed to sound more adult, more professional.
Clearing his throat a few times before he clicked the old broadcaster on, Tim waited till the small light blinked green, smiling Tim started his written intro.
"The lights flicker off, and the moon casts its lights down on the city, men like rats scurry under its rays, something is afoot tonight. Something calls out, and hopefully, you listen, Good Evening Gotham, I am your host Wyvern," Tim felt a rush as he got through his script wirhout stuttering, he was almost lightheaded, and lights swirled in his vision, "Tonight I have more than my usual broadcast, I have seen something, I have been made witness to plans of wickedness that i can not stand for."
Breathing was hard for Tim as he slowly spoke, his body felt cold and strange but he had to finish...
"This is a message to the citys protector, to our Lady Gotham's Dark Knight, the one who does riddles has plans of harm, and she bids you to heed this warning, He shall be found where Sterling meets Beck along the twisting turns of her streets..."
As the last words slipped from Tim's mouth, he felt like a marionette with its strungs cut, his limbs were heavy and his body ached, he was corvered in a cold sweat.
Why did he talk about that? He didnt mean to talk about that, he didnt know anything about the Riddler...he was going to talk about...w-what was he going to talk about...
Drawing in a deep breath, Tim drew himself up slowly, "S-Sorry listeners, um, d-dont know what that was all about um...L-Let me catch my breath ugh...h-heres some music..."
Fumbling around for a moment, Tim pulled out his Ipod, turning the volume up, Tim hit shuffle on it as he struggled to pull himself together.
John Constantine grimaced as he heard tinny music pour our from the small radio sat on a side table by his chair, the cigarette between his lips staying unlit as he leaned back into the stiff cushions.
As much as he tried not to care, the kid on the otherside of the radio had started to worry him, he clearly didnt know what he was doing and tonight was proof of that, what ever he was using had magic and was sending it out in droves...
Tonights "episode" was thankfully not that bad, simply invoking a city spirit as its host isnt something that could kill him, but it was still worrying that said spirit was Gotham, where Gotham was involed, it attack dog not far after it.
Eyes flicking between the radio and his phone by it, John gave a grumble as he grabbed it, flipping it open, he punched in a series of numbers knowing he was opening a can of worms...
Or in this case. Bats.
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that-sea-sponge · 2 years
New Villain Orientation
Batman introducing his kids to the new villain in town. "So, the smiley one there is Nightwing. He sees visions of the future and parallel realities. You can imagine how useful this is for this job. The grumpy one next to him, I know you can't see his face, but he's sneering, that's Red Hood. His corpse was dropped into a mystical chemical pool and now he heals super fast and can sometimes manifest sharp objects from fuck if I know where. Over there? That's Red Robin. Don't make the joke - that man already knows everything about you, your mother, and your unborn children. He'll literally be everywhere you are and inside your head for the rest of your life. Finally...the little one is Robin. He's...he's me, but without the friendliness and moral center. So! Welcome to Gotham. Who do you want to hit first?"
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evilminji · 1 year
Ooo do you have any more thoughts on Gotham street food? <3
Oh HECK YEAH I do! Imagine New York food truckers if they somehow got MORE feral.
What you got to understand? Is unlike the "safety" (if you can call it that) of an actual shop? The street vendors are out there with the goons, rouges, gangs, vigilantes, and most dangerous group of all... Cops. The city is COATED in not just biohazards but also corruption.
But you? You gotta feed your family, man. You gotta sell these fuckin tamales.
Your Abuela worked long and hard to make these tamales. She's old as hell. She should be RETIRED. But she moved COUNTRIES, to the city that God clearly hates personally, to help you and your wife get this crazy "restaurant" idea off the ground.
You can't afford SHIT yet. But you have a cart. Eventually, with word of mouth and good enough sales, you'll have a truck. Then a little hole in the wall. Might even make it. Leave your kids a proper restaurant.
That's ONLY? If these FUCKERS, don't destroy your cart. You bribe the cops. Give goon discounts. Play nice with the Rouges. Avoid attacks when you can. But you? You have a gas mask and a gun you DEFINITELY are not supposed to own.
This shitty little cart is your FUTURE. Your main source of income. Holds the hard work of your whole family. Is putting your kids through school and paying rent on your tiny, crude apartment.
You took out the best life insurance you could AFFORD on yourself and if you have to choose between this cart and dying?
Square up, fuckers. It's the cart. Because the cart will feed your kids.
And you? Are one of many. Every cart and truck and hole in the wall little grease trap in this CITY? Just like you. Fear takes energy you can't afford to spare. You got shit to do and if you're not gonna die today, you're not gonna use any of the finite rations of emotional energy you got on it. You save THAT for family.
Eating in this city? Open air? Takes God only knows how much off your lifespan. But it's what they all got. Some days are better then others. Somedays your food will micro-dose you on fear gas. Others on whatever Ivy pumped into the sky. Sometimes it's gasses of the swamp. Or mist of the harbor, God help us all.
Anyone SMART would choose nothing but sealed packages and heavy duty air filters in a closed off eating area. But who can afford that? This is Gotham. They might die tomorrow anyway. So eat the gyros that make you hallucinate shrimp colors. Those fries that make you hear God. Did they taste good?
Then leave a fuckin' yelp review. They need the food traffic.
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dannyphannypack · 24 days
college is supposed to be a new start for danny: one in which his “work” life and personal life stay strictly separate. but when danny moves into his new gotham university dorm for the upcoming semester, his hopes are dashed. gotham is overflowing with lost souls, and they won’t leave him alone long enough for him to finish his damn physics homework.
when mr. and mrs. wayne offer him refuge in their old study, danny thinks he’d be stupid not to take it. he wasn’t expecting their house to still be inhabited, but whatever. he can blend into the background. he’ll do anything for some peace and quiet.
now if only he can convince martha to stop trying to out him to the rest of the family.
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havendance · 9 months
Anyway, my proposal for a run on Detective Comics where I write a series of one-shot stories showcasing all of the various supporting cast Batman has accumulated with stories, including, but not limited to:
Batman invites Nightwing to Gotham to help him solve a murder. The murder is very straightforward and they dance around the real reason Bruce invited him, until at the end, he finally admits in a constipated Bruce way that it's the anniversary of him adopting Dick and he wanted to spend time with him.
Huntress and Robin (Tim Drake) team up to investigate Killer Croc. It turns out he's turning over a new leaf in the sewers near the Marina. Huntress is dubious, but Robin convinces her to give him a chance, though she says she'll be watching him. We re-canonize Joker: Last Laugh.
Damian and Duke team up to take on a street-racing operation--a mission that naturally requires them to do some high adrenaline racing together.
The Riddler gets on social media with a plot that involves lots of puzzles and clues all over Gotham. Oracle taps into old members of "We are Robin" to take it down.
Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) and Batman end up on the same missing persons case. With the pressure on to find the missing child, they snipe at each other as tensions rise. In the end, after saving the kid, Bruce sort of kind of apologizes in a Bruce way and expresses some measure of respect for her.
Jason teams up with Ghostmaker to take on, idk, one of the Clayfaces. Does Gotham still have one of those? I haven't read any comics ghostmaker's in yet, but from I've heard it sounds like they'd have an interesting dynamic. Jason gets flashbacks to digging his way out of his grave.
Luke Fox recruites Harper Row (She does engineering stuff right? I also need to read comics she has a significant role in.) They take some new tech for a joyride and go bother the Penguin.
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) and Azrael team up to take down Mad Hatter. He probably has some elaborate Alice in Wonderland theming going on that neither of them get. (I think neither of them should have read it.)
Batwoman and Catwoman team up to steal back some Kane family heirlooms, possibly from Jacob Kane (What's his and Kate's relationship looking like anyway?), possibly from someone else.
Gotham Girl and somebody. Me advancing my Cass & Claire agenda Possibly Oracle trying to rehabilitate her in that controlling yet well-intentioned way she has sometimes? Someday, I will get to being more up to date on what Claire's status quo in current comics is.
A handful of representatives from Gotham's various crime families get together in the backroom of a bar somewhere. They play poker and exchange stories of being busted by the various bat-affiliated vigilantes in which they are very scary and almost inhuman. It ends with Batgirl (Cass) busting in and beating them up.
Helena Bertinelli takes a gig as a substitute teacher at Gotham Academy. She teams up with Maps & other supporting cast when Mr Freeze takes the school hostage while trying to escape the police.
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nelkcats · 1 year
After being pestered by Tim about not having any friends (Apparently: Bizarro, your brother's exes, family friends, your dad's friends/exes and your exes didn't count), Jason was determined to make a friend.
But it was extremely difficult since most of Gotham knew him as "Red Hood, the Crime lord" or "The reincarnation of Jason Todd" (Jason still didn't know how they came to the latter conclusion, idiots or geniuses?).
So he decided to look for someone who didn't know anything about Gotham or moved recently to the city but it was impossible to tell! Tired of his fruitless search, he ordered drinks at the new bar that opened recently.
And while he was drinking he met his first friend! (Or well, the first friend he had made on his own and without outside influences, fuck you Tim); Danny Nightingale was a strange boy, with a lot of resistance to alcohol and who had recently moved. Jason was 80% sure that he was a meta or another creature since he didn't show up in the photos.
But that didn't matter! It was time to show off to the family his new best friend! (And show them that he can make friends!) Not Steph, not Barbara, Danny. On the other hand, the halfa was quite confused but glad that the people of Gotham were so nice and friendly, Jason seemed like a nice person, and maybe it was time to widen his friendship circle beyond Sam & Tucker.
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rey-129-fan · 5 months
Well, it's been a while since I've posted any fanfic... Let's change that.
Good news! I'm not dead! My brain did try to get me to do things that could unalive myself for a bit, and then I lost nearly an entire side of my family over the span of 3 years, but I'm still here and still kicking! And I have two new puppies who are adorable and so loving.
Now for this story, this is inspired by a few posts I saw on @theglamorousferal, mostly the one about Amity Parkers going to college in Gotham and buying a hotel (I'm making it a co-op student house, but I've never lived in one, so if something's unacceptably wrong, tell me, if not, artistic license), but also the one where our main Trio buy a building to set up shop there, and wind up adopted my Jason (I swear, I saw that post after I wrote the first chapter, but it just fit so well).
Honestly, Amity Park was weird long before the Fentons moved there- the original settlers named the nearby lake Eerie, and it wasn’t after the Great Lake.  It’s just that before the Fentons’ machine punched a hole through reality and created a permanent doorway to the land of spirits and ghosts, the weirdness was not as blatant.
Prior to that, Amity Parkers were some of the few that could move to Gotham without suffering a breakdown that was common for new arrivals.  Now there was a slight dip in newcomers for about a decade or two after the Bat made his debut and then the crazies that followed him, but then Amity Parkers got used to the spirits of the dead wandering around following the aforementioned punching through reality.
All this to say that Gotham Universities were a rather common destination for young Amity Park adults seeking higher education.
Now because of this, there were always apartments advertising themselves for people from the small town.  They, after all, tended to not have a breakdown after their fifth rogue attack and just pack up and leave halfway through their lease.  But it got very annoying having to sift through all the advertisements when looking for a place to stay- something Danny Fenton saw his older sister go through when she got in to Gotham City University.  The boy then shared what he was witnessing with his two best friends- Tucker Foley and Sam Manson.  Tucker offered to help filter out the spam, which Danny’s sister Jazz thanked him for but turned down.  Sam… Sam instead got thinking.
Sam had been to Gotham a few times in her life.  She had an idea of the areas closest to the schools and how much those should cost.  And looking at the letters Jazz was getting, the offers were a little too high for a regular college student to afford.  Sam was also familiar with how many hotels were not being used in Gotham- people building them in hopes tourists would come to stay while visiting the East Coast, tourists that could not be convinced to visit due to the high crime rate and the lack of activities or places of interest in the city itself.
She quickly went to work, looking in to these empty hotels.  She was rather upset by their numbers and put together a spreadsheet of them, with details like number of rooms, any amenities they may have, and nearby landmarks.  She then grabbed her two dorks and marched to Casper High’s Community Outreach director.
Now Sam’s presentation raised a few eyebrows, mostly because it was in a completely different state, but Sam shot back that because of the efforts to incorporate the town’s new ghostly residents and provide them with helpful ways to feed their obsessions- efforts led by the Fenton family- Amity Park had very few homeless, and those that were had a huge community safety net to help them get back on their feet.  Additionally, with how many people moved between the city and the town, helping the city could be argued to also be helping the town.
The Outreach Director just sighed and gave Same the green light to at least draft and send out a proposal to the powers that be in Gotham, saying that there wasn’t much that could be done before they got backing and approval.  Sam thanked them before leaving, Danny and Tucker trailing behind.
She was back the next day with a draft of her proposal and a list of who to send it to.
Since returning from the dead in the eyes of the public, Jason Todd was often contacted by groups trying to use the Wayne fortune to fund their own personal projects.  They thought Jason would be the easiest to con- sorry, persuade- since he was a former street kid unlike the rest of his family.  Thus surely he would know just how much this new building with low income housing would help the people of Gotham- it even came with a pool and gym!
Yeah, he did know how much the people of Gotham needed housing, but $2K a month was not affordable when you’re barely making $30K a year!  Oh and the pool and gym were only available for those who could shell out an additional $2K a month.  Jason knows, he read the whole document carefully.
God, sometimes it was hard to tell who was worse, the psychos in Blackgate or real estate investors.  And sadly, he couldn’t just pop a bullet in their heads and be done with it because 1) it would raise too many questions and 2) it would make Bruce get all sad and mopey- again.  Jason just did not have the mental energy to put up with that on top of the rest of his life as a crimelord/vigilante/long-lost adoptive second son of a billionaire.
All this to say, he was not impressed when he first glanced over a proposal to convert the unused hotels around the city into housing units- especially since it was from someone that did not live in Gotham.
Manson?  Wasn’t there a family with that name that would attend some of Brucie’s galas?  Oh yeah, their family made its fortune off patenting the machine that wrapped toothpicks in plastic, as well as a couple others.  And they had a daughter around Repla- Tim’s age.  Hopefully this wasn’t her trying to be a kiss-ass like her parents.
Jason finished reading and sat back.  The proposal wasn’t too bad.  Converting hotels into apartment buildings would be easier than office buildings, and the suggestion to use ex-convicts that wanted to turn over a new leaf as building managers certainly wasn’t the worst.  Also creating a fund for those that couldn’t afford rent, as well as community kitchens and gardens were certain plusses, though would need to have the right people in charge to make sure they actually worked as planned, and to keep the Court of Owls from messing with it.
Overall, it was something Jason would consider, after some research and maybe talking with the rest of the Bats and Birds.  And if this was from the Manson kid, maybe get Dickie or one of the others to talk to her next time there was a gala in town.  Or talk to her himself, if the Pit wasn’t too loud.
…Dick was probably the better option to talk with her if it came down to it.
There's the first chapter. I'm going to go write the next one. When I have a good log of them, I'll then go and edit them and put them on AO3.
This has no title yet because I suck at naming. Feel free to comment with suggestions for a name, both for the fic/au and for the eventual hotel/co op. As well as any shinanegans and majors/colleges/universities for our liminal young adults.
Part 1/? Next >
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1x21 | The Anvil or the Hammer
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vinelark · 1 year
rereading ch2 of bbts in honor of tim’s birthday <3 here’s to another year of not aging little guy
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happy belated birthday timmy!
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
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givemeureyes · 1 year
my toxic trait is that i can’t get into any piece of media if there aren’t any queer characters. i’ll even take queer-coded characters but if one of the main characters (or prominent side characters) aren’t queer i can’t watch it.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 3 months
Solidifying the timeline for DSB is WILD when i'm looking at the calendar-
Like so far timeline wise (subject to adjustment) is this
Wayne & Drake Gala- April 2nd
Cafe visit- April 3rd
Babs invite- April 5th
Timothy work day- April 6th
Apple pie pt 1- April 9th
The Shelter visit (not posted)- April 13th
What is literally about 2 weeks takes up the 40k worth of shit thats happened so far- the entire plot minus backstory?? Two weeks.
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gotham-response · 11 months
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moththq · 2 months
/points at amc iwtv/ see, that's how you're supposed to do complicated relationship of two morally bad men, gotham!!
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Damian the Dog
Inspired by Grumpy Cat, written by @adrestar
So what if Marinette moved to Gotham Academy, probably because of Lila bullshit or Guardian Duties.
She is mostly alone so she get a dog who she named Damian.
I actually look up on what type of dog she would have because I don't have a lot of knowledge on dogs. I wanted a small cute black dog. I am going with a Pomeranian or a Scottish Terrier.
It's all fine and going dandy. When one day, Damian overhears the new girl talking about him.
Marinette of course has zero interest in celebrities so she has no clue she is in the same class as Damian Wayne. Her classmates asked if she had any pets so she starts talking about her cute little Dami and showing off pictures of him.
"Look at my Dami. Isn't he adorable?" Marinette cooed, "I just love running my hands through those thick black luscious hair."
Damian gets the idea that Marinette is a stalker or a fangirl who is deluded herself into thinking she is dating him but brushes her off as mostly harmless. He can correct her at any time she steps out of the line.
Let the misunderstandings commence!
Fast forward the next few days, where Marinette keeps talking about her dog and no one has clued her in on the fact that there is a human with the same name as her dog going to classes with her.
Human Damian thinks she has very active imagination, going as far as to fake bite marks on her arms after a supposed passionate embrace.
(Damian the Dog is still being trained. Idk abt raising dogs so I hope I am right.)
The weekend arrive and Damian is at the dog park with Titus. Then he heard the insufferable voice calling out for him,
"Damian. Where are you? Come out. Damian. Dami."
He hid himself for a while, hoping she will give up sooner or later. But no, she keeps coming closer to the spot where he was hiding and calling out his name. Then, Titus blew his cover by coming back with the ball he was sent to fetch.
Thinking he had no choice but to reveal himself, he burst out of the bushes, scaring Marinette.
Meanwhile, Marinette was at the dog park to let Damian out of the apartment and get some exercise. She was kept an eye on him as he ran around but after a phone call from Jagged Stone for a new jacket, she had lost sight of her dog.
Then, while she looked for Damian the dog, someone jumped out of the bushes, giving her a scarce.
She realised that he was a boy from her classes and before she could ask if he had seen her dog, he began yelling at her.
"Listen up, harlot. Get out of your delusional fantasies of dating me and leave me alone." He yelled at a very confused Marinette. Human Damian continued to threaten her with lawsuits on the grounds of stalking, defamation and false claims.
Marinette gets fucking pissed at what the rude guy was yelling at her for no reasons but before she could retort, he stomped away with his dog trailing behind him.
"Come on, Titus. We don't have spend more time with this waste of space."
Marinette is so furious that if she was in Paris, she would have been akumatised for sure. She decided to calm down and go look for Damian, not the human. Arriving at home, she found a lawyer waiting for her and they handed her a thick files of all the charges she was being sued for. It was official she had met someone worse than the Chloe Bourgeosis.
So Marinette decides to stress bake about the problem. Ultimately, she made too much and decided to give away some to her next door neighbour, Jason.
Marinette had been living in Gotham for about a month and Jason knows about her habit to stress bake. They first met when Jason accidentally snuck up on her and she judo-flipped him who was 3 times bigger than her. Jason is impressed and Marinette is mortified. They became friends. Jason cooks her meals sometimes and she bake him desserts. It was a fair trade.
Anyway, Jason asks about her problem and Marinette starts a rant about this rich entitled dick she met who was from her class and she had coincidentally met him at the dog park while looking for Damian. Then, he called her a bunch of insults and names, accused her of stalking him and he had sent lawsuits to her address. Which was bad because she had her business as MDC to consider and this will affect her income.
While ranting, Marinette saw Jason's law degree which he had displayed, partially for his cover as a normal civi but mostly to brag to his siblings about being the only one who graduated from college and law school and rub it in Bruce's face. (We all seen the Jason became a lawyer to get Joker a death sentence post right? So Joker is dead here.)
"Can you be my lawyer? Or can you recommend me one? I promise I can pay you."
Jason patted her head, "Pixie, I will do this for free. I don't know which prick decided to mess with you but I will make him pay. Besides, I can't stand guys like that. You are actually doing me a bit of a favor to knock someone like that down a few pegs. Legally."
Marinette insisted to pay him but Jason compromised to get a cake for an entire month instead for taking the job.
When Jason looked through the papers, he noticed it was from the Wayne Family Lawyers so he decided to go to the Manor to get to the bottom of it. Jason arrived in the middle of Damian on a warpath.
He asked Tim who was the closest and furiously typing on his laptop about what is going on with Damian.
Tim answered, "Apparently there's this girl who is stalking Damian. She claimed to be dating him at school and she showed up while he was out with Titus, looking for him. Right now, I am just checking if she is just delusional and harmless or someone dangerous."
Jason connects the dots between Dog Damian and Human Damian and he tried not to burst out laughing right then and there. "That's good to hear. Anyways, I came here because I forgot something. I am going to see Alfred before I go. Have fun with the lawsuits."
Jason spent the rest of the way home, cackling and the funniest way to win the case.
On the day of the court date,
The rest of the Waynes are surprised to see Jason there in a suit. Dick was understandable, Tim was just there to make sure it goes smoothly, Bruce is also reasonable, Damian is the 'victim'.
"Todd, why are you here?"
"You'll see."
Then, they started telling people to enter before they could get more answers. They soon found out that Jason was the lawyer for the other side.
"Todd, you traitor. How dare you work for the opposition!"
Marinette had arrived with a pet carrier with a dog which Damian claimed was to appeal to his animal lover side.
blah blah blah. Legal procession. I don't know how it goes.
Anyways, it is time for Marinette's defense.
"Your honor, I would like to present evidence which proved that my cilent is innocent in all the charges the plaintiff has accused her of."
Jason brought out the pet carrier and took out Dog Damian.
"Your honor, this is my client's dog. She was gifted this dog before she moved here to Gotham. I have the receipts to prove this."
"What is the point of this?"
Jason dramatically held up the adorable fluffy black dog which looked like a doll in his hands, "Your honor, the dog's name is Damian." Jason claimed while staring straight at Human Damian.
Dog Damian woofed at the sound of his name. There was a shocked silence that followed.
Jason proceed to give more evidence that yes, the dog name is actually Damian like giving commands using his name and adoption certificate to get rid of any doubt.
"He claimed to have heard her talking about her dating but what were the actual words you heard her say?"
"That I am adorable and she likes running her fingers through my soft dark hair."
"Your honor, my cilent was actually bragging about how cute her dog is and how she likes petting Damian the dog's obviously black fur. And you also claimed that she stalked you to the dog park and called out your name several time. She was there by coincidence because the park is the closest to her apartment and she was calling his name because she had lost sight of Damian. Dog Damian I mean. It was Human Damian's fault for assuming she was calling out for him."
Jason continued to explained how each claim was Damian's own misunderstanding of the situation and there are statements from his classmates who confirmed that Marinette was talking about her pet dog. They didn't told her about Human Damian because they found it funny that her dog had the same name.
"In addition, my cilent had no idea who Damian Wayne was. Only knowing him as her classmate. "
Tim is right now filming and having the best time of his life as he watched Damian wished that the ground would swallow him whole. Dick is trying so hard not to laugh while Bruce's lips were twitching.
Jason decides to make a counter-law suit for the emotional damage and potential financial damage Human Damian had caused Marinette by suing her for millions when she was just a struggling student, getting by on her own income in a foreign country.
Marinette stopped him, "Jason, this is enough. I am fine with a hand-written apology."
"The amount I am asking for is just a drop of water of an ocean for them. They are that filthy rich. Besides, you can get that motorcycle side-car for Damian you had been eyeing a while ago. You can also use the money to buy dog stuff that you couldn't before because of your budget."
Marinette hesitated and agreed. The case ended with it in Marinette's favor.
Tim approached them as they exited with Marinette hugging Damian (the dog) and Jason grinning in glee over his victory and simultaneously humiliated Damian (the human) in the process. Tim high-fived Jason.
Tim offered a job to Marinette because he had done a background check on her due to the potential threat she posed and found out about MDC. He does it because he liked her talent and it would look great to have Wayne Enterprise on her resume. Also the best dirt on Damian.
Marinette told him that she would think about it and he gave her a card.
Damian wrote the apology letter, very embarrassed by the entire trial. His pride wouldn't recover for a while and he took it out on Jason who knew about it the entire time and didn't tried to stop and clear up the misunderstanding.
The next day at school, Marinette went to Damian's seat and said, "Good morning, Human Damian."
"Why are you calling me like that?"
"I am sorry. I thought you would appreciate the clarification of which Damian I am referring to. I wouldn't want to end up in court again after being branded as a delusional fangirl of yours because I was just talking about my adorable Dami. I meant to say My adorable dog, Dami. Human Damian."
For the next few months, everyone keeps referring to Damian as Human Damian.
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nelkcats · 2 years
Sam tried, she figured introducing her mentor to her best friend would be a good idea, Danny didn't have radical ideas or a green thumb but his heart was in the right place, that had to count for something!
Unfortunately Danny's ice core was not compatible with Dr. Pamela and her plants, as people they get along, they even liked each other, but the poor flowers could not stand subzero temperatures near the boy
So they made some kind of compromise, since Danny was temporarily living in Gotham they figured it was best to avoid every confrontation. Every time they saw each other on the street and Ivy was surrounded by plants, one of them would immediately leave the scene.
That didn't go unnoticed by the bats, but the boy wasn't doing anything wrong, maybe he was part of Ivy's past they didn't know about?
Dick started calling him "The Anti-Ivy" as some kind of joke, Jason followed naming him "Green repellent", and everything continued the same as always (with Tim freaking out because all the images of the boy were corrupted and his trackers were damaged the second it came into contact).
The assumption that they hate each other continued while the guy was on a girls night with Selina, Ivy and Harley.
Maybe one day the bats will notice they're friends, Selina bet they never would as Ivy waved her glass at Danny who sighed, poured a few ice cubes into the drink with Harley calling him "Portable Freezer" in the background. Sam was happy at least.
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