obsessive over pixels
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Minor!!! | Any pronouns | Current big hyperfixations: Dialtown, DSAF ^^ | both my pfp and my bannner are my art :)
Last active 60 minutes ago
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m0thwinged · 12 hours ago
roger jones dialtown!
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⭐️ Roger Jones from Dialtown is a Havanese.
The Havanese is the national dog of Cuba and a bichon type. They can be very anxiety riddled if left alone for too long. They are used as therapy dogs and also in mould and termite detection. They were bred to keep the upper class company in their native Cuba and have developed a reputation for being velcro dogs. 
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m0thwinged · 13 hours ago
roger jones dialtown!
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⭐️ Roger Jones from Dialtown is a Havanese.
The Havanese is the national dog of Cuba and a bichon type. They can be very anxiety riddled if left alone for too long. They are used as therapy dogs and also in mould and termite detection. They were bred to keep the upper class company in their native Cuba and have developed a reputation for being velcro dogs. 
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m0thwinged · 19 hours ago
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m0thwinged · 3 days ago
Eyes without a face.
Dialtown animation wooooo
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m0thwinged · 4 days ago
I got a ouioui but I think she's not like the other girls????
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m0thwinged · 5 days ago
More Suzton bc she's cool
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m0thwinged · 5 days ago
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m0thwinged · 5 days ago
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m0thwinged · 5 days ago
Expect ISATposting at some point later this week.
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m0thwinged · 5 days ago
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based on this post
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m0thwinged · 6 days ago
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"See, Peter? I TOLD you alternative universes are a thing!"
"Roger, I'm freaking out."
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m0thwinged · 6 days ago
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first meeting + telling sister
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m0thwinged · 6 days ago
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day 75 :
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m0thwinged · 7 days ago
im in a jumping to conclusions contest but my opponent is a tumblr user
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m0thwinged · 7 days ago
Cant quite remember if I've already submitted this one and if I have feel free to just delete this but. I Think People Need To Make The Phone Guys More Mechanical
ESPECIALLYYY Generation 1. Iirc, one of the big reasons Generation 2 was even made was because customers didn't like how mechanical Gen 1 was. Like they were getting complaints about it. Enough to prompt The Factory to go "Ok, something needs to change here, because we are actively losing customers solely because our managers are too robotic"
And yet! I so rarely see people make them like that! Like I get that it isn't super fun or that it might be difficult to get used to but I promise you it's fun once you start to get used to it
Just add little traits! You don't even have to make them "ohhh emotionless robot" because they do still have souls and emotions! But just add little things to them that make them just a little bit off. Make them never use contractions, so instead of saying "It's a really nice day out, isn't it?" they might say "It is a really nice day out, is it not?" Or even make it so they don't think to switch it to be grammatically correct, and say "It is a really nice day out, is not it?" as stupid as it sounds to us, because they understand that you *would* use a contraction there, but they don't actually combine the words.
Or make it so they mix up tones! Their voice tilts up like they're asking a question when they very much aren't, they sound happy when their body language and words say that they aren't, maybe their voice is just completely flat, never deviating, or they always talk at a certain speed.
Movements, too! Make them stay completely, perfectly still if they aren't walking somewhere or doing something. If they are doing something, like writing, the only thing that moves is their hand and occasionally their arm. Maybe when they turn, their head turns before the rest of their body does.
Also just like... don't be scared to make them visibly a bit mechanical. Give those freaks prosthetics or have parts of their limbs held together with metal. Everett was stated to have never had his scars fully heal, maybe that was never fully fixed and still has a chance to appear in later generations. Maybe a scar on a phones arm absolutely refuses to heal, so they replace that ring of the arm with metal to make sure it stays in one piece. Build some machinery into them! I see Phone Guy cord tails are getting more common, which I love, so add some other things! Give them fans to keep themselves cool, or a USB port that lets them hook up to computers and stuff.
Overall just. Let those robots be robots. They can be human while they're at it, particularly Gen 2/3, but especially for Gen 1, make them more robotic.
(And yes, I understand a big thing in the games is "The Phone Guys aren't actually animatronics, they're people with feeings and struggles and blah blah blah" but they're still built to be animatronics! They've still got coding! Pretty much everyone thinks they are animatronics, including the Phone Guys themselves! They can act mechanical!)
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m0thwinged · 7 days ago
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barely recognizable as dialtown fanart, on my flesh head + furry stuff. this pencil brush is real fun and i had a good time going more realistic/detailed with the animal heads.
we've got quokka tango, mullein weevil caroline, powder orange isopod roger, desert hare bunny, and northern short-tailed shrew jerry in the first image. then we have yellow-footed rock wallaby oliver, with red deer mr. dickens, and eurasian lynx fabron.
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(peter is a horse so he and caroline both have Big Massive Snoots and by necessity are leaving room for jesus when they kiss.)
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m0thwinged · 8 days ago
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never play the old fnaf fan games of an indie dev you like it might start getting outta hand
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