#brat diet
greentrickster · 1 month
Just learned today that cooked toast has a somewhat different chemical make-up than raw toast, and that's why doctors make a distinction to have cooked toast when you're having stomach troubles instead of whatever state of toast you feel like having.
This is important information that I will carry forward with me in life, and also means that I will stop accidentally bullying my poor recovering tummy by being lazy and instead start cooking my toast like a responsible adult. >_>
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busycece · 1 year
I don't know why this isn't something I was taught about at a young age, but if you have a stomach bug/flu, DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING for the next 2 HOURS after you threw up or had diarrhea. I learned this the hard way today and then at an urgent care I was told by a nurse that while the BRAT diet is nice and slowly progressing to eat things, you gotta just give your gut even more of a break and not eat or drink 2 hours after vomiting. And then only have liquids super slowly for like 4 hours. I cannot stress how small at first and SLOW you need to increase your liquid intake.
I accept that I may be a bit of an idiot but I wanted to share this to other, so no one else suffers as much as I did.
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borkborkheresadork · 13 days
I am curious about something…
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penpoise · 6 months
Santa Clarita Diet: A Culinary Wond,erland Unveiled
Santa Clarita, a city with a rich tapestry of culture and culinary delights, has emerged as a hidden gem for food enthusiasts. From the influence of its Spanish heritage to innovative culinary experiments, the Santa Clarita Diet is a blend of tradition and modernity that tantalizes the taste buds and nourishes the soul. Origins of Santa Clarita Diet The roots of Santa Clarita’s culinary…
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dartumbles · 1 year
12 Hours Later
Two hours in, two hours back. The rest of the time at Urgent Care, they sent us to the ER. Prognosis? Diverticulitis. CT scan proved it. BRAT diet for a few days, antibiotics. Rest. Then lots of fiber. I already eat a salad a day. Intermittent Fasting is going to be hard with the BRAT. Oh, well. Maybe when it’s healed, I can get back to healthy eating. Hope your day was better than mine! Have a…
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familydocblog · 1 year
Gastroenteritis: Take-Home Advice for Young Adults
Gastroenteritis is a common condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, bacterial toxins, parasites, and certain foods. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and pain. In this blog post, we will provide take-home advice for you adult patients experiencing gastroenteritis. Causes and Risk…
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myfitneass · 1 year
The once-recommended BRAT diet is no longer considered a reliable option to treat an upset stomach. Discover better ways to soothe your belly.
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charseraph · 3 months
Hunger pain is no joke. Ahhhh. I am not excited to see how my stomach reacts to having food.
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Ways I get fruits n veggies in me:
- putting oranges and peppers on the counter where it’s easy to snack on while I make other food
- buying frozen strawberries for cheap to make smoothies which are cold on a hot day
- buying 100% fruit juices or 100% fruit popsicles so I have cold juice to drink on a hot day
Ways I do not get fruits n veggies in me:
- buying frozen veggies I don’t really want to eat because I think they’re healthy
- buying fruits I don’t really like because I think they’re healthy
- buying fruits or veggies which require prep time to eat in a way I like
- getting upset at myself for not eating enough fruits n veggies
Notice how the ways I eat the fruits and veggies have a built in incentive to eat them?
- peppers n oranges on the counter are easy to eat and require no prep time. If I want a meal, or I’m just I the kitchen, they’re easy to grab and munch on.
- I get bored and distracted when I cook. Having something to do with my hands, like peeling an orange, keeps me busy while keeping me in the kitchen near my food. And then I peeled the orange so I might as well eat it.
- smoothies and cold juice/popsicles work because the weather is hot and I already want to cool down. The incentive exists naturally because I like how they taste and I’m already looking for something cold.
- smoothies/juice/popsicles also have a consistent texture, which unprocessed fruit and veggies do not have. Texture is a big driver of what I eat or don’t, so having a pleasant/consistent texture makes me more likely to choose something.
If u prep ur own food and are worried ur not eating enough fruits n veggies, it might be time to go through how you usually choose what to eat and what’s blocking the fruit and veggie choices. Usually there is something that makes the alternate choice you make more appealing (including not eating anything, that is a choice that you make too).
Does having to cut/peel an orange take too long, so you pick the easily openable chips? That’s great! You have chips! But if you want fruit too, maybe get something you can just pick up and eat, like an apple or pear.
Does having fresh veggies sound great, but they’re not warm and you’re already freezing, so you pick the warm tater tots you can make in the oven? That’s great! You have tater tots! But if you want veggies too, maybe make some warm vegetable soup, or get a microwave pack of steamed green beans or broccoli.
Do you feel like you want to add more vitamins to your diet, but you don’t like the taste of vegetables or fruit, so you just stare in the cabinet and then don’t pick anything? Get something that has what you need that tastes different. Maybe that’s a supplement (talk to your doctor first, those still can interact with other meds or general health), maybe that’s a protein bar you like, maybe it’s chopping veggies up real tiny and putting them in your pasta sauce. It’s okay if it’s not the most “economical” or “healthy” solution; if it results in you actually eating more of what you’re trying to eat, it’s worth it.
This applies to other foods too; I need more protein in my diet, so I buy protein bars and oven-bakeable orange chicken, even if there are “healthier” more protein dense foods. I don’t like kale or beans, eggs and I are frenemies, and steak (my beloved) takes a lot of time and attention to cook properly. I need to drink more water, so I buy powdered lemonade and sparkling water. Maybe you hate chicken and protein bars and sparkling water and lemonade. You’re not me. What do you like? What do you need? What makes your needs more likeable? Go buy/make/do that.
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morhath · 2 years
hooooooo boy that is. that is nausea. rather a lot of nausea, actually. an impressive amount. even.
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p1tstop · 8 days
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penpoise · 7 months
Unlocking the Power of the Keto Diet: A Deep Dive into a Transformative Lifestyle
1. Introduction The Keto Diet, short for the ketogenic diet, isn’t just a trendy weight-loss method; it has roots dating back to the 1920s when it was initially developed as a therapeutic tool for epilepsy. Today, it has evolved into a widely embraced lifestyle choice. 2. Benefits Weight Loss Mechanism The Keto Diet’s weight loss success isn’t merely about cutting calories; it involves a…
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prof-polaris · 10 months
Now, little starlight Nana Alicia here to say that it is getting close to tea time, you should eat something okay?
otay nana!!
m gonna make toast with peanut butter and appy slices anna lil bit of cheese cause i can't have a lotta food or i get sick :(( but baba says it's important that i get a lotta protein, so i gotta have some!!!
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daughterofsarenrae · 3 months
Hate playing the post-tummy attack game of what can i eat that wont kill me again round 2 electeic boogaloo
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park-bench-poet · 1 year
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iamwonderful777 · 11 months
I am capable and successful
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