#Gastroenteritis prevention tips
familydocblog · 1 year
Gastroenteritis: Take-Home Advice for Young Adults
Gastroenteritis is a common condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, bacterial toxins, parasites, and certain foods. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and pain. In this blog post, we will provide take-home advice for you adult patients experiencing gastroenteritis. Causes and Risk…
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stadiumpharma · 2 months
Shielding Yourself From Norovirus: Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention Tips
Norovirus is the leading cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. Our latest blog post dives deep into what causes Norovirus, its symptoms, and invaluable tips to keep you and your loved ones safe. Click the link below to stay informed! 
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blubein · 5 months
Irritating Summer Heat & Interesting Tips To Beat!
Skin rashes, itching across body parts, feeling tired, lack of energy as it feels like the hot sun sucks your energy and make you feel awkward, leaving you with inability to focus on the routines. Being in kitchen near the hot stove can irritate you with heat all around. You may find it difficult to cope up with even your regular workouts as you want to get more sleep. Sweating can drench your clothing making you feel uncomfortable. You may want to take a shower every hour and change garments for a fresh feel. Many experience this with increasing temperatures every summer. You naturally cope up with more water intake. But still the urine is dark and there is a burning sensation as the urine output decreases. This is because the urine is more concentrated and the body needs more water to cleanse the accumulated waste materials in the kidneys. More water is retained by the body to compensate excessive sweating and so the urine output is less. Body has natural ways to cope up. But we need to adequately take care to maintain the right balance to help our body and mind cope up this summer.
Light food leads to less metabolic heat in body – So keep food light
Drink more liquids, buttermilk, lemonades, tender coconut, berry shakes and less complex solids
Frequent showers with less water usage without a hard soap
Less skin exposure to high heat
Working out early in the morning before sunrise or after sunset
Light colour cotton clothes are better as they don’t hold heat like dark colour synthetic outfits
Some meditation can cool your mind from within
Stay ground floors, listen to light music and use mint leaves in drinking water, bathing water and in your lemonade to get some cool feel from within
Instead of a ceiling fan have a table fan flushing air inside out from home or some fresh air from outside into home
Use sun shade curtains or curtains made of bamboo or other natural fibres that can be moisturized by sprinkling water on them to get a natural cool effect.
Use mats made of grass, vetti ver, bamboo strips or thick cotton blankets on the windows and doors, near which a table fan can be placed to get a cooling effect
Consider treating the terrace of the house with a cooling white paint or an extra coat of a heat resistant material or a shade on top of the terrace to prevent excess heat from directly impacting your home.
Tender coconuts are the best way to replenish the lost minerals with water. Water does not go alone as sweat and urine. They take some minerals also out as they exit. So some small quantities of tender coconut water often can help you stay cool from within. Electrolytes are important for some key functions in the body and they need to be kept in balance for our better health. One major health problem is gastroenteritis in summer apart from skin rashes, blisters and other allergic itches. Food gets degraded fast in summer and contaminated water can lead to gastroenteritis, demanding medical attention. So ensure to cook the right amount of food and use it as fresh as possible, to avoid storing the excess. Ensure that you drink clean water that is heated and then cooled to eliminate the pathogens. Not to consume too much of cold foods that can cause Upper respiratory tract infections in some. Go natural way to take fluid loaded fresh vegetables and fruits like cucumber & melons etc. Some foods to add to your diet to add to your electrolyte bank are spinach Avocados, potatoes, beans, almonds, peanuts, soybeans, strawberries, watermelon, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, milk, buttermilk, yogurt, Chicken, raisins & Olives. Sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate etc are the electrolytes that help body to maintain normal motor and nervous system functions, the imbalance of which can show up as symptoms. Some symptoms of electrolyte imbalance are muscle twitching, spasms, headache, numbness, fatigue, confusion & muscle cramps. People with less food intake, especially in the older age group, those who exercise or involve in workouts for longer hours or vigorously, the sports personnel in practice for longer hours and those who intend to go on a race or a physical activity involving bodily efforts more than normal in shorter period of time can plan to back up their electrolyte reserves with some water an hour or two before the event to avoid muscle cramps and excessive thirst during the event. Water is essential for basic survival of the cells of the body and human beings can stay without food for more than 4-5 days but to sustain without water beyond 3 days is considered very difficult. Individual needs and differences do exist and this is a general thumb rule. All basic functions of transport of vital ingredients to excretion of waste depends on water. Balancing body temperature, Keeping the blood pH in normal range, take toxins out of cells, moisturize mucus membranes, joint health and in breaking down the food etc, water is essential for life. So remain hydrated, means remaining in good health. Alternatively, you may try a easy to carry effervescent electrolyte supplement that can be helpful in maintaining your summer health.
Why This Summer Makes Me Tired? / Why Do I Feel Tired After A Workout?
Longer exposure to sun makes you sweat more than normal. Higher temperatures than normal can disturb the body temperatures leading to tiredness. When you have a exercise routine and in summer, when you workout, you sweat more than normal making your body loose its water and some mineral balance, leading to muscles demanding more nutrition can be another reason. With summer comes more light & heat, not allowing you to have your good night proper deep sleep, leaving you tired when you wake up. With a workout, you put your body to a higher action than normal, that demands more nutrients from you. Probably, you are not well hydrated and are not listening to your bodies nutritional demands. Some tips to keep yourself energized this summer & during a workout!
Don’t over do physical exercise
Be conscious of your bodys water and nutrient needs
Eat a proper balanced diet
Drink enough water &
Try electro+lytes with water after work out to meet your bodys demands.
Sleep well
Avoid heavy meals, instead break into smaller meals
Avoid Alcohol, Colas, caffeinated drinks & smoking.
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healthyliving63 · 8 months
what are the signs of food poisoning from chicken?
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Chicken is one of the most popular meats in the world, and for good reason. It's delicious, versatile, and relatively affordable. But it's important to be careful when handling and cooking chicken, as it can be contaminated with harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
An illness called food poisoning is brought on by consuming contaminated food. Without treatment, most people recover in a few days, and it's usually not harmful.
1.The most typical cause of food poisoning is:
• campylobacter
• salmonella
• Clostridium perfringens
• Escherichia coli (E. coli)
• Listeria
• norovirus
• Aureus Staphylococcus
• Shigella
• Hepatitis A virus
Salmonella : In the US, foodborne illness is most frequently caused by salmonella.
It is found in the intestines of animals and can contaminate chicken, meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Campylobacter :  The most frequent bacterial cause of diarrheal disease in the US is campylobacter. It is found in the intestines of raw chicken and can also contaminate water.
Clostridium perfringens is a bacteria that is found in the soil and can contaminate food that is not cooked properly. It is often associated with outbreaks of food poisoning from large gatherings, such as buffets and potlucks.
E. coli is a species of bacteria that can be found in both human and animal intestines.Some strains of E. coli can cause food poisoning. E. coli can contaminate meat, chicken, vegetables, and water.
Listeria : Food poisoning can be brought on by a type of bacterium called listeria. It can be found in water, soil, and animal waste. Numerous foods can get contaminated with listeria, including: 
• Chicken and raw meat
• Unpasteurized milk and cheese
• Raw fruits and vegetables
• Prepared foods like deli meats and hot dogs
Listeria can survive and grow in cold temperatures, such as those found in refrigerators. This is why it is important to cook chicken properly and to refrigerate chicken quickly.
Symptoms of listeria poisoning can include:
• Fever
• Muscle aches
• Headache
• Stiff neck
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
Listeria poisoning can be serious, especially for pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. If you think you may have listeria poisoning, it is important to see a doctor right away.
To prevent listeria poisoning, it is important to follow safe chicken handling and cooking practices.
Pregnant women should also avoid eating raw or undercooked  chicken, unpasteurized milk and cheese, and processed foods.
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, also known as stomach flu. It is the main factor behind outbreaks of food-borne disease in the US.  Norovirus can be spread through contaminated food, water, surfaces, and contact with an infected person.
Symptoms of norovirus infection typically develop 12-48 hours after exposure and can last for 1-3 days. Symptoms include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Stomach cramps
• Muscle aches
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Low-grade fever
Most people recover from norovirus infection without treatment. However, it is important to stay hydrated and to see a doctor if symptoms are severe or do not improve after a few days.
To prevent norovirus infection, it is important to follow safe chicken handling and cooking practices. Here are some tips:
If you are sick with norovirus, it is important to stay home from work or school to avoid spreading the virus to others. It is also important to wash your hands frequently and to disinfect surfaces that you have touched.
Aureus Staphylococcus. These germs can be discovered in dairy products that have been contaminated ,cooked salads, and meats. The S aureus bacteria can be transferred via coughing, sneezing, and hand contact. This suggests that anyone who prepare or handle food may become infected with the virus.
Shigella. Shigella bacteria can infect raw fruits and vegetables as well as shellfish. People who make or handle food frequently spread bacteria when they don't thoroughly wash their hands after using the bathroom.
Hepatitis A virus. The main way that people contract this virus is through eating raw shellfish or food that has come into contact with an infected person. Being ill for 15 to 50 days after an infection can make it challenging to identify the cause.
The most typical signs of chicken food poisoning include:
• Nausea- feeling sick
• Frequent vomiting
• Diarrhea-which may contain blood or mucus
• stomach cramps and abdominal pain
• Fever of 103 degrees    Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees     Celsius) or higher
• Headache
• Muscle aches
• Fatigue
• Dehydration symptoms, including extreme thirst, dry mouth, little or no urination, extreme fatigue, dizziness, or lightheadedness
• After a few days, symptoms either get worse or don't go away.Read more
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keralanaturals · 10 months
Navigating Healthcare on Rainy Days: Tips and Insights
Rainy days can bring about a unique set of challenges for individuals seeking healthcare. Whether it’s the impact of weather on mental health or potential health risks associated with damp conditions, being prepared and informed is essential.
Preventing Weather-Related Illnesses:
Common Cold: The common cold is caused by various viruses. It is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets. Symptoms may include a runny or stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, and sometimes fever.
Influenza (Flu): The flu is caused by influenza viruses and is characterized by more severe symptoms compared to a common cold. Symptoms may include high fever, body aches, fatigue, cough, and sore throat. It is also highly contagious.
Respiratory Infections: Rainy and damp conditions can contribute to respiratory infections caused by bacteria or viruses. These infections can affect the upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, pharyngitis) or lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia).
Sinusitis: Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses often triggered by viral or bacterial infections. It can cause symptoms such as facial pain or pressure, nasal congestion, and headache.
Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis): This illness is caused by viruses (such as norovirus) or bacteria and can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes fever. It spreads easily in crowded or enclosed environments.
Remedies and practices:
Dealing with the flu can be uncomfortable, but there are several remedies and practices that can help to cure symptoms and support your recovery.
Rest and Sleep: Get plenty of rest to allow your body to recover. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids like water, herbal tea, clear broths, and electrolyte-rich drinks. This helps replace fluids lost due to fever and sweating.
Warm Liquids: Warm liquids like herbal teas, chicken soup, or honey-lemon water can soothe a sore throat, alleviate congestion, and keep you hydrated.
Gargling with Warm Salt Water: This can help ease throat pain and reduce inflammation.
Steam Inhalation: Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water can help relieve congestion and soothe irritated nasal passages.
Honey and Lemon: Mixing honey and lemon in warm water can soothe a sore throat and provide some relief from coughing.
Ginger Tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate nausea. You can make ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger slices in water.
Rainy days can present unique challenges for maintaining good health, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can navigate them effectively.
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paramanaturals · 1 year
Ayurvedic Health Care Tips For Monsoons
Monsoons are the perfect time to enjoy the pleasant weather with a cup of hot masala chai and pakodas (deep-fried fritters), steaming hot momos, or a roasted bhutta (corn on the cob). And yet, this weather brings with it a spate of unwelcome guests in the form of infections like diarrhea, dysentery, cold, fungal and bacterial infections, etc. ruining the mood for you. There's nothing wrong with indulging once in a while to please your palate as long as you keep your regular eating habits and lifestyle in check. In fact, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of good health recommends following the appropriate Ritucharya, which is nothing but changing our diet and lifestyle patterns according to the changes in seasons. So we waded through all the guidelines suggested by Ayurveda and squeezed out the most basic and important healthcare tips for you to breeze through the monsoons without a hitch.
To begin with, let's understand the logic and science behind this concept of Ritucharya. According to Ayurveda, the year is divided into 2 solstices based on the position of the sun to the North or South of the earth's equator.
Uttarayan (Northern solstice): This consists of 6 months called adan (taking away) kala as the strong, ascending sun and winds during this period takes away the cooling qualities of the earth and diminish the energy of its creatures. The 3 seasons of the adan kala are Shishir(late winter), Basant (spring) and Grishma (summer) and they last for 2 months each.
Dakshinayan (Southern solstice): The 6 month-period of this solstice is called the visarga (sending forth) kala. As the sun descends, the moon becomes dominant and cools the earth with lowering of temperature, clouds, rain and cold winds and discharge or send forth energy to the living beings. The three seasons during this visarga kala are varsha (Monsoon), Sharad (autumn) and Hemant (winter)
So, the monsoon season, which comes immediately after the draining summer months, brings back life and energy to the Earth. However, since varsha ritu is the first season of the Visarga kala, it is a transitional season and the bala or strength of all creatures is yet quite low. According to Ayurveda, it is characterized by vata prakopa (aggravation) and pitta sanchaya (accumulation). This imbalance in the doshas affects the digestion process and makes it slow and sluggish. And when your digestion and metabolism is affected, immunity is compromised. This brings about various ailments such as body ache, acidity, pain in the joints. flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite, cold and cough.
The cool and damp environment is an ideal incubator for fungal and bacterial growth, which cause many air-borne and water-borne diseases like diarrhea, gastroenteritis  etc.  
Therefore, it is a crucial time to work on our immunity and change our dietary patterns and lifestyle according to what Ayurveda prescribes (Varsha Ritucharya). This will not only strengthen our immunity but also help us combat monsoon-related diseases effectively.
1. Keep that belly light. Our digestive fire in the rainy season is quite low and it takes more time to digest even the food that you would normally eat without a problem. Over-eating and indulging in rich food is a complete no-no if you want to prevent indigestion, flatulence or bloating.  Completely avoid very spicy, oily, sour and acidic foods like pickles, chutneys etc. as they may cause acidity. As a rule, have a couple of pieces of ginger sprinkled with rock salt just before your meals. This will help improve digestion.
2. Eat Natural, not raw. Avoid foods that are cold, dry or raw like salads, juices, soft drinks etc. as they further slow down the digestive process. Opt for lightly-cooked or steamed foods only. Raw foods are not only difficult to digest but have a high risk of carrying bacteria and other pathogens which can cause stomach infections like vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. Intake of leafy vegetables and non-vegetarian food like meat and fish should preferably be given a miss during the rainy season for the same reason. Avoid processed foods loaded with unknown, harmful fats and preservatives and include old grains like wheat, barley, rice, green gram and lentils in your daily diet
3. Home-cooked meals are the best. Avoid eating out and try to eat freshly-prepared food at home as far as possible. We know street food is absolutely tempting, but even if you are sure of the hygiene standards maintained while cooking it, the food is still susceptible to germs and bacteria due to its being sold in the open for long periods of time.
4. Eat warm. Increase intake of warm foods like soups and sip warm water throughout the day. This will help boost metabolism and keep you hydrated. Warm, sour and salted vegetable, meat and dal soups help increase immunity.
5. When and how you consume food is as important as what you consume according to Ayurveda. You may consume buttermilk instead of curd but only during the daytime. On the other hand, milk should not be taken during the day but one can have a glass of hot turmeric milk at bedtime. Cow milk is lighter to digest and should be preferred over buffalo milk.
7. Cook light using light vegetable oils like olive, sunflower or ghee  instead of heavier ones like mustard and groundnut oils or butter.
8. All that's bitter is gold. Bitter-tasting vegetables like karela (bitter gourd), fenugreek, neem and turmeric offset the effects of aggravated pitta and help in keeping pitta-related issues away. Bitter foods also have antibacterial properties which can help you combat many illnesses in the rainy season.
You can begin your day by boiling some neem leaves and half a teaspoon of fenugreek (methi) seeds in a glass of water. Add a bit of grated fresh turmeric to it. Reduce water to half its quantity and add a squeeze of lemon and a dash of honey. And voila! your immunity-boosting tea is ready to consume.  
1. Stay Dry and Safe: Avoid getting wet in the rain. But if you are unable to resist the temptation to dance in the rain or get caught in a shower involuntarily, change into dry clothes as soon as possible. A damp body is an open invitation for bacterial and fungal infections. As a general practice, add a few drops of Parama Naturals' Turmeric Essential Oil in a mug of water as a final rinse post shower or bath. It acts as a natural disinfectant and an antiseptic which will protect your body. You can also use a natural anti-bacterial soap like Parama Naturals' Neem-Turmeric soap for extra protection.
2. Heal naturally: During the rainy season, one is prone to slipping, injury or fungal infections due to increased humidity. Apply a few undiluted drops of Parama Naturals' Turmeric Essential Oil  immediately on scratches or minor injuries. KEEP IT HANDY!
3. Watch your step: Feet coming in contact with contaminated water on water-logged streets during the rainy season are highly prone to serious bacterial infections like leptospirosis. Protect them by washing them immediately once you reach home by washing them well using an antibacterial soap like Parama Naturals' Neem-Turmeric soap. Drying thoroughly and apply an anti-fungal cream like the Parama Naturals' Solid Deo Butter in the webbing between the toes. Apart from preventing fungal infections, this helps to keep the feet feeling fresh and soothes sensitive skin.
4. Beat the rainy day blues with a massage or self-massage: Oleation is a very important part of the Panchakarma treatment prescribed by Ayurveda, especially during the monsoon season. Massaging your body with warm herb-infused oils carries the medicinal ingredients to each and every cell of the body, nourishing them and flushing out the toxins locked within effectively. It makes your skin supple and strengthens and invigorates muscles, bones and joints and relieves vata.
Even if you do not have the time for a full-fledged Panchakarma treatment, a daily self-massage with natural oils can be extremely beneficial for you. Use the Parama Naturals' Turmeric Moisturizing Hand & Body Oil infused with antioxidant, antibacterial, antiseptic Turmeric to keep your body nourished, healthy and safe during the season. Or the Parama Naturals' Turmeric-Lavender Hand & Body oil with uplifting lavender too. Or if the rainy season is leaving you with the moody blues and you feel very lethargic, use the ginger-infused Parama Naturals' Zingiber Body Oil which will re-energize you for the whole day, and bring back a zing in your step.
A light massage over the abdominal area, especially with Ginger-powered Parama Naturals' Zingiber Body Oil, also powers up sluggish metabolism that is quite common in the rainy season.
Apply the non-staining, non-sticky, no-mess oils every day after bath to protect yourself from infections caused in this season. A weekly massage with these lightly and naturally fragranced oils can also work as an aromatherapy session for you to relax you after a tiring week and re-energize you to take the ensuing days.
1. Lubricate those joints: The rainy season can be a nightmare for those with joint or muscular pains. Almost everyone wakes up feeling stiff or low on energy, especially the elderly or athletes, as the pain gets aggravated in the cold and damp weather. A foot massage and application on specific problem areas before sleeping with Parama Naturals' Zingiber Body Oil loosens up the joints, makes the muscles more pliable and you wake up the next morning feeling fresh. This anti-inflammatory oil with ginger and turmeric re-energizes the body and provides relief from stress, stiffness and pain. If the condition is intense, apply on the affected areas or even the whole body post the shower / bath in the morning.
2. Feed the cold some ginger: Cold and cough is another common ailment that people are prone to in the rainy season. Coughing is actually your body's natural way of expelling out unwanted, infection-causing particles in our respiratory system. So, it is actually better to make it easier for the mucus to flow and clear out the respiratory system in its natural process. The discomfort can be mitigated using Ayurvedic remedies that provide relief and fasten the healing process. Building your immunity by having wholesome, nutritious and warm foods is the first step towards fighting symptoms of cold and cough.
To clear cough and congestion, sip on a herbal tea made by boiling Ginger, Tulsi, Turmeric, and black pepper powder in a cup of water and sip on it throughout the day. For incessant cough, mix a couple of tablespoons of ginger juice with some honey and swallow this frequently to soothe your throat.
At the onset of congestion, apply a few drops of Parama Naturals' Zingiber Body Oil  inside your nostrils using your little finger or a Q-tip for relief.
Ginger paste and even ginger powder, along with Sesame oil and medicated ghee, are recommended in Ayurveda as Nasya Therapy for nasal or sinus congestion. Ginger has anti bacterial and antiviral properties and is useful in decongesting and drying out mucous or phlegm build-up in your sinuses, nasal passage and chest, thus providing relief and preventing infection.
You can also add a few drops of Parama Naturals' Turmeric Essential Oil   to a pot of boiling water and inhale it to ease congestion in blocked sinuses and relieve headache.
3. Don't let the Mosquitoes bite: These small bugs are not just a harmless nuisance but known to be vectors of many serious diseases like Dengue, malaria, Chikungunya, zika virus etc. And the monsoons are the time for them to breed and multiply as they lay eggs in stagnant water--the pools and puddles created by the rains. So, it would be wise to keep your surroundings clean and not let water collect in or around your house, especially in pots or containers lying out in the open. Cover as much skin as you possible can with long-sleeved shirts and trousers for minimal exposure to mosquito bites.
Turmeric and lavender essential oils have insect-repelling properties. This is an added advantage in this season where bugs and mosquitoes are rampant. Using Parama Naturals' Turmeric Essential Oil in the bath water or applying the Parama Naturals' Lavender-Turmeric Moisturizing Hand & Body Oil give a protective coat to the body, acting as mild insect repellents. Even if bitten, turmeric and lavender will soothe the skin surface and prevent excessive itching. For extra protection from mosquito bites, add a few drops of citronella essential oil to the moisturizing oil as a natural insect repellant.
To summarize, you don't need to take the joy of enjoying the rainy season by worrying about the ailments it brings. With just a few tweaks to your dietary and lifestyle habits according to the varsha ritucharya as prescribed by Ayurveda, you can stay safe and healthy and enjoy the rains to the fullest. Step out to walk or even dance in the rain!
Source - https://paramanaturals.com/blogs/news/ayurvedic-health-care-tips-for-monsoons
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taha768 · 1 year
Title: The Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household
Introduction: In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to have basic medical knowledge and resources readily available at home. Whether it's a minor ailment, a sudden illness, or a medical emergency, being prepared with practical medicine can make a significant difference in the well-being of your household. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of "The Home Doctor" and provide practical tips and information to help you become your family's first line of medical support.
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Building a Home First Aid Kit: Every household should have a well-stocked first aid kit. Here are some essential items to include:
Band-aids, sterile gauze, and adhesive tape for wound care.
Antiseptic solution or wipes to clean wounds.
Tweezers and scissors for removing splinters or cutting bandages.
Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, for fever, headaches, or mild pain.
Antihistamines for allergies or insect bites.
Thermometer to monitor body temperature.
Cold and hot packs for pain relief and reducing swelling.
Disposable gloves, face masks, and hand sanitizer for hygiene purposes.
Basic Medical Skills: Understanding and possessing basic medical skills can be invaluable. Consider learning the following:
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): Knowing how to perform CPR can save a life during cardiac emergencies.
Wound care: Learn how to clean and dress wounds properly to prevent infection.
Splinting: In case of fractures or sprains, knowing how to immobilize the injured area can minimize further damage.
Recognizing symptoms: Educate yourself on common symptoms and warning signs of serious conditions like heart attack, stroke, or allergic reactions.
Managing Common Ailments: Certain minor ailments can be managed at home with the right knowledge and resources. Here are a few examples:
Colds and coughs: Provide adequate rest, maintain hydration, and consider over-the-counter remedies for symptomatic relief.
Fever: Monitor body temperature and use appropriate fever-reducing medications as needed. Seek medical attention if the fever persists or worsens.
Upset stomach: Keep antacids or oral rehydration solutions handy for managing indigestion or mild cases of gastroenteritis.
Minor injuries: Clean wounds thoroughly, apply appropriate dressings, and monitor for signs of infection.
Knowing When to Seek Professional Help: While it's empowering to have basic medical skills, it's crucial to recognize the limitations and know when professional medical attention is necessary. Some situations that warrant immediate medical assistance include:
Severe injuries or bleeding that cannot be controlled at home.
Chest pain, difficulty breathing, or signs of a heart attack or stroke.
Allergic reactions with symptoms like difficulty breathing, swelling, or severe itching.
Persistent high fever or symptoms that worsen despite home care.
Any situation where you feel uncertain or overwhelmed.
Conclusion: Becoming "The Home Doctor" for your household involves being prepared, acquiring basic medical skills, and knowing when to seek professional help. By building a well-stocked first aid kit, learning essential medical skills, and understanding how to manage common ailments, you can provide immediate support in times of need. Remember, while these skills are valuable, they do not replace professional medical care. It's important to consult healthcare professionals for proper diagnosis and treatment of serious conditions.
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worldwidewi · 2 years
Tips to avoid medical issues for world travelers
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Does not matter what is your identification or which country you’re visiting, it’s significant to think about your health to avoid medical issues for world travelers. This blog will help you get tips that you can evade a medical emergency and prevent something disastrous from happening.
Before you leave search for the health facilities and services that are available at the destination you plan to visit. Such as the services, the local customs, the facilities, weather, and the geography may all be quite different from those you are used to. All the details will help you in your emergency.
Check for the supplies
Before leaving for your trip must check whether the country or areas have the supplies of feminine hygiene products, nappies, and contraceptives, including condoms, which may be unreliable or unavailable, so must plan to take these with you.
What to eat and drink
If you choose any destination(s) or location where food and water quality is poor? Taking contaminated food and water may bring you severe infections like gastroenteritis, hepatitis A, cholera, and typhoid. To avoid any medical issues for world travelers be sure you practice good hygiene and wash your hands regularly. Don’t go for any local tap water only choose bottled water to drink and brush your teeth, don't put ice in drinks, only eat fruit you can peel, and avoid uncooked food, including salads.
Insects and animals
Mosquitos are the primary transmission the diseases like malaria, dengue fever, zika virus, and yellow fever. Ticks can similarly transmit diseases such as Lyme disease. In some other countries, these are prevalent factors. To avoid medical issues for world travelers do not go near or touch animals as they may convey diseases such as rabies.
Must consult with your doctor about the best ways you can protect yourself from these diseases and if you need to take any medicines or need vaccinations.
Take a first aid kit with you
The best idea must take a first aid kit with you. In this kit must add medicines like headache tablets, antiseptic lotion, cotton wool, band-aids, SPF 30+ sunscreen, and an appropriate insect hideous.
Your doctor may suggest you take some antibiotics supplies that may be used short-term in cases of gastroenteritis at times you cannot admittance medical care.
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stadiumpharma · 2 months
Shielding Yourself From Norovirus: Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention Tips
Norovirus is the leading cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. Our latest blog post dives deep into what causes Norovirus, its symptoms, and invaluable tips to keep you and your loved ones safe. Click the link below to stay informed! 
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phdeditorial · 3 years
Personal Hygiene Tips Table of contents Personal hygiene tips can you keep your immune system from being overwhelmed by the on-slot of germs. Skin is an important part of the immune system for it acts as a barrier between germs and your body. Skin is tough and generally impermeable to bacteria and viruses. On the other hand, germs can enter our bodies through other areas that are susceptible to bacteria such as our nose, mouth, eyes, or a break in the skin. Common sense and following good personal hygiene tips will limit the possibility of these germs finding a way into your body. Here are some common sense personal hygiene tips:Wash Your HandsThe single most important way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases is to wash your hands. Most infections, particularly the common cold and gastroenteritis, are contracted when our germ infested hands come in contact with our mouths. In addition, infections are
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spiderfacilities · 3 years
Quick Tips to Get Your Tank Cleaning Done From Experts Easily
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Our water tanks need to be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. This seems necessary, but most of us overlook even the water tank inspection. To guarantee that our homes have access to clean, healthy water, we must clean these tanks on a regular basis.
If you are having trouble in cleaning then, here is a helpful idea to help you with oil tank cleaning services. Simply choose a reputable water tank cleaning business and leave the tank cleaning to the specialists. It’s a good way to save time and work while ensuring a constant supply of fresh water within your home. In this post, we’ll go over some crucial factors to think about when selecting a water tank cleaning firm.
However, having your water tank cleaned on a day when your family members are away or your children are at school might be a good idea. When the water tank cleaning service arrives, turn off the water motor and shut off the water supply valve to prevent water from being sucked into your pipes. It’s also a good idea to turn off the water pump for a couple of hours after the water tank cleaning service technicians leave to give everything a chance to settle.
Check testimonials
When selecting chemical tank cleaning services, make sure to look into the specifics of their previous work. Checking testimonials is the greatest way to determine whether or not a company is worth your time. Also, don’t forget to read the firm’s internet evaluations and ratings provided by its clients. This will undoubtedly assist you in selecting a company that is worthy of your time, money, and employment.
It will be simple for you to check a water tank cleaning company’s reputation. However, when it comes to experience, you should look for a company that has been working in this industry for a long time. It is not necessary for a competent firm to have prior experience. However, you can readily estimate its levels of services in this subject by knowing their experience in the market.
Is the company certified?
The state government and the relevant health agencies certify the water tank cleaning services to serve the population. If you want to acquire good services, working with an unlicensed company is never a good idea. Check to see if your company is certified to provide these services. Check to see if they’re using the most up-to-date tools and cleaning equipment that’s been certified for these jobs.
Inquire about the personnel.
Don’t forget to double-check that the team is qualified and experienced in handling the assignments you’re about to entrust them with. If you’re looking for a business to handle corporate cleaning, be sure they have a team of pros on hand to manage these large-scale cleaning projects. In addition, you should determine whether the workforce is capable of correctly handling your responsibilities without causing any damage to them.
The pricing schemes
Make careful to review the pricing plans when looking for the best water tank cleaning company for you. Finding a good company within your budget is critical.
Frameworks for water filtering are not 100 percent effective.
While statistics show that many of us have water filtration systems installed in our homes and workplaces, they may not be 100 percent effective if the water coming from the tanks isn’t clean.
They may be effective against specific types of particles and degradements, but they may not be effective in preventing contamination and, as a result, specific types of water-related illnesses. Regardless of whether the water tank is underground, above, RCC or plastic, or any other type, it is critical to hire experienced water tank cleaning services.
Clears the germs
If you don’t clean your water tank on a regular basis, it can lead to the deposition of contaminants in the water, which can include a variety of deadly microorganisms. As a result, water could be contaminated with a variety of diseases, including loose bowels, cholera, gastroenteritis, and a few others. Unclean tanks can also become contaminated over time and become hazardous to use, even for cleaning.
Wrap up
While the facts show that water recharges us, excretes pollutants from the body, and helps us in a variety of ways, it also causes a variety of illnesses when consumed in its impure or sullied form. That is why it is critical that the water we drink or use to cook with is fully pure and unadulterated. To do so, we must clean the water tanks that have been installed in our houses and workplaces on a regular basis.
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Advantages of Youthful Brain
Tips to fight gastroenteritis
The symptoms of gastroenteritis manifest as abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. If you know how to react to these symptoms, you can restore your health much sooner and even prevent the appearance of gastroenteritis symptoms in the future.
Symptoms of gastroenteritis
Very often the pathology of gastroenteritis consists of inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) and that of the intestine (enteritis) . The most common is that it is caused by a virus, which can be of various types. The gastroenteritis of viral origin also called intestinal flu.
Viral gastroenteritis is the second most common disease in the United States, say specialists from “medlineplus, a service of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Viruses and bacteria that cause gastroenteritis
Gastroenteritis can be caused by a number of viruses, including rotavirus, adenovirus, calicivirus, astrovirus, Norwalk virus, and a group of noroviruses.
Also bacteria can cause gastroenteritis, but to a lesser extent. Bacteria are related to certain food poisonings due to different causes, such as the preparation of foods with poor hygiene or poor conservation and consumption outside their expiration date, among other causes.
What steps to take to avoid gastroenteritis
Since gastroenteritis is generally due to an infection caused by bacteria or viruses, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, and caused by improper food preparation or lack of hygiene, the following measures must be taken into account to combat gastroenteritis:
How to fight gastroenteritis
1.    Check the expiration date of the food.
2.    Avoid the presence of animals where food is to be prepared, generally the kitchen is an area that must be kept as hygienic as possible.
3.    Refrain from refrigerated food, if it is taken out of the freezer and is not used during the day.
4.    Eliminate insects and pests from our kitchen to keep it hygienic.
5.    Avoid eating food that has remained at room temperature for more than a day, before being cooked.
6.    If there are several people affected by gastroenteritis in the house, the disinfected bathroom should be kept.
7.    Cook food properly.
8.    Do not drink water from rivers or stagnant sources.
9.    Do not drink caffeinated beverages because they promote intestinal secretion, increasing diarrhea.
10. If you suffer from gastritis, avoid dairy and foods with lactose.
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clubrule71 · 3 years
Very best 10 Wellness Methods For 2021
To remain great condition, your first dominate that you follow is almost always to hardly ever disregard your health and our followers have perceived this efficiently. This season, you had been really looking into quick, healthy and beneficial ideas to handle your own self over the long term. To lead a more healthy living , possibly you have generated some changes in lifestyle this beyond yr. In case you forgotten a lot of our completely natural and organic advice, in this article are the ones which are watched the best. Health recommendations to stay in sound condition at any age
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Be in great shape at any age. Tend not to go to the local drugstore, see natural treatments! Whatever the time of the year, your body is defined within the check by freezing,high heat and hassle, sleep deficiency ... That is why it is essential to handle your and you wellness day after day , and then in selected when your body makes us sense it. To ease the tiny illnesses and inconveniences of everyday activity, it is not necessarily usually essential to resort to the drug treatments associated with your therapy cupboard therefore we can pick powerful and healthy options. # 1 : The summer high heat in 2017 prompted that you use our quick solutions to lose temperature rash . # 2: Ever since the season is the following, because of consoGlobe.com, you no doubt know that widespread cold temperatures is alleviated with home remedies at the same time . Go through also: Cure your child's gastroenteritis of course This current year, plants and flowers have certain you on their various features Herbs created a huge recovery in 2017, being the simply following 5 articles or blog posts from my Major 10 prove. # 3 : The trend is towards algae and you simply are not missing out on the many benefits of spirulina . Discover all-natural spirulina to the consoGlobe.com shop spirulina retail store # 4 : Get rid of disbelief can be found across the techniques of our own forefathers, the outdoors is the greatest benefactor of the health. For leading medical, you'll fall for chamomile : the 3 in 1 "Embellishment, Natural beauty, Food stuff" ... # 5 : Same thing for rosemary : crown herbal that done you succumb ... # 6 : In health tips hindi mein to alleviate inflammatory reaction too, you've adopted herbs. And on the side of needed fats Natural grow ingredients, fundamental oils tend to be immensely great at taking good care of yourself on a regular basis . # 7 : They're individuals who on very popular summer hours have made it easier for you terrify absent mosquitoes and prevent sunburns for private nights. Considering that medical relies on the actually-staying of body and mind This season, consoGlobe.com registered with forces aided by the Cassiopée Institution to produce a carry out data file within the effectively-currently being professions . As an example ,, you could actually discover which one appropriate you best and a lot of of yourself admitted to taking into consideration an established retraining. Examine also: The Ten most effective occupations in effectively-being # 8 : Microkinesitherapy appears to have confident yourself to enable our bodies zero cost again from traumas, previous or show, that keeping it from running actually. Somewhat stroke of feminism? Wrong ideas and false beneficial recommendations flood the online world and the fact is that go with day-to-day behaviors. The good news is, we've been at this website to see you the whole simple truth. # 9 : Here's why making use of a bra should be about idea! overall health guidelines, reasons to not ever dress in a bra Not having on a bra wouldn't be so damaging! © Anetlanda This current year, one has been notably naughty . Definitely, content accurately relating to sexuality have primarily appealed to you personally on social media sites and your own reviews have from time to time produced us giggle considerably. Moreover, you may shared this keep going TOP posting, likely to tell your spouse of some great benefits of the take action! # 10 : Having sex is perfect for the top and perfect for the entire body. Figure out through the Planetoscope how many erotic relationships on the earth instantly Regardless if you are a standard website reader or a regular reader, we were thrilled to share with you our organic health and fitness points to you the previous year. Never wait to post to us, to exit us feed-back below the posts also to implement us on social media sites to obtain a yr 2018 stuffed with new natural tricks to reside and stay in good physical condition !
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edwardhaynes · 6 years
A Easy Tip About Escherichia Coli Uncovered
The Fundamentals of Escherichia Coli Revealed
It is advised that they treat themselves and only visit a medical follow-up in the event the treatment fails or if there are complications. Antibiotic therapy must be continued for 3-6 weeks. Consequently, treatment is mostly supportive to restrict the length of symptoms and protect against systemic complications. www.ndrugs.com
Also are aware of what the side effects are. The doctor examines the patient and after evaluating the seriousness of the infection decides the antibiotic dosage and the length of treatment needed to heal the individual. If unsure, and for additional instructions, an individual can consult a health doctor immediately.
Based on the harshness of the symptoms, some infected individuals will find treatment although others will probably endure and recover from the disease without complications. Anyone of any age may get infected with STEC, but the exact young and the elderly are more inclined to create significant complications. It's significant because it can be severe and at times fatal, especially in infants, young children and the elderly.
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Keeping up a suitable diet is just one of the very best preventive measures to steer clear of canine gastroenteritis. In the following article, let's get to find out more about these bacteria from its transmission and pathogenicity together with the indications and symptoms and treatment for those infections it causes. While the quantity of organisms needed to cause disease isn't known, it's suspected to be quite small.
Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis should always be thought of as a medical emergency. Dehydration can cause toxicity to occur. Urinary tract infection is among the infections which are common both in women and men.
E. Coli symptoms are like some other foodborne illnesses, which means you should realize your doctor so that tests can be conducted to confirm whether actually you were infected with E. Coli, or Escherichia coli. ExPEC strains are extremely important within public wellbeing. There are lots of strains of E. coli, a few of which are harmless.
There are many urinary tract infection home remedies you may use that will lessen your symptoms and cure your infection. The signals of sinus infection can be subtle, but they could also allow you to feel just like you have been run over by a truck. In the event the infection ascends into the kidney, it gets considerably more serious and is called pyelonephritis. https://micro.cornell.edu/research/epulopiscium/bacterial-endospores
It might make urination physically difficult, or in different cases it is only a painful sensation that doesn't physically block the action of urination. Flushing your bladder continually is quite important. Neurologic symptoms might also be experienced, and pancreatitis, diabetes, and higher blood pressure.
Indicators of infection by Escherichia coli may incorporate A considerable number of infected individuals don't have any visible symptoms. E. coli bacteria are frequently the cause of infections that cause painful urination. They are a common cause of urine infections, for example, cystitis.
The immune system may also get weakened as a result of diabetes, which is the reason why diabetics could be vulnerable to cystitis. Hence, it's wise to consult a doctor immediately. It aids in finding out if the individual is dealing with a urinary tract infection or not.
Supplementing is also popular for a fast means to boost your immunity. Another option for people with pancreatic cancer is to participate in research studies (pancreatic cancer clinical trials) to test out new treatment before used on others. Generally, this infection tends to recur once, or twice annually in bulk of the women.
For identification of the issue, it's important to keep an eye out for different symptoms that accompany foul-smelling urine. In summary, it's merely a design issue. Immunochromatographic test employs nitrocellulose support that is sensitive to humidity.
The creation of a cyst is among the stages in the life cycle. Without proper therapy, sepsis can bring about result in exhaustion of the human body's defenses and it can crash. Rhinogenic abscesses are primarily frontal in location.
Most people today show improvement within five to seven days after the start of an infection, and make a complete recovery. In spite of the fact that it is possible to recuperate from the condition, some people today receive permanent kidney damage from it and others might die. In the example of diarrhoea, the individual affected has bowel movements over three times each day.
Definitions of Escherichia Coli
Human outbreaks are frequently associated with eating improperly cooked or prepared animal goods, particularly ground beef but in addition unpasteurized milk and processed meats (such as acidic meats like salami). The most often occurring all-natural treatment for treating UTIs is the usage of cranberry juice or cranberry pills. Doctors will typically advise patients to rest a good deal and drink enough water to avoid dehydration.
What Escherichia Coli Is - and What it Is Not
It starts from the proliferation of a specific sort of bacteria like E.coli. E. coli is commonly utilized as an indicator in the subject of water purification. Unlike a number of other disease-causing bacteria, E. coli can lead to an infection even when you ingest only little amounts.
If you get infected with E. coli 0157, the most significant treatment is to be certain you drink enough fluid. The appendix is a little, blind-ended tube that extends from a pouch known as the cecum at the beginning of our large intestine. It is very important to drink a lot of fluids, as diarrhoea can cause dehydration.
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myhealthmeter · 4 years
Monsoon safety tips
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The arrival of monsoon brings joy to people and farmers in India. Mumbai monsoon is pictured romantically in Bollywood movies. It also brings much-needed relief from the summer heat. However, a few negative sides of monsoon should be kept in mind and taken care of.
With the wetness induced by the monsoon, there is an increased risk of disease of the rainy season.
Common diseases during the rainy season are the following:
Waterborne diseases such as gastroenteritis, typhoid, diarrhoea, hepatitis A and cholera.
Vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya.
Conditions because of exposure to rain such as viral fever, respiratory tract infections, leptospirosis, allergic cold, skin allergies and asthma aggravation.
Here are some monsoon safety tips:
Drink boiled water; if you can't, add chlorine drops or tablets in drinking water.
Wash the food and cook it properly.
Avoid street food during the rainy season.
Keep your surroundings clean.
Avoid crowded places to prevent fever and communicable illnesses. Cover your mouth while sneezing and coughing. Avoid close contact with people and objects.
Avoid the collection of water in your surroundings to stop the breeding of vectors such as mosquitos.
Cover water containers such as tanks and change water frequently from vessels like vases or flower pots.
If you can afford or in a high-risk group, consider vaccination against typhoid, cholera and Influenza.
Avoid being in the water for a long time. Wash and dry yourself thoroughly if you get into water and mud.
Prevention is always better than cure. However, if you have any symptoms or suspicion of ill health, visit or consult a doctor. Monsoon is enjoyable only in the presence of the best health.
Thus, stay safe and stay healthy.
Disclaimer: Don't follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor.
These precaution tips are brought to you by myHealthmeter. Integrated Wellness Program by myHealthmeter is a unique approach towards holistic health and wellness as per the need of modern-day corporate workforce. To know more visit www.myhealthmeter.com
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stadiumpharma · 3 months
Shielding Yourself From Norovirus: Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention Tips
Norovirus is the leading cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. Our latest blog post dives deep into what causes Norovirus, its symptoms, and invaluable tips to keep you and your loved ones safe. Click the link below to stay informed! 
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