#Stomach bug remedies
familydocblog · 1 year
Gastroenteritis: Take-Home Advice for Young Adults
Gastroenteritis is a common condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, bacterial toxins, parasites, and certain foods. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and pain. In this blog post, we will provide take-home advice for you adult patients experiencing gastroenteritis. Causes and Risk…
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mattjacksonybs · 1 year
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al1fers-haven · 7 months
Almost Instinctual
Alastor x pregnant!reader
‼️pregnant reader, pregnancy in general, overprotective Alastor, a bit of angst, secret pregnancy‼️
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Prompt: In where you, y/n, go to the Hazbin hotel for shelter after splitting up with your previous boyfriend. And try and keep your pregnancy a secret until you find a better solution.
Part 1 (you’re here!), part 2
(I am lazy and am writing this like it’s a bunch of facts and writing specific scenes…I might rewrite when I get my laptop.)
(8 weeks/2 months)
You and your boyfriend had split up about a week ago, afraid you’ll run out of money eventually you decided that instead of staying at a creepy motel with no locks, you’d move to a free-helpful option.
Of course you felt a little bad for abusing the owners kindness, using the Hazbin hotel not for redemption, but instead for shelter and food.
Charlie had welcomed you in with open arms (literally, she squeezed you pretty hard.) and even introduced you to everyone except for two who were out running around hell.
Alastor was explained to you as a creepy, tall deer man who may sound rude but has good intentions.
And Charlie explained angeldust as a ‘work in progress’ and told her a couple stories instead of describing him.
Charlie offered you the job of receptionist, claiming that husker wasn’t exactly good with the socializing aspect of it and you happily accepted. Eyes beaming at the opportunity for a job right infront of you.
(12 weeks/3 months)
You were happily greeted with nausea every morning. The morning sickness now starting to affect you more than ever, you haven’t exactly told anyone about your pregnancy and were hoping to be out of the hotel by the time you started showing.
Now working at the hotel for a bit, you noticed that probably wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
“Are you alright y/n?” Charlie peaked her head into the bathroom; a small frown on her face as you heaved a bit, nodding.
“Yup- I’m just dandy..! Mind getting me a wet towel or something love? I think I ate something bad yesterday…” Charlie let out a little gasp and nodded, running off to god knows where just to get that little thing for you.
You had actually started to get to know the patrons of the hotel more, for example. You learned angeldust was actually the pornstar you had heard about all over social media. And he adored three things.
Making people uncomfortable.
And candy crush.
Husk had given you a couple of sickness remedies, saying that they would help with stomach bugs. All natural just incase you were allergic and you slowly started to warm up to him.
Charlie and vaggie had grown to be very special to you now. Their opposite personalities absolutely making you giggle everytime you hung out with them or went out for groceries.
Now, Alastor was an odd fellow. He was a bit younger than you since you were hellbotn and all but he seemed to act older than you. Calling you things like ‘dear’, ‘Cher’, or Mon biche.
Mon biche was the most common one, and after looking it up. You realized he was calling you my doe, or just doe 90% of the time.
He definetly knew. Not letting you eat any form of ‘raw meat’ that would go on your plate and even specially making drinks for you so you felt like you could participate in drinking games without suspicion.
Overall, he was a total kitten. A bit emotionally stunted in areas of course..but he never failed to brighten the room.
(Unless he was threatening someone.)
(17 weeks/3.2 months)
You started showing, not visibly with clothing on but you were still showing when you sat down.
Your closet changed a bit, from nice outfits to usually a dress you had gotten or some high waisted sweats, trying to be as comfortable as possible in your state.
Alastor had been…odd.
He had started to let you grab his arm when going up or down the stairs, which usually during conversations he’d just stand at the bottom waiting. And he now seemed like he was constantly watching you.
Husker had done the same. The two animal demons in the hotel knowing because of a certain change in smell, it wasn’t like you didn’t know it was going to happen.
Husker had promoted for just leaving you alone and stopping the mean comments, understanding that pregnant women were a force to be reckoned with. (And you appreciated that. You had been crying earlier that day for the cookie you bought not tasting like blueberry’s.)
You cried a couple times because of angel, which Alastor just stared at you as you sniffled and attempted to keep the conversation going.
You also cried about 2 days ago because Charlie bought you a pretty necklace. It was hell.
Alastor tried to be accommodating in the field of emotional intelligence but…he failed. Making you cry more times than he could count and to be honest he only cared that he did because you were quite literally an angel to everyone.
Husker asked you in private one day if Mr smiles was the daddy to that little hellspawn and all you could do was laugh and blush a bit. Telling husker that he wasn’t and that he was just acting that way because she was a single mother.
Husker didn’t understand that, Alastor never had a soft spot for women her age.
(20 weeks/4 months)
First time you let anyone touch your stomach was during this time period, Alastor did so with adoration almost. Mentioning something about how he always had a soft spot for women with children..
You two had grown a bit closer.
Husker definitely still had his suspicions about you and the baby. He really thinks is alastors with the way he had been acting.
The red demon had gone out of his way several times to get you your weird ass cravings. One day you asked for a bite of his venison and then cried because you weren’t allowed to have it
You found him coming near you more often and asking multiple times to touch your baby bump as it grew, and everytime you let him that little tail of his would wag a bit behind him. Seemingly happy with the little life growing inside you.
He got more protective as well. Way more protective. He was your puppy that followed you around basically.
(He totally got you a bunch of ice cream, or helped you out with foods and sickness with his old man knowledge.)
(25 weeks/5 months)
If you wanna talk about awkward? Everyone in the hotel basically thought you and Alastor were a thing with how weird you two were together.
You would always be caught either straightening his bow tie or dusting off his shoulders. The term doting describing the two of you around one another.
May or may have not let it slip to Charlie that ‘it’s not like that, Alastor has said multiple times he doesn’t want to prey on pregnant women.
She asked to be the godmother.
Alastor hated the thought of that actually when you brought up that Charlie might be a good fit when he was giving you a snack. A nerve you didn’t know he had.
Soon everyone knew you were pregnant and angel was absolutely infatuated with this information. Asking who’s it is and stuff like that.
(7 months)
Alastor and you were practically a thing- he would help you out a lot and in return you’d kiss his cheek or help him out with cooking.
He practically worships the ground you walk on. Foot rubs for when they hurt, running a bath for you. Even going out of his way to compliment your outfits (even if you looked downright awful that day)
He even accompanied you to return the ring your ex gave you. Along with a couple other belongings you had from him.
Alastor may or may have not been seen with you outside , and you were mentioned by Rosie the next time.
(8 months)
Alastor and you had become somewhat official, if letting a dude fall asleep on your pregnant stomach bc he wanted to means official. Then yes( you were.
After you had a talk with Alastor about why he acted the way he did around you he simply said it was almost instinctual to take care of you. Something along the lines of him also being a gentleman.
He had invited you out to cannibal town, where you met Rosie and she was absolutely infatuated with you. Asking you questions and being so lovely towards you. Even going as far as mentioning she had her fair share of labor experience when it came to giving birth!
Alastor was very pleased to hear Rosie would help you- a bit scared she would eat the baby though…
(Part two coming out about nine months and the actual baby?)
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justabratsworld · 7 months
Only love can hurt like this
Yandere King 👑 x yandere(?!) reader (pt 3)
Yandere Reader: Drinks a weird tasting tea when the palace servants insist on trying something new. Immediately you think it tastes like something other than tea but instead of saying something you keep drinking it.
Yandere Reader: Feels sickly for the rest of the day after morning tea. Thinking you caught a stomach bug, you decided to lay and rest. Sleep is important when you aren’t feeling well. Once you woke up you did feel better but all you could think about was your husband.
Yandere king: Who is happily waiting for you to come find him. He is excited to see if the potion worked. So when you slammed his office door open and stormed up to him, he was worried you found out his plan. To his surprise, you kissed him. Muttering how he is yours and he needs to move into your bedroom once again.
Yandere king: Is absolutely turned on when you get jealous of his head maid. Enjoying the glares you send her as she tries to finish her morning chores. He would never look at another with the same fondness he has for you, but seeing you clench your fist and taking petty jabs at the confused girl makes his heart race.
Yandere Reader: Accuses the maid of treason when she tries to bathe the king(which she has been doing for the last few years). You plant damning evidence of her trying to kill the king in her sleeping quarters to get her sentence to the guillotine.
Yandere Reader: Overhears the King and the royal wizard talk about the love potion. You hear the excitement and joy in the king’s voice when he says it worked. As the king goes on and on about how you love him, how you killed a girl just for bathing him, how his love was finally reciprocated. Regret fills your mind as you think about the pain you just caused to another’s family.
Yandere Reader: Stares in the mirror and wonders what’s happened to them. Eyes scanning over the blood caked on your skin you wonder, was it over? Was beating the wizard until he gave you the remedy for your sickness worth it? Why are you still having obsessive thoughts over your husband? The man who you swore to hate is still in your mind. Thoughts of unhealthy love lingering in the crevices of your brain. The feeling of rage still lingers when someone stares at him too long. “What happened to me”
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Being Sick but Dean Winchester’s your BF Headcanons ✨
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✨ Dean Winchester x Reader ✨
Minors! Go away! Don’t interact! I don’t have a witty joke but I still don’t want you here! ¡Adios!
A/N: okay now that they’re gone… I’m sick! Some sort of nasty cold shit. Also I have the fucking la la land piano riff stuck in my head. So, more headcanons!!! (As opposed to a “proper” fic. For Dean ofc. It’s okay, it’ll come eventually)
Icons by me, all notes-especially commentary- are extremely appreciated!!
Content Warnings: if you’ve read the others it’s along the same vein, cute but still spicy enough to warrant that 18+ rating. Reader’s GN but AFAB.
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
-okay so first of all, being sick sucks. Whether it’s a runny nose, a headache, throat pain (get your mind out of the gutter), stomach aches, whatever- it fucking sucks.
-but it sucks a little less when you have Dean Winchester taking care of you
-this man knows how to take care of any common virus or cold. Years of taking care of his little brother meant that he could never be sick and that if he was it had to go fast, because he believed he always needed to be able to take care of Sammy first and foremost.
-once he sees you sniffling he’ll bench you from whatever job you guys are working. Immediately. No ifs, ors, ands, buts or coconuts about it.
-once the job is over he’ll come home. If you’re up and moving he’ll sling you over his shoulder or pick you up bridal style, and throw you (in a loving way) down on the couch or bed, depending on where you want to lay.
-he’ll snuggle you a little, and then take a quick shower so as not to get whatever it is you have. He’ll give you whatever blankets and drinks you want, and then head off to the kitchen
-his go-to is to make a vat of chicken noodle soup, extra lemony for vitamin c. He’ll usually either add some chilis to the soup or put some in a salad for you to help clean your system out. And it will always be better than fine dining.
-of course he cooks shirtless, and he’ll come back into the room with a big bowl of soup and your salad ready, cookies still in the oven. He’ll be wearing sweatpants and a ‘kiss the cook’ apron with nothing under it. And if you weren’t sick, you’d definitely do what the apron asked.
-he’ll help you sit up so you can eat it, putting a pillow on your lap so that the bowl doesn’t burn you and wiping your hair out of your face. If your hot he brings a bandana that he dunked in ice water and ties it around your head, if your cold he brings more blankets
-he hates that he can’t touch you or hug you when your miserable like this, but he does his best.
-while you’re eating he’ll talk about the hunt, keeping it as light and funny as possible- probably whatever he and Sam bickered about, the sights he saw, the food, etc
-and he’ll put on whatever you’d like him to. Preferably Gilmore Girls, but he ain’t gonna influence you
-when you’re done he’ll take the empty bowls to the kitchen, leaving them in the sink for Sammy to do them when he gets back to the bunker.
-he’ll grab the cookies, and bring a little plate of them over, and then sit on the sofa in the Dean cave so that your calves are draped over his thighs. If you’re in bed he’ll just lay on the opposite side, occasionally stroking your back comfortingly
-he checks your temperature from time to time, and always adapts according to your sickness. If it’s stomach bug he’s got a trash can beside the bed/couch and is ready to hold your hair. If it’s strep throat he’s gone honey. If it’s literally anything he’s probably got some kind of temporary remedy
-now (you know what time it is 🌶️)
-if you get a little hot n bothered while your sick
-and no I don’t mean hot from the fever
-but like the other kind
-and he can tell
-well, there’s a home remedy for that too 😏
-and you’ll warn him against it, not wanting to get him sick, but he’ll shush you, kissing your belly and pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down in one go
-he’ll kiss all up your legs, making you wish so, so much that you could make out with him
-but he won’t tease. Not when his sweetheart isn’t feeling well.
-so he’ll get as close to your dripping heat as he can, not making you move at all, because he knows you’re comfy on your little bed of pillows and his blankets
-and then he’ll nudge his nose against your clit, the only teasing he’ll do before diving in
-he’s gentle though. Not dissimilar to how he is in the mornings (Shameless plug, sorry not sorry haha)
-he’ll go nice and slow, adding his fingers as he goes, one at a time
-he uses one to gather your wetness and spread it over your poor bud
-and then adds another to scissor into your heat, massaging your spongey walls
-and by the third finger slowly yet deliberately filling you up, along with his mouth on your clit, he’ll have you coming, feeling so much better in one regard
-he’ll lap it all up, careful not to overstimulate you before pressing a sweet kiss to your belly, just as he did before he went down
-he’ll then get up and draw you a bath, helping you pee and then get into the tub
-he’ll dry your hair and then help you into a fresher set of pjs, and lay with you until you fall asleep, then turn off the tv and any lights before getting back in bed.
-and even though he has to sleep a little away from you he can’t help but hold you hand while you sleep, even if it means risking getting sick too
-and if you wake up in the middle of the night, he will too, ready to do whatever you need him to
-he loves you, and it’s he loves knowing that you love him too and would also take care of him if he were in your shoes
-so yeah
-sweet cutie pie caretaker ass with the greener-than-pines eyes gah
-I rest my case
If you have any ideas for headcanons and/or fics my ask box is always open!!
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toxycodone · 3 months
Hey Toxy! Sorry for the sudden radio silence on asks from me, but I got nasty icky sick.
Any quick thoughts on the Touden Party (post Falin being revived) with a gn!reader or fem!reader who got sick (stomach bug or flu is okay with me)?
Thank you again! Love your blog!
-Deer Anon. 🦌❤️
NOOOO OMG...im so sorry to hear that i hate. the flu. I had it in the beginning of this year and when I tell you I was DYING. ugh.
Probably the most visually affected. Literally says out loud "that's awful!!" when he hears you're sick. Bro is not having it
He's not squeamish, so he volunteers to check on you (along with Falin, theyre a duo).
He holds your hair back when you throw up. King
I think he spends a lot of time unintentionally fretting about you. Will you be okay? Getting sick is the worst. He just ultimately feels bad.
I think he tries to distract you by reading or trying to play games. The others have to keep him from you because he's so eager to just hang out and doesn't really think about the reality that hey. you have something infectious!!
She's genuinely an unbothered queen in the best way possible. Because she doesn't freak out or anything. Falin is just like "okay" and comes up with her game plan
She's good at nursing you back to health but she doesn't overdo it. Falin is really lowkey and honestly an excellent caretaker. She's the one monitoring your temperature and making sure you get enough fluids and she doesn't cringe when you vomit everywhere. Just frowns and gets to cleaning up.
She'll use her magic to help alleviate your symptoms before she goes <3
Instantly freaks. Because ew germs and being sick but also like are you gonna be okay?? Marcille wants to like consult every medic in town before Falin reassures her its cool
Marcille makes the best herbal tea for you...since Falin has you covered with the magic, Marcille focuses on her home remedies and such.
SHE WOULD DO YOUR HAIR. It's an act of love. Usually people don't think about that but having icky hair when you're sick is the worst and Marcille won't have it.
Oh I know he's immediately thinking of a lecture. He wants to go to you and tell you about how he told you so and you shouldn't have pushed yourself
But when he sees you he just sighs. You look terrible (affectionately) and he just feels super bad. Chil presses his hand to your forehead and tsks and immediately starts doing the mental checklist of what he'd do for his daughters when they were sick
He kinda chides you, but ultimately he settles to change your bedding when it gets too sweaty and make sure you're getting some sort of bath/shower.
He also does that dad thing where he comes into the room and just looks at you when you're sleeping to make sure you're good
He doesn't pressure you to eat and just like, makes sure you're at least drinking the broth to get your strength up.
I also like to think he'd attempt to make the Orc medicine he learned while living with them too, just in case. Even small doses of that could hopefully get you feeling better.
But he's helping Chil with the sheets and washing dishes and such. Senshi also stays in the room with you when he has down time during the day and will read you pa
Eh...do not expect much from her. But she assists the others in the background. Mainly by helping Senshi or Chilchuck take care of you.
She could probably tell you were sick like the day before and avoided you or mentioned you having a strange smell.
But when she hears you're sick she's like :/ "called it"
When no one else is there she "begrudgingly" sleeps at the foot of your bed. It helps you with the chills but also when you have a fever you're really warm
(She probably also gets sick then you have to help her out since its "your fault" hehe)
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butterfliesornauseous · 10 months
Emeto this or that part two
(500 special 4/5)
Warning for emeto, mentions of medication, not eating, over eating, alcohol
Feel free to use or send me a number :)
1. Everything coming way in a powerful wave or lots of gagging and spitting up saliva?
2. Gagging on trying to sallow a pill or gagging on a thermometer?
3. Nausea from side effects of medication or nausea from medication withdrawals?
4. Queasy burps or queasy hiccups?
5. Caretaker gently doing a small braid in a sickie’s hair or throwing their hair in the messiest ponytail because there’s no time?
6. “I thought you were getting better” or “I thought I was getting better”?
7. Sickie that’s concerned about getting caretaker sick or sickie who doesn’t care and wants all the love and care they can get?
8. “I want to throw up” or “I need to throw up”?
9. Sickie has a bad caretaker, caretaker that is angry or caretaker that completely ignores sickie?
10. ‘Hurl’ or ‘spew’?
11. Tender stomach muscles after vomiting or dehydration headache?
12. After vomiting, character is hungry and ready to fill their empty guy again or doesn’t want to even smell food for the next couple of days?
13. The character/s getting sick matters more, or the reason for being sick/tropes matter more?
14. Focus on the vomit itself, or focus on the vomiting noises?
15. Producing a lot of saliva before vomiting or throat going dry?
16. Sickie gets caretaker sick, are they more “I told you to stay away” or “I’m so sorry”?
17. Sick feeling tummy from a stuffed belly or nausea from not eating for a while?
18. ‘ Nauseous ’ or ‘Queasy?’
19. Sickie is stuck looking after themselves, absolute pro or absolute mess?
20. Chamomile or peppermint tea?
21. Sickie that begs for their tummy to be rubbed or sickie that would gag at even the slightest belly touch?
22. Embarrassed from throwing up in a doctor's office or embarrassed from missing the bin in a public area?
23. Caretaker has an extremely gross but effective nausea remedy or extremely gross but effective vomit inducer?
24. A formal sickie throws up during work, they suddenly fall apart for the first time in their lives and need care or keep it together?
25. ‘Midsection’ or ‘abdomen’?
26. Puking after getting yelled at or puking after getting told devastating news?
27. ‘Upset tummy’ or ‘Unsettled tummy’?
28. Gagging or heaving?
29. Feeling sick from eating/drinking too much in tight clothes, or already being bloated and feeling sick because sickie forced themselves into tight clothes?
30. Sickie has been hovering over the toilet for ages with no relief, they press down on their own tummy to vomit or caretaker presses down?
31. ‘Twisting’ or ‘turning’ to describe nausea?
32. Kneeling in front of the toilet or crouching in front of the toilet?
33. Hand on the stomach or arm wrapped around the stomach?
34. First time drinker throwing up from the taste of alcohol being way too strong or experienced drinker is proud they have never vomited from drinking but gets cocky one night?
35. Gagging from watching a gross video, or gagging from tasting something gross?
36. Indigestion or intolerance?
37. Accidentally squeezing a queasy belly too hard, or accidentally knocking into a queasy belly?
38. Body language cues (holding stomach, hand near mouth) or sound cues (frequent burping, tummy noises)?
39. ‘ Stomach flu’or ‘stomach bug’?
40. Sickie is extremely nauseous before a massive event, they throw up beforehand and do amazing or do okay during the event and throw up once it’s all over?
41. Feeling sick from physical pain or mental pain?
42. Vomiting on the first date or vomiting before proposing/ getting proposed to?
43. Watching your character hurling in a tv show/ movie or reading about your favourite character hurling in a book?
44. Vomit seeping through a sickie’s fingers when coving their mouth or the vomit pushes their hand away and splats on the floor?
45. ‘Bile’ or ‘stomach contents’?
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
🌲 Subtle Pan Worship 🌿
Take a walk/hike in nature
Take regular breaks from screens; get some fresh air
Go camping out in nature; focus on the wildlife around you; look at the constellations at night
Learn how to safely forage
Get a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Pick wild flowers; press or dry them
Start a garden; tend to a plant
Decorate your space with vines, leaves, and the like; maybe fairy lights with bugs, flowers, or mushrooms on them
Have imagery of fauns, goats, forests, meadows, pan flutes, sheep, wildflowers, or mountains around
Have a stuffed sheep or goat animal; have a stuffed animal of any forest, meadow, or mountain creatures
When you're anxious or afraid, go to the forest or to nature; spend time outside, and breathe; you will be ok
Learn about local fauna and flora
Collect animal bones from nature (please thank the animal's spirit beforehand); make sure to safely handle them; link to some safety tips when handling fleshy remains
Cook with homegrown herbs or produce
Drink a natural herbal or produce beverage; fruit juice works but has high sugar content, so just be aware in case that's an issue for you
Fall asleep/meditate to the sounds of a forest or general wilderness
Pick up trash in your environment
Support environmental preservation organizations, animal sanctuaries, or animal shelters/rescues
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
Volunteer at an animal sanctuary or animal shelter
Go outside of your comfort zone; if you're afraid of doing something, do it scared; it could work out far more beautifully than you ever imagined
Learn how to play panpipes; own panpipes in general
Light a bonfire with friends in the wilderness (SAFELY!!!!); share scary stories, especially those y'all have directly experienced
Plant seeds, especially the fruit of vegetables you've eaten; give it new life
Research coping skills for stress, fear, or anxiety; try some for yourself
Keep a dream journal specifically dedicated to nightmares; try to interpret them; what are they trying to tell you?
Explore the areas nearby you, be it nature or otherwise; acquaint yourself with the unfamiliar
Get comfortable with the concept of the unknown and uncertainty; remind yourself that you need not know everything in order for it to work out in your favor
Address the uncertainties in your life that cause you the most stress; find your own answers; topics like death, the afterlife, the long-term future, etc.
Play with your pets; spend time with them
Keep your pet healthy; feed them good food, take them on regular walks/exercise them, keep them up to date on vaccines, etc.
Do something fun and new with your partner (or alone); try something exciting or scary that you've always wanted to try
Use natural herbs and remedies to address minor health issues, such as stomaches or sore throat
Try urban exploring - the practice of visiting abandoned places, especially those that have been reclaimed by nature
Face your fears; learn to work through them
Recycle; reuse things that don't need to be immediately disposed of; use compost for your garden or nearby plants
Take time to be alone and decompress, especially after a long day
Cook a good meal for someone in need
Cook a good meal for you or your loved ones
This list still feels pretty short to me, so I'll likely add more in the future. For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Pan. I hope this is helpful to someone, and take care! 💚
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
How much do you want to bet?
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader(+ big sister Regina)
Warnings: angst, fluff, sick fic, coarse language, slight descriptions + mentions of vomiting & sickness, angry Regina
Regina calls Janis for help late at night due to an inconsolable reader who was sick and miserable
Other parts: One / two / three
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(Photos used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s TikTok[deleted])
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Regina was alone. Again and with you. Except this time, you were sick. You’ve caught a stomach bug and were feeling absolutely awful. It was a little after nine-thirty at night. Regina’s tried every remedy she knew to help you eat something or get some fluids into your system but they never stayed long enough before you regurgitated them. Helpless, she gave up on her ways and let you just sit there in your bed. You were terrified of laying down because of the possibility that you would throw up again and end up making a mess if you didn’t get to the bathroom in time. Or the trash can on your floor for that matter.
“Baby, I’m so sorry.” Regina carefully rests her palm on your stomach underneath the thin fabric of your shirt, hoping the warmth provides you with some relief. You just look at her, unable to speak for fear of bursting into tears for the second time that night. Regina sighs softly, heart breaking at this pitiful sight.
“It’s going around in school.” You croaked after a few minutes.
“I know, that sucks.” Regina says, “Do you want me to go get you a heat pack, so we can put it on your stomach? It’ll probably work better than my hand.”
You shook your head no, shifting uncomfortably, “Where’s Mom?”
June was…off in Florida, to avoid her life right here in Chigaco. And at the worst time possible.
You chewed your lower lip, it was quivering, “I want Mommy, Reg.”
“She’s not answering her calls, baby. I’m sorry, but I’ll keep trying, okay?”
To Regina’s surprise, you managed to nod off while she stepped outside to make a particular phone call. First, she tried to dial June’s number again just like she’d promised you she would. But this time, her phone wasn’t even on. She definitely did this on purpose, turning her phone off. Regina hesitated, but was at her wit’s ends: she phoned Janis.
“Janis, are you free right now?”
“Yes…” Janis answered warily, “Why?”
“y/n’s sick and in pain and crying for Mom but she’s MIA somewhere in Florida — her phone’s off so I was wondering if you could—”
“What?” Janis shrieked, “My God, I’m on my way.”
“Drive s—” Before Regina could respond properly, Janis hung up the call and was rushing here.
Regina stood in the doorway of your room, leaning against the wooden frame and watching you sleep. She stayed there the whole time until Janis pulled up twenty minutes later. Regina lets her in. “Could you keep an eye on her for a minute? I’m gonna go use the restroom.”
“Of course.” Janis agrees, taking two steps at a time up the flights of stairs while Regina went ahead to the bathroom.
“Still can’t contact your mom?” Janis asks quietly when she saw Regina coming upstairs.
“Nope.” Regina sighs. “I’ve never seen her this upset, I hate seeing her like that.”
“How long has she been asleep?”
“Oh, thirty minutes I think. Probably the most she’s slept at a time all day.” Regina answers, arms crossed.
“Still no water intake?”
“Not since right before this whole thing started.” Regina confirms, “That cold glass of water went in and came back out warm.” Regina shuddered. “Should we take her to the hospital? Get an IV or something?”
Janis chuckles dryly, “I…think we let her try something in a solid form. Popsicle or ice cubes. She would definitely start crying again if we bring up the hospital. Usually, it’s just a 24 hour bug so let’s pay attention and hope for the best.”
“Good luck— she didn’t want any of it.” Regina sighs exasperatedly. “Work your magic, maybe she’ll listen to you instead of me.”
“Go to bed.”
“And leave you alone for the next six to seven hours? ‘Imi’ike, I’m not heartless.”
“Well…” Janis joked.
“Fair.” Regina smirked. “You wanna eat anything, help yourself. I have a very angry text to send to my mother.”
“I’m good, thanks though.” Janis replies, sitting down casually by your door and went on her phone.
“Are you feeling like you’d be getting sick soon?”
“No, I really don’t think so. I’ve been very careful about washing my hands and not touching my face when I saw those people at school getting sick. I also have a way stronger immune system, luckily. How are you feeling?”
Regina’s eyebrows were raised in shock, but she masked that pretty well as her usual smirk after. “I feel fine, I usually don’t get sick either. But if the heavens want to torment me, they can feel free to do so after y/n recovers.”
“Knock on wood, Regina. Be careful what you wish for.” Janis warned. “Is Cady okay?”
“Yeah, the rest of the gang seems alright too. She’s the first one in our circle to get it.”
“Reg?” You said quietly. “Regina, I need—”
You quickly heard footsteps approaching your room but not of someone you expected. “Hey, you’re awake.” Janis smiled at you, “What do you need?”
You kicked off the blanket, slowly getting your legs off the bed. “Uh— why are you— why are you here?”
“Regina called me.”
“For what? I—”
“Don’t fight it.” Janis looked at you, “Let us take care of you.”
“I don’t want to get you sick too.”
“I don’t get sick, I’ll be fine.” Janis spoke in a tone that immediately shut you up. That and the fact that you were feeling like utter crap. “What do you need?”
“The bathroom.” You stood up unsteadily. Janis put her arm around you to give you the support you needed to make your way there. “Now, how are you feeling?”
“Stomach hurts. I’m not that nauseous anymore. Very thirsty but I’m scared I can’t keep it down.” You answered, slightly irritated. She feels your forehead, “Did she give you fever meds?”
“Not after I couldn’t even keep water down.” You spoke. Then before she could even say a word, “Scratch that, gotta puke.” You made u-turn for the bathroom again and barely made it to the toilet to spill the contents of your stomach.
Janis seethed, “I’m sorry, honey.” She rubs your back and made sure your hair didn’t get in the way.
Meanwhile downstairs, Regina was going batshit crazy. “Fuck!” You groaned, finally feeling okay enough to back away and sit down. “Can you go check on—”
“I’m not gonna leave you here alone.” Janis crouched down and then sat next to you.
“God I’m so tired.” You mumbled, on the verge of tears.
“I might have something for you that could help.” Janis held your face, “It’s in my car, I’ll go get it.”
She scurries away to go get whatever it was. You dragged yourself back to your bed, staring at the bottle of water on your nightstand, tempted.
As you attempted a sip of it, Janis returns with a little snack container. “My Dad buys this sometimes when he goes back home, he says it helps with a bunch of stuff including nausea, so, here— take this and just leave it in your mouth and let it sit.”
You took the li hing mui from her and just popped it into your mouth. You recognised it, she always had this with her and she was always snacking on it. “I’ll keep the rest of it right here, okay?”
“Did you try some water?”
“Like, a sip.” You told her, voice muffled due to what you had in your mouth. Regina shows up in your room next, “You couldn’t get her on the phone?”
“No.” Regina shook her head, sad. Like, actually sad. “How’re you feeling?”
“I threw up again, but what she gave me helps.” You shrug, leaning back against the headboard. “What time is it?”
“A little after midnight.” Regina answers. Janis settles down next to you. “Go to sleep, Reg. Forget I even asked about mom, there’s no point anymore— she doesn’t care about me.”
Regina’s face fell, she hated that she couldn’t get Mom on the phone for you. She hated that she couldn’t deliver her promise.
“Can you try drinking a little more water, baby? Please? Keep that in your mouth and just drink, be careful though.” Regina hands you a new bottle of water.
You complied, wanting nothing more than quenching the thirst now. But still, you took only cautious sips to make sure you didn’t make things worse for yourself. After finishing about half the bottle you set it down and made sure the plum in your mouth was entirely dissolved before you allowed yourself to sleep. Even then, you could feel Janis and your sister watching you like hawks. You couldn’t take the feeling of having eyes on you so you shot back up and told them, “Don’t keep looking at me.” It came out in a whine though— you couldn’t exactly control that.
“Okay, I’ll be in my room, alright? Do you have everything you need?” Regina asks, ‘Minus Mom.’ She thought to herself.
“Yeah. Good night.” You replied dismissively, however while Regina leaves the room like you’d asked, Janis did not budge.
“Nice try, I’m not leaving ya.” Janis smirked, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Then, of her own accord, she dipped a rag in a bucket of water and put that on your forehead after wringing it dry. You were not happy about it.
“Get away from me, I don’t want you getting sick.”
Janis sighs quietly but doesn’t say anything about that statement of yours. “Close your eyes.”
You did so, cuddling with that carnival prize she won for you.
“Attagirl.” She smiled, relieved that you seemed significantly better at the moment. “G’night. Wake me up if you need anything, okay?”
“M’kay.” You mumbled then drifted off to sleep.
You woke up one time that night thanks to a sudden pang of insane nausea that had you clinging to the toilet but nothing came out of you since your stomach was practically empty.
“Don’t cry, honey.” Janis rubs your back attempting to soothe you.
“I feel like shit.” You sniffled, “Why am I so nauseous if I have nothing left in me?!”
“You wanna get back into bed?”
“Yes.” You looked up at her, absolutely tired of this night.
“Okay, c’mon.” Janis helped you up and back to bed. “I got you, honey. You’re okay.”
She sits with you till you fell asleep.
In the morning, you were alone in your room. But you did feel more…like yourself. You washed up and headed downstairs to locate your sister and Janis. “Hey.” Regina spotted you almost immediately. “You seem like you’re feeling better.”
“My stomach’s not hurting anymore, but I’m still having a fever.” You shrug.
“Take an Advil.” Regina hands you the bottle, “I’m making you some soup.”
“Where’s Jan—”
“Okay.” You sat at the kitchen island and slowly dipped on your glass of water for awhile before you swallows the pill.
“You wanna take a shower?” Regina asks, “She could help you with that.”
“Oh, no, no. I’ll do that on my own.” You gasped, horrified by the idea of Janis seeing you that way.
Regina laughs, “Okay, but only if you’re sure you’re not gonna pass out or something.”
“I’ll be okay.” You exhaled harshly. “Hey, Reg?”
“How— how out of it was I?” You asked.
“Eh…not too bad.” Regina says. “Cried a little bit but I get that. You were always like that when you’re not feeling well.”
“Good god.” You groaned, “I’m sorry.”
Regina squinted, “Don’t apologise for that. You were going through a lot lotta crap last night. How’s the pill doing?”
“It’s…fine. Staying in my system this time.”
She chuckles, “Good.”
“Are you good? Do you feel sick?” You ask.
“Nope. We’ve been very careful: disinfecting everything regularly. After tonight, I’m deep cleaning your room: changing your sheets, wiping down everything, cleaning your bathroom. The works.”
“Hey!” You heard Janis’ voice, “You’re up.”
“Hi.” You turned your head to look at her.
“Here, eat up.” Regina pushes a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you.
“Thanks, Reg.”
Well, everything was as good as it could get now. You were glad you were finally out of the worst part of it.
“I think you’ll be good to go back to school Monday.” Regina says.
“Yeah.” You agreed, “I think so too—”
The doorbell rings. “Open up, it’s Mom!”
“Oh, boy.” Janis grumbled.
You nearly choked on your soup and just abandoned your spoon as it clanked against the bowl. You glared at Regina, mouthing, “Why?”
“Because apparently she doesn’t have keys anymore.” Regina scoffs, flouncing toward the door. “What?”
“Well I thought I should come back and take care of—”
“Don’t even. You should’ve picked up as soon as I called you. You’ve got no excuse not to answer.” Regina lets go of the door, walking back into the foyer. June pushed her way into the house.
“Well I’m sorry but things have been really rough.”
“Rough? Rough was me having to work to make sure we don’t just have barely enough to pay to keep the lights on, to eat.”
“I send you the money for bills.”
“What—” Regina scoffs. “Rough was last night when I saw her so pale and throwing up and sobbing for you. She was crying for you to be there for her. To hold her and tell her things are going to be okay. Money isn’t everything, Mom. So the divorce was hard, do you think it only affected you? I may be your oldest daughter and capable to earn some money to make sure we don’t use up all of what you gave for bills. Surprise — she needs you and so do I. Now, more than we ever did. It was supposed to be the three of us against our problems. Not me and her against you and our problems.”
“Why is Janis here?”
“Why is that your first question?” You spoke up, “Why didn’t you pick up?”
“I’m sorry—”
“How much are you willing to bet that if I called your phone right now, it’s going to ring?” Regina glared at June then was dialling said phone number. “I knew it. You avoided us on purpose. Forget it, Mom. Go, go travel all over the country trying to avoid everything instead of caring for your kids who need you. Next time you’re back here, you won’t see us anymore. I found me and y/n a place away from here, we’ll move out soon. This place? There’s no use holding onto it. So, go have fun. Let the kids worry about life.”
“Well I’m here now.”
“After a whole year? You don’t look very willing to me. Be honest— you want to turn and leave. Look at yourself in the mirror. He’s not worth your time and energy, Mom.”
“Don’t come crawling back when your actions have already made it clear as day that you do not care anymore. You’re the grown up, why are we always left alone, always ignored by you?” You walked closer. “Why couldn’t we have gotten through this together? I don’t know how to trust you anymore, Mommy.”
“Baby, let’s take some deep breaths and calm down, okay?” Janis puts her hands on your shoulders, “I don’t want you to get too agitated right now.”
“Baby?” June’s eyes went so wide they might as well have popped out of her head right then and there, “Last I heard you two hated each other’s guts. Now what, suddenly she’s kissing your sister?”
“She stepped up when you couldn’t last night. No questions asked: held her hair back, rubbed her back, rubbed her stomach, held her close, fed her water, took care of her. Zero hesitation. We tried your phone for hours and you didn’t even bother responding with a text.” Regina growled. “That tells me everything I need to know. She’s a good person, and you, you have some work to do. And you better do it fast, pull your shit together, see a therapist, whatever. Life is tough, but if you’re going to wallow in self-pity, you’re not going to get anywhere.”
Janis led you upstairs, not wanting you to stay in that environment any longer. “I wanna take a shower, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, of course it is.” Janis chuckles lightly, “Do you want me to help you?”
“I think I’ll be fine. I just wanted to make sure someone knew I was in the shower in case, you know?”
“Mm, yeah.” Janis nods, brushing the slightly sweaty hair out of your face so she could see it better, “You go ahead, I’ll get you your clothes and your towel, hm?”
“Kay.” You agreed, finding the energy to smile back after hours and hours. But hearing the yelling still ongoing downstairs, you flinched when a voice got particularly loud.
“You’re okay. I’m right here, baby. Just focus on your shower, nothing else. I’ll be right here with you. Okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded, taking in a deep breath, “Thanks, Janis.”
“No problem, honey.” She squished your cheek gently, making you laugh. Then you got up and went into the bathrooms while she remained in your room.
Luckily, when you got out, the yelling had stopped. So you could relax again.
“You good?” Janis studied you. “Better, yeah.” You confirmed, quickly going to sit down on your bed.
“That’s good.”
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“Yes.” Janis assured, “I swear. If I’m ever sick, you will know because I will look as pale as a ghost.”
You giggled, “Alright. Thanks for coming over even though it was so late last night.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Janis grins, “One call or text, I’m here immediately.”
“Wait— you changed my sheets?” You realised.
“And we disinfected everything.” Regina appeared.
“Oh.” You jumped, startled.
Regina stifles a laugh, “Sorry. Anyway, Mom won’t be back until we’ve moved out. So you don’t have to worry about her coming over and me yelling at her.”
“You really found a place for us?” You asked.
“Sure did.” She confirmed, “It’s a lot smaller than here of course, but plenty of room for the two of us. With my savings and the fact that I’m working, we’re gonna do perfectly fine. Oh, and Cady’s gonna move in with us too. So Janis, you’re definitely allowed to come and go as you please, but if you want to move in too, the four of us, well technically three of us can share all the expenses. It’ll probably be an easier load this way.”
“How many bedrooms is that?” Janis asks.
“Two bedrooms. One bathroom’s connected to a room the other’s in the hall. You two could definitely share a room then I’ll do the same with Cady. I saw the place and it’s pretty spacious.”
“Tempting. But I probably won’t, I’ll definitely be there a lot though, obviously.” She says, gesturing to you.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else.” Regina smirked. “Anyway…I’m glad you’re feeling better. Are you hungry yet?”
“Actually, yeah. I am.”
“That’s a great sign.” Regina’s face lit up, “I’ll go prepare some rice and soup. Start light, okay? We’ll move on to other stuff tomorrow depending on how you feel after this meal.”
You sulked.
“Come on, just…take it easy on your stomach right now, baby.” Regina couldn’t help but crack a smile, “I’m willing to bet it’s still sore.”
“Yeah…” You answered, head slowly leaning on Janis’ shoulder.
“I’ll be downstairs, you two just do whatever you want. Yell for me if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay.” You sigh falls from your lips, “Thanks, Reg.”
“You’re so welcome, baby.”
Janis chuckles to herself, her arm winded around your waist gingerly, “Still sleepy, babe?”
“No.” You muttered.
“Are you sure?” She teased, “Lunch is gonna take her thirty minute at least.”
Your lips tug into a crooked smile as you snuggled closer to her. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
“Sure, y/n.” She says while rubbing your back, “Are you gonna let me get up to go grab the remote or do I have to carry you with me?”
You laughed, hiding your face in her chest for a second, “I’ll move.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
This one got way longer than I expected it to, but I wanted to show Regina and Janis getting along, and of course, June(finally)
I’ll be ending this mini serie in the next part of two. :’)
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You're my sweetheart
Of Oak and Ivy, Chapter 8
Series Masterlist         Next Chapter
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: Cute little birthday celebration for everyone's favorite guy!
warnings: swearing, sad Matt (as always) but he gets loved on I promise, underage drinking, fluff, Foggy and Bug being adorable friends
a/n: This chapter is sickly sweet so be prepared. I have some super angsty stuff coming though. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Please feel free to reply/reblog/DM, I love feedback!!
w/c: 5.6k
Waking up to a ripple of pain throughout your head and an accompanying twist of nausea in your gut was unpleasant, to say the least. Groaning, you threw an arm over your aching head to block out the sliver of sunlight that had penetrated your thick blinds. As much as you would have welcomed more sleep, the persistent stabbing pain of your hangover was determined to keep you conscious.
Sitting up with a whine, you dug the heel of your hand into your brow, your other hand laying over your uneasy stomach. While last night had been overwhelmingly fun, you’d apparently gone a bit past your limits. You and Oscar had colluded for weeks to plan Jen’s 21st birthday party. You were in charge of food and decorations, Oscar–given that he was of the legal age–had been in charge of purchasing the alcohol. In typical Oscar fashion, he’d gone above and beyond, completely blowing your expectations out of the water.
After a grueling first semester and a chaotic winter break, you hadn’t really tried to be careful. Past-you had been totally fine overdoing it. Current-you was much less ok with that decision. As memories of the night wriggled their way out the sludge that surrounded your brain, your chest constricted with concern. If you weren’t doing well, it was unlikely Matt or Foggy were upright and jovial. Plus, there was a certain matter you needed to discuss.
The conversation was hazy, blurred by the alcohol lingering in your system, but you remembered the important things. As usual, you’d been pretty much glued to Foggy and Matt all night--maybe even more so since Evs wasn't there to put distance between everyone and your awkward, giggly self.
You didn't remember how it came up, but the three of you had started discussing birthdays. Foggy had lamented, saying his wasn't until July, but Matt had gone quiet. After a bit of prompting and a few more drinks, he'd quietly admitted that his birthday was months ago, in October. You and Foggy had screeched in disbelief, chastising him for not saying anything sooner—but the past was the past.
You and Foggy—Matt's only friends—hadn’t celebrated his first real adult birthday. If your own feelings were any indicator, you were sure Foggy was also devastated that he'd missed this. It almost felt like a personal failing.
Though you'd scolded Matt, anyone with a morsel of knowledge about his upbringing or insecurities would know he'd never have told anyone about his birthday unless specifically asked. This was an oversight that you intended to remedy, hopefully Fog did too.
Opening one eye and grasping for your phone, you managed to seize it from your wobbly nightstand before it clattered to the floor. Sliding the device open, you typed the message out at a snail's pace, each press of a key jostling the pulsating knot behind your eyes.
You: U alive?
The sound your phone emitted as the text was sent into the void nearly deafened you. Gripping it to your chest, you collapsed sideways, burying your head into the cool sheets. Your breathing slowed, consciousness ebbing, before a second text tone jolted you awake.
Foggy: barely
Smiling at your friend's parallel misery, you responded.
You: matt there?
Foggy: no. might b dead. will report back.
You: can we chat?
Before you could even comprehend the consequences of what you'd just asked, an ear-piercing verse of Fergie's “Big Girls Don't Cry” blasted through your phone's speaker. Changing Foggy’s ringtone last night didn’t seem so funny anymore.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” You muttered, fumbling for the answer button. With a satisfied groan, you answered the call.
“Damn, you sound worse than I feel.” Foggy's hoarse voice chuckled over the line.
“So many regrets, Fog.” You moaned, squirming around on the bed while you waited for the ringing in your ears to subside. “Did we die? Is this hell?”
“Hey, speak for yourself. My good-christian-self is destined for eternal paradise.” Foggy scoffed.
“Point taken. If I'm still alive in a few hours, can we meet up to discuss our dear Matthew?” You asked, praying to god that your head stop aching with every breath you took.
“Discuss what exactly? Who'll be giving his eulogy when I find him dead in the communal bathroom?” Foggy grumbled. 
“Please tell me that's a bad joke.” You deadpanned.
“He's fine, jitterbug. He left twentyish minutes ago to puke his guts out.” Foggy confessed.
“Gross, Fog.” You grimaced.
”Hey, you asked!“ He protested. 
”I absolutely did not.” You laughed. “Can we meet up later?“
”Oh yah, forgot you asked. What are we meeting about?“ You could picture Foggy’s confused frown as he wondered aloud.
”His birthday, Fog.“ You explained, not quite in the mood to expound on the point.
”Shit, yah we should talk about that. Blue Java at 2?“ He suggested.
”Sounds good. Lower your expectations for my appearance. See you soon.” 
Ending the call, you collapsed back onto your pillows and let your eyes fall shut.
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Lifting your eyes marginally as the bell chimed to signal someone's arrival, you felt a weight fall off your shoulders as a noticeably-disheveled Foggy shuffled in. His face was adorned with cartoonishly large, heart-shaped sunglasses; even through your own tinted lenses, you noticed the vibrant cherry red plastic accentuating his pale complexion. His long hair was tangled and greasy, tucked haphazardly behind his ears. Not raising his head more than he needed to, he trudged the few feet from the door to the wobbly table you were seated at, collapsing into a dented steel chair with a groan.
“Hey Fog,” You chuckled hoarsely as dropped his head to the table, shielding his face with his arms.
He grumbled incoherently, not looking up.
Snorting, and immediately regretting it as your head pulsed with a renewed ache, you poked his arm. “C'mon Fog, up and at 'em.”
“No,” Foggy groused, tightening his arms around his head as you continued to prod at him. “I'm mad at you.”
Throat tightening, you withdrew your hand. ”You're mad at me?“
”You dragged me across the city when I feel like utter crap. I think it's warranted,“ Foggy moaned.
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you began jabbing him with your finger again. ”I think you'll get over it. Besides,“
Sliding a large paper cup over to the miserable boy, you forced it into the grip of one of his hands. ”I bought you a large snickerdoodle latte with extra whipped cream and four shots of espresso. That's gotta count for something, right?“
Foggy hummed appreciatively, dragging the cup towards his face as he gradually sat up. ”You're a godsend. I love you.“
”Damn, make up your mind, Nelson.“ You took a sip of your own coffee, briefly contemplating buying another before turning your attention back to your friend and his garish glasses. ”Those glasses look great on you, by the way.“
Foggy snorted, tossing his hair back over his shoulders. ”Why thank you. I found them in the dorm lost and found when I crawled back into the building after trying to brave the day without them.“
”Who would've thought such a fashion statement would happen by accident?“ You giggled.
”I'll have you know it was a deliberate choice to highlight my existing beauty.“ Foggy scoffed, pinching his own cheek.
Shaking your head at him, your tongue felt cemented in place, your brain not quite sure how to voice your concerns about your other friend.
As if he'd read your mind, Foggy dropped his chin to his chest. ”What the hell are we gonna do with him, bug?“
Tracing a finger around the plastic lid of his drink, Foggy looked downright morose, his glasses beginning to slip down the bridge of his nose as he pouted.
Digging your fingers into your brow, you kneaded circles into it to relieve the growing pressure. ”I have no clue, Fog. You really didn't know?“
”No!“ Foggy cried, clearly a bit offended. ”Birthdays are sacred, bug. Sacred! If he'd told me, I'd have...well, I'm not sure what I would have done. But I would have done SOMETHING.”
Nodding woefully, you tried to stifle the frustration building in your chest. “I know that he's probably not used to celebrating, but I can't believe he kept that from us. I don't know whether to be mad at him for not saying anything or mad at myself for not asking.”
“I hear that. Do we just let it slide?”
“Absolutely not.” You protested, your heart squeezing painfully at the idea of simply moving past this. “I actually might have an idea?”
When you hesitated, Foggy waved you on with a limp hand. ”What are you waiting for? It's scheming time!“
Biting your lip as your excitement grew, you launched into the plan your alcohol-soaked brain had cooked up when you fell asleep. Apparently, it wasn't too incomprehensible because Foggy was practically squealing by the end.
”That's PERFECT! How long do we have to prepare?“
”A week?“ You wondered aloud. ”I don't want him to think we've moved on, but we are going to need some time to make the arrangements.“
”Saturday it is. What do you need me to do?“
Grinning at Foggy's eager expression, you shrugged. “I don't know, Fog. What do you want to do?”
“Oh no!” Foggy shook his head, pointing a finger at you sternly. “You're the mastermind here. It's your job to tell me what to do.”
Laughing incredulously, you put your hands up in mock surrender. ”Ok, ok! One question: how are your cake-baking skills?“
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Rolling his head in a circle to relieve the crick in his neck, Matt slipped his glasses off so he could pinch the bridge of his nose. He'd been working on this legal research assignment for nearly two hours at this point and it was beginning to irritate him. His brain was too entrenched with other concerns to process the text sitting on his desk--meaning he needed to run his fingers over the same lines again and again in order to even grasp the subject of the material.
Slamming the book closed, he brought a hand up to his scalp, tugging on his hair with a growl. The thud of the book cover falling against coarse paper echoed throughout the empty room, making Matt frown. He wasn't quite sure what Foggy was up to, but it was clear Matt wasn't invited.
A few hours ago, his roommate had started gathering up his belongings and bundling up without a word. When Matt had asked him where he was going, Foggy had clammed up. Though Matt wasn't able to see it himself, he was confident the other man had been wearing a classic ”deer in headlights“ expression. The combination of his startled tone and scrunched face could only mean one thing:  Foggy was hiding something from him.
It was driving him up a wall. Listening to his best friend stammer out some shitty lie about needing to borrow a book from the library had to be one of the worst experiences of Matt's adult life. Foggy was such an honest person, hearing his heartbeat waver with deceit just felt so...wrong. It made him nauseous, in the same way the sound of styrofoam rubbing together did.
Swallowing around the emotions clogging his throat, Matt wet his lips. The more he thought about it, the more logical his anxieties seemed.
Foggy had been increasingly distant all week, and Matt had no idea why. The other man still spent time in their room, but it was limited, and it always felt like he was ready to bolt if Matt asked the wrong question. He'd come home at odd hours for the past three days, reeking of your familiar sweet perfume.
Despite Foggy's inability to admit to it, he'd been spending time with you--and Matt had not been invited.
When Matt had mentioned it to you, you'd waved off his concerns and quickly changed the subject, leaving him thoroughly confused. Both of you were dancing around a massive elephant whenever Matt was in the room, which was infuriating.
He'd thrown himself into their latest legal writing assignment in an attempt to think about anything other than the inevitable end of his two longest friendships, but he couldn't even manage to do that right. Which was odd because his routine this semester revolved pretty heavily around studying on Saturday afternoons.
Suddenly, he was struck by another wave of dread. Was this what the two of you refused to tell him? Was he holding you back from the true ”college“ life filled with underage drinking and loud music by being too concerned with your combined studies? Did you both find his insistence on staying in so unbearably annoying that you'd taken to making plans without him?
Shaking his head to rid himself of the intrusive thoughts, he inhaled deeply. No. That's not what was happening, he would have smelled the liquor on Foggy. Plus, you never seemed to mind spending a night in with him rather than going out on the town.
Allowing himself to get lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice the familiar sounds of his roommate returning to their room. At the sound of the door opening, he jumped—ramming the rickety desk chair into the desk with a bang as he tried to turn around.
”Jeez, it's just me buddy, no need to have an aneurysm.“ Foggy chuckled, lingering by the door until Matt regained his bearings.
”Sorry,“ Matt muttered, snatching his glasses from the desk and slipping them on.
”No need to apologize, Matty.“ Foggy responded cheerfully, launching himself onto his bed with a small grunt. ”I should've said something before I came in. What if you'd been with a lady?“
At Foggy's mock-gasp, Matt could feel his sullen resolve dissipating. He snorted, his lips twitching as he fought back a smile. “It's 3pm on a Saturday, Fog. Why would I bring a girl back here?”
Throwing his hands up in the air, Foggy twisted to give Matt a look. “Last week you took a girl home from Sunday Brunch at Tom's, Murdock. There's no telling what the handsome duck will do on a given day.”
A laugh burst out of Matt's lips against his will. Shaking his head, he let himself smile. “You told me to talk to her!”
“Uh yah, because she was making googly eyes at you and I'm a fantastic wingman. C'mon man, keep up!” Foggy smirked.
With a snort, Matt collapsed onto his own bed, letting his face fall towards Foggy's. “You are a fantastic wingman. I should be more grateful.”
“Damn right.” Foggy's grin was evident, the sound of his happy heart a welcomed thud in Matt's ears. The absence of Foggy's noisy self had filled their shared space with a stifling, uneasy silence. Now that the quiet had ended, Matt finally felt like he could breathe again.
”Matt, buddy?“ Foggy's direct question snapped him back to reality.
Chuckling, Foggy shuffled over to Matt's bed, sitting beside him. ”Fallin' asleep on me, Murdock? I'll have you know, I am RIVETING company.”
“'M not falling asleep.” Matt protested, somewhat unbelievably as his eyes remained closed.
“Sure, sure. Tell that to the cartoon letter Z's coming out of your head, dude. I asked if you wanted to get dinner later?”
Foggy's hands twisted around each other, preventing his usual animated gestures. Matt's mattress shifted as his roommate wriggled uncomfortably. Anxiety was cascading off the long-haired man's shoulders, reigniting the dread in Matt's stomach.
Flipping to face the wall, Matt drew his knees towards his chest and away from his roommate's seated form. “Sure, Fog. whatever you want.”
Patting Matt's leg, Foggy's posture drooped with relief. “Great! You have a good nap and I'll wake you up when we have to leave.”
Giving his friend an indifferent thumbs up, Matt squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to stop the tears from falling.
A handful of restless hours later, Matt's jaw was tight as he and Foggy walked across campus to meet you for dinner. Rather than allowing Foggy to guide him, as he'd grown accustomed to, he'd opted for walking alone with his cane. Foggy seemed a bit hurt, but didn't argue. As they closed in on the agreed upon meeting place, Foggy was practically skipping with nervous energy.
While you were still a few blocks away, Matt had focused on your pulse the minute he picked up on it. It was stuttering and unsteady, just like Foggy's–which did nothing to calm his nerves. Hearing Foggy's jacket rustle as he waved to you, Matt tried for a smile, though he was sure it wasn't very convincing.
“Hey guys!” You greeted, jogging over to them. “Long time no see!”
“VERY long time.” Foggy laughed nervously. “Barely remember who you are, actually.”
You snorted, pulling Matt into a hug despite his rigid posture. “Hey trouble. I missed you this week.”
Melting into your embrace, Matt tucked his nose into your scarf, relishing the scent of vanilla and light floral perfume that coated the accessory. You'd missed him. The thought of you valuing his presence enough to notice the absence of it after a few days warmed his heart.
“Missed you too, sweetheart.”
Unraveling your arms from around his waist, you slid a hand into his elbow and squeezed gently. “Everything ok? You two seem tense.”
“Tense? Pfft, never. I'm great. Best I've ever been, even. Off to dinner with my two friends, the three musketeers. Nothing could be better.” Foggy rambled aimlessly, twiddling his thumbs.
Letting Foggy's words hang in the air for a moment, you made a strangled noise, tugging Matt backwards as your footsteps stopped. Resting a hand on Matt's forearm, you chuckled. “Fuck, he's been like this all day, hasn't he? No wonder you seem stressed.”
Gawking, Foggy started to sputter out an excuse but you ignored him, continuing to speak to Matt as if you two were alone. “Don't fret, bubs. He's just nervous he'll ruin the surprise.”
“Surprise?” Matt wondered aloud, “What surprise?”
“Yah, bug. What surprise?” Matt could practically hear Foggy staring daggers at you.
“Fog, look at him. He's freaking out.” You observed, frowning at Matt's tight jaw and scrunched brow.
“I am not.” Matt blushed, ducking his head as he felt your eyes roaming over his face. Your ability to read him like a picture book never ceased to unsettle him.
“Sure, trouble. Let's just finish our walk and all this anxiety will be over, ok?” You bumped your hip against his, ignoring his attempt to maintain his suave image. “Don't let Fog scare you, he's just worried he'll lose the bet.”
“I am not!”
“You are too. We both know how dangerous your loose lips can be.” Placing your free hand on Matt's bicep, you turned your attention back to the dark-haired boy. “Promise he didn't say anything to you?”
“I am absolutely clueless.” Matt confirmed.
“Ha! I told you I could keep it a secret.” Foggy boasted.
“We'll see, Fog. We aren't there yet.” You reminded him.
“It's not MY fault I'm so eager to tell him. He's my best friend!” Foggy pouted.
“Which is why we made the bet as extra motivation, Fog.” You chuckled.
“You guys know I'm still here, right?“ Matt asked nervously, feeling too similar to a cow being led to slaughter for his liking.
Foggy threw an arm around his shoulders in lieu of a response, leaning forward to direct his next comment at you specifically.
“You do know where we're going right? Because this feels a lot like walking in circles.”
Matt could practically hear your eye roll. “You know, next time we plan something, you can pick the venue.”
Foggy tossed his far hand into the air. “Hey, I'm not judging.”
“Tell that to your judging tone, Nelson. You're giving me second thoughts and it's a bit late for that.” You teased. “And I'd like to remind you, I was pretty hungover when we planned this.”
“So WAS I!”
Matt let your playful bickering wash over him, feeling the start of a smile playing on his lips.
The walk to your destination wasn't far, only a few blocks, but the combination of the blistering wind and aching cold made it feel like an eternity. Matt was relatively familiar with the campus, but you were walking past the buildings he was familiar with towards a less populated corner of the college. It's not that he wasn't ok exploring an unfamiliar area of Manhattan, it just didn't help his growing confusion about the situation the two of you were keeping from him.
After the 8 block stroll, which Foggy complained about thoroughly, you reached the Northern edge of Columbia. Standing on the cracked sidewalk, Matt could feel the campus fighting with the rest of the city–the sounds of screaming college students competing with blaring horns and shrill whistles just one block over. The sounds were slightly muddled by the brick building you'd stopped at, echoing off opposite walls and ricocheting in all directions.
“Are we finally here?” Foggy groaned, voice muffled by the scarf he'd tucked over his nose and mouth in, what Matt assumed, was a futile attempt to keep warm.
“Matty, remind me to stop inviting Fog to things.” You quipped, knocking solidly on a locked metal door as Foggy gasped in offense.
The thick steel entrance was quickly unlatched by a man, whose deep voice Matt didn't recognize, halting your and Foggy's renewed bickering.
”Thanks Josh!“ You squeezed the man's shoulder before stepping through the threshold and into the strange building. ”Right this way, gentlemen!“ You called over your shoulder to your friends who hurried to take shelter from the winter chill.
Once inside, Matt's shoulders relaxed as the tension seeped out of them. Escaping the awful cold was a welcomed relief, and, on top of that, the unfamiliar space was immensely…quiet. 
The surrounding walls were thick and much better suited to keeping city noise out than any of the other academic buildings he'd walked through. Sound-proofed maybe? His practiced ears could still hear screeching tires and pounding club music, but the noises were unusually faint–as if his ears were covered with a hundred layers of spun cotton.
Inside the building, soft classical music was playing. Perfectly tuned string instruments sang brilliantly with the accompaniment of expert percussionists. It was peaceful in a way Matt hadn't experienced since listening to the St. Agnes choir rehearse as a child.
Letting his mind get lost in the melodies drifting through the hallways, Matt absently felt you take his arm, guiding him up a few sets of stairs and into a carpeted room. The scent of burning candle wax and sugar filled his nose, and he could feel Foggy's excitement peaking.
”Happy belated birthday, buddy!” His roommate clapped him on the back, ushering him into a seat as you fiddled with what must have been a window lock.
“What?” Matt asked, truly perplexed as Foggy uncorked a bottle of wine and poured three glasses. His birthday? How did you two even– Oh god. A hazy memory ran through his mind; a confession falling off his inebriated lips. Shit.
“You didn't think we'd forgotten that little tidbit, did you?” You teased, cranking a wobbly handle and unsealing the window. With a quiet 'pop', the window burst open and music flooded the room. “There we go! Let me know if it's too loud, trouble.”
Matt's throat was clenched as he truly took in his surroundings. Though he'd never been, he assumed, based on the context clues, that he was listening to the orchestra practice from somewhere in the music building. He wasn't quite sure how you and Foggy had discovered this space, or gained access to it, but he wasn’t going to question your combined wills. “You did this...for me?”
“Course we did, bud! Birthdays deserve a celebration!!” Foggy explained, pressing a glass of sparkling wine into his hand.
“We got sandwiches from the corner deli, champagne from the market, a cake from Silver Moon bakery, and,” You pulled up a chair beside Matt, squeezing his arm as you sat down. “We get to listen to the Orchestra's rehearsal for their ballet next week!”
Matt opened his mouth to say something, hopefully expressing his immense gratitude in the process, but the words refused to form. Swallowing a gulp of the sweet bubbly drink, he fought back the urge to cry.
“Do you like it?” Foggy asked eagerly, his eyes burning holes into Matt's forehead as he tried to read the blind man's reaction.
“I–I love it.” Matt murmured, eyes stinging with tears. “You didn't have to go through so much effort–”
“Oh stop,” You waved off his customary guilt, bumping his shoulder with your own. “We wanted to, bubs. You deserve to have a good birthday. Next time, maybe even in the correct month.”
Matt chuckled weakly at that. “Thank you both. I—I’m sorry for not saying anything last semester…” Trailing off, Matt debated whether to be brutally honest about his upbringing. A warm palm was placed over his hand, which you then squeezed encouragingly. 
“If you want to tell us, we’re here to listen.” Was your soft reminder. 
“We love you, dude. We just want you to feel comfortable with us.” Foggy explained, knocking a knee against Matt’s. 
“I do, I swear! I just…I haven’t celebrated my birthday since my dad passed. I don’t think the nuns even knew that it was in October.” Matt snorted, his small laugh tinged with bitterness. “I didn’t want to bother you both by asking for something, I guess.” 
“Oh, Matt.” Foggy says mournfully, scooching his chair closer to the dark-haired boy. 
“You deserve to be celebrated, trouble.” You remarked, fingers dancing in your lap to the rhythm of the music. “And don’t think this belated party absolves you of one for this coming October. This was a backlog situation.” 
Foggy raised his glass. “I’ll drink to that.” 
Downing the small portion of alcohol, he grimaced. “Oh my god! This is awful.”
“It’s the best I could do! Oscar is out of town.” You lamented, coughing on your own swallow.
Matt smiled. “Maybe you two are just weak.” 
You both scoffed at that, immediately pouring yourselves more to drink. 
The sandwiches were decent, as always, but the cake was phenomenal. Chocolate sponge filled with a rich ganache and covered in vanilla whipped cream. Though Matt loved dessert as much as the next person, it could be hard for him to find things that weren’t filled with chemicals, way too much sugar, or–god forbid–non-edible items that warranted a health code violation. Not only had the two of you managed to find a cake that he enjoyed, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it was not just a lucky guess. 
The two of you truly knew him.
A month ago, maybe even a week ago, he would’ve been terrified. All the lessons Stick had taught him, the main reason he hadn’t formed any lasting relationships in his two decades on Earth, had boiled down to one principle: proximity to others is dangerous. But you and Foggy had proven his former mentor wrong. Matt’s life had improved significantly since he’d set foot on Columbia’s campus, all because of the two of you and your massive hearts. 
Placing another forkful of cake into his mouth, Matt was suddenly giddy with gratitude. The champagne undermining his ordinarily reluctant subconscious and revealing the immense love that he held for the two of you. By the time you’d all demolished the food, his limbs had been warmed by the alcohol. 
“At least you know Fog will never find another best friend behind your back, Matt.” You giggled, bringing him back to the present as you drained the bubbles from your glass. “He wouldn’t be able to hide that from you.”
“You make it sound like he’s my paranoid spouse or something!” Foggy laughed.
“Paranoid?” Matt gasped. “Who told you!”
“Uh oh, you’re in the doghouse now, Nelson!” You beamed, licking icing from your fork. “You shouldn’t speak ill of your wife like that.”
“Ok, first of all,” Foggy raised a hand. “He’d clearly be the husband in this scenario.”
“Clearly.” Matt jested, rolling his eyes to you. 
“Second of all,” Foggy spoke over him. “Matt has made it very clear that he is not interested in legalizing our profound bond.”
As Foggy broke off into fake sobs, you gasped and Matt cackled. “Matthew! Why would you turn down such a marvelous offer?” You scolded, standing to give Foggy a wobbly hug as his dramatized reaction gradually slowed.
“I know why,” Foggy sniffled, shifting his body away from Matt with a pout. “It’s because of my inadequacy.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Fog?” Matt chuckled, crossing his arms as he waited for Foggy to reveal the punchline.
“I can't—can't...” Foggy stammered emphatically. Rubbing circles on his back, you frowned in exaggerated concern, your breath stifled as you tried desperately not to laugh.
“It's ok, Fog. This is a safe space. You can tell us anything.” You reminded the blond, clearly in as much anticipation as Matt was.
“I can't DANCE!” Foggy cried, collapsing to the ground in a heap. “And heaven will burn before Matthew Murdock marries someone who would step on his toes.”
You and Matt erupted into boisterous laughter as Foggy stuck his nose into the air. “It's true. Tell her, Matt. Tell her about my left feet!”
Still giggling, Matt shook his head. “Fog, I'm blind! You've taken a whole semester of modern dance! If anyone has two left feet it's me.”
Jumping to his feet a bit unsteadily, Foggy swept an arm across the room, beginning to slow dance by himself. “Woe is me!” He cried with a forcibly shaky voice. “No partner to dance with!”
“I'll dance with you, Fog. You poor thing,” You cooed, squealing in delight as Foggy grasped your hand and spun you towards him.
Matt beamed as he heard the two of you swaying to the rhythm of the music playing throughout the building. Foggy was humming softly along and you were attempting to get your tipsy limbs to obey the commands your brain was sending.
“Ok, I'm getting way too dizzy. Time to cut in, Murdock!” You chuckled, plopping down into your seat as Matt stood from his.
“Gladly!” Matt smirked, yelping as Foggy yanked him forward and positioned his hands on the long-haired man's own hips.
“I'm confused, aren't you leading?” Matt questioned, body going slack as Foggy began to twirl them around.
“I'm trying! Pick up your damn feet, dude!” Foggy scoffed, kicking Matt's shoe lightly.
“Then why are my arms underneath yours?”
“Because I'M the WIFE!”
“But you have to lead!” Matt shot back, still chuckling.
“Ugh, forget it. It'll never work between us, dear Matthew. Remember me when you dance with your bride on your wedding day.” Foggy clapped him on the back, curtseying before stepping away. ”Farewell, sweet prince!“
Shaking his head as Foggy strode away, Matt turned his attention to you, smiling rougishly. “Hmmm, it seems I'm in need of a new partner. Care to dance with me, sweetheart?”
Shrieking with laughter, you attempted to make your escape by darting around your chair, but Matt snatched you around the waist, pulling your hips towards his.
“I'm no Franklin Nelson, Matty. I'll trip over you!” You protested, weakly trying to squirm out of his grip, smile still gracing your lips.
“I don't mind, bug. If you want to give it another shot, that is.” Matt loosened the hold he had on your hips, allowing you to refuse if you truly wanted to, but you remained mere centimeters from him.
“S-sure, Matty. How do I...” You flexed your fingers, unsure of where to place your hands.
“Fog?” Matt called to his roommate, grinning when the blond rushed over in a huff to 'correct their form'.
With your hands linked around his neck, and his palms pressed gently against your hips, Matt inhaled deeply as he focused on the tempo of the song currently playing. Swishing the two of you from side to side, Matt stepped carefully in a waltz motion, the very one he'd heard Foggy practicing night after night during the slow dancing unit of his class.
His movements weren't nearly as confident as Foggy's but you seemed pleasantly surprised, letting him move you around the room with a bit less force than your other friend had. Tilting into him slightly, you huffed out an exhale.
”Dizzy?“ Matt asked quietly, hearing your eyelids flutter closed.
”Drank too fast, I think.“ You reasoned, scrunching your nose as the ground continued to spin beneath you.
”C'mere, sweetheart.“ Matt clasped his hands behind your lower back, tucking your head under his chin as he slowed his movements. ”Need to sit down?“
”No,“ You sighed, nuzzling into the junction of his neck and shoulder. ”This is better.“
”I'm glad.“ Matt murmured, pretending not to feel Foggy staring daggers into his back.
Humming appreciatively, your thumb rubbed over his nape. ”You smell nice, Matty.“
Huffing out a laugh, Matt battled the urge to plant a kiss to your crown. ”So do you, sweets. Thank you for a great birthday.“
”Of course.“ Your thumb continued to stroke small lines over his neck. ”You deserve it.“
Withdrawing slightly from your embrace, Matt craned his neck towards where his other friend was finishing the last dregs of the champagne. ”Thank you too, Fog. I appreciate you both so much.“
”We love you too, buddy.“ Foggy smiled, stepping over the spread of food to help remove you from Matt's side.
Gently sliding you into a seated position on the carpet, Foggy sat to your left, prodding you until you nestled back onto Matt's shoulder to your other side. Plucking a fleece blanket from the floor, the blond wrapped it around the three of you cozily.
”There we go. Everyone warm enough?“ Foggy asked. You nodded sleepily as Matt hummed his assent.
Tapping his fingers to the steady beat of the percussionists below, Matt closed his eyes, smile never falling from his face. 
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Taglist: @eugene-emt-roe @abbyhaslongshorts @mrs-bellingham @abucketofweird @yeonalie @jadeunstablexx @spider-murdock @0ctober-writes @danzer8705 @mattmurdockstateofmind @supervoldejaygent @dorothleah @zomtart @marytheweefrenchie @cheshirecat484 @siampie @ignore-mp3 @silas-aeiou @rev-glut @screechingphantommaker @spiderstyles04 @paradox-brody-chase @msjb2002
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sickfictropes · 1 year
Good things: sickfics where everyone has different remedies for an illness (insomnia, sore throat, stomach bug, head cold, etc) and the sick character must be subjected to all kinds of benevolent torture as each member of the group turns rehabilitating them from a nurturing experience into the fucking Space Race
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My neck glands (or whatever tf we call them) have been swollen all morning I'm and all I've had is tea and peach juice 😭
Can I get some Pip with a sick reader headcannons please 🙃
Of course my sweet 🫶!!! We all need some comfort when we are ill. I do hope this brings a smile to your lovely face! And my best wishes that you feel better soon.
Tender Remedies (not proofread. Errors will occur. Read at your own peril)
Pippa fitz Amobi x under the weather fem Reader
From the minute you walk into the flat with your pale complexion and snotty nose Pip’s blue eyes are trailing after you. Gone is her attention on her presentation she’s been working on for weeks now. Her blue eyes follow you as you pad around the flat, watching you, studying you.
“You didn’t tell me you were feeling ill” is her starter. She’s up and striding across the room and once she’s up and in front of you her fingers are over your forehead, feeling your damp skin and how unbearably hot your flushed skin feels under her touch.
“Your burning up” she concludes, the tips of her lip is wedged between her teeth, her eyes watching you even closer. “You look pale, you have bags under your eyes” she’s listing of almost every detail to herself.
You lovingly shake your head which feels so heavy and so cloudy that you try to appease your girlfriend, “I’m quite alright pip. Just feeling a bit-“ your legs are weak and when you try to stand they give out, and pip is immediately catching you, arms wrapped around you in a hoist to bring you back up. Her eyes peer down at you, a look you know well. “You are a silly sausage you know that? It seems you are unfit to be up love. Come along I’ll nurse my pretty girlfriend back to health”.
Pip takes your hand and makes her way into the bedroom flat. “Sit on the bed”. You do, and smile softly when pip gets on her knees to unlace your trainers, taking her time undoing your laces and wiggling your feet out of the shoes. Once that’s done she goes to your shirt, “do you want me to change them or do you want to? I just washed your pajamas a few days ago.”
You settle for yourself putting them on. You don’t trust yourself to let pip do it. Not when she’s so soft and sweet. You’re sure your knees would buckle and you’d end up doing something that would get you both sick as dogs.
Once you put on your soft cotton pajamas pip is next to you, her eyes gleaming and wide as she watches you in bed, looking like an utter mess.
“Have you eaten today?”.
You shake your head, “I had a bit of juice this morning but my stomachache made it hard to get anything down”.
Pippa nods, her fingers trailing over your hair and playing with the ends of your soft silky hair, “alright. I can make you a shake? Last time you did very well with that. Of course I’ll have to get the recipe from mum”.
You smiled thinking about Pip’s mum Leanne who had drove all the way to Cambridge in horrible rainy conditions just to help you and Pip who had gotten the stomach bug on occasion of first term starting. The illness had spread through pupils like the plague in 14th century London. You were amazed you hadn’t seen headteachers sprinting around with bird beak masks and poking pupils with long sticks as they taught.
Leanne had arrived and to put it simply saved the day. Mother powers in its finest form.
You nodded.
Pip smiled and left you with a comforting kiss to pad to the kitchen.
A few minutes later she was back, coming in with a glass of water and a few pills.
“Mum says to take these. There natural and should help with the fever. Do the sheets feel scratchy? I can get some news one? How is your head? Do you need new socks? I can-“
You only giggled. “I just need my girlfriend to hold me”.
Pip blushed at that. “Trying to get me in bed with ya? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news love but you aren’t getting in my pants today” she joked wiggling her eyebrows.
You laughed but whined. “Pip just hold me please?”.
Pip smiled and once she got your shake in hand and gave it to you with soft fingers did she finally make her way into bed and pull you close, kissing your a cheeks and checking your forehead.
“What else do you need? Can I read you my presentations and signs of a serial-“
“Yes pip”.
You didn’t miss the way her eyes lit up she rushed of to get her laptop, like a child being told they could buy sweets from the shop.
The things you would do for your girl.
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gravehags · 11 months
something something papas and ghouls taking care of you when you’re sick send tweet
primo - herbal remedy king (homemade, naturally) but understands the power of vick’s vaporub. will feed you tinctures and tonics while his weathered hands gently rub the goop on your chest. doesn’t mind when you cough in his face while you sleep.
secondo - #1 pastina maker in the abbey, has his own special recipe. will feed you so much goddamn broth you feel like you’re going to explode but when you open your mouth to object, he simply gives you the Secondo Emeritus Look™️ and you shut right up and pick up your spoon.
terzo - wholly unphased by how gross you look/sound/feel. to him you are always his amore, even as he’s holding your hair and you’re emptying your stomach in the toilet for the fourth time that night. will always make sure you’re hydrated.
copia - the ultimate fussy guy. when you first mention you don’t feel so good he’s already got the thermometer in hand, herding you into the bedroom. he’ll cluck and mutter to himself in italian as he frets over you until you finally tell him to please come to bed, bello, you are wearing a hole in the rug with your pacing.
cumulus - oh lord she’s comin and she’s got the goods. lulu will get her hands on every medication available in the abbey and go over all the symptoms every one helps in order to pick the best one for you. rubs your back soothingly and peppers your face with kisses, regardless of how clammy you are.
cirrus - firmly but gently reassures you that no, you’re not dying it’s just a virus and this does happen to humans on occasion. is the most sensible of the ghouls when you’re sick and like terzo, always holds your hair for you. will strip you down and bathe you all by herself with no complaints.
sunshine - big time cuddler. completely unphased by your grossness and will pull you into her embrace and gently stroke your hair while kissing the top of your head. giggles a little when you thank her in a nasally voice.
aurora - queen of channel surfing. when you get tired of watching the price is right all morning she’ll snag the remote from you and put on a juicy lifetime movie. her commentary makes you laugh so hard you go into coughing fits but improves morale greatly.
swiss - when you show up in his doorway and hoarsely proclaim you don’t feel so good he’s already halfway dragging you to bed. after he gets all your garments off this man is making you a nest to end all nests. you WILL be cozy.
mountain - brings you tea with honey on such a constant rotation you have to beg him to stop or you’ll wet the bed to which he calmly tells you he’ll carry you to the toilet every time if that’s what it takes. cleans up your used tissues with zero bitching.
phantom - this bug is a panicker. he’s relatively new and doesn’t get what the flu is so he automatically assumes you’re dying. you end up comforting him more than the other way around. if you do a sinus rinse he’s at the sink next to you, watching and absolutely fascinated.
rain - the gentlest of all the ghouls when you’re sick. unlike the others, he knows when to give you space to heal and be alone. doesn’t mean he neglects you though - like cirrus will absolutely bathe you with no complaints and get you back in fresh pajamas.
dewdrop - speaking of complaints, this guy will bitch on your behalf til there’s no tomorrow. he’ll hold your giant water bottle up to your mouth, proclaiming how fucked up it is that you’re suffering and he can’t really do anything about it. always validates you and your feelings, even if you are being a little whiny baby.
aether - like secondo, he is making you a hearty soup the instant he hears a sniffle. he’s happy to make grocery store runs for your sick staples and comes home with way more than you’ll ever need. when you’re restless because your illness won’t let you sleep, he slings an arm around your waist to ground you and maybe, just maybe uses a little quintessence magic to lull you to sleep in his arms.
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hi, so rn I'm in absolute pain, my legs absolutely tort me up from mosquitoe bites like there, the sizes of welts, as if someone had burned me and it's absolute hell. SO I was wondering how Aizawa and Hawks would take care of an S/O and how they would react seeing their legs full of golf ball sized inflammation. Would they try to kill someone thinking that their dear s/o was hurt? And what type of remedies would they try once they found out the nature of them? Also, would they tease them about being a magnet for blood suckers?
I hate mosquito bites! I've got some right now, too, and they're driving me bonkers. I hope you like this and here's a link to where I found mosquito bite remedies-- Remedies
Remedies for Pesky Bites - Aizawa & Hawks
Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
1612 words
+ You get bitten badly by mosquitoes, and your man has a couple of remedies up his sleeve to help.
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I groaned as the burning, iching. sensation in my legs grew worse. I fought hard to not scratch at the welts lining my legs. I had gone to help my parents at their countryside home. It was a nice, hot summer day and the bugs were out in drones. I didn't even notice the mosquito bites until I was on the train home.
"Dammit." I exclaimed as a couple bites won and I scratched at them. I had to rip my hands away and get up from the bed. I had already taken a shower and it helped for a little bit. I went to the bathroom to grab some anti-itch Ointment. I hopped up on the counter and examined my legs.
The welts on my legs were huge. Ranging from tiny bites to golf ball size welts. I noticed there was some blood and blood rash from the scratching.
"Great..." I rubbed in the ointment, careful not to cause more irritation. All I wanted was to go to bed and be held by Shota. Unforchunately, he wasn't home. He had let me know that he would be out late due to a stake out bust of a gang.
I sighed before hopping down and walking back to the bed. I stood there for a minute, wondering if it was worth it to get under the blanket. I decided against it and laid on my stomach lounging on my pillow. I distracted myself with my phone until it was too hard to fight sleep.
"Babe... darling, Wake up." I groaned as I woke to someone shaking my shoulder.
"Nooo..." I whined, gripping my pillow tighter and curling up.
"I know, I know. Sleep is wonderful but I need to talk to you." His voice was urgent and I shot up in near panic. I found him sitting to my left.
"What's wrong? Did something happen on the bust?" I began to look him over.
"No, no. It went fine. But what happened to you? It looks like you were attacked. Who did this to you?" He looked down at my legs and began to trace his fingers around the welts.
"Ah! No, no." I pulled my legs away. His eyes widened in worry. "No one did this to me. It's all mosquito bites. I went to my parents remember?"
"Well, I helped my dad outside for most of the day. I got bitten a lot and I didn't notice until the train ride home." I saw him visibly relax and he dropped his head. I sat there
"Thank god. I thought you were attacked Or something."
"Nope. Well, yes by bugs." We laughed. I sighed before reaching down towards my legs.
"Nope. No scratching." He grabbed my hands.
"But it's so irritating evel the ointment isn't working well." He hummed before getting up and pulling off his capture weapon and jacket.
"I think I know just the thing." He walked towards the door. "No scratching."
"Okay." I giggled. I heard him moving around in the kitchen before coming back in with some wet towels.
"For now, We'll put these on. I've got something else prepping in the kitchen." He wrapped the towels around my calves. and I jumped at the cold sensation. It instantly gave me some relief. I sat there patiently for about half an hour, and he came back in with a bowl.
"What is that?"
"Tea?" I was surprised. He nodded with a chuckle.
"Trust me." He gave me a smirk. He pulled out a large, thin cheese cloth bag full of damp tea. He pulled off the rag and gently placed it on my bites. He did the same to the others. "Now we leave it on for ten minutes. Sit still and let it work while I go take a shower."
"Okay." He got up and began to strip his clothes. Before he went to the bedroom and stopped him. "Can I have my book?"
"Which one?" I pointed to the (color) book. (You choose the book! Lol) he handed it to me and went. He was done and back within the 10 minutes.
"Now let's see..." He took the wrappings off slowly.
"I never pegged you for a home remedy guy." I said while tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"Well, I'm full of surprises, Love." He set the bags in the bowl again before wiping the skin off. "There we go. Not even that red anymore."
"Wow." I ran my hand over the welts and was surprised to feel no irritation from my touch. "How?"
"It is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-itch." He said, standing up. "We'll do another treatment in the morning."
"Thank you." I stood and gave him a kiss.
"No problem. I suggest you put on those soft, cuffed sleep pants for the night." He said while leaving the room.
"Ooo, good idea."
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"Come on, pick up Keigo." I muttered into the phone. I have been trying to call him for about 10 minutes. He has yet to pick up obviously. "Damn." I groaned as the call went to voicemail again.
I was trying to get a hold of him to pick up some anti-itch stuff. We were out and I had an ungodly amount of mosquito bites on my legs. I had accompanied my sister to the farmers market and I apparently attracted all the bugs in the place. Large, angry, itchy welts were left behind.
"This sucks." I was sitting at the table with no pants on so there was no rubbing. I was wearing one of Keigo's shirts and it stopped about mid thigh. The bites were burning so bad that I was nearly in tears. I jumped when the balcony doors opened.
"I'm home, lovebird." Keigo yelled. He quickly found me at the table and gave me a big smile.
"I've been trying to call you." I whined.
"Aww. I'm sorry, Babe. I lost my phone earlier." He pulled off his jacket and kicked off his boots. He walked closer to me. "What did you need?"
"Too late now." I said getting up. He paused when it got closer.
"What's wrong?" I saw him examine me and his eyes widened. Rushing over, he knelt before me. "What happened?"
"Careful. They're bites." Taking a step back.
"Bites?" He asked frantically. I saw him looking at the large welts With worry. Some were scuffed from scratching while others had some blood rash.
"Bug bites." I clarified. He gave a heavy sigh of relief and his wings sagged to the floor. He muttered some words of relief before looking up at me.
"What happened?" He stood up.
"I went to a farmers market today and I think I attracted all the mosquitoes. They hurt and itch Keigo. So bad." I grabbed onto his shirt, sniffling and set my head on his chest.
"Why didn't you put anything on them?"
"That's Why I was calling you. We're out of anti-itch stuff." I set my chin on his chest and looked up at him. He hummed and rubbed his hands up and down my arms.
"Come on." He wrapped an arm around my waist and led me to the kitchen. He softly lifted me up and set me on the counter next to the stove. He moved through the kitchen looking at different things.
"Bear with me, Love bird." He found my bag of herbs and spices I got today. He sifted through it before pulling out the thyme. I was confused but didn't say anything. He pulled out a pot and filled it with water. He put it on to boil before taking the thyme sprigs and broke them into single strands.
He dropped the springs into the water as it came to a boil. He wrapped a wing around my legs and I could feel the heat begin to rise under the feathers, giving me some temporary relief. I stayed silent as he worked until after letting it cool, dipped a couple of rags in the thyme water.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Thyme is an antibacterial plant that can reduce irritation in the skin." He explained. I was dumbfounded.
"And how do you know that?" I asked. He chuckled as he wrapped the rags around my legs.
"I grew up having to fend for myself and not have any helpful amenities." He used a bag clip to hold the rags on.
"Oh, right."
"It's alright." He cupped my face and gave me a kiss. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. This was the perfect distraction. He pulled away after a few minutes. "Feeling any better?"
"Yes actually." I noticed that the burning was gone and the urge to itch was almost gone. I looked at my legs astonished.
"Thyme? Really?"
"Yes!" He laughed, wings flapping in amusement. He removed the rags and examined the bites. "They look better."
"Amazing." I hopped down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brushed my fingers through his feathers. Shivers went up his spine. "Thank you, Pretty boy."
"It's my pleasure, My Love." He nuzzled his nose against mine.
"You know..." I trailed off. "You now owe me some more Thyme. Especially if you want some fried chicken."
"Haha! Of course!" He said. I smiled before stepping back. "You know..." I heard the teasing tone in his voice. "I really hope there are no vampires nearby because you seem to be a blood suckers buffet."
"Keigo Takami!" I scolded him while laughing. I grabbed a dry dish towel and threw it at him. He dodged and took off for the bedroom. "Get back here!"
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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ghostismybbygorl · 2 years
Im sick right now, hopefully its not covid
( ive had it 4 times now)
But im gonna write some headcannons of 141 plus Alejandro and Rudy when they're sick
in denial that he's sick
"Something must be blooming"
He'll carry a giant box of tissues around him at all times constantly blowing his nose (he's blows his nose so loudly)
Goes through a box of tissues a day
The only time he accepts that he's sick is when he a). Looks like death and is so tired he cant get out of bed b). Gets sick to his stomach or c) when his symptoms get really bad
He got covid and legit was passed out on the couch whining about how shitty he feels
Price gave him covid
It knocked him the fuck out
Alright now when hes sick
He gets super whiney and clingy when he's sick
"Ghooost" "what" "i dont feel good 🥺" "sucks for you"
Hes in bed box of tussues on the right, trash can on the left filled to the brim with tissues
He sleeps all day if he can but his congestion is so bad he'll just wine and moan about how shit he feels.
He takes all the cold medicine and none of them work for him
He takes hot baths to sweat out the sickness
A cuddle bug he has multiple pillows he just holds onto
When he had covid he whole ass fell asleep eating his food
He cried a little as well
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This is him when he's sick
He pouts when he's sick
He'll lie in bed all day just zoning out
If he has to do some shit he'll try not to act like he's sick (which fails because he'll be sniffling like crazy and just looks sad)
He gets grumpy too. One time a rookie pissed him off he made them mop the floor with a tooth brush
He hasn't gotten covid yet due to him wearing a mask all the time
He doesnt take anything he just suffers through it
"It'll eventually go away"
Usually gets a sinus infection after he's which pisses him off more
Nobody knows he's sick cause he takes everything over the coutner.
He sleeps with a humidifier thats got vics in it
Dayquil, mucinex, afrin, peppermint tea, an edible all in his system.
If he feels REALLY bad he'll just call out and sit in his bed playing video games
Soup is his meal 24/7
Price gave him covid as well
He still cant taste food properly
If he eats something and it doesnt taste like it should he'll throw a glare at price occasionally flooing the bird at him
Mans a beast at home remedies
As soon as his nose gets stuffy he immediately gets the vics and applies it to his sinuses
Carries tissues around him to blow his nose. He does it in private not a big fan of blowing his nose in public he also carries vics everywhere
He has the humidifier, the vapo shower, everything
Makes sopa de pollo with extra jalapeños to clear his sinuses
He makes lemon tea with either hella onion or ginger, tastes like shit but gets the job done
He's rarely sick but when he does he's just tired and speaks with a nasaly voice
Hes not a big fan of cold medicines but if he has to take it he will
Like soap he's a big baby when it comes to being sick
But he hides it well in public
Of coure he's all about home remedies
Vics vapo rub is carried around him 24/7
He'll only take theraflu cause that shits the only thing that works.
Religiously takes advil to stop the sinus swelling
When he's not working he'll sleep as much as he can.
He takes HOT baths to sweat out the sickness
Sleepy boy when hes sick
He'll just randomly fall asleep on someones shoulders
He'll sleep all day
Doesnt like to take cold medicine but he'll take it if he really doesnt feel good.
He drinks alot of tea and makes herbal remedies
He gets really quiet, doesnt speak at all
He sniffles lightly and he'd hide to blow his nose. Very embarrassed about blowing his nose
Carries peppermints in his pocket and ginger candies
Uses a netty pot and does salt rinces
Takes hot showers with eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint hanging off the shower head
He likes to curl up in a nest of blankets with sweats and a hoodie. He doesnt wear his hood only a face mask to not make other people sick
He takes vitamin c everyday to help him not get sick
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actualbird · 1 year
this sounds rly weird to say but stick with me - i wish luke would get ill in canon. obviously he has a terminal illness which would weaken his immune system and while it’s great he’s physically fit i mean SURELY he’s way more susceptible to getting seriously ill from a cold/the flu, right?? idk i think i just want to see him being taken care of bc he deserves it but also i do like the idea of him being taken care of by the nxx and them looking out for him when he gets seriously ill from a virus/bug etc etc
i got this ask Before main story 9 dropped but only after did i wanna answer it because i totally feel u.....
i feel like tot doesnt let luke get smaller ails in canon because hes already dealing With The Big One Thats Killing Him (any more wld be overkill?). and though it's also true that neurological conditions dont necessarily always affect the immune system, it's still a dang shame cuz like u, i'd adore a story where it's the others taking care of him when hes down with a bad case of the flu....and given recent main story events, i reALLY WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE TEAM HELP LUKE WITH A LOW-STAKES AIL :(((
in true luke fashion, he'd probably keep it under wraps and make excuses until his absence at an nxx meeting cannot be ignored and they crash his apartment to see him in a MISERABLE little pile of blankets trying to remedy this by himself
mc: why didnt you tell us!!!! >:O
luke: it's not a big deal :( it's just the flu and already called aaron for doctor's advice and meds and everything, i can take care of myself
vyn: have you been hydrating?
luke, nervously: ..............yyyyyes?
artem, looking in his fridge: theres nothing in here but peanut's treats, what have you been feeding yourself?
luke, still nervously: ffffood?
marius, finding a pack of sliced bread near his bed: dude, have you just been eating bread???
luke, increasingly nervously because hes fighting for his life out here: i cant stomach anything else for some reason!!!
mc: uh huhhhh, you seem to be doing a Great job at taking care of this yourself :/
luke: ;-;
cue the team helping out: helping in cleaning the place up (when luke is miserable his place gets even Messier), cooking simple foods (artem's soup to the rescue), etc etc. luke would be So apologetic during the whole thing, constantly apologizing for being a bother, which is both depressing and grating to hear. mc almost wants to take two piece of sliced bread and sandwich luke's face in them to tell him "STOP SAYING SORRY!!!" but she knows thatll probably make him feel worse, so she restrains herself
for all luke's apologizing, he does feel better with the team helping out. but then he feels bad about feeling better (because HOW DARE HE....AFTER HE INCONVENIENCED THEM ALL!!!) and it's this terrible ouroboros of shame
eventually, mc sends the other boys out on a grocery run to help stock luke's fridge with fruits and other good snacks-for-sick-person, and alone in luke's apartment she sits next to him.
mc: hey, tell me the truth. you knew you were doing a cruddy job at looking after yourself, you knew you shouldve asked for help. why didnt you?
luke: ...i dont...like it...i dont like you or the others seeing me like this
mc: pathetic?
luke: i mean, yeah. but i meant....sick. i dont like you guys seeing me sick. because of, yknow.....being sick and useless and helpless, it feels like a prelude, and everyone else is burdened picking up the pieces around me.
mc: oh
luke: yeah
mc: hm. youre an idiot
luke: ????
mc: i cant speak for the others, but i can tell you that i surely dont mind seeing you like this if it means i can help. dont you always tell me to rely on you more? how about you return the favor, luke. let us help, sometimes. let me help.
and we all know shes way too good at setting up a winning argument.
by the time the others get back, luke is a more cooperative patient and a less-apologetic one. in the back of his mind, he figures it cant hurt to let himself feel okay getting help every once in a while.
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