#bombing them in my mind oh my god
minglana · 1 year
i just started watching the occitan series and they could NAWT have done a better job of painting occitan neospeakers as obsessed and crazy. didnt expect less of national french tv <3
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soryualeksi · 1 month
Somehow it just REALLY hit me, as in "this is reality", that we are crowdfundinf via gofundme for people to buy food and tents to survive a genocide.
We're trying to get funds for human lives while they are getroffen bombed and shelled.
Via something like gofundme.
En masse.
Why is this reality.
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nonbinarytoast · 2 months
When you have a rairpair that’s so specific and so stupid that it would never happen even in the wildest of circumstances without you having a completely different backstory for one of the characters and switch their trauma (that you don’t know about because they’re a side character) around. And even if you did no one would read it because “why do they ship a down on his luck detective with a mine?” And you have to say “NONONONONO ITS BECAUSE LIKE— YOU KNOW— THERE WAS A SCENE WHERE— AND THE WHOLE MAKEUP AND THE—“ and you sound insane the whole time. But anytime you see one of the five pieces of fanart of them you scream in happiness because OH MY GOD THEIR SO PERFECT
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ismaet · 2 years
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evilminji · 6 months
Ooooh~ Drink mix up? >.>
Because! Wes DID, in fact, get that dream job. HAS learned... after many, many hours of "beat about the head and shoulders with an ethics pamphlet by his great aunt", to keep his mouth shut! Family curse of Sight? WHAT family curse?
He doesn't see shit! Mind your business.
What're you? A cop?
Look, he sent Fenton a gift basket. He was a shitty, shitty "I have to be RIGHT and nothing else matters!" Stubborn lil asshole of a kid. He got better. Grew up. No one is there best Self during puberty. He DOES, in fact, regret it.
Which is WHY, he is deliberately ignoring Kent's terrible, awful, paper-thin, "who meee~?" Aw shucks BULLSHIT excuse of a disguise, like it isn't blatantly obvious he's Superman. Yep. Nothing to see here! Nothing but us chickens! Mmmmm, morning coffee! Delicious.
But see, here's the THING.
The Itty, bitty, teeny lil PROBLEM...
Wes grew up in Amity "Totally Not Supernatural Hotspot For Centuries" Park. He is... to put it mildly, genetically? A freak. His biology is ALL fucked up. Everyone's is. And it WAS NOT made better by the Fenton's playing fast and loose with their hell basement. The Ectoplasmic NUKE that was that portal.
There is a REASON his morning coffee? Is COVERED. Contained. Fenton brand, LEAD LINED, specialty cups. The sort that can't be EATEN from the inside out. Eroded after a few uses. They're ugly as sin, but they work. He even ordered a few covers from Star's etsy shop. (Apparently he wasn't the only one who hated how ugly they looked. Good for her though, he heard it was doing well.)
He SAYS this? 'Cause his morning brew is less... straight COFFEE... and more... how to put this? A blend? Brew? Potion, really. Like an energy drink. From hell. Or, partially at least, the Zone. It's the combination of roots, seeds, and a few dried berries. Kinda like a tea, actually!
Tasty. Adds this nice fruity, warmth. A zing. Goes GREAT with the coffee. And it really perks you up... if you are Limnal. If you AREN'T? It'll desolve your esophagus like swallowing straight acid. And that's not TOUCHING the... witch-y, more Seer specific bit of the blend.
That stuff is medicinal. You know, "calm the mind" and "mental clarity". That sorta thing. With a good ol helping of "don't blurt out everyone's secrets, you spacey bitch! For the love of God, those are our INSIDE THOUGHTS!". Which? Really helpful! Infinitely less likely to get decked. It's a family staple.
Poisonous, though.
They're fine cause they've basically developed an immunity to that part, but like? Wouldn't recommend. It's why he NEVER shares his drinks. Food? On occasion. If he PLANS it and knows not to add and interesting spices. But DRINKS? Never. Weston family brews are basically NEVER safe.
Which? Begs the Very Important Question ™!
Who's Coffee Is This?
You never realize quite how fast you can go from "completely calm and kinda sleepy" to "bomb strapped to my chest, primal panic AWAKE" until it happens to you. His coffee was ON HIS DESK. People have passed by. He talked to them. Cups put down and picked up. Lazy early morning. He doesn't even register, really, as his chair crashes to the ground.
He's shouting.
People confused. They don't realize yet. His head whips around, looking for that distinct cover. Before it's too late. Before someone takes that fatal sip. He spots it. Bolting from his desk. Crashing through coworkers, over desks. Chaos and outrage. "It's 'just' coffee!" They cry.
Kent turns, confused. Pretending. Raises his (HIS! Oh god!) cup to his lips, unknowing. Wes SCREAMS a warning. But he doesn't listen. "It's 'just' coffee" They never listen. Curse of Cassandra. God's damn it. This is why his family fucking CONVERTED!
He TACKLES the man of steel.
RIPS his cup away from him, knows his eyes are frantic. How much have you had?! Spit it out! Wes voice ECHOES in the sudden silence. I'm a META, Kent! It could KILL YOU!
And oh, Oh NOW they get it. Or perhaps it is the burn in his mouth that finally registers. He rolls, spits oil slick nebulae that eat away the floor. There is blood mixed within it. It took mere moments. Superman stares, transfixed and horrified, as Wes shakes. He... he should probably get off of him.
He'll move in a moment.
When his legs no longer feel weak from terror.
The news room is in chaos. Lane kneeling by her husband, Perry trying to do damage control. He... he's probably gonna lose his job, isn't he? Wes wants to cry. Protection laws only go so far, after all. And warning his boss about his dietary needs means jack shit, after an incident like this. Beloved as Kent is. Not that anyone likely believed him.
They never do.
And now he's nearly killed Superman.
@hypewinter @hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @nerdpoe @lolottes @babbling-babull @mutable-manifestation @dcxdpdabbles
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hurtspideyparker · 1 month
If Civil War didn't end in divorce and everyone lived together Part 2
Read Part 1 here
Tony: Why is Underoos mopping the ceiling?
Sam: Told him since he's sticky that's his chore
Bucky: It's only fair he helps out around the house
Tony: Hm. Makes sense
Vision cooked dinner:
Peter: *pushing around food to make it look eaten*
Natasha: *surreptitiously spitting into napkin*
Steve: *taking small bites with tons of water*
Bucky: *just stares at full plate*
Tony: Well this is disgusting, I'm ordering pizza
Sam: C'mon man stop moping around, you gotta get yourself a girl
Bucky: Ok.
Sam: Ok? Okayyyyy! I know-
Bucky: Give me your phone
Sam: Oh you got a number in mind already hotshot? *hands phone over*
Bucky: *ring* Hi Sarah ;)
Sam: BOY-
Peter: Ned thought you would seperate your colours from your lights but he also thought you'd be homophobic so I don't pay him much mind cuz clearly I'm more of a superhero expert than him but he does have a 2% better average than me in history so like maybe you do hand wash your clothes and that's why I asked what underwear you wear because-
Steve: *listening intently with apprehension and alarm*
Natasha: I can't believe you found the one person on Earth who talks more nonsense than you
Tony: I know right, it's incredibly unnerving. I'm planning on adopting him
Peter: Mr. Stark I have to tell you something. I think Vision is a... *whispers* pervert
Tony: Um, why?
Peter: He keeps floating through my room without knocking! He saw me changing, he saw my nipples !
Tony: Well if anyone's a predator here it would be you. I mean showing your nipples to a 2 year old? Deplorable.
Peter: Oh god, I'm the pervert...
Bucky: Y'know animosity isn't good between teammates. I think we should spend more time together
Sam: Am I being punked right now? Where's the camera
Bucky: I'm serious. I think it would be healthy for us to bond
Sam: Okay fine I'll bite... what did you have in mind
Bucky: Wanna go for a run?
Sam: *slams door in Bucky's face*
*staring at Bucky's sparkly clean metal arm*
Bucky: Dishwasher?
Peter: Dishwasher :)
(later that day)
Bucky: I've decided to let the child live
Peter: YoU wHaT?!
Tony: Who took my coffee cup, It was right here
Bruce: Um, has someone seen my book? I just had it
Steve: I could've sworn I was holding a pen a moment ago
*giggling from the ceiling*
Tony: Young man I will take those webshooters away if you use them for shenanigans and rascality
Peter, muffled: Mr. Hawkeye told me to!
Clint: Oh so you're just gonna rat me out like that?
Peter: Sor- OOF
*falls out of ceiling vent*
Sam: You're in my spot
Bucky: There are no spots, it's a common area
Sam: Well that's my spot
Bucky: Did you buy the chair??
Sam: No, but everyone knows that's where I sit. Right Steve?
Steve: Oops I forgot something in my car, be right back *leaves*
Sam: Still my spot
Bucky: Still not
Sam: *sits on him*
(one hour later)
Steve: Hey so turns out I don't have a car! Isn't that funn...
Sam & Bucky: *Squeezed awkwardly on the chair together*
Steve: I think I left something in my car
Steve: Leave the bedroom door open when you have Vision in there
Wanda: UGH you're so protective
Tony: Teenagers, am I right? Caught Pete reassembling my particle accelerator at midnight because he needed to neutralize a miniature nuclear bomb he nabbed off some guy he neglected to tell me was trying to kill him
Steve: Wanda y'know what do whatever you want
Wanda: Really?
Steve: Yes just keep being normal. At least I can read about our issues in a parenting book
Thor: Ah, new warriors I see! Good to make all your acquaintance. But why are you so grumpy my friend?
Bucky: *glaring*
Peter: He's always like that. It's um, P- P- PMS? Wait -
Natasha: Yes it's PMS
Wanda: He's got it bad
Steve: *genuinely concerned* Bucky you didn't tell me something was wrong. What can I do to help?
Bucky: I like chocolate
Wanda: Welcome to the first annual girls night! This place reeks of men, so I thought we needed some women time
Pepper: Why is Vision here?
Wanda: I get sad when he's gone
Natasha: Why is Pietro here?
Pietro: Slay queens
Wanda: Moral support I think
Maria: Why is Peter here?
Wanda: He looked really upset when I said he wasn't included and I felt bad
Wanda: Anyways... yay girls! Who wants me to paint their nails?
Peter: ME ME ME
Steve: Pancakes or waffles?
Natasha: Pancakes
Steve: Good because I don't have a waffle maker
Natasha: Then why would you ask-
Steve: It's important for your voice to be heard, as team leader I value your opinion
*2 minutes later*
Steve: Good morning Clint, pancakes or waffles?
Clint: Waffles
Steve: Oh no.
Some of these were based on requests (ex. more Sam & Bucky, dad Steve w/ Wanda) so if you have certain dynamics you enjoy let me know !
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princesschimchim1325 · 4 months
Sing for us, darling~
Dan Feng and Yingxing want to hear the noises their wife makes as they pleasure her, to let it be known to the whole Xianzhou Luofu that she belongs to them.
(Or you get sandwiched between your horny husbands)
Warnings: 3rd POV, fem & afab reader, reader is an adult, reader got bomb pussy game, overstimulation, groping, double penetration in the same hole, creampie, vaginal fingering, Dan Feng has two cocks and a voyeur kink, Yingxing is 41 (reader wants to fuck those old men so bad), Dan Feng is a menace, Yingxing is a charming old man, they are both possessive and horny as hell, a surprise at the end. (Fūrén - wife, bǎobèi - treasure)
Word count : 1,904 words
This can be read in the same universe as my dragoness reader idea but can be read as a standalone.
This could also be read in the same universe as my mutual's @philistiniphagottini's "god-ish" smut fic.
Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcome!
Under the pale moon, the wind made the trees rustle and flowers sway. The cold breeze would make any passerby shiver, enough to make their teeth chatter.  Everyone had worn thicker coats and lit up their fireplaces to stay warm.
Everyone except for the lovers in the High Elder's residence. Said High Elder was lounging on an armchair, his face propped up by his fist and an ankle atop his knee, an air of haughtiness befitting of man his caliber and position. Dan Feng was facing the master’s bed, calculating ocean green eyes swept over the attractive forms of his spouses.
His husband, Yingxing, was sitting on the edge of the large bed, completely bare. His long silver hair lay loose and flowing behind his muscled back. Sitting on his lap, was a jewel far more precious than any stone found in the Luofu, their beloved wife. 
And what a sight she was.
Her back was pressed against Yingxing’s broad chest, her front facing Dan Feng. Her lovely face was scrunched in frustration, sighing as Yingxing kissed and lavished her shoulders with love bites and hickeys, his large and calloused hands groped her breasts. And what was one of the most erotic sights he has ever seen in his centuries of living, her greedy pussy swallowing Yingxing’s length and if he looked hard enough, he could see a bulge on her stomach as Yingxing stuffed her full. 
Their shared bedchamber was filled with the loud wet sounds of Yingxing open mouthed kisses and their wife’s lovely moans, or as he and Yingxing liked to call them, song. His own hard cocks were pressing painfully against his trousers but he paid it no mind. The erotic sight in front of him was far more important. 
“Enjoying the show, A-Feng?” His Yingxing inquired, a smirk on his handsome face. His large hands slid from her breasts, trailing down until they slipped under her thighs, only to suddenly spread them wider, jostling the woman on his lap and causing her to throw her head back and sobbed. 
“Indeed. Dare I say, your little ‘show’ is the most enjoyable production I ever had the pleasure of witnessing.” 
He rose from his seat as he answered, taking off his white blazer as he did. Perhaps their little game went on long enough, they started at nightfall and now the moon was already high in the sky. Their poor wife must be so pent up, being cockwarmed and teased by Yingxing, but being told she wasn’t allowed to cum.
As he neared his two beloveds, their wife gazed at him with glassy eyes, cheeks wet from tears of frustration. She shakily reached out to him with her left hand and he caught her midway, holding her smaller hand and leaning down to place a kiss on her palm. 
“A-Feng…A-Xing has been so mean to me..” she whined as Dan Feng kissed her neck, trailing up to her ear, just below her earlobe. 
“Hmm, is that so?” He hummed, smirking as she yelped when he bit down on a particularly sensitive patch of skin and licked it as a form of apology.
“Oh, fūrén, this was our dearest High Elder’s idea. I am merely doing my part in his script~” Yingxing laughed, placing an unapologetic kiss on her hair. 
The High Elder pulled away to take his long gloves and the rest of his imperial garbs off, piece by piece revealing a lean yet powerful build, with broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips. 
“...You scoundrels. How could you be so mean to your wife?” she complained, writhing on top of the Furnace master’s lap, unconsciously tightening in the process and causing the man to groan. 
“Desperate now, are we?” Yingxing hissed, hands gripping her thighs in a bruising hold to stop her from squirming. 
Dan Feng, finally bare, had taken his place between his wife’s spread legs and replaced Yingxing’s hands gripping her thighs with his own. His cocks standing proudly against his toned stomach. 
Yingxing’s left hand returned to groping her breast and tweaking her hardened nipple with his fingers, while his right hand trailed up to her smooth neck, caressing it before gently gripping her throat. 
Dan Feng rubbed both of his cocks against her puffy clit, using her and Yingxing’s combined wetness as lube before taking one of his hardness and lining it up her hole that was still stretched around Yingxing’s cock. 
Slowly, he filled her up, one cock rubbing against Yingxing’s and her spongy walls, his other cock was sliding between her puffy folds and clit. Dan Feng pulled his husband into a searing kiss over their wife’s shoulder, making a show of their tongues dancing. He could feel her tighten up at the sight of their display. 
Inch by inch, he slid into her wet heat, until he pressed up against her cervix alongside Yingxing. He pulled away from his husband only to kiss his wife next, equally as passionate. 
Their beloved wife was panting when he pulled away, a thin strand of saliva connecting their lips before it snapped. 
A few moments of silence before sounds of debauchery filled their shared bedroom. Each sensual roll of their hips had their darling wife keening, throwing her head back and bumping against Yingxing’s collarbone, tears of pleasure streaming down her lovely face. 
“Mmmph! A-Xing, ah! A-Feng! Too deep! Please, too deep!” She sobbed. How cute, yet she clung to them like they’re her lifelines. 
Their hips moved in sync, when one thrusts in, one pulls out and vice versa, making sure their wife is in the precipice of pleasure and overstimulation. Their cocks were alternating in slamming against her cervix, causing her to moan even louder. 
In her desperation to keep herself grounded, her hands found themselves digging into different parts of her husbands. One hand reached behind her to grasp and pull at Yingxing’s long silver locks, making him groan. The other reached behind Dan Feng to rake her sharp nails down his back, leaving thin scratches that are deep enough to bleed. Dan Feng threw his head back, moaning at the pleasure before hissing from the stinging pain.
Yingxing, never one to let his spouses one up him, let the hand groping her breast trail down her soft stomach before suddenly pressing down on the bulge caused by their cocks. 
“Ah! Yingxing, please!” How adorable, she was starting to slur her words a bit. 
Yingxing couldn’t help but chuckle, “Close, love?” 
Their poor darling, already so close while being lovingly fucked, their cocks overcrowding her poor cunt while their hands groped her breasts, the pudge of her hips, or pressing down on the bulge of her stomach in a dazed fascination of how well she’s taking both of their cocks. 
Their normally stoic and quiet wife reduced to an incoherent mess, moaning only their names. 
Both husbands groaned at the same time when they felt her tighten, impossibly tight. Dan Feng reached down to draw circles on her engorged clit, making her cry out even louder to the point he might get complaints in the morning even though his estate is built farther away from other citizens. 
“Mmph! Ah! A-Feng, A-Xing! Please, I’m going to–ah!” Before their darling wife could even finish her sentence, she came, or rather, she squirted right at Dan Feng’s abdomen. 
Her sudden orgasm triggered Yingxing’s own orgasm and she could feel herself being filled to the brim with the copious amount of his warm and thick cum. Dan Feng followed not too long after him. 
She hiccuped in pleasure as she’s filled again, this time by Dan Feng’s cum, warm and thick, and just as abundant as Yingxing’s. 
Once the cloud of pleasure had dissipated, she watched in mortification how her cum that splashed her husband, dripped down the planes of muscles his blessed body has. 
He didn’t even look mad, if anything, he looked downright pleased by the turn of events with his telling smile and the mirth present in his eyes. Behind her, she could feel the rumble of Yingxing’s barking laugh. 
“Oh, you did so well, darling. Look, you even made his other cock cum.” Yingxing cooed, nuzzling into her hair. 
She looked down and saw that Yingxing was right, Dan Feng’s neglected cock had cum as well, his spent dripping from her chest to her stomach. 
“Hmm, you took both of us well. How are you feeling, băobèi? Are you hurt?” Dan Feng kissed her forehead while checking her for any signs of harm. She could only shake her head in fondness. 
Dan Feng was the first to pull out, Yingxing following soon after him. She whimpered at the feeling of their cocks rubbing against her sensitive walls. 
Dan Feng watched in fascination how his and Yingxing’s combined cum dripped from their wife’s slightly gaping pussy, staining the bed and dripping onto the floor. 
Before anymore could drip out from her lewd hole, Dan Feng scooped the excess cum and fingered it back inside her, causing her to jolt and gasp
“Let’s not waste, shall we? It would be such a shame, no, fūrén?” He looked at her with such an infuriating look on his handsome face while his fingers played with his and Yingxing’s mixed cum inside her sore cunt. 
Yingxing’s large hands found their way to her breasts again, playing and groping her soft tits. All he gave her was a not-so apologetic kiss on the top of her hair.
“Ah! You-you scoundrels! Give this body of mine a break, won’t you?” their wife scowled but it broke into a pleasured moan when Dan Feng once again bit the sensitive part of her neck.
“Well, we did say we want you to sing, didn’t we, bǎobèi?”
Dan Heng shot out of his mattress, panting. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he tried to regulate his breathing, his heart beating so hard, it almost felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. 
He pressed his hand against his chest, his heart finally calming down. As he calmed down, he realized he had another problem, the hard on between his legs. Dan Heng groaned.
‘What the hell was that dream? No, that was too vivid to be something my mind conjured up. Was it a memory? If so, why the hell did I have a wet dream of Dan Feng and his spouses?’
He looked beside him, the woman sleeping next to him thankfully lay unaware of his dilemma. Her appearance had a striking resemblance to the woman in his dreams. He shook his head
He reached down to brush away the hair against her face, fingers slightly caressing her feathers. 
Well, whatever it was, he’ll deal with it tomorrow. 
Ren’s eyes opened, trying to adjust in the darkness of his room. He sat up before placing a hand on his face.
There was a moment of silence before the sounds of his hysterical laughter filled the room. 
“Of all the times, the memories of Yingxing decide to resurface now?” 
Ren laid in his bed again, facing the ceiling while his large and scarred hand dragged against his face, a smirk on his face. 
“Hah, I guess there is no escape for either of you. My bǎobèi, it won't be long until we're reunited...... And there is no place for you to hide, Yǐnyuè-jūn.”
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
MC: *has put Raphael on a leash and muzzle; still with his restraints*
Amon: ...
Amon: That looks cozy.
MC: Bitch, what?
Bael: Is he still under your spell?
MC: Dunno. But he's suspiciously being docile.
Bael: What do you mean-
MC: *yanks Raphael's leash so he would lower his head* *ruffles his hair hard*
MC: I've been treating him roughly since he came here, but fucker seems fine with everything.
MC: You have any guesses why?
Bael and Amon: ...
Bael: Descendant of Solomon, are you experiencing any fatigue?
MC: No?
Amon: Are you using the seraph to replenish your energy?
MC: ...
MC: *checks out Raphael* Nah, I haven't taken a bite off him.
Raphael: *blushes*
MC: I didn't mean that in a sexual way, the fuck.
Bael and Amon: ...
Naberius: What are we going to do here, descendant of Solomon?
MC: What else? We're going to hunt his minions.
Naberius: Won't that be dangerous?
MC: Yes, but we've got this. *yanks Raphael again*
Naberius: ...
Naberius: I hope you don't mind me saying this, but are you certain he will be of help?
MC: Yes? He's the bait.
Naberius: ...
Naberius: Have you created a new weapon?
MC: Yes, sweetie. And I'm quite confident about it.
Naberius: *blushes slightly*
Stolas: Hey, you know they're not calling you that, right?
Amon: MC acts sweet in the taste of success.
MC: To be precise, it's the sweet taste of hard wor-
MC: ...
Naberius, Stolas, and Amon: *also became alert*
Raphael: *mumbling some words*
MC: ...
MC: Get ready. We've got a battalion.
*The angels appeared from above.*
The angels: You will die here today, descendant of Solomon!
MC: Oh really? *smirks* Even if I have your Seraph Raphael? *holding him close*
The angels: ...
The angels: He'll praise us for killing you.
MC: This m-
Raphael: *immediately flew towards the sky, attacking the angels*
MC, Amon, Naberius, and Stolas: ...
Raphael: *killing every single one of them*
Amon, Naberius, and Stolas: *looks at MC*
MC: ...
MC: This wasn't part of my plan. Quick! Go back to the castle and report to Bael!
Stolas: How about you?!
MC: I'll be fine! LEAVE!
Amon, Naberius, and Stolas: *hesitates, but follows their order*
MC: *when they're sure they left*
Raphael: ...
Raphael: *looks at them and smiles*
Raphael: I took care of them. Just for you.
MC: *looks at all the bodies of angels now on the ground*
MC: ...
MC: What's going on?
Raphael: *descends in front of them* *leans close*
Raphael: How did I do?
Raphael: God.
MC: ...
MC: What the fuck-
Beelzebub: Get away from them, Raphael.
Raphael: *holds MC securely*
MC: !!!
Raphael: I'm bringing them back to heaven.
MC: HUH??!!
Beelzebub: *laughs*
Beelzebub: I won't let you!
MC: These idiots-
MC, Raphael, and Beelzebub: *went back to the palace safely*
Raphael: *in his restraints again*
Beelzebub: *with a few wounds on his body, but he's completely fine*
MC: *on the other hand, feels exhausted*
Beelzebub: That was a smart move. I'll give you 1000 points.
MC: Shut the fuck up.
Raphael: *is in a terrible condition after MC activated the bomb inside his body, though he miraculously survived*
Beelzebub: ...
Beelzebub: You need to be more careful from now on.
MC: ...
MC: No. I'm going to exploit this.
Beelzebub: *surprised* What?
MC: A powerful seraph called me 'god'? *smiles* I'd be dumb not to use that opportunity.
Beelzebub: ...
Beelzebub: *laughs* Let's see what you can do.
Michael: Raphael killed a battalion of our angels?
A random angel: Yes, sir.
A random angel: Sir Raphael betrayed heaven for the descendant of Solomon!
Michael: ...
Gabriel: Raphael did? Why would he do such a thing?
Michael: That's what I would like to know.
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audrey-emeralds · 9 months
Smashing Diamonds
Pairing: Nate Jacobs x Fem!Reader
Summary: The well-organized party turns south for Nate when he sees his former fling just a few steps away from Maddie, with whom he recently rekindled. Deciding to stay away from her, he realizes he can't help himself after noticing what she is wearing. Word count: 2.3k (2381 words)
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, name-calling, slut shaming, degradation, fingering, a bit of choking, cursing, unprotected sex
A/n: I don't know why but I got the need to try something dirty and Nate is the perfect person to try this on. Anyway, first time really trying to get into it, so I apologize if it isn't the best. Also, I wrote this as quickly as I could, because I was afraid the writer's block was gonna get me, but thankful it did!
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Friday night, a perfect time for partying. When your friend Lea first mentioned the idea, you already knew what you wanted to wear. A very transparent top and skirt, with minimal material, mostly consisting of thin stripes of diamonds. A hot look for any club.
However, Lea didn't have any club on her mind. She mentioned your friends from East Highland High.
" You remember Barbara, yeah, well she said that there was this party happening on Friday and how we should totally come. " You thought about it, not much linked you to the people from there, which seemed like a great opportunity to meet new people and face new adventures. Without any hesitation, you agreed to this party.
~~~time skip~~~
After dressing up, you gave yourself a few spins, and view your reflection from the full body mirror, admiring the shiny gems that only covered small parts of your skin.
" This is going to be epic. " You took a selfie of yourself as you heard a car honking in front of your house. Quickening your steps, you managed to pass your living room with neither of your parents taking a glance at you, knowing they wouldn't approve of the outfit.
" Damn, girl, are you trying to get knocked up?!?! " Lea let her jaw fall to the floor as you were walking towards her car.
" Hahaha, not really. " A giggle slipped through your glossy lips.
" Well, good luck trying to find a guy who will pull out in time with you like this. "
You gasped dramatically, giggling once again. " Oh my God, Lea! " She winked at you, driving away from your house and straight to the party house.
Before you even stepped into the house, a smell of weed hit your nose. Alcohol bottles were at every table, every counter, and at any corner available. The whole house was covered in purple and pink lights, pouring over the crowds, not missing a single human. Music was bombing the whole place with its beat, and you couldn't wait to get to the dancing.
You noticed that just next to the big sofa, Barbara sat on an armchair, vaping casually. Lea and you made your way over to her. She quickly saw you coming her way and stood up with open arms.
" Look who's here!! " She screamed out, even though it was barely heard due to the loud music.
" So glad you could come! " She said firstly looking at Lea and then at you. It took her 10 seconds to look at you before she commented " Obviously with a purpose! "
You laughed, smiling at her and slightly shrugging. Lea just nodded enthusiastically at her. She encourages you to give Barbara a turn, at which you initially shake your arms. However, Barbara was intrigued and kept encouraging you to do so. Giving them a mocking eye roll, you spun around with Lea holding your hand in the air.
" Well shit, you better take that ass on the dance floor. " BB clicked with her tongue.
" Oh, don't worry I will, but first I need a drink to warm up. " At your words Barbara, lead you two to the drinks, giving each of you a glass.
" In that case, drink the fuck up! "
Two and a half cups of alcohol were more than enough to make you drag yourself and Lea on the dance floor. The beat was gushing out of the speakers so loudly, you could feel it in your chest.
You completely let yourself go to the music, the freedom you were able to feel while dancing was mesmerizing. Nothing else had your focus and attention, with this addictive feeling you couldn't care less what your outfit was showing and whatnot.
Across the room, Nate was standing with his friends, as each held their cup, staring at the new girl. You.
" Fuck, who's that? " One groaned out while eyeing your body.
" Just some girl from Valley Torah High. " Nate's voice spoke as each of his friends turned to him with interest.
" Yo, Jacobs, you never told us about this one. You fucked her, right? " The same guy asked, waiting to hear confirmation. Nate looked at him quickly before, staring back at you.
" Ohhh! So where are the photos, we didn't see her yet. " Nate frowned at him, as the group of guys laughed.
" I didn't take any. " He admitted quickly. Meeting the guy's confused faces, he added. " Didn't have time. "
" I see. " The black-haired one said straightening himself up. " Well in that case we will make some. " He turned to the guy next to him, pulling out his phone and handing it to him, before deciding otherwise and giving his phone to Nate.
" I trust you will know better which angles to film. " With that, he started approaching you. Nate didn't even acknowledge the phone fully, his mind was kept on you.
The way you swayed to the song, dancing and turning. Nate had sex with you twice, firstly after meeting you at a party and the secondly when you accidentally found yourself in the same store. Expect that nothing else happened, you two barely ever talked, you knew your names but that was it.
Nate did make an effort to ask for your number, but with him getting together with Maddie once again, he didn't think of contacting you. He did, however, look at your social media, just enough to know which school you attended and who you hung out with.
Since he was on good terms with Maddie, who knows would you two ever interact again, if it wasn't for this night, that outfit, and Nate's friend.
As the guy was approaching you, Nate took the chance to look at your surroundings, seeing his girlfriend had spotted you. " Of course, she did, who fucking didn't? " He thought to himself while watching the stipes of your skirt reveal your cheeks.
The sight made him close his eyes for a second to regain his senses. The outfit was almost slutty, whorish, he thought, but yet it just made it harder for him to not start rubbing his pants.
Just before the man next to you could get to you, one of Nate's friends tried to call out to him. " Yo, you filmin' this? "
Without any hesitation, Nate dropped the damn phone, muttering under his breath " fuck this. " and fastly started making his way towards you.
His friends laughed a bit, at his reaction, waiting to see what was about to unfold. You were still in your own world when a black-haired guy spoke to you. " Hey- " not even properly starting his sentence before Nate go to him. He looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. " Thanks for borrowing me your phone, now you can go back for it, I left it with Caleb. " The taller guy said, composed and relaxed.
You stared at the two strangers, the taller one had a serious face as he spoke to the other one. " What are you talk- "
" Caleb has it. Your phone. " He cut him off, you tried to hear better what were they talking about as you leaned closer to them. The two of them just stared at each other, not matching their facial expression.
" Go. " The taller one almost whispered it to the other one's ear, who left only a second later. Just then you could recognise the man in front of you.
" Oh hey, you. Nate right? " He just nodded slowly, his eyes watching you lazily, his figure towering over you. You stared at him, awkwardly standing, feeling a bit uncomfortable since you were the only two people not dancing in the crowd.
" Come with me. " Nate said, walking away to the stairs. You followed before stopping in front of the stairs and calling after him. " For what? "
He turned to you, an annoying expression on his face, almost frustrated. " We both know why you are here, so you gonna come and get it or what? " You turned back to see Lea was drinking at the kitchen counter, before meeting your eye, you supposed she couldn't see Nate, but she knew what going upstairs meant, so with a jovial smile, she made a cheering gesture.
You laughed, acknowledging her excitement, and then followed Nate upstairs. He didn't look at the people that were there, he walked right passed them and into a room, that seemed almost fully prepared for this encounter to take place.
You went in after him, closing the door. " So you remember me? " He asked a rhetorical question. " Then you must remember what you were doing to me. " Your eyes glanced at him innocently, after all that dancing, you still felt a bit mischievous.
" I don't know Nate, am I suppose remember it? " He immediately came closer to you, almost fully, chest to chest. " You wanna play a game ha? "
" Is this what you came for? "
You preached up your lips as if you were thinking about it, locking up at him and seeing the tense position of his jaw. A lot took for you to not smile, since you knew the moment you looked down you would see how much more tension was held in his lower area. But, of course you couldn't resist to look. " Oh my. " You gasped, almost faking it. " Now I see what is stressing you out. "
Your hand automatically pushed itself on his bulge, making him bite into his lower lip. But before you could even react to that, he spun you around and pinned you on the wall. Now his covered dick almost went right into your hole, as he made the quietest groan ever.
As he held you in that position, his big hands began to rub in the inner of both of your thighs, the warmth it was creating made you push yourself into him completely out of reflex. He groaned into your ear, before sneaking one of his hands into your panties, only to rip them off you. His fingers immediately stuck themselves inside you, teasing each and every part viciously.
" Fuck, ah! " You moaned hard into the wall. He left his right hand to flick around your pussy and let his left hand reach your breasts. He easily got to them, as only the diamond stripes kept him from squeezing them firmly causing you to hiss out in a painful satisfaction.
" Fuck, yeah! Tell me how it feels. " Nate pushed his still-covered front into you, as his fingers played with your entrance, before entering into you once again.
" Oh, Nate! " You practically screamed out his name. " It feels so fucking good! " You couldn't help but drag yourself all over his pants, just wishing you could pull them down. However, your hands were more preoccupied with holding you against the wall.
" Imagine how good would it feel with my dick inside you. " At that, you whined mockingly, pushing your ass into him. This made his hand leave your pinched breasts as he smacked your ass, vividly leaving his handprint on it.
" A whore like you would, just love that, wouldn't you? " You nodded hard, making sure he had seen it. His left hand then once again made contact with your ass, slapping it to the point of full redness. His fingers still worked on you, as you felt your orgasm approaching. Nate noticed it, smirking before completely letting you go. He placed his hands on his pants, starting to pull them down. You turned to him, wishing to do it yourself, but were met with rejection.
" You better keep those hands on the fucking wall. You already fucked with me enough tonight, so I'm going to let you know how it feels. " You barely turned around, as he slipped his hard dick into you. The sudden thrust into you made you scream out in pleasure. Nate didn't even let you take a full breath in before he started pounding into you.
He thrusted more and more into you, groaning at the feeling. His hands held your hips as he fucked you. His eyes watched your ass bounce with all the diamond stripes. The diamonds glimmered and shook at each smack, creating a quite beautiful sight that was hard to look away from. It was mesmerizing him and he truly thought about how much he enjoyed this, having you against the wall, being completely at his mercy and command, he was becoming harder just thinking about it.
You hummed at his thrusts until Nate grabbed your neck and choked it." Be louder...can't hear you. " He said as he slammed his full length into you. " Mhm, I'm gonna cum! " You yelped out, squeezing his dick so perfectly. " Yeah, come on...fuck! " Nate encouraged smugly, stopping his rhyme just for a moment. " I want to see you cum on my dick. " He then slammed once again, strongly into you, as you shook helplessly.
" You wanted this all along. To get...fucked so well. And so...dirty! " Nate panted into your ear, biting on your earlobe, before relesing it. " Mhm, fuck...I like you this tight. And wet. " His left hand was left at your ass as his right one returned to your pussy. Fingers rubbing into you, before sliding in.
" Mhmm... " You moaned as tears started to come out of your eyes. " Yeah...come on! Come on my dick! " With just one merciless push into you, you released your juices all over him. Nate groaned at the feeling of wetness covering him, throwing his head back, before returning to fucking you.
" Nate! Ah! " You groaned, feeling his dick twitch. " Fuck, cum in me! " When you said it, almost breathlessly, he knew he couldn't keep going for long. It took a few more thrusts, before he too released his juices, pushing himself fully into you, back to back. He left breaths on your back, as you both calmed down and returned to your normal breathing pace.
Nate pulled his dick out of you, walked over to the bathroom, getting himself a towel and cleaning himself up.
" You still fuck good, Jacobs. I remember it. " Nate only smirked at your words, trying to not let it affect him too much. He took one towel and gave it to you to do the same.
" I still have your number. I might text you for another time. "
" We will see if you will. "
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facefullofsadness · 2 months
ever think about car sex with aeri... yeah, I do, a lot
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I most certainly do too anon... a lot. ooouuu the au concepts to go alongside car sex with aeri are quite literally countless like I can envision after a dinner party w designer!giselle (she's been occupying my mind for weeks guys idk I wanna make like a miniseries on that aeri-), hooking up with stranger!giselle from the club in the parking lot, stepsis!giselle taking u out for an *innocent* midnight drive but u can't take ur hands off one another, bully!giselle putting u in ur place after u refused to do her hw, ugh I could go on and fucking on.
but for today, let's paint the picture of bestie!aeri. it's summer vacation and you both are bored at 2 am, deciding to go out on a joy ride with your bestfriend who you've been crushing on for fucking ever, and what's a friendship without mutual yearning accompanied by intense flirting and affection to make each other confused right? blasting music with the windows down as u both sing ur heart out to u and aeri's shared playlist (gay), both of your outfits leave little to imagination, sheer and flimsy tops with unbearably short shorts, it's hot as fuck so sweat gleams on ur guys' skin, shining from the street lamps and moonlight.
but the tension? my god it's insane. when the tone of the music shifts as sensual rnb plays rhythmically on the speakers, you look at aeri and holy fuck she looks god-like. the sheen on her milky skin from her perspiration, her messy hair clinging to her body, her arms toned perfectly clutching on the steering wheel, the way her tank top hugged her chest and waist deliciously, her juicy thighs on full display, and her lips plump red after licking them locking eyes with you at the stoplight. you were so dizzy, the ache in your core throbbing from the mixture of adrenaline and js looking at your best friend. u watched as she pushed her hair back with her big veiny hand, threading her fingers through her messy hair, still staring shamelessly as she drove into an empty parking lot.
doesn't take long for her to grab you by the neck (choking you) and pull your head forward towards her, making a choked noise, practically a whimper. her smirk and eyes are filled with lustful intent, your eyes watering with need as you beg her to take you in every way with your dazed expression, and so she does. the sex is messy and oh so desperate. even with the car ac, you both can't help but to feel so hot, even if you're fully naked. her hands are js as greedy as yours, clutching grabbing grasping scratching at skin, pulling each other as close as physically possible.
moans fill the car as you finger each other, your digits drilling in and out of your friend's pussy, her's mimicking your movements, need evident on your faces. forehead to forehead with her as you both release pleasurable noises onto each other's mouths, on her lap as one hand is in her hair, the other thrusting into her, her hand digging into your waist as she fucks you with no remorse. cumming insanely hard on each other, immediately switching to rubbing clits tgt, using each other's slick to slide on the other's pussy. the sensations are so intense and yet neither of you care that it's too soon, that the overstimulation was too much, you both needed each other in an almost primal way, like two animals in heat.
most certainly filled with love bombs, confessing how much she's needed this, how badly she's been waiting for you, how much she has thought about doing this, and you reciprocate the sentiments, rambling against her tongue about dreaming of this day, touching yourself thinking of her, being addicted to everything that has to do with her. every climax you both would slur I love yous repeatedly, screaming each other's names and holding each other close. so much panting, moaning, pathetic begging from both like fuck you feel so good please don't fucking stop or I'm so close I'm so close just a little more please please. her taste is js as sweet as her name on your tongue, and you couldn't wait to get more, never having nearly enough. an exciting summer indeed.
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gabgabwrites · 3 months
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COACH | Art Donaldson & Patrick Zweig
summary ⇝ Patrick decided to drop the bomb that Art has never eaten a girl out before, and being the loving best friend you are, you agreed for him to use you as first.
warnings ⇝ swearing , smut! oral (F), somewhat 3sum, bodily kissing, hair pulling, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, cum eating, some secret gayness, mdni
this is also just porn no plot
++ okay I have now one more Challenger fic, then I will start with my other 101 ideas for other characters.
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You don't remember how you got here. One minute you were walking through the door of their shared room with snacks in hand and the next you were staring wide eyed at Patrick. The room stilled, Art's throat bobbed and his fingers fidgeted as they both waiter for your response. "What?" Tumbled from your lips.
"I mean it's perfect right? Art has never eaten a girl out before, so he can practice on someone who he knows and trusts, like you," Patrick has popped the idea that the film on the TV about some ditzy woman and the scary monster go at it, perhaps it wasn't a film you should watch with your friends, perhaps it wasn't a film you should've watched at all.
"Oh god," you ran a hand over your face, a labyrinth of emotions weaved through you. You shook your head before standing up, the gears in your mind turning, still trying to process Patrick's question.
Art called your name. "You don't have to, it was a stupid idea, sorry," You briefly nodded at his words before turning to find the nearest bathroom.
You shut yourself inside, pressing your back against the door. Your mind was swirling with the possibilities, if you agreed, it could result in an awkwardness thereafter between the three of you, if you didn't, well nothing, Art would just eat a girl out with little to no knowledge of how.
Your bottom lip was sucked between your teeth that chewed on the flesh. You hadn't exactly had sex, or anything close, in a while. The sweltering heat did nothing to help. It especially didn't help when you unwillingly started having small scenarios flashing in your head about either of your best friends. You remember waking up in such guilt, guilt that nestled itself in a puddle in your underwear.
You ripped open the door and basically flew to the two boys. "I'll do it," you blurted before you were able to have any regrets. A smile grew on Patrick's face at your answer.
So that's how you finally ended up, shirt off on Patrick's bed, Patrick's hands on each of your knee while Art sat on his and watched. Patrick explained how he would do it first, then Art would reciprocate. His hands felt like fire on your knees, burning hot into your skin.
Then, they pushed down, forcing your legs further apart and for your skirt to rise an inch above from where it lay. "Firstly, Art, if you're the one undressing the girl, you gotta do it slow, builds up the anticipation," Patrick spoke. "Maybe caress her thigh." His knuckles brushed your thigh, slowly to the more ticklish spot.
When Patrick's fingers brushed the hem of your panties, a gasp got caught in your throat. His two thumbs snuck underneath the waistband of the lace and began to pull it down your thigh, you quickly moving your hips up so they slid off, now of full display. Your skirt somewhat hid your pussy, but with little effort, Patrick could very well see it.
He pulled them off your ankles. Out of your peripherals, you saw him tuck the fabric into the pocket of his jeans. His eyes flicker down to between your legs, suddenly bashful, you tried your best to squeeze your legs together. Patrick's thumbs were pushing hard into your skin, slowly peeling your legs apart. "Art, come look at her."
"This is embarrassing," you mumbled, hands snaking down to tug your skirt down. Your eyes went as wide as saucers when Patrick let go of your left leg and snatched your hand up, yanking it away.
"Stop trying to hide your pretty pussy," He scolded. "Now behave." Patrick shifted to the side for Art to take a step, now having two pairs of eyes staring at your heat, you can't lie and say it didn't make you the least bit aroused.
Art swallowed hard when he made eye contact with your most private part. This felt a little too intimate, you were his best friend, yet the boner that began to grow in his pants said otherwise.
You let out a louder gasp when Patrick's fingers were running through your folds, spreading the slick that oozed from your fluttering hole, even pressing his fingers against your clit, making you whine at the touch. It swirled around the bud, hard enough to have you squint before his touch disappeared.
Patrick popped his fingers into his mouth to taste your arousal, a grumble of a moan rumbling through his chest. He let his fingers fall out his mouth and back onto your thigh. "Then, start kissing around the area, let her know what your lips feel like."
Patrick began to leave open mouth kisses, from the back of your knees to the middle of your thighs, not once did his eyes leave yours. "Patrick, please," you begged, Patrick was slow with it, lips only on the middle of your thighs, never going higher nor where you needed them the most.
"Quiet," he hissed, his teeth nicked your skin before his tongue was smoothing over the barely visible bite.
A pout formed on your lips, eyes going to Art whose hand cupped his aching erection, thumb caressing his balls through his red shorts. His eyes trained on your glistening and disregarded pussy.
Patrick took in a breath, before his tongue fell from between his pink lips, and flattened against the span of your arousal. You let out a long sigh, allowing for your shoulders to relax as you were finally getting what you wanted. "Have a little taste of the pussy," Patrick said against you.
His tongue tensed, it weaved down until it found your drenched hole, pushing in. His lips pursed as he sucked your juices into his mouth, a combination of salty and sweet, and slightly bitter, but it all tasted like a pure gastronomic delight, like nectar made by the dandiest bees.
Patrick could count the times he's fisted his cock on two hands, and even his feet, to thoughts of you. He didn't feel as guilty as you or Art though, shamelessly jerking off in bed, in the shower and one time at the beach, when the three of you had decided to go on a small vacation, a towel over his lap while his fingers were wrapped around his cock, you and Art to busy splashing in the waves, he remembers how your bikini was a little too snug, and when you bent over to get your sunglasses, how the fabric creeped into your ass.
Chin now shiny in your slick, he lifted his head before spitting out a fat glob of saliva right onto your clit, making your thighs jerk. Patrick spoke while he watched his spit slowly run down. "When you know she wants it, go ham."
"How do you know when she's ready?" Asked Art, voice scratchy from arousal, his fingers still massaging at his erection.
Patrick just stick out a finger, and flicked at your clit, once, twice, before your hips jerked up and a meek moan left your lips. "That's how."
His face dove between your legs again, this time, with no mercy. His head jerked left and right while his tongue was on your clit, the sensation slowly but surely having your toes curl, and for you to feel warm and mushy down there.
Patrick recalls a conversation you had with him, it started out with him talking about this situationship he had with a girl, who told him she didn't know how to please herself, when you innocently piped up, saying how you like to do it.
How you preferred to have your underwear completely off, fingers slowly touching yourself to get you wet, momentarily bringing your fingers to your lips to gather spit on there before using that as lube to your already wet pussy, before you rubbed, side to side.
He remembered every single fucking detail that poured from your lips so he could rush to his room that night, fingers flying on his keyboard as he typed up solo porn videos of girls doing what you explain.
So he was doing everything you told him, from the get go. He watched your eyes scrunch up, an almost pained expression gracing your features, but he knew it was you getting lost in the bliss.
Forget teaching Art, who was letting out small gasps as he felt his balls slowly fill with seed, nearing his high. Right now, it was just you and him. He'd alternate from practically motor-boating your pussy, getting his chin and your thighs wet, to sucking on your swollen clit, to sticking his tongue and far into your pussy as he could.
"Don't...stop...Pat..." your words were barely incoherent as getting them out your mouth was proven to be difficult. Your hips rolling up, onto his face while your fingers clenched around the sheets, and your skirt.
"You should hear yourself, god, you sound pathetic," he chuckled, earning a weak slap from you to his forehead.
"Don't be a dick," you managed to get out before your brain shut down. Your eyes screwed shut, hiding the fact that you began to get cross eyed. Your tongue pushing past your teeth, but not sticking out your mouth as you whined and begged, pleaded and whimpered until your back arched, without warning, cumming straight onto Patrick's tongue.
For his sanity, Art's hand ripped away from his crotch, not wanting to cum his pants as he watched you orgasm, riding out your high on Patrick's face, who just slurped it all up.
By the end of it, you were panting, face flushed and pupils blown, hair sticky with sweat. You winced when Patrick detached himself, your cum staining the collar of his shirt. "Your turn."
"What? But 'm too tired," you whined, arm thrown over your eyes to shroud your vision in faux darkness.
"Isn't that too bad," Patrick slid down next to you, before his arms hooked under your back, bringing your shoulders to his chest. With some manoeuvring, he had your back against his chest and his hands cupping the back of your knees, lifting them so only your heels lifted off the bed, spreading your sore legs apart. "You'll be good for Art, right? I mean, he's waited so long to taste you, isn't that right?"
Art nodded, slowly walking to stand at the bottom of the bed, a meter away from where he yearned to be. He slid a knee onto the bed so he could hover over your legs. "Let me know if it feels good," he said and you nodded.
You sucked in a breath. "O-Okay."
He bent at the waist, his lips attaching onto your thighs where they pecked at the skin. Art being much more delicate than Patrick. His arms hooked under your thighs that were sill lifted up by Patrick, his fingers cool under your touch. You watched his head bob as he gave you more kisses, leaving a pathway to your pussy.
Then, his lips found your clit, placing one soft peck before his eyes found yours, looking for any signs, whether it be hesitation or pleasure, he found the latter. He saw your eyelashes flutter, already being so sensitive down there that it didn't require much to get a reaction from you.
He dared to stick his tongue out, and lick a stripe, a strangled moan reverberated from your throat. "Y-Yeah, continue that," Art felt reassured by your words and lapped more vertical stripes, tasting your previous arousal and the faintest hint of Patrick's spit.
He then felt your hips push down onto his face, thinking it was you pushing him away, his tongue stopped, but once seeing how your head was tipped back, resting on Patrick's shoulder, he continued.
His lips now added to the pleasure, top lip resting on the spot a centimetre away from the crevice of your pussy, leaving big open mouth kisses, sucking your clit in as well. The kisses got more feverish the longer it went on. Art even sticking out his tongue, drooling onto your pussy.
"Art," you sighed his name in ecstasy, mouth falling open as his kisses had your knees jerk. "That feels nice."
Patrick's hands slipped under your bra and was kneading at the flesh of your breasts, palming them and feeling your hard nipple graze his skin.
Art kissed and kissed, drooling sloppily all over your folds, his saliva, tampered by your arousal, dribbled down your ass and settled into the bedsheets.
But Patrick was having none of it. He ripped one hand away from your breast, it flew until it landed on Art's head where his fingers curled around his blonde curls, and yanked, hard. "Fucking eat her pussy, not make out with it," Patrick snapped.
Art winced at the harsh tug, Patrick shoving Art's face deeper into you. You felt Art's teeth graze your folds, though you didn't mind. Especially not when feeling his tongue everywhere, on your clit, in and around your puckering hole, swirling around your folds. "That's better-r," you moaned, your own fingers finding solace in Patrick's forearms, where your nails dented his skin. 
"Fucking thought it'd be," scoffed Patrick. "I know how to make a whore feel good."
"N-Not a whore," you choked.
"Mmm, yeah? Then why do you have your two best friends eat you out?"
"Fuck off," you scoffed.
Patrick just chuckled, continuing to watch the boy ravish you. The two boys made eye contact, neither of them broke it. There was some misplaced intimacy about this moment, how Patrick and Art stared at each other while one ate you out, and the other toyed with your breast.
Patrick's hand let go of Art's hair and went back to your unattended breast. His fingers pinching your nipples, having you flinch at the pain, but no complain.
"Ah-h, gonna cum, gonna cum!” You chanted, each time, your voice got higher and and louder before your stomach flexed as you came, Art not so skilled to catch all of it, hand it partially in his mouth, and on his chin.
Art sluggishly removed his face, about a few inches away before he felt Patrick's finger slide over his chin, his cum and drool covered chin. He watched with swelled pupils as Patrick placed his finger in his mouth, letting out a hum and giving Art a grin. "Just as sweet as I remember."
With a sigh, Art got off the bed and walked to the bathroom to clean his face while you lay there, barely conscious in Patrick's arms.
He mumbled your name, making you hum in acknowledgment. "Don't think this is the last time either of us use our dear best friend, m'kay?"
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marvelwitchergilmore · 3 months
First Name Basis
Summary: Aaron Hotchner x Fe!Reader -> You and Hotch have never been on First Name Basis, but as the years go on, thing begin to change.
Disclaimer: Mentions and descriptions of blood, bombs, life being in danger, slight spoilers for S4-Ep3 (Minimal Loss - Reader takes Emily's place) (But that isn't the whole fic). BAU found-family fluff, romantic fluff, soft fluff, happy ending. Not Proof Read.
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You were on a first name basis with everyone. Everyone save from Hotch. 
Of course, he would introduce you with your first name when it came to meeting police departments or official personnel but to anyone else, specifically yourself, he always used your last name. 
And you did the same with him. Like the rest of them. 
It was always “Sir,” or “Hotch,”. 
Never Aaron. 
However, this all changed after a case in Colorado. 
Yourself and Reid had gone undercover as Child Protection Agents. And it wasn’t long until things went wrong. An unknown police raid meant everyone was taken underground. And a media segment revealed that someone was FBI. 
Between yourself and Spencer, you took the rapt. You weren’t willing to watch him get shot and die. 
On the other side of the planted bug, the team could hear everything. 
And it was killing Hotch.
And Rossi could see it. 
They all could. 
His own mind was fighting against listening because he had to, and not because you were being beaten. 
A small grunt left you as you were thrown into something, and then a crash came. A mirror most likely. More grunts and one scream before…nothing. 
It was the first time in a long time his emotions had started pushing to the surface. 
Every day, he had to become an emotionless yet empathetic profiler. But at that moment…he didn’t know what he was. He was a profiler, a friend, a…he didn’t know what he was. 
His voice was barely audible. A hair above a whisper. 
But Rossi saw it. 
Even if Aaron didn’t know it yet, Rossi knew. 
Then you spoke. 
“I can take it.”
There were more sounds of fighting before another. 
“I can take it.”
“She’s antagonising him!” Derek shouted. 
“No, she’s not.”
“She’s talking to us.” Hotch told them both. “She’s telling us not to come in.”
And he didn’t. 
It was killing him not to do so, but he didn’t. 
But the moment he got a chance, writing the time of “3 am” on the takeaway box, he wouldn’t be turning back. 
When he finally saw you, a wave of relief washed over him. And the same happened for you, too. 
Once you both caught clear sight of one another, you ran towards him. 
He could see the dried blood on your face, partly washed away. And your eye was bruised. And your arms were cut up, most likely from the mirror that had broken. 
But you were alive. 
Finally reaching him, you hugged him. And he hugged you. 
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, “I will be. Where’s Morgan and Reid?”
“They’re inside-”
The place blew up. 
Hotch covered you a little, both of you feeling the aftershock of the bomb. The hand you kept on his shoulder pulled him down a little with you. But after you made sure the other was alive, you both turned back to the building. And you started walking closer to it. 
“Morgan! Reid!”
They stood up. 
“Oh, thank god.”
Making your way up the stairs, you met a coughing Morgan and Reid before Reid finally stood tall and you hugged him. 
After that case, everything seemingly went back to normal. 
Until another case came, only a few months later. 
A bomb had been planted in a building. And, when tracking the Unsub into another one, yourself and Hotch had found yourselves stuck. 
The Unsub held a trigger, and by the looks of it, he was wearing one. 
But you couldn’t shake the gnawing feeling in your stomach. 
Something wasn’t right. 
“So, what happens next? You blow yourself up? What happened to “getting all the glory”? That’s what you said, isn’t it? In your message. It was all about the glory.”
Yourself and Hotch took another step forward, but then he unzipped his jacket. 
“Another step and I take my finger off the trigger.” He warned. 
Neither of you moved, but your gaze did switch. 
The bomb the Unsub was wearing wasn’t one you recognised. It wasn’t his type. 
By the time SWAT and Bomb Disposal met you at the top of the building, it wasn’t long before he just…gave up. 
“He took hostages from the last site.”
“But we found them all.” 
Hotch nodded in agreement. “I still want to do a sweep just in case.”
“I’ll come with you.”
By the time you both reached the fourth floor, you still couldn’t shake the feeling. 
And just as Hotch reached a small storage unit, it clicked. 
“It was a fake.”
“The bomb, around his chest. It’s a fake.”
“Why fake a bomb and then give yourself up?”
Then it clicked with the both of you. 
“How many agents are in this building?”
“Enough to keep this case in the news for the next fifty years.”
“We need to clear the building now.”
By the time you both reached the floor, calling for every agent to clear the building, someone came and found Hotch. 
“We found his briefcase. You’re gonna want to see this.”
Walking over, both yourself and Aaron peered inside. There were plans, memos, and enough cash to give him a whole new life in any country he could possibly want. 
“Get all of this processed as soon as you can.”
And Hotch walked away. 
But you stayed. 
However, the longer you stayed, the bigger that gnawing feeling in your stomach grew again. 
And once you finally lifted a pile of cash, you saw it. 
A watch with a timer. 
“Morgan! Clear the area, now!”
People started running but when you did so, Hotch was still in his place. 
Grabbing his arm on your way past, you both started running. And whether it was luck, or fate or…whatever it was. Yourself and Aaron managed to clear the site fast enough so as to not die from the explosion. 
You both were propelled forward, and landed, rolling onto the ground. And for a few moments, were stunned from the blast. 
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, managing to catch your breath. “I’m fine. Are you?”
“I think so.”
Once you were able to open your eyes, you sat back on your heels and took a look at Hotch. He was sitting in a similar position to you, except he was bleeding. 
You pushed yourself closer to him, “Jesus, Hotch. You’re bleeding.”
Once you touched it, he seemed to feel it and tried to move his head away from your hand, but you pulled him back. 
“Don’t move.”
Through your wire, you called for a medic. 
“Y/l/n, I’m fine.”
“Hotch, you’re bleeding. You’re not fine.”
“So are you.”
You shook your head and turned away for a moment, pulling out your pocket knife and cutting the torn piece of your t-shirt. 
Hotch took the cloth from your hands before tearing it into two and handing you a piece back, but keeping one for himself. 
Just as you pressed the cloth to his head, he did the same for your cut. There wasn’t much blood coming from your head, so once he knew that had slowed at least, he dabbed at the wound on your arm before tying the piece tight around your arm. 
Once the medics finally reached you both, you told them what injuries Hotch had and might have. 
“Check her over, too. She’s got a cut on her head. She could have a concussion.”
“I don’t have a concussion.”
The medic had helped you up from the floor and when they did so, you felt a little dizzy. 
Hotch didn’t even have to say anything. 
“Shut up.”
Thankfully, the next time either of you talked on a first name basis was when on a short vacation. 
Considering the fact that no-one of the team was due to go on holiday or drive out of state for at least three more days, Penelope Garcia took it upon herself to plan a small getaway for the entire team that meant even if they got called back (as you all usually would), you would have, at least, a break away. 
So, on a random Friday morning, you all drove to the beach. 
And it was fun, to say the least. 
By the time you arrived, you parked next to Will’s car. Both himself and JJ were getting Henry ready along with the beach bags and diaper bags. From what you could tell, everyone else was already on the beach. 
“Need some help?”
JJ nodded. “That would be great.”
“Hi, Henry. Is this his first trip to the beach?”
JJ smiled and nodded. “It is.”
“We did try and take him a few weeks ago but then he got a fever.” Will told you. 
“Well, it’ll all be worth it.”
Will handed you a couple of the bags whilst he carried the rest and JJ carried Henry, along with her beach bag, onto the beach. 
The minute you spotted Morgan flirting with a group of women a few feet from the water, you spotted Jack playing in the sand with Emily and Penelope. Spencer was trying to avoid the sun and Hotch was finishing setting up the area with a couple of windbreakers and chairs, with Rossi. 
And once you, JJ and Will arrived; the two dads continued setting up with the addition of sun parasols. 
It wasn’t long before Jack had come running up to get his dad and yourself to join him. JJ handed you Henry for a moment whilst she dug through the diaper bag to find the fruit pouches she had brought with her. 
From behind you, Aaron set up another parasol giving both yourself and Henry shade.
“I’ve put Henry’s fruit pouches in the cooler. Ready to go?”
Lifting her son from your arms, JJ carried Henry down to the water whilst Will grabbed his camera. And yourself and Aaron joined Jack, Emily and Penelope. 
By the end of the day, you had all swam in the water, built sandcastles, sunbathed, read and even been chased by Morgan when he realised yourself. Reid and Hotch had been hustling him in a game of football. 
And at some point after all of that, you must have fallen asleep because you woke up to someone lightly shaking your shoulder. 
“Y/n, hey, y/n…”
As you slowly came around, you realised it was Hotch. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is fine.” 
It was odd. 
His voice was soft. It was rare, if slightly unbelievable, that Hotch showed this side of him. The one he had for Jack. The one he had for those he held close to his heart. 
“The others went for some food, they should be back soon. Garcia said she knew your order. Pizza with fries and a side of pickles.”
“That’s my girl.” You said with a sleepy smile. 
“Pickles? With Pizza? Really?”
“Hey, don’t knock it till you try it.”
Then he laughed. “Okay, I won’t.”
You smiled at his laughter. And then you thought. In all the years you knew him, you couldn’t think of a time where you had heard him laugh. Sure, you’d seen him smile a little over the years. But before The Beach…you had never heard him laugh. 
And it was like music to your ears. 
Unknown, at first, but then very quickly became your favourite song. 
By the time the others got back, Jack was excited you were awake and ran over to you, jumping towards you and you fell back with him in your arms. 
Aaron laughed again, “Jack, let Y/n breathe.”
“Penelope got you pickles.”
“Extra pickles.” She said as she handed you the pizza box and takeaway tub with fries and pickles. 
“Have I ever told you you’re a saint?”
“Yes,” she smiled. “But I don’t mind hearing it again.”
“Well you are a Saint, Penelope Garcia.”
“She has to be, for buying you pickles with pizza.” Morgan added. 
The rest of the evening passed with stories, smiles and even more laughter. 
It was also after that day you noticed when Hotch called you by your name. It hadn’t clicked with you right away, when he woke you up. But when you fell asleep in the round table room after more than 30 hours of work, you noticed it more. 
Usually, whenever you fell asleep when case hours ran over, you would be jolted awake by someone (typically Hotch) calling your last name. 
But since The Beach, you were woken up with a soft touch to your arm, shaking you lightly, before he said your first name. 
“Go home, get some rest.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not.”
You grumbled, sitting up. “By the time I get home, I’ll be on my way back.”
Hotch sighed. “Fine. But you can use the sofa in my office. It’s better than your desk.”
“Thanks, Hotch.”
However, a few months later, something else changed. 
A case had been brought into the roundtable room, and everyone was there. Except for you. 
“Not like Y/l/n to be late.” Rossi said, pulling out his chair. 
“Try her again.” Hotch told Garcia. 
“Yes, Sir.”
“Maybe she’s just catching up on sleep.” JJ offered. 
“Why would she be catching up on sleep? We all landed back here two nights ago.”
“Is she dating?” Morgan asked. 
Hotch looked up. 
“No, but her neighbours are.” JJ told them. 
“Ooh, that’s gotta be tough.” Prentiss said. “Back in college, I had a roommate the same. Many sleepless nights. That was when I bought my first pair of noise cancelling headphones.”
Garcia called you three more times. 
“We’ll continue with the case,” Hotch told everyone. “We can catch her up when she wakes up.”
Except two hours later, you still hadn’t picked up. 
And then Hotch got a phone call.
“Is everything okay?”
“I’m going to find Y/n,” Hotch told Rossi as he passed him. 
“Do you know where she is?”
“A good idea.”
“I’ll come with you.”
After thirty minutes, and eventually passing the turn for your apartment complex, Rossi spoke up. 
“Her apartment-”
“I know, but she won’t be there.”
“Then where is she?”
“She has a second home.”
Rossi didn’t say anything but he couldn’t help but notice that Aaron knew the way, without having to put anything into the GPS. 
“Are you going to tell me what happened?”
Hotch sighed a little. Part of him didn’t want to, because he didn’t know if you would want anyone to know. But he’d gone this long without telling Rossi. 
“There was a crash this morning. Don’t worry, she wasn’t hurt. But one of her friends was. They’re okay, too. They’re being kept in the hospital for a few days but were more worried about Y/n’s reaction.” 
“How did she react?”
“She didn’t.”
“Well, that’s not good.”
Pulling up outside of your home, Aaron stepped out and rushed towards the door, finding the spare key and letting himself in. The doorbell camera would have let you know they were there. 
And then he called your name.
Rossi took in the structure and the decoration of your home. He didn’t know you owned a property outside of your apartment, but by the looks of it, you spent more time outside of work here than you did at your apartment. 
There were photos of yourself with your friends, as well as the team. It was tidy, and the place smelt of blueberries and cinnamon. 
Turning around the bottom of the stairs, Aaron took them two at a time before reaching the top and when he did, Rossi could see him standing on the landing, as well as stall when you called back. 
Coming from out of your room, you walked down the hall and Rossi watched as Aaron’s demeanour changed. In the car, he had been tense. In fact, he had been tense since you hadn’t walked into the office. 
But standing at the top of the stairs, hearing your voice as well as seeing you, he relaxed. 
And his voice became softer. 
You walked towards him and he hugged you instantly. 
“How did you find me?”
“The hospital called. The nurse said Abby was worried about you. Are you okay?”
Aaron moved back a little to examine your face. You had been crying. Your eyes were a little puffy and your cheeks were tear-stained. 
With his thumb, he wiped away the streaks and you melted into his touch for a second. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you?” 
You nodded, “I just…it scared me, you know?”
Aaron nodded. “What do you need?”
“A hug?”
A light smile graced his lips for a moment. “I can do that.”
And he embraced you, tightly. Securely. 
Rossi smiled for a moment before quietly walking away to snoop through your house. And by the time you both walked downstairs, you hand in Aaron’s, Rossi was in the kitchen. 
“Next time Penelope tries to arrange a dinner party, we’re holding it here.”
“So long as you cook.”
“But I don’t see any-”
You and Aaron gave each other a knowing look before you moved and opened up two cabinet doors. It contained three different spice racks, a selection of dry herbs and all standard ingredients to make any one of Rossi’s signature sauces. 
He’d given you enough recipes over the years (not that you didn’t have to work to get them – there had been so many coffee runs) that you made sure you always had the main ingredients needed, and you could always pick up fresh ones on your way home. 
“You’re not the best snooper.”
“I’m a profiler. Not a detective.”
“You’re still an FBI Agent.” Aaron added, backing you up. 
“So, sue me.”
After that case, nothing else changed. 
Both yourself and Aaron remained on a first name basis. Especially considering that two years later, you and Aaron started to share the same last name. 
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aouiaa · 5 months
Loser!Ellie Hcs
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Imagining Loser! Ellie who makes fart noises with her mouth when you bend down to pick up something, and makes fun of you for “farting.”
“Ewww, that one was nasty!”
A scoff leaves your mouth as you stand up, looking back to send a death stare her way to which makes her walk over to you, giggling.
“It’s okay, everyone farts.” she says with a cheeky grin.
An eye roll from you further causes Ellie to full on laugh and wrap her arms around your waist, pressing kisses to your neck.
She would be so silly with it too. Finding different ways to comment on you “farting.”
“That’s some narly tooting there, babe.”
“Woof, another left the cannon!” she says, pinching her nose while actually fanning the air to shooing away the smell as if it was real.
“A bomb just dropped, take cover!”
Imagining Loser! Ellie who invites you over to her house when you first started dating to review her concerningly large comic book collection.
“How many do you have?!” you exclaim, looking over the many boxes filled with comics.
“I had to do some things to acquire such items that I rather not corrupt your mind with.” she says in a rather poor attempt of sounding suspicious and menacing.
“God, you’re such a loser! you laugh, and watch as Ellie immediately drops the act and turns into a big giant tomato.
A little shy “no” leaves her lips to which makes you smile and lean over to kiss her, “It’s okay, you’re my loser.”
Imagining Loser! Ellie who also has a smaller collection of space related books than the rather getting out-of-hand comic collection.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who has the deadliest grip over the last chicken while sending a death stare your way when you do that one trend on her to see if she’d grab her phone instead.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s laughing to the point there’s tears in her eyes when she suggested the both of you paint each other. And when revealed, hers was very detailed and while yours…’was insteresting.’ Ellie’s words…
Imagining Loser! Ellie who makes fun of people who dress “cringe”, but also wears this.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who write love songs for you in her little journal of hers and even plays them on her guitar. You’ve even caught her once.
Upon walking into your home, you hear muffled talking or singing. Presuming it’s Ellie, you walk into the room to see her with gutiar in hand. Immediately when she sees you she stops what she’s doing and look up, her face turning red.
“Oh—shit, you’re home early…” she says, laughing nervously, settling her guitar aside and greeting you with a hug and kiss as usual.
A little laugh leaves your lips as you reciprocate the greeting and ask, “What were you doing?”
She pulls away from the embrace and looks down upon hearing the question. Playing with her pinky and ring finger, she responds, “Oh, ya’ know—just…playing.”
“Just playing? But I heard you singing.”
An audible gulp is heard from the nervous girl as she looks up at you, “I was writing a song.” she finally admits.
A wave of surprise washed over you, “Oh—wow. Can…I hear it?”
“Uhh, maybe later..”
You chuckle and nod, “Alright then, my little musician. You can work on!” you quip.
A nervous smile presents itself on Ellie’s lips, “Shut up.”
Loser! Ellie who does let you listen to the song, but is stuttering and messing up the whole time!—Poor girl, you make her nervous :(—To which earns her a kiss on the cheek and a “You got this, baby. Just relax” To which she actually does! She Some might say it was the kiss that did it.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who has a special spot in her journal filled with doodles of you.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who has multiple unfinished paintings of you that with time will be finished, just has to find time in her super busy schedule—that consists of sleeping and bothering you—to finish them.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who sleeps with stuffed animals.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who HAS to absolutely listen to music when doing anything, literally doesn’t matter it could be showering, dishes, getting ready, etc. There’s music playing.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s a big ‘Savage Starlight’ nerd and actually at some point sent in one of her best fanart to the official insta page, but never got a response. :(
But the girl can’t take failure as an option and is still hopeful saying, “They’ll open my message…eventually.” with a sad little huff.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s screaming from the bathroom when she actually gets a response back!
You knock frantically on the door to startled by the screaming and when she does finally open the door you’re met with her phone being shoved into your face, “Look, Look, Look!”
A slightly irritated sigh leaves your lips as you look at Ellies phone—which has mysterious residue stains on it—and see the instagram post.
Once reading the caption praising Ellie for her work, you look up from the phone and at her, “I thought you were getting killed, Ellie! God…”
“Aweeee, you care about me?” she says, putting her hands on her chest.
“No, I came to make sure they finished the job.” you reply with a cheeky grin.
“Oh wow…well in that case, gimme my phone and get out!” she frowns.
You roll my eyes playfully and chuckle, giving back her phone, “Make sure to flush.” you say, closing the door.
“That was one time!” you hear a muffled shout.
Imagining Loser! Ellie whose phone is filled with multiple pictures of you. Some of you, sleeping, doing chores around the house, cooking—and some with you seeming to be yelling at her in the photo for not helping, and terrible pictures of you that you beg her to delete, but she protests saying they’re “beautiful” to her.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who steals your chapstick since she always loses her’s within a few days of having it.
“Ellie?” you call out, searching in your nightstand for your chapstick.
“Yeah, babe?” you hear her voice become more clearly as she walks into the bedroom.
“Have you seen my chapstick? My lips are terribly dry…” you huff, unable to find it in your clutter.
“Uhh, no.”
*Imagine her in the background, sneakily swiping your chapstick back and forth on her lips as you annoyedly rummage through your stuff for it.* LMAOOO
Imagining Loser! Ellie who does feel bad and buys you a ten pack of chapstick, stealing one of course for herself.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who buys those princess or even soda chapstick ones.
(Okay i’ll stop talking about chapsticks…😭)
Imagining Loser! Ellie who seems to never drink water, but instead drinks like Arizona, Dr. Pepper, or Canada-dry, etc.
Imagining Loser! Ellie who’s rather disgusting when eating. Having dried up residue on the side of her mouth from dinner which was hours ago only to lick it off.
“Mmm, that burger was good.”
“You’re disgusting.”
Imagining Loser! Ellie who sometimes, but not all the time, thinks about how lucky she is/was to get—or “pull” as she says to her friends—someone like you.
Loser! Ellie who loves you for loving her despite her quirks!
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How you can help Palestine, Why you shouldn’t support tlou/ buy the remastered, Educate yourself, #FREEPALESTINE.
a/n; Who wants Dina or Abby hcs? 🤭
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Perm taglist: @elliesprettygirl, @dyk3ang3l, @ellies2fingers, @r3starttt, @slut4mascss, @k1ssesworld
Ellie Only fics: @herelieskrisy, @mikellie , @slaysksmska, @mina-281, @teawithnosugar, @kitkatkittycat111
461 notes · View notes
ghoulphile · 5 months
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i want this man to do gross, disrespectful, unspeakable, borderline illegal things to me
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⭐ inbox | discord | ao3 ⭐ requests: temporarily closed | tag lists: open last updated | 6/6/24 notes | i'll update this post as i continue to write. fics will be 18+ unless stated otherwise ❤️ requests closed so i can catch up on the ones already submitted - will be opening up again soon!
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🍒 sticky fingers the ghoul x reader one-shot | 18+
“Lil girls should know it’s rude ta steal.”
🍒 janey's dad cooper howard x reader two-shot, part one | 18+
“We really, uh, shouldn’t - oh fuck, you look --”
🍒 run rabbit run the ghoul x reader drabble, request | 18+
the drabble thing HNNNGH think about coop calling you bunny from the start bc he clocked that you were always a down for it and you not getting it until he after you fuck for the first time
🍒 in the middle of the night the ghoul x reader drabble, request | 18+
Cooper watching you sleep. Its a quiet night. nothing but bugs passing by. Cooper keeps watching, and his mind wanders. cut to him "borrowing" your soft and smooth hand, pulling it from under your makeshift blanket and wrapping it on his dick, jacking himself with your hand bc he's bored/trying to pass the time/stay awake
🍒 wish you'd make me cry the ghoul x reader drabble, request | 18+
"You’re such a needy fucking brat." :3c
🍒 dog days pre-war cooper howard x reader fluff, request
I was wondering if you'd write something about maybe prewar/postwar (either one) cooper where his love is a bit sick (not life threateningly so ect) and he just takes good care of them
🍒 it's always the quiet ones pre-war cooper howard x reader drabble | 18+
We can see that Cooper tends to go for good girls but what if he ran into a seemingly innocent - or at the very least kind - person… but they dirty talk like a sinner in the sack?
🍒 no use cryin' over spilled milk the ghoul x reader one-shot | 18+
based off this ask; trying to survive topside after growing up in a vault is hard enough, but doing it five months pregnant? it's a good thing you find the ghoul when you do.
🍒 i can taste your skin in my teeth the ghoul x reader drabble request, wip | 18+
drabble request thingy: "you're so wet and I haven't even touched you" and/or "aww... you're pathetic" I feel like these go so well together in a very mean(super hot) way >:)
🍒 use me pre-war cooper howard x reader drabble request, wip | 18+
for the drabble request "I want to use you so fucking bad" with pre bomb coop?
🍒 don't threaten me with a good time the ghoul x reader request, wip | 18+
how do you think our ghoul would handle having a breeding kink?
🍒 in the collision of your kiss pre-war cooper howard x reader wip | 18+
"As I live and breathe, that's Cooper Howard! Why, he must've cost a fortune -- how ever did you get him to agree to attend a children's party?"
🍒 criminal tongues the ghoul x reader request, wip | 18+
Could I get and aggressive smut with coop like he hasn't had any in 200 something years ! Hes needy and wants it NOW
🍒 finders, keepers the ghoul x reader request, wip | 18+
Cooper wants people to know the reader is *his*, and she best damn well know it to. If she doesn't, he'll have to show her
🍒 god is a woman pre-war cooper howard x reader request, wip | 18+
If you don't mind of making cooper howard/the ghoul being submissive or treating reader like a goddess of a smut?
🍒 bury all your secrets in my skin the ghoul x reader request, wip | 18+
I was thinking how it would be to be the first to get him to take all his clothes off since the bombs fell. Being the first to get him to be vulnerable in this way. If you would write this I would be very grateful.
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matchadobo · 1 month
KIDD; kiss-proof lipstick review
warning/s: very fluff, fem reader, youtuber/streamer!kidd, shy!s/o, modern au, most nsfw thing could happen is an abrupt makeout
note: based from this -> post, smaller italicized texts are sub-bullets
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kidd as a youtuber that normally does metal covers with his band (heat, killer, and wire)
has about a solid following of 100k subs bc they're just so cool
that is until his viewers asked for his makeup tut bc he always looks so bomb
his viewers have also requested fit checks like what he wears in a week
kidd forgot to mention that he has a s/o, which mildly upset a certain demographic who was ahem thirsty for him
you as his gf doesn't really mind if he talks to himself in front of his phone or camera on random times, but he always tells you a quick warning beforehand bc you sometimes appear on the bg of his vids/streamer
i also think that at some point, kidd does game streams bc he's lazy to edit. his fanbase supports any content he does whether it's just yap streams or food streams or band rehearsals
i feel like he always aims for competitive games that are pvp like MK, COD, league, etc. it just feeds his ego, and he enjoys trashtalking 😭 riling his opponent up and all that
it's all so funny, which explains his fanbase that tolerates his insufferable temper and jokes. it takes a certain kind of humor that other people might take as offensive
but the second he got sponsored by a punk make-up line, a pr box arrived at his doorstep bc he rarely checks his emails
he'd ask you to do a makeup stream with him, but you were too shy about it. especially after being the final boss of a certain demographic that is attracted to him 😭 but you never told him that. knowing him, he'll probably flip all of them off and cause drama
he'd start up stream, poorly introducing the products. you laughed to yourself at how bad he was at complimenting or kissing ass to the brand he legit has never heard of😭
kidd knows how to apply his makeup; shadow, liner, and lipstick. he tried on a purple and red shadow combo and his usual full eye liner.
his stream at that point became very chill, his fans loving every bit of his craft and how focused he was doing everything. especially at how he looked like afterward
"now we got- kiss-proof lipstick? they sent me a shit ton of fuckin' shades!" he showed a whole box of liquid lipsticks. laughing at the ridiculous amount.
his fanbase requested a test of the kiss proof on his palm, showing interest in the product
but kidd had different ideas. it might be a good way to hard launch you already.
his ig and twt already had pictures of you during dates, but your face was always hidden most of the time
"a test on my palm? oh boy, i have a better idea for that."
he'd call you, "babe! baby! c'mere a moment, i need ya a bit."
his chat would go: "babe?!?! omg hard launch?!", "omg here is his s/o!", "OH GOD KIDD YOU SLICK CHEEKY FUCK!"
you'd be scared for a bit, but kidd looked really excited. besides you also want to check out his makeup products.
"are we gonna do it together?" you muttered lowly, referring to the review
"kinda." he shrugged. "i just got one lil job for you, you'd love it promise."
you were skeptical at first but oh well. kidd lets you pick the lipstick of your choice, which was a bright red. it always looks good on him.
the chat was highkey going crazy when your body from neck below was showing
they also noticed how kidd started acting differently, he spoke softly and he had this meek smile while looking up at you
he lets you apply it on him. you were now seating with the seat he pulled to let you down. the chat now being able to see you. you waved a hi shyly, and man the view count started going up
twt was already full of you guys 😖
kidd then fanned his lips, waiting for the product to dry.
"ok, what's next?" you asked, popping the lid close
"this." he grabbed the back of your head and kissed you on stream. holding the kiss pretty good in there, smirking through it as he did so, before sucking on your lips open
you were too flustered and frozen but he even had the audacity to angle his head the other way to continue kissing you
it was pretty fucking lewd, he was really getting in there
but you, you melted from his lips and his firm grip on your nape
the chat and stream lagged at the amount of chats and view counts increasing exponentially
once he pulled away after a good 2 minutes, he turned to the screen and said, "so? it really is kiss proof, aye?" he bursted out laughing at your reaction which was the same when he started kissing you 🤣
the chat also went hysterical, both from freaking out with the both of you and your reaction
you honestly didn't mind, you half expected it. it's kidd we're talking about🤣 because kidd did it as a flex and as a fuck you to his haters (especially those who were targeting you)
you had to excuse yourself which resulted to even more comedic response from kidd at how cute you are. you were burning red btw
you later come back to tell kidd and chat that you're okay, and you plan to get back on him for that
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roosterr · 11 months
only you
note: him. that is all.
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pairing: kyle 'gaz' garrick x gn!reader
wc: 1.8k
summary: you and soap get to talking about your love life. gaz gets jealous.
warnings: little bit of miscommunication, jealousy, you and gaz make out, the mildest of spice
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sleepless nights were not a rarity for you. it comes with the territory in this line of work, unfortunately, something you and your fellow sergeants have in common. it also wasn't out of place for the three of you to find each other in the rec room well into the early hours of the morning, which is exactly where you'd ended up tonight.
perhaps it was the result of the insomnia that had kept you up far later than your mind could handle, but you'd foolishly divulged that you hadn't been on an actual date in a depressingly long time – soap seemed to find that far more amusing than you would've liked, and quickly took it upon himself to demonstrate his unique ability to make you wish you'd kept your mouth shut.
"c'mon, you cannae be serious," soap wears a shit-eating grin as he leans forward in the armchair, leaning his elbows on his knees as you roll your eyes. gaz stays quiet beside you, which you're silently grateful for, but you do feel his eyes on the side of your head.
"i just don't have the time for it," you sigh, resting your elbow on the arm of the sofa and dropping your hand into your palm.
it's true, your job didn't allow room for much of a social life, what with being sent all over the world for months at a time– really, it was a miracle you did anything except work.
that wasn't the main reason, he was sitting on your other side, but you'd be damned before you revealed that to soap,  of all people.
"well, if you can't get any, then there's nae hope for the rest of us." soap chuckles, reaching over and playfully nudging your arm.
you let out a groan, shoving his hand away and dragging your own down your face. "shut up, soap, that's not how it is…"
he laughs again at your reaction, still showing no signs of relenting. "maybe i'll have to take you out, then."
"on what? a pipe-bomb masterclass?" you scoff, the grin on your lips betraying your attempt at looking unimpressed. both of them laugh at that, soap raising his hands in a gesture that says 'so what?'.
"dinnae try'n tell me that wouldn't be an excitin' date." he reasons, tilting his head and quirking his brow at you. you narrow your eyes, humming in faux-consideration and playfully tapping a finger on your chin.
"for a pyromaniac, maybe…" gaz grumbles from beside you. the sofa moves under you as he shifts his weight around, and if you weren't so tired you would've noticed the way his voice trailed off in such an uncharacteristic manner.
"maybe," you laugh, shaking your head at the very idea of it, and the fact that soap definitely would if he could convince someone to go along with it. "that's if i don't wind up dead by the end of it."
"i wouldn't let anythin' happen to ya, bonnie, cross my heart." he grins, making an x over his chest with one finger.
"but you'd still make a homemade bomb right in front of me?" you lift an eyebrow at his teasing expression.
"my two favourite things; a good explosive  and a good view,"
"oh god, shut the fuck up." you groan, reaching to swat the back of his head as you stand up. "that's enough for tonight, i need sleep."
"think i'll call it a night too." gaz mumbles half-heartedly from his spot beside you, quickly standing and making his way to the door without another word. you frown, confused by his sudden coldness, waving to soap and calling a quiet 'goodnight' before you step out into the hallway after him.
"night, bonnie, i'll pick you up at eight!" soap calls, loud enough for you to hear in the corridor, earning a soft chuckle and another shake of your head as you catch up to gaz.
he doesn’t even spare you a glance as you trail behind him, marching ahead with a tension in his shoulders that hadn’t been there before. his abrupt switch in attitude concerned you; he was fine not even five minutes ago, what could’ve happened to change that? 
"you okay, gaz?" you ask with a hesitance that feels strange directed at him, someone you’re usually so confident around. for a moment there's no response, but he does slow down slightly, taking a right into a corner of the building with the lights shut off. you follow still, growing more concerned with every second that passes.
you’re about to ask again, but a few paces into the shadows gaz turns sharply on his heel, catching you off guard with how suddenly he stops walking and causing you to bump into his chest. 
"gaz…?" you utter, your quiet voice a ripple in the stillness of the empty corridor. he meets your eye as you look quizzically back at him, a conflicted expression taking over his features.
you open your mouth to say something more, but before you can get the words out he's laying a hand on your shoulder and gently pushing you against the wall. the hand on you shifts to rest in the crook of your neck and shoulder, while he leans the other on the wall with his hand next to your head.
your breath catches in your throat, and your previous exhaustion is completely forgotten. the way he's looking at you, staring straight through you with that deep brown gaze and right into your soul, it's like a spell has fallen over you.
kyle leans even closer, caging you in with his broad shoulders and blocking out the world around him, so he's the only thing you can focus on– as if you could possibly think about anything else when he's touching you so tenderly.
"don't go out with him…" he utters, his eyes flickering back and forth as they search yours. the pause between you hangs heavy in the air. when your questioning expression doesn't change, he takes his bottom lip between his teeth and drops his gaze, letting his eyes fall shut as he continues. "don't fuckin' go out with him, please…"
"wh…" you stutter, trailing off as you wonder inwardly what the hell he's talking about; and then it hits you.
there's another pause, and you swallow thickly at the realisation that he was talking about your earlier conversation with soap; that he was reacting like this because he thought you would actually take johnny seriously. "kyle… he was joking."
"i'm not." he mutters in response, shifting closer again by resting his forearm against the wall instead of his hand. he's looking at you again, with heavy eyes that keep you entranced by him. you can't help the uneven breath that escapes you under his intense gaze and the way his thumb begins to stroke your jaw. "let me take you out, i'll give you anything you want if you'll have me, love."
it's hard to concentrate on anything other than the sparks his touch creates as he caresses your skin. you're sure he can feel the way your pulse is racing under his fingertips. there's no one but him in this moment, the minimal distance between you still somehow feeling too great as you subconsciously lean your face closer to his.
the silence and your heartbeat are so loud in your ears, you almost don’t hear his next words.
"can i kiss you?" he asks, little more than a whisper, tilting his head so his lips ghost over yours. you breath another shuddering sigh, letting your eyes flutter closed as you nod almost imperceptibly.
time seems to slow as the word hangs in the air, the warmth radiating from him seeps into your skin as he closes the final distance and presses his lips against yours.
the hand on your neck travels up to your face, cradling your cheek with a touch so soft, almost disbelieving, like he expected you to disappear at any moment.
"i'm yours, love," he mumbles against you, never straying too far from your lips as he caresses your cheek, "i'm all yours…"
you loop your arms around his neck, knocking his hat loose in the process, but neither of you pay it any mind as it lands on the floor at your feet – too lost in yourselves to care. in the brief moment you part for air, a breathy whisper of his name escapes you, and as if a switch has flipped, his mouth is back against yours with a fervour that you struggle to keep up with.
he's running his hand up and down the length of your waist, your hip, hiking your leg up and around his side, dragging his touch over your thigh, like he can't get enough of you. it's intoxicating, the way you pant into each other, flush against one another yet still itching to get closer.
your lungs burn as he pulls away again, just enough to whisper, his voice low and needy, "god– the things you do to me, sweetheart,"
his touch is reverent as he takes you in; your touch, your skin, your taste, the sounds he pulls from you as he kneads the flesh of your waist under your shirt. it sends your head spinning, the blood rushing in your ears stopping you from thinking about anything other than the feel of his lips on yours.
you trail one of your hands down his body, over his chest and down to the hem of his shirt, where you slip your fingers under to rest against his toned stomach. his skin is hot under your hand, drawing another groan of your name from him, and he slowly moves his hands up your own abdomen, leaving a trail of goosebumps in the wake of his fingers–
"awh, c'mon!"
the sound of soap's voice startles you into knocking your head against the wall behind you, both yours and kyle's hands darting back from their less than appropriate positions.
you look over to the scott, a sheepish grin on your face at his disapproving face. kyle buries his face into your shoulder, a groan of both embarrassment and annoyance escaping his chest. you resist the urge to laugh, instead running your hands up and down his back in an attempt to comfort him.
"fucks sake, soap…" kyle grumbles, wrapping his arms back around your waist. he doesn't look up at your friend, opting to keep his undoubtedly embarrassed expression hidden by your neck.
"think i'll have to cancel that date after all." you cant keep the amusement off your face when you speak, earning a dramatic eye roll from soap.
"too right, ye animals…" he mutters, shaking his head in exasperation as he disappears around the corner again. neither of you move as you listen to his footsteps retreating down the corridor, staying frozen in place until it's quiet once more.
only once you're sure johnny's gone does the laugh you've been stifling bubble up from your chest, escaping into the otherwise quiet night as kyle finally lifts his head to meet your gaze.
he eyes the bashful smile pulling at your lips and lets out a laugh of his own, pressing his forehead back to yours and letting his eyes fall closed again.
killing soap could wait until tomorrow; right now, it was just you and him, and that's how you want to keep it.
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