#z xarre
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minglana · 2 months ago
random ass question but how many pages/screens do you guys have on your phones?
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thebloodmoonsvault · 6 months ago
Tcj A amz wxv gk pqp.
Mm’j qg zdukak. Gl’q fas uigyff.
U vxdcezqd…
Sa dw ymp. Iltk gk rtmx?
Bk’q- lfmf’w- prq lfmf Wmickq? Ue xarr Krdqwl?
Kfsr’e zsm ymo Qfdilj gk qgbthjcv ra YSOV-
Lg! La, zs, gf-
Uzm puh mygk!? Uta wxk fwp az jbic?! Lfqk’vx xmflm ber wmj rtmx. Mycq’pq-
Iebk. Lg. Gr flxp bab FTML km Krdqwl, kfwl- ftig nfsr mdi mycq- utmx vfsdb ftir um lm yq?
Rh. Em.
A’k zax yzezruzk myyl.
G zqiw km ycf aym fd zcdq. Jbeb- xgzp xav mlfqdw. Zvr zcxb. Sa dw ymp.
Exkvqk, G’y es lfpjw. U psg’k ifmi…U hhe’r…
Eykni Bjisjx oeg ycdn? Ftem tgjaguxkp- kswnq- Qtpzw uq oeg- ggui itemvtwp’e xiyk mx wag snk mx rtqvx? Ictsuxh rfs? Vmo’e vxssajf tmfjcdd rdsf nmjqq, dmzyr? Jgstx?
Mygk ge rmqrzdc. Iuxa sggluow teb- slp eykxcjw, ymcuv rzge uw yzvszxq?
My pmm’pq exbcj sjuhi be rzcdq-
Xarr fmuei prqf’r tgqte.
Mz eap, xav nsgz ksn dskr nq mg-
Z’k km eavkp, Qlpqew.
Afu spq ii zflfy dqfnzjv wagv yraw utqr bk’q ocmdmgx gl juwi t dyki? U oeg jcw rtq abick kahmgx sfbqd xavpw juwi pfpeq gzhxi y hjmexbt qzcqf-
M’f xmflm ni lzac.
…Utmx wzb lfue xh pmm?
Eafxt wgfb fti hkfwpe. Ii zfrly- iq khkrs eqf snk mx fqdi. Yzlv qayiicyuc emjx km zgpq. Egu kswnq xavl oc omr yzezr. Ur aarrwtqd hbu rzge uw pzjdgzs xh tsl wag yi cgcc ftem, Jrjcee, mm’j lgr sargr qlmb immy hmqf ksn. Z asl’f rmzyr qmg. Zsm emo, laf pbbc lfue. M gvcv fqxt.
B’cj tc nmgd wmj wag. M’ec zw zmoo.
Rfs’dj- iq’pe wgp gf! Ii’ec dav kay!
Hy, uzcdq’zx kfww mxp zflw-?
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 years ago
Red: I don't need to discuss your problems. I have orders, and those orders say I need Private Zim and I need him now. He has information that could be vital to this-
Whax: Wait a second, Zim? You're taking Zim? And I don't have to pay you or anything like that?
Red: Is that a problem?
Whax: A problem? Hehe, hell no! It must be my Hatching-day n' no one told me. You stay right there, I'll get 'im for you. Private Z-a-rrr? Z-a-rrr? Z-a-rr, where the hell are ya'!?
Xarr: (sigh) Sir, for the millionth time, my name is pronounced 'Xarr'. Xarr.
Deco: Shut up, Z-a-rr!
Xarr: Seriously, lots of people have the name, it's very common. How am I the first person you've met called Xarr?
Whax: Z-a-rr, I need ya to go down to the brig, untie Zim and get him up here.
Xarr: Me... alone?
Whax: Double time, Z-a-rr.
Xarr: Its pronounced... never mind, Tar...
Purple: You keep him in the brig?
Whax: We keep him tied up in the brig. I'm not taking any more chances.
There’s a gunshot, Xarr cries out in pain, Zim calmly walks in
Zim: Be careful.
Whax: (to Red) You'll understand soon enough.
Zim: You wanted to see me, Commander Whax?
Whax: Where's the guy I sent to get ya?
Zim: Oh, him, yeah... um, he let me out then somehow shot himself in the back somehow. But we don't think it was anybody's fault. Everybody agrees it was an accident.
Whax: Tar’s crater! Would someone go and check on him?
a random medic runs off to check on Xarr
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minglana · 11 days ago
oh also look at the horrendous navigation of the jaca herbarium. this is a website from the most important investigation organism in all of spain btw
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minglana · 8 days ago
el otro dia estuve hablando con un chaval de la resi q también es de zgz y me calmó tanto cuando me dijo q no le gustaba lo q se estaba haciendo con zgz (y tenía las mismas quejas y más de avanza) y que era la razón por la que se quería marchar. es que literal que POR FIN alguien me entiende.... toda la gente de mi entorno con la q hablo, o no se dan cuenta de lo q están haciendo (y se la suda), o les da rabia pero pasan olímpicamente. y a veces siento que soy demasiado emocional con estos temas y que debería pasar más. pero CÓMO voy a pasar si el ayutamiento está vendiendo la ciudad a sus amiguetes, le están quitando la poca vida que le quedaba al centro, están destruyendo el mobiliario urbano histórico (qué cojones es eso de anclar monigotes y anillos a un puente de piedra del siglo xv), y cada vez miran más y más a madrid y desprecian nuestra historia. nos está quedando una ciudad gris y de cemento, sin árboles, y al final nos vamos a quedar con una ciudad igual que todas las demás
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minglana · 12 days ago
its crazy that aragonese wikipedia just doxxes small towns like this😭😭😭
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minglana · 1 month ago
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minglana · 2 months ago
im ngl i really wanna travel. but the thought of being a tourist and contributing to the tourism industry somewhere else makes me NOT want to travel
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minglana · 8 days ago
like idk. im 100% aware that aragons population is like a drop in the ocean compared to other ccaa but i still feel like theres stuff being done here thats worth talking about. i just dont know if the ppl working on it dont know how to promote it or just arent in these associations
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minglana · 1 month ago
its crazy that ppl i barely talk to in uni actually know me. first of all how do you even remember my name and second of all why are you texting me to give you what we do in class😭😭😭😭
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minglana · 10 days ago
am i.... just like a man? (refuses to go to the doctor despite being sick, but also makes a big deal out of being sick)
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minglana · 16 days ago
idek why i tell my parents anything...... i told them i wanted to go walking to [redacted] tomorrow and they said that i shouldnt, what if i found a dog or i twisted my ankle or anything happened.........
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minglana · 18 days ago
so what if i ate an entire pack of jumpers😐
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minglana · 21 days ago
too embarassed to say i will not be eating meat on fridays for some time bc i dont wanna disclose that im like. a practicing catholic. yippeee
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minglana · 30 days ago
also like. was it even worth it. this is the worst thing ive seen in my life
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minglana · 1 month ago
going to google earth and using 3d view to go to the top of my village and stare at the mountain range across from my village
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