🍐Yandere Addicted 🍏
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Yandere Eldritch Ex-Husband ///////
Your now ex-husband is incredibly surprised when the authorities are dispatched to your new house when he enters. Thinking nothing of it he broke the knob of your new home, thinking after all that time talking with the judge over some foreign topic you’d both be settling into the new place. Turns out this ‘divorce’-thing and ‘restraining order’-stuff meant something after all. That he couldn’t be with you and the baby.
“Wait, the dee - force means I don’t get to come home? What–?”
“Sir, if you give me trouble it’ll only hurt your chances of seeing your kid more.”
“Wait I can’t see him? (Y/n)! (Y/n)-honey, please!”
“Sir, please put your hands behind your back.”
The only reason he doesn’t suck their brains out through their noses+ fight more is because he’s so devastated as he thinks about how in the dark about cruel-human-practices. Only now does it register that when you were oh-so cutely crying about leaving, you weren’t talking about a late night run to the store to satisfy your cravings. That the word he had dismissed as something you wanted to buy was actually an action. An action that meant he’d be deprived of the most important person in his life.
“......I did not understand before….but I understand now.”
“Kilton? You know a restraining order extends to calls, right?”
“IM nOt LetTInG yOu go—”
As he reluctantly uses the resources proposed to him, to argue for custody he has time to think about when you first mentioned the word. But the more he replays those heavenly moments with you he realizes how often your brow was scrunched and a vein was popping from that kissable forehead. It’s then that your ex-husband begins to realize just how little he was actually listening to you. Ashamed, he’s realized that while he finds all your actions absolutely irresistible it didn’t mean you were happy. And he really had no one to blame but himself.
“Hello this is Kilton (L/n) if you have a message leave it at the tone….beep.”
“Hey I hope I got the right number but I need your help with the baby….there’s stuff going on that I have no idea how to deal with. I won’t call the police or tell anyone..I just need….some help. And you're the only one who can give it to me.”
“Wait you never set up your voicemai—”
When you left your husband, you were tired of being so confused all the time. Your husband, your best friend was keeping you in the dark for a long time now. Starting from the occasionally odd behavior you’d witness him do, that he’d brush off as if it were nothing. Like the doors in the house that have begun to open to alternate dimensions (that’s what you believe but your husband will not explain in any way) ignoring your concerns and calling you being ‘silly.’ It was annoying but you hadn’t died yet so it wasn’t that bad…until you got pregnant.
“How can this be?”
“Yippee I told you, that one took!”
“No, I literally can’t.”
“Of course, you can babe, you already are look at your little bump.”
“No like I literally can’t this is unbelievable.”
Whether you physically can and were vigilant in prevention or you physically should not be able to conceive matters not. You are pregnant. Or you were. And while dealing with the intense hormones and birthing pains and gravity-defying phenomena happening in your home, your ex-husband would explain nothing. Doing nothing but smile wistfully at you while you demanded to know why the fridge was inching closer every time you turned the corner. Any sane person could only handle so much of his pretend assurances that you were just losing your mind. 
But hindsight 20/20 you should’ve known you couldn’t get rid of your eldritch ex-husband with your eldritch baby. 
“Hey you left the door unlocked, so I let myself in. Babe, you can’t be doing that it’s really unsa–the furniture doesn’t look at all like it did before.”
“Of course it doesn’t! Because your son has decided to rearrange it with his humming!” 
“That’s not a hum, Love. He’s singing a hymn of Utter Chaos–”
As you suspected the root of all the inexplicable happenings in your life were because of your ex-husband and by extension the little bundle that has been doing all sorts of things a normal baby shouldn’t. Like humming the ‘utter chaos song’ or making supplies float over to you while changing him or how at the end of his bath the water turns red and evaporates in an echo of screams. It’s just a little alarming.
“Where is the baby?”
“In that other dimension.”
“Excuse me?”
“Isn’t that something familiar to you? Every now and then he just goes into this other dimension that let’s his laugh morph the walls a little.”
“Oh my. That’s new for me too.”
Surprisingly despite your husband’s now-confirmed-eldritch-heritage he’s not an exact expert on everything his son does. Apparently no one from his world/dimension/atternate plane of existence does everything your son does and is blissfully writing off as something from your side of the family. He’ll shrug and use the opportunity to listen to you list the observations you’ve made about your darling offspring and maybe compliment you on your vigilance as a new unfortunately single parent. Don’t worry it won’t be that way for long!+
“So the blood water thing. It happens whenever he interacts with water.”
“Oh I know that one it’s an old habit of mine, for storing water for later!”
“What about the metal-eating?”
“Metal eating? With no teeth? Beats me must have gotten a taste from all those utensils you’re so fond of. By the way parenthood looks good on you have I told you that?”
As he becomes more of a constant presence in your home, there's a startling change in your baby boy’s behavior. It doesn’t stop but it’s a lot less destructive. Finally, you could have the delivery crew enter the yard without them being swallowed by the portal to your son’s crib. Finally, you can afford to have a couple-hour meet and greet with your family without anyone inexplicably sprouting horns. So reluctantly you let him back into your life with very specific conditions.
“You can’t stay the night.”
“Aww but aren’t you worried about me going home in the dark?”
“I know you’re not just some helpless human, so no. Second rule no kissing or lovey dovey things with me.”
“Got it. So vague I can work with that.”
“And finally–”
“Oh guess someone’s up from their nap.”
“I’ll distract her with a ring to her doorbell, you change back the dog.”
“As always, please try to turn down her invites for dinner this time. I don’t think I can spare her if she upsets him again.”
“No promises!”
Kilton realizes that what he has with you doesn’t mean he’s equally let back into your life, especially since so many other couples ailed by this (dee)force co-parent more or less the same so he’s got his work cut out for him. He’ll have to finally get over his listening issue while worming his way back into your heart! And don’t worry he definitely will!
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 7 days ago
Enemies Within (2) Platonic Yandere Demon Queen Headcannons
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Introduction | Part 1 | Kofi
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“Don’t think about doing anything to my Queen’s baby! I’ll kill you long before you’ve begun to act on it!”
“Hmph you think you could stop me. The Queen is clearly disillusioned and neglecting us and her empire for that…thing.”
“Silence Milune. Enjoy your time with the toad, while you can it won’t get old enough to speak.”
The threat is from the 2nd concubine, the likely father of the Queen’s first child-Silk of the Silver Snow Mountains
Hailing from the wintery mountains, his beauty is garnered in his pale uniqueness
Eyes as blue as the sky and hair white as snow
With a soft and attractive face
As the prettiest it was a given that the Demon Queen would claim him eventually 
But he didn’t go without a fight
Legend has it that the scuffle to decide who would be a concubine to who ended in a change of geography so great new maps had to be issued
Almost matching in strength with the Queen his pull within court and among the concubines is clear
Not to mention his unofficial King status given the short life of his daughter
Milune understands this all so painful for him
Her emotional intelligence her greatest strength among the Queen’s court
Practically begs the Queen to be wary of him even though she’s being needed more as the efforts to exterminate humanity continue forward
While the Queen takes her warnings seriously, she hardly spares the time to even look him in the face anymore
“Don’t go anywhere near my baby, Silk.”
“Why? Worried the curse of our union will happen again?”
“Stop it.”
“Scared that you might see me? That I might remind you of our daughter?!”
It’s from places of such deep pain that they don’t communicate much anymore
And it’s killing him
So much so that while she is out overseeing the latest weapon against the Hero, he sets out to the dungeon
Easily killing the guards and walking through the traps like they're minor annoyances
“With such weak things it almost seems that she wants this child to die.”
“Silk?! Don’t you dare—”
He incapacitates Milune with a sharp spell of ice, rendering her immobile as she flops to the ground
Able to turn she tries reaching out for you is just waking up from a nap, cooing for her to grab you
Silk easily produces an icicle in one hand as he holds the quieting babe in his other
And with medical precision he slices at your knee
The blood that pours out is immediate
And so is your crying
Silk finally pauses 
Not that he wasn’t expecting you to cry
But he wasn’t expecting to be brought back to the moment of the Queen’s delivery
Standing there filled with joy that morphed to horror…all because his baby wasn’t crying 
Recalling over the hour of the healers and medics trying multiple things there was no crying
None but the Queens 
And he’d realized how deeply he desired to hear a cry…because hearing that would have meant everything was okay
When the Queen returns she immediately goes for the dungeons, excited to hold her baby after a day of grueling failure
Only to be filled with dread at the state of the hallways leading to the nest
Dead guards of her choosing and traps sprung with no sign of damage to the one who triggered them
Her heart prepares for the worst, thinking back to her first baby
She dashes with complete abandon uncaring of the way she makes holes in the walls and craters with her steps
Coming across her opened nest to find an odd scene…
There is Silk in his cold and detached visage holding her baby who’s being put to sleep again
Milune looking hurt, sighs in relief as she stands a little ways away from the other concubine
A waft of her infamous healing magic being sent in her baby’s direction
“Silk?! What is this?”
“If you plan to replace our daughter with this child I’ll never condone it.”
“But if you raise (Y/n) as themself than I will do everything in my power to raise them well….and certainly upgrade the measly mousetraps you had set up before.”
Milune cringes
Waiting for the Queen to explode, to stab him, to envelope the both of them in incinerating heat
But she doesn’t she smiles
Entering her nest and leaning over to kiss your head
“I never would dare replace her. This child will never be a replacement for her. They are my own little human baby who’s been found at the perfect time.”
Silk smiles at this and changes the way he’s cradling you, allowing her to pick you up
“By the way Millune why are you using your magic?”
“Well…it’s for–”
Before she can sheepishly explain The Queen finds it
The scratch on your chubby knee slowly being closed up
The temperature drops
Causing you to wail in discomfort
“Millune if you’ll feed them and put them down for a nap, please.”
“Yes my Queen!”
“Silk. Come we have much to speak about.”
The fight that she has with him is more of a one-sided beatdown
Silk doing the bare minimum as a valid punishment for even coming at you with the intention to harm
But the surface level scratch was an absolute crime
She actually leveled multiple mountain ranges this time
And was satisfied when Silk was left with three fingers missing
After being talked down from taking the whole hand
Sincet then the Queen is quite pleased with her concubines
Both of them attending to you when they’re not by her side
Dutifully beginning to shape you into the Demon Royalty you’ve come to be 
“Put your hands down, little one it ruins you’re official wear.”
“Wah, wah, wah!”
“Do no take that tone with her! Apologize little one.”
“Mmmm. Reh?”
“That will have to do.”
The last of her loyal concubines to fall for you is her third and dearest friend
One of her generals…her most high general responsible for leading her to you in the first place
Because he’s more of a fighter less of a lover
He prefers to be aiding her on the battlefield 
And he doesn’t mind much since he hasn’t seen you since she first adopted you
The next time he sees you it’s somewhere he never expected
“....Where did you come from?”
He was in the training room practicing his sword swings on the battered dummies when he felt a tiny hand grab onto him
Leaning on his calf for support is itty bitty you
He stands there for a little while just trying to comprehend 
The why
The how
The what ifs
Before he feels your little hand leave him and your on the move again
So busy being a general he’s never thought about children or the fact he’s never held one
And thus he’s afraid that he’d smash you to bits if he held you wrong
But as he watches you struggle to walk before reverting to quickly crawling 
He realizes he should follow after 
So that’s what he does for the rest of his mandatory day off
Following after baby you who’s just discovering every which way of the kingdom's sub level
Its only when you seem to step forward with upmost confidence towards some steps that he actually goes to carry you 
He discovers he has no issues with holding a baby without squashing them
But he does seem to have trouble keeping a squirmy baby in place
“I thought you were supposed to stay in my arms…oh please be careful…and don’t hang off my horn you’ll stick yourself.”
It’s when he finally ventures to the Queen’s nest; a place he’d almost forgotten where it was
That he notices the temperature drop
Seeing the new guards quiver 
He makes sure to cuddle you tight, seeing you curl into his hair
But when he gets there all he sees is the other two concubines absolutely frightened
“Don’t lose hope! I’ll dash around in high speed to find them!”
“But if you miss they’ll get hurt from the aftershock!” 
“...Uhm you guys looking for them?”
“(Y/n)! Oh thank the Queen!”
“Maybe stop cooling the place down and they won’t.”
When the Queen returns her concubines are honest and she’s looking to her highest general 
“Thank you, Mordecai.”
“Of course, my Queen.”
“Not just for caring for them this time…for them entirely.”
“Anytime my Queen. Finding the heir to your kingdom is among my duties.”
“I hope you’ll continue that for centuries to come.”
From the Demon Queen and her concubines to the entire demon kingdom you’re destined to grow up pampered and protected
Though it would be a shame to know that the one who’d raised you for the role, could no longer be there...
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 9 days ago
What if Salamander witch tries to stay hidden from Gorgon sisters but gets captured by the DWMA. And of course gets shocked by recognizing the school nurse there.
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First Captured by the DWMA | Yandere Gorgon Sisters
Kofi | Gorgon Sisters Masterlist
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Of course with so many enemies making movements to resurrect the Kishin
The school's definitely on edge
Absolutely taking into custody the unknown witch that happens to be particularly non-violent
No kills, constantly being pursued by other witches, and mad souls you’re the perfect candidate to be brought into the care of DWMA
And along with your typical track record 
You arrive banged up, mildly injured 
The students who brought you in escort you to their handy nurse
“Great so here we’ll get you all treated and in tip top shape.”
“Thanks, Maka I really apprec–”
“ Hello there! I was told I needed to treat a special patient today. Come let me take a look at you.”
It’s a nightmare that Maka doesn’t pick up on your horror leaving you to your sister, who’s barely done much of anything but twisting her hair differently to be disguised
“Come sit.”
Finding no other option, you do as she says leading you through the usual steps of a doctor’s check up
Of course constantly slipping in words only your sister would sneer
“Now if you’ll open up for me and say ‘ahh.’”
“Very good. I can see the crybaby tonsils of a naughty salamander.”
“Aaa-ck what?!”
“Next part look into this eye-glass for me!”
It gets worse as she ‘examines’ your injuries, forcing you to lay in the bed as she stares above you
“Hm over here, another light bruise.”
She quickly presses much harder than she needed to
“Hm so fragile and soft a salamander wouldn’t be able to take too much of this.”
From the distance you hear footsteps coming and you can’t help but relax a little bit
That would prove to be a mistake
She clutches your face tight, squeezing your cheeks so you can’t really speak as she smiles widely at you
“Blow this for me and you’ll never run from me again!”
Enough of a warning you hide from the new person entering the room, pulling the blanket over you
If your sister was scary chasing you down, you hate to get in the way of her plans
“Stein, so happy you had time. My new patient is especially injured. I wouldn’t mind having a few extra hands to help.”
“Fine but only if I get to put a few screws in their head.”
The shaking figure underneath the blanket doesn’t stop
In fact it was happening before he even made the joke
“You should know that’s his idea of a joke. No need to be afraid. So stop shaking.”
The shaking stops but the frantic breathing does not
Stein can’t help but watch the nurse pat at the form in the bed
So caring, he could never do something like that
But as he settles into the wheely chair he can’t help but think the action is almost familiar 
Probably wouldn’t hurt to see the nurse work in action, especially with a witch involved
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 11 days ago
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Platonic Yandere Demon Queen Headcannons (1)
Introduction | Part 2|
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The Demon Queen is adamant that you drink from her even if you're a month off of weening
She just has to get that instinct out 
Constantly holding you against her monumental chest just like she did with her first
Unlike humans who have a nursery, demons make nests
A Soft comfortable place for her and her baby
Hers is in the deep dungeons of one of her many castles
Moving to an identical copy of her nest for wherever she feels like 
Currently, her nest is like a pod
Open and closed by a very specific spell 
The floor is a carpet of flower petals, soft, soothing, and place magically grown to keep fussy babies calm
And that’s what life’s like for you, if not in the soft chest of your new Mama
It’ll be weeks before she will actually part with you to attend her duties
Rarely does she deem any situation dire enough to leave her nest 
But when she does you’re in tow
Swaddled and likely sleeping she has a standing bassinet
Level and matching with her skull-covered throne
“Yes, we’ll do the obvious thwing mwy lwove!”
“We’ll….proceed with the assassin plan?”
“YES IDIOT! Now go it smells like my baby needs a diaper change!”
Your Demon Queen Mama doesn’t care in the slightest that you’re a human
She loves how long it’s taking for you to grow just a little bit
Demon babes with their extra month in the womb spend less time getting older
Humans on the other hand have a more standard rate of growth
Which she quickly studies up on when she gets concerned that you aren’t speaking yet and can barely lift your head on your own
She proudly hold you in her arms as she speaks to her generals about your development
Her generals will often share there own knowledge about children in concern about hers
While she may scoff and wave them off 
Their concerns usually ignite something she was wondering about
“My Queen is a human babe supposed to not have teeth at this age? Perhaps they’ll need implants?”
“FOOLISH! My baby will need no such thing!”
“I see. Excuse me, my lady.”
“....Say (Y/n) will teeth somehow magically appear within here?”
“Ohhh! Baa!”
Other than the strong learning curve she adores her human baby and celebrates all your major milestones
Making sure to execute anyone who refuses you or even remotely doesn’t pretend to also be so proud
And the first that she does this to is her concubines
You didn’t think she just had this baby with some random 
No no no 
She has a total of three concubines, every now and then she’ll accept another for political purposes but it’s a known fact that they won’t last long
After all her three concubines are known as the three Reapers
One way or another making sure they are the only ones in the Queen’s bed
Something the Queen has always treasured
Loyalty with their entire being
From fear and love a volatile mix of both
The same that she has with you 
And who better to teach you about what to expect than them
She’s…cautious when it comes to you meeting them
While she can’t deny they were among the few who could be near her when she had her…..slump
She also knows their ruthlessness does not stop at rivals in love
anyone who threatens her reign, happiness, and goals they intervene 
Usually without her instruction
She worries they might do the same
But of course both scaring and exciting, the first concubine approaches first
“Oh my Queen! May I sit on the edge of your nest to see your precious baby?”
She refuses to let her eldest concubine come much closer than that
Already bold to even enter the room, she’s suspicious of her
Her eldest concubine is Milune, gorgeous as she is soft
She’s the Queen’s go-to for comfort
Unbelievably soft in a world full of demons, the Queen adores the balance 
she thanks her human parents for that
“My Queen I’ve brought a specially crafted wunzie for your little one! Can they try it on?”
“They can…but I will inspect it first.”
“Of course!” 
The Queen does recall just how eager she was to help her craft her nest
Lovingly adding her unique magic to the protective spells around it
Recalling a discussion she had with her about being a mother herself
“If my Queen wished it I’d love to conceive for you! Or to handle the raising of the little one when you’re crushing all of humanity! Whatever you wish for your majesty!”
Perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad of an idea to let her hold you….only once of course
“Ahh~! Look at you! Aren’t you a joy to behold!”
Milune is holding you up high and filling your face with kisses 
Making baby you laugh
The Queen is torn between happiness at her acceptance of you….and jealousy
Now beginning to master walking, she’s just sad you aren’t crawling only to her anymore
…but she figures its not that bad when she finds a gaggle of elven assassins dead bodies strewn all over the hallway
“They got far too close to the baby, my Queen! Plus the little one just got down for their nap!” 
She’s pretty sure your hearing isn’t that good but she doesn’t mind
In fact she thinks it’s great
Absolutely showering Milune in affection and more responsibility with you
“Oh little one! Come sit in mama Milune’s lap! While we watch your Mama massacre these insolent worms.”
Milune is delighted
As someone who grieved alongside the Queen, your existence brings her a similar joy
And what better way to honor her Queen and love by showering you in the same obsession her Queen adores
When she pretends that your her baby too you are
She’s certain she’d do anything for you and kill whoever she’s allied with to protect you
Including the concubines she’s made a pact with...
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 13 days ago
High Stakes (1) | Yanderes x reader
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The sound of your commander’s neck snapping was a lot less gory than you expected. Grateful that the only image you will have attached to this experience was their crumpled body on the floor. The culprit stared apathetically at you—who was bowing in acknowledgment. 
“You. Will be the new commander of this shuttle.”
“Yes Sir.”
There was nothing more to say as your superior angrily stalked out of the room, their cape and the scent of burned flesh left in the remaining breeze. Along with him, your new co-workers rushed after, purposefully avoiding your gaze as they stepped over your old boss. Hearing the air-tight doors seal shut you finally inhaled, delighting in the much-needed breath of air. Forcing yourself to breathe, although the tension in your body was about to be at an all-time high. 
The stakes were monumental. 
They are your life.
After your former boss’s demise, you were able to adapt to your role. Successfully carrying out five years of managing a law-abiding, rebel-free, cargo ship. According to the contract you were demanded to serve for a total of six years before you were allowed to retire. Living frugally with room and board provided by the government you were more than prepared for an early retirement. The stressful atmosphere and sleepless nights were far too much for you to do this as long as the last guy. 
But of course, in your last months, it just wouldn’t be that simple.
“Commander (L/N)! We’ve captured two stowaways in the cargo bay!”
“Not unusual we give them the usual treatment and send them on a prison transport.”
“These two, are the recently caught rebels. Escapees from…his prison.”
“....I see. I’ll confirm their identities shortly.”
There was a 1 in 60% chance that your ship would be an unlucky vessel for trouble-seeking rebels. And with their recession on behalf of the newest supreme officer hard at work, you thought you’d have the privilege of not being in such an unlucky position. Eager for the last thing you hear not to be that dreadful snapping of bones.
You locked your office before heading to the brig. Passing by multiple armed guards marching on patrol. After having learned of the rebel’s presence you doubled the guards, even if you had yet to confirm it was them. Better safe than sorry.
The door opened with a hiss, your lieutenant officer especially red in the face as she turned from the cells. The cells were made of electric titanium, glittering as clear hexagons. An upgrade the new Supreme officer had made—saying even the most powerful rebels were slaves to its power. You were grateful you had them updated. 
“Commander this Rebel Scum, matches the description perfectly,” she huffed handing you the tablet that showed the recently taken mug shots of the prisoners.
The prisoner on the right was a lean fellow but the muscles he displayed were obvious. The tattoo of a prisoner marking his exposed upper shoulder, the sleeveless body shirt fashionably clashing against the tied jumper around his waist. The dull, dirtied gray jumpsuit evidently matched the standard issue for high-value prisoners. He was doing push-ups, seemingly for a while now— he had a darker complexion, sheened with the glow of a measurable amount of sweat. His hair, short and curly, remained unaffected bouncing in tandem with his vertical rhythm. Going up and down and up and down. He spared a look at you, brown eyes housing odd speckled flecks of gold.
This was he. 
Matthew Roche—a Human male, age 25, 210 cm, convicted of conspiracy, Assault of Multiple Officers, Treason, Shipment of Illegal Weaponry, and Sabotage.
Notes: Well-behaved in proximity to Prisoner #600 also known as “Ruu”, atypical human strength; give no utensils or any object that can deal damage with blunt force. 
“Like what you see? I’ve picked a fine man haven’t I?”
The coy and accented voice that rings out is muffled, coming from the adjacent cell. In there is the other convict. Skin a light pink and purple hair so dark you might’ve mistaken it for black, is a smirking fiend. Leaning against the wall closest to the other cell, he has a much shorter build. Barely a shred of muscle on his body and the tattered remains of a red jumpsuit hanging off his shoulders. You recognized that suit. 
“Did you kill and take the suit of one of my mechanics?”
“Ah recognize it do you? I took some creative liberties to maybe match my style a little.”
You didn’t relent, still waiting for him to answer your question. The convict pouted puffing his lips and crossing his arms. Scleras black and pupils red, pretending to squint with fake tears. You didn’t appreciate how long he was taking to answer. The furrowing of your brows, was all your lieutenant needed eagerly grabbing the remote control on the side of the cells. On the little panel connected by a wire to the cells, there was a lock for a key to release and eight buttons meant to depict the levels of electric energy. Your lieutenant eagerly clicked on the third button. Immediately the flash of light goes off, bolts of electricity dancing within the cell. The inmate within writhing in agonizing pain.
Matthew banged the clear wall, seemingly unbothered by the numbing agent infused into it in favor of silently demanding she stop. You didn’t need to watch the prisoner writhe anymore, unbelievably feeling guilty for their obvious pain. 
“Yuki, please.”
She didn’t seem all that willing to listen but one look and she turned the effect off. The prisoner slumped into the wall reeling from the pain they were in. Still, they looked up at you with a smirk, with slow agonized breaths.
“I didn’t kill anyone…they’re just…sleeping it off in your oil garage.”
The lieutenant looks at the communicator on her wrist, quickly alerting the coworkers in that department. Next, she pulled up the hidden camera in the garage of the naked employee among the barrels proving that statement to be true. 
“Commander that statement appears to be true. They are still breathing.”
You hum, finally exhaling, and you officially check the tablet. The picture matches the defeated inmate in the cell, still rocking the same wide smile
This was Rumakia Hintoth Yeward colloquially known as “Ruu the Ruthless”-a Diagalos Male, age 134, 145 cm, convicted of Genocide, Murder of Multiple Officers, Treason, Conspiracy, Maiming, Public Indecency, and [REDACTED].
The following notes are also redacted the only words in big letters: NOTIFY SUPREME UPON CONFIRMATION. Sending a look at the recovering Diagolos, there was no doubt this was the rebel they so desperately were after. You’d have to send a call to the Supreme immediately. 
“Commander should I–?”
Turning to Yuki and her concerned face, speaking more than any words. You appreciated her offer, certain your previous authority would have taken it in a heartbeat but you were not him. Patting her on the back, you shook your head; purposely ignoring her worried expression and hand reaching out for you. 
“Prisoners, you’ll be dealt with in a day’s time. Please get your rest.”
The sentiment was a minor courtesy, almost one you made with pity in your heart. For who they were meeting with next would not be so merciful to stop at the third electric shock. You hoped for your crew’s sake the prisoners would be the only ones receiving that kind of attention. 
You could smell the sweat of your crew. Their nervousness was all too palpable to you. You hoped your mask of apathy was of some comfort. Unless any of them spoke out of turn the only one with their head on the chopping block is you. 
“Supreme One, it’s an honor to have you here.”
The new Supreme was younger, the wrinkles on his face few and far between. Tastefully on the side of his mouth; similar to smile lines—though that was unlikely. He was donned in the usual black, the typical cape lying only on his right shoulder. Hands in gray gloves that were curled into fists at his sides.
“The pleasure will be all mine when I have my escapees.”
“Of course.”
With another bow, you walked alongside him. Leading him and his personal army of trained guards to the brig. Along the walk you could feel his burning gaze on…you. As unsettling as it was this was your superior in every way, as far as you know he could do anything he wanted. You wouldn’t be able to stop him anyway.
“I’m surprised,” his voice was smooth and sultry; the kind you would have liked a partner of yours to have if you had the time. “To think they employed someone as young as you. I thought I was the only one.”
You didn’t answer. Only nodded. 
What were you supposed to say?!
Continuing to walk alongside him, your comfort was placed on the prisoners. At the very least any unwanted attention would be siphoned from you to them the second he had the rebels in his grasp. All you needed now was for that to come to pass.
The wail of the alarm made you want to cry. 
Yuki’s voice rang out on the loudspeaker; your stomach further twisting on itself
“T-the ah–the prisoners have escaped! They’re headed for the docking bay, proceed with extreme caution. One is a Diagolos! Act accordingly with the emergency protocols–”
Her struggled warning, made it all too real.
Along with the blaring siren and the red emergency lights, you began to direct your guards. Splitting them off with intentions to funnel the prisoners into airlocks. The plan being if all else failed to jet them into space.
Amid your running mind, you felt a tight grip on your arm. It belonged to the Supreme One, pulling you along as he made his way to the airlock. Leading instead, it amazed you how he’d memorized the outline of a small-time cargo ship under his reign. 
“You come with me!”
You followed the best you could, surprised by the detour he was making. Truly curious as to what he had in mind.
“Sir this isn’t the way to the airlock shouldn’t we–”
“They’re going to split up, you might get one to go that way but you won’t get the other.”
With your help, the Supreme One made it through. Your hand and memorized codes made for an easy route for him to eventually come across a bloodied hallway. The emergency light coated the room in a dim red, terribly lighting the surmountable corpses on the ground. At the end of the hallway was Ruu holding a guard intimately, leaning their body against his knee. From afar it looked as though he was placing a passionate kiss on their neck. But alas the light revealed the exact opposite: where his pink lips were on their neck so were the elongated round fangs sucking the man’s blood and some of his organs out. In an instant the man shriveled up, their body deflating before being tossed to the ground alongside the other corpses. Above him stood Rumakia a bloody and wide smile on his face as he danced over his various meals.
“Well hello there dear Supreme it seems you found my jailer! How lucky am I that the two humans of interest are right in front of me!”
The Supreme One’s stoic face stretches into a smile—a twisted, wicked smile, you’re sure is worthy of a man ruling the government. He unsheathes a sword of light and electricity, illuminating the room much better. 
By now you felt it was time you excused yourself. As willing as you were to take the fall for your crew, dying in the midst of a battle of the most violent beings on the ship was not your forte. You tried to run, turning to where you originally came but were stopped. Like you weighed nothing the Supreme One had pulled you into his chest with his un-moveable grip, holding his electric sword in the opposite hand he started to laugh. 
“Come now, Rumakia! Attack me with my commander,” he’s holding you so tight but you refuse to move the memory of your commander’s crumpled corpse plaguing your mind. 
The irony of your similar fate, you fail to realize the specific way you’ve been pulled into the man behind you. Practically no space between you both; his breath, smelling of ashes tickles the side of your face. His nose sensually runs along your cheek as he taunts the fanged prisoner across from him.
“So lovely! I see why you traveled so far for this lifeblood,” the Supreme dares a lick to your sweating neck, “I can’t wait to enjoy them once I kill you!”
The alien across the way shrieks an ear-piercing howl, their hair widening in tandem. A fact about the Diagolos was that their thirst for blood was at its highest or in times of great stress invoked another ability than great strength—-the use of tendrils. So small and weak they mimic hair like any other species but within a specific set of circumstances their tendrils grow and act as additional limbs. That was exactly what was happening now and for Ruu with lusciously long hair meant a web of extra problems for the Supreme One.
Satisfied, the man holding you lets out a whistle, someone of his personal guard appearing behind him in an instant. With his electric sword cutting at the reaching tendrils, your superior twirls you throwing you into the arms of his guard—that doesn’t release you despite your struggling.
“Take the Commander to my ship. Kill anyone that gets in your way.”
The guard only nods before dragging you away, this time you don’t fight as another shrill cry echoes down the hallway. You let the guard lead you, so you can replay the moments before. It was puzzling to try and imagine what exactly was the competition. It couldn’t be you….could it? It’d be bizarre to believe that a prisoner who’s sustenance was blood traveled across the vast galaxy to find you. More than likely you just happened to have a blood type he was interested in…it had to be.
The aggressive pushing from the guard broke you from your thoughts. Passing by the corpses of the same soldiers you’d sent away made you pause. The guard groaned before lifting you up, carelessly tossing you over their shoulder to trudge over their bodies. Your memories with the people they were replay and you feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. 
A commander should go down with their ship, right?
You attempted to leave, tearfully reciting the exact thing, hoping to appeal to the person behind the mask. And for a moment they pause seemingly taking your ask into consideration.
“Didn’t want to do this.”
They were swift, unsheathing an electric zapper and jamming it into your side. The force of the jab—painful and the electrocution—burning. You're left to writhe with the resounding pain as the guard moves to pick you up again. Securing your limp body on their shoulder they plan to continue on their way.
“H-hey let them go!”
The pain is paralyzing and you struggle to lift your head much further but you recognize the voice. It’s Yuki. Hardly able to look you note the stance she’s in, the growing crimson puddle beneath her, and the way she leans against the wall. She’s hurt. You want to call out to her, but any attempt to get her attention is thwarted by the guard turning around. Forced to look at the blackness of their uniform you feel them chuckle and pull out a weapon. It doesn’t click the way the zapper did. 
It clicks the way guns do.
“With your condition, I doubt you’ll survive this. Not really one to be making demands.”
A shot rings out and she screams. 
She’s not dead but you can smell that familiar smell of burning flesh.
“Any regrets?”
“Just that…I can’t promise you it’ll be any better with them, (Y/n)...but I hope it’s better than with him..”
You’re moving again despite the aches in your body. You move to look up, finding your poor lieutenant with a ghastly paleness on her face covered in blood. A shot rings out and her final words ring loudly in your ears. 
Who could she mean by they?
She couldn’t possibly mean...?
“What a waste of energy that bi–” your retainer was halted by the baffling sight of a hand sprouting from the front of their chest. Looking down and blankly trying to hold the hand sticking out of him, their mouth fills with blood as the hand retreats. Finally, you’re released, awkwardly catching yourself with aching legs as they descend to the floor. Above them is none other than Matthew.
“You! But why would you—?”
“We have to leave now. Do you need me to carry you?”
The voice that leaves his lips moves something in you, you’ve rarely felt moved before. So consumed with work you never could begin to think of anything romantic with anyone, But hearing his voice and being grabbed by the sturdy hands attached you felt a need like never before. Perhaps it was the electricity, influencing you to lose your inhibitions as you failed to register any of the words coming out of his mouth. Only when his lips stopped moving and he tilted his head did you begin to think maybe you should reply but then you’d have to remember what was said. And that just wasn’t possible.
Unlike the guard before he didn’t sigh exasperatedly, just bent down and picked you up. Holding you in that forbidden carry, cradling your back and thighs. Something must be wrong. So very wrong. Despite all your knowledge of the horrors that had been committed by the man holding you, your hands still reached for his face. Squishing what little fat remained of his cheeks and rubbing your thumbs over those delectably plump lips. This felt like there was something terribly wrong. But you also couldn’t stop.
“Have you always been this pretty?”
The stoic face that was oh-so focused on his unannounced mission, looked at you in surprise. Then like the moon coming out on a cloudy day, he smiled. It made this unfamiliar part of you swoon, demanding you lean and nuzzle into the neck of a criminal.
“So sappy, I was worried I wouldn’t make it in time.”
It was Rumakia, even more bloody than you when you had left him, wearing a form-fitting body suit with a cape that dragged on the floor—a trophy from a battle won with your superior no doubt. Skipping over more fallen companions of yours but for some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Leaning into the alien’s touch he held your face in his hands, making eye contact with his red eyes. For some reason, you felt significantly hotter. 
“Who would’ve thought our pheromones would take into effect now? During our little coup…but I’m not complaining. I’ve been waiting far too long for this.” 
His kisses were like ice cubes in an intense Earthian Summer, refreshing and addictive. They continued trailing from the corner of your mouth to the veins of your neck, an oddly cool feeling of a sickled tongue going up and down and up—
“W-what’s going on? What’s happening?”
Ruu giggled the clutch on your face trailing to your jaw with a focus on your neck. More kisses and the grazing of something sharp–like the flat side of a blade threatening to turn over any moment. What should have incurred your fear, instead incited your heartbeat to increase in excitement.
“This is what I was after for so long. Letting myself get captured and roughed up when I easily could have massacred them all.”
With not a second wasted Rumakia plunged his fangs into your neck and began to suck at your blood. Feeling your energy drain should have been terrifying, thinking of the guard you saw literally being sucked to death. Instead, you felt a pooling heat below your waist, causing you to uncomfortably shuffle. Ruu was moaning and you felt inclined to join registering how you were being brought to the ground from your elevated state. The light weight of a body being positioned on top of you and those hands fondling every part they could. It felt good but so confusing.
The loss of energy already drained from the stress of the Supreme One’s visit.
The weird heat burning beneath your clothes.
And the inviting touches of the alien above you. 
It was too much. 
And then it stopped.
The only thing remaining was that unbelievable heat as the fangs left your body and you looked up at Ruu. His lips and chin coated in your blood, looking down at you with a dark pink blush overtaking his face. Behind him was Matthew looking upset…but not in the way you would be if anyone was having their life sucked from them in front of you. No, it was more of a pout. Ruu followed your gaze to look at the man, tilting his head.
“I would have liked you to do this on our ship,” he looked around the room, the floor practically covered in corpses—the corpses of your friends and coworkers, “I doubt when they come to their senses they’ll appreciate having their first with you here...among all of them.”
Enjoying your clearer conscious, you agreed with him. But you still had so many questions. 
Ruu scoffed flipping some of his hair off his shoulder, that wide smile returning as he looked at Matthew.
“Hmph so? They don’t get a say anyway, they're my human! Why should I even care what they think about these lessers? If they’ve got the headspace to be thinking about anyone but us than we clearly aren’t satisfying them enough.”
Matthew sighed shaking his head, as he extended his hand to Ruu. Pulling him up and hugging, you once again got to see that rare smile on his face. Sharing a peck between them, Ruu was the one who pulled away easily picking you up and balancing you so that he was cradling you. 
“Come on then let’s get to the ship then! I’ve been waiting so long for this.”
Matthew let out a laugh, taking you from the alien resuming his princess carry. Inviting you to rest on his shoulder as he walked alongside Ruu, casually making conversation about the crew your crew they murdered. 
“Were you the one to get rid of that annoying lieutenant? They were so annoying! Kissing up and then daring to electrocute me just for joking!” 
“I started to but in the end, they proved to be useful.”
“Hmph, I wish I could’ve been there. To see the light fade from her eyes would have been a dream!”
“But you got the Supreme pest, right?”
“I did. That vermin actually touched them, can you believe it? I know he’s half Diagolos and their blood type is nice but the sheer audacity was nauseating.”
“Maybe we can get the rebellion to…thank us.”
“Hm, and that ‘thank you’ can come in the shape of a moon all to ourselves.”
“That’s very unlikely.”
“...Money wouldn’t be too bad, then.”
A wave of exhaustion struck you harder than any you’ve felt. Reluctantly given into sleep fully leaning into Matthew. Eyes closed and your consciousness fading you felt warm lips lovingly brush against your forehead. 
“Rest easy, my love.”
“You’re where you belong.”
Matthew shot a hand straight through the enemy’s head, uncaring of the way it lifelessly flopped in front of him. Moving onto the oncoming soldiers coming around the corner he did the same thing he always did: disarming the obstacles and clearing the path for his clients. Checking over his shoulders he listens to them gush about the information they received with one another. He doesn’t sigh, but he does throw the last obstacle at their feet. Startling them and regaining their attention.
“Time to move. We still have to meet the others at the rendezvous point.”
He was glad he mentioned it, their eyes lit up and they moved a lot quicker. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the predictability, he centers himself. As a human, his ability to sense others wasn’t incredibly complex but if there was anyone he could find in an instant it was his love. With a tad more urgency Matthew runs through the clean and industrial halls of the Grand Empire's Ship. 
Their latest clients weren’t his favorite group to work with, considering it always involved dabbling with the oligarchy regime. But it wasn’t his decision, it was his partner’s. In Matthew’s opinion an incredible privilege for such a bodacious operation. If it wasn’t for the one gift, his love had been given they’d have no allegiance to the ragtag group. 
“Nice to see you all in one piece.”
The familiar voice made Matthew swoon, resisting the urge to smile. Settled to stand behind Rumakia as he spoke with the rebels. All smiles and light speech; Matthew let him do the talking since he didn’t bother sugarcoating anything. 
“Thank you for your help Rumakia sir!”
“You know I’m only here to repay a debt. After this gig, I’ll take my payment and go.”
“Of course. Let’s take the drives and cruise out of here with the trash as our cover!”
Like any other mission the entire group retreats to their ship, floating away with the trash dumped before the enemy ship jettisons back out to space. As they drifted with the debris collectively watched several cargo ships dock. It’s then that Matthew is finally compelled to watch the 5th cargo ship slot into place. 
A sweltering heat made him sweat, his body suit clinging to his skin tighter than before. His heart beating impossibly loud he held his hand over his peck as if to muffle it. Heavy breathing and some unneeded rush of adrenaline drying his mouth. 
“Hey, what a find! That’s the cargo ships transporting the hyperdense generators! Highly explosive and probably what’s fueling their latest weapons….”
“We should circle back and blow those up. If we can impede their operations for only a month that’d help us the most.”
Matthew felt a small hand on his lower back, slightly soothing with Ruu’s cold fingers. It grounded him more than he’d admit to--hearing his voice.
“We wouldn’t mind taking the mission to get on that ship. Say one of those generators might save us another job or two.”
Matthew was amazed at how well Ruu could keep his cool. Of the many conversations they had about their bonding, the Diagolan confided in him what it felt like to first be aware of Matthew. Apparently along with the intense heat, there was an overwhelming need to feed—an animalistic drive to get through all obstacles to get to his mate. Seems like the second time he’d gotten better at managing it. 
“To put you on the ship would be unnecessary but if you were really eager to get one of the generators that can be arranged. There is a transferring of their mechanics from the prison to the cargo ships though that route…”
The rebel trailed off, their face twisting into a grimace that made Matthew worry. It made Ruu impatient.
“OUT WITH IT! *ahem* What about it?”
The rebel’s eyes widened at the intensity before coughing up an answer, “The prison that switches mechanics is from HIS private prison…our records indicate they do more than just monitor your every move.”
Matthew wasn’t against dealing with torture. He’s done that before. It seemed the issue was the time constraint. On a mission with quick timing, he’s sure he could appease Ruu. Sucking his blood and sex would be sufficient, but enduring a prison sentence, torture, and being separated? That would be a feat.
“We’ll do it.”
“You heard me, HUMAN! We’ll do it.”
“But the stakes are so high! There’s no guarantee you’ll survive if HE catches wind that you’re after a generator.”
Matthew couldn’t help but agree this could be even more dangerous if that thing knew what they were actually after. And being detained under that one’s supervision could be fatal when it comes to torture.
The stakes were high.
Ruumakia knew this too, his elongating claws scratching into the leather padding of his seat.
“We’ll do it,” Matthew spoke this time, slipping a hand onto the thigh of his lover. 
They had to.
Because you are their life.
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Sequel maybe? 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 15 days ago
Found | Platonic Yandere Demon Queen
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Thinking about how society treats pregnant women. It’s a freshly new concept that pregnant women have autonomy and independence. More often than not when women are identified as pregnant there’s a trend of infantalizing. In a backward sense of thought a woman dealing with carrying life is reduced to a tired, stressed, and moody woman that must be appeased. Cravings demand she want pickles and ice cream. She’s got it! Don’t have this meal have this one, it’s better for your baby's health! Oh listen to Fur Elise it’ll calm you and make your baby smart! Tantrum at 3 in the morning? Don’t pay her any mind. 
Not all of the people caring for pregnant women do this negatively. Many times the concern of friends and family can ease the entire process. What’s more not all of the typically overreaching behaviors are unfounded, during a pregnancy there’s so much happening with the body the brain can be especially fragile. 
All that being said when the Demon Queen announced to her generals that she was expecting, immediately her subordinates silently moved to support their Queen on a much….deeper level. 
“My Queen I have some unfortunate news.”
“Speak General Mordecai.”
“The….raspberry jam reserves are no more.”
“I see…then break out the grape. It’s not my favorite but it’ll be due until we can get a new shipment.”
“That’s the thing….there are no grape jams left either.”
It’s a small dangerous line her generals tread on. Between receiving demands for jams to attacking the human kingdoms it’s left many exhausted. But there’s hope as the 10th month of her pregnancy concludes. Her army and its leaders will be assured further tantrums that result in heads being cut off will only be because she is dissatisfied with their work rather than her paranoia about her changing shape. 
But alas nothing is ever easy in the demon army, when the emergency messenger wyverns fly to the top-ranked generals with grave news. 
“The Queen’s child is….dead?!”
Children are a gift….miracles that can last as long as the tallest tree or end in a second faster than you can blink. Unfortunately, the Queen’s miracle was exactly an hour which meant a month of devastation for everyone. Of course, a mother’s grief is immeasurable and tragic but a the Demon Queen was a mother is even worse. Every day her generals stomached the thick and violent aura that oozed from their leader for meters long. Even the humans felt it; their crops drooping as if sharing her sorrow. Other forms of magic degraded at the glum influence her power held. 
In a moment of respite, the highest Demon General and the Exalted Hero came together. 
“This can’t go on….the magic this world has is sure to dissipate with this much despair.”
“I…agree…but grief isn’t something to be done away with, so simply.”
“I do have…one idea.”
“I don’t trust your judgment, Hero.”
“Sometimes neither do I, but I wouldn’t be the hero if I didn’t try!”
“.....Your optimism is nauseating. After this, I’m going to intensify my efforts to smite you.”
“Wow, thanks.”
The Exalted Hero’s glorious plan could only be enacted by the Demon Queen’s highest-ranking general. Strong enough to withstand the toxic magic-draining aura she exuded with little trouble. Her pride long out of reach as she rotted in the opulent and soft expanse of what would have been her nest.
“My Queen, would you like to overthrow the village on the outskirts of town? It’s been long since we’ve terrified the humans you and I.”
“...YoU DArE IntErRuPT mY BrOodING!?”
After sustaining some minor injuries a broken horn he stood by her side as she annihilated the entirety of the outer village of humans, sending a pillar of purple fire. Of course, only a few foolish humans attempt to intervene before she quickly snaps her fingers and their heads go flying. The humans are so full of non-magic that they are unburdened by her presence and she finds little enjoyment in making them writhe before dying. Her first officer knows this has done nothing but stave her boredom as the few who remain scream in agony or attempt to run. Without calling attention he steps away, picking a random home currently on fire. He steps inside hardly caring for the gaggle of gasping humans crawling helplessly around. It isn’t until he sees the singed doll on the ground does he fully inspect the home. Going deeper within as he hoped he finds precisely what he’s looking for.
When he returns to the Queen’s side, the boredom on her face hasn’t changed and he’s sure in a moment he’ll be ordered to level the town but first–
“Mordecai you can begin the—”
The cry of an infant has the Queen sprinting, breaking the sound barrier to the burning house. On the doorstep is a naked babe, face contorted as they cry something fierce. Dismissing the nearly charcoal human reaching out the Demon Queen picks the baby up, cradling them into her chest.
“You poor poor dear, what Mother would leave you unattended during such a tragedy?”
The crying calms as she rocks the baby, waiting for its grabby hands pulling at her enchanted armor just like her own child did for the hour she knew her. Barely feeling the clasp of burnt fingers wrapping around her ankle she shakes her boots and steps on the weed pulling at her.
“Mordecai I leave this mud heap to you. Leave no trace.”
“Yes, my Queen.”
“Oh and announce to the armies that my child has been found.”
The Queen’s teleportation and the dissipating fog of her magic-draining cloud made the general smile. Far away the Hero has to refuse the help of the orphanages, they so gallantly encouraged. While the general hated the hero with all his being, the plan was diabolically perfect. What grieving mother would resist an orphaned crying babe? This mother just so happened to be the Queen of Demons with despair deep enough to cripple the entire living world—and now she was happy again.
“All of my demons, behold! The heir to the New World!”
Lucky you. The human baby of the feared Demon Queen set to inherit the world their mother was set to conquer. Surely their only real obstacles will be navigating the demon hierarchy and even that will be limited. For now, the Demon Queen has a child and absolutely no one will threaten the happiness of her darling baby.
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More? Who am I kidding I'm definitely writing more of this 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 17 days ago
Can we pleasee have more yandere father stein content??
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Yandere Father Stein (2)
The fic it started with | Headcannons
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“Are you ready?”
“To kill you after you’ve beaten up my boyfriend for no reason? Very much so!”
“Uh, Professor and (Y/n) the rules for training today is to not seriously hurt each other.”
“...You should make use of the new upgrades I made to your key.”
“Shut it, old man!”
“Alright and start!”
On the level of combat, you’re unique but not all that different from your father
Able to wield your own version of soul force with mechanical upgrades to your actual person
You charge first sending a violent punch in his direction 
Dodging swiftly, he takes the opening to produce a soul force into your back
Maka, Soul, Kid, Kate, Liz, Tsubaki and Black Star cringe having seen this move before 
Fully expecting to hear you scream and writhe like them
But alas you do not instead you take advantage of his pause to latch onto his screw slamming his head into the ground
You don’t wait for him to get out of the crater, folding your palms together and bringing them down
“Soul Strike!” 
A purple flash of light goes out as you slam into his back 
You don’t get another hit in before he’s gotten up again and is running across the desert
Of course, you follow, your fist turning into an open palm, the output of your soul wavelength is immense and everyone watching can tell that this could be fatal for any normal person
Maka tries to intervene but you’re already inches away from stabbing Stein
“(Y/n) wait–!”
Only for it all to stop 
Your eyes dull and mid-lunge you crumble right into Stein’s chest
“Slightly delayed reaction, otherwise good results.”
With ease, he picks up the unconscious you 
Hardly struggling with one hand he puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it
“What just happened!?”
“I guess this ends in a…win for Stein?”
Kid is the only one who seems to know what happened and he’s very mad about it
“That is foul play! Using whatever ‘upgrades’ you made against them!”
Stein scoffs, “Don’t get upset. They should know better than to let their key get dislodged in a fight.”
He casually walks back into the city leaving the others to get back on their own
Looking down at you, he can’t help but compare it to the memories of your youth
Small and reckless it was always a joy to be able to turn the key in your chest to send you to sleep
Of course he wasn’t the only one who realized this 
“Papa I made friends!”
You used to be so small
“With them over there! They love ma cookin’!”
“Do they?”
“Figures they are rats. (Y/n)...have you been pulling out the key on your chest lately?”
“Mmm no.”
“I see so you’ve discovered what lying is.”
“What’s lying?”
“What you just did. Tell me where is it?”
“Mmm I don’t know.”
“Well if you don’t want to miss seeing your friends tomorrow better find it. Other wise you’ll be sleeping while I make a new one.”
“I–well…I think I know where it is…wait here!”
As he once again situates you on his operating table the monitor quietly displays your vitals, he wonders how he could be the parent of such a rebel
A monitor rings out, a wall of TVs all for their respective cameras showing 
And on one continuing into the other is the student with black hair and white stripes hopping his fence
“Why is it that even at this age they continue to attract rats? I’ll just have to deal with last time.”
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 19 days ago
Yandere Ex Step “Kids” x Reader
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Where the man you're dating and soon to marry have their reservations about you. Considering you're closer to their age and their father has millions in his name...
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Thinking about the Step-family in question being adults; well established and acting on their own from their aging father
Unknowingly letting him fall prey to you 
Walking Temptation with a hunger for deep pockets and a smile innocent enough to make anyone swoon
It’s a shock when the next time they see their dad for the holidays he’s got you on his arm
Just a little bit older than them (half his age) and with a giant engagement ring on your finger
“You like it? Your dad got it for me when we were in Dubai!” 
“Uh Dad can I have a word? Alone?”
Taniya, his eldest is the hardest to grill you
Being incredibly open with her suspicions about you
And she’s the most vigilant when it comes to reprimanding her father for spoiling you
“Dad think about it (Y/n) doesn’t need another sports car! You’ve already gotten them two!”
In no uncertain terms, you’re sure Taniya hates your guts
If the way all the restaurants your future husband has worked with for some reason can’t serve you has anything to say about it, that’s likely the case
But you don’t mind!
That way you can take your man to the best place to get croquettes
Yeah it’s sketchy but that’s what his bodyguards are for
The second worst is his youngest, Titan
Classic attention-hungry influencer son who thinks pranks on you are going viral because everyone enjoys your misery as much as he does
“Your misery” is the curious tilt of your head when you find the leather seats of your range rover decorated with glitter 
Doesn’t really bother you though, so you’ll show off your new interior to all your new followers on socials 
Wonder where they came from
Finally the middle son Tariq always forgotten but not quite estranged doesn’t seem to dislike you too much
After all, he did start coming around the villa more since you’ve moved in
“Oh hey (Y/n) I heard those flowers my dad got you went missing, it just so happens to work out that I brought you some.”
“Those are my favorites! How did you know?”
“Lucky guess. Anyway, I heard you got the latest VR tech, want to show me how it works?”
For a while you fall into a cycle with your fiance and his family
Eventually tying the knot in a luxurious venue in front of hundreds of masked billionaires
Of course, all your older husband’s kids decide to be civil
And all is well…until it isn’t
All too soon are the siblings gathered again when their father dies two weeks later
It’s all so sudden
With heavy hearts, their knowledge of his decline makes it better for the siblings to take on the funeral preparations
Begrudgingly Taniya takes it upon herself to try getting the funds from you, coming to the Villa prepared to argue
Instead, she’s met with one of her father’s most loyal bodyguards
Woefully opening the door
“(Y/n) has been too distraught to leave their bed since the…last hospital visit.”
She would have expected someone like you to have been jumping for joy
Having tied the knot with a man who’d pay for any tuition you might’ve needed paid Taniya doubts it she expected you’d be as bubbly as others in your…profession
But instead of partying you were glued to the giant California bed clutching an old shirt of his
For once Taniya feels bad for you
“Uh hey (Y/n) I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come to the first meeting with the mortuary staff. We’re looking to pick a coffin and–”
Instead of something snarky or even an agreement, you throw a black card in her direction and pull the covers over your head
Barely smothering the crying sounds
“You know what? Maybe it might be best if I stay back here..with you.”
It’s all too easy for her to lend her shoulder as you wail about your late husband–her father
Its awkward for awhile and then it’s not
She weirdly looks forward to pulling your tear-stricken face into her chest she wore the v-neck for a reason while you discuss the funeral arrangements
Purposely making her meetings online so she can rub your back off screen
Finding that the lingering security guard–your unofficial butler is getting more and more on her nerves
Taniya doesn’t even realize she’s gotten this bad until she’s hoping the chandelier will fall on her brothers when they eventually show up
“Wow. You two are here. In-person…why didn’t you call?”
“I don’t need your permission to see (Y/n)! But you know I would’ve come sooner if my company wasn’t dealing with a major crisis by some mysterious corporate giant!”
“Don’t look at me, I told you working for a shady company would get you no where.”
“I cannot with you right now–”
“I also came-!”
“Shut up Titan.” “Please Titan we’re talking.”
Titan isn’t all that worried about his old man being dead except his allowance stopped
And technically he shouldn’t be staying in the Villa anymore…but his followers are asking questions
“And in here we have the–whoa crying widow alert!”
He gets a lot of hate for that one
And while his siblings circle around you like vultures he’s finding it hard to insincerely apologize so that you can do a follow-up apology video with him
He’s following you around so much and observing all your little quirks 
he worries it might be important when ‘apologizing’ so maybe he should record it…
Thus begins his long and greatly popular series of getting to know my dead dad’s spouse
He records as much as he can–what you eat, how you talk, how you whisper promises to the pictures of his dad you put up
It weirdly makes him question everything
It also has him posting to a new platform…a more hidden one
“Alright, guys! I actually got into their closet without issue we’ve just got to hope they won’t need to come in here anymore. OMG They’re back! I wonder what they’ll do…next. Uhm…sorry chat but I’m going to shut off the camera for awhile….I think this is just for me.”
Unlike Taniya who will hesitate, thinking of her father while cuddling up to you Titan does not think
Because after his copious amounts of stalking streaming with you
He's decided you will be his inheritance from dad
Clearly the old man wasn’t strong enough to handle you
So Titan would be the hero to sweep such a camera worthy beauty off their feet
Tariq doesn’t hesitate either 
he’s gotten over that the day he met you
Sure he misses his dad a lot less than he expected+ but he does miss the privacy he used to have with you
“Hey (Y/n) do you want to go out for a ride like we used to do.”
“Oh Tariq I’d love to but I already told Titan we’d do a muckbang with him.”
“And after that, we’re going to film our feet ASMR!”
“Titan I said I’d need to think about that–”
“What?! You already said no to the hot-tub stream, how much more of a Karen can you be?!”
“Okay okay, but I’d rather it not be live.”
“Duh, I may not ever want to post it.”
Tariq is so tired of everyone else realizing just how much you’re not like any gold-digger he’s ever known
In fact, you’re so bad at it that he doubts you were ever a gold digger in the first place
“Hey Tariq the lawyer had a question about the life insurance money, should I just write you a check or do I keep it? I’m so confused.”
“Wow uh, that’s a lot.”
“Yeah, but your dad always told me what to do with this kind of stuff. So what do I do?”
“Uhh, how about we open our own bank account and put it there!”
“Oooh like a married couple’s bank account?”
“Yeah just like marriage. It’s a little too early to ask right?”
Nonetheless, all three siblings are beginning to realize just how ‘bad’ of a gold digger you are
And they’re more than eager to show you the right way…as long as you change your allegiance to them.
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Rules | Kofi | Masterlist
697 notes ¡ View notes
lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 20 days ago
Their Pearl | Yandere Pirates
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My response to @sweethoneyrose83's writing prompt about yandere poly pirates. Took me forever but I just had to get it out my system! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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“This meetin’s officially called to order.” First Mate Ran is glaring at the scallywags of his Captain’s crew, without an ounce of sympathy for the guilty-looking few, “Seems like y’all have been costin’ us a month's worth of travel delaying our biggest job yet.”
The six pairs of eyes looked anywhere but Ran or the glaring Captain Lu at the head of the table. Some of them didn’t have the decency to look away with guilt but at the wooden ceiling whistling familiar tunes, rocking on the chairs they were leaning in. Ran didn’t know if that indifference bothered him more.
“Since y’all think it’s not worth comin’ straight ta me or the Captain we’ll be goin’ over each of yer fail’res.”
Black eyes scanned the long table, a relic earned on a heist of a Queen’s museum. The history within its worn wooden finish and stone markings was of the infamous pirate band—Deadman’s Collect–a band of pirates that would meet at the table to plan their grandest loots. For a crew descended from the captain’s owned it, collectively they decided it was better off in their hands than in the museum of a royal, who fought for their executions. As it belonged, it was serving pirates once again on a mission to defy the oppressive oligarchy they were forced to live in. 
“Looks like you’ll be first—Heine brothers.” 
All heads turned to look at the mischievous pair of twins, their silent smiles graduated to smirks  Their unbrushed and untamed heads of burgundy hair, fashioned like the manes of the lion statues standing guard in front of the Western King’s palace. Almost indistinguishable from one another there’s Klaus and Kurt—the strong hands of the ship and the muscle in every fight. Despite not always being the first to come up with a plan or scheme, neither needed to be goaded to do whatever it took to keep the crew safe. Usually, that was what they preferred to do rather than be patient and not kill everyone in their path. Their dynamic with the crew was silently loved; always up for a joke, and their overprotectness of everyone, especially the crew’s weaker members. So it was the most shocking for Ran to discover the brothers no longer poking at the prisoner but playing with them. 
“In our defense,” Kurt spoke playing with a strand of his unruly hair,” we found the little Pearl incredibly entertaining.”
Klaus giggled diabolically as he thought back to their interactions with the prisoner. Of course, it wasn’t unusual that when there was fresh meat the twins enjoyed torturing them but never would they take it farther than that. But of course, there was something different about the King’s Pearl. 
“Getting seasick?” Klaus had taken advantage of Ran’s divided attention to sneak off to the brig, where the most expensive item they’d ever had on their boat was.
“Nope.  As the eldest of the North Creston Name, I’ve been on plenty of ships before!” 
Klaus chuckled watching them stick their nose up and then stumble as the boat rocked. Checking the narrow stairway down, the redhead tested his luck, looking around for the key to let himself in. Finding it in a barrel out of the cell’s field of vision he quickly unlocked the cell, making its only occupant jump.
“You lyin’ to me aren’t you?”
“W-what? I’m not! It’s the truth!”
His smile dropped, green eyes giving a death glare hundreds had seen before their deaths. Without breaking eye contact he pulled out his favorite dagger, twirling the jagged blade expertly in his hand. 
“Y’know what we do to liars, meat?”
“We mark ‘em. Make sure the truth is carved into their skin forever,” he held the dagger under their chin making them lift their head so that Klaus could enjoy the fearful expression on their face,” like a tattoo except ours is going to be..much…deeper.”
Suddenly the expression was gone and a look of curiosity remained instead. 
“Wait what’s a tattoo?”
What a setup! He could stab them and they’d have their answer, but the tilt of their head despite the dagger less than a hair away let him humor them. 
“It’s easier if I just show ya.”
They lit up, moving forward so fast he almost didn’t have time to pull his dagger away. Sheathing it he knelt to their level, pulling back his opened collar more to reveal the marking underneath his collarbone. A gnarly twist of snakes and daggers on a rotting corpse. It was his go-to for torture; the well-known marking striking just as much fear if not more than they were already experiencing. 
“Wow,” their eyes were wide and their mouth open,” does it hurt at all?”
“Ha not really I don’t–” he was going to continue to rave about how pain doesn’t scare him in the slightest instead he felt the warm and soft hands trailing the design. 
They looked up at him with an unfamiliar expression. One of wonder. Something Klaus wasn’t exactly known for inducing. It made something in his heart tug, a feeling exclusive to his adored pirates. Usually looking up at him in admiration of his strength or with a challenge but this….was nothing he’d ever felt before.
“I’ll be back, gotta go!”
“Oh uhm bye then.”
Ignoring the way that same tug reappeared as he, hearing them sadly play with their fingers. He left as soon as possible, barely remembering to close the gate before heading up the stairs to safety. 
It just couldn’t be!
He needed his other half to be sure.
“Oh, it’s you again!”
The joyful greeting was not what Kurt was expecting. Just returning the key his brother was carelessly carrying around. If the Captain figured out it was misplaced they’d never hear the end of it.
The prisoner couldn’t go far thanks to the chain and cuff attaching them to the bed, but they were standing looking starry-eyed and smiling as they mistook him for his brother. Alas, Kurt wasn’t devoid of mischievousness, even though some may consider him the more behaved brother, when an opportunity presented itself he just couldn’t refuse!
“Do you by any chance have more of those tattoos to show me?”
Kurt held back a laugh before agreeing to unlock the cell once again to do what he knew his brother would have done, choosing another one. Lifting the sleeves of shirt up to his shoulder he showed off his bicep, trying not to react when he was so willingly touched.
“Wow! So many! Super duper cool!”
Kurt scoffed to himself. So a little gushing was what got him all worked up, how cute! He’d be sure to tease him with this later–
“And you’re so strong! I reckon—sorry I’m real sure you could just carry me! Wait let’s try it!”
The absolute invasion of the prisoner hanging on his curled bicep is startling but not as much as the end of it when they clumsily dismount falling into his chest. For a moment, maybe it’s instinct that his arm wraps around to steady them. Leaving him unguarded for the unbelievably carefree face staring up at him.
“Thanks! Sorry for stumbling over you like this, if you don’t mind we can try again!”
Kurt liked being looked up to and praised, but this was making his heart thump the same way it did when he cornered their bratty cabin boy. Even still this was a whole new feeling and he wouldn’t be a Heine if he didn’t explore this further!
“But of course!”
From that moment forward the twins decided they’d extend their efforts from lightly teasing with their crew to outright delaying them. They couldn’t deny it hurt their heart to hear them complain about the waning supplies and the money they needed to repair the oldest parts of the ship. But they figured the extra time was worth it to know of the intense feelings they had for their dear prisoner.
“Just cause ya caught feelin’s, that excuses you’re behavior?”
Klaus hummed looking carelessly at the steps that led to the upper deck of the ship as if he could see their Pearl through the wooden door. It bothered Ran that Kurt wasn’t even paying attention in his brother’s stead, like he usually did, only slowly blinking up at the ceiling with a lovestruck smile on his face. 
“It’s without a doubt Klaus and I have fallen deeply for our little Pearl. I’d definitely give you trouble if you tried to turn them in now.”
Ran was openly glaring as twin pairs of emerald eyes glared back with an intensity typically reserved for the bedroom the pirates on this ship. As much as he’d like to dismiss it as an over-exaggeration from them he’d seen the kind of devotion they had. 
“Hello (Y/n) you’re getting better at using that mop.”
Klaus and Kurt had managed to slip away after breakfast to visit their favorite prisoner, who had graduated from daydreaming in their cell. After the first two weeks of being delayed, the Captain approved of them having a few chores of course while always being monitored. Though it was very quickly learned they didn’t have to worry about them escaping too much at all.
They weren’t, but Kurt thought the way they struggled with waving the mop nonsensically on the deck was incredibly cute. His brother, of the same mindset, cooed before pinching and squishing their cheeks.
“So cute! Maybe I should show you my technique with the mop?”
“Oh, you will? I’d love that Klaus!”
Kurt rolled his eyes. He knew what his brother was doing and he wished he thought of it before him. He frowned at his brother as he slotted himself behind (Y/n) and clasped his hands around their awkward grip on the mop. Kurt settled to stand aside already concocting a way to intervene, in the meantime hoping they wouldn’t catch onto his brother closing the distance.
“--So if you want you should bend back into me and–”
“I didn’t know you had others on the crew!”
“Yes, I’d love it if you bent into—wait what?!
Kurt followed your gaze toward a man attempting to hide behind some barrels, and looking further past them he could tell others were coming up the side of the boat. It was supposed to be a silent ambush, from some amateur pirates. They must’ve counted their crew and thought it’d be an easy job. They’d be dead wrong. 
The brothers already had their hands on their trusted knuckle knives and jeweled punch knuckles. They spared a second to look at one another–the silent orchestrating of a plan to quickly dispatch the intruders only for their Pearl to speak out before them.
“Hey! What are you doing sneaking around for?”
The first head that had been hiding figured their cover was blown or would be if he didn’t dispatch one of the waving witnesses, charging with a long knife. Kurt and Klaus sprung into action, the former twin breaking the arm of the lunging intruder, holding his other hand on their face casually snapping their neck. By then Klaus had spun (Y/n) around excusing the intruders' attendance on the ship; it was refreshing having someone so unfamiliar with their gritty style of life around. But it came with its own challenges. Challenges Klaus and Kurt would love to have. Kurt quickly threw the corpse where it was hiding before, joining Klaus in encouraging (Y/n) to go to the kitchen. 
“We have to dismiss our unwanted guests, so if you would please go help Marie in the kitchen.”
“Oh okay but if Angel comes back you’ll have to tell him why the deck isn’t swabbed.”
“Sure sure little Pearl. Bye-bye now!”
The brothers turned to the intruders who they purposely lightly incapacitated quietly groaning as they attempted to get up. They wanted them to be lucid for the ‘fun’ the twins planned to have. Ran recalled finding the aftermath of said intruders and not clearly being able to tell how many originally invaded. The twins infamously spend a quarter of their day reducing their enemies into a bloody, burnt mess. With great pride, they confided in him, how they wished they could show (Y/n) but the First Mate convinced them not to. Part of the agreement was that no permanent damage was inflicted and Ran was sure looking at the amalgamation of human corpses would scar them for life. Ran was certain such a reaction was only reserved for the crew.
“Are you openly admitting to betraying this crew on behalf of a prisoner?”
The twins shrugged and Ran had half a thought to throw them in the brig just for their nonchalance. He was going to do just that before their Angel spoke up. Always the odd one out of a crew of pirates, his hair was the brightest blond almost white. Combed and maintained just a little past his ears, his skin lightly sunkissed an active choice many on a pirate crew wouldn’t care to do. Despite technically being the cabin boy Angel’s almond-shaped red eyes with long lashes to boot were a soft spot for the whole crew. 
Blushing oh so cutely, he faked a cough to bring attention to himself,” Ahem, I also…like them and would like them not to be delivered.”
His statement made all but the twins and Captain Lu gasp in shock. The Captain smiled, her dagger-like silver teeth glinting from the sparse lanterns around. She was leaning forward, her talon-covered index fingers tapping excitedly on the table, leaning even closer to the petite cabin boy on her left. His blush intensified as she twirled a talon around one of his blonde strands. The surrounding crew getting just as hot as him.
“I thought you wanted them ‘gone as soon as possible’?”
He closed his eyes as though that would stop everyone’s curious gazes, with his nose slightly in the air he made his case.
“Well I’ve changed my mind…last time I checked that wasn’t a crime.”
The Captain chuckled her metal claw softly grazing from his hair to his naked neck,” It isn’t, but what made you change your mind?”
The question saddled Angel with too many different memories. In the short time, his Pearl arrived on the ship he couldn’t deny the fluffy feeling in his chest when there was any inkling of their prisoner involved. But it wasn’t always this way. Firstly he didn’t mind all that much, the crew had held hostages before. It was the change that was taking over the crew that made him reevaluate. Two weeks into their imprisonment already half the crew were sneaking off and arguing about sneaking off to “play” with the prisoner. Ignoring Angel’s usually coveted advances was an easy way to earn his hatred. Which resulted in his usual routine with the Captain–cuddled up to her after a particularly passionate romp to ask for the one thing that would cure his sadness.
“You want me to get rid of our big-ticket prisoner?”
“Yes! I mean aren’t you worried about all the stalling the royals have been doing? Don’t you think they’re stringing you along? And heck we don’t even need to keep all of them alive and just keep a finger that we can send for…motivation!”
For a second, Angel thought he’d won. The Captain cooed, running her dark hands through his tussled hair and lovingly kissing his forehead. Barely able to hide his victory his pink lips curved into a smile, that dropped with the Captain’s knowing smirk.
“You’re jealous of them?”
“What jealous!?” Instinctively Angel perked up sitting up in the bed, completely ignoring his worried damsel routine. 
“I have nothing to be jealous of! That barnacle is getting everyone worked up for no good reason!”
“How do you know?”
“How do you know they aren’t worth the fuss if you’ve never played with them yourself?”
Angel crossed his arms to pout, managing his dramatic fall into the captain's bed (minding his sore behind). Glaring at the wooden grooves of the decorated wall as if they were the ones denying him. 
“I don’t need to know.”
“Well maybe you should….then you could leverage it for some much-needed time with everyone.”
Angel hated knowing that he was taking the Captain’s advice in the first place. Fully accepting the task of making the pampered prisoner useful by sharing his chores with them. The collective groans from the disappointed crew only spurred him on. Harshly shoving a pale and scrub into their hands and screaming for them to scrub the deck. Leaning back on a barrel as he styled his hair looking in the reflection of a compact mirror that Kurt stole just for him, he was sure it’d be easy. “Spending time to learn” while the prisoner he hated did his chores sounded like a wonderful dream. Except this prisoner was like nothing he’d dealt with before.
“Alright so make sure to scrub the floor. Don’t be too heavy with the wat–”
“...Okay…that’s a bit much but–”
“STOP STOP! What are you doing?! Serves me right to believe some rich kid would know how to scrub a floor!”
“Well I’m sorry but I wasn’t exactly allowed to learn at home.”
“But I’m sure someone was scrubbing the floors, wouldn’t hurt to watch them right?”
“I was strictly forbidden from spending time with others….including the maids.”
“...Well you’re going to learn. Grab the scrub.”
He hated to admit, that he enjoyed watching them flounder with the new tasks. Turning to him with that wide-eyed curious stare admitting they had no idea what a ‘sea shanty’ was. It was weirdly endearing, to be the one looked up to despite being the shortest. To be asked for his opinion on things other than costumes for a disguise. Being the one to do the pinning against the wall when he’s being particularly mean.
Angel hated to admit it but when he was confided in about an arranged marriage, he actually intervened. 
“So we’re docking at Restwood Kingdom. Small town. You’re not going to get to see it though.”
“That’s okay I’ve already been.”
“...You have?”
“Yeah, my….betrothed lives there.”
“.....Your betrothed?”
“...Yeah my family wasn’t thrilled but they said he would have been the best for me.” “Do you feel the same way?”
He studied their face so intensely then, studying the quirk in their lips and their wandering eyes. He prided himself on knowing when his Pearl was happy. When they were reminiscing. This was not one of those times…there was something off.
“It doesn’t really matter,” the sad smile made him sick, “ when I go back they’re going to start the wedding plans.”
“...Hm that’s a shame.” 
Angel felt no remorse, casually reminding Ran of a juicy bit of information the prisoner let slip. Handing over the drawn map he convinced them to draw to ‘see the garden’ they talked so much about. Pretending to be just as distraught that a headline of the prince being massacred is published during their stay. Hiding the smile that threatened to come while cuddling a crying (Y/n) into the bed he was sharing with Marie. 
“So yes. I changed my mind because as much as I hate to admit I do…like them.”
“Whoa so they were gonna marry that prick,” Kurt piped up, smiling wide as he looked at the pinned headline in the brig. Klaus and a few others at the table snickered an air of pride exuding from everyone in the room, making Ran roll his eyes. They were getting distracted again. 
“That explains your sudden necessity for a…noble’s head…movin’ on. Willow? What about yer navigation blunders? You’ve purposely been leading us astray fer over a month now. I thought yer vow of loyalty trumped that.” 
The islander navigator sighed, “I’m loyal to my heart. That is why I came on this ship, in the first place.”
A series of cheers and whoops erupted from the table, Marie and Reese high-fiving her from both sides, much to Ran’s displeasure. Willow simply shrugs, her hooped earrings jingling against her necklaces as she shakes her head. Even without her culture’s morals influencing her, she was always inclined to follow her heart. Why else would she leave the stifling paradise of the islands and its familiar grottos and underwater caves and the singing with sirens if not for love? Watching the Captain, then the twins, then the others all falling for the poor prisoner. She recalled when she first laid eyes on the little Pearl, freshly plucked from the protective mouth of the royal clam. The Captain and the First Mate had headed the mission, relying on Reese and her to keep their passage out clear. It was but a moment when they needed to get past a crowd of marching guards. Reese had been the one to ask what everyone was thinking.
“Uh, are we going to gag them or something? What if they screamed right now?”
They didn’t respond instead the prisoner that was tied up and currently sitting on the sewer floor was attempting to raise their hands as if they were in school. The Captain snickered and Ran rolled his eyes, as Reese watched their eager attempt to ask for permission. Willow was the one who finally let them speak, with a finger to her lips. The prisoner’s expression lit up…like a teacher’s pet who could finally speak.
“Oooh I promised I wouldn’t make a sound for the whole trip! As long as I get a street beignet in the end!” 
Willow quietly laughed along with Reese before they were on the move again. Watching as their untouched ankle was shackled in their cell and the expression on their face not even changing did something to her. Something she found not many of her current partners had. Not that they weren’t sympathetic or understanding, just that they couldn’t possibly know how easy it was to be swept away by the pirates when she met them. And she knew that her Pearl felt the same way.
“Did you really promise not to speak for some pastries?”
“But weren’t you afraid? Didn’t you want to be helped?”
“I…kindof have always wanted to sneak away I just could never do it. If that makes sense.”
“It does. More than you’ll ever know.”
She recalled their conversations between the bars of the cell. Animated and intrigued with every word that came from her typically untalkative self. Even her dreams were filled with their endless chatter and entrancing smiles. Being a follower of her heart meant listening to her dreams and more than anything telling her destiny demanded she have them. Have you. And she’d do anything to keep you.
 “Mmmh Willow.”
“Sorry little Pearl, I’m almost done.”
“S-s-so this is kind of like a tattoo? Except with your mouth?”
“Yes,” she licked lovingly at the puncture marks along their neck. Pride filled her heart as she watched the blood underneath their skin coagulate, “something like that.”
That’s probably why she could only stare in response to Ran’s question.
“You’re asking if I’d join the twins? If they were to ever rebel for them?”
Ran nodded.
“Of course, I would.”
Kurt and Klaus cheered roping a reluctant Angel into it too, making Ran send a scathing look for them to stop. It didn’t and without his prompting Marie, the brunette chef spoke her peace. 
“I’d also reckon they deserve a place with us, forever. Don’t think I could bear it if they left me now!”
The freckled chef had their own share of tantalizing conversations over the meals she’d deliver. The kind she often never could have with the other pirates being as close as they were, it was lovely having a new taster.
“Hmmm so good…though.”
“What? What is it?”
“I think this could use…some more spice.”
“Really?! But I tried using that oregano they got for me.”
“No no, another spice maybe try,,,, coriander.”
“I’ll have to give that a try.”
Marie would love to say that she too had waited for a long while before she was enraptured but that just wasn’t the case. From the second they scarfed down and happily ate her food she was hooked. She just loved a good eater! Dreaming about what else she could feed their lovely little captive, who was just so responsive. So responsive they rarely ever refused her dishes even when they were well beyond the point of full. Not exactly free to roam around the ship, she’d fill them up with her concoctions and recipes until they couldn’t move. Her favorite instance was during their first day out of the cell, finally allowed to be out but only with a chaperone. Marie had volunteered, shoving her stuffed Pearl into her bed, taking advantage of their feast and the sleepiness that followed. With a few exhausted groans, they were asleep giving her free range to poke and squish the fat of their stomach. Squealing to herself at its light firmness, she delighted in the freedom to do so. Her other lovers on the ship were freaky open but not enough for her to do all she pleased. But her Pearl was different so oblivious asleep they wouldn’t protest her hands wandering to explore and touch and taste.
“You’re so easy, (Y/n) mine.”
She’d only felt inclined to stop when Reese had walked in on her, a silent warning to go no further as she nibbled on an ear and placed a grape into her Pearl’s lips. There was no one she could do this to without being scolded or with anyone so unaware of their own limits that they would stop her. Not to mention she adored the compliments given to her without caring where the meat she’d gotten came from. At this point, she could never go back.
“That would leave you Reese…do you too feel this way about our hostage.”
All eyes were on Reese. The impish, pick-pocketer with a big smile, an aloof personality, and hair dark as the sea. Suspicious as he was a good fighter, rarely was he on the receiving end of such big questions. Often preferring to go with the flow of his fellow pirates and backing his Captain in any way possible. When the plan was in motion to abduct the greatest payoff that they’d ever attempted he was all for it. Dismissing their weird behavior and the Captain’s quiet opinion of them. Not once had he tried to risk it, until he’d seen it. Everyone on the ship had dopey faces and distracted behavior–it was so out of character for everyone. It didn’t take long before he’d found the culprit and was tempted to do what he did to all his problems.
Chuck it off the plank.
“Are you sure this is a fun game? It just seems a little scary to me!”
“That’s part of the fun! That little adrenaline rush is how you know you’re playing it right!”
“Oh okay!” 
It was just too easy. The simple proposal of a ‘pirate game; had them following like an obedient dog, completely unaware their owner was going to shoot them in the back of the head. Reese didn’t think he’d feel bad about it. Chalking it up to another kill of some enemy to his crew, he’d done it before so many times. Using his tricks and wit to outsmart them; it really was too easy to instruct them to balance themself on the plank above the sea.
“Okay I’m at the end Reese I did it!”
“Good…real good.”
“Wow the water is—”
It was second hand to slam his foot on the end of the plank, sending their hostage slightly in the air and tumbling into the depths below. From his safety on the ship's railing, he watched them resurface once, reaching out to him and struggling to call his name. 
Seeing their face disappear under the waves Reese thought he should feel free, yet his feet refused to turn away. Staring at the unmoving water trying to decipher why there was a piece of him hoping they’d resurface. But he recalls a conversation he’d had with them. It was a one-off something he probably didn’t even initiate.
“Oh yeah, I don’t know how to swim. My family told me I’d never need to!”
He remembered thinking the same thing he was now.
How helpless.
They need me.
He was only reassured when he finally dove in, a floating device tied to him as he held them up. Wet coughing and puking of saltwater against his chest and their hands hanging tightly around his neck. It was the tears that had him hugging back.
“I-I really don’t like this game.” 
“I know me neither.”
“C-can we g-g–go home?” 
Home. That’s where they needed to be because they were so darn helpless. He had to make sure they did just that, forever.
“Yup they gotta be here, I don’t know how they’ll survive otherwise.”
Once again the pirates around the table began to cheer, a collective air of acceptance of the same truth it all stopped though as everyone was reminded of had the real say. Captain Lu sat at the head of the table with her talon-covered hands folded underneath her face. Her luscious lips are straight, her expression far too apathetic for the cheering pirates before her. They held their breaths in anticipation—a silence encompassing the mess hall as they waited on her command. 
Her First Mate turned to her, his words suddenly so much heavier,” Cap’n Lu, do you want to keep the prisoner or d’ya prefer to return ‘em and get our reward?” 
The Captain leaned back into her chair—her throne observing the faces of her pirates whom she adored, all waiting for her word as they ought to. She, like many here, felt as though someone was missing from their ranks….and she couldn’t agree more. Having been the one to receive a message in the bottle written by the King’s beloved child. On the parchment was a plea to see the world, to see the ocean for themselves, and to find love.  
Well, now they had eight. 
There was an apparent thrill for Lu–with every successful treasure hunt, there was a small part of her that felt satisfied. There truly was nothing that beat pure ale down her throat, a lover at her knees, and a view of the treasures she’d acquired burying her other lovers. It beat a hard day's work. It beats an ‘honest job.’ She could think of nothing as fulfilling until she met (Y/n) in the flesh. 
She and Ran lead the heist, letting only themselves into the innards of the intensely guarded wing of the castle. It felt disgustingly perfect to be trampling the lightly pink rug of the castle bedroom, leaving the faint dirt print within its wool. Passing a tray of ornate gifts, ranging from perfumes to portraits and priceless works of art. The handles and doors grand and golden would be fine prizes any other day but Rand and Lu walked right past them. All to stop in front of the completely bored Pearl at the center of it all. 
“I got your message.”
She handed the bottle over. The original writer tracing their sloppy handwriting from so long ago. A smile spread across their face.
“So have you come to take me? Like a hero?”
“Just like one.”
“Will I…” they trailed off eying the calendar plastered on the opposite wall. Large and in an overly fancy font mapping out a schedule that didn’t change much at all,” get everything I asked for before I come back?”
Without hesitation, she responded, “Of course and so much more.”
With a smile on both of their faces, the Pearl allowed themselves to be tied up. Stopping to negotiate a gag, and then leaving into the sewer systems of the castles. In the comfort of the ship, Lu felt no better place for her Pearl was by her side. In her bed. In her First Mate’s bed. In any of her pirate’s beds. 
No greater gift than seeing them there….among her pile of treasures.
“What do you think Ran? What will your Captain say?”
The question made the pirate fluster, shifting their boots along the floor. Dutifully looking into his Captain’s single purple eye. The silent question hanging between them—’ What do you want me to say?’. It was easier than breathing, the split-second answer that punctuates every scenario his heart likes to play out. 
Thinking back to all the new memories he’d made with their Pearl. It was the evening of a minor heist that ended with a fight. Not against the corrupt merchant but with Reese. The pick-pocket had been particularly reckless attacking the knight-in-training who’d followed their band bag to the ship. Despite shakily holding a sword up, Reese attacked with extreme prejudice. Holding the boy by the neck as he repeatedly stabbed a dull knife into his sternum, dragging through the skin to his intestines. Ran was the first to witness this, surprised by the aggression to someone they’d usually let live. 
“He saw them! Sleeping in the brig! He was going to tell! I can’t–! I wouldn’t–! We can’t let that happen!”
Ran listened to Reese flounder, the manic look in his blue eyes anxiously darting about. He’d rarely seen him in such a state. The detached sneak had a habit of masking his pain, a survival instinct he couldn’t quite part with. A paranoid obsessiveness that requires unspoken requirements to be fulfilled puts him on edge. People, not tied up, are the usual ones—too many opportunities for danger. And apparently, anyone threatening to remove their little Pearl would do the same. 
Ran did what he usually did when he got in this state. Pulling Reese into his chest, blocking his view of the dying intruder. Letting his rough hands curl within the locks of his shaking partner, holding him tightly as he hummed. 
“No one’s taking our Pearl. They won’t be going anywhere.”
Ran didn’t hesitate when he promised. He also didn’t hesitate when Marie and Willow asked to make a special pitstop. The chef wouldn’t stop talking about how their Pearl in passing spoke of a specific spice so fondly, that they’d die if they never got to see their expression when they finally tasted it again. Stealing anything from the spice merchants meant going out of their way; possibly mingling with other pirates who specialized in the trade. Yet he still said they could. Purposefully stalling their pearl until Marie was in the position to watch excitedly as they gleefully ate her cooking. Sending Willow to ‘wait’ with their Pearl for their scheduled bathroom break. Keeping quiet Willow promises to visit later.
“Are you alright with this, Ran?”
“Yes…you were very helpful…for our requests with the prisoner.”
“It’s not a problem. We haven’t broken the routine or protocol.”
He did lie just that once about not breaking protocol. He didn’t bother saying anything the next time Angel and the twins, confiscated a line of rope. Typically Ran demanded strict ledgers and labeling when it came to any supplies on the ship. It was the best way to make sure everything was in order. So typically he’d have quite a lot to say about the unspecified use of an extra rope—but this case was special. It was in front of the twins’ room, Klaus and Kurt usually kept the door open as an invitation but not this time. Knocking brought out Klaus and Kurt, pink on their cheeks and large smiles on their faces.
“We’re using it for a game.”
“Yes, a very fun game.”
Ran was so annoyed he hadn’t figured out why yet,”Well am I getting the rope back?”
The twins shared a look as they usually did before speaking up. Their door opening to reveal a flushed Angel has them stopping and eagerly turning to him. 
“---We’re ready for you~ Oh  Ran, how’ve you been?”
The twins no longer interested in the faux conversation, went into their room leaving Angel to placate their First Mate. 
“Sorry, no guarantees about that rope. It might not survive what we have planned for it.”
Ran wasn’t an idiot he recognized the specific shirt he was wearing. The one that was flowy and hung off his shoulders–deliciously inviting. Though it begs the question who was being strung up if it wasn’t him?
“Oh, and I’m chaperoning our Pearl by the way! Bye!”
He quickly disappeared into the room behind him, leaving Ran to burn with the broken rules of any prisoner. Granted special permissions were given, he wondered just how far he was slipping or just how bad it had gotten.
“Thank you Ran for helping me! If you can believe it I usually am not allowed to do this completely by myself.”
Beneath him was (Y/n) colloquially dubbed their Pearl bare and resting within the tin washbasin. In his hands was the washcloth lathered in the sudsy remains of a dwindling soap bar. Fighting the burning in his cheeks and begging twitchy hands running over unmarred skin, with the reverence it usually did. It was the quiet splash of the water with the slightest movements, their breathy moans of satisfaction that brought Ran to his knees. In his heart, nay! His very soul was for them.
For them, no amount of gore and death was unnecessary.
For them, no amount of stalling, lying, or breaking of rules was unneeded.
For them, no amount of rope, jewels, or spices could compare.
For them, their Pearl was worth more than all of it–and trading them in for any pile of gold or riches would be a loss. For nothing can compare to the value of their Pearl. 
“My Cap’n, you must say yes. As you already have the greatest of treasures.”
The nervousness you felt was growing exponentially. A little while ago you’d been left in the crow’s nest; Lu assuring you’d be helpful while they had their meeting. For all the stories and headlines you’ve read about pirates, it’s crazy to know they demanded to have meetings with one another. 
Staring at the endless sea and sky full of blue, you let your mind wander. Thinking back to the endless cycle you originally lived through. Waking and being pampered day in and day out, in the same room you’d been in since your youth. Looking at the definition it constituted it being called insanity, but this insanity eased all in court. All in the castle. All in the Kingdom. To know their future was locked away, upkept, and healthy. 
But that was gone now. 
You were free.
For now. 
You wondered how long it’d take for your parents to chase, for the pirates to lose interest, for others to learn that the jewel of the crown was easy pickings. It felt so dreamy. To spend your days learning something new, trying what you’ve heard adventurous heroes get to do. Daring heists, escaping storms….being loved. 
It was foreign but good.
So good, you dreaded seeing the Royal Messenger ship appearing on the horizon. The white sails instead of red or black proving this was the one to pay whatever it took to bring you home. 
Quickly you stood, peering into the eye-glass once again. Turning to the ladder you made your way down, running to knock on the closed door of the mess hall. Instead, the door swung open revealing the dressed in purple Captain Lu smiling her infamous smile. Reminding you of the first day you finally met… a shame it’d be your last.
“Captain the Royal ship is here on the North horizon.”
She hums stepping to the side to reveal the others who had heard such major news. The first to step out was Marie, her bottom lip jutted out and quivering with an onset of tears. Throwing herself at you, you caught her to the best of your ability. The chef was petite but her grip around you was tight, making her dead weight a problem for you. 
“Don’t tell me yer gunna leave me (Y/n)! How will I go on?!”
You had nothing to say, just patting her flowing brown hair. Saving you from outright admitting you’ve never comforted anyone ever, Angel piped up.
“You’ll be fine,” he lightly kicked her, looping an arm around yours, “get up we’ve got work to do.”
“So what do we have to do to get ready? How do ransoms work exactly?”
The pirates around you stopped for a moment, something unfamiliar jading their expressions. But as quick as it came it was gone, them smiling and laughing like you’d told a funny story. You didn’t hide your curious face…was that the wrong thing to say? You felt a nibble against your earlobe, the familiar smell of lemons invading your senses as Angel pulled you close.
“You're absolutely hilarious, (Y/n).”
Klaus sauntered towards you coming on your opposite side, to hold your chin up. A light peck was all he got in before Kurt butted in. Holding the gesture for much longer before his brother pulled at his matching messy hair. The tug of war continued for a while until you heard a large a two smacks occurring simultaneously. Klaus and Kurt snapping upright clutching their behinds with a smirk and a flustered smile directed at Willow, who took advantage of their surprise to squeeze in pressing a kiss to your neck. 
“We’ve come to an agr’ment, Pearl. You won’t be going.”
“Isn’t this just the best,” Marie piped up. Tears gone and her grip now fondling the fat of your waist,” You get to try to fill up on all the new ideas I’ve got cookin’ up!”
Reese stepped forward minding Marie still kneeling on the ground, he looked you deep into your eyes a warm smile spreading on his face. 
“You’re stayin’ I doubt that ships going to get within boardin’ distance of us before they’re blown to smithereens.”
You don’t choose to focus on the dark look on his face or the way they all seemed to smile along with him. With Angel still clinging onto you, you turn to Lu who’s tucking her own spyglass into her coat pocket. 
“What d’ya say, Pearl? Gettin’ a little bit more than you asked for.”
Your first meeting ran through your head, and you nodded. Looking past her to see Ran who has a rare smile on his face. You pull Angel and Marie into a hug, leaning backward when Kurt, Klaus, and Willow join. Reese comes forward slipping past the arms going for him before he runs for the crow's nest. 
A look is shared with Ran as he runs off, making the First Mate fake cough to get your attention. 
“Now (Y/n), your trainin’ as a pirate begins now, and for yer first lesson: we’ll be discussin’ battle at sea!”
You beamed, wiggling free to follow Ran who was cleaning his handgun. Watching in awe as he practiced his aim at the incoming ship. 
“Are we really going to hurt them?”
He hummed, “Only if they choose not to leave us be. As a pirate, we protect our own first and foremost. You think you can handle that (Y/n)?”
It wouldn’t hurt to enjoy this adventure a little while longer!
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264 notes ¡ View notes
lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 27 days ago
Yandere mushroom/dr*g addict Jade with reader who he sees as his only salvation of the sadness and void that consumes him almost as good as his 'magical mushrooms' actually no, they're even better. A chronically depressed and addicted Jade seeing his pearl as his only cure. For more context or an idea this animatic song of Jade gave me the idea: Aa i love Mushroom by Enna Alouette and i bawled my eyes out when seeing the Jade animatic.
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Magical Mushrooms | Yandere Jade Leech
Rules | Kofi | TWST Masterlist (3)
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I love this depressed and addicted Jade taking his…vice into his daily life not just his room
He’s working in the family business but in between he’s devouring scores of mushrooms
At this point he’s stopped counting a dangerous game he loves playing
Perhaps it’s because he’s never allowed to study them like back in school 
Or he’s been separated from his brother for one reason or another
But something has kicked off his constant devouring of mushrooms
And everytime he eats them his world becomes a magical place
Literally buildings and obstacles are only glowing vegetation in the world the mushrooms distort it to
Those who don’t know him think nothing of it
He’s still smiling, he’s polite on the surface, but nothing outwardly changes
But if Floyd could see him again he’d know immediately that the smile is involuntary reaction because he’s trying to stop himself from laughing
Everyone is a mushroom
Cute and practically asking to have their mushroom caps twisted off for his delight
Of course the only ones free of this mushroom hallucination are his parents, Azul, Floyd and surprisingly you
You can be the little secretary that had to be threatened to join the business
Or just the flower shop worker they do business with to cover up their tracks
But you appear with your real face and body dressed in a cottage core outfit
A rare occurrence for anyone he’s met
“Hi there! Do you need anything in particular?”
The first time he met you, he’s worried he hasn’t taken enough mushrooms for the day
Come to find the more time he spends with you the more he realizes how much happier he feels
“Jade didn’t think I’d see you here!”
“Neither did I but it’s a pleasant surprise.”
“Yeah! Would you like to eat with me I was just on my way to get lunch!”
“That would be magical.”
For Jade Leech you are his magical mushroom
To think as a hard addict he could have a pound of mushrooms a day
Cutting that in half when he spends time with you
Yeah the effects of a sparkly and glowing mushroom world fades
But you remain 
Your smiling and alluring demeanor keeps him on cloud 9
And it’s all too easy for him to pop the fungi into his mouth before twisting the cap off a troublesome mushroom
Because in his fantastical world those he can see while eating these mushrooms are most important
Maybe to some degree magical
And magical mushrooms need to be protected 
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105 notes ¡ View notes
lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 1 month ago
Yandere Male Musume: Suu Me
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Rules | Kofi | Monster Musume Masterlist
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Since the implementation of the schedule, life with the monster boys was much easier. With the mere mention of the days that belonged to each of them, fights were broken up, arguments were settled, and they were more adamant about keeping each other in check. Even Smith’s appearances seemed to die down, his calls, and voicemails dwindling into much of nothing. The only thing you had as proof that he even remembered you all was the hefty grant. 
You would not be making the same mistake as Kurusu. You were getting that cheque, baby!
So far life has been good. You were expecting something soon, after all the mermaid was next. After the slime of course, but even that was an unknown variable.
In the anime, it was clear that Suu had made a conscious decision to pursue them and the girls had accepted her. Becoming close with the slime as she grew into herself and the home she’d joined. She was their friend. It’s not that you didn’t think they could make friends….it’s just that they acted like that was the most absurd thing to do.
“Alright, Pypi it’s your turn to roll! Here’s the die.”
“Darling, you shouldn’t bother. The peanut brain doesn’t even have hands, he’s not going to figure it out.”
“Milo, that’s mean! You don’t say that to your friend.”
“He’s not my friend.” “Oh yeah? don’t even have a penis!”
“Pypi?!” “Yes, I do and I can promise I’m much bigger than yours!”
“Guys stop it!”
Too many times have you had to risk your limbs to stop one or the other from choking one another or poisoning each other or trying to throw each other out the window. It doesn’t scream an environment a sentient slime is going to want to join. The only one who had any chance of being decently friendly would be Centoreo but even he had his moments
One evening you found him polishing his daggers, in the living room. Turning to smile at you, when you asked him why he needed to polish it. Unlike in the anime, he doesn’t use his weapons as much; revealing the weaponry case on few occasions. 
“Because Milo thought he’d take a cheap shot while I was cooking,”
“What!? Are you okay? Is he okay? What happened?”
Centoreo squinted his eyes at his reflection in the metal, letting his even smile become lopsided as he smirked. 
“He’s just licking his wounds now. Touched a sore spot or something. You know how he is.”
“Yeah…I guess.”
You decided not to question further only noting how despite his gentleness with you that was far from the case with the others. Even more concerning Pypi the harpy, who was supposed to be the slime’s best friend, seemed far too focused on gaining your affection than making friends. 
“Ne bird-guy! You wanna play?”
“Oh Pypi these neighborhood kids want to play do you maybe want to play with them?”
“...why not? You love playing sports.”
“Yeah with you and maybe with our chicks when we hatch them.”
“Well…what about practice?”
Pypi blushed and sighed, “I guess but only because you asked.”
“Ow! Wahhh!”
“Pypi, apologize!”
It just seemed highly unlikely that the slime would be getting anything more than a simple welcome before being the subject for many assassination attempts. It’s a shame considering in comparison to the girls Suu actually represented one of the healthier relationships with Kurusu. Minus a couple instances of accidental drowning. A lot of the other monster girls had weird implications and violent repurcussions that usually left the human man with dire wounds. You would not be him. 
That being said just because you were able to avoid broken limbs didn’t mean you’re coming out completely unscathed. Being the only real peacemaker it was mostly up to you for order to be maintained. While Centoreo was great at breaking up fights he wasn’t a fair mediator and recently he’d been exhibiting a ‘pacifist’ style where—and you quote, ”Perhaps if we let the idiots attack one another one of them will get the job done!” 
All that meant for you was there was one less obstacle for somehow being responsible for the monster-men attacking each other. Thus using the usually ignored communal time to take a trip to the store you took the most reactive roommate of yours. 
“Oh Darling~We haven’t been on a date in sooo long!”
You lightly chuckled,”But your day was just a little while ago.”
“So? Being stuck fighting off those saboteurs is hardly a date!” 
He scooped you up, completely unbothered by the curious passerbys and the way you nervously tried to hide your face.
“But now we get to go out on a real date! And it’s the first one initiated by you!”
That was surprisingly true, with the possibility of Suu not arriving there was a growing chance that nothing would get better. That their violent bickering would continue to escalate and with no one to care for they’ll only be focusing on you. So to maybe flicker the kindling of a somewhat friendly relationship, you decided to remove instigator #1.
“..Yeah…I guess this is the first.”
Who were you to shatter his delusion? Not someone who wanted to deal with the fall out of refusing a mentally unstable naga–that’s who. If it meant that Centoreo and Pypi might bond or even team up against Milo, in his absence it would just be better for everyone you that you’ll take a single “date” for the team.
“Oh Darling why don’t we get a sundae! Or a milkshake one that we can share together!”
You let him pull you along into the pastel colored ice cream shop, ignoring the curious gazes of a couple passerbys. Speaking of passerbys that annoying couple Kurusu and the girls pass by hasn’t really shown themselves like at all. You can count on one hand the trips you and Milo have taken to town and off the top of your head you can’t think of anyone you encountered that resembled them.
“Honey! Can I have your wallet to buy the treats?”
“But Milo it doesn’t really make a difference—”
“Alright Alright, I’ll go get us a seat outside.”
“Thank you, Darling!”
Ignoring the concerned gazes of the employees you turned to do exactly as you said. Sat in your seat, fighting boredom as you watched Milo playfully hiss at the frightened employee. You could tell just by his body posture that he was only bluffing. Sighing and face-palming it dawns on you how much you’d truly come to know him and subsequently the others. What was it? Weeks? Months? Since you’ve landed in this world and assumed the main character’s role to the genderbent versions of his harem and to think it hardly truly begun. With tons more incidents and other monsters to go it was grounding for your only worry to be appeasing the three you have. A small part of you hoped by some divine intervention you’d only have them to deal with for the rest of your time here. 
Looking above you were certain that major droplet might signal oncoming rain but a quick look around disproved that. Writing off the sound as someone likely spilling something far away you returned to watching Milo in the window.
Seeing the Naga already returning with an unbelievably loaded milkshake stuffed with two straws. It didn’t seem like he’s the cause of the mysterious splishing sound and no one inside the store seemed to either. You figured you’d ignore it since Milo was already pouting at you.
“Darling! You can’t daydream about me when I’m right in front of you! I mean I love being the only one on your mind but you’ve got to look at me babe!”
“Yeah yeah sorry, Milo I just thought I was hearing–”
“Don’t you worry about it, darling! Now take a sip of their infamous double decker, extra sweet, milkshake—”
“Eeeugh what is that!?”
A slime has appeared and it’s staring cutely at you as it dissolves the milkshake Milo just bought with your money. All its doing is looking up at you with yellow ‘eyes’, mimicking the tilt of your head as you inspected it. It truly was the most bizarre monster you’d come across. While it was a shock to see Milo and his tail mystically twirl around you there wasn’t a doubt that you were looking at was real. With Suu the fact you could see through them while they were still looking at you. It was completely amazing. 
Your concentration was broken by Milo, who was trying to pull the feasting slime off the disappearing milkshake. He was failing his hands only wafting through the unperturbed blob; repeating the action it made you laugh at how goofy he looked. That made the Naga pause letting a blush take over his face as he examined yours. When was the last time he’d seen you laugh so earnestly? The small smile creeping on his face fell when he realized the blob had turned from you and was looking at him. Bopping up and down with a rhythm of your laughter almost like it was trying to demonstrate that it was laughing too. 
Milo hissed loudly scaring away the remaining guests at the cafe’s front. Honestly that might have been better for the exchange if less people saw how angry he was getting over a simple slime. 
Instead of trying to grab the slime he just outright picked up the table, launching the slime and the glassware on it into the wall of an office building across the street. While the level of strength from Milo wasn’t a surprise to you, the fact it was being done in public made this feel wrong. Darting your head around you looked for anyone who was still around and holding their phone up. You found one—a teenager still in the cafe snickering at the video. Grabbing Milo’s hand had his countenance change in an instant; the rush of blood in his cheeks weakening to his usual blush.
“C-c’mon Milo maybe we should just head home or to the park…a secluded part in it.”
“Aw how forward, Darling.”
The feeling of his tail curling around you, felt restricting but anything to divide his attention. It took awhile but you eventually were able to lead him away from the populated area. With no sign of Suu nearby and most people avoiding the wooded area of the park, you decided to continue your date there. Which Milo was starting to make you regret.
“Oh Darling! You picked the perfect place! Not only are we alone but we’re so far from the families they’d hardly hear it if you let out a scream.”
“Milo I just took us here because of what happened at the cafe—”
“Hush hush it doesn’t really matter why we’re here. Just that we are and we’re finally alone.”
“Milo–” you started to scold him but stopped on the account of whiplash disorienting you. 
Faster than you can register Milo had flipped you on your back, propping your head up with the slimming side of his tail. Naturally you flailed allowing Milo to snatch your wrists with calculated precision, the rest of him lightly trapping your legs from kicking. Holding your wrists above your head he let his chilled noise trail from your cheek to the collar of your shirt where he paused. Looking at your frightened expression with a blush more intense than his angered face he bit at the cloth, teasingly beginning to tear downward. 
You wanted to scream. Anything to deter what was happening now! The second you opened your mouth the end of the tail beneath you shoved its way into your mouth; invasively pushing further down your throat doing much more than silencing you. Milo hummed his smile faltering as he fought back the sound threatening to come out. Other than the silent movement of your bodies against the grass, your muffled gagging, and Milo’s hushed whimpers if anyone did hear they’d do nothing to intervene. Looking into Milo’s eyes to plead only seemed to egg him further as the tip of his tail pulled out before pushing back in the curious gentleness it had before beginning to wane. Milo was getting louder and if it was possible his face was getting redder.
“Oh Darling will we do it? Oh~! Finally consummate our bond that I’ve been ~aw~dreaming of?”
He pulled his tail out of your mouth momentarily allowing you to breath. Coiling and curling tighter around as you coughed. Finally gaining your breath you tried to speak, his tail shoving back in. Transferring both of your wrists to one of his hands he smirked at you.
“Ah but you’ve been doing so much! I think it’s finally,” his hand tore the remaining fabric of your shirt; languidly tracing his hand along your stomach. In a teasing pace he let his index and middle finger walk to the buckle of your belt, ”time-for-you-to-feel good.”
He slashed through the belt. Your eyes began to burn as you prepared for what you hoped to avoid from the very beginning.
“Darling. Please baby look at me. I want you to look at me when I—Ahhh!”
In a flash of blue Suu descended from the treetops to firmly hold his blobness on the unprepared Naga’s head. It took him a moment before he had to unravel himself from you, all his limbs trying desperately to take off the blob hoping for air. Of course they were all unsuccessful making the naga writhe as he fought for the air he was gradually running out of. For once you didn’t feel the need to intervene. You already knew if you confronted him about this later he’d shrug you off or coo about the private conversation you were having. Maybe taking advantage of Suu to put the monster man in his place might be the best call. Milo holds out longer than you expect allowing you to reset your outfit as much as possible, taking your time to pout over the torn remains of your shirt. At one point he turns to you reaching out as if you could do better than he—your response being a tongue stuck out as you held up the remains of your shirt. Its after another two minutes that Milo starts to slow, barely fighting any more. That’s when the tiny eensy bitty little feeling of guilt comes in.
“Hey Suu, maybe you can let up for now?”
The blob’s eyes look to you, to stare. For a minute you wonder if they even understand you, thinking back it took Papi and the girls a minute to actually get Suu to communicate. Just as you begin to think about how you’d go about removing the slime, Suu seems to expand. Doing the exact opposit of you ask to fully engulf the torso of the naga, who’s no longer struggling.
“C-c’mon please don’t kill him! He get’s on my nerves sometimes but I really don’t want him to die.”
You try in vain to grab a hold of Suu who continues to stare as they grow. Worried that this wasn’t a matter of suffocating but actually catching and eatting prey that they were exhibiting. It’d make sense that a slime, smart enough to evolve to speak would pick up on Milo’s earlier intent to kill them and was now retaliating. 
So many thing had changed in this version of the world…
You just didn’t think it’d constitute one of the main character’s dying.
“Suu please! Don’t Suu!”
You kept your hands in them holding on to Milo as his blinking was getting slower and slower. Looking through the blue haze at the first student you housed, the finality of this moment dawning as he tried to smile at you. The quirk of his lips so small you barely noticed. The grip you had on him being the only force on Milo’s weakening body. 
Seeing the droplets fall from your face into the blob, it was then you realized you were actually crying. 
Crying for Milo who was no longer breathing.
Closing your eyes, you tried to burn the memories of a living Milo. 
You should have never tried so hard to make them into friends.
You should have never taken Suu’s arrival so lightly.
You should have never gone on this date.
“(Y/n), you’re crying?”
That whiney despicably sweet voice made you snap your eyes open. There was Milo shirtless and without the blueness of Suu’s body. You could feel his tail slowly dragging along the grass closer to you. Even barely awake he could never leave you alone.
Seeing the monster happily breathing, you look up at the blob who was just a step away. Fully transformed into something similar to Milo holding up the shirt the Naga was wearing. Wondering why he didn’t just wear it you watched him, keeping eye contact with the slime. Suu walked forward Milo still getting in front of you as a shield. Still the slime came forward presenting the shirt to you, folded and with a small dampness that remained from Suu’s person. 
“Thank you.”
The slime smiled and repeated your words just like they did with Papi, it made you smile. Seems like Suu didn’t change all that much.
Milo sneered, “This slime almost killed me! Don’t gift him with your thanks Darling!”
You glared at him, dropping the shirt to smack the naga upside the back of his head.
“Only one of you ruined my shirt and touched me inappropriately today; they are the only one who deserves my thanks.”
Milo slumped into his coils, pretending to cry because you ‘yelled’ at him.
“And along with my thanks I’d like to offer you something,” you smiled as you finished putting on the Naga’s shirt, “how would you like to live with us, Suu?”
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 1 month ago
In Another Life | Yandere Nanami Kento
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Rules | Kofi | Masterlist
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The heat of a working oven and busy stove was making you sweat. The sweltering heat adding to the stress of the clock’s longest hand edging closer to that dreaded number six. You only had a few more minutes before he would promptly return. 
The pots water boiled over, fizzing into the vapor as it fell onto the ire. To appease the angry pot you took your wooden spoon to stir the pot. Feeling overwhelmingly anxious you switched between your left and right feet, dancing in place with the worn slippers he gifted you years back. The little action of yours did hardly eased the ache of your feet on the wooden floor, testament to the time spent making your feast. No matter how many times you did this it just never got easier.
Tmp. Tmp
The sound of all too familiar clacking against the stairwell to your home; the wood on those aging steps creaking in tandem. It made your heart beat faster and your hands tremble as you fretted over the oven and adjacent counter. Turning off the oven and hastily lowering the heat on the pot you were stirring you felt a bit better as the familiar jingle of keys rang before clacking against the lock. 
For good measure you looked at the window ahead fluffing your hair and smoothing the wrinkles of your outfit. Rechecking the tie of your apron; ensuring it was tied but not tightly. Everything was ready.
The door opened and the exhausted sigh of your husband filled the home. You refused to look up, keeping your eyes glued to the faintly bubbling pot you dutifully stirred. Not reacting in the slightest as you heard him quafftly remove his shoes and place his briefcase in it’s intended spot. Fighting the urge to turn as his warm arms wrapped around you, his front unabashedly pressed into your backside locking you in his embrace. 
“I’m home,” his voice stern and sultry in it’s own strict way, “Did you miss me?”
You hummed letting your hand trail up his chest to his neck to his face where his work glasses still remained, “Greatly. Good day?” 
The disgruntled groan against your back told you otherwise. One of his hands leaving your waist to your chest, lightly caressing in a movement that could be mistaken for a hug but you knew better. Leaning back into your husband you followed the gentle sway of his hips as he rocked from side to side. Your hand still behind, you curled around the back of his head playing with the golden strands escaping your husband’s perfect haircut. 
“My poor baby,” you turned into him wrapping your arms around his neck, grazing your fingertips along his veins,”would you like me to draw you a bath?”
The patronizing tone you used only made him growl, words no longer needed as you fell deeper into his arms if that was possible. Still rocking he came to you enveloping your lips as if he wasn’t thinking about them all day. Gently prodding your bottom lip with his tongue, you let him enter. Returning his polite sucking with an agenda of your own, holding his head in place as you dove deeper in. Your tongue aiming further into his own, you didn’t let him go even as he lightly stumbled backward into the island for support. Smirking into the kiss you took his surprise as an opportunity to unlatch the belt you’ve memorized the grooves of. Flinging it to the side you never relented with your kisses, making up for the eight hours he’s left you alone.
The groan into your lips was a warning, one you replied with a nip to his nose. The apron was undone and the top you were wearing was on it’s way. With no intervention you two would have never made it to the bath.
Ring Ring.
The oven timer rang persistently, a constant warning as you both remained locked within a cruel cycle of desperate pecks. Finally breaking away you turned from your husband to open the oven to pull out the tin you had in there. After safely putting a top on the tin and draining what was boiling you turn to see a sight only for you—a pouty Nanami Kento.
“Don’t pout Nanami,” you were already unbuttoning his shirt, “we’ll do our bath first and just reheat dinner later.”
The faint dripping of the faucet created a soothing rhythm in the echoing bathroom. Held up by Nanami’s grip, you fought the urge to fall asleep against his chest. Your body exhausted from the intense rounds of an overworked man, you barely had half a mind to keep up the conversation.
“What did you do today?”
“Hm just housework and stuff.”
The soft and wet kiss on your temple, said he needed more. Even as your lids batted close you knew what he wanted. You reached for his hand tracing the bones and muscles in them. Playing with each finger to help fight the desire to sleep.
“I read more of the book you gave me, some journaling, and I did go on the internet for a little while but it was only to–”
Nanami didn’t bother gently asking before capturing your lips, holding your head in place as he roughly sucked. Practically devouring your face, your own lips lazily reciprocating his affections. His hands held you closer squishing your body even closer to his own. All of your breath was swallowed by him, working alongside the heat of your bath to render you helpless to his whims. 
“You’ll be the death of me, my love.”
“I hope so.”
That garnered a chuckle from him lightly bouncing you. Kissing lightly you found your resolve to stay awake slipping even faster. Your body demanding your turn and rest on the chest of your husband. Because your duty was done.
Because here all Nanami needed to worry about was keeping you in his arms, his home.
And that’s all he would need to be concerned with.
“How about that trip to Malaysia, love?”
“Hm I assume you’d be taking work off if we do?”
“Of course because there’d be nothing that could keep me from you.”
That’s my hope.
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My little love letter to the overworked cheetah-print tie wearing Daddy 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 1 month ago
Yandere Overblot Universe Part 7 (Final)
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Rules | Kofi | TWST Masterlist (3)
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You’re body was full of aching, the stress of running and encountering the worst sides of your friends weighing on you so heavily you debated if you wanted to sleep more
“I would’ve gotten my henchhuman back just fine if the others hadn’t held me back!”
“Grim…you still have nightmares of the overblots don’t you?”
“W-w-what? Who do you think I am? I’m going to be one of the greatest mages of all time those guys don’t scare me!”
“Which is why you came crying to us when they went in?”
Hearing that familiar voice and feeling those familiar paws tapping on your stomach you couldn’t help letting your lip twitch into a smile
“Aw looks like someone’s awake. Care to grace us with your presence (Y/n)?”
The egging in Jade’s voice reminded you of Floyd 
Almost like he was warning you to wake or feel the wrath of relentless tickles
So you did
You held Grim tightly into your chest breathing in the smell of his ash smelling fur
It never felt so good to have your lungs full of his brimstone smelling fur and not ink
Finally looking up you got to see the familiar faces of your saviors plus a growing crowd
“Don’t tell me your terrified of us again herbivore?” 
Leona’s there sitting in the chair closest to the bed next to Ace and Deuce like he’s been guarding you this whole time
“If they are they have every right. Tell me Darling what horrors were in there?” 
It’s Vil on the otherside his makeup faded around the eyes like he’s been crying 
He’s holding your hands so tightly 
“Don’ get so worried. They’re strong like me.” 
Epel chimes in with a smile, one that earns an awkward look from the Heartslabyul duo
“Not strong enough to not nearly drop them coming back.”
“Shuddap !”
“Hey hey no need to fight you guys! All that matters is that (Y/n) is safe and sound!”
Jamil doesn’t care to comment before shoving himself past Vil to lay something warm in your lap
“I figured they probably didn’t have any real food, so I made you extra.”
The savory smell made you and Grim very excited, both of you looking at the container with anticipation
“Thank you Jamil!”
He looks proud, holding his head away as if that would hide his flustered face
“No problem it’s what any good…friend would do.”
“Yes just like any good friend would insist you have tea before indulging in something heavy.”
“I’m not sure if it’s tea you should be having but something light is preferred.”
“Riddle, Azul?”
Riddle lightly bows his head in a silent apology
“I apologize for not being here when you woke but I had to ensure that the matter of this mirror was taken care of.”
You tilt your head thinking to yourself
It felt like ages ago that you had gone in expecting to follow your friends to some resort a small group was going to 
It all feels foggy
But you barely recall thinking about home 
Not ramshackle home but your home
Maybe that was why you ended up…there
“I too was working awfully hard to bar that location would never be seen by anyone ever again.”
Azul uselessly added but he was puffing his chest like Grim did when he put out his flames on his own
“Uh thanks Azul and Riddle.”
“But of course, it didn’t matter that such a thing has never happened before you. With a student’s safety at risk we couldn’t possibly still have it be accessible by any means.”
“Yes, yes you can pay me back with a small favor. When you’re better of course.”
“Uh Azul I think you forget they never asked to pay you back.”
“Yeah Azul can’t you wait until they’re not bedridden to try and scam them? That’s like such trash behavior.”
The Octavinelle dorm leader sneers at the ipad you didn’t realize was propped on the end table next to your bed
Lifting it up to look in the camera, you wait for the video chat to properly activate
Ding Ding
Finally you can see the dark expanse of his room highlighted by his screens and a small unfinished strip of blue LED lights
“Don’t turn the camera, the normies wouldn’t understand.”
You giggle, “I won’t but why isn’t Ortho here. Usually he’d be here for you!”
Idia looks off to the side as if he’s contemplating what lie he’s going to tell
“He’s just…doing stuff with the mirror. To keep you safe an all that!
“Aww well thank you too Idia! I really appreciate everyone jumping into help especially you guys!”
Looking at Jade, Ace, Deuce, and Jack who’s been sitting near the doorway of the infirmary and Cater who’s been weirdly quiet at the foot of your bed
Looking past the other dorm leaders you scrunch your brow
“Where’s Sebek and Silver? Not that I demand everyone greet me when I wake up but I want to thank them as soon as possible.”
The others collectively swoon smile at your gratitude before awkwardly avoiding your gaze
“Let’s say they needed to occupy their attention towards someone else who’s going through…a crisis.”
As if on cue the crack of thunder has everyone jumping; the sudden storm making everyone tense
Faster than you can register the door swings open and there is none other than Malleus Draconia who silently demands everyone move
Reluctantly they listen
With an unusual gentleness, he kneels on the floor to somewhat meet you at your eye-level 
Cupping your cheeks with his tingly feeling hands where were his gloves
“Are you alright prefect? Breathing? None of your small fragile limbs broken?”
You laugh as you pat your hand against his 
Your silent plea to stop squishing your face
He doesn’t listen
“I fwine Tsuno!”
He sighs resting his head into your lap, shoving Grim out of his place out of the way with his horns
“I feel ashamed. To know I could have prevented such tragedy and yet by my actions you were in danger again!”
You laugh and lightly pat his head like you would Grim
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. Besides I’m sure it could’ve happened to anyone.”
Malleus involuntarily moves his tail tripping Epel who wasn’t too far
Sebek and Silver run in out of breath
“M-Master M-Malleus WE ARE HERE!”
“Glad to see you’re awake, (Y/n). You had us all worried for a second.”
You smile, “Thank you, Sebek, Silver. You guys really saved me back there if you hadn’t come–”
You didn’t want to finish and it seems like no one needed to everyone settling in there original spots around Malleus to keep talking
As if you hadn’t faced their exact inky opposites hours ago
Jack helped you with the IV in your arm, repeating something Crewel had said about refilling it of course Ace teased him about it 
“Hey everybody heads up Mama Hounds coming.”
Cater’s warning had the first-years straightening up
The dorm leaders only adjusting themselves so that no one was touching you
Wouldn’t want to be sent to detention now+
“(Y/n)-Pup glad you’re up. I see the little fan club of your remains strong. Are they bothering you by any chance?”
You could see the suffocating grip he had on his crock and the scornful twist of his face
You figured it best to take the edge off before he lashed out someone
“Uh nope. Actually Jack was telling me about the IV and stuff.”
“Hm he did? Good then, pup. The rest of you, back up! After their medicine I won’t allow you all to play watch dog so you might as well start drawing lots now.”
A collective groans fills the room as they reluctantly prepare to draw lots
Blocked by Crewel who changes your IV, checks your temperature, before walking you vaguely through the cocktail of potions and pills he needs you to take
Unable to see the group all you can tell is that every time they pick a winner a new debate is held
While you didn’t condone violence like Ace being thrown near the door, it did feel nice to be wanted? missed
And the fights being anything but the inky use of their overblotted unique magic
“That medicine should be kicking in very soon,” Crewel lays you down lovingly wiping the back of his hand over your face and cheek
Following your gaze he sees you looking at the still bickering group
Hiding his gag he turns to you with a warm smile on his face
“I’ll break it up just sleep now, my sweet pup.” He kisses the top of your head 
lingering to watch you lazily blink, submitting to the induced drowsiness
Satisfied he turns and gives the boys a single look which has them take the fighting outside
Escaping the fray is Grim
Who scampers away to curl into your side already preparing to snore right alongside
“I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Thanks Grim I’m happy to be back.”
“Hm,” he’s already dozing off, “I also wanted to say Grim likes you're new choker it’s kinda…cute. But not cuter than mine!”
He’s already out and you’re going over his last words
You recall the the outfit change within Blotted Riddle’s domain and the following pain that came from it 
Thinking back on it you didn’t remember feeling choked at the neck at all
Looking down you could barely make out the small dangling rose pendant 
Instead of being held up by some inky string it was a neat simple woven piece
That didn’t feel the slightest bit restricting 
Just snug
You hold the pendant in your hand, noting it’s warmth from hanging on your neck
You search for a clip to undo it, planning to inspect it 
But alas you don’t find one and for a choker expected to stretch off of you it was hard to pull off
Even though you were struggling for a bit with it, it dawns on you just how tired you are now
Those meds were really fast
And you suspect your lack of strength to pull it off is thanks to them
Planning to do it later, you settle into the infirmary bed holding Grim close while you sleep
Finally you could rest, having survived those Overblotted friends of yours once again
Happy that you were safe with your real friends, in the real Twisted Wonderland
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The Heartslabyul’s Vice dorm leader’s stomach churned at the swirling shards at his feet. Glimpses of his blotted dorm-leader’s angry glowing eyes unsettling him the most. As instructed he had his clones solemnly collect the broken pieces putting them into the various magical satchels. Lining up, each of them handed their respective satchels to the robot boy. Dutifully waiting for him to apply an unmeasurable amount of heat; reducing the shards of the mirror into a silvered, inky slop conducive with it’s magical origin.
“Mr. Crowley?  Was this…necessary?”
The headmaster’s golden eyes shifted to his student. Filling him with a sense of dread, he narrowly scraped the surface of during Riddle’s overblot. Nonetheless Crowley smiled apathetically, a faux disguise of pride as he held his hand out to the shards still being collected.
“This was entirely necessary. Our dear prefect has been plagued with the dangerous idea of using the mirrors to return home. It is through my extreme generosity that we’ve deterred them safely.”
Ortho’s attention changed from Cater’s double still taking the pouch and performing his function. A technical noise rang out his yellow eyes darting from side to side as though reading a list of stats. 
“This venture, headmaster, gave the prefect four abrasions to their forehead, a mild concussion, sprained ankle, and an insurmountable amount of aches that will leave them bedridden for approximately 3 days. I would conclude this was far from safe.”
Cater almost smiled but the guilt of the events prior to this made him feel…wrong. He had covered for Riddle; calling it a dorm-leader and vice dorm leader meeting when they went through the mirror on a weekend. Meeting up with the Octavinelle heads it felt criminal to quietly stand behind as Crowley spoke about the spell to cast on the mirror–an identical to the one they had for their dorm. Riddle, ever the observer, nodded at him in assurance. 
“This is for them. If they believe going home now is best it is our duty as their…friends to intervene.”
The small smile he gave barely soothed his spirit. The smiling dorm and vice-dorm leader of Octavinelle didn’t help. 
“Don’t fret a few small illusions to make sure they stay. Do you want them to leave, Cater?”
The sound of his name on the octopus’ slimy tongue, made him shape up. There was only one person that would make him support the strongest students’ unique magic to summon the spirits of their defeated, blotted counterparts. Only for the same person would he actually humor sending his clones to the opposite ends of the island to hide the melted shards.
“Only for you (Y/n)...We did it all for you!”
The worst part about it was that he couldn’t confess. When he held your hand the next day rattling off the hashtags made in your honor, all he could do was lie when he looked at the choker on your neck. 
The only shard remaining of a barrier to your world. Your real world.
“Why do you keep looking so guilty, Cater?”
He sighed fighting the urge to curl into your lap and cry,”Nothing I just wish I could’ve been there for you…sooner I mean.”
The smile you gave him made him swoon and want to die at the same time.
“But Cater you were there for me,” could your hand in his get any warmer,”Even if you weren’t there in the beginning it’s like I could still feel you…all of you watching after me! Like heroes prepping to save the day!”
You had no idea how right you were.
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 1 month ago
Yandere Streamer Boyfriend//////
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Rules | Kofi | Masterlist
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Streamer boyfriend who on the first date is really upfront about what he does. What seemed like a preview of transparency turns out to be a warning for the erosion of your privacy. As you begin to spend more time with your Streamer Boyfriend you’ll find just how much it’s beginning to bother you.
“Chat you guys are so mean! Their bathroom is a little messy but it’s not a red flag!”
Off-screen and whispering you ask, “Why are you filming in my bathroom?”
“Because chat wanted to take a look at your place? Why what’s the matter?”
“I don’t want these random people knowing the layout of my house!”
“Oh….well you can stay at mine if you want...for safety!”
If it weren’t for his impossibly good looks and otherwise male wife behavior you would have left him then and organizing your schedules so that you’re not forced to be a part of his vlogging. It’s a little tiring because sometimes he ‘forgets’ or ‘slips up’ putting more of yourself on the internet than you were ever okay with doing. 
“Everyone be sure to tune in four hours by then I’ll have eaten, slept, and finally get to tear up that cute jumper my baby’s got on.”
“Sorry guys signing off! See y’all later!”
You give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s his livelihood, his business, his community, his hobby—you wouldn’t want to take that away just cause it occasionally makes you uncomfortable. So you excuse them all. His mistakes, his overreaching. It doesn’t really hit you in the face until something terrible has happened.
“Are you (Y/n) (L/n)?”
“Is there a problem officer?”
“I’ve been told to inform you…about your cousin's passing.”
“Oh my gosh!? No!”
“We’d also like to know when’s the last time you spoke to them…we suspect this is likely a homicide.”
Your poor cousin who you recently reconnected with has violently perished. Unfortunately because the majority of your family is out of the country or otherwise indisposed, it’s up to you to handle most of their investigation. Identifying her mutilated body and telling the detectives what you knew about each of their friends. For a while, the investigating officers are relieved to know you have a loving boyfriend to support you during this rough time only for that relief to turn into disgust when your boyfriend whips his phone out in the morgue….
“I’m going back to mine. I’ll have my friends come pick anything else I need.”
“B-but babe weren’t you worried about your place getting exposed? I-I’m okay if we take the break at mine–”
“No. I’ll be staying with a friend.”
“None of your business. Thanks for the…memories.”
It's a shame you are no longer dating the infamous WrathWarrior according to your more distant friends who ignore the reason you left in the first place. Thankfully a few good friends are all you need, you take on the funeral preparations, and the rest of the homicide investigation smoothly. When you aren’t crying your eyes out, brainstorming with a detective, or crying in your bed you occasionally venture to your ex-streamer boyfriend’s stream. 
“Hey everyone it is Day 11 of being without the love of my life….Let’s have fun, with this game today.”
There he is still smiling and streaming as if he didn’t do this to himself.  You figure it’s better off this way. If he had the camera in your face during moments of crisis, he may have never come to respect your desire for privacy and would one day cross a line that would change everything forever. It really was better off this way.
‘Go back to him. You don’t want anyone else to die.’
The cryptic message on your social media came a month after your breakup. Still recovering from your loss and suffering the sting of an unsolved investigation, you are puzzled over the message from what looks like a newly created account. Knowing better than to click on some scammer's link, you blocked the message, thinking that would be the end of whatever weird new scam this was. But alas, a newer account sent the same thing on everything, including your direct messages.
“See detective? Isn’t this weird? It wouldn’t let me take a screenshot but it’s in every app!”
“Well, we’ve got a record of it now. Don’t click the link until I can get the team to hook up to this. Go home stay safe.”
Doing as you're told, you return to your temporary home. Waiting for your friend to return you end up looking at the message again, filling the hours with your theorizing at the mysterious link and the ominous tone of the words itself. Narrowing down who it could be there’s only one man you can think of needing to ‘go back to’ is none other than Wrath. When you think about it that way this makes sense that it’s some dedicated and deluded fan probably some mining link to get more of your private info. You sighed exiting the app and attempting to relax again while waiting for your friend to return…they should of got off work hours ago…
Ring. Ding. 
Your phone rings with a new message and reading it makes your blood run cold.
‘You need to see this. It’s about your friend.’
It feels voyeuristic that this unknown person would have the answers to your creeping anxiety. The urgency of the message makes it that much easier to ignore the detective’s warnings, finally clicking on the link. Expecting to see your phone flash with a threat for your information you aren’t prepared for the video that loads. Seeing a blurry video of some incredibly familiar pixels squirming in a chair slowly becoming clearer.
“This is Day 34 of being without the love of my life and we’re getting ready for a very special night where we break-in some of our new arrivals. Especially this one.” 
It’s Wrath unmasked and pulling at the hair of what is definitely your friend crying behind a ball of cloth. It’s horrifying and you almost don’t believe what your seeing is even real. The continued ramblings of Wrath fogging your brain as you try and piece everything together. The controls to interact were darker than the streams you’d looked at before, the url for the website was different, and most glaringly different was the oddly opulent room with furniture restraining your friend. 
“On top of this thing,” he poked at them aggressively–no doubt puncturing with his nail.”We’ve also got an entire group. Silly little investigators looks like they’ve never heard of Wrath’s Colloseum! Guess we’ll have to show all of them what kind of fun we get down to chat!”
The familiar officers and the detective being wheeled in on chairs matching that of your friend’s. It looked like a row of electric chairs attached to one another, wood and dotted with the blood of what you guess must be from past ‘guests’.
Your phone rings again. It’s the anonymous user.
‘It’s up to you. If they live.’
The message was your last wake-up call. Wrath had pulled out a tray of tools, showing them off to the camera as he spoke about what gruesome bloody acts he could do. He kept turning back to your friend who wiggled in protest everytime, he decided to model what the tool would do. It’s then that you were finally able to do something about this. 
“...Hey, I really missed you and I was wondering if you could come over. Like right now.”
You tried to silence your trembling breath. Watching the man on his stream kick his foot up. 
“Awww so cute! Are you drunk calling me? Ugh you’re just as precious as before!” You let out a relieved sigh, thankfully you could save your friend and the investigators tied on screen. “But Daddy’s got a wrap something up so I’m going to make it as soon as I get finished okay?”
No that was not okay! If he finished what he wanted to you wouldn’t have a friend or any local police dedicated to solving your case. So with bated breath you reveal your only card.
“Wait! Please don’t kill them! I’ll get back with you! I’ll do anything just don’t hurt them!”
You watched the wistful kicking from your streamer boyfriend stop slowly turning to the camera. Completely unmasked and wearing a leaver trenchcoat stained with dried crimson spots, he saunters over to the camera lens. Staring into your soul through the lens he smiles. Just like he used to when you’d chat from your alt account, or when you agreed to hold the camera for a cooking stream or when you told him you loved him even though he was a streamer. But it turns out that was the least of your worries when it came to your exboyfriend. In truth, your ex-boyfriend was the worst kind of monster–an untouchable one. A monster that can abduct and torture people without needing to cover his face. An entertainer who was so coonsumed by his career that he had no problem letting the talons of his lifestyle suffocate anyone who tried to impede it. 
“So your watching, huh?”
The voice echoes from your phone and the stream playing on your computer. You barely have half a mind to see what the chat says firing off so incredibly fast. 
‘Is that them?’
‘ is honey bun back’
‘aw is this the end of the series’
Your exboyfriend giggles at chat’s messages, turning to look over his shoulder openly sneering at all of his victims. He quickly snaps back
“Alright sweetie, I’ll save one just for you. Even better I’ll give them the antidote to a little concoction of mine if you come and join us on stream!”
“But I don’t know where you are and–”
“I’ll come pick you up in a bit, after chat votes on what we’ll be doing to the unclaimed meat. Like that chat? A big bang to wrap up the worst series of my life? I think that sounds like a great idea, chat!”
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 1 month ago
Yandere Contained Monster Family (5)
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Rules | Kofi | Masterlist
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“Darling good to see you!!”
The vampire who was snarling at you just a week ago was reaching out to you with open arms 
Of course, it’d be a death sentence for him if you returned the gesture 
So you settled with a wave and read out the same warning that came with every check up
“Now as we begin your examination, you cannot cut, snap, outwardly threaten, vocalize aggressively to the guards present. The same actions towards me will result in a 40 hours subject to forceful neutralization. So do you agree to the terms?”
“I do!”
Letting the scientists and taser-wielding guards enter his enclosure you stood in the usual place to keep his attention
“So did you watch our video?”
Remembering the conversation you had with his werewolf husband you figured there was something important they wanted to say
“Unfortunately I haven’t. Work’s been hectic lately with so many new arrivals.”
Villar pouted, crossing his arms 
Of course the guards and the scientists all reacted as though he’d swiped at them 
Holding your hand out to tell them to continue you worked to make sure he kept busy talking to you
Wouldn’t want your only vampire to die because the team was jumpy
“Don’t be upset it was on my list of things to do today.”
Villar huffed, “Good. It would have been better to tell you in person but we’ll make do with what we have.”
“Is it anything you can give me a hint to now?”
A smile spread across his face 
“I think it’s best you see the video first then I think you’ll be rushing to talk to me.”
You left shortly after his ominous hint, promising you’d look at the video
There were quite a few other monsters you had to speak to and appease before you were finally able to make it to the records room
Pulling up the date of their scheduled meeting it was easy to use your ID card to declassify the video
“There you two what exactly did you want to show me?”
The video started normally an operator warning them of the consequences before the gate pulled up no longer separating their cages
Faster than the cameras could clearly decipher they were on each other 
Kisses and hugs shared between the two as they whispered something to one another
Keeping the volume up, you watched them recount their experiences and how terribly they missed one another
Sounding like desperate star-crossed lovers in a soap opera
It wasn’t until they stopped their movements to look up at the camera 
Almost staring into your soul
Red and white eyes stare into the camera and you feel your heart began to beat faster
Did you overexert yourself today?
Take too many anti-depressants?
Why was it doing this?
It couldn’t be that those eyes made those fuzzy memories a tad clearer
Or that the sight of them sided by side reminded you of something you were sure you’d forgotten
“We have something to tell you!” “We actually are-”
But then the video cuts
A warning from the company plays 
That was all you needed to hear before cutting the video 
“I guess they just wanted me to know just how…deeply in love they are…Good for them.”
Did this lower your opinion of the two?”
No Yes
Even humans who are in captivity for too long act a certain way perhaps this is just a side effect
You weren’t sure why they’d want you to see but in the end that’s not your problem
So the next time you see Rod who’s unusually more active when he sees you 
You do your best to muster a normal smile
“So you saw the video? What did you think? How do you feel?”
“Well, I’ll let you know, that when you two get together it’s worth a whole censor warning from this facility and we’ve recorded slimes ‘having fun’ with our employees. And the thing where you looked in the camera right before was very meta. If you two ever get out here I’m sure there’s a market for that kind of thing.”
Unfortunately, Rod eventually gathers what you think you saw and not what they originally said
He sadly goes back to his spot in the corner as he sulks 
For a minute he really thought they’d beaten him 
Well with this new road block they might never get the chance to convince you otherwise
If that’s the case no one needs to hold back anymore
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 1 month ago
That One Enemy…
Twisted Wonderland: Jade Leech, Rook Hunt, Malleus Draconia 
JJK: Suguru Geto, Toji Fushigiro, Sukuna
Demon Slayer: Douma, Muzan Kibitsuji, Akaza
Obey Me: Diavolo, Lucifer
Hunter X Hunter: Hisoka Morrow, Chrollo Lucilfer, Meruem
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There’s always the ‘Big Bad’ in every anime, manga, and game. The one person you’re certain would kill you at the drop of a hat if you weren't reading a fanfic about them doing the exact opposite. It’s natural for any good story to have a villain or chaotic neutral that everyone’s in terror of. Too bad that’s exactly whose attention you caught when you were isekai’d into this world. 
It’s a walking dream for you to recognize the world around you for the characters you’ve always admired to be living and breathing. Whether it’s in passing or you’re able to join them on their adventures with your knowledge of what’s to come. For a while, it’s the best thrill ride you could have ever gotten. But of course that comes to a screeching halt when you run into them…
The one character whose crimes or behavior is unforgivable and incredibly dangerous now that they are in the flesh. Practically peeing yourself when you meet them, it’s a startling realization. To know that on a whim they could obliterate your existence with a flick of their wrist. You eventually regain your composure with the reminder that you know them. Able to rely on the hours you spent watching/reading this character’s crimes you should be the expert on how to avoid getting the attention of death incarnate….
Except it all goes flying out the window when they express particular interest. Covert enemies slyly ask who you are to be hanging around…such interesting characters and more obvious ones have no issue pointing to you with outspoken curiosity. Honestly, that’d be fine if they didn’t follow up on this curiosity of theirs. 
Catching you when you’re alone with a smile you used to shudder at when they were behind the screen. Trapping you against the wall leaning in uncomfortably close you can’t decide whether to pretend you aren’t shaking in your boots. Whatever you choose they absolutely love it ordaining you as their favorite. It’s likely your ‘Big Bad’ doesn’t stick around long, they’re terribly busy you know. But not for a moment are they ever too busy to stop thinking about you. 
The mysterious little no-one hanging around their greatest enemy/roadblock/playthings and they just can’t get enough of you. Your eyes, your voice, the way your pupils tremble and you wring your hands when you try to speak with them. Something about you, in particular. It’s intoxicating. 
If it’s not the idea of you trapped underneath them, it’s the idea of utterly owning every part of you. Your mind. Your body. Your very soul. 
That’s exactly what they plan to get.
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Rules | Kofi | Masterlist
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ¡ 1 month ago
thinking about a hybrid wolf hair dresser/ barber that would NEVER work on human hair.. but as they see more of you in public, they're more and more willing to make an exception for yours. not really a request lol just pitching an idea if you want to use it or change it up somehow! love your work!!
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Yandere Wolf Hybrid Hair Stylist 
Rules | Kofi | Masterlist
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Fashionable with the fairest mane around Emile is the envy of hybrids and humans alike
He adores throwing on something flashy and doing a hair flip whenever the opportunity presents itself
He’s just so good at what he does 
He only takes the highest quality clients
The Lion-Hybrid Talk Show host
The celebrity sheep-hybrid 
The list goes on…but only with very select traits
Fame and being a hybrid 
All the things that will have The Emile Farehaire even looking in any client’s direction
And yet when you happen to pass him while doing hair for a movie he’s enraptured
It’s likely because you’ve been working and you didn’t have time to tame your bed-head this time around
If you can believe it the first time he sees you and your mop of unruly hair he turns his nose up and continues walking
“Hmph humans. Given so little hair and they still look terrible!”
You’d think after working on seven different clients a day he’d forget all about the human assistant he happens to see passing by
…and yet…he can’t seem to
The second time he’s surprised to feel his beautifully conditioned and brushed tail wagging when he sees you again with that stupidly greasy hair
“What a look. Maybe try my hair care line, then maybe you’ll look better!”
He was being mean, he knew that
But in his mind, he’s already seen it played out 
You’ll stop and glare, turning to shove your clawless little finger into his chest while you reprimand him
And of course, he’d smile with superiority as he pulls a stray strand of your unruly hair while he mocks you again 
Of course he’d let you whine before relenting and inviting you into his chair
“A charity client,” he’d say and from then on you’d silently be grateful behind that witty banter you two will always have
Except…it doesn’t happen this way at all 
You just…keep walking
Whether you’ve got earbuds or genuinely thinking of the hundreds of tasks you have to get done 
You just don’t respond so Emile is standing flustered while he thinks he’s been ignored
And now instead of catching up on all the latest gossip from his regular he’s mentally debating if you purposefully ignored him and how on this  good green earth was he going to get your attention
First things first he has to get your name
In all his delusions+ imagines he’d never got your name
So it’s a given that he’ll ask his assistant or a chatty client in passing 
“Oh (Y/n)? Yeah they work harder than anybody and–”
“(Y/n)...that’s their name…could you tell me more?”
“Oh, can I? Just the other day–”
After that he just can’t seem to stop 
The voice of reason rings out less and less as he reconnects with his more primitive instincts
Instead of ‘turning off’ his sense of smell for all the specific products he uses he keeps it on
Using it to tell where he should conveniently stretch his legs so that he can bump into you
Or how typically he’d pin his ears down to avoid the sound of the blow dryer now he’s keeping up and at attention when he sees you excuse yourself from the group to take a call
Even with all of that, he seems to have even more trouble actually getting to do your hair
“I really think you should give this treatment a try. It would do wonders for your hair type! Even I could do it for you!”
“With your rates? No thanks appreciate the thought though.”
“W-what about a discount? I can do one just for you!”
“Nah I couldn’t do that to you.”
At one point whether or not you’ve finally combed your hair or done a different hairstyle
He’s just got to have you in his chair!
So of course he decides he’s going to have to put a little more effort into this 
Maybe do what his ancestors did and pursue the hunt a little more
So he’ll get even more info finally using the money he’s got to good use
His closet can spare one empty space for your address
Maybe a house visit will convince you to finally let him do your hair
Maybe more 
Whatever he has to do to finally get his claws in your hair
Maybe then he’ll satiate that urge to lock you away 
So he can stop wagging his tail when you look at him 
To stop that urge to howl near your place when he’s certain all others can hear
Or maybe it won’t and he’ll just have to fabulously have you as his mate
Whether you want it or not
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Enjoy my little ugly doodles of Emile! Thank you Anon, I'm really happy you do! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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