#blondie bag
bitter69uk · 3 days
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Breaking news, fashion mavens! Fiercely glamorous and inscrutable 79-year-old doyenne of New York punk Deborah Harry is the face of Gucci’s new “We Will Always Have London” campaign. And if that wasn’t already cool enough, she’s shot by photographer Nan Goldin! It’s like something I’ve conjured in a fever dream! In the campaign, Harry is seen slicing through London by night in the back of a black cab with various dogs and Gucci bags (including the “Blondie bag"). As the kids say today: MOTHER is mothering!
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sseditorialrunway · 1 year
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The new Blondie bag by Gucci
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atrxides · 1 year
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You’re Losing Me by Taylor Swift
stop, you’re losing me  I can’t find a pulse my heart won’t start anymore... for you
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cinnanovaz · 2 days
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"hold this for me real quick?"
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chicademartinica · 2 years
The only thing keeping me sane is that at least Team KNOWS that Blondie is not inside his room ignoring him. He has been gone since he bounced from practice, he’s not answering his phone and all but ON GOD HE IS NOT IN THAT ROOM.
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yours-stevie · 2 years
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Barbie girl 😍
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vigilantebullshit · 1 year
muse question ! what kind of music does your muse listen to??
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Facebook keeps recommending me to friend request this one woman even though I only have one mutual friend with her and don’t know who she is, so I looked today and realised she’s the fiancée of one of my former classmates, which explains SO much to be honest
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dragevex · 1 year
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maruflix · 28 days
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FEATURING: Sakura Haruka, Suo Hayato, Kaji Ren, Umemiya Hajime, Togame Jo, Endo Yamato, Takiishi Chika x f!reader
CONTENTS: female reader, separate scenarios, reader is oblivious in some, just wbk boys being down bad for the reader, fluff fluff fluff, they fall in love first, they fall in love harder, no beta we die like my sanity
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Sakura can not hide his feelings from you. To his credit, he really tried. He really, really tried — but how can he not blush when you flash him that gorgeous smile?
In front of you, his friends turns their head in mild surprise.
“Sorry, there was a leaf on your hair...” You raise both of your hands in surrender as Sakura turns several shades redder.
“W-Whatever! I was just surprised, that’s all!”
He really didn’t need to reason like that. It makes him look like a child as he stomps away from you and into a convenience store, disappearing behind the closed doors.
“I wonder what’s up with him... he asks me to come with him but he always gives me the cold shoulder.”
Suo and Nirei exchange glances like there’s a huge secret they’re not telling you.
“Well, whatever...” No sooner than you had said those words, Sakura reappears, stomping out of the store with a plastic bag in hand. He stops just in front of you, face still burning red.
You can hear Suo’s faint chuckle behind you.
“T-Thanks for accompanying us. You haven’t eaten, have you?” Reaching a hand into the bag, he hands you a milk bread. “Sorry for making you skip lunch...”
Eyes widening in surprise, you take the bread from him and wonder why he’s being so considerate. Your hands touch by accident and Sakura flinches away, stuttering apologies after apologies.
Still, you smile. “Thanks, Sakura.”
Sakura regrets lifting his head to see your smile. You’re a pretty girl, but when the corners of your lips lift up to form that gorgeous smile, he swears he goes blind from the brightness of it. The heat of your smile is getting to him too with the way his cheeks warm up.
Oh, whatever happened to his tough guy persona?
“Y-y-you’re welcome. You look... pretty today, by the way.” He finally manages to say it, the words he’s been dying to say since the first time he sees you that day.
Your own face instantly explodes in red.
He knows his friends are giving him the nastiest mocking grin, but if he can see you flustered because of him? It’s so worth it, he’d do it over and over again.
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With others, Suo is always cocky, teasing, acting like he’s above it all— but with you, he lets his guard down in the hopes of getting you to like him, even just a little bit. Please don’t make him wait too long, it’s killing him!
Suo is a patient guy.
Even now, as he’s holding your bag with one hand and your drink with the other, he’s smiling at you like it doesn’t bother him in the slightest.
Meanwhile, you’re scouring the bookshelf for the newest volume of your favorite manga — it’s got to be there somewhere, hidden beneath the copious amounts of Weekly Shonen Jump.
“Give me a second, Suo.. sorry for making you hold my stuff.”
“It’s no problem, really. Take your time.” He responds, leaning down to inspect the bookshelf with you, humming to himself. “What’s the title again?”
Before you can answer, a few guys are calling out his name from the distance. A black and white-haired guy with a blondie in tow. The two of them approach him with surprise painted on their faces.
“Hey, didn’t expect to see you here. Who’s this?” The blondie asks in interest.
You pause your hunt to greet the two unfamiliar faces. “Hi! I’m a friend of Suo’s. The name’s—”
“—none of your business.” Suo pipes up from beside you, stepping forward to shield you from their sight. “We’re a bit busy, you know?”
“Huh? Are you on a date or something?” This time, the black and white-haired guy asks, pointing an accusing finger as he, himself, blushes.
Suo tilts his head. “Oh, is your romance radar going off?”
The two exchange some more back-and-forths before the black and white-haired guy — who you learn, is named Sakura — admits defeat after being teased to death by Suo.
“Okay, see ya later~” Suo calls out after his friends, ignoring the depressed air that hangs around them. Blinking, you stare at him, surprised to see this side of him.
He’s usually always so kind with you, taking everything you say seriously, it makes you think that he’s that kind of person with his friends too. It turns out he can be such a little devil. Honestly, it’s kind of endearing.
Catching your gaze, Suo turns his head to you and smiles sweetly once more.
“Sorry for the wait. Now, what was the title, princess?”
He doesn’t miss the way pink tints your cheeks. He can’t help but to let hope blossom in his heart — is his actions slowly getting through to that thick skull of yours?
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You want help? You can count on him. Feel like eating sweets? He’s already extending a lollipop your way. Need a shoulder to cry on? You can lean on his. Kaji is your biggest supporter and biggest fan... and to everyone’s surprise, he doesn’t even try to hide it.
“Say, that friend of yours...” Enomoto says in between munches, “... she’s pretty cute, isn’t she?”
Everyone expected Kaji to shrug or ignore that comment altogether, but to their surprise, he nods.
“She is.”
“What? Who?! Kaji has a girlfriend?”
“I did not say that.”
“But you said she’s pretty!”
“Well, she is.”
The little exchange is what causes the situation right now: Kaji, standing in front of you to walk you home as always, but this time with an entourage of guys behind him.
“Uh... am I interrupting a guys night out or what?” You chuckle in amusement as Kaji rubs the back of his head.
“Sorry, they insisted on tagging along.”
“It’s fine!” Although you don’t fully understand the situation, it doesn’t bother you either way. Kaji’s friends are, by association, your friends. Not to mention they look slightly comedic as they stare at the two of you like you’re animals in the zoo.
“So you’re her...”
“Kaji’s friend... I see now.”
“The one Kaji said is cute...”
That last line made you stop. “The one Kaji said is what?”
The guy who let it slip, a tall white-haired guy, instantly smacks a hand to his mouth.
“Oh, I said you’re cute earlier today.” Kaji casually says after draping his jacket around your shoulders.
“O-oh! W-well, I mean...”
Kaji stares at you for a moment before sighing. “Don’t pay any attention to them.” He guides you to walk next to him, “How was your day?”
It’s like you instantly forgot about the earlier interaction as you excitedly tell him all about your day. He listens silently, throwing some comments here and there.
“I can’t believe she said that. You’re totally in the right.”
“... She is?”
“... Is she?”
Kaji turns to glare at his friends, who took the hint and clamps their mouths shut. Then, he turns back to you, smiling softly like nothing happened, urging you to continue your story.
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Umemiya is a kind person, it is something he takes pride on. But when it makes you struggle to receive his signals, it makes him want to rip out all his hair out. Everyone in town knows that he’s down bad for you — when will you finally look his way?
“Oh my, you two make a very cute couple.”
You’re grinning as the old baker lady down the street says the same line for the second time this week when you and Umemiya passes by her store.
“We’re just friends, granny!” Giggling, you link arms with Umemiya and yank him closer, “We look that close, huh?”
You miss the blush that dust his cheeks as he turns his head away from you, struggling to give you a response.
“E-Excuse me!” A girl suddenly jogs up to the two of you, handing over a box of pie to a surprised Umemiya. “Sorry to bother you, my mom asked me to give this to you as thanks for your help yesterday! Thank you once again!”
With all the little favors he has done for the townspeople, Umemiya can’t really recall which one the girl is referring to... and frankly, he couldn’t care less. Not when he’s busy trying to woo you.
On that note... Will you be a little bit jealous that a girl is talking to him?
He glances over at you anxiously, wondering how you will react. Much to his disappointment, you merely smile and look at him questioningly. Unaffected. He slumps and takes the box, asking the girl to relay his thanks to her mother.
“You’re a real popular guy, huh?”
Umemiya knows he’s pretty popular, but he doesn’t want to hear that from you! “I guess so...” He sighs and lets you drag him off by the arm, wondering when you will finally realize that he has feelings for you.
“By the way, thanks for helping me assemble the desk. I’m bad with those DIY furniture things.” You beam up at him, making him smile. “Gosh, this is totally why you’re so popular! You’re so kind, Ume. Do you always help people with this stuff?”
Once again, Umemiya sighs. Yeah, sure, he likes to be helpful when he can, but don’t you find it at least a little bit weird that he sticks to your side everyday and asks you if you need help with anything? He’s a kind guy, yeah, but he doesn’t normally go out of his way to offer his help to just anyone.
He holds up his palm.
“Hold my hand.” He says for the first time that day.
“Oh? Okay!” Oblivious to his feelings, you take his hand. Umemiya instantly laces his fingers through yours, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. That makes your heart skip a beat, but you tell yourself that this is Umemiya after all. He totally sees you as a little sister.
Next to you, Umemiya studies your expression in displeasure. He can tell you’re doing the mental gymnastics to somehow come to the conclusion that he doesn’t have feelings for you.
So he does the only thing he can think of: he brings your hand up to his lips and kisses them gently, making you squeal.
He flashes you a cheeky smile. “That one, I only do to you.”
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Togame is calm and gentle with you. He has always been that way, in your ten years of friendship. Lately, you notice something different in the way he acts. It’s fine, though. He wants you to know that he hates losing.
The Shishitoren boys don’t even look up from what they’re doing when you enter the building, already accustomed to your presence. Some of them wave at you as you make your way to your best friend of ten years.
Togame raises an eyebrow at your use of nickname. “Since when do you call me that?”
“Since I heard Choji call you that, duh!”
Tomiyama chortles. Togame’s eye twitches.
“Sorry, sorry, don’t give me such a scary expression!” You throw yourself in the middle of the two boys, slinging an arm around Togame’s broad shoulders. “No fair, you let Choji call you that but not your best friend of ten years? I’m hurt!”
“Stop it.” Togame turns to you, his eyes narrowed, “Since when do you call him ‘Choji’?”
Taken aback, you blink at him questioningly.
“You call him by his first name but not your ‘best friend of ten years’?”
“Huh- well- I’m-”
Tomiyama bursts into full blown laughter, holding his stomach as he hunches over in his seat.
You sputter, not used to his demanding behavior. He’s usually calm and quiet with you, letting you do whatever you want and always cleaning up after your mess. But this time...
“Well? I’m waiting.” Togame eyes you, leaning back in his seat so you can’t retract your arm that is currently around his shoulders, bringing you even closer to him.
“Y-You could’ve just said it normally! Stop being so unreasonable... Jo!”
He’s definitely satisfied now, grinning from ear to ear as he leans down to tuck a hair behind your ear. “Huh, you’re blushing? That’s new.”
“I feel like I’m interrupting something, guys.” Tomiyama moves to stand, smirking at his two friends knowingly.
“No, don’t go!” You don’t know why you uttered those words. Perhaps it’s because your best friend just made your heart race so badly, you no longer know how to act around him.
“Go.” Togame doesn’t need to tell him that because the beige-haired boy is already skipping away. “Sorry, he’s better friends with me. Naturally, he’ll listen to me.”
Your cheeks burn.
“You’re a bad friend, you know? I want to stop being friends with you.” He leans closer to you, looking at you seriously, “How about we take it to the next level?”
You resist the urge to smile. Tomiyama was right: Togame Jo hates losing. After years of mutual pining, it takes only a small interaction between you and Tomiyama to finally get him to admit that he likes you more than a friend. You should’ve done this sooner.
Acting dumb, you tilt your head. “You mean...”
Oblivious and too caught up with his own feelings, Togame smiles and takes your hand, gripping it tight. “I like you, I have for a long time now. I hid it from you because I don’t know how to tell you, but... I need to make it clear to you before someone else steals you from me.”
His confession makes your heart flutter. You smile, giving him a reply by kissing his cheek. Togame blushes and looks at his lap, not expecting you to be so forward.
In the distance, Tomiyama gives you a wink.
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It’s not like you’re unsure whether Endo hates you or not. You’re sure he hates you. He teases you nonstop, hides your things, takes bites out of your food until you yell at him to stop. So he definitely hates you... right?
“Hey, my backpack!”
You should’ve known better than to go to the library with Endo. By the time you return from picking a book, your backpack is gone from the chair. Endo lazily lifts up his head from the table, acting like he’s not the one who hid it.
“It’s in a safe place~ Can you guess where it is?”
Huffing, you place a book in front of his face. “Don’t know, don’t care. Read this and don’t disturb me.” If he thinks you’re going to humor his attempts of disturbing you, then he’s dead wrong. You sit next to him and flip the first page your novel, smiling.
It’s the first day of summer vacation. The air conditioning in the library makes you feel like you’re in heaven. The novel in your hands is pretty interesting, too. “Perfect,” you think to yourself as you hum in satisfaction.
Endo has long since lost interest in his book, choosing to instead watch you read silently, your eyebrows knitted in focus. The sun is blaring outside, the beams of light falling on your figure, illuminating your side profile.
You’re so beautiful.
“Wha- Hey!” You protest when Endo suddenly takes your book from you, lifting it above his head. Reaching for it, you lean forward and into his open arms as you flail your arms upwards to try and get it back.
After a while of you struggling and him chuckling, he finally places it on top of your head. Glaring at him, you move back. He only smiles at you like he’s looking like a pet fish or something.
“Drinking inside a library? You can’t do that, you know~” This time he grabs your bottle before you can take a sip.
“What is your problem!?” Whisper-hissing at him, you want to tackle him to the ground and wrestle the bottle from him but the cap is opened and you don’t want to risk spilling the contents.
Endo grins and you’re taken back to your elementary school days. He’s always been like this; teasing and annoying you half to death until you scream and tell the teacher. He always gets punished for the little tricks he plays on you but he never stops doing them.
You gasp when he takes a big gulp from the bottle. He smirks and hands it back to you. “Sorry, I was thirsty. Here you go.”
“You left your germs on it!”
“Hey, what’s your problem?” He parrots your earlier sentence mockingly.
“You’re so noisy, keep it down or I’ll call the staff.” Out of nowhere, a gruff-looking guy appears, glaring at you.
Endo openly returns the glare while you apologize. “Sorry! We’ll be more quiet.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Sneering, Endo stands to his full height, towering over the guy intimidatingly as he shrinks back. “Don’t talk to her like that, you hear me?”
He doesn’t bother waiting for a reply, already pulling you up to leave as he slings your backpack over his shoulder.
“Wait- Endo!”
He wraps a protective arm around you, glaring daggers at anyone who dares to look your way. “It’s too noisy here. What book were you reading? I’ll just buy it for you.”
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Takiishi warned you at the beginning that it’d be best for you not to get involved with him because he’s unable to feel affection for anyone. But you know better. You can hear it in the silence, you can feel it through his actions, and you can see it reflected in his eyes.
“You’ve been busy.” Is all Takiishi says when he strolls up to you that week, arms crossed in front of his chest.
You know he’s just saying he misses you.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m drowning in assignments.” He already starts walking and you fall in line, bending slightly to look at his expression. It’s blank, as always.
He notices you peeking and meets your gaze. “Don’t stare at me.” But the tenderness in his eyes betrays his cold tone.
You smile. As the two of you walk together, your shoulders brush against each other, yet neither of you move away. Honestly, you wish he would just hold your hand already.
“Did you get enough sleep last night?” He knows you didn’t. He can see the bags under your eyes, a clear sign that you’ve been overworking yourself again.
You chuckle and he’s even more sure. It’s just like you to deflect questions you don’t want to answer. He hates it when people beat around the bush, but when it’s you, it just makes his stomach churn with worry.
“You haven’t eaten.” This earns him another chuckle, and he clenches his fist. “Let’s go.”
Takiishi is not a touchy person, so you know you’ve angered him when he pulls you by the arm and drags you to a cafe. He orders your favorite food and still makes you eat ice cream afterwards, watching you finish everything with a satisfied look on his face.
“It’s getting dark, huh?” The streetlights gleams comfortingly when the two of you step outside. “But somehow, I don’t want to go home yet.”
Takiishi pauses and changes his path trajectory to the direction of a nearby bench. You follow suit and sit down next to him as he looks straight ahead.
You know it’s your cue to start talking.
“I hate going back to an empty home.” Relaxing against the cold metal of the bench, you fix your gaze on the dark sky. You’d rather be outside in his company, if you’re being honest. “So thanks for treating me to dinner, Chika!”
Takiishi nods.
“I’ve been feeling so tired lately... I guess it’s unhealthy to pull all nighters.. I need to fix my sleeping schedule, too.” You mumble to yourself. “Oh, speaking of... shouldn’t you be going home?”
Instead of replying, he removes his jacket and drapes it over your body. He returns your shocked stare blankly, crossing his leg over the other.
You pull his jacket tighter, scooting closer to him. He lets you. “I love you, Chika.” Feeling all your burden disappear, you’re now so close to him you can feel the heat radiate from his body.
“I’ve loved you for much longer,” is what Takiishi wants to say— but he merely hums in reply and places a hand on your head, gently nudging it to rest on his shoulder.
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TAGLIST: @kaiser1ns, @stunie, @17020 (send me an ask/reply if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Batkids being caught bringing something back to the Wayne that goes against Bruce or Alfred's rules? What did they bring?
Bruce: *goes downstairs for a late night snack*
Bruce: *opens the fridge*
Jason: It's ass o'clock, what do you want?
Bruce: *turns around holding a rattlesnake*
Bruce: I want answers.
Steph: That's probably Damian's.
Damian: Well, Brown, you'd be surprised to hear that it is not.
Steph: Really? Because you brought a yak from your Mongolia mission.
Bruce: You did what?
Damian: Bat-Cow needed a bovine companion. Besides, it's not like I have a SECOND duffel bag of heads upstairs, unlike some people.
Jason: They're my backup heads! At least I didn't buy a $5,000 meat smoker like Blondie over here.
Steph: I deserve nice things and I'm not ashamed.
Tim, walking in: Guys, what's going on? I was just about to fall asleep.
Bruce, holding out the snake: Do you know anything about this?
Tim: Uh, no. I'm not a big amphibians guy.
Damian: Snakes are reptiles, you shaved cactus.
Tim: You got a snake?
Damian: It's not mine!
Bruce: Any idea whose this might be?
Tim: Maybe Dick? Yesterday he ordered a big top tent on eBay. I wouldn't be surprised if he got some circus animals to go with it.
Dick, from upstairs: Are you spying on my computer?!?
Tim: I spy on everyone's computers. You're not special.
Bruce: This isn't getting anywhere.
Jason: Did you ask Cass? She's been digging a bunch of holes trying to bury the cursed amulet she found. Who knows what else she's hiding.
Tim: She doesn't have enough left in her bank account to buy a snake, though.
Steph: What's with you spying on everyone's computers?
Damian: He times his online purchases when Father and Barbara are preoccupied. How else would he have that box of kryptonite?
Tim: Snitch.
Dick, from the stairs: Like you're any better.
The kids: *start arguing*
Bruce: *puts the snake in a tank*
Bruce: I'm going to bed. Let me know in the morning how this plays out.
The kids: *still arguing*
Duke: *walks right past them with a vending machine for his room*
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redlipsanddaydreams · 2 years
miley was so real for bringing her stuffed teddy bear along for extra support on her first day of high school.
like my bag literally broke and all my shit spilled out on the crosswalk before i even made it inside and i can say for sure if i had my stuffed animal yellow lab blondie with me i wouldn’t have cried before i walked into the doors of my high school for the first time
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noahthegrailkeeper · 2 years
The lump and I had an ok day
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chanelguccibags · 2 years
Do you want to buy Gucci Blondie Bag? If yes, you can consider shopping for it from "Chanelguccibags". We are a leading online shop that offer the designer bag at a reasonable price. Shop it right now!
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ohbueckers · 26 days
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WHAT’S MY NAME? i heard you good with them soft lips. yeah, you know word of mouth. the square root of 69 is 8 something, right? ‘cause i been tryna’ work it out.
THIS IS PART ONE! part two here. pairing, paige bueckers x tutor!oc. notes, rihanna and drake made this fire ass song 14 years ago and i’m about to put it to good use ok… this also isn’t proofread i’ll probably go over it later? warnings, just loads of tension, sexual innuendos, no smut yet.
“kk, get ooooout!”
“no! you don’t get to steal my tutor and then kick me out the dorm,” kk argued, not budging from her spot on paige’s bed. laid on her tummy with her feet propped up in the air, it didn’t seem like she had any intentions of moving. because she didn’t.
paige rolled her eyes sassily, ponytail swinging behind her head as she bit down on her lip, thinking of an easy way to get kk out so she could possibly get some play. you know, put those rizz hands to good use. let’s just say she already contemplated picking the 5’9 girl up and tossing her out.
paige let out a dramatic sigh, shifting her weight to one hip as she crossed her arms. “why you always gotta be so difficult, bro?”
kk smirked from her spot, still kicking her feet lazily in the air. “because you make it too easy. come on, p, what’s the big deal? it’s not like you’re actually gonna study. you don’t even need it.”
paige shot her a glare, only angrier because it was true. her grades were stellar, and her gpa was looking better than most of the team’s. but that didn’t mean she couldn’t use some… extra help. especially when the tutor in question was ridiculously pretty.
half-tempted to retaliate with a pillow, paige squints at her before there was a knock at the door. her eyes widened. she’d been hoping for at least another few minutes to strategize. without thinking, she darted for the door, fully aware that kk was hot on her heels.
they both reached for the handle at the same time, their hands colliding.
“move!” paige hissed, her voice laced with all the attitude as she tried to nudge kk out of the way with her elbow.
“no, you move! i’m doing you a favor,” kk retorted, playfully leaning against the door so she couldn’t open it.
the blonde felt her patience wearing thin. “kk i swea—”
before she could finish, kk swung the door open, and they were both greeted by a pair of deep brown eyes that made paige’s thoughts momentarily short-circuit. standing in front of them was a girl with caramel skin, curly hair pulled into a loose ponytail, and a confident smile that made her forget all the words she’d been ready to throw at kk.
liana, a junior here at uconn, stood there holding a notebook, a tote bag of any other needs slung over her shoulder. she was completely unfazed by their little showdown, deciding it was probably normal for them.
“hey, liana,” kk greeted her with a warm smile, all casual and cool, like this wasn’t the most awkward situation ever.
paige, on the other hand, was still struggling to get her brain back online, looking a bit flabbergasted before finally clearing her throat. “uh, hi, liana.“
liana smiled, her gaze finally landing on the blonde. somehow, she wasn’t able to pick up on her nervousness. paige never got nervous. well, maybe a few times… and now. “nice to meet you. kk mentioned you needed help in algebra, right?”
the two girls stepped aside, inviting liana in. she immediately got busy situating her things on the table by the door, opening her bag and taking out a laptop, some books, and a few different writing utensils. as she arranged everything with methodical precision, paige and kk stood behind her, watching her work.
“you gonna be a good girl?” kk teased, her voice sarcastic with a slight whine.
before blondie could respond with words, she hit kk in the stomach, earning a dramatic groan. she shot her a glare before heading to her seat, watching as her teammate made her way to the back.
liana settled into her spot next to paige, opening her laptop and flipping through her notes. the blonde leaned back in her chair, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, but her eyes kept drifting back to the girl in front of her. there was no way she missed her on campus for two years, and kk of all people was the first to find her.
paige’s attention adverted to the books, eyebrows furrowing a bit at the amount of stuff she’d brought over. “you only tutor algebra?”
liana immediately shook her head, finally settling on a notes page and flipping it open. “no, i basically do any class i’ve taken. i’m good at it, and it makes me extra money, so..”
paige nodded slowly, still processing. “makes sense. that’s a lot of stuff, though. you planning to teach me everything in one night?”
liana chuckled softly, the sound light and easy. “no, just prepared for whatever you might throw at me. better to have too much than not enough.” their eyes locked, faces a bit too close to be considered normal. “right?”
“right,” paige echoed, her voice almost a whisper as she quickly pulled back, clearing her throat and trying to regain some refocus. she figured she’d be doing a lot of that tonight.
they started working through the material, and almost an hour had passed at this point. paige had yawned about three times, apologizing after every single one of them. as liana started explaining the next problem, paige found herself staring at her instead of the notes. the way her lips moved when she spoke, the moles on her face that formed a delicate pattern, like constellations on her skin. she couldn’t help but wonder how she hadn’t noticed them earlier—how she hadn’t noticed any of this earlier. the way she absentmindedly picked at the eraser of her pencil, her fingers twisting and tugging at it as she explained a concept. the small silver bracelet she wore on her wrist, catching the light every time she moved her hand.
paige stretched casually in her chair at one point, shifting slightly to get a better view of liana’s profile. her thighs, in particular were yelling at her, fully exposed and on display. her eyes trailed up, and that’s when she noticed it—a small tattoo behind her ear, half-hidden by her curls. it was too intricate and small to make out completely, and paige huffed as she settled her chair, giving up.
as they worked through the material, paige found herself growing increasingly distracted. she leaned in, pretending to scrutinize her notes with more interest than she actually had.
“is this good? i been tryna’ work it out.” she pointed to a particularly tricky problem on the page, her gaze lingering a little too long on liana’s face.
the curly-haired girl glanced at the problem, then back at paige, her brow slightly raised. “looks like you missed a step here. let me explain.”
paige nodded eagerly, leaning even closer to get a better view. she was trying hard not to focus on how close they were, or how she could literally smell the perfume on her neck. it was almost too easy to get lost in the moment, with every word liana said seeming to carry a double meaning. or maybe she was just entirely too fascinated by this girl, and was overthinking everything.
by the time the session came to an end and the two exchanged some last words about when they’d be meeting again, liana had packed up her things and was standing by the door, looking ready to head out. paige, who seemingly had gotten a good amount of what she wanted got up to follow, straightening her shirt out in the process.
as liana reached for the door handle, she paused and spun around, a slightly embarrassed smile on her face. “sorry, this is kinda embarrassing, but… you didn’t tell me your name.”
paige’s eyes widened in surprise. “you don’t know my name?”
liana licked her lips. “well, no.”
paige shook her head, apologizing with a sheepish smile on her face. “my bad, i’m just not used to hearing that. i’m paige.”
liana nodded, her lips curving into a soft giggle. “i’ve definitely seen you around, i’m just not really wrapped up in the whole sports thing here.”
paige took a step closer, her hands casually tucked into the pockets of her sweatpants. “that’s alright. looks like we gotta get you tickets to my next game then.” she was leaned up against the door at this point, the two of them face to face and paige looking as seducing as ever.
liana’s gaze lingered on the blonde, squinting as if she were trying to figure her out. she tilted her head slightly, her playful smile widening. “that an invite?”
“if you want it to be. let me put in my number so you’n gotta get to me through thing two in the back.” paige pointed down the hallway, referring to kk. the comment made liana laugh, reaching into her back pocket to hand the blonde her phone.
paige quickly entered her details, her thumbs typing away as she saved her own contact. giving it back, their fingers brushed lightly in the process. “perfect. i got you with the game details.”
liana gave her a warm smile. “looking forward to it.”
with one last flirtatious glance, liana headed out the door, and paige watched her go, a satisfied smile playing on her lips at the sight of her back… her ass.
just then, kk rounded the corner, her phone held up as she laughed into the screen. paige bit down on her lip, shutting the door as she turned to face the newfound noise. “i can’t believe you just rizzed up our tutor, dude!” she said, her voice carrying down the hallway. aubrey and ice’s laughter echoed through the speaker, their voices mingling with kk’s as they all seemed to have heard the interaction.
“c’mon, i’m really like that!” paige patted her chest aggressively, jumping around like a kid. and she believed it, too. she was gonna make liana bale remember her name.
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sooniebby · 10 months
Pleek danny i am begging for dilf nanamin who cant so much as make small talk with Ijichi's son reader without wanting to grab the reader and bend him over the nearest object,,,, huuhdhjdjsh for kinks,,,,,, sir kink, impact play, brat taming,,,, also ftm reader bcs yk <3
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꧁ 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙭 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
w.c. › 7.1k
Warnings › reader is kinda ditzy. But also unintentionally bratty and kinda crazy. Age difference, obvs. Plot… again—Femboy-ish reader in the fact some of his clothes are more feminine. Slight transphobia but nothing terrible, just two people who suck ass. Slow-ish slow burn like the Toji fic… also just start fucking randomly
Kinks › use of pussy/cunt/feminine terms, sir kink, impact play, brat taming. Reader is called good boy.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
“Excuse my son, I need to drive him to his performance.”
You wave at the man who gets into your dad’s car. You didn’t know what type of job he did actually. He told you, ‘driver’ and that was it. So you never thought to actually question it. Though, seeing the people he usually drives… you’re starting to think he’s a mafia’s getaway driver.
This guy looked to be a bit younger than your dad, though certainly older than you. Blonde hair that was previously slicked back and now a bit messy. He sat in the passenger seat and was looking at his phone, texting someone.
When he was walking up to the car earlier, you were pretty sure he was holding a butcher knife.. but it was dark so you decided to think you were over thinking it.
You sat in the back seat, watching the street lights fade past as your dad practically speeds down to the place you were performing today.
You played the piano. Not as a job, just as something for extra cash as a college student. It helped a lot—but it was hard to find jobs in the area, most were so far that you had to have Ijichi drive you.
The car came to a halt once Ijichi reached the house you were playing at. Some rich function happening. It didn’t matter, as long as it payed well.
“Thanks, Dad. Bye, Blondie.” You said, not waiting for any type of response as you stepped out. But much to your confusion, your dad and blondie got out of the car. Though they didn’t seem to be going towards the house you were. Just looking at the abandoned building a few blocks down.
Huh… maybe your dad really is in the yakuza business.
Shit, why didn’t that pay well?
You pushed back any curiosity to see what they were up to and walk inside the house. The performance, like always, was easy. You chose the fanciest but easiest pieces to play on the piano. It was hard doing it for hours straight with only ten minutes breaks between.
It was around two hours at the party, that your phone started ringing. You tried to ignore it, wanting to finish the piece you were playing. It was going well until the sound of something collapsing outside caught the guests attention. You heard screaming and yelling as everyone was moving around in a frenzy.
But you stayed put, knowing that if you stood up, you’d get trampled. Everyone was acting too frantic for your liking. Once there was a few people left, you grabbed your bag and walked out of the home, staring right at what looked to be a building collapsed onto itself.
It was the building Blondie and your dad was looking at. It confused you as there was a crowd of people running to their fancy cars and speeding away for safety. No one called the police —all too focused on their own lives. You stepped forward, towards the street to the now collapsed building. It was old.. but how did it just break down like that? That’s not normal. Did something push into it?
A hand grabbed your shoulder. You shrieked and began to flail your arms around.
“Unhand me, troglodyte!!! I took taekwondo four years ago! I.. remember something!!”
“Calm down. Your father is just looking for you.”
You flinched when the hand moved to grab one of your arms, effortlessly stopping your failed attempt of taekwondo. You glanced up to see Blondie, his eyebrows furrowed while there was a small little cut on his cheek. Huh, was that always there? His clothes looked dusty, as if he was rolling around in dirt.
Was he in the building before it collapsed?
“Oh, Blondie—!”
“That’s what I said. What happened to that building? It just fell.”
Blondie—Nanami hummed. “Old buildings can fall apart after a few years of being unkept.”
“Uh… okay.” You muttered, weirded out by his answer but decided that would be enough. “Where’s Dad?”
“The car.” Nanami nodded towards your father’s car that was parked farther away from everything. You saw your father leaning against the car, his arm looking a bit.. mangled to say the least. Feeling a sense of panic, you sprinted over there and came to stop once you got a clear picture of what happened to him.
His arm looked as if it was purposely twisted into an uncomfortable position. Ijichi gave you a tight smile, obviously taken from the pain. He used his free hand to lightly pat your head.
“What… happened?” You whispered, glancing over at Nanami as he walked over. You felt an odd sensation of protection as you quickly stood between him and your father, glaring at Nanami with a tint of suspicion.
Nanami raised an eyebrow, obviously confused on why he was being suspected as a the culprit. It was odd because he was obviously hurt as well—though to a lesser extent. The cut on his cheek wasn’t the only one as there was on his forearm that was actually still bleeding through the light bandage that was used from his sleeve.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” Ijichi muttered. “Did you get paid?”
“Oh.. no. I forgot to ask for money—don’t know if she’ll pay me now though.”
“Well—as you can see, (Name), I’m badly hurt. I’ll need to go get this checked out.”
“Yeah, of course,” you smiled. “I’ll drive you. I’ve been getting better.”
“No—I need you to do me a favor.” Ijichi glanced over at Nanami before leaning in close to you. “I’m sure you know I’m not just a driver at this point—but for your safety I can’t say too much.”
You gasped, dramatically putting a hand over your lips. “No…. You’re a Yakuza member?!”
Ijichi stared at you as if you were crazy. “What—? Anyway, I’ll need you to stay at Nanami’s for a few weeks. Just so I can get better at the hospital.”
“Nanami.” Nanami cut in.
“That’s what I said,” you rolled your eyes. “Why? I can stay at the house alone.”
“It’s not safe. Someone…” Ijichi paused, as if he was wondering how much he should actually tell you. “It’s just not safe. We don’t know if he’d go after you. It’s safer to stay with a sorcerer—uh.”
You blinked. “Sorcerer? Right…” You grinned, thinking your dad was just trying to be subtle about his connection to the Yakuza. “Of course. Dangerous… gang leaders and all the like.”
Ijichi simply sighed. “Yes, sure. It will only be three to four weeks maximum. I’ll be healed by then. Nanami will drive me to the hospital and then he’ll take you home so you can pack a bag, okay?”
“Fine. Doesn’t seem like I have a choice,” you whined, pouting.
“Yes, you didn’t.” Ijichi said. He used his free hand and opened the door to passenger side of the car. You sat in the back once more while Nanami went to the driver side. As he drove, you couldn’t help but glance back at the collapsed building. While Yakuza were dangerous—you haven’t seen them collapse a building before. That’d just draw too much attention to them.
At the very least, you hoped Nanami lived close to your university. It was tiring having to rely on your dad’s car to get places since you lived on the outskirts of the city. But there was an aching feeling in your stomach. How.. did your dad’s arm twist like that? Will it actually be able to be fixed?
Right before you tore your eyes away from the building, you saw the flicker of red eyes.
Blondie’s place was actually pretty nice. It was a nice little apartment—decorated decently. Though it was obviously done by an older man. You felt odd being in a stranger’s place but you trusted your father’s judgement so you didn’t complain a lot. At least verbally.
The apartment was on the sixth floor, with nice glass windows in the living room giving you a nice gaze into the city. The building lights kept the room bright even before Blondie turned on the lights. You checked the bag you were carrying, making sure you had your shots. Blondie was carrying the heavier bags—you had practically forced him to.
Just a couple of pouts and blinks with your long eyelashes got him carrying them.
“I have a spare bedroom that you’ll stay in. There’s no attached bathroom.” He said. He walked over to a hallway that had three doors. The left was the bathroom. The right was your new bedroom and the center is obviously Nanami’s room.
As he opened the door, the room was less decorated than the rest. But that made sense—no one would be in this room often. The room didn’t look too small—a queen size bed in the middle and a singular night stand to accompany it.
A small dresser in front of the wall facing the bed—and…
A tv that had a crack on the right side of it. Blondie noticed your shocked face as he placed your bags on the bed. “The movers dropped it.” He simply said.
“Eh. Does it still work?” You muttered, grabbing the remote that rested on the nightstand. You turned it on and what played was cartoons—but in English.
“Somehow it’s stuck on Australian cartoons. I can’t change it, it was bought second hand.” He said. He grabbed the remote and seemed to try again and see what was wrong with the settings. You wondered how he could understand the English but didn’t ask. He must’ve studied English or something.
Nanami hummed as he gave you back the remote. “You can still at least flip through the channels. A few have Japanese subtitles.” Was all he said as he left the room. You glanced over at him as he closed the door behind himself.
Huh. That was abrupt.
You placed your bag on the floor and decided to just unpack everything into the small closet. It was weird to be staying at a man’s place you literally met today but if your dad trusted him, you’d “trust” him too. But at the thought of your dad, you kept thinking of his arm. The mangled arm that couldn’t possibly be fixed. But he seemed so sure.
You knew your dad treated you a bit childish compared to adults your age with their parents. It was okay when you were a kid but ever since you started transitioning it has gotten worse. But you knew why. He just wanted to protect you… It was evident in him not trusting to allow you stay home alone.
The light clink of syringes caught your attention when you accidentally jostled your bag. You took out one syringe and one of the small bottle. It took forever for you to even get the option to take testosterone. As you prepped yourself for your shot, you thought back to the red eyes. Did you imagine that?
Did you actually see that…? Or was your eyes playing tricks on you?
As you packaged the dirty syringe into a plastic bag, ready to be disposed of, there was a knock on the door. The door opened and Blondie was holding a bowl of noodles. He placed them on the nightstand.
“I would’ve made you a proper meal.” He said, vaguely pointing to his properly bandaged arm. “But I need to be careful. When you’re finished, put the bowl in the sink. Good night.”
Then he left. Again.
Gosh, why was he so abrupt when it came to his goodbyes?
The ramen was okay. It’s as good as gas station ramen is gonna be. As you placed the bowl in the sink, you walked past the living room to reach your room when you passed by a photo. The photo was inside a glass cabinet—connected to the small piece framing around the tv. You leaned in close, wanting to see who it was.
It looked to be a much younger Nanami.
Oh wow—was he emo? You laughed to yourself at his haircut. Next to him was a girl, a guy with white hair—strange, and a guy with black hair.
Wow, another emo.
You noticed someone next to Nanami, on his left.
A guy with brown hair. He looked cute—he had a wide smile. Cute.
You hummed. Their uniform looked kinda weird. Nothing close to what you wore in high school. Hm, were they also about in the Yakuza?
Do the Yakuza hire young people?
As you thought deeply on your “profound” question, you pulled away from the cabinet. Well, it wasn’t much of your concern. If you were lucky, Blondie didn’t work for the Yakuza anymore. With a huff, you walked back to your room and went to sleep for the night.
He wasn’t there. You checked around the apartment the next morning, wanting to simply talk—mainly ask him to make you some breakfast—but he wasn’t there. Or anywhere for that matter. You plopped down into the couch and checked your phone, pouting to yourself as your thumb hovered over your father’s contact.
“She’s always in your shadow! Why did you raise her like that?!”
“Don’t speak about my son like that! You were the one who decided to not raise him, it’s not (Name)’s fault he doesn’t want to go to you.”
“Him, him, him! It’s time you stop allowing this nonsense to continue, Ijichi.”
“Whose last name does he have? Ijichi (Name)! I’ll be the one to raise my son how I see fit.”
“Fine! Continue letting ‘him’ play dress up! When that child of yours is still living in your home while giving you no grandchildren, don’t cry about how you wished you had a normal daughter!”
You gasped, looking up as you saw Blondie staring down at you. Your eyes felt blurry—you couldn’t really see him. Blondie kneeled down, removing your glasses as he handed you a handkerchief. It was soft in your hand, as you lightly dabbed it under your eyes before full on using it to stop your tears. You didn’t even know what happened.
You didn’t want to think about her.
That woman who carried you for nine months.
Gosh, you hated her.
But she still brought you to tears so easily.
“Th…anks… Blondie.” You whispered.
“That’s what I said.”
Blondie didn’t seem to care about why you were crying. Or at the very least, was being respectful in not asking. He was still a stranger. You continued to wipe away your tears, silently grateful he was back from wherever he left off to.
“Where’d… You go?”
“Store. I was missing a few things to make breakfast.”
You glanced over to the kitchen and indeed saw him preparing something. When did he even get back? Were you that deep into your trauma flashback that you didn’t hear him? You felt your cheeks flush hot. Fuck, that’s so embarrassing. As you began rubbing a bit harder to try and lessen your puffy red eyes—your phone began to ring.
With speed you’d question back at, you checked to see who was calling.
It wasn’t your father.
Shit, it was just some guy you had in your class. The damn leech when it came to your recent project you were doing for history.
He didn’t want to do anything and embarrassingly enough, you were doing everything at this point.
You tossed your phone onto the coffee table and sighed, draping the handkerchief over your eyes as you leaned back onto the couch. You’d speak to him tomorrow. The sound of chopping and sizzling filled the room as you slowly drifted off to a comfortable nap.
It always felt good to sleep after a cry.
When you woke up, it was dark out. Shit. You glanced around the living room—noticing you had a blanket on you. As you folded the blanket back and rested it on the couch, you walked to the kitchen. You opened the fridge and saw the food Blonde was probably making. It looked to just be an omelette.
Good enough.
After microwaving and sitting down back at the couch to eat you briefly wondered where Nanami could’ve went.
Yakuza, probably.
“Ijichi, why didn’t you answer my phone call?”
You sighed as you were roughly grabbed by your infamous slacker. You stared at him with no intention to really speak to him—just let him rant about how “you’re not listening to him” or “why do you hate him?” Whatever bullshit he comes up with.
“I’m trying to help with this project, really,” he begins and then just blabbers on.
You don’t pay attention. It goes on for maybe a few minutes until you see a crowd of people leaving their classroom. Perfect. You pushed slacker’s hands off of you and seamlessly phased into the group of people walking away.
It’s only been about two days but it felt like years since you’ve seen your dad.
Maybe she was right about—
You shake your head. Fuck that lady! She’s burnt flesh now anyway.
As you walk away from your university, you came face to face with a dilemma. You don’t know where Nanami’s apartment is—you kinda just left on auto pilot to not miss class. And shocker, you never got his number to call him.
Well shit.
You aimlessly walked around the city for a bit, just enjoying the nice day. The sunlight shined down onto you as you giggled a bit. Hm, the sun is nice. You decided to just text your dad for Nanami’s phone number. So while you waited for him to answer your text—you stopped by a nearby cafe for some coffee.
Right when you left the cafe, you noticed something weird.
Red eyes just staring at you—right from across the street. Inside a building that looked to be abandoned. Wow, when did Japan have so many abandoned buildings. You instinctively stepped forward, trying to see if this was just something you were seeing by chance.
You used the cross walk to go across the street, getting face to face with the building. But the eyes were gone. You hummed, starting to believe maybe you were going through it. This is perhaps the longest you’ve gone no contact with your dad—you’re probably just worried. Especially with the injury you saw him with.
A mangled arm.
Anyone would be reeked with worry.
As you pulled out your phone to check if your dad answered you yet, you felt yourself freeze. There was someone watching you. No… something.
You glanced up, looking into one of the building’s window and gasped in shock at the sight of what you were seeing. It wasn’t human. And it looked like a huge centipede, staring at you as if you were a piece of meat. You booked it, immediately.
Your legs burn from running but you didn’t stop. You kept going and going until you felt a bit safe in a public area. Just… what the hell was that? When did centipedes get so big? And it was looking at you so hungrily?! What the hell?! With your thoughts focused solely on your new discovery of big centipedes, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You shrieked, ready to fight but sighed seeing it was just the slacker.
“Ijichi, man, the fuck are you avoiding me for? I’m seriously trying to get a good grade here! If I fail…”
You tune him out again. Wondering how the fuck he was able to find you. His grip was tight around your arm before it slowly slid to your back. You slightly paid attention to what the hell he think he was doing touching you so much until you felt his hand slightly slide down your waist.
“What in—”
“—look, if the reason you’re just ignoring me because you’re scared about what you really are, most people practically know and don’t care. I don’t care about that queer stuff!”
You blinked at him, wondering how he went from zero to a hundred. You didn’t care that people could probably tell you were trans so long as they didn’t bother you. But now you were about pissed off this guy was making you do more work for this damn project and now making it seem like it was your fault—not his inability to work.
“Listen here, Slacker—”
But you didn’t have to say much when he was pulled off of you. You grinned. “Oh! Great.” Slacker fell to the ground and looked up—you did the same, looking to see who was your savior of the day.
Just Blondie.
“Oh, Blondie. I was looking for your apartment, I also need your phone number.” You said, smiling softly, forgetting all about the slacker on the floor. Blondie simply hummed as he grabbed your arm and began guiding you to his place, leaving slacker on the floor yelling after you.
Which was… two blocks from where you were standing.
Oh wow. Definitely made sense in why you got to your university so quick. Blondie’s apartment was just ten minutes away. Ahah… embarrassing.
Once inside the apartment, Blondie seemed set on ignoring you again. Which seemed to be all he was doing these few days you stayed here. But you didn’t know why. You huffed to yourself, pouting as you dropped your bag on the floor and plopped down onto the couch, ready to watch some tv.
“Blondie~!” You sang, grinning lightly. “You’re in the kitchen still, right? Can you get me something to eat? Please~?”
You didn’t get a reply back. You briefly wondered if he wasn’t going to do it so you moved to sit up but was proven wrong when Blondie gave you a turkey sandwich. You quickly took the plate and began eating, humming after having not eaten lunch. But Blondie was still staring down at you, his eyebrow slightly raised as if he was waiting for you to say something.
Your lips pursed as you thought what he needed to hear until you gasped. “Oh, thanks, Blondie.” You muttered with your mouth still full as you began eating again.
You only got a huff in response as he walked away to do whatever he usually does. As you ate, you thought back to that centipede. Was that really real? There’s no such thing as monsters, anyway. You wondered if you should tell Blondie—but what could he do realistically?
Well, he’s in the Yakuza, maybe he could find a way.
It’s been about two weeks now. Your dad still hasn’t returned much of your texts but you had gotten closer to Blondie. As much as you could anyway. He was very cut and dry with his answers to you.
You ask him how his day went, he’d answer with a curt: “okay.”
Ask him about what he does for work: “office job.”
He seemed to have trouble really looking at you when you spoke to him. He’d glance at you and then suddenly look at whatever he was doing with such intensity as you tried asking him questions. Or even just talking to him. Boring!
You were starting to believe he had a problem with the clothes you wore. When you dressed in baggy clothing, he would look at you more. But whenever you wore a tighter top or even shorts that showed a sliver of your ass, it was like looking at you would’ve burned his retinas!
Geez, did he not like guys in tighter clothing?
Damn… you must’ve been pretty ugly to him.
As you mentally cried to yourself about being seen as ugly on the couch, you glanced at your phone. You haven’t seen that slacker after you sent in the project. Of course you told the professor you did most and if not all of the work. So, you got an A—obviously.
You haven’t seen any human sized centipedes in a while so you were set to just believe you were imagining it. As you tugged down at your shorts that were acting like underwear at this point, you heard the front door open. Oh, Blondie’s back!
You grinned and went over to him, smiling. “Blondie! You’re early, they let you off?”
Blondie hummed. “I had a half day.” He simply said, walking over to the living room as he sat down with a grunt. He looked a bit tired so you decided to just not say anything else to him. There was always a few days when he just came home with a look of dread and was totally silent.
You were really starting to believe he was a Yakuza member.
As you turned to walk to your room, you bent down for a second to pick up a pillow that had fallen when you previously jumped off the couch. When you stood back you, you turned around to see Blondie staring at you with wide eyes. You simply smiled at him and placed the pillow back on the couch. Weird, why was he staring at you like that.
“I’m going to my room. Call me if you need me.” You said, waving goodbye as you sprinted off to your room, not knowing that Blondie’s gaze didn’t leave you at all.
Nanami rubbed the bridge of his nose as he tried not to think about you essentially just flashing him earlier. When you had bent down to grab the pillow, he saw that your shorts, that were too short in his opinion, the crotch area had kinda sort of—clung to one side. So he saw it, at least just one lip—of your cunt.
And he felt angry with himself that his cock actually twitched at the sight. Was he some damn animal? He’d certainly been feeling like that the last two weeks. He couldn’t exactly… speak well with you. You just staring up at him with your cute smile but painfully naughty clothing.
Who just wears a shirt that is practically clinging to your body that it hides nothing to the imagination! And your shorts… who wears such short shorts with no underwear?
He wasn’t sure if he could take another few weeks with you here. Not if he didn’t want to just slam you against the wall and take you there.
But no, he couldn’t do that. You were Ijichi’s son. And he was pretty sure when Ijichi said: “take care of my son.” He didn’t mean fuck his son. Though he kinda wished he did.
It’ll be fine. Just a minimum of two more weeks… then you’d be gone back at home with Ijichi.
Nanami wished he had just gone straight to bed. He was sitting on the couch watching tv when you suddenly appeared, dressed in a stupid crop top and short shorts. You plopped down beside him before resting your head right on his lap. When he tried to push you away, you only whined, pouting up at him to let you stay.
Damn brat.
He tried focusing back on the show he was watching as you seemed to only have wanted contact with him. You hummed softly before giggling.
“Nana—Blondie,” you said, looking over at him. “Today’s my mom’s death anniversary.”
He glanced down at you, a bit confused on why you didn’t seem bothered on your mother being dead.
“She died in a car crash. Drunk driving. The hospital said she burned to death in her car… witnesses said they heard her screaming as they tried to open the car door and out the fire.” You sighed, a soft smile on your lips as you recount your mother’s death. “I was 18. It was a good early birthday gift. But Dad said I shouldn’t be so cruel to her even if she was a bitch.”
“It’s not strange,” you said, turning your face to rest on Nanami’s leg as you glanced up at him. Your eyelashes batting as your lips were pulled into a pout. “To not care about a bitch dying, right? I’m sure there’s someone everyone has that they just can’t wait to die.”
Nanami wasn’t sure what brought this out. He was actually a bit worried honestly that you were so nonchalant about death. Though he could tell that despite this act you were pulling, her death did affect you… but perhaps it truly did bring a sense of peace. Especially if her death was truly that horrible.
“I can’t speak on that.” Was all he said, deciding it was best to let the conversation die out. He’d tell Ijichi to schedule you a therapist once he’s better.
“Hm, yeah, I did bring it out of nowhere. Anyway, my birthday is in four days! Getting me anything?” You giggled.
“No. I didn’t know it was your birthday.”
“What? Blondie~! Whaddya mean? I’m practically your roommate by now, and roommates give each other gifts.”
“Are you truly my roommate when I do everything?”
Which was true. You were more like a freeloader. Nanami did the chores, cleaned up mostly after you, and paid for literally everything. You were silently forbidden on doing your piano jobs so you were kinda shit out of luck, relying on Nanami at this point.
You simply huffed. “Meanie.” As you moved your head to face Nanami’s stomach. Nanami couldn’t help but flinch as he felt your nose accidentally brush against his crotch area. His grip on the remote tightened as he so desperately wished he was rude enough to push you off of him.
It was quiet for bit, just the tv going on with the show Nanami was watching. And subconsciously, Nanami began to calm down a bit and just allowed you to stay there. Maybe you really did just want some comfort.
There was something pressing against his crotch. He glanced down to see you, purposefully, rubbing your nose against his crotch before pulling away. You yawned, acting as if you were just essentially teasing him and grinned.
“I’m going to bed, Blondie. Think about what you’re getting me for my birthday!” You winked, standing up as you walked back to your room. He was so sure you were intentionally swaying your hips. What the hell was that?
And why the hell was he horny from a freaking nose rub?!
Blondie, Blondie, Blondie
That’s all you called him. Occasionally, you’d say, “Nana—” but then quickly switch back to Blondie. It was as if you were intentionally trying to get him upset. Nanami didn’t know how a calm man like Ijichi could have a son like you.
The only similarity you two had was the glasses you both wore. It actually was the same brand and shape—weird.
You seemed to have two pairs of glasses though. You were the ones similar to Ijichi’s often and this pair of red ones whenever you were feeling “annoying.” Nanami had come to expect the red cat eye glasses whenever you wanted to be a little brat.
And look at that, you were wearing them right now.
Nanami was sitting on the couch, checking something in his phone when you suddenly appeared behind him. He didn’t look up, waiting for you say something until he felt your arms wrap around his neck. His body stiffened as you leaned close, pressing your lips against the tip of his ear.
“Guess what’s tomorrow?” You whispered. “B-i-r-t-h-d-a-y.” You intentionally made each letter sound breathy, pausing just a split second to let them sit heavy in the air.
You pulled away and giggled. “Got my present? You gotta make up for Dad,” you went to sit on the couch and glanced over at Nanami who looked as if he would keel over if a gust of wind blew past him. His grip was tight on his phone, you were a bit worried it’d crack.
“What was that?” Nanami suddenly said, still looking straight.
“Was what? It was for dramatic effect!” You said honestly, not knowing how sexual you had just sounded in his ear. Nanami turned over to face you with a look of pure disbelief while you simply grinned.
“Aw~ poor Blondie, don’t take it so seriously!” You playfully pat his leg before grabbing the tv remote and turning it on. You were engulfed into the random Japanese drama playing while Nanami could only just stare at you in awe.
Wow. You really were a damn brat.
It was fine though. He had the perfect birthday present now.
It was your birthday!!
Which meant no school. Why would you willingly go to school on your day? Only losers do that! You sighed comfortably on the couch as you turned on the tv to play random Korean dramas for most of the day. And that’s how you spent most of the day.
It was around noon when your phone buzzed. You expected it to be one of your very few friends that you have but much to your shock with was your dad! You squealed happily and quickly opened the text he sent.
‘Happy Birthday, 🐹, I’ve been feeling better, don’t worry about me. I’ll be able to call you soon. I hope you aren’t giving Nanami too much trouble.’
You pouted but quickly texted him back, stating that you and Blondie were practically pals at this point. It brought a smile to your lips to see the hamster emoji though. You had quite chubby cheeks even has an adult that your dad loving pinching. It always looked bigger when you ate.
It was commented more when you were a kid but there was still some people who would—lovingly—call you a hamster in disguise.
Finally having confirmation that your dad was at least alright, you felt a heavy weight lift off your shoulders. You yawned and stretched out, turning your attention back to the tv as you spent the rest of the day lounging around.
It was dark out when Nanami finally came back home. You waved from the couch, not bothering to get up. You were always lazy on your birthday. Definitely from being a bit too spoiled on these days. But hey, at least you didn’t act like this everyday.
You could see Nanami did have a small box in his hand as he moved to the kitchen. You silently hoped it was a cake as you finally sat up a bit and moved to join Nanami in the kitchen.
“So now you’re greeting me,” Nanami said, placing the box in the fridge. You pursed your lips, wondering why he seemed a bit upset. It wasn’t like you greeted him all the time when he walked through the door.
“You like that stuff? Aw~,” you walk over to him, resting your hand on his shoulder. “You like those couple stuff? So cute, Blondie!”
You hummed when you felt his hand grab yours, slowly pulling it away from his shoulder. You glanced up, wondering if you perhaps went a bit too far but Nanami didn’t seem angry. On the contrary, he seemed like his usual self. He used his free hand to fix his glasses as his grip on yours tighten.
“I’ve allowed you to continually act like a brat throughout your stay here—I know what you truly need as a birthday present.”
With sudden strength, you found yourself pinned against the wall, his body pressed up against yours. You were wearing a long shirt but your usual short shorts.
“—Sir. Since Nanami is a problem for you to say, that should be easy for you.”
You blushed slightly, having never really called someone that before. But somehow, you didn’t find it in you to disobey. Nanami hitched up your shirt, grabbing the front end and pressing it against your lips. It took you a second but you bit down on it.
“Good boy.”
Oh no.
Y’know, you did find Nanami attractive, but you were always the type of person to want to stick to your age range. But this…
“You kept whining about wanting a birthday present,” his hands gripped your shorts, “do you want this?” He whispered against your ear, practically giving you an out.
You gripped the wall in front of you but felt yourself nodding, blushing in embarrassment.
“I need words, (Name).” He said. You felt your legs tremble. You wanted him to say your name again.
“Yes… keep going.” You whispered.
Nanami hummed in approval as he pulled down your shorts, making you left up your legs so they can be fully taken off. Now you were standing in the kitchen, pressed against the wall with just a shirt. Nanami’s hand traced your upper thigh, his hand ghosting your cunt but he never brought it close enough.
You whined slightly, looking back at him with pleading eyes. He gave you small smirk.
“Despite it being your birthday, you acted bad today, Baby.”
“H..huh? How..?” You muffled out through your t-shirt, a look of surprise in your eyes.
“You don’t really remember?” Nanami gripped your hips tightly as he forced you to pull away from the wall. Your hands pressed tightly against the wall as your back arched. His hands slid down your hips to your butt as he harshly gripped them, spreading them apart teasingly as you whimpered.
“You can’t have short term memory loss, (Name). Think.”
You thought for a second before humming. “Greet… didn’t greet you..” you muffled.
“Good boy. So you know you’ll have to be punished for not properly greeting me? It’s what’s brats get for misbehaving.”
“m… not a brat.”
“I don’t like liars.” Was all he said before you felt another slap against your ass. You whimpered, your body shaking at each spanking. He wasn’t gentle in the slightest, not leaving room for a break. It was continuous spankings against each cheek, earning deep screams from you.
The spankings filled the silent apartment, swirling in symphony with your high pitched screams. You didn’t think this was really a good birthday present but you couldn’t deny that it was actually feeling a bit good in a weird way.
After a few more slaps, Nanami began rubbing your sore butt cheeks, pressing a wet kiss into your shoulder.
“Good boy. You handled that perfectly.” He said, leaning close as he grabbed your left leg and lifted it up. Your back was now pressed against his chest as you tried to keep a steady balance with now just one foot.
“Th…ank…you.. Sir.” You muttered out, tears staining your cheeks as you looked up at him. Nanami cooed, wiping away a few of your tears with his free hand.
“Now, do you think you deserve your present?”
You nodded, “yes.. yes! Please..”
Nanami seemed to take a bit of pity on you as he simply nodded. He wanted to tease you a bit more but he decided that since it was your first time and birthday, he’d be nicer. Though next time he’d be much more cruel.
You whimpered as you felt his hand graze your cunt, teasing one finger against your wet folds. It had been a minute since you even touched yourself down there. You were always too anxious that Nanami would be able to hear you or he might come home earlier than expected.
Just feeling his finger teasing you could bring you to an orgasm, but Nanami had different plans. He slipped in two fingers, earning a soft mewl from you. His fingers were large, easily stretching you out as he got you ready for his cock.
It wasn’t until you felt yourself close to an orgasm was when Nanami finally pulled out. Damn tease.
The feeling of a cock rubbing between your folds caused you to flinch as you gripped at the wall as some type of support. This position wasn’t the most comfortable but you were way too horny to walk to the bedroom or couch. You wanted him now.
Nanami was slow as he thrusted his cock inside your tight cunt. He grunted as you gasped, trying to get used to the large stretch. His fingers didn’t compare to it! Even though you were prepared, it took some effort for him to fully be inside of you.
You shivered, suddenly thinking that you were essentially fucking your dad’s ‘coworker.’ Fuck, well, maybe a few pouts and batting of the eyelashes will get you off with minimal punishment.
“Fuck… I’m sorry,” Nanami suddenly whispered.
With great force, your whole body was suddenly shoved against the wall once more as Nanami’s hands were on either side of your head, effectively caging you in. You felt him almost pull out fully until he slammed right back inside of you, causing you to cry out in shock.
You helplessly gripped at the wall for some sort of purchase as Nanami fucked into you like an animal. His hands gripped your hips tightly, moving you as if you were a fleshlight on his cock. The only sounds coming from his was animalistic grunts.
Your cunt clamped tightly around Nanami’s cock, as you tried to babble something but only moans left your lips. Nanami seemed so heavily into chasing his own orgasm at this point.
“Si…Sir… ‘m com..!” You tried to say but could only cry out as you felt your orgasm wash over you like a waterfall. Your fingers dug ineffectually into the wall as a way of purchasing yourself against Nanami’s harsh thrusts.
He continued going even after you came, his hips slapping against your sore ass. As his grip on your hips tightened to were it felt as if his fingers was digging into the skin, he slammed his hips one last time. His cock was deep inside when he finally cummed, coating your insides.
You shrieked, shocked that he came inside. The warm cum slowly seeped down your thighs as you felt your knees collapse but Nanami was quick to hold you up.
Nanami leaned against your back, breathing heavily. “Sorry… I didn’t mean for that happen..” he muttered. “Just lost control.”
You hummed, gently wiggling your butt. “Maybe I’m just that pretty.” You teased, looking back at Nanami. You giggled slightly, enjoying his unimpressed face.
A moan left your lips as you felt his cock slowly slide out before pushing back it. You stared at Nanami in shock, surprised an older man seemed to have a quick reload. He simply grinned.
You were screwed.
You hummed softly as Nanami rubbed your sore butt cheeks, rubbing some cream on it to stop the pain. It had been just a few days after your birthday and now this “spanking” thing was constant.
And fucking. Very often.
Nanami was always cool and collected during your punishments but whenever he got his dick inside your pussy, he could never control himself properly. It was honestly funny. And a bit scary that he could do more than one round so quickly.
The most you two have done so far was three.
And that was just a few minutes ago.
“Hm, Blondie,” you still called him that outside of sex, “did I tell you about this huge centipede I saw in this abandoned building? It had red eyes and everything, it was like… human sized!”
Nanami’s calming massage suddenly stopped. You looked back and raised an eyebrow, wondering what was wrong. He was looking at you with wide eyes—which was shocking, Nanami never looked at you like that before.
Maybe being a Yakuza member didn’t mean he could handle it.
Well, shoot.
But you couldn’t help but think Nanami wasn’t shocked about the centipede.
More about that you saw it.
Huh. Yakuza members are weird.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
I think I made reader a bit weird lolol. Way longer than I thought it was going to be. I hope I did nanami justice, I have trouble writing him for some reason
Tag list: @the-ultimate-librarian @remdayz @flurrina @iwishtobeacrow @smellwell @kiiyoooo @chill-guy-but-cooler @tomoeroi @mello-life69 @rhetorical-conscience @tehyunnie @ofclyde
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