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gatheryourships · 1 year ago
So, because @gunslingerorchid asked, here's a post about my self-insert Tav, Rosenna.
I’ll be honest I don’t have a whole lot about her fleshed out. And even trying to write this up for you, so much got changed and rewritten a number of times, and even this response is a complete start over from the very long and honestly confused lore bit I wrote.
Basically what I wrote for the fake BG3 intro post I reblogged on here is pretty much all I got, lmao. But I’ll try to give some more info, as much as I got nailed down right now. Maybe some more that’s not so concrete yet either.
Um, so. Rosenna is an only child, born and raised by a farmer and his wife (last name undetermined) in a little hamlet (also name undetermined) located along the Chionthar river a little ways down from Baldur’s Gate.
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Right around that little nook maybe, where the red dot is. I still haven’t decided which side of the river it’s on. But around that area. So that’s it’s between the Fields of the Dead and the Woods of Sharp Teeth.
Rose (for short) lived a nice, little life with her parents. Helped her mom with house chores and what not as commoner daughters do. Also helped her dad a little with the farm - probably a bit less common for daughter to do, but eh. She likes helping and only doing house chores drove her crazy. And it’s something different so she was fine with it, despite getting a little dirty sometimes because of it. Also it was spending time with dad, so… That’s nice. xD
From a young age, Rose had been immersed with stories about heroes. Not necessarily intentionally mind you. Just parents telling their kid stories, censored versions of course. And from there, as she grew up, just got into reading stories about heroes herself.
And between having a good, kind, caring heart and just being a feisty, determined woman who only wants to do right she naturally felt an inclination towards such a life.
However… her mother had another plans for her. Not out of ill-will, just normal life plans that a commoner daughter would typically live. Help her mother until she (Rose) found someone to marry, which her parents were starting to push that onto her, except Rose didn’t have much interest in that. (Yet, anyways. Hero thing first, romance later possibly, ya know.)
What Rose did have an interest in was going to the docks and rubbing shoulders with people who came from Baldur’s Gate and even elsewhere afar, wanting to hear real stories of adventures and journeys from real people that they’ve had, especially recently.
Now it’s here where I’m unsure whether to spin it off as how she picked up some sense of handling a sword. One way is that because going to the docks and rubbing shoulders with strangers is obviously a terrible, dangerous thing to do and her father (and mother) become worried for her and so her father (who’s also maybe part of the citizen militia for the little hamlet - no standing army) decides to teach her (in secret/aka behind mom’s back) so she stops trying to go to the docks (and possibly end up kidnapped or worse one day). Fun, nice, gets interaction with her dad. But like, I just realized it’s the same as the other self-insert for another character I like/liked. So, since I’m already doing that plotline with another character, I’ll probably go with the second option then lmao.
The other one was an idea I had before but was unsure about it (then not now) where she does meet someone from the docks. Not a romantic interest, but thankfully a friendly and honorably decent person. He obviously realized that she’s young (20s, since I didn’t mention that before) and a bit starry-eyed, but she means well and was looking for more in her life, more than this little hamlet could give her. He befriended her and indulged her in giving her stories of his travels and interesting little adventures and happenings he found himself in every time he came into town (only ever stopping by, as did anyone else whoever found themselves at the docks there). Eventually, he himself buys her a sword and trains her how to use it.
From there to BG3 events however… One day it’s too much. Rose’s reckless immaturity has become too much for her mother. So Rose and her mother got in an argument. Her mother had not been oblivious to Rose and her love of heroes, but had hoped that Rose would grow out of it as she got older (she didn’t, it only grew stronger). And enough was enough. It was time to be a grown woman, look for a partner, and settle down and become not just a wife but mother herself. To say Rose was unhappy about this would be a completely understatement. After a yelling match with her mother, Rose quickly packed some things (including her stashed away secret sword) and left home. She got on the first ship to Baldur’s Gate and that was that.
For a year, Rose tried her best there. She got jobs. But they weren’t great. Didn’t pay great. By the end of it, things were… pretty bleak, mentally speaking for Rose. (In my playlist, as confused as it is with this summarization of character, I literally have The Parting Glass (Walking Dead version) followed by the instrumental version of I Want to Live from BG3. I think that says plenty.)
The next morning as she’s going about town is when the mindflayers come and she gets unfortunately (or technically speaking, quite fortunately) snatched up. (Only way to become a hero is go on a crazy adventure right? 😉)
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dairyofateenagegirl · 8 months ago
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billie eilish appreciation post
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cherrryblosssoming · 3 months ago
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goddessinnerglow · 3 months ago
Become Your Best Version Before 2025 - Day 2
Understanding Yourself Starts With Being Honest
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Hi Goddesses! Yesterday we talked about what becoming our best selves means, and today we're diving into something really important, meeting ourselves exactly where we are.
Picture yourself packing for a journey. You'd check what you already have in your suitcase before deciding what else you need, right? That's exactly what we're doing today on our path to 2025, taking a inventory of where we are right now.
I know, I know. Self-assessment can feel a bit intimidating. Maybe you're worried about facing some truths, or perhaps you think it might be discouraging. But think of it as like turning on the GPS before starting a journey. You need to know your starting point to get where you want to go.
First things first: breathe. This isn't about judgment. Think of it as having coffee with your most supportive friend (that's me!) who just wants to help you reflect and grow. Ready? Let’s start.
Start With Your Gut
Remember when you wake up in the morning and have that first quiet moment to yourself? That's when our gut feelings are often the clearest. Take a moment right now. How do you feel about where you are in life? Not what others think, not what social media says you should be doing, just your honest feelings. Grab a notebook (or open your Notes app) and write down whatever comes to mind. No filtering, no judging.
The Life Wheel Check-In
Here's something I find super helpful: imagine your life as a wheel with different spokes. Think about these areas:
Your physical health and energy levels
Your relationships (family, friends, romantic)
Your work or studies
Your personal growth and learning
Your fun and recreation time
Your living space and environment
Your financial situation
Your emotional wellbeing
For each one, ask yourself: "On a scale where 10 is 'couldn't be better' and 1 is 'needs serious attention,' where am I?" Be real with yourself, this is just between us.
The "What's Working" List
Here's something we often skip: celebrating what's already good! Before diving into what you want to change, write down what's working well in your life. Maybe you're great at maintaining friendships, or you've been consistent with your morning routine, or you finally learned how to cook that one dish you love. These wins, big or small, are your foundation for growth.
The Honest Reality Check
Now comes the part that requires some courage: looking at areas where you feel stuck or unsatisfied. But here's the twist, we're going to do this with compassion. Instead of thinking "What's wrong with me?" ask yourself:
What's challenging me right now?
What keeps coming up in my thoughts as something I wish were different?
Where do I feel like I'm not living up to my own standards (not anyone else's)?
Your Future Self Letter
This is one of my favorite exercises: Write a letter from your future self (let's say December 2024) to your current self. What would they thank you for starting now? What changes would they be grateful you made? This isn't about pressure, it's about connecting with your hopes and dreams.
Getting Real with Yourself
Now, let's make this assessment more practical. Pick just three things:
One thing you want to maintain (because it's working well)
One thing you want to improve gradually
One thing you want to change significantly
Write these down somewhere you'll see them daily. Your phone wallpaper, a sticky note on your mirror, wherever works for you.
Remember This, you're not broken and you don't need fixing. You're a human being on a journey of growth, just like all of us. This self-assessment isn't about finding faults, it's about understanding where you are so you can move forward with purpose.
Take a moment to appreciate yourself for doing this work. Seriously. Self-reflection takes courage, and you're already showing up for yourself by reading this and (hopefully) doing these exercises.
Stay tuned for the next post in our "Become Your Best Version Before 2025" series! Remember, you've got this!
♡ ☆:.。 Keep glowing, babes! ♡ ☆:.。 With love, Goddess Inner Glow.
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saydesole · 1 month ago
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Black History Loading…
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dailypokemoncrochet · 10 days ago
I just want to crochet pokemon but the universe plots against me
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cock-guillotine · 6 months ago
rip david kenyon webster you would’ve loved complaining online
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herefortheships · 5 months ago
Lydia sleeping on one side of the bed like she's leaving a space open for Betelgeuse at the end there. 😌
No but seriously she totally is? Subconsciously there's a space for him in her life always. I know I keep saying this, but she totally has feelings for him, buried inside her. What those feelings actually are is something she has to figure out. (She started that journey in BJBJ; she even got to face him and banish him and all. Did that manage whatever feelings she has for him though? Nope).
She's sleeping alone and yet she's leaving all that space next to her like she's sleeping with a spouse. The visual storytelling here implies she's longing for someone to take that space.
And who else is she longing for if not Betelgeuse? It's not Richard, hello. Ok it's past midnight and I'm exhausted so maybe I'm reaching. But this makes sense to me rn so I'm posting.
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anachronisticluvrr · 4 months ago
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justagirlluckyme · 2 months ago
in second semester 8th grade it was 2022, so some were still wearing masks, some not. i was in drama class and we had some down time to just relax. i didn't have many friends so i just sat there listening to other people's conversations. this one girl wanted to take a selfie with her friend and she asked him to take his mask off for the photo. he was hesitant and felt embarrassed because it had been a while since most people had taken off their mask to show their faces. she was kinda confused and asked why he wouldn't. and he was like "because i’m gonna look bad" and she went "what? it's your face, how can you hate your own face?" like she was genuinely confused on how someone could hate their own appearance. i really admired her because she wasn't embarrassed of her interests, hobbies, or anything. she always gave 100% of her energy in every practice performance, was very bubbly, and just super nice to everyone. i think she went to a different high school because i haven't seen her since but i hope no one dimmed her sparkle and she's still unapologetically herself. sometimes when i'm insecure i think about her lol
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oacest · 17 days ago
Hi! I'm a big fan of your blog! I just this past week got into the gallaghers after stumbling across them on ao3. Every time I think i've found everything, a new surprising factoid comes out of the woodwork. They are so in love its inane and frankly quite worrying. I cannot believe more people dont see it with how obvious they're being.
That being said, I've noticed a thing about one of Liam's tweets and a song lyric he wrote. I cant find the tweet at the moment, but it's the one where someone asks if he loves Noel and Liam responds "yes I love him is that such a crime". I was listening to GGTIA and realized the lyrics "I'd get round to loving you, is that such a crime?" sounded awful familiar...He must have taken that response right from the song lol. Which makes me feel some sort of way. Especially with how awful (glorious) GGTIA is. The whole song is clearly a love song and yet Liam wrote it for Noel. And now Liam references his own song to say yes, he does love Noel.
God, I love them.
omg ahhhh congrats, welcome!! the first "wait.. hold on. wait wtf?? this can't be true.. oh jesus it's getting worse🤯" stage of getting into Them is a powerful powerful drug and tbh it never loses strength. we've been on this grind full-time for a year now (really no time at all in the grand scheme) and every day we're still going "holy shit WAIT WHAT??" about some new insane thing. (also how did you inadvertently stumble upon them on ao3?? what a trip.)
re liam's uhhh Everything. i regret(?) to inform you that ggtia is barely scratching the surface lol. the "crime" stuff in particular goes way deeper than that, ggtia is just one of many references back to a central core of sus shit. noel is a much worse offender in this arena actually. beyond his multiple ""jokes"" in the press about being attracted to/having sex with liam and the legality thereof, his most egregious act was writing this song, a demo nominally called "it's a crime" by fans bc he never actually released or named it, someone just leaked it in 2000. he later rewrote it and it became "let there be love," a trajectory we can all speculate on till the cows come home. he has since denied remembering this song even exists. (if you haven't clocked this yet, he's a pathological recreational liar and also has crazy bad memory issues, so even odds on whether this is true or not.)
also idk if you've dipped into any of liam's solo music or not, but ggtia was Baby's First Steps in terms of writing lovesick songs about one's brother. i can't necessarily recommend liam's music on any basis other than it being kinda catchy and p much all of it being incest anthems, so ymmv on enjoyment factor, but here's a brief playlist of SOME OF his more astonishing entries in the "im madly in love with my brother who hates me" oeuvre. (and then go watch the music video for "one of us," which might be the most excruciatingly raw thing anyone's ever done for an audience of millions, and is crammed beyond capacity with References.) there are a few of noel's songs on this playlist too, the ones i personally think are about liam, but diagnosing noel's music is a completely different exercise than diagnosing liam's. noel's very circumspect and art-first about his music, whereas it's pretty safe to assume most of liam's songs are explicitly about noel. the only one on this playlist with some potential wiggle room is "for what it's worth," which liam once claimed wasn't about noel, however his alternative very vague explanation was that it was possibly about his ex wife. which under the circumstances didn't really make sense. imo he just got a little embarrassed and backpedalled under scrutiny. here is noel acknowledging his awareness that all liam's songs are about him lol.
anyway! liam's a magical boy who believed in himself and never gave up and relentlessly wooed his big brother with mid music for years until that shit finally worked, so let this be a lesson to us all. NEVER have dignity, NEVER say die, ALWAYS kiss your brother on the mouth in public. the universe loves you 💖💖💖
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urlgray · 7 months ago
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death-limes · 8 months ago
anti-voting ppl be like “i just dont feel comfortable voting for the dems who did x y and z awful thing, can you blame me?” no but i can blame you for refusal to act bc that does, in fact, split the vote and aid the self-proclaimed dictator
like. chemotherapy is awful and damaging and it ravages ppls bodies but we still use it and it still saves lives bc right now it’s the only method we have to get the cancer out
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cxndiedvi0lets · 7 months ago
"You can't help everyone,"
But, I have to try.
"Then, who helps you?"
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crazycatsiren · 5 months ago
It's actually normal to not talk about every aspect of your life on social media.
Some of y'all have got to stop expecting everybody to give a thorough and detailed account of everything about themselves online. It's creepy and invasive. Regardless of how much the internet is a part of life nowadays.
People are entitled to privacy and boundaries. Nobody has to tell anybody everything about their life.
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dailypokemoncrochet · 3 months ago
There are so many steps to each Pokemon in this project in terms of actually crocheting it and organizing it in my file system and thankfully! I love making lists. So I made a list breaking down what all I do so I don't forget something or misplace a file.
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