#blogger lore
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dailypokemoncrochet · 25 days ago
Honestly what's keeping me going in this very moment is the idea that someday relatively soon I will absolutely inundate your dash with pictures of literally every single pokemon and it won't matter if I do it in the least obtrusive way possible because that's still 1025 (one thousand. TwenTy Five (enunciate that)) individual crochet works of art that I will Make You See. Imagine the chaos.
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iamdyeing · 8 months ago
Another unfortunate incident where the tumblr accent/dialect shows; I told this guy I'm seeing that if he keeps it (complimenting me) up, I was gonna have to get him pregnant. Got him hootin' and hollerin' with that one
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fridaynightgrimmdark · 10 months ago
So fun fact I've got dementia in my family for much the same reason, my grandma and her older sister developed it at about the same time which says it's environmental exposure and not genetic.
Now, the dementia on its own sucked, but they also had 3 other problems
1) they hated each other
2) they were escape prone
3) we live in a smaller area with only a couple dementia care facilities.
What this ended up meaning was they briefly landed themselves in the same "Maximum security" dementia ward, before spotting each other across the room and running after each other with steel folding chairs WWE style.
We had warned them in advance that they hated each other but I don't think they fully understood the gravity of what that meant.
They did after that night and they had to be put in two separate units across the county from each other.
They both passed away in 2020 but it was a wild ride while they were still in unit.
when doctors ask if i have any history of cancer in my family and i have to say that yes my grandmother had 2 types of gastrointestinal cancer and they're like oh wow okay so we'll keep an eye out for that but i'm like no it was probably just all the nuclear radiation and they're like ok hm ok what the fuck do you mean and it's very weird seeing the look on american doctors' faces when you have to explain to them that believe it or not atomic bombs were dropped on this earth 2 generations ago and it did have consequences
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the-heart-of-a-monster · 2 months ago
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Bro really said ":O"
you would too if u had all this happen to you
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mxmorbidmidnight · 4 months ago
ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛋ ᛗ ᛏ ᛜ ᛚ
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I greet thee dear, welcome to my blog. I am The Shapeshifter, The Wizard Goose, Plague upon John of England *menacing honking*. I am a Witch and a feral beast. I spend these days in which I suspend casting runes, spitting tricksome prophecies and harassing the English monarchy. How I have come here I know not, but joyous I am to converse with thee. I hope thou may find a thing of sorts here, whether it be comfort, whimsy, disturbance or perhaps the cup of dice.
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I am called many names. Shapeshifter. Versipellis, Gestaltwandler, ilcruthach, Vormveranderaar. All words meaning Shapeshifter. As well as Werewolverine, Lovecat, Dracaena, She-wolf and Jackalope Hare. These names I did snatch into my claws while doing historical, mythological, folkloric and etymological research. If you wish to know the etymology and history of these names look upon this post
🕸️What art thou to call me? however you please. Choose one in the previous list or assign me thine own title. As long as it is done with respect I shalt answer. To be given a name is a great honour. 🕸️
I fall under the definition of nonhuman, I take many forms. Most notably a goose. Much of the posting thou may see upon here is I, The Mighty Goose, Plague upon John of England violently honking or screeching in Shakespearean. I often find myself taking forms such as that of a siren, Dracaena, Wolverine, Harpy, Jaguar, Bin Chicken, Hyena and jackrabbit. The forms in which I might take are boundless as the ways of water across this sphere. For I am whatever I please.
☾ I bear connection to mythological and folkloric shapeshifters, as to be they are ballads of myself or perhaps a close friend ☽
My gender is fluid. The pronouns I do favour art he/she/it, preferably alternating between the three as I cannot be confined by one singular. I am polyamorous and queer. OOooOooOh hOnK hOnK
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As of now I am writing The Shapeshifter. A ballad describing my identity. Here you may find what of it has been released. For the past four years I have been crafting a novel series. It is influenced by folklore and mythology, containing queer, nonhuman and disabled characters.
The Shapeshifter's lament (part of the Shapeshifter)
The Shapeshifter
Vivamus Moriendium Est
Fight Dog
The Verdict
Character intro
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I am disabled and neurodiverse. I have FND, tourettes and POTs and I am a cane user (in need of a wheelchair but unable to access). I have OCD, ADHD, sensory processing and likely autism. I will often post about disability advocacy on this blog. I am apart of the goth subculture (my favourite bands art The Cure, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sisters of mercy, Bauhaus, Scary Bitches, Coctaeu twins). I am interested in classical literature, History, Folklore, Paganism, vulture culture, Etymology, Shakespeare and gothic horror. I will on occasion post images of my goth makeup upon this platform. I art a minor, be freaky and thou shalt be CURSED I say! grime of a chicken hearted mutt upon thee for thou art liver bellied and foul as a cattle foot in a yew stump.
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ReQUESTS (honk)
The Challenge of the goose, tis a challenge where I the tricksome goose shalt grant thee a riddle. Simply request for one in mine ask box or say "I call upon the challenge of the goose". I will trial thee with a riddle I have written, if thou does succeed I shalt grant thee an honorary goose title.
In addition if thou art curious about my writing, identity as a shapeshifter or wish to ask me any questions, do so. Tis no reason for shame, inquiry and curiosity about what we do not understand is a wonderful thing.
Goth resources
I AM A MINOR!!!! I will not private message with adults, adults can interact with my blog but private messaging is off the table. DNI: perverts and bigots. I don’t mind images of dead animals as long as it isn’t a dead goose. Please don’t send me pictures of dead, injured or cooked geese.
#the shapeshifter's riddles : my poems
#morbid lore : to do with my ongoing ye olde goose feud with the entirety of Britland.
#challenge of the goose: answering riddle requests
#morbid memes: memes I have made myself (as seen below, mostly to do with geese)
#morbid's gaggle : interactions with moots
#morbid midnight : I tend to tag all my posts under this tag.
#morbid Reblogs
And now I must return to unionising the cows under lesbianism against John of England. Upon thee I wish plentiful fruit, soft sun upon thine cheek, much bounty and many adventures to seek. May the skin of your palms be coarse to the Strike of a bramble. So says The Shapeshifter
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fridaynightgrimmdark · 10 months ago
Don't forget, you can be plus size and also need mobility aids. Both are totally normal. I've got ehlers and PCOS, so does my mom and she's in a wheel chair. We have to fight constantly for her to be comfortable in public spaces, which is made even more difficult by her also having agoraphobia problems. Our area is notoriously ableist for people with mobility issues, and she has been pushed, shoved and nearly run over more times than I can count.
If you are in a situation where the place you are in was not built or designed with you in mind, THAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. The built world is meant to accommodate all bodies, and I'm sorry it can be an issue for some of us.
Stay safe out there💛
As a wheelchair user I'm trying to reframe my language for "being in the way."
"I'm in the way," "I can't fit," and "I can't go there," is becoming "there's not enough space," "the walkway is too narrow," and "that place isn't accessible."
It's a small change, but to me it feels as if I'm redirecting blame from myself to the people that made these places inaccessible in the first place. I don't want people to just think that they're helping me, I want them to think that they're making up for someone else's wrongdoing. I want them to remember every time I've needed help as something someone else caused.
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sugarcandydoll · 11 months ago
guys guys i just passed my us citizenship test n now i can finally read more of my fav books n watch rafe cameron in peace ♡🥺💗
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katyspersonal · 7 months ago
Can't wait to revisit the DLC area in NG+ (or maybe just new game) so I can get to Midra again and then just NEVER kill him. His battle is SOOOO well made in every aspect.. I had a similar problem with Lady Maria's battle where it was just too fun to end, but it HAD to be because Fishing Hamlet was locked behind her. Thankfully THANKFULLY though Abyssal Woods and Midra's Manse are optional for the DLC so I can just keep him within my reach forever and just deliberately die every time I am close to victory 💕 I didn't know it'd be SO frustrating to adapt to his patterns so fast and beat him.. but I won't make the same mistake again 💕 I won't have enough of getting stabbed by him or burnt by him. Maybe it is even good after all that Fromsoft still haven't added an option to resurrect the bosses, because then there would not be the same thrill of meeting again.. "making Torrent too afraid to go here also gives the feeling of not being able to run away-" good because I don't want to. 💔 He is so good. He is such a fucking NERD, 90% of his Manse is just BOOKS. I'll actually willingly die to both his boss battle and prior stage. It will be such a good time
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shibaincubus · 4 months ago
My favourite number is 24 because it's my birthday
The chance of being born as a human is 1 in 400 trillion
We all have different skill sets, lore, advantages, personalities..., and we're unique
Through our experiences, one gains a vision of ourselves
Your ideal o(=•ェ•=)m
Cherish your life and be who you truly want to be
Chase your vision
And be happy
With your achievements
Your future
Your life
That you'll create
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dailypokemoncrochet · 1 month ago
When I'm crocheting, Saturn my cat likes to rest her head in the crook of my arm. A lot of the time she will end up just resting or wiggling on my arm while the strings of yarn I'm working with slide above her. She sometimes watches them very intently, but she knows not to bite or paw at them and seems to understand that these are MY strings and not hers to play with.
One of her favorite ways to play is I have a very long string that I throw past her and drag it slowly back to me while she watches it go by. Occasionally she will bite at and smack it when the end gets close to her. Eventually she will start actively chasing the string, but for a long time she will just want to watch it slide past her. She meows and gets in my face when I stop, but as soon as I resume the throwing/dragging string, she goes back to her spot to loaf and watch.
So now I wonder if she thinks of string-watching as an activity we both enjoy and that me crocheting is my version of playing by myself.
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hyperions-light · 2 days ago
Thanks @pixiedurango for the tag!
Take this uquiz, and use this picrew to approximate yourself! (I used this one, instead, bc I couldn’t get the right skintone in the first one)
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I am cozy and tired at all times
And dang, guess I’m getting Gay Buried lol— remember me in fanfiction <3
Tagging @thedissonantverses @ofcrowsanddragons @taashyvashedan @basedonconjecture @flowersforthemachines @dymme @uchidachi @biowaredisasterbisexual @mageofquandrix @covertleathers
If you want to and it sounds like fun! If anyone else who sees this wants to play, please feel free!
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iamdyeing · 2 years ago
Dolled myself up (ha) for seeing the Barbie movie with friends
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He's the Fashionista Ken Doll #138
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doyouremem8erme · 5 months ago
being mutuals with cool people is so scary...
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liesmyth · 11 months ago
Can you share the Turkish tampon story
This one time I forgot to lock a plane toilet and a man walked in just as I was inserting a tampon. He got the kind of view my gynecologist usually would, cursed up a storm in turkish, and immediately slammed the door closed.
I was 22 and mortified and it was the second hour of a transatlantic flight so staying in the toilet until we landed wasn't an opinion. The sink was too small to drown myself in. I had to leave that toilet eventually and face my demons (making eye contact with the rando who'd just seen my whole vulva)
So I psyched myself up. Left the toilet. And there was absolutely nobody because the guy had LEGGED IT and I guess he went back to his seat and pretended to sleep. The plane was dead quiet. I went back to my seat and immediately started telling someone about it as a way to stave off the embarrassment and I just haven't stopped since, because this cured me of any shame I might have had and it's just a very funny story that I think drives home the kind of person I am (shameless via exposure therapy)
anyway, in hindsight, maybe that man was more mortified than I was. wonder if HE told someone about it or just quietly pretended to sleep and convinced himself it was all a dream. I'm the monster in someone's story.
Tampon man from the Turkish Airlines flight number [redacted], I hope life has been treating you well. I'll never know who you are but I'll always remember your way with swear words <3
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the-heart-of-a-monster · 19 days ago
Sorry but Metal calling Sonic "Flesh Sonic" is just too funny
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ask-decayed · 4 months ago
HEYO! welcome to my blog!! I'm gonna post about my OC and everything to do with the story and more. You can send asks about the characters, lore, etc. and ill answer! My goal is to try and make a fandom from my storyline (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ I hope this blog gets recognition and I can make my goal because this has been a dream of mine since I was little and first started creating this storyline, I've been working this story for a few years and I want to share it to the world! A future goal I want is to make either a comic/book or a game version of this story! I also write posts for fandoms like UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE (and au's), Genshin, Honkai Starrail/Impact and more on my other blog (I will soon create)! I hope you guys enjoy the story as I post about it on this blog! HAVE AN AMAZING DAY/NIGHT I'LL HOPEFULLY SEE YOU NEXT POST! (≧◡≦) ♡
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