#black brothers fanfic
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oh-phoenixx · 2 days ago
how is it that i've written over 14k words for my fic in three days and yet it took me a month to write 16k words for my actual book. life is unfair!!!
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moondostj · 4 months ago
been thinking about this lately: au where regulus is remus’ doctor; regulus and sirius have a good relationship and sirius occasionally drops by regulus’ practice to have lunch, only to end up flirting shamelessly and inappropriately for months with his little brother’s big brown eyed patient. on the other hand, however, remus is not to be trusted to go to the doctor by himself, and so how could his over protective best friend james potter ever let him go alone? and oh, isn’t remus’ mean doctor just the most outrageously attractive man he’s ever seen?
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righteousenjoymentofthunder · 6 months ago
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just. dropping this here
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my-castles-crumbling · 18 days ago
sister - february 11 - black brothers - trans regulus - @black-brothers-microfic - word count: 248 - (I used a similar idea in Clandestine, but I can't get enough of it)
Biting his lip, fourteen-year-old Sirius Black stood in front of the mirror and gazed at his reflection for a brief moment. He bit his lip and nodded to himself before opening his mouth to speak. “I have a brother,” he said softly, voice wobbling a bit, lacking confidence. 
He sighed, then tried again.
“I have a brother,” he repeated, voice stronger this time. “His name is Regulus.”
His reflection seemed satisfied, at least.
Turning, he found a stuffed animal on his bed and picked it up, only feeling a little stupid. “Hi, nice to meet you,” he said to the stuffed frog, laughing to himself a little as he grabbed one of the stuffed webbed feet and shook it. “Siblings? Yes, I have one. His name is Regulus. He’s thirteen. He’s a Slytherin and he’s kind of a prat but I still care about him for some stupid reason.”
The empty eyes of the stuffed frog stared at him and Sirius decided that the frog (dubbed ‘horse’ by Peter) believed him.
He looked back to his reflection, swallowing thickly. “Regulus is my brother. Sh-he likes to read and argue and play Quidditch. And he’s a boy,” he told himself earnestly.
Yes. That was right.
He practiced for several more minutes.
“Will you pass the salt to your sister?” Walburga Black asked Sirius several hours later as they sat down for dinner.
“Brother,” Sirius corrected confidently, voice firm.
Regulus’s answering grin could have lit up the entire city.
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valkyraine · 26 days ago
au where james and regulus have been dating since high school. their relationship started to get rocky during their law (james) and med (reg) school years. one night, during one of their most heated arguments, james decided to take a break and leave for a while, where he ended up in a car accident that left him unconscious for three days. when he finally woke up, he had no recollection of anything. overwhelmed by guilt, regulus asked their friends and family to refrain from reminding james of their relationship.
regulus packed everything that could remind james of their relationship and moved out of their home. he focused on graduating from med school and kept a distance from james. then during his first year of residency, james was rushed to the emergency room by his boyfriend to the hospital where regulus was working.
regulus was attending to another patient when he heard james’ boyfriend screaming for help. as he tended to james, who suddenly felt a sense of familiarity and asked regulus if they had met before. regulus quickly denied it and handed him over to an intern.
ever since that encounter, james has been unable to get a certain doctor out of his mind. he has made it his mission to learn more about him and uncover if regulus is one of the things he had forgotten in the past…. that’s when he stumbled upon an old polaroid photo of them beaming at each other, with regulus showing off his engagement ring.
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ecstarry · 2 months ago
@into-the-jeggyverse / crazy / 478 words
“Am I crazy?” Regulus said as he paced around Sirius’ study. He arrived unannounced, not more than twenty minutes ago. 
“What?” Sirius replied, for what felt like the sixth time.
“Come on, be honest—” Regulus collapsed into the armchair next to him, his head in his hands, “—am I insane?”
“I’m lost.”
“For thinking we can make it work,” Regulus breathed, still in panic.
“I’m still very confused,” Sirius mumbled, though he doubted his brother even heard him.
Regulus took a deep, shaky breath and finally met Sirius’ gaze. “Do you think it can really work?”
“Reg, it’s been working for what—five? Six years?” Sirius set his glass of whiskey down, his voice softening. “Why wouldn’t it work now?”
“Because love isn’t everything,” Regulus muttered, his face dropping back into his hands.
“What exactly are you asking me?” Sirius leaned back in his chair.
“Just… I don’t know, you always say love isn’t everything.” He buried his face between his hands. 
“True.” Sirius paused. Regulus wasn’t an open book—one of the many things they had in common—but God, how Sirius wished he could crack him open and read. He’d gladly reread the same sentence over and over if it meant understanding what Regulus needed right now.
All he could do was try.
“Yes, love isn’t everything,” Sirius began cautiously. “But I think it makes you kinder—”
Regulus sighed loudly, shooting him an annoyed look. A rich reaction, coming from the man who’d barged in ranting nonsense.
“Will you let me finish?”
Regulus huffed but nodded.
“It makes you kinder,” Sirius repeated. “It helps you look past all the dumb shit, the meaningless distractions, and actually focus on what matters.”
Regulus was finally listening. “Which is?”
“Each other.”
“Right.” Regulus sounded earnest, but Sirius could see his mind was still miles away, lost somewhere Sirius couldn’t touch.
“What’s this really abo—” Sirius started, but the words died on his tongue as Regulus shifted in his seat and pulled something from his pocket.
Sirius froze.
Regulus held up a small box, wrapped in soft crimson velvet. He didn’t open it. He didn’t need to.
“So,” Regulus asked again, his voice quieter now, steadier, “am I crazy?”
“Wait, am I...?” Sirius murmured, barely able to get the words out. He didn’t need to explain further. Regulus already knew what he was asking.
“Yeah,” Regulus said with a small, nervous laugh. “You’re the first to know.”
Sirius reached out, his fingers brushing against the box but not taking it. They’d never been good at this—touching, feeling at ease in each other’s presence. But in that moment, with their hands barely grazing, it felt... easy.
Finally, Sirius broke the silence.
“He’s going to love it.”
A muffled sob escaped Regulus’ lips. For once, he was the one who couldn’t find the words.
“Do you think he’ll take my last name?”
“Now that's insane.”
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rosyred13 · 8 months ago
do we all have that one ao3 author who were low-key obsessed with but they don’t know we exist or is that just me
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wolvesandshine · 1 year ago
James: I’m bisexual
Remus(who has caught James with Regulus multiple times): Wow who would have thought?
Peter (who had to tell James he was pining for Regulus): Right I definitely didn’t know what a surprise
Sirius(who had been living in denial): Fuck you Prongs you had one job
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miriammctroi · 26 days ago
More Twins Regulus & Sirius Shenanigans
Sirius and Regulus are attending two different universities, and James has never met Regulus before. He just knows that they're brothers, and has heard Sirius referring to Regulus as his "baby brother."
The day Regulus is scheduled to visit Sirius for the first time, James picks Sirius up from the building where he has his last class at. He puts his arm around him and yaps and yaps and yaps all the way back to their dorm. He is so excited to meet his brother, and damn, what a day he has had! The cute redhead he met in the cafeteria isn't interested in a second date. Should he try to ask her out again anyway?
Sirius says, definitely not. He should look for someone new to date. Maybe a guy, this time?
James goes on, yapping about his classes, his sports and how excited he is to cook for Sirius's brother and see if he can handle more spice than his twin. Back at the dorm, he changes his shirt in front of Sirius, as he always does, asking whether his brother would be very judgy of his clothes.
Sirius says, probably yes. Maybe he should show up naked just to be safe.
Then, the door opens again and... Sirius walks in?
James looks confused from one Sirius sitting on a bed to the other by the door.
Door-Sirius grins and hugs the other. "Reggie, there you are! I thought you wanted to wait for me to finish my classes? James, this is my brother Regulus."
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crescenthistory · 4 months ago
begging for a fic where regulus says “i love you” to reader for the first time and it FLOORS them bc reggie is not one to voice his feelings a lot, much less something as powerful as the feeling of love
listen, when i saw this ask i sat down and wrote this in ONE sitting, THANK you. you probably intended for this to be a scene at the beginning of a relationship, but i instead decided to psychoanalyse my poor darling reg for a few thousands of words and give him a patient partner. hope you'll forgive me lols<3
Words: 3k
Warnings: not proofread, the most ancient and noble black family trauma (including descriptions of abuse and neglect), gn!reader, black brothers angst and reconciliation, sunshine!reader, reader is very patient and understanding with regulus, kinda past bartylus, barty is a hugger here, reg pov so some spiraling, vague implied references to sex (so implied that i believe it's safe for minors, but just putting that out there)
on the tip of my tongue
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It’s not that Regulus didn’t love you. Quite the opposite, actually. 
It’s just that love had not been a spoken matter in his life until you barged into it. Love was implicit as much as it was hidden and reserved; something you grabbed greedily at while you had it and rationed carefully over the next few weeks or months, hoping to get by on it. 
For a long time, Regulus thought his mother loved him. She was strict and firm, but when he came to her for advice, she would give it and might even pat him on the cheek if he accepted what she had to say readily enough. He would hold his cheek afterwards and syphon the warmth left from her touch, wishing there was a way for it to stay with him forever.
When he got to Hogwarts and experienced true, unrestrained friendship he realised there was a way for it to stay with him forever – the other party just had to not withhold it. His cheek would be warm if the people who loved him kept holding, kept returning. With them, attention was not something he was occasionally graced with, it was always on him, within easy reach.
It took him a while, but Regulus eventually got used to the physical affection, at least from his friends. He came to expect it and lean into it, which in and of itself felt like a weight lifted off his shoulders. There were hugs and pats on the back and tousled hair. There were pretend-scuffles on the quidditch field and the common room. There was that one term in third year where Barty decided he and Regulus simply must learn how to kiss and the boys spent most nights sneaking off into the empty common room and unskillfully, sloppily making out through kisses. There was that one night in fifth year where they picked it back up again. 
Still, with the hands-on approach to love that Barty and Dorcas had and infused into their little safe haven of a friend group, it remained unspoken. There was the occasional “mate” or the nicknames he brought with him from home – “Reg” was fine and while he did not much care for “Reggie”, he let it slide due to the affection it held. The closest they got to spoken love were the promises to fiercely protect each other, to kill and die by each other’s sides if must be. To beat the living daylights out of anyone who lays a finger on the other and then hex the pain to stay with them forever. An oath of loyalty was their "I love you".
Other than them, Sirius had been his one source of affection throughout his life, but as everything else in Grimmauld’s Place it had been quiet. 
Sirius was the perfect big brother, whether Regulus wanted to admit that or not. He held his hand when they crossed the street and held Regulus at night when he cried. Sirius taught him as much as he could, and though he occasionally was arrogant or impatient with his lessons, he didn’t give up on them. Regulus knew he loved Sirius at the very least, even if he had in more recent years questioned if that love was returned.
The problem with Sirius is that Regulus does not know of most of the affection the older boy showed him. Sirius insists that the two spent the majority of their first years attached at the hip, but Regulus struggles to remember much before the age of 12, which you had once told him he might want to look into with a professional at some point. To which Regulus emphasised the “at some point” more than the rest. So any hugs or touches or love Sirius showed him has been long since forgotten. Apart from the bed-sharing; Regulus remembers that vividly. Crawling into his older brother’s bed at night when he had nightmares, hoping Sirius could chase the monsters away. Regulus didn’t think he did it that often, but Sirius swore he once slept an entire three months solely in Sirius’ bed.
The most significant way Sirius loved Regulus, though, was through what he did for him, not to him, which Regulus did not himself see. He was such a good shield between their parents and Regulus that the young boy didn’t even realise the service he provided. Scoldings, blames and beatings – there was nothing Sirius did not take for Regulus.
If Regulus’ childhood was painful enough not to remember, he could not stand the thought of how Sirius’ must have been.
That is part of how he learned not to resent him for leaving Grimmauld’s Place – even that he did in part for Regulus. When left alone with an increasingly vexed Walburga Black, Regulus learnt quickly how severe some punishments can be. Consequently, he learned what Sirius had endured for him, how strong of a shield he had been. 
Sirius knew he could no longer withstand the weight of that house, so he left, in hopes that he could be a better protector for Regulus from afar. Finding a good home full of warmth and smiles, and coaxing Regulus into joining him there under safer circumstances than he himself had. When the two had their infamous heart-to-heart, it was Sirius choking on the words “better protector” that finally broke Regulus – the first time he had cried in front of his older brother since they were little.
Now he knew well that Sirius loved him, beyond most words. And the things they said to each other during that talk where he convinced Regulus to leave might even mean more than a simple “I love you”. Still, it remained unsaid. 
It was simply not tradition for Regulus Black to speak them.
Then, he met you. 
What was that thing James always says? Game-changer? You were that for him.
Somehow, affection just came pouring out of you like you were overflowing with it and just had to share it. With your friends and your family, even strangers – it just came naturally to you. And when Regulus entered your orbit through his reunion with Sirius, you more than happily let that extend to him as well.
It absolutely floored him. 
The first time you said “I love you” to him was long before you got together or before he even had the nerve to actively flirt with you. You ran into him in the hallway and stopped him, trying to squeeze as much conversation as you could out of him in the few minutes you both had between classes. It was evident you were soaking up his presence as if it was truly enjoyable, and it warmed something in him he was only able to name later on. When you had to run, you ended the conversation with a casual “okay, see you later, I love you, bye!”. Regulus was left gaping. Nearly ended up late to McGonagall’s class because of you. 
Saying it as a form of temporary goodbye reminded him of how he used to ration his mother’s touches, it carried him until the next time he saw you. Except next time with you was dinner later the same day, and then breakfast and then hanging out in the library. He never had to wait long, never had to go wanton.
The love kept flowing freely from you in all the ways he had gotten used to over the years and then many more – physical touch, quality time, acts of services, words of affirmation, you checked off the whole list. He began calling you soleil, French for sunshine because of how you shone with that love for everyone. It was a slip of the tongue one day, and when he saw how it made you smile, he just kept calling you that.
With such a loving and lovely creature, Regulus thought he couldn’t help but fall in love with you; he was not at fault for it, you were entirely to blame with your loveliness.
His voice had shook some when he first confided in Sirius about it. The older boy had smiled fondly and joked, “That was not quite what I meant when I told you to make yourself at home with my friends, but I’m glad you’re comfortable.” Regulus argued he in no way shape or form felt comfortable with the emotion, but Sirius would have none of it.
His voice shook even more the first time he told you how lovely you look today, but unlike Sirius, you didn’t notice. You smiled and returned the sentiment with ease. He realised then that he would likely not be able to talk himself into a relationship with you, given his lack of skill and your lack of deducing any intent behind sweet words, so he went the Regulus-route as Sirius had called it.
Meaning, he pursued you through quiet, unwavering loyalty and company, attaching himself at your hip for as long as you seemed comfortable with it. When he realised there was no limit on the amount of time you were willing to spend with him, he went further. 
Regulus went to hold your hand for the first time in Hogsmeade. Looking back on it, you both laughed at how he spent ten whole minutes inching his hand closer and closer to yours, practically holding his breath, awaiting a rejection or harsh response. Ever so slowly, he interlinked his pinky with yours. An opening both for you to take it further or cast him aside, whichever you pleased he would accept. The beaming smile you flashed as you looked up at him then, lacing the rest of your fingers together tightly, never left his mind for long.
Hand holding led to walking arm in arm which led to prolonged hugs which finally, finally found you both sitting in the Astronomy tower, kissing with large, dumb smiles on your faces. The same night you had your first kiss Regulus surmises you probably had your first hundred kisses.
Now, laid in bed beside you, two years into dating, Regulus could not imagine not being comfortable around you. He smiles fondly when he thinks of the boy he was before you decided to simply drown him in affection, but he does not relate to him anymore. There is no place he would rather be than here by your side, in the flat he purchased for the two of you straight out of Hogwarts – the last time he can remember panicking before asking you to take the next step in your relationship – playing idly with your fingers as you hummed some melody he could not place. It felt right.
The one thing that had remained the same throughout your relationship, both before and after it turned romantic, was that you overflowed with “I love you”s and he had not said it once.
You had talked about it before, of course you had. Sirius had given Regulus a stern talking to about communication when you first started going out, unwilling for his baby brother and friend to get hurt by their own stupidity. 
“I don’t know if I can say it,” Regulus had said then. “It sounds ridiculous, but I don’t know how.”
“It’s a good thing you don’t need to then,” you had said so simply, through a smile that made his heart spin happily. “I know what I need to know. I like saying my truth because that’s how I am; but I am more than happy to accept you showing yours because that’s how you are. And I love you as you are.”
Regulus had known in his bones that you meant it, and that made it all the more sweeter. He attacked you with kisses after that, relishing in the giggles it drew from you.
“If it ever changes, will you tell me?” Regulus asked after, when you quieted down in each other’s arms. “If you ever need to hear it?”
You had said something about how you “do hear it”, always with your metaphors and abstract ways of viewing things. When Regulus, ever the pragmatist, had insisted on getting an answer to his question because “you know what I mean”, you had promised to tell him. You never did need to because it never changed for you.
It was Regulus it changed for.
In your shared bed, your hand in his as he followed its outline and your bare legs entangled, something deep in him shifted. You were sleepy and content above him, reading some paperback he borrowed you ages ago that you only picked up once you moved in together and all your books were in the same place anyway. He was laying half on top of your chest and staring at you with what had to be love in his eyes because that’s what he felt in his soul. He had been staring for the past half an hour, not even realising it, lost in his train of thought.
He had expected that when he would finally say it, there would be some grand reason, some special moment. Something that would cause that shift, something that required him to voice what he felt and you knew.
There wasn’t; it was just you and him, and he was so unbelievably happy and comfortable. He had tried microdosing love and you ended up giving him a lifetime supply instead. You were everything.
“Sol?” The question drawled out of him, mouth ahead of his brain but heart running miles before both. 
You looked up with a smile, stopping your absentminded humming. “Yeah, love?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners and he spent another minute just looking at your face. You let him, indulgent and sweet as ever.
“I love you.”
You froze. The smile remained on your face, the same contentedness there, but your eyes widened and your hand on his back stopped mid-circle. “What?” you whispered.
He kept staring at you with a smile, almost finding humour in your increasingly shocked expression, though some old part of him remained alert for rejection. Which makes no sense, she tells you it every day, he reminded himself. Still, old habits die hard.
You decided to trade one question for another upon his silence and your mental recalibration. “Why?”
“Why?” Regulus repeated through a laugh, as if the thought was incredulous. “Have you met yourself, soleil? Have you seen what you’ve done to me? I’ve always loved you.”
You sat up quickly at that, jostling Regulus up with you, though he was less graceful in the change of position as he did not anticipate it. You looked at him with the same wide-eyed expression. “Not what I meant,” you said then.
Regulus opened his mouth to say something, though he wasn’t sure what.
“But you didn’t have to,” you blurted out before he could. Rushed, almost frantic. “Don’t say it because you think you have to.”
Regulus furrowed his brows in confusion before they cleared up in realisation of your fear. He shifted to sit closer to you, practically pulling you between his legs, and grasped both your hands softly. They had been hovering between your forms, as if over an injury you did not know how to treat. Slowly, he dragged his thumbs back and forth over your knuckles. “Amour, soleil,” he whispered, emphasising the words with all his might. “I know I don’t have to. I wanted to. I want to, it feels right. I– I love you.”
The second time, the phrase flowed more freely from his tongue. Easily. He found he quite liked the taste.
You opened and closed your mouth twice, eyes flickering all over his face as if to deduce whether you trusted his words. Then, ever so slowly, he saw that smile he loves so much begin to grow over your lips, that looked increasingly more kissable to him.
“Yeah?” you asked him breathily through your oncoming grin.
“Yeah, baby,” he whispered. “I love you. I always have, you know. But I felt like saying it now.”
Your laughter was almost watery as you squeezed his hands in yours. “I do know. And I love you,” you asserted clearly, as if there had ever been any doubt.
“So I’ve heard.” The cheeky remark was the last thing that left Regulus’ lips before he moved forward and captured yours.
Just like that first kiss in the Astronomy Tower, one led to possibly a hundred more. Giggles and sighs all mixed together into what Regulus was proud to call his life.
A life with you. A life of love.
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unconventional-lawnchair · 6 months ago
Fix it yourself
James Potter x Bsf!Slytherin!Reader - Sirius Black x BrothersBsf!Slytherin!Reader (endgame)
Best Friend by Rex Orange County
Wc- 12011
Summary: Falling in love with James Potter was a whirlwind affair full of lies and heartbreak. Everything comes to a head when he asks you to fake date someone so Lily will give him a chance.
Cw; Cussing, Manipulation, James is such an arse (I love him don't come for me), self indulgent, themes of abuse and abandonment, sexual content and scenes, Jealous James being rude, Protective Sirius, Substance use, Reader had her things destroyed, dad gets sick, nudity, {let me know if I forgot anything!}
Taglist- @otterlockholmes
A/N: Shout out to @our-sweet-t-universe, this would not of been a smidge of happy in this fic if it wasn't for you. Next post will be part two to zombies and then two requests!
An endless cycle of churning.
That was what your dad called it. You and James’s push and pull of affections to hatred.
When you were younger, you could never imagine a life without James Fleamont Potter. He was your favorite person since you could remember names. Your father was an apothecary, business partners turned close friends with Fleamont Potter, or as you called him since you could speak, “Uncle Flea.”
Your father traveled for his work, always researching better ingredients and replacements, selling his remade patents of popular potions back to the creators in exchange to sell their potions and the ingredients. Your father was a clever businessman, a proud Slytherin in his school years. Fleamont would joke, every Potter had their Slytherin. Let that be romantic, as his mother and father, or platonic like him and your father.
James was still ever the dramatic, determined to believe he would never need his Slytherin, he didn't want a Slytherin. He had you, that was all he needed.
Oblivious and fiesty you would agree with anything he said to keep the ever confident boy talking. His voice was your favorite part of James Potter, which worked wonders with your ever quiet disposition.
“I don't need a Slytherin! I have {Y/n}!” James would fuss when the teasing began. “She's cooler then any green robe!”
“Yeah! I'm cooler than any green robe!” You would snap out of whatever day dream you were having as you played with your fathers miniature carvings he would make you in his travels. He always brought you one back, with a moving photo of him in some fantastical place posing with them.
Your father would smile knowingly at Fleamont, as Euphemia called you into the kitchen to help set the table, as was a part of your nightly routine. James pouted after you as he was left alone with the dads.
While your father traveled more, you spent more time with the Potters. Back then, you were always so sad about it, watching the window and waiting longingly for your father to return.
Around your older years, seven to eight, you finally learned to appreciate what they did for you. It's not that you ever showed you were ungrateful, your father had just always been your favorite person. Being away from him felt so much longer than it was.
You spent most of your time running around the large property and making it your own with James. You would carve path marks into trees and divide your territory. You would wage war and swim in the creek.
One summer, Fleamont even helped you build a treehouse. A treehouse you guys never used after that after that, outside of a hiding place for things you most certainly shouldn't have. That, and the ever growing collection of your father’s wood carvings, all on top of a silver padlock box with your father’s photos.
“These are for you and James to play with.”
He always made sure you knew that. Even if James was never particularly fond of them, he loved the stories your father returned with about them. So fond, in fact, that he kept a particular carving of a dragon when your dad told you both about the time he was attacked by one. Painted it and all, the only figurine not in the treehouse, Grandos.
The first time James exited your life was your ninth birthday. You were at the Potters again over the summer, when your aunt suddenly came to pick you up in the middle of a cold rainy night. Suddenly you were awoken from your fort on the couch with James, both of you snuggled under a mountain of blankets. Euphemia continued to come back and tuck you in.
It was quick and the adults seemed panicked. When you made it home you found your father bedridden, with dragonpox.
You spent that entire summer into the fall spending time with him. Your auntie gifted you a muggle toy, a two way radio. She set one up to always be on for your father. You would walk around the house with yours, turning it on to say something to your father just to listen to him cough and wheeze, the only sign he was still breathing.
James would send you letters but you never got to reading them. Just staying home and wandering the house. Your young mind finding paintings your father had hung himself to tell him about, reminding him what it was like in the kitchen, the silliest things to remind your father you were still there.
Everyday. Everynight.
Eventually, your father got better, and he summoned the Potters to Diagon Alley for a bite to eat. It was the first time you had seen James in three months. For two eight year olds, that seemed like forever ago.
James pouted through dinner, then the walk around the park. Every attempt to talk to him was met with loud sniffling and sobs for you to leave him alone. The Potter parents would wince at the interactions, eventually ending up with two blubbering children, both crying because they wanted to be friends again.
“You ignored me!” James shouted, making a scene.
“I was spending time with my da!” You would fuss back, fists clenched and your foot stamping.
“I thought you hated me!” He blubbered back and you began to sob louder. “I-I woke up and you were gone!”
“Why are you crying so hard, Niffler?” Your father would coo, not the least bit bothered by the prying eyes around the public place.
“Because Jamie thinks I hate him!” You shouted out, turning to your father and dragging your fists over your swollen eyes.
“Do you hate little Jamie?” He pushed and James sobbed louder at the question.
“No! I love Jamie!” You sobbed out and James gave a louder wail.
“I love you too!”
“Then forgive me!”
Like that, you were once again spending every waking moment with the chocolate haired boy. That summer your father was cleared to work, and he never turned down the chance.
You went back to the Potters and spent the time you had with James like you never stopped being friends. Running through the forest, jumping in the creek, and now, James found a passion for listening to you read before bed.
When you both got your Hogwarts letters, you both demanded to be the first to get your wands. So, before August even came, you and James shared the most special moments of your childhood. Getting your wand from Olivander and getting your very own owl from Eeylops.
James ended up with a snowy owl he named Snow. You thought it was the most clever thing in the world, his parents just smiled knowingly at each other. You got a barn owl you named an equally clever name. Barn.
Thinking back on it, they should have never let you leave that store with that poor owl.
You gave James a lot of your favorite memories to cherish. He kept them the second time you stopped talking.
That was, when you both made it to Hogwarts. You walked into the grand hall holding hands, laughing about some stupid joke he made that was certainly not worth a laugh. You loved to feed his ego, his mother would say. You would just agree.
“His ego is never starved.” She would smirk and you would simply shrug with a cheeky grin.
“But it could always eat.”
You left the grand hall in tears and a green robe. He was already far ahead of you, in his own red robes, acting as if those eleven years of friendship were nothing to him. Much to your dismay, you didn't have your father to come save you this time, tell you his wise words and share his bit of wisdom for you to find your way through the pain.
There was no comfort found in the snakes den. Your dorm was shared with girls who seemed to have no other concerns then your blood status. You were a pureblood, of course, but their questions only caused you further distress. That night you cried silently into your pillow.
That night, and the next, and the next.
Eventually, you learned to cope to the cold dungeons. You became calm and emotionless, like the others. Learning to adapt to your surroundings.
James’s mutters of who you really were hurt more then you could ever imagine. You loved James Potter before you knew what love was. You were sure whatever yearning was in your chest went both ways. You guess you were wrong.
He made new friends, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. He wanted nothing to do with you.
So, you made friends as well. Cruel ones but ones who would protect you. Avery, Mulciber. Severus Snape was the only one you stayed consistently close to. You disliked Lily Evans, for no reason other than the fact she was everything you wanted to be. Gryffindor, smart, pretty, and had James’s attention. You hated watching him outgrow you, and Severus didn't particularly like that you didn't like Lily, but he hated James Potter so you both remained in an isolated boat of similarity.
As the year went on you grew to hate your colors more then anything. You learned that no matter what had happened, Slytherin was at fault. No matter your justification, you were wrong. Keeping your head down and remaining quiet was the safest you'd have it.
When the year came to an end, you went home. You told your father of the more recent events and he was mortified. You found solas in his arms as you always did. Being home was like a time out, protection from everything else around you. You were alone and happy. Safe and as far away from James Potter as possible.
But that made the yearning worse.
Your father tried to convince you to write him a letter for closure, but you could never pick up a quill. You don't want to know the vile things he thought of you.
Much to your surprise, however, your father called you down a week into your summer break. At the door, none other then James Potter. He was sniffling, clenching the dragon statue in his hands and rubbing his eyes. Your father left you two be, and you welcomed him in.
Of course you did.
It was your Jamie.
The second he entered he told you about how woes, how his concerns for Sirius, his dear friend, his best friend, made him appreciate what he had a bit more. It also forced him to realize, he was doing the same to you. The isolation over a house was never fair. He felt like a right arse.
“So you don't hate me?” You sniffled.
James shook his head vigorously. “No, no, I'm sorry, {Y/N}.” He sobbed and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
He held you back tight, and nuzzled his nose into your cheek. “Forgive me?”
“Okay.” Your voice cracked.
You shouldn't have forgiven him, because it became a pattern. The summer you were back to as thick as thieves, you had never seen Mrs. Potter more relived then when you returned to their home.
But when school started again, he went back to practically no contact. It was your James, though. You needed him.
Over the years you went from best friends over the summer to semi strangers in the halls. Everytime he'd come to your door with a bright smile and take you to his house. Even your fathers relationship with Fleamont began to grew strained because of the behavior. You were so hurt, all the time, but James would fix it.
James would know what to say and when to say it. James, never having a malicious bone in his body, didn't seem to understand what he was doing to you. You didn't know either.
By the time year three rolled around, the four of them seemed to tamper down their hatred for Slytherins, focusing purely on the ones they deemed evil. Even letting you into their groups on occasion. You clung to what little James would give you everytime. You ignored your jealousy of Sirius and James' closeness. You ignored Remus’s pitiful looks and Peter's tactless comments.
However, you had began to grow into yourself a bit more over the school year. You had more time to yourself, more time away from James. You met a few new people, one being a girl named Pandora.
She observed you every time you were with James, would utter small comments here and there about what she found in the blandest monotone. It was tough love she didn't even intend. You quickly realized that the friendship you shared with James went from two friends who would rather die then be apart, to two people.
You were just people.
That summer, when James came over to retrieve you, you made that clear.
“Well, it was nice seeing you, Potter.” You started with a soft smile in your doorway. He flinched at the formal name.
“What? You're not coming home?” He asked in a low heartbroken whisper. “My mum wants to see you.”
“I am home. I'll ask da if he plans to have you over for dinner.” You placate and look back to the proud but sympathetic look on your dads face from where he hid behind the door. As always, right there. “I'll see you later?”
“But- I- we don't get to hang out over the school year, I just figured-”
“Thank you again for the invite. Maybe some other time.”
When fourth year comes around you and James remain friendly in the halls. It was like the entire lives you had led before Hogwarts and over the summers were just secrets between the two of you now.
You spent more time with Severus, Dorcas, Pandora, Barty, and Regulus. That made Sirius oddly formal and kind to you as well, you expected the opposite.
It led to a small bit of bonding between the two of you, he would ask you about updates on Regulus and thank you like mad for you looking after the younger boy.
James didn't like how close you two were becoming outside of him. Everyday, you would meet Sirius outside of the library and he would walk you to the dungeons while you talked about his brother and the state of his mind, how he viewed what was happening in the household.
Your conversations would slowly trickle into your day to day life and Sirius would tell you of his. James noticed when Sirius began to get to the dorms later and later.
James would find it in himself to pester, if he wasn't so wrapped around Lily Evans’ finger. You knew it was unfair. You knew from the stories from Pandora, that if you just got to know her, you'd adore her. She was funny, brilliant, brave, kind, and she was enough woman to have James Potter, Severus Snape, and after a small listless confession, Pandora of all people in love.
You hated her, however. You couldn't bring yourself to like someone you wanted to be in the shoes of so badly.
Over the summer, you learned Sirius Black had gone to live with the Potters after a particularly rough patch with his parents. With a quick letter to Regulus to gauge his view on the situation, you decided to check on eldest Black. You weren't insanely close with James anymore, but you still invited yourself over.
When the door opened after your knock you were yanked into a bone crushing hug by Fleamont, followed by Euphemia. They welcomed you in with open arms, like they always did. You greeted James with nothing more than a kind smile and walked right past him to go check on Sirius.
James stood in the middle of the hall, confused by your lack of enthusiasm to see him. Knowing the second you made it to the stairs, you were not here for him. A bitter feeling filled his chest.
You didn't know you were breaking the dumb boy's heart. He didn't know it either, but the look his mother gave him when you hurried up the steps said it all.
James had missed you. He had missed you more than life itself. He spent his summers moping in the treehouse you both never went in, fiddling with the things you never should have had. He felt like he was missing a part of himself every time you learned to put your self preservation above his desperate need for you.
But things don't work out perfectly, something the ever spoiled James Potter didn't understand.
He snapped out of his little daze and ran upstairs after you.
You were sitting on the bed in the spare room, hip to hip with the pouty and tired Sirius. He seemed to be rambling on some flirty nonsense that had James growing a bit red.
“You know bird,” Sirius started and you scoffed.
“Don't call me bird.” You reprimanded and he gave you a cheeky smile, his swollen eye just adding to his sloppy charm.
“Birdette?” He offered.
“I'm going home. May your tea be too hot to drink and too cold when you return to it.” You mused and moved to stand before Black grabbed your wrist and nudged you down.
“Cruel witch!” He shouted and you put your hand on his chest, both laughing like fools. James' expression turned tart. You used to laugh with him like that. When you both settled you brush some hair from his face to behind his ear. His lochs clung to his face through the sweat.
“Are you sure you're alright?” You hummed and he nodded, pressing his burning and trembling temple to your cold hand and you thinned your lips.
“Fever has gone down. Mum will be pleased.” You hummed and Sirius gave you a confused look before it clicked to him who you were talking about. You knew her since before you could walk, of course you would consider her your mother. He spotted James in the doorway and noticed the small smile on the teens face when you spoke familiar of his mother.
Sirius knew, how couldn't he? Since year one the only person James seemed to talk about was you. Even when he was pretending to hate you, it was always about you. He could see the way you looked at James too, it was so painfully obvious. Even after all the years of borderline manipulation, something Sirius would grow bitter of if he thought too long about it.
“I should head home.” You hummed and grabbed the discarded rag on the nightstand to clean off some sweat around Sirius’s cheek and neck, doting on your friend much like you did for James.
“No, please!”
Both boys shouted together. You jumped and turned to face James, not noticing he had been watching the entire interaction.
You bit your cheek and fiddled with the rag for a moment before you sighed. It was hard enough to say no to James, but a sick Sirius?
You caved.
You spent the summer at the Potter’s again, something your father was cautious of. You were older now, and so was James, you just managed to escape the ‘safe sex’ talk when you went back with James to gather spare clothes, the only thing left at James was from before puberty.
It made you a bit aware that James had grown up. He had always been taller than you, but now he was broader, more defined. Merlin, the boy you grew up with was knee weakening.
The summer was amazing. It was a delight, being around both of them so casually.
Being older now, your fun consisted of much more mature activities. They started innocent, like taking walks around the property where you and James reminisced, sharing your favorite memories of the place with Sirius. Your afternoons baking with Euphemia now shared with the boys who didn't seem to have anything better to waste their time on. Even swimming in the creek like kids.
But you were older now. Afternoon swimming turned into late night skinny dipping. Walks along the trail turned into hiding away in your tree fort, hardly big enough for all three of you and the things you hid away. Smoking Mallowsweet and trying to pretend you weren't high at the dinner table. Not that either parent seemed to mind, just happy you were doing it in a safe environment. They let you three believe you were sneaky however, knowing the thrill is the fun part.
A few days out from going back to school you and the two boys were sitting in the fort again. You took a drag from the messy blunt and passed it to Sirius. You took notice of how he watched the smoke leave your lips. You sent him a playful wink and he wet his lips.
You both turned back to James as he let out a low groan. The attention whore he was not liking how you two continued to share moments he was not apart of.
“What is it, Jamie?” You pushed and he ran his fingers through his hair. “I got word from Evans. Said she would stop reading my letters. Says she thinks I'm in love with someone already.” He huffed.
You rolled your eyes and looked at Sirius who put his hands up to show he would handle it. “Come on mate, she clearly doesn't want ya’ move on.”
You almost face palmed at how Sirius tried to handle it. You cut in when James gave a louder groan. “I know it's not what you want to hear, but some girls just.. aren't going to cave the more you bother them, Jamie.”
“I just don't get it! I'm charming, I'm funny, I'm bloody hot.”
You rolled your eyes hard and made eye contact with a smirking Sirius. “You know he gets this from you, right?”
He chuckled and you slowly smiled at his look. James seemed to grow even more upset when your attention was on Sirius and not him.
“Come off it, mate.” Sirius laughed. “She hasn’t even seen you date one person at that school.”
“That is true. I don't think I would date someone if I didn't have an idea of what it was like.” You remarked airily, rapping your knuckles against your chin.
“So.. date someone to show Lily I'm dateable?” James concluded and you rubbed your temple.
“Or, and just throwing this out there, date someone who wants you?” You scoffed and James rolled his eyes with a mutter. Something along the lines of no one he wants, wants him.
You paused your rubbing before Sirius quickly cleared his throat. “You can't just date someone to impress someone else.” You cut in. “That's incredibly cruel.”
“Sirius, as someone who has not once had a serious girlfriend-”
“I am Sirius. All my girlfriends are Sirius girlfriends-”
You threw a book at him and he blocked it with his forearms, laughing as you huffed.
“But ser- genuinely.” You mused. “Don't go breaking anyone's heart to get her attention.”
“Well, it won't hurt anyone if I.. fake date someone?” He offered and you gave him a confused look. He slowly smiled, a smile that surely meant a bad idea.
“Hear me out! Hear me out!” He mused and sat up straighter. “One of you, date me, just for a few months! I can show her how good of a boyfriend I really am!”
You looked at Sirius with the most bewildered and offended look.
“I will not.” Sirius mused and finally put the blunt down. “Love you, but I would rather lick my own boot.”
James scoffed and looked at you hopefully. You bit your lip and thought about it for a moment, you were caving, you knew you were.
How bad could it be? Getting a slice of what you wanted more than anything. James’s full attention. Before you could answer, you heard Sirius mutter your name.
It was so soft, it was so gentle, like if he said it too loud you'd run. You looked over to him, and he gave you a look you couldn't quite decipher. Though, the implication was clear. Don’t.
You sighed through your nose and leaned your head back. Trying to sober yourself up before you continue this conversation. James wiggled his way over to you, putting his arm over your shoulder. “Come on, {Y/N}.” He whined and you thinned your lips as you stared into his big brown eyes. You could melt into them.
Your eyes, not of your own accord, flicked to Sirius and he was still staring at you. Then you realized what the look was, caution. You bit your bottom lip and didn't notice James glaring heavily at Sirius. As if warning him. Sirius's eyes never left yours.
“... Sorry Jamie.” You muttered and he huffed, pulling away from you sharply. You pouted and slowly hugged your knees. Far more valuable with your mind warped by the drugs influence.
James waved his hand dismissively and you looked down at your feet. You watched as a pair of Doc Martens slipped into view on either side of your ankles. You looked up at the owners. You had never seen such a proud look on Sirius’s face. Well, safe for when you told him of Regulus’s new found defiance. He held the smuggest smile and you felt your heart throb. Approval.
“I don't get it, come on {Y/N}-”
“Who does she think you love anyway, James?” Sirius huffed, taking your friend’s attention from you. You sent him an appreciative look.
“She thinks I'm in love with {Y/N}.” He scoffed and your breath hitched a bit. “I mean, it doesn't help that we haven't dated anyone. I figured that if me and {Y/N} dated and broke up she would see how crazy she is.”
You purse your lips at that. Yeah. Crazy. Why would James Potter ever love you?
“Oh!” James exclaimed and sat up, “What if you got a boyfriend?” James pried and you arched an eyebrow at him. “Or, you know, girlfriend.”
You scoffed. As if that was the issue!
“James, I am not going to date someone just to leave them so you can get with Lily.” You crossed your arms over yourself now, and James groaned. “Come on, please? I mean, you can tell them it's fake! I mean, I'm sure even Sirius would be willing-”
“Nope.” Sirius popped his lips and you looked up at him with a startled surprise. You couldn't help but melt at how he winked at you, nudging your ankles with his feet. “I'm not going to tarnish our little dragon’s reputation, here.”
You rolled your eyes playfully as James’s groans faded out. You looked up as a bell began to ring, signaling it was time to come inside for dinner. James got up and hurried out of the tree, Sirius was next, sending you a look as he climbed down, curious. You simply smiled at him and followed after, knowing it would reassure him.
You thought James had dropped it, but as you set the table and gathered drinks for everyone, the boys at the table began to idly talk.
“Anything interesting happened today?” Fleamont asked you as you set his coffee down by his hand, kissing his eyebrow, making him chuckle.
“No, Uncle Flea.” You hummed and set down Euphemia’s tea and did the same. She returned the kiss, leaving you unaware of how James seemed to be eyeing you. You set down Sirius’s drink and he poked his cheek, leaning closer to you. You kissed your hand and smacked him. He laughed and you finished up, taking your seat across from the boys on your own side of the table.
“How about you, son?” Flea asked Sirius next, and Black shrugged. “Nothing really.”
“Really? You're not going to tell him?” James smirked and you looked at him curiously, confused. Sirius shared your look and James continued. “I mean, If you won't, I will.” He cheeked.
“James what are you-” Before you could even finish, he threw his hands up in an exaggerated announcement.
“Sirius and {Y/N} are dating!”
Your jaw went slack in shock and Sirius snapped his head over, dumbstruck.
“I- what- James Potter!” You shouted at him, he smirked at you. This cheeky little bastard. There was a loud thud from under the table as you kicked him. Hard. The poor boy winced and tried to keep his face straight.
“James you bloody-” Sirius started with a clench jaw before Euphemia gave a laugh.
“No need to be shy you two, however, James you shouldn't have told us before they were ready.” She scolded and Fleamont gave a chuckle and clapped Sirius on his shoulder.
“Just be safe, boy. Mr. {L/N} and I are not ready to be grandpas.” He cheeked and you slowly sunk into your seat and covered your face, groaning low as Sirius began to stammer over himself, not sure if he should explain himself or not.
James was so dead.
You paced in your room, hands over your mouth in deep thought. James was cleaning the kitchen and Sirius was closing down the house, their respective chores of the night. You sat on your bed and tried to figure a way out of this, before someone knocked on your door.
You looked up and waved your wand to open the door, Sirius walking in holding James by his ear. The taller boy was cursing and following close behind. “Ow ow ow ow-”
“James Fleamont Potter!” You whisper hissed and stood up, Sirius smirking, for once, not the one in trouble.
“Hear me out-”
“No! We will do no such thing!” You continued to whisper-shout at him. “You need to tell them you were lying!”
James bit his cheek and looked at Sirius who was avoiding his eyes. “It's just a few months-”
“Hear me out! Just, just three months! You saw how excited they got.” James pleaded and you sighed. Covering your face before you peaked between your fingers at Sirius who gave you a playfully scandalized look.
“Am I the only one with common sense here?” Sirius scoffed and you groaned.
“It would seem so. Frightening, innit?”
“Debilitating, actually.” He sighed playfully and you laughed.
There was a long pause between you and Sirius. James watched as you two seemed to be communicating between your eyes. James slowly pouted as he was, once again, left out of the loop.
“Fine.” You sighed and Sirius bit his lip. “Alright, three months.”
You were not ready for the whirlwind that was sixth year. A lot had happened in such a short amount of time.
You had forgotten about the ever growing issue of telling Regulus Black of your new found status with his brother. To your complete shock, he seemed happy about the news.
“Bloody finally.”
“The hell do you mean finally?”
“If I had to go one more school year watching my brother make eyes at you, I'd vomit. Just keep it behind closed doors please.”
Eyes? Your friends were going mad. Pandora seemed to actually express visual joy when you told her, smiling with a hand over her heart, with a simple. “That's lovely.”
Barty, Sirius’s self proclaimed nemesis, even seemed relieved. Though, he had to admit, he didn't figure you for someone who wanted to be with a player.
The only one who seemed to take the news hard was Severus, reminding you of the prank and how that bastard tried to kill him. You listened to his concerns, but in truth, you knew Sirius wasn't the only one at fault. You had, in fifth year, confronted Sirius about what had happened and he admitted his fault in it.
You knew it wasn't for you to forgive, but if you couldn't forgive him, what place did you have being crossed about it?
Eventually, Severus, Avery, and Mulicber wanted nothing to do with you. As Severus hurt, you had to admit, he was camaraderie found in misery. You refused to be miserable anymore.
Remus was the first to notice it, how much you had grown and who you had left behind. He also seemed to be you and Sirius’s biggest fan, and unexplainably protective of your relationship.
Before you knew it, you were sitting at the Gryffindor table every day, nuzzled under Sirius’s arm and watching him as he rattled on about Quidditch practice and the start of the season. You didn't really care about the game, you only used to watch to support Regulus as a seeker, which seemed to please James as well.
“Do you have a spare jersey?” You pressed your pinky to his side gently, muttering into his shoulder. Sirius looked down at you, a bit startled by your comment. He narrowed his eyes at you curiously and you pressed your tongue to your cheek. Watching as his expression shifted a bit and his cheeks turned a soft red.
“A jersey?” He pushed, trying not to get his hopes up. You gave a laugh at his nervous question.
“All I have are Slytherin colors.” You mused and slipped your arm around his back and nuzzled into his chest a bit. Regulus giving a playful gag, poking his finger to the back of his throat at your public displays of affections.
You giggled before James spoke up, he had been so quiet you didn't even notice him. “You can wear mine, I have an old Seeker one from before I was captain.” He hummed and Sirius stiffened against you a bit. You watched his jaw clench, and his attention was finally torn from you, playfully glaring at James.
“Thanks Jamie.” You mused and Sirius snapped his attention back to you, just for you to be smiling up at him. “But I want to wear my boyfriend's name.”
Sirius swore he lost the air in his lungs. Remus whistled and you laughed at the out of character display.
“You're so fucking whipped-” Regulus huffed with a roll of his eyes and before you could turn to reprimand him, Sirius wrapped his other arm around you and pulled you practically on his lap. “Better be, just f’me.” He mumbled against your ear. No one else could hear him, you wondered why he even said it.
Regardless, you didn't think your heart could beat that fast for anyone but James.
Three months passed faster then you thought it possibly could. The cautious and careful moments between you and Sirius turned familiar and confident. From your new routine between classes to show everyone just how in love you surely were to the private moments you weren't positive you should be having with the best friend of the boy you loved.
Reality was slowly blending together with your facade, from him sneaking off with you to the astronomy tower, and your walks along the Black lake when no one could see you two.
Even now, where you laid in his bed, alone. Remus doing his Prefect duties and James’ surely wowing Lily. You were sitting with your back against the headboard, reading to Sirius as he hummed and dozed off. You propped the book against his arm that wrapped around your middle, your other hand tangled in his hair. He seemed to be in just a blissful state, absolutely unraveled as your nails ran over his scalp.
You trailed off, just admiring the sleepy boy. Slowly leaning closer to see if he had fallen asleep yet.
You were spending time with the boys in their common room. Sirius had complained about his horrid sleep schedule, and when you, ever the good girlfriend, suggested you read to him. He laughed at first. When you puffed up your cheeks and told him it always worked for James, suddenly his tune changed.
He practically dragged you up to their shared dorm and left Peter and James behind, snuggling up to you, like he said a proper boyfriend would. Your heart was going mad at first. You hadn't been in their dorm, let alone in Sirius’s bed before. He acted so natural about it, you tried to stifle the green monster that seemed to have switched targets from Lily to Sirius’s past flings.
You don't know when it changed, but looking down at Sirius’s peaceful face, how he seemed so comfortable with you in his arms and pressed against your body, you knew you had ruined your chances at a normal love life. Falling in love with Sirius Black was the worst idea you never had.
Suddenly, Sirius stirred, eyes opening, sagged and low, clearly still tired. Your eyes locked, and this warm feeling filled you as he slowly smiled at you. You didn't even feel nervous, just.. just peaceful.
“Is the book done?” He muttered and you slowly nodded. His eyes never leaving yours. There was a bit of quiet before he began to speak. “Dragon-”
Then the door slammed open. “Don't be naked!” James huffed, covering his eyes. You have a nervous laugh as your cheeks flushed, looking away. Sirius gave a low and annoyed groan. It was gravely and deep as he sat up. You did not need that stuck in your head right now.
“Damn it mate, I'm trying to sleep.” Sirius huffed and James seemed startled at your state. You were actually reading to him. When he heard ‘sleep’ his mind wandered to Sirius’s typical use for it. The idea of you sleeping with Sirius didn't get under his skin, but the idea of loosing a piece of you that was once his, did.
Instead, he walked in on you and him. Doing one of his favorite things. One of you and his favorite things. You were really reading to him. He slowly frowned as your fingers left Sirius’s hair. You pouted up at him, not even seeming to care James was there, just upset that your weighted blanket moved.
He didn't like that. Not at all.
Sirius shifted and his palm pressed down a bit too much weight on your thigh and you hiss. He quickly got off of you and muttered an apology.
“It's okay Siri.” You whispered and rubbed your skin. He took a deep breath. That bloody nickname.
“You know.” James cut in and you and Sirius looked over at him. “It's been three months.”
He gestured to the two of you and you looked back up at Sirius with nervous eyes. He seemed to try to study yours as well.
“I think that's long enough.” He challenged.
You slowly took a breath, Sirius seemed to be waiting on your word. “Well.. are you with Lily yet?” You questioned, looking over at the tan skinned boy and James gave you a scandalous look.
“I mean-”
“That was the deal, right?” Sirius asked and looked back at James, getting comfortable over you once more, nuzzling his head right against your stomach. You smiled down at him, not noticing the looks him and James shared. Not particularly friendly.
“You asked us, James.”
“I wouldn't say what he did was asking.” You mumbled and Sirius chuckled, looking back up at you and gesturing to the book. You glanced at a red faced James before carefully grabbing the book and opening it. You didn't care to watch James' betrayed expression. He had done this to himself.
“It's going to be so fun, Sirius!” Peter declared and James laughed, “Yeah, what's more important then charming the stairs to move when a Slytherin tries to talk on it?”
Remus smirked at Sirius who simply gave a fond smile and a sigh. “Sorry, I have business with my lovely dragon.”
Remus gave Sirius a proud smile and the tatted boy rubbed the back of his neck.
“What, are you two shagging?” Peter asked with a bored look and Remus smacked him.
“Thank you Moony, and no, I'll have you know. We haven't even kissed yet.” He huffed and James’s jaw went slack. Why would Sirius admit that?
Why in the bloody hell would I admit that? Sirius thought, mortified. He keeps forgetting this isn't a true relationship. It's been five months, Sirius wasn't known to wait longer than a week.
Peter was rubbing the back of his head with a huff and Remus gave Sirius a surprised look. Sirius looked anywhere but their faces.
“You two.. haven't kissed?” Remus pushed and Sirius shrugged. “Just.. I'm her first boyfriend, she is nervous. You know, all that stuff. She's sensitive.”
When he looked at the group he got a variety of different looks. Peter was shocked, James was confused, and Remus looked purely ecstatic.
“Seems Sirius found someone worth waiting for, hm?” Remus teased and Sirius flipped him off.
“I'm done talking to you lame-os anyway. She's waiting for me in the library.” He huffed and hurried off the opposite side of the hall, face red and absolutely humiliated. Even then, he couldn't think of anything but seeing you.
In the background, he could hear James shout. “To study!?”
You waited for Sirius in the library like you promised, thumbing threw a few of your school books and comparing you and Sirius’s grade cards. Since him and you began the charade, his grades had improved greatly. He seemed to start to care about studying. He, ever the flirt, would always say if he got to spend time with you, spending the day studying in the library wasn't entirely awful.
When Sirius showed up, you couldn't help how the most excited smile grew on your lips. You and Sirius were quietly enjoying each other's presence, but about an hour into your session you heard a voice call out to you. It was soft, soothing, and it sounded like honey.
“Can we join you?”
You looked up confused, staring into the green eyes of Lily Evans. You expected that familiar bitter twist of your chest to settle, but you didn't feel a negative emotion towards her. You looked beside her and there stood Mary Macdonald, Marlene Mckibbon, and Dorcus Meadows. You smiled at Dorcas and she nodded to you.
“Of course you can.” You gestured to the table, turning to Sirius for approval and he looked surprise by your answer. You smiled at him and shrugged, leaning a bit closer and whispered, “It'll help, yeah?”
“Help?” He mumbled back and you smirked against his cheek. Giving him a small kiss against it. “For Jamie, Siri.”
You pulled away and smiled at Lily as she turned to talk to you. Sirius was staring at you like you stole his voice, but he didn't want it back.
Pandora was right, when you got to know Lily, you did like her. Quite a lot.
By the end of the day, you and Lily were laughing with your arms linked, leaving the Library.
“Merlin, we should have talked ages ago!” She smiled bright at you and you laughed, nodding in agreement.
“Most definitely, when do you usually study?” You pushed and Dorcas muttered a goodbye, turning to leave without you and the redhead. Mary smirked at the scene and Marlene wrapped her arms around your neck.
“We are here too!” She complained and you laughed louder. You liked Marlene, but it seemed the bitter feeling that was once aimed at Lily was now on her. You really wish Pandora didn't tell you about her and Sirius having the longest standing relationship out of all of his past wix.
She was with Mary now, she didn't have any interest in Sirius. Merlin, please save you. Jealousy was your biggest weakness. Other then that, blending in with the girls was easy. They were so delightful.
Eventually, Sirius managed to pry you away from the three, leaving you reaching back for them and earning laughs from the girls. Sirius eventually lifted you up on his shoulder so you'd stop fighting him.
That distracted you.
Damn his beater toned arms.
You looked back at him from where he was holding you, making it to the stairs to the dungeons. You flinched a bit when you heard Dorcas curse. You looked back and saw her, stuck in the middle of the stairs, trying to walk down as the stairs moved against her downward steps up.
You gawked at it and nudged Sirius’s shoulder. “Someone is after you boy’s title.” You teased and Sirius shook his head.
“It was the boys.” He remarked and hoisted you up properly, watching as Dorcas managed to fight her way to the bottom. Holding her knees with an aggregated pant. You laughed and tried not to get too in your head about what he said and the conclusion you came to. He spent the day with you instead of pranking with the boys.
“How will we get down?” You asked and he smirked. “It just works with Slytherins.” He cheeked and suddenly began hurrying down the stairs. You yelped and clung to his back. He laughed and fixed his grip on your thighs to keep you over his shoulder. You huffed as you got to the bottom, only for Dorcas to tutt at you.
“You're huffing!?”
You laughed and he set you down. Dorcas waved you off and you tried to cover your smiling face.
You watched Dorcas enter the dorms, you followed after her before you paused and turned to face Sirius, who was watching you with his hands in his pockets. Trying not to seem winded.
“Hey, Siri.” You called him over and he tilted his head. Walking over to you, you grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down a bit.
His hands snaked around your hips and he went to hold his breath. You smiled at him and he seemed startled and waiting not so patiently for your next move. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips, and your eyes were locked in his lips. This was okay right? This is what partners do?
“Sirius, can I-”
Before you could even properly ask, Regulus rudely interrupted.
“Alright you, stop sucking my brother's face.” Regulus’s voice rang from behind you and you refused to budge. Sirius smirked and moved in, before Regulus yanked you back by your hood. The door closing behind you. He could faintly hear your sounds of disapproval.
Sirius stared at the door for far longer than he should have. Thinning his lips as he tried to remind himself. This was fake. And you loved James.
Eight months. Late April, and you were sitting in the Gryffindor stands watching the final game of the year. Well, if you could call trying to locate colors on the foggy backdrop with blistering rain watching.
You sat with Lily, Mary, Remus and Peter. It was foggy, drizzling, and the match lasted hours. You were wrapped up in one of Sirius’s leather jackets, it didn't do much to cut through the chill.
You didn't want to lie and say you understood what was happening, just that James and Regulus had yet to catch the snitch. Occasionally, the stands would cheer and you would throw your hands up in support of it all. Watching as Lily laughed at you.
“Sweetness, you look lost.” Lily sang to you, and you bite your bottom lip. “That obvious?”
“Only to everyone.” She laughed and put her hand on your arm, pulling you up. You both walked over to the railing and she put her hand above her brow and looked around. You looked at her movements, before copying her body language.
“There!” She cheeked and pointed out a billowing red cape, hardly making out James' name. You smiled and leaned closer. “Is that Jamie?”
“It … is.” Lily muttered softly and looked at you from the corner of her eye, as if looking for any sign of affection for the boy. Beyond platonic. To her pleasant surprise, your next words made her smile.
“Do you see Siri?” You asked, leaning closer so she could hear you above the cheering fans and the loud beating rain.
Lily lit up, laughing, gesturing over towards one of the goals. You narrowed your eyes and began to hit your heel against the wooden floor. The smile that unfolded onto your cheeks was far brighter then she'd ever seen you look at James.
Lily saw it, the shift in your eyes.
She wasn't the first one to see it, but she wouldn't be the last.
“Oh! Oh! They found it!” Lily exclaimed and you snapped your attention over to where Lily pointed. You looked down and your eyes widened, watching as James and Regulus raced for the snitch.
“Regulus!” You screamed.
“James!” Lily cheered.
Your eyes snapped to each other and you both began to laugh. You loved James, but come on, Slytherin could use this.
You both looked back and began to cheer and chant their names. Lily screamed out in delight as James caught the snitch, and you leaned over the railing with an exaggerated, “Booo!!” James noticed and you quickly covered your mouth.
Remus bellowed a laugh at James’s offended but playful look.
“Gryffindor wins!! I think.” The announcer screamed over the intercom. You laughed and turned to look at Lily who was already running down the stairs.
You scrambled with a bit of a slip as you hurried after her to the pitch. The red head was far faster than you, however. Remus just strolled back with Mary, who was rambling about how cool her girlfriend looked. You just missed her talking about how tone her girlfriends arms were-
It's the beaters charm, really.
When you made it to the pitch you watched James land, Lily practically tackling him off his broom. The boy wrapped his arms around her and spun her around. The team cheering and screaming in delight, the stands going mad with confetti. He looked up to you and let go of Lily, turning to face you as he brandished the snitch.
You lit up to match his smile, but before you could make it over to congratulate him, you saw Sirius land threw the crowd. You felt your entire body grow gittery, from your tightening toes to your squaring shoulders. He tossed the bat to the ground and ruffled his wet hair. He looked breathtaking. You watched as he threw his arm around Marlene, the two laughing and flexing a bit at each other. You narrowed your eyebrows a bit.
That was enough for you to take a few large steps forward. “Sirius!” You called over.
First things first, you were not jealous. You certainly weren't jealous, not of Marlene, she loved Mary. But you would be happy if he wasn't touching her- or if she just took two huge steps back. You wouldn't be upset about that.
Sirius looked over to you and his smile grew brighter, letting go of Marlene. Good. He began hurrying over to meet you. Eventually, you broke into a jog and he matched your pace. James watched in confusion as you threw yourself into his arms as your excitement grew. You laugh as he lifts you up and spun you around. You looked down at him with a bright smile, blocking out the rain from falling on his chiseled face. Your hands moved to his cheeks and he opened his eyes slowly. He paused in the center of the court and you bite your bottom lip. He wanted terribly to pull it between his own teeth.
“You won.” You whispered and his hands slipped higher up your sides. The intimate moment so public his hands felt like fire on your cold wet skin.
“I did.” He whispered and you leaned your body against his. He kept you up easily despite his throbbing muscles. You leaned your lips right above his, eyes locked in a trance. “Do I.. do I get a reward?” He whispered and glanced down at your lips.
You laughed, leaning down and completed the kiss. Holding him firm against yourself, he met you with pure hunger. Slowly setting you down, without breaking the kiss. You moved closer against him, your bodies meeting without an inch between your limbs.
This is okay, right? You thought blissfully. This was for James.
You both were lost to the world. Ignoring anyone else as Sirius began to grab at you with so much intensity you gasped. He took the opportunity to introduce your tongues.
You didn't notice as James gave a pained expression. He wasn't sure why you going to Sirius bothered him so much.
No, he knew why. He felt like he was losing you. Like everything that made James special to you was being replaced with Sirius. It was his own bloody fault.
Lily noticed his wandering eyes and her lip twitched. Resolving herself to take his cheeks and turn him to look at her. He slowly smiled and leaned down to take a kiss. She met him with a happy hum.
The moment went from bitter jealousy to melting joy. This was your favorite game yet.
“Am I just chopped liver!?” Regulus finally exclaimed, the only thing pulling your attention from your lip lock. You threw your head back with a laugh, and Sirius just stared with a love sick smile, kiss bruised lips, and in absolute joy.
By the time summer came around you were around the Potters more and more.
You stopped spending the night so much, the older you got the more Euphemia seemed to believe you and Sirius were being closer then close most nights. Making teasing remarks that killed you. Eventually, you stopped coming over when Sirius joined in on the teasing.
Your father and you were invited over tonight, however. You didn't want to introduce your father to Sirius, the man had a bigger heart then most, and you knew it would hurt him to meet your ‘first love’ just to lose him months later. You didn't think this would last so long.
So when the door opened and Flea welcomed you in, you were shocked to see Sirius on the couch, hair combed, clothing presentable, even hiding some of his newer tattoos he got over your time in muggle London. He smiled over at you and your father, standing up and walking over.
You were stunned by just how charming he was trying to be. Your father looked surprised, looking to you in confusion, as if he had expected someone else tonight.
“Sirius Black then? I know of your family.” He remarked and Sirius faltered a bit. You walked over to link your arm with his. He looked to you and smiled soft, hesitantly. Your father seemed completely pleased.
As the night went on you guys moved to the parlor room. You were ecstatic to learn Lily was coming as well, and when she got there, the night turned much more lively.
You were laying your legs across Sirius lap and laughing at your father and Flea’s ever heated debate about his most recent business decisions. Lily was listening intently, happy to learn more about the inner workings of the wizarding world. James was sitting on the floor with his head in her lap and her fingers tangled in his locks.
Sirius put a hand on your chin and turned you over to look into his eyes. You gave him a smile and nudged his arm with your knee. You leaned your chin greedily into his hand, wanting the full contact of his palm. When he gave it to you, you leaned your cheek into it. He stared at you and you pressed your lips together. “Sirius?”
“Yeah?” He whispered.
“What's this?” You whispered and slowly wrapped your hand around his wrist and turned to kiss his hand. Glancing at him from the corner of your eyes. He about died.
“Awe, young love.” Euphemia cooed and you were startled back to the moment, pulling from Sirius who quickly fixed himself to look at the three parents, James effectively out of the conversation without a care.
Lily laughed and Flea reached over to pat Sirius’s shoulder. “What did I always say, {Y/N}?”
“Hm? What's that Flea?” You hummed and looked back at the men and Euphemia, he chuckled.
“Every Potter has a Slytherin.” He cheeked and winked at Sirius whose face turned to one of pure shock. You lit up at him and back to Sirius, who was smiling like a fool. You mirror his look and then Mrs. Potter spoke up next.
“I'm so glad you two figured it out.” She hummed..
“What was that?” You mumbled and looked back at her in pure confusion.
“Oh, that boy has been making heart eyes at you since he first got here. I could tell he was smitten.” Mrs. Potter mused a matter of factly, looking over at Sirius just past your confused expression, who was making a lip zipping motion, she gave him an amused and curious look, which made you turn and smirk at him. He quickly tried to play it off, earning a laugh from the group.
James rolled his eyes at their interaction, and Lily pouted a bit. Still confused as to why he seemed so determined to dislike the two together.
“You know, it's been a few months since me and Lily got together.” He remarked to the room, eyes on you and Sirius. You frowned a bit and looked away, Sirius met his look with a challenging one of his own. Euphemia narrowed her eyes but the men seemed none the wiser.
“And how lovely Lily is.” Fleamont mused and gestured to her, she smiled at him, happy with how they seemed to accept her so easily.
The night went smoothly from there.
Eventually, it was time to head home. The Potters, Evans, and Black walked you both to the door. You said your goodbyes, but whenever you would glance at Sirius he seemed preoccupied with your lips.
It wasn't something you thought you'd ever find attractive, how desperately Sirius wanted to kiss you at any given moment. Here you were, however, absolutely melting.
You leaned up on your toes and gave him a quick peck. Your dad smiled at this, but before you could turn away Sirius wrapped his arms around you and stole another longer kiss. If only by seconds. You laughed into his lips and he smiled against yours. Muttering a goodbye before you and your father finally apparated away.
You didn't think tonight could get much better, but when you looked up at the stairs to your manor, you locked eyes with familiar bright grey ones. Regulus Black, with a suitcase and a bruised cheek, giving you a cautious stare. Like a stray cat, ready to bolt, but instead of attention it was the first sign of rejection.
Regulus Black was a proud boy, like his brother. He was far too determined to do something and everything by himself.
Your father looked confused, before he glanced at you, like he was seeing double in one night.
You hurried up the stairs, not answering your father immediately as you moved to grab his bag. To your absolute shock, Regulus fell into you before you could, hands clenching your sleeves. You were bewildered, Regulus never wanted to be touched.
You didn't have to think twice before you wrapped your arms around his middle and pulled him in close. The younger boy crying softly into your shoulder. Tonight was a startling night for firsts with the Black children, but you didn't hesitate to embrace it.
Your father picked up his luggage and muttered something about fixing up a room for him as he went inside. You were content to comfort Reggie.
Once Regulus was comfortable in the spare room, you talked. He told you everything about what had happened the past month, and your heart broke. Regulus and you were closer than most, but he still kept cards to his chest. He was paranoid, but in his weakness, he showed you all of them.
He told you what they expected of him, at just fifteen they told him he would be expected to go through with what his brother could not. How when he expressed even the slightest hesitance, they resulted in reprimanding him like Sirius.
He told you how he missed his brother, how he hated being alone in that house. He left the second his mother went to Paris on business, trying to get him a deal with a pureblood overseas.
He promised he would only be there for a few nights at most. His expression was blank but his voice was soaked in sullen misery, sitting beside you on the bed and staring at the wall.
“Where will you go, Regulus?” You reached for his hand and he didn't pull away.
“I'll figure it out.” He mumbled and you gave an offended laugh.
“You're mad if you think I'll let you leave with no plan.” You scoffed. “Regulus, you're safe here.”
“I'm a burden here.” He snapped back, eyes flicking to yours. They were full of pain you were familiar with. Your lips parted and you tried to read his expression, before something sparked in your mind. Burden?
“Regulus, you could never be a burden to me. To us.” You whispered and he sniffled. The shock that went through your body wasn't foreign.
“Reggie…” You paused and tilted your head to try to get him to express what was under all of this. You knew he was prideful and independent, but this didn't seem in character. Not for you two.
A guilt filled you as he refused to meet your eyes. Your eyes widened. Was he.. was he angry with you? “Reggie-”
“Listen. I don't want to get between you and my brother. I'm glad you love him. I'm glad he has someone to love. Just wish you stayed my friend too.” He scoffed and sniffled, the tension in your body fell away. You slowly covered your mouth.
He was right.
You had been spending every waking moment with Sirius since school began again. Pandora had Dorcas, Barty had Evans, Severus had his horrid friends. Regulus didn't have anyone. He would come to the Gryffindor table to spend meals with you, but after, before, Merlin, even during, you were focused on his brother.
The one thing he had with you, Quidditch, and you ran to his brother when he won. Didn't even check on him for his loss. You thought his words were playful that day but truly? You were cruel.
You had abandoned him. To his family, to his self doubt, you left him alone.
You had done what James had done to you.
“Oh Reggie.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. He leaned his head against your shoulder but didn't hug back.
That night was filled with heart filled apologies, promises of a better tomorrow, and a guarantee Regulus had a home with you and your father.
It made you wonder, how you felt so guilty and ruined over the simple idea of what you had done to Regulus. Even his forgiveness didn't seem to be enough. James didn't seem the least bit apologetic in his words to you. Not as much as you thought he should.
Eventually, you let him sleep. You lettered Sirius, with Regulus’s permission, of his status.
You woke up early the next morning to your father calling you downstairs. Watching the Black brothers embrace healed something in you that you didn't know needed. Sirius looked so happy, and you watched Regulus grow flustered at his brother's affection. Laughing out as Regulus eventually pushed his sappy brother away and declared he was going back to his room.
You both shared a look as he disappeared.
The summer was the best yet.
Once school began, James and you had your last separation.
You came to him, voicing your thoughts about his cruelty towards you. He was confused as to where this came from, considering you had forgiven him. You had to remind him, you never did. You stayed at his house for Sirius that summer, he never apologized.
He had changed a lot, he kept true to his promise to better himself for Lily. You were proud of him, but it still hurt. Like a wound that continued to reopen whenever you were reminded that he didn't seem to truly care about what he had done to you. Just wanted to bury it. There was that nagging voice, telling you to just forgive him. Forgive and forget about it.
Then, would you accept that treatment for Regulus? It took seeing it through his eyes to understand you deserved more than an eight year olds apology. But that's what you got.
“Look, I get it. I really am sorry. Forgive me?”
“... no? What, {Y/N}, come on. It's been two years now-”
“And I've tried. I have tried so hard, James. But as I've seen it.. I've fought to keep you in my life. You have never done that for me.”
“Fought for you? This isn't some book-”
“That's all I need, James. Just show me better.”
The argument that ensued was short and to the point. Nothing was resolved, so you left it that way. You wouldn't put forward the effort to keep a sense of normalcy despite the pain.
You were content with who you had, you would learn to get over the people you lost.
Your hand was off the wheel. You were done chasing after James Potter. You knew your father would be proud of you. You knew Sirius was proud of you, Regulus too. You never felt so at peace with the people you chose. Not because you never knew any better, but because they wanted you just as badly as you wanted them.
You and Sirius’s relationship was still dancing the line. You both knew that if this truly was just for James benifit it would have been over by now. You both were content as it was. Nothing said, nothing lost.
You both continued to blur the lines between you both, until the first win of the Quidditch season. It didn't take much convincing for him to lock Peter out of their dorm, leaving just you both to do what two young adults would. Something you both agreed was long overdue.
James had spent his night much the same way, waking up with Lily.
James was happy with Lily, she was everything he ever wanted. There was still something, however, eating him alive inside. He missed you. He didn't know how to handle his part in your departure, still unable to hold himself accountable for the pain he caused you all those years ago. Because you were kids! Practically siblings. Why did he have to prove he cared?
He pushed the thoughts away as Lily woke beside him. Giving him her breathtaking smile, something that James couldn't help but smile back at.
“Morning.” She sang so sweetly, leaning in to steal and lazy and long kiss. They both smiled into it, content at the moment.
James gave a laugh as Lily rolled onto his lap. Biting her lip as she grabbed the top of the bed frame. “Jamie~” She sang and he looked her up and down, giving a low groan as he snapped forward to kiss her, and like the tease she was, she rolled back over onto her back off his lap.
Neither of them had time to process what happened next, she hit her shoulder on his dresser and hissed. Leaning forward to cover her arm. He moved to rub her skin before he heard the sound of something hitting the floor.
He narrowed his eyes and looked over Lily, his face filling with dread.
Grandos. The dragon statue your father had carved all those years ago, shattered on the ground.
He shot up from the bed, just as Lily looked over. “Jamie?” She whispered and he hurried to get dressed, panicked. Taking out a towel and setting the statue on it like it was the most precious thing in the world.
“Jamie, oh- Oh James I am so sorry-” She began and tried to sit up, he took a deep breath and shot to his feet.
He was crying. Why was he crying?
He was coming to terms with the fact that you would never speak with him again, the figurine didn't mean the end of the world. But it was his last piece of you.
The last thing he didn't share with Sirius. With Regulus. With Remus, with Lily. The last thing that meant you and James would have a connection beyond the silly fights and petty disagreements. The last thing from when you were James. His heart was breaking. “I- She can fix it, right? Do you think she can?” James pleaded to no one.
Lily's heart broke. She could tell immediately what this was about. “James-”
“I-I’ll be back.” He declared quickly and put on his cloak.
It didn't take long for him to make it to the Gryffindor common room, holding the broken figurine like it was a wounded bird. You looked up from your perch on Sirius’s lap, the black haired boy huffing when he lost your attention.
“{Y/N}!” He shouted and hurried over. You narrowed your eyebrows at him, and he shoved the broken pieces towards you. As always, expecting you to mend it.
“Please I- I don't know how to fix it. I can't loose it, please.” He begged and your looked to Sirius who seemed just as bewildered. There was a thick silence, as Remus bit his cheek.
It was so painfully clear to everyone but James what this was about.
You sighed through your nose and thought for a moment. Slowly, taking out your wand and waving if. “Repairo.”
Like that, the carving was as good as new. All perfect with its chipped paint and jagged edges. James seemed stunned as he looked down at the polished toy.
You slowly folded your arms. “James?” You whispered.
He hung his head low in shame.
“James.” You called in a more steady voice. He nodded to show he was listening. You scoffed.
“That's the last time, James. I'm not fixing anything for you anymore.”
“No. That's it.” You put your hands up and James gave a breathy scoff of his own. Gesturing to you and Sirius, the boys lips thinning.
“Why?” He whispered in a broken hearted whimper. “Why does this fake relationship matter more to you then ours?”
You stared at him with wide and furious eyes. “Are you fucking kidding me, James?”
“Dragon-” Sirius tried to call out to you and you scoffed, waving him off.
“James, I have spent my whole life cleaning up the mess you made of me!” You yelled at the suddenly sheepish boy. “I am prioritizing myself! For once! If you want me in your life, then prioritize me too! I am doing the same for my boyfriend.”
He scoffed. “He isn't even your serious boyfriend! You dated him for me!”
You took a deep breath and before you could say something, Sirius gave a cocky smirk. “We've been over this, yeah?” He snaked his hand around your waist and pulled you back, trying to defuse the situation. “Everyone I date is a Sirius-”
“Stop.” You huffed at him and covered his mouth. He put his hands up in surrender. “James, I think you knew this stopped being fake the moment we agreed to it.”
Sirius gave you the stupidest smile, before coughing into his palm and looked away as you glared at him. Not the time you adorable bloody idiot.
“I just… I thought-”
“James. Everything I did was for you. For 14 years. Forgive me if I'm over it.” You sighed and gestured to the figurine.
“Next time. Fix it yourself.”
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ttroubledwaters · 4 months ago
what IFFFF instead of sirius leaving regulus, regulus BEGGED sirius to get out. sirius was dying and he refused to die without his brother near him so he tried to refuse when regulus told him to go but then regulus pretended to turn on sirius. "I hate you" type shit so sirius left. really angsty shit ya know. CANON OR NOT WHO GIVES A FUCK NOTHING FROM THE MARAUDERS IS CANON I JUST THOUGHT THATS BE A COOL IDEA FOR EXTRA ANGST IN A FIC.
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evermoreness · 1 month ago
meeting the family | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x reader!
summary: your boyfriend invites you to be his plus one in the wedding of his cousin, Narcissa, and now you have to meet the whole family.
obs: reader is james potter's sister!
Meeting everyone
The day of the wedding arrived, and as you stood beside Regulus at the entrance to the sprawling Malfoy estate, your heart raced. The grandeur of the event was overwhelming. The massive, immaculately manicured yard stretched endlessly before them, lined with silk-draped tables, gold accents, and enchanted chandeliers floating in midair. Peacocks roamed the grounds, their iridescent feathers gleaming in the sunlight. It was ostentatious to a fault—just as one would expect from the Blacks and Malfoys.
Regulus, dressed in an impeccably tailored black suit with a silver trim, placed a reassuring hand on the small of your back. You glanced up at him, your nervousness clear despite your polished exterior. You wore an elegant dark green gown, subtly matching his attire, with your hair styled neatly to showcase the delicate silver necklace he had gifted you months ago.
“You look breathtaking, ma chérie,” Regulus whispered as he leaned down slightly, his lips brushing your ear. “They’ll all be jealous.”
You managed a small smile, your voice barely above a whisper. “Reggie, they’ll all be judging. I’m a Potter, remember?”
Regulus smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Let them. None of them could ever dream of being as remarkable as you.”
His words steadied your nerves, and you straightened your posture, slipping your hand into his. Together, you walked onto the grounds, where the most elite members of the wizarding world mingled in clusters. Heads turned as you approached.
The first to notice them was Bellatrix Lestrange, her piercing dark eyes narrowing at the sight of you. She was clad in a flowing black gown, her wild curls framing her pale face like a chaotic halo. “Well, well,” she drawled, stepping closer. “Regulus, darling, I didn’t know you’d be bringing… company.”
“Bellatrix,” Regulus said coolly, his tone polite but distant. “This is y/n Potter, my girlfriend.”
You extended your hand, forcing yourself to smile despite the intensity of Bellatrix’s gaze. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Bellatrix didn’t take the hand. Instead, she smirked, her eyes scanning you from head to toe. “A Potter? How… unexpected. Tell me, Regulus, how did you manage to… tame one?”
Regulus’s grip on your hand tightened slightly, but his expression remained neutral. “She is unlike anyone you’ve ever met,” he said simply. “And she’s far from tame.”
You bit back a laugh at his subtle jab, and Bellatrix’s smirk faltered for a moment before she let out a low chuckle. “Interesting. Let’s hope she doesn’t disappoint.”
Before Bellatrix could say more, Narcissa Malfoy appeared, radiant in her bridal gown. Her platinum blonde hair was pinned up in an elegant twist, and her expression was far warmer than Bellatrix’s. “Regulus,” she greeted warmly, her sharp blue eyes flicking to you. “And you must be y/n. Lucius told me you’d be attending.”
You exhaled in relief, extending your hand again. This time, it was taken. “It’s lovely to meet you. Congratulations on your wedding, Narcissa.”
“Thank you,” Narcissa said, smiling faintly. “I must say, it’s… refreshing to see someone new among us. You carry yourself well.”
“She carries herself better than most,” Regulus said softly, his pride evident.
You continued to make their way around, meeting the extended Black family and their associates. You kept your composure, maintaining a perfect balance of politeness and confidence, though inside, your nerves were on fire. You were not being yourself, you knew that you had to maintain certain posture around the Black family. Each encounter was another test, another judgment, but Regulus stayed firmly by your side, his hand never leaving yours.
When you finally reached Lucius Malfoy, you were greeted with a calculating smile. Lucius, with his long blond hair and tailored silver robes, exuded the air of someone who always got what he wanted.
“Regulus,” Lucius said smoothly. “And Miss Potter. It’s an honor to meet you.”
You nodded, returning his smile with one that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “The honor is mine.”
“Tell me,” Lucius continued, his tone laced with curiosity, “what’s it like, being a Potter in such… unique company?”
“It’s an adjustment,” You replied evenly. “But I’m fortunate to have someone like Regulus to guide me.”
Lucius glanced at Regulus, who met his gaze without flinching. “You’ve chosen well, cousin,” Lucius said finally.
As the conversation dwindled and the ceremony neared, Regulus led you to a quieter corner of the yard. He turned to you, his hands resting gently on your shoulders.
“You’re incredible, mon amour,” he said, his voice low and full of admiration.
You sighed, leaning into him. “I was terrified. Did I pass their tests?”
“You didn’t just pass—you outshone them all,” he replied, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
You smiled, your confidence returning. “Well, I do have an excellent coach.”
Regulus chuckled. “That you do, ma chérie.”
As you stood there, a moment of calm amidst the chaos, you realized just how much you loved him—not just for his quiet strength, but for the way he made you feel like you could conquer anything. And for Regulus, seeing you hold your own in the lion’s den of his family only deepened his admiration for you.
Regulus and you had just found a moment to yourselves, tucked in a quieter corner of the Malfoy’s grand yard, when the sound of familiar, measured footsteps made you both turn. Walburga and Orion Black approached, their presence immediately commanding attention. Both carried an air of stern elegance: Walburga in a dark green gown adorned with intricate silver embroidery, her expression sharp and calculating, and Orion in his traditional black robes, his face as impassive as stone.
Regulus subtly straightened his posture, his usual cool demeanor firmly in place, though you could feel the slight tension in the way his hand pressed against your back.
“Regulus,” Walburga greeted curtly, her piercing gaze sweeping over him before settling on you. “And this must be… the Potter girl.”
“Mother. Father,” Regulus said, his tone polite but distant. “This is y/n Potter. My girlfriend.”
You stepped forward, your heart racing but her expression composed. You extended your hand to Walburga first, offering a poised smile. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mrs. Black.”
Walburga’s lips curled into a faint, approving smile as she accepted the handshake, her grip surprisingly firm. “Hmm. You carry yourself well,” she remarked, her tone laced with curiosity. “Not what I expected from a Potter.”
Your smile didn’t falter. “I can imagine my family has quite the reputation, but I assure you, I value decorum and tradition as much as anyone here.”
Orion’s deep, gravelly voice cut in as he extended his hand to you. “And what of your brother? James Potter is hardly known for his… restraint.”
You shook his hand with the same composed grace. “James and I are quite different, Mr. Black. He’s bold and extroverted, whereas I’ve always preferred a quieter, more thoughtful approach. Perhaps that’s why Regulus and I understand each other so well.”
Orion’s dark eyes flicked to Regulus, who met his father’s gaze with a steady calm. “Indeed,” Orion said after a moment, his voice betraying a hint of approval.
Walburga tilted her head, her sharp eyes studying you as if searching for flaws. “And you both are from different houses. An unconventional match.”
You inclined your head slightly, your smile unwavering. “Perhaps, but I believe intelligence and ambition aren’t confined to any one house. Regulus and I complement each other.”
Regulus’s lips twitched into the faintest of smiles, his pride in her unmistakable. “She excels in everything she does,” he added, his tone carrying just enough warmth to soften his usual stoicism. “She’s the most brilliant person I know.”
You shot him a subtle, grateful glance before turning back to his parents. “Regulus has always spoken highly of you both,” she said smoothly. “He values his family deeply, and it’s clear where his refinement and discipline come from.” You never lied so much in such little time, but you were doing this for Regulus. He wanted his parents to approve you.
Walburga’s expression shifted, a hint of pride creeping into her features. “You’ve been taught well,” she said, almost grudgingly. “And you’re perceptive. A valuable trait.”
You inclined your head again, your smile just the right mix of humility and confidence. “Thank you, Mrs. Black.”
Orion nodded thoughtfully, his gaze shifting between you and Regulus. “It’s clear you’ve chosen wisely, Regulus. A woman who understands the importance of poise and intellect.”
Regulus’s voice was steady, but there was an underlying warmth as he responded, “I wouldn’t be with anyone less.”
Walburga regarded you for another long moment before finally saying, “Well, Miss Potter, I trust you’ll conduct yourself appropriately during tonight’s events. The Black family values appearances, and as someone… associated with us, your behavior reflects on Regulus.”
“Of course,” You replied smoothly, your tone respectful but firm. “I wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise.”
Walburga gave a curt nod, seemingly satisfied. “Very well.”
Orion’s expression softened ever so slightly as he looked at you. “Enjoy the evening. And... welcome.”
As they walked away, Regulus exhaled quietly, his shoulders relaxing for the first time since the encounter began.
“You were perfect, mon amour,” he murmured, turning to you with a small, genuine smile.
You let out a soft laugh, relief flooding you. “I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest.”
Regulus chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “You handled them better than most people ever could. I’ve never seen my mother warm up to someone so quickly.”
“Well,” You teased, leaning closer, “I had to impress them. You’re worth it.”
Regulus’s eyes softened, and he cupped your cheek gently. “You don’t have to try to impress anyone, ma chérie. You’re already more than enough.”
You smiled up at him, your hand resting lightly on his chest. “Thank you, love. But let’s just say I’m glad that’s over.”
“For now,” Regulus said, his voice laced with dry humor. “The rest of the night will likely be filled with more questions and judgmental stares.”
You laughed, squeezing his hand. “As long as you’re by my side, I can handle anything.”
“And I’ll always be by your side,” he promised softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
The two lingered for a moment, savoring the quiet victory of the encounter before returning to the bustling crowd, ready to face whatever the evening held—together.
After the ceremony
The grand dining hall of the Malfoy mansion was nothing short of spectacular. Long tables adorned with shimmering silver tablecloths stretched across the room, illuminated by floating crystal chandeliers. Plates were intricately decorated, and the posh food ranged from delicate appetizers to decadent main courses. Despite the grandeur, you felt at ease as long as you were with Regulus. You sat at a small table near the edge of the room, away from the center of attention, which suited you both perfectly.
Regulus, as usual, maintained his calm, composed demeanor, though you could sense his subtle pride as he glanced at you every now and then. You two were deeply engrossed in conversation, your quiet laughter and shared smiles creating a little bubble that seemed impenetrable.
“Regulus, you’re not going to try the duck confit?” You teased, pointing at the untouched dish on his plate. “It’s delicious.”
He smirked faintly, his fork idly pushing at the food. “I’ll take your word for it, mon amour. I’m more interested in hearing about the new book you started.”
Before you could respond, the sound of chairs shifting nearby caught their attention. Regulus’s cousins, Bellatrix and Andromeda, approached your table, their contrasting energies immediately filling the space. Bellatrix’s dark, piercing eyes locked onto yours with curiosity, while Andromeda’s softer gaze held a friendly warmth.
“Regulus,” Bellatrix drawled, her voice sharp and commanding as she took a seat uninvited. “And the infamous Potter.”
“Andromeda,” Regulus greeted coolly, his tone polite but distant. “Bellatrix.”
Thaís straightened in her seat, offering a poised smile. “It’s lovely to meet you both.”
Bellatrix tilted her head, her dark curls framing her intense expression. “A Potter at a Black family event. Now that’s a sight I never thought I’d see.”
Andromeda smiled kindly. “Don’t mind Bella; she’s always dramatic. Y/n, I’ve been curious about you. Reg speaks highly of you.”
You glanced at Regulus, whose expression remained unreadable, though you caught the faintest twitch of smile at the corner of his lips. “Well, I hope I live up to the expectations,” you said lightly, your tone disarming.
Bellatrix leaned forward, her sharp gaze fixed on you. “So, tell me, little Potter, what is it about my dear cousin that caught your attention? Surely you’ve noticed he’s not the most… forthcoming person.”
Regulus’s jaw tightened, but you placed a reassuring hand on his arm before responding with a gentle smile. “Regulus doesn’t need to be forthcoming. His actions speak volumes. He’s kind, intelligent, and steadfast, and I admire that deeply.”
Andromeda raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “You’re quite eloquent. I imagine that comes in handy with your family.”
You nodded, your smile never faltering. “It does. Growing up with James taught me how to handle strong personalities.”
Bellatrix smirked, leaning back in her chair. “You’re sharp, I’ll give you that. But tell me, how do you feel about the Black family’s… reputation?”
You met Bellatrix’s gaze head-on, your voice steady. “Reputations are just that—reputations. I believe in judging people based on my interactions with them. So far, I’ve found that Regulus and I share values that matter to us both.”
Bellatrix’s smirk softened into something almost approving. “Hmph. You’ve got nerve. I like that.”
Andromeda’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “You’re brave, I’ll give you that. Regulus, I think you’ve found someone who can keep up with you.”
Regulus’s voice was calm as he responded, trying to hide a little smile “She is the only one who can, i think."
You looked at Regulus with a smile, Bellatrix rolled her eyes and just walked away. Bellatrix didn't have time for those romantic things.
Andromeda rolled her eyes but smiled at you. “It was lovely meeting you. If you ever tire of Bella’s dramatics, find me. I’d love to chat more.”
“Thank you, Andromeda,” you replied warmly, watching as she walked away.
As soon as they were out of earshot, you turned to Regulus, your expression a mix of amusement and relief. “Your family certainly knows how to put someone through their paces.”
Regulus smirked, his hand brushing yours under the table. “You handled them flawlessly, ma chérie. I’m proud of you.”
You leaned closer, your voice soft and teasing. “You know, love, if I can survive Bellatrix’s interrogation, I think I can handle anything.”
Regulus chuckled, his cold exterior melting away as he looked at you with pure affection. “I have no doubt, mon cœur. You’re extraordinary.”
You sat there for a moment longer, your little bubble intact once again, oblivious to the curious glances from the rest of the room. It didn’t matter what anyone thought—as long as you had each other, they were unstoppable.
The first dance
The grand hall transformed into a scene of elegance as the newlyweds took to the center of the floor. Narcissa and Lucius moved gracefully, their movements perfectly synchronized, and all eyes were on them. The orchestra played a soft waltz that echoed through the room, and soon the floor was open for the other guests to join in.
Regulus turned to you, his expression softening as the music filled the air. With a slight bow, he extended his hand to you, his movements impossibly graceful and refined. “Mon amour,” he said, his voice a low murmur. “May I have this dance?”
You blinked in surprise, glancing around nervously at the other couples already gliding across the floor. “Reggie, I don’t know how to—”
“I’ll teach you,” he interrupted, a rare, genuine smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Trust me, ma chérie. You’ll be perfect.”
You hesitated for a moment before slipping your hand into his, his warmth immediately soothing your nerves. “Alright,” you said with a small laugh. “Just don’t let me step on your toes.”
“Even if you do, I’d gladly endure it,” he teased, guiding you onto the dance floor.
As you found a spot among the other couples, Regulus positioned your hands carefully—one resting on his shoulder, the other clasped gently in his. His own hand settled lightly on your waist, and he looked down at you with an expression of calm assurance.
“Now,” he said softly, his voice low enough for only you to hear, “follow my lead. It’s all about trusting the rhythm and letting me guide you.”
You laughed nervously, glancing at your feet. “Easy for you to say. You’ve probably been doing this since you could walk.”
Regulus chuckled, his breath warm against your temple. “True, but that just means you’re learning from the best.”
With that, he began to move, taking slow, deliberate steps to match the music’s rhythm. You stumbled slightly at first, your movements awkward and uncertain, but Regulus steadied you each time with a firm yet gentle hold.
“You’re doing wonderfully, mon cœur,” he said, his tone encouraging.
“You’re just saying that because you love me,” you replied with a mock pout, though your cheeks were flushed with both effort and delight.
He smirked, his gaze softening as he looked at you. “That’s true. But it doesn’t make it any less genuine.”
As the song continued, you began to find your footing, your movements becoming more fluid with each step. Regulus’s guidance was unwavering, his focus entirely on you.
“You’re a natural,” he said after a moment, his voice filled with quiet pride.
You laughed, your eyes sparkling. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I’ll take the compliment.”
He spun you gently, your laughter ringing out as you twirled back into his arms. “You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” he asked, his tone teasing.
“I might be,” you admitted, smiling up at him. “You’re not a bad teacher, Reggie.”
He raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. “Not bad? I’ll have you know, I’m the best dance partner you’ll ever have.”
You grinned, leaning in closer as you swayed. “You might be right about that.”
You two moved in perfect harmony now, your steps light and effortless. The rest of the room seemed to fade away as you focused entirely on each other. You felt as though you were floating, your earlier nervousness replaced by a sense of pure joy.
As the song came to an end, Regulus dipped you gracefully, his dark eyes locking with yours. “See?” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I told you you’d be perfect.”
Your heart swelled at the tenderness in his gaze, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Only because I have you.”
Straightening you up, he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment. “And you’ll always have me,” he promised.
The next song began, but neither of you noticed. You remained in their little bubble, completely absorbed in each other. Around you, members of the Black family exchanged glances, their curiosity and surprise evident. But Regulus didn’t care about anyone else. He had you, and that was all that mattered.
After the dance
Regulus and you sat on a small stone bench tucked away in the corner of the vast Malfoy estate gardens. The soft hum of the wedding festivities filled the air, but you were blissfully removed from the noise, your world narrowed down to just the two of you. You leaned back against the bench, a soft smile playing on your lips as you nudged Regulus playfully with your elbow.
"Two dances, Reggie. I’m impressed. I didn’t know you had such stamina," you teased, your brown eyes twinkling.
Regulus smirked, leaning slightly closer to you. “If you behave, I’ll let you see more of them.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing softly. “Behave? Have you met me?”
“Good point,” he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. “You’re lucky I adore your rebellious streak.”
Before you could respond, a soft voice interrupted you. “Well, don’t you two look cozy?”
You turned to see Narcissa standing before you, her elegant figure framed by the soft glow of the lanterns dotting the garden. Her silvery-blonde hair was styled to perfection, and her pale blue gown shimmered in the evening light. She smiled warmly at you, though there was an unmistakable glint of curiosity in her sharp eyes.
“Cissy,” Regulus greeted her politely, rising to his feet out of habit. He offered a slight nod before gesturing to the bench. “Would you like to join us?”
“I’d love to,” she said gracefully, taking the spot next to you. Her gaze flicked between the two of you, her expression thoughtful. “I wanted to thank you both for coming tonight. It means a great deal to me.”
You smiled, sitting up straighter. “Thank you for inviting us. It’s a beautiful wedding, truly.”
Narcissa’s lips curved into a small smile, though her eyes lingered on Regulus. “You know, tonight is the first time I’ve ever seen my dear cousin smile.”
You blinked in surprise, glancing at Regulus, whose expression remained unreadable. “Really?”
“Really,” Narcissa confirmed, her tone light but sincere. “In all his sixteen years, not once have I seen him look as content as he does tonight.” She tilted her head slightly, her sharp gaze softening as it landed on you. “And I think I know why.”
You felt your cheeks warm under the compliment, but you managed a small laugh. “Well, he doesn’t make it easy. I have to work for those smiles.”
Regulus rolled his eyes, though there was a hint of a smirk on his lips. “Don’t let her fool you, Cissy. She’s the one who’s impossible to resist.”
Narcissa’s smile widened, and she reached over to lightly squeeze your hand. “You’ve done something remarkable, y/n. Regulus has always been so...serious. And cold.” She paused, glancing at her cousin. “You’re still serious and cold, but not with her. She’s your exception, isn’t she?”
You glanced at Regulus, your heart swelling at the way he looked at you—soft and unguarded, his icy exterior melting in your presence.
“She is,” Regulus admitted quietly, his voice low but firm.
Narcissa’s expression softened, and she leaned back slightly. “I’m glad. You deserve someone like her, Regulus. Someone who makes you happy.”
There was a beat of silence before Narcissa added, her tone light and teasing, “I suppose I should start preparing for another wedding in a few years.”
You and Regulus both froze, exchanging a wide-eyed glance. You quickly recovered, laughing nervously. “That’s a bit ahead of schedule, don’t you think?”
Narcissa shrugged, a playful glint in her eyes. “Perhaps. But it’s clear to everyone here that you two are something special.”
Regulus cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the topic. “We’re taking things one step at a time, Cissy.”
Sensing his unease, you quickly shifted the conversation. “So, Cissy, do you want to have kids someday?”
Narcissa’s expression softened, and she smiled. “Yes, very much. I’ve always dreamed of having a family. Lucius and I are both excited about the idea.”
You nodded, your curiosity genuine. “I think you’d be a wonderful mother.”
“Thank you,” Narcissa said, her voice warm. She glanced at Regulus, her expression turning thoughtful. “You’ll make a wonderful father someday, too.”
Regulus stiffened slightly, but you reached over to squeeze his hand, grounding him. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” you said lightly, giving him a reassuring smile.
Narcissa chuckled, rising gracefully from the bench. “Fair enough. I’ll leave you two to enjoy the rest of the evening.” She gave them one last smile before walking away, her elegant figure disappearing into the crowd.
As soon as she was gone, you turned to Regulus, your eyes sparkling with amusement. “Well, that was...unexpected.”
Regulus sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Cissy means well, but sometimes she has a knack for making things uncomfortable.”
You laughed softly, leaning your head against his shoulder. “You handled it perfectly, Love.”
He glanced down at you, his expression softening. “You’re the only one who makes any of this bearable, mon amour.”
You smiled, your heart full as she looked up at him. “And you’re the only one who makes me feel this way, Reggie.”
For a moment, you sat in silence, your connection stronger than ever. Whatever challenges lay ahead, you knew you would face them together.
Regulus and you remained on the stone bench, the distant hum of the wedding festivities growing faint around you as you slipped deeper into their little world. You rested your head on Regulus’s shoulder, your fingers interlocked with his, and the peace of the moment wrapped around you like a warm blanket.
After a few moments of silence, you tilted your head up to look at him, your voice soft. “So...marriage and kids, huh? That’s a big topic for a wedding night.”
Regulus chuckled, a rare, quiet sound that made your heart flutter. “Blame Narcissa for bringing it up.” He turned to face you, his green eyes meeting yours with an intensity that made your stomach flip. “Although...if it were up to me, I’d marry you right now.”
Your eyes widened, your lips parting in surprise. “Regulus!”
“I mean it,” he said, his tone unwavering. “If I could, I’d marry you tonight. Right here, right now.”
You stared at him, your heart racing. “You’re serious.”
“Completely.” He brushed a strand of hair from your face, his touch featherlight. "I can’t imagine a future without you in it. It doesn’t matter where we are, what’s happening around us...you’re the only constant I need.”
You felt a lump form in your throat, and you blinked rapidly to keep your tears at bay. “Reggie, I...I feel the same way. I can’t picture my life without you. But…” you hesitated, biting your lip. “Your family, this name—being a Black. It’s a lot to think about.”
Regulus’s gaze softened, and he cupped your cheek with one hand. “I know it’s overwhelming, mon cœur. But you’re not just marrying the name. You’d be marrying me.”
You leaned into his touch, your voice barely above a whisper. “That’s the only part I care about.”
A small, genuine smile tugged at his lips. “Good. Because I don’t care about anything else, either.”
You chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. “Well, if your family’s anything to go by, I suppose we only have two years to prepare. Isn’t that the Black tradition? Get married as soon as you graduate?”
Regulus smirked, his hand slipping down to take yours again. “Probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re already planning the guest list.”
You laughed, though a nervous edge crept into your voice. “It’s a little terrifying, honestly. But also…” you glanced at him, your cheeks warming. “Kind of exciting?”
His smirk softened into a gentle smile. “I’ll make sure it’s everything you’ve ever wanted, y/n. I promise.”
You grinned, nudging him playfully. “Alright, future husband. Let’s talk about the other part of this—kids.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow, a trace of amusement in his expression. “Kids, huh?”
“Mm-hmm,” You said, your tone teasing. “How many are we having, Reggie? Ten?”
He laughed softly, the sound rare and warm. “Ten? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
You shrugged, your eyes glinting with mischief. “I think we’d be great parents. Why not a big family?”
Regulus played along, leaning back slightly. “Fine. Ten it is. Whatever you want, ma chérie.”
You burst out laughing, swatting his arm lightly. “You’re impossible.”
He grinned, tilting his head to the side. “Alright, since we’re apparently having a brood, we’ll need names. Black family tradition dictates celestial names, of course.”
You giggled. “Of course. Can’t break tradition, can we?”
Regulus pretended to think deeply, his fingers drumming against his knee. “How about Cygnus? Or Lyra? Or Cassiopeia?”
You wrinkled your nose playfully. “Lyra's nice. Cassiopeia’s a bit much, though. What about something softer? Like Nova?”
Regulus nodded, his eyes lighting up. “Nova’s beautiful. What about Vega? Or Altair?”
You smiled, leaning closer to him. “I like Vega. Altair’s nice, too. You’re pretty good at this.”
He smirked, his gray eyes twinkling. “I’ll let you pick the names, mon cœur. As long as they make you happy, I’ll be happy.”
Your heart swelled, and you squeezed his hand. “Reggie...I never thought I’d be sitting here talking about baby names with you, but I love it. I love that you care about this, about us.”
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “I love you, y/n. And I’ll do whatever it takes to give us the future we deserve.”
You turned your head to look at him, your smile radiant. “I love you too, Reggie. More than anything.”
For the rest of the evening, you stayed in your little corner of the garden, dreaming about the future you would build together. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, you knew you could face anything as long as you had each other.
256 notes · View notes
my-castles-crumbling · 7 days ago
angel - february 22 - black brothers - jegulus - @black-brothers-microfic - word count: 306
"Reg, who the fuck is this?"
Regulus heard Sirius's gleeful voice as soon as he stepped out of the steam-filled bathroom, and he rolled his eyes with a sigh before traipsing into his room. "Who's who?" he called to where his brother was waiting in the sitting room of Regulus's small flat.
"Well, you have him saved in your phone as 'Sunshine,'" Sirius replied loudly, laughing happily.
Regulus almost dropped the underwear he was holding in his hand. "Wh-what?" he stammered, hurriedly pulling on the offending garment along with some joggers.
"Yeah, he's-"
But Regulus was already running into the other room, heart pounding. "How the fuck did you get into my phone?" he demanded, ready to strange Sirius where he sat.
"You used my birthday as your password," Sirius drawled, stretched out on the couch with Regulus's phone in his hand. "Which is sweet and shows you have a heart, but not very smart. 'Hi, angel. I hope you have a day as perfect as you are.' Damn, who is this guy?" he asked, reading from the texts.
"He's-" Regulus began, feeling himself blushing crimson as he reached for his phone only for Sirius to snatch it away.
"I think I need to have a talk with him," Sirius continued, beaming at Regulus's obvious discomfort. "You know, as your big brother. Make sure I approve."
And Regulus watched in horror as Sirius tapped the call button, dialing the number. Before the second ring, a deep voice answered, making both men freeze.
"Hi baby, I miss you. How're things with Sirius?"
Regulus knew instantly that Sirius recognized who it was. He put his face in his hands and wondered if one could die of embarrassment.
"James?!" Sirius yelled, utter shock in his voice. "You're 'Sunshine'?"
There was a moment of silence and then...
"Well. Fuck."
2K notes · View notes
moonstruckme · 7 months ago
hi author !!! if it is okay with you i wanna request a fic in the same universe as the Big Brother!Sirius one where in reader gets a (secret) boyfriend and then they break up or whatever u want i just want hurt/comfort 🥹
Thanks for requesting <3
big brother!Sirius + little sister!reader ♡ 996 words
When you hear the door to your dorm open, you assume it’s one of your roommates or Regulus coming to shame you for missing dinner, but then your mattress shifts with the weight of someone else sitting down and a familiar teasing voice says, “If you’re dead under there, everyone’s going to think it was me.” 
You peep your eyes out from under the covers. “How did you get in here?” 
Sirius isn’t even looking at you. He’s making himself comfortable at the end of your bed, both legs crossed under him and hair falling in his face as he unwraps dishes and utensils. 
“Reggie let me in. He seemed to think you might need some company.” 
“He’s such a narc,” you grumble. 
Your brother only snickers. “Sit up, I brought you dinner.” 
You’d much rather stay under the covers, but know Sirius would only wrestle you into an upright position anyway. He always gets his way. 
“Yikes.” He makes a face as you sit up, revealing your bedhead and swollen eyes. “You’re having a rough one, huh?” 
“Shut up.” You glower at him and take the plate. “It’s not that bad.” 
Despite your grumbling, a bit of vulnerability sneaks into your tone. Sirius softens.
“No, it’s not,” he agrees, reaching forward to brush a piece of hair away from your face. “We’re always pretty; it’s in the genes.” 
You can’t help the small smile that fights its way onto your face. This is exactly the sort of thing your older brother would say when Regulus was twelve and sulking over getting his first pimple or when you nearly broke down in tears trying to style your hair. Despite his tomfoolery and general ridiculousness, Sirius’ levity actually provided a voice of reason in your family, reminding his siblings and cousins that things weren’t always so dire. 
“Thanks for bringing dinner,” you say.
“No problem,” Sirius replies softly, as though worried his gentle tone will be overhead and his rapscallion’s repute thusly destroyed. “Is it good enough that you’ll tell me what’s gotten you so upset?”
You blink at him in surprise. “Reg didn’t say?” 
Sirius’ mouth twists, dissatisfied. “He didn’t. I guess I would’ve been more likely to find out if I’d just pretended I already knew, huh?” 
That makes you chuckle. “Probably, yeah.” 
“Well, come on. Now you’ve gotta tell me.” 
You feel your shoulders hunch inwards. “Do I really have to?”
“Yes.” Your brother’s voice is firm, but his eyes are hopeful. 
You want to tell him, you find. You don’t suppose any harm can come from it now. 
You eye him carefully. “I broke up with my boyfriend.” 
Sirius’ eyes pop. He nearly topples your plate leaning forward, like you’re back in your childhood beds trading secrets. “You were dating someone?” 
“I was.” You can’t quite look at him, focussing on cutting your meal into small bites. “Or I thought I was. It doesn’t matter. I’m definitely not now.” 
“Wha—how did I not know about this?” 
“Because obviously I’m not going to talk about my dating life with my brother,” you huff a laugh down into your lap, and you swear you can feel the force of Sirius’ eye roll burning into the top of your head. “No one really knew. He wanted to keep it private.” 
Sirius tilts his head, slotting a piece of his hair behind his ear. “Private in an avoid-the-gossip-mill way or private in a dirty-secret way?” 
You close your eyes, shame curdling in your gut. Even your idiot brother knows enough to be suspicious of something like that. Maybe if you’d told him all those weeks ago, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
“In the second way,” you admit in a whisper. “I, um, sort of assumed it was because of the first, and I liked the idea of keeping things private too, but it turned out he had other reasons.” 
You try to take another bite of food, but it feels soggy and unappetizing in your mouth. You set your plate aside. 
“What happened?” Sirius asks. 
Your face feels miserably hot. “He just didn’t like me as much as I liked him. He didn’t want his friends to know.” Tears burn in your eyes, and when you try to speak again they show up in your voice, too. “I feel really stupid.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” Sirius sits up on his knees, bending over you to fold you into a hug. His hand presses reassuringly between your shoulder blades, and you let out a little sob. “That doesn’t make you stupid, it only makes him a prat.”
You hug him tightly. “I just feel so silly being upset when he probably doesn’t even care.” 
“You are being silly,” he chastises, but there’s fondness in your brother’s tone. “Of course he cares. He may not be regretting things right now, but I’d bet ten galleons he will be by the end of the month. Trust me, babe, boys are idiots. We don’t know how to act, we almost never know what we want, and we’re ten times more likely to fuck something up if it’s important to us. Just ask Remus.” 
Your laugh is a soggy thing. Sirius rubs your back encouragingly. 
“So, what’s the sod’s name?” 
“Oh, no way.” You laugh even harder, pulling out of the hug to wipe under your eyes. “I’m not telling you.” 
“What?” Sirius throws up his hands. “But we were doing so well!” 
“I’ve handled it, Sirius. I don’t want you to go and turn his skin green or make him sprout nose hairs down to his chin.” 
A giddy grin. “That’s actually not a bad idea. Does Regulus know who it is?” 
You fix him with your sternest stare. Most other people would soil their pants, but because he’s your older brother, Sirius only raises a brow. “If he did, he wouldn’t tell you.” 
“That’s alright.” He steals a roll off your plate, biting into it insouciantly. “I’ll find out.” 
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curiouslymyown · 3 months ago
I haven’t yet read a fic where Sirius and Regulus murder their parents and I am missing out
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