#because this bitch is trans as FUCK
lapis-maid · 2 years
season finale of onimai was just about everything i could've hoped for. just an absolute joy from start to finish
onimai good!
mahiro good!
mahiro Super Fucking Gay And Trans!
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hanmegumi · 1 year
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edit: turning off reblogs because some of the people that are reblogging are extremely fucking moronic. holy shit
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buddydolly · 4 months
I am dead fucking serious when I say I wish I saw more fat women in public. I want to see fat models. I want to see fat women in department stores getting absolutely HYPE when they find racks and racks of clothing in their size and sizes up, so they too can get the "oversized, baggy fit" like women who fit into smalls and mediums. I want to see fat women wearing crop tops proudly and rocking mad midriff. I want to see fat women trying on clothing for their friends and family and saying "look! it compliments my body shape! it's like it was made for me!" I want to see fat women with "cankles" wearing pretty jingling anklets skipping and jumping just to show them off. I want to see fat women on TV, in magazines, on billboards, in all manner of ads, and in online shop images because I want to see my fucking self and all the women I know who don't see enough of themselves. I want to see fat women living, loving, and being visibly proud of who they are because they are beautiful, WE are beautiful. I want to see fat women because fat women need to see other fat women.
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transgenderprototype · 3 months
Ill go onto someone's profile and their pinned post will have like "DNI IF YOU SUPPORT [insert artist] ILL BLOCK YOUR ASS IF YOU REBLOG THEIR ART anyway u can dm me if you want more info on why i have a vitriolic hatred for this person, i pwomise it wont be biased and full of bullshit :3"
Ill be like "okay thats fucking stupid, im not dm'ing them for what'll clearly be a biased response. I should probably look more into it.
I find out why.
"Oh these are lies. These are lies being spread because someone leaked a queer person's nsfw alt and found something they could twist into being "morally wrong" and theyre still continuing as the artist clarifies that what they drew isnt [whatever theyre trying to twist it into]."
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sualne · 6 months
hii! honeslty just curious, I read/watched kuroshitsuji AGES ago and I don't think I've finished the manga anyway, does grell go by she/her?? I vageuly remember ppl headcanonning them as enby though iirc in canon he's a guy?
Your tags peaked my curiosity, I haven't seen any Kuro content in a hot minute, but I remember it being the absolute must watch in my peak anime watching years lol And I absolutely loved the manga's artstyle
in canon grell is a trans woman, yana toboso has said something like "grell is a man with a woman's heart" ages ago and sometimes around 2014/16 had tweeted something about wanting to be more careful with her representation of people like grell in the future, don't quote me on that thought because i only read that tweet once and only remember reading a shitty screenshot of a translation of that interview where she allegedly said that.
i can however show you this:
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it's from a bonus chapter (after chapter 108) about the popularity polls (it's a very convoluted non canon chapter) but it's one of the most blatant example of her being trans.
there's also the way she constantly refers to herself as a "young maiden" ect. idk how it goes exactly in the og but in french they translated it so grell always refers to herself with feminine terms while everyone else misgender her including the narrator. she very consistently reaffirm herself as a woman through every single ones of her appearances, like it's a thing she very much does, every single time she's on screen.
i haven't watched the anime in forever (cause it's kind of a disgrace and insult to the manga lol) but if i remember properly (which i mostly likely don't) they did omit/lowkey censor some of grell explicitly going "i wish i had been born a woman/could have been able to carry children" when she first properly introduce herself as a shinigami & the other half of jack the killer. (the anime also really did lean a lot more into the pervert queer caricature whereas in the manga she's given a bit more dignity, especially the further the story goes. though that might be my own impression and maybe it didn't change that much i just love her a whole lot).
also because i have to, please forget the anime (the first two seasons that is) and read the manga first and foremost because oh boy, what a disaster the anime is (nostlagia and atmosphere wise it's entertaining, i really love the op & ed, but it just, i just cant man it doesn't even compare to the manga at all). only watch book of circus -> book of murder -> campania movie -> the new private school arc that's coming soon (idk what they called it) after reading the manga.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
'[Insert feminine term/behavior/fashion/etc here] transcends gender!!!'Well,maybe i wanna be a girl anyway.How about that.Bitch
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"we can always tell" motherfuckers when they see a teenage boy, a teenage girl, a black woman, and a bearded man in pink;
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onlyfangz · 8 months
do me a favour, the next time you see a post that basically equates to trans men dont have any issues, or trans mens issues are miniscule in comparison to more important queer people, go to op's blog and count how many posts there are that are positive towards trans men.
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drowmoment · 3 months
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Finally made a Tav meetup image to match my Durge one, also after finally resolving my lag issues i could play a little farther into my Misfortune save (one day i will finish Act 3. It's just so much) which led to us finally being able to break Wyll's pact (yay!) but it also illustrated just how much Mizora gets bullied on her save. I imagine she absolutely loathes appearing in camp because of it.
I also finally get to introduce you to Baphomet! My third Dark Urge whom you might have seen before as a cameo in my Durge meetup art. For the longest time i barely had any art of her, but i've caught the bug i'm afraid so even if it's not a lot it's still enough for an introduction! (And more is certainly on the way)
(Can you tell i have a lot of difficulty drawing her? Because i do.)
Baphomet is a Way of the Four Elements (Fire spells only) Monk good Durge who is, on the surface, the most normal one out of the three. She was raised in a Lathandarian monastery as a star novice, the balance she was taught was what kept the Urges at bay for an unusually long time. This, however, was a double edged sword as when she finally snapped as a full-fledged Monk she was ten times more dangerous. Her killing of a Dawnmaster and several other novices led to her being banished from the monastery, and that's when she set off for the Temple of Bhaal. Yadda yadda main story stuff happens.
As a person Baphy is very stoic, being even less expressive than Tav; she's quiet and generally regarded as almost unreadable by her companions and instead lets her good actions speak for her. Internally there are a lot of things going on in her head though, most of them being her trying to grapple with The Urge. She's a very considerate person and tries to pass fair judgement to everyone, though can be lenient on those that show her kindness. She may not be good with words but she will do all in her power to support you.
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hollowboobtheory · 11 months
we need a social media slang for "i'm in a volatile emotional state right now that has nothing to do with you which is almost certainly causing me to feel disproportionate anger to your comment. that said i do think you're being condescending right now and i kinda wanna tell you to go fuck yourself"
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theanonymousclown · 4 months
Every character from Pokémon with Daddy or Mommy issues is a trans girl now. Yes that means Silver and Gladion and N and Lillie and wow there’s a lot of these
The source? Heh, let’s just say I… made it the fuck up
Edit: Arven is Nonbinary because he’s got both Mommy AND Daddy issues
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cinemaocd · 1 year
this is probably going to be long
OK, I lived through the AIDS crisis. I was a young person questioning my sexuality at arguably the worst possible time in American history. I discovered the word "bisexual" (hooray I have a label) only to read a few days later in mainstream news about how "bisexuals were responsible for spreading AIDS to the hetero community" which was a take that was tolerated on national news shows at the time. The only sex education I had in my entire public education was a film we were forced to watch about how you could get AIDS from french kissing (you can't) and heavy petting (which we didn't know what it was because it was outdated old people code for oral lol)...
The entire LGBTQIA plus community was not attacked as a monolith, the focus of hate came on gay men, because they were the most obviously effected and also the most visible and prominent in the community. The rest of the community did their best to embrace and protect them. (For example lesbian groups that were on the front lines of caring for people who were sick when no one else would...).
And there were people like myself who identified as allies but were in a place where they didn't feel safe to come out themselves. I did not come out at that time because even though I was in accepting local community at University and working at a feminist journal I knew I would lose friends and family and possibly future work opportunities. Being Bi it was easier to blend in for me and I took advantage of that. Part of the reason I hesitated so long about coming out was I felt a lot of guilt that I didn't come out in the 90s during the AIDS crisis. I felt like a coward who wasn't worthy to stand with such brave people.
It took me a long time to let go of that self-hate to the point where I could come out. A big part of it was acknowledging how fucked up the climate for LGBTQIA folks in the 80s and 90s. We had two family friends (which is how I knew I would probably be rejected by a lot of my family) who died of AIDS. Yes, these were brilliant, creative men who worked in theater. One of them was the props coordinator for Late Night with David Letterman (responsible for building Dave's velcro suit etc.). I also have a peer who died of AIDS in the early 2000s, long after the disease had supposedly been "not a death sentence" who also happened to be an actor.
Despite their lack of political involvement, they were be seen as radical just because they lived openly as gay men in a society that hated them and wanted them dead, and only tolerated them if they were the "fun gays" who weren't actually threatening the status quo...
Being in theater or the arts was a survival tactic for a lot of people ya know because it was a more accepting environment and because it wasn't considered important like politics, medicine, science etc. (Miss me with the gays can't do math jokes. A gay man invented the fucking computer).
The gay men I knew in long-term monogamous relationships survived the worst of the crisis and they automatically became "respectability queers" for having not died and wanting jobs with health insurance etc. Because one dude follows his dream of working in theater and the other quits theater and goes to work at the phone company and buys a house with his partner, one is fun and the other boring? One is a creative genius creating culture and the other is a consumer of cultural pap? Wow. Great take.
FUCK. I'm just getting so angry thinking about this. You want to know why it took me till I was FIFTY fucking years old to come out: AIDS. That's it. ONE Fucking word.
Sorry I have no idea WHY I fucking started this other than I saw a shitty post that said, our culture became boring because all the fun gays died and left only the boring gays who only care about marriage or whatever.
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arundolyn · 7 months
obsessed with how clearly terfy weird bitches on here will say shit when called out for saying terf shit like "um well ACTUALLY maybe you think i sound like a terf because you identify normal feminists as terfs?? 🤔"
and then make absolutely no effort not to use transmisogynistic rhetoric and say weird shit that very very obviously is transphobia, like using terms like "trans rights activists" and "trans identified" and think they're so sneaky and nobody notices?
yeah i don't support all women. some of you bitches are terminally stupid
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plantwriting · 6 months
You know i talk a lot about projecting my own issues onto kian for someone that shares like. None of the traumas ive chosen to give him outside of kinda bad parents
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vampir3sfall · 1 year
ngl while i got the concept of she/her gay men, i never really truly understood it until i watched good omens. both crowley and aziraphale r she/her gay men and you can't change my mind.
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