#ok rant over everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that i get it
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me when i actually think i have a shot at a job that would work well for me 😭 i hate job hunting so much my dumb ass gets so invested into every single job and it never works out and logically i know i only have a 1/100 chance of getting this particular one but i know that's still better odds than most jobs and it already feels like things are aligning for it a little bit?? and i don't want to get my hopes up again and them get crushed because it feels like every time it happens it's like. genuinely devastating for me but i also really want to manifest this shit i feel like i'm being stretched by my arms between two giant rocks lol
#im sure some of you other transgender bitches were aware of the trans lifeline operator position#and at first i was like oh okay i will apply! and then my fiance was like haha rmr i do school from home on wednesdays and i was like oh! o#and was just planning to apply during his lunch break at noon#which would NOT have worked as they closed the window within FIVE MINUTES OF IT BEING OPEN#because they got so many applications#so thats step one of how it is all coming up milhouse#because like if his class had not been canceled i would not have been able to apply#and also i went to their instagram to see what their social media presence was like after i applied bc i was curious#AND APPARENTLY THE WHOLE WEBSITE CRASHED#and a bunch of people had their applications spin into eternity#and i THOUGHT mine had crashed because it ALSO hung for forever#BUT i got the confirmation email saying thank you for applying WHILE IT WAS STILL HUNG so i was like okay thank god its in#and THEN the page told me it submitted#idk like these feels like a whole string of luck so far and i really really really really want it to work out#bc i mean 63k a years for only 32 hours a week FROM HOME#and a paid lunch break#and i would actually be doing work that would make me feel good and be ACTIVELY helping my community#like idk i just fucking want it so bad and i'm trying to manifest the job and also prepare myself for when i won't get it#i'm walking a horrid little tightrope right now and i dont know how to cope#ok rant over everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that i get it
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Okokok so I just saw the sleepover thing but literally I have so much to tell you!!! Sooo I have gotten a couple more requests so I might be writing more!! And so that date that I went on all of his friends keep treating my like a literal princess omg. They all whenever we are out show the upmost respect like it is so good. And also I see him tomorrow 🤭🤭. But onto my fictional crushes I’m gonna just lost some of the headcannons I’ve been obsessed w recently
• after she had a hard day she rides ur face or thigh just to get her anger out
• she has you in doggy and then she bends over and pulls you up so your back is against your chest and just plays with your clittttt- like yes pls
•sometimes if one of y’all are sad she fucks you in the spoon position and it’s all sappy with whispered reassurances 🤭🤭
•she brings back shit for you from patrolling like one time she found a figurine for your favorite show character and y’all put it on your dresser
• she brings you to the gym with her to just watch her and get horny
•y’all fuck constantly like literally non stop. Morning. Evening. Night
That’s all the hc’s but ok now back to real life how are youuuu? I need to know if your doing ok because I remember you being stressed abt AW so just rant to me. Stay happy, healthy, and take care of yourself! ❤️❤️
hihi!! i’m super excited to see what you write next, i may send a request or two in myself if i remember. aaaaaa!! you literally deserve no less, i’d have a few choice words for them >:|. can’t wait to hear all about tomorrowww, fingers crossed it goes well, love.
first of all i can totally see sub!ellie coming home to you after a hard day all pouty and wanting nothing more than to be relaxed but she just can’t unwind.. untillll you pet your thigh and tell her to use you. (I WANNA WRITE ABOUT THIS SO BAD)
second of all imagine waking up with ellie and it leads to her having your thigh in her grasp and plowing into you gently from behind, whispering sweet nothings
“my sweet girl, hm?” “moan for me baby, don’t hold back.”
AND ABBY!,!?!(&:’hrospsidkwlszk
she totally brings you little trinkets that she finds outside of the walls. she’ll see it and be so excited to bring it to you and see your reaction, trying her best not to show it to avoid any shit from manny.
hell yea she does, she’ll be all humble and nonchalant about it like she isn’t lifting your body weight with ease. if she’s feeling extra cocky she would ask you to sit on your back while she does pushups, grinning when you cover your face with your hands bein all cute and shy.
DUH. she’s huge, hella stamina, no breaks. (unless you need ofc)
okay back to our regularly scheduled program!! besides school being stressful as usual, i’m okay. i finished the AW chap but i still have to go back and edit it. i feel like i’m rushing on some parts but going to slow on others. i don’t know i’m trying my best tho. thank you for coming and talking to be hannah baby <33 love ya. (everyone go follow her!! best person ever and her writing is chefs kiss.)

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hi val can you maybe write something about the reader being dared to kiss peter/tom/arvin (you choose) since her friends knew that she has a big crush on him, but once she did he seems disinterested after which makes her sad, but what she doesn't know was after she kissed him, he practically runs to his friends freaking out that the girl he's had his eyes on this whole time just kissed him??
kiss and tell
w/c: 1.8k
warnings: like one swear and awkwardness
a/n: yeeee i went with peter! this is adorable :,)
“i can’t!” you scold betty and her annoying smirk. you’re bored at lunch, so liz suggested the three of you play truth or dare. you’d made the mistake of choosing dare. in your defense, betty is the nosiest person in all of midtown, so you thought you were dodging the bullet and guarding your deep dark secrets. how could you have known she’d make you do... this?
“that’s so, like, forward. he’s gonna freak out.” you glance over at peter’s table to see what he’s up to before you possibly scar him. he’s laughing along at a heated conversation ned and mj are having. the way his face lights up, and his eyes crinkle as a smile crosses his features, it gives you butterflies throughout your whole body.
“in a good way,” liz grins her most charming grin at you. it’s not working this time. you roll your eyes up to the ceiling. “i thought you liked him,” betty huffs, gesturing over to peter and keeping her eyes on you. “all you do is talk about how he’s so cute and smart, and his lips look so soft-“ “i never said that!” you look at her with wild eyes. liz bites her lip to hold in a laugh. “the last part, i mean,” you clarify in a murmur.
liz puts a hand on you and pats your shoulder knowingly. “you’ve probably thought it, though. i’ve seen you checking them out.” there have been quite a few times your gaze has landed on peter’s lips, watching them curve while he talks to you about some new science theory he’s excited to share. you end up zoning out and pretending you retained any of what he said. betty puckers her own lips at you.
“you wanna kiss him,” she insists in a sing song voice, resting her chin on your other shoulder. “i’m doing you a favor.” “you’re really not gonna change the dare?” you sigh, your friends leaning on you in support. liz taps your cheek. “so, you don’t wanna kiss him?” “there’s no way,” betty comments from your side. “no, i...” you start, focusing in on peter again.
he meets your eyes across the cafeteria. his smile fades slightly, then a shy one is replacing it, ned dragging him into his and mj’s debate. you turn back to liz and betty.
“i do, but do you think he wants me to?” you ask them both, and they share a you have to be kidding look. “only one way to find out.” liz gives your shoulder a nudge. betty beams at you. “i triple dog dare you now, so you have to.” considering your options, you bounce your leg up and down. you’ll either get the nicest rejection ever from peter or a kiss back. you can handle this.
“ok, i’ll do it,” you decide, betty clapping her hands and squealing. liz throws an arm around your neck. “yay! i love love.” “let’s calm down,” you giggle so she doesn’t get too carried away. you and peter haven’t even established that you like each other. “i’m calm, i’m calm. do you need to borrow chapstick?” she offers, betty simultaneously pulling a tube out of her purse. “or lip gloss?”
you’re appreciating their over involvement now.
“both,” you breathe out, letting them get you ready for your big kiss.
liz and betty send you good luck wishes in a hushed tone while you make your way to peter’s table. mj went to get a snapple, and ned went with her so they could continue whatever argument they’re in. that left peter by himself. it’s almost like this is meant to happen.
“hi,” you greet peter, making him look up at you with raised eyebrows. he notices right away that your lips are shiny, more so than usual. a color that you always seem to bring to his face takes over his cheeks. “hey. you wanna sit?” he gives you a small smile. you return it. “yeah, sure. thanks.” instead of taking the bench across from him like he assumed you would, you find your place next to him.
he doesn’t mind.
“how’s your day been?” you wonder, body turned towards him while he answers. peter scrunches his nose. “kinda busy. i got so much homework in spanish tonight, and i’ve been putting off this essay about...” you do the thing you do every time he goes off on a sort of tangent, watch his lips. lucky for you, that’s the whole point today. “i don’t know. all i have so far is the intro-“
you cut peter off with a kiss. liz and betty cheer to each other the second it happens. peter doesn’t move, only freezes up as you press your glossy lips to his and grab his shoulders. it takes a few seconds for you to realize he’s not kissing back. his arms are stiff at his sides, eyes wide in shock. absolutely humiliated, you pull back, moving as far away as you can.
“fuck, i’m sorry. i should’ve asked you first,” you apologize, voice shaking. you’re already getting to your feet. peter blinks a few times, grounding himself back in the moment. “no, no. it’s okay. i-“ “that was weird, i know. you don’t have to lie or make me feel better.” he furrows his eyebrows, in a way that seems regretful even though you’re the one who messed up. “i’m trying to tell you, y/n. it’s fine. we-“
ned’s voice fills the room, making you snap your head in his direction. him and mj are coming back. you need to get out of here before you embarrass yourself even more.
“i’m gonna go. i’m sorry,” you mumble out, running back to your table, where liz and betty are instantly asking what’s wrong and if you’re alright. peter licks his lips that are now coated in your gloss and clenches his jaw. he’s pissed. not at you, at himself. it’s clear because mj brings attention to it when she sits down.
“what’s up with your face?” she narrows her eyes at him, popping the cap on her snapple. ned elbows peter in his spot next to him. you were just there less than a minute ago. “you okay, dude?” he checks. “no.” peter closes his eyes in frustration. “what’s wrong?” ned kicks mj’s foot under the table so she’ll stop making out with her drink and help him.
“i... y/n kissed me,” peter admits, sounding oddly upset about something everyone knows he’s been hoping would happen. “she what?” ned gawks. “isn’t that a good thing?” mj points out. “you love her.” “like her,” peter corrects and chews the inside of his cheek. “whatever. shouldn’t you want her to kiss you?” she takes another sip of snapple, passing this off to ned.
“yeah...” is all ned says. he awkwardly rubs peter’s back while mj tries not to snort. “that’s not the problem. i didn’t kiss her back, and she took it as me not being into it,” peter shakes his head as he recounts your weird moment. “which i was,” he tells them for the record. ned makes a funny face at him. “so why didn’t you kiss back?” “no shit she ran away,” mj mutters to him. she saw that part.
“because i wasn’t expecting it!” peter frowns at his friends’ reactions and at what he did. “you guys know how much i like y/n. i can’t believe i screwed this up so bad.” mj squints in mock confusion. “i can.” she quickly drops her sarcasm for encouragement after that. “ok, seriously. just go find her and apologize.” “maybe kiss her this time,” ned chimes in.
“if she really likes you, she’ll get it.” mj smiles genuinely, nodding back at your table. ned gives him a push forward. “you got this, dude. come tell us all about it after.” a rush of confidence enters peter from their advice. he’ll fix this. “thanks, guys. here i go.” he shoots up from the table, ned and mj getting back into their debate once he’s out of sight.
betty is hugging you way too tightly when peter gets over there. she goes on about how much peter sucks, overcompensating because she’s the reason you kissed him. you only hum in response. you don’t have the heart to tell her you blame yourself. only liz notices peter come over, so she talks on your behalf. “oh, hey,” she says drily. “hey. can i talk to y/n?” peter gets out, twiddling with his thumbs nervously.
she has to decide if she’d rather go into protective friend mode or let him. from your unenthusiastic responses to betty’s hate rant, she figures you’d like to hear him out.
“come on, betty,” liz takes her arm suddenly, betty trying to pull it back. “what? why?” “i’m gonna buy you ice cream. let’s go.” that’s her cover. peter shoots her a look that says thank you, liz pressing her lips into a line and dragging betty along. betty sees peter standing in front of your table and glares at him, liz walking faster. you don’t get the chance to ask them where they’re going because they leave so fast.
the bench dips down on one side of you, making someone’s prescense known. you’re surprised to find it’s peter. you talk first.
“if you’re gonna apologize, don’t. it was my fault-“ “you never let me finish earlier,” peter interrupts, the hint of a smile on his face. his clammy hand links with one of yours. “what were you gonna say?” you ask quietly, peter threading your fingers together. your heart is racing at the simple touch. “that i like you,” he replies at the same low volume. “and, that i wanted to try again.”
he’s sitting a lot closer to you than you realized. you welcome it, your hands in between you two on the bench. “i like you too... try what again?” you question, although you hope and pray it’s what you think. “kissing,” peter says what you were hoping and praying for. “wasn’t ready the first time.” you’re about to go into cardiac arrest as he rests his forehead on yours, curls brushing your face. a few broken up breaths escape him.
“can i?” he nearly whispers, warm hand still gripping at yours. “yeah,” you agree before your eyes flutter shut. he wastes no time, parting his lips and brushing them against yours gently, you reciprocating. he kisses as sweetly as he is, his free hand on your cheek and fingers careessing your skin. your other hand ends up on the back of his neck. you grin against him, lips detaching momentarily so you can engage him in another kiss.
peter doesn’t hesitate to kiss back this time, nose nudging yours as he moves in more. you tug on some hair at the nape of his neck and laugh into the kiss, reminding him you’re in school. he pulls back with a chuckle, but keeps his forehead on yours and your hands in each other.
“sorry. got too excited,” he laughs out, you leaning into his open palm. “i told you don’t apologize.”
liz and betty joined ned and mj at some point. the four of them are whistling at you and yelling out suggestive jokes. they’re too much. but, to be fair, you owe this all to them.
#tom holland#tom holland fluff#tom holland x reader#tom holland x y/n#tom holland x you#tom holland imagine#tom holland fic#tom holland fanfiction#peter parker#peter parker fic#peter parker fluff#peter parker x y/n#peter parker x you#peter parker x reader#peter parker imagine#peter parker fanfiction
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The Captured Pt.3

Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi
⇢ rating: 18+
⇢ word count: roughly 4K
⇢ plot: Being held hostage at the LOV HQ, you are Shigarakis "spoils", but can't help falling for Dabi. This makes for a troublesome situation.
⇢ warnings: 18+, noncon, rape, mean Shiggy, soft Dabi, blood, cum, creampie, smut, alcohol, force, vaginal sex, oral sex (male receiving), orgasm, threatening of quirk use
personal note: where do i start. it got longer than anticipated so there will also be a part 4! geez... ok, this one i still had a hard time writing the plot and its twist. but i think it will all come together nicely in the end.
Pt.2 / Pt.4
Time passed as I got accustomed to my new situation. I knew by now I was never going to have my old life back, never going to get free. To the outside, I was missing, probably dead and I felt like I was not the girl I used to be - and would probably never be. I had unknowingly become part of the League, but I actually liked it. Dabi's room had become mine, even Shigaraki didn't mind about it, for Dabi slept most of the time on the couch in the lounge. The tight work schedule of the League made it impossible to find time for each other and Shigaraki, being completely engulfed in his leadership goals, hadn't come up to me either.
One evening most members were out and I was left alone with Toga supervising me. We were at the bar, I had been drinking a couple of gin tonics as we were stuck in conversation. Toga suddenly had her elbows on the table and leaned in so close I could feel her breath on my face. She chirped with her happiest voice “Forgot to tell you: got a special date today. Can you help me get pretty, please?” she grinned at me with an eager mewl, eyes almost squinting.
I sighed, “Ok, but no sticking knives in me, got that?” She crossed her heart and grinned “Promise!”
Squealing with joy she grabbed my hand and guided me to her room. Once there, she retrieved a bag from the bathroom, stuffed with all sorts of makeup. Sitting her down in a chair, I knelt in front of her and grabbed an eyeliner, unscrewing the top. She shivered in excitement, all the while licking her lips, eyeing me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Turning towards her, I started applying the makeup on her, faces only inches away from each other. I noticed her excited hot breath fanning my face, smelling like bubblegum.
"So, uhm, who's your date?“ I questioned, hovering in front of her.
Before I knew it she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her, her soft warm lips locking with mine. I was frozen in surprise as she pulled back and whispered “You…” and then I felt a sting in my fingertip. I jolted away from her, looking down at my finger. Blood started oozing out of a hole in the tip of my finger, slowly running down my finger.
“Fuck, Toga!” I yelled at her, while she giggled and wiggled a large syringe needle in her hand, “No knife, see?”
“Brat!” I spat out, staring at her, stunned. There was an awkward moment of silence between us as the blood started dripping on the floor.
“Please, just one lick?” She begged, eyes gleaming with pure desire, a smile like a thousand volts in her face as she kept licking her lips.
“Geez Toga...” I mumbled as I suddenly felt the alcohol kick in while the adrenaline wore off. Without any time to react, she grabbed my finger and pulled it towards her mouth. Her tongue came out and, sliding it up, she collected all the blood on it. I gasped as she closed her plush warm lips around my finger, cheeks hollowing as she started sucking on it. Her eyes narrowed, as she kept relentlessly pulling the blood out of my finger. With a plop, she released it, my red juice pooling rapidly on the tip from the suction and she opened her mouth. Dark red, thick fluid covered her tongue, puddling around it. I felt nausea creeping up inside me as she closed her eyes, swirling it around in her mouth before visibly swallowing it. She opened her mouth again, now empty, and grinned sharp and wide.
“You're sick,” I groaned as I staggered off to the door on wobbly legs.
Toga kept calling after me "Awhh… that wasn't that bad! Please stay!"
But I ignored her and continued on to Dabi's room. Nausea kept stirring my insides as I stumbled into it, ripping open the bathroom door and convulsing over the toilet, vomiting into it. As nausea finally subsided, I leaned back, feeling heavy with foreboding rumbling deep inside my core as I hung my head and cried.
Shigaraki had been out with the other members to meet another villain group to potentially join forces. The evening had stretched itself out, I had been left alone for the first time. I sat in the lounge and played with some cards, getting myself a drink once in a while.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the familiar purple warp gates opening and each member, one by one, appeared through it. At least I thought so. As Shigaraki passed through the gate, covered in his hands, I could feel something was off. He was fuming with anger, his whole body shaking, while everyone else seemed in a gloomy mood, hurrying to shuffle out of his way. He stomped to the bar, hissing and cursing, as Kurogiri almost flew behind the counter to pour him a whiskey. He grabbed it, lifted "Father" for a moment and chugged it in one go. Still ranting to himself his glaring red eyes darted across the room as if he was looking for something. Finally, his crazed gaze fell upon me, his eyes narrowing.
"You..." he glared at me across the room.
Everyone went silent, all eyes on me.
Shigaraki slowly approached me, his hand stretched out as he rasped an undeniable order "My room, now."
My eyes widened with fear, I stumbled to my feet, tripping backward against the chairs,
"N- no, please…" I stuttered out, shaking my head frantically.
"I said my room," his voice was even more chilling than before. As I still didn't respond, he darted towards me. With no time to react, he grabbed my wrist and jerked me with him towards the door. I stumbled after him, protesting, tears starting to well in my eyes as I looked over my shoulders.
Everyone stood unmoved, no one had the guts to speak up. Toga even wiggled her fingers after me with a sheepish grin on her face. And then my eyes found Dabi’s. His face placid, he watched me being pulled out of the room. His behavior felt treacherous, I was hurt, lost as I pleaded "Dabi please help!" but all he did was avert his eyes and then he disappeared out of sight as Shigaraki coached me through the door into the hallway.
Being dragged after him, I stumbled a few times trying to keep up with his pace. Once at his room, he kicked his door open and yanked me inside, having me lose my footing and fall to the floor on all fourths. He slammed the door shut behind me and rasped "Undress."
“N- No, I won't!” I shook, scrambling to my feet.
"You're testing my patience, little Spoils," he hissed, approaching me with five fingers pointing at me.
I felt the built-up anger inside me bubble up and couldn't contain myself anymore. If he were to dust me, then be it! “Fine, jerk!” I yelled at him, aware of the danger I was getting myself into by saying that. Hands shaking I fumbled on my button and zipper, slowly pulling down my pants. Shigaraki ignored my harsh tone though and turned towards a dresser on the side. Not leaving me out of his sight he one by one unhinged the hands off of him and placed them neatly into a drawer.
As I stood only in my underwear in the middle of the room, he strode towards me and grabbed my wrist. Ignoring my loud protests he pulled me towards the bed and pushed me belly down onto it. I cringed when he pried open my legs, kneeling between them. The rustling of his pants being undone was accompanied by my pleas not to hurt me again. But he kept ignoring me, prodding one finger inside, slowly gliding in and out.
"So hot for me…" he snarled, red eyes glowing with excitement, as he licked his dry lips.
"Shigaraki, don't make me fucking bleed again!" I cried out, lifting my arms, trying to prop myself up. But his right hand grabbed the back of my head and pressed it down into the sheets.
"Shut up!" His voice full of irritation.
My complaints were muffled by the sheets as he prodded himself at my entrance, pushing my panties aside. His left hand pressed against my back, thumb curled in, pinning my body against the mattress as he sheathed himself inside me with one strong thrust. I wailed into the sheets at his forceful intrusion.
The stretch from his girth was still unbearable. I groaned as he started pumping himself into me, letting out angry huffs as he kept muttering fucking yakuza… fuckin' brat… should have dusted him… I whimpered into the sheets as he continued pounding into me. By the time he came, I felt that dull pain in my core again and anger almost boiled over inside me. As he caught his breath and pulled out, reaching for his pants, I jerked around and yelled at him "Fuck, Shigaraki, you need to stop doing that!” I almost cried, “Can't keep on hurting me like that, if you call yourself the 'boss' around here!" He growled at my outburst but before he could react I pushed him aside, his eyes glinting with surprise, grabbed my clothes and stumbled out of the room.
Ignoring the dull pain in my core and the hot fluids dripping down my legs, I started staggering down the hallway. As I got closer to the stairs, I saw a familiar figure standing at the end of the hallway, resting against the wall. Dabi looked at me with an unmoving expression in his cerulean eyes. I didn't even stop, just pushed past him as I continued my way to the stairs. He followed me and held out his hand, rumbling lowly, a bit abashed “Here, lemme help" as I swayed a bit. But I swapped it away in anger and growled at him "Don't you dare touch me, " as I continued my way up to his room, leaving him standing deserted in the hallway.
I went straight to the bathroom, got undressed and took a shower, washing all the smut off me. I sank to the floor as an uncontrolled flow of tears started mixing with the hot water running down my face.
Life went on as usual in the headquarters. The League was out a lot, recruiting more, doing some successful quests, that the news later on talked about, as we all watched TV at the lounge bar. Their increased activity had me spare more intimate time with Shigaraki and Dabi. It was a much-needed break, giving me the possibility to cope with my new life, trying to figure out how I could fit into it. As for Dabi, I distanced myself from him, avoiding him whenever possible. I needed time, thinking about his obscurr attitude towards me in the past. So whenever he entered the lounge, I usually sat down at Shigaraki’s side or scooted off to the furthest corner. When we met in the hallway, I avoided eye contact, looking straight ahead and just passed by.
Dabi became increasingly on edge by my behavior. He didn't know how to cope with my anger. His irritation showed in his increased aggressiveness, repeatedly snapping at the other members. Everyone started being on edge with him, even more than they used to do. Toga kept complaining to me about his erratic behavior and repeated outbursts. Not as if that was anything unusual, but it had become more frequent. Even though I tried avoiding him, he somehow managed to be a constant presence in my periphery. He hung around to just watch me, reclining back in his chair looking half-asleep and completely disinterested, but I could see how he was constantly shooting me glances. During meetings in the lounge, he leaned against the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest and kept watching me with those unmoving ice blue eyes.
Despite those troubling circumstances, I started to get accustomed to the rest of the members. I grew really fond of Spinner and Twice, even Kurogiri became sort of a father figure for me with his constant concern over us. Toga was still an annoying crazy little brat who never missed a chance to draw blood from me, but I started thinking of her as the younger sister I never had. Whenever she kept asking for cuddles I couldn't help but give in to her, wrapping my arms around her, while she gave me an almost bruising hug back, snuggling into me and calling me her “Big Sis.”
Shigaraki - he turned out to be a handful. After I had lost my temper with him that one night, he seemed a bit apprehensive around me. He started fiddling with his fingers and phone when I was close, shooting me nervous glances. He kept looking at me with his burning red eyes, intrigued, curious as to what I was doing. Whenever there was a meeting or we just sat at the bbar he demanded me to be next to him. He snickered when he saw me snapping at Dabi. Whenever I huddled over to the other members, conversing and laughing with them, he kept eyeing me with interest.
Dabi on the other hand grew more agitated the closer Shigaraki kept me by his side, disagreeing during meetings, ignoring certain commands, just being more of his usual asshole-self towards him. And that didn't go unnoticed by Shigaraki, as he kept getting more aggrivated by his behavior.
It was one of those days they had been out again for recruitment and after they returned through the portals back into the lounge, Shigaraki turned towards me.
“Sit with me,” he rasped dryly as usual and slumped down at the bar. I reluctantly joined him, noticing that he seemed pretty agitated.
On the other side of the bar, Dabis had slouched down on a stool, whiskey in his hand, half-lidded eyes staking nonchalantly at me. Toga pranced over, leaning into me, purring and letting me stroke her hair. Even though no one said anything, there was an unspoken tension in the air. I looked at Shigaraki from the side, trying to figure out what was going on.
“What are you staring at,” he scowled irritably.
“Just seeing what mood you're in.” I shrugged.
He didn't react, as his eyes went up to Kurogishi to order us a drink. As the evening continued, we drank in silence but I couldn't shrug off the feeling that something was off between him and Dabi. They had not spoken a word since they came back. I was a bit tipsy, as Kurogiri kept placing drinks in front of me on behalf of Shigaraki. The tension-filled air, the weird vibes between the members made me feel uncomfortable and a heavy weight started suffocating me. Unexpectedly, all the stress and frustration, all the hurt and heartache of those last weeks, months of living in this place, came crashing down on me. It had been too much, too much of everything. Tears started glistening in my eyes as I felt every nerve in my body vibrate with feverish exhilaration, like strings singing with tension, ready to snap any moment. And that moment came sooner than I expected.
As Mr. Compress, a new member, approached Shigaraki, calling him “boss”, that certain something snapped inside me. The way Shigaraki had been handling me in his room was beyond “boss”-behavior and had left a sour taste in my mouth. I was barely able to suppress a giggle pressing itself up my throat. Shigaraki shot me an annoyed glance and Dabi cocked his head, honest concern starting to mix in with his usual bored expression. As they kept continuing the conversation, I couldn't control myself anymore and kept giggling every time I heard that specific word, a laughing fit slowly but surely starting to build up inside of me. Shigaraki grew increasingly annoyed by my behavior, his body started to tense, his idle hand curved into a fist and his leg nervously bouncing up and down. Once in a while his hand shot up so scratch his neck, until I could see small red patches. At one point I totally lost it, snorting, choking on my drink, not being able to suppress the frantic giggles creeping up, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.
There was a wet splattering sound and I looked up to see Shigaraki, who clutched the remnants of his glass with all five of his fingers. What was left of it kept disappearing, turning into dust and the whiskey inside had splashed all over the counter. All heads jerked up as the scene unraveled before them.
He was shaking, face hidden behind his white messy hair as his lips parted and he breathed out in a low scratch, warning tone “Do you have a problem?"
I swallowed down my giggles, still nervous. I realized I had crossed a line and there was no way out for me.
His red crimson eyes shot up at me, his voice now trembling with rage, "I asked, if you have a problem!”
I fumbled with my fingers, which started to get sweaty and sticky. "I- I’m sorry… boss” and my body started shaking again with laughter, too exhausted from the last weeks straining experiences to care.
Shigaraki slowly slid off his stool and I watched him approach in horror, still sobbing with frantic uncontrollable giggles. So fast I couldn't even react, his hand shot up and wrapped around my throat, pinkie hovering dangerously close to my skin. He leaned forward into my face, red eyes burning into mine. I could smell his breath, induced with alcohol as he rasped out "I think I need to fuck those giggles out of you and show you who the boss is. Don't you think, little Spoils?" And with that he pulled me off the stool, my hands cutching his wrist, that was still grabbing my throat. I kept apologizing, pleading with him to let me go as suddenly a low growl emenated through the room "Stop touching her."
Shigaraki stopped dead in his tracks, still clutching my throat. Silence spread through the room like before an upcoming storm, and it had the hair at the back of my neck stand on end. Kurogiri nonchalantly turned off the TV and moved closer, ready to step in if necessary.
“Get your fucking hands off her,” Dabi growled again more viciously from where he slid off the stool at the bar, “She's not going anywhere.”
Shigaraki turned around slowly, staring at Dabi. "Oh, is that so?” I was stunned by Dabi's behavior as I tried to loosen Shigaraki's grip on my throat and was finally released. I gasped for air, trying to catch my breath, stumbling a few feet away.
“Are you gonna fight me?” Shigaraki rasped dryly, turning his attention towards Dabi, who hissed back, teeth exposed in a vicious smile. “I might, jackass."
"Over some spoils?" Shigaraki raised an eyebrow.
Dabi looked at him and I could see all the rage and frustration that built up over me, bubbling just beneath the surface for the last weeks, erupting at that moment. He let out a low rumbling sound, eyes burning with anger now, "She's no spoils, she’s my girl."
Shigaraki seemed to weigh up something, tilting his head. My heart was pounding out of my chest now, I had never seen Shigaraki this eerily calm before. His eyes moved between Dabi and me, his voice raspy and cold when he finally spoke, sending shivers up my spine. "Oh- I understand... You've been fucking her," he snarled and then it all happened very fast. A blur of movement, Shigaraki jumped towards Dabi with one swift move, hand stretched out, ready to strike. Dabi simultaniously shot his arm up, blue flames ready to shoot out of his palm, the smell of kindling suddenly suffocatingly strong. They were on a collision course and someone was about to die. Kurogiri was ready to step in but before he could I heard myself cry out “Stop!" Both villains froze, standing right across from each other, red orbs gleaming viciously at cold cerulean eyes - and that's when I realized what I had to do.
I moved before I thought, wound myself in between those outstretched arms, careful not to touch either of them. I winced at the heat of Dabi’s flames only inches away from me, Shigaraki's hand almost touching my face. Every muscle tense, I stared into Shigaraki's gleaming eyes and watched his hand tremble. The entire room held their breath as the other members watched the scene in front of them unravel.
"Shigaraki," my voice shaking, “please stop," His eyes narrowed and glared at me between tufts of pale hair.
"Why should I, Spoils?" he sneered coldly.
“Because there is no need to fight. I will go with you.” I said resolutely.
I heard Dabi hissing a growl behind me, blue flames pulsating and gushing with each of his heavy breaths.
Shigaraki stood unmoving, his eyes taking me in, visibly contemplating. Then his lips curled up and he let out a scratchy snicker, looking up at Dabi. "Ok, but I am only doing this to teach that sorry ass of a patchface over there a lesson - for having fucked you," he grinned wide.
"No," Dabi growled at me, desperation weaved into his voice. His eyes shot at his boss behind me and back to me. I turned around towards blue flickering lights licking at me, determination in my voice, leaving no place for arguments “Dabi, I am going with him."
His eyes froze at those words. For a split second, I could see his facade sway, turmoil flickering in his mesmerizing eyes, but he composed himself again, same cold expression on his face again.
"You're faking… " he snarled, staring at me.
Not saying a word, I stepped backward until I was leaning against Shigarakis body, feeling his hot breath against my ear, his chest rise and fall with each tensed breath. Red bloodshed eyes bore into cerulean ones as Shigaraki stared at him from behind my back, arm still outstretched. Dabi gritted his teeth as Shigaraki’s chapped lips stretched into a wide, eerie smile. He placed his free hand around my throat, pinkie raised as he tilted my head to the side and licked slowly along my pulse, never averting his eyes from Dabi. Agonizing seconds passed as he stared at Shigaraki, then at me. I was frozen, pinned in place by the heavy judgment written in his face. But then he backed down, blue flames dying as he lowered his hand, averting his eyes with a scowl. The gesture was small but there was an acknowledgment of defeat.
Shigaraki's lips curled up in a mock grin.
“Let’s go have some fun then,” he rasped lowly into my ear and pulled us towards the hallway.
Dabi watched us leave, a strained expression on his face. As soon as we were gone, he let out a feral scream, kicking chairs and tables out of his way. His hands started smoking, an eerie blue light dancing in his palms as he stared at the other villains with hurt anger, turned on his heel and stormed towards the exit. He crashed his boot against it and it flung open, hinges aching under the brute force. The last thing to see were the ragged edges of his coat as he disappeared into the dark of the night.
@scruffymctee @sage-malf0y @undefined--person
#tohoeroki hime#dabi smut#mha dabi#dabi x reader#dabi todoroki#bnha dabi#yandere dabi#dabi my hero academia#shigaraki mha#bnha shigaraki#shigaraki tomura#boku no hero academia shigaraki#shoto bnha#dabi touya#bnha touya#touya todoroki#touya smut#todoroki touya#dabi#shigaraki smut#shigaraki x dabi#shigaraki x you#yandere shigaraki#shigaraki x reader#dabi x you#dabi x me#toga himiko#tomura shigaraki#himiko toga#tomura smut
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Sebastian Stan One Shot
sebastian stan x reader and their first time smut
Warning: Smut
You and Sebastian had been friends for years, meeting for the first time at a mutual friends wedding.
As time passed, you and Seb became pretty close and because of this, your group of friends always tried to get you together.
"We are just friends!"
You would say repeatedly when they inevitably began asking about the two of you.
"Oh come on. You honestly have never even thought about just sleeping with him? I mean Seb is hot. If I weren't married..."
You turn in the passenger seat of her car in shock at her statement.
"What? I mean you won't fuck him so why can't I fantasize about it?"
She replies with a shrug.
It was fourth of July weekend and the two of you were on your way to the Hamptons to spend the holiday partying at your friends huge beach house.
Sebastian was coming too and you were already trying to figure out ways to avoid the inevitable things your friends were going to try to do to get you to hook up.
"Holy shit, this is amazing!"
You say, stepping out of the car as you pull up.
"Yeah, we finally finished renovating. Just in time for this weekend."
Y/F/N says with a devilish smile before heading up to the house to join her husband and Sebastian who were already there.
"Hey, Y/N."
Sebastian smiles and hugs you.
"Hey Seabass."
You reply.
You could feel your friends staring as the two of you hugged and quickly pulled out of his embrace so you didn't give them anymore ammunition.
"Oh, Y/N, I forgot to tell you, we were trying to figure out the rooms and you and Sebastian are going to have to share."
Your friend says, turning to walk into the house before you can protest.
You yell after her as she giggles.
"So where is this room?"
You ask her husband who leads you and Sebastian through the beach house and to the room your friend has assigned you to.
"What. The. Fuck."
You say as you look around the room.
It was set up as like a honeymoon suite.
Champagne, roses, candles and even silk sheets.
"What the hell does she think is going to happen? That we are going to sleep in the same bed and all of a sudden your penis is going to end up in my vagina like magic?"
You rant and Sebastian laughs.
"Y/N, Y/N, hey it's just for a weekend. It's not that big of a deal and they can't make us do anything."
Seb says putting a hand on each shoulder to get you to focus.
You nod with a sigh, knowing he was right, they couldn't make you hook up with Seb.
"Alright, fine but I swear I am going to kill her if she pulls anything else."
Sebastian agrees and the two of you get ready for the nights festivities.
It was a party set up on the beach just off the house and your friends spared no expense.
A DJ, dancefloor, all the booze you could ever ask for at the open bar and everything started with a beautiful sunset dinner near the water.
As the party really got going, you headed to the bar with a few friends, ready to do some shots, Sebastian joining in.
A few hours later, you were on the dancefloor, feeling pretty good when Sebastian is brought over by your friend.
"You two should dance!"
She yells over the music and pushes the two of you together just as a slower song begins to play.
You didn't know if it was the alcohol, the music or just the feeling of Sebastian's arms around you but you couldn't help but give into your friends request.
"Lets go upstairs."
Sebastian whispers in your ear and against everything sober you had said, drunk you agreed.
The two of you barely make it to your room before his lips are on yours.
You wake up the next morning to a raging hangover, most of the night before blank in your mind.
Sebastian is softly snoring next to you and you decide to get up to pee.
As you do, you become painfully aware that you are naked and carefully lift the sheets to see if Sebastian is as well.
You whisper.
Getting up, you give yourself a second to let the room stop spinning before you quietly find some sweats and a tshirt in your bag.
You quickly get dressed and grab your phone and bag before sneaking out of the bedroom and run downstairs.
"Y/N! Finally you're awake!"
Your friend says, her voice like a meat cleaver slicing through your pounding head.
"Yeah, hey, can we go get breakfast?"
You ask.
"Sure. Should we wait for Sebastian?"
"No. Um he wants to sleep. Just us ok?"
With that, she agrees and the two of you head off into town to her favorite breakfast spot.
After getting a booth and ordering some coffee, you make your way to the bathroom, just getting there before the contents of you stomach make their way back out of you.
Twenty minutes later you rejoin your friend who had ordered you the perfect hungover breakfast and begin to eat.
"Your phone has been going off like crazy."
She says, pushing it towards you and you see the multiple missed calls from Sebastian before putting it in your purse.
As you eat, the night begins to come back to you in flashes.
The dinner, the party, shots, dancing with Sebastian, going up to the room, the feeling of his lips on yours, his hands running all over your body until he reaches behind you to unzip your dress.
You try to shake the image out of your head but it only brings up more images.
The look in his eyes as he kneels in front of you while he pulls your panties off, the feeling of his stubble tickling your leg as he leaves a trail of kisses up it, the feeling of his hair as your fingers run through it while he eats you out.
You mumble under your breath.
"What's wrong?"
Your friend ask and you shake your head.
"Nothing, bit my cheek."
You lie.
The sound of your voice moaning his name, nearly begging for more before he stands up and pulls off his pants and underwear, revealing his very hard member.
'Tell me what you want'
You close your eyes and can hear his voice clear as day as the full scene comes into your mind.
'Fuck me.'
You replied, watching him contemplate.
You groan as he waits, wondering what you will do if he refuses.
You reach down and begin playing with yourself as he stands back and watches with a satisfied smirk.
'You want some help?'
He asks before he moves your fingers and replaces them with his own.
His body felt amazing on top of yours.
You are brought out of your memories when your friend nearly screams your name to get your attention.
"Sorry, what?"
"I said, Sebastian just texted me and he wants to know why you won't answer. He needs to talk to you."
"Alright, just tell him we will be back later."
You sigh and pick at your food.
"Why are you avoiding Seb?"
She asks.
"I'm not."
More images begin to flood your brain as the feeling of him sliding inside of you hits.
You swear his eyes were more blue than normal as he looks into yours for just a second as he pumps in and out of you harder and harder at your request.
"Bullshit. You are avoiding him. Wait...oh my God, you had sex last night! Didn't you?"
You groan.
You friend could always read you like an open book and to be honest, you were shocked it took her this long to figure it all out.
"I knew it! Everyone said I was crazy to think that you two would give in one day but I knew it would happen!"
She says happily and you roll your eyes.
His grunts and groans fill your head as he fists the sheets to keep his balance.
You could almost feel yourself clench around him as the heat builds.
He catches your lips for a second just before he cums and buries his head in your neck.
His sloppy thrusts were just enough to push you over the edge and your toes curl as your orgasm hits, nearly making you black out.
You swallow hard as the diner and your friend come back into focus.
"So, you're avoiding him because you slept with him?"
She asks and you groan.
"It just happened. We were drunk. Like really drunk and when I woke up this morning, I didn't even remember it."
You finally admit.
"Oh, that bad huh?"
You glare as she laughs at her own joke.
"I remember it now, smart ass and it was not bad."
You take a sip of your coffee with your eyebrow raised.
"So if it was good, then why won't you talk to him?"
You sigh.
"Because drunk sex is always good and Seb and I are friends. I don't want to complicate that."
Your friend shakes her head.
"That's not it. You don't want to admit that we have all been right this whole time and there could actually be something between you two."
You spend the remainder of breakfast thinking about your friends words and before you knew it, you were headed back to the house to talk to Sebastian.
You say making your way into the bedroom, finding him sitting on the bed
He says with a small smile.
"Look, Sebastian, last night was unexpected. Amazing but unexpected and I know I shouldn't have bolted like I did but I really don't want to complicate things so lets chalk it up to the alcohol and our friends getting in our heads and leave it at that."
The words come out quickly, you wanting to make sure he couldn't interrupt your speech before you could finish.
"What if I don't want to just leave it at that?"
He asks, stopping you in your tracks as you head to the bathroom for a shower.
He crawls to the end of the bed.
"What if I don't want to leave it at that? What if I want to try what happened last night again? Sober this time?"
He says with a slight smirk.
You cross your arms and look at him.
"Lets do it again, sober."
He says again, reaching for you, hoping you will give into him.
Your mind races, searching for the answer of what to do, one side wanting to do it again, the other screaming not to risk ruining your friendship.
Feedback is always welcomed and greatly appreciated
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hey rose! (can i call you that?? sorry if that's not your preference) i may or may not have caught a case of crazy phat mad feelings for a boy and i was wondering if you had any cute headcanons about some of the MHA boys pining for a pretty fem reader?? i can't imagine this guy liking me back but i figure hey, if nobody got me ik pretty superhero boys got me AMEN lmbo no pressure on this request. hope you're doing well and things are okay in your world!! thanks love you!! first anon OUT 😌✌️✨💖
omg ya that’s totally cool!! i actually like that!!!! but omg, pls! i’m sure it’ll work out if not... hopefully these headcanons will help u out!!! LOVE U FIRST ANON!!!!!!!!
will definitely stare at the back of your head during class and imagine 700 different scenarios that could ‘possibly’ happen if the two of you ever have a conversation that doesn’t involve school.
keeps note of your quirks and tries to give you pointers on how to use ur quirk via crumpled paper airplanes in the courtyard or slipped into ur locker.
will always, always, always keep an eye out for you to make sure you’re okay - if he sees you crying he’s gonna embarrass himself and be like, “you think that’s bad? kachan almost blew me to bits.” and now the both of you are crying.
daydreams about u.
whenever the class is training at the USJ or anywhere really, he’s bouncing. like. literally bouncing on his heels in case something goes wrong, he wants to be able to intervene. not because he thinks you’re not capable of fending for urself but it’s because he literally can not bare the thought of u getting hurt.
he definitely draws ur names with a heart and arrow through it!!!!!!!
really admires u and tries to be really nonchalant about how fond he’s become of u so when the two of you do have a conversation it’s just like... gibberish. you know when he goes on those little rants and the words cloud around him and everyone is like??? midoriya wtf. yeah like that.
explosive boy definitely doesn’t know he likes you until he goes to recovery girl and recovery girl has to explain him the ‘weird’ feeling in his stomach, the rise of temperature in his face and the quickening of his pulse is literally because he has a crush. on you.
and boy does this raging blonde flip his shit. him?? have a crush??? when he’s trying to be number one hero??? a distraction??? not in this lobby.
easier said than done.
tries to avoid you at all costs. like even moves his seat permanently so he doesn’t have to breathe the same air as you.
no because during a training the two of you are teamed up and this man literally holds his breath like he’s five because he doesn’t want to inhale your ‘germs’. but he grows up a bit and realizes that you’re actually pretty strong and can handle your own. heavy emphasis on the pretty.
so not only is he pinning for you but now he sees you as competition. so the initial plan to avoid you goes out of the window because he wants to one up you.
bakugou’s face is tomato red everytime the two of you spar and you think it’s because he’s mad but jokes on u.
takes a HOT minute but he’ll suffer in silence and just y’know open the door and wait five minutes for you to walk through it and then complain after.
sees you in the hallway and flicks you in the forehead and reminds you that he’s going to be number one. but later beats himself up because wtf? why didn’t he say something else.
will go out of his way to fix your fighting stances and then have a coughing fit. so he’s going to push through his feelings but it’s really obvious to everyone else that he isn’t being lowkey, yknow?
my favorite class rep. he’s going to be so obvious about it. like. he’s an open book.
will offer to help you study. makes sure your chair is pulled out every morning so you don’t have to do it.
will also let you board the bus first.
will also tense up whenever you look at him. holds an emergency class meeting (excluding you) to figure out how to handle this ‘situation’ and everyone is like... dude
he takes kirishima’s ‘show her you’re a manly man’ to serious and tries to show off. with his grades, quirk and his class rep status which you know isn’t working so he’s back to square one.
as bad as it sounds he makes a copy of all of his notes and color codes them based off of his you know ‘coding’ system and has it handy in case you don’t come to class one day or fall behind.
everyone knows but you. everyone also thinks that you would’ve found out by now since iida holds you on your own pedestal but! LOLKDSAJ
okay so.... this man... is so drama. he’s a clutz and obvious but he isn’t going to be direct. whether it’s because he’s scared of being rejected or because he’s not confident enough like bakugou and todoroki is unknown but anywayz
leans on the locker and tries to woo you with some words and falls. literally falls over. it’s okay though (in his eyes) because you immediately get eye level with him and try to check on him. it’s a win in his eyes.
is totally okay with the nickname ‘calamari’ but only likes it when you call him that. he tries to tell everyone that it’s a ‘you and him’ thing and gets teased abt it.
tries to include you in every conversation possible. he wants you to feel included in everything.
thinks ur like a walking goddess and that u should be treated as such.
he gets a little to excited around you so whenever the two of you touch he gives off some electricity and immediately goes on a thirty minute rant on how sorry he is.
makes you... a fucking... mixtape... with scribbled out hearts on the cover.
also... sends you songs to listen to but it’ll be like some random edm song and ur like”oh wow... love that...” and he’s like “ok cross that out she doesn’t like EDM.” and is DETERMINED to find out your favorite genre so the two of you have something to bond over.
changes your ringtone on his phone to the pokemon theme song because and i quote, “she’s the ash to my pikachu.”
isn’t so lowkey about his crush but??? everyone thinks he’s like?? just being himself?? so???
bro. this man... THIS LOVELY SHARK BOY.
is literally textbook definition of GENTLEMAN.
will not act on his feelings until YOU act on them because he’s scared he’ll overstep so he’s going to be like..... suffering in silence. but he doesn’t mind!!!!!!
holds the door 4 u. :)
checks on u 24/7.
stares at you in class and drools.
walks with you like everywhere. literally. like to class, to the dorms, back to ur parents, to the mall. everywhere.
this is totally a best friend to lovers trope.
whenever he’s got doubt he will turn to u immediately because he trusts u and ur guidance.
will even ask if u could spar with him (so you can a, spend time with him but b, because he wants u to be able to be the best version of urself u can be).
whenever something goes south he will put his hand out in front of u. always. and you’ll wrap your fingers around his bicep and he will melt.
i think he knows he’s like... fucked because you explain to him that although his ‘hardening’ quirk makes his skin... rough, he’s still pretty soft. and smells nice.
man... that gets him THROUGH THE DAYS.
another clueless boy.
is very confused at first but after some hours of research he’s like oh.
and then shit hits the fan.
like kirishima, really values your input and actually goes to you for advice for two reasons: one because you’re sensible and honest but it’s more for the simple reason that he’s trying to see what you like and don’t like.
you start to notice some changes in his behavior. not drastic ones but enough to raise an eyebrow.
is more vocal in his conversations with you.
tries his best to improve his body language (ie: will face you with undivided attention and arms unfolded to look more receptive)
just stares at you in general to see what your reactions to things are.
like, in the hallway when ur talking to mina and the lowerclassmen says something stupid and the two of you scowl? well, guess what? now he doesn’t like that guy either and will give him a piece of his mind.
has your coffee order memorized so when ur staying up all night studying u have the energy to do so.
will sneak a protein bar and a water bottle in ur locker the day after those binge studying sessions to ensure that you’re you know okay.
#todoroki x female reader#todoroki headcanons#todoroki x fem!reader#kirishima x female reader#kirishima x fem!reader#kirishima headcanons#kaminari x fem!reader#kaminari x female reader#kaminari headcanons#tenya x fem!reader#tenya x female reader#tenya headcanons#bakugou x fem!reader#bakugou x female reader#bakugou headcanons#deku x fem!reader#deku x female reader#deku headcanons#bnha headcanons#mha headcanons#( i really don't feel like i did this well buT I HOPE U LIKE IT FIRST ANON!!!!!!!#I LOVE U!!!!!!#if it's not what u want let me know and i'll redo!!!! )#: ̗̀➛ first anon.#( shoto todoroki ) / * headcanons .#( eijiro kirishima ) / * headcanons .#( denki kaminari ) / * headcanons .#( tenya iida ) / * headcanons .#( katsuki bakugou ) / * headcanons .#( izuku midoriya ) / * headcanons .
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Wear Something Else
Angel Reyes x Reader
Request from Anon: I have a request for my baby boi Angel 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 one day the reader asks him to go to dinner with her and some friends since some of their boys will be there too. He says no, he’ll just be at the clubhouse with the guys. So, as the reader is getting dressed, Angel stops in and gives her the whole list of things to be careful for, watch her, call if she needs anything etc. when reader walks out in her dress (tight in all the right places, cleavage, slit just a tad too high) Angel tells her to change She refuses, telling him that she invited him out and he said no so now he has to deal with the consequences. While gone, reader texts Angel a few times, but to gets no reply. She is worried by the time she walks into her place only to see him sitting on her couch very mad. She gets angry about him not replying to her but he just stands and comes to her, stopping her mid rant with a hand around her throat. He says something like “I’m going to teach you a lesson in obedience” and fucks her hard until she remembers who she belongs to
Warnings: language, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, Angel being a jealous boy
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: Once I set about writing this I realized I’ve never really written a fic where one of the guys is really jealous and/or possessive. So sorry if it reads a little awkward at parts, it’s just not something I’m super versed with haha. Hope you enjoy! xo (Also I didn’t get super descriptive with the dress because everyone is comfortable with different things, so I left it kind of vague. It’s whatever y’all want it to be!)
Angel Taglist: @mayans-sauce @encounterthepast @helli4nthus @lilacyennefer @angelreyesgirl @everyhowlmarksthedead @starrynite7114 @rosieposie0624 @queenbeered @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @sincerelyasomebody @mijop @sadeyesgf @xladymacbethx @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @amandinesblogofstuff @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction
“You sure you don’t want to go out with us?” you asked him as you grabbed a towel so you could go and shower, “They picked a really good restaurant.”
He shook his head, “Nah, not this time. You go, have fun. Just let me know when you get there safe, alright?” he paused and you nodded, then he continued, “And drop me a text when you’re on your way home so I know you’re all okay. If anything happens—”
You cut him off, trying to bit back a smile, “If anything happens, call. Make sure I keep my pepper spray at the top of my purse, remember there’s the knife in my driver’s door if I need it,” you shook your head, “I know, baby. We do this every time I go somewhere. I got it down.”
He chuckled, walking over and wrapping you up in a hug that kept you tight against his chest, “I’m sorry, querida. Just wanna make sure you’re being safe out there.”
“Aren’t I always?” you gave him a light squeeze, “But not for nothing, you wouldn’t have to worry if you came with me.”
“I just—”
“Need your guy time,” you finished the sentence for him with a laugh, “I know. I’m just saying.”
He laughed, playfully shoving you towards the door to your bedroom, “Go shower.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh as you made your way out of the room. You really couldn’t give him too much attitude about not going with you—more often than not he was more than happy to go out with you and your friends. It didn’t actually bother you that he didn’t want to go, but you still liked to give him a bit of a hard time about it just because.
You were sat in front of your mirror, still wrapped in your towel as you got started on your makeup. Angel poked his head into the room, and you could see the smile on his face through the reflection. You waited for a moment to see if he was going to say anything, but when he didn’t, you went back to your routine. A few minutes later you looked up again and he was gone.
The next time you saw him, you were sitting on your bed strapping your heels on. He reappeared in the doorway, eyes growing wide as he looked at you. You flashed him a smile as you fumbled with the tiny buckle on your shoes. He stepped completely into the room, towering over you as he walked over to the bed.
“Yea?” you stood up, even with heels on still not quite coming eye-to-eye with him.
“This what you’re wearing?” he looked you up and down.
You laughed, “Um…yes? Why?”
“The restaurant you’re going to happen to have a catwalk with a silver pole at the end of it or nah?”
You shook your head, not able to believe that you were really about to have this conversation with him, “Angel, don’t be ridiculous.”
“You can’t wear this shit to dinner with your friends,” his fingers trailed lightly along the fabric of your dress, tugging down lightly on the bottom hem as if that was going to make it longer somehow.
You cocked one eyebrow, “Why not? I look good.”
“Yea, and you’re not going anywhere by yourself looking this good,” he shook his head as his eyes continued to rake over your body, the pads of his fingers finding their way to the straps of your dress and fussing with them.
You gently pushed his hands off of you, “You declined the invite, baby. I offered for you to come with me. But you didn’t want to, and that’s fine. I’m not going to give up on a cute outfit just because you don’t wanna be there to play bouncer.”
He sucked his teeth, “C’mon, you got a million other things to wear, Y/N. Why can’t you just wear something else this once?”
You took a small step back, “Because I don’t want to.”
His frustration began to show on his face as he sighed, “You really doin’ this?”
You rolled your eyes, “Doin’ this?” you mocked him with a slight shake of your head, “Doing what?”
“Don’t make a thing out of this, Y/N.”
The way he said your name made you want to wear the dress everywhere without him to just frustrate him more. Every now and then his jealous streak would get a little out of control, and it looked like it was going to be one of those nights.
“I’m not the one making a thing out of anything. Maybe now you’ll learn that there’s consequences to your actions,” you carefully stepped around him so you could get out of your room.
Your heels clicked against the hardwood floors of your house as you made your way towards the door. You tried to pretend that you didn’t hear his heavy footsteps close behind you, his boots thudding loudly with every step. Without turning to look back at him you swiped up your purse and continued to make your way to the door. Just as your hand landed on the handle to the door, Angel reached out and put his hand on your shoulder.
You spun around to face him, “I’ll let you know when I get to the restaurant,” your tone was firm, but you still stood up onto your toes to place a kiss on his cheek, “I love you. Have fun with the guys.”
He mumbled out something that sounded like I love you too, but other than that he didn’t say anything as you took off out the door. You let out a sigh as you sat down in your car. Part of you wouldn’t have been surprised if Angel came bursting out the door behind you, but he didn’t. With a slight shake of your head, you turned the car on and made your way to dinner.
You had texted Angel when you got to the restaurant safely, and he replied with a very short, “Ok” and nothing more. You had sent him a couple other texts throughout the night just to keep him in the loop, the same way the two of you usually did when you were off with your own individual plans, but it was radio silence from him. Even when you texted to let him know that the small group of you were going to hit a bar for a quick drink after dinner, he didn’t say anything. Part of you wondered if he even had his phone on at all, or if he was just really dedicated to ignoring you in particular.
When you finally pulled back into your driveway, the house looked the same as when you left it. The lights in the living room and kitchen were on—you could see the glow through the thing curtains covering the window. You got out of the car and locked it, hesitantly making your way up to the door. It was locked, which led you to assume that Angel had left and come back at some point since you didn’t lock it behind you when you left.
When you walked inside, you were met with the quiet noise of the television playing in the living room. You looked over and saw Angel lounging on the couch, his expression twisted into a frown as his left his eyes glued to the TV. You had the overwhelming feeling that you were the reason behind that look. The part of you that hated arguing wanted to just apologize, but the part of you that refused to say you were wrong when you weren’t won out instead.
“You even make it to the clubhouse?” you asked, very mindful of your tone.
He nodded, still not looking at you, “Yea.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, fighting to keep your face neutral, “Well, good to know now I guess. Since I didn’t hear anything from you all fucking night.”
His eyes flicked over to you, “What?”
The intensity of his stare almost made you want to back down, but it was too late for that now, “You didn’t say shit to me all night, Angel. I didn’t even know if you left. I figured you shut off your fucking phone,” you shook your head, “Should’ve known you were just ignoring me. I do one thing you don’t like and—”
The words got caught in your throat as Angel stood up off the couch and crossed the room to you quicker than you thought was possible. He stared down at you, anger alight in his eyes, “You really tryna act surprised right now?” he stepped in closer to you as you slowly backed away from him, “Like you’re not the one in the wrong here?”
“I’m not!”
He clicked his tongue, “You don’t really believe that.”
Your voice sounded certain despite the shaky feeling in your legs, “I do. It’s not my fault that you got all bent out of shape over a damn dress,” you shook your head, “You don’t get to always just tell me what to do, you know. You’re not my fu—”
He stopped you mid-sentence as his hand landed on the side of your neck. His thumb tilted your chin up as the rest of his fingers gripped onto the back of your neck. You thought that he was about to yell, but his voice was low and harsh, “I’m not your what? Hm?” he leaned so his face was mere centimeters away from yours, “You gotta learn how to fucking listen.”
You knew you were about five seconds away from your legs giving out underneath you, but you were never one to back down from anyone, not even Angel, “Or what?”
His lips curled into a smirk as he quickly crouched down and lifted you up, slinging you over his shoulder with ease. It was a move he’d done a million times before, but there was usually laughter filling the house when he did do. His fingertips dug into your thighs, and you knew that you were in for it as he made his way to the bedroom.
He tossed you onto the bed before stripping off his shirt and undoing his belt. All you could do was lie back and watch him, nervous and excited about what was about to happen. He looked over at you, and you could see the darkness swirling around in his eyes. He walked over, towering over you as you sat at the edge of the bed. His hand found its way to your throat once more and he gave it a light squeeze.
You opened your mouth to say something and he shook his head, cutting you off, “Don’t.” You stopped, deciding that for once you wouldn’t challenge him. He let go of your throat and stepped back slightly, “Stand up.”
You did as he asked, body trembling slightly underneath the weight of his gaze. He stepped in close to you, reaching around behind you and sliding the zipper down of your dress, all while not taking his eyes off of yours. He slid the straps down off of your shoulders and with one firm yank, the dress pooled in a pile on the floor. He guided you backwards so that you were sitting on the edge of the bed before bending down and picking up the pile of fabric on the floor. He held it in his hands for a moment before throwing it to the opposite side of the room, clearly glad to have it far away from the both of you.
Angel nodded towards the headboard of the bed and you quickly moved away from the edge. He dropped his jeans and in a matter of seconds was climbing on top of you. His movements were rough, harsh as his hands traveled over your entire body, the pressure pushing you farther into the mattress.
He brought his face close to yours, but when you leaned up to try and kiss him he grabbed your neck, pushing you back against the pillow. Your eyes went wide but you didn’t say anything. He shook his head, “You don’t get to have that now.”
You nodded your head slightly, unable to form any words. His free hand slid down your body, fingers hooking around the waistband of your underwear. With a strong flick of his wrist he ripped them off of you. You fought the impulse to roll your eyes—he knew you hated when he did that but you supposed that that was the point. This was, at the core of it, a punishment, so you bit your tongue.
The feelings of annoyance began to quickly disappear as his hand strayed between your legs. You went to whimper but his grip on your throat tightened. You bit down on your bottom lip, shutting your eyes tight as he slowly slid his fingers into you.
He leaned in and placed his lips right next to your ear, his voice hardly a whisper, “How’m I supposed to believe that you’re mad at me when you’re this fuckin’ wet, hm?”
You shuddered as his fingers curled inside you, unable to think a coherent thought, let alone form a sentence. His movements got faster and you felt your entire body begin to tremble. His jealousy was not your favorite quality but you’d be lying if you tried to say that it didn’t have its benefits.
He could feel you tightening around his fingers and a smirk spread across his face, “You gonna cum for me, Y/N?”
Unable to speak, you simply nodded. But, before you could get any release, he let go of your throat and pulled his fingers out of you. He saw the disappointment on your face and shook his head, “No you’re not. Not yet.”
“Angel, pl—”
“No. You lost the privilege of making those decisions,” he gripped onto your hips, “Flip over.”
Even if you wanted to hesitate, you wouldn’t have been able to. Angel’s fingers dug into your hips, turning you over. He pulled you back towards him, his hand running along your back, your ass, and between your legs. You whined and he shushed you, causing you to freeze up for a moment.
“I don’t want to hear it, querida,” his voice wasn’t as harsh as it had been, but you could still hear the tension in it, “You did this to yourself.”
He slowly pushed into you with a moan and your body instantly began to shake. His hands continued to roam and grab you as he positioned himself inside you, your whole body feeling like it was on fire. You shut your eyes tight and pushed back against him and you heard him curse under his breath.
He started to thrust into you and you bit down hard on your lips to contain your moans. You knew that the second you made a sound he would stop. The house was silent except for the sounds of his grunting and your bodies connecting. You had a death-grip on the blanket as you tried to keep yourself grounded.
Angel felt the way that your body once again began to tighten around him and he slowed his pace down to a painfully slow rhythm. Unable to stop yourself, you whined. He stilled instantly, “What was that?”
You froze, not wanting to say anything for fear of making it worse.
“Hey,” he slapped your ass and you bit back a whimper, “I asked you somethin’. What was that?”
“Nothing,” your voice was hardly audible.
You heard him let out a laugh as he reached forward, hand wrapping around your neck as he pulled you up against him, “You lying to me?”
You shook your head, “N-no.”
His chest vibrated against your back as he laughed. His hand that wasn’t wrapped around your throat slid across your stomach and landed in between your legs. Your lip was about to bleed from how hard you were biting it to fight back all the sounds you wanted to utter. He nipped at the side of your neck and you leaned your head back against him.
“You like doing this?” his finger started to rub light, slow circles against your clit, “Is making me mad fun for you?”
“Angel,” you reached back and placed a hand on the side of his face, “it’s not—”
He stopped his hand, “Don’t lie to me.”
You turned your head and placed a light, lazy kiss on his neck, “You know I love you.”
He let out a quiet hum of approval, letting himself be distracted by you as his fingers went back to work, “You’re all mine?”
“Of course,” your voice was raspy as you tried to focus on everything that was happening.
“Say it,” he gave your throat a squeeze.
“I’m yours,” you whispered.
“That’s right,” he took his hand off of your neck and pushed you back down so you were back on all fours.
Both hands gripped tightly onto your hips as he began to thrust into you, pushing you farther and farther into the mattress. You moaned and this time it didn’t cause him to stop. The way his nails dug into your skin stung, but you didn’t mind it. You heard him cursing under his breath as he continued to slam into you, taking out a whole night’s worth of frustration out of you.
“I’m gonna cum,” you said it, but you knew that he already knew that.
Something resembling a laugh slipped past his lips, but he didn’t respond other than picking up his pace even more. You felt yourself going over the edge and you were quickly reduced to a trembling mess, Angel not relenting in the slightest as he fucked you through your orgasm. You could tell by the way his grip was slipping that he wasn’t far behind you. His hand landed on your back, pushing you down into the mattress as he finished inside you with a moan.
He didn’t pull out of you right away, instead he gently ran his hands up and down your thighs and back. You wanted to say something, but your mind was still reeling. He leaned forward, placing a trail of kisses on your spine that made you break out in goosebumps.
After he had a minute to catch his breath, he slowly pulled out of you, lying down next to you and gently pulling you against him. You reached forward and pushed his hair out of his face, wiping away a few beads of sweat in the process.
“Feel better?” there was a tired smile on your face.
He chuckled, “Maybe a little.”
You trailed your fingers through his beard, “I still think it was a cute dress.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes, not having the energy to argue as he pulled your face against his chest, “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
You laughed as his heartbeat thudded against your cheek, “But you love me.”
“But I love you.”
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Study Buddy (Part 3)
3.4k Word Count
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Drinking, Dom/Sub relationship, humiliation kink, sir kink, degradation, bondage, sense deprivation, unprotected sex (there's fetus deletus in this world not ours so USE A CONDOM AND STAY SAFE YOU RABBITS unless like- there's a plan and stuff-) Blindfold, Gagging, use of a vibrator, choking, overstimulation,
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House
I walk into the Gryffindor Common Room passing Fred and George and feel a light tap on my bum. I jump a little and Fred winks at me covertly. I walk over to the couches blushing. Me and Fred have been dating for about 5 months secretly. We have a bet going to see who finds out first, my friends or his. He strongly believes he will win but I’m firm in that George’s smart enough to solve the case. I sit next to Hermione drinking the butterbeer next to me and stop seeing her looking at me accusingly. “What?” I ask and she shrugs. “Just Fred slapping your ass...” She mutters and I cough surprised at her accusation. “W-what?!” I ask and she chuckles. “You two...” She mutters going back to her book.
George and Fred run back in grabbing me, Lee, Hermione, and a few others dragging us to their dorm. “Yes?” Hermione finally asks and they hold up firewhiskey chanting happily with the other boys. Me and Hermione just laugh shaking our heads. “What y/n? Scared?” Fred asks and I chuckle. “No. I just don’t think anyone in here can handle their alcohol.” I explain and they scoff.
A few hours and a few drinks later I am proven correct by a bunch of drunk teenagers presented in front of me, and myself only a little tipsy. Fred and George are giggling with Lee. Hermione and Harry are cuddling under a blanket. And I’m just watching this mess giggling. Fred moves over to me and I laugh as he lays his head on my thigh humming lightly. “Lets- play truth or- dare.” He says hiccupping through his sentence. “Yeah!” George slurs out and I laugh shaking my head.
A few rounds go by and Fred is still playing with my hands goofily. I keep pulling my hands from his chuckling and he finally whines putting his head in my stomach. “Why won’t you hold my hand….” He whines in my stomach and I look up to see the group isn’t paying attention. I pull him up and kiss his temple. “Darling they don’t know we’re dating...” I hum into his ear and he still whines reaching for my hand. I chuckle, finally giving in hiding our hands behind him. “Ok Fred.” George says, catching our attention. “You can either take a sip of the Veritaserum and confess your feelings about y/n… Or… Y/n has to sit on your lap for the rest of the game.” He tells him and my eyes widen. He gets up to grab the bottle but I swing my legs around him facing away from the group. “Well we know what y/n wanted...” George scoffs and I hold up a middle finger behind me making the group laugh. Fred smiles nuzzling his head against my neck as I do the same. “I love you...” He whispers in my ear and I perk up looking at him. He widens his eyes and starts stuttering. “I love you too...” I whisper in his ear and I can feel him smile against my neck.
An hour later everyone's asleep but me and Fred. He’s whispering cute things in my ear as I giggle lightly and he nips at my neck making more giggles spring from my mouth. “You’re so pretty… You should always have your hair like this.” He whispers quietly and I giggle playing with his shirt. “It is always like this.” I reply and he smiles goofily. “Even better.” He mumbles. “God you're hot… Are you single?” He says and I laugh shaking my head. “Freddie… I’m your girlfriend...” I tell him and he smiles silently celebrating. I kiss him to stop his excited noises from waking everyone up and he immediately melts into my kiss closing his eyes softly. I move to his neck as he lightly moans pressing his lips against my skin to muffle it. I nip the side of his ear as he lightly groans against my skin. “Darling can we please leave? I can’t handle this anymore… I need to touch you...” He whimpers into my ear and I chuckle. “Aw… But we can’t… They would notice...” I say. He’s usually very dominant but in his tipsy state he is acting as if he was always a submissive partner. I want to see how long this will last before he decides to take the dominant role back.
He groans in my ear as I kiss his neck. “T-they won’t notice I p-promise...” He whimpers into my ear and I nod pouting a little. “But you're all intoxicated… It would be taking advantage.” I tell him and his face is now red as he tries to keep his moans down. “I promise… Please let me touch you... and your drunk too!” He mumbles and I bite my lip. “One, I'm buzzed. Two, we need to get you to bed before you get all horny.” I whisper, taking his hand. I get up walking him out and he follows.
We get into my room and I help him inside the bathroom. “Strip.” I say and he scoffs. “You… don’t tell me what to do.” He retorts falling a bit. “But I do.” I say and he scoffs. I nod and walk over peeling his clothes as he whines. I kiss his cheek shoving him inside the shower once it warms up. When I try to walk out he whines louder. “What bubba?” I ask and he crosses his arms. “I want you..” He mumbles and I laugh. “Freddie… You’re drunk I’m not going to get naked with Drunk You.” I tell him and he pouts. “I won’t get handsy. I promise!” He tells me and I kiss his cheek softly. “I know… I just don’t trust myself.” I tell him with a wink. “No no no you can’t say that and leaveeeeee.” He whines and I laugh. He pulls me and I yelp. I get immediately drenched and start laughing at the feeling. “Fred!” I yell at him and he chuckles pulling me in for a kiss. “I shouldn’t be in here...” I say chuckling and he laughs. “The last time you said that you ended up giving in...” He hums with a giggle hiding behind his voice. I laugh nodding and he kisses me. The kisses are sloppy but still perfect as he tries his best to stand up. He keeps trying to get to my neck as I giggle trying my best not to give in but sadly my boyfriend is far too hot for that.
“Godric… I wish I could always hold you like this… No hiding… No stolen kisses… I don’t have to smack your arse with people assuming the truth… I just want us to be known ya know? No girls flirting with me… No boys always chasing you… Just us...” He mumbles into my neck and I pull away smiling at him. “You mean that?” I ask and he nods kissing me. “I love you y/n…” He tells me and I kiss him jumping up to wrap my legs around his hips
The next day I wake up beside Fred who looks a mess. “Fred...” I sing and he mumbles something digging his head into my chest which he was using as a pillow. “You need to wake uppp.” I whisper in his ear and he mumbles again. “Freddie… What will get you up?” I ask and he raises his head a little squinting at me. “A potion to make this hangover go away...” He tells me and I nod getting up. He quickly tries to get me back but I’m too quick and he groans. “What happened last night?” He asks after moments of silence. “Nothing much… You were dared to either confess how you truly felt about me or I had to sit on your lap...” I tell him as I gather herbs from my drawers. “Oh?” He asks sitting up. I nod and he watches as I make the potion. “Well… What did I do?” He asks and I laugh. I start to grind the herbs together as I pour in some oils. “You were going to confess that you loooved me but I sat on your lap.” I tell him and he chuckles shyly. “You were so handsy too. Couldn’t keep your hands off of me.” I tell him and he gets up worried. “I’m so sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable. Godric, I’m so sorry.” He tells me and I laugh shaking my head. “It was cute. And you would always stop- usually when I had enough.” I tell him and he nods. “I drank way too much- and I am good at handling my drinks.” He tells me and I laugh. I finish the potion and motion for him to sit against the headboard.
I start to rub the solution on his temple. It glows for a second and disappears. I kiss him and he smiles against my lips, sighing contently. I nod in agreement and he kisses me again. “So… Anything else?” He asks and I chuckle sitting on his lap. “Nothing really… You were adorable.” I tell him choosing not to involve the drunk ‘I love you’ and his upset rant about wanting us to be public.
I walk into the party and Fred immediately locks eyes with me. He walks over and eyes my short skirt that barely covers my bum. “Aren’t you supposed to be a cute follow the rules girl?” He asks and I laugh. “Why are you asking?” I ask him and he smirks. He moves me into a secluded area where you can only see inside at an angle lifting my chin. “Y/n… That skirt is extremely inappropriate. I don’t remember breaking any school rule… So why are you breaking mine?” He asks and I chuckle. I jump a little feeling him grip my thighs. “Darling. You need to listen to my rules.” He tells me as he massages my bum. “Well… I wanted to dress nice today.” I tell him and he picks me up wrapping my legs around him. I laugh looking around shocked at his boldness. “Godric I don’t care I need you...” He mumbles kissing me passionately. I kiss him back and feel his tongue slip past my lips. He takes his time exploring my mouth as I moan to every movement.
“Freddie...” I mumble and he looks at me through his long hair smiling. “Yes bunny?” He asks using the nickname he saves for special moments. “We are going to get caught.” I tell him laughing and he nods sadly. “One more kiss?” He asks pouting. I laugh nodding as he kisses me again. We take longer to separate and finally do, needing some form of oxygen. We laugh out of breath placing our foreheads together smiling goofily. “I love you Fred Weasley...” I mumble and he smiles. “I love you Y/n L/n” He replies and we hear George nearby. He drops me and I pull out my wand apparating across the room. I see George catch Fred and he walks out flattening his button down.
I watch as George introduces Fred to a girl I know from my house. She always talks about a new boy every week. Annoys the hell out of me. I walk over to grab a drink. When I turn around I catch eyes with a familiar ginger. He smiles winking at me and George taps my shoulder. “Y/n- Y/nnnn you’re staringggg.” He hums and I snap back. “Hm?” I ask and he scoffs. “You need to tell him how you feel.” He tells me and I laugh. “Please. He doesn’t like me like that.” I lie and he shakes his head. “If you continue ignoring your feelings for him he’ll get snatched up.” He tells me and I sigh. “That girl? Fiona? She asked me to introduce her to him. She fancies him.” He tells me and I nod sighing.
A few drinks and dances later I’m keeping my eyes on Fred as he talks with a few girls. A few guys have hit on me but I reject their advances. I see Fiona finally drag him to the dance floor and my blood boils seeing it. A few more minutes later a guy comes up to me smiling and Fred’s still dancing.
“Edward.” He tells me, holding out his hand. “That’s a lovely name, am I to assume it's yours?” I ask with a small laugh. “Sorry… That was a bit random huh?” He asks and I nod laughing lightly. “You are… Beautiful by the way.” He tells me and I smile warmly. “Thank you… If a boy this handsome thinks I’m pretty, wow.” I say and he smiles a bit wider. “So… Do you have a date hanging around?” He asks and I glance over at Fred and he’s staring directly at me cocking his head with his tongue in his cheek. “Actually… I don’t think so… There's this boy but he’s off dancing with a girl.” I tell him and he looks as if he witnessed a cosmic event. “Why?! If I had you I’d never even look at a girl.” He tells me and I laugh placing my hand on his knee. “You are too kind.” I reply and he smiles at me.
I talk with Edward for a while and I hear Fred getting everyone's attention. “For everyone's knowledge! Severus Snape has officially gotten what he deserved for those horrible grades.” He yells to the crowd and George stands up with him. “Thanks to yours truly.” He says with a bow. “What did you do?!” A girl in the crowd asks and he snaps at her. “Let’s just say, he’ll have the hiccups for a while.” Fred yells out and George nods laughing.
I look at Edward who is laughing his arse off. “Those two...” I say. I excuse myself and walk over. Fred looks at me challengingly. “Yes?” He asks me and I scoff. “Pranking a professor?!” I ask and he nods smiling. “Best prank yet.” He tells me and I scoff. “What the hell got into your mind to do that?!” I ask and he nods at Edward. “How was your boyfriend?” He questions and I scoff. “You hypocritical, jealous, bastard!” I tell him and he looks at me angrily. “Do I need to do graffiti? Do not try me. No cursing.” He tells me pointing at me and I scoff. “Fuck. Damn. Shit. Pussy. Cunt. Dick.” I tell him and he shakes his head. “Bedroom. Now. You better be stripped naked sitting like a princess when I get there.” He spits in my ear and I look at him angrily. “No.” I say stomping my foot. “You bratty little...” He mumbles and I stomp over to Edward. “Lets dance.” I tell him, grabbing his hand. “O-Ok!” He replies as I drag him to the dance floor.
He holds my hips against his as I dance and I see Fred eyeing me angrily as Fiona fawns over him. We dance for a while as Edward grinds against me and we just move in sync. I look over and he’s walking over done with my teasing. He grabs my arm dragging me to a table pulling me up. “What- What are you doing Fred?!” I ask and he looks at me. “Sir.” He corrects and I blush. He pulls me in and kisses me harshly in front of everyone. I pull away shocked and he smirks. I finally crash my lips into his as he holds my arse keeping me where I was. “I knew it!” I hear Hermione yell and we laugh continuing the kiss. “Sir… I need you...” I whisper in his ear and he smiles.
We get to his dorm deep into a kiss as he shrugs his button down off quickly, mumbling the spells to silence and lock the door. “Get undressed. Now.” He growls and I nod. He sits on his chair rubbing up and down his cock as he watches me get undressed. I sit down between my legs looking at him through my eyelashes innocently. “Go on… Lay down.” He tells me and I follow his orders.
He moves each hand to tie them to the corners of the bed. “What’s the safe word my dear?” He asks with a hint of concern. “Avocadoo. Which I highly request we change. Its idiotic.” I tell him and he chuckles. “You know the other idea...” He hums chuckling. “I will not ever say Mischief Managed during sex.” I tell him and he chuckles kissing me and slowly going down to my neck leaving small bruises all over my skin from his lips. I slowly turn my light demeanor to moans and begs as he massages my chest lightly kissing my shoulders. “You were a bad girl today weren’t you?” He asks and I nod biting my lip and he grabs my chin. “So you know you were being bad.” He says sternly and my eyes widen shaking my head. “And… I broke zero rules… I think my bad girl needs punishment.” He tells me and I gasp lightly as he places a blindfold on my eyes but I feel his warm lips kissing me to calm me a little. “Just a blindfold darling...” He tells me and I nod.
I hear a vibrator and start moving my legs trying to get free until a slap against my bum tells me no. “Good girl...” He mumbles watching me calm. “Now continue being a good girl while I fuck you senseless.” He tells me and I feel him place the vibrator on my clit and I try fighting his hold moaning loudly at the extremely high setting. “Now… You are going to get this until I feel you’ve learned your lesson. So my question is… What are you darling?” He asks and I don’t listen. “What. Are. You?” He demands and I ignore him again only to earn him to raise the vibrator to its highest setting.
“I’m a slut!” I moan loudly and he laughs. “What are you?” He asks again and I moan begging him. “A slut!” I moan again and he holds my throat. “Who’s slut? Edwards?” He asks and I shake my head. “I’m your slut!” I moan and he tightens his hold a little. “Say it again. 5 more times.” He tells me. Just as I begin moaning out the sentence again he shoves a gag in my mouth making me gasp. I try to say it through the gag and I almost finish when he plays loud music and I feel tears well up in my eyes. “Please sir!” I moan and he ignores me either not hearing or not caring.
A few minutes later I’ve came twice, he finally turns off the music. “Are you my slut?” He asks and I nod. “Can you try one more time, my perfect toy?” He asks and I nod tired. He pulls off the vibrator cleaning it with a spell and removes my blindfold kissing my small tears from my cheeks untying the ties on my legs. “Are you sure? You could cause an earthquake with those legs… And you're really shaky.” He says cheekily and I chuckle leaning my head back. “You have me in bed Weasley, I think you can stop flirting.” I tell him and he laughs kissing my neck as I moan still tired. “But I love flirting with you...” He mumbles and I feel his legs go on either side of my hips. “Ok. Last time: You are sure? Cause I can wank off on my own if you’re tired.” He asks and I laugh. “Freddie I’m ok.” I tell him and he nods, kissing me softly. I feel him place a pillow under my hips aligning himself with my entrance.
“Fuck...” He moans as he slides inside. He lets me adjust then slowly starts to go back and forth speeding up until he’s at a good speed. He kisses my breasts leaving bruises as he rams into me. He finishes quickly, probably from wanking off while I was under the vibrator. He collapses on my chest kissing me lightly. “I love you...” He mumbles repeating it after every kiss. He unties me carrying me to the bathroom. “Bubble bath?” He asks and I nod excitedly.
After the bath we walk out in new clothes to see George and Hermione smirking at us. “KNEW IT- THEY WERE!” Hermione says as he hands her a sack of money. “What the hell Fred?! Couldn’t you just be a pussy and not ask her out?!” He asks and we laugh. “Hey darling? Hermione found out.” He sings in my ear and I laugh walking over to my purse grabbing the money. I shove it into his chest and he smiles at me goofily. He pulls me in and I yelp as he kisses me. “I hate you both.”
#fred weasley#canon#george weasley#fred and goerge weasley#fred and george#hermione granger#ron weasley#Fears#hogwarts#gryffindor#hufflepuff#ravenclaw#slytherin#smut x reader#fred weasley x reader
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Fist Fights and Hickeys
Prompt: Enemies to lovers smut with the teeniest bit of plot. Literally this is just pure filth. Please don’t read if you’re a minor, seriously this is not for you.
Warnings: SMUT! Swearing, Female reader, oral (female receiving),unprotected sex (I don’t have a fun rhyme explaining why that's a bad idea, just use fucking protection! dear lord, this is wizard shit im sure they have magic birth control but we aren't getting into that rn) also reader punches someone early on so violence, fluff and funny stuff at the end.
You walked down the hall as quickly as you could, just wanting the day to be over. It seems like no matter what you did today, everything went wrong. In herbology you dropped and broke a potted plant. In potions, your mixture exploded, coating you and your partner in blue sludge, which was still in your hair, and in divination, your tea leaves literally showed you an omen of death. At this point, you didn’t know how else this day could get worse.
“Hello Y/N” Fred Weasley said, sauntering up to your side. Welp, it just had to go and get worse.
“Leave me alone Fred” You said, irritation clearly present in your voice. You and Fred had a bit of a rivalry, whether it was at quidditch, or in your classes, or with pranks, the two of you were always trying to one up each other, which through the years, has created a bit of a love hate friendship.
“Somebody’s cranky” Fred joked, continuing to walk beside you.
“Somebody needs to shut the fuck up” You responded. Fred was about to reply, but before he could, someone interrupted him.
“Well well well, look what we have here! What happened Y/N, trying to go for a new look” Ethan Hawthorn said, pointing out your hair, which was still blue.
You didn’t answer, you just kept walking, Fred giving you a confused look. Ethan hawthorn was a Slytherin who you had a class with last year. The professor had asked a question, which he answered incorrectly, and when you corrected him in front of everyone, he deemed it appropriate to treat you like you had personally humiliated him in front of the whole school. He basically made it his life purpose to make your life difficult.
“Aw come on Y/N, don’t be like that, it’s nice! It distracts from your face!” He continued, him and a few of his friends now following you and laughing. Upon hearing what he said, Fred went to turn and confront him but you grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“Oh is your boyfriend trying to save you? You probably hired him to be around you, god knows he needs the money” Ethan said.
Next thing you knew, you had whipped around and punched Ethan in the face. It was a bit of a surprise to everyone, including yourself seeing you wouldn’t really consider yourself a violent person. Before you could think about anything else though, you and Fred were sprinting down the hallway towards the Gryffindor common room, Ethan screaming profanities from behind you.
You sprinted to the entrance of the common room, quickly saying the password and running inside, relieved to find it empty. After running for your lives, you and Fred were pretty tired out, both of you walking over to one of the couches and falling onto it, trying to catch your breath.
“You know he’s going to try and kill you right?” Fred asked, turning his head to look at you.
“Worth it” You said, causing the both of you to laugh a bit, before you noticed the pain radiating from your hand. You sat up a bit and examined your knuckles, which were now bleeding a bit. Fred noticed and sat up as well, before gently taking your hand in both of his, looking at the irritated skin.
“You ok?” He asked, skill looking at your hands, which you were thankful for since it made it so he couldn’t see the blush forming on your face.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine” You replied. Trying not to focus on his long fingers gently brushing over the bones in your hand.
“You’re hands are so small” Fred laughed, breaking you out of your slightly flustered trance.
“These small hands can still slap the shit out of you” You replied, taking your hand back and laughing.
“Here I think I have something upstairs that can help with the pain” Fred said standing, you following his actions and making your way up the stairs to the boys dormitory, walking inside to once again find it was empty.
You walked over and took a seat on his bed, Fred quickly fumbling through a drawer before coming to sit next to you, a roll of gauze in his hand. He sat across from you and gently took your hand again, carefully wrapping the cloth around your knuckles a few times before tearing off the excess and securing it in place.
“Thank you” You said holding up your hand and examining his work, only to look over and see Fred staring at you, a bit of a frown on his face. “What?”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with that guy” Fred said, the atmosphere in the room changing a bit.
“Fred its fine” You said, trying to change the subject.
“No its not Y/N! That dickhead is insulting you constantly, and for what? You don’t deserve to be treated like that” Fred said, standing and starting to pace around the room.
“You’re taking this way to seriously” You said, starting to get annoyed with his attitude. It wasn’t like you and Fred were super close. Hell most of the time you were at each others throat about whos better at what, and when you weren't doing that you were either annoying each other, or on a rare occasion, actually having a civil conversation.
“I don’t think you’re taking this seriously enough!” Fred continued, still pacing back and forward.
“Why do you care so much!?” you shouted.
“Because I fucking love you!” Fred shouted back, stopping in his tracks to face you.
“What?” You asked, not quite believing what you just heard.
“I love you ok? I love the way you make everyone around you smile, and that you’re absolutely hilarious, and that you’re competitive. I love the sound of your laugh, and the way your eyes light up when you smile, and even when you’re being a complete pain in the ass you still-” Fred rambled on, only stopping when you cut interrupted him.
“Fred!” you said sternly, grabbing his attention.
“What?” He asked loudly, breathing heavily from his rant.
“Would you just shut the fuck up and kiss me already?” You asked. That was all Fred needed to hear, crossing the room in one swift motion and closing the space between you, leaning down to roughly push his lips against yours.
Your hands instantly went to his hair pulling him even closer, while his went to the back of your thighs, picking you up and walking you over to the bed, letting you fall back onto the mattress before quickly re connecting his mouth to your neck, biting the flesh there before soothing over it with his tongue.
You moved your hands to his shoulders, sliding them down his chest before landing at the hem of his shirt, pushing it upwards. Fred got the message and pulled away, making quick work of removing his shirt, before his mouth was back on yours, sucking on your bottom lip before his tongue met yours, swirling around in a fight for dominance.
His hands moved upwards, slipping under your shirt to roughly grab your breast, causing you to moan into his mouth. Your hands found their way to his waist, quickly working on undoing his belt. You had almost gotten it unfastened when Fred suddenly pulled away, looking down at you.
“Are you sure?” Fred asked, searching your face for any sign of rejection.
“I have literally never wanted to fuck someone more in my whole life, yes I’m one hundred percent sure” You replied
Fred didn’t waste any more time, quickly working on removing his shoes and pants, while you worked on removing your shirt and leggings, your skirt following soon after leaving you in only your bra and panties, while Fred stood in front of you, his eyes raking up and down your body, you started to feel a bit self conscious with his eyes on you, but before you could move to cover up a bit, his lips were back on yours, pushing you back onto the bed.
His lips started to move downwards, moving from your neck, to your collarbone, trailing wet in between your breasts and down your stomach before finally settling between your legs, looking up ay you before kissing down your inner thigh, deliberately not going near where you needed him most.
“Fred, please” You whined, trying to find some relief.
“Please what?” Fred asked, playing with the waistband of your panties.
“Please do anything just stop teasing- Oh fuck!” You cried, Fred moving your panties to the side and slipping two of his long fingers into you, making your back arch.
“Already so wet for me” He chuckled, pumping his fingers faster. “If you don’t like me teasing then why are you moaning”
You didn’t get the change to reply before Fred's mouth was suddenly on your core, licking a long stripe between your fold before swirling his tongue around your clit, making your head fly back and your hands grip the sheets, desperate for something to hold onto. You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening, threatening to push you over the edge, but just as you were about to come undone, Fred pulled away, removing his fingers and making you groan at the loss of contact.
“What the fuck Fred?!” You cried, frustrated for being denied your release. Meanwhile Fred was crawling his way back up your body, letting out a low chuckle.
“Don’t worry babe, I’m going to take care of you. But when you cum I want it to be around my cock” Fred almost growled, causing a chill to run up your spine before he reached behind you, unclasping your bra and throwing it to the other side of the room, your panties and his boxers following soon after.
Fred propped on of his arms next to his head, helping to keep his weight off you while his other hand moved to his cock, slipping it between your fold a few times, looking at you for permission, which you gave with a nod, before finally pushing his length into you.
“Please move” You practically begged, Fred waiting to make sure you had adjusted before doing anything.
“As you wish” He teased, a smirk on his face, before he slowly started moving, pulling out half way before thrusting back into you.
You were just about to ask him to go faster, when he was suddenly ramming into you, his head moving to the crook of your neck, sucking on the flesh there, while your hands moved to his back, pulling him closer and creating long red trails as your fingernails desperately tried to find something to hold onto.
You bit your lip, trying to contain your moans, knowing anyone could walk in at any moment.
“I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.” Fred said, sucking behind your ear, making your head spin.
“Someone could walk in” You said back, trying to come up with an excuse. In reality, you knew most of the other students were in class so you didn’t have much to worry about.
“I really don’t care. You look so fucking hot writhing under me and I’m going fuck you senseless right now.” He rasped out, moving his free arm under your knee to hike your leg up higher, the new angle making you gasp, allowing him hit your G-spot perfectly each time.
“Oh fuck, Fred- I’m gonna-!” You cried out, no longer in control of the pornographic sounds leaving your mouth.
“Cum for me, beautiful” Fred murmured into your ear, bringing his hand down to rub circles around your clit, finally pushing you over the edge, the knot in your stomach snapping and flooding your body with pleasure.
Fred continued to thrust into you, helping you ride out your high before coming undone himself, resting his head on your shoulder as he came down from his high, slowing his movements before stopping completely, gently pulling out of you and flopping onto his back beside you, both of you staring at the ceiling, trying to catch your breath.
“That was...wow” You started, still to blissed out to think of the right words.
“Yeah... why didn’t we do this earlier?” Fred asked, causing the both of you to laugh, finally catching your breath and sitting in a comfortable silence.
“I love you too” You said, breaking the silence and making Fred look over at you.
“Really?” He asked teasingly, but he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
“Yeah, ever since you hugged me when we won that quidditch tournament last year, I knew I had feeling for you.”
“I knew when you made frogs come out of Snape's pockets for a week” Fred replied, causing you both to fall into another fit of laughter.
“Wow, so romantic” You teased, Fred moving to wrap his arm around you as you scooched closer into his chest, both of you moving under the covers.
“I know, its a gift” Fred replied, making you giggle.
“Well, I should maybe get going” You said, moving to get up, knowing classes would be ending soon.
“You thought we were done?” Fred asked, stopping you in your tracks.
“We’re not?” You asked, a confused look on your face.
“Not even close” Fred replied, leaning in and connecting your lips again, to which you enthusiastically responded, before quickly pulling away, grabbing your wand and casting a locking and silencing spell on the door.
Needless to say, while you may have had a bad streak during your classes, you most definitely got lucky that night.
The next day you had to get up early for quidditch practice. You had suck out of Fred's room a few hours later without too much suspicion, but needless to say, you were sore. You walked to practice with your roommate Angelina, who was currently talking about something to do with McGonigal's hat, but you honestly weren’t paying much attention, too distracted by last night events playing over in your head.
“But I think she might be hiding something in it you know? Like... hold up. Is that a fucking hickey?” Angelina asked once you finally got to the bleachers, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“What?! No!” You quickly defended, trying to move the collar of your shirt up, only for Angelina to slap your hand away, pulling your collar further down, exposing the dozens of marks that littered your neck and chest, which you didn’t realize you had this morning.
“Oh my GOD! Did you get beat up? Who’s the guy?” Angelina asked with a teasing tone.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” You replied, trying to keep your cool, digging through your bag to find your water bottle.
You stood back up, looking over to see Fred and George walking your direction. You gave them both a wave, your eyes lingering on Fred for a few seconds longer than usual. They dropped their stuff off a bit always from you, and started getting changed, both of them coming in sweaters.
“Besides” You continued, turning away from the twins, trying to keep your cool. “You have no right to talk, I know you and George are getting pretty comfortable in the room of requirement” You said, taking a sip of your water.
“That’s totally different and- Oh my god?!” Angelina said, looking past you, causing you to turn and spit out your water, the sight before you making you choke on the liquid.
Fred had taken off his shirt to change into his Jersey, and his back was covered in bright pink scratch marks. He heard the commotion, turning to see you covering your mouth trying to stop choking, not sure whether to be horrified or laugh.
“Jesus Fred, did you piss off a hippogriff and not tell me about it?” George asked, Fred suddenly realizing that of course, you would have most definitely left marks. Not that he was completely innocent either.
“Oh that, yeah I fell out of a..... tree” Fred said, making you smack your palm to your face. Sure, he may have been the best prankster in the school, but damn was Fred a bad liar.
Angelina took in your reaction, adding it to Fred's back and your hickeys, finally putting the pieces together.
“You two!?” Angelina said, pointing at the two of you. “Last night when you got back to the dorm late! You were fucking fucking!”
“Shhhh!” I shushed loudly, making Angelina and George laugh.
“Fred and Y/N, sitting in a tree” George started
“K-I-S-S-I-N-G” Angelina finished, the two laughing and heading off to start practice, leaving you and Fred slightly embarrassed at the blatant teasing.
“Well, we’re never going to hear the end of this” You said, admitting defeat.
“Yeah, but at least now they know. But speaking of K-I-S-S-I-N-G, you wanna...” Fred asked, moving his head towards the back of the bleachers.
“As fun as that sounds, It’ll have to wait. First I need to beat your ass at quidditch” You said, collecting your gear, looking up to see a gobsmacked Fred looking back at you.
“You are literally my dream girl, how did I get so lucky?” Fred asked, grabbing his things and walking with you to the center of the field.
“I know, I’m pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to you” You said in a serious tone.
“This dicks the best thing that's ever happened to you”
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed!!!! I didn’t read through this before posting so if theres any grammar mistakes I’m sorry, I literally wrote this at 3 in the morning because who needs sleep when you have Fred Weasley porn. Anyway, I hope you guys liked it, feel free to leave any feedback/recs!
#fred weasley#fred weasley fanfiction#fred weasley fanfic#fred weasley fic#fred weasley headcannon#fred weasley smut#fred weasley x reader#fred weasley x y/n
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I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call
OK so here we are with the penultimate part! BIG MASSIVE THANK YOU to the absolute loves of my life @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys and @fratboytj for helping me write this because I am a dumpster fire of a human and this would still be unfinished had it not been for them 💛💛💛
Hope you like it!
Read the whole series: I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair // I hate the way you drive my car // I hate it when you stare // I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind // I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme // I hate the way you’re always right // I hate it when you lie // I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry // I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call // But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all
“This right here is our issue!”
“I don’t care. You need to leave.”
You and Evelina were leaving for Los Angeles the next day, the presentation not quite done yet as your boss bombarded both of you with texts asking for updates while you were just trying to relax at home after what had been a stressful week of work. The two of you had turned into gremlins as soon as you came home, hair tied back, sweatshirts on, hoods up, facing each other while sitting cross-legged on your living room floor, typing faster than you probably needed to every time your boss sent a new suggestion.
“Does he really think adding in a transition between these two slides is going to do anything? Like, there are no other animations in the entire presentation, why these two slides?” you huff, pushing the fly-away hair out of your face as you look to Evelina, hunched over her laptop with her computer screen illuminating her face.
Your phones continue buzzing as you try to put the finishing touches on your laptops. “Whatever this man is smoking, I need some to deal with him,” Evelina mutters. You look up from your computer, questioning the statement that just came out of her mouth. “What?” she asks, “Don’t act like you wouldn’t, too.”
“I’m texting him and telling him we’re going to stop for the night and talk with him in person about it tomorrow at the airport and on plane,” you tell her, setting your computer down next to you. You lay down on the floor, stretching your body out with your hands over your head, your toes pointed, groaning so loud you practically scream as your phone lays silently next to you.
“Have you heard from Matthew?” Evelina asks, breaking the silence that was normally broken by texts from him.
You shake your head, sitting up again. “Not a word.”
“Have you tried to talk to him?”
You take in a deep breath, closing your eyes as you pick up your laptop again. “Nope. Nothing posted on our stories on Instagram or Snapchat in a week, no texts, no calls, no Facetimes, our streak gone on Snap. We’re both radio silent,” you start, trying to fight back the tears that you knew were coming. This was for the best, maybe. You didn’t need to be preoccupied with the idea of liking someone that was just going to hurt you. He was only meant to be your friend. Your best friend.
“I’m sorry, babe,” she says, turning her head. A small piece of paper under your couch catches her eye, stretching to see what it was. “What is this? ‘For Ev and Hg’ Who’s Hg?”
“I think that’s me,” you say, reaching for the card, Matthew’s messy writing scrawled across the small paper. It must have fallen off the box that had the jerseys in it, you figure.
“That’s not right,” she says, pulling a laugh from you.
“Matthew calls me that: Hg is the chemical symbol for mercury, coming from hydrargyrum, the Latinized form of the Greek word hydrargyros, which means water-silver. Mercury stops oxygen from reaching the brain and it drives you crazy. He’s saying that I drive him crazy,” you explain, a sad smile on your face as you play with the card, curling the corners of it slightly just so you had something to do.
“That is surprisingly smart and cute for him,” Evelina gushes, a sudden wave of sadness washing over her. “I think this is my fault,” she admits.
“Matthew not talking to you. Matthew knowing about the list.” You stare at her, not sure what to say. What was she talking about? “I told him about it the night you started it.”
“What the fuck?” you scream, “That’s the reason we had this whole fight in the first place. That’s why we aren’t talking right now. Ev, you ruined my friendship with Matthew!”
“You’ll get through it,” she tries to reassure you, unable to look at you. “Couples fight all the time.”
“We were not a couple!” you yell, standing up. “And now, because of you, we never will be.”
“Is that what you wanted?” she yells back, getting up with you as if you were about to start physically fighting. “Do you want to be a couple? Or do you just want him to be your friend? I don’t care anymore, but until you figure out what the fuck you want, you can’t fix this.”
You look down at your feet, wiggling your toes in the socks you had on. “You’re right,” you admit to her, trying to stay as calm as you could. “But why did you have to tell him about that list? What do you think it’s like to find out that someone you care about has been keeping something like this from you?” You stand there quietly for a minute, neither of you sure what to say to the other. “I’m going to go to my room,” you say, finally breaking the silence, “Just, don’t bother me for a little bit, ok?” You don’t let her answer, picking up your computer from the floor and retreating to your room to lock yourself in for the time being.
Evelina sits down on the floor, trying to figure out what she can do. This was her fault. Or was it yours? She had suggested the list, but you were the one who went along with it. She made the bet, but you wouldn’t drop it. She wanted you to be with Matthew, but you have been fighting it no matter what everyone else tells you.
She shakes her head, picking up her computer, a reminder from her calendar coming up in the top corner: Flames @ Kings, 7:00 p.m. Friday. Staples Center. With all this bullshit, would you even still want to go to the game? Evelina pulls up her phone, hearing loud music coming from your room, thankful that you wouldn’t be able to hear her conversation.
“I can see on her Spotify that she’s playing the playlist we entitled “depressed bitch” when she broke up with her last boyfriend and I can’t stand to see her like this. Why did you have to bring up the list?” Evelina barks into her phone.
“Why did you have to have Y/N start the list in the first place?” Matthew’s voice comes through on the other end. “With no list, then we wouldn’t be in this fucked up mess in the first place. You’re the reason I’m not talking to her.”
She knew he was taking his anger out on her. And he’s right, as much as she hated to admit it. “I know it’s my fault,” she says, begrudgingly, “which is why I’m trying to fix this. She cried for five hours after you left last week. She did not sleep for two days and I think the only reason she did was because our boss is an exhausting jackass. It’s because of you and me, and she’s made her peace with me as far as I can tell. I need you back in the picture.”
“Matthew,” Evelina groans, hating that she had to explain her reasoning to him, “you’re good for her. You’re good to her. You listen to her. You hear her. From the moment you met her, you were absolutely infatuated with her.”
“So why haven’t you talked to her in a week?”
She hears him let out a deep sigh, swearing she could hear him sniffle as if he were crying. “Because I’m in love with her. I love Y/N. And I know that the more I try to pull her back to me, the harder she’s going to push away.”
“Why do you love her?” Evelina asks, grabbing her computer, an idea popping into her head as she balances her phone between her shoulder and her ear, pulling up a blank document.
He scoffs, starting, “Her way of relaxing herself is by ranting about obscure facts that no sane person would actually care enough to read, let alone commit to memory. And she absolutely lights up when she tells you this stuff. She has this, this soft smile that still somehow reaches her eyes when she’s talking. At the end of her rant she makes that face where she scrunches her nose because she thinks it’s embarrassing that she just spewed all those facts to you.”
“Keep going,” Evelina instructs him, her fingers flying over her keyboard as he talks.
“Are you typing?”
“I’m working on...work. Keep going, I’m listening,” she says fast, hoping that he wouldn’t question her.
“I like how she dresses, and I know you think she doesn’t have good style but hear me out: she dresses how she’s comfortable. She doesn’t dress up often because it’s not something she wants to do so it’s not something she does do. But, fuck, when I see her dressed up in the slightest, she looks beautiful. She looks great in anything she wears.”
Evelina couldn’t help but smile as she continued to type, not even needing to egg Matthew on to keep spilling his guts to her, his voice getting more confident with everything he listed. “Have you ever noticed how she doesn’t hold a pen correctly? What was it, her grandmother taught her to write outside of school so when she went to school and already knew her teachers saw that so they didn’t focus on her and catch that she was holding it wrong? So now she’s constantly playing with it to distract herself from that fact, which makes no sense, but whatever. And she has ink all over her hands all the time because she keeps twirling it between her fingers and dropping it.”
“She’ll joke that it’s ‘abstract art.’” Evelina cuts in, both of them laughing.
“Come on, even you love that. She’s so stubborn. Once she gets any idea in her head, she won’t give it up because she knows she’s right. It drives me crazy.”
“Mercury,” Evelina mutters.
“What was that?”
“We found the card that you wrote with the jerseys,” she explains, peeling her shoulder away from her face and holding the phone with her hand for a moment, “You call her Mercury because she drives you crazy.”
Matthew stays silent for a moment, forgetting that you were supposed to see him in Los Angeles against the Kings that Friday. “Are you still coming to that?”
“You mean is she still coming with me?” He doesn’t answer again, leaving Evelina to fill the empty space in the conversation. “I’m going to try to get her there. I want her there. And I know she wants to be there, too.”
“I remember the night we met,” Matthew says, changing subjects, not wanting to think about the possibility of not seeing you at that game, “it was just a normal night out with the guys and then two girls who we hadn’t seen before walked in. And normally we wouldn’t think anything of it, but,” he exhales, “I don’t know. The entire energy of the bar changed. All of us felt it. And then the two of you walked up to us. You were fucking annoying,” he jokes, earning a scoff from Evelina.
“Watch yourself Tkachuk, don’t make me mad right now.”
Rolling his eyes, even though he knew she couldn't see him, he continues, “The guys loved you immediately, it was like you had known them for years the way you fit in. But then there was Y/N. She’s your exact opposite: you were this loud force of nature but she was quiet. There was just something about her that I had to get to know her. I knew she was different around people she’s comfortable with and I just had to be one of those people. Couldn’t even tell you why.”
Matthew keeps talking, Evelina typing as he keeps telling her about his feelings. In a lull in your music, you can hear her laugh from your room, thinking to yourself that you were glad at least one of you was having fun with whatever it was they were doing. You finally sit up, having been sprawled on your back on your bed staring at your ceiling trying to think of something, anything that wasn’t Matthew. You look around your room, trying to ground yourself from the pain you felt from not hearing from him, not wanting to reach out to him to begin with. You see your computer on your dresser, forgetting that you put it there once you got to your room, getting up to put something on from Hulu.
Out of the corner of your eye, in the reflection of your mirror, you see a black sleeve sticking out from the rest of the clothing that was hanging on the back of your door. You put your computer on your desk, flipping through the clothing to see what it was. You pull it off whatever hanger it was on, a wool winter pea coat, definitely not yours.
Because it was Matthew’s. When you first met him, you were so comfortable around each other. You could go over his place with ease, not feeling awkward when you fell asleep on his shoulder while watching a movie, feeling completely normal when you woke up the next morning and used his bathroom as if it were your own, eventually keeping some stuff there for when you did stay over, no matter how little use it served you the night after the charity event.
He was the same at your place. He has stuff around your room everywhere, you never really blinking an eye at the pair of his sweatpants and the tshirt that were somewhere in your drawers for when he slept over. Not even a year ago, he left in the sweatshirt, the coat he wore the night before left on the couch without you realizing it, making its home on the back of your door only to get shuffled right up against the wood as you hung more and more clothing in front of it.
You walk over to your bed, not taking your eyes off the coat. You sit down on your bed, hearing some sort of jingling sound from somewhere in the coat. Digging through the pockets, you can feel something metal in the front right one, a piece of paper poorly folded around it. Should you be going through the pockets of someone else's coat?
Who cared at this point? You take out the contents of the pocket: a key and a receipt. Your heart was racing, having a feeling about what both of these things meant. The receipt was dated the night you went out to the bar when you moved to Calgary, the night you met Matthew and the rest of the boys. Matthew’s name was on the bottom signaling that it was his, a few drinks circled by who you assumed was him.
Those were the drinks he bought for you that night, the drinks he would always ask you if you wanted befor you could get a word in first, ‘vodka sour = lemon,’ and something else you couldn’t quite make out written on the side. The next time you were out with them, a vodka sour was the drink he bought you because you told him you liked lemon but hadn’t found a drink that you liked with it in it. That was the drink he bought you the night of the charity event.
On the back of the receipt, again in Matthew’s handwriting, ‘my home is your home, Y/N.’ In your hand was a key, with a lemon charm hanging off of it.
It was a key to his apartment.
You couldn’t begin to fathom the emotions that washed over you in that moment, knowing that he was going to give you his key, probably before you even thought of giving him one for your place. Fuck, you didn’t even give him one, Evelina did. You didn’t even think about it, and there he was, a key for you, planned out, thoughtful, meaningful. You felt like crying because of sweet it was.
You pick up your phone, pulling up Matthew’s contact to call him. Your finger hovers over the button. All you had to do was press the button, and you would talk to him for the first time in a week. Before you can tell yourself no, you hit the button, a picture of the two of you coming up on your screen, ‘Matthew, calling,’ rolling over your phone in bold white text.
You didn’t even know what you were going to say, holding the phone to your ear. Actually, you knew what you wanted to say, hearing the phone ring, and ring, and ring. It wouldn’t stop ringing.
It was a sign. One that you shouldn’t be calling him, hanging up immediately and blocking his number so that he can’t try to call you back. If you were meant to be with him, then he would have answered when you wanted to talk to him most. He would have called you first.
Every emotion you felt turned into anger. You wanted him to call you. You wanted him to be there for you, because if this were happening with another guy, Matthew would be the one sitting there on the bed with you talking you down when this hypothetical man didn’t answer.
“Mother fucker!” you scream, throwing the key against your door, letting it drop to the ground, wishing it was smashed.
Evelina hears you, hoping that the conversation with Matthew would end soon so that she can go check on you when he says, “What about how she’s always so quick with her chirps? I have never met someone who’s so fast with a comeback. She’s better than any guy in the NHL. Better than anyone,” Matthew says, still on the phone with Evelina, his voice getting quiet. “Better than anyone,” he repeats himself.
“I’ve known Y/N’s last two boyfriends and between her and Thomas recounting the high school boyfriend, I feel like I knew the third,” she says, partially regretting bringing up Thomas’s name, “You really love her?”
“Haven’t I said that already?” he snaps.
“Yes, but I want you to say it again. She is my best friend and has had plenty of people say that they are in love with her. You’re the first one she’s been in love with back, though.”
Matthew’s breath hitches at those words. If Evelina was saying it about you, then it had to be true he figured. “Of course I do.”
“Ok,” is all Evelina can say, leaving the two of them in silence for a few seconds.
“Uh, bye, I guess,” Matthew says, hoping the awkward silence that fell between them would end.
“I’ll text you later about something. Bye,” Evelina hangs up the phone, letting out a long sigh before getting off the floor. Wandering to your room, she knocks on your door, waiting for any sign of life from you to tell her she could come in. “What is this?” she asks after stepping on the key, handing it back to you, plopping herself down on your bed..
“Matthew was going to give me a key to his apartment,” you tell her, waving it around in the air.
“When?” You shrug, honestly not sure how long ago the coat was left there, not sure how long it had been in his pocket in the first place. “I need to ask you something,” she says.
Not really paying attention, that stupid key in your hand, you answer her anyway, “What?”
“Do you like him?”
“Him who?”
Evelina rolls her eyes at you, telling you who even though she really didn’t need to. “Matthew.”
“Of course I do. He’s my best friend besides you.”
“Do you love him?”
“Why hasn’t he called?” you ask, quietly, her instead.
Evelina sighs, “He probably wants to give you space,” she tells you, even though she knows the real answer. “He just wants you to go to him when you’re ready. You know he would never push you to do something you don’t want to.”
The two of you sit there in silence for a moment, neither of you sure what to say. Would Matthew want you to reach out first? If he did, why didn’t he answer the phone just now? “Y/N,” Evelina presses, you knowing that she wanted you to respond to the question you intentionally left unanswered.
You pick up the receipt that was beside you, the key still in your hand, wondering how he could have thought yo give you the key before you even thought about it yourself. And why did he never give it to you? “Ev. I said no. He’s just like Thomas. He loves me and I don’t feel the same way, and I’ve lost him just like I lost Thomas,” you insist.
“You didn’t lose him,” she tries to reassure you. “This is going to work out.”
“How do you know that, Ev? He means everything to me. You and him are the two people outside of my family that I care the most about. What does it say about our friendship that we get into some stupid fight and now we don’t talk for a week?”
“Y/N,” she lets out a small laugh, “He loves you.”
You shake your head, swallowing hard as you turn the key over in your hand for what felt like the thousandth time. “If he did he would be here right now. He would have called, he would have done something to show me that he cared about me.”
“Y/N,” she tries.
“No, Ev. Can we just drop it?” you beg, reaching over to your nightstand and throwing the key and receipt in the drawer. “We have to work on our presentation, we leave tomorrow, and we still need to finish packing.”
The rest of the night was spent by the two of you not saying more than monosyllabic sentences to each other while you worked on the finishing touches of your presentation, packing the last of what you needed for the trip and triing to get your mind off Matthew. You zip your bag up, satisfied that you were finished when you see the jersey Matthew gave you sitting there on your floor, in a pile of other clothing you meant to put away.
You pick it up, like you did the jacket that was now sitting on the couch, a note laying on top of it for Evelina to give it back to Matthew. Sighing, you fold up the jersey, leaving your room to go put it with the coat. You didn’t want it. You had no need for it. All you could do was let it go.
You couldn’t sleep the night, any time you closed your eyes and managed to doze off, Matthew’s image flashed through your mind. Every single memory you had with him seemed to be manifesting themselves in your dreams, unable to shake him no matter what you did.The nights you spent together on the couch watching whatever was on TV, teaching him to make your favorite cookies, even though he burned them to a crisp no matter how many times he would check the oven, the two of you going Christmas shopping for your families, buying each other the dumbest gifts you could find to see who you laugh harder. Not a single bad memory came up, besides the last time you saw him. Was everything with Matthew actually that perfect? Or were you blocking things out?
Your alarm goes off but you were already awake for it, groaning loudly prompting Evelina to come running to your room. “Are you ok?” she asks in a panic. “Babe, did you sleep at all last night?”
You didn’t even want to know how awful you looked, just hoping that you would be able to cover it up with makeup and get some semblance of sleep while on the plane even if it were only a three hour flight. “Maybe an hour?” you guess, even though you were sure that was an over exaggeration. “Whatever. We have to go get ready.” You get out of your bed and storm to the bathroom, closing the door before Evelina could even say anything.
You looked like you had been hit by a truck, hating how you came across as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were red, the bags underneath them so rich in color they could probably be designer, your skin discolored like you were sick. You would need makeup and a miracle to fix yourself at this point.
“Y/N?” Evelina says, opening the door without you inviting her in. “I found the coat and jersey.” You make eye contact with her through the mirror, pursing your lips and nodding as you get back to putting on your makeup. “You really don’t want them?” You shake your head, swallowing hard. If you kept them, then they would tempt you to go back to him. Getting rid of them was the only thing you could do. “I put them in my room for now, ok?” You nod again, still not saying a word.
“I’m worried about you,” Evelina says. “Even with those other guys you’ve broken up with, they have never left you this broken.”
“I’m over it. I’m just tired.”
“We both know you’re lying about this. You know how you feel. You know that you’re in love with him, you always have been.”
You put your makeup down on the counter, staring at the powder in it’s container. “I can’t say it.”
Evelina takes a step back. “What?” she asks, surprised by your response.
“Thomas said he loved me, and that was it. The friendship was over and we haven’t seen him in years. If I say it to Matthew, if I admit it at all, then it’s going to be done. It already is done and I never said it.”
Evelina could feel her heart breaking, trying everything she could not to start crying in front of you, worrying that it would set you off as well. “You know that’s not true.”
“I do in my head, but not in my heart,” you say, letting out a laugh, “That sounds like something from a stupid Hallmark movie.” Evelina lets out a small laugh with you as you continue. “Can we just drop it this weekend? We just have to get through this conference. And get through a weekend with our boss.”
“Ok. I’m gonna go finish getting ready, then,” Evelina says, backing out of the bathroom.
By the time both of you are finished getting ready, your boss had texted you that you needed to be outside waiting for him in the next ten minutes when they pulled up with the car that all of you were taking. “Ok, last check. Boarding passes?” you start your list.
“Mine is the front pocket of my bag, yours are in the folder you have with your computer.”
“Same places as the boarding passes for both of us.”
“Side pocket of your bag, middle of my bag.”
“Somewhere in my bag I have a phone charger and a computer charger for both of us.”
You keep going through the long list, both of you knowing where the other kept everything. You freeze when you get to the last thing on the list, written in Evelina’s hand writing instead of your own. “Jerseys.”
“I have mine. Yours is in my room.”
“Good,” you say, almost completely forgetting about the game. You shake your head as if to physically shake the thought of Matthew from your mind. “Got your keys?” you ask Evelina, her waving them in your face as you grab yours, too. “Let’s go then.”
The two of you lug your stuff towards the door, opening it and ready to leave when you see him there. “Matthew?” you say, surprised to see him standing in your doorway, a bouquet of flowers in hand, a guilty expression on his face as he looked like he hadn’t slept for days. “What are you doing here?” you ask in shock, feeling your heart start to race.
“Can we talk?” he asks quietly, debating on stepping into your apartment or not.
“No. We’re leaving for the airport now, we don’t have time,” you tell him, trying to move past him.
“Come on, we need to talk,” he insists, putting his arm against the frame of your door to stop you from moving past him.
“Why should I listen to you?” you ask, looking up at him.
“Because I love you.”
#matthew tkachuk#matthew tkachuk imagine#calgary flames#calgary flames imagine#flames#flames imagines#nhl#nhl imagines#hockey#hockey imagines
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“On The Inside”
Samantha LaRusso x Female Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: Sam x fem! Tory’s sister! reader? Enemies to lovers please! Btw, I’m Cherry anon, but call me Cherry!- Cherry
OMG! A Cherry Anon ask! Sorry this took so long, I’m actually pretty proud on how this turned out.
Summary: What first starts out as protecting your sister turns into a full on Karate Battle. Little did you know what a kiss can do...
Words: 2375
“Y/n!” Your sister screamed. She had never wanted this to happen to you. Karate was her thing, in order to protect you. But here you were lying on the cold hard floor, bleeding. It was her fault, if she had just let you go and not drag you into this you could still be ok. It all started with a fight…
“I just don't want to treat Miguel like you treat everyone else!’ Sam shouted at your sister, as she pointed her finger at her.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Tory shouted enraged. How dare this brat come here and mess with her love life and then accuse her?
“Tory?” You called out from the back door. Both girls then turned their attention to you. Standing there before was a girl, with the most beautiful hair you have ever seen. She kinda looked like a goddess. You both locked eyes before your sister interrupted.
“It’s nothing Y/n, let’s go in now.” She told you as she pushed you past the LaRusso girl. You tried to ask your sister more about her but she wouldn't budge.
“I just want to be no more Tory.”
“You want to know more?” Tory asked as she got up from the couch. “Shure I’ll tell you more. That girl is one of those rich stuck up girls, I tell you to stay away from. She’s a bitch that thinks she’s better than everyone else and can get all in my face.”
Tory then finished her rant and walked away, leaving you to stand in the middle of the living room. Was Sam really all those things? Guess beauty is really on the inside.
You were walking to school like you always do before you looked to see some of the popular students. With them was Sam. You frowned, still thinking about what your sister had just told you about her.
“You’re Y/n right? We have biology.” Sam said as she came up to you. One hand on her hip as she flashed an award winning smile at you.
“Um, Yes. Can you, um leave me alone please?” You quietly asked as his smile turned into a frown.
“What? Why?” She kept on asking as she blocked your way. She had just met you now, why did you want her to leave?
“My sister told me to stay away from you.” Just as you said those words clicked in her mind. You were the girl that called Tory’s name, Tory must be your sister that’s why you must have wanted her to leave.
“Wait, your Tory’s sister?! So you're just gonna listen to every word that comes out of her mouth? Like some sort of pet?” You were outraged that she had even said those words.
“Excuse me? My sister told me to stay away from you because she knew you would act like this, and it's really disgusting that you do.” You told her as you pushed past her to make your way to school.
From that point on you and Sam were enemies. You weren’t as bad as her and your sister, but you two still had bad blood. What was worse is that no matter what she did you still had feelings for her. Even when she said those bad things to your Sister you still liked her. And for that you hated her.
“I have another Karate practice, so make sure to pick up Mom’s pills ok?” You’re sister told you as she grabbed her bag and handed you the prescription.
Next thing you knew you were standing in front of West Valley pharmacy. You waited for it to be your turn as you looked and checked your texts on your phone. The line wasn’t moving that fast as you would like so it looked like you were going to be there for a while.
“Yes Mom...Don’t worry...I’ll be fine...Love you to.” You heard the familiar voice of Samantha LaRusso behind you. Yu locked eyes as she moved to stand behind her.
“What are you doing here?” You asked. Why on planet earth would a spoiled rich girl be standing in line for medication. Maybe she was a drug addict?
“I could ask you the same thing.” She fired back as you two waited for the line to move.
“Hey Rick.” You said as you passed the familiar pharmacist the prescription. He smiled up before handing you the orange bottles.
“Make sure your Mom takes it twice a week right?” You nodded as he flashed you a smile. Sam looked you way as he mentioned your Mom but you ignored her. You didn’t need to add fuel to the fire.
You waited outside as you texted your sister when practice would be over. She had the car and the next bus wouldn’t be available till 8. The ringing of the bell chiming, made you look up from your phone to Samantha LaRusso coming towards you.
“I’m sorry Y/n. I had no idea that your Mom was so sick.” You looked down as she apologized. You didn’t really believe that it was from her heart and you really didn’t need her sympathy.
“Well it's not like I wear a shirt saying “Hello, my Mom is super sick” Sam.” You fired back. She looked down before looking up to meet your eyes again.
“I-I just want to tell you Y/n that the way I’ve been treating you is wrong. My fight is between me and your sister. You're being the good sister standing up for her like that, I’m the one at fault and I’m so sorry.” She apologized, but this time it seemed to be from her heart.
“Tell that to Tory then.” You spat as you turned around to go back to your phone. If she really wanted your sympathy, that apology thing she was doing was not going to work.
“I promised my Mom I would drop this off at my friends house. She lives close to you, I can walk with you if you’d like. I know how scary those streets can be when you're alone.” You thought about it for a minute. It would be nice to not have to wait for your sister and if anything ahppens there’s always Tory to help you.
“Alright.” You agreed as the two of you began to walk. It was silent for most of the walk until Sam suddenly stopped walking and turned around to face you.
“I know this is probably really personal and you don't have to answer it. It’s just-there’s a few rumors going around that you like girls and well...I was wondering if it was true.” You scowled as she asked you the question.
“I do, so what?” You snapped as you crossed your arms to look as intimidating as you could. You couldn’t care less what this girl thought of you.
“What did Tory think about it?” Sam asked.
“Why the hell do you care!?” You shouted outraged. Couldn’t she keep all these questions to herself? It's not like you were playing 20 questions here.
“S-sorry I just wanted to now…” She turned around as you both began to walk. She actually kinda looked hurt. Maybe she was actually sorry?
“She was ok with it.” Your answer surprised Sam as she looked up back at you. “That’s actually the reason she joined Cobra Kai. One time a bunch of homaphobic guys came and they beat me up. Tory was mad that she couldn’t protect me so she joined Cobra Kai. Don't get me wrong I was happy, but I just don’t need her to protect me all the time, you know? I’m my own person.” She nodded along agreeing with you.
“But seriously Sam, why do you ask?” You turned around to face the girl as she stared down.
“W-well, there’s this girl at school and I t-think I might like it. I’m just kinda scared. I thought I was straight but here I am.” You felt sympathy for the girl understanding how hard figuring out one's Sexuality’s can be.
“Well I’m here if you need anything.” And true to your word you were. You and Sam began to hang out more and more in private and next thing you knew you actually had formed a crush on the girl. You weren’t sure that she also felt the same way but your feelings were there.
“Moon’s hosting a party, If you want to come.” You sister invited you. You had actually become kinda close with her fellow Cobra Kais. They were really nice and you felt like a part of their dysfunctional family.
You guessed the alcohol had taken a toll on you as you found yourself in the backyard of Moon’s home. You didn’t want to be a part of the Cobra Kai vs Miyagi-do energy that was inside. You supported your sister and the rest of the Cobra Kai’s but you didn’t want to be a part of that.
“Hey Y/n.” Sam said as she came over to you and sat down beside you. You flashed her a sweet smile. You had seen her with Robby and you were kind of jealous. You had liked her longer than that guy had been now she existed.
“ Are you and Robby a thing?” You asked as you took a sip from your cup. Jealous friend/crush mode was now on.
“Robby? Oh no, he’s like my Brother to me and I didn’t tell you this but he totally swings there other way.” You both laughed. Yes you may have been jealous of the guy, but you were glad he knew at least who he was when it came to that. Just imagine the double dates you guys could have…
“Y/n?” Your dreams about dates were interrupted by the sweet voice of Sam. You looked at the way his lips were slightly parted and the way his hair was flowing in the wind.
“Yah Sam?” You breathed as you moved to be closer to her.
“Remember I told you about my crush on that girl?” You nodded, it was the same day you had become friends. What a wonderful day that was…
“That girl...it was you.” Sam whispered as she captured your lisp in hers. There were sparks flying everywhere as you two go more and more passionate about your kiss. Little did you know that you weren’t the only ones there…
Tory was uspatires looking for the extra cups Moon had asked her to get. She was interrupted by the view of her sister making out with the one and only Samantha LaRusso. Tory’s hatred of the girl had ever been as bad as it was at that very moment. That little rich girl and corrupted her sister, brainwashed her. This was just the beginning...that it was.
You were seated in biology class, sitting right beside your new girlfriend Sam. You both mindlessly listened to the announcements before it started to break up. You looked at each other wondering what was going on.
“Samantha LaRusso.” You both froze as you heard the familiar voice of Tory. “You know what you did, and now you’re going to pay for it.” The students around you began to whisper as all the color drained from your face. Had Tory seen you kiss Sam?
“I’m coming for you, bitch!” You were frozen to your seat and Sam rushed out to go find Tory. You knew one thing for a fact...This was not going to end well…
“I saw what you did at the Party.” You pushed past people to try to get to your girlfriend and Sister before a fight broke out but the people around you wouldn't budge.
“You kissed Y/n.” You stood frozen as the students around you began to “Oooh”. Your sister knew for a fact that you never wanted your school to find out you like girls. But she was telling everyone as she looked like she was stalking her prey.
“Tory!” You screamed, but that apparently I did nothing as Sam froze to look at you as Tory tried to kick her. And just like that an entire fight broke out. People all around you pushing and kicking and punching as you tried to make your way to the girls fighting on the stairs.
You were worried that Tory was going to hurt Sam or worse. You loved your sister but this had to stop. Nobody needed to get hurt.
“Tory! Tory c’mon stop!” You yelled on the top of your lungs as you pushed past more people. You saw that Miguel and Robby were fighting on the top of the staries, and that Hawk and Demitri were always fighting. Everything seemed to be going to hell.
“Y/n!” Tory yelled. She had kicked Sam making her hit the banister where you were, meaning kicking you off. They say that falling is like rewatching your life. But it wasn’t like that, you were watching a different life. A life where Tory and Sam got along and there was no Karate War. A good life you wished you had.
The crack echoed through the school as you landed on the staries. Blood escaped from your head, you knew you were going to die right then and there. Everyone stood frozen as they looked at your body laying on the ground. Sam was the first moving pushing past Tory to get to her girlfriend.
“Y/n! Y/n! C’mon wake up!” She cried as your body lay flat like that. The only sign of life was your small breaths and the fall and rise of your stomach. Tory stood there speechless as she watched the paramedics make your way to you. This was not supposed to happen. She was supposed to help you not cause you harm.
Everyone stood still as they transported your body to the hospital. But doing so they left a bunch of morning students. A heartbroken girlfriend, a guilt ridden sister, Karate students wishing that none of this had happened. But no matter how much wishing they did, you were still unconscious, in the ambulance on your way to the hospital.
#samantha larusso#samantha larusso x reader#sam larusso x reader#samantha larusso imagine#cobra kai#tory cobra kai#tory nichols#robby keene#hawk#hawk cobra kai#demitri#demitri cobra kai#season 2
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Cliche (Tobin x Reader)
Request: Marriage Proposal
Author’s Note: Special Thanks to @literaryhedgehog
“I’m just saying, I opened my inbox. SOMEONE should have messaged me,” Tobin said, tugging on her hair frustratedly. You watched in amusement, loving the way the sunlight caught her hair, as you exited the movie theater. She was so focused on her tirade that she didn’t even look down as she stumbled over an uneven brick in the patio, just continued walking. “It’s been open for days and I reblogged several of those ‘send me a number and I’ll answer a question’ posts!”
“Babe, you run an anonymous fandom blog for a sci-fi television show that stopped running 15 years ago,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“19 years, ago,” Tobin corrected, “and it has a pretty strong fanbase! That fanart I made got at least 100 likes.”
“You’re just lucky they didn’t match the brush strokes or something and figure out it was you. Like they did with your other fake Tumblr. They’re like crazy detectives,” You said side eyeing your girlfriend.
“I mean, I was making fanart of us on that one, it was pretty obvious.”
“I love it when you paint me, but It’s really creepy that you put it on the internet,” You huffed, crossing your arms tightly across your chest.
“Oh come on, I only posted the ones I made from press photos. You have a problem with the high definition, you talk to Alyssa’s girlfriend. She’s the photographer.”
“As long as you keep your drawings just for us, yeah?” You asked. Tobin had quite the eye, and she often found her greatest inspiration when you were relaxed. When you let your guard down. That mess the that many of her sketches of you were most certainly not suitable for public consumption.
“Anything I draw from life instead of from a screen I keep.” Tobin winked at you and linked her arm through yours. “So, what did you think of the movie? Or was it too romantic for you, you action-thriller loving fiend?”
You shrugged. “I think it was a little too cliche. Like who the fuck brings a diamond ring to the airport and uses the intercom to propose to the girl who just dumped him for a job across the country? And then she chooses him?” Some plots just made zero sense. At least your action movies didn’t force a girl to choose a person who was completely wrong for her.
“Oh come on, everyone loves cliches. I’ve seen the number of ‘there were only one bed’ fics you’ve read.”
“Those aren’t forced heteronormative love stories that don’t actually care about the characters” You scoffed.
“I have seen your archive of our own bookmarks, do we want to continue this conversation?” Tobin said sweetly, looking at the windows of the shops you passed, though you could see her suppressing a smile. She loved winning, be it argument or soccer game.
“My archive history doesn’t count,” you grumbled, pouting. It wasn’t your fault you had been kinda into Bellatrix dating Hermione, especially when they were both the same age and you got to see some Hogwarts hijinks (it helped you weren’t a Ron fan either).
“Sure, sure. Tell you what. You don’t like my new favorite Rom-Com? Show me you can do better,” Tobin gestured to the outdoor coffee shop along the route ahead. “Real life coffee shop AU. Here’s your chance to defy heteronormative love stories and cliches in the most romantic way possible.”
“Just please don’t spill your drink on me ok? You already have my number,” You asked, raising your eyebrows. You happened to like this shirt and didn’t want it to get ruined.
“That would be a cliche, wouldn’t it? I thought you wanted to avoid those?” Tobin said, raising her eyebrows to mirror yours as she pulled out a chair from one the tables, “you’re chair, mon chere?”
“You can be quite the Gentlelandy miss Heath if I do say so myself,” You smirked, settling into the chair she had pulled out for you, kissing her cheek.
“Why thank you,” Tobin said, tossing her hair back playfully before settling into her own seat. She grabbed the menu and opened it up. “So, what are you thinking? Asking the barista to make heart-shaped foam? Splitting a pasta dish and reenacting lady and the tramp?”
“I was thinking a cafe mocha with no whip, and I’m pretty sure this place doesn’t sell spaghetti,” you said, setting your chin on your hands, leaning on the table.
“I think I’ll get a nice chai latte. And a muffin on the side.”
“Lame. How do you live in Portland and hate coffee?”
“I thought you were supposed to say nice things. We already know each other, this can’t be enemies to lovers AU!”
“You’re still stuck on that?” You asked, sighing when Tobin raised her eyebrow at you. “Fine. How nice of you to choose a predictably unusual drink, and healthy snack for our date. Better?”
Tobin snorted. “Undeniably.”
“Good,” you watched her as she placed your orders with the waitress, thinking over what to do. She managed to place the order with her usual level-headedness, but she had the slightest smirk as she turned back to you. It was both loving and a challenge.
“Babe,” you said, “I literally have no idea how to make this a living coffee shop AU. I can’t remember the last time I read one of those where neither of the characters was a barista.”
“First I think we talk about random things while sipping our drinks, wondering how we get each other so well,” Tobin started, setting your drink on the table in front of you.
“So basically do what we normally do, but with added pressure?”
“Yep! Wanna start? You can tell me about that new fanfic writer you’ve been reading? The one who writes the really cute Sonnett fics?”
“Oneanddone has a couple… it’s like they actually know about Snippets from her and Lindsey’s relationship,” You said, your lips ticking up.
“That sounds fun and not at all creepy,” Tobin said, leaning forward.
“The best one was where Lindsey flew all the way to Sweden to propose. It was cute, but entirely too cliche,” You winked at Tobin, so she knew you were continuing the joke. “She just showed up and proposed after Emily won the championship and Emily kissed her hard hat and all. Like they would give the fans that much PDA in one shot,”
“Hmmm, better check for cameras then,” Tobin said, ruffling in her pocket. You heard the sound of candy wrappers, as usual following a movie with her.
Tobin got down from her chair and kneeled in front of you. “Y/M/N, I have liked you since the first day I met you. You were smart, beautiful, and had a hell of a right hook. Watching you on that punching bag was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen, up until the day you agreed to go out on a date with me. And the date after that, and the date after that. I fell in love with a woman who’s not afraid to have an opinion, who will ask to pet every dog she sees, and who loves listening to me rant about any subject over the moon. Now I know you don’t like cliches, so I didn’t get you a diamond,” She pulled her hand out of her pocket and held the ring pop up for you to see, “I got you a cherry. I also have a grape and orange in my purse. Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” You breathed out, forgoing the ring pop in favor of kissing your girlfriend- fiancé.
“Such a cliche,” she murmured against your lips, threading her fingers through your hair.
“Shut up and kiss me,”
#uswnt x reader#uswnt imagine#uswnt imagines#tobin heath imagines#tobin heath x reader#literalhedgehog
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Messages || Part 1
(Part 4 of The Crystal Ball)
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Word count: 9,099
Rating: M for Mature
Plot: Severus experiences a major bump in his relationship that he’s never experienced before. It’s easy to be confident in a working relationship when being together is a daily habit, but when the relationship turns long distance after summer is over, he just doesn’t know how to keep himself afloat.
Warnings: Sex scene :o (mainly at the end), tiny bit angsty
A/N: Hello everyone! :D This is part one of a two part arc within the crystal ball series so I hope I make sense in saying that Messages part 1 and Messages part 2 will both count as part 4 and 5 of the crystal ball XD (this one is long and part 2 might be just as long so I hope that’s ok :D) (also also this is officially the first of the 500 next part request… so 1 down, 499 to go XD) I hope everyone’s holidays went great!
Posted: 12/31/20
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Severus stood in front of his shelves of books, looking for new titles to introduce into the curriculum but none caught his eye. He ran his finger along the spines, dust coming off each one in a long streak and collected under his nail. They were all worn, their binding fabric once rich in texture now flush and smooth as the hard cover underneath. Their once-golden names rubbed off from excessive obsessive use from years of studies during and after his time as a Hogwarts student. His eyes followed his finger as he tried reading the titles, hoping one would spark a memory of a passage easy enough for his students to grasp.
I should introduce the Odd-Stir Method to the fifth years after winter holidays. I think Rotus explains it best – though I doubt they’d be able to get over his outdated terminology… I’d have to give them translation sheets though… Perhaps E. K Nimgo uses more appropriate language… even the densest of dunderheads should be able to understand her phrasing.
He’d reached the very last shelf and stood, clutching only two books from his collection and sighed, not entirely certain that his efforts to make brewing easier would even be appreciated. He wiped his finger on the rough fabric of his black vest and sighed, realizing he’d just created a very visible grey streak across his chest.
He heard a soft giggle and looked up, blushing at the beautiful woman leaning on the doorframe to the kitchen, watching him intently. Severus smiled and shook his hair to cover his face. He tapped the books in his hand with his finger, trying to draw her attention away from him in embarrassment. “Should I even try this year?”
She pushed herself from the doorframe and walked over to him slowly with a finger tapping her chin as if in thought. She slid her hands under his arms and pushed her face into his shoulder blade. “No – In fact, maybe take a break from teaching and stay here with me this year.” She’d been begging him for several weeks now as their summer fun was coming to an end.
He wanted so badly to say yes… But Dumbledore won’t allow it. It’s still too soon after… He sighed. He ran his hand along her arm and pulled it away, freeing himself to face her. “Help me pack these?” Her smile dropped and he almost winced. “You know I’ll just throw them in,” he whispered.
She nodded and gave a slight smile. “You’re so awful at packing, Sev.” She took the books from his hands and planted a kiss on his unready lips. Her smile widened at his look of joyous surprise and laughed. “You act like a schoolboy receiving his first ever kiss every time I do that.”
He pressed his palm to his mouth until he felt his stupid smile fade and frowned at her, removing his hand. “I do not. Besides… it’s hardly my fault.” He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her in for a proper kiss. He let his lips linger on hers and made sure to speak low, just how she liked. “I can’t control what you do to me.”
She bit her lip and pulled her chin down, looking up at him with innocent eyes that sparkled wickedly at him. Merlin help me. He slid his hands down her sides and played with the hem of her skirt, loving the invisible sparks of lust and tension popping in the air.
The flames of the candles scattered around the room flickered under the influence of their accidental magic, brought on by their subconscious need to dim the lights and set their favorite evening mood. His living room had never held any romance to it until her. It was the one room in the house whose floors were maintained perfectly clean. It was the one room where they constantly found themselves on the floor of.
A soft tapping from the kitchen pulled his eyes away from hers. Merlin, I didn’t mean literally. He sighed. “I have to answer back.”
She dropped her arms that had snaked their way around his neck and folded them over her chest. “I’ll go pack these into your trunk.”
He watched her march out of the room and listened to her footfall on the stairs, heavy with anger. The door to their room slammed and he headed into the kitchen. A large brown owl sat on the rim of the empty potted plants outside and tapped its beak to the window again.
“Silence already!” Severus swung the window open and took the letter from the owl’s beak. “Tell that man if he wishes to be enraging he’s doing a fine job. Next time he hands you a letter, wait for the next one.”
He tore the envelope open and read the fourth letter sent to him that day. ‘I forgot to remind you the lists will be sent out next week, though if you have the required textbooks ready, the sooner the better this year.’ Severus pinched the bridge of his nose and walked back into the living room, scribbled the title of the textbook his students had been using for the last three years and folded it up, not bothering with a new envelope.
He marched back to the owl and held the note out for it to take. “Try not to come back – or better yet, get lost on the way.”
It hooted and took the note, tapping the window once more for the apparent pure satisfaction of seeing Severus scowl and fluttered away. He closed the window with a tight snap and pulled the curtains closed. He headed out of the kitchen and looked around.
Where is she? It was around this time he’d normally sit down to read at his chair, only to be interrupted and asked to join her on the small couch instead so she could lean on him while she entertained herself with her own books – or on busy days, her work.
Severus crossed the room and headed into the foyer, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. He called out her name and listened. Silence.
He looked down at the long rug covering the center of the staircase. She’d found it on sale a couple of weeks ago and bought it for ‘the house’ claiming she was tired of the loud clomping of shoes on the stairs. Looking at the rug – along with the new matching towels and pillows and cushions for the couch – had made his chest feel unpleasantly tight for the first few days… Now he always felt a slight smile coming on when he noticed them. It was her way of moving in, knowing full well he was too scared to ask her to live with him in his grotty hovel of a house.
He headed up the steps and opened the door to their bedroom. She was laying on his side of the bed, face down on his pillow, with his books left out on his cluttered night stand. Her shoulders shook with silent sobs. He closed the door behind him and stood awkwardly at the end of the bed for a few seconds.
This is all my fault. If I’d never… Merlin. I regret everything but you. “I’m sorry,” Severus whispered.
She pushed herself up onto her forearms and turned to him, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. “Oh Sev. Please don’t go… You’ll be gone for so long – ten months! I’m going to miss you so much! It’s going to be so hard not coming home to you every day… Everything’s going to be so much harder without you around.” She closed her eyes and fell back onto his pillow, shaking more violently than before. “Who’s going to make me soup after I finish ranting about how awful my boss is?”
He could barely make out her muffled attempt to lighten the mood and smirked, trying not to feel the growing hurt of seeing her so upset. Severus moved to the side of the bed, holding in tears that mirrored her pain, and kicked the open trunk away. He knelt on the bed and pushed her on to her side, holding her tight the moment she sat up for a hug.
He stroked her hair and bit his lip. “It only seems hard now.” He swallowed thickly. “Trust me, you’ll forget you even want me around.” He forced out a chuckle. “You might even forget I exist.”
Her hands clawed his back, pulling him closer. He let her pull him onto the bed, careful not to crush her with his weight, and allowed her arms to keep him in her sweet embrace. She was still crying into his neck and all he could do was kiss her head and press his hands into her back, pulling himself closer. As much as his heart broke when she cried, a small part of him warmed at the idea of being wanted so bad it hurt.
He was used to his brain turning on him, trying to convince him she didn’t actually care for him, despite checking to make sure he’d eaten when she got back from work, asking how he’d slept every morning, and every other little show of affection. It often times told him the small frown she wore was because of him, something he’d done wrong, despite her whole face brightening at the sight of him. All summer he’d felt like he was sitting on the edge of his seat, dreading the day she’d wake from her trance and leave him. It was hard to accept his luck when all his life he’d had anything but that.
And now here she was under him, crying over the pain she swears she’ll feel not seeing him every day… and he can’t help but want to cry over just being loved so openly and plainly. He felt guilty.
It won’t last. He closed his eyes and held her closer to him, attempting to focus on her rugged breaths of sorrow and not the cruel words ringing in his ears. We’ve only spent three months together, no one could ever feel this way for me in such a small amount of time… Not me… Not Snivellus… Not ever.
She’ll forget about me after the first month apart – less even. I’ll only cause her pain for a handful of weeks and then… then she’ll be perfectly fine without me. He pulled away as her sobs calmed and kissed her smooth salty lips with the same longing he knew he’d feel the whole almost ten long months without her. “Everything will seem normal in a matter of months. I promise you won’t feel this for long.”
She wiped her eyes and gently pushed him off her, curling up to his side and shook her head. “No. It’ll hurt this bad and worse.” She sniffed and draped her arm over his middle, pulling him closer. “Will you go over the plan again?”
He nodded. “We’ll write letters every day. You’ll visit me every weekend at the Three Broomsticks. And twice on as many weekends as I can.”
She lifted her head and kissed his chin. When she pulled away, she was finally smiling up to her eyes behind her glimmering tears. “Promise me?”
The way she looked at him, with love and hope and need, made him want to melt on the spot. I promise you anything. He swallowed. “Of course.”
She pulled away and she was no longer smiling, instead searching his eyes for something. “I really will miss you, Sev.”
He nodded and sat up, feeling the strange tightness in his chest again. He felt goosebumps on his arm despite feeling no chills, and his shirt seemed oddly restricting again. “I’ll make us dinner. Anything you wish.” He kissed her cheek and turned away, swinging his legs over the bed. He stood and crossed the room to the door, opened it, and left, giving her just enough time to mumble ‘something creamy’ before he closed the door with a snap.
~ * ~ * ~
Severus stood over his trunk and started unpacking his things. The chamber was quiet and cold with new shining webs decorating the corners and connecting rows upon rows of glass jars. The fireplace cracked in the corner, vaguely illuminating the cavity he called his office, filling the air with the scents of cherry firewood, thickly sweet.
I should thank her for the new wood. She’ll surely gloat about being right, though just imagining her smiling is enough to be worth it. Severus grinned to himself and took out a folded piece of parchment where he’d been keeping notes on what to send in his letters since he’d left her at Kings Cross station. He jotted down the ‘thank you for the new fire wood’ she’d snuck into his trunk to help him relax and slipped it back into his vest.
“Ah, Severus. Finally here I see,” McGonagall’s voice echoed in. She stood on the threshold with hands on her hips, looking around at the state of things. “You’re normally on the first train back – You will be dusting won’t you? I’d give you my spell, but as you so kindly pointed out last year, it’s inelegant wording might disorganize your… ‘systemized assortment of components’… or as I call it – clutter.”
Severus rolled his eyes and faced her. “I had business.”
She arched her brow. “I see. Well welcome back, and I suggest you get started with Poppy soon, unfortunately several vials went bad over the summer – something about cheap valerian and the Ministry’s fat pockets – she’s been raging about it since she arrived. Afterwards I think Pomona’s having trouble reviving her oleanders.”
Severus nodded and waited until the crisp clacking of her heels could no longer be heard before gathering what he needed and headed out to his usual pre-term duties as the school’s only Potions Master.
After a long night of replenishing the hospital’s stocks, an early morning brewing Come-’Round serum, and an annoying evening spent with Sprout and her plants, dinner rolled around and he hardly noticed the maddening levels of screaming and laughing and talking coming from the house tables full of old and new students.
“Severus,” McGonagall drew his sleepy attention to her. “Albus mentioned you expressed an interest in taking over monitoring the corridors at night.” She took a sip from her goblet.
Severus frowned. “I mentioned the need to double down on dawn and dusk hours. Not – ”
“That is a marvelous idea. I’m sure you will keep plenty of nosy students out of trouble this year.” She sipped her goblet again.
Severus blinked several times at her. “D-did you just hand over the entire position to me?”
She continued drinking as if he hadn’t spoken and turned back to her food, glancing over at him every so often to check if he was still glaring at her.
Severus grumbled to himself and turned back to his food. I miss ONE meeting and suddenly every tedious responsibility is handed off to me. Of course.
Soon the Great Hall was emptied of students as their prefects led them to their houses and Severus prepared himself for a short night’s rest. He spent three hours walking between corridors from one house entrance to the next, catching at least five students out after hours walking about the castle in the dead of night, and two in the early hours before the sun rose.
He sat back at the high table with a groan and stretched out his legs. The morning light filtered through the tessellated windows high above the tables and reflected off the maple-glazed sausages and glittering butter that melted over his toast.
A familiar wood owl soared down and landed on the top rail of his chair, hooting happily with an elegantly ribbon-wrapped note clutched tight in his foot. Severus suppressed a grin, keeping his usual scowl plastered over his face, and took the note, quickly unraveling it from its pink satin bindings.
2 September
My dearest Severus,
You have not replied to the letter I sent yesterday. How was the train ride and our first night apart in months? I missed you more than you could ever imagine. You said I’d be glad to have the bed to myself, but for the second night in a row I have missed your warmth and your embrace. I fear to even wash the sheets and erase your all too alluring scent… Although I will. When did we last wash them? A week ago? Please fake your death and come back to me.
Your already forgotten girlfriend.
‘Girlfriend’, his heart skipped as his eyes reread the word. He felt a strange forgotten ache deep in his core, of sleepless nights as a student wondering if he’d ever have someone to call his. It was within these very stone walls that he’d muttered curses under his breath at any student that pointed out the fact he was alone and would forever be alone. He’d been wrong, and it was a pain he wished he could go back and relieve from his younger self. He took out his quill, flipped the note over and smoothed it’s curves on the dark oak table.
2 September
My unforgettable girlfriend,
I’ve officially taken over monitoring the corridors at night. It seems McGonagall is trying to remedy my insomnia with hours of walking the halls like a soul-lost mummy in the deep caverns of Khufu’s temple. I caught seven just last night, and apparently my reprimands were deemed ‘unfair’ and ‘dumb’ by these pests we call students.
He paused.
Also, thank you for the logs. They were nice, but I will switch them out soon for something more menacing.
He folded the note and handed it back to her owl, who had been intently watching his quill feather jitter as he wrote. Her owl took the note in its beak and joined the dozens of other owls leaving through the windows.
Although the letter had suppressed his stress for a few minutes, it soon bubbled back up as the bells rang for the start of lessons. As he’d expected, none of the students had done an ounce of studying over the summer, resulting in the floors being covered in melted stirring rods, the high ceilings dripping with fluorescent watery syrup, and six cracked cauldrons from high-tempered concoctions.
But of course I’M the one writing to the ministry about replacing six cauldrons. If it were up to me, each one of those brats responsible would be writing apology letters begging for new cauldrons themselves. He started writing out the letter towards the Ministry’s Educational Mayhem Funds Committee explaining the need for new ones and how he would supposedly prevent the need for more. Perhaps suggesting teaching dogs instead is not a reasonable approach.
He skipped dinner and by the time it was a quarter to nine, he set out patrolling the corridor and this time checked every broom-closet twice. He slept, and by dawn was up again, pacing floors until the smell of eggs and citrus filled the passageways, wafting in from the kitchen vents.
Breakfast, he sighed. He made his way down and took his usual seat. At some point between his first and second poached egg-topped buttered crumpet the familiar aspen-feathered owl landed on his chair, delivering a newly ribboned note.
3 September
My hardworking boyfriend,
I do not envy those under your authority. I’m sure in the coming week, everyone will remember how strictly you rule the corridors and classrooms and will choose to stop breaking the rules. Perhaps slapping the desk harder while you yell will really make them quiver in their shoes. Speaking of heavy hands… will I see you at the end of this week? I miss visiting Hogsmeade and especially the butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks. This weekend will be a MUCH needed break from work and everything that reminds me of my boss’s red warty face. He’s driving me mad. Come down and hex him for me, won’t you Sev?
Yours always,
A previous pest.
Severus chuckled and replied immediately.
Do not tease, especially since the weekend is two days away – it feels like a lifetime when imprisoned within these walls. I shall see about a room at the Three Broomsticks. Regardless, Saturday for lunch. Noon exactly.
He handed the owl her note and stuffed the new ribbon in his pocket with the other. ‘Heavy hands’. He pressed his elbows to the table and his fists to his growing grin. He was sure Sprout would let him pick a few of her bluebonnets to take with him. It’d be a lovely surprise he was sure she’d more than appreciate.
He pushed away from the table and made his way out of the Great Hall towards the dungeons. His first lesson of the day was in a few hours. The first years are probably running Pomphrey dry on the Dreamless Sleep elixir. She’ll likely ask me about it this weekend… If I get started on it now –
The library doors opened and a shrill voice called out to him. “Oh! Professor Snape!” The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher came marching up to him with a determined look about her. “I was told to seek your advice – Professor if you have the time.”
Severus kept from rubbing at his temples and breathed out in what almost sounded like a groan. “In what are you seeking council?”
The new professor shook her head, her large bun bobbing from side to side, and placed her hands on her hips. “The library does not stock extra copies of the books I have assigned as required textbooks. I was told you’d had this problem when you first began teaching?”
Do not remind me. “Ah… yes. The library will not stock books outside the Ministry’s recommended reading. You could try convincing… Dumbledore,” the word rolled off his tongue distastefully. “But the Headmaster prefers leaving it up to the professors to figure out.” Severus turned to leave.
The woman laughed. “Is that your advice? Figure it out myself?”
Severus turned back and narrowed his eyes. “If the books you are seeking… are not stocked. Then they are not from the list the Ministry has provided you – as I’m sure you know, as we receive updated lists every summer. That means either your book is considered too dangerous – ”
“It’s not! I would hardly call unicorns and counter-clockwise counting clocks dangerous when – ”
“Or,” Severus interrupted, lowering his voice to a dangerous whisper. “They are too expensive. If some students cannot afford the textbooks, then it is your job to provide them or incorporate them into a learning plan.” Severus turned on his heels and started walking briskly down the dungeon stairs.
“And am I supposed to make a learning plan after term has already begun!”
He kept walking without turning back. “That IS the situation you find yourself in. Yes,” he yelled back. How many more of these incompetent teachers will Hogwarts endure before Dumbledore allows me the position? Talk about maddening ‘bosses’.
Severus hadn’t even sat in his chair for more than a few minutes before his fireplace burned with flames alit with minor Floo powder.
“Severus.” McGonagall’s voice drawled from within the flames.
Severus pinched his eyes closed. “Minerva,” he hissed.
“As much as I enjoy watching new teachers flop around from task to task, it is not me that applies for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position every summer. Perhaps showing some initiative would propel Albus to take you more seriously next year.”
He could hear the amused smile in her voice. He seethed in his chair for a minute. “Last time I ‘showed initiative’ I was given the whole bloody task. I am NOT filling my schedule with her poor attempt at education.” He thought for a moment. “Unless.”
McGonagall sighed. “What do you want, Severus.”
“I will be gone this weekend. Saturday and Sunday… And sometimes other weekends as well.”
The bright green flames flickered over the cherry firewood and a log fell, sparking tinier flames for a few seconds before the larger ones engulfed them.
The fire cracked and then died down to the normal short flames that he liked. Well that solves that.
~ * ~ * ~
Severus stared at the densely grown purple wildflowers that filled the smallest planter in the greenhouse. The cool blues and purples of the bonnet-shaped petals made his mouth turn up in a smile, mirroring the very same one he knew he’d receive if he showed up to his date with these in hand. He clipped diagonal cuts into the stems and wrapped them in the two ribbons he’d kept from her letters. The pure pink of the ribbons shined brightly among the mellow blues of the flowers. Perfect.
Severus carefully tucked the bouquet in his inner cloak pocket and headed out towards the gate. Not feet from the door of the greenhouse he heard Madam Pomphrey calling his name from the castle doors.
“Ah! Severus! Glad to catch you before you left.” She waited for Severus to approach her. “The first years have just about drained my supplies of Dreamless Sleep. Minerva suggested having some flown in from that new shop across from Zonkos but I refuse to give the students anything I wouldn’t just make myself.”
Then why have ME make it? Severus sighed. “Of course… I’ll have that for you Monday.”
“No sooner?”
Severus refrained from frowning. “No sooner.” He turned – noticing Pomphrey’s eyes glancing down at the purple pollen smudged on his black cloak – and headed towards the gate.
~ * ~ * ~
Hogsmeade was busier now than it was when Hogsmeade trips started for students. He guessed it was because there was only one month during the year where there were no loud and screaming children bumping into people out on the streets or taking up unnecessary room in shops. If he’d realized just how pact the day would be, he’d have suggested meeting in the room he had gotten instead of out on the street.
He sat on one of the benches near the Three Broomsticks and took out his small journal, hunching over to see his small writing. On Mondays and Wednesdays I can help plan defense lessons in the mornings, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays will have to be in the evenings, so those days will have to be plans for the following day which means this Monday or Wednesday I’ll have to help plan two lessons… Sunday I can get back early… I’ll only be able to brew a fourth of the stock… I can catch up on it next Sunday if my visits with her are just Saturdays… at least for only a week or two. He quickly scribbled down his plans.
Two hands pulled his hair up out of his eyes, and he found himself staring at a pair of shiny heels. He trailed his eyes up her legs and looked up, squinting at her smiling face already diving down for a kiss on his forehead.
“Sorry I’m late.”
Severus quickly stood and took out the flowers he’d picked just for her.
She smiled so bright her eyes glowed with delight. “Sev!” She took them and jumped onto him, clinging onto his neck.
He felt his face go red and cleared his throat, acutely aware of just a few stares pointed their way. She didn’t let go of him, however. She held on tight and all he wanted was to breath her in so desperately. To pick her up and twirl her and never let go, but there were so many people. He forced a simple hug and pulled her away. The room! It should be available already.
“What’s that little smile on your face for?” She arched a brow, hugging her flowers tight.
Severus bent down and pushed her silky hair behind her ear, gently tracing his lips on the soft ridges of her ear. “Room? Now?” Am I a barbarian? I haven’t seen her all week and all I can muster are two single-syllable words? He pulled back and watched as her teeth bit down her plump lower lip.
“Take me away, Severus,” she whispered.
His brain had turned into dense fog and all he could think to do was nod and take her hand, leading her inside. He slinked past groups of people thunderously enjoying their early morning drinks and up the stairs, gripping her hand tight, making sure not to lose out on a single second of feeling her skin on his.
He pulled out his key and slipped it in the lock, turning it until it clicked, and opened the door. The room had a single bed and closed curtains, which was really all they would need tonight. What if she was expecting something better? He couldn’t afford any of the nicer, larger rooms available.
He turned and watched her saunter in, paying no attention to the room and only to him as he closed the door with his heel. Her intense sultry eyes eyed him up and down as she bit her lip, taking him in like a cold sweet treat left out for her to have on a hot summer’s day. His face went red again, and he could remember the feel of her hands all over him, begging him to give himself to her to do with at her whim.
Did she lick her lips? He swallowed.
“My Severus,” she whispered.
Mind blank, he lunged for her lips and they both fell onto the bed. His hands roamed over the fabric of her dress, outlining her figure with a yearning need. She moaned and squirmed under him, making his temperature rise with desire. In one swift move, she had him pinned down, her knees straddling his hips. Her lips teased light bruises onto his neck and a deep moan escaped his mouth.
Before the new hour had even struck, they were already under the covers in an embrace deeper than ever before. Physically, the positions were the same, needy and wild; emotionally, his soul couldn’t get enough. Her scent, her touch, every minute sound that escaped her lips, breathy or fierce, sent a fire down his body. He’d missed her so much.
“Severus!” she moaned in his ear, holding him down with a shaky grip. Her body tensed with pleasure and finally relaxed onto him, limp with euphoria.
He shivered and closed his eyes, keeping the same steady rhythm that had undone her. His hands gripped her hips and pushed her down as his heels dug into the mattress and his own hips pressed up. She was huffing in his ear, moaning, whimpering. And with the same sudden flowing energy, he followed in her pleasure. He wrapped his arms around her as the waves washed over him and hugged her tight as their breaths caught and their rhythmic movements ceased, fully satisfied.
He smiled and chuckled, laughing louder as her giggles bubbled out as well. “The room was a good idea.”
“I see you can form sentences once again.” She laughed and pushed herself up to kiss his face.
He blushed, wishing she hadn’t noticed how utterly speechless her presence had left him in only a single week of not seeing her. “Yes – well – ” Merlin, a sentence! Finish a sentence. He cleared his throat. “Lunch? Er – Would you like to send for some lunch to have in here?”
She bit her lip, poorly hiding a wide grin, and nodded. “You can go order for me. I’ll be right back.” She took her clothes and headed into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar like she always did before a shower.
He dressed quickly, headed down to the bar and ordered two meals and a few drinks. It only took a few minutes to receive his order despite the crowd of wizards and witches sitting at tables talking with friends. He flicked his wand and the meal led the way back up the stairs and into the room.
The rest of the day was spent eating and laughing on the bed, talking about mainly her work or things she’d added to his house – or ‘the’ house as they had been ‘sneakily’ calling it. He liked it, maybe this summer it could be ‘our’ house. After several drinks and hours spent in each other’s arms, they got ready for bed.
Severus wrapped his arms around her, squeezing them between the mattress and her back, and rested his head on her chest. He closed his eyes as she played with his long hair, curled it in her fingers, and smoothed it out with her palm. Within seconds sleep seeped into every corner of his mind.
~ * ~ * ~
Although breaking the news that he had to leave early that Sunday had soured their last hours together, Severus felt far more relaxed as the week went on. His memories of her warmth and softness were renewed and he could put more focus into his work, knowing what the ends of the weeks would more or less look like now.
Of course he had told her that the following weekend date would have to be canceled if only to ensure that the rest would remain free. He still had potions to restock in the hospital wing that took several days to brew single batches. And that lesson plan, he grumbled to himself.
The full week that followed had felt like one long trek up a mountain, only to reach the peak and see more mountain to climb. The weekend was spent slumped over one of his brewing tables with an elbow dug into the wood and his head glued to his palm. He stirred and stirred for hours, waited for the potion to turn purple, and then stirred for longer.
He ran his hands through his hair, trying to replicate the feel of her fingers brushing through his greasy tendrils, and sighed, wiping his hand on his trousers. The room was quiet except for the slow pop of bubbles and he knew if she’d been in the room he’d have had to demand she leave, unable to brew under the tight squeeze of her hugs. He lifted his head off his palm and wrapped his arm around his middle, hugging himself close as his other hand stirred.
Once the tall jars were filled and stoppered, he walked them down to Madam Pomphrey’s office and headed to dinner. His eyes narrowed on a group of students suspiciously whispering to each other. Hufflepuffs. It was no coincidence dessert tonight was the Hufflepuff favorite, honey-stuffed bear biscuits. Their house door was only a corridor away from the kitchens and there was always left overs of this particular dessert for some reason. Sprout denied having anything to do with it, Of course.
He waited in his office watching the clock and smiled as the hands marked the start of After Hours. He stood and smoothed out his teaching robe, preparing for an eventful night of patrolling. He started with the other houses first, going from top floors to the bottom, and allowing the Hufflepuffs plenty of time.
He finished his dungeon rounds and headed up to the main corridor. He crossed it with a light stroll, and turned the few corners into the Hufflepuff and kitchen passageway. The kitchen door was left ajar, and a creamy warm light seeped into the shadows. Severus stalked through the dark and pushed the heavy kitchen door wider, observing the chaos in secret.
Six Hufflepuffs stuffed the cookies into sheer golden bags and tied them around their hips by the stings like valued coin. Two were reaching for the jars of deep golden syrup placed high above cabinets while the others overloaded the biscuits with slices of grilled pear chunks.
He stepped into the kitchen and held his hands behind his back, glaring at the back of their heads. He could see their shoulders tense one by one until they all stopped their movements and turned around ever so slowly.
Severus licked his lips and lowered his voice to a growl. “Detentions. Scrubbing cauldrons and boiling devilpods.” Severus flicked his wand and every last treat disappeared from their sticky hands. He marched them to their house door and slammed it hard behind them.
He was half way to his office when it suddenly dawned on him. Six detentions? Where in Merlin’s shiny bald head would he fit six hours of detention supervision in his schedule? His hands fisted at his sides and an angry growl roared out of him into the darkness.
“Shhh!” A portrait hushed from up the nearest stairs.
Potions. Severus stalked down the dungeons stairs. Lesson Plans. He threw his office door open. Detentions! He slammed the door shut and glared as a jar threatened to topple off his shelf. “When does it end!” he snarled.
It was two weeks into the first term and his patience had already run dry. If he wasn’t going to see her this weekend either, then there was no reason to hold out on punishments for misbehaving brats. There was no more scraping the bottom of the barrel for mercy for any student or coworker.
His words dripped with venom, his actions were sharp, and what little restraint he had shriveled and died. Everywhere he went the whispers followed, ‘Careful, Professor Snape is coming this way.’
~ * ~ * ~
20 September
Of course. Next weekend it is then. I miss you, Sev.
Yours Always
Severus sighed and pinched his eyes closed. The guilt in his gut had clawed its way into his veins and was now circulating his whole body, making him cold with worry. This was the second weekend he canceled on her and after expecting anger, she’d delivered a short but loving message showing how much patience she had for him.
20 September
I’m sorry. I miss you too. I’m sorry, truly.
Yours, Severus
He handed his reply to one of the school owls in the owlry and watched it fly off into the greying sky. The wind was chilly as it brushed passed his nose and hair, sending goosebumps down his arms. He stuck his hands in his pockets and squeezed his eyes shut as more guilt shivered up his core. She hadn’t yet mentioned the fact he wasn’t replying every day to her letters anymore, and that made him all the more scared. Was that her way of telling him she had expected he wouldn’t keep up with his promise?
Merlin, I’m an awful boyfriend. He forced a trembling laugh. Couples were supposed to hug and kiss and lay in each other’s arms and talk often weren’t they? He didn’t know anymore. It had seemed so easy over the summer. He’d felt so proud when she called him her boyfriend, especially when he knew he was doing everything right. Bringing her flowers, helping her with work, complimenting her every morning and night before and after work. He’d felt he earned the title.
But I don’t deserve it now. He barely talked to her, had broken all his promises, kept canceling on her, I keep disappointing her. He began walking down the spiraling stairs down the owlry, hardly taking in his surroundings, mind haunted by his past. Words floated in his head, voices that made him tense with rage. ‘Stop lookin’ Snivellus. You’ll never find a girl who’ll ever want you.’ The walk from the owlry to the dungeons was a tormented blur.
His office glowed green as the fireplace flames waved on an old burnt log, an inch high and ready to fizzle out. He wiped his nose on his sleeve and picked up one of the cherry wood cuts. He wrapped his arms around it and carried it into his room, placed it in the fireplace, and shot red sparks from his wand into it.
It caught fire instantly and soon a thick sweet scent filled the air. He wrapped his cloak around himself, still feeling the cold chill from the outside, and fell onto his mattress, pressing his face into his pillow. He welcomed the summer memories, allowing them to fill every crevice of his mind.
He missed the way she looked at him. Missed the way his heart skipped every time she did. He closed his eyes tighter and started to sob into his pillow. I miss her hugs. I miss her warmth. He couldn’t even explain to himself how much he missed just rambling to her about small unimportant things and blushing when she actually paid attention to him. It was hard to experience the fullness of their relationship over letters and two-day visits alone. And even harder now that he couldn’t even keep up with that.
He wiped his face and huffed roughly, turning onto his back. He felt exhausted and depleted and it didn’t take any effort at all to close his eyes. He gave one final sigh and – Fuck. I have essays to grade.
~ * ~ * ~
28 September
I’ll see you soon! Same room, order dinner, bring it up, and close your eyes! No peeking and no barging in! I’ve got a little surprise…
Severus smiled and put the letter in his pocket. He picked up the bronze key that she’d slipped into the envelope and ran his finger over the smooth edges. She’d picked the same room he had gotten them. Either she was as broke as he, Or that room actually meant something to her now. He leaned back in his office chair and crossed his arms, holding the key close to his heart.
There was a knock at the door and he quickly slipped the key in his pocket and sat forward. “Enter.”
McGonagall pushed the door open. She stepped in and sighed happily, looking around at his dusted shelves and turned, quickly erasing her look of satisfaction. “Well, Severus. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I must. Your requests to hold the meetings for week days next month have been denied. There are too many teachers and everyone is busy most class days.”
Severus gave her no response and stared at his hands as they began to tremble. He squeezed them into fists and pressed them to his knees.
She looked him over from across the room and frowned. “However, like always, Hogsmeade visits will be kept free… The meetings will be held on the weekends between Hogsmeade visits, and there are only two…” She stood for a few seconds, still looking at him, as if having expected some note of frustration from him, or any sort of disgruntled response. “You’ll only be missing two weekends…”
“I’ll have missed four in total by next month,” he whispered.
McGonagall crossed the room and waved her hand over the empty space in front of his desk, summoning one of her office chairs to sit in. “Might I ask what it is you’re missing out on?”
Severus leaned away and kept his eyes down, his hair falling over his face like protective curtains. McGonagall and him had never talked about anything other than lessons, Hogwarts, or the Ministry. She hardly knew anything about him and he had never asked a thing about her.
“Does it have something to do with whoever you gave those flowers to?” She smiled when he scowled at her. “Poppy might have mentioned…”
Severus looked away again, deciding to fix his energy on glaring at his burnt fire log and the bit of charred entrails he’d accidently dropped last time he prepared a potion in here.
McGonagall stood up and waved her hand over her chair. “I’ll see to it that after October, you get the weekends free, as you requested.” She looked around at his unswept floor and tisked. “Let me know if you need that spell I mentioned.” She fixed her emerald green hat and left his office.
Severus stared at the door and nodded. He had no doubt she’d keep her word. Some bad news… but mainly good? Maybe I won’t entirely ruin tonight with this.
~ * ~ * ~
The Three Broomsticks was just as crowded as before, except the wizards all looked like they’d stopped bothering to take any sort of sobering tonics. Severus ordered their dinner, sparing no expense. Cheesy onion rings, three types of dips, a lettuce salad, fruit salad, battered fish with onion gravy and mash, toad in the hole, two drinks, and garlic chips to share. It was a feast of everything she loved and anything she could be in the mood for tonight and anything they wouldn’t eat he was sure she’d be glad to take back with her.
He waved his wand and followed the trays up the stairs, hissing at rowdy wizards that almost bumped into the food as he went, and stood outside the door. He closed his eyes and knocked. He heard it open and a surprised gasp.
“Are we dining with the Queen?”
Severus’ lips pulled up into a coy grin. “I’m dining with a queen.”
She giggled and pulled him in by his cloak and shut the door behind him. She slid her arms around him from behind and pressed her chin into his shoulder, holding him close. Her breath fanned over the ridges of his ear as she spoke low and quiet. “Then you are my king.”
Severus bit his lips and opened his eyes. There were a few candles hovering around the room and red sparkling petals on the floor. He could feel himself shaking with anticipation and before he could tempt himself, he moved forward and placed the trays of food on the table by the closed curtains.
“Turn around, Sev.”
He let out a shaky breath. Whatever the surprise. I don’t deserve this. He swallowed and spun on his heel slowly, dragging his sight along the floor and stopped at her silver heels. His eyes trailed up her legs, her curves, her glowing face, and flowing hair. She wore silver lace that sparkled with her eyes and a sheer flowing green night gown with feathers at the cuffs and hem of the wide trail.
A heat started burning at his core, and his face flushed red with color. She was wearing his house colors again and an immediate rush of greed flowed through his veins. Since he was young it had been instilled in him what those colors meant. Silver and green were a Slytherin’s pride, a Slytherin’s territory, it meant it was Slytherin owned.
He trailed his gaze all over her body. “Mine,” he growled.
She bit her lip and slowly let the sheer gown drop and pool at her feet. He crossed to her and let his hands roam over her soft skin and plump curves, squeezing and gripping with need and want. She pressed herself closer, putting pressure on his hardened member and looked up at him. He met her eyes and whimpered; her eyes sparkled with a wildness that sent shivers down his spine.
“I need you,” he huffed, his voice low. He reached down and squeezed her curves, pressing her closer into him, feeling the pressure on him mount and the tense heat between them rise.
“I need you too, my wonderful boyfriend,” she whispered.
His breath caught in his throat. ‘Wonderful boyfriend.’ He looked at the deep red petals on the bed and pulled away. He squeezed his hands together, trying to stop the shaking but all it did was make it spread down his whole body.
She frowned with concern. “Severus?”
His breath came out in huffs and he squeezed his eyes shut, feeling hot stinging tears run down his icy cheeks, cold with dread. I have to tell her now. I can’t wait ‘till after. I can’t… I can’t –
“Severus?” she repeated more urgently and pressed her palms to his jaw. She ran her thumbs over his cheeks and wiped away the river of tears. “Tell me,” she whispered.
He sniffed and sat on the edge of the bed, bending his head low enough for his hair to fall forward, shielding him from the world. “I’m not a good boyfriend,” he sobbed. “I haven’t been responding to your letters… I’ve been canceling our dates… And – I have to cancel two more. I can only see you during Hogsmeade visits next month and – ”
She sat next to him on the bed and pulled him into her, rubbing her hand up and down his back gently. “I know you’re busy, Sev. That doesn’t make you a bad boyfriend. Your job as a professor keeps you in the castle… and that’s ok…”
“It’s not ok…” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed his nose into the crook of her neck. “You were crying all summer and I promised you – ”
“I was just scared, Sev. I’m so sorry. I was so upset and I missed you so much already that I made you promise me something you couldn’t keep, just to make myself feel better…”
He nuzzled closer and ran his hand down her arm.
“You’ve done nothing wrong, Sev. I should have asked you to send me notes and messages only when you had time… I shouldn’t have put you in a position to cancel dates we’d planned before the school year even started… You’re everything I want. I promise… Dates on Hogsmeade visits sound wonderful.”
He sobbed once more, taking in her words. He didn’t feel she had any hate or loathing, only understanding and care for him. He wasn’t used to this. I don’t deserve her. And yet here she was, giving herself to him, accepting him, caring for him, even after he’d broken his promise and disappointed her countless times. He let his nose trail up her neck and pressed his lips to her warm skin. She tilted her head in response, exposing more of her neck for him and all he could think to do was kiss her tender skin harder.
She giggled and pushed him away with a wink. She moved herself up the bed and laid back against the pillows, moving her finger to motion him over. He followed her, kicking off his shoes and kissed her lips, exploring her mouth with his tongue. He crouched over her, cornering her, and moaned when her legs wrapped around his waist. Her hands ran up and down his thighs as his own hands tore at the delicate lace she wore, unwrapping her like a gift.
He leaned down and began marking her with needy kisses, leaving red marks all over her chest and replacing the ones that disappeared with newer ones. She held him close, encouraging more as her hands played with his long hair. He let his tongue slide out and licked over sensitive areas with hunger. With every moan she gave he grew harder, finally needing to undo the buttons of his constricting trousers.
Her hands found him, and released him from his pants. He groaned and pressed himself against her while her fingers got to work on the buttons of his jacket, vest, and shirt. He slid himself between her lips only, rocking himself, groaning as their bodies began to grind with eagerness.
He tore his mouth away from hers and shrugged off his clothes quickly, sliding off his trousers and pants and threw everything out of his way, unable to keep from her any longer. He closed his eyes and moaned as he slid in slowly, enjoying himself fully. He looked down and pulled back out just as slow and made sure he was fully slicked and glistening before pushing back in all the way and cuddling into her open arms.
“I love you Sev,” she moaned.
He moved his hips slow as he held her, savoring every sensation. He was warm and secure in her arms, like he often felt when they cuddled in bed after long days. He hugged her close and closed his eyes, moaning into her neck with every push he gave. He felt close to her, confident in their shared affection for each other and he realized there was never anything to fear. He moaned and trembled in her embrace as he built up their pleasure slow and steady, knowing soon the romantic mood would dissolve into pure lust and need. He needed to show her how much he loved her with every pleasurable push he gave.
She’s getting wetter, he couldn’t help but notice. Nor could he help the sudden throb he gave at that thought. I need her. He pushed his hips harder and whimpered at her moan. Her hands tangled in his hair and pulled, sending a jolt of electricity down his spine. The slow give and take of his movements turned into hard pounds sending more vivid waves of pleasure throughout his body and hers.
Severus pressed into her, holding her tighter, pounding faster, making sure every wave was immediately replaced by the next. He groaned and held her locked in place as every ripple of pleasure was followed by his name moaned in his ear. He breathed out shakily as her legs wrapped around his waist squeezed tighter and her back arched. Her nails raked across his back as he pounded harder, faster, until her breath caught and her muscles stiffened.
He throbbed as she tightened around him and pushed harder as she relaxed under his weight, letting him press his body back into her inviting curves that cushioned him so perfectly. His breathing was rugged, gasping, trying hard to hold out longer, feeling the pleasure begin to boil over. He dug his face into her neck as the final tidal wave crashed over him and the perfect rhythm he had going broke with every throb he gave deep inside her.
“You’re made for me,” he gasped, shuddering as the wave washed over every nerve in his body. He relaxed completely and her arms held him tighter as she rubbed slow circles on his back.
She pushed his chin up with her finger and kissed his nose. “We’re made for each other. Soulmates.” She whispered.
The message from fate couldn’t be any clearer as they caught their breathes and breathed each other in. They had thoroughly enjoyed not only each other’s bodies, but their hearts and souls as well in this blissful evening.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
(Part 4 of The Crystal Ball)
General taglist:
Thank you to those who requested a fourth part and for all the lovely comments on part three and messages in my ask box (which I will answer in the coming days :D )!
#severus snape#pro snape#severus#snape#severus snape x reader#severus snape x you#severus x reader#severus x you#snape x reader#snape x you#snape fanfic#snape one shot#snape x fem!reader#severus snape one shot#snape fanfiction#one shot#fanfic#fan fiction#snapedom
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Before A Moment in Time
ok! this is a LOT of information, but i wanted to make it easier to understand whats going on in my head when i write over the next bit!
this is Before A Moment in Time. Enjoy!
Three years before A Moment in Time. One year after Hawkmoth appeared.
Marinette Dupain Cheng is sitting at her desk. Second row back left side. Making her way up the stairs is her friend Alya Césaire. The two girls have been practically inseparable for the last year.
Fuming one row down on the other side of the aisle is Chloé Bourgeoise. Her eyes are glued to where Marinette is smiling at Alya. Nino Lahiffe is sitting in front of Marinette. His headphones are on, and his hand is moving over a sheet of paper that has a music staff on it.
Adrien Agreste can be seen bounding up the stairs, his eyes alight with the joy of going to school, even a year after he started. Behind Marinette and Alya are Rose and Juleka. Across from them are Ivan and Nathaniel. Behind the boys are Alix and Kim, who are across from Mylene and Sabrina.
Max is sitting behind the two girls by himself. In the empty seat next to him, the tech genius has a computer running through a code that he is trying to double-check.
As their classmates greet each other during the first day of school, Madam Bustier can be seen enter into the room, one Lila Rossi walking behind her curiously.
As Bustier called the class to attention, Marinette shared one more smile with Alya before spinning around. When she was facing the front, the teen blinked.
Standing there was a girl who looked vaguely familiar. It took the teen a moment before she realized that this was Lila Rossi. This was the girl who had been sued by both Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. This was a gold digger that they had warned her about.
Chloé must have made the same connection because Marinette’s phone started to blow up.
Mariii + Chlo
Chlo- M this chit cannot sit with me
Chlo- Dad sued her over the summer
Mariii- Chlo
Mariii- hey chill
Mariii- I got this. If you can sit with Alya.
Chlo- anything
Mariii- on it, queenie
Marinette looked up as the bell rang. Alya gave her a concerned look. With a smile, the younger girl bumped her friend’s shoulder. “Hey, Als, since I’m class president, I think it would be best if I welcome the new girl. Could you go sit with Chloé today? I promise that we can go back to normal once we get her settled.” Alya flashed her friend a smile before giving the girl a side hug.
“of course, Mari! You have such a big heart!” the girls traded smiles before Alya packed her stuff up and moved to sit with the haughty blonde. The noirette saw her teacher give her an approving smile for diffusing the situation so easily, without conflict.
Inwardly, Marinette scoffed. Outwardly, the girl gave her teacher a glowing smile in return.
Marinette truly tried to be nice to Lila. Really, she did. Early on, the girl had learned that being nice was a better route when interacting with people who she didn’t know. Even if it was just a small smile, the noirette had always found success from kindness.
Lila was a sweet girl who had batted her eyes at her and given Marinette a small smile. The two had spent the first period of school passing notes and getting to know each other.
In all honesty, Marinette had no idea why the Italian girl next to her was branded a manipulative liar in her world. Then, during the break, Marinette saw what was going on.
When the rest of the class gathered to introduce themselves, Lila panicked. Then, Lila shifted her posture just slightly. She smiled a blinding smile that stood out to Marinette as obviously fake. She started interacting with the class, sickly sweet and subtly guiding them to beliefs.
Shaking her head, Marinette turned away. She had time during her break to call a certain someone. She needed more answers.
“Clara! Hey… do you have a moment?” through the phone, Clara Nightingale, giggled.
“Of course, Marinette! What is going on with my favorite little cousin? Is everything ok?” the young teen hesitated, before shaking her head.
“I need you to tell me more about Lila Rossi” the dark look that crossed the singer’s face confirmed many of Marinette’s worries.
When she sat down next to Chloé in the hotel restaurant for lunch, a look of pure disgust was dancing on her face. “this girl has filled a level of malice that I have never heard of. Chloé, she has manipulated every person of interest under the sun who doesn’t have the common sense to not listen to her bull shit. Chlo…this girl is vile. Clara told me what they had to do to sue her. One of the requirements of Lila not going to prison for a long time was getting a psych eval. Chloé…this girl is only fifteen! This is insane...” Chloé raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“Today it looked like you two were good friends. Or on the way there at least.” The noirette shook her head in disgust.
“she has some good traits, but as soon as she gets in front of the crowd…she abandons everything for power. I can't trust her, but it seems that she is under multiple restraining orders. I get the feeling that as long as we stay out of her webs, we should be fine. Jagged texted though. He said that Lila can be vicious if she is provoked.” Here, Marinette looked Chloé dead in the eye. “do not cause trouble. I don’t want you to have to go toe to toe with her, Chloé.”
Six months later.
Marinette is settled at her desk, the swivel chair reclined as she looked at the Blonde who was in her room, grinning.
“did she really ask you out?” Chloé’s excitement paired with her nosiness was making Marinette steadily turn Lady Tyche red. Turning back to her desk, Marinette tried to hide her flaming face.
“she asked me if I wanted to go out…like a date…before my birthday.” The noirette tugged slightly on her hair. Her anxiety that had been manifesting more and more at school was not helping her now. “I told Aurore yes. We haven’t set a date yet, but it’ll be soon.” Chloé raised an eyebrow.
“are you two going on your first date on Valentine’s day? Because Mari…I refuse to be best friends with someone so cliché.” The girl flamed a darker red if that was possible.
“I really like her Chlo. But…no. she asked about the 14th. I told her that I was going to spend time with my parents that day. Plus,” here, Marinette turned back to her friend with a Cheshire cat grin. “We,” She gestured between her best friend and herself, “have a standing date. we have for the last three years. Why would I break a pact we made when we were ten, over a girl I haven’t gone on one date with yet?” Chloé’s face broke into a matching grin.
“oh, hell yea. Then, I guess I could help you get ready for that first date of yours…” the friends broke down into giggles and started debating the merits of each of the outfits the young designer had in mind.
That night on patrol, Lady Tyche alighted on the roof of one of the local lycées.
Her blonde hair whipped in the wind that had been howling all afternoon. Across the streets, the spotted hero was able to see a pair of blue luminous eyes. Using her yoyo to pull herself over the street, the girl smiled at the younger miraculous wielder.
When her red boots hit the roof, Apate handed the girl an unmarked bag. Inside was a pastry and a hot chocolate. Both girls knew they were in for a long night.
Apate stood noiselessly and moved to the edge of the roof. As she stood there, profiled against the ridgeline, Lady Tyche smiled to herself. Her partner could be as vicious as she wanted when they were fighting Akumas, but the girl who stood in front of her was very kind.
The Cat vigilante, as she insisted she was no hero, had a pair of ears on her head.
They were flicking to and fro while she listened to the night below. Her hands were resting on her hips, one hand toying with the baton that was usually kept in a holster on her leg. The girl’s other hand was fiddling with a ring she had slid off her finger. The skintight black pants blended into the night. The black top she was wearing also seemed to disappear when Lady Tyche wasn’t looking for her partner.
Even now, with Apate being backlit by the city lights around them, the Tyche was the more visible of the two.
“She’s coming.” Apate’s voice broke her partner out of her thoughts. “Let’s hope tonight goes the way we want it to. Otherwise, we could be royally screwed.” The Hero nodded in agreement.
“I trust Alya. She has been a good fit for Trixx so far.” Apate hmmed in response.
“I fear that our…favorite Italian…may be too close to her. I don’t our fox’s head full of lies and manipulations if I can help it at all.” Lady Tyche winced. She had heard all about Lila’s renewed attack on the allegiances of the class that her crush was in. the past few weeks had not been pretty.
“No! That’s…you told Lila that I was going to be your first partner! Why did you lie to both me and your best friend! Everyone knows that Lady Tyche can’t do this alone anymore! She NEEDS Miss Vixen!” Lady Tyche closed her eyes and Alya’s rant ended with a yell. The anger simmering on the reporter’s face was worrying the hero.
“Alya. I have not told anyone about you. A few people have seen you training and on patrols. You ran the ‘exclusive’,” the disdain in Lady Tyche’s voice had Alya wincing. “but no one has confirmed anything. There is a good reason. The hope,” here, the Blonde teen’s voice turned cutting, “was that you could work in the shadows. There is only one visible member of this team, but I have never been alone. Tonight, and this attitude. Well, Alya, it has proven that you are not ready to be a holder of the miracle stones.”
The ladybug holder looked over to the roof next to where she and the trainee had been standing. There, in the shadows, were a pair of blue eyes. “go ahead, Apate. Wipe her memory of all of this.”
Seven months after Alya’s Miraculous is taken away. Two years after Hawkmoth started. Two years before A Moment in Time.
Aurore smiled at the girl holding her hand.
The two were walking home from their first day of Lycée. Aurore’s blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she turned to look at Marinette.
The 14-year-old, a certified genius, was glowing at the excitement that their first day of school had brought. Although she no longer was friends with Alya, there were no real hard feelings. The rift between the former classmates had made it easier to integrate Marinette and Aurore’s social circles. Claude, Allen, Chloé, Aurore, Mireille, Nino, Kim, Kagami, Felix.
Their group was full of laughter and life. They spent most of their weekends together, even over the summer. To everyone else, the group was the picture-perfect group of teens. Inseparable for life. Aurore had loved it for so long, had loved watching her girlfriend grow. Tonight, however, she had a feeling that the last half-year was going to be left in the past.
She and Marinette needed to have a talk.
Chloé held her best friend as the girl cried.
The two had been sitting on the floor of the heiress’s hotel suit for the last hour and a half. When the small girl had shown up, wearing an old pair of Chloé’s sweats that had disappeared years ago, sniffling into the sleeves of the hoodie she was swamped in, the older girl’s big sister senses had gone off.
Now, as her friend started to calm down, Chloé shoved a pile of clothes at her friend.
“put these on, we are leaving.” Marinette glanced at her friend in confusion, before taking the clothes and slowly changing into the skinny jeans and loose grey top. A moment later, a green corduroy jacket was being flung at her by the blonde 16-year-old who had changed as well.
Quickly catching the jacket and sliding on the matching converse that Chloé had given her, Marinette stood to join her friend. Chloé picked up her purse and looked over the two.
While she had given her best friend a simple outfit that be comfortable for the train ride that her friend didn’t know was coming, Chloé had taken a minute longer before deciding to match her friend. Her jeans were light wash as opposed to dark, and she wore a fitted white t-shirt with a cartoon spider hiding in a red chrysanthemum. The red corduroy jacket was the same color as both the embroidery and her own red converse.
“Let's go, Minette. We are going to the country house. You can truly cry there. Horses await.”
After Marinette and Aurore broke it off, the friends drifted apart. Kagami, Felix, Nino, and Kim refused to let the others blame the split on Marinette. Mireille, Claude, and Allen claimed that Marinette was more likely to be the cause. They couldn’t imagine Aurore doing anything to hurt the teen.
Chloé, Aurore, and Marinette kept their mouths shut over the whole debacle.
Chloé hadn’t heard the whole story, but she knew that Aurore had hurt her friend, and it had led to a discussion that led to the girls both walking away in tears.
It would only be years later that the girls would reveal that they had broken up because of the confusion around their secret identities.
A week after the fateful breakup, Adrien Agreste pulled Marinette off to the side after class.
“Adrien are you ok?” the girl asked, confused. while usually, the two didn’t interact, Marinette had noticed that all day Adrien had been pale and shaking.
“I need help Marinette. Usually, I would go to Chloé, but last time she almost got Akumatized and I just…I need help. Please.”
“what’s up?” he glanced over his shoulder, to where a group of their classmates stood gathered around Lila.
“Not here, she can't know.” Marinette blinked in shock before grabbing the model lightly on the arm. After glancing at him with a raised eyebrow, silently asking if it was ok to hold onto his arm, she took off through the halls.
By the time the two had made it to the home of one Gina Dupain just outside of what Marinette knew to be Hawkmoths reach, the blonde was bewildered. “you know the city so well. How?” she giggled slightly at the older boy before leading him to the kitchen and dropping her bag on one of the breakfast seats.
“I get stir crazy and spend a lot of my time exploring the city. Alix and I go and do Graffiti on the weekends sometimes. That means I’m pretty good at evading sight when I don’t want to be seen.” While her statements were technically true, Marinette had also left out a great deal of information in her response.
She had spent most of her time exploring the city as Apate. She grew up on the streets and would forever feel comfortable slipping into the shadows. She did go out with Alix to do graffiti, but the two also spent a good amount of time jumping into burrows to fix world-ending events.
“now, Adrien, what is going on? If it's bad enough that you don’t want Chloé upset, I expect it to be worth the trip out of the Akuma line.” Adrien nodded nervously, before going into an explanation of what had been happening in the Agreste family home.
Three years into Hawkmoth’s reign. Marinette’s 2nd year at Lycée
Adrien spent as much time as possible with Chloe and Marinette.
He had shown up more than once during their girls’ nights. Now, he was expected to be there.
When they had left for the weekend, Adrien had disappeared from the Agreste Manor. When had reappeared in time to get in the car that Monday, he learned that the only person who had noticed he was gone was his bodyguard. The man had called him, before joining the teens on the outing.
While the friends were getting Adrien out from his father’s thumb, Marinette was launching her brand.
She had a discussion during the branding process because the symbol that she had chosen, a chrysanthemum, was incredibly complex. Her grandmother thought it was too much. Marinette had told the older woman that she was going to use the flower because that was the one with meaning to her. She spent three weeks fending off the woman, who sent her a different flower every day, until the girl told the woman that she wasn’t going to change her mind.
Her Grandmother, her Nona, had laughed and told her that she was very stubborn, but that this time it had worked in her favor. The teen had come home that evening to a leather Jacket lying on her bed, with her named arching over the back where a chrysanthemum was embroidered in full bloom.
At the same time that Marinette was officially launching her brand and Adrien was embracing his teen rebellion, Chloé was becoming an influencer on social media. On any day that she wasn’t spending time with her friends, the blonde was working to cultivate her social media image. At 17, she started to model on the side. When she was gone, her friends would get calls during every free moment she had.
Fourth-year of Hawkmoth's Reign.
The three were friends with the other outcasts from their college class.
Kim and Nino were often seen with Marinette when she was out on a shopping spree or seeking inspiration.
Alix and Marinette were close, and after she became guardian at 14, Marinette had given the Pinkett and crash course on the miraculous, since she had inherited one. The two would always be fond of jumping through time and space to face world-ending events.
Kagami had insisted that Adrien and his cousin Felix make up, and now the three were a force to be reckoned with. As they entered their last year of Lycée, the friends felt like they were on top of the world.
There had been a project due that morning that Marinette had forgotten about until the night before.
She had been up all night and had gone through three different super coffees. She had been running late when she burst out the door of the apartment.
There was a mug of coffee that was clutched in her hands, and she wasn’t looking where she was going. The guy that she collided with looked how she felt.
While he was in a suit, they were both clutching coffee mugs that they had moved out of the way on instinct before throwing apologies over their shoulder and going on with their days.
Neither thought anything of it. They had other things to worry about.
Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain Cheng had no idea that their lives had changed permanently with that one interaction that had lasted less than a minute.
AND...3000+ words later, here we are! let me know if yall have any questions.
I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later so that I can start to build with other characters now. I had a lot of fun writing the backstory, and I have thrown Cannon out the window...obviously lol.
tag list!
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @laurcad123 @iamabrownfox @m0chick0furan
#a moment in time fic#Bi!Marinette#mlb#miraculous ladybug#cat!Marinette#cannon? what is that?#pre-maribat#maribat
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Movie Night
Pairing: Renjun x Original Female Character|Reader
Genre: Alternate Universe - College/University, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Humor
Summary: Renjun's crush just broke up with her boyfriend, now is his chance to make a move. Things don't go according to plan. ---- Part 3 of my "The NCT Frat House Series"
Word count: 4.5k
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/Kissing, watching an R rated movie together
Author’s Note: My first Renjun fic! Please enjoy!
As a favor to Lucas, Kun’s girlfriend Ruby was organizing a surprise birthday party for Alma, Lucas’s girlfriend. Ruby and her roommates offered their house to host the party, and though Alexandria didn’t qualify as a roommate, she was a friend, so she was part of the party planning committee. When she arrived on the day of the party, she was not prepared for the NCT frat bros to be at Ruby’s house, helping set up.
Once Janell handed out responsibilities to the volunteers, Alexandria was seated at the dining table, using Ruby’s coveted decorating tweezers to strategically place silver sprinkles onto a simple white frosted cake. With her legs crossed in front of her, and her shoulders slumped down to get a closer inspection at the cake, Alexandria stopped and sat up straight, rolling her shoulders as she fixed her posture. Blowing her brown bangs out of her eyes, she tried not to think about her mom’s constant nagging, You’re an adult now, and you still need to fix your posture.
“The ‘A’ needs more sprinkles,” Haechan said, leaning over from across the table to look at her work, breaking her concentration.
“Who died and made you my boss?” she asked, looking up at him.
“I mean, if you want the cake to be ugly, don’t take my advice,” he said with a shrug, turning back to the game he was playing on his phone.
“What are you doing here if you’re not helping set up for the party?” she asked, trying to keep her tone even.
“Johnny told me to be here two hours before 5:00 so I’m here two hours before 5:00,” he said.
“We’re here two hours early so we can help set up for the party,” Renjun explained as he sat down next to Haechan. “Janell put us on balloon duty.”
“Where’s the helium tank?” Haechan asked, looking up. “I’ll fill the balloons and you can tie them.” “We can take turns,” Renjun replied. “It’ll be faster.”
“No, you have nimble fingers. They’re perfect for tying balloons. I can’t tie balloons. I should be in charge of the helium tank.”
“Lex!” they heard a voice shout from the backyard. The only person to call her by that name was Janell's younger sister. Renjun jumped in his seat and Haechan snorted a guffaw while Alexandria stood up and slapped Haechan’s arm gently, chiding him for laughing at Renjun. Renjun was easily startled but Haechan took extra glee in his reaction due to Renjun having a crush on Janell's sister.
Alexandria hadn’t meant to find out that Renjun had a crush on Violet, but during a recent party at the NCT Frat house Renjun had drunkenly admitted to her and a couple friends his secret. Before the party, Alexandria considered herself friendly with Renjun, but now that she’d experienced him make a drunken confession they were comfortable calling each other friends. He’d even gone to her condo a couple times to hang out. Unfortunately for Renjun, since Alexandria was in on the secret Haechan felt more comfortable teasing him in front of her.
“Alexie,” Haechan said, touching her arm to stop her from leaving, “don’t make it obvious that Renjun likes Violet.”
Renjun reached over to wrap his hands around Haechan’s neck, a pained smile on his lips, and Alexandria shook her head as she turned away from the fight. She was going to have to remind Ruby and Kun that they were better off not asking any of the NCT guys to help with any sort of party planning. The small surprise birthday party for Lucas’s girlfriend had turned into a daycare for man-children, and not even half of them had come.
“You called?” Alexandria said to Violet once she made it outside to the backyard. She sat down on the picnic table. Violet, Janell, and Johnny were decorating a couple mason jars for the small bouquets of wild flowers they’d picked from around the neighborhood.
“If I gave you some cash, would you go to the dispensary and buy me a couple joints?” Violet asked. "My sister and her boyfriend won't help me out."
“Hold on,” Alexandria said, raising her hands out before her as she stood up. “Am I the only one who remembers what kind of party this is? Lucas asked for a small cute surprise birthday party for Alma, this isn’t a house party.”
“Oh my gosh, Lex, you’re always so dramatic,” Violet said with a sigh. “I need some weed because I broke up with Joey, OK?”
“I’m sorry,” Alexandria said as she sat down beside Violet, hugging her. “We can chill at my place after Alma’s birthday party. I’ll take you to my favorite dispensary, my treat. What happened?”
As Violet tearfully went on a tangent about her ungrateful ex-boyfriend, Alexandria glanced over to see Janell and Johnny rolling their eyes. It was in Janell’s nature not to extend too much sympathy toward her younger sister, still holding a grudge that Violet had followed her across state lines to attend the same university, so Alexandria took on the task to give Violet a little more patience as a surrogate older sister. With that in mind, Alexandria couldn’t blame Janell and Johnny for reacting the way they did when it came to Joey, Violet’s boyfriend of 5 months.
The couple were cute, but they argued constantly. Violet and Joey had spent the last month threatening to break up with each other, and now that they were properly broken up it seemed like the drama was still ongoing. Alexandria tried her best to remember what it was like with her first boyfriend. She'd believed he was The One and put up with the petty drama, so she understood why Violet was putting herself through the unnecessary pain with Joey. After a five minute rant, Violet seemed satisfied and grew quiet as Alexandria confirmed that she would buy Violet some weed.
Returning to the dining table, Alexandria found Renjun tying ribbons onto a single balloon, and then heard Haechan with some others in the front living room, playing with the balloons and helium tank. She sat down and crossed her legs in her seat before returning to spelling out Alma’s name onto the cake using the sprinkles. Renjun ran a hand through his hair and leaned back as he watched Alexandria decorate the cake, his new platinum blonde hair making his brown eyes seem bigger and darker than they already were.
“Did you hear?” she asked softly, raising an eyebrow. “Violet broke up with Joey.”
“You’re lying,” he said, though he sat up straight, leaning over closer to her. “What happened?”
“She broke up with him a few days ago, and I invited her to my place so we can get high,” she replied. “You should come along. Maybe you can cheer her up.”
He laughed nervously as he met her gaze, and she closed her mouth as Ruby and Kun entered the kitchen. Given the tone of his voice, Kun was nearing the end of his patience as he barked orders over his shoulder only to be met with what sounded like Yangyang imitating Kun. There was a ripple of high pitched laughter, and Ruby gave Kun a pleading look.
“They’re grown men, they’ll be fine,” Kun said, setting some grocery bags onto the countertop.
“They’re playing with a cheap helium tank,” Ruby said softly. “Do you hear them?”
The front living room sounded like the Chipmunks singing Migos’ “Walk It Talk It” followed by more high pitched laughter. Groaning and slumping his shoulders, Kun turned around and led Ruby back to the front living room so they could make sure the boys weren’t going to hurt themselves. Meanwhile, Alexandria and Rejun set up the dining table with the bouquets, balloons, and cake.
As everyone gathered around the front door to surprise Alma, Alexandria asked Jeno and Hendery to help her tape up the streamers in the kitchen so that Renjun and Violet would have a moment alone on the loveseat. When she returned to the front living room, she saw Renjun and Violet deep in conversation, and patted herself on the back. As she stood beside the loveseat, Violet grabbed her hand and invited her to sit with them, sandwiching Renjun between them.
"Isn't he the softest thing in the world?" Violet asked as she reached her arms out around Renjun and grasped onto Alexandria's arms.
Alexandria gave a chuckle as she reached out to grab Violet’s arms in return and the two women hugged Renjun, his face turned bright pink and he began guffawing. It was difficult for anyone not to like Violet. She enjoyed showing affection to her friends and was doing her best to make Renjun blush, making some of the other guys laugh. Alexandria placed a hand on Renjun’s cheek and chuckled again as she felt that it was burning up. She removed herself from the group hug and let Violet continue to hug him while she turned around to see Kun and Johnny standing nearby, complaining like middle age dads, each man holding a can of beer in his hand.
Even after graduating, Kun and Johnny were still in touch with the frat house, making sure the guys were taking care of themselves. It also benefited the NCT guys that Kun and Johnny's girlfriends were still attending university, so the two men were likely nearby the campus during their free time. Alexandria understood the sentiment. She hadn't lived with Ruby and Janell for over a year, but she visited them often and helped clean the house as if she still lived there.
When Lucas and Alma arrived at 5:00, Yangyang, Haechan, Xiaojun, Hendery, Jaemin, and Chenle had taken some of the helium filled balloons and insisted on singing Alma's birthday song with their high pitched helium voices. Alma was a good sport and clapped as everyone suffered through their helium induced singing. Once she was served a slice of cake, Alexandria sat down with Violet and Renjun in the dining room, the trio sitting across from Alma and Lucas.
Lucas pulled Alma into his lap and he kissed her free hand as she ate her slice of cake. For as long as Alexandria had known the couple, they were proud to be affectionate with each other. Their PDA didn't bother her, but she knew it made some people uncomfortable. She stopped herself from laughing out loud and snorted cake up her nose as she glanced over to see Renjun poking his fork into his slice of cake as his eyes darted nervously from Alma to Lucas while Violet's eyes were focused on the pair as she passively chewed on her food. The pair looked to be taking notes from Alma and Lucas.
"I-I need water," Alexandria coughed out, distracting Renjun and Violet. The cake crumbs up her nose burned her sinuses, and she stood up to find a tissue.
"Let me take you home," Violet announced, standing up immediately. "Happy birthday, Alma! Janell and Johnny paid for your present but I picked it out. Remember that when you unwrap it."
"Over here, Dria," Renjun said, standing up and leading her toward the front living room by placing his hand on her elbow.
"Lexie!" Yangyang and Xiaojun exclaimed together.
"Alexie!" Haechan and Hendery screamed, making her laugh before she gagged and fell onto the sofa beside Jeno.
“Are you dying, Andria?” Jeno asked as he helped her sit up. His shoulders were shaking as he tried not to laugh.
The guys found out that Renjun gave Alexandria a nickname in an attempt to start a conversation with Violet when he first met Violet. Whenever any of them heard Renjun call her "Dria" they enjoyed making jokes out of her name, and Alexandria knew it was easier to let the kids have their fun rather than take the teasings to heart.
“I don’t want to ruin the party,” she said when Renjun handed her a bottle of water. “I’m going home.”
“Can I come?” Violet asked immediately, linking her arm with Alexandria’s.
“You want to come along?” Alexandria asked Renjun.
“I do,” Haechan said, raising his hand. “Alexie! Will you make me your mom’s eggrolls?”
“Sorry, Haechan,” Violet said as she grabbed Renjun’s hand. “Alexandria only likes me and Renjun.”
“Happy birthday, Alma!” Alexandria shouted as Violet walked her and Renjun out of Ruby and Janell’s home.
As she dropped by the dispensary, Alexandria had Violet and Renjun go buy snacks, directing them to meet at the front of her condo complex after 20 minutes. She took a slow stroll through the streets, appreciating the warm spring weather. She thought about how she was playing Renjun’s wing(wo)man, and she wondered if her interest in Renjun and Violet hooking up was her way in dating vicariously through her friends, something Ruby and Wen, one of Ruby’s other roommates, had accused her of before.
She gave herself another pat on the back when she saw Renjun and Violet laughing together, plastic bags in their hands. Was she dating vicariously through her friends? Whatever the case, Alexandria was glad that Renjun and Violet seemed to be hitting it off. Renjun was a fun person to be around, and Violet was playful as well, the two would always have fun together. Violet could take advantage of Renjun’s NCT Frat status to invite herself to Janell and Johnny’s dates. There was so much to be gained, Alexandria hoped Violet would see Renjun’s datability.
"We decided to watch a horror movie," Violet announced when Alexandria led them inside. "Have you heard of It Follows? It's about a sexually transmitted monster. Renjun makes it sound good."
"Um, OK," Alexandria replied, plastering on a bright smile. She hated horror movies, but Renjun and Violet looked excited as they shared a smile and raised their eyebrows. "Is it, like, super scary?"
"It's not super gory but there are definite scary elements to it," Renjun answered. "Your condo is perfect, too, Dria. It's quiet and there's only going to be the three of us."
"Perfect," Alexandria muttered as Renjun and Violet listed their favorite horror movies to each other while they entered the elevator.
Renjun made them iced green tea, and Alexandria popped 2 bags of popcorn in her microwave and unpacked all the candies into bowls. Violet sat by the patio door and lit a joint as she played music from her phone, setting the mood for the evening. Alexandria went through stages where she either smoked a lot of weed or she didn’t, and she hadn’t smoked in over 2 months, but Violet tempted her into taking a few hits, especially when Renjun said that he’d take a hit if Alexandria did. He didn’t react well, coughing up a storm, and Alexandria felt bad that Renjun was smoking in an attempt to impress Violet.
She felt worse when she noticed that Violet was texting with Joey. Violet’s music playlist had started with playful Bruno Mars songs, but after a few texts with Joey she began playing Ariana Grande love jams. Renjun was too busy singing along to the music to notice the shift in Violet’s mood. Placing the bowls of snacks onto a serving tray, Alexandria asked Violet and Renjun to bring the snacks to the living room and start the movie while she would finish preparing the iced tea, hoping to give them a few minutes alone.
“I invited Joey over,” Violet announced when Alexandria arrived with a small serving tray that held the glasses of tea, sitting up straight. “He wants to watch the movie with us.”
“Um, sure,” Alexandria said as she sat down next to Violet, making sure it was Violet who was seated in the middle. “How long before Joey gets here?”
“He’ll be here soon,” Violet said loudly as she picked up the remote and started the movie.
Alexandria held the bowl of popcorn in her lap as she sat on the couch with her legs crossed in front of her, her shoulders slouching. Noticing her posture, she straightened her back, and rolled her shoulders as she glanced over to see Violet’s eyes glued to her phone while Renjun was busy shoving M&Ms into his mouth, completely absorbed in the movie. They were roughly ten minutes into the movie when there was a knock on the front door.
“I’ve got it!” Violet said immediately, jumping up and rushing to the front door. She stepped outside and shut the door, having not invited Joey in.
Alexandria ate some popcorn as she tried to pay attention to the movie, but all she could hear was Violet and Joey having an argument in the hallway. As Joey sounded like he was crying, begging Violet to give him another chance, Alexandria glanced at Renjun and was impressed to see him absentmindedly shoving Skittles into his mouth, still completely immersed with the movie. She turned her attention to the movie, and felt her face grow hot as she realized that the scene was a sex scene. Feeling silly for her bashfulness, Alexandria set the bowl of popcorn onto the coffee table and grabbed her glass of iced tea. The movie was about a sexually transmitted monster, of course there would be at least one sex scene.
Sipping her drink, Alexandria’s eyes drifted to the front door as she heard Violet and Joey talk, their voices sounding softer and less volatile. Her eyes returned to the TV screen as she set her drink down, and she sank into her seat as she watched the scene unfold. The lead protagonist, a blonde girl named Jay, was lying on her stomach in the backseat of her date’s car as she talked.
It was a sweet post-sex scene, her date was crawling up behind her, and Alexandria gave a soft sigh as she thought about the last time she’d felt a guy press his body up against her back. It’d been before Ruby and Janell began dating their boyfriends, and she cringed at the length of her dry spell. Her mind forgot about her lack of a sex life as the lead’s date chloroformed her from behind, shocking Alexandria. She leaned in close to Renjun and threw a hand over her mouth, worried that she might scream.
“Renjun, what’s going on?!” she breathed out, shaking his arm. “I thought this was about a sexually transmitted monster! Is her date going to kill her?”
“Watch the movie,” he said, sighing gently. “Can I get some popcorn?”
Alexandria screamed and grabbed on tighter to Renjun’s arm as the scene in the movie became more intense, Jay’s date had tied her up to a chair and she could not move as her date explained to her of the monster that was now after her. It was a slow monster that took on the form of a random person, and once It caught up to the infected person It would kill them. She buried her face into Renjun’s arm, and said to him, “I can’t watch this! I can’t watch this!”
Renjun laughed, making her look up, and she sat up straight, feeling her face grow hot.
“It’s just a movie. I knew you were afraid of scary movies, but…wow, Dria. You’re a complete wimp.”
“I never denied being a complete wimp,” she said, shoving his arm. “If you want to finish this movie then you’re going to have to put up with me jumping and screaming.”
“Fine,” he said, giving a small chuckle, throwing his arm over her shoulder. “I can’t believe I have to hold you like a little kid.”
“Oh my gosh, they called the cops?” she asked, turning her attention to the movie.
“Cops are useless in horror movies,” he replied. “You really don’t watch scary movies?”
“No. Do you remember that old Japanese movie…Ju-Oh? My cousin was babysitting me when I was 8, and she put it on for us to watch and I haven’t liked scary movies since.”
Renjun laughed and she poked his side to shut him up. After he pushed her away, Alexandria hugged her legs and Renjun leaned back into the sofa as he ate the popcorn. The movie’s pacing was slower and more subtle than she’d anticipated, and Alexandria found herself being drawn into the mystery. What was going on, and would Jay be able to avoid the monster? Alexandria bit her bottom lip, wondering if she’d be able to go through with finding new sex partners in an attempt to prevent a monster from coming to kill her.
The suspense built up again, and Alexandria tried to be brave, but the reveal of the monster entering Jay’s house at night was too grotesque. She screamed once more, and grabbed for Renjun’s arm again, throwing her face into his shoulder. He laughed, and threw his arm over her shoulder, letting her grab onto his hoodie as she turned her face in toward his chest. The movie kept slowing the suspense down to build up drama, and whenever the suspense built up it went on much longer than she was prepared for, so Alexandria spent the majority of the film curled up in Renjun’s arm, clawing her fingers into his chest.
“So are they going to die?” she asked him once the movie ended. It ended on an ambiguous note.
“Maybe,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “What do you think?”
“I think if I ever watch scary movies, this is the only way I can watch them,” she said, burying her face into his chest again.
The air was silent and became very still after what felt like an entire minute. Renjun hadn’t moved a centimeter, so she lifted her head up and saw him looking down at her with his eyebrows furrowed. Looking into her eyes, his face softened, and he reached over to cup her cheek in his hand. She looked at his long eyelashes for a moment when he kissed her, but feeling the warmth of his lips on hers instantly had her closing her eyes. His hold around her tightened, and she moved her hand up to touch his neck. As her fingers moved to caress his earlobe, he pulled back, breaking the kiss.
They stared at each other, and Alexandria could only think about wanting to kiss him again, her mind feeling foggy. She could feel her heart beating fast and loud in her throat, and his arm draped around her body felt heavy. She pressed her chest against his as she pushed forward, kissing him, but turned her head aside when she felt his hand on her cheek drift down to her neck. He groaned as his tongue flicked the side of her cheek.
“I think you should go home,” she said softly.
The heat that burst into her gut was intense when his fingers had touched the bare skin of her neck, and she wasn’t sure how well she could handle Renjun’s touches. The night had been a mess, and she didn’t want him to think she was the type of friend who was into hookups. They might come to regret it, especially if Renjun was going to continue to crush on Violet.
“Did I do something?” he asked, releasing his hold on her. She shook her head, planting her feet onto the ground, sitting up straight.
“I’m sorry that Violet bailed on our movie night,” she said softly, her eyes unable to meet his.
“Oh, right, yeah,” he said, falling back into the cushions of the sofa. He ran a hand through his hair, and he gave a nervous chuckle. They sat together in silence for a few moments, and then he spoke up again. “Why did you kiss me?”
“You kissed me,” she replied, shoving him gently by pushing her hand against his knee. “You started it.”
“The details don’t matter,” he said, sitting up straight. “We kissed, I liked it, and I know you did too.”
“So...can I kiss you again?”
He barely had the question out of his mouth when she’d already begun to climb onto his lap. She held onto his shoulders as she straddled him while he rested his hands on her hips. They kissed, her fingers running gently through his hair as she dove her tongue into his mouth, giving a soft moan every time his mouth was able to capture her tongue to suck on it. When her lips began to burn, feeling a little swollen, Alexandria pushed against Renjun’s chest, and sat up straight, looking into his eyes.
“This is a bad idea,” she said.
She shut her eyes and bit her bottom lip, pulling his head to rest on her shoulder as his hands slid down to grab her ass. She raked her fingers through his hair as she panted heavily, breathing through her mouth as his hands groped and squeezed her ass cheeks. Instinctively, her hips thrust against his, but she closed her mouth and found the willpower to shove against his chest, getting off his lap to sit back down beside him.
“What’s so bad about it?” he asked, out of breath, his eyes looking at her in a way she’d never seen before. His eyes were darting around, seeming to look over every inch of her.
“I mean, I think Violet and Joey are back together, but...you know, what’s going to happen when they break up for good?” she asked, brushing her bangs with her fingers, trying not to look at him.
“I don’t know,” he said, shrugging.
“You really don’t care about her? This girl you’ve been crushing on for months?”
Renjun gave her a grin. He sat up in his seat, and he said, “Dria, I forgot that you invited me here for Violet. It’s just you and me here, and I like it better when it’s just you and me.”
“So are you saying that you like me?” she asked.
“Dria, you just felt my boner poking your ass,” he said, making her blush. “Yeah, I like you. What? You don’t like me? I can go home.”
He made to stand up, but she reached over and grabbed his arm.
“No!” she shouted. “Renjun! I like you! Stay. You have to stay.”
“Oh, I have to stay now?” he asked, guffawing as he moved to stand up. “I thought you wanted me to leave.”
“I watched that scary movie with you!” she said, placing herself onto his lap. “You have to give me company now, because I’m going to have nightmares.” She kissed his cheek, making him stop as he grinned at her, his face turning pink. “What a twist,” she said softly. He laughed, touching her chin to tilt her head toward his, and then kissed her.
“None of our friends are going to see this coming,” he admitted.
“Can we watch another movie?” she asked him, resting her head onto his shoulder.
She didn’t want to think or talk about their friends. He kissed her cheek, smiling at her before picking up the remote to scroll around for another movie to watch. He insisted all the movies he wanted to watch weren’t very scary, the title cards and movie posters just looked scary. She didn’t believe him, but eventually let him pick a movie for them to watch. As much as she didn’t like scary movies, it was worth it since she was in Renjun’s arms.
------ Thank you always for reading!
#nct renjun#nct fanfic#NCT#nct x reader#nct fluff#renjun x reader#renjun fluff#nct au#AU college#au university#fluff and humor#nct dream#no beta read
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Fic: Fighting Doesn't Make You a Hero (2/?)
Title: Fighting Doesn't Make You a Hero
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :)
Story Summary: StuntCoordinator!Steve meets Actress!Peggy, who is an absolute menace when it comes to stunts.
Chapter Summary: Steve falls hard for Peggy (figuratively) while Peggy falls hard (literally).
A/N: Here’s some more of the story I tried so hard to write last year when I put this little AU out. Also, this is the “more” that I think only one person actually asked for. Hope you like it, anyway. I’ve always loved this idea, the rest of the story has just alluded me until now. For Steggy Week ’21 Day 3: Favorite AU.
Apparently, there will be more of this, because my brain has FINALLY figured out how this is supposed to go, and it’s not just one chapter’s worth. Sheesh.
Also, if it is not clear (it should be…) I know nothing about stunts or stage fighting. Completely made up. Please enjoy.
Chapter 2: Thrust and Parry
It was hard to be nice to her when he was waiting for the next injury to occur. He was professional, clear, and concise. They rehearsed for hours straight on Wednesday for a long, single shot of her moving through a room full of stunt men for one of the climatic battles.
Though no one got seriously hurt, there were a few bumps and bruises that shouldn’t have happened.
It was hard not to be harsh with her, not to be demanding. He could see moments of beauty in how she moved, but then she’d go too far and make contact. He had to find a way of breaking her of it, if not for his own safety, for that of the stuntmen around him.
It was an early call for the shot they’d spent the entire previous day rehearsing. He was bleary and chugging coffee as quick as he could stomach it. Peggy was already on her way out of hair and make-up as he passed the trailer. She gave him a shy half smile as she passed him, being ushered from one trailer to the next to be slid into her ridiculously tight costume.
On one hand, he got it. He couldn’t deny that she looked absolutely gorgeous in that costume. (How long he’d spent thinking last night about her in that costume and what she might be able to do with that Lasso of Truth absolutely was not relevant…) But from a practical standpoint the costume wasn’t realistic at all, and she wobbled horribly on the stilettos. They had to stop rolling often to keep her taped into the thing.
The stuntmen around him were warming up, and he even heard a few near him joking about wearing cups. He gave them a sharp look, waiting until everyone was quiet before he reviewed timing and patterns while they waited for her to come out to set.
The director wasted no time once Peggy was on set. They made minor adjustments to the cameras and rolled on the first run through. He was proud as he watched them all, every move was timed right and it looked fantastic. He waited, with a smile, for the director to give his notes.
There wasn’t much for his team, but the director took Peggy aside and gave her quite notes and reset the scene quickly. He shot it over and over, from new angles and with different lenses, and by the time it was over, there were three black eyes and a cracked camera lens.
Peggy’s assistant ushered her off set as soon as they cut the last take, the star unable to look him in the eyes as she walked past.
The director decided, after a short break, he wanted another go at the capturing the pattern. Steve reluctantly went off in search of Peggy, hoping to figure out where she’d gone wrong that morning. He couldn’t find her in her trailer, and her assistant only pointed vaguely towards the parking lot.
He found her in a far hidden corner of the lot, sitting on the edge of a flower pot, crying. He was startled by a side of her he wasn’t prepared to see. He thought maybe he’d be coming out here to find her sneaking a smoke or a flask of rum. He’d heard she was dangerous, a bitch, a tough broad who didn’t care about the stunt men that she hurt. This didn’t really fit with all the stories he’d heard. “Peggy?”
She moved to wipe away her tears, manicured fingers moving swiftly and carefully around the fake lashes and caked on make-up. “I’m sorry. I’ll be right there. He wants another take, right?”
Steve crouched down next to her. “Are you… are you ok?”
She laughed, watery and weary. “Oh, good lord, no, but I’ll be there in a minute.” She waved her hand at him. “I’ll have to stop in make-up first.”
Steve stood hesitantly, astonished at how she pulled herself together so quickly. “Is there… is there anything I can do?”
She looked up at him, taking a deep breath. “I don’t mean to hurt anyone, I promise. I mean, I know I have a reputation, but… I’m not an action hero. I’ve never been physical. I’m not good at it.” She shook her head. “I’m a Shakespearean actress.” She stood, wiping at her mouth and pacing. “Give me Ophelia or Bianca or Beatrice. Hell, even give me a sword fight. I can fence, you know. But one time I get a tiny part in an action film and all of a sudden, I’m being type cast as some action hero and no one ever even taught me how to do any of this!” She was pacing quickly now, the rant spilling from her lips like a waterfall of words she couldn’t stop if she tried, her weariness evident with each syllable. “Not once was I instructed on the how, just, ‘punch here’ and ‘kick there.’ And it was fun so I kept doing it. I thought it was worth it, you know? But I should be saying no. The sane thing to do would be to say no to all of this but I mean, who says no to Wonder Woman?!” Peggy stopped, her face morphing as she realized all she’d said, her hands coving her mouth for a moment before she forced herself back into a stoic, hard shell. Her chin wobbled, betraying her hidden emotion as she pushed past him towards the make-up trailer. “Just know I don’t mean it. And I’m sorry.”
He watched her move away, stunned in her wake. He didn’t quite know what to do with that information, but he was quickly starting to feel a soft spot for her forming. He moved quickly back to set, relaying that she would be there soon and watching the team of stuntmen around him stretch to perform the scene once more.
She was back on set, looking fresh and happy, in just minutes. He ran them through the pattern again, and watched closer this time.
Once he’s shed himself of expectations, it was easy to see that she really didn’t have any idea what she was doing. She was a natural mover, to the point where he figured she was probably a good dancer, and that went a long way to hiding the technical flaws. But she was jerky when she tried to pull her punches and she wobbled off balance when she held back power in her kicks. She misjudged force when blocking constantly, and it put her on her heels, literally.
She was on her back in a blink when she shouldn’t be, coughing and sputtering. She had the air torn from her lungs with the impact, and everyone froze in place.
Steve bounded over, pushing through his stunt team to kneel by her side. Her eyes were closed, pressed tight. “Peggy, are you ok?” She was gasping, trying to get the rhythm of breathing back. “Slow in through your nose, slow out through your mouth, ok?”
He lifted her hand in his as she nodded, sputtering once more before slowly getting a deep breath in, and then another. He squeezed her hand tight. “Good, good.” He smiled when she blinked her eyes open, her breath starting to come back. “Better?”
She nodded, but he could see the frustration and fear in her eyes, welling tears following quickly.
“Let’s get her checked out,” the director called. “We got what we needed anyway.”
Peggy tried to sit her up, but Steve pushed her back down. “Wait until the medic gets here, ok?”
“I’m fine,” she argued, having tamed the tears quickly.
“Be that as it may,” he smiled, whispering, “You know what the protocol is.”
It wasn’t quite a smile, but it was the closest he saw to one today as her hand held tight to his. “Fine. Just this once.”
He moved away mindlessly when the medic came in and started talking to her, checking for a concussion or cervical injury, eyes still on her face.
Forget about the Lasso of Truth, her smile would be what was haunting his dreams tonight.
He met her in the rehearsal gym, bright and early the next day. He was on the floor, warming up, when she came in, hair pulled back messily and no make-up on, thermos of coffee in her hands. She was pretty much the exact opposite of the made-up, costumed bombshell from yesterday, but he was no less enthralled with her.
He couldn’t help it: he smiled.
Her smile back was half hidden behind another sip of coffee. “Good morning,” she said softly in her lilting English accent that she covered up for her movie appearances.
“Morning,” he stood, wiping his hands on his pants. “How are you feeling?”
“Bit of a headache,” she replied, setting her coffee down and pulling off her jacket. “Are the rest of the team coming?”
Steve hung his head, bashful. “Uh, no. I had them stay last night and run through tomorrow’s scene with your double.”
“Oh.” Peggy froze, the word slipping out softly. She started putting her jacket back on, trying to hide her disappointment. “I didn’t get the message. I thought I was doing the scene.”
“You are!” Steve corrected quickly, holding his hand out. “I just thought…” He sniffed and cleared his throat, trying to sound as professional as he could. “After I found you yesterday, I watched you do the scene again. I mean, really watched you. And you’re right. You’re missing a lot of the basics.”
Peggy wrapped her jacket back around her, crossing her arms. “Yes, well, like I said—”
“You weren’t taught,” he supplied quickly and gently, eyes kind and open. He shrugged and tried to smile. “I thought we could spend some time on that this morning. You already know the scene, so if we go back in and fill in some of those blanks you have…” He trailed off, hoping she’d understand.
She licked her lip slowly, thinking. “And you told the other stuntmen to stay home because…”
He wasn’t sure what she thought he was going to say, but he could imagine how some of his collogues might have treated her and couldn’t say that he almost expected her surprise. “I don’t want you to feel like they were watching you, or judging you. It’s not your fault no one taught you this, or that whoever you’ve worked with before didn’t take the time to make sure you were doing it right.”
She bent, grabbing her coffee to try to hide the shock he saw. She took a long swing and then nodded, pulling her jacket off again. “Alright then.”
He waved his hand, signaling her to follow him to the middle of the cushioned floor.
She was a quick study, and he’d been right as she eventually reveled somewhere in their discussions of balance and force, that she’d been a dancer before she became an actress.
“ACL surgery,” she replied, pulling up the leg of her legging and showing him the scar on her knee that he was sure must have been covered by make-up every other time he’d seen her. “Retore after the first surgery, and I never danced the same after.”
The melancholy that had started to disappear as they’d been going through their first few lessons returned, and Steve swore he’d do anything to see a smile on her face again. After a moment, he pulled up the sleeve on his t-shirt and showed her the crisscrossing pattern on his shoulder. “Cool scar, but I think this one wins.”
“Ohhh,” Peggy reached out, her fingertips lightly brushing over the flattened lines. “What happened?”
“IED just outside of Fallujah. Caught our caravan off guard.” He turned, pulling the shirt back more to show her the back of the shoulder. “Two bullets, six pieces of shrapnel, three torn tendons and almost a year of physical therapy.”
She let her hand run down his arm in a gentle way that made his heart pound. “Is that why you got out?”
He shrugged, stepping away and pulling his sleeve down. “It’s why they wouldn’t let me back in, so yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“Do you miss it?” Peggy asked, truly interested.
He paused. He wasn’t sure anyone had ever asked him that before. He must have been quiet long enough that she took his lack of an answer as not wanting to answer, because she started rambling, stepping over to get more coffee.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. I only asked because,” she paused to sip, taking a deep breath. “Well, because I didn’t really get to choose to stop dancing, my body chose for me. And as much as I love this…” she paused, her voice growing quieter as she looked down at her coffee, “sometimes I miss it.”
Steve softly stepped towards her. “This can be a lot like dancing, you know.” He held out his hand.
Peggy set her coffee down and took it, a smile on her face. “Really?”
He nodded, giving her a gentle pull that pulled her towards his body. “Think of it less like moves and add beats to it.” He started counting softly in fours, walking them through the pattern they’d just practiced: step forward, step back, parry, swing and miss, swing and block, swing, connect, turn under and sweep the leg.
Peggy laughed with delight as they stopped, standing. “That was… so much easier!”
Steve couldn’t help but smile back, she looked like an excited child on Christmas morning and he wanted more of that. “See? I told you. You just needed to understand it a little more. To figure out how to make it make sense to you.”
She bounced on the balls of her feet, excited. “Can we try the second pass?”
He nodded, stepping in front of her. He started counting again as she squeaked with happiness behind him. Push, pull, drop, jump, punch, punch… they moved through with the fluidity he knew she possessed but had somehow never understood or tapped into before. He smiled at her as they finished the set: her wrists in his hands, held over her head as they stood face to face.
They both smiled, but didn’t move. Steve could feel his heart pounding, and if the look on her face was any indication, the moment wasn’t one sided.
But he was here professionally, and it did no good to lean in and kiss her breathless like he wanted. He started to pull away quickly, but Peggy grabbed his hands, keeping him close. “Thank you,” she whispered, eyes shining with an emotion he didn’t want to think too hard about.
He didn’t understand. “For what?”
“For this.” She shrugged, twining her fingers with his. “For not just believing I’m a dangerous bitch who doesn’t care who she hurts. For taking the time to actually teach me,” she smiled, “and get to know me.”
It was still between them, and he could tell what they both wanted, but he couldn’t give in. Not while they were in the middle of the movie and he knew she’d still need so much more help if she was going to make it to the end of all of the complicated fight scenes and wire work. Instead, he redirected, smiling wide. “Don’t thank me yet. We’ve got to do all that again, but this time, in the heels.”
Peggy frowned, but didn’t let go of his hands. “Bloody hell, I hate those fucking things.”
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