#because metrics and all
shouldering-worlds · 4 months
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please, the "name a woman," the Kahoot bit, the utter look of disappointed but not surprised from Dan, the panicked confusion on Phil's face
The videos are fucking art
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weewoow-20706030 · 1 year
The bats use the metric system. You can not tell me that the bats would use inches, feet, yards and miles when centimeters, meters, and kilometres are right there.
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autisticandroids · 4 months
CASTIEL: Stop. What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me - not love, not respect, just fear.
[youtube with closed captions]
a godstiel pity party. i'd like to thank an anon i got way back in february of 2021.
#spn#vid#spnamvarchive#so fun fact i started making this more than a year ago. got it 90% done. and then was like no this isn't working#i will come back to this later.#it turns out that i needed to make some videos about cas and angels (the love club + help i'm alive amvs)#in order to make this one. anyway this video is about french mistake robert singer voice season six#i really struggled with it because i could NOT find the thread until i realized that it needed to be literally godstiel pov#it's about love and desire and jealousy and hurt and omnidirectional rage <3#it's about the fact that cas is so utterly dependent on dean for his self-image - however dean sees him that's it#it's about having a moment of reflection about lashing out before you do it but doing it anyway#it's about taking cruelty and dishing it out#and crucially. it's about being pregnant#mpregpocalypse#fun fact: i made a post about working on three season six amvs all the way back in nov. 2022#and only now have they come to fruition (this one + love club + metric)#anyway. have you heard that cas is obsessed#the thing is i do kinda want to add some specific director's commentary here. like the first verse is about cas being like.#incredibly deeply emotionally vulnerable to dean. as in: his emotional state and self-image is totally dominated by what dean thinks of him#and if dean is mad at him. and then the second verse is about... dean upsetting him and him responding to that by Killing Everybody lol#like he has a moment of reflection ['certain regrettable things are now required of me' + killing rachel] where he's like i've 1) also done#bad things and 2) i feel bad about it so maybe i will regret Killing Everyone. but then he does it anyway due to everybody keeps turning#on him. i feel like the rest of the amv is self evident. i guess i should note that 'share a paradise' is about how both of them have#a nostalgic view of the early days of their relationship when it wasn't Like This lol. but everything else i think is self evident.#oh and the reason the other angels flash onscreen with their burned wings at the end is i'm EVOKING the image of cas' wings burning. even#though it doesn't happen. i'm evoking it
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"the europeans" did you know that most of the world uses kg and meters including south America. unitedstatians are not beating the uneducated idiot burger allegations.
all these anons are doing is proving america truly is the greatest nation in the world, as it is becoming more and more apparent that we are in fact the only nation where people make jokes! god bless
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mdzs tumblr post au but it’s just “what were you doing at the devil’s sacrament” (nightless city)
#i’ve gotten there in my reread and while wwx def didn’t have good intentions *going* there#(he did want to vent his anger; ‘they finally attacked first!’ etc)#frankly i don’t see it as any different from a battle they’d initiated#(and also the actual thing WAS actually a battle they iniated even if wwx was waiting for that to happen but ignoring that)#it was a pledge against him and one with intention of attack#jgs literally said ‘and tomorrow we’ll scatter the ashes of the rest of the wen dogs and the yiling patriarch wei ying’#whether he meant it literally or not doesn’t matter bc at some point they *were going to attack*#and everyone there came to sign up for that right? everyone was prepared to face wwx in battle already right?#and if they WEREN’T prepared to do that and were just there for reputation points THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE#THAT’S ON THEM#so no they weren’t planning to be attacked BY wwx but they WERE planning to attack wwx which should be the same thing#the only difference is who has the advantage of surprise… which they were planning to use to their advantage#so regardless of wwx’s intentions (and their impacts on his morality if you care about that)#i do NOT think it’s fair to say he killed x thousand innocents/unprepared people/sth along those lines#that battle and those casualities were going to happen anyway the only difference was when#(and the only reason it IS painted as such an evil act rather than some heroic battle is because by all metrics wwx won)#so yeah 3000 cultivators… *what were YOU doing at the devil’s sacrament*#mdzs misc#mdzs
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cyberkn1fe · 4 months
Me: yea so you see, Oltyx knew anger at his exile clouded his judgement sometimes, so as a messed up workaround he commissioned a cryptek to augment his mind with partial copies of distinct parts of his own consciousness. However, given his general state of mind, him and the 5 resulting subminds end up spending most of the time being unhealthily hostile towards each other. The subminds are too different to ever agree on something, and Oltyx is always so annoyed at their constant bickering and criticism of him that he never properly listens to their advice. But as the stakes get higher and he's forced to work through his anger and entitlement so he could save his people, Oltyx starts to be more gentle and trusting with his subminds, and in turn they start working together, so they could take better care of Oltyx. They're not even constantly on the edge due to specifics of their minds anymore! The 6 end up being an actual team where every member is valued and respected, which is an incredible metaphor for self-acceptance, because you can never be whole if you despise parts of yourself, however contradictory, and-
My cat: meow (give chicken)
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bunabi · 6 months
I'm glad they left the casualty toll up for player interpretation because for better or worse at least it keeps people discussing DA2
If not this what else is left....do yall think Merrill uses the same ball of twine to find her way around town or does she buy a new one every day
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softausterity · 9 months
If your P5 requests are still open per your last reblog, may I humbly ask for some Haru and Sumi?
you can ABSOLUTELY ask for some haru and sumi i fucking love harusumi
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softinvasions · 10 months
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Hornet at Herrah's Altar • Dec. 2023
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chemicalarospec · 1 month
you've heard of: aroacespec "is this person flirting with me" confusion, now get ready for: Does this person think I'm flirting with them (and also are they flirting "back" with me) because I accidentally bumped into them a lot?
#new jersey girl seems to really like me that makes me happy#nobody's been attracted to me before#but it'll make me sad if she asks me out#because even though I LOVE her i think i'd have to say no just because i really imagine myself#with a boyfriend far more than a girlfriend lately and i don't want to put her into a relationship that might end up feeling like#misgendering...#aro#ace#aroace#aroacespec#aromantic#arospec#greyromantic#greyro#I said this#we've been walking all over campus together and she's um. not a very considerate walker i keep#almost getting pushed off the path so that's whyh i keep bumping into her lol#but also she seems to like standing/sitting near me?#and i said 'i think my face is a little...' because i was thinking it felt like it got too much sun#and she was like 'i think your face is a little too-- wait what did u say?'#and i said i didn't even use an adjective but said burnt/red was what i should have siad#and she just said 'i think your face is a little'#like is that an oblique compliment??#okay the funniest part is yesterday she said some random girl came up to her and said she looked pretty and she wasn't sure if it was#flirting or just a compliment so she doesn't even know what flirting is either lol#also she calls me Data now bc i told her about hwo my uncle said my parents consult me like picard consults data lol#tbh maybe i gave her the wrong signals by moisturizing when she was in my room last night?#(kept sticking my hand under my clothes. my roommate brought her in right after i showered)#i asked my roommated if that was weird and she thought it was fine but she might not be the best metric
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countess-of-edessa · 9 months
new hot take is that "i don’t need anyone but God" is pretty much wrong and we should stop telling people they can’t get married/have children/etc before they believe this fully. unless you have the spiritual fortitude of a hermit it is untrue. obviously God is perfection in which no lack can be found but we are not in His full presence by virtue of being on earth! if we were then we would be in heaven but we are not! in the meantime, the experience of God we have on earth necessarily includes other people whether they be friends or spouses or children. if that was not true God would not have said "It is not good for man to be alone" and given him a companion even though God himself was interacting with Adam! in this current state of separation from God as it exists on this earth, very few people can really be without all other people and rely only on contemplation and prayer. obviously God is enough and will always be enough, but our perception of Him in this fallen world is seriously lacking if we cannot experience His love through the experience of loving and being loved by others.
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genericpuff · 1 year
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delicatechildwitch · 8 months
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In case you're wondering, I have a (not-so) secret fondness for bright shiny glowy colors, and that influences a lot of my design decisions.
(Also, I am personally proud of myself for using colors and shapes to show who's talking when they're not in frame. I think that was a very clever decision, and you can't tell me otherwise. Well, you can, you'd just be wrong.)
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ilovedthestars · 5 months
here's the thing. yes, some pieces of art are "better" than others. there are many criteria you can measure that with--technical skill, creativity, clarity, conceptual depth, successful execution of the artist's intentions, etc., and i do think it's useful to clarify which ones you're using as a measuring stick. but like, of course you can evaluate art. of course you can be critical (in the "art critic" sense) of art. (among other things, that's one of the most important ways to get better at making art yourself.)
however. when it comes down to evaluating what gets to count as art. what art even gets to have a seat at the table. i will go to bat for the thing that isn't as "good" every single time.
you can say you think a piece of art is bad. you can say you think it lacked technical skill, or clarity, or conceptual depth, and you consider those important elements of a successful work. i might even agree with you. but if you think that means it doesn't matter, someone is going to die on this hill and it isn't going to be me
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laufire · 4 months
a few months ago, when the robin lives fauximile was announced, I wondered if dc was timing it right around the time they might kill mainline!jason in gotham war.
if we believe the spoilers for batman #148, and with the dc vault continuation approaching... I was just a visionary, ahead of my time lol.
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zombiebugbites · 1 year
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toasted marshmallow and grilled salmon
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