#because it’s weird being called out for that. cuz like. I’m used to people having no idea what the hell fanfiction is.
passiveagreeable · 2 years
So my roommate just came home with craft supplies, and in explaining to me her plans, she said “and, you probably haven’t read fanfiction, but…” and I just. Yeah, so when I asked her why that is, she said that she thinks I think I’m above fanfiction. Not sure how I feel about this attack.
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I’m gonna write this down now so I can look like an absolute genius later (or look like a clown, but at least I said it with my full chest!)
❌ Spoilers for the FNAF Movie below! ❌
Ok, I might be huffing hopium here, but in my heart of hearts I STILL think Mike Schmidt is Mike Afton. If (or when) they make a sequel, there’s a way they can reveal this
So the most obvious thing from this movie is when Mike is in “Steve’s” office, and when “Steve” is reading Mike’s name out loud from his résumé, he stops mid-sentence. He looks at Mike for a weird amount of time, almost studying him, before completely changing the subject. There’s no way in hell “Steve” recognizes Mike from when he saw him as a kid when he kidnapped his brother Garrett 10+ ago, no chance. Also why would he go to Nebraska (unclear where the movie takes place, but let’s assume Utah because of the books) to kidnap a random kid and just drive off? Here’s what I think is going on…(also I’m gonna call him William from now on cuz we all know lol)
William fingered out that Mike is his son during that interview. My theory is that at some point, William was married and him and his wife have a son named Mike. And for one reason or another, they got divorced. This is when Mike was too young to really remember which is why he doesn’t recognize William during their meeting. Mike’s mom gains custody of Mike and remarries, she marries Mr. Schmidt. They have a child together, Garrett. Sometime after the divorce, William adopts a child, trying to cope after losing his only son. He adopts Vanessa.
William finds out about his ex-wife having another kid. He wants to cause her pain and suffering for leaving him. He follows the Schmidt’s and takes Garrett during the camping trip. Unable to handle the pain, Mike’s mom takes her own life, leaving Mike and his stepdad. Mr. Schmidt marries a little later to another woman, and she has a daughter named Abby. Sometime after this, both Mr. Schmidt and his new wife die, leaving Mike to care for Abby.
Vanessa owed William so much, he had adopted her while she had suffered in an orphanage for years. She would do anything he told her, even if it meant covering up his crimes. Years later, realizing what she was doing was wrong, she left her father and became a police officer, hoping to stop people like her father as she had failed to stop him.
Here’s another thing. Scott Cawthon knows that the fans are obsessed with the lore of FNAF. I think he knew he could make more movies, this isn’t going to be a one and done deal. Plus, he had his hand on this project every step of the way, he wouldn’t agree to anything that he didn’t want to happen in the story. Mike being William’s some is CRUCIAL to the story of FNAF (at least in the games). I think he’s trying to fake us out, you know how he loves to troll the fans!
Again, this is just a theory (A GAME THEORY lol), but I don’t think the idea of Mike being an Afton is dead just yet. Hoping and praying so I can look incredibly smart if or when the sequel drops 🙏🏻
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TW: self-deprecating??, harrassment, stalker, yandere struggles, (I think that’s it?)
I can’t imagine the hell that it would be of having a yandere that is 100x out of your league. Like just imagine being a normal ass joe, nothing going on in life, no big group of friends, no exciting qualities, nothing to offer ANYONE. And here comes this god like figure- waltzing or barging into your shameful life and going “I am entranced by you, so deeply and utterly enraptured that you haunt every aspect of my existence. I have killed and maimed for you… allowing me to be yours is the only thing I wish for. The only thing I desire. Please, please just allow me to bask in your presence for the rest of my life..”
I’m getting mad just thinking about it, like how would someone even respond to that!? They let themselves into your shitty apartment (with a spare key they finessed from your landlord) they have the GALL to sit on your bed after being caught shamelessly snuggling under the covers, all model like?? Telling them that you’ll call the cops so that they leave but knowing in your heart that the police would arrest YOU before they accuse someone as godly as THEM! of course this doesn’t faze them. Though the sadness on their face is evident. Somehow you get them to leave and think that will be it for forever…
Until now you can see them clearly, everywhere you go. If you go to a coffee shop they’ll arrive 2 minutes after you and just sit across from you as long as your there. Your best bet is ignoring them because if you tell a worker of this person “harassing” you then you’ll just get a “really bitch??” Look and told to not disturb THEM! They even walk right next to you on the sidewalk, other people simply stopping to stare at their beauty and aura while you just grit your teeth and try to walk faster. Some brave ones stop them to ask for their number or if their single, only for them to wrap an arm around your own and tell them that their dating you. They are OBVIOUSLY with YOU. So why the FUCK is this trash asking dumb questions?? It gives you second hand embarrassment and your self esteem goes in the shitter when others just give that disbelief look and reluctantly leave it at that. If you try and buy anything they will just whip out their black card and pay for it instead nor matter your protests. If you say something like “hey don’t spend money! I can buy my own things!” They look you straight in the face with zero hesitation and just go “I know you can, but I want to spend money on you. All my money is YOURS. You are still using YOUR money.” Bro at this point I’ll make them take me to the Gucci store or sum.
Someone that is the EPITOME of peak human desire. An irresistible face and body, black cards in their pockets, mansions, sports cars, high paying job and famous people for “friends”. They are what hustle culture people DREAM to be, so why would they be interested in you? Why do they act like you’re the one doing THEM a favor by just existing? Why do they look at you so lovingly when masses stare at them with the same look? Why get so jealous and overprotective when you show basic human decency to others? As if you were some Hot shot movie star!
And the worst part is, when they do creepy gross stalker shit it doesn’t even seem like they are the one being weird. If you bother entertaining them at a cafe and leave for the bathroom, you’ll most likely come back to them with your used spoon in they mouth.
Btw no one is how I portray reader in this lil scenario. EVERYONE is exceptional and wonderful and beautiful In their own way! Just cuz u can’t see doesn’t mean others don’t either. This was more of something I wrote when I was going through it.
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hetfieldlvr · 29 days
SOME OF MY ZERO DAY HEAD CANNONS🤓☝️ (they are real bad and random)
- andre probably had some type of jealousy at cals ‘attractiveness’ but he wouldn’t say anything.
-when andre and cal would have sleepovers, whoever’s house they were in the guest would be forced to sleep on he floor (ex: when they slept at andre’s house, andre would make cal sleep on the floor while andre would be cozied up in bed)
-andre got bullied more than cal but andre would just be pissed over it and cal would have a total crash out, EVEN THO CAL DOESNT GET BULLIED A WHOLE LOT.
-cal has tried to get andre and rachel to be friends once but when he left the room they sat there waiting for him to come back and when he did they began to talk again.
-rachel thought cal was gay for andre for a little bit.
-andre hates doing presentations. not because he’s nervous but because he hates everyone in his classes.
-when andre said he wanted to shoot up the school for the very first time cal was like 😲
-if Ark was made in the 2000s, cal would play it and andre would clown on him for it.
-cal would order pizzas to ‘bother’ andre but andre does NOT care🙅‍♀️ (cuz he making money🤑)
-every time cal would do something weird, andre would ignore it because he either does not care, didnt really process what he said, or thinks that cal says this type of shit all the time.
-andre would pretend to throw punches at cal but he would use so much force that sometimes he actually does punch him and he would say “oops” and try not to laugh.
-when andre would drink like a coke or something and he has to burp, he taps on cals shoulder and when cal looks at him he would burp in cals face🙁
-when cal would think about shooting himself on zero day he would get sad at how he wouldn’t be able to talk to andre when he’s dead.
-i’m sure younger people (freshmen, and sophomores) would have a hallway crush on andre and cal.
-andre was considering if he should hang out with cal, after people called them fags for being together so much.
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aita for calling my roommate crazy?
I (28f) live with 2 other people, a former college roommate who I���m pretty close with (29f) and 2nd roommate (28nb) who we both met when we moved in together 2 years ago.
Let me start this out by saying, this isn’t a fandom aita, it’s going to sound a bit weird at first, but bear with me.
I have a medical condition (relevant later) which stopped most of my bones from maturing past puberty (growth plates closing, cartilage not hardening into bones, ect.), so my skeleton is basically stuck somewhere between 13-19, (I look about 17-19, but the last time I tried to buy hard cider, the cashier thought I was 14, so that’s how young I can look). I also have very pale skin (unrelated to my disorder, just a ginger), and (related to my disorder) lack some liver enzymes so I need eat meat or I get sick (the same reason why cats need to eat meat), I ended up in the ER when I lived with my vegan sister for a week and ate the same veggie diet as her.
Trouble is, Roommate 2 is really into conspiracy theories and other fringe stuff. Nothing alt-right or anything, just like, (for example) they fully bought into that Mermaids: the body found show, and wouldn’t be dissuaded, even when Roommate 1 googled it and showed them solid proof that it was fictional. Wholeheartedly believes the US government preformed 9/11, does alternative medicine (homeopathy, ect), wishes there were ‘all natural’ vaccines (still isn’t an anti-vaccer though, just needs to be persuaded that Bill Gates didn’t put microchips in them).
Anyway, Roommate 1 and I have a recurring joke that I’m a vampire because of the meat thing and the pale thing and the not aging thing. Roommate 2 overheard us and laughed, but weirdly. She kinda joked along with us, but she seemed...odd. About a week later, they start asking me stuff about being a vampire. But they seemed friendly and not nervous then and I was hoping they were just joking and I also sincerely thought they were just asking me about how vampires work on one of my shows (I’m a big fan of Carmilla and the Originals), so I tried to explain, but I cited each show when I’m explaining a thing. This continued for several weeks, but getting worse and more weird every time, eventually culminating about 2 and a half months later into them asking me more stuff about life as a vampire and I really realised that they were serious. Bear in mind, Roommate 1 and I were trying to be very clear that we don’t believe in vampires this whole time because we both know how Roommate 2 is about this. As a result, this was the first time I really registered that they seriously seemed to genuinely believe I was a vampire. I firmly told them that I am not a vampire and that vampires aren’t real, they’re fun to joke about, but they aren’t real. They implored me ‘to be straight with them about being a vampire,’ and that ‘I could trust them,’ and I’m ashamed to say, I kinda freaked out at this point, cuz I was afraid that they would be scared of me and maybe try to hurt me, since they seemed kinda unstable because of this.
This is where I think I was an asshole, I am usually very sensitive to mental health issues. I have some c-PTSD myself and there are a lot of mental health issues in my family (unfortunately, I think some history with my own mentally ill father may have made me react this way, since he has very similar issues to Roommate 2 (vaccines, alternate medicines, specifically involving me in his delusions) and I had a very bad experience in my early teens where he thought I was a demon and ‘sent to destroy him’). Anyway, I got very upset and I yelled at them, I told them they were completely crazy and needed to get mental help and said I thought Roommate 1 and I needed to move out because they might try to stake my heart or something. I feel really bad for calling them crazy, especially because Roommate 2 has some very mental health issues and words like crazy make light of and stigmatise that and I’m very big into not blaming people for their mental health problems, but this was very triggering and in this moment I was very distresssed.
So, aita, all things considered here? I’m still gonna feel like the asshole no matter what, since mental health problems aren’t to be taken lightly or blamed on the person, but I’m curious what the internet thinks.
What are these acronyms?
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tuliptic · 8 months
Crazy Form: My Ego's In This Show
First PAC of the year!! When in real I've been working on it since last year lmAO.
My main personality is peaking through this blog again cuz Ateez is back with another banger and as an Atiny, it’s my calling to do this. This reading is gonna be slightly different imo, tho I have no idea how to phrase myself on how different it is.
Most of us, if not all, have a certain side to us that can be considered crazy. The definition of crazy differs according to people and context, where some can be out of control, unbelievable, mad, or just enthusiastic. One person’s craziness is just another person’s normal, so just treat it as… How you want it to be. 
To me, this song yells about being yourself, not confining yourself to the social structure and expectations of the world. They might think we’re crazy but there’s nothing wrong with being yourself as long as you’re not harming anyone. Just close your eyes and not look if things are not to your liking, and steer away from me. Leave me alone, I don’t mind.
As usual, you can meditate before you pick a pile. However, for this reading, I’d say go for the one you first focused on, as craziness can be spontaneous. Found your pile? Let’s go see what our Crazy Form has for us!
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Pile 1 - Pile 2
Pile 3 - Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. Also, I do not consent to my work or images being used by third parties on this platform or other websites as well.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1
A card to represent you: Death
For some reason I see you as someone who prolly is into the punk genre? Something metal? You’re constantly transforming yourself, trying new things, finding your way throughout the world probably through means that are not well received by others. Weirdly the word osmosis came to mind? You tend to throw yourself into the exact situation to learn and understand why people react a certain way. It sounds cool, but to people around you, they think you’re out of your mind cuz it could mean that you may go to the extremes to get the experience you want. But to you, you prolly feel proud of it cuz you are constantly growing at an astounding speed.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Three of Wands rx
You tend to not credit yourself? It’s giving me the feeling that you tend to look at things from the sidelines, may it be your success or achievements. You don’t mind the credits, but to others they’ll get mad cuz you were not credited accordingly. They tend to not understand why you’d let your work get taken away or used (I think the same too). This appears to be a mystery to people around you, but you know what you want, so you’re chill with it. It’s giving me the feeling where you do things to gain experience and to build yourself, not to gain recognition. May be wrong here, but you know yourself best. OvO
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Seven of Pentacles
You already chose to not take credits over your own work, and it will drive people crazy that whatever you’re doing is not the peak. You’re currently doing things at your own pace, to figure things out as you go. One day, when you decide to unlock a passion and work on it diligently, yet continuing to not take any credits for yourself, the people around you will flip. You know about this, but you’ve surrounded yourself with people who support your vision and share your values, they who believe that you’ll be able to create your own legacy sky. For some of you, you may also feel that it’s weird if you choose to take credit. Maybe it’s because there’s more than what is seen by the eyes in the material realm. For some reason I’m thinking of Saturn energy here, so some of you may be Saturn dominant.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - Justice rx
What I’m feeling from here is that you can use this to get out of situations, especially unfair situations. It can sound pretty mean but if things take a bad turn, you, being in no leadership role, can get out of it. This is also one of the reasons you dislike assuming the leadership position. To some, you may like assuming the leader position, but you’re not given the chance or you’re currently not there yet to take on the role. You’re also the type who likes to explore stuffs and hence, you have the skills and ability to venture into anything else new that you are interested in. The world is wide and there are a lot of things for you to try, and you probably go crazy with everything you wanna try, ignoring how small your plate can be.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - Queen of Pentacles
For some reason, the word “connection” came out pretty strong. Networking and connection was the first to pop up in my head. Y’know how people have been told to separate work life and personal life? That’s not what you’ll do, probably. You make friends and create connections through work, and they slowly become part of your personal life as well. I think this is a charm of yours where you are just capable of creating new bonds because of your comforting presence and of your communication skills. You don’t necessarily need to be very protective or nurturing; people just find you comfortable to talk to and the new friendship starts to grow from there. Eventually, they become part of your life even though you may not remain in the same workplace.
Overall energy: Justice, Six of Swords rx
I like how Justice came out twice for you, signifying that it’s a strong theme. Justice could mean being fair, but to me, it also talks about being critical in both mind and action. You possess a mind that’s sharp, where you can see and evaluate the various situations that you’re in, noticing details that many people don’t. It’s like… You’re being guided through all of these so you’re able to throw yourself into as many passion projects as you like. However, remember to keep things in moderation else you’ll feel the burn-out or you’ll get overwhelmed with everything going on. Take care.
Pile 2
A card to represent you: The Hanged Man rx
This card in reverse usually talks about delays, resistance, and even self sacrificing too much. Have you been doing so? Have you been creating a lot of inner tension within yourself, where you try to maintain the exterior peace of the environment and ignore the need of your own inner peace? Remember that external peace isn’t your peace, and that you need to take care of your own needs as well, as you’re in charge of whatever that’s in your life. There are a lot of other ways to maintain a balance out there, you just need to review your priorities and how you’d want to execute it.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? -  Three of Cups
Socialisation is the first word that came into my mind. There’s a high chance that you’re an extrovert, where you gain energy by being around people. Not exactly a party animal kinda feeling, but more of a… Vibe assimilation? It’s like, you throw yourself into a place with a good vibe and you kinda absorb the good vibe and make yourself feel better with it. Once you’re feeling better, you feel that you’re more prepared to face whatever problems you were facing. It’s also the other way round, where you give out good vibes and fun times to those around you who are having a hard time. But also, you need to be aware if this is their preferred love language or you may not be helping them the way they need it.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Page of Cups rx
Are you a romantic? Cuz this card here is giving me this vibe. It feels like… You’re a romantic in heart, where your heart is open to love as it manifests into the world. Take this as a reminder to not go wild. You can fall in love deep and quick, and can jump to new relationships easily. To you, you just view love as love, and you think it’s alright to get into or break off relationships cuz you’re loyal to love. However, a relationship doesn’t work only on love, but also responsibilities, loyalty, and a lot of other aspects. Ground yourself, find out what is it that you want by getting into relationships. From there, only you figure out how you can work things out without potentially harming other people in the relationship.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - Wheel of Fortune rx
I feel that with your Crazy Form, you are very capable of changing the courses of lives. Plural. It’s not only your life that you’re changing, where you learn through the relationships and experiences you’ve gone through; but also the lives of others who have been in relationships with you, where they may learn a thing or two, or even have problems with the idea of “love”.  You know that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny, but also, you need to be aware of the impact you have, how you can also change the lives of others for the better. You now know you have the power, how you’re gonna use it is now up to you.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - The Devil, Page of Swords
You can be the Devil, where you can draw out the worst possible potential in someone; or you can also be the Messenger, where you share your knowledge and wisdom to those who are interested in them. There’s a lot you can achieve, but ultimately, it depends on which path you want to tread on. You, Pile 2, you know you’re fire, you know you can warm people or burn them. I don’t want to repeat things but yeah. You can make a name for yourself, may it be in a nice light or a not-nice light. Whatever you choose, make sure you think through the consequences of your actions, and if you’re alright or satisfied with the outcome. 
Overall energy: Temperance rx, Four of Wands
Overall speaking, there’s a lack of balance in this pile. It feels like the energy is scattered, and that now you’re taking your time to piece the puzzles (scattered energy, self-expectations, better understanding of yourself)  into a nice and harmonious picture (you). You are searching for a community where you are comfortable with, you can work together with. I don’t think this pile has much difficulties in self-acceptance, but if you do, do work on them as it could be your greatest challenge. Once you’re through that?  You’ll be surprised by how much power you have.
Pile 3
A card to represent you: The Hierophant
I… Am conflicted with how I should word myself. The Hierophant is usually related with traditional and conventional methods. There’s a hint of tradition here, but what I’m feeling is more of a… Fusion? It’s like you’re working with whatever and whichever part of the tradition you agree with, and mixing it with something else to have a new blend. This is you. You are good at combining the best of both worlds to bring forth something new that is comforting to you and the people around you. You may also have been told that you have a healing presence? Or you’re working on your inner healing right now, especially childhood trauma. 
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Ten of Wands rx
The way you willingly and fearlessly take up responsibilities is what people (including myself) think is crazy about you. Most people will consider and ponder, weighing the pros and cons before deciding if they wanna take up the responsibility to take up something or anything. But for you, it’s like you have some sort of blind faith that you’ll be able to do things and hence, you take up the responsibility. You also have almost no fear in showing or exposing your vulnerability. You understand that being vulnerable doesn’t necessarily mean weak, and you honour that part of you, showing it and proving that being vulnerable doesn’t mean you can’t achieve things.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Four of Pentacles rx
You’re actually… restraining yourself a lot. Unknown to the people around you (or even yourself), you have always felt the need to exert control over particular things, or even other people, but especially yourself. The controlling side of yours is due to the insecurities that you’ve experienced, probably as a kid, where you need to have a certain control over situations so that you can be assured of your self value. You probably have gone through child trauma and do not hold trust in the world, nor in people around you, which led to you wanting to be in charge of things so you can exert dominance to make sure you’re not on the passive or losing end.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - The Magician rx, Five of Cups rx
You can use that controlling energy and redirect them to some other things, such as creativity expressions (creating new things to have fun) or even focusing on healing past traumas. All of these require a lot of energy and time, which is something really suitable for you to work on as you expand not only your views on things, but also to learn acceptance and to be kinder to yourself. Expansion is a huge theme where you need to find things out and figure them out as you journey in life. There’s a lot of time for you to figure things out, so it’s best to not rush and learn to take things at your own pace.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - Eight of Pentacles
Success is guaranteed if you put your energy in the right things. You’ll be able to become the pinnacle in whatever fields you have decided to step into. The tenacity you have, the diligence and hard work you’ve put into curating your portfolio and honing your skills will be well repaid in the forms of success, achievements, recognition and even power. However, there’s a need to maintain balance in all things, and to continue striving and improving. Know that you’ll need to constantly learn how to change your controlling energy to something that’s more… beneficial? Something that can help you (and/or the people you care for) in the long run. 
Extra cards: Five of Pentacles
An extra message for you right now is that you still will need to go through some things before you reach there. You’re still in the process of learning, and you’ll face your own trials soon enough. You need to be aware of your own mindset, your own actions; only then you’ll be able to make the necessary changes for you to be able to unlock your highest potential. Your guides are also actively sending you messages. Trust in your guts, your feelings, your guides; they’re your strongest compass and confidant.
Overall energy: Death, The Star
This pile focuses a lot on the importance of change, and how it’s capable of making your life better or worse. However, it also reassures that there’s a silver lining within every dark cloud. There may be a sense of defeat for some who chose this pile, but it is also a sign of telling, where you’re called to surrender the old and limiting beliefs before you can be reborn into limitless possibilities. The process of being reborn is not easy, and you will need help around you to go through those times. Not saying that you can’t handle everything alone, but getting help and assistance from people around you, especially those who are close to you can help you and make your life so much easier. So why go through the long-winded route?
Pile 4
A card to represent you: The Emperor
I’m getting a… Growl? People probably paint you as dominant or domineering at times (or most of the time). You may have a stronger masculine energy, even if you identify as some other genders. There’s this fire energy that feels like Scorpio as well, where people (including your subordinates and to some extent, friends) may feel afraid. Some of you are aware of this and are pleased with this, but some of you are unaware of this trait of yours. You can choose to either work on it and be a benevolent king, or you can be a tyrant. The choice is yours, you are who you want to become.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Temperance, Two of Pentacles
You’re able to remain your balance amidst the changes that are happening around you. There’s just this… Stability in you that assures the people around you. Pluto is in Capricorn and it’s about to enter Aquarius for good. We have seen how things changed around us, and how there were more… THings that have been constantly happening. Yet, even with the never-ending chaos, you still manage to keep your emotions and rationality at a healthy level. You know that you rely not only on yourself, but also your dreams and your spirit’s energy to reach your highest good. But still, you achieving this is just insane in many people’s eyes.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - King of Swords rx
People are seeing the balanced side of you at the moment, but they probably have not thought of you being a person who focuses more on the mind than the emotional side. You probably have the habit of noticing the slightest things, and you’re very capable of putting the small pieces together to form the bigger picture. If anyone ever wrongs you, this side of yours will appear and will probably mess up their life cuz they messed yours. You do put in effort in keeping this side of yours aside as you’re very much intending on keeping things civil.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - The Chariot
If you ever wanted to take over the corporate business, you’re very capable of doing so. Take the wheel, steer to where you want to head to, and hit the gas. You will not be lost as long as you are sure of where you’re going. Also, because of this introspective side of yours, you can help a lot of those who are in need. I’m somehow seeing you piecing up information to gather evidence against domestic violence cases. You are willing to help, as long as they ask. The same goes to you, where you’ll also receive help from the universe when you ask for them. You just seem to be in sync with divine timing, which is something you can pay attention to.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - The High Priestess rx
I am very tempted to say that you’ll end up losing your feminine and intuitive side, but there’s more to it. Sure, there may be chances of you straying away from the quieter side of you, but it is also a chance for divine intervention where your guides are re-introducing you the importance of your feminine side, showing you how being in-tune with your emotions can bring you to places you’ve never thought of, to bring your the emotional fulfilment that you’ve never imagined. More importantly, it’s an opportunity for you to learn the importance of stability and sustainability, and make sure that whatever you do and learn is gonna be part of your life, part of your identity.
Overall energy: The Hanged Man rx, The Tower rx
There’s quite some blockage here that you’re facing, where you may feel challenged with everything that’s happening around you. Remember that you’re not in control of everything around you, that things happen for a reason, and that it’s okay to go along the flow from time to time. The Universe is trying to guide you to where you’re supposed to be, so stop being stubborn and learn to accept things for the time being. At least, until you’re strong enough to go against what you’ve decided to fight. You’re meant to do great things, to achieve so much more in life. But first, you need to learn to accept your flaws and the harsh reality, only then you can be sure of what you want to rebel against.
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elderwisp · 5 months
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Dan: Alright, no more sulking.
Frances: [ whines ] But it’s fun.
Dan: That’s a fucking lie.
Frances: Let me rot! I’m not bothering anyone!
Dan: Dude, you haven’t left the couch! I’m surprised you two haven’t merged into one.
Frances: Being a couch would be nice.
Dan: So did you get fired? 
Frances: I took some time off. I needed to finish up some projects for school.
Dan: What projects ‘cuz you literally have done nothing. No offense.
Frances: [ whimpers ] Am I useless?
Dan: NO! God no. I’m just a bit concerned. Scoot.
Frances: I did something.
Dan: You can tell me whenever you’re ready.
Dan: Plenty of people do weird things.
Frances: [ blurts ] I kissed him!
Dan: Christ. What the fuck?
Dan: Yeah but this takes the cake. [ pauses and thinks ] Actually no, you and Atlas might be at a tie.
Frances: What did he do now?
Dan: He tried to kiss Taryn.
Frances: ha-HAH!
Dan: I feel so bad laughing-
Frances: But it IS kind of funny. I’m guessing it ended badly?
Dan: Sort of, Atlas needs to figure some things out. He’s got to earn it, you know?
Frances: Maybe working towards something meaningful will set him straight. Better than worrying about Toni.
Dan: Hopefully. What about you? Now why did you kiss your boss?
Frances: [ groans ] Stop saying it like that. Icarus, his name is Icarus.
Dan: Icarus can kiss-arus my ass. 
Frances: PFFT-
Dan: Seriously. Like what elderly man preys on the young and beautiful?
Frances: Dan he isn’t like a decrepit old fart.
Dan: Hmph, still.
Frances: He’s really… Pretty to look at. Like plays could be written about him and I’d read every single word.
Dan: SIMP!
Frances: I’m not denying it. I just misread things, that’s all. I mistook his kindness for something more because… Well… 
Dan: You wanted it to be true.
Frances: Yeah. A girl can dream I guess.
Dan: At least he didn’t take advantage of you. Otherwise, I’d have to kill him.
Frances: [ giggles ] Murder on your mind.
Dan: So I was thinking… What if we threw a house-warming party?
Frances: Ah yes so our new neighbors can hate us.
Dan: Not even! It’ll be a small get together. You invite your friends, I invite mine.
Frances: What if we just had a small thing with Kai and Atlas- Kai, I mean. 
Dan: You guys should really smooth things over soon.
Frances: Maybe. One crisis at a time.
Dan: Hmph. Sooo? Party?
Frances: Fine, but like ten people max. 
Dan: Totally! [ phone beeps ] Awh Luis texted me. He said.. I smell like old beans and that my room is comfy- What a little shit.
Frances: I’m assuming he misses you.
Dan: In his own weird little ways. I told my dad not to get him a phone.
Frances: Speaking of which, have you called your dad back?
Dan: Ah… One crisis at a time, right?
Frances: God dammit, Dan- YOUR FACE! That’s not what I meant.
Dan: MMM, you said it though. 
Frances: Bastard.
Dan: The one and only!
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
I have told the one (1) real friend I have out here that I plan to move home because the antisemitic isolation has gotten so bad.
If I were a pettier person, I wouldn’t tell anyone else until I’m already closed on a house back home. And when they’re like “why are you moving?” I’d say “antisemitic isolation from most social groups.” And when they ask “Why didn’t you say anything?” I’d say, “Because you’re the ones who did the isolation.”
I won’t. Cuz that won’t actually solve anything. It’ll just make people who don’t think they’re antisemitic go “oh? Eden? Yeah that was super weird how she called us all antisemites and then left. She must’ve been a Zionist or something cuz I didn’t even say anything about Palestine to her.”
Like…I know. You didn’t say anything to me. You didn’t ask how I was doing. You certainly didn’t acknowledge Jewish pain in any way, beyond liking one (1) post a few months ago. Most of you muted me on here. Most of you don’t respond to unrelated information or posts in group chats about genuinely nonpolitical topics. None of you are ever “free” to hang out. You don’t support me when I’m sad. Fine, maybe that’s not what you do. That’s ok. My emotions aren’t your responsibility. You don’t offer distraction. You don’t offer an ear. You leave me on read when I see you online.
I see the statistics that seem to say “most people think their friends hate them but they actually really like you!”
But I don’t think this applies to Jews. Especially leftist Jews tbh. But I do wonder if the antisemites who hate their Jewish friends even KNOW that they hate their Jewish friends.
Like, I wonder what they’d say if they were asked “Do you dislike Eden?” Because I think they’d say no. I think they’d say that, maybe, I’m a little much right now. I’m a little too intense. Maybe they’d say they like me a lot but just want this all to die down before we hang out. Or maybe they’d say that they did used to like me but I’ve recently made them uncomfortable.
But that’s not friendship. When someone you care about enough to call a friend is literally an emotional wreck for months, regardless of the reason, and you have not at any point attempted to be there for them in any meaningful way (and I mean, at all. Hanging out once. Calling once. Asking how I’m doing once. Saying “antisemitism is bad” even once. Taking me up on my offer to discuss anything about current events if they have questions. Politely declining my offer to discuss current events because you find it all too stressful. Letting me know that you care about me as a person but the current crisis is too much for you to think about right now, so you’d rather not bring it up. Literally ANY of these actions and a million others that would take you hardly any effort at all.) then you clearly don’t think of me as a friend, actually. You do hate me, actually.
Because what kind of person does that to a friend. What kind of person abandons us like this? It’s like they might as well just say “we like you so much, but like…not when you talk about or experience life as a Jewish person.”
They might as well just say “she’s fine enough to be around. Too bad she’s a Jew.”
Or, maybe, being isolated from people for 5 months is really distorting my perspective and none of this is true or valid.
But I can’t help but feel…being isolated for 5 months is very much reinforcing my points.
I’m officially done trying to make plans with any “friends,” except the one person who ever replies to me.
I basically said “if anyone ever wants to hang out, let me know” and that’s the last I’ll say to basically any of them about making plans.
What’s the point? I don’t want to beg people to spend time with me.
That said, when I called one of my best friends back home to tell her I was moving back, I told her the isolation was really getting to me. I told her that I was feeling like maybe nobody ever really liked me all that much and that I’m hard to be around and that being Jewish at this time and experiencing pain publicly was just the final straw to them excluding me. Maybe I’m just fundamentally unlikable.
But she told me that was dumb and I’m dumb for saying it. And she’s seen me at my best and my worst.
Idk. This post is long and personal and weird but I’m trying to be vulnerable and document how I’m feeling during this time. I think maybe I’m prone to look back on this when this current I/P flare is over and think to myself, “maybe I was just making a big deal out of nothing.” I want to have a record of how I’m feeling. Because at this moment when I’m living through it, it feels cataclysmic.
Like..I’m not even concerned about any of my “friends” finding this cuz I’m pretty sure they’ve all muted me anyway.
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notallwonder · 2 months
thinking again about cme 17x06. as one does.
I wasn't going to post because I wrote this in a sort of fugue state after staying up super late watching the ep over and over when it first dropped. but I like having a record of what I was thinking, such as it is.
Esp about the brief discussion of BAUgate, and how jj specifically says her beef is that emily wasn’t honest with “...us, with *me*”. emily’s “I am” is earnest, but she’s on a slightly different page than JJ cuz she follows that with “honestly, I want to quit”. Emily’s still drowning in her feelings about how the job is fucking her up, jj’s just over here trying to be real with her about their relationship. And it really sounds like there’s more to the “it’s about being honest with *me*” than just BAUgate. Like….is JJ wanting more honesty about whatever the fuck happened to them? It’s not a huge stretch. I love AJ Cook's performance. when I first got into the jemily of it all with cm I was very focused on Emily but as time has passed and I've watched and rewatched, it's become clearer that JJ a huge engine driving what makes jemily interesting to me.
I’ve seen folks theorize that Emily’s knowledge of BAUgate is what caused the perceived distance between her & JJ in s16, but I personally don’t fully buy into that. Emily became unit chief in 2017ish, and section chief presumably sometime in 2020-2022. It’s unclear when she was briefed on BAUgate. She tells Luke about it like it’s mostly a done deal she inherited the problem/information, the issue was apparently dealt with, and she made a judgment call about informing them. But as he pointed out, you know once it’s on the Internet it lives forever. She’s can't be naive about that. And I think she's glossing over it a bit to try to calm him down. We’ve been given no indication that Rossi had this info, though he probably knew broad strokes, and he was UC for some amount of time. My guess is she was briefed in detail on BAUgate when she became SC. So I guess BAUgate could be a component of s16 tension with JJ, especially insofar as this is a big unspoken thing that Emily has shouldered alone in order to shelter her team/friends, and is potentially emblematic of a larger pattern of Emily withholding information and not feeling free to be open with JJ as a friend because of her professional responsibilities. But I think if we take their distance seriously it has to go deeper than this one thing. Because the weirdness between them goes back further than evolution. It’s also in the way JJ chose to fuck off to New Orleans instead of taking over as UC as Emily planned. [where does this fit in the “we don’t quit” narrative that JJ spins?]. It’s in the way we don’t know exactly why JJ & Will decided to move back to Virginia. It’s in the way some awkwardness, resentment, isolation, hurt, whatever brewed between them during the pandemic years (and before!), and perhaps unspoken history made it difficult for them to be normal with one another on a personal level.
To me, the weirdness of their interactions in s16 is most egregious in the lack of direct comfort/interaction after JJ & Luke were blown up in the shipping container. And maybe a little in the fact that Emily so happily greeted Will, of all people, when they all returned from California (made me laugh so hard my god). But the relative stiffness of their interactions has been consistent since season 12/13, I think (thinking about the what ifs/if onlys convo). As though one or both of them were making an effort to be professional but not too personal, or keep it benign and surface level because dealing openly with whatever they had going on deep down would be too painful.
I’m so glad this convo happened in a more relaxed setting. They were going to have a talk at the office! it would have been more buttoned up, might have even played more into the underlying tension between them. It wouldn’t have been JJ trying to keep Emily from quitting. Could have been harder for Emily to really hear all of what JJ was saying to her, in that environment.
Speaking of all of what JJ was saying. !!!
I agree this is a confession of love. And it’s fucking beautiful. It’s JJ being vulnerable about how much Emily’s presence in her life means to her. JJ’s telling Emily that they are stronger than their predecessors in part *because they have been a source of strength for each other, for years.* Paris, the miscarriage, yes. And, and. JJ is and has always been so strong as an individual. But Emily was also JJ’s quiet strength in Georgia, the hospital waiting room, the stalking case, the bank robbery, in Reid & Penelope’s abduction, in East Allegheny. JJ saw and believed in Emily’s humanity - her hidden dreams - from early days. She pulled her through those bleak 7 months in exile. How many times has JJ taken the sting out of Emily's mood like she did on the jet in 11x19 Tribute? JJ is making herself a source of strength for Emily, right here in this conversation (*make* them fire you!, don’t just roll over). They have such a history of mutuality: of comradery, kindness, deep care, showing up. It’s not romantic in name but can easily be read that way. It’s *really* fucking romantic, even if it’s platonic. Do you know what I mean???????
I’m obsessed with AJ Cook’s choices throughout. OBSESSED.
The way JJ pauses for that moment after “it gives me you”, making steady eye contact, letting it really sink in. She got brave, and it landed. Then she kind of rolls her eyes at herself, maybe a little annoyed at the tears starting to come, maybe a little embarrassed that she’s letting this truth out into the world.
And the “Always.” Dropping eye contact, retreating from the moment a bit. A bit afraid to watch Emily’s reaction - but also she does very deliberately look directly at Emily again for a split second! That “Always” has carried a torch, for a very long time. That “Always” at least never admitted to Emily how much it hurt when she left. How much the distance has hurt.
~ I’ve been through hell in this job but it brought us together (I love you). You’ve kept me going through awful things (I love you). Of course I’ll support you whatever you decide (I love you). I’ll always support you even when you leave me (I love you). You’ve left me before and it hurt and it didn’t stop me from loving you (I love you). Please hang on; please stay; please come back to me (I love you, I love you, I love you). ~
*gentle screaming*
And, oh my god, Emily’s reactions. Emily had no idea this conversation was going to go where it did. Immediately defensive when JJ mentions Paris - she’s still in the part of the game where she’s protesting being convinced to stay, and Paris feels like a low blow. The way she crumples into “oh goddammit” when JJ brings up the miscarriage. Oh now it’s clear this is going deeper. Like, WHAT is the full story there??!! JJ was pregnant when she came to Emily’s rescue, right? So the attack and miscarriage happened while Emily was tucked away in Paris. We know JJ was Emily’s only(?) connection to her real life in that period, and here’s confirmation that Emily was a lifeline for JJ during that time as well, perhaps implying that she wasn’t confiding in her husband, at least not fully. You know how JJ tends to keep the hard things to herself, and she was forced to keep secrets for her safety and Emily’s safety. But she shared this with Emily. Maybe Emily had to push her (she “didn’t quit” on JJ), but they were already both in the dark, so to speak, so JJ could let herself lean on that support without bringing that darkness into her home life. Emily’s “goddammit” to me sounds like: memories of grief upon grief upon desperate isolation. Sounds like: I put those memories away and it took something out of me to do it. Sounds like: That was when their love for each other deepened, grew richer and more complex. That was when something more might have started to bloom between them, some doomed but lovely unnamed thing. And then it was locked away. And JJ has the audacity to acknowledge it? Now? Emily’s been spiraling about what’s the point of fighting this battle, when I feel like I’m losing myself? And JJ calls up the memory of this awful, bleak time when they both felt horrendously lost and they *got each other through it.* I mean. I MEAN
I love Emily’s shocked reaction as JJ’s confession lands. Either Emily’s feelings never breached the platonic barrier (not my interpretation!), or she put away the possibility years ago and did her damnedest to not look back. You can see her wheels turning, her uncertainty about what JJ’s revealed, her wanting to tread carefully. And when Rossi texts and she has to make a choice? JJ’s looking at her with those big blue eyes. Time to table the full depth of the moment. Sprinkle in a little bravado. The thing about being an adult is, you still have to go to all hands meetings while you’re having an earth shattering realization.
Another thing about “it gives me you.” JJ has probably resigned herself to the fact that working at the BAU is the only way she gets to “have” this much of Emily. It’s part of why she came back from New Orleans, even if never acknowledged or articulated.
You know it’s a good scene when it makes me want to watch a bunch of other scenes. Even scenes I hate. Like…I want to revisit Reid talking Emily off the ledge, the truth or dare confession (loathsome!), the scene where Emily decides to stay on as UC in s12 (love this one). The Forever People (Mr Macbeth my beloved).
Honestly maybe JJ’s poly and she doesn’t know it, hasn’t let herself consider it. She’s evidently got a lot of love to give. And that needn’t be framed as some kind of betrayal of her vows or callous carelessness with her friend’s hearts, not to my mind. Plus, like, three cheers for letting your love for someone simply be what it is, however amorphous or uncategorizable, however little you can or want to act on it.
Oh my god I’ve watched this scene over and over and over. I have total brain worms about it. I feel insane. I forgot to eat lunch and dinner
Jennifer Jareau. This is AJ Cook’s season, it’s her show now. I am all the way in forever and ever
when CME socials started posting Jemily stuff and AJ said “ultimate Jemily moment” and Paget lightly teased……I just laughed. Like, okay, sure, ancient CBS procedural. Sure, my little carousel of disappointments. Sure. LOL. After all these years, they are not going to go there, and I wouldn’t even want them to.
I did not in a million years expect them to crack open the door like this. I still don’t think they’re going to break up JJ & Will. I am not expecting a Jemily kiss. But after this episode - the pathway to such a thing is clearer than it was. And now I think if they did choose to go there, they could maybe (maybe!!) even do it well. Shocking development. Has a lot to do with AJ's performance tbh. The writing is fine, despite the way it seems to twist the facts of canon around bts reality. But she's the one laying JJ's heart bare.
If this is it, the full extent of JJ’s and Emily’s scenes together this season (which would be weird!), I will still walk away with warm feelings. I’m honestly feeling so grateful for the way this episode gave them room to honor the history of these characters.
Grab your keys. Let’s fuckin’ roll.
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˗ˏˋ realistic hi-lo the worst shitty dating canons࿐ྂ
notes: this is just for fun(fiction), plz don’t take is seriously. inspired by this post cuz me and my fellow delulu moots need to get it together, might do a pt 2 if I feel like it
warnings: some mention of nsfw, mentions of cheating, friends with benefits, mentions of choking, brief mention of kinks, toxic behaviour, periods, mentions of gaslighting and emotional manipulation, major delulu behaviour for the sachio one(I failed I’m sorry), I think I did Ryo and Kōhei dirty in this one but who cares
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-ˏˋ fujio ˊˎ
He’s definitely a “where’s my hug at” kind of guy even after you both start dating
I’m just gonna say it right now, Tsukasa knows too much about your sex life
you got some weird kink?
called him “sir” by accident or like being choked or some shit like that?
Tsukasa knows (he doesn’t want to know but that’s beside the point)
He reminds me too much of my crush so this guy will definitely be flirting with everything and anything with a beating heart even if you’re dating him
Playboy fr
While you guys are in your lil talking stage he sends your picture to the gc for validation that he’s dating a pretty girl
They all want to warn you cuz you look nice but bro code comes first
Would definitely buy you menstrual products without batting an eye
His mom taught him better than to be grossed out
She’s a single mom which makes Fujio probably more respectful than the other guys around him
Does those cute couple tiktok trends with you
Talking to a bunch of girls while dating you
I don’t mean like cheating but he’s flirting too much with other ppl
Fujio doesn’t mean to flirt but he’s like super fucking friendly for no reason and is genuinely really nice so it comes off as flirting
Calls you baby, babe, princess anything really
Doesn’t look like he can keep his hands to himself
Spends time staring at you cuz you’re really pretty
Definitely the kind of guy that acts tough in front of his friends but is actually the little spoon
Unlike most the characters in this, he’s actually really sweet
But he enjoys his freedom
Is NOT the kind of guy that will let his friends make fun of you
He’s actually a pretty good listener
Will not help you with your homework cuz he didn't do it and wasn't paying attention
Has a very subtle couple picture of both of you as his lockscreen
Would 4.5/10 listen to his friends if they tell him to break up with you
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-ˏˋ tsukasa ˊˎ
Cold, like super cold brrrrr kinda cold
Also a playboy like Fujio
I mean come on, look at him
Everyone loves pretty guys that look like girls with deep voices
Pretty privilege and he uses the fuck out of it
Definitely not a cheater but kinda toxic
Lies when he doesn’t really need to
Unironically calls you “pretty girl” when you’re mad
Does he actually like you?
You’ll never know
Honestly he seems like the kind of guy that’s only ever had like 1 girlfriend and all the rest are his hoes
He gets away with so much just cuz he’s good looking
I feel like he’d have your location but you don’t have his
Probably only started dating him cuz he’s pretty and he only dated you cuz he’s bored
He gives you skin care tips
Pretty guys are usually pretty freaky if you know what I mean
Doesn’t look like he can keep his hands to himself just like Fujio
He’s very mysterious and that’s what attracts people to him
Probably gets bored pretty quick tbh
You’re not gonna see him often because “bros before hoes”
But he values his private life so if he does genuinely like you he will only later tell his friends about it
Unlike Fujio, no one will no about your sex life
I think he’d be more on the possessive side tbh
So he won’t keep you as his lockscreen or ever post you (cuz why tf does anyone need to know who you are?)
If he actually wants the relationship to be serious, that’s when he’ll drop his hoes
Spends time staring at you like Fujio cuz he thinks your pretty
Will 1/10 breakup with you if his friends told him too
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-ˏˋ todoroki ˊˎ
worst bf in existence (1/3) I’m (not) sorry
Probably hasn’t dated a lot but has a lot of hoes if you get what I mean
Tbh I’d be such a whore for Todoroki
He doesn’t think he’s all that good looking but girls seem to like him a lot and he takes advantage of it
Doesn’t really need his friends validation nor does he date because everyone else is and he doesn’t wanna be the one left out,, he doesn't give a fuck if he is
Mfer dates cuz he’s bored
if he actually likes you, no one will know who you are so forget the whole aspect of being shown off
you're basically his secret
You post him, he won't post you (lol tbh I wouldn't post my bf either,, maybe a pic of our hands but never his face)
Probably won't call you a pet name but maybe call you the nickname you're called at home if you have one or the same nickname your friends call you if they call you one
Definitely prioritizes fighting and the fucking Oya High leader ship more than you
You hate it but he's hot
does he actually like you?
You probably won't know
rarely actually pays attention to you
but when he does you have ALL his attention
tbh I see him dating someone low-maintenance where he doesn't have too put much effort in
not that toxic, just doesn't know how to fucking communicate
1/10 would breakup with you if his friends asked him too (doesn't need to validation)
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-ˏˋ sachio ˊˎ
definitely an actual good boyfriend
I get major husband vibes from him (maybe cuz I'm super delulu for sachio but that's not the point)
not a red flag or toxic at all but somethings can be questionable
NOT the type to talk shit about his exes because he's mature enough to know problems can come from both sides
Yes I am picking favourites, my babes satchi can do nothing wrong
definitely gave you flowers the first valentines day you two were together for
honestly though,, like Todoroki, I doubt this guy would show you off too
Satchi seems to paranoid for his own good so don't expect to be going out in public with him
He's got a sister and I'm assuming(from popular headcanons) his dad passed away so his mom is alone,, therefore he had to be the man of the house
So he doesn't really give a fuck about periods
very knowledgeable about them tbh
seems like the kind of boyfriend that will gladly drive you and your friends around because he genuinely wants to be a part of your life and he thinks all of you are shitty ass drivers
friends with your friends because he wants to be apart of your life
Also takes what your friends say about you with a grain of salt because he knows all of you are ride of die type of ppl and they'd gladly lie for you to him
family oriented fr
went to ikea with you
you both are basically married
I'm so delulu for this guy omg
I don't see him as flirty
Doesn't pick up the signs when another girl is flirting with him and sometimes you think he's playing dumb on purpose
clingy mfer
you have each other's locations on
his contact name for you is just "♡" cuz no one needs to know your name
I'm not even kidding none of his friends will know who you are until maybe a long long time later
possessive but on the lowkey cuz he knows you value your freedom
Tbh I'm not even being delulu here, Sachio just genuinely seems like a really good guy
(not saying the rest aren't they're just very questionable)
long story short, I am his whore and I couldn't write anything actually realistic for him
0/10 would breakup with you if his friends asked him to
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-ˏˋ yuken ˊˎ
I see him very similar to Fujio
Excpet Yuken knows he's being flirty
he flirts with other people on purpose cuz it's a bad habit now
also has major pretty privilege like Tsukasa
also uses the fuck out it
Jinkawa or maybe Shidaken or Sachio also know too much about your sex life
Like about that mole you got on your ass or some weird shit
they also unfortunately know about your kinks
It's like Fujio but in a different font
lets you do his hair and in return gets to do yours
doesn't know the definition of toxic masculinity so he will very gladly let you do his makeup
and sometimes his nails
Once again, not a cheater and actually not toxic
I already said he's like Fujio so this guy is gonna just be super flirty with everyone and everything with a beating heart
If compulsive flirting is a disorder then Yuken suffers from it
I wouldn't say he's a bad boyfriend but he flirts too much with other people and a lot of people consider that as cheating
Yuken seems like a pretty good listener
But he also likes talking a lot so be prepared to listen to his problems
lets you wear his glasses sometimes
When he's not busy he comes to your school to get you so you can go on dates
likes having all your attention
arcade dates are probably the most common
but he outshines out girls boyfriends ther by getting those girls stuffed animals and shit like that
I would say he's really a lot like Fujio
4/10 would breakup with you if his friends told him to
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-ˏˋ kōhei ˊˎ
worst boyfriend in existence (2/3)
I doubt he even actually likes you
A complete asshole but you love that cuz you��re a lowkey masochist and red is your favourite colour
Randomly turns off his location and tells you “don’t worry about it” when you ask
Red flag (but in my culture we wear red at our weddings)
Doesn’t give you the time of day
is probably only dating you cuz you're hot and give him head or some shit
idk this guy is just really shitty
He's hot tho lol
gives me group leader kind of vibes
you never wanna date the leader of the group, they're always the shittest
his friends will never ever tell you the truth
I lowkey see him as a cheater tbh
and a gaslighter
"It was such a small thing and now look you've turned it into something huge when it doesn't even matter" type of guy
Just a fucking asshole
If you're with him I'm just gonna assume you're into pain or something
Or using him for his money (if yes then get that bag sis)
He also thinks you're with him for his money
If you actually aren't using him, it doesn't matter he just has major trust issues
good luck actually getting through to him
In the hypothetical situation where he actually likes you, prepared to be shown off
I see him as a very pda type of guy to show off how hot his girlfriend is to make others feel inferior
Probably won't give a fuck about what you're wearing if that is the case
he's also toxic asf idk if I mentioned that
Probably doesn't call you petname unless you're mad at him
7/10 would breakup with you if his friends told him to
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-ˏˋ ryo ˊˎ
worst boyfriend in existence (3/3)
i did him and kōhei so dirty I'm not sorry
Loves Kōhei more than you
As hot as he is, let's be fucking honest with ourselves because part of the reason Kōhei thought he was so unbeatable was because of Ryo
Ryo let Kōhei get away with so much shit
and this hot ass mfer jsut seems like the type to listen to his friends and constantly need their validation
as hot as he is, plz don't date a guy like this
But unlike Kōhei, he's not a cheater
but he's pretty toxic
like he needs to know where you are all the damn time
crazy paranoid too
doesn't think you'll actually cheat but it's more his friends telling him you would
for him too be a good boyfriend he need to get new friends or like idk transfer schools
he definitely likes you, it's just he's so emotionally constipated that you can't tell if he actually does
only calls you petnames in private
I don't see him as the type to have hoes or flirt around
But that doesn't mean he'd be a good boyfriend
He lives for his friends validation
So if his friends make fun of you or talk shit, don't count on Ryo to defend you cuz he'll be laughing too
not a gaslighter but doesn't admit to the things he does and just tells you to leave it in the past
pisses you off but he's hot asf
tries to spend time with you but would leave your for his friends fr
102902/10 would breakup with you if Kōhei his friends asked him too
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I kinda understand “minors don’t interact” and similar things, but one thing I always laugh at is “don’t tag as [thing].” You know — the whole don’t tag posts with the word queer in them as q slur, don’t tag not-inherently-shippy art as ship, don’t tag character posts as kin, etc. First of all, what would you do if someone DOES tag it like that? Call the cops? Second of all, people are gonna tag things however they want, you’re gonna have to deal with that on a website like tumblr.
There’s a similar phenomenon on Twitter where people say “don’t quote retweet”/“don��t private quote retweet” (which is especially funny cuz everyone is gonna see that and go on their private accounts and quote retweet with nonsense to piss you off, lmao)
Like if you’re really SO FUCKING SCARED of your gay post being tagged as #q slur, your Death Note edit being tagged as #Lawlight, your fanart being tagged as #kin, you probably shouldn’t be on the internet. Do you have the right to not view queer as a slur, the right to not ship whatever, the right to not like fictionkin? Of course! But people also have the right to disagree with you and tag your post however the fuck they want. One time I saw someone tag one of my cosplays as [character] faceclaim, and I was a little bit weirded out, but overall it was harmless. I never once considered adding a banner saying not to tag my likeness as a faceclaim, because if I really want to prevent anyone from doing that, the solution will be for me to not show my face online.
Small tangent: When I was younger I used to have a private sideblog that was basically just a venting diary. No one had the password, and, because it was private, my URL wouldn’t show up in the notes if I reblogged something to that blog. Basically, no one knew the blog existed. And I remember sometimes I would see a cool post on my dash, or in tags, and it would be tagged as #dont reblog (this was before tumblr had the option to limit reblogs obviously). And if the post was cool (or edgy, because like I said… vent blog) and I was sad that I “couldn’t” reblog it, I’d reblog it to the side blog, where OP would never know 😭 Rebellious as hell wasn’t I?
That being said — and this might contradict everything I just wrote — I do think people that brag about not reading/not following DNIs are also a bit obnoxious. Not people who just make statements that they don’t read them, but people who make it known how much they hate their existence. It just seems kinda edgelord-y? Idk. Obviously it’s fine to not read them or like them but making it a huge statement is just like…ok? Congratulations? Should we throw you a party? Should we invite Elon Musk?
I have followers—and follow people—who have “Antis DNI” in their bio. I also have followers and follow people who have “Proshippers DNI” in their bio. No one will ever know what side I’m on 😜😜😜😜
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joysmercer · 24 days
okay I’m so curious about the short fic you posted yesterday
can I ask how in this universe nina dies? And does eddie too?
(it’s mask of anubis on main btw)
ooh fun questions!! i was hoping someone would ask cuz i couldn't figure out how to work it in. also i added way too much info that you didnt ask for so now it's under the cut :D
first of all, this au is a much darker take on how i think nina's life "actually" played out – I think she'll always have random spirits coming up to her etc, but in this au, it's pretty constant and can get very dangerous very quickly. on the flip side, she sees a lot more fame for her "irl" work than she does "in canon" (see below).
somewhat ironically (given how guarded nina becomes from the constant barrage of gods forcing her to do things), she makes her living off of writing movies about her experiences. i think she does this in canon too, but here she really throws herself into it, almost like a form of therapy since there isn't really any professional she can process things with, you know? she eats, sleeps, breathes her craft – whenever she has downtime, she's writing, editing, networking to get her words out there. she's so fast and so talented with it that she graduates university in three years with honors, by which time the chosen one (season 1) has already been picked up by a major company and has started filming; she wins her first oscar two years later, and the next two each year after that.
(actually, all four scripts got picked up at the same time, which is why the turnaround was so quick – but they didn't announce the sequels until after the oscars because at that point she was a relatively unknown person)
(also i know this isn't how these things work irl but just work with me here. maybe she called in a favor from a random god and had things sped along idk)
anyway, the point im trying to make is that she spends her whole life balancing what she wants to do (her work) with what she has to do (paragon shit) and has a weird sense of self-worth as a result (she knows she's good at what she does, but wants to hide it from the world at the same time (out of fear). she hates that she needs others to keep her safe and refuses to believe they're doing it out of kindness, even though she also knows that they genuinely love her. it's weird) (also she and fabian make up sometime during their uni years so all is good there)
anyway, they (amber + KT) set up a rota of all ex-sibuna members (+ willow as she learns about it pretty quickly post-grad) to spend time in the states for a couple months out of the year each. this essentially made sure there was always 1 other person on the mission with her and 2 people nearby who knew where they were going, should things go wrong and they need rescuing or something. but for small/random tasks, nina would just do those alone.
her last mission (that fabian alludes to) had taken months to complete: three formerly-benign ghosts had been "turned" by a magician up in canada, released from the underworld, and, driven mad by the magic (and confusion of being back in the real world), had started a series of freak thunderstorms across the american midwest. together with jerome, she had to figure out how they got released, stop the magician, construct the device necessary to trap the spirits and send them back, and use said device to stop the storms. the effort had completely exhausted her (so much so that she – making headlines – decided to take a step back on touchstone production, instead of hanging out on set like she did for the other three)
(that's why tor is the way it is. with her dropping off of the face of the earth, someone decided – while she couldn't argue against it – to absolutely slash the budget, which lead to a mess of a story (screenplay is the only oscar it wins)
nina's death (as alluded to in the article) really seemed out-of-the-blue. basically, she was on a mission – alone – that suddenly and very unexpectedly turned dangerous. but when she was found (by KT and amber together) it looked like she just collapsed at home – there was no indication of any foul play or anything, really, of how she died.
also alluded to in the article, but a lot (but not all) of KT's "investigative journaling" was her covering up the consequences of nina's missions with theories that would make sense to the general public. nina's last request of her was to halt any investigation into her death prematurely as she knew things would unravel pretty quickly otherwise
joy's role in nina's life was mainly to book her for enough public-facing events/etc so that people wouldn't question where she was when she "disappeared" for a month or two, as well as act as her social media manager/"source close to her" to tabloids during extended absences so people continue to think she's okay. this was especially important given nina's monumental rise to fame (and as a screenplay writer, at that! usually it's the actors/directors who get most of it!) and her relatively young age, which meant she got herself a fandom very quickly…and we all know what the rumor-spreading capabilities of stan twitter are like. there were quite a few times nina came back from a mission to find several "new" pics on her instagram or that shes going viral for something she doesn't "remember" saying lskdjf
amber's role was to media-train the hell out of nina so she never gives any indication that a) there's an element of truth in her work; b) she lives a double life; and c) weird things keep happening in the cities she happens to frequent (eg random buildings falling, artifacts disappearing, etc). we all know this girl can't lie to save her life…amber is nothing but a miracle-worker in that regard lol
as for eddie – his death is basically the reason things are so awful, now. he actually dies at the end of tor, and not only does osiris himself blame nina for it (using "logic" that can rival senkhara's in s2), but it also leaves nina terrified since she no longer has a protector – something all the other gods/spirits quickly take advantage of (threats/blackmail/etc) for the first few years, by which time word of her willingness to do anything spreads and she can't get rid of the constant requests. it doesn't help that his death also proved to them that nina (like her counterpart) can, and will, sacrifice herself to save the world, if it came down to it, making her the perfect pawn in a lot of schemes.
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thelittlediaperidol · 4 months
Hello! Do you post anywhere else? You post great content and seem so very genuine, but Tumblr has been so aggressive with their moderation.
I do! But I’m super careful on Tumblr these days because you can get banned whether you break the rules or not, is all about whether or not you’ve had a large amount of people report your post then it will get hidden and if that happens enough your account will get deleted….
so is important when using tags to not use ddlg tags or commonly searched words like “sexy gir” or anything that a large amount of vanilla people would be searching for because if you do a lot of those people get freaked out or weirded out and they will report the post even if there’s no rules broken. My first Tumblr reached just about 200,000 followers before it got deleted with no explanation and no way to appeal… so almost all of us, girls have back up tumblers, which is allowed, in case our mains get deleted, which happens pretty frequently, even though I’ve been in the top 10 a few times there are certain models that are basically untouchable for whatever reason, you will never see the ABbTumblr page get deleted, You will never see Apple or Faye’s account deleted As well as some of the other girls that have been doing this for like seven years or more. but 70% or more of our revenue comes through people that find us on Tumblr… so is a necessary evil in my opinion 🫠 thas why I’m a dumb drooly baby cuz dada take care of all that for me, we are a team 🥰. I think I’m probably one of the only girls that actually lives as a baby 24 seven. dada an I do have serious thoughts when buying a new home or car. I have never actually called him by his real name. I have always only called him, Dada or daddy hehe. but at this point I’ve been in diapers 24 seven for so long I have legitimately forgotten what it feels like to be potty trained or to have the ability to hold in number one or number two. is tha ultimate humiliation an dada always pulls my diaper band back to see if my diaper is dirty or not yet, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. no even though we carry around a diaper bag, powder, etc. and my stuffy We are very careful out in public to never expose our kink to anyone, but there have been a few accidents, like if I’m leaning over to grab something off the bottom shelf there has been times where my diaper is in full view, and when I turned around there is like 20 or more people looking! So that was utterly terrifying and humiliating, and I legitimately did not mean to do that tha diapers are so normal and natural to me at this point that I usually don’t even think about them. they have gotten to the point where there is many times where I haven’t even realized that I pooped my pants until dad walks in and announces it to me and whatever friend I’m with whether they are fellow models or not, all of my friends already know, and they’re OK with it, being off by your husband to have your poopy diaper changed oh, while your best friend knows exactly what you just did is so incredibly humiliating being humiliated like that is one of my biggest turn ons… you have to be so careful to be respectful of our community and of our friends so I’ve had talked with all my friends and asked if it’s OK that this an dada leading by tha arm to a handicap bathroom and then bring me back, fresh and clean, usually with a bottle in my hand. I always ask my friends if they want to try and it’s rare that they say yes, which is perfectly OK! But every now and then one of them is curious and they want to try wearing a diaper and sucking on the pacifier when we play video games…i can tell some of them want to try so badly but they’re way too embarrassed to admit it but a few of them have played mommies in the videos with me or mistaken babysitters, that somehow went to the wrong house and think I’m the toddler that needs to be babysitted regardless of how much I protest or beg! but we never suddenly spring this, on any of our friends ever, we usually write a script, tell them what I do for a living, if they have any sign of interest, they tell them more, and I invite them to join in and some capacity if they would like to, but never pressure, always all about consent, Then, even before I considered myself, an ABDL i really should have been in diapers because of always had a very weak bladder that led to many many embarrassing accidents over the years…
but this is the life I wanted to live and it genuinely makes me happy and we make a good living doing this. Of course, every single person in my life, including all of my family members and extended family members no now thanks to a nasty cousin of mine, telling everyone… happened a long time ago and it doesn’t bother me anymore except for the fact that my girl cousins that are my age know that I’m wearing a messy diaper when a Thanksgiving dinner and they know when I get pulled to the side by daddy what’s going on (mega red cheeks).
Never wanted to involve my family in any capacity whatsoever, but we were forced to and I didn’t lie about it. I just said that I need them and this is just how it is now….
Littlediaperidol #babygurl #I needmydiapers
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chlorinecake · 9 months
I just saw what that anon said and I can really really relate I feel like there's no way I can like them cuz I'm black I feel like. Weird for having a crush on Ni-ki cuz I'm black and even though I know there's no chance anyway cause he probably doesn't date fans obviously lol It makes me ashamed especially because people are always saying "what if / he probably doesn't like black girls/people" and it makes me feel like I'm less beautiful because I'm black and even if he did date fans I mean I'm like SOOOO ugly like atrocious but it makes me feel like even if I was a little bit more pretty he wouldn't like me or would dismiss me cause I'm black or like I wouldn't be good enough or he'd be disgusted or disappointed or weirded out because I'm black and a fan /has a crush on him and besides him it makes me feel like enhypen wouldn't talk to me or treat me the same cuz I'm not Asian or white like I couldn't be a fan or wouldn't be as important or pretty or cool or even just they wouldnt want me as a fan or like me or even look my way cause im black its gotten so bad that people dont evn have to say that anymore (they do but they dont have too) for me to think that way. Like I know we all saw that pretty engene video with that girl with the glasses and i couldn't help but make it about race like thinking would they look at me like that or would I be ugly abd weird cause I'm black ? Or if she was black would they still think she's pretty? Or would they even put the camera on her if she was black ? Anyway I'm rambling but being black is something I struggle with even without people saying the group I like or the guy I have a crush on (Niki obviously) wouldn't like me or would hate me for being black . Or they would be uncomfortable or disgusted with me because I'm black so it's just hard to even see myself meeting them or *even to imagine myself in reader fanfics even if the reader's supposed to be black because I've convinced myself that the only way I'd be pretty or attractive or they'd be friends withe or date me in Ni-kis case is if I was white or Asian* (*just talking about from a fanfic standpoint for this one* but yeah) but yeah it sucks and
Okay, I REFUSE to sit here and let you talk down on yourself like that. I don’t care how true you may think it is, YOU ARE NOT UGLY, Mirah ~ You’re beautiful, from head to toe, melanated skin, curly hair and all. Black women are beautiful, it’s disgusting to me how society has brought some of us to a point where we feel insecure, undesirable, or unworthy of affection from others. My words might not do much to encourage you, because finding confidence (esp as a black girl) takes time. But I really urge you to understand that you can’t expect other ppl to accept you when you don’t even accept yourself. Wish I could give you the BIGGEST hug rn, bc this actually hurts to read :(
Another point, I’ve seen plenty videos of Enhypen (along with other kpop groups) connecting with colored fans in the same way they do with their supporters of a fairer complexion, but I won’t share any of those videos here bc I don’t want you to seek “proof” as a way for you to feel better abt yourself.
On the flip side, let’s say that some ppl in the kpop industry DO have a prejudice (which I’m sure some do): your life and happiness isn’t dependent on their validation.
Let’s not even get started on how a lot of Ni-Ki’s favorite artists are black (Riki Jackson ? Bro would’ve never called himself that if he was racist)… but anyway, colored people like any other group of individuals can b really amazing once they get past their insecurities and embrace the way God made them. Jst know that u can always come to be if your struggling with something or just want to vent <3
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muwapsturniolo · 3 months
I’m not gon sit up here and say I’m not the type to call people out on their bs and the weird shit they do because, I WILL INFACT DO THAT!
There is a VERYYYYYY ODDDD PERSONNNNN on tumblr and I can’t stand the fact that they sit up here and play victim!!! First time I heard of em they were flirting with my friend off jump, like they wasn’t even talking that long (keep this in mind). Then they go into another persons dms, and starts trauma dumping! The oddball decided to get mad at this person for blocking them, ran to MY friend and was complaining and tried to manipulate MY friend into not being friends with the other person! Idk about yall but I find that weird. Is somebody blocks you for trauma dumping, especially when you didn’t ask if that person was in the right headspace, AND YOU JUST STARTED TALKING TO THEM, THEN OH WELL!!!
Then the oddball dmd me and I was nice cuz I didn’t even realize it was the same person MY friend was telling me about. Off jump the person starts talking about their problems and I did try to help but I felt sum kinda way about it because not even a full 24 hours later, that person tells me they relapsed. Now again idk about yall but that’s odd to me. Why are you telling a person you just started talking to that you relapsed? How do you know if I was in the right headspace for that? What if you triggered me to relapse myself? They did apologize like a day or so later but that’s cuz I left them on read.
THENNNN, the oddball texts MY FRIEND, asking why I’m not answering them and why I take a long time to respond to dms. Girl first of all, I’m fucking 22, I work, and have to pay rent. If I don’t respond, I don’t fucking respond. Don’t sit up here and text my friends like they my fucking momma.
So after that, me and a few of my other friends, relish this person has texted all of us damn near trynna trauma dump. But what’s crazy is, THEY WERE TEXTING ALL OF MY FRIENDS FRIENDS!!!! THATS SUM WEIRD SHIT IDCCCC!!!
So the other day, the oddball tells my friend that she likes her, when whole time my friend got a gf. So then oddball gon say she don’t wanna be friends cuz of her feeling, my friend sent her text basically calling her out on her weird actions and the oddball gon say she was high and didn’t mean anything about the crush and that she still wants to be her friend. Basically begging to remain friends.
ALSOOOOO this person lied about their age!!! First they told me they were 18, then said they were 17! I confronted them and they said they were 17 but they have they are 18 in their pinned posts because they don’t want people bullying them. Since I confronted them about it they took the “I’m 18” out their pinned post.
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rayalltheway · 2 years
I am seriously begging to my fellow lmk fandom to cut it out with the “Monkey King can’t read” jokes. It’s not funny, it’s not cute, and it literally makes no sense because nothing on the canon remotely supports that and the show joke moment that everyone uses for it wasn’t evEN ABOUT WHETHER HE COULD READ OR NOT.
Like. Even if that was the case, why is a character being illiterate getting treated like a cute, silly trait to poke at as an uwu quality…. seriously, do you guys not think that’s weird? That just screams infantilization to me.
And that’s the thing because this is not just another fictional character, this is SUN WUKONG. LMK Sun Wukong, but still. He is literally fucking called the Intelligent Stone Monkey. I get the jokes about him being a kinda silly old man with a lotta baggage he’s failed to properly deal with, but making up shit just to take the piss out of him and make him sound babyish or stupid in a “cute” way? What is the reason
And honestly, there are interesting things you could do with a head canon like that — maybe he has trouble adjusting to modern written language, an old guy trying to catch up but sometimes it’s not easy. Handled well, you could actually make some fun, creative head canons out of that while remembering it’s still not ACTUALLY canon. But people have taken the “can’t read?” part out of context so much I’m scared that people actually think it’s canon, and for know reason other than to seemingly point and go “hahaha dumb monkey can’t read sure he can write letters and went to school and knows how to use a computer but he still can’t cuz it’s funny hahaha”
Actually think about it critically. It makes no sense. Why are you willfully disregarding canon details and what makes the important religious icon Sun Wukong Sun Wukong for something that wasn’t even the real joke in one scene of this show? Some jokes are just completely stupid in a bad way and this is one of them.
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