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ironandgritfitness · 5 years ago
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Barbell Complexes are a great way lose fat and build muscle at the same time. They also serve as cardio for extra benefit. (Plus detox because you’ll sweat buckets.) To perform just pick a few barbell exercises a la carte (compound movements preferred) and do them back to back (to back to back to back) until you finish what you came there to do. For each exercise do as many repetitions as you can until form is compromised. Then catch your breath and move onto the next one. Have fun! . . . #barbellcomplex #barbellcomplexes #compoundexercises #barbellexercises #barbellworkout #barbelltraining #barbelltherapy #efficienttraining #cardiohiit #hiittraining #hiitworkouts #hiitworkoutvideos #barbellsquats #frontsquat #barbelllunges #reverselunges #cleanandpress #militarypress #functionalfitnesstraining #livefit #naturalbodybuilder #fitness #bodybuilding #barbellbrigade #barbellmedicine #workoutroutines #barbellrows #totalbodyworkout #fullbodyworkout #getsome (at West Palm Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDuPG4YnzqU/?igshid=13pbtg23hh5eg
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lllypp1979 · 5 years ago
🏋️‍♀️I do like a barbell complex....featuring the worlds fluffiest ponytail (damn you clean hair!!🤦‍♀️🤣) ▫️ 🙌 Thought I'd give this one a whirl today: Hang Cluster, stoh, fr squat, hang power clean.... it got heavy quick😣😝 ▫️ 🧠@mindsetrxd ▫️ #barbellworkout #barbellcomplex #mindsetforfunctionalathletes #mindsetrxd #mindset #mindsetforlife #OLYLIFTING #olympicweightlifting #vikingwoman #Viking #Crossfit #crossfitmindset #embracehardship #mindsetovermatter #HFPO #massivehair (at Blackpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8G_VAvHc8B/?igshid=19casxranxtk9
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timernstfitness · 7 years ago
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*effective Fat Burning Cardio* By: @trent_mccloskey - 👋 Hi! So, real quick: Cardio alone does not equal fat loss. It should be thought of as an extra tool to use with your strength training & proper diet… - If you’re eating less than your body burns each day, your body has no choice but to tap into its stored blubber 😌 - Excessive cardio becomes an issue for folks when hours & hours are invested in it because: Your appetite gets ramped up 😟 - Your chances of losing muscle are increased 💪👎 - Your hard efforts can be ruined in one single snack 🥜🍎 - & it’s tough to stick to an intense schedule, especially with everything else you have going on 😣 - So, if you want to use cardio as a handy tool to speed up the process… ⠀ - HIIT Cardio (High-Intensity Interval Training) is my favorite for that 🙃 - It’s been shown to burn more body fat, lower the chance of losing muscle & the best part, you’ll spend less time doing it ✅ - HIIT Workout Example📝 - After a 3-5 minute warm-up of low intensity, you’ll be alternating between: - Max output (30 seconds) Moderate output (60 seconds) (active recovery) ⠀ - For the duration of 20 to 30 minutes without stopping in between 😅 - The treadmill, rowing machine, & bike are great for this method of cardio🏃‍♀️🚣‍♀️🚴‍♂️ - End with another 3-5 minute cool down… - Bonus: You can also do 15 minutes of HIIT & then 15 minutes of steady state cardio 😤 - 2 to 3 sessions a week is all you need so it doesn’t interfere with your workouts, & it’s your preference, but I always enjoyed doing HIIT on non-lifting days🏋️‍♀️ - And of course, this is not any magic solution — it’s a useful tool that may be a more enjoyable option for you to help stay consistent… - Along with using cardio more as a strategic tool, rather than doing excessive amounts 5-6 days a week 💯 - Have you tried HIIT before? - #cardiofix #cardiotraining #cardiotime #fatlossjourney #fatlossmurah #fatburning #burnfat #losefat #marathonmaniacs #marathontraining #elliptical #stairclimber #sprinting #sprinter #tabata #liss #hiitworkout #hiit #barbellcomplex #circuittraining #cuttingseason #shredding #getshredded #weightlosssupport #liftordie #liftinglife #doyouevenlift
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madtown-mini-hulk · 4 years ago
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Triphasic Lower Tough day but burned through it. Worked up to 405 for 5 on deadlift and then went through a grueling barbell complex. 40 kilos never felt so hard. Barely had the strength to move after but still got in ab work to finish myself off. #madtownfitness #professionalidiot #powerlifting #rawisthelaw #deadlift #doughnutsanddeadlifts #barbellcomplex #minihulk #2fat #2furious #olympicweightlifting (at Madtown Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN0iKuLgjWY/?igshid=1h29pi8ni9q6t
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paulclifton777-blog · 8 years ago
My Friday fuck up workout
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skinnedcartree · 6 years ago
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Snatch work. Feel like it’s been ages since I’ve done this but it’s only actually been a week. Need to grow some balls and stop hesitating at that squat. . . . #functionalworkout #circuittraining #weightlifting #cleanandjerk #complex #barbellcomplex #girlsthatlift #femalelifter #gymgirl #fitnessgirl #fitnessinspiration #fitnessjourney #strongwomen #snatch #girlswhopowerlift #cleans #crossfitgirls #powersnatch #homegym #garagegym https://www.instagram.com/p/B13gaujlUVC/?igshid=zrha6suwr2k2
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tonmarton · 5 years ago
Barbellcomplex 50kg
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7 days of Barbell complexes to torch fat and build muscle
7 days of Barbell complexes to torch fat and build muscle
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  Bodyweight complexes are one of the most efficient ways to burn fat, build muscle and get a great cardiovascular workout to boot.
What are barbell complexes ?
Barbell complexes are movements that you do back to back in a fluid motion .
The purpose is to increase your heart rate and not to reach muscular fatigue on any individual movement.
Straightforward ?
Well try these 7 workouts and see…
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keisernutritionandfitness · 7 years ago
Hey team! Here’s a little #fridayflow for you on #fitfriday! 🏋🏼‍♀️Try this one and be sure to tag me! 💪🏽 #getkeiserfit #friday #fridahflex #barbell #bitchesandbarbells #barbellwod #barbellcomplex #gym #gymlife #fitchicks #chicksthatlift #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #strongwomen #friyay (at Cabrillo Fitness Club)
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tonyptcoach · 4 years ago
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Home2.0: Olympic Bar 220cm/20kg by @lacertosus_equipment . Da un anno a questa parte, con la chiusura delle palestre e la richiesta sempre più alta di attrezzature per sopperire alla necessità di chi vuole comunque potersi allenare a casa o nei garage, molte aziende hanno pensato bene di farsi furbi ed entrare nel mercato del fitness/bodybuilding e iniziare a vendere attrezzature di dubbia qualità. Molte (anzi moltissime) persone che sconoscono cosa significhi la parola qualità e non potendosi ovviamente accontentare di allenarsi solo con elastici e trx, hanno deciso di acquistare oggetti che non oserei chiamare attrezzi da palestra ma veri e propri giocattoli, fatti con materiali scadenti e di scarsa affidabilità... e quando parliamo di affidabilità in questo sport parliamo anche del rischio direttamente proporzionale di potersi infortunare utilizzandoli... e non è poco! Ma questo Lacertosus lo sa benissimo e a loro non interessa affatto rimanere “competitivi” o scendere a compromessi per buttarsi nella mischia, e questo bilancere ne è la prova tangibile. Curato nei minimi dettagli, perfetto per lavorare sui fondamentali su panca più squat e deadlift, non presenta parti in plastica, ha un ottimo coefficiente p.s.i., cuscinetti solidi e stabili ed è interamente fatto in acciaio, of course. Sono davvero felice di aver scelto Lacertosus per poter allestire la mia homegym, certo di poter utilizzare quello che ho acquistato per il resto dei miei giorni 💪🏽 #poweredbylacertosus #lacertosus #lacertosusequipment #lacertosustyle #passion #motivation #quality #design #style #homegym #garagegym #homeworkout #garageworkout #gymmotivation #gym #training #palestraacasa #allenamentoacasa #hometraining #crossfit #allenamentofunzionale #crosstraining #functionaltraining #muscle #barbell #barbellworkout #barbellsquats #barbellcomplex https://www.instagram.com/p/COetJFahsXh/?igshid=imb6lktqf86i
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lllypp1979 · 5 years ago
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Saturdays are meant for sweat!💪🏋️‍♀️🥵 ▫️ 😍I love a Saturday morning at @sargentfitness and this morning was no exception ❤ ▫️ #barbellworkout #barbellcomplex #bearkomplex #saturday #saturdaysweat #rpdiet #projectthiccness #barbellcycling #sargentfitness #sargentsquad #Viking #Crossfit #crossfitmindset #embracehardship #sargentsquadsummer #topsoff #sweatfest #sweatyminger #crossfitwanker (at Sargent Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMJHU1AbO4/?igshid=53fi1ot66ixs
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timernstfitness · 7 years ago
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BURN FAT With with this HIIT workout 👆🏻LIKE/SAVE IT if you found this useful. FOLLOW @turnaroundfitness for more exercise & nutrition tips 💪🏻 . HIIT is a training technique which involves intense bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by varied periods of low-intensity active rest, or complete rest. HIIT can be a great option for staying in shape when time is an issue, as you can get an amazing fat-burning workout in 20 minutes or less. The true benefits of HIIT come from its effects post-workout. HIIT has been shown to elevate the metabolism for hours after your workout, essentially turning you into a fat-burning machine if done correctly and with adequate intensity TAG YOUR GYM PALS Credit: @musclemorph_ #barbell #cardiofix #cardiotraining #cardiotime #fatlossjourney #fatlossmurah #fatburning #burnfat #losefat #marathonmaniacs #marathontraining #elliptical #stairclimber #sprinting #jmaxfitness #sprinter #tabata #liss #hiitworkout #hiit #barbellcomplex #circuittraining #cuttingseason #shredding #getshredded #weightlosssupport #liftordie #liftinglife #doyouevenlift
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gymnotize-blog · 6 years ago
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Exercise of the day • Incline bench press 💪⠀⠀ Download link in bio 📲⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #fitnessapp #fitnesstips #fitnesshelp #gymrat #gymfreaks #gymfitness⠀⠀ #workouttips #workoutday #workoutideas⠀⠀ #musclebuilding #muscleup #musclefit⠀⠀ #bodybuilding #bodyfitness #bodyworkout⠀⠀ #exerciseideas #exercisetips #exercisetime⠀⠀ #barbell #barbellworkout #barbelltraining #barbellstrenght #barbellclub #barbellcomplex #inclinebench #inclinebenchpress #chestpump #chestworkout #chestday https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXa8aMoQBf/?igshid=k8gxrzz9hvrn
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cf211de · 6 years ago
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Thursday is one of my favorite days. Strength and Tech 5x5 PowerSnatch (40kg) WoD (Barbell Complex) (next time I go for 5 or I need to add weight) 3 Rounds 3 PwrClean 3 Frontsquat 3 Pushpress 3 Backsquat 3 BehindNeck Pushpress 3 Frontsquat 3 PwrClean Rest 60 sec #cfw #cfwork #chrisfit #fitness #fitfam #crossfitter #crossfit #train #Training #Spartan #strength #unbreakable #health #barbell #core #clean #wod #Workout #bremen #noexcuses #sweat #home #aroo #functional #toshort #barbellcomplex #fun #gogogo #norest (hier: Bremen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxh9CuXI7Iu/?igshid=1mhbq5fhnl
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ironandgritfitness · 5 years ago
#floorclean Friday I like to work Cleans into my routine occasionally. They are an efficient strength and muscle builder and train your entire body as a whole. They also improve balance, coordination and overall athleticism. (Plus they’re fun to do.) . . . #flex #flexfriday #flexfriday💪 #powerlifting #exercise #workout #powercleans #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #musclebuilding #hybridworkout #barbellworkout #barbelltraining #barbellcomplex #oldschoolbodybuilding #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfamilly #fitfam #fitnessvideo #trainharder #barbellmedicine #efficienttraining #getfit #powertraining #fitnesslifestyle #fitnesstips #fun #naturalbodybuilding https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUjAA0nJB_/?igshid=12elodcpp58ra
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panda1987n · 5 years ago
A complex routine consists of several exercises strung together that form either segments of a bigger lift or completely autonomous exercises to get the entire body worked in a single period. In either case, you set one weight—either on the barbell or with dumbbells—and then set your rep scheme. How effective are barbell complexes? Simply put, barbell complexes are amazingly effective and a lot of fun. Because you're not resting between movements, barbell complexes are great for maximizing lifting endurance and total-body strength. You’re making excuses whenever you say “I can’t,” the reality is that you just don’t want to. Always start first, then you’ll discover an endless supply of motivation and understanding of what you should do and how! #barbell #complexexercises #barbellcomplex #pulldaysquat #strenghttraining #strenghtandconditioningcoach #weightlossjourney #weightlifting #hypertrophytraining #metabolicstress #hiitexercises #hiitcardio💦🏃🔥 #fitnessmom #fitnessmotivator #kettlebellworkout @pumame #rowing #conditioningtraining #deadlif #frontsquats #happyplaces #gymtips #wellnessjourney (at Somewhere Down The Road) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC15C0bhsWZ/?igshid=g1s2ybgk9uke
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