#badass no more
ditzybat · 2 months
tim: nah man, i stay away from drugs, last time i touched that stuff i killed someone
jason: you… killed someone?
tim: i mean, she was resuscitated after and definitely set it up so i would kill her (i think), but you know it’s the principle of the matter right?
jason: that’s an original experience i fear
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seren-dipitous-art · 3 months
Jason, edgelord since day one. Who also happens to read classic literature. Wearing leather even in medieval times because of course he is. Don’t ask me how he got those soles on his boots.
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Still to come are yet more bats who can’t sit straight.
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randombook4idk · 10 months
some fandoms need to see this
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Discord's first mistake was in thinking they'll listen to reasons.
I finally got time to finish this silly lil comic!
Not taking credit here btw the ideas came from this post, credit to @pinkvaquita and @groovyfrog420 in particular!
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intotheelliwoods · 4 months
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Fullmetal Alchemist
My entry (well, entries) for this weeks theme "Heros and Villains" for the @tmntfashioncompetition !!
Its Sprout! Dressed as the guy I might have taken inspiration from back when I first designed his prosthetic- I mean automail-
My opponent is the lovely one and only @bluesgras <3 <3
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ashleyeveerson · 5 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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weirdglassthing · 2 months
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It’s IRONIC. god. Nobody understands satire humor these days
First attempt at drawing Gideon and Kremy went surprisingly well maybe I’m destined to become a scaly idk. You guys have no idea how hard it was finding a pose that was easy to draw with Kremy’s alligator mouth. I probably forgot like 400 fey curses I barely remembered gideons flower crown. I’m not drawing that thing but imagine the dulcet tones of the worlds greatest bard (morning Ross) playing in the background.
Guys you can’t blame me I just watched episode 15 and I was possessed and blacked out and woke up staring at this
Ft. Some drunk pixie wives and the only three people that cared about Thaco (I did not look up a reference I just drew a clown)
Anyways pose under cut
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It had to be adjusted a bit
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
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Cane user Azul part 2, because I spent too much time counting this one :
Did you know that Azul is seen seated or using his cane in at least 1/3 (a third) of his cards, which is much more than Jade and Floyd, or even Leona and Silver who are known to sleep a whole lot. Dunno if the illustrators/devs gave him a cane on purpose and just don't make it official for ~reasons~ but I like to think it's at least a bit on purpose.
(Some Groovy spoilers ahead, be careful)
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shy-raccoon · 5 months
The damsel in distress slowly starts getting more and more unstable from the unaddressed trauma of being frequently kidnapped. One day they completely snap and the villains start being found mysteriously murdered with increasing brutality.
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chiakery · 1 year
Dropout newsletter this week:
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priceofreedom · 3 months
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Cloud ✨
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The people of Gotham both fear and revere The Signal. As they do the rest of the Batfam but for Signal it's a bit different.
For starters, he's the only daytime hero. The other Bats usually only come out at night when the city is quieter. And while it's far from asleep, they prioritize stopping the numerous crimes that occur in the shadows. Civilian interactions far and few. Most pictures of them online seemed more like cryptid sightings than heroes soaring through Gotham skies.
The Signal on the other hand was the people's Bat. They got to see him soar through the sky, or ride his bike in all his golden glory. He gave autographs, took photos, and joined them on their daily commutes. He was a regular at mom-and-pop shops, made sure the troubled kids made it to school, and checked in on the sick and elderly. And while he did work with them when necessary, he mostly liked to fuck with the police, like a true Gothamite would.
All in all, he was the sweet sunshine that Gotham needed. He was far more human than the others. Not that he was human, oh heck no! NONE of the bats were human! But it felt that way. Until you were reminded that he was INDEED a Bat.
The way he merged and appeared out of the shadows despite his bright yellow suit, and moved without a sound. He knew about people and things before they happened. And had an intelligence that was absolutely terrifying when thought about. And the way he took care of crimes?
The Signal is cold, borderline brutal, and efficient (with commentary that leaves you agape and a chill down your spine) when dealing with criminals. It was always jarring to witness the sudden change from Gotham's sunshine boy to stone-cold Bat, and back again. It almost gave you whiplash to realize that this was the vigilante that you were talking to about your puppies a few moments ago. And it really instilled the Fear™ that that bats were known for.
The other Bats were terrifying, shadowy demons that moved through the night. Stopping crime in the darkness. Gotham knew and appreciated this. But the Signal? He was the bright light at the end of the tunnel and the warmth of the brilliant sun. But he was also...
'Gotham's Darkest Angel'
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ellieabbyy · 2 months
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“you wanna fuck em up?”
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syn0vial · 1 year
man, i continue to be blown away by the thought put into astarion's romance, even in seemingly throwaway scenes.
i just did zethino's test of love with him at the circus of the last days and there's such a stark difference between what wins you approval with him and what wins approval with the other companions.
for those who haven't played this bit, zethino's test of love involves a dryad, zethino, testing how well you know your romantic interest by asking you personal questions about their inner lives—their hopes, their fears, their likes, and dislikes. for most of your companions, this is very straightforward: when you answer a question about them correctly, you win approval points with them. when you say something untrue or insulting, you lose approval points , bc they realize that you're trolling or that you don't know them as well as they'd hoped.
unless you're romancing astarion. in which case, you have to do almost the complete opposite to win his approval.
the other characters want you to prove you know them by answering correctly. astarion wants you to prove you know him by lying—or, at least, refusing to pick the most accurate answer.
case in point: astarion does not like it if you tell the truth about his hopes and fears. like, really doesn't like it. answering honestly about his greatest fear, in particular (his fear of being enslaved again), causes you to lose a whole 4 approval points, twice as much as you lose with the other companions for outright insulting them. you can lose another one before that for answering honestly that his greatest desire is freedom. in both cases, he'll acknowledge that you're right—and then express dismay that you'd disclose that kind of information to a stranger. hell, you can figure out from the very first question that he's not comfortable taking this test with you at all; when the dryad asks what makes astarion happy, you lose approval if you say he's happy to take this test with you now.
so if astarion doesn't want you to pick the most accurate answers for him and honestly doesn't really seem to want to take this test with you at all, which answers can you pick to win approval with him?
well, whichever ones are funniest, of course! you don't win points with him for picking the deepest, truest answers, but the silly, flippant ones that make him laugh. what's astarion's greatest desire? well, me, of course! what's his greatest fear? breaking a nail, obviously. he's delighted by your refusal to take the test seriously and actually approves more of funny, light-hearted answers than badass, flattering ones.
i just think the whole sequence is such a fun and interesting exploration of his character and your relationship with him, all in a silly little side-activity where it would've been easy to just give all the characters the same win-conditions. little details like this are really the game's brightest moments, imo!
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turtleybeachin · 4 days
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I've seen someone sharing the very last page to show "he's aware he's in a game". I wanted to share the last three pages to instead show: He's aware of the multiverse (because of COURSE he is), and spoke directly to we readers to confirm that all realities coexist simultaneously.
He's aware in one universe, his reality is our game.
He's aware we all have our own experiences, headcanons, and relationships with these characters. And they're all valid for our universe. Which coexists with all others.
Yes. He's aware he's in a game. But it's so much more than that.
So go off, fellow exchange students, and know that your fanfic and your fanart and your imaginary situations with your fictional others is all, by Barbatos' own assurances, a reality.
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demigods-posts · 7 months
missed opportunity to grant rachel the ability to experience history in all of it's glory. give me rachel who can detail the night the titanic sunk as if she was there. give me rachel who can tell you when and where you'll be buried. give me rachel who can recite every prophecy ever told because they belong to her now.
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