#guys I totally know how to draw a chain
weirdglassthing · 2 months
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It’s IRONIC. god. Nobody understands satire humor these days
First attempt at drawing Gideon and Kremy went surprisingly well maybe I’m destined to become a scaly idk. You guys have no idea how hard it was finding a pose that was easy to draw with Kremy’s alligator mouth. I probably forgot like 400 fey curses I barely remembered gideons flower crown. I’m not drawing that thing but imagine the dulcet tones of the worlds greatest bard (morning Ross) playing in the background.
Guys you can’t blame me I just watched episode 15 and I was possessed and blacked out and woke up staring at this
Ft. Some drunk pixie wives and the only three people that cared about Thaco (I did not look up a reference I just drew a clown)
Anyways pose under cut
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It had to be adjusted a bit
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sabrondabrainrot · 17 days
🌦️Dark Sun and 🔅Servant Sun
I tried my hand at designing Servant Sun and Dark Sun.
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I'm getting more caught up on the lore!! Click underneath for art closeups and more Lore rants and AU idea! Plus, I have sketches and a comic WIP I've been working on.
There will be rambly spoilers to where I am in the Lore.
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For Dark Sun I was inspired a lot by the thumbnails, they give him red eyes a lot in the thumbnails and I like the smarmy red eyed look of the guy. Tried to capture his 'regal-holier then thou' attitude in his design. He's still Sun though, so I used OG Sun's palette (my first Sun design!) to reflect the fact they have the same beginnings. I don't trust anything he says but I know something has totally happened to his Moon (I'm really banking on the idea he ATE him/ ATE his intelligence chip) so he carries his Moon's bell and he also repurposed the star pattern of Moon to parade it around as like a symbol his Moon is at his heal. I don't know if I like his final look but I think it's because I gave him dramatically darker shading vs the other Suns.
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Servant Sun! Here's my take on him. He's been suffering for over 10000+ years under Lord Eclipse abuse. We saw how he was being punished just because Lore Eclipse was bored! I feel really bad for this Sun, it was hard to draw a design for him. I think despite his servant title Lord Eclipse just keeps him around not only to keep himself sane but also a trophy/slave to show off to Moon and the others in the afterlife. I had this like monologue for SSun basically, "The sound of bells long ago stopped ringing for the daycare attendant turned servant but Lord Eclipse still can hear the sound of metallic chimes when the neurotic servant cleans thanks to his fanciful additions." (aka the chime of chains) He's also got an apron that's falling apart and SSun used random old fabric to patch it up (it wasn't random it was his old clothes). I was really inspired by Meagancandraw's design of Servant Sun!
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Here's my AU sketches. I'm planning to clean these up and maybe color them? This is basically just the AU idea that I think Sun is going to somehow get reborn but be a being reborn from star power and negative star power? I don't know if it's possible? He becomes a mix of the two in my AU. I know some current spoilers and basically I know he may be immune to negative star energy? He can also hold Star Power uniquely and it 'taste good to him'. I will never let go of the fact he told Moon it taste nice like dried watermelon. His untrained magical outburst was also compared to be as powerful as Golden Freddy's. There's big theory he's going to die or be sacrificed but I have this idea what if he's essentially remade? idk just rambly thoughts. So yeah, he has a cool new look to go with his magical transformation.
BTW he is very sad cause he can't be near his family in this AU my brain cooked up. He's basically radiation incarnate now <3 His eyes are cracked because they're intensely pouring out Star/Negative Star power. Just a constant pull and push of power circulating in him.
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this is the comic idea I have currently. I don't have a ton of motivation so any encouragement to finish this comic idea would be super appreciated! I'm not a comic-type artist so this is out of my comfort zone (I've made a few comics but usually they are pretty janky)
Blood Moon just took Ruin. Also Dark Sun repaired Ruin after Molten took him to die in the dead dimension?? BOY??? Also, Dark Sun did something to Eclipse??? Bro is plotting. I wish I could get a read on Dark Sun but I don't even know how much of the truth he's been sharing thus far. He has no reason to tell anyone the truth and so far he hasn't hurt anyone just stole a bunch of data from Moon and built a bunker to escape total dimension collapse...He's just a big wild card for me.
Then there's New Moon, He's just actually going crazy after meeting Old Moon. Sun can tell something is wrong with his brother!!! I hope he can help him but spoilers tells me otherwise. The family is trying! Earth heard out Eclipse and Eclipse is getting Earth proof that Moon is currently cray-cray. Lunar is kind of hanging near Sun and Earth because the creator is now actively trying to kidnap him. So much spicy drama.
I don't pay attention much to the Freddy side of the plot but he's also dying?? bro??? What about Francine? The missing mom/wife? Poor Francine's suffering, she needs her mom and dad! I like that Puppet is hanging around her grandchild more it is very sweet. Foxy also got his 'bestfriend' Puppet a house/condo. hmm-Mmmhmm. Definitely no romantic tensions there. Definitely not.
(side bar, I don't ship Kidscove but I do ship the Foxy and Puppet do they have a ship name? Also no hate to Kidscove I just think Foxy treats Sun like a kid a lot. I like the gooseworld Kidscove. Sun laid eggs, so wholesome.)
Lunar is just waiting for news on his trial and I am in suspense hoo boy...Then the stuff with FC being put in a new body and Frank is not happy about it. I def can tell there's big lead up to the astral bodies making a big move I just wonder what the move will be. I feel like now Lunar and FC are going to end up being more intwined then they might think.
Also I love Dazzle!!! AAAGH! She and Jack are so cute! I loved the ep Sun took Dazzle and Lunar to the store that was so sweet. Can't wait to see more of them! They're such a cute dynamic! I like seeing Lunar put his best foot forward to help Dazzle too.
I can tell Moon is slowly distancing himself from the others but it's like this odd thing where he's no longer obsessed with Solar being back per sei...but he's obsessed over how HE has to be the one to bring Solar back in his way because HE promised and he wants to be better then Old Moon and yeah...he's got a very warped perspective I feel like? But Molten and Ruin BOTH pointed out Moon is being possessed by something so I think he's definitely sick? Or something is keeping him from seeing the error of his way.
Rambles over :)
I do plan to draw Solar and Eclipse and Lord Eclipse next but I'm stuck on what I want to do for Solar's design :P I might make a poll in the future!
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chaoticbeanz · 7 months
Hellfire's Girl
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Summary- A new girl moves to Hawkins and has already made an impression. 
Pairing- Eddie Munson x Fem!oc
Warnings- friends to lovers, slow burn, she/her pronouns, cursing, mainly nickname will be used, 
Notes- This is my first Eddie fic. Also, I will be straying from the storyline. Please don't forget to comment. I'd love to hear feedback.
Moving to Hawkins wasn't as bad as I had originally thought. Sure it sucks that I had to leave, but knowing I was only about 3 hours away from my friends made me feel better about it.
Starting my senior year in a new high school on the other hand… blows.
Well, it would have if I cared about fitting in. Back home no one judged. But here? Oh boy did they. I had to keep some of my hobbies on the down low, for now at least. Apparently, Dungeons and Dragons was considered “Devil worshipping”. So much for me trying to find people to teach me how to play. Or so I thought. Barely one week in Hawkins High is all it took for me to make a friend. Or a few.
~English class~
I was sitting in the back because I couldn't pay attention today. I was a passing student so I wasn't worried. 
As I tuned out the teacher, I started doodling on what should've been my notes. The only thing on my mind was smoking my last joint that was tucked away in my car. I was unconsciously drawing clouds around the leaf I had made on my paper.
“Hey, New girl.” I heard whispers next to me. Turning my head to see a boy wearing a shirt with the words “Hellfire Club”. Maybe it was a new band?
“Do you partake or just like drawing?”
This felt like a trick question. Was he trying to get me caught or being friendly? I've learned quickly not to trust anyone yet. The jocks and the cheerleaders are the royalty in the ranks. Any lower on the food chain and you're a target no matter what.
He felt my hesitation to the question so he continued, “I only ask because if you need “flower”- he points to my picture- I know a guy.”
That sounds even more suspicious! I lean in slightly whispering, “You do realize how that sounds like a total set up right? Why should I trust you?”
The boy puts his hands up in defense.“That's fair. But wouldn't me asking you just be me outing myself? Why would I rat both of us out?”
“I’m Gareth by the way.”
“Lena. And hypothetically if I were to say I had “flower”. Would you partake?”
“Uh Duh.” We both laughed silently.
“You seem pretty cool Gareth.” I could tell that took him by surprise but he tried to cover it up. 
“Uh, thanks. So do you.” he paused for a second “Would you wanna come sit with me and my friends during lunch? I can't guarantee that you'll think they'll be as cool as me but…” I giggled.
“I’d love to. And trust me if they're like you I'll like them way better than the “royalty”.”
With that said the bell had rung, dismissing everyone for lunch. I put my notebook in my bag seeing Gareth standing in the corner of my eye. Like he's waiting for me. How sweet.
“I have to put some stuff in my locker. You can go ahead and I'll find you.” I smiled at him. He nodded his head but looked unsure. Like he thought I was lying about sitting with them. Nonetheless, he walks out of the room towards the lunch room while I head to my locker.
~3rd Person~
As Gareth walked to the lunch room, he thought about Lena. Was she being serious about sitting with them? Regardless he would have to mention her to his friends. Even if she didn't sit with them she was one of the good ones.
As he walks through the doors, a roar of multiple conversations bounces off the walls. He grabs his lunch and then heads to his table with his dungeon master and best friend seated at the head of the table.
The kiddies arrived just as he sat down. Now was his chance.
“Hey guys, I invited the new girl to sit with us.”
Everyone at the table paused as if processing what Gareth had said. Then a chorus of laughs erupted from the group. “I’m serious!”
Eddie wipes a fake tear from his eye. “Good one Gare.”
“Yeah like a girl is gonna sit with us.”Jeff rolls his eyes.
“You're delusional man!”
With Gareth trying to defend himself and the group in denial, they had not noticed Lena approaching their table.
I rushed to my locker to dump whatever I didn't need for my next classes. Then into the bathroom to make sure I didn't look crazy. I wanted to make a good first impression on Gareth's friends. It’d be nice to have real people to hang out with who are not snobby rich fakers.
When I got to the cafeteria I scanned the room to find Gareth while going through the line to just get some fruit. Surprised that they had peaches I grabbed two then spotted Gareth after I paid. 
As I was heading to the table, a blonde cheerleader I met earlier stopped me. I think her name was Chrissy.
“Hey, would you like to sit with me and the girls?” she smiled sweetly.
“Oh thanks but I've got a seat already.” offering her a smile back. I didn't want to hurt her feelings because she seemed like the only genuine popular girl I'd met.
“Oh, that's okay! Maybe next time.” she then walked away to her table.
I started walking again and as I approached the table it seemed like they were arguing about something. Before you could catch what was going on they all fell quiet when you stood in front of their table. Looking at the boy standing at the opposite side of the table. 
~3rd Person~
Eddie was not buying it for one second as soon as the sentence left Gareth's mouth. A new girl sitting with them? The freaks of Hawkins High? Yeah right. But alas Eddie believed that Gareth was committed to the bit til he had enough. He stood from his chair and slammed his hands on the table.
“For fucks sake! Why would she…” 
He never finished his sentence. Once he saw her walking and stop right in front of his table he was speechless. No one ever makes Eddie Munson speechless. 
The boys turned to see why he shut up and were equally astonished, besides Gareth of course. He wore a smug smile, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair. 
“Uh hi. Gareth said I could sit with you guys.”
Silence from the whole table. They just couldn't believe that Gareth was telling the truth. With no response, she tried again.
“Is that okay?” I asked as I looked at the boy directly across from me. He seemed like the leader of the pack so I awaited his response. But nothing. They all just stared at me like they had never seen a girl before. I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned. Before I could feel embarrassed and think this was a bad idea, Gareth spoke up.
“Here, you can sit next to me.” He scooted the chair next to him out for me to sit.
I sat down hesitantly, eyeing everyone as they still didn't speak. Lingering a little longer on the curly long-haired boy. He was cute no doubt. I toss that thought immediately away. Friends Lena. You're making friends. It was too soon to be having a crush on someone.
“Don't mind them. They didn't believe me when I said you were sitting with us.”
Gareth went around the table, introducing everyone to me. Next to him was Jeff. Across from me was Mike, and to his right was Dustin and Doug. Lastly, at the head of the table was Eddie. “Guys, this is Lena.”
I gave them all a smile and waved. Also noticed that they all wore the same shirt. I made a mental note to ask about it.
 Dustin seemed to be the first of the group to come to his senses. “So, where are you from?”
“Harrison. It's about a half hour outside of Cincinnati.”
“What made you come to Hawkins?” Mike asked with a confused face.
“Uh, well my dad overlooks construction jobs. The company he works for has a new location. So he decided to move closer since he’ll be running that place.”
Everyone seemed to become more comfortable as I answered their questions. Seemingly deciding that I wasn't a threat. As I talked I subconsciously worked on opening my peach. It was what I always did to them. Slightly crack open the top, and run my finger all the way around. Now and then lick my finger to stop the juice from running down my hand then twist until it splits in half.  Once opened I took a bite and noticed they all were staring again.
“What?” I said wiping the corner of my mouth.
“How in the hell did you just do that?” Jeff asked.
I couldn't help but giggle. “It’s my party trick.” I took another bite.
~3rd Person~
“Is that okay?”
The way she looked at Eddie stirred something inside of him. Genuinely asking for permission. His permission to sit with them. He was so dumbfounded to speak. Just taking her in. From her pretty brown eyes to the Queen t-shirt and jeans she wore that hugged her curves in all the right places to her ring-adorned hands holding peaches. She looked godsent. Well, at least that's what Eddie was thinking. He got a weird feeling as he saw you take the seat next to Gareth. Jealousy? What? No way he was already crushing on the new girl?! He barely even spoke a word to her, just listened to her answer any questions the guys had.
He watched her as she absentmindedly moved her fingers through the peach. His mind started creating naughty thoughts he couldn't shake away. The way she licked her fingers, completely oblivious to what she was doing to him. The juice of the peach slipped out the corner of her mouth as she took a bite. All he wanted to do was lick it off her. Oh, how he was already done for. 
Jeff was the first to express his bewilderedness. Man, hearing her giggle? Eddie wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever.
“It’s how I've always eaten peaches. They're my favorite,” she says like it is the most obvious answer in the world. Before anyone could ask about the side with the pit, she does the same trick to split it again in half and then pop the clean pit out. She holds out a slice offering it up to anyone. Before Eddie could act, Dustin took the offering.
“Well in that case should we be calling you Peaches then?” Gareth joked.
She pondered the thought and then shrugged with a smile. “I wouldn't mind that.” Right at that moment, Hellfire as a collective decided that from now on they would only call her Peaches.
Tagged: @luv4peterba1lard @arlxtarts @midnyghtsolstice
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
If you would like to be tagged or share your thoughts please leave a comment. It would be greatly appreciated.
part 2 underway
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
Hi there 👋! I want to ask how would Kid pirates (the main 4) react to a male s/o who absolutely hates being bottom? Like, he will ONLY top them and won't let them top him
Will they try to persuade him to do so or will they accept being bottom forever for their beloved one?
Probably, some hc about them as bottoms?
Thank you for your kind answers❤️
Oh man, I think they would definitely make it their goal to convince him how good being a bottom is. I think what it would take though was Wire acting as a bottom for the s/o to finally be convinced. As I said in this post, I think Kid is a switch but secretly prefers to bottom, Killer prefers to top but also enjoys bottom, and Heat absolutely prefers to bottom but will top if you ask him to. Wire however is like the toppiest top, but I imagine if the other three absolutely begged, and for the good of convincing s/o (because lets be honest, both being tops is driving Wire insane and he wants that ass) he would make the sacrifice and let someone top him, probably Killer since he taught Kil to top so he knows he'll treat Wire good.
Now, for specifics of the boys as bottoms with male partners:
☠️Kid Pirates☠️
Bottom Headcanons w/ AMAB Partner 🍆
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
Only does it the first time after Killer sneaky convinces him to let him play with his ass. He lays awake all night before finally cracking and asking Kil to fuck his ass. After that its his favourite thing
Not a big fan of giving blowjobs, but he'll over his ass up in a microsecond
Too lazy for lube and proper prep, just fuckin spit in it and fuck him already
Wants his ass fucked till he sees stars and can't walk tomorrow
Prefers it over fucking someone else
Like i mentioned in the kink post as well, he wants the shit beat out of him while its happening. Seriously, draw blood, it makes his cock twitch
Loves giving blowjobs just as much as he loves eating girls out
Wants that cum on his face but if you get it in his hair you better be prepared for the two hour ordeal of helping him wash, dry and brush it
Doesn't give up his ass easy but whines like a bitch in heat when he finally does
Loves to fuck a girl while someone fucks him
Uh totally unrelated 👀 but i literally just drew this earlier today, gotta crop it cos tumblr but you smell what I'm steppin in? The handle is BUILT IN, USE IT!
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He's been walkin around all day with a plug in his ass just WAITING for someone to slam him against a wall and fuck him hard
Wants to choke and gag on it, wants to feel that hot cum sliding down his throat
His absolute fav thing is when the other 3 gangbang him, all taking turns deepthroating him and pounding his ass. Hes in heaven when they leave him seeing stars and covered in their collective cum, he wants to be fucking dripping
Loves eating the other guys's cum out of a pussy or asshole, loves licking people clean of cum
Wire's favourite little plaything, his personal cocksleeve, but the whole crew essentially freeuses him
Big time into being the reciever in watersports. Sometimes if theres a long stint between islands the others will just chain him up in the brig and use him however they please. He fucking loves it.
Happens when the planets align during a solar eclipse. Fr a rarity, but hes so good at topping and the others all want that monster cock so bad that him being a bottom hardly ever happens
He'll suck cock, but not cos you asked him to, because you begged. Most things a bottom would do he does as a top. Even when he rides cock on the rare occasion, he's doing it entirely under his control
Just generally not that into being a bottom, it doesn't get him off as much, so you have to really really work for it
Easier to convince him to give up his ass if hes fucking someone else at the same time
Backseat driver the whole time, another reason it hardly happens, cos he's annoying and fussy as hell and not in a sexy bratty way
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not-thenauts · 4 months
*crawls from yard work* Wombat.
Anyways, FUN IDEA with you guys! The Octonauts community! While I kept myself busy, I was thinking about how interesting your guys OC’s are when I posted Ferris the Meteorologist. And, I myself, made some OC kids and got inspired by @animalsalvationassociation ‘s work (sorry for @). It aall got me ponderin’…
So the other day, I was drawing three oc kids of mine as the “Next Generation” Octonauts and I realized how lonely and blank they are. They need friends :( !!!!
Let’s band together to become OctoAgents guys!! Doesn’t that sound like fun? :D *social anxiety settin in* anyways, basically I want to include your OC’s with the Next Gen Octonauts, as like a project. We don’t gotta explain the Lore but here are the girls :
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As you can tell, not a lot of excitement, that’s because they don’t got members yet! So that’s why I need you! Yeah, not a hard ask. Totally.
As to how I’m going to do this? Maybe some Chain Art? If you don’t know what that is, I’m not actually sure how to explain, this used to be a big thing in Sony Sketch. But maybe I’ll draw a big group photo. It is sort of hard to do most of these since I actually can’t have Online conversations or friends, yes I am allowed to post art but I am only a tiny bit insanely lonely.
So here are some rules ;
1. One submissions, if you have another good submission maybe you can convince me to add it.
2. Background, ethnicities, all the important details of that character.
3. Character sheet, I gotta know what your buddy looks like.
4. It’s not that serious, have some fun! You can be a little lazy with these submissions, I do wanna hear your ramblings though 🥰
5. Ask me questions if you’re confused, I gotchu.
6. Just so you know, you’re submitting these with the consent that I am drawing your OC.
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6okuto · 1 year
Niaaaa //wailing, heaving, rolling around on the floor
I cannot stress enough how much I adore your works and love rereading all of them from time to time
Am here to ask if you have any more touchstarved hcs,, or thoughts,, im dying over here
Literally starved for content
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gn!reader | REG!!! //waving both hands, jumping up and down giggling. Thank U. this is an honour and incredible compliment. scary bc my old works are...old... but Thank u. U mean the world 2 Me. i didn't thoroughly check what hcs i've already said so sorry there's repeats orz
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i'm not saying the LIs would all go to the barbie movie but if someone does make art of that please let me know and tag me especially if it has the i am kenough shirt
they ruined my life saying kuras doesn't eat how is he going to join my girl dinners now. /j but i'll continue to believe he can appreciate how good a meal looks! & he can still sit with you and try to get his hands on your favourite meals for you to enjoy :-)
that thing where they do push-ups and kiss you when they come down with...leander was the first one i thought of tbh. but if you aren't able to lie underneath him he'd just ask for the same amount once he's done!
leander doing the thing he did in the prologue where he took his glove off with his teeth every so often just to see your reaction. like if you react in an amusing flustered staring at him kind of way. i couldn't relate personally (lying) (liar) (huge lie)
i'm sorry for my leander bias but if one of his favourite things is MASQUERADES and we don't see him at a MASQUERADE well it's so joever like him in a suit and mask and showing off how he knows how to fit in because of his past and also he can waltz now or something I'm dizzy i can't breathe
ais using 0.5 camera on people while they're caught off guard. him asking you to take a video of the fight For him because he's going to be part of it. vere selfie folder. mhin 5 followers no icon no posts gc lurker.
mhin would stick to enough of a routine that they'd have a specific spot to sit at different places,,, like a cafe or the library or bus... corner. it's one of the corners. and when someone's taken the spot they're thrown off then have to walk around for a new one (not happy about this) but take it back once they leave. you spend enough time together and they start keeping the spot next to them open for you
^ also they'd always order the exact same thing at restaurants. wouldn't like going to a new place because now they have to find a new default order. just like me fr
is no one going to talk about the idea that vere doesn't like snow because he's chained outside and it's cold . to be fair it could Totally be for a less sad reason like how it gets his Fur Wet (valid) but i've been thinking about that possible angst
also his gloves are just. like. ? odd. inverse drawing gloves. claws... but why only the 3 fingers.... btw his outfit means a constant thigh holding opportunity
kuras and mhin having long conversations about alchemy and sharing their findings with each other ;; mhin at some point getting just a Little excited about something and kuras choosing not to comment on it but being happy to see them let their walls down a little ;; o(-(
ais coming into your room and wordlessly lying next to you in bed and when asked if he needs something he says no? with a smile. he was just feeling lonely and wanted to find you
saying "you look like you can't swim" or "you are an odd individual" to any and all of them . something about it is amusing to me
if you celebrate christmas or like the idea of kissing underneath some mistletoe,, i think it's a good thought that you hold one over your head and wait for a kiss Or that Some of the LIs would Definitely do that themselves.
who do you guys think has the saddest birthday celebration (/no celebration at all.) who's relating to girls who spend their birthday alone and crying and be honest with me
rambling but i just want to say kuras's monster form looks sick as FUCK and i'm so excited for it. it looks like whatever left the scar on his hand seems to be there.. in his monster form...? i thought it was a claw but the positioning is under/through the hand so like??. do i have to bring up the significance of that if true
also is his outfit (minus his jacket)...like a jumpsuit... or can i just not tell because of his three (?) belts. that's not how you wear belts btw /lh. and is the sheer part Part of the top or is he wearing something sheer underneath the white. his sleeves are also sheer but the neckline means his shoulders are out . take off ur jacket
also mhin !! i want to know how big they get and if the transformation is sickening to watch and if they're still aware of everything around them and !!! THERE IS A SPINE(?) COMING OUT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SILHOUETTE THAT I NEED TO SEE NOW! & i'm assuming the senobium is Shit so even if we do get in there and get 'help' there would be another shitty price to pay. possible bad ending...??
scenes with all their monster forms where you're asked if you're scared and you say no / yes but you care about them and they falter because they didn't expect that
true good ending is everyone meeting at the wet wick and making a toast and laughing and saying this truly was our touchstarved before the credits roll
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Just Like Andy Warhol Said
Fandom: Daisy Jones & The Six Pairing: Eddie x Camila Rating: E Word Count: 3992
Summary: The night before Billy's discharged from the rehab clinic, Eddie tries not to think about what it'll be like when Camila gets her husband back. Unfortunately, it's pretty fucking hard not to think about her when she finds him sitting alone. Or; in the Dunne-Alvarez infidelity wars, Camila draws first blood.
It feels like it’s the night before the world gets made. Or annihilated. Eddie can’t tell or decide. What’s for sure is Billy gets out of the clinic tomorrow. Graham’s supposed to pick him up. Eddie’s glad it’s not him. If everybody else’d said no, he’d have done it, because even though Camila made it clear by her silence that she’s sure as hell not going to get him, Eddie knows she wants Billy back. Whether she wants him back back is harder to say.
This is some kind of ending—an end to the months of relative normalcy. Without Billy, they’ve still been a band, but a band without gigs, let alone a tour. And it’s actually been… alright. Hell, they’re still in fucking California. And Eddie’s been building his new bass, working on it whenever he likes. He never would’ve gotten to do that if they were on tour and then back in the studio, recording another album. Another thing he wouldn’t have been able to do if not for Billy’s cataclysmic fuck-up is be there for Camila and Julia the way he has. Nobody asked him to be, but Eddie doesn’t mind. He never minds. If it helps Camila, he never could. When Billy comes back, well, Eddie might have to take his bow, leave the parenting to the parents, the husbanding to the husband. It’s a thought that makes him clench his teeth bitterly.
He hasn’t spent these months trying to replace Billy. The fact of it, Eddie thinks, is that nobody should. Cam and Jules don’t need a Billy to make them wait up, let them down, blow too much of the cheque on booze. What they need is, well, somebody like Eddie. He wouldn’t be the worst choice. He’s here, for one thing. He’s reliable, and he’s decent—apart from wanting nothing more than to break up Billy and Camila’s marriage. If Billy needs any help in that department. When Eddie pictures it (and he does), he and Camila are really good for each other. He supports and loves her, and she relieves him of the burden of trying to hide how much.
He's thinking about her when he hears her footsteps in the room connected to the deck, but her sudden presence is still startling. He quickly sits upright in his chair, pulling the joint he just lit back out from between his lips. (Better than chain-smoking cigarettes, and he’s trying to cool it about Billy.)
“I wasn’t sure anybody was home,” Camila says, emerging from the darkened room to step out onto the deck. Her voice is as soft and bright as the stars way up above them. “Where is everybody?”
“They went out. I think they were thinkin’ one last night to get totally shitfaced.”
Before Billy gets back and they have to worry about the guy he was the last time they all saw him. Eddie doesn’t need to say it, so he keeps it to himself. Camila knows. Anyway, she nods like she does.
“That’s… sorta sweet,” she settles on. She smiles ironically. “Except for the part where nobody invited me.”
“Probably just thought you were busy with the baby,” Eddies says. He doesn’t know why he’s covering for them. He never would’ve forgotten Cam.
“Yeah, well, my mom’s with her.” Camila hasn’t sat down yet, but after sweeping her eyes along the horizon, she turns them on Eddie and the joint pinched between his dangling fingers. “Are you smoking that?”
His arm comes to life like Victor Frankenstein electrified it, jerking upward. God, why can he never be cool around her?
He tries to be, tries harder, joint back in the corner of his mouth as he tickles the end with his lighter ’til it catches. Camila sits and Eddie inhales, then passes it to her. Slowly exhaling smoke, he takes snatching glimpses of her delicate hold on the paper he licked and rolled. He gets lost in the careless way she tosses back her dark sheet of hair. And then the joint’s touching her lips, trapped between them, and his mouth is so dry he has to swallow. Cam streams a column of smoke skyward. She hands it back, and Eddie takes a second hit automatically. Shit. This was supposed to relax him, but Cam’s fingers brush his on the next exchange, and then he kinda just fails to look away. He stares at the graceful bend of her arm. At her mouth. Good god, her mouth. Her mouth wrapped around the same joint he just had clamped between his own lips.
She laughs when she sees him looking at her. Unconcerned, not at all suspicious. And why should she be suspicious, when he’s worked damn hard to stay a gentleman?
Her fingers flick the joint, spraying fine ash into the air.
“What?” Camila demands, the laugh still in her voice.
Here’s where Eddie says, Nothing.
Except he says, “You know what,” low and sure, and keeps his gaze on her—heavy, like he wants to be on top of her. Hot, like they could be if they got out of this night air and he took her to bed. Just once.
Cam blinks a bunch of times, as if the ash she scattered blew back into her eyes. But that’s not it. And Eddie sits there and waits to see how the disbelief on the face of the woman he loves resolves itself; will she be horrified or pleased? Is he the guy trying to ruin her marriage, or the only one who can still see her there inside it, apart from it. Eddie doesn’t want his words to reach Camila Dunne. He wants Camila Alvarez. Wants her every which way.
Camila drops her eyes, then glances around for the ashtray, leaving the joint tilted against its rim. Eddie doesn’t know what’s going on. He expects her to leave him—not leave him, but leave, meeting his flirtation with the no-uncertain-terms rejection it probably deserves. Things’ll be awkward for a few days, or maybe a while, but she’ll have Billy home to distract her, and Eddie’ll have his usual misery. And then they’ll just forget. Or pretend to.
Eddie’s resigning himself to this when Camila leans across the arm of her chair towards him. His eyes widen, are still open when she kisses him. He starts to shake his head in confusion, but Camila says, “Shhh,” touching his lips with her finger, then her mouth. Again.
This will never be spoken of—the scuff of chair legs as Eddie tries to turn towards Cam with his whole body, the way he clutches the back of her head through her hair, the feel of her heart when she takes his hand and guides it to her chest—but still, Eddie wishes it could be known that he didn’t hesitate for a second.
It’s Camila, so of course Eddie’s already getting hard when she climbs out of her chair and into his, sitting on his lap as they kiss hotly. She doesn’t kiss him the way he’s seen her kiss Billy, with her arm draped loosely around the back of his neck. Eddie’s seen that enough to notice, to assess how Camila’s hold seems designed to direct Billy’s wandering attention to her, how Billy will often sling his own arm around her waist with equal looseness. Taking her for granted—that’s what Billy’s posture always says to Eddie. Eddie’s not gonna do that, so when Camila hangs onto him tightly, he does the same. His hand kneads her thigh through her thin dress, and her fingers dig into his shoulder as her head tilts to keep pace with their furious kissing.
When Eddie parts her lips with his tongue, Cam releases this rough, reaching moan. He shifts her so she’ll feel the length of his dick against her hip. She leans into him, making him grunt. After a few seconds, he brings his hand to the top of her thigh. Encouragingly, Camila gathers the fabric of her dress, hitching it up her legs as their tongues twist together in her mouth. Eddie’s palm runs up the smooth path of skin she makes for him, all the way to her underwear, cotton against his fingertips.
“You want…?” he chokes out.
“Uh huh,” Camila pants back.
She gives him a little space, and he takes it. He’s used to this, taking whatever she’ll give him: genuine praise during band practice back in Pittsburgh, a companionable arm linked through his, a kiss on the cheek at her wedding. He collects her words and touches and moments of fleeting but intense affection like he can build something with them, some kind of mosaic that might look like love from a distance. And now she gives him this—the moan she lets out when he contorts his wrist to slip his hand into her underwear and find her clit.
He wonders, as he reaches lower to wet his fingertips in her arousal and Camila sucks his tongue, whether they missed the moment where they could’ve paused to talk about this, or whether there never was one. Did they decide, silently, not to discuss it? Is it pointless to talk about what this means? There are words that could be said—infidelity, for one—but Eddie can’t find it in himself to give a shit. Nudging his thumb against her clit, he presses two fingers inside her. Camila’s body squeezes them. Maybe they don’t need much more conversation than that.
Camila’s hip keeps his cock pinned to his abdomen, the fly of his jeans digging in on the other side. It feels appropriately painful to Eddie; whatever he has to suffer for this, he’ll do it. He starts rocking his hand so his fingers slip in and out of her. At some point, they stop kissing and just rest their faces together with their eyes closed, listening to him fuck her with his hand. Already sitting across his lap, Cam makes herself even longer when she tips her head back, groaning at the pressure he puts on her clit. His dick throbs at the knowledge that she’s going to remember this. She can’t not.
When Camila gets off, it seems to only make her hornier, and Eddie decides that means she doesn’t think this is a mistake. She doesn’t climax and then come to her senses and scurry back into the house. No. Limply, the back of her neck damp with sweat when he rubs her there, Camila eases away from him just enough to unbutton and unzip his jeans. Eddie sighs as the pressure vanishes. His fingers are still buried in her, her cunt throbbing around them. When she gets his fly open and his briefs jerked down in front to expose him, she reaches between her legs for his hand. With her wetness still glossy on his fingers, she folds his willing hand into a fist around his cock. Her hand covers his. Eddie groans like he aches because smearing her arousal down his length makes the stroke so slick.
That it could be like this never entered his mind. Every time he’s imagined the two of them, it’s him doing whatever she asks for. Him fucking her slow, for hours. His face between the stifling press of her thighs as he laps her cunt, clit, and curls. He’s pictured himself being up for anything Billy wasn’t doing for her, or wasn’t doing well. In the thoughts he has almost every night—and sometimes in his dreams—Eddie volunteers his body to her, just to be the one who meets her needs. He never considered that part of her pleasure might come from tending to his.
Camila pulls his shirt up, maybe only meaning to get it out of the way, but Eddie quits pumping himself long enough to pull it all the way off and throw it on the deck. Their hands close around his dick again, and now Cam’s tucking her hair behind her ear and lightly kissing his chest. He imagines her mouth where their hands are. He can’t help it. She probably knows, possibly even wants him to. But he’s a safe man to tease, won’t make a crude comment or force her head down to his lap. He’s predictable.
She’s not.
Camila slides from his lap, dropping to the deck like a petal from a flowering tree. Her left hand rubs long strokes over his thigh, keeping the spot where she was sitting warm. Eddie likes the sound of her hand against the denim. Her right hand nudges his aside and grips the base of his dick. Her grip controls his twitching so she can wrap her lips around the head.
Shaping and reshaping around him.
He wishes he could put a pair of headphones over Camila’s ears right about now to muffle the sounds he’s making, but she doesn’t seem put off. Eddie finds it hard to look right at what her mouth is doing, so he places a hand high on her chest—like before, when she led him to her heartbeat—and stares at that. She keeps her eyes down until she raises her whole head. Her hand takes over, trying to stand in for the suction of her cheeks and the wet caress of her tongue, and her lips part like she’s going to ask him a question. He comes then, before she can speak. Even then, she’s tender, not speaking as she slackens her strokes and releases him. She kisses his knee over his jeans. He’ll never know what she was going to say.
If this is it, Eddie thinks, it’s been everything. His chest is still heaving, and he feels like liquid in this chair, and Cam is leaning her arm casually across his leg and resting her cheek on it. They’re quiet for a few minutes. The most peaceful few minutes of his life. There are stars, and insect noises, and lights on in a house a little way down the canyon.
Finally, she stands.
“Come on, Eddie,” Camila says, not urgent, not weary, but as though it’s inevitable.
She goes into the house, trusting him to follow. He’d have to be dead not to. Honestly, he’d have to be dead.
He tucks himself away and pulls his pants up, but leaves them open. He has a feeling he knows where Cam is, in this insane alternate reality of his life. Before he goes there, he hits the bathroom to clean himself up, to look into his own eyes in the mirror a minute. That guy’s probably the only person he’ll ever get to tell about any of this. If things were different, Eddie would be putting his love for Camila on billboards. He wouldn’t be writing sappy, crappy songs about her that don’t make the album, fighting half-heartedly when they’re replaced by shit that’s both better and meaner. He’d be making the Camila songs the best songs in the first place—songs so good they wouldn’t get replaced. He’d build those tracks like a temple to her. He’d pity nonbelievers.
She’s in his bedroom, like he thought she’d be. He can’t recall her ever being in here before, even the day they moved in; maybe that’s a coincidence, maybe not. Because Camila looks so restless sitting on the end of his bed, Eddie’s careful to step inside and not block the door. In case she wants to bolt. They’ve established too many truths tonight for her to retreat into ignorance, but if she’s accepted all of those—that he loves her, that she’s willing to cheat on her husband to let Eddie love her—and just doesn’t want to feel him inside her, that’s her choice.
He stands with his hands in his pockets.
“Come here, Eddie.”
Does she like saying his name?
He jerks his thumb towards the door.
“You want that closed?”
Camila laughs, and it’s not very nice. Somehow, she mixes bitterness with abandon, but it still sounds good to him. Eddie gets it—getting caught might not be any more dire than giving themselves permission to do this in the first place. Warren’s amazement or Graham’s fury or Karen’s sad understanding can’t make Camila’s infidelity worse. A door can’t keep this contained.
“Yes, please.”
Eddie shuts the door.
There could be a joke in the fact that Cam’s probably only ever had sex with one person while Eddie got laid like crazy during the tour, but she’s the only one he’s ever felt more than passing lust for. If not a joke, a moral. If not a moral, a nonsensical tragedy. There are condoms in his nightstand, his bass case, the pocket of a different pair of jeans he needs to wash. She can pick. He’ll protect her from himself in that way at least.
Closing the door appears to have subdued her restlessness, because she stands and drops her dress in one motion, leaving Eddie gobsmacked. For a moment, he worries he’s too stoned for this; the world seems to contract around them until there’s only the distance between him and her, the edges too soft to be real. But he walks towards her like he’s
calmer than he is. Camila runs her hand up his chest to his shoulder and won’t let go until he steps near enough to kiss her.
Kissing her standing up is… real in a way it hasn’t yet been. Kissing standing up is like a greeting or a parting, casual and formal at the same time, and most of all, habitual. That’s the thing—they’re kissing like they do this all the time. Kissing standing up, Eddie suspects, is the thing that will destroy him if he does it much longer. What kind of clinics do they have for that?
So, they get in bed, where they both want to be. Eddie’s jeans on the bedroom floor, Camila’s long, bare legs twining around his under the sheet. She keeps her bra on (will she leak otherwise, because of the baby? Eddie doesn’t want to bring up her life beyond this room, so he doesn’t ask), but lets him drag her underwear off before her fingers find the band of his and do the same. It’s so, so easy, terrifyingly easy. He gets the condom on like he's done this before—which he has, but not this. They hold each other close, panting, and Eddie pushes inside her.
The night takes on a beautiful silence. The soft dimness of his room without the light on is a closer blackness than the night sky, but he has world enough just looking down at Camila, and then up at Camila, a quick smile on her lips as his hands steady her. Once she gets situated, she rides him. Her head falls back a second with her moan. Eddie’s not exactly keeping his head himself, but he’s trying to breathe as normally as he can while Cam sets a pace neither fast nor slow. He wouldn’t immediately call it fucking, but it isn’t lovemaking either. What Camila does is ride him with her whole body, from the thighs that tense as his hands glide over them to the hips that roll, to the full breasts that bounce (oh yeah, he’s gonna be seeing that in his dreams ’til the end of time), the shoulders that hitch, the mouth that hangs slack when he thrusts just right. And her hands are all over him: covering his hands, clawing his chest, gripping his hair. It seems impossible to Eddie that he could be doing this much right, be making Camila feel this good, but then he clocks his doubt as an inferiority complex. There’s another asshole out there in the world who probably makes her feel half this good and is twice as confident about it.
Say my name, he thinks, one hand slipped so carefully into the cup of her bra and the other between her thighs, rubbing her clit with the wetness that overflows from where she rises and falls on his dick. Say it. Just once like this. He massages with more intent, then eases back, massages, and eases.
There are tears on Camila’s face when she finally gasps, “Eddie!”
“I’m here, Cam. Right here.”
She comes, throwing herself up and down on him, exactly as demanding as he wants her to be. God, he thinks. Need me.
Her body’s still clenching around him as she slumps, panting. Eddie wouldn’t insist while she took what she needed, but he’s not wholly selfless; when he fills this condom, he wants to be nose to nose with her. He wants whatever approximation of love he can generate by seeing his own adoration reflected back at him in her eyes. When she folds over him, when she allows him to handle her, he rolls them to lay her beneath. He kisses her and finishes watching the calm trust in her face. I’ll be here, Camila. I will. Me.
It's not as awkward as it probably could be, after. Neither of them makes excuses for the other’s or their own decisions. Life just… goes on. Scanning her eyes around his bedroom, Cam asks when he’s going to get to his laundry, and Eddie snorts softly. He tells her he’ll get to it. The place doesn’t smell yet, does it? No, she agrees it doesn’t, and Eddie holds so very still as she cuddles up to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
He’d sooner die than talk about it, but every second they don’t address the fact that Billy’s coming home tomorrow starts to feel like another splinter off Eddie’s ribcage, little fragments of bone turning inward to point towards his heart. It’s uncomfortable. If he waits, it’ll probably be deadly. The first time he sees them together again… he anticipates that it’ll feel like shrapnel striking his chest. Nothing major hit. He’ll live. He’ll be able to go on. But some stupid part of him wants to know now, wants a mercy kill.
And now there’s a question he doesn’t ask, because Camila sits up and swings her legs over the side of his bed. Bewildered, Eddie watches her getting dressed.
“I need to get back,” she says, pulling her dress over her head. “For Jules.”
“Of—” His throat is thick. He clears it. “Of course.”
He’s sitting with his knees bent up, tenting the sheet, arms laid across them. He knows what he’s watching now: he’s watching Cam debate with herself whether she should go back for one more kiss. Maybe she’s wondering what that kiss would feel like, the tone it would set to close this escapade out. Eddie knows his eyes are too serious. As if he can help it. She’s his whole damn reason for being.
So, with her hand on the doorknob, she looks at him like she’s waiting for him to bring up Billy, and he looks back at her, waiting for that kiss—just a sign, that’s all either of them wants. Some demonstration of devotion. Eddie needs to be a little brutal, or Camila a little sweet, and they’ll know how things stand.
Cam lets go of the doorknob, hand falling gently to her side.
“When Billy gets back—” Eddie blurts.
It makes Camila cut him off: “I can’t.”
She grasps the doorknob again and slips out of the room.
It kills him, but he had to. After all of it, he just had a feeling one more kiss would be the thing Camila couldn’t bear. He’d rather she loves him and leaves him than the other way around. Rather not watch it pain her to keep trying to figure out what to do with him. Eddie brought Billy into the room with them to keep things simple.
He could’ve told her he loves her instead.
But then the closed door would’ve hurt more.
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lifmera · 7 months
Heya, I was wondering if I could have a matchup for Hazbin Hotel? Male please x
My pronouns are she her, I'm fairly average height for a girl and my favourite animals at the moment are either cats or goats!!
I have black hair, dark eyes and pale skin, my hair goes just above my breasts and is layered. I wear a lot of black and hardly own any clothes that aren't!! (It’s just so flattering) I have a few large tattoos as well and am definitely getting more. I also have a lot of ear piercings, a nose stud and 🍒 piercings. I’m also English (northern, not southern) so I do have an accent
In terms of personality, l'd say l'm rather outgoing, witty and a bit nerdy. I wear a lot of studs and chains but I think they look badass, however I wear them causally so I guess you could also say I’m pretty bold? I've often been told l intimidate people, however I like to think they don't know me well enough to judge. Ive been told I can be quite loud, and I have some blunt, dry sense of humour which my friends seem to like. I'm an ENTP through and through and am currently in law school, stereotypical as fuck ik. I can sometimes struggle to trust people due to past experiences, however I think I’ve got the hang of reading people now to know when they’re my kind of cunt or not.
I can have a short temper and struggle with my emotions sometimes, (diagnosed bpd/adhd, looooove to see it) but am in the process of learning to manage them quite well.
Hobby wise, I enjoy drawing, painting and going out with my friends to concerts and festivals. I Love music, specifically Goth, Metal (Death, Goth metal, Nü metal, all sorts) and a little bit of rock obviously. I'm tempted to start learning how to play the drums or guitar but am not sure where to start, plus school takes up so much of my time.
There's of course no rush to reply, I adore your work I think your matches are always spot-on and I'm really curious !!
HEY 🕷️🕸️!!!
Honestly I was so TORN between these two. So i decided lol… why not both?
Its okay hun!! I major Pre-Law right now 🩷
I’ve decided to pair you with… VOX & HUSK
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Vox first though. Cus i read this and i was like.. VOX but then when i showered i was like .. wait husk… and then i was like FUCK… anyways
He’d definitely talk to you more because you reminded him of Velvette. And what probably went thru his head was “ooh new model :)”
But he LOVES ur personality. If you intimidated VOX? He would literally purr at ur feet and BEG you to join the Vee’s.
Even if you are dry, its okay, cus everything else makes up for it to him.
He definitely isn’t surprised if you don’t trust him at first, but he’s think that “nothing a little hypnotizing cant fix ! ;)” (take that as you wish.)
Vox is kinda pretty shitty himself- and probably doesnt really care much about you unless you blow a fuse on him. But honestly he’d like that.
Though he’d also be glad that you are managing your emotions! He HATES tantrums . (Cough cough Val)
He would probably make you draw you guys together lets me honest. He’d think it’d be funny. Till he actually enjoys it.
He would make fun of ur music taste. Then he would love it. Cus hes such a LOSER like that……
Honestly he’d love it sm he’d have them as theme songs D:
If you learned any instruments it’d probably cause him to want to as-well….
Ok Husker time…
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Not gonna lie. You guys give off the same vibe, and he’d probably like you the most out of everyone at the hotel.
Especially at first glance?? Like finally… someone normal
Says him anyways.
Husk HATES cats, and obviously… i think he would also let you pet him or brush his fur… after becoming in a relationship. Otherwise he’d literally bite you.
I think he would talk to you first at the bar, and man is he good at finding shit out???
I think you guys would become close friends within a finger snap-
And honestly become inseparable. Totally have backhanded shit to say and it would be so funny. (Great duo)
He definitely would be super proud of you for seeking help! He would say that not much people have enough balls to do that.
Honestly i also think Husk would enjoy painting too. He seems like a gambler but i think in his free time, something like painting would relax him?? Or atleast looking at paintings and analyzing them.
Your music taste? Probably same as his. He’d love to listen with you, and Everytime you are at the bar he’d ask if you wanted to play a song you both enjoyed.
If you learned the guitar he’d be SO IMPRESSED. Like “okay dayum… ❤️”
I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY HUN!! And AWUGHS THANK YOU SO MUCH?? i always try to make the characters accurate because i feel like if they are ooc .. its just.. weird ?
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istumpysk · 1 year
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
TWOW: Barristan II (summary)
His gut feels twisted from nervousness as he rides through the gates. He knows that the feeling will go away when time slows down in the chaos of battle. Dany's horse is easily outpacing the lads and the rest of the cavalry; Barristan is pleased because he intends to outrun the Widower and strike the first blow. The Yunkai'i are totally unprepared and Barristan closes in on the Harridan, the largest of the trebuchets. The stormcrows take up the cry, "Daario!" and "Stormcrows, fly!"
Don't be surprised when, later on in the story, Daario kills the guy who shouted his name.
Barristan thinks that he will never again doubt the valor of sellswords.
Didn't this guy go to war against the Golden Company?
There are only thirty yards between the horse and the Yunkai'i legions by the time any defense is mounted. The air fills with arrows. A squire for the stormcrows is killed, and a bolt pierces Barristan's shield. There are three horn blasts and the pitfighters emerge from the gate behind them.
Barristan's responsible for that squire's death. I'm keeping count.
Nothing abnormal about those horn blasts. We're still waiting.
Barristan glances back to see the pitfighters. There are about two hundred of them, but they make enough noise for two thousand. One woman stands out, wearing nothing but greaves, sandals, a chainmail skirt, and a python. Barristan is a bit shocked and, watching her breasts bouncing around, thinks that this day is sure to be her last. The pitfighters are mostly shouting "Loraq!" and "Hizdar!" but some do call out "Danaerys!" Larraq is hit in the chest with an arrow, bringing Barristan’s attention forward, but the squire keeps the banners held high and shakes it off.
Why is there always a distracting half-naked woman?
The unsullied begin marching through the gates, and Barristan sees that the Yunkai'i have missed their chance to effectively launch a counterattack. As he watches more of the slave legions get slaughtered, mostly those who were chained together and could not retreat, he wonders where the sellsword companies like the treacherous Second Sons have gone. The unsullied finish lining up outside the gates, implacable even when one of their own number falls with a crossbow bolt to the neck.
It feels like regardless of the outcome of this battle, it's the slaves who will lose. I wonder if that's by design.
In case you missed the Tyrion chapter, Brown Ben Plumm and his Second Sons currently have cold feet, and are carefully considering their options for switching sides. Again. (You laugh, but watch, she'll let them.)
On a different note, now that the Unsullied have marched through the gates, Daenerys' entire army, with the exception of the Brazen Beasts, is positioned outside the walls of Meereen. Meanwhile, the Shavepate has the sole authority to lock the gates at his discretion. How did we get here? How does this even happen? The last time Daenerys was in Meereen, this guy was unemployed. It's truly remarkable.
Tumco draws Barristan's attention to the bay, asking "Why are there so many ships?" Barristan remembers that yesterday there were twenty, but now there are thrice that many. His heart sinks when he reasons that the ships from Volantis must have arrived, but then sees that some of the ships are crashing together. He asks Tumco, whose young eyes can see more clearly, to identify the banners. Tumco says "Squids, big squids. Like in the Basilisk Isles, where sometimes they drag whole ships down." Barristan replies, "Where I'm from, we call them krakens."
Rejoice, for the true savior has arrived!
I'm guessing those Volantis ships aren't too far behind Vicky, so this relief won't last long.
Realizing that the Greyjoys have arrived, his first thought is "Has Balon joined with Joffrey, or the Starks?" But he realizes that he's heard that Balon is dead, and wonders if this has something to do with the Balon's son, the boy who was a ward of the Starks. He sees that ironmen are coming ashore, fighting the Yunkish, and says, surprised, "They are on our side!" The sellswords did not come to meet his charge because they were already preoccupied with the ironborn!
No, only the television show sends half-dead Theon and Asha to Meereen, despite the fact that they're supposed to be captured, and freezing to death in a remote northern village. Sorry Barry, Daenerys is getting the The Bad Greyjoys, as God intended.
Really not following his line of thinking with that Joffrey or the Starks thought.
He sees that ironmen are coming ashore, fighting the Yunkish, and says, surprised, "They are on our side!" The sellswords did not come to meet his charge because they were already preoccupied with the ironborn! Barristan is almost gleeful. "It's like Baelor Breakspear and Prince Maekar, the hammer and the anvil. We have them! We have them!"
If these books have taught me anything, it's that this level of overconfidence is always swiftly punished.
Leave it up to Barry to suck off some dead Targaryens in the middle of battle. If you would like to know more about this Baelor hammer and Maekar anvil - um, why?
Final thoughts:
The Barristan Selmy chapters may have concluded, but rest assured that my intense hatred for him will persist for eternity.
One more Meereen, guys. You're doing great.
Next chapter: Tyrion II
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crimsonsnippet · 1 year
sorry for spam liking/reblogging ur swap au LOL. but i saw u asked for swap au asks and i have plenty of questions so:
would light and l end up dating in the swap au? would it be fake dating like canon yagamane or real dating like canon lawlight? if they do date do you think they’d be open about it or would they consider it too much of a risk to their kira personas? what would be soichiro’s reaction, and misa and the task force’s opinions?
does l like light’s blond hair or does he prefer his natural hair? and what does he think about his outfits (canon l was so horny for light even when my guy was wearing khaki everything and like. brown suits. what would he think of light wearing goth fits with tons of accessories (inc chains) and skirts and stuff 😭)
how comfortable do you think light and l would be with mikami and kiyomi discovering their kira identities, on accident or on purpose? because they’re still pro-kira, right? on that note, how comfortable is light with mikami and l with kiyomi? what does light think of mikami being in love with him (i assume he knows, lol)?
is light’s fanbase more international or national? and what’s his relationship with his fans like? what does the general public think of him? what do other celebs tend to think of him? and speaking of other celebs, have light and ryuga hideki interacted? ik you said light is more of a performer than an actor but if he’s acted at least a little, was one of his roles a romance movie with ryuga hideki like misa in canon?
how do ryuk and l get along? are they buddies like canon ryuk and light? and how do light and ryuk get along when they meet in this au? does light play video games with rem like he does in canon with ryuk?
do any of them have pets? i could totally see light with a giant fluffy cat.
does l act similarly to canon, eating lots of sugar and sitting weirdly and stuff? his fashion style seems a little more similar to canon light’s, is it just for appearance’s sake or does he find it comfortable? does misa still like gothic and occult stuff? is light still a huge nerd?
what’s light’s relationship with sayu and sachiko like?
how did l find the death note (sorry if u already mentioned that)?
sorry for spamming you with so many questions, ik it’s a lot but i started writing them and just kept thinking of more as i went lol. i love the swap au, it’s so fun, and your art style is literally so gorgeous i’m obsessed with it.
have a good day <3
light and L probably wouldn’t end up openly dating though they’d definitely flirt terribly and they may date in private. they definitely feel. a certain way about each other. but both are far too smart to draw suspicion to themselves by dating. misa probably sees it coming because their frustrations were very similar from the start and they have similar opinions about the government (even if she thinks light is harmless and L is kira). soichiro is a different story because he’s likely wary around L anyways. L doesnt like the police even if he’s working on the case by recommendation and when light waltzes in and makes contact he knows immediately that L is the type of person light would get involved with to make him uncomfortable. he still refuses to acknowledge whatever light is going through isn’t something he’ll grow out of.
i’m not sure what hair color L likes better! he definitely thinks light is attractive but he’s still primarily attracted to his intelligence. im sure L is. Completely Definitely super Normal about light’s fashion choices…. (no one believes him)
L wouldnt be comfortable at all with kiyomi discovering shit because he’s a very secretive lone wolf as always and wouldn’t want her messing anything up for him or light even if she’s a supporter, but he gets along with her just fine as a person. Mikami likely knows fairly quickly light is kira 2 because light tells him. they’re best friends and mikami is his manager so light probably manipulates mikami’s feelings for him as he does with misa in canon (without dating him) but sees him more like another rem. he’s a friend, but definitely not “anywhere near his league”.
i imagine light’s fanbase is more international! japan is pretty rule driven and strict so like ado’s “usseewa” he probably gets a lot of people in japan disliking his music and talking controversially about it but internationally in countries that have a more rebellious outlook he’s the coolest guy around. his relationship with his fans is not unlike his relationship to his peers in canon, he charms them and talks to them and looks cute and genuine even if it’s an act, but he’s a bit of an outcast among his peers who think he’s a bit of a freak or a mental case. and also- funny you mention hideki 💀 i never did decide on this but it had crossed my mind
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i talked about ryuk and L in an ask i answered a few minutes ago so ill go more in depth on the others! light and ryuk get along much the same as misa and ryuk did, but ryuk thinks light is far more entertaining than L so hes a little more enthusiastic. when it comes to rem i think he would play games with her! he probably treats her a little like a big sister or almost motherly figure since he doesn’t have one so rem becomes very protective of him
light doesn’t have a relationship with sachiko since she’s dead which causes a lot of the friction, but his relationship with sayu is a lot closer than canon! he basically had to look after her himself when their dad often wasn’t available and she thinks he’s super cool and thinks the world of him while light is pretty protective of sayu in return because it’s always been the two of them against the world
I figured L would find the death note pretty similarly to light because he’s already in japan himself.
have a good day yourself too!
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
anyways, what convenient timing!(i was gonna send this last night but passed out lol)
so i saw this tiktok, right? and i immediately thought “oh luke Needs to see this”
[id: barry sloane/price playing an acoustic bass guitar to fleetwood mac’s “The Chain”]
obviously i instantly got a million ideas.
What if Price taught Roach guitar?
What if Price brought his bass To base after hearing Roach rock out and they have a jam sesh together?
What if Roach teaches Price guitar and he surprises his husband(Nik) with his new skill?
What if the 141 was a task force-turned-band?(i already hc soap’s played violin all his life but he’d also be great on drums, ghost’s rumbling baritone would be backup vocals and i could see him on electric bass, gaz would be leading electric guitar + backup vocals and roach could be rhythm electric(maining acoustic and being lead vocals), price could easily be second vocals and whatever other guitar spot needs to be filled for a song)
What if Roach didn’t have that no-so-private concert for himself and reveals he can play too when Price shows off his own skills?
What if the team + Jackson go to Johnathan’s bar and Roach’s brothers convince him to play a song with them on the lil stage for like local bands and karaoke, “just like ol’ times,” and Roach only agrees after forcing Jackson to join them and it’s “like a family thing” and Jackson Totally Doesn’t choke up a smidge at being “part of the family” even tho he was long welcomed as an honorary Sanderson and him n Roach get to just be impressive to their boyfriends?(doesn’t have price playing but the creative juices be flowing man)
etc etc etc
Ik you probably wanted one of the ideas with Price, but You know I love Johnathan and his bar and the idea of Roach being a mini-celebrity in his town so-
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"You want me to what?"
"Come home for just the weekend," Johnathan begged over the phone, "Perform at the bar! We're finally reopening and I need something to draw people in."
"The alcohol for your usual crowd won't?" He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to avoid the looks that the other members of the 141 were sending him. They'd been sending him curious looks during his entire conversation.
"My usual crowd had to relocate to a different bar while we were closed. I need to bring them back somehow."
"And you think," Roach started carefully, "That people will come to watch me perform."
"I don't think, I know." He paused for a moment before, "I can tell you're still thinking. Please bubs? C'mon you can bring your 141 boys and Jackson and I'll give you guys free drinks and food for the night."
Roach paused for a moment, "The whole night?"
"And Suzanne will be there to make her wings and jalapeno poppers?"
"Yes, she'll be in the kitchen all night."
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"Jesus fucking christ, why are there so many people." Roach ducked his head, hiding his face in Ghost's shoulder as the bar continued to slowly fill up.
All of the seats had been taken up ten minutes prior and now everyone who came in was being forced to cram into what standing space their was. Roach could hear Jackson snicker from across the table, "You forget how famous you are here."
"I'm not famous," he protested, "I just used to perform at the church and town events. I don't understand this!"
He could feel Soap running a hand comfortingly up and down his back, "Just think of the positives, Bug. You do this then you can be done for the night."
Jackson snorted, "No he can't."
"I'm going to be fielding people trying to talk to me all night," Roach complained, "Stupid Southern culture."
"Oh, Gary, who are these lovely young men?" Mocked Jackson, "Say, Gary, are you married yet? I have a nephew who is just about your age." Roach was quick to flip his friend off. the last thing he needed was the man making fun of him.
"Hey, kiddo, you ready to perform?" Hands landed on Roach's shoulders and he hesitantly moved away from Ghost to glare up at his brother.
"The whole town is here."
"I know! We really had a great turnout!"
"I hate you."
"That's the spirit," Johnathan hauled him up from his seat and started dragging him toward the stage, "Come on, its past the old folks bed time and they're starting to get cranky."
Roach let himself be dragged up to the small stage at the back of his brothers bar, his entire face going red as cheer erupted the second that he and Johnathan stepped on the stage.
Johnathan stepped up to the mic, motioning for the crowd to quiet down. "Hey everyone, thank y'all for coming out tonight for our reopening." There was a cheer throughout the bar, "Now, I'm not gonna sit up here and run my mouth, I know why y'all came out. So, here is my sweet baby brother," Roach rolled his eyes as he grabbed the acoustic guitar that had been set up for him, "He made time out of his very busy schedule to come play for us, so let's show him some love!"
With that, he stepped away from the mic and off of the stage, allowing Roach to step up to the mic in his place, with cheers ringing around the bar.
He gave an awkward sort of wave to the crowd. "Hi everyone," there was another cheer that met his words. "I guess I'm gonna perform for you guys. Thank you for coming out, I'll try to avoid church songs." His words drew a bit of a chuckle from the crowd and pulled a small smile to his lips. With one last wave to the crowd, he started strumming the beginning notes of one of the songs he'd been practicing.
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"Our boyfriend," Soap teased, "Celebrity."
Roach gave another groan, his face burning red. Twenty people so far had stopped by their table to speak to him before they left. A good few people had left after his performance, but there were still a number left in the bar and he knew that his night of being the talking point of the town wasn't over yet.
"I've always wanted to date a celebrity," Ghost joked as well, nudging Roach with his arm.
"I just wanted to eat wings and jalapeno poppers," Roach complained lowly, "I'm never doing this again."
"Oh, c'mon," Gaz gave him a smile, "It's not that bad."
"That's because you're getting free alcohol and food and not having to talk with anyone," Roach accused. "And you've been able to whisper and paw at your boyfriend all night! I can't even try to get handsy under the table."
Gaz's face burned red for a moment, but Jackson only grinned from next to him, no shame on his face. "Not our fault you're so famous."
"We can get handsy later," Soap gave him a pat on his leg and a grin, making Roach's own face burn red and pulling a chuckle from Ghost.
"Gary! I just had to stop to say hello to you before we left," Roach immediately slapped a smile on his face, sending a quick glare to his snickering friends before turning to greet the woman who'd called out to him. It was going to be a very long night.
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pd3thoughts · 9 months
Or, Chains thinks about Houston.
(Hi @neomineom ! I was your secret Santa! Sorry for taking years, it wasn’t canon compliant so I scrapped it and restarted. Among other real life things. it was totally my fault! I hope that I got your boys right and did them justice 👀)
written for @paydaysecretsanta
// canon compliant fluff with a bit of angst :)
Chains remembers Houston from before they both were in the PAYDAY gang. It was back in the early 2000s, when Houston would unlock the back door every morning so that they wouldn’t bother any customers while talking. The younger man didn’t really speak all that much, but Chains hadn’t minded. He’d met much worse, and the glint in Houston’s eye hinted to his amusement.
Houston was stoic from the beginning, forced to grow up in a household that had no place for a kid. Chains could put two and two together just by the way he mentioned his brother, those glimpses into complex feelings caused by years of neglect. He “had no chill,” as Joy used to say. It might’ve looked like that, but she didn’t know how he was back then.
The Ghost was almost completely silent, immediately getting down to business. He made no time for small talk, finding every conversation meaningless if it didn’t have a point. Chains admired the way that Houston was serious about his work, but it wouldn’t have killed the guy to loosen up a little. Chains had—for lack of a better term—annoyed Houston into relaxing every so often. When the younger man would roll his eyes, the veteran counted that as a victory.
At first, Houston was visibly irritated by Chains’ antics, having half a mind to kick him out of the range. Chains’ disrupted his usual quiet, but Houston began to grow used to it. He didn’t know when it happened, but he had started to expect his presence.
Chains started off by looking at the merchandise, then moved on to talking about other weapons and what Houston used to clean them out. The Armorer, knowing full well how to do it by himself, watched the younger man dismantle a desert eagle with deft fingers.
…When Bain chose Houston as a stand-in for Hoxton, Chains had agreed to it. He had seen Houston’s potential in how he applied himself and in the way he handled his weapons. (It was a mistake. He didn’t regret working with Houston, but Chains never meant to hurt Hoxton. He had always seen the two as separate people despite their similarities.)
Chains would keep it on the lighter side, but he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. Houston wouldn’t judge him for any of it, sometimes agreeing with what he said. Likewise, Houston had no qualms with asking him for advice.
Asking people for help was weak… but with Chains, Houston felt different. This was just two friends talking to each other.
It didn’t stop him from feeling a bit dumb for asking Chains for ideas about what sort of Christmas present to get Dallas. It’s not like he could stroll up to the guy and go “so is there anything you need other than me forgiving you for every time you weren’t there when I needed you?”
…Because that would be distasteful. Probably.
But it could definitely throw a wrench into their operations. With a heavy heart, Houston goes back to the drawing board.
“Would he… actually want anything?” Houston asks his partner in crime. He can’t really keep his eyes on the other man, pretending to work on something. The Ghost tightens screws on a spare ECM, but not enough to strip the thread.
“Heheh, yeah. The guy doesn’t go around screaming his love for Breaking Bad… except when he does,” Chains replies lightheartedly, knowing the Crew Chief’s love for old men getting punched in the face. (They never miss a chance to tease Dallas for being a decade older than the rest of them.)
Houston doesn’t think that Dallas does meth. It wouldn’t be professional. If he did, Bain would fire him… on second thought, maybe he wouldn’t. But Dallas’ level of methness is beside the point.
“He wouldn’t like that,” he says with a slight grumble. Houston could get him something related to the retirement home show, but Dallas would be too embarrassed to actually do anything with it. Houston doesn’t blame him. He’s gonna act like he does, anyway.
“…Well, he likes money,” the Armorer shrugs, “but you should be the one to decide, you know? Can’t do it for you. But I’m sure he wouldn’t mind either way.”
The Ghost can tell that Chains is listening to what he’s saying, and he appreciates the sentiment. No, he’s always appreciated the way that Nicholas understood him. The younger heister turns to nod at his friend and is greeted with a smile, as always.
(Houston ended up getting Dallas a pair of ugly Christmas sweater socks with tacky dollar designs emblazoned across them. Dallas acted polite about the gift as if he didn’t like it, but Houston noticed that his brother wore those stupid fuzzy socks with each subsequent holiday.)
Chains sometimes tells stories about how him and Houston used to work in the same room—something that the latter never rarely did by choice. People would take his stuff without asking or get things dirty without cleaning up afterwards and it irked him to no end. Chains was someone who respected Houston’s boundaries, and there’s the fact that they’d known each other for over a decade… that’s gotta count for something, right?
Eventually, the Armorer taught Wolf how to behave himself around Houston as well, slowly helping his friend branch out. Houston learned how to trust a select few, settling both Wolf and Chains into his close circle of friends. Still, the older heister was different to him than the rest. He had bad experiences with Dallas, and Wolf was sometimes unpredictable. They were each unique in their own ways.
Houston was uptight, rigidity mellowed out with time. He knew his own boundaries, pushed them and even went to open a bar in Mexico with the crew’s support. Sure, Chains had shown him the way, but how much he changed was all on him. Chains helped Houston get a foot in the door, allowing him to meet new people. To see new things. To be independent again—apart from both Hoxton and his brother. Just because the gang was apart hadn’t meant that they cut all contact—they met every now and then just for the sake of spending time together.
Chains had sent letters to the former heister between his shoots, talking like they did back in the old days. He would light up whenever he found a reply in his mailbox, putting it elsewhere for safekeeping. Houston never completely chilled out, but he built his own life over there, at his own place! Chains was proud of the younger man. Houston updated his friend on the things that were happening… until he couldn’t.
Chains wasn’t able to save anything from his house when he was attacked.
Which is why when Dallas looks out the window for someone who will never arrive, Chains can put a hand on his shoulder. That’s why he doesn’t have to say a single word. He’s able to show the Crew Chief that he understands. Hoxton is his own person, and Houston never could’ve replaced him. He didn’t have to. Hoxton can’t replace him, either.
The two of them wait for an impossibility until after the sun sets.
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who-is-shades · 2 months
raz dnd 40
hi been a minute raz was getting bitches-
zen and teya move senna away from undynes body. parsley is gonna feed rouge an eyeball? wheatley is trying to collect and bury bodies. he yells at parsley for trying to feed them to rouge xD
teya cuts sennas hand with her dagger? yep still bleeding. we dont know how quickly lycantrophy takes place. "see you arent a monster yet!" "im always a monster." wheatley somehow hears this and smacks the back of her head xD
senna asks wheatley if he can turn some of that silver box into chains. and to use any leftover silver to make silver bullets. she knows they wont be able to kill her, but android would. he understands. wheatley looks at teya like wtf stop her.
senna asks when the next full moon is. currently waning at the moment, thanks sp. senna bonks her head on wheatleys shoulder and says their gonna be the death of her xD senna the attack wearwolf xD wheatley runs off to continue burying the bodies.
teya feels like shes being watched. the head of a scarecrow?! senna calls parsley and wheatley over cause fucking cirmes is around. teya huffs and storms over. its mostly destroyed and slowly looks at her. a broken path and broken bots. just a massive mess.
we find cirmes dismembered body?! senna and parsley notices some movement and draws her weapon. cirmes arm is just. sitting there. senna cauciously picks up the arm. it twitches! senna walks toward teya and says the arm is still alive?
teya sees the mask is sown to his face gross. she asks him what happaned. cirmes sighs and says he wishes they thought he was dead. he asks if we would put him together. teya agrees but she takes her skeleton back first lol. welp time to put him back together. he didnt expect teya to be so cooperative. wheatley puts one of the hands near rouge. senna says she might get a tummy ache.
android asks why all these bots came to kill him. he says it might be due to his current research. he came by interesting information. the death of gods. ancient writing. something dead but not quite.
The Primordials. Eternal Slumber. he wants to know why. escape deaths grasp. must be an important one if zorbolt wanted that info. the location?! the bots did get it after they tore him apart. robotgod is totally listening in lol.
"my heart doesnt beat anymore." "did it ever?" "good one." he was training the villagers here for doctors before the bots came. zen pulls out a map and cirmes gives us directions. he points to a very dark patch. a place of fire and lava. interesting. home to dragons? charred earth. senna and wheatley side eye each other lol.
parsley wants to play catch with his head xD SP asks for fetch XD rite of passage! wheatley takes the head away, parsley grabs it back. insanity i swear. teya casts gentle repose on him before handing him to parsley xD he wants to make cirmes catch his own head?!
senna pushes the body back together while wheatley plays keep away. teya directs the body toward the chaos xD head spiked to ground oof. senna picks up the head and takes it toward the body. parsley is clinging to him and senna comments on him being into dead guys. oh no he thanked us including parsley. fey rules.
senna asks if he knows anything about wearwolves. can he cure it? or test for it? he holds a glowing spherical stone that looks like a moon. he puts sennas blood on it. no reaction nice. senna slumps in relief. 'im too old for this shit.' he says parsley mightve gotten lycantrophy for fucking wearwolves xD
cirmes says he wouldnt mind teaching teya necromancy but she has absolute 0 interest whatsoever. zen is still communicating with god. most necromancers cirmes know are unpleasent lol. teya hopes they never meet again. wheatley and senna go to take care of the bodies.
teya goes to punch a tree xD taking a page from sennas book! parsley is just standing there lol. senna and wheatley are digging a big pit. been a long day lol. android is of no use lol. dumping the bodies in time. senna has to keep using presti to clean the blood. android sighs and tosses in bodies.
parsley tells teya that cirmes owes him so if she can think of anything let him know lol. teyas upset cause cirmes is a chump. she wants to burn his house down lol. oh no. guys why is it always arson. what do you mean fireball?!
teya instantly uses hidden step. senna sighs and says they should go check since they can hear the explosion. cirmes rapidly tries to save his research. wheatley uses absorb element to absorb the fire. wheatley says hes gonna hit teya with this. he uses the token to find her. parsley grabs teya and runs! senna just sits on a box shes done for the day lol. she DOES haste wheatley tho xD
he hits her in the stomach for 13 points of damage branding punch wtf. then immediately uses cure wounds xD he yells at her for being reckless. 'you done?' he just screams and berates them. he doesnt want to lose them. she huffs and walks off. he follows her. she hidden steps. he sprints back to the house. she hides up in a tree.
parsley asks senna where their gonna set up camp. not here in town man. senna tells him to find a good spot while she keeps burying the bodies. finished nice. senna says a prayer and goes to find parsley. camp time nice. teya falls out of the tree xD senna asks if shes hurt. wheatley uses cure wounds anyway xD
"ok dipshits this way." "following king dipshit." time for soup! parsley fucks off into the woods jesus christ. zen tells us robotgod is rerouting us cause he wants to check out the dragon region. the body of a primordial is very valuable, although its still alive just asleep. it fell asleep since it lost all of its followers. primordials can walk the land but normal gods arent like wtf. maybe zorbolt wants to turn it into a battery.
sennas big plan to try and do her dragon training is make them come to her. mountain full of gold, field full of fat cows and stuff, dragon warriors that worship the dragon. he seems to like the gold. senna walks up with her bitchin dragon knights. he puffs smoke in her face lol she kinda deserves that. she changes herself to look more dragony with wings and shit. they both proceed to breathe fire at each other. the knights rush in.
senna starts getting enveloped by her own sent back and its getting hot. everyone can see her dragon features growing irl since she basically gave herself an offering. 'ok wanna be a dragon be a dragon.' more scales bigger tail. she coughs up some smoke. she has claws, slit eyes and TINY WINGS FUCK YEAH. senna goes into a tent to alter her dress so the wings have breathing room.
"be honest. how bad does it look." they say she looks cool but probably not good for her. she turns around to show off the longer tail and wings. she tries smacking wheatley a bit with the tail. zen gives her a sleeping potion cause she really needs it lol. how does she sit with that tail?!
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
Hey , how are you?
I just though of a headcanon: The Sarah’s reaction to the reader making matching rings/necklaces and giving it to them for no reason
hi! i’m good, how are you? :))
i love this idea! here you go:
billie dean howard
you would gift billie a matching ring and she would show it off to everyone!
she would wear it as if it were her wedding ring.
when you surprise her with it, she would get so lovey-dovey on you.
like non stop kissing because you and your gesture is just so cute to her.
lana winters
you would surprise lana with a matching diamond necklace after she’d been working so hard all week.
you guys can’t exactly show your love in public just yet so this is the perfect way to display your love that only you two know of.
she would always start smiling with her tongue between her teeth anytime you wear the necklace.
and she too would wear it everyday!
cordelia goode
sweet cordelia would ball her eyes out if you got her a matching ring.
it would be a promise ring with a pretty crystal on it.
but she would totally wear it every single day and night. she would never take it off and neither would you.
she would constantly fidget with it on her finger subconsciously and always say things like “i love your ring, baby,” teasingly, knowing she was wearing the same one.
ally mayfair-richards
with ally, i can picture matching a simple diamond necklace.
ally would always twirl the chain around her fingers when she’s wearing it.
and she would wear it everyday.
she would constantly stare at the matching necklace on your neck and smile at it.
mildred ratched
mildred would be so shocked if you gifted her a matching necklace.
like she has never had anything this nice done for her so she’s like…frozen when you give it to her.
but millie is super soft abt it and would wear it all the time.
she wouldn’t draw to much attention to the necklace but she would always think about it at random times and get all blushy.
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sbbarnes · 10 months
One week until release!
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One week until Heart First is out! You can pre-order here for early access, otherwise it is available on Amazon/your retailer of choice!
Have a sneak peek at Daniel and Tony's first meeting:
“Sorry, I’m Tony. I should probably have led with that.” Daniel grins. “Hi, Tony. I’m Daniel, and I’m having trouble with my car.” “Well, you’re in luck. I happen to be a mechanic.” “Wow, what are the odds?” Tony shrugs and gestures to the rows of different-size chains hanging on the wall. “You walk into a setup like this, it’s an even split—mechanic or sex worker.” It shocks a laugh out of Daniel. He gets the impression he doesn’t need to worry about homophobia here if Tony’s using respectful language, which is a relief. “So, what’s wrong with your car?” Daniel winces. “It’s been making this weird noise all morning. Like a kind of irregular clunking?” “All the time or just when you go over a bump?” “Um…” Daniel considers. The roads are pretty shitty between Rhinebeck and Lobell College anyway, so he wasn’t exactly sure how frequent the noise was. He didn’t hear it much on the better-paved way into Kingston, but he was also focused on finding the garage and wasn’t really paying attention. “Your muffler might be loose,” Tony tells him when he fails to answer the question. “Okay,” Daniel says slowly. “And that’s…bad?” Tony blinks. “Not a car guy, huh?” “No,” Daniel says quickly. “Computers guy. Classic literature guy. Fourth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer guy. Very much not a car guy.” A frown line draws tight on Tony’s forehead. “That’s a really bad season,” which, okay, no one’s perfect. “Here’s what we’ll do. Technically, we’re booked totally full today, but you’re here now, and I don’t feel great about sending you away when we don’t know for sure what’s wrong with your car. I’m gonna take a quick look at it to see what’s wrong.” “That would be amazing,” Daniel says. “Thank you so much. I’m sorry to put you out.” It figures they’d be busy. He chose this place because it’s the only auto shop in a twenty-mile radius that takes walk-ins, and he couldn’t quite work up the motivation to call somewhere. He’s probably not the only one. Tony waves a hand. “Don’t worry about it. Just don’t tell my boss or Mrs. Cooper when she comes to pick up her car in an hour.” He nods toward the car he’s been working on, and Daniel taps the side of his nose. For a long moment, they grin at each other widely. Tony has really nice eyes. Daniel’s always thought brown eyes exuded warmth, and Tony has exceptionally long eyelashes. There’s something kind in there, in the crinkles around the corners. He must laugh a lot. “I, uh, I’ll need your keys,” Tony says. “Oh, right.” Daniel fumbles for his pocket like an idiot. “Of course. Sorry.” “That’s cool.” He hands over the keys. Their fingers brush, and oh shit, Daniel has really done a full one-eighty here on the whole it’s probably a bad idea to hit on this guy thing. It’s still a really bad idea, but now Daniel wants to do it anyway.
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noelledeltarune · 8 months
raises hand. i'd like to hear about your miscellaneous headcanons :]
YAYYY ok :-] all of these are unrelated 🔥💯
i know that everyone has their own specific headcanons for who their starters are but i have always liked the idea of them having been given their haxorus as an axew as their first pokemon. i totally understand why people think of it as being ingo's with the whole mold breaker earthquake thing but especially with the whole heroes of legend and original dragon thing i think it's customary / traditional for people in unova to give children who are setting off on their journeys together a dragon to raise together. like as a reminder not to be too consumed with your goals that you lose the people who matter to you. or something. works out because i imagine dragons are typically prideful and kind of finicky to raise by nature. so making it a 2 person job is easier on all parties LMAO (their haxorus is jolly by nature so maybe less so but. yknow)
i also personally think that emmet really likes to cook. completely unrelated and i don't know why i think so but to me his love of battling translates a little as him being a guy who cares about his health LOL. he wants his team to be in good shape, so he should put in that effort too! because it's something he's very passionate about. and this applies to exercise but also food to me. it's an easy way to take care of yourself and it's nice to share food with people (<- necessary intervention to avoid ingo's 7th fast food chain burger in 4 days). + i imagine that pokemon who do a lot of battling like his do would need to eat a lot anyways, it's probably cheaper to make your own pokemon food than to buy as much as he'd need in bulk. maybe he got into making it for his team when he was younger and that translated into him learning to cook because he's already making something edible anyways LMAO, might as well do the same for himself
i think ingo likes to draw. no real reason for this one either he just strikes me as The Absentminded Doodler. never really considered himself to be super passionate about art but he is a dedicated hobbyist. in my head when they were kids ingo and emmet's parents tried to get emmet into journaling because he wasn't much of a talker and they figured it'd be an easier way to express himself. he did not really care for it and ingo took it up instead. lots of paper for writing and doodling. i imagine he sort of got out of journaling as an adult/older teen but got back into both writing and drawing more when he was in hisui. we know he's a man who appreciates physical reminders of things. less ephemeral than memories 🔥💯
i also like the headcanon that uxie is the one who stole his memories rather than it just being a result of The Dreaded SpaceTime Travel. like i know it doesn't actually make sense because how would he have possibly met uxie given the requirement of having god's blessing in your cell phone. but. OH MY GOD! IN COMES CANALAVE LIBRARY'S "A HORRIFIC MYTH" WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!!!!!!!
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^ i just like it. it's also the one way i will excuse the trope of zoroark transforming into emmet because the pokemon guarding uxie's cave is. an alpha zoroark. so maybe that thing has some special powers relating to the memories it steals like it can look into them to more effectively scare people away from it or whatever. because like. hisuian zoroark can't actually read minds. LMAO. but i'll accept it specifically for ingo through this
i am known to be an enjoyer of the headcanon that emmet is a pokemon breeder as a hobby. but specifically NOT just with joltik. i think he met lenora when he was younger when she helped him revive his archen from a fossil and he works with her sometimes now as a breeder aiding in pokemon restoration. i also like to ignore the fact this would likely require a lot of dedicated training and education and time on top of his job because i can do whatever i want forever. i think that elesa's tynamo is the anime was a gift from him :-]
on a slightly related note i also think that emmet and burgh are underrated "characters who have never interacted but i think they'd be friends" guys. in my head even ingo likes to draw he's not really much of an art nerd. but i think emmet kind of is LOL. (<- queen of taking that one line where he talks about wanting to go to galar to see the sirfetch'd vs escavalier painting too far). i think they'd be bug buddies. they're both a little silly in a way that i think would be very compatible and i like imagining them as friends. 2 guys who love looking at pictures of bugs and also are professional pokemon battlers. match made in heaven 🔥💯 slightly related because burgh is the one character i think emmet actually would give a joltik to. gave him a shiny baby spider at one of his art shows and their friendship was cemented when a couple of weeks later he showed up on the doubles line with a professionally trained shiny galvantula :-]
i flip flop 100000x per day over their pokemon but specifically when it comes to the haxorus mold breaker thing i want to bring up how abilities on the battle subway are randomized. meaning that, to me specifically, it is not actually an act of malice 100% of the time. i KNOW that it was introduced in gen 6 but i think that mold breaker earthquake is more often a FUCK I FORGOT TO USE THE ABILITY CAPSULE AGAIN AFTER THE SINGLES LINE than a HA HA HA. FUCK YOU, TEAMMATE! ingo is also a guy who likes a thrilling battle and likes to win. if i wasn't as fond of the idea that their starter was axew i'd say it's a brought the wrong haxorus to work accident
i think that's everything that comes to mind for now. THANK YOU :-]
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