Shy Raccoon
74 posts
She/Her, 20
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shy-raccoon · 11 days ago
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shy-raccoon · 17 days ago
Restraints in whump
Strapped to a metal table, staring into the luminescent lights on the ceiling.
Handcuffed to a hospital bed to prevent an escape attempt.
A leather muzzle strapped to the face on account of the subject’s “aggression”.
Ropes binding wrists and ankles to a chair, carving into skin.
A metal collar connected to a chain which can be used to pull the captive around.
Strong arms wrapped around someone until they stop fighting.
Chains around ankles or wrists, being pulled along by captors as they march a prisoner through the streets.
Confined to a straight jacket in a padded cell after lashing out against staff members.
A single chain connected from the ankle to a wall, limiting movement and serving as a constant reminder that there’s no escape.
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shy-raccoon · 25 days ago
You know what is a trope i LOVE?
nonconsensual "prettyfication"
Like. When Whumper picks their clothes to make them pretty (doesn't even have to be with a specially good-looking whumpee. they dont look special. but they WILL) and picks jewelry to accentuate the color of their eyes and dresses them up like a fashion doll and pick something that looks kinda cute or just a suit with some nice hair acessories. Doesn't have to be in an Intimate Whumper way. Just. Whumpee is theirs. So they are gonna take them to a gala to show off their weapon/pet/new servant/slave/whatever and have whumpee looking Nice. And they do! But they don't want to. Making whumpee cut or grow their hair to a style that frames their face better or smth. Against whumpees will bc theyd never wear that. Although they do look pretty.
Idk i just. Going crazy with todays prompt (put on display) and drawing so many stupid iterations ANYWAYS
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shy-raccoon · 27 days ago
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shy-raccoon · 1 month ago
tw: Drugged/paralyzed
Whumpee woke up slung over someone's shoulder, unable to move. It was dark, and all they could see was the forest floor shifting beneath someone else's feet.
They tried to squirm, but nothing happened. A small whimper escaped them as the person carrying suddenly stopped. Gently, they were laid on the ground, their back pressing against the cold earth. Whumpee could barely make out their features, whoever it was, they didn’t recognize them.
A gloved hand cupped Whumpee’s face, causing them to flinch.
The figure tisked, then rolled up Whumpee's sleeve and injected a syringe into their arm.
The moment the needle pierced their skin, Whumpee lost the ability to make another sound. The fleeting sensation they had almost regained in their fingers quickly faded. The figure patted Whumpee's cheek, smiling when no response came.
With a grunt, they lifted Whumpee back over their shoulder and continued deeper into the woods.
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
Small fantasy worldbuilding elements you might want to think about:
A currency that isn’t gold-standard/having gold be as valuable as tin
A currency that runs entirely on a perishable resource, like cocoa beans
A clock that isn’t 24-hours
More or less than four seasons/seasons other than the ones we know
Fantastical weather patterns like irregular cloud formations, iridescent rain
Multiple moons/no moon
Planetary rings
A northern lights effect, but near the equator
Roads that aren’t brown or grey/black, like San Juan’s blue bricks
Jewelry beyond precious gems and metals
Marriage signifiers other than wedding bands
The husband taking the wife's name / newlyweds inventing a new surname upon marriage
No concept of virginity or bastardry
More than 2 genders/no concept of gender
Monotheism, but not creationism
Gods that don’t look like people
Domesticated pets that aren’t re-skinned dogs and cats
Some normalized supernatural element that has nothing to do with the plot
Magical communication that isn’t Fantasy Zoom
“Books” that aren’t bound or scrolls
A nonverbal means of communicating, like sign language
A race of people who are obligate carnivores/ vegetarians/ vegans/ pescatarians (not religious, biological imperative)
I’ve done about half of these myself in one WIP or another and a little detail here or there goes a long way in reminding the audience that this isn’t Kansas anymore.
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
my take on pnw gothic
- something’s tapping your second-story window. there aren’t any trees or plants by it that could be causing the noise. its probably just the rain. probably. - the mountains close in on all sides of you, watching. their presence is so familiar it feels like home. - the road to your house is winding, going up a hill. your headlights catch a pair of eyes, staring back at you from the trees. in a moment they’re gone, vanished further into the darkness. - you’re driving through the country and pass through a town. its the same town you passed 30 minutes ago. you’ve been driving in a straight line the whole time. - in the winter you leave the house in the dark. you get home in the dark. you havent seen the sun in 4 months. - you step into a tiny little vintage shop. it goes on forever, taking twists and turns that seem impossible based on the outside dimensions. its filled with memories. memories and cowboy boots. when you finally leave 4 hours have passed. - its been a couple days without rain and the entire town is starting to get antsy. when it finally rains again you can feel everyone breathing a collective sigh of relief. - you see a group of crows. you try to remember the rhyme used to count them. one for sorrow, two for joy… theres seven of them. seven for a secret, never to be told. - september brings with it smoke and the faint terror that the fire is going to hop the river to where you are. ash is falling from the sky. life is continuing like this isnt happening. - it snowed again and the entire town is silent. we all know better than to try and go outside. - its dark out. you shut all the windows in the house. you don want to know what waits outside. - you’ve been driving for hours and have only seen a couple of lone houses sitting next to bright red barns. you wonder who lives there. the barns are falling down. - it rained all fall, winter, and spring. you want to light a campfire. there is a fire ban. theres always a fire ban. - everyone still has christmas lights up. its june. no one wants to go on their roofs to take them down. not again. - you rip out some blackberries. you’ve been at it for hours. your hands are bleeding. stupid blackberries. - youre being dragged to another pub. you order a burger on a brioche bun. thats all youve eaten for the past 5 meals. - it’s going to rain tomorrow at 12:47 pm. you havent checked your weather app, but you can smell it in the air. - you look out and its a sea of flannel and denim. the crowd looks like a swarm.
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
This pro birth we need to rise birth rates now bullshit is fucking terrifying because I don't know what will happen to me. I'm a cis woman with a genetic disorder that is very likely to be passed down and causes visable bone differences. I don't know if I'm going to be forced to give birth or forced to get sterilized. I don't know if I'll be a handmaiden or one of the disabled women sent to the colonies to clean up nuclear waste. Look at history it never ends well for disabled people when the goverment starts looking at the birth rate it will inevitably lead to the government deciding who should and shouldn't be contributing to the birth rate.
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
I rolled down the hill right into hell. 
I see a sea of cars that must be crossed.  
My eyes land on a car’s red lights.  
While my ears hear that I must beware.  
So, I must stop for a car backing up then I’m forced to dodge though the parking lot. 
I run though the last street and through the first doors. 
I grab my Walmart Cart and what's though the second set of doors pieces my heart. 
A dense sea of thousands of people pushing, pulsing, and roaring.  
I must dodge and weave now with a heavy cart throughout the halls of Walmart.  
I go through the clothes and only see those I loathe.   
I go to the home decor and see nothing I am looking for.  
I go to their electronics horde and see nothing I can afford.  
The part that I dread most of all is the groceries I can’t avoid.  
The narrow halls, the density of people, the noise louder than ever before.  
The people blocking the way to what I need. 
The risk of brushing against strangers I have never seen.  
Thousands of voices piece my ears to drown out the internal voice of my mind.  
After I get all that I need, one last trial is awaiting me.  
I stand in the checkout line for what feels like all time.  
Then cross the sea of cars back to the start.  
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
Social Anxiety
I can feel the judgement in their stares from my appearance to my character.  
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me.   
I can hear their whisper and feel their stare piercing everything from my teos to my hair  
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me.   
I fear what they will say about my interests and say I’m weird for what I care for.   
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
I must be like a ghost invisible to the world, so I never have to hear the words that could shatter my world.  
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
So many people don’t take social anxiety seriously as a debilitating disorder that needs to be cured. 
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
I never realized the cost of avoiding all those who I could have held dear.  
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
Until I was staring at a two person only ride at the fair.  
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
Until there was nobody to put as a reference on my resume or recommend me to their boss. 
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
No one to talk to too, No one to help me cope, No one to give me hope.   
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
I had sentenced myself to isolation to avoid persecution. 
Don’t speak, don’t see, please don’t notice me. 
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
I hate.
I hate doing History, because I can see the signs and how history will repeat due to ignorance.
I hate doing sociology, as I can see how society is created to be unequal for minority groups
I hate being a critical thinker, because I can use my mind to fight against propaganda - I'm always thinking
I hate having empathy because I can see the suffering people will go through
I hate my awareness ,because I know when I see how democracy death is praised.
I hate being here, because I can only watch the calamity that's about to unfold.
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
Anyone else know that feeling where your in a train tunnel staring at a train barreling towards you and you know you won't have enough time to get out of the way. So your stuck just helplessly staring at the train coming towards you as it gets closer and closer to hitting you.
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shy-raccoon · 2 months ago
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shy-raccoon · 3 months ago
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a poem about stillness.
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shy-raccoon · 3 months ago
About ten, fifteen years ago I wrote a story about a guy living in a Capitalist dystopia. His walls, furniture, and tableware are all covered in smart displays. Basically animated wallpaper. It's sold as being able to turn your room or objects into anything - A nice forest view, outer space, a fantasy realm... but the companies that run this stuff keep sneaking ads in.
It gets so bad he's always being woken up by adverts that offer insomnia cures and better bedding that play when he tries to sleep.
So he buys the ad-free tier, and it's great... for a few months. And then he starts getting adverts from 'premium partners'. So he goes up a level... and the same thing happens.
So he jailbreaks his wallpaper and sends all the ad servers to and voila... he can sleep.
Until this SWAT team blows his door off and drag him off to jail. The Ad companies are suing him for loss of revenue for the products he' notionally have bought if he'd watched their adverts, based on some weird 'The average consumer buys X products with an average value of Y' calculation.
The judge is like 'well I dun wanna annoy the sponsors' so he RICO's this guy's house and possessions and sends him to jail.
... which is a nice relaxed non-volent offender jail for the corporately disenfranchised. But because these people have no money... there's no ads and now he's happy because the only place he's free... is in prison.
Which at the time was a bit much and now it's like: Called it.
Elon's suing companies for not advertising because he's losing revenue. He's also cranking the price of Ad Free Twitter. Disney and Amazon play adverts on their paid service when services used to be free because of the adverts... and now you have to pay to watch the adverts or go up a couple of tiers.
And google's going around freaking out about ad-blockers.
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shy-raccoon · 3 months ago
💫Writing Prompt #8
Villain grew up as the youngest child in a corrupt and distant royal family. When they come of age, they murder their siblings and the king to ascend the throne. They’re ruthless and brilliant and catapult their empire into a new age of conquering. Everything is smooth sailing for Villain on their path to world domination until a road block pops up from an unexpected place. A small sea side kingdom, which by all means should not be able to fight back with their vastly inferior resources, is resisting attacks. Time after time Villain’s army is coming back defeated. Excited by the challange, Villain personally goes to investigate. Turns out the little kingdom has an up and coming general who thwarts Villain’s plans in the most creative ways. Hero. Eventually after a fierce battle of wits Villain overthrows the kingdom and takes Hero prisoner. Villain is extremely pleased with their new captive, who they consider as someone on their level and able to hold an educational conversation. Hero however is vastly different than Villain. They grew up surrounding by friends and family and suppport. The blow of loosing their kingdom is too much and they become depressed. Villain finds that it’s not as fun to tease Hero anymore and they can’t explain the weird aching feeling in their chest when they see Hero’s dull gaze as opposed to their usual passionate energy. By the time Villain finally realizes they’ve fallen in love with Hero, it’s too late. They’ve already crossed too many lines and some things can never be taken back. Villain has just found something more valuable then any gold or land and they’re about to loose it. Desperately, they‘re willing to try anything to please Hero. Everything except letting them go.
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